Texas History Final

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n 1971 how did Murphy die?

Airplane Crash

All of the following constituted a major part of John Connally's agenda as governor except:

Promotion of civil rights

Of the following, who was never a governor of Texas?

Ralph Yarborough

_________________ served for 12 years as a liberal leader in the US Senate representing Texas.

Ralph Yarborough

McCarthy attended what university on a football scholarship before getting injured?

Tulane Univeristy

In 1966 he transferred to what, where he remained until his death

United States Army Reserve

Both of these songs were in the top ____________ on the Hit Parade


Glenn McCarthy lived from when to when?


American hero Audie Murphy lived from when to when?


Murphy appeared in ________ motion pictures and starred in ___________ of them.

45, 39

Murphy was personally credited with killing or wounding about ___________ Germans and ______________ an attack by enemy ________________

50, stopping, tanks

Which of the following did NOT take place as a result of the Sharpstown Scandal?

A Republican won the next election for governor

Cabeza de Vaca

A shipwreck Spanish conquistador (soldier), was probably the first European to travel across large areas of Texas. He was shipwrecked on the Texas coast, on or near Galveston Island, in 1528. He spent the next eight years wandering across Texas before he finally made it back to Spanish civilization in Mexico.

The Superconductor Supercollider was to be located near which city?


Texas Sport & The Dallas Cowboy's

Although Texas is strongly associated with the sport of football, the official sport is rodeo. The best examination of the storied Dallas Cowboy football team is Joe Nick Patoski's: The Dallas Cowboys: The Outrageous History of the Biggest, Loudest, Most Hated, Best Loved Football Team in America.

The Texas State Lottery was started when ________ was governor.

Ann Richards

Interestingly, this book was made into a film by the same name, starring whom?

Audie Murphy

He was born in what town?


Mirabeau B. Lamar & Dr. Anson Jones

Besides Sam Houston, the other two presidents of Texas were Mirabeau B. Lamar and Dr. Anson Jones. Lamar is best remembered for his war against the Indians. He called Native Americans "vermin on the skirts of humanity." At the Battle of the Neches, his forces drove the Cherokee out of Texas. He also fought, with less success, the Comanche.

Stephen F. Austin

Born in Virginia. He was the most important empresario in Texas history. A slaveholder, he declared: "Texas must be a slave country." In the Early 1820's he settled colonists in Mexican-owned Texas. His initial group settlers, most of whom came from the Southern region of the United States, were called the "Old Three Hundred."

Murphy's fatal plane crash occurred in what state?

Christiansburg, VA

Which of the following are not popular tourist attractions in Texas?

Civil War battlefields

The Age of Big Oil

Cotton, cattle, and oil made in Texas prosper. In 1901, a massive strike occurred at Spindletop, near Beaumont. This ushered in the Age of Big Oil.

As a result of Sweatt vs. Painter, blacks:

Could not be denied admission to UT Law School solely for racial reasons.

Which of the following is NOT an airline headquartered in Texas?

Delta Airlines

The state legislatures that tried to stop the congressional redistricting in Texas in the 2000's were members of which party?



Don Graham

Before killing John Kennedy; Lee Harvey Oswald tried to shoot _____________ in Dallas several months earlier.

Edwin Walker

Murphy fought in __________ campaigns in ______________, ___________________, ______________________, and _______________________.

Eight, Sicily, Italy, France, and Germany

The Teacher Retirement System of Texas lost billions as a result of the __________________

Enron Scandal

An Audie Murphy memorial is located in what TX town


In August 1945 he was discharged from the Army at ______________ (3 words) in ____________________.

For Sam Houston, in San Antonio

A member of the group of state legislatures nicknamed the "Dirty Thirty" ________________ sought the governorship in 1972 but lost to Dolph Briscoe in the Democratic Party primary.

Frances "Sissy" Farenthold

Murphy was buried with _____________ (3 words) near the _____________________ (5 words)

Full Military Honors near the Tomb of the Unknown Solider at Arlington Cemetery.

Murphy enlisted in the US Army at ___________ TX, in June 1942


Which manufacturing area was hardest hit in the 1980's?

Gulf Coast

________________ headed up the Select Committee to develop an educational reform package in the mid-1980's.

H. Ross Perot

________________ authored the high school football book "Friday Night Lights" based on his year-long observations in Odessa, TX.

H.G. Bissinger


Harold B. Simpson

William B. Travis

He commanded the Alamo when it fell on March 6, 1836. He was one of the first of the Alamo defenders to die. He wrote the famous "Victory or Death" letter and remained defiant until the end. Some of his last words were: "Come on boys, we';; give them Hell!" His slave, Joe, survived the battle. Much of what we know about the Alamo comes from Joe's testimony. Travis County, where the city of Austin is located, is named in his honor. two other famous Alamo defenders were Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett. A US Congressman from Tennessee before he came to Texas, Crockett may have died fighting or he may have been captured and executed following the battle. We do not know for sure because primary sources offer contradictory information. A thorough history of the Alamo and its meaning is A Line in the Sand: The Alamo in Blood and Memory by Dr. Randy Roberts and Dr. James S. Olson.

_______________ was the first Hispanic from Texas to be elected to the US Congress

Henry Gonzalez

And a collection of Murphy memorabilia is housed at what Texas school?

Hill College

A statue of Murphy stands at the veterans hospital in _____________

His honor, in San Antonio

Lyndon Johnson chose not to run for another term as president primarily because:

His popularity with a majority of Americans plummeted as the Vietnam War dragged on.

Hurricane in Galveston

In 1900, the town of Galveston was devastated by a massive hurricane. Even today, this ranks as the deadliest natural disaster to ever strike the US. Over 6,000 people lost their lives in this terrible storm.

Miriam A. "Ma" Ferguson & Ann Richards

In Texas history, there have been only two president governors: Miriam A. "Ma" Ferguson and Ann Richards. Richards, who served from 1991-1995, was defeated in her reelection bid by George W. Bush. George W. Bush, of course, went on to become president of the US. His presidential library is located in Dallas as Southern Methodist University, (SMU)

Beauford Jester and Allan Shivers both favored:

Increased spending for public services funded by increased consumer taxes.

As a result of Hernandez vs. Texas, Tejanos could not be excluded from __________ just for being Hispanic.


The first female senator from Texas was __________________.

Kay Bailey Hutchinson

He was born near what Texas town?

Kingston, TX

In 1950 Murphy joined the Texas National Guard, hoping to fight in what war?

Korean War

This Lonesome Dove author also wrote Terms of Endearment during the 1970's and later co-wrote the screenplay for "Brokeback Mountain."

Larry McMurtry

Of the following, which was important Chicano organization during the 1960's?


In January 1945 he was awarded the ____________________________ (3 words) for exceptional valor near Holtzwhir, France

Medal of Honor

_________________ took part in the so-called "Minimum Wage March" in the summer of 1966.

Mexican American agricultural workers

John Kennedy was able to carry Texas in the 1960 presidential election because he won support of:

Most African American and Tejanos

Civil War Battles

Most Civil War (1861-1835) battles took place outside of Texas. However, some engagements, such as the battles of Galveston, Sabine Pass, and Palmito Rnach (near Brownsville), were fought in Texas.

Sam Houston

On April 21, 1836, the Texas army, under the command of General Sam Houston. Overwhelming, he defeated the Mexican force at the Battle of San Jacinto. This engagement, which lasted just 18 minutes, led to Texas Independence from Mexico. It also made Sam Houston a Texas hero. Houston, the former governor of Tennessee, entered Texas politics and became the first elected president of the Republic of Texas. Houston, Texas, the largest city in the state, is named in his honor. An excellence biography of the Texas leader is James Haley's Sam Houston.

Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ)

On November 22, 1963, US President John F. Kennedy (JFK) was assassinated in Dallas. Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) then became president and finished JFK's term. In 1964, LBJ, a native of the Texas Hill Country, was elected in his own right and served until 1969. LBJ's domestic policy is known as the "Great Society." LBJ believed that the role of the federal government was to better the lives of its citizens, especially the poor and middle class. he is known for such politics as Head Start, Medicare and Medicaid. He also pushed for the Voting rights Act and the Civil Rights Act to help African Americans. The Vietnam War, however, wrecked LBJ's presidency. A superb study if LBJ is Dr. Randall Woods, LBJ: Architect of American Ambition. The LBJ Presidential Library and Museum is located in Austin on the University of Texas Campus.

Larry McMurtry

One of the state's best known authors is Larry McMurtry, who wrote such classic novels such as: The Last Picture Show, about the death of a small west Texas town, and Lonesome Dove, about two old Texas Rangers on a cattle drive. Lonesome Dove won the Pulitzer Prize in 1986. He also writes nonfiction: one of the best historical studies is: Oh What a Slaughter: Massacres in the American West, 1846-1890. McMurtry has a home in Archer City, Texas.

In 1955 Murphy was selected one of the year's most ___________ Western film stars


______________ served as governor of Texas as the state entered the 1960's.

Price Daniel

John Tower was a long-time _________________ US Senator from Texas.


Texan ____________________ was among the first class of inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Roy Orbison

The catfish farm that presented legal challenges over water pumping rights was located near what major city?

San Antonio

Before running for president in 1960, Lyndon Johnson served as:

Senate Majority Leader

Which of the following was not an important industry in Texas during the 1950's?

Shoe Manufacturing

Name 2 of Murphy's song that were recorded by top-rank vocalists.

Shutters and Boards, When the Wind Blows in Chicago

Changes in postwar Texas agriculture led to the movement of traditional cotton culture to the:

Southern High Plains and Lower Rio Grande Valley

After the was, Murphy was a ____________ movie actor, a ____________ writer for ____________ and ______________ songs, an ____________ and a ___________.

Successful, lyric writer for country and western songs, an author, and a poet.

The ____________________ sets aside $200 million to encourage high-tech research and job creation in Texas.

Texas Emerging Technology Fund

______________________ developed the first portable transistor radio.

Texas Instruments

Famous Companies

Texas is the birthplace of many famous companies. For example, Mrs. Baird's Bread was founded in Fort Worth, H-E-B was founded in Kerrville; and Whataburger was born in Corpus Christi. Other well-known Texas born companies include Southwest Airlines (Dallas), 7-11 (Dallas), Luby's Cafeteria (San Antonio), Shipley Donuts (Houston), La Quinta (San Antonio), Schlotzsky's (Austin), Half Price Books (Dallas), Church's Chicken (San Antonio), Dell (Austin), and Chuy's (Austin)

Which of the following is true about Braniff Airlines?

The Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 contributed to its eventual demise in the early 1980's.


The Comanche were the most powerful Indian tribe in Texas. They were sometimes called "The Lords of the Plains." An excellent study of the Comanche in S.C. Gwaynne's Empire of the Summer Moon. Quanah (which means "Fragrant") was the last great Comanche chief. His father was Peta Nocona and his mother was Cynthia Ann Parker (Naduah), a white captive who lived with the Comanches for 24 years. Cynthia Ann completely adapted to Comanche life and did not want to return to Angelo society. After the Ranger attack on the Comanche village on the Pease River, Sul Ross, later governor of Texas and president of Texas A&M, took her back to her white family against her will. She never readjusted to white society and yearned for her Indian family. Texas historian/journalist Jan Reid calls Cynthia Ann "the original tough Texas woman."

Of the following, which was not a part of Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society"?

The Federal Reserve

Name his 4 best known films.

The Red Badge of Courage, To Hell and Back, Night Passage, and The Unforgiven.

Texas Rangers

The Texas Rangers are the legendary law enforcement agency of Texas. Scholars, however, are divided over how to interpret the Rangers. Traditionalist scholars see them as heroes who established law and order in Texas and tamed the wild frontier. Revisionist, on the other hand, view them as killers of Indians and oppressors of Tejanos. Professor Walter Prescott Webb, author of The Texas Rangers, is a good example of a traditionalist. Dr. Gary Clayton Anderson authored The Conquest of Texas. Dr. Julian Samora wrote Gunpowder Justice: A Reassessment of the Texas Rangers, Anserson and Samora are Revisiomists. Some scholars, such as Mike Cox, fall somewhere in the middle of the debate. Remember what Dutch historian Pieter Geyi said, "History is an argument without end."

Which of the following is true about the Trans-Texas Corridor?

The plan to received sharp criticism because some land for the project could only be obtained through the state exercising its right of eminent domain

In 1949 Murphy wrote what best-selling book, the story of his world war II experiences.

To Hell and Back

During his ____________ career, Murphy received ___________ awards, citations, and decorations and won battlefield promotion to _______________ (2 words)

WWII, 33, second lieutenant

Name Murphy's 2 wives.

Wanda Hendrix and Pamela Archer

McCarthy started out as a ______________ at age 8 in the oilfields where his father worked


________________________ returned to Texas after being frustrated as a musician and songwriter in Nashville and helped found the "Outlaw Country" style.

Willie Nelson

The "Robin Hood" plan refers to

a plan to redistribute educational monies.

The landmark case Roe Vs. Wade addressed?

abortion rights

By the turn of the 21st century, Texas had major league franchises for all of the following sports except:

all of the above

He eventually served as the ______________ of company B


H. Ross Perot's company, Electronic Data Systems (EDS). grew dramatically because of its work:

data processing for private companies and the federal government

Murphy was the most __________ combat soldier in US History


During the mid-to-late 1980's, the price of the oil _______________.

dropped greatly

Murphy received ____________ medal that the US gives for valor(bravery), two of them twice


Which of the following was not part of the George W.Bush agenda as governor?

investing state employees' retirement funds in the stock market

Which of the following occurred as a result of the effort to revise the state constitution during the 1970's?

no new constitution was approved by Texas voters.

Native American groups, such as the Alabama-Coushattas and Kickapoos, have tried to promote economic prosperity on their reservations by ___________________.

operating gaming casinos

The major result of deregulation of the savings and loan industry was ______________________.

over-speculation leading to bankruptcy for many Texas S&Ls

The events involving James Byrd, Jr demonstrated that __________________________.

racism was alive and well in some parts of Texas

He was on of ____________ children?


________________ funeral services were held for him on June 7, 1971, one in California and one in Texas.


He also participated in ______________ amphibious assaults and was wounded _________ times.

two, three

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