The Age of Absolutism and the Enlightenment #2- Worksheets and Handouts

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Thomas Hobbes argued that people entered into a social contract, an agreement by which they gave up their freedom for an organized society. Give two examples of how we must give up absolute freedom to live in an ordered society.

-We chose to use the surveillance cameras in cost of our freedom. At the same time, they give us protection from crime. -The government can legally access its citizens data, which can secure people from threats

What is a representative democracy?

A government in which citizens vote for a small number of people to represent the public

Describe the causes of the Glorious Revolution.

After the execution of Charles I following the English civil war, the House of Commons abolished the monarchy and declared England a republic known as the Commonwealth. In 1689, Parliament passed the Bill of Rights that ensured the superiority of parliament over the monarchy. This then led to the glorious revolution which created a limited monarchy.

What did Hobbes believe about State of Nature?

Before government, people lived in a state of nature; people would always be at war with others to get what they wanted; everyone had rights to everything; nobody would produce anything like inventions, art, crops, or tools in fear that they would be taken

Catherine the Great continued efforts to westernize Russia, but was also a ruthless leader like her predecessors. Give examples of both her reforms and her repression of her subjects and assess Catherine's strength as a leader.

Catherine made some limited reforms in law and government. She abolished torture and established religious tolerance in her lands. She granted nobles a charter of rights and she did not give up her power. Her main political contribution to Russia proved to be an expanded empire.

How are the Long Parliament and the imposition of the Anglican prayer book connected?

Charles imposition of the Anglican prayer book triggered the long parliament. His imposition of the book on Scotland caused the Calvinist Scots to revolt. When Charles asked parliament for funds to suppress the Scottish rebellion, parliament launched its own revolt, declaring that it could not be dissolved without its own consent.

The ruler should be someone that has complete power and cannot be overthrown if the people are unhappy.

Disagree; The definition of war is a state of armed conflict, when there is no government to control and be the median in every country, and if there are no consequences, we will be essentially in a conflict for the betterment of our lives with everyone around us, which could turn into war with no problem. A ruler needs to have checks and balances but shouldn't be overthrown if the people are unhappy, if we will overthrow, every time we are unhappy, the state would be unstable

List three ways Enlightenment ideas spread during the 1700s.

During the Enlightenment, ideas flowed from France and to the rest of Europe. This was able to happen because: -Thinkers were examining traditional beliefs and customs and using reason to find their flaws and solutions (the Enlightenment focused on using rational thought---using reason to solve social, economic, and political problems) -Ideas spread in salons where people would gather to discuss new concepts regarding the social sciences and arts -Through the printing of pamphlets and newspapers available to citizens -Ideas also spread due to the production of Diderot's Encyclopedia

How did Elizabeth I handle her relationship with Parliament? Why do you think this was the case? Cite evidence from the text in your answer.

Elizabeth had good relations with Parliament because she did not meet with them in person. By doing this, she could control her own actions which created a positive relationship between her and Parliament. I think she did this so she could control her actions.

Success in science convinced many educated Europeans of the power of human reason. How did an emphasis on human reason lead to developments in other areas of life?

European philosophers believed that reasoning, which led to the Scientific Revolution, could also be used to study humanity and to learn more about social and political issues.

Montesquieu's thinking influenced...

France and the US (and other places all over the world)

Which reforms did Frederick William I make to modernize and make the government in Prussia more efficient?

Frederick reduced the use of torture and allowed free press, reorganized the government's civil service and simplified laws, Frederick was a tolerant king with a vast understanding in philosophy, by welcoming change and different opinions, reformed Prussia from 2nd tier power to a great power.

What was the makeup of George I's cabinet? What purpose did they serve?

George's cabinet was made up of Parliamentary advisors to set policy. It was also made because George could not speak English. The cabinet was a feature of the government. The parliament was meant to help George rule.

What did Locke believe about a Social Contract?

Government in only legitimate if it is based on a social contract with citizens; the purpose of government is to end state of nature and give people certain protections; government should protect people's natural rights

Between State of Nature and War?

Hobbes thought that the in state of nature, everyone had a right to everything and for people to get what they want, war would erupt

What did Locke believe about government?

If the government fails to deliver, the people have the right to revolt; government is a two-way exchange between citizens and government

Why did Parliament react so negatively to James I's speech about divine right?

In the beginning of his reign, James I had agreed to rule according to English laws and customs. James repeatedly clashed with Parliament over money and foreign policy. He needed money to finance his lavish court and many wage wars. When members wanted to discuss foreign policy before voting , James dissolved Parliament and collected taxes on his own. James also clashed with dissenters.

Describe the differences between the Tories and the Whigs.

In the late 1600s, political parties started to emerge. The first two parties were the Tories and the Whigs. The Tories were mainly conservative men who lived in the countryside. They generally believed in an aristocracy, a government in which power is held by the nobility. They sought to preserve older traditions. They were in favor of a broad royal power and a dominant Anglican Church as well. On the other hand, the Whigs were mainly urban business people who supported the policies of the Glorious Revolution. They were more likely to reflect urban business interests, religious toleration, and favored the Parliament.

What happened in Ireland during the Commonwealth period, and why?

Ireland was starting an uprising but was soon ended by Cromwell. This happened because Cromwell is a puritan and was harsh against them. Parliament made a law that exiled Catholics in West Ireland and any of them disobeying laws can be killed on sight.

Use this graphic organizer to help you take notes about the sequence of events leading up to the English Civil War.

James I fought with Parliament about his divine power Fought about money to finance his lavish court and wage wars James dissolved Parliament Fought with dissenters (mostly Puritans) Charles I inherits the throne Absolute monarch Spent so much money→ had to ask Parliament for money and they made him sign the Petition of Rights which prohibited the king from raising taxes without Parliament He dissolved Parliament a year later and ruled without Parliament Charles got into a pickle with the Scots and had to go to Parliament again to raise funds and Parliament revolted Long Parliament Parliament tried and executed his chief ministers Called for abolition of bishops and declared that the parliament could not be dissolved without its own consent Charles fought back → led troops to House of Commons and arrested the most radical leaders but escaped only to raise an army and fight back

What did England's government in the 1800s consist of?

King, Courts, Parliament, House of Commons, and House of Lords

Why did Louis XIV expel the Huguenots? In your opinion, was it a good decision or a bad decision? Why?

Louis XIV expelled the Huguenots because even though they were the minority, he believed that they were a threat to religion, political unity, and most importantly, himself. As the absolute ruler monarch, Louis XIV wanted to keep everybody under his control, therefore he removed the Edict of Nantes which granted religious tolerance and other freedoms to the Huguenots. I think that this was a bad decision because although he achieved more religious and political unity, he ended up negatively affecting the French economy and success. From a different perspective, this decision could have been seen as good because although the France's prosperity started to end, it also started to decline his power.

Read the section under the heading "Rousseau Promotes the Social Contract." Rousseau argues that the unequal distribution of property was fundamental to corrupting the basic goodness of people in their natural state. Why might people be "corrupted" by an unequal distribution of property?

Maybe if someone has more property than another, they will become more greedy than a person that has less property. They will try everything to gain more land (which will probably be taken from people with less land)

What are two differences between the physiocrats and the mercantilists?

Mercantilists want to have the government to regulate the the economy for the balance of trade. Physiocrats also support free trade but they do not want tariffs.

Look back through the reading and find one reform that all three enlightened despots enacted. Why do you believe this reform was a universal theme among these absolute rulers?

One reform that all three enlightened despots enacted was religious freedom. Frederick tolerated religious differences and welcomes victims of religious persecution. Catherine believed in equality and liberty, abolishing torture and establishing religious tolerance in her lands. Joseph supported religious equality for protestants and Jews in his catholic empire. This reform was a universal theme among these absolute rulers because due to the newly developed thought process. Philosophers published their controversial views which help bring a new society that tolerate different religious beliefs.

How did Louis control the nobles? Use examples from the text.

One way Louis controlled the nobles was giving the wealthy middle class the jobs of intendant and other positions in the government. This gave the majority of the population power over the nobles in a way because now the ones below the nobles had power over the nobles and kept them in check. Another way he controlled the nobles were keeping them in check by having the nobles perform the levée or the raising. In this, two nobles would compete for honors. This shows how Louis was smart and he knew that the nobles were a threat and keeping them in his castle and competing them was better than letting them gain too much power and declare wars against him.

Between Government and the Social Contract?

People and the government had an agreement in which people give up some rights and in return, their government promises protection

What did Hobbes believe about a Social Contract?

People and their government need to be involved; there needs to be agreement in which both sides agree to something to reach a shared goal; his view was that people should give up some rights and power in exchange for protection from the government; once the people agree to hand over power, they lose the right to overthrow, replace, or even question the government

What is natural freedom?

People live in a state of nature, with no rules, and with freedom to follow their instincts and desires

What is social freedom?

People sacrifice some natural freedoms so they can have the freedom that comes with security and protection

Explain why the philosophes criticized rococo art.

Philosophes criticized the rococo style of art for its superficiality. While audiences in the upper class and growing middle class, some philosophes were disturbed that the art style showed noble subjects in charming rural settings, surrounded by happy servants and pets. It seemed unrealistic and placed little importance on the prevalent tribulations that the lower-class faced.

What does the government created by the US Constitution consist of?

President, Courts, Congress, Senate, House of Representatives

How did Richelieu's treatment of the nobles and the Huguenots strengthen the monarchy?

Richelieu gained power by taking it. He destroyed their walled cities and their fortified castles. He then gave the nobles a high position in the army and in court. He took away their independence.

What was the English Bill of Rights? What was its impact?

The Bill of Rights at its core is Parliament exerting control over the monarchy. It required the monarch to summon Parliament regularly and gave the House of Commons the power of the purse or control over spending. King and Queen have no say on Parliament debates and no Roman Catholic can sit on the throne. It also restarted Habeas Corpus that no person can be held in prison without being charged. The impact was that the Parliament's power grew and monarchs have limited power than before. It also gave more rights to the citizens.

John Locke proposed that if a government fails in its obligations, the people have the right to overthrow their government. What are some of the obligations you believe a government owes to its people?

The first thing a government owes to its people is to provide protection. Whether this be through certain laws, police forces, or even the military, the government must protect the people. Nobody would want to live in a place where they do not feel safe. They also must give the people many rights to ensure a fair and equal society. In addition, something that the government should provide is infrastructure. This would allow for economic success for both the people and the government.

How did the middle class influence the arts, literature, and music of the period? Support your ideas with examples from the reading.

The middle class became more involved in music as the classical style developed they could afford to hold public concerts. The middle class also supported the development of fiction novels that reflected their time period.

"The poorest he that is in England hath a life to live as the greatest he," wrote one Leveller. Compare the points of view of the Leveller quote in this Reading with James I's statement about divine right on the very top of the page. How do these two statements reflect different ideas about the rights of human beings?

The quote is explaining how even the poor can have a say in government. Meanwhile, James believed in absolute power. The first quote clearly shows how Leveller believes that anyone should have a say in their rights no matter there social class. James did not believe in the right of the citizen since he encouraged an absolute monarchy.

Which of the Enlightenment thinkers described in this section had the greatest influence on the actual structure of the U.S. government? What was his contribution?

The thinker Montesquieu. He proposed the idea of splitting the powers and functions of government into three branches : legislative, executive and judicial. His idea clearly got adopted by the U.S later on as a base for their government.

The enlightened despots were absolute rulers who used their power to bring about political and social change. Who might object to the political and social change of an enlightened despot?

The upper class would not like this because then the lower class would be getting more rights that the upper class already has making the gap between high and low social classes even smaller. This reduces the "power" or hierarchy of the upper class.

What did Hobbes believe about government?

There should be a single, sovereign ruler; if there is a strong central authority, the evils of war can be avoided; a monarchy led by a king (without the three branches) should rule

What are some possible effects (both foreign and domestic) from Louis XIV's many costly wars?

These wars would have drained Frances resources and hurt the people. It also will create enemies from other countries that did not want France to gain more power.

What is the connection between life, liberty, and property?

They are the three natural rights as stated by John Locke

What are some reasons for the Roundhead victory?

They had religious conviction, discipline, and a skilled general, Cromwell. Cromwell selected his soldiers for their skill not for their social class.

Study the infographic on Louis XIV and absolutism below. What does it take to be a successful absolute monarch?

To be a successful absolute monarch, a leader must have complete control over the government and over the people. Louis XIV spent many hours each day attending to government affairs and ruling over the people. An absolute monarch will also have no checks and balances that could threaten their power. He will do whatever it takes to ensure that his power is not threatened. Louis XIV gave many jobs to the wealthy middle class in order to cement his ties with them, but deceived them by giving them heavy taxes as well. He also expanded the bureaucracy and had complete control over taxes, policies, and the French army.

What do you think Henry IV meant when he said, "Paris is well worth a Mass"?

To end a conflict, Henry IV meant that Paris was worth his conversion to Catholicism, even though for four years he fought against fierce catholic opposition to gain control of France.

What is the majority rule?

What more than half of the people in a community want

Denis Diderot wanted his 28-volume Encyclopedia to "change the general way of thinking." What would Diderot think of modern-day versions that solicit user-generated entries, such as Wikipedia? Do such versions undermine or support his original purpose in creating his Encyclopedia?

When Diderot wrote the Encyclopedia, he collected writings and ideas from multiple scholars and sources such as Baron de Montesquieu and Voltaire. These sources bring to light multiple social injustices and hope to promote basic American rights such as freedom of speech and expression. Wikipedia is similar in the aspect that many civilians or public figures can write on the site as they please. However, it is not a similar type of idea being transferred. Wikipedia contains thousands of articles on miscellaneous information whereas the Encyclopedia is on human rights and injustices.

Louis XIV called himself the "Sun King" and said, "I am the State." Describe how each statement reflects absolutism, and explain which you find to be the best "slogan" for Louis XIV.

When Louis says "I am the State," he believes all the power of government and even of the people rests in him and only him. This totalitarian and self-absorbed mindset seems required in order for him to usurp the power of all people and government as if a leader had almost any support for the people, their own ideals would prevent them from crushing others' rights. The title of the "Sun King" sets a perfect example for what a monarch looks like because since the Sun is the center of everything in our galaxy, Louis believes he is the center of everything in France. "I am the State" would be a good slogan because it flaunts Louis' self-appreciation and confidence for his own rule.

How was James I similar to and different from Elizabeth I?

While Elizabeth worked with the parliament and controlled it, King James, while obeying the rules and laws was certain his power is by god, he has the legitimacy for the throne and no parliamentarian body will have a say over him, Elizabeth was more lenient than James, she believed that secularism is the way to reach stability in the government, while James believed in absolute rule and was more of radicalist.

How does this image show the class divisions in England in the 1700s?

While the nobles enjoy food, the poor are clustered together, needing to work and sell food to get along. This image shows how the nobles were sitting and laughing or enjoying the privacy that is cleared by a wooden fence, which in my opinion depicts the great difference between the classes.

What did Locke believe about State of Nature?

Without government, people would live in a state of nature; they would be no rules and nobody in charge

Montesquieu thought that liberty means...

a peace of min that comes from safety

Agree or disagree? There are no laws in a state of nature, and people are always at war.


Government is needed to create laws, protect people, and provide services.








State of Nature, Social Contract, or both? Natural rights


Checks and balances means that...

each branch can limit the power of another branch

Montesquieu believed that...

each part of the government should be equal (and have checks and balances)

Compromises are made

social contract


social contract


social contract

Rights are protected

social contract

No laws

state of nature

You are on your own!

state of nature

Separation of powers happens when...

the government is divided into parts, and each part has its own purpose

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