TETXBOOK: Ch. 12: Gendered Power and Violence

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*blaming the victim*

Saying that rape happens because of the way a woman is dressed or dances or where she goes is *____________________* - holding a person responsible for the harm that another person inflicts. The commentaries by Carrie and Austin offer examples of how both men and women, including women who are victims, can blame the victim.

*Pornography* *erotica*

*________________________* is sexually explicit material that favorably depicts subordination, degradation, and nonconsensual sexual behavior. Pornography is distinct from *______________*, which depicts consensual activities that are desired by and pleasurable to all parties. Unlike erotica, mainstream pornography portrays violence as normal and acceptable. A recent survey found that 83% of men in U.S. colleges who viewed mainstream pornography were more likely to say they would commit rape than men who did not view pornography.


Excision or Clitoridectomy: A second type of female genital surgery is excision or *_________________________*, in which the entire clitoris and parts of the labia minor are removed. Because this surgery greatly diminishes women's ability to experience sexual pleasure, it is believed to reduce the likelihood of women being sexually active before marriage or unfaithful after marriage. Of lesser concern to those who endorse the practice is that it often has medical complications and increases pain and danger in childbirth.

*Gender intimidation*

Gender Intimidation: All of us feel unsafe at times. *_____________________________*, however, exists when people, because of their sex, gender, for sexual orientation, are treated in ways that lead them to feel vulnerable or unsafe. Gender intimidation, also called street harassment, includes groping, stalking, sexist comments, and publicly masturbating in someone's presence.

*Hostile environment harassment*

Hostile Environment: *_______________________________*is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that interferes with a person's ability to perform a job or to gain an education, and/or conduct that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive working environment because of sexualized content to behavior. Whereas quid pro quo harassment pivots on the power differential between perpetrator and victim, hostile environment sexual harassment is often between peers. In fact, the Education Department holds campuses responsible for responding to student-on-student harassment.


Infibulation: The most radical form of genital surgery is *______________________*. This operation, which is usually performed on girls between ages 5 and 8, removes the clitoris and labia minor. Next, the flesh of the labia major is scraped raw and sewn together to form a hood over the vagina, with a small opening left for urination and menstruation, and the girl is kept immobile until the labia grow together. When an infibulated female marries, an opening is cut to permit intercourse. Sometimes the opening is deliberately made extremely small to increase male sexual pleasure, although this makes intercourse painful for women. Husbands may order their wives resign when they travel.

*intimate partner violence*

Intimate Partner Violence: In 2014, the video of Ray Rice punching his then-fiancee Janay Palmer unconscious in an elevator was shown repeatedly on television and the Internet. This incident focused public attention on *_________________________*, which is physical, mental, emotional, verbal, or economic power used by one partner against the other partner in a romantic relationship. Intimate partner violence cuts across many demographics - it is experience and perpetrated by both sexes, members of all races and economic classes, as well as by gays, lesbians, bisexuals, straights, cisgender, and transgender people.

*Male circumcision*

Male Circumcision: *________________________* is the removal of the sheath, or prepuce, of the penis. In many countries, including the U.S., male babies are routinely circumcised because of possible health benefits such as reduction of urinary tract infections and penile cancer. Yet some people view male circumcision as a form of genital mutilation that is unnecessary, dangerous, and painful.

*Quid pro quo harassment*

Quid Pro Quo: Quid pro quo is a Latin phrase that means "this for that." *_____________________________* is the actual or threatened use of professional or academic rewards and/or punishments to gain sexual compliance from a subordinate or student. For instance, a professor might promise a student a good grade in exchange for a date, or a manager might offer a subordinate a promotion in exchange for sex. Quid pro quo harassment may also involve punishing someone for not providing sexual favors. For example, a manager might withhold a promotion from an employee who refuses to have sex.

*Reproductive violence*

Reproductive Violence: *______________________________* is coerced or discriminatory infringement on reproductive rights. It includes force or exploitation that inhibits an individual's free choice of whether, when, and with whom to reproduce, to become a parent, and to parent existing children. In America's early history, these basic rights were denied to slaves. Any children of slaves were legally the "property" of the salve owner; so enslaved mothers, many of whose were raped by owners, had no legal claim to parentage.

*Sexual Assault* *rape*

Sexual Assault: *___________________*is any sexual activity that occurs without the informed consent of at least one of the people involved. Both perpetrators and victims may be of any sex, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity. One type of sexual assault is *_______*, which is one or more acts of nonconsensual oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by a body part of object. Int the United States alone, 10% of women under 20 years are forced into sexual acts. For many years, marital rape was not recognized as a crime in the U.S. -assuming that a woman, once married, gave up the right to refuse sex with her husband. Some countries still don't recognize marital rape as a crime. Trans people are particularly vulnerable - 1 in 2 are sexually abused or assaulted in their lifetimes.

*Sexual harassment*

Sexual Harassment: *______________________* is unwelcome verbal or nonverbal behavior of a sexual nature that links academic or professional standing or success to sexual favors or that interferes with work or learning. Although women are the predominant targets and men are the predominant harassers, the Supreme Court has recognized that either sex can be the target or perpetrator and that people can be harassed by members of their own sex or a different sex. Two broad categories of sexual harassment are quid pro quo harassment and hostile environmental harassment.

*informed consent*

Sexual assault, including rape, occurs whenever one person doesn't give *_______________________* for sexual activity. Informed consent can be given only by an adult who has normal mental abilities, who is not being coerced, and whose judgment is not impaired by alcohol, other drugs, or circumstances. Informed consent can neither be given by children, nor by inmates who are coerced because they fear violence if they refuse advances from prison staff, or, in some cases, other inmates.


Stalking is a form of intimate partner violence. *__________________* is repeated pursuit that is uninvited and unwanted, that seems obsessive, and that makes the target of pursuit concerned for her or his safety. Updates on social networking sites such as Facebook give stalkers more ways to learn about (potential) victims' habits and current whereabouts.


Sunna: The word *__________* comes from the Arabic word for "religious duty". Sunna, or female circumcision, is practice primarily in African countries. It is usually performed on girls between the ages of 4 and 14, although it is sometimes performed on infants. Sunna involves removing both the sheath and the tip of the clitoris. Sunna is not equivalent to male circumcision. Removal of the foreskin of a penis doesn't preclude a man's sexual pleasure, but removal of the prepuce and tip of the clitoris significantly lessens women's sexual pleasure. Sunna also has greater potential for medical complications.

*Gendered violence*

The Many Faces of Gendered Violence: What comes to mind when you see the terms "gendered violence" and "sexual violence"? Most people think of rape, intimate partner violence, and perhaps sexual harassment. That trilogy of abuses, however, doesn't include many forms of gendered violence. *__________________________* refers to physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, and visual brutality that is inflicted disproportionately or exclusively on members of one sex or gender. In the following pages, we'll discuss 7 forms of gendered violence.


Women who survive to adulthood aren't necessarily safe. *__________________* is the killing of women. In many places, including India, Pakistan, Albania, Mexico, and United Arab Emirates, adult women are killed and official efforts to find and prosecute the perpetrators are often weak or nonexistent. Femicide includes dowry deaths or bride burnings. Some groups in India follow the custom in which a woman's parents give money or other goods to the man who marries their daughter. After the marriage, the new husband may demand additional payments from the bride's parents. If the desmans aren't met, the husband's family may hold the bride near the cooking stove until her sari catches fire and she burns to death. The husband is then free to get another wife and another dowry.

*rape culture*

sexual assault is prevalent on college campuses and fear of rape haunts many women students across the nation. One reason that rapes are common at colleges and universities is the existence on many campuses, as well as the larger culture, of a *___________________*, defined as common attitudes, beliefs, and practices that ignore, excuse, encourage, or normalize sexual violence. Examples are rape jokes; media coverage that blames the victim; and popular music, films, and video games that glorify violence against women. Many people, including college students, believe rape myths (such as women say "no" when they mean "yes" and nice girls don't get raped.)

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