The Alchemist Review

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What is one great truth?

A force that makes you happy no matter what your personal legend is "whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It's your mission on earth."

What is alchemy?

A philosophy in which elements can be transformed (like changing lead into gold) -penetrating to the soul of the world, and discovering the treasure that has been reserved for you -turn metal into gold -philospher's stone and elixir of life

What does the following passage reveal about a theme (message or lesson) about the book? "You've got to find the treasure, so that everything you have learned along the way can make sense" (Coelho 119). A) Love is the greatest treasure of all B) Not everything that happens in life makes sense immediately C) People do not learn anything unless they are trying to learn D) treasure or wealth can make any suffering worth enduring

Not everything that happened in life makes sense immediately

This is the world's greatest lie... A) Mr. Allen's jokes are all super funny! B) People have choices in life C) People are controlled by fate D) Only some people can fulfill their Personal Legend

People are controlled by fate

What type of conflict is developed by the following quote? "If we serve tea in crystal, the shop is going to expand, And then I'll have to change my way of life" (coelho 59) A) person vs society B) Person vs person C) person vs self D) person vs nature

Person vs self

Which of the following methods of characterization is used to describe Santiago in the following passage? "Well, I'd like to see their land, and see how they live,' said his son" (Coelho 11) A) physical description b) character dialogue C) character's actions D) comments from the narrator

character dialogue

Why does the alchemist want Santiago to sell his camel and buy a horse? A) horses are cheaper than camels B) Camels die suddenly without warning C) horses are faster D) Horses adapt better to the desert

camels die suddenly without warning

Which literary element does this quote connect to? "As it did so, a sudden, fleeting image came to the boy; an army, with its swords at the ready, riding into the oasis" (Coelho 103). A) person vs society B) resolution C) exposition D) foreshadowing


What is a language that Santiago did not learn? A) Arabic B) Universal Language C) enthusiasm D) French


What is the crystal merchant's personal legend? A) travel around Egypt B) Sell tea in crystal glasses C) make good money D) go to Mecca

go to Mecca

Every second of search is an encounter with _________.


What agreement was broken by the chieftains to protect the oasis? A) no one at the oasis may carry arms B) no one at the oasis may attack the other tribe C) Everyone at the oasis has to protect the land D) Men at the oasis have to protect the women and children

no one at the oasis may carry arms

In Santiago's pursuit of his personal legend, he was being subjected to tests of his...

perseverance and courage

What type of conflict is developed by the following quote? "The Alchemist reached into a hole in the sand, and "his arm with whatever was in the hole. Then, with a motion that startled the boy, he withdrew his arm and leaped to his feet. In his hand, he grasped a snake by the tail ... the snake fought frantically, making hissing sounds that shattered the silence of the desert. It was a cobra, whose venom could kill a person in minutes" (coelho 121) A) person vs self B) Person vs person C) person vs society D) person vs nature

person vs nature

What type of conflict is illustrated by the following quote? "Here I am, between my flock and my treasure, the boy through. He had to choose between something he had become accustomed to and something he wanted to have" (Coelho 30). A) person vs self B) Person vs society C) person vs nature D) person vs person

person vs self

Which of the following methods of characterization is used in the following passage? "Astride the animal was a horseman dressed completely in black, with a falcon perched on his left shoulder. He wore a turban and his entire face, except for his eyes, was covered with a black kerchief" (Coelho 112-113). A) A characters dialogue B) Physical description C) Comments from the narrator D) characters actions

physical description

According to the gypsy woman, where can the boy find the treasure? A) In the abandoned church under the sycamore tree B) Inside the pyramids of Egypt C) Near the Egyptian pyramids D) At the oasis in the Sahara Desert

near the Egyptian pyramids

Santiago's parents wanted him to become a _______. A) priest B) teacher C) shepherd D) respected counselor


What is Urim and Thummim

prophetic stone signifying "yes" or "no"

How does Fatima feel about being a woman of the desert? A) ashamed B) complacent C) apathetic D) proud


Who is the protagonist in the novel? A) the Alchemist B) the Englishman C) Santiago D) Joseph


What distracts Santiago that allows the young man to rob him? A) scabbard embossed in silver B) Sword used in war C) Candies by the candyman D) Breastplate of the king

scabbard embossed in sliver

Which of the following quotes does not connect to the language of the world? A) "But Fatia was a woman of the desert, and, if anything could help him to understand, it was the desert." (coelho 102) B) "Since they were visitors, they would have to share living space with those who lived there, and would be given the best accommodations. That was the law of hospitatliey". (coelho 91) C) "Things have to be transmitted this way because they were made up from the pure life, and this kind of life cannot be captured in pictures or words.' (Coelho 90) D) "I learned that the world has a soul, and that whoever understands that soul can also understand the language of things" (Coelho 85).

"Since they were visitors, they would have to share living space with those who lived there, and would be given the best accommodations. That was the law of hospitality

Which of the following quotes best demonstrates Santiago's desire to learn from the world around him? A) "Amongst us, the only ones who travel are the shepherds" (Coelho 11). B) "(Santiago) had attended seminary until he was 16" (Coelho 10). C) "Whenever he could, (Santiago) sought a new road to travel" (Coelho 13). D) (Santiago) was feeling something he had never experienced before: the desire to live in one place forever" (Coelho 8).

"Whenever he could, (Santiago) sought a new road to travel" (Coelho 13).

What is the principle of favorability *def

"beginners luck" or early success

what is the soul of the world

-if you know about love, you must also know about the soul of the world since it is made of love -connects everything

What does the gypsy ask of Santiago in return for her interpretation of his dream? A) One tenth of his treasure if he finds it B) One tenth of his literary collection C) One tenth of his father's inheritance D) One tenth of his flock of sheep

1/10 of his treasure if he finds it

How does Fatima respond to Santiago's desire to marry her? A) She encourages him to continue his journey B) she believes that she is part of his personal legend C) she too believes in the omens and the Soul of the World D) All of the above

All of the above

Where Santiago came from, where the sacristy was and had his dream.


Which language does Santiago begin to pick up as he travels?


What does the following quote suggest about Santiago? "The heat lasted until nightfall, and all the time he had to carry his jacket. But when he thought to complain about the burden of its weight, he remembered that, because he had the jacket, he had withstood the cold of the dawn. We have to be prepared for change he thought, and he was grateful for the jacket's weight and warmth. The jacket had a purpose, and so did the boy" A) Santiago knew that the jacket was useless most of the time B) Santiago learned about himself through the world around him C) Santiago's country had a hot climate D) Santiago viewed the jacket as more of a burden than a helpful tool


Mysterious, hooded men who appear in the desert to do surveillance along the caravan route A) bandits B) tribesmen C) Bedouins D) ninjas


What is the principle of favorability?

Beginner's luck, in your favor universe wants you to fulfill it when santiago talks to the desert, sun, wind, hand of god sold all of his sheep

"He dressed in his Arabian clothing of white linen, bought especially for this day. He put his head cloth in place and secured with a ring made of camel skin." What method of characterization does the author use to describe Santiago A) Description of a character's interaction with another character B) Description of a character's dialogue C) Description of a character's inner thoughts D) Description of a character's appearance

Description of a character's appearance

How might Urim and Thummin, the black and white stones, help Santiago on his journey? A) He could use them to protect himself from thieves B) He could use them to answer objective questions C) He could use them as payment for his boat ticket to Africa D) He could use them to prove that he had met the King of Salem

He could use them to answer objective questions

What reason does the crystal merchant give for not taking a pilgrimage to Mecca? A) he is afraid that it will be a disappointment, so he prefers to just dream about it. B) He cannot bear the thought of leaving behind his wife and children C) He can imagine if vividly, so he does not feel a need to view it in person D) The cost is too much, and before Santiago arrived, he was not making enough money

He is afraid that it will be a disappointment, so he prefers to just dream about it

Why does the owner of the bar yell at Santiago? A) Santiago refuses to pay his bill B) He doesn't want Santiago in his bar since he is a foreigner C) He wants to warn Santiago that he is with a thief D) He does not approve of Santiago's behavior

He wants to warn Santiago that he is with a thief

What does the following statements about personal legends is BEST supported by the quote below? "The boy went back to contemplating the silence of the desert, and the sand raised by the animals. Everyone has his or her way of learning things, 'he said to himself. 'his way isn't the same as mine, nor mine as his. But we're both in search of out Personal Legends, and I respect him for that. A) individuals may pursue different paths on search of their Personal Legends B) If a person truly seeks his/her Personal Legend, he/she must heed the omens C) Someone pursuing his/her Personal Legend can always tell when others are as well D) When pursuing a Personal Legend, all the universe conspires to assist the seeker

Individuals may pursue different different paths on search of their Personal Legends

What is the universal language?

Language that is interpreted all throughout the world

Who is the king of Salem?


The old man identifies himself to Santiago as... A) Melchizedek (from Salem) B) A fellow Shepard C) A Fortune teller D) The Alchemist

Melchizedek (from Salem)

The alchemist tells Santiago that many others had failed to make gold with the Philosopher's stone because they "were seeking the treasure of their personal legend, without wanting to actually live out the Personal Legend" (Coelho 129) This means that... A) People cannot accomplish their personal legends if they are poor B) People cannot accomplish their Personal Legends before they die C) Personal Legends are never about finding treasure D) Personal Legends are not just about material gain

Personal legends are not just about material gain

Who thinks the following quote "I've learned things from the sheep, and I've learned things from crystal, he thought. I can learn something form the desert, too. It seems old and wise." A) the crystal merchant B) Santiago C) The camel driver D) The Englishman


What does the following quote suggest about Santiago? "Well, usually I learn more from my sheep than from books" A) Santiago is trying to impress that merchants daughter by exaggerating B) Santiago doesn't actually read books but uses them as pillows C) Santiago dropped out of school at an early age to become a shepherd D) Santiago believes more can be learned from real life experience

Santiago believes more can be learned from real life experience

What can be inferred from the following quote? -"But she has the sacred heart of Jesus there, he thought, trying to reassure himself" (Coelho 14) A) Santiago is excited to have the woman interpret his dream and read his future B) Santiago knows that the woman is wise and kindhearted C) Santiago believes that he can trust the gypsy because she has some similar beliefs D) Santiago refuses to trust the old lady because she believes in Jesus

Santiago believes that he can trust the gypsy because she has some similar beliefs

What does the following quote suggest about Santiago "Well, usually I learn more from my sheep than from books" (Coelho 7). A) Santiago dropped out of school to become a shepard B) Santiago believes that more can be learned from the life experience C) Santiago doesn't actually need books, but uses as pillows D) Santiago is trying to impress the merchant's daughter

Santiago believes that more can be learned from life experience

What does the following quote suggest about Santiago? "He realized that he had to choose between thinking of himself as the poor victim of a thief and as an adventurer in quest of his treasure." "I'm an adventurer in quest of his treasure, he said to himself" (Coelho 45) A) Santiago seems to attract negative events B) Santiago looks for opportunities to improve himself C) Santiago does not allow his circumstances to control him D) Santiago often sees life in a negative way

Santiago does not allow his circumstances to control him

Which of the following is not true about Urim and Thummim? A) They are prophetic rocks used to answer yes/no questions B) They were a gift from Melchizedek C) Santiago uses them only once on his journey D) Santiago owns the only pair; they are highly valuable

Santiago owns the only pair; they are highly valuable

Infer what Santiago realizes in the following passage. "From where he stood, he saw for the first time that the old merchants's hair was very much like the hair of the old king. He remembered the smile of the candy seller, on his first day in Tangier, when he had nothing to eat and nowhere to go--that smile had also been like the old king's smile" (Coelho 65) A) Santiago made a mistake selling his sheep and traveling to Egypt B) Santiago realizes that omens are everywhere if someone is watching for them C) The smile reveals that Santiago is helping others pursue their Personal Legends D) Santiago realizes both fortune and misfortune may befall anyone at anytime

Santiago realizes that omens are everywhere if someone is watching for them

When Santiago is challenged to turn himself into the wind, what skill/ability of Santiago's is being the most severely challenged? A) Santiago's knowledge of the Soul of the World B) Santiago;s ability to read omens C) Santiago's understanding of Alchemy D) Santiago's love for Fatima

Santiago's knowledge of the Soul of the World

What is alchemy *def

The Master Work; The Philosophers stone and the elixir of life

Who leaves the oasis with Santiago? A) the alchemist B) the englishman C) Melchizidek D) Fatima

The alchemist

What is the personal legend?

The soul of the universe wants you to accomplish this -The path to this is easy at first, but ends difficult -What you have always wanted to accomplish -It's true that everything has its own personal legend, but one day your personal legend will be realized

What is the soul of the world again *def

The principle that governs all things; all things are connected

Out of the following, which do both Santiago and the Englishman have in common? A) They both fully understand the "Master Work: B) They are both in search of their personal legend C) They do not enjoy talking to others D) They are both in love

They are both in search of their personal legend

What purpose does Melchizedek have for telling the story of the miner and the emerald? A) To describe the kind of treasure Santiago to find B) To illustrate how he keeps people from abandoning their Personal Legends C) To demonstrate how long he has been helping people D) To get Santiago to change his personal legend

To illustrate how he keeps people from abandoning their personal legends

What lesson about happiness does the King teach Santiago through the story of the shopkeeper's son and the wise man? A) True happiness cannot be found in this life but only in the next B) True happiness can only be found through wisdom C) True happiness is seeing all the marvels of the world without forgetting about the task set before you D) True happiness can only exist when we let go of any sense of responsibility

True happiness is seeing all of the marvels of the world without forgetting about the task set before you

What is the main lesson or theme from the story about the oil and the spoon? A) True happiness cannot be found in this life but in the next B) True happiness is seeing the world around you without losing your focus C) True happiness can only be found through wisdom D) True happiness comes by letting go of responsibility

True happiness is seeing the world around you without losing your focus

according to the Alchemist, what does true love never do? A) True love never keeps people from pursing their personal legends B) True love never makes someone leave their beloved C) True love never expects to be reciprocated D) True love never makes people regret their decision

True love never keeps people from pursuing their personal legends

What omen appears to Santiago? A) After asking whether he needs to keep traveling, he reaches in his pocket and grabs the Urim, the lighter colored stone B) A falcon appears, which, in Tangier, is a symbol for change C) Urim and Thummin fall out his jacket, reminding him of the king's advice to never stop dreaming D) When placing crystal upon the shelf, he knocks over the whole display, signaling it is time for him to leave

Urim and Thummin fall out of his jacket, reminding him of the king's advice to never stop dreaming

According to Melchizedek, what does he appear to people? A) When people are about to give up on their personal legends B) to stop people from achieving their Personal legends C) To tell people what their personal legend is D) When people are about to achieve their Personal Legends

When people are about to give up on their personal legends

What is one great truth *def

When you really want something, its because that desire originated in the soul of the universe

Santiago wants to abandon his journey to fulfill his Personal Legend. He states that he has already found his treasure. What treasure has he found? A) Fatima B) The money he made selling crystal C) His camel D) all of the above

all of the above

According to the king, what is the one great truth on this planet?

all people can see both the past and the present if they are open to it there is no such thing as free will people have absolutely no control over their own desires our deepest desires originate in the soul of the universe

Where does Santiago meet Fatima? A) at Al-Fayoum B) in Tarifa C) at the well in Tangier D) at the merchants house

at Al-Fayoum

Which of the following methods of characterization is used to describe Santiago in the following passage? "When the stall was assembled, the candy seller offered the boy the first sweet he had made for the day. The boy thanked him, ate it, and went on his way. When he had gone for only a short distance, he realized that, while they were erecting the stall, one of them had spoken Arabic and the other Spanish" (Coelho 46). A) reactions from other characters B) comments from the narrator c) internal thoughts and feelings D) character dialogue

comments from the narrator

"The silence of the desert was a distant dream; the travelers in the caravan were talking incessantly, laughing, and shouting.. " (Coelho 90). What does "incessantly mean? A) continually B) aggressively C) rudely D) softly


What job was offered to Santiago to reward him in warning the chieftains about the danger? A) A position in the oasis B) Counselor of the oasis C) new tribal chieftain D) 50 pieces of gold

counselor of the oasis

What is the quality that is most essential to understanding the Language of the World? A) love B) kindness C) courage D) power


What object contains the core secret of alchemy? a) elixir of life B) the golden scabbard C) Philosopher's stone D) Emerald tablet

emerald tablet

What does Santiago ask of his heart, and what does he promise in return? A) he asks it to be more trustworthy. he promises to listen to its alarm B) He asks it to never stop speaking to him. He promises to listen to its messages C) He asks it to be quieter. He promises to listen to its messages if it stops sending so many D) He asks it to reveal a specific omen to him. He promises to follow the omen

he asks it to never stop speaking to him. He promises to listen to its messages

Which of the following is NOT a detail from Santiago's reoccurring dream? A) He encounters a massive tree that blocks his path B) He is transported to the pyramids of Egypt C) There is hidden treasure awaiting him in Egypt D) He encounters a child playing with his sheep

he encounters a massive tree that blocks his path

Which of the following is not a detail from Santiago's reoccurring dream? a) there is a hidden treasure awaiting him in Egypt b) he is transported to the pyramids of Egypt c) He encounters a child playing with his sheep d) he encounters a massive tree that blocks his path

he encounters a massive tree that blocks his path

Why does Santiago decide to visit the tribal chieftains? A) He is seeking the alchemist B) he wants their permission to leave the oasis C) he had a vision of impending war D) He wants to marry Fatima

he has a vision of impending war

What is the most important reason Santiago gives for not wanting to continue his journey? A) he is already wealthy and has no need to find more treasure B) He loves Fatima and wants to be with her C) The war is making his journey too difficult D) He has been asked to become a tribal chieftain

he loves Fatima and wants to be with her

What is the fate of the commander at the batallion? A) Hang him in a coconut tree and let the snakes devour him B) He must die without honor C) He has to spend his life in the dungeon D) He has to spend his life as a slave

he must die without honor

According to the Alchemist, How can Santiago immerse himself in the desert? A) he must listen to the wind and the sun B) he must listen to his heart and brain C) he must listen to the Alchemist and to the omens D) he must listen to his heart

he must listen to his heart

What was the first important event to happen to Santiago in Africa? A) He sold his sheep so he could go to Egypt B) He was robbed of all of his money C) He hired a guide to take him to the Pyramids D) He was thrown out of a restaurant for trying to get to the pyramids

he was robbed of all of his money

At which point(s) in the story does Santiago lose his savings?

he was robbed of his fortune in Tangier by a thief he was beat and robbed of his fortune at the pyramids he "gave his fortune to a general in the desert

What does the old man show Santiago to prove that he can be trusted to interpret the dream? A) He is able to interact with Santiago's sheep without scaring them B) He gives Santiago a brief vision of the treasure that he is seeking C) He gives Santiago a mysterious book about alchemy as a gift D) He writes in the sand, revealing knowledge of Santiago's personal life

he writes in the sand, revealing knowledge of Santiago's personal life

What does the camel driver tell Santiago about why he chose his profession? A) he was a farmer until he realized that being a camel driver was his personal legend B) He sold his goods and being a camel driver is the only way he can make enough money to earn it back C) He did to impress a woman, but he has not been able to win her over. D) his land was ruined and he needed to find another way to make a living

his land was ruined and he needed to find another way to make a living

Which word best describes the Englishman? A) bubbly B) intelectual C) easy-going D) crude


What does "Maktub" mean A) it is in the prophecy B) it is written C) it is forgotten D) it is admired

it is written

What is the name of the wind that comes from Africa?


What does the following passage reveal about a theme (message or lesson) about the book? "Another dreamer,' said the ticket seller to his assistant, watching the boy walk away. 'He doesn't dreams or goals. A) Many people have dreams or goals in life but of nothing to pursue or achieve those dreams or goals B) Santiago dreams of doing great deeds but cannot do it because of money C) Money causes more problems than it solves D) Traveling is expensive and never worth it

many people have dreams or goals in life but do nothing to pursue or achieve those dreams or goals

What is the principle that governs all things

soul of the world

What does melchizedek suggest is the worlds greatest lie? A) that love conquers all obstacles B) that money makes people happy C) that people need a traditional education D) that people are controlled by fate

that people are controlled by fate

What does the old man suggest is the "world's greatest lie" A) that money makes people happy B) That people need a traditional education C) That love conquers all obstacles D) That people are controlled by fate

that people are controlled by fate

Quote Identification: Who said the following quote? "Then you'll die in the midst of trying to realize your personal legend. That's a lot better than dying like millions of other people, who never even knew what their Personal Legends were." A) the alchemist B) Santiago C) the desert D) The Englishman

the alchemist

Quote identification: Who says the following quote? "Every search begins with beginners luck. And every search ends with the victor being severely tested." A) the wind B) santiago C) The Englishman D) the alchemist

the alchemist

Santiago is approached near the edge of the desert by a horseman wearing all black and riding a white horse. He is described as appearing "to be a messenger from the desert, but his presence was much more powerful than that of a mere messenger" (Coelho 113). Who is this figure A) A messenger from one of the armies coming to attack the oasis B) A tribal chieftain C) The alchemist D) A thief

the alchemist

Who is the stranger on the horse that tested Santiago's courage? A) the Englishman B) The tribal chieftain C) The camel driver D) The Alchemist

the alchemist

Who says the following quote? "I've crosses these sands many times ... But the desert is so huge, and the horizons so distant, that they make a person feel small, and as if he should remain silent" A) The Englishman B) The camel driver C) Santiago D) the crystal merchant

the camel driver

Who says the following quote? "It was shepherds who were the first to recognize a king that the rest of the world refused to acknowledge." A) The crystal merchant B) The camel driver C) The englishman D) Santiago

the englishman

To which of the "Big Ideas" is this quote most solely connected "Everything on earth is being continuously transformed, because the earth is alive. . . and it has a soul" (Coelho 81). A) personal legend B) Alchemy C) the soul of the world D) One great truth

the soul of the world

According to Melchizedek, people's deepest desires come from... A) the universe B) Esperanto C) A person's heart D) dreams

the universe

Which of the following is not true of the gypsy and Melchizedek? A) the gypsy asks for 1/10 of Santiago's treasure B) They both interpret Santiago's dream C) Melchidek asks for 1/10 of Santiago's sheep D) They both explain the impotence of personal legends

they both explain the purpose of Personal legends

Why does Santiago say he will work for the crystal merchant? A) to send home to his family B) to pay a guide to the pyramids C) To buy a ticket to Egypt D) To buy some sheep

to buy some sheep

What does Fatima imply her personal legend is? A) to wait for Santiago B) to leave the oasis and travel with Santiago C) To marry a sheperd D) To marry a chieftain of Al-Fayoum

to wait for Santiago

What are the names of the black and white stones that the old king gave to the boy?

trim and thummim

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