Test 3

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Cardiac cycle Aortic valve Phase 1


Cardiac cycle Mitral valve Phase 3


Z disc

Coin-shaped protein structure that anchors the thin filaments and marks the ends of a sarcomere.


Contraction of the heart chambers. Ventricular systole is contraction of the ventricles. Atrial systole is contraction of the atria. A part of the cardiac cycle.

the ventricular filling phase. Pulmonary valve

closed the semilunar valves are closed until pressure in the ventricle exceeds the pressure in the aorta and pulmonary trunk.

the ventricular filling phase. aortic valve

closed the semilunar valves are closed until pressure in the ventricle exceeds the pressure in the aorta and pulmonary trunk.

This depolarization is called an

end plate potential and represents a small voltage change that only occurs at the junctional folds.

twitches can be

isometric, in which case the muscle generates force but does not shorten or isotonic, in which case the muscle shortens

A reduction in the number of active crossbridges is responsible for a decrease in force-generating capacity of a muscle fiber that is significantly (longer/shorter)than its optimum length.


Calcium ions released from the terminal cisternae bind to troponin, causing a

shape change that pulls tropomyosin away from the myosin binding sites on actin

The reduced level of calcium ions causes troponin to return to its original shape, causing

tropomyosin to glide over and cover the myosin-binding sites on actin.

Troponin holds tropomyosin in place over the binding sites. Calcium binding to troponin causes

tropomyosin to shift away from the binding sites.

Each actin has a binding site for the myosin heads, but in the absence of calcium ions, these sites are covered by


When the muscle is not being stimulated to contract, these binding sites are covered by


In skeletal muscle, when calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, it binds to (troponin/tropomyosin) to initiate the crossbridge cycle.


Which protein is telling the truth? Select the truth teller. troponin: I am the regulatory protein that calcium binds to. tropomyosin: No, I am the regulatory protein that calcium binds to.

troponin Hallelujah! You can see the truth. I am Troponin, the regulatory protein that calcium ions bind to. When calcium ions bind to me, I change shape, causing tropomyosin to shift, and exposing the myosin binding sites on actin.

Calcium ions released from the terminal cisternae bind to


They prevent the backflow of blood into chambers that have recently


I band during contraction

As the thin filaments slide inward over the thick filaments, the I zone gets narrower and may even disappear.

two types of isotonic contractions are possible

1) concentric 2) eccentric

The darker central areas of the sarcomere are the

A bands.

Action potential

A long distance electrical signal transmitted along an axon also called a nerve impulse

Voltage gated proteins

A protein that is activated in response to reaching a threshold change in the membrane potential.

motor neurons

A single nerve cell that extends from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle or gland and carries movement instructions to muscle.

Acetylcholine receptors

A type of chemically gated ion channel located on the junctional folds of the neuromuscular junction Chemically-gated ion channel on the junctional folds to which the neurotransmitter binds

Membrane potential

A voltage difference across the plasma membrane created by a difference in ion distribution.

Ventricular filling

As the AV valves open at point (e), ventricular filling starts. The initial rapid filling is mainly augmented by ventricular suction which results from ventricular untwisting and the return of each ventricular muscle fiber to its slack length.

Cross bridge cycling continues as long as the myosin-binding sites on actin are exposed and

ATP is available.

One myosin binding site binds to

ATP, which will supply the energy used for muscle contraction.

The electrical impulse leaves the AV node via the

AV bundle and rapidly propagates through the bundle branches.

H zone during contraction

As the thin filaments slide inward over the thick filaments, the H zone gets narrower and may even disappear.

Ca2+ channels

Allow ions that trigger neurotransmitter release to diffuse into the axon terminal


An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a recording of the heart's electrical activity.

H zone

Area at the center of the A band of a sarcomere where only myosin is present.

I bands

Area of the sarcomere where the thick filament is absent.

AV bundle

Atrioventricular bundle. Impulse-conducting structure located in the superior part of the interventricular septum. The only electrical connection between atria and ventricles. Also called bundle of His.

AV node

Atrioventricular node. Mass of pacemaker cells located in the inferior portion of the interatrial septum above the tricuspid valve. Action potentials are briefly delayed here, allowing atria to finish contracting before ventricular systole.

myosin binding site

Attachment site for myosin during muscle contraction

in the first step the action potential arrives at the

Axon terminal


Blocks myosin binding sites on actin when muscle fiber is at rest

Electrical impulse

Brief, large, all-or-none change in membrane potential that occurs in muscle and nerve cells. Regenerative signals that can propagate long distances along the membrane of a cell. Also called impulses or spikes.


Brief, large, all-or-none change in membrane potential that occurs in muscle and nerve cells. Regenerative signals that can propagate long distances along the membrane of a cell. Also called impulses or spikes.

action potential

Brief, large, all-or-none change in membrane potential that occurs in muscle and nerve cells. Regenerative signals that can propagate long distances along the membrane of a cell. Also called impulses or spikes.

Cardiac cycle Mitral valve Phase 2


Cardiac cycle Mitral valve Phase 4


Gap junctions

Cell membrane structure connecting the cytoplasm of adjacent cells via channels called connexons. Gap junctions electrically couple cells by allowing intracellular ions to pass back and forth.


Change in membrane potential such that the cell interior becomes less negative (more positive). Characteristic of the initial phase of an action potential.


Change in membrane potential toward its resting value from a more depolarized potential. Characteristic of the later phase of an action potential.


Chemical messengers usually released from synaptic vesicles in neuron axon terminals that communicate with target cells

Curare can be used as a skeletal muscle relaxant with general anesthesia for certain types of surgeries. Curare has also been used by South American native peoples as an arrow poison for hunting wild game.

Curare is a plant extract that can bind to acetylcholine receptors, but in a way that does not cause the chemically-gated channels to open.

Cardiac cycle Phase 1 Ventricle


Cardiac cycle Phase 2 Atrium


Cardiac cycle Phase 3 Atrium


Cardiac cycle Phase 4 Atrium


Cardiac cycle Phase 4 Ventricle


Cardiac cycle Phase 1 Atrium

D to S

M line

Dark band at the center of the sarcomere to which myosin filaments attach.

Terminal cisterns

End sacs of sarcoplasmic reticulum, where it is adjacent to a transverse tubule.

Excitation-Contraction Coupling

Excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling refers to the series of events that link the action potential (excitation) of the muscle cell membrane (the sarcolemma) to muscular contraction. Although E-C coupling in myocardium is similar in many ways to skeletal muscle and smooth muscle, there are also critical differences.

T tubules

Extensions of the muscle cell plasma membrane (sarcolemma) that protrude deeply into the muscle cell.

Internodal pathway

Groups of atrial cardiac cells that conduct action potentials from the SA node to the AV node.

Mechanism of how heart valves open and close

Heart valves are all one-way valves. The atrioventricular valves only open towards the ventricles, the semilunar valves only open toward the aorta and pulmonary trunks. These valves open and close as a result of pressure differences on opposite sides of the valve.


Holds tropomyosin over the myosin binding sites in the absence of calcium

When viewed with a microscope, the skeletal muscle tissue has a striped or striated appearance, with alternating light and dark bands. Let's examine what causes these stripes. The lightest areas are called

I bands

Botulinum toxin is used in a clinical setting to weaken muscle for treating spasms and neurological movement disorders. It is also used in cosmetic procedures to prevent wrinkles by paralyzing facial muscles.

It is a powerful neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and related species. It works by preventing the release of acetylcholine from the axon terminal.


Largest artery in the body; receives oxygen-rich blood from left ventricle.


Lower chamber of the heart that contracts to eject blood into pulmonary or systemic circulation.


Mechanism by which substances are moved from the cell interior to the extracellular space as a secretory vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane

Synaptic vesicles

Membranous organelles containing neurotransmitter substances found within the axon terminals of neurons Membranous sacs in the axon terminal that contain the neurotransmitter acetylcholine

Contractile cells

Muscle cell containing the cellular components necessary to generate tension (i.e., contract). Also called myocardial cell. Compare with pacemaker cell.

Cardiac cells

Muscle cell of the heart. Cardiomyocyte.

Step three is cross bridge detachment.

Myosin remains attached to actin until an ATP molecule binds to the empty ATP-binding site on the myosin head. This weakens the link between the myosin head and actin, and the myosin head detaches. The detached myosin head remains in its low-energy state.

Neostigmine helps to improve muscle tone and strength. It is sometimes used after surgery to help reverse the effects of muscle relaxants.

Neostigmine and related drugs prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterase.

You have learned how the activity of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction stimulates an action potential along the adjacent sarcolemma. But what causes this electrical signal for muscle contraction to stop?

Once signals along the motor neuron cease, additional acetylcholine will no longer be released into the synaptic cleft at the neuromuscular junction.

Bundle branches

One of two impulse-conducting structures in the interventricular septum. Connection between AV bundle and Purkinje fibers within the walls of the left or right ventricle.


One of two superior chambers of the heart.

The process known as the cross bridge cycle consists of four steps:

One: cross bridge formation, two: the power stroke by the myosin head, three: cross bridge detachment, and four: reactivation of the myosin head.

Cardiac cycle Mitral valve Phase 1


Cardiac cycle Mitral valve Phase 3


calcium release channel

Opens when triggered by voltage-gated proteins on the T tubule


Organic molecule that stores and releases chemical energy for use in body cells.

Depolarization of the SA node occurs immediately before which segment of the ECG wave?

P wave The P wave occurs immediately after depolarization of the SA node, and is caused by depolarization of the atria.

Ventricular ejection

Phase of cardiac cycle when the ventricles are in systole, and blood is pumped into the systemic and pulmonary circuits.

Isovolumetric relaxation

Phase of cardiac cycle when ventricles are in diastole, but the volume of blood in the ventricles remains the same.


Plasma membrane of the muscle fiber

Pulmonary and systemic circuits

Pulmonary circulation moves blood between the heart and the lungs. It transports deoxygenated blood to the lungs to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The oxygenated blood then flows back to the heart. Systemic circulation moves blood between the heart and the rest of the body.

Rapid conduction continues throughout the

Purkinje fibers, depolarizing the ventricles.

Contraction of the ventricles occurs as a result of the signal that causes which portion of the ECG?

Q-R-S complex The QRS complex is caused by ventricular depolarization, which stimulates ventricular contraction.

The repolarization of the atria occurs during which portion of the ECG?

Q-R-S complex The QRS complex is caused by ventricular depolarization, which stimulates ventricular contraction.

Repolarization of the atria normally coincides with the

QRS complex and is not visible.

junctional folds

Region of the muscle fiber membrane that forms part of the neuromuscular junction


Regulatory protein in the sarcomere; blocks myosin binding sites on actin.


Regulatory protein in the sarcomere; holds tropomyosin in position on actin.


Relaxation. Specifically, relaxation of the ventricles (ventricular diastole). Atrial diastole is relaxation of the atria. A part of the cardiac cycle.

Step Two is the power stroke.

Release of inorganic phosphate from the myosin head causes the head to pivot, pulling the thin filament toward the center of the sarcomere. ADP is then released as well. The myosin head is now in its low-energy state, but it remains attached to actin. The energy for the power stroke is ultimately provided by the ATP that binds to the myosin head.

motor neuron

Releases neurotransmitter to stimulate the muscle fiber

voltage gated Na+ channel

Responsible for conducting an action potential along the sarcolemma


Rodlike contractile elements that occupy most of the muscle cell volume.

Cardiac cycle Phase 2 Ventricle


Cardiac cycle Phase 3 Ventricle


During a normal heartbeat, action potentials originate in the pacemaker cells of the SA node.

SA node.

terminal cistern

Sac-like bulge of sarcoplasmic reticulum near the T tubule where calcium release channels are abundant

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

Specialized endoplasmic reticulum of muscle cells.

The AV node causes a delay in the signal between the atria and the ventricles. Select the section of the ECG that occurs as the signal travels through the AV node.

Segment between the P wave and Q-R-S complex The segment between the P wave and QRS complex represents the delay in conduction from the atria to the ventricles.

Cardiac cycle

Sequence of events in the heart that takes place from one heartbeat to the next.

SA node

Sinoatrial node. Mass of pacemaker cells located in the right atrial wall near the entrance of the superior vena cava. Normally sets pace for the entire heart.

Which channel is telling the truth? Select the truth teller. Sodium channel: I am the channel that's responsible for conduction of an action potential. Calcium channel: No, I am the channel that's responsible for conduction of an action potential.

Sodium channel You are perceptive and correct! I am the Sodium Channel who is responsible for conduction of an action potential by opening and allowing Na+sodium to diffuse into the muscle fiber.

Pacemaker cells

Specialized cardiac cells within the intrinsic conduction system that initiate impulses. Also called autorhythmic cells. Pacemaker cells within the SA node and AV node are also called nodal cells.


Structure formed from the connection of myosin heads to binding sites on actin.

Intrinsic conduction system

System of pacemaker and conducting cells in the heart that generates and distributes action potentials. Stimulates the heart to contract.

The sarcoplasmic reticulum or SR extends outwards from the

T tubules forming a weblike network surrounding each myofibril.

A band during contraction

The A band remains the same size whether the muscle is contracted or relaxed because the length of the thick filament remains unchanged.

A bands

The area of the sarcomere where the thick filament is present.

blood flow through the heart

The blood enters the heart's right atrium and is pumped to your right ventricle, which in turn pumps the blood to your lungs. The pulmonary artery then carries the oxygen-poor blood from your heart to the lungs. Your lungs add oxygen to your blood.

on the other side of the synaptic cleft the junctional folds contain

acetylcholine receptors

thick filament

The contractile filament made up of myosin

thin filament

The contractile filament primarily made up of actin


The contractile protein of a muscle sarcomere that is the main component of the thin filaments of skeletal muscle myofibrils.


The contractile protein of a muscle sarcomere that makes up the thick filament in skeletal muscle myofibrils.

Step One, cross bridge formation.

The cycle starts when excitation-contraction coupling causes the myosin-binding sites on actin to be exposed. Myosin heads bind to these sites, forming cross bridges. Myosin starts in its high-energy state, in which the ATP binding site on the myosin head is occupied by ADP and inorganic phosphate. The myosin head is ready to pivot for the power stroke.

which filament generates the force for muscle contraction.

The heads of the thick filaments contain ATP binding sites that power muscle contraction.


The plasma membrane of a muscle cell. the cell membrane surrounding the muscle fiber Plasma membrane of the muscle fiber


The reversal of the membrane potential due to more positive ions diffusing into the cell or less positive charge leaving the cell.


The smallest contractile unit of muscle.


The smallest contractile unit of muscle.

Synaptic cleft

The space between the axon terminal and the membrane of the target cell Gap between the axon terminal and junctional folds

which filament slides in towards the center of the sarcomere during contraction.

The thin filaments move towards the M line during contraction.

PR interval

The time from the beginning of atrial depolarization to the beginning of ventricular depolarization.

Step four is the reactivation of the myosin head.

This occurs when the ATP bound to the myosin head undergoes hydrolysis to ADP and inorganic phosphate. The energy released during hydrolysis reactivates the myosin head, pivoting it back to its high-energy state.

P wave

Tracing on an ECG that results from depolarization of the atria.

QRS complex

Tracing on an ECG that results from ventricular depolarization.

voltage gated protein

Triggers the opening of the calcium release channel when stimulated by an action potential

Cross bridge cycling at all of these sarcomeres causes the entire

muscle to contract.

T tubules

Tube-like infoldings of the sarcolemma that conduct the action potential throughout the interior of the muscle fiber

Semilunar valves

Valves at entrance to aorta and pulmonary trunk; prevent backflow into ventricles. Includes the aortic and pulmonary valves.

Na+ channels

Voltage-gated ion channel on the sarcolemma


Volume remains the same.

sarcoplasmic reticulum

Web-like membranous network surrounding the myofibrils

To understand how acetylcholine activates the muscle fiber, we need to look at step 4, in which

acetylcholine binds to acetylcholine receptors

The signal for muscle contraction stops when the concentration of

acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft decreases.

calcium ions will cause vesicles to release

acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft through exocytosis


a long thin cytoplasmic process that extends from a neurons cell body each neuron has a single axon which transmits action potentials

action potential

a long-distance electrical signal transmitted along an axon. also called a nerve impulse

As we saw in muscle excitation at the neuromuscular junction, a somatic motor neuron stimulates

a muscle fiber at the junctional folds initiating an action potential on the adjacent sarcolemma.

The thick filaments (myosin) are located in which region? a. A bands b. Z discs c. M lines d. I bands

a. A bands The A bands are the darker regions where the thick filaments are present.

Which of the following functions as the electrical connection between the atria and ventricles? a. AV bundle b. SA node c. AV node d. Purkinje fibers

a. AV bundle

What is the primary method for terminating the acetylcholine signal at the neuromuscular junction? a. Acetylcholine is degraded by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. b. Acetylcholine combines with curare. c. Acetylcholine is reabsorbed into the axon terminal. d. Acetylcholine diffuses away from the synaptic cleft.

a. Acetylcholine is degraded by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. The rapid breakdown of acetylcholine by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase quickly terminates the signal.

Add the proper substance from the supply room that will cause the regulatory proteins troponin and tropomyosin to uncover the myosin-binding sites. a. Ca2+ b. ADP Pi c. K+ d. ATP e. Na+ f. ACh

a. Ca2+ Calcium ions bind to troponin causing it to change shape and shifting tropomyosin off of the myosin-binding sites. Cross bridges can now form and contraction can proceed as usual.

Add the proper substance from the supply room that is released from the terminal cisterns of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. a. Ca2+ b. ADP Pi c. K+ d. ATP e. Na+ f. ACh

a. Ca2+ Calcium ions diffuse out of the terminal cisterns through the open channels. Now excitation-contraction coupling can occur!

Add the proper substance from the supply room that would cause the synaptic vesicles to undergo exocytosis. a. Ca2+ b. ADP Pi c. K+ d. ATP e. Na+ f. ACh

a. Ca2+ Calcium ions stimulate synaptic vesicles to undergo exocytosis. We're back in business!

What causes tropomyosin to cover the myosin-binding sites on actin? a. Removal of calcium ions from the sarcoplasm b. ATP binding to the myosin head c. Diffusion of sodium ions through voltage-gated channels d. Release of calcium ions from the terminal cisterns

a. Removal of calcium ions from the sarcoplasm Removal of calcium ions lowers the calcium ion concentration below the threshold for binding to troponin. Without adequate calcium binding, troponin shifts tropomyosin back over the myosin-binding sites.

Which event allows the formation of cross bridges by myosin? a. Shifting tropomyosin away from binding sites on actin b. Release of calcium from the terminal cisterns c. Sodium ions diffusing through voltage-gated channels d. Depolarization of the junctional folds

a. Shifting tropomyosin away from binding sites on actin Shifting tropomyosin away from binding sites allows for the formation of cross bridges.

Neostigmine and related drugs prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterase. What happens when neostigmine and related drugs prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterase? Make a prediction! a. The junctional folds will remain depolarized and the muscle fiber will remain contracted. b. The membrane potential of the junctional folds will remain unchanged, and the muscle fiber will not contract. c. The concentration of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft will decrease, and the muscle fiber will relax.

a. The junctional folds will remain depolarized and the muscle fiber will remain contracted. Your prediction is correct! Neostigmine binds to acetylcholinesterase preventing the breakdown of acetylcholine. Consequently, released acetylcholine stays around the junctional folds longer and can activate the acetylcholine receptors multiple times, initiating several action potentials. As a result, the muscle fiber will remain contracted for a longer time.

How does the presence of pacemaker cells affect the electrical activity of the cardiac contractile cells? a. The pacemaker cells are able to stimulate action potentials in the cardiac contractile cells. b. The pacemaker cells increase the frequency of normally occurring action potentials in the cardiac contractile cells. c. The activity of the pacemaker cells cancels out the action potentials of the cardiac contractile cells.

a. The pacemaker cells are able to stimulate action potentials in the cardiac contractile cells.

Conduction of an action potential along the sarcolemma requires the opening of what type of ion channels? a. Voltage-gated sodium channels b. Calcium-release channels c. Chemically-gated calcium channels d. Chemically-gated sodium channels

a. Voltage-gated sodium channels The conduction of an action potential along the sarcolemma of the muscle fiber requires voltage-gated sodium channels to open.

Now that the synaptic vesicles have fused with the membrane of the axon terminal, what substance diffuses into the synaptic cleft? a. acetylcholine b. sodium ions c. calcium ions d. potassium ions

a. acetylcholine The synaptic vesicles release the neurotransmitter acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft.

Which ion diffuses out of the terminal cisterns for excitation-contraction to occur? a. calcium b. sodium c. potassium d. acetylcholine

a. calcium Calcium is the key to excitation-contraction coupling. You will learn how the calcium ions allow the sarcomere to contract on the next page.

What would happen to cross bridge cycling if a drug is present near the end of contraction that prevents calcium pump activity from returning calcium ions to the sarcoplasmic reticulum but does not affect the production of ATP? a. cross bridge cycling continues and the muscle remains contracting b. cross bridge cycling stops and the muscle relaxes c. cross bridge cycling stops but the cross bridges remain attached

a. cross bridge cycling continues and the muscle remains contracting High calcium ion concentration and normal ATP production results in the continuation of cross bridge cycling, and the muscle remains contracting.

Binding of acetylcholine to the acetylcholine receptors causes these chemically-gated ion channels to a. open b. close c. move inside the junctional folds

a. open Binding of acetylcholine to its receptor opens these chemically-gated channels.

What kind of membrane potential does the monitor record when the electrode is in the contractile cells in Dish 2? a. resting membrane potential b. rhythmic action potentials c. single action potential

a. resting membrane potential Notice that the membrane potential remains constant in the absence of stimulation.

Most of it is broken down by the enzyme

acetylcholinesterase which is located in the synaptic cleft. However, some acetylcholine just diffuses away from the synaptic cleft.

Most acetylcholine is broken down by

acetylcholinesterase; some diffuses away from the cleft.

Now, sodium ions can no longer diffuse

across the junctional folds

A sarcomere shortens when myosin heads on the thick filaments form cross bridges and pull on the

actin molecules in the thin filaments.

Tropomyosin blocks the binding sites on

actin when the muscle is not stimulated.

thin filaments are composed of three types of molecules:

actin, tropomyosin, and troponin.

Cross bridge cycling is the sequence of events where the myosin of the thick filaments pulls on

actin, which slides the thin filaments toward the center of the sarcomere, and results in the shortening of the sarcomere.

When voltage gated channels open, sodium ions diffuse inward, depolarizing the adjacent membrane and triggering an

action potential in this new segment.

Voltage-gated sodium channels in the sarcolemma conduct the

action potential over the whole muscle fiber.

The diffusion of sodium ions initiates an

action potential, which spreads outwards from the neuromuscular junction in all directions along the sarcolemma.

in cardiac muscle, contractions are triggered by

action potentials initiated in pacemaker cells

when a motor neuron fires an action potential

all fibers in the motor unit contract together

Voltage-gated sodium channels in the T tubules allow them to conduct the action potential throughout the muscle fiber interior, ensuring that

all the myofibrils contract simultaneously.

A sarcomere consists of

alternating thick and thin filaments.

Finally, in step 6, the depolarization of the junctional folds triggers

an action potential on the adjacent sarcolemma that spreads outward from the neuromuscular junction in all directions.

The end plate potential triggers the opening of voltage-gated sodium channels on the adjacent sarcolemma, resulting in

an action potential, which propagates in all directions across the sarcolemma of the muscle fiber, causing muscle contraction.

The sarcomere is now ready for the next stimulation at the neuromuscular junction to trigger

another muscle contraction.

muscle excitation at the neuromuscular junction

any time you move your body your brain or spinal cord sends electrical impulses called action potentials along the axon of a motor neuron to the muscle fiber

The result is a coordinated contraction of the heart muscle, with first the

atria and then the ventricles contracting.

These waveforms of the ECG precede the corresponding contraction or relaxation of the

atria and ventricles.

At the AV node, where cells are small and have few gap junctions, conduction of the impulse is slowed as

atrial contraction proceeds.

The P wave results from

atrial depolarization.

smooth muscle is regulated by

autonomic neurons, sympathetic neurons, parasympathetic neurons, or both, the effect may be excitatory or inhibitory

After a brief period of time, acetylcholine that was already present at the neuromuscular junction diffuses

away from its receptor site, and the ion channels close.

Which of the following is a valid generalization regarding the properties of smooth muscle? a) NT's can either excite or inhibit smooth muscle contraction but any given NT is always excitatory or inhibitory, regardless of where it is located. b) A given smooth muscle cell can respond to more than one type of NT . c) Smooth muscle cells are generally unresponsive to NT's of all types. d) Smooth muscle cells can respond to neural input from the somatic or autonomic nervous systems.

b) A given smooth muscle cell can respond to more than one type of NT .

Which of the following statements concerning the characteristics of different types of muscle fibers is false? a) The higher the myosin ATPase activity, the faster the speed of contraction. b) Muscles that have high glycolytic capacity and large glycogen stores are more resistant to fatigue. c) Oxidative types of muscle fibers contain myoglobin. d) Oxidative fibers have a richer blood supply. e) Larger-diameter fibers can produce greater tension.

b) Muscles that have high glycolytic capacity and large glycogen stores are more resistant to fatigue.

Which of the following is the first step in cross bridge cycling, once the myosin-binding sites are exposed? a. Cross bridge detachment b. Cross bridge attachment c. Cross bridge power stroke d. Myosin head reactivation

b. Cross bridge attachment Cross bridges attach myosin to actin once the myosin sites are exposed.

Which ion diffuses into the muscle fiber through the open acetylcholine receptor? a. Ca2+ b. Na+ c. K+

b. Na+ see image Opening the acetylcholine-gated receptor channel enables sodium ions to diffuse into the muscle fiber.

Which part of the intrinsic conduction system initiates the depolarizing impulse and normally sets the pace for the entire heart? a. AV bundle b. SA node c. Purkinje fibers d. AV node

b. SA node

Botulinum toxin prevents the release of acetylcholine from the axon terminal. What happens when botulinum toxin prevents the release of acetylcholine from the axon terminal? Make a prediction! a. Depolarization of the junctional folds will initiate an action potential in the sarcolemma and the muscle fiber will contract. b. The membrane potential of the junctional folds will remain unchanged and the muscle fiber will not contract. c. The concentration of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft will increase and the muscle fiber will remain contracted.

b. The membrane potential of the junctional folds will remain unchanged and the muscle fiber will not contract. Your prediction is correct! The botulinum toxin prevents the release of acetylcholine. Therefore, the junctional folds are not stimulated, the membrane potential remains unchanged, and the muscle fiber will not contract.

Curare is a plant extract that can bind to acetylcholine receptors, but in a way that does not cause the chemically-gated channels to open. What happens when an action potential reaches the axon terminal if curare is present? Make a prediction! a. Depolarization of the junctional folds will initiate an action potential in the sarcolemma, and the muscle fiber will contract. b. The membrane potential of the junctional folds will remain unchanged, and the muscle fiber will not contract. c. Acetylcholine will not be broken down by acetylcholinesterase, and the muscle fiber will not contract.

b. The membrane potential of the junctional folds will remain unchanged, and the muscle fiber will not contract. Your prediction is correct! Curare binds to the acetylcholine receptor without opening the chemically-gated ion channels. Therefore, the membrane potential remains unchanged and the muscle is prevented from contracting.

What effect does the diffusion of sodium ions through the chemically-gated ion channels have on the membrane potential across the junctional folds? a. The voltage becomes larger (more negative on the inner surface). b. The voltage becomes smaller (less negative on the inner surface). c. The voltage does not change because calcium ions are also diffusing inward.

b. The voltage becomes smaller (less negative on the inner surface). Diffusion of sodium ions into the muscle fiber causes partial depolarization of the junctional folds.

What would happen to cross bridge cycling if a drug is present near the end of contraction that binds free calcium ions but doesn't affect ATP concentration? a. cross bridge cycling continues and the muscle remains contracting b. cross bridge cycling stops and the muscle relaxes c. cross bridge cycling stops but the cross bridges remain attached

b. cross bridge cycling stops and the muscle relaxes Cross bridge cycling will stop and the muscle will relax because without calcium ions, tropomyosin covers myosin-binding sites, preventing further cross bridge formation.

What causes the indicated sodium channels along the sarcolemma to open? a. contact with voltage-gated proteins b. depolarization reaches their threshold value c. binding to calcium ions d. depolarization of the T tubules

b. depolarization reaches their threshold value Local depolarization of the sarcolemma stimulates adjacent voltage-gated sodium channels to open. This allows the action potential to spread across the surface of the muscle fiber.

What kind of membrane potential does the monitor record when the electrode is in the pacemaker cells in Dish 1? a. resting membrane potential b. rhythmic action potentials c. single action potential

b. rhythmic action potentials Notice that the membrane potential does not rest; rather, it rhythmically depolarizes and repolarizes. Each of these spikes is an action potential.

What kind of membrane potential does the monitor record when the electrode is in the contractile cells in Dish 3? a. resting membrane potential b. rhythmic action potentials c. single action potential

b. rhythmic action potentials The contractile cells now fire rhythmic action potentials because they are stimulated by the pacemaker cells.

What kind of membrane potential does the monitor record when the electrode is in the pacemaker cells in Dish 3? a. resting membrane potential b. rhythmic action potentials c. single action potential

b. rhythmic action potentials The pacemaker cells fire rhythmic action potentials, just as they did on their own.

First, the "hinge" portion of the tail allows the myosin head to reach the

binding sites on actin.

during ventricular filling

blood from the pulmonary and systemic circuits flows passively into each atrium, through the open atrioventricular valves, and then into the corresponding ventricles. During this process, the semilunar valves are closed. Atrial systole finishes ventricular filling.

1. When a muscle cell is relaxed and intracellularATP levels are normal, a crossbridge will remain in which of the following states? a) Bound to actin and in the low-energy form b) Bound to actin and in the high-energy form c) In the high-energy form, with ADP and Pi bound to it d) In the high-energy form, with ATP bound to it e) In the low-energy form with nothing bound to it

c) In the high-energy form, with ADP and Pi bound to it

Which of the following is not a determinant of whole muscle tension? a) The number of muscle fibers contracting b) The tension produced by each contracting fiber c) The proportion of each motor unit that is contracting at any given time d) The extent of fatigue e) The frequency of action potentials in the motor neurons

c) The proportion of each motor unit that is contracting at any given time

During a muscle contraction, which of the following does not change length? a) The distance between Z lines b) The width of I bands c) The width of A bands d) None of the above

c) The width of A bands

Which of the following causes the cross bridge to detach from the thin filament (actin)? a. Calcium ion binding to troponin b. Hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and inorganic phosphate c. ATP binding to the myosin head d. ADP and inorganic phosphate being released from the myosin head

c. ATP binding to the myosin head ATP binding to the myosin head causes the cross bridge to detach from actin.

Which part of a sarcomere is connected to the Z discs? a. Myosin b. Troponin c. Actin d. Tropomyosin

c. Actin The actin of the thin filaments are connected to the Z discs at the ends of the sarcomere.

What occurs after movement of tropomyosin exposes the binding sites? a. Thin filaments enlarge to become thick filaments. b. Binding of calcium ions to troponin. c. Cross bridges form between the myosin heads and the binding sites. d. Tropomyosin connects actin of the thin filament to myosin of the thick filament.

c. Cross bridges form between the myosin heads and the binding sites. Cross bridges can form between the thick filament and thin filament when the binding sites are exposed.

Contraction of the atria is triggered by electrical activity that is recorded on the ECG tracing as the __________. a. T wave b. QRS complex c. P wave d. A wave

c. P wave

Which one of the following components conducts an action potential throughout the interior of the muscle fiber? a. Myosin b. Actin c. T tubule d. Sarcoplasmic reticulum

c. T tubule T tubules conduct the action potential throughout the interior of the muscle fiber.

Predict what will change as the action potential travels along the axon before it reaches the axon terminal. a. The axon terminal moves into contact with the muscle fiber b. The acetylcholine receptors open c. The axon depolarizes, and the charge on the inside becomes positive

c. The axon depolarizes, and the charge on the inside becomes positive

Why is it important that the AV node delays depolarization? a. The delay allows the ventricles to finish contracting before the atria begin to contract. b. The delay triggers depolarization of the ICS. c. The delay allows the atria to finish contracting before the ventricles begin to contract. d. The delay allows the atria to fill with blood before contraction.

c. The delay allows the atria to finish contracting before the ventricles begin to contract. The smaller cells of the AV node have fewer gap junctions, slowing down the impulse and giving the atria time to contract.

How does the presence of pacemaker cells affect the electrical activity of the cardiac contractile cells? a. The pacemaker cells increase the frequency of normally occurring action potentials in the cardiac contractile cells. b. The activity of the pacemaker cells cancels out the action potentials of the cardiac contractile cells. c. The pacemaker cells are able to stimulate action potentials in the cardiac contractile cells.

c. The pacemaker cells are able to stimulate action potentials in the cardiac contractile cells. Without the pacemaker cells there would not be a stimulus for generating action potentials in the contractile cells, and the heart would not contract.

Calcium ions bind to which regulatory protein during excitation-contraction coupling? a. Myosin b. Actin c. Troponin d. Tropomyosin

c. Troponin Troponin is the regulatory protein of the sarcomere to which calcium ions bind during excitation-contraction coupling.

An action potential at the axon terminal of a motor neuron opens what type of ion channels? a. Voltage-gated sodium channels b. Acetylcholine receptors c. Voltage-gated calcium channels d. Chemically-gated potassium channels

c. Voltage-gated calcium channels When the action potential reaches the axon terminal, this causes the opening of calcium channels.

What would happen to cross bridge cycling if a drug is present near the end of contraction that releases calcium ions from the SR but prevents the production of ATP? a. cross bridge cycling continues and the muscle remains contracting b. cross bridge cycling stops and the muscle relaxes c. cross bridge cycling stops but the cross bridges remain attached

c. cross bridge cycling stops but the cross bridges remain attached Cross bridge cycling would stop and the cross bridges would remain attached in a rigid state because cross bridge detachment cannot occur without ATP. This is called rigor mortis.

During ventricular filling, pressure in the left ventricle should be _____ aortic pressure. a. greater than b. the same as c. less than

c. less than Because pressure in the ventricle is less than the pressure in the aorta, the aortic valve remains closed.

The specialized cardiac cells of the SA node are most precisely known as __________. a. intrinsic cells b. atrial cells c. pacemaker cells d. contractile cells

c. pacemaker cells

What kind of membrane potential does the monitor record when you stimulate the contractile cells in Dish 2? a. resting membrane potential b. rhythmic action potentials c. single action potential

c. single action potential An action potential is generated when the contractile cells are stimulated.

Together, the voltage-gated proteins and the calcium release channels control the release of

calcium into the sarcoplasm.

Which ion is telling the truth? Select the truth teller. sodium ion: I am the ion that's responsible for coupling the action potential signal to contraction of a muscle fiber. calcium ion: No, I am the ion that's responsible for coupling the action potential signal to contraction of a muscle fiber.

calcium ion Right! You are not easily fooled. I am the Calcium Ion who is responsible for coupling the shift from an action potential signal to contraction of a muscle fiber when I bind to the regulatory protein.

muscle action potential causes the release of

calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

In addition to voltage-gated sodium channels, the T tubule membrane has voltage-gated proteins that interact physically with

calcium-release channels in the membrane of the terminal cisternae.


cell of the nervous system specialized to generate and transmit electrical signals or action potentials

According to the sliding filament mechanism, a muscle contracts because the thin filaments slide past the thick filaments toward the

center of the sarcomere from both sides.

The thick filaments are anchored to the M line, which marks the

center of the sarcomere.

These voltage-gated proteins respond to depolarization by

changing shape opening the calcium release channels.


chemical messengers usually released from synaptic vesicles in neuron axon terminals that communicate with target cells

The left and right atria contract to

complete filling of their corresponding ventricular chamber.

Alterations in the heart rhythm, changes in the QRS complex, or an abnormal PR interval may indicate problems with the

conduction system.

The impulse spreads across the atria both via the internodal pathway and through gap junctions between

contractile cells.

The thin filaments consist primarily of the

contractile protein actin.

The thick filaments are made of the

contractile protein myosin.

The cycle alternates between periods of

contraction (or systole) and relaxation (or diastole) of the atria and ventricles.

By understanding how one sarcomere shortens, we can understand how the simultaneous contraction of thousands of sarcomeres along hundreds of myofibrils leads to

contraction of one muscle fiber.

Which of the following would tend to reduce the concentration of lactic acid that accumulates in a muscle cell as a result of contractile activity? a) Increasing the concentration of glycolytic enzymes b) Decreasing the oxygen supply to the cell c) Increasing the diameter of the cell d) Increasing the number of mitochondria in the cell e) All of the above

d) Increasing the number of mitochondria in the cell

During contraction of a skeletal muscle fiber, a) The thick filaments contract. b) The thin filaments contract. c) The A band becomes shorter. d) The I band becomes shorter. e) All of the above.

d) The I band becomes shorter.

As a result calcium ions are responsible for

coupling electrical excitation to the contraction of skeletal muscle fibers.

muscles rely on

creatine phosphate as their initial source of ATP

But not all myosin heads are bound or disconnected at the same time. They can be in different steps of the

cross bridge cycle.

Muscle contraction can now occur through

cross bridge cycling.

Once the binding sites are exposed, the myosin heads can bind to them, forming

cross bridges between the thick and thin filaments.

The thin filaments are pulled by the myosin heads of the thick filaments, which continuously form and break thousands of

cross bridges with the actin molecules of the thin filaments.

this sliding is driven by the

crossbridge cycle, in which the motion of crossbridges is coupled to their cycle binding and unbinding to actin molecules in adjacent thin filaments

Which of the following is true for the excitation-contraction coupling of all muscle types (skeletal, cardiac, and smooth)? a) An action potential causes calcium levels in the cytosol to increase. b) Calcium binds to troponin. c) Thick and thin filaments slide past each other. d) Both a and c. e) All of the above.

d) Both a and c.

Add the proper substance from the supply room that will allow for cross bridge detachment and continuation of cross bridge cycling. a. Ca2+ b. ADP Pi c. K+ d. ATP e. Na+ f. ACh

d. ATP ATP is the energy source that powers cross bridge cycles and allows the myosin heads to detach from the actin to start a new cross bridge cycle. You're good to go!

Which of the following characteristics of the intrinsic conduction system best explains why atrial contraction finishes before ventricular contraction begins? a. Pacemaker cells are autorhythmic. b. Purkinje fibers have the slowest rate of spontaneous depolarization. c. The SA node initiates electrical impulses. d. Action potentials are delayed at the AV node.

d. Action potentials are delayed at the AV node.

How does neurotransmitter binding to it's receptor activate a muscle fiber? a. It causes exocytosis of synaptic vesicles from the axon terminal. b. It opens voltage-gated channels that generate an action potential in the sarcolemma. c. It opens voltage-gated channels that allow calcium ions to diffuse into the axon terminal. d. It opens chemically-gated ion channels that allow sodium ions to diffuse into the junctional folds.

d. It opens chemically-gated ion channels that allow sodium ions to diffuse into the junctional folds. Diffusion of sodium ions changes the membrane potential of the junctional folds.

Which protein forms the thick filaments in a sarcomere? a. Actin b. Tropomyosin c. Troponin d. Myosin

d. Myosin Myosin is the protein that forms the thick filaments in a sarcomere.

Which of the following slide(s) inwards toward the M line during muscle contraction? a. Myosin b. A band c. Thick filaments d. Thin filaments

d. Thin filaments During cross bridge cycling, the thin filaments slide inwards, shortening the sarcomere.

Which structure of the neuromuscular junction is a chemically-gated ion channel that the neurotransmitter binds to? a. synaptic vesicle b. voltage-gated calcium channel c. voltage-gated sodium channel d. acetylcholine receptor

d. acetylcholine receptor Once released from the motor neuron, the neurotransmitter acetylcholine diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to an acetylcholine receptors on the junctional folds.

Where in the neuromuscular junction do you find voltage-gated calcium ion channels? a. synaptic cleft b. junctional folds c. sarcolemma d. axon terminal

d. axon terminal The voltage-gated calcium ion channels allow calcium into the axon terminal to trigger the exocytosis of neurotransmitter.

Which one of the following components stimulates contraction of a skeletal muscle? a. muscle fiber b. acetylcholinesterase c. synaptic cleft d. motor neuron

d. motor neuron Motor neurons are needed to stimulate a skeletal muscle to contract.

Ventricular contraction follows


The Purkinje fibers

depolarize the contractile cells of both ventricles. When that happens, ventricular contraction immediately occurs.

Depolarization of conduction system components can be determined from the ECG. When the SA node functions as the pacemaker, it

depolarizes right before the P wave.

In step 5, the diffusion of sodium ions into the muscle fiber

depolarizes the junctional folds.

Finally, between heartbeats, there is a period when the atria and ventricles are both in


This is followed by depolarization of the ventricles and ventricular systole while the atria are in


ventricular filling, during which both the atria and the ventricles are in


In an isotonic contraction, a) Muscle length shortens. b) Muscle tension exceeds the force of the load. c) The load is moved. d) Both a and c. e) All of the above.

e) All of the above.

Which of the following muscle types contain gap junctions? a) Skeletal muscle b) Smooth muscle c) Cardiac muscle d) Both a and b e) Both b and c

e) Both b and c

Add the proper substance from the supply room that enters through the voltage-gated channels along the sarcolemma to propagate the action potential. a. Ca2+ b. ADP Pi c. K+ d. ATP e. Na+ f. ACh

e. Na+ As sodium ions enter through voltage-gated channels, the action potential spreads along the T tubules. We are back on track and this muscle can now contract. Dynamite!

Add the proper substance from the supply room that enters the muscle fiber causing depolarization of the junctional folds. a. Ca2+ b. ADP Pi c. K+ d. ATP e. Na+ f. ACh

e. Na+ Sodium ions diffuse through the channels in the acetylcholine receptors to enter the muscle fiber, causing depolarization. Now, muscle contraction can continue.

The cross bridge cycle starts again when the

energized myosin head forms another cross bridge.

However, the myosin-binding sites are exposed when calcium ions bind to troponin during

excitation-contraction coupling.

This calcium transport reduces the calcium ion concentration in the sarcoplasm below the threshold necessary for

excitation-contraction coupling.

Add the proper substance from the supply room that is the neurotransmitter that is released into the synaptic cleft. a. Ca2+ b. ADP Pi c. K+ d. ATP e. Na+ f. ACh

f. ACh Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter that we need. Now the muscle can contract and Logan can be on his way to lifting that free weight.

According to the size principle, the force generating capacity of a muscle fiber increases in direct proportion to its length.(true/false)


Even though some of the myosin heads are in the high energy state, they can no longer

form cross bridges.

The four steps of the cross bridge cycle are the

formation of cross bridges, the power stroke, cross bridge detachment, and myosin head reactivation.

the influx of calcium ions during step 2 causes synaptic vesicles adjacent to the membrane to

fuse with the plasma membrane releasing acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft by exocytosis

action potentials travel from cell to cell through

gap junctions, so the entire network of cells contracts as a unit

the heads (crossbridges) of myosin molecules are responsible for

generating the motion that drives contraction and possess two important sites, an actin-blinding site and an ATPase cite

This ends depolarization of the junctional folds and prevents the

generation of additional action potentials along the sarcolemma.

The timing is coordinated by the intrinsic conduction system of the


Contraction and relaxation of the heart chambers create pressure differences that drive blood through the heart. Blood flows from areas of

high pressure to areas of low pressure.

Second, the myosin head can pivot back and forth between

high-energy and low-energy positions.

calcium ions diffuse into the Axon terminal through the open channels because there is a

higher concentration of calcium ions outside than inside the membrane

The key to excitation-contraction coupling is an increase

in calcium ions within the sarcoplasm.

To prevent re-stimulation of the junctional folds, the acetylcholine

in the synaptic cleft must be eliminated.

During an (isometric/isotonic) muscle contraction, a muscle develops contractile force but does not change in length.


The greater diffusion of sodium ions into the muscle fiber than potassium ions out, makes the

inner surface of junctional folds less negative, meaning that the junctional folds are partially depolarized. We call this depolarization an end plate potential.

a motor neuron plus the muscle fibers it

innervates constitutes a motor neuron

in skeletal muscle, each fiber receives

input from one motor neuron, which branches and innervates more than one fiber

ion channel

integral membrane proteins through which ions diffuse across the cell membrane

smooth muscle is found in

internal organs and other structures that are not under voluntary control and is regulated by autonomic neurons

chemically gated ion channel/ligand gated ion channel

ion channel stimulated to open by binding with a chemical ligand

voltage gated ion channel

ion channel that is stimulated to open or close by changes in voltage across the plasma membrane

Acetylcholine binds to acetylcholine receptors on the

junctional folds, opening these chemically-gated ion channels

Contraction increases the pressure in a chamber, whereas relaxation

lowers it.

glycolytic fibers synthesize

most of their ATP via glycolysis and generate lactic acid, which makes them fatigue rapidly

Each skeletal muscle fiber is stimulated by a

motor neuron at the neuromuscular junction

If the SA node slows down or fails, the pacemaker cells of the AV node take over to set the heart rate. However, this results in a

much slower heart rate.

muscle fiber

muscle cell

once the muscle fiber is stimulated these channels open initiating an action potential on the sarcolemma this action potential will trigger

muscle contraction

Multiplied over all the sarcomeres in the myofibrils, this results in

muscle contraction.

The sarcomere is the basic unit of

muscle contraction.

Myosin heads can now bind to actin, and the

muscle fiber contraction can occur.

the junctional folds are the region of the

muscle fiber membrane or sarcolemma with specialized structures for receiving signals from a motor neuron

When voltage-gated sodium channels open they help conduct the action potential from the

muscle fiber surface down into the muscle fiber interior.

The sarcomeres return to their original resting length, and the

muscle relaxes.

within muscle fibers are

myofibrils that contain the contractile machinery

the sarcoplasmic reticulum surrounds the

myofibrils, stores calcium ions, and is closely associated with transverse (T) tubules, which penetrate into the cell interior from the sarcolemma

The velocity of contraction of a muscle fiber is directly related to its (diameter/myosin ATPase activity).

myosin ATPase activity

The actin of the thin filament has binding sites to which

myosin attaches during muscle contraction.

This causes troponin to change shape in a way that shifts tropomyosin away from the

myosin binding sites on actin.

Each actin molecule has a myosin-binding site to which a

myosin head can attach.

During muscle contraction, ATP hydrolysis is catalyzed by (myosin head groups/ actin monomers).

myosin head groups

The thick filaments are made up of many

myosin proteins.

Cross bridge cycling is the sequence of events where

myosin pulls on actin.

This causes tropomyosin to shift back to cover the

myosin-binding sites on actin.

the site where the action potential excites the muscle fiber is called the

neuromuscular junction

most skeletal muscles contain

numerous elongated cells (muscle fibers) that generate contractile force using energy from ATP hydrolysis

The second myosin binding site binds to the myosin-binding site

on actin. The result is a cross bridge between thick and thin filaments.

The valves of the heart open and close which insures that blood can only flow in

one direction through the heart.

These valves ensure that blood flows in only

one direction through the heart.

the ventricular filling phase. Mitral valve

open The atrioventricular valves are open to allow blood into the ventricle

the ventricular filling phase. Tricuspid valve

open The atrioventricular valves are open to allow blood into the ventricle

Does the depolarization of the junctional folds cause the voltage-gated sodium channels to open or close?

open see image

in Step 2 the action potential causes the calcium channels to

open allowing calcium ions to enter the cell

Changes in pressure within the chambers also cause the heart valves to

open and close.

Sodium ions enter the muscle fiber through the

open channels, generating an end plate potential.

the acetylcholine receptors are chemically gated ion channels that

open when they bind to their ligand acetylcholine

When depolarization of the junctional folds reaches the threshold voltage for the sodium channels on the sarcolemma adjacent to the neuromuscular junction, those channels

open, allowing sodium ions to enter the muscle fiber.

As you'll discover, the cardiac cycle is divided into four phases on the basis of ventricular activity and the

opening and closing of valves.

In the T tubules, the action potentials cause voltage-gated proteins to undergo a shape change that

opens calcium-release channels of the terminal cisternae.

the neuromuscular junction, there is a resting membrane potential across the sarcolemma that results from the distribution of ions across the membrane. In particular, sodium ions are more abundant

outside the muscle fiber than inside it.

Let's look at how this works. Sodium ions are present in a much higher concentration

outside the muscle fiber than inside. Potassium ions have a higher concentration inside than outside.

(Glycolytic/Oxidative) fibers contain high concentrations of the oxygen-binding protein myoglobin.


(Oxidative/Glycolytic) muscle fibers are more resistant to fatigue.


oxidative fibers synthesize ATP mostly via

oxidative phosphorylation and are more resistant to fatigue

contractile cells do the work of the heart by contracting, but they need

pacemaker cells to tell them when to do it. The pacemaker cells function like an officer giving orders to soldiers telling them to move. Let's now look at how those orders are communicated.

smooth muscle cells exhibit two types of spontaneous action potentials

pacemaker potentials and slow-wave potentials

the action potential that travels along the Axon causes

positive sodium ions to enter the cell and briefly make the membrane potential more positive

this change in the membrane potential to a more

positive value is called depolarization

the end-plate potential is followed by

propagation of the action potential through the T tubules, release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, binding of Ca2+ to troponin, movement of tropomyosin away from actins myosin-binding sites and initiation of the crossbridge cycle

The Z discs also mark the ends of the


As long as the myosin-binding sites on actin remain exposed and ATP is available, the cross bridge cycle repeats,

pulling the thin filaments toward the center of the sarcomere.

The SA node is the pacemaker of the heart because it spontaneously fires action potentials at a

rate faster than any other component of the conduction system.

in step 3 synaptic vesicles

release acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft

The contraction ends as the ventricles

repolarize and relax.

The calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum activate the

sarcomeres of each myofibril.

Each myofibril is made up of thousands of


Cross bridge cycling ends when the concentration of calcium ions in the

sarcoplasm decreases to the resting level of the unstimulated muscle.

Calcium ions rapidly diffuse out of the terminal cisternae through the open channels and flood the

sarcoplasm of the muscle fibre.

Pacemaker cells of the SA node spontaneously generate action potentials that spread through the

rest of the conduction system and to all cardiac contractile cells.

In fact, the distribution of these and other ions creates a

resting membrane potential or voltage across the sarcolemma similar to that of the axon, with the inner surface of the membrane negatively charged.

Cross bridges are now prevented from forming, so the thin filaments slide back to their

resting position.

in the case of an action potential the membrane charges actually

reverse so that the outside of the Axon is briefly negative and the inside is briefly positive

The plasma membrane of a muscle cell is also known as the ________.


the action potential initiated on the


Stimulation at the neuromuscular junction triggers action potentials that spread across the

sarcolemma and down the T tubules

As sodium ions enter, depolarization spreads to affect nearby voltage-gated sodium channels on the

sarcolemma. These channels are called "voltage-gated" because they open when the voltage across the membrane reaches a specific threshold value.

Second, calcium ions are actively transported out of the sarcoplasm back into the

sarcoplasmic reticulum by specialized calcium pumps.

Now let's see how the action potential on the T tubules stimulates calcium release from the

sarcoplasmic reticulum.

ATP → ADP + Pi cycle

see image

Calcium ions cause several synaptic vesicles to mobilize and fuse with the membrane of the axon terminal. Drag the highlighted calcium ion to an appropriate synaptic vesicle to stimulate exocytosis.

see image

Components of the ICS

see image

Components of the thick and thin filaments of a myofibril

see image

Heart anatomy

see image

Microscopic structures of a muscle fiber

see image

Now that the action potential has reached the axon terminal, it allows calcium ions to diffuse. Select the structure that will allow calcium ions to diffuse.

see image

pathway of depolarization

see image

To begin, drag an acetylcholine molecule to its correct receptor.

see image Binding of acetylcholine to acetylcholine receptors causes activity at the junctional folds.

Now that the calcium channel is open, calcium ions can diffuse through it. Drag the calcium ion to the arrow that indicates the correct direction of travel.

see image Once the voltage-gated calcium channels open, calcium ions diffuse into the axon terminal because there is a higher concentration of calcium ions outside than inside the membrane.

This depolarization spreads to trigger additional voltage-gated sodium channels in nearby

segments, and the action potential spreads along the sarcolemma.

The cardiac cycle is the

sequence of events that propels blood through the heart during one complete heartbeat.

In doing so, they pull the Z disc at either end of the sarcomere toward the central M line,

shortening the sarcomere. This occurs at all the sarcomeres along the length of the muscle fiber.

During a muscle contraction, sarcomeres shorten because the thin filaments are pulled past the thick filaments toward the center of the sarcomere. This is called the

sliding filament mechanism.

the three major classes of skeletal muscle fibers are

slow oxidative fibers, fast glycolytic fibers, and the somewhat rare fast oxidative fibers

These receptors are chemically-gated ion channels that open when acetylcholine binds to them, allowing

sodium and potassium ions to diffuse across the membrane.

When acetylcholine receptors open, large numbers of

sodium ions rapidly diffuse into the muscle fiber, while a smaller number of potassium ions diffuse out.

The intrinsic conduction system consists of

specialized cardiac cells that establish the heart rate.

First, the terminal cisterns cease releasing calcium ions. This occurs when signals from the motor neuron

stop and no additional action potentials conduct along the sarcolemma and T tubules.

skeletal and cardiac muscle are

striated, reflecting the orderly arrangement of thick and thin filaments in the myofibrils, which are made up of fundamental force-generating units (sarcomeres) that are joined in an end-to-end fashion

stimulation at high frequencies causes

summation of twitches, such that the force eventually reaches a plateau (tetanus)

Acetylcholine molecules released from the axon terminal diffuse across the

synaptic cleft and bind to acetylcholine receptors on the junctional folds

The calcium ions cause synaptic vesicles to release acetylcholine into the

synaptic cleft by exocytosis

the pattern of alternating periods of

systole and diastole of the atrium and ventricle.

Which structure is telling the truth? Select the truth teller. t tubule: I am the structure that stores and releases calcium. terminal cisterns: No, I am the structure that stores and releases calcium.

terminal cisterns Nobody can put one on you! You are correct in identifying me. I am Terminal Cisterns that stores and releases calcium ions. Calcium ions, once released, can bind to the regulatory protein.

Adjacent to the T tubules are sac-like bulges called

terminal cisterns of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

These proteins link to calcium release channels in the

terminal cisterns.

Excitation-contraction coupling is the sequence of events by which

that muscle fiber action potential (the "excitation") leads to muscle fiber contraction.

contractions are triggered by

the binding of Ca2+ to calmodulin, which activates myosin kinase, resulting in the phosphorylation of myosin crossbridges

thick and thin filaments contain

the contractile proteins myosin and actin, respectively

axon terminals

the enlarged distal end of an axon contains a neurotransmitter substance within synaptic vesicles

the neuromuscular junction includes

the enlarged distal ends of the axon called axon terminals and the junctional folds of the muscle fiber

junctional folds

the folded portion of the sarcolemma in close contact with the synaptic ending of the axon terminal Specialized region of the sarcolemma at the neuromuscular junction

the force generated by an entire muscle is determined by both

the force generated by individual fibers (which depends on the frequency of stimulation, fiber diameter, and changes in fiber length) and the number of fibers that are contracting

excitation-contraction coupling triggers calcium ions binding to troponin, causing

the myosin-binding sites on actin to become uncovered.

within the Axon terminal or membrane bound synaptic vesicles that contain

the neurotransmitter acetylcholine

an action potential in a motor neuron triggers

the release of acetylcholine, which binds to receptors in the muscle fibers motor end plate, the result is an electrical signal (end-plate potential) that triggers an action potential in the sarcolemma

the structures of a muscle fiber that are responsible for excitation-contraction coupling. These structures include:

the sarcolemma, the transverse tubules, the sarcoplasmic reticulum with terminal cisterns, and the sarcomeres of each myofibril

With the chemically-gated channels closed and acetylcholine removed,

the signal for muscle contraction stops.

two regulatory proteins (troponin and tropomyosin) present on

the thin filaments serve to initiate and terminate contractions

Two regulatory proteins, tropomyosin and troponin, are also associated with

the thin filaments.

specifically when the action potential arrives at the Axon terminal the change in the membrane potential opens

the voltage gated calcium channels

fast-twitch fibers and slow-twitch fibers differ in

their speed of contraction which is related to the type of myosin they contain

the Axon terminal and the junctional folds do not touch

they are separated by a gap called the synaptic cleft

During muscle contraction, cross bridge cycles occur between the

thick and thin filaments along the entire length of each sarcomere.

when a muscle contracts

thick and thin filaments slide past one another

Each sarcomere consists of an arrangement of

thick and thin filaments.

Myosin molecules have two important features that enable the

thick filament to bind to and move the thin filament.

The central region of the A band is slightly lighter than the rest of the A band because it contains

thick filaments but no thin filaments.

The A band is the region occupied by

thick filaments.

This pivoting motion constitutes the "power stroke" that pulls the

thin filament along the thick filament.

A Z disc in the center of each I band anchors the

thin filaments.

The only filaments in the I band are

thin filaments.

Let's examine how a nerve impulse can stimulate an end plate potential on the muscle fiber to trigger contraction

this process takes place in six sequential steps right now our focus is on the first three steps leading to narrow transmitter release

Remember that there are thousands of sarcomeres in a myofibril and

thousands of myofibrils in each muscle fiber.

Muscle relaxation occurs when the calcium ion concentration drops below its

threshold value for binding to troponin.

voltage gated calcium channels will open in response

to an action potential allowing calcium ions to diffuse into the cell

Glycolytic fibers generate more force than oxidative fibers because they are larger in diameter. (true/false)


When a muscle fiber contracts, the I bands shorten. (true/false)


The transverse tubules, or T tubules, are regularly spaced,

tube-like infoldings of the sarcolemma. They branch within the muscle fiber to reach each myofibril.

the mechanical response of a motor unit to a single action potential is a

twitch, which is reproducible in size

Each myosin molecule is shaped a bit like a golf club, with

two heads and a tail. Each myosin head contains two important binding sites.

skeletal muscles contain different

types of fibers in various proportions

the central nervous system regulates muscular force by

varying both the action potential frequency in motor neurons and the number of active motor units (recruitment). as muscular force increases, motor units are recruited in order of increasing size, a phenomenon referred to as the size principle

The sinoatrial, or SA, node initiates depolarization and systole of the atria while the

ventricles are in diastole.

Conduction through the intrinsic conduction system can be determined from the PR interval, the time from the beginning of atrial depolarization to the start of

ventricular depolarization.

The QRS complex is generated by

ventricular depolarization.

And the T wave results from

ventricular repolarization.

the membrane of the Axon terminal contains

voltage gated calcium channels

outside the junctional folds the sarcolemma contains

voltage gated sodium channels

to understand this step let us look briefly at how motor neurons work when the neuron is at rest the inner surface of the membrane is negatively charged while the outer surface is positively charged this unequal distribution of charge creates a voltage across the plasma membrane we call this

voltage the resting membrane potential

An action potential arriving at the axon terminal opens

voltage-gated calcium channels, allowing calcium ions to diffuse into the axon terminal

The membranes of the T tubule contain

voltage-gated proteins.

Activity at the NMJ triggers an action potential in the adjacent sarcolemma by opening

voltage-gated sodium channels.

Remember that the sarcolemma, outside of the neuromuscular junction, contains

voltage-gated sodium channels.

Since they are infoldings of the sarcolemma, the t tubules also contain

voltage-gated sodium channels.

when the ventricle fills with blood and the volume increase and when blood is pumped out of the ventricle and the

volume decreases.

The actin molecules form a pair of strands that

wind around each other.

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