Test 3

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Motivating oneself

-a person's ability to remain optimistic and to continue striving in the face of setbacks, barriers, and failure


-a person's ability to understand how others are feeling even without being explicitly told


-a person's belief about his or her capabilities to perform a task


-a person's beliefs and feelings about specific ideas, situations, or people

Managing emotions

-a person's capacities to balance anxiety, fear, and anger so that they do not overly interfere with getting things accomplished


-a person's capacity for being aware of how they are feeling


-a person's comfort level with relationships


-a person's feelings toward something

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

-a popular questionnaire that some organizations use to assess personality types


-a reflection of the number of things a person tries to accomplish

Organizational Commitment

-an individual's identification with the organization and its mission

Job Satisfaction

-degree of enjoyment that people derive from performing their jobs


-form of flextime that allows people to perform some or all of a job away from standard office settings

Bundling Strategy

-grouping several products together to be sold as a single unit at a reduced price, rather than individually

Forming Natural Work Groups

-helps employees see the importance of their jobs in the total structure of the firm

Combining Tasks

-involves enlarging jobs and increasing their variety to make employees feel that their work is more meaningful

Establishing Client Relationships

-letting employees interact with customers

Job Enrichment

-method of increasing job satisfaction by adding one or more motivating factors to job activities

Work Sharing (Job Sharing)

-method of increasing job satisfaction by allowing two or more people to share a single full-time job

Flextime Programs

-method of increasing job satisfaction by allowing workers to adjust work schedules on a daily or weekly basis

Job Redesign

-method of increasing job satisfaction by designing a more satisfactory fit between workers and their jobs

Participative Management and Empowerment

-method of increasing job satisfaction by giving employees a voice in the management of their jobs and the company


-part of an attitude that guides a person's behavior

Organizational Citizenship

-positive behaviors that do not directly contribute to the bottom line

Psychological Pricing

-pricing tactic that takes advantage of the fact that consumers do not always respond rationally to stated prices

Cost-Oriented Pricing

-pricing that considers the firm's desire to make a profit and its need to cover production costs Selling price = Seller's costs + Profit


-reflects how open or rigid a person is in terms of his or her beliefs

Positive Reinforcement

-reward that follows desired behaviors

Psychological Contract

-set of expectations held by an employee concerning what he or she will contribute to an organization (referred to as contributions) and what the organization will in return provide the employee (referred to as inducements)

Management by Objectives (MBO)

-set of procedures involving both managers and subordinates in setting goals and evaluating progress

Price Lining

-setting a limited number of prices for certain categories of products

Penetration Pricing

-setting an initially low price to establish a new product in the market

Hawthorne Effect

-tendency for productivity to increase when workers believe they are receiving special attention from management

Risk Propensity

-the degree to which a person is willing to take chances and make risky decisions


-the degree to which people tend to be positive or negative in their outlook and behaviors toward others


-the extent to which a person believes that he or she is a worthwhile and deserving individual


-the extent to which a person believes that power and status differences are appropriate within hierarchical social systems such as organizations

Person-Job Fit

-the extent to which a person's contributions and the organization's inducements match one another

Emotional Intelligence (Emotional Quotient, EQ)

-the extent to which people are self-aware, can manage their emotions, can motivate themselves, express empathy for others, and possess social skills

Locus of Control

-the extent to which people believe that their behavior has a real effect on what happens to them

Pricing Objectives

-the goals that sellers hope to achieve in pricing products for sale-profit-maximizing, market share


-the knowledge a person presumes to have about something

Employee Behavior

-the pattern of actions by the members of an organization that directly or indirectly influences the organization's effectiveness


-the relatively stable set of psychological attributes that distinguish one person from another

Profit-Maximizing Objectives

-the seller's pricing decision is critical for determining the firm's revenue, which is the result of the selling price times the number of units sold Revenue = Selling price × Units sold


-the set of forces that cause people to behave in certain ways

Performance Behaviors

-the total set of work-related behaviors that the organization expects employees to display

Classical Theory of Motivation

-theory holding that workers are motivated solely by money

Hierarchy of Human Needs Model

-theory of motivation describing five levels of human needs and arguing that basic needs must be fulfilled before people work to satisfy higher-level needs

Two-Factor Theory

-theory of motivation holding that job satisfaction depends on two factors, hygiene and motivation

Expectancy Theory

-theory of motivation holding that people are motivated to work toward rewards that they want and that they believe they have a reasonable chance of obtaining

Theory Y

-theory of motivation holding that people are naturally energetic, growth-oriented, self-motivated, and interested in being productive

Theory X

-theory of motivation holding that people are naturally lazy and uncooperative

Equity Theory

-theory of motivation holding that people evaluate their treatment by the organization relative to the treatment of others


-unpleasant consequences of an undesirable behavior


-used to describe behavior directed at gaining power and controlling the behavior of others

Cognitive Dissonance

-when two sets of cognitions or perceptions are contradictory or incongruent

Which of the following BEST describes the situational approach to leadership?

A leader's behavior changes depending on the circumstances or the setting

Which of the following BEST describes arbitration?

A method for resolving a labor dispute in which both parties submit to the judgement of a neutral third party

What is intention?

A person's beliefs and feelings about specific ideas, situations, or people that guide his or her behavior

Which of the following BEST describes positive reinforcement?

A reward given to employees who exhibit desired behaviors

Which of the following is the BEST description of demographic segmentation?

A segmentation strategy that uses characteristics such as age, income, or zip code to identify different market segments

Which of the following BEST describes job analysis?

A systematic analysis of jobs within an organization

Which of the following BEST defines Maslow's hierarchy of human needs model?

A theory of motivation describing five levels of human needs and arguing that basic needs must be fulfilled before people work to satisfy higher-level needs

Eric is on the fast track at the law firm where he works. He is always the first one in the office in the​ morning, the last one to leave at​ night, and he has more billable hours than any other associate in the firm. He is determined to become a partner in the law firm within the next couple of years. According to​ McClelland's acquired needs​ theory, which need would appear to be the most important to​ Eric?


A manager who sets very high goals and expects a great deal from his employees because he believes they are capable is using which type of​ leadership?

Achievement-oriented leader behavior

With regard to two-factor theory, which of the following combinations matches the presence of both required factors?

Advancement and working conditions

allow(s) employers who wish to hire employees from minority groups currently underrepresented in an organization to make proactive attempts to do so.

Affirmative Action

You have an employee who has been missing work lately due to abuse of​ alcohol, to which he​ admits, but he is claiming it as a disability and therefore asserting he cannot be disciplined or fired for drinking that occurs off the job. Before you call an​ attorney, which law would be your BEST choice to​ review?

Americans with Disabilities Act

EasyBoard has just bid a large government​ contract, and winning the contract would allow them to hire additional employees and provide more competitive pay and benefits to all employees.​ However, part of the bid process asks EasyBoard to submit a written plan that spells out employment goals for underused groups and how those goals will be met. What is the government asking for in this bid​ process?

An affirmative action plan

Celeste, a human resource​ manager, posts an open job in the organization on Monster.com. In doing​ this, Celeste is performing which of the following functions of human resource​ management?


Which of the following BEST describes a power based on identification, imitation, loyalty, or charisma?

Referent power

Which of the following is the basis of transactional leadership?

Regular, structured activities

Value Package

a product is marketed as a bundle of value-adding attributes, including a reasonable cost

Cyndi knows that her company expects her to come to work on time every day and perform to the best of her ability. In​ return, Cyndi expects fair​ pay, good​ benefits, and a safe and comfortable work environment. This is an example of​ ________________.

a psychological contract

Which theory of motivation states that workers are motivated solely by​ money?

Scientific management

Which of the following supports the idea that appropriate leader behavior should vary based on​ circumstances?

Situational approach to leadership

Joan knows not to come to her​ boss's meetings late because when her coworkers were late she had to witness her boss yelling at them. Joan has benefitted from which of the​ following?

Social learning

Personality is

a set of psychological attributes that makes an individual unique

In response to growing consumer demand for environmentally friendly​ products, a retailer of​ men's clothing offers a selection of vegan and​ leather-free footwear and carries only items that meet a strict set of environmental standards. This would BEST reflect which element of the​ company's external​ environment?

Sociocultural environment

Which of the following factors is associated with decision making where little ambiguity exists among choices?

State of certainty

Which of the following factors is associated with decision making where the decision maker is unaware of all possibilities or the risks associated with each?

State of uncertainty

Which of the following is the step in the rational decision making process when a manager recognizes and defines a decision situation?

Step 1

In which step of the rational decision-making process does the manager follow up and evaluate the effects of the chosen alternative?

Step 6

is a leader's ability to comprehend and take advantage of the intricacies of the internal and external environments in order to become more competitive.

Strategic leadership

Which of the following is the first step in the marketing research​ process?

Study the current situation.

Julie is worried because she must take time off to be with her son during and after an extensive​ surgery, and is afraid her company will replace her if she is gone for so long. When she speaks with her human resource manager she feels better. The human resource manager tells her that she is entitled to up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for her son. Which law did the human resource manager​ describe?

Family and Medical Leave Act​ (FMLA)

Which of the following BEST describes the industrial market?

Firms that buy goods that are either converted into products or are used during the production process

To reduce costs and increase​ profits, you have been asked to assess your​ company's total costs of compensating employees. Without cutting wages and​ salaries, which would be the MOST LIKELY area where costs could be​ reduced?

Healthcare benefits

Joni works in a factory with mostly male coworkers. She often hears them discussing sexual encounters and telling dirty​ jokes, which makes her uncomfortable. Some of the men have sexually explicit posters on the doors of their​ lockers, which she can see when they are open. Joni is experiencing which of the​ following?

Hostile work environment

Firms use a variety of strategies to attract and retain customers. What should a marketing strategy focus on?

Increasing value for the customer

During which phase of the consumer buying process do consumers identify the evoked set of products, or those they will consider buying?

Information seeking

Which activity is more of a focus in leadership than management?


is a person's beliefs and feelings about specific ideas, situations, or people that guide his or her behavior.


With regard to two-factor theory, which of the following combinations matches the presence of both required factors?

Interpersonal relations and recognition

Which of the following is used​ often, but is actually NOT a good indicator of success on the​ job?


Which of the following is BEST described as an innate belief about something, often without conscious consideration?


Which of the following is a strong predictor of job​ success?

Testing ability and aptitude

Which of the following BEST describes how an employee information system is used in an organization?

It is used to determine which employees might best be suited for positions in the organization and what type of training or development might be needed.

How do leadership neutralizers impact a leader's ability to affect change?

Leaders who attempt to engage in various leadership behaviors are adversely impacted

Which of the following is an example of a flextime program?

The organization offers to let employees come in at 7:30 a.m. or 8:30 a.m. as long as they put in their entire 8-hour day.

Which of the following BEST describes collective bargaining?

The process by which unionized workers and management negotiate conditions of employment for union-represented workers

Which of the following BEST describes employee development?

The teaching of professional skills needed to be successful on the job, both now and in the future

Which of the following is the BEST description of the path-goal theory?

The theory of leadership that is a direct extension of the expectancy theory of motivation

Which of the following leadership approaches identifies the key qualities, such as self-confidence or job knowledge, that differentiate leaders?

The trait approach

Which of the following BEST describes human capital?

The value of people who work for and produce goods and services for an organization

When consumers compare the benefits of a product to the cost of the product, what are they attempting to determine?

The value of the product

Which of the following BEST defines talent management?

The view that employees have skills and should work in a way that best supports the success of the organization

George thinks that all his employees are lazy and the only way to get them to work is either to reward them for good work or to punish them for poor work. George believes in which theory of​ motivation?

Theory X

Katie has begun training for a local 5k race and needs new running shoes. When shopping for the​ shoes, she discovered that many of the store brands offer similar features as those that are nationally known and endorsed by famous runners. Katie is trying to determine the advantage of the national brands over the local brands. Which of the following is Katie conducting when she considers the​ price, the time it will take to research each​ brand, and the emotional cost of making a​ purchase?

Value and benefits

Which approach to leadership attempted to identify distinctive characteristics of an individual that accounted for​ his/her effectiveness as a​ leader?

Trait approach

Which of the following focuses on​ intelligence, dominance,​ self-confidence, energy,​ activity, and knowledge about the​ job?

Trait approach to leadership

__________ involves​ routine, regimented activities

Transactional leadership

Stephan believes that change is necessary in his department and has created a vision to guide the change. Which of the following is Stephan​ displaying?

Transformational leadership

Which of the following methods of increasing job satisfaction means that two workers do the same job but split the hours between them as if it were one full-time job?

Work sharing

Union workers at Magnificent Manufacturing have all agreed to reduce the number of parts that they produce each hour. These union workers are participating in which of the​ following?

Work slowdown

Which of the following BEST describes a strike by unionized workers?

Union employees walk off the job and refuse to work

Which of the following is an internal recruiting​ method?

Using a skills inventory system

Which term describes the ability of a product to satisfy a human want or need?


John will never question his​ boss's decisions or let his boss know that he​ doesn't agree with​ them, even if he feels he has a better solution or can help the department be more productive. John has a high degree of which of the​ following?


Which of the following is one of the "big five" personality traits?


Your​ Internet-based retail company has been growing by leaps and bounds over the past year. It is well​ organized, you have feedback systems in​ place, and personnel are working like a​ well-oiled machine;​ however, customer service complaints are​ rising, profits are​ dropping, and overall employee morale is in decline. Which is the MOST LIKELY contribution that will benefit your company right​ now?


Which of the following is the BEST description of virtual leadership?

Leadership in settings where leaders and followers interact electronically rather than in face-to-face settings

Which of the following would negatively impact a leader's ability to affect change?

Leadership neutralizers

Which of the following are organizational characteristics that tend to outweigh the need for a leader to initiate or direct employee​ performance?

Leadership substitutes

​Joel's employees feel he requires too much paperwork from them and that there are extra steps in their processes. If Joel were not the​ manager, none of his employees would follow his system. Joel has which type of​ power?


Management at Lucky Lines Manufacturing is upset with the union and has decided not to allow union employees to come to work. Lucky Lines is implementing which of the​ following?


is the extent to which people believe that their behavior has a real effect on what happens to them.

Locus of control

Which of the following describes the most frequent method of setting performance goals to direct and motivate​ behavi

Management by objective

What do marketers use to help identify the objectives the marketing group wants to accomplish in the future?

Marketing plan

Which of the following is focused on how to increase value for the customer?

Marketing strategies

Which activity is more of a focus in leadership than management?


Which of the following Acts established a procedure for employees to vote on whether or not they want to have a union in the workplace?

National Labor Relations Act

People who need to seek approval from​ others, need to be reassured​ constantly, and are worried about​ others' feelings have a high level of which of the​ following?

Need for affiliation

Which of the following theories is BEST defined as the theory of leadership that is a direct extension of the expectancy theory of motivation?

Path-goal theory

Which of the following is a belief of Theory X managers?

People are naturally lazy and uncooperative.

As a salesman for Fantastic​ Pharmaceuticals, Mitch is expected to keep his current customers happy and find new customers who want to order his​ company's products. Which term BEST describes Fantastic​ Pharmaceuticals' expectation of​ Mitch?

Performance behavior

Which of the following BEST describes the work related behaviors expected of​ employees?

Performance behaviors

What are consumer goods?

Physical products purchased by consumers for personal use

Exciting​ Electronics, Inc. provides options for its customers. Its products can be purchased online or at retail stores. What is Exciting Electronics​ providing?

Place utility

Zoe is enrolled in a management program at the local university. Not only does her company pay for the​ classes, if she completes the program and earns her​ degree, she will receive a pay increase. This is an example of which of the​ following?

Positive reinforcement

Which of the following BEST describes the act of transferring product ownership to customers by setting prices, terms for credit payments, and providing ownership documents?

Possession utility

Anton receives annual performance appraisals. Although his performance has generally been good during the past​ year, he receives a poor evaluation because his productivity has suffered over the last couple of weeks. Which error in performance appraisal does this BEST​ describe?

Recency error

Which of the following terms BEST describes the physical products purchased by consumers for personal use?

Consumer goods

Bill has missed work 5 times in the last month. Which of the following BEST describes​ Bill's absenteeism?

Counterproductive behavior

Which of the following is the broad concept that encompasses both international differences and diversity-based differences with the organization?



person who purchases products for personal use


physical container in which a product is sold, advertised, or protected

During a labor action against a retail​ store, workers assemble near the entrance to the​ store, trying to persuade coworkers and customers to refrain from entering the store. This is an example of​ _______.


Inventory control and transportation options are part of which of the four​ "Ps" of​ marketing?


Which of the following is the element of the marketing mix concerned with getting products from producers to consumers?


A manager who believes in will provide some type of reward to employees who exhibit behaviors that she wants to see.

positive reinforcement


price reduction offered as an incentive to purchase


process of determining what a company will receive in exchange for its products


process of using symbols to communicate the qualities of a product made by a particular producer

The element of the marketing mix that includes personal​ selling, publicity and public​ relations, and direct or interactive marketing is​ _______.


Product Placement

promotional tactic for brand exposure in which characters in television, film, music, magazines, or video games use a real product with its brand visible to viewers

Employees' expectations of their contributions and organizations' expectations of inducements constitute .

psychological contracts

Odd-Even Pricing

psychological pricing tactic based on the premise that customers prefer prices not stated in even dollar amounts

Employees of Magnificent Manufacturing are spending the weekend restoring a home for a local family in need. The company and some of its vendors have provided all the necessary materials and company employees will make the repairs. Magnificent Manufacturing has written a news release and sent it to the local television stations and newspapers. This is an example of​ ________.

public relations

Alison was suspended without pay from her job as a customer service representative for cursing at a customer. According to​ reinforcement/behavior modification, this is an example of​ _______.


For every​ $100 Jason spends each month on groceries at his favorite​ store, he receives 10 cents off a gallon of​ gas, so Jason often will drive out of his way to shop at this store. This is an example of​ _______

relationship marketing


reviving obsolete or older products for new markets

Carrie asks to be part of a new project because she values the praise she will receive from her manager. Carrie's manager has .

reward power

Custom Cosmetics is offering a free gift with any purchase of​ $25 or more. This is an example of​ ________.

sales promotion

Breakeven Point

sales volume at which the seller's total revenue from sales equals total costs (variable and fixed) with neither profit nor loss Profit = Total Revenue − (Total Fixed Cost + Total Variable Cost)

Product Life Cycle (PLC)

series of stages in a product's commercial life

Those firms that provide services to consumers collectively comprise a group called the .

services company market

Price Skimming

setting an initially high price to cover new product costs and generate a profit

According to​ Maslow's Hierarchy of Human​ Needs, an individual who seeks​ friendship, interaction with other​ people, and affection is looking to fulfill​ _______ needs.


A company stops using a celebrity in its ads because he was reported to have made offensive racial comments. This is an example of how the​ ________ environment affects marketing.


The environment is the customs, mores, values, and demographic characteristics of the society in which an organization functions.


Each of the following is an example of an employee contribution to the organization EXCEPT​ _______.


Speed to Market

strategy of introducing new products to respond quickly to customer or market changes

Product ideas

typically come from consumers, the sales force, R&D departments, suppliers, or engineering personnel

Joni and Scott​ co-teach a third grade class at the elementary school. Joni teaches on Tuesdays and​ Thursdays; Scott teaches on​ Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. They share the​ position's salary and benefits on a proportional basis. This best describes​ _______.

work sharing

Joshua believes that if his employees enjoy their​ work, derive satisfaction from​ it, and are​ motivated, then the department will reach its goals. Joshua is exhibiting which of the​ following?

​Employee-focused leader behavior

Which theory of leadership suggests that subordinates are members of an​ "in-group" or an​ "out-group," and the​ leader's behavior toward them varies depending upon the group to which they​ belong?

​Leader-member exchange​ (LMX) model

​______________, if managed correctly by a​ company, is likely to result in higher performance and more positive attitudes from employees.

​Person-job fit

According to the​ path-goal theory of​ leadership, which of the following includes being friendly and​ approachable?

​Task-focused leader behavior

Jolene tells her employees exactly how they should perform each task. She feels the tasks must be performed as she​ describes, or the department might not meet its goals. Jolene is exhibiting which of the​ following?

​Task-focused leader behavior

Which of the following are most companies required by law to provide to their​ employees?

​Workers' compensation insurance

A psychological contract requires​ ______________ on the part of the employee and​ _____________ on the part of the​ organization, although the terms of this contract are not always explicitly negotiated.

​contributions; inducements

The director of an art gallery asks you to help her come up with a policy regarding when to include her employees in the​ decision-making process, and when to be more autocratic. Your MOST LIKELY suggestion would be to adopt the​ _____________.

​decision-tree approach

Kimberly is a​ warm, nurturing manager. Her staff knows that they can always come to her with their​ problems, work-related or​ not, and she will do what she can to help. This BEST describes​ _______.

​employee-focused leader behavior

You have just discovered that one of your most​ effective, creative, and​ long-term team members is desperately unhappy in her work translating English product instructions into her native​ language, Spanish. In her spare​ time, she paints and has even shown her artwork in galleries. Her unhappiness is MOST LIKELY due to​ poor_______.

​person-job fit

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on​ ________.

​race, color,​ religion, gender, or national origin

Overall, Jonah feels good about himself. He knows he​ isn't without​ faults, but he believes he is a caring​ person, a​ trustworthy, conscientious​ employee, and a loving husband and father. This reflects​ Jonah's _______.


You are choosing between two candidates for a​ top-level management position in your company. You have been focusing on employee​ satisfaction, motivation, and​ well-being, but the production systems seem to be holding up further progress toward company goals. The BEST fit for this new position would be someone who demonstrates​ _______.

​task-focused leadership behavior

Individuals with the ability to influence others with an interpersonal attraction that inspires support and acceptance display .

charismatic leadership

Threatening to suspend employees if they​ don't do as they are told is an example of use of​ ___________ power.


Concept testing

companies use market research to get consumers' input about benefits and prices

Market Share (or Market Penetration)

company's percentage of the total industry sales for a specific product type

Many organizations now host a comment section on a website, allowing consumers to post opinions about products or activities. These websites are known as .

corporate blogs

Variable Cost

cost that changes with the quantity of a product produced and sold

Fixed Cost

cost that is incurred regardless of the quantity of a product produced and sold

An organized method that a business uses to build better information connections with clients, so that managers can develop stronger enterprise-client relationships is referred to as .

customer relationship management (CRM)

The ultimate goal of the collective bargaining process is to​ _______.

draft an acceptable labor contract

The environment is the relevant conditions that exist in the economic system in which a company operates.



eliminate ideas that do not mesh with the firm's abilities or objectives

Each​ year, all employees at Antonetti Systems are required to complete an​ "internal résumé" that updates their​ education, work​ experience, and career aspirations. This data is then used by the H.R. department to identify qualified internal candidates for promotional opportunities. It appears that Antonetti Systems uses​ a(n) _______.

employee information system​ (skills inventory)

Prototype development

engineering, R&D, or design groups produce a prototype

As a result of several highly public business scandals, many organizations now place an emphasis on , requiring leaders to take personal responsibility for decisions.

ethical leadership

Capital Items

expensive, long-lasting, infrequently purchased industrial products, such as a building, or industrial services, such as a long-term agreement for data warehousing services

Specialty Goods/Services

expensive, rarely purchased physical goods

When it comes to the network​ system, Alisha is the​ "go-to-girl." She knows more about the system that anyone else in the​ company, and if there is a​ problem, Alisha can fix it. In terms of the network​ system, Alisha has​ _______ power.


Brand Awareness

extent to which a brand name comes to mind when a consumer considers a particular product category

The human resource manager is spending the day at the​ University, talking with students who might be interested in participating in the​ company's management development program. The human resource manager is participating in which of the​ following?

extrenal recruiting

Breakeven Analysis

for a particular selling price, assessment of the seller's costs versus revenues at various sales volume

The Equal Pay Act prohibits discrimination in pay based on​ _______.


A nationwide department store features a broader selection of winter coats and boots in its stores located in states with cooler climates than in its stores in states with warmer climates. This marketing decision reflects​ _______ segmentation.


Production Items

goods or services that are used in the conversion (production) process to make other products

Product Line

group of products that are closely related because they function in a similar manner or are sold to the same customer group who will use them in similar ways

The owner of an​ Internet-based mail-order safety razor distributor hired you to increase sales using psychographics. Which of the following would be the BEST choice to work​ on?

he owner of an​ Internet-based mail-order safety razor distributor hired you to increase sales using psychographics. Which of the following would be the BEST choice to work​ on?

To rectify a situation of high turnover caused by a number of dissatisfied employees leaving the firm, managers could implement a program, which would give employees more incentive to stay by adding motivating factors to their daily activities.

job enrichment

Will is a new manager in a group that is highly​ cohesive, with a​ long-standing high level of performance norms. Will is finding it hard to implement change within the group. The cohesiveness and performance levels are acting as​ _____.

leadership neutralizers

Your supervisor has the ability to establish your work schedule and assign work tasks. Your supervisor has​ _______ power.


Masai​ doesn't believe that​ "luck happens." He is convinced that you make your own luck in life. This BEST describe​ Masai's _______.

locus of control

An employee and manager who work together to set up and measure individual performance goals that contribute to organizational goals are demonstrating .

management by objectives

Marvelous Merchandise has identified the categories of customers who have similar wants and needs and who are likely to be interested in its products. This is an example of​ ________.

market segmentation

Business analysis

marketers compare production costs and benefits

Product Extension

marketing an existing product globally instead of just domestically

Shopping Goods/Services

moderately expensive, infrequently purchased physical goods

Product Adaptation

modifying an existing product for greater appeal in different countries

Cecil works diligently in order to maximize his productivity. The set of forces that causes him to behave in this manner is known as .


The set of forces that cause people to behave in certain ways is known as​ _________.


Ron always wants to know how many successful sales calls he's made at the end of each day. He's constantly trying new methods and processes in order to figure out what will be most successful. Ron is motivated by a high .

need for achievement

Barbara works in a remote office a few hundred miles away from​ headquarters, where her boss works. Her boss visits​ Barbara's office once or twice a​ year, but Barbara is generally able to​ "do her own​ thing" between those visits. The physical distance between Barbara and her boss is a leadership​ _______.


Marketing are the things marketing intends to accomplish in its marketing plan.


In setting up training for assembling​ radios, your BEST modality would be​ _______.

on-the-job training

You have been working hard to impress your boss. In addition to your attention to both quality and quantity of​ work, you show up on​ time, leave promptly at the end of the​ day, and keep to​ yourself, ignoring office politics. You have been passed over for​ promotions, despite your excellent work performance. This is MOST LIKELY due to your lack of​ _______.

organizational citizenship

A manager observes an employee during a work day and rates her work on a scale of 1 to 5. He then provides her with a written report of his perception of her strengths and weaknesses. The manager has engaged in​ ________.

performance appraisal

Work-related behaviors that directly contribute to productivity and that an organization expects employees to display are known as​ _______.

performance behaviors


-a person's ability to get along with others

Stock options provided to executives are known as which of the​ following?


Social skills

-a person's ability to get along with others and to establish positive relationships

Which of the following laws established a minimum wage and requires employers to pay overtime rates for work in excess of 40 hours per​ week?

Fair Labor Standards Act

Stages in the PLC

-Introduction -Growth -Maturity -Decline

Industrial Buyer

-a company or other organization that buys products for use in producing other products (goods or services)

The "Big Five" Personality Traits

- agreebleness - conscientiousness -emotionality - extraversion - openess

Four General Dimensions

-Extraversion vs. Introversion -Sensing vs. Intuition -Thinking vs. Feeling -Judging vs. Perceiving

Pricing Existing Products - Three Options

1.Pricing above prevailing market prices for similar products to take advantage of the common assumption that higher price means higher quality 2.Pricing below market prices while offering a product of comparable quality to higher-priced competitors 3.Pricing at or near market prices

According to the Family and Medical Leave Act​ (FMLA) of​ 1993, employees are eligible to receive up to​ _______ in the event of family and medical​ emergencies

12 weeks of unpaid leave

Due to increased demand for​ products, your privately held manufacturing company recently grew from 26​ full-time employees to more than 190. The organizational structure was fairly hierarchical and​ tall, with most employees hired by you and reporting directly to you. Growth has forced you to flatten the​ organization, promoting people from within to supervisory​ positions, but you are still the only person in a management position. Which of the following​ upper-level positions would be the BEST choice to add first in this​ situation?

A human resource manager

Which of the following BEST defines a cost-of-living adjustment?

A labor contract clause tying future raises to changes in consumer purchasing power

Which of the following BEST illustrates a​ bonus?

An employee reaches a sales goal and receives extra pay.

Which of the following is the BEST description of a coalition?

An informal alliance of individuals or groups formed to achieve a common goal

Which of the following BEST describes the institutional market?

An organizational market consisting of such nongovernmental buyers of goods and services as hospitals, churches, museums, and charitable organizations

Mediocre Manufacturing and its union are not able to come to an agreement on how to resolve a labor dispute. They call in a third party to help work out a settlement. Both Mediocre Manufacturing and the union have agreed to comply with the decision of this third party. Which of the following BEST describes this​ process?


is a method for resolving a labor dispute in which both parties agree to submit to the judgment of a neutral party.


Enron stands out as one of the most spectacular failures in business​ history, attributed mostly to the charismatic but misguided leadership of Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling.​ However, charismatic leaders can also influence​ ethical, productive behavior. If you wanted to become a more charismatic​ leader, which of the following talents would you choose as the BEST to work on as part of your professional development​ plan?

Articulating and promoting a compelling vision

Which of the following BEST describes the new role of an organizational leader who works to mentor employees and resolve conflicts among team members?

As that of a coach

What is the first step a manager should take when developing a training​ plan?

Assess training needs

Purchasing products in bulk and buying items for specific situations or for specific purposes are examples of which of the​ following?

Behavioral variables

Which of the following BEST describes employment-at-will?

Both the employer and the employee have the right to end the work relationship at any time unless there is a law to the contrary

Yummy Potato Chips sells potato chips and other snack goods to the local University. The person who places the order for the University learned that workers at Yummy Potato Chips were on strike because of a disagreement between the union and the​ company's management. The University has now refused to buy products from Yummy Potato Chips until the strike is resolved. What action is the University taking part​ in?


All cell phone companies have similar​ products, so their advertising focuses on convincing potential customers of the benefits their products offer. What are these companies​ facing?

Brand competition

When marketers use behavior segmentation to better reach an audience, how is the audience classified?

By types of buyers

Sue is concerned at the cost of benefits and wants to contain the costs without taking benefits away from her employees. Which of the following will help Sue reach her​ goal?

Cafeteria benefits plan

Which of the following could be true of charismatic​ leaders?

Charismatic leaders can cause followers to engage in unethical or illegal behavior.

Martin Luther King exhibited which of the​ following?

Charismatic leadership

Which of the following Acts made it easier for employees to sue an organization for potential violation of the Act, but limited potential punitive damages awarded?

Civil Rights Act of 1991

Dave knows he needs to lose weight to stay​ healthy, but he just​ can't resist those hot dogs from the gas station. He feels guilty every time he eats​ them, but​ can't seem to make himself stop. Which of the following is Dave​ experiencing?

Cognitive dissonance

Making​ Stuff, Inc. and the union leadership are negotiating​ compensation, benefits, job​ securing, and other issues for the new contract. In which of the following are company management and the union​ participating?

Collective bargaining

is the process by which labor and management negotiate conditions of employment for union-represented workers.

Collective bargaining

Which of the following is the BEST example of a nonprogrammed decision?

Deciding whether to add a mental health outpatient program on the hospital's campus

Dan is an​ outgoing, personable, confident​ entrepreneur, and his business partner is brilliantly​ creative, always striving to improve and change the organization. Neither of them are very detail​ oriented, so they are looking for a third member to round out their leadership team. Which would be the BEST set of attributes to seek out in a new team​ member?

Decision- and​ task-oriented

Phillipe believes his employees are hardworking and will generally make and support decisions that benefit the organization. Phillipe uses many leadership​ styles, depending on the situation. He firmly believes that allowing a subordinate to participate in the​ decision-making process should depend on the​ situation, and he does not solicit their input for all decisions. Which leadership style does Phillipe​ use?

Decision-tree approach

Which market segment uses​ age, income,​ gender, ethnic​ background, marital​ status, race, and religion to separate​ consumers?

Demographic segmentation

What is the first step in developing a training​ plan?

Determining what training needs exist

Your boss recently read that 20 percent of a​ company's current customers provide 80percent of the revenue​ (the Pareto​ principle) and, based on this​ information, he wants to know what he could do to increase company profits. Which of the following marketing initiatives would be the BEST​ recommendation?

Develop a customer relationship management​ (CRM) system.

is the process of teaching professionals the skills needed to be successful on the job, both now and in the future.


As the newly hired manager of a small coffee shop just off the main retail street in​ town, you have been asked to increase the bottom line without spending a great deal more on promotion. Which of the following elements of the marketing mix would be your BEST​ focus?


As the human resource manager of an auto​ dealership, you have been put in charge of assessing the personalities of the sales staff to help them become more​ self-motivated, self-aware,​ empathic, and socially appropriate. Which type of assessment would be the BEST choice for this​ assignment?

Emotional intelligence

Which of the following statements about job satisfaction is FALSE?

Employees who experience high levels of job satisfaction at their organization will be more productive.

Which of the following is a TRUE statement about job satisfaction?

Employees who have a greater level of organizational commitment will likely overlook minor areas of dissatisfaction with their jobs.

Which of the following BEST describes a psychological contract between employees and the organization?

Employees' expectations of their contributions and organizations' expectations of inducements

Which legal concept gives the employee and the employer both the right to end a work relationship when the relationship is no longer beneficial to them?


Which of the following BEST describes the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974?

Ensures the financial security of pension funds by regulating how they can be invested

Under which legal concept are employers required to treat all those who apply for positions fairly, but are not required to seek out and hire minorities?

Equal employment opportunity

On December​ 31, you award your hardest working employee who has been with you for 20 years a​ $10,000 bonus. You also give employees who have been with you for far less time a​ $2,000 bonus. Although this was not made​ public, the newer employees found out about the discrepancy and are now grumbling. What motivational theory relates to this​ situation?


Which of the following terms is a condition in which a decision maker becomes so committed to a course of action that they stay with it even when it appears to have been wrong?

Escalation of commitment

Andrew is a recent college graduate and has job offers from three large firms in the local area. Although each company offers a variety of benefits and competitive​ salaries, Andrew is much more interested in the work at each job. He wants an opportunity to distinguish himself and be rewarded for working hard. Andrew should work for the firm that subscribes to which motivational​ theory?

Expectancy theory

Monica has been an administrative assistant in the organization for many years. She is often asked to explain relationships with customers or past incidents that few others remember. What type of power does Monica hold in the​ organization?


Which of the following types of powers is the power derived from information?


Josh has lots of energy and always engages his coworkers. He is known as the​ "life of the​ party" and has never met a stranger. Which of the personality dimensions does Josh​ exhibit?


Which of the following distributes bonuses to employees when a company's costs are reduced through improved work efficiency?

Gainsharing plan

Which element of the marketing mix is supported by place utility?

Getting products from producers to consumers

There are many factors that can act as leadership substitutes and neutralizers within the organization. What type of neutralizing factor takes place in an organization where there is a high level of teamwork and​ cohesiveness, and team members are​ interdependent?

Group factors

Vanessa knows that Susan always has high volume and helps the production line move faster. Vanessa rated Susan high on that area of her​ performance, then also rated her highly on​ dependability, quality, and teamwork. In her assessment of​ Susan, Vanessa has likely committed which of the following​ errors?


Which of the following describes the value of investing in the people who comprise an​ organization?

Human capital

Which of the following examples BEST illustrates the influence of Machiavellianism?

Jakayla lied and told her boss she contributed more than her team members to increase her chance of being promoted to the senior project lead position.

Which of the following BEST describes​ wages?

Jan is paid​ $13.75 per hour.

Jane has always rewarded her employees for a job well​ done, often giving bonuses or pay increases to recognize the efforts of the staff.​ However, the financial difficulties currently being faced by the company are acting as leadership neutralizers. How should Jane react to this​ neutralizer?

Jane must identify a new approach to motivating her employees.

Which of the following BEST describes a​ job's main​ duties, working​ conditions, and the tools needed to perform the​ job?

Job description

The statement​ "A Bachelor's​ degree, 5 years experience in a similar​ field, and working knowledge of Microsoft Office​ program" would be found in which of the​ following?

Job specification

Which of the following examples BEST illustrates a high degree of risk propensity?

Jonas "borrows" $500 from petty cash and uses the money to buy lottery tickets in hopes of being able to pay back his colleague.

When a firm invests in highly specialized training of engineers, scientists, and technology specialists, they are investing in which segment of their workforce?

Knowledge workers

June​ doesn't have direct​ authority; however, because she is knowledgeable and always willing to​ help, those in her department look to her for direction and advice. June generally assigns tasks and encourages her coworkers to achieve. Which of the following BEST describes​ June's role?


John is paid​ $40,000 per year to perform his job as marketing​ analyst, regardless of the number of hours he works. John is receiving which of the​ following?


​Brittany's employees enjoy working for​ her, mostly because she is willing to listen to their ideas and consider new ways of doing things. This often makes the whole team more efficient. Which of the following personality dimensions does Brittany​ demonstrate?


Melinda is known to be helpful to new employees who are learning their jobs. In​ addition, she is always willing to stay late to help her coworkers when they are up against deadlines. Melinda is exhibiting which of the​ following?

Organizational citizenship

Which of the following is BEST described as the pattern of positive employee behaviors that directly or indirectly influence the organization's effectiveness?

Organizational citizenship

Which of the following MOST LIKELY contributed to the United Airlines public relations crisis that was triggered when security officers dragged Dr. David Dao from United Express Flight 3411 in April​ 2017?

Organizational factors

Which of the following is an example of the Hawthorne effect?

Parker's employees are more productive because he pays close attention to them

Even though she is the​ manager, Gayle always includes her employees when making decisions that affect the department. She values their opinions and their​ knowledge, and considers their input. Gayle is exhibiting which type of leader​ behavior?

Participative leader behavior

​Gerry, the Engineering Manager for Magnificent​ Mustangs, used to have to get several approvals for any expenses over​ $10,000. Most of the equipment and parts necessary for his department are well over this​ amount, and the purchasing process was very slow. Gerry and his boss agreed that Gerry should have more say in how he manages his​ budget, so his boss agreed that Gerry can now approve expenditures up to​ $100,000. This is an example of which of the​ following?

Participative management

Ruby is turned down for a promotion at work because she​ doesn't have a college​ degree, so she decides to go back to school. Which step of the consumer buying process does this BEST​ describe?

Problem or need recognition

A mattress company advertises that they have a new technology that is so​ good, you​ won't have to count sheep to fall asleep and​ you'll finally get a good​ night's sleep. What is the mattress company attempting to​ accomplish?

Product differentiation

What is the process used to fix, adapt, or communicate information about a product?

Product positioning

The marketing mix is comprised of which four basic​ components?

Product, pricing,​ place, and promotion

An employer wants to provide an incentive to all employees in the organization. What type of incentive would provide employees with a bonus based on how much money is made over a predetermined base level?

Profit sharing

influences on consumer behavior include an individual's motivations, perceptions, ability to learn, and attitudes that marketers use to study buying behavior.


Stuart is appraising his​ employees' performance. The system the company uses asks Stuart to compare each of his employees with a set standard. Which type of appraisal is Stuart​ using?


While reorganizing your​ company, employees are being shifted into new and different positions You want to make sure that you maintain a good​ person-job fit. Which tool would be your BEST​ choice?

Realistic job preview​ (RJP)

​Steve, the plant​ manager, takes every candidate out to the production floor and shows them where they will be​ working, what tools and equipment they will​ use, and even introduces them to some of the employees the candidate will work beside. Which of the following terms BEST defines this​ process?

Realistic job preview​ (RJP)

Belinda is anticipating one of her managers being promoted to a new position and needs to determine who in the company is​ ready, or almost​ ready, to move into a​ management-level position. Belinda will benefit from which of the​ following?

Replacement chart

Before products are delivered to the final consumer, they are passed through intermediaries such as wholesalers and retailers. These intermediaries make up what type of market?


Sam told two of his employees that if they work​ hard, he would recommend them for the acquisition team assigned to the new organizational venture. Sam is using which type of​ power?


Which of the following is an organizational factor that mitigates the need for a leader to direct employee​ performance, thus serving as a leadership​ substitute?

Rigid rules and procedures

Which of the following can be described as the extent to which a decision maker is willing to gamble when making a decision?

Risk propensity

is(are) the compensation in the form of money paid for discharging the responsibilities of a job.


Scott is a stay at home dad who has been working on a​ part-time basis from home. His children are now in school all​ day, and he feels ready to go back to work full time but needs to be able to get the kids on the​ bus, be there when they get home from​ school, and be available when school is not in session.​ However, to go back to work full time also means he must be available to customers. How can Scott and his employer create a work schedule that accommodates the needs of Scott and his​ family, the​ organization, and the​ customers?

Scott's employer could allow him to telecommute.

Which of the following BEST describes the leader-member exchange (LMX) model?

The approach to leadership that stresses the importance of variable relationships between supervisors and each of their subordinates

What is the definition of organizational citizenship?

The behavior of individuals who make a positive overall contribution to the organization

Which of the following BEST defines the services company market?

The collection of firms that provide services to consumers

Which of the following BEST defines cognitive dissonance?

The conflict and anxiety experienced by an individual when two sets of cognitions or perceptions are contradictory or incongruent

Which of the following BEST defines worker's compensation insurance?

The continuation of a worker's pay when they are injured on the job, until they are able to work again

Which of the following BEST describes product differentiation?

The creation of a product feature or product image that differs enough from existing products to attract customers

Which of the following BEST describes state of risk?

The decision maker estimates the probability of advantages and disadvantages associated with each alternative

What is consumer behavior?

The decision-making process used when buying and using products

Which of the following is the BEST description of risk propensity?

The extent to which a decision maker is willing to gamble when making a decision

Which of the following BEST defines the​ person-job fit?

The extent to which a​ person's contributions and the​ organization's inducements match one another

Which of the following BEST describes locus of control?

The extent to which people believe that their behavior has a real effect on what happens to them

What is the meaning of person-job fit?

The extent to which the contributions an individual makes to an organization matches that organization's inducements

Which of the following BEST describes a social influence on the life of a consumer?

The influence of family, friends, and coworkers

Becky has designed a training seminar to help employees better understand their levels of emotional intelligence. The goal of the seminar is to help employees improve their social​ skills, communication​ styles, and interaction preferences. Which of the following can Becky use to help employees assess personality traits in themselves and​ others?

The​ Myers-Briggs framework

Which of the following is considered to be a contingent worker?

Those hired to complete a specific project without long-term ties

A retail store increases its hours of operation so that it is open from​ 9:00 a.m. until​ 9:00 p.m. Monday through​ Friday, and​ 9:00 a.m. until​ 6:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Which form of utility does this​ represent?


Which of the following BEST describes the goals of participative management and empowerment?

To allow employees to take greater responsibility for their own performance in order to increase job satisfaction

How can a manager utilize the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator when working with their staff?

To assess dimensions of personality such as sensing or judging

How can social networking be utilized by marketers?

To build relationships among users based on a free flow of information

Which of the following BEST describes the role of the EEOC?

To enforce employment related laws, including the Civil Rights Act and Title VII

Which of the following is the purpose of a marketing plan?

To identify the objectives the marketing group wants to accomplish in the future

Which of the following BEST describes how organizations use corporate blogs?

To provide market research for the organization

Which of the following allows the parties in a collective bargaining contract to evaluate and adjust wages at preset times prior to expiration of the​ contract?

Wage reopener clause

Angry with her supervisor over a​ reprimand, Alisha deliberately pours her soft drink on a​ coworker's keyboard. This is an example of​ _______.

a counterproductive behavior

According to the​ path-goal theory, a manager who displays​ _______ leader behavior will establish challenging goals for his​ subordinates, expect excellence in​ performance, and display confidence in their abilities.


A person with a high level of is gentle, cooperative, forgiving, understanding, and good-natured in their dealings with others.



amount added to an item's purchase cost to sell it at a profit Markup percentage = Markup divided by sales price times 100%

Health insurance, vacation days, and retirement plans are all examples of


Consumers find a favorite product and buy it over and over again, becoming less influenced by marketing attempts. These consumers have a high degree of .

brand loyalty

Licensed Brands

brand-name product for whose name the seller has purchased the right from an organization or individual

National Brands

brand-name product produced by, widely distributed by, and carrying the name of a manufacturer

Private Brand (or Private Label)

brand-name product that a wholesaler or retailer has commissioned from a manufacturer

Whether a company is deciding what products to carry or what kind of management style to adopt, the process of observing, evaluating, and choosing are part of the .

decision-making process

Erica has what is best described as a magnetic personality. She has done such an excellent job of communicating her vision for the organization to the staff and making them believe that it will happen that they seem willing to follow her to the​ "ends of the​ earth." This BEST describes​ _______ leadership.


Segmenting a broad target market on the basis of factors such as​ age, gender,​ income, family​ size, and occupation is​ _______ segmentation.


To better determine what types of goods and services consumers are interested in, corporations use to collect information about consumers, looking for clues about how consumers can be influenced in their purchase decision.

data mining

Expense Items

industrial products purchased and consumed within a year by firms producing other products

Convenience Goods/Services

inexpensive physical goods that are consumed rapidly and regularly

When the sales department needs to hire more staff, the corporate skills inventory system was used to determine if any current employees had the skills needed for the new position. This is an example of .

internal recruiting

According to the Myers-Briggs framework, the dimension of sensing versus describes whether a person prefers concrete things or more abstract concepts.


In anticipation of filling a new position within the​ organization, Kendra prepares a document that lists the duties and responsibilities of​ job, along with its working​ conditions, and the​ tools, materials,​ equipment, and information used to perform it. This document is known as a​ _______.

job description

Product Features

tangible and intangible qualities that a company builds into its products

Krazy Kids focuses its advertising toward females between the ages of 25 and 35 with children under 6 years​ old, who live within a major city. This is the​ company's ________.

target market

In running your bookkeeping​ business, you find it hard to keep good employees because the commute into the city can take as long as two hours each way. To reduce​ turnover, your BEST alternatives would be to​ offer_______ and​ _______.

telecommuting; flextime

Product testing and test marketing

test the product to see if it meets performance requirements

Parker knows that if he keeps an eye on his employees by periodically walking around the production floor, he can increase their productivity through what's known as .

the Hawthorne effect

Legitimate power is based on .

the authority inherent in the organizational hierarchy


the company begins full-scale production and marketing

Product Mix

the group of products that a firm makes available for sale

An​ individual's beliefs about the exchange of effort for rewards in the workplace form the basis of​ _______.

the psychological contract

Both​ task-focused and​ employee-focused leadership represent a move away from the​ ________ approach and toward a more​ _________ approach to leadership.

trait; behavioral

Leading for change is the focus of​ _______ leadership.


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