The American Pageant Chapter 10 Review

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What did Hamilton's assumption and funding at par plans increase the national debt to? Why did Hamilton call the national debt a "national blessing"?

$75 million He felt that it held the Union together, as the government owed creditors money, so they were more willing to stick with the government

What were two reasons why Jeffersonians were outraged by Jay's Treaty (Federalist)? Even George Washington's popularity was affected by Jay's Treaty- true or false?

-Felt as if they were surrendering to Britain -South was betrayed- Jeffersonian Southern planters would have to pay most of the debts from before the war, while Northern Federalist shippers would be paid for ship seizing damages True

Judiciary Act of 1789 did what 3 things? Who became the first chief justice?

-Organized Supreme Court with chief justice and 5 associates -Formed federal district/ circuit courts -Established office of the attorney general (Edmund Randolph) *created Federal Court system John Jay

When the Constitution was signed in 1789.... List 3 reasons why the finances of the infant government were precarious. America's national security was threatened in by......which came as a result of the.....

-Revenue from states nearly nothing -Interest on public debt piling up -Worthless paper money plentiful, coins scarce wars in Europe, French Revolution

Name the 3 parts of Hamilton's assumption plan to economically strengthen the US.

1. Assume debts of states/pay off national debt at par 2. Excise and tariff taxes 3. National bank

What were 3 characteristics of Hamilton's ideas about foreign policy? What were 3 characteristics of Jefferson's ideas about foreign policy?

1. Looked outward and eastward 2. Wanted a strong government that would command respect abroad for commerical interests 3. Foreign trade with Britain important 1. Inward and westward 2. Wanted to focus on strengthening democracy at home, especially beyond the Appalachians, instead of going abroad 3. Supported liberal ideas of French Revolution

What were the 2 ways to amend the Constitution? How was the Bill of Rights added?

1. New constitutional convention requested by 2/3 of states 2. 2/3 vote for amendments in Congress James Madison drafted them himself and guided them through Congress (feared that a new convention would unravel the Federalist victory in the struggle to approve the Constitution)

What did 2 things did Jefferson fear after the Sedition Act was passed?

1. That Federalists would try and wipe out other Constitutional freedoms, in addition to freedom of the press and speech 2. That his party would be wiped out, and the country would be a one-party dictatorship

What 2 things were issues for John Adams, when he stepped into the presidency? Hamilton resigned from Treasury in 1795 and became.....

1. Violent quarrel with France was possible at any moment when Adams was elected 2. Adams despised by Hamilton- Hamilton secretly worked with the cabinet to plot against the president head of the war faction of the Federalists

Despite the Peace Treaty of 1783, Britain had remained on US frontier soil for ___ years. What were the two main reasons that the London government wanted to stay?

10 1. Profitable fur trade in Great Lakes area 2. Wanted to create an Indian buffer to keep the Americans from expanding their territory

In 1789, America's population doubled every _____ years. First official census counted ______ million people. Though cities blossomed, America's population was ______% rural. ________% lived east of the Appalachians.

25, 4 90, 5

Who was Edmond Genet? Where did he arrive and why was he sent? What did Genet believe, and did he do as a result?

A French representative who came to Charleston, SC, to try and persuade America to support France in the war He believed that the Neutrality Proclamation did not reflect America's true beliefs. Took advantage of Franco-American alliance and started nonneutral activity: hired privateers to attack British ships, organized militia to attack Spanish Florida/Louisiana, and British Canada.

Though Jeffersonians objected, the Alien and Sedition Acts received much support due to the ________________ hysteria. Federalists became so popular that they scored their largest victory during the congressional elections of _____-_______

Anti-French 1798-1799

As part of his financial plan, Hamilton proposed a national _________, modeled after that of England (he supported England). What 4 things could this new institution provide for the country?

Bank -Place for Treasury to deposit money -Government would be major stockholder -Federal funds would remain in circulation and help businesses -Print paper money and form national currency

Spain feared that, after Jay's Treaty, America may ally with ________. To prevent this, they proposed Pinckney's Treaty in ________, which gave America what 3 things?

Britain 1795, gave America everything they demanded- free navigation of Mississippi, right of deposit at New Orleans, right to disputed territory of western Florida

Jefferson advocated for rule of the people, and he believed everyone should vote. True or false? Explain Why did Jefferson fear landless voters as much as illiterate voters? What did he feel would prevent this?

False- he felt only literate, white men who could inform themselves and make responsible decisions should be given the right to vote. He felt the ignorant could be taught, but if they were not, they could not govern. Jefferson thought the landless citizens would be pushed around by the propertied voters. He felt slavery could prevent it, as a slave system would allow the poor farmers in the South to continue owning their own farms. Without slavery, they would have to become cheap labor for tobacco and rice plantations.

Hamilton's 5 financial successes. How did Hamilton's policies shape political groups? *Hamilton and Jefferson's personal feud became a political rivalry*

Funding, assumption, excise tax, the bank, suppression of Whiskey Rebellion They encroached on states' rights and gave more power to the federal government, which many opposed

Adams avoided war when he chose to send another envoy to France, but what else did he do for the nation? Explain Maintaining peace with France in 1800 was Adams' largest contribution, but his ____________ suffered

He made possible the purchase of Louisiana 3 years later. If France had fought America, Napoleon would have not sold Jefferson the territory popularity

Why did France never actually ask America to honor the treaty (why did America staying neutral benefit France)?

If America entered war and joined France, Britain would have blocked the American coast. This would have prevented them from sending food to the French West Indies, so America was more beneficial as a neutral provider.

Though America remained neutral (should have avoided British blockades that kept them from sending food to the French West Indies), what did the British do? What affect did this (especially impressment) have on Federalists and Jeffersonians?

Ignored American neutrality and seized 300 American ships in the West Indies, also impressed many seamen and threw hundreds into prison. Jeffersonians were extremely upset and said America should fight Britain to defend its rights, or at least stop supplies going to Britain with an embargo. Federalists discouraged this because Hamilton's financial plan relied heavily on trade with Britain, the world's largest commercial empire.

The Whiskey Rebellion was minor (3 rebels killed), but what positive effect did it have on Washington's new government? What did critics say?

It forced the government to be respected Washington used a sledgehammer to crush a gnat

In 1789, Thomas Jefferson and ____________ ______________ supported a limited government (Anti-Federalists), while _____________ ________________ and Alexander Hamilton wanted to increase the powers of government to strengthen the country (Federalists)

James Madison, George Washington

The election of 1796 was between _______ ___________ (Federalist) and _________ _____________ (Democratic-Republican)

John Adams, Thomas Jefferson

Settlement beyond the Appalachians was mainly in which 3 new states?

Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio

On the US frontier, Britain armed Natives from which confederacy? Who was the chief of this confederacy? How many tribes were included? What area did he claim was the US northwestern and Native southeastern border? In 1790 and 1791, Little Turtle defeated the Americans (one of their worst frontier defeats, ________ were killed) on the frontier. The American generals were _____________ ___________ and ______________ ___ ____________.

Miami Confederacy Little Turtle, 8 tribes Ohio River hundreds, Josiah Harmar, Arthur St. Clair

Did Thomas Jefferson support the national bank idea? Explain Jefferson's interpretation of the Constitution (3 points) Did Alexander Hamilton support the national bank idea? Explain Hamilton's interpretation of the Constitution (4 points)

No -Constitution forbade what it did not permit -Powers not specifically given to federal government were reserved for the states (states should make banks) -Had a "strict"/"literal" interpretation of the Constitution Yes -Constitution permitted with it did not forbid -Constitution lets government pass any laws "necessary and proper" to carry out its powers (collect taxes, regulate trade) -"Implied powers" -"loose" interpretation ("elastic clause") increased federal powers

Did Talleyrand want to go to war with America after the XYZ Affair? What did Talleyrand say that America could do, to avoid fighting?

No Send a new minister, who would be met with respect and a treaty would be signed

When Washington was inaugurated, did political parties exist? Explain. Founding Fathers believed that organized opposition to the government went against the spirit of ________________ __________________ that was sparked by the Revolution.

No, they were unknown. Whigs/Tories, Federalists/Antifederalists were factions that emerged over hotly debated issues and then faded, not permanent parties. national unity

The Whiskey Rebellion took place in southwestern ______________ in the year ____________. Caused by the _______ tax. Why were poor farmers so upset over the excise tax? These distillers cried, "__________ _____ _______ _____________". Also tarred and feathered ___________ _____________

Pennsylvania, 1794, excise Farmers distilled rye and corn into alcohol because it was cheaper to transport them to eastern markets than bales of grain. "Liberty and No Excise", revenue officers

In response to the XYZ Affair, unofficial fighting broke out between France and America- what was this called? The undeclared war lasted 2.5 years (______-__________) Where was the war mainly fought?

Quasi War 1798-1800 Seas (West Indies)

France's liberty came with a price, and the ___________ ____ ___________ began in _______. The king was beheaded and the church was attacked during this time. How did Federalists feel about the violence? How did Jeffersonians feel? The French Revolution soon became a major war. Britain was sucked in and America began to be directly affected. The war became another fight for control of the __________ ________________.

Reign of Terror, 1793 Federalists began to fear the apparently violent revolutionaries and disapproved. However, Jeffersonians felt that despotism could not become liberty completely peacefully, and that a few aristocratic heads were a cheap price to pay. Atlantic Ocean

What was the Sedition Act? The Act was a Federalist attempt to crush ____________ _________ and silence the ____________ ______ people were convicted under this Act. Describe Congressman Matthew Lyon's trial and sentence.

Said that anyone who published/said harmful, false, or scandalous information about the government or its officials would be fined or imprisoned Free speech/press, opposition 10, Lyon sentenced to 4 months in jail for writing negatively of John Adams

What is a tariff?

Tax on imports

What did it mean to fund the national debt at par? How much had to be paid? What was the assumption part of the plan? How much had to be paid? Why did Hamilton advocate for assumption (how did he think it would benefit the Union)?

The national government had to pay off its debt at face-value, plus interest- total of $54 million The national government would also pay off state debts- total of $21.5 million Believed that it would gain the support of the rich; their money would be in the hands of the federal government

How have opposing political parties become important to stable democracy ("loyal opposition")?

The party in power is checked by the party not in power ("loyal opposition")- they know that the opposing party will win the next election if they don't govern based on the wishes of the people

What was the Naturalization Act? Why was it passed? What were the Alien Laws?

This law changed residence requirements for citizenship from 5 to 14 years. It was passed because most immigrants were poor and turned away by aristocratic Federalists, so they joined the Jeffersonians These laws gave the president the power to deport immigrants considered dangerous at any time, and the power to imprison or deport them during a war, if they were from an enemy nation

George Washington was the only president to be elected..... Washington was inaugurated in _________, in which city? Who was his Vice President?

unanimously by the Electoral College 1789, NYC John Adams

What became a slogan after the XYZ Affair? Name 4 war preparations that began after the XYZ Affair

"Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute" -Navy Department created -3-ship navy expanded -United States Marine Corps reestablished -Army of 10,000 men authorized (not raised)

How did the Neutrality Proclamation demonstrate that alliances are based on self-interest?

1778, treaty was honored because America and France would gain. 1793, treaty not honored because only France would gain

French Revolution began in ___________ and caused ______ years of turmoil in Europe. French Revolution was peaceful at first, French tried to restrain _______ through the Constitution The Americans were flattered and mainly approved, as they thought of the French Revolution as....(a few conservative Federalists were upset)

1789, 26 Louis XVI A second chapter for their own revolution

When was the Bill of Rights ratified? What is the Bill of Rights and what does it protect? Describe Amendments 1, 9, and 10 Because the amendments protected the rights of the state and individual, they slightly supported the ____________ cause

1791 First 10 amendments to the Constitution, protects some of the most important American principles 1: Freedom of religion, assembly, speech, the press 9: Simply because some rights are specifically protected by the Bill of Rights, that doesn't mean all others are not safeguarded 10: Gives all powers to the states that are not specifically given to the federal government by the Constitution Antifederalist

Bank of the United States created _________, and was chartered for _____ years. The bank was located in _____________. Bank had a capital of $10 million and the government owned _____ of it. Other stock was sold to the _________

1791, 21 Philadelphia 1/5, public

What was the excise tax? When did Hamilton have it placed? Who did it affect the most, why?

1791, taxed Whiskey as an additional form of revenue Backcountry distillers, as they had to turn their grain into whiskey to be able to transport it on bad roads

The French Revolution became violent in __________, when France declared war on __________. Late in the year, France declared itself a _____________, and Americans celebrated by renaming streets- give two examples.

1792, Austria republic King Street---> Liberty Street Royal Exchange Alley---->Equality Lane

The Neutrality Proclamation was issued in ____________, after war broke out between Britain and France. What did the document state? What "tradition" did it help spread? How did Federalists and Jeffersonians each react to the Proclaimation?

1793 America was to remain neutral in the conflict, citizens should not support either side, isolationist tradition Federalists (pro-British) were happy. Jeffersonians (pro-French) were upset, especially because Washington did not consult Congress when passing it.

America fought the Miamis for the second time in _______, led by General __________ __________________ ___________________. The battle was known as.... The Miamis were forced to sign a peace treaty in _______, after the British abandoned them, known as the Treaty of ____________. What did this treaty do? How did it recognize the power of the Natives?

1794, "Mad Anthony" Wayne Battle of Fallen Timbers 1795, Greenville Confederacy gave up much land in the Old Northwest (Indiana and Ohio), in exchange for $20,000 and hunting rights. Natives felt that the treaty limited the ability of the government to push them away.

What did 2 things did Washington advise in his Farewell Address of _______? What were his 3 foreign policy goals for the US? What were 4 of Washington's political contributions?

1796, avoid permanent alliances, only make temporary alliance for "extraordinary emergencies" 1. Neutrality in wars 2. Friendly with all nations, do not interfere 3. Establish a national military academy to train officers -Central government solidly established -West expanding -Merchant marine on the seas -Nation had stayed out of foreign conflicts

In _________, Federalists took advantage of the anti-French mindset and passed 3 laws designed to minimize the Jeffersonians Name these 3 laws/acts

1798 Naturalization Act, Alien Laws, Sedition Act

What were the first 2 precedents (not in Constitution) that Washington set? Who were the only 3 departments during Washington's time?

Cabinet and 2 terms in office Secretary of State-Thomas Jefferson Secretary of the Treasury-Alexander Hamilton Secretary of War-Henry Knox

What did the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions propose? Why? What year were the passed? Who wrote each? Did states agree with the Resolutions? What did Federalists believe?

Jefferson said the Alien and Sedition Acts were not constitutional, so states had the right to nullify/cancel them. Supported the "compact theory," idea that the states should decide if the government had overstepped its granted powers because the states had formed the government. 1798, Jefferson passed Kentucky and Madison passed Virginia Most states refused to accept them. Federalists claimed that the people (not states) had made the Constitution, so only the Supreme Court had the power to nullify federal laws (eventually became law, though not actually in the Constitution)

In an attempt to avoid war with Britian, who did Washington send to London in 1794? What Treaty did he negotiate? What 3 things did the Treaty state? What 2 things did it not mention?

John Jay Jay's Treaty -Britain would evacuate US soil -Britain would pay damages for recent seizures of US ships -America would pay debts owed to Britain from before the Revolution -Did NOT address future British seizures of American ships/impressment, or prevent Britain from arming Natives

Who did Washington call in response to the Whiskey Rebellion? How many showed up in response? When these people arrived in Pennsylvania, what did they find? What did Washington do to the 2 he convicted?

Militias of several states, 13,000 No rebellion, crowds had completely dispersed Pardoned them

John Adams won the election of 1796 with most support in _____________. __________ became vice president. ______ Amendment later made it impossible for the vice president and president to be from different parties Adams was respected, but irritated many and had no desire to appeal to the _______________

NE, Jefferson 12th masses

Who ruled France in 1800? How did his goals benefit America? What was treaty was created in 1800, between France and America? What did it say?

Napoleon Bonaparte He wanted to end the American squabble and focus on gaining power in both Europe and the New World (Louisiana) Convention of 1800- ended the 22-year alliance of 1778, said US would pay for damage to their own ships, established right of neutral ships to trade without harassment

Which states supported the assumption plan? Which did not? Why? How were southern states convinced to approve the plan in 1790?

Northern states (MA) had larger debts, so they supported the plan. Southern states (VA) had already repaid debts, so they did not support the plan. The federal district was moved to the Potomac River in exchange, allowing Virginia to gain commerce and power

Why was France upset over Jay's Treaty? What two things did they do as revenge?

Saw it as step towards alliance with Britain and violated the Franco-American Treaty of 1778 1. Seized 300 American merchant ships by mid-1797 2.Refused to accept American envoy and threatened to arrest him (ended diplomatic relationships)

To avoid war with France after they were upset by Jay's Treaty, what did John Adams do? What happened, and what was this event known as?

Sent 3 men to France, including John Marshall, to meet with Talleyrand- French foreign minister Greeted by 3 French representatives (X, Y, Z) and asked to pay a bribe of $250,000 to talk with Talleyrand and pay a loan of $12 million to France. Known as the X, Y, Z Affair

What did Adams do in 1799 (after XYZ Affair) when Talleyrand said America could send a new minister, who would be met with respect? Which group was upset about this?

Suggested a name to Senate for a new minister Hamiltonians (pro-British), especially the war-hawks

Part of Hamilton's financial plan, what revenue law was passed in 1789? What did this law do? Law was designed for revenue, but also as a protection for.....However, America was still mainly commercial and agricultural at this time.

Tariff law Placed an 8% tax on imports Infant American industries

The 1778 Franco-American alliance was meant to last forever- true or false? What did it require America to do? How was this significant during the French Revolution-turned war? What did Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans think America should do, regarding the alliance, once Britain joined the war? What did George Washington and Hamiltonians believe should be done, regarding the alliance, once Britain went to war against France? *Washington's thinking was shared among many Founding Fathers, and Jefferson and Hamilton came to agree with him*

True Forced them to help France defend the West Indies, and Britain was expected to attack these islands one they joined the war Felt America should honor the alliance and support the French liberal ideas. They wanted to repay France for their freedom and go against Britain. Wanted to avoid war for at least a generation. The nation was weak militarily and economically, and politically disunited. The population was rapidly increasing, so Washington believed that America could gain respect on the sea if they avoided European wars for a time.

Did the North support the Bank? Why/why not? Did the South support the Bank? Why/why not?

Yes, commercial and financial center No, mainly agricultural

Hamiltonions: -distrusted complete democracy and the judgement of the "common folk"; advocated for government by the "____________ __________" -powerful central government to crush ___________ _____________ (Shays Rebellion), protect the wealthy, promote foreign trade, limit state power -government should support private __________, but not interfere -mainly made up of ___________, ______________, and _____________ along the Atlantic seaboard (NE region)

best people, democratic excesses, enterprise, merchants, manufacturers, shippers

Jefferson believed strongly in _______________ of the ________________, and would rather have newspapers without government than a government without newspapers. Why was this so important to him?

freedom of the press Allowed any citizen to expose tyranny

Jeffersonians: -believed best government was one that governed the _________; power should be left to ___________ -Feared a dictatorship would develop, so believed central authority should be minimized through a __________ interpretation of the Constitution -National debt was a ________ -Favored _____________ and wanted no special privileges for manufacturing -Followers came from...

least, states, strict, curse, agriculture, south+southwest,

When the Constitution was signed in 1789, Americans saw a central authority as _____________, but something to be _________________

necessary, distrusted

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolves supported ______________ rights. They were later used by the South to support _____________ and ____________. Madison and Jefferson had been trying to preserve the Union by creating the Resolutions, and their only actual goal was to nullify _________________ power (not specifically the Sedition and Alien Acts) in the upcoming election

states' nullification and secession Federalist

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