The Cold War and the Civil Rights Movement

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Terrorist group behind 9/11 attacks

Al- Qaeda

Where did the US attempt to overthrow Castro during the Kennedy's presidency, although it was unsuccessful?

Bay of Pigs

What two big event did Reagan influence with regards to the end of the Cold War?

Berlin wall and fall of Soviets

Leader of know NOW wrote the feminine mystique to explore ideas of women taking on more nontraditional roles in the workplace

Betty Frida

Under what president was Mexico and Canada brought into a tariff free trade zone with the US under NAFTA

Bill Clinton

During Obama's presidency, this terrorist who was responsible for 9/11 was finally captured and killed

Bin laden

Where did MLK write letters from addressing fears that white religious leaders had that he was moving too fast toward desegregation?

Birmingham, AL in Jail cell

What supreme court case integrated the nations public schools and overturned Plessy v. Ferguson?

Brown vs. The board of edu.

In this election, presidential candidate that had the most popular votes did not win. This election shows the importance of electoral college, especially in Florida

Bush versus Gore, 2000

What event was Jimmy Carter involved in when he tried to bring peace to the Middle East with an agreement between Egypt and Israel?

Camp David Accord's

Who was the leader of the United farm workers union that forced grape growers to negotiate a contract with higher wages and other benefits for Hispanic workers?

Cesar Chavez

President Nixon visited this country to re-open trade agreements and decrease cold war tensions


What country fell to the communist party under the leadership of Mao Zedong? (This made the US fearful of its spread)


Why was Nixon's first term as president considered a success?


Name of the government, mostly in southern part of the US, that was aimed at fighting for equal rights

Civil rights

What other events did TV help influence public perception about?

Civil rights

This was signed by President Johnson and prohibited discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, and gender; outlawed Jim Crow laws (include date)

Civil rights act of 1964

What group of people was most against the war in Vietnam? Why?

College and African Americans because they were getting drafted

The policy of stopping the spread of communism during the Cold War era. This was the basis for many US foreign policy decisions.


What is the tense confrontation that resulted after the US discovered nuclear ICBMs in Cuba causing Kennedy to blockade the country for 13 terrifying days?

Cuban missile crisis

Which event in Chicago is remembered as a scene where police armed with clubs and tear gas violently beat the antiwar protesters on live TV?

Democratic national convention

What were the burglars at the Watergate apartment complex breaking into when they were arrested?

Democratic national headquarters

Idea that justified US involvement in Vietnam war; states that if one country falls to the influence of communism, then surrounding countries would fall too?

Domino theory

Name of the organization created to protect human health and environment; can impose a fine and causing pollution

EPA (environmental protection Association)

What day celebrating environment by raising awareness of environmental issues and came as a result of Rachel Carson's book

Earth day

Even though Gore and more popular votes, Bush won the election of 2000 because he had more ____________ votes, which elects the president


What Cuban leader had US support at first, but then allied himself with the soviet Union, suspended all elections, and declared himself president for life?

Fidel Castro

Why was election of 2008 historic

First African-American president

What president pardon Richard Nixon for his involvement in Watergate


This was passed by Congress to protect and reward returning servicemen by offering them lower interest loans for homes in grants for attending college

GI bill of rights

What did President Lyndon Johnson call his legislative programs that came to eliminate poverty and racial and injustice?

Great society

Hit and run military tactic used by Vietcong against the US

Guerrilla Warfare

Congressional order that gave the president authorization to conduct military operations in Southeast Asia without a formal declaration of war; increased US involvement in the Vietnam

Gulf of Tonkin

What were the top two actions taken by the US after launching of sputnik 1

Increase spending and defense

What is the code name for the invasion of Afghanistan that began the war on terrorism and was a direct response on 9/11 attacks?

Induring freedom

The development of this may personal computers more appealing since it's networks made connecting around the world easier


What was the largest public works project done during Eisenhower presidency? It was a national network of highways to connect every major city for military purposes and for the surplus of cars

Interstate and highways

What event was Jimmy Carter criticized for when 52 American hostages were taken for 444 days after the US allowed the recently overthrown Iranian shah to enter the nation

Iran hostage crisis

In March 2003, American and British troops invaded Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussain for his suspected weapons of mass distraction. What was the codename for this invasion

Iraqie freedom

This president was assassinated in Dallas Texas in 1963; his death sped up civil rights legislation


What debate was the first one ever televised and showed the impact of TV on public perception?

JFK vs Nixon

What is the first war that the US got involved with to stop the spread of communism? (ended no territorial changes and reminded divided by the 30th parallel)

Korean War

Name of the student group that President Eisenhower had to send in federal troops for to enforce the integration of public schools in Arkansas

Little rock nine

What impact did Watergate scandal have on Americans

Lost trust

What to charges was Bill Clinton impeached for?

Lying under oath and obstruction of justice

The assassination of the civil rights leader lead to riots in over 100 cities in the emergence of the black power movement


What event did MLK give his famous "I have a dream speech" . Which called for peace and racial harmony?

March on Washington

What was passed by Congress after World War II that help rebuild western Europe by spending 13 million in economic aid and oppose communism?

Marshall Plan

What prominent leader founded the SCLC and was best known for his nonviolent tactics?

Martian Luther King

What senator's anti-Communist crusade ended when he alleged that there were communist in the army?


What great society program provides healthcare for individuals and families with low income?


What great society program provided health care and elderly for the elderly and disabled?


This organization's goal was to promote equal rights and opportunities for women as well as in discrimination in hiring, wages, and promotions


Nickname for the healthcare reform legislation passed under Obama's presidency


How did the US respond to the attacks of 9/11?

Patriot act and department of homeland security

Senator who is running for president but was assassinated in California in 1968 by Sirhan sirhan


President Reagan's economic policy that included budget cuts, tax cuts for the wealthy, and increased defense spending. What was the nickname for this policy?


Event that was marked by McCarthyism, the practice of accusing someone of communist without evidence

Red Scare

Which women is credited with the start of the Montgomery bus boycott after she refused to give up her seat to a white man on the bus?

Rosa Parks

Name a book written by Rachel Carson that promoted the environment and protested against the use of pesticides in nature

Silent Springs

What were some of the main tactics of the SNCC?

Sit ins

Name of the technological phenomenon in which individuals share information in online community; concerns from it involves cyberbullying, privacy, and reliability of information shared on

Social media

What does SCLC stand for?

Southern Christian leader Conference

First man-made earth satellite launched into space by the Soviet union; began the space race?


What does SNCC stand for?

Student non-violent coordination committee

What did 90% of Americans families own during the 1950s that expose them to the same news, sports, and shows?


What is the name of the event where the North Vietnamese and the Vietcong attacked 100 south Vietnamese cities on the Vietnamese new year celebration?

Tet offensive

Name of the competition between the USSR and the US after world war 2 that created tension, but no actual battles were fought between them directly?

The Cold War

What president issued an executive order to integrate the US armed forces following World War II?


Document that stated the US would not hesitate to help and provided aid to those nations resisting communism?

Truman Doctrine

Term given to describe the removal of troops from Vietnam and giving the south Vietnam responsibility of war effort


What act outlawed literacy test and pull taxes? (included date)

Voting rights act of 1965

Following the Vietnam war, Congress passed this require Congress approval to authorize troops deployment within a certain timeframe

War powers act

What was the name of the first suburban housing development built using a mass production concept?


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