Test 3 Study Guide

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What lifestyles should a woman avoid?

Never turn to prostitution, fornication, or adultery She needs to be discerning in relationships She needs to find the line between being a faithful helpmate and not being a contentious and continual nag She needs to avoid being an angry and hateful woman

Is failure the end of the line? Why or why not?

No, God is merciful and gracious first, judgment second

What should we rejoice in before God?

Nothing is better than that we should rejoice in the works of our hands, being accountable before God

What does scripture teach about bringing correction to each other's lives?

Open rebuke is better than secret love Faithful are the wounds of a friend Iron sharpens iron

What are biblical conclusions to the family from Proverbs?

Parents are to teach. The words of parents have a purpose and both parents need to understand this responsibility Children are to learn. Children need to be encouraged to obey their parents and heed their words Love is to predominate. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a fatted calf with hatred

What consequences do we face if we fail to train our children properly?

Parents' attitude toward the child: grief, bitterness, ruin, shame, disgrace, lost inheritance Child's attitude toward his parents: despises them, robs them, drives them out, curses them, mocks them

What does Proverbs say are benefits of biblical training?

Parents: joy, rest & delight Child: happiness, an understanding heart, power (strength), humility

Why do some people struggle with a symbolic use of these pictures as a relationship with God?

People struggle with this interpretation because they know little of an intimate relationship with God

How do we create a home where children feel safe and secure?

Place our confidence in the Lord & walk in integrity

What are results of life for the sluggard as he awakes from slumber?

Poverty Drudgery Hunger Obscurity Chaos

What sins are recognized at the end of Chapter one?

Recognition of rebellion Recognition of her false confidences Request to see the same judgment on her enemies

What are end results of righteousness? Immorality?

Righteousness: Life is not lived in brief snapshots of moments but over a lifetime. The world says marriage is a barrier to sexual enjoyment. Proverbs teaches that marriage is a wall of protection that increases the pleasure of sex; it does not destroy or demean it. A good wife is from the Lord Immorality: Brings poverty Destroys the quality of life Brings death Is a deep pit of destruction

What should be our prayer before God in relation to using time wisely?

Seek God's guidance, enablement, and wisdom

Why can we take an unashamed appreciation of the sexual presentations of this book?

Sensuous love is part of God's intent & design for marriage Sex was God's creative design Sex was and is distorted by men and women who walk according to the flesh God's Word teaches the sanctity of marriage, and the joy of sexual appreciation for each other As with all things material & physical, sexual fulfillment is not an idol to worship, but a joy and privilege to be thankful for should God grant it to us

What conclusions should we take from this book about sex?

Sex is not a dirty word or something to be despised Sex is highly desirable The world doesn't know how to love, so sex becomes a one-night stand of sexual activity, not the beauty of two people becoming one God created you for intimacy with himself; are you seeking Him with your life?

What is the spiritual decline described in Chapter 5 of Proverbs (sexually)?

Sexual sin is disappointing Experience goes from sweetness to bitterness Gain to loss Purity to pollution Freedom to bondage

What are the losses found in Chapter 6 (because of sexual failures)?

Sexual sin is gradually destructive They lose the word of God They lose wealth They lose enjoyment They lose good sense They lose peace

What is the most visible area of failure in a Christian's life, indicating a walk in the flesh?

Sexual sin is the most visible area where pride manifests itself in a fall

What are some highlights of the virtuous woman?

She is rare and her price is above earthly treasures She brings security to the heart of her husband, who trusts her She works with her hands to do what is necessary for the home She is confident in understanding her place and role in the home She has compassion on others The husband is confident and secure in his place in the community She is diligent in helping to provide for the needs of the family She is characterized by strength and honor She uses her tongue with wisdom and kindness Her children and husband respect her Her virtue comes from living in the fear of the Lord. Her main focus is on inward beauty

What is society's viewpoint of sex?

Society not only smiles at sexual sin it approves and encourages it Wrong Thinking on subject: Life is a game; the rules are constantly changing Sex is fun, so don't take it seriously Men and women look for imaginary expectations of enjoyment in sex without strings of commitment

Who is the accepted author of Song of Solomon?


Who is usually acknowledged as the author of Ecclesiastes?


How does Solomon compare marital love with sexual fornication?

Solomon compares married love to drinking pure water, and compares sexual sin to drinking polluted water

What is a correct view of poverty and its causes?

Spiritually profitable perspectives: Look for enduring wealth Poverty is to be preferred to ill-gotten gain.

How do I deal with failure?

Take full responsiblity Admit when you have failed in an area, such as, lying, cheating, etc... and be honest with yourself, God and others "He who conceals his sins does not prosper" Be willing to accept the consequences if necessary. Whatever they are they are better than the weight of sin and lost fellowship with God. Receive God's forgiveness and mercy Confession is agreement with God regarding sin By faith walk in the freedom of His forgiveness and mercy By God's grace, make correct choices for your life Pray for God to continually reveal your heart to you

What is the main safeguard from sexual error according to Chapter 7?

The Word of God keeps one safe

What should always be the answer of the tongue?

The answer of the tongue should be from the Lord

What lessons do we learn from the ant? The field of the slothful?

The ant- prepares and gathers food even without authority The field of the slothful- uncared for, neglected, leads to poverty

Why should I avoid indebtedness?

The borrower becomes the lender's slave

What are the conclusions of the book of Ecclesiastes?

The fear of God is the chief antidote of vanity God is the ultimate judge

What are important elements for seeking God's Guidance?

The foundation is fear of the Lord & His Word I must desire His will and wisdom with an open heart Weigh consequences of choices carefully Trust in the Lord & His word Avoid the vanity of the world Rest in God's sovereignty even in adversity Walk closely with the Lord - Christianity is about a relationship with the living God

How does he describe the laughter of fools?

The laughter of fools is like the cackling of thorns in a fire

What are five things we should know about money?

The more we have, the more we want The more we have, the more we spend The more we have, the more we worry The more we have, the more we lose The more we have, the more we leave behind

What is certain to come upon us all?

The path of death is sure

What are characteristics of a sluggard?

The sluggard in Proverbs is a figure of tragic comedy He is "hinged" to his bed He's too tired to take his hand out of his dish He's full of preposterous excuses He will not begin things He will not finish things What he has is not put to use He will not face things He is restless He is helpless He is useless to those who employ him He is an embarrassment to his parents He has no self-control or ability to withstand assaults

What are the focal points of hope Jeremiah gives in Lam. 3:21-26?

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him." The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.

What was the conclusion after examining his own search for meaning in things and achievements?

The total summation of having it all was vanity and grasping the wind By itself it added no meaning for life

How should we view what is often seen as urgent?

The urgent is seldom important and the important is seldom urgent

What does he mean by his words being goads?

The words were goads, truths to prod hearts into righteous living

How does Jeremiah describe the results of judgment in 3:1-18?

This is the rod of His wrath God resists the proud Light is turned into darkness Sin crushed their lives, a portrait of reality when sin goes uncensored The chain of disobedience is heavy, the bondage of sin devastating Life became bitter

How does the author view being alone, without companionship or friendship?

Those who live for themselves alone are never satisfied; they labor for vanity Two are better than one as together there is shared satisfaction and life A threefold cord is not quickly broken speaks to the importance of community

What gives us peaceful sleep vs. fitful sleep?

Those who live with contentment sleep peacefully Those who are ensnared by riches sleep fitfully

How does God view my use of time?

Time belongs to God. I am but a steward of God's time.

From what word does the title of the book come? Where is that word found?

Title comes from the first word of three chapters meaning "Alas" or "How," a cry of lament

Why did God create man and woman?

To leave and cleave to each other

What are the three most common problems with time management?

Wasted time, procrastination, over-scheduling

What are the judgments to be faced by believers and unbelievers?

We all appear before the judgment seat of Christ Believers see the true value of their works, gold, silver, precious stones, or wood, hay, and stubble Unbelievers see the waste of their lives for all eternity

What particular miracle does he speak of to show our lack of omniscience?

We do not know the miracle of life, growth in the womb of the mother

What are the three upside-down comparisons in contrast to human perspective?

We think it's strange to die in order to live, or to give in order to receive, or serve in order to lead

What is the initial question of the book?

What profit is there from our labor under the sun

Without God, what is man subject to?

Without God, man is subject to the vanity of the world

What are the two areas of wrath discussed in Chapter two?

Wrath upon the city, wrath upon the people

What is often the outcome of wrestling with debt?

Wrestling with debt leads to rash, unwise decisions of crime, foolish loans, vain purchases, gambling, or stingy attitudes toward giving

What happens to the possessions we accumulate?

You can't take it with you; You leave it behind to others

What choices do you make when you use your time?

You choose to include and exclude simultaneously

How many lives do we have to live? So, what should we do with what we have?

You only have one life to live so use your days well

What are the days of the wicked in the light of eternity?

a shadow

What type of poetic structure are the first four chapters?


How did the Talmud and Mishnah regard this book?

an allegorical picture of the love of God for Israel

Where does integrity begin? What or who must I see as the center of life?

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Everything begins with my relation to and my understanding of God Dishonesty and failures relate to my fallen nature I must be convinced that life is about God & not about me or I will make life and its decisions revolve around what I think is best for me Fellowship with God is a daily relationship A right relationship with God leads to a right relationship with others and a deeper realization of personal needs I begin to live as a servant, caring for others rather than using or manipulating them as instruments to meet my needs

What are false views of corporal discipline?

1. Leave the child to himself: he will develop into a good person. 2. Corporal punishment damages the child (emotionally and psychologically) 3. Parents who truly love their children will use reason not the rod 4. Correcting children when they are too young is a waste of time 5. Discipline creates angry adults

How frequently does the book of Proverbs refer to our speech?

8x The tongue is the second most frequently discussed topic in the book after wisdom

What causes us to ignore or disregard our neighbors?

Lack of wisdom causes us to despise our neighbors

What are the three major ways one can interpret the Song of Solomon?

Symbolic or allegorical, literal, or mixed literal and symbolic

In what ways is Hab. 3:17-19 similar to these verses?

The Lord is my portion, that is enough

What is the end result of making wisdom an end goal of human endeavor?


What does God condemn from our mouths?

A deceitful mouth and perverse lips A false witness or lying lips are an abomination.

What is more important than possessions?

A good name is more important than valuable possessions.

How does the Bible describe a wife from the Lord?

A good thing, a favor or blessing from the Lord Inheritance comes from our fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord

What is the key to having friends?

A man must show himself friendly to have friends

Who gives the 15 reflections that make up this book?

A married woman, Solomon's queen

How important is the tongue - what contrasting powers does it hold?

A matter of life or death Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit A wholesome tongue is a tree of life The wicked with his lies destroys his neighbor

How does Proverbs describe gossips?

A talebearer reveals secrets A man digs up evil and it is like a burning fire on his lips He who repeats a matter separates friends The words of a talebearer are like tasty trifles and people swallow them greedily

What are some wrong choices women can make?

A woman without discretion ends in destruction having wasted her value

What is the warning for men in Proverbs 6:24-26?

Avoid prostitutes and the promiscuous woman

Who are people we should avoid?

Avoid the counsel and enticement of sinners The righteous should choose friends carefully for the way of the wicked leads astray Walk with wise men not fools Don't associate with talebearers and people who flatter with their lips Avoid angry men

What are the three major perspectives on wealth from the supplement?

Can spiritually blind Can cause misplaced trust that leads to spiritual bondage Misplaced desires of wealth become weariness to the soul

What do chapters 1 & 5 focus on in contrast to chapter 2 & 4?

Chapters 1 & 5 focus on the people Chapters 2 & 4 focus on God

What are the closing admonitions on the sluggard?

Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty The diligent will rule over the lazy Develop self-control for self-defense against the enemy

What are some principles for handling or avoiding conflicts?

Don't strive with a man without cause A brother offended is harder to be won than a walled city It is an honor to cease from strife, any fool can start an argument

What are the two major bookends of the study?

Ecc. 1:2-3 presents the initial summation of man without God. The essay in the middle expounds on both aspects of the book ends Ecc. 12:13-14 concludes the matter - the presence of God alone makes life meaningful

What are problems with greed?

Ensnares Never satisfies Leads to gains by violence and sometimes loss of "life"

What questions should we ask when doing evaluation, goal setting, and planning?

Evaluation- "What am I doing?" Goal setting- "What should I be doing and why?" Planning- "How will I do it?"

What are basic fears that lead to lack of integrity?

Fear of punishment, or consequences of it Fear of exposure- discovery of the truth Fear of a lost reputation or losing face in front of others Fear of failure or inadequacy

What are basic reasons for dishonesty?

Fear, greed, poor teaching

What are practical suggestions toward financial freedom?

Get out of binding debts Stop unnecessary expenditures Think before you buy Establish saving, but not hoarding, habits Be diligent

Who alone gives meaning or purpose to life?


Who alone brings value to temporal things of earth?

God alone brings coherence and value to temporal things of earth

What is God's view of lying and deceit?

God hates a liar, & the shedding of innocent blood It is better to be poor with integrity than to be rich without it Dishonest scales are an abomination to the Lord

What does God place in each person that should help us see the vanity of this life?

God puts eternity in the hearts, helping us to see beyond vanity of this life

How should survivors see themselves according to Jeremiah 24?

God's mercies spared them from total destruction

How should we deal with the poor? With our enemies?

Have mercy on the poor Don't mock or oppress the poor Do not say I will recompense evil, wait for the Lord and He will save you Do not rejoice when your enemies fall Don't fret because of evil doers If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, if thirsty give drink, for so you will heap coals of fire on his head. God will reward you

What is the only way man can be satisfied?

He can't be satisfied apart from God, or the life God designed for him.

How does Chapter 7 describe the man who goes after a prostitute or adulterous woman?

He is stupid He tempts Himself He is tempted by the woman He tempts the Lord

What are fruits of diligence?

His material needs are satisfied He finds life He puts bread or food on the table He gains esteem before others

What is the man's responsibility toward his wife? Toward other women? Toward his children?

His wife: He is to love his wife with great desire. He is to be content in the joy of her love and relationship He needs to meet her needs and not cause her to seek fulfillment outside the home He needs to consider what a rare treasure his wife is and esteem her highly Other women: He should not give his strength to other women. This destroys kings. He is to avoid adultery and fornication Toward his children: He should leave an inheritance that transcends the next generation. The implication is that he teaches his son how to live well; he thereby prepares the way for the generation to follow. The father figure should be respected by his children. Parents should live lives in such a way that their children glory in them. This can only be done through a man who loves and nurtures His children in the faith He is a fool if he troubles his own house. He needs to take responsibility as head of the home seriously and lead in righteousness (as opposed to addictive behaviors, deceitful lifestyles, or abusive leadership). This means understanding principles of integrity and righteousness

What areas of life are affected by lack of integrity?

Homework Employment Possessions Shopping Sexual fidelity Taxes and money Laws and rules Conversations Health Sports

What is God's viewpoint?

How can something that feels right be so wrong? - There is a way which is right unto a man but the end thereof is the way of death There is a choice involved - a choice of to whom I give my heart The foundation of warnings involving sex is to pay attention to the word of God

What major relationships in the Old and New testaments open us to a symbolic view of the book?

In the Old Testament Israel is the wife of Jehovah In the New Testament, the Church is the bride of Christ In the parables, God speaks of a wedding feast for the Son

Why does the world reduce sex to one-night stands?

It doesn't know to love

How should Christians view its portrayal of sexual relationships?

It expresses the beauty of God's intended use and enjoyment of sex

What does this book remind us of?

It is a reminder that sin, in spite of all its allurement and excitement, carries with it heavy weights of sorrow, grief, misery, barrenness, and pain

What is the main focus of the essay?

It is an essay on human reasoning, seeing life in the stark nakedness of reality

Why is loving others risky and what helps us to take that risk?

It makes us vulnerable to hurt Christ sets the ultimate standard as the initiator and cause for us to love

How or from whose viewpoint is life portrayed?

It presents a view of life under the sun, defining life from eyes of the author

Why is the Song of Solomon such a mystery?

Its purpose and interpretation is highly debated It is an exotic and beautiful expression of love in ancient literature

What does Jeremiah pray for in his closing prayer - 5:19-22?

Jeremiah calls on the Lord to turn away their captivity You are the eternal God; we have no one else to turn to Renew us as of the days of old. You can do it In your anger you have rejected us

How is the book structured?

Lamentations consists of five dirges or funeral laments

What is Lamentations in relation to the prophecies of Jeremiah?

Lamentations is a mournful postscript to the Book of Jeremiah.

How should we view the life God gives us?

Life is a gift to be used wisely regardless of outcomes

How does the author view life in the sense of newness?

Life is cyclical Life experiences nothing new under the sun History is cyclical, it is not climaxing as men say today

What are good qualities of friendship?

Love - A friend loves at all times, brothers are born for adversity Keep confidences Be lovingly honest with one another Counsel and encourage each other

What are the two great commandments to which all other things relate?

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind Love your neighbor as yourself

What kind of poetry is the Song of Solomon?

Lyric idyll - a narrative poem

What is the term used 9x to describe the elusiveness of finding substance in a material world?

grasping for the wind

What, when facing oppression or trials, is a choice of wisdom?


What are three things this book offers to its survivors?

reproof, instruction, and hope

What does wisdom teach us about the use of our mouth?

self-control and graciousness

What does sin make us?


What is the root problem or source from where the tongue speaks - Matt. 15:18-19?

the heart

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