The Civil War; 1642-1646

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What does Manchester say to Cromwell after defeat at Newbury 2?

"if we beat the king ninety and nine times yet he is still king... but if the king beat us once, we shall all be hanged"

What did Kishlansky say about the NMA?

"marked no break with Parliament's past, no ascendancy of a 'win-the-war policy and no feat of administrative genius"

How does Cromwell reply to Manchester after Newbury 2?

"my Lord, if this be so, why did we take up arms at first?"

What did Hill say about the Ports of the civil war?

"ports were all for parliament"

What does Newbury 2 provoke?

'parliament ascendant' - Uxbridge propositions - NMA - SDO

How did Parliament improve financially mid war? (3)

- 1643 creation of weekly assessment - excise = like T+P - sequestration (selling of seized royalist land)

What were the initial royalist advantages?

- 3 pronged attack - Ideological unity + legitimacy - Support from the church - Foreign support

What were the initial Royalist disadvantages?

- Charles = misunderstood/ inexperienced - cant legitimately tax - Europe cant help due to 30 yrs war

What were the initial Parliamentary advantages?

- London (tax, admin, printing press + port) - Parl = elected :. legit - Pym = experienced

What happened at Edgehill?

- Royalists have high ground waiting for Essex to attack - Royalists make a strong charge back run straight off of battlefield - Parl attack - 3000 men died = a draw

What was different about the NMA?

- freed from regional constraints - regular pay (infantry = 8p a day, cavalry = 2 shillings) - better trained + equipped - promotion by merit

What were the initial Parliamentary disadvantages?

- treasonable - split leadership

What was the death toll/ capture toll at Naseby?

1,000 royalists dead 4,500 captured 200 parl dead

How many men did each side have at Edge Hill?


When/ what was the Royalist high tide?

1643 military victories of leading Parl's Hampden and Lord Brooke - Newcastle gets Yorkshire - HM arrives w/ arms from Holland

When did Oxford surrender?

24th June 1646

How many more newspapers did Parl have than Royalist?

3 for every 1

How many people lived in london? What fraction of the population was this?

400,000 1/10

How many generals, colonels and officers in the NMA were not gentlemen?


What % of taxes come from London?


What did Charles do after the siege of Gloucester?

Abandons siege, tries to cut off parl's return to London BUT fails.

What were the Uxbridge propositions?

Peace party + scots try to make deal w/ Charles. Deal is to introduce presbyterianism in England BUT Charles refuses.

Who were the initial royalist commanders?

Prince Rupert Sir Ralph Hopton

What/ when was the treaty of oxford?

Provoked by Edgehill - negotiations between Feb-April 1643 milder 19 props but no bishops :. C refuses

How many Royalists/ Parliamentarians died at Marston Moor?

R = 4,000 P = 300

What did Charles Wilson say about the reason for Royalist defeat?

"failure in leadership.. prevented the king from exploiting the considerable tactical victories that he won."

What does Morrill attribute to the defeat of Royalism?

"financial thrombosis ultimately killed the royalist cause?

When and what was the SDO?

April 1645 all MPs and peers resign military commands :. Essex + Manchester retire BUT Cromwell is exception (appointed as lieutenant-general; 2nd in command)

When/ what was Adwalton Moor?

June 1643 Newcastle defeats Faifax + gains more support.

What/ when was the siege of Bristol?

August 1645 Bristol held by Rupert, they surrender + C sends Rupert into exile for betrayal.

Why was the siege of Gloucester seen as a turning point?

C unable to take advantage of situation - made mistakes although he had the upper hand.

Why/ when did the first battle at Edgehill happen?

C was intercepted on his way to London at Edgehill. October 1642

Who was the Earl of Montrose? What happened to him?

Covenanter turn Royalist commander (main supporter from highland = cath) Defeated at Philiphaugh Sept 1645

Who was the Marquess of Argyll? Wha happened to him?

Covenanter who supports Parl but then goes on to support CII + then is in Cromwell's parl + executed for treason in 1660

Why did the Royalists loose at Marston Moor?

Cromwell brought Eastern Association army to reinforce Fairfax + Scots -> 28,000 men

Name 3 battles after Marston Moor where the Royalist regain their strength

Cropredy Bridge Lostwithiel Tippermiur Royalist victories

When does Pym die?

December 1643

Name 3 political presbyterians. What are they also known as? What do they want?

Denzil Holles Essex Manchester Peace Party aim = compromise settlement + want order

What did Charles do right at the end of the civil war?

Desperately offers Ireland catholicism to get help BUT Parl = angry THEN C tries to make a deal w/ Scotland + surrenders instead

When was the battle of Naseby? What were the initial standings?

June 1645 NMA = twice royalists but royalists have strong position on ridge

What happened at Newbury II? Why was this surprising?

Draw. Even though Parl outnumbered Royalists 2:1 due to divisions. Parl try and prevent C -> oxford but too cautious :. C manages

When/ what was the Siege of Gloucester?

Essex and 15,000 men -> Gloucester where Royalists have attacked Parl's garrison of 1,500 w/ 30,000

Name the initial Parl commanders?

Essex and Manchester

When/ What was the NMA? (how many men)

Feb 1645 Joined Parls main armies into a force of 22,000 men under Fairfax

How does Charles improve financially mid war?

He doesnt. caries on relying on traditional revenue ie loans, warships etc - avoids tax

Where were the 2 major armouries?

Hull and London

What is cromwell's army known as?


What happens at Hull in 1643?

John Hotham tries to deliver it to Charles but is executed by Parliament.

Why/ when did Marston Moor happen?

July 1644 C needed to relieve York and Rupert manages but offers a battle instead of retreating.

What causes the battle of Naseby?

NMA try to lay siege on Oxford, fail :. push C to Naseby + fight.

What areas belonged to Charles?

North West Oxford (capital)

When was the second battle of newbury?

October 1644

What did Edgehill result in?

Road to London is clear but C is hesitant so goes to oxford :. gives Parliament London. - Treaty of Oxford

What/when was the cessation treaty?

Royalist allies coming from Ireland (rebells). Sept 1643 22,000 troops to England

What happens with Bristol in 1643 that exacerbates divisions in Parl?

Royalists get Bristol after Nathaniel Fiennes surrenders it. - Bristol is important as it is a Port and joins Royalist areas - Essex and Pym fight over NF's sentence

How/ why does Rupert f*** up at Naseby?

Rupert doesnt see the importance of discipline after the first charge. R breaks Parl's cavalry + tries to destroy their baggage train. Ironsides charge + defeat him.

What was the Solemn League and Covenant and when was it signed?

Sept 1643 Pym signs it agreeing on presbyterianism in England. Scots give 21,500 men Parl paid £30,000 a month

Name 3 strong Parl supporters?

Sir Henry Vane Henry Marten Lord Saye and Seel

Name 3 political independents. What are they also known as? What do they want?

Sir Henry Vane Sir Arthur Haselrig Oliver Cromwell War Party aim = defeat the king + deal w/ him harshly + want religious toleration

What areas belonged to Parliament?

South East Hull Newcastle Bristol Exeter London (capital)

What did Hill say about the NMA?

That "there had never been anything like the NMA before"

What did Morrill say about Parliament?

That they had "greater long-term advantages"

What did Seel say about Parliament?

They were "almost certain to win a war of long duration"

Why was the cessation treaty a failure?

Troops arrived in piecemeal fashion + are cath rebels :. unpopular

Why dont Parliament take advantage of their victory at Marston Moor?

Without Pym they have no clear leadership. Divided into Political Presbyterians and Political Independents

Who was in charge of a) cavalry b) infantry of NMA

a) Cromwell b) Philip Skippon

How much did William Cavendish give to the Royalist cause? What was his reward? What is his title?

£700,000 Made marquess 1643 Newcastle

How much did Henry Somerset give to the Royalist cause? What was his reward? What is his title?

£900,000 Made marquess 1642 Worcester

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