the Dictionary part 7

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abbreviation for characters per second. 2. Cycles per second.


abbreviation for copyright.


synonymous with gegenschein.


1. To verify by comparing with parallel or supplementary data. 2. To check illegally in ice hockey by striking an opponent with one's hockey stick held in both hands and lifted of the ice. The act of _____________ing.


1. To weight down; burden. . To hamper or hinder, as by being in the way. 3. To litter; clutter up. 4. To bother; distress. A hindrance; an encumbrance.

crocodile bird

A black and white African bird (Pluvianus aegyptius) that is related to the plover and feeds on insects that parasitize crocodiles.

concil of ministers

A body of advisers to a head of state.

covered bridge

A bridge whose roadway is protected by a roof and sides.


A bring, usually blinking, movable indicator on a display, marking the position at which a character can be entered, corrected, or deleted.

Cuban heel

A broad heel of mdoerate height with a slightly tapered back and straight front, used in shoes and some boots.


A broad sash, especially one that is pleated lengthwise and worn as an article of formal dress, as with a dinner jacket.


1648-1695. Mexican nun and poet noted for her love lyrics, courtly tirbutes, satires, and plays as well as tehological writings on the role of woen in the Roman Catholic church.


A bell hung from a collar around a cow's neck.


A binding agreement; a compact. Synonymous with bargain. 2. A formal sealed agreement or contract. b. A suit to recover damages for violation of such a contract. 3. In the Bible, God's promise by or as if by a __________. To enter into a _________.


A city of northern Italy on the Po River east-southeast of Milan. Originally a Roma colony, it was an independent commune in the Middle Ages until its surrender to Milan in 1334. Population: 80,758.


A city of south-central Ecuador southeast of Guayaquil. Founded in 1557, it is known as "the Marble City" for its fine buildings. Population: 194,981.


A city of south-central Mexico in he Cuernavaca Valley near Mexico City. It is an industrial city and a popular tourist and health resort. Population: 281,294.


A fool or dupe.

cradle cap

A form of dermatitis that occurs in infants and is characterized by heavy yellow rusted lesions on the scalp.


A historic region and former duchy of southern Latvia between the Baltic Sea and the Western Dvina River. It passed to Russia in 1795 and was largely incorporated into Latvia in 1918.

cough drop

A small, often medicated and sweetened lozenge taken orally to ease coughing or soothe a sore throat.


A small, usually ring-shaped or twisted cake of sweet dough fried in deep fat. 2. An unraised doughnut, usually twisted but also shaped into rings or oblongs.


An analytical method for determining the amount of a substance relased during eletrolysis by measuring the number of coloumbs used is measured.


An ancient city of central Iraq on the Tigris River southeast of Baghdad. As the residence of Parthian kings it was renowned for its splendor. The Arabs captured the city in 637.


An ancient unit of linear measure, originally equal to the length of the forearm from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow, or about 18 to 22 inches, (43 to 56 centimeters).


1. Having the ability or power to create. 2. Productive; creating. 3. Chracterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative. One who displays productive originality.


An annual plant (Vaccaria pyramidata), native to Eurasia and naturalized in Nnorth America and having clusters of deep-pink flowers.


An apparatus used to maintain constant low temperature.

curtain wall

1. An outer or enclosing wall, especially one connecting two towers or turrets, as in medieval fortification. 2. A nonbearing wall, often of glass and steel, fixed to the outside of a building and serving especially as cladding.


An extremely dense, vertically developed cumulus with a relatively hazy outline and a glaciated top extending to great heights, usually producing heavy rains, thunderstorms, or hailstorms.


An extremely hard mineral, aluminum oxide, Al2O3, sometimes containing iron, magnesia, or silica, that occurs in gem varieties such as ruby and sapphire and in a common black, brown, or blue form used chiefly in abrasives.

courtly love

An idealized and often illicit form of love celebrated in the literature of the Middle Ages and the Reniassance in which a knight or courtier devotes himself to a noblewoman who is usually married and feigns indifference to preserve her reputation.


Any of an extinct order (Cotylosauria) of massive primitive reptiles of the Carboniferous and Permian periods that included the ancestors of all of the reptiles. Also called root reptile, stem reptile.


Any of certain Old World annual plants of the genus Crame in the mustard family, cultivated for their seeds, which yield a useful oil similar to rape oil.


Lively; vivacious.


Living or growing on excrement, as certain fungi.

cream of tartar

Synonymous with potassium bitartrate.


Synonymous with romaine.


One who plays craps.


abbr. cumulative.


abbr. for carpal tunnel syndrome


abbreviated as certified registered nurse anesthetist .


abbreviated as corticotropin-releasing hormone.


abbreviated as csc. 1. The reciprocal of the sine of an angle in a right triangle. 2. The secant of the complement of a directed angle or arc.


abbreviated as versed cosine


abbreviation for 1. Connecticut 2. count (title) 3. court.


abbreviation fro compare


cerebrospinal fluid


or cosm- prefix for Universe, world.


prefix for Cortex


prefix for copper.


prefix for cumulus.

crystalloid1. A

ubstance that can be crystallized. 2. Any of various minute crystallike particles consisting of protein and found in certain plant cells, especially oily seeds. Resembling or having properties of a crystal or crystalloid.


used as a disparaging term for a person ro animal that is partially disabled or unable to use a limb or limbs. 2. Something that is easily accomplished, especially an undemanding academic course.


used to express annoyance, anger, or dismay.

Coon Rapids

A city of eastern Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis- St. Paul. Population: 52,978.

core dump

A copy of the data stored in the core memory of a computer, usually used for debugging purposes.


A hero of ancient Ulster who single-handedly defended it against the rest of Ireland.

cowboy boot

A high-arched boot with a high Cuban heel and usually ornamental stiching.


A hired woman, especially in the western United States, who tends cattle and performs many of her duties on horseback.

corn chip

A thin crisp piece of food made from cornmeal batter.


A woman who makes teasing sexual or romantic overtures,a flirt.


An adrenal cortex extract that contains a mixture of hormones including cortisone.


An adult male voice with a range above that of tenor. 2. A singer having a voice within this range.


An injurious habit of horses in which they bite at the edge of a feed trough or other object and swallow air at the same time.

crocodile tears

An insincere display of grief; false tears. From the belief that crocodiles weep either to lure a victim or when eating one.

cucking stool

An instrument of punishment no longer in use, consisting of a chair in which the offender was tied and exposed to public derision or ducked in water.


Any of various extinct carnivorous mammals of the suborder Creodonta, of the Paleocene Epoch to the Pliocene Epoch.


Operated by an onboard crew.


Synonymous with limpkin.


To make or become crisp;crisp.


Total; absolute.


Treated so as to have a permanently crinkled or rumpled appearance. Used of a fabric.



correlative conjunction

either of a pair of conjunctions, such as either... or or both... and, that connect two parts of a sentence and are not used adjacent to each other. The second of the pair is always a coordinating conjunction.

coup de main

A sudden action undertaken to surprise an enemy


A shaft that turns or is turned by a crank.


A shed for housing cows.


A sheep of a breed distinguished by its long wool, originally developed in the Cotswold Hills.


A small earthenware container, such as a pot or jar, for holding liquids.


excessively fat. synonymous with fat.

creek1. A smal

l stream, often a shallow or intermittent tributary to a river. Also called regionally branch, brook, kill, run. 2. A channel or stream running through a salt marsh. 3. A small inlet in a shoreline, extending farther inland than a cove. In a difficult, unfortunate position.

Cross-Florida Waterway

lake Okeechobee.

current income

money received while you own an investment; usually received regularly as interest, rent, or dividends


tending or intended to correct.


Of or relating to low temperatures. 2. Requiring or suitable to __________ storage.


Of or relating to the body.


Of, relating to, or involving two or more nations.


Of, resembling, or characteristic of crows.


Of, resembling, or containign copper; coppery.


Political and military strategy or action intended to oppose and forcefully suppress insrugency.

country music

Popular music based on the folk style of the southern rural United States or on the music of cowboys in the american west. Also called country and western.


Rich in or resembling cream.


The top layer or course of a masonry wall, usually having a slanting upper surface to shed water; a cope.

counting number

a natural number.


the symbol for the element cesium.


the trade, work, or shop of a currier.


to shape into folds or parallel and alternating ridges and grooves.


1. To find fault with. 2. To judge the merits and faults of; analyze and evaulate.


1. To form wrinkles or ripples. 2. To make a soft crackling sound; rustle. To cause to ________.


1. To frustrate or defeat by secret and opposite measures. 2. To make or use a ___________ against. To make or lay down ____________. 1. A tunel dug to intercept and destroy an enemy's mine. 2. A plot to frustrate or defeat an attack.


1. To give forth flashes of light; sparkle and glitter. 2. To exhibit sparkling virtuosity.


1. To impose a criminal penalty on or for; outlaw. 2. To treat as a criminal.


1. An assistant who reads manuscript aloud to a proofreader. 2. A device that holds copy in place, especially for a typesetter.


1. One that creates. 2. God. Used with the. especailly an animal. b. A human. c. An imaginary or fantastical being. 3. One dependent on or subservient to another.


1. One that makes or supplies costumes as for plays or masquerades. 2. A clothes tree.


1. To put (a person) to death by nailing or binding to a cross. 2. To mortify or subdue (the flesh). 3. To treat cruelly; torment. 4. To criticize harshly; pillory.


1. having crags. 2. Rugged and uneven.

crack house

A building or apartment where crack cocaine is regularly sold, used, or produced.


A capstone.


A child of one's aunt or uncle a first-cousin.

corn flakes

A crisp, flaky, commercially prepared cold cereal made from coarse cornmeal.


A crocodile.

cover crop

A crop, such as winter rye or clover, planted between periods of reulgar crop production to prevent soil erosion and provide humans or nitrogen.


A dove or pigeon.


A flat, pear-shaped drinking vessel with loops for attachment to the belt of the user.


A proposal offered to nullify or substitute for a previous one.


A short surplice.


Any of various plants having cottony down, as some species of the genus Froelichia.


Any of various plants of the genus Acalypha, especially A. wilkesiana, an ornamental shrub of the Pacific Islands widely grown for its decorative, colorful, variously patterned leaves.


Any of various plants of the genus Coreopsis in the composite family, especially the North American species, having showy radiate flower heads with yellow or, rarely, purpish flowers. Also called tickseed.


Any of various plants of the genus Cornus, which includes the bunchberry and dogwoods.


Any of various red or orange acid azo dyes.


Any of various small rodents of the family Cricetidae, which includes muskrats and gerbils.


A woman who designs for or owns an establishment engaged in couture.




Having an irregular, transverse, or diagonal grain, as opposed to a parallel grain. 2. Trouble-some to deal with; contrary.


1. A vineyard or wine-producing region in France. 2. A grade or class of wine.

crown princess

1. The female heir apparent to a throne. 2. The wife of a crown prince.


A closely cropped haircut. So called because it was worn by rowers.


A fancy twist or curl, such as a flourish made with a pen.

curb bit

A horse's bit to which a curb is attached.

core memory

Synonymous with core.


Synonymous with crayfish.


A closet or cabinet, usually with shelves for storing food, crockery, and utensils.


1. A donkey. 2. A fool; a dolt.


1. Wearing or supplied with a cowl; hooded. 2. Having the shape of a hood.


1. credit. 2. Cr. creek. 3. crescendo. 4. crown.


1a. Suffering from constipation. b. Causing constipation. 3. Stingy.


1a. The yellowish fatty component of unhomogenized milk that tends to accumulate at the surface. 2. A pale yellow to yellowish white. 1. to form cream. 2. To form foam or froth at the top. 1. To remove the cream from; skim. 2a. To take or emove (the best part). b. To take the best part from. 3. To beat into a creamy consistency. 4. To prepare or cook in or with a cream sauce. 5. To add cream to. 6. a. To defeat overwhelmingly. b. To damage severely; destory.

couch grass

A Eurasian grass (Agropyron repens) that has whitish-yellow root stocks and has become a troublesome weed in the New World.

crested wheatgrass

A Eurasian perennial grass (Agropyro cristatum) cultivated for pasture and rangeland in the Great Plains and western North America.


A Eurasian perennial herb (Chrysanthemum balsamita) in the composite family, having aromatic foliage sometimes used for potpourri, tea, or flavoring.


A European plant (Arum maculatum) having arrow-shaped leaves, a yellow-green spathe, and scarlet berries. Also called


A Spanish American of European, usually Spanish descent. Of or relating to a _______ or _________. 2. Indigenous to or characteristic of a Spanish-American country.


A country of southern Europe along the northeast Adriatic coast. It was settled by Croats in the 7th century, became a kingdom in the 10th century, and reached the height of its power in the 11th century before being conquered by Hungary in 1091. After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918, ________ became a part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, which later became Yugoslavia. ________ declared its independence from Yugoslavia in 1991.

crape myrtle

A deciduous shrub (Lagerstroemia indica) native to China and widely cultivated in warm regions for its showy clusters of variously colored flowers with crinkled petals.


A deep gulch or ravine with sloping sides, often dry in summer. 2. A streambed, often dry according to the season. b. A small steram, bayou, or canal. 3. A valley with hills on either side. 4a. A stream of molten lava. b. A sheet of solidified lava.


A deep mountainside gorge or gully, especially in the Swiss Alps.


A joint partner, as in a business enterprise, an associate.

cover letter

A letter sent with documents to explain more fully or provide more information. Also called covering letter.


A level surface on a cabinet or display case, as in a kitchen or department store.


A light, open, two-wheeled carriage, drawn by two horses abreast.

cotton candy

A light, very sweet candy of threaded sugar, often tinted with food coloring and twirled onto a stick. Also called spun sugar.


A liqueur flavored with the peel of the sour orange.


A mountain, 704.6 m (2,310 ft) high of southeast Brazil overlooking Rio de Janeiro. A popular tourist attraction, it has a funicular railroad and is topped by an enormous concrete statue of Christ the Redeemer.


A municipal borough of west-central England southeast of Liverpool. It is an important railroad junction. Population: 109,534.


A narrow bed, especially one made of canvas on a collapsible frame.


A practice in certain cultures in which the husband of a woman in labor takes to his bed as though he were bearing the child.


A priest of the goddess Cybele whose rites were celebrated with music and ecstatic dances.


A product produced together with another product.


A projecting ornament, usually in the form of a cusp or curling leaf, placed along outer angles of pinnacles and gables.


A silvery metallic synthetic radioactive transuranic element. Its longest lived isotope is Cm 247 with a half-life of 16.4 million years. Atomic number 96; melting point (estimated) 1,350 c; valence 3.

cow pony

A small agile horse used in herding cattle.


A small cabin or the cook's galley on a ship. 2. A small room, cupboard, or closet.


A small cake baked in a cup-shaped pan.


A small crater.

curb cut

A small ramp built into the curb of a sidewalk to ease passage to the street, especially for bicyclists, pedestrians, with baby carriages, and physically disabled people.


A small ring or grommet of rope or metal fastened to the edge of a sail.


A small room; a cubbyhole.


A standard, rule, or test on which a judgment or decision can be based. Synonymous with standard.


A starring actor or actress given equal status with another or others in a play or film.


A state of ostracism or exile.


A swift horse; a charger.


A zucchini.


Abbreviation for cotangent

cost-of-living adjustment

Abbreviate as COLA. An adjustment made in wages that corresponds with change in the cost of living.


Abbreviated C. The meter-kilogramsecond unit of electrical charge equal to the quantity of charge transferred in one second by a steady current of one ampere.

coronary care unit

Abbreviated as CCU. A hospital unit that is specially equipped to treat patients with serious heart conditions.


Abbreviated as cot. The reciprocal of the tangent of an angle in a right triangle. 2. The tangent of the complement of a directed angle or arc.


After Fernandex de Cordoba (1475-1526.

cri de coeur

An impassioned outcry, as of entreaty or protest.

court order

An order issued by a court htat requires a person to do or refrain from doing something.

crotonic acid

An organic acid, C4H6O2, used in the preparation of pharmaceuticals and resins.


Any f sevral short-billed birds of the family Rallidae, such asthe corncrake.


Any of various marine animals of the phylum Ctenophora, having transparent, gelatinous bodies bearing eight rows of comblike cilia used for swimming. Also called comb jelly.


Composed of microscopic rock fragments.



cotton wool

Cotton in its natural or raw state.


Easily crumbled; friable.


Excrement; dung.


Feeding on excrement.


Fossilized excrement.


Having a crest.


Hunting with dogs trained to chase game by sight instead of scent.


Ignoble fear in the face of danger or pain.


In a direction opposite to the rotating hands of a clock.


Incapable of being counted; innumerable.


Inflammation of the cornea.


Land that is fit or used for growing crops.


Made of horn or a hornlike substance, horny.


Of obscure or unknown origin. Used of diseases.


One charged with an offense or crime. 2. One guilty of a fault or crime.


One that makes or repairs wooden barrels and tubs.


Oral stimulation of the clitoris or vulva


Plural of corf.


Rubbish; nonsense.




Signed jointly.


Tending to hinder rather than serve one's purpose.


The cost of production plus a fixed rate of profit.

copy desk

The desk in a news office where copy is edited and prepared for typesetting or broadcasting.

county palatine

The domain of a count palatine in England or Ireland.


The major metabolite of nicotine that indicates levels of nicotine intake.


The rump of a beast of burden, especially a horse.


The satellite of Uranus that is closest to the planet.

Costa del Sol

The southern coast of Spain northeast of Gibraltar. It is a popular resort and retirement area.

cross-country skiing

The sport of skiing over the countryside rather than on downhill runs.


Variant of krummhorn.


To erode or be eroded by abrasion.


Usually styled e. e. cummings. 1894-1962. American writer. Best known for his lyrical and typographically eccentric poetry, he also wrote The Enormous Room (1922), an account of his imprisonment in France during World War I.

cui bono

Utility, advantage, or self-interest considered as the determinant of value or motivation.


Varaint of coronagraph


Variant of Kufic


Variant of Kuna.


Variant of carnelian.


Variant of com-.


Variant of come.


Variant of conterminous.


Very satisfactory or acceptable, fine.


Waste from antracite coal mines, consisting of fine coal, coal dust, and dirt. 2a. Carboniferous shale. b. Inferior anthracite coal.




Wedge-shaped. Used especially to describe a leaf or petal base that is narrowly triangular.

cum laude

With honor. Used to express academic distinction.


Work made or done by craftspeople.


a card game for from two to four players in which the score is kept by inserting small pegs into holes arranged in rows on a small board.

corbel arch

an archlike structure in whcih the sides are formed by corbeling.


cathode-ray tube.




growing or living on tree bark, as some lichens and mosses.


of high price or value; expensive. 2. Entailing loss or sacrifice.


prefix for 1. contrary, opposite; opposing. 2. Corresponding; complementary.


so wicked and detestable as to deserve to be ______


the condition of being excessively fat; obesity.


To set in contrast, opposition, or balance.


A sauce made of pureed fruit or vegetables.


Synonymous with Saint Elmo's fire.


Synonymous with Southern Cross.

crab cactus

Synonymous with Thanksgiving cactus


Variant of coupé


Variant of coverlet.


Variant of cowrie.


Variant of cozy.


Variant of crackerjack.

crepe myrtle

Variant of crape myrtle.


Variant of creedal.


1. A person afflicted with cretinism. 2. An idiot.


1. Articles of costume considered as a group. 2. The art of costuming.


1. Capable of being believed, plausible. Synonymous with plausible. 2. Worthy of confidence, reliable.


1. Shaped like a cup. 2. Marked by shallow depressions.


1876-1957. British lexicographer and philologist who was joint editor of the Oxford English Dictionary (1901-1933).


A person who cries or complains frequently with little cause.


A Welsh corgi.

crash dive

A rapid dive made by a submarine, especially in an emergency.


A unit of currency formerly used in Brazil.


An error to be corrected, especially a printer's error. 2. a list of errors in a book along with their corrections.


Of or relating to a creed.

corpora lutea

Plural of corpus luteum


Snarling and bad-tempered.


The act or ceremony of crowning a sovereign or the sovereign's consort.


The ancestor of the amphibians.


The letter q.


produced by cosmic rays.


1. A move made in opposition or retaliation to another.


1. To hum or sing softly. 2. To sing popular songs in a soft, sentimental manner. 3. To roar or bellow. To sing softly or in a humming way. A soft singing or humming.


1. To poison with curare. 2. To treat with curare so as to relax the skeletal muscles.


1a. the act or process of corrupting. b. the state of being corrupt. 2. Decay; rot. 3. Something that corrupts.


1a. the hide of a cow. b. The leather made from this hide. 2. A strong heavy flexible whip, usually made of braided leather. To beat with a strong heavy flexible whip.


1a. to change into curd. Synonymous with coagulate. b. To become congealed as if by having changed into curd. 2. to go bad or become spoiled. To cause to change into or as if into curd.


2. To move with the body close to the ground, as on hands and knees. 2a. To move stealthily or cautiously. b. To move or proceed very slowly. 3. To grow or spread along a surface, rooting at intervals or clinging by means of suckers or tendrils. b. To grow horizontally under the ground ,as the rhizomes of many plants. 4. To slip out of place, shift gradually. 5. To have a tingling sensation, ade by or as if by things moving stealthily. 1. The act of creeping; a creeping motion or progress. 2. an annoyingly unpleasant or repulsive person. 3. A slow flow of metal when under high temperature or great pressure. 4. A slow change in a characteristic of electronic equipment, such as a decrease in power with continued usage. 5. The slow movement of rock debris and soil down a weathered slope. 6. A sensation of fear or repugnance as if things were crawling on one's skin.


2a. A stone at the corner of a building uniting two intersecting walls; a quoin. b. Such a stone, often inscribed, laid at a ceremony marking the origin of a building. 2. An indispensable and fundamental basis.


A Titan who ruled the universe until dethroned by his son eus.


A colorless to yellow aromatic liquid, C8H10O2, that is a constituent of creosote.


A contemptible fellow; a rascal.


A crematorium. Of or relating to cremation.


A crest or ridge, as on the top of a bone.


A measure or action taken to counter or ofset another one.


A member of a corporation.


A rare lead chromate mineral, PbCrO4, that forms brilliant orange crystals.


A room in which the proceedings of a court are held.


A round hollow in a hillside; a cirque.


A sudden overthrow of a government that gained power by a coup d'etat.

crew sock

A warm, usually a sweater, with such a neckline.


An agent that induces local inflammation to relieve inflammation in underlying or adjacent tissues.


An agent that produces cooling, especially fluid that draws off heat by circulating through an engine or by bathing a mechanical part.

Corn Belt

An agricultural region of the central United States primarily in Iowa and Illinois but also including parts of Indiana, Minnesota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, and Ohio. The chief products of the area are corn and corn-fed livestock.


An ancient Irish dwelling or fort built on an artificial island in a lake or marsh.


An instrument or device used to measure the skull.


Any of several brownish, long-legged shore birds of the genus Numenius, having long, slender, downward-curving bills.


Any of various tropical marine gastropods of the family Cypraeidae, haivng glossy, often brightly marked shells, some of which are used as currency in the South Pacific and Africa.

coral snake

Any of various venomous snakes of the genus Micrurus, native to tropical America and the southern United States, characteristically having brilliant red, yellow, and black banded markings.


Any of various yeastlike fungi of the genus Cryptococcus, commonly occurring in the soil and including certain pathogenic species, suc has the causative agent of cryptococcosis.


Appropriate manners and behavior; propriety.


Articles made of copper.


Born 1917. Australian-born British chemist. He shared a 1975 Nobel Prize for research on the structure of biological molecules.


Born 1919. American dancer and choreographer of avant-garde works, including Squaregame (1976).


Born 1928. American chemist. He won a 1990 Nobel Prize for developing techniques of creating synthetic compounds.


Born 1942. Australian tennis player wo won 26 Grand Slam singles titles and, in 1970, the Grand Slam (Wimbledon, French, and U.S. , and Australian titles in the same year).


Capable of being corrupted.


Lying down with the head raised.


Marked by or possessing a high degree of sophistication; refined. Refinement; sophistication.


Meal made from corn, used in a wide variety of foods. Also called Indian meal.


Measurement of the skull to determine its characteristics as related to sex, race, or body type.


Of or relating to the leg, shank, or thigh.


Of or relating to the skull or cranium.


Of the color of cream; yellowish white.


Of, relating to, or being a corporative state or system.


Of, relating to, or characteristic of the body. Synonymous with bodily. 2. Of a material nature, tangible.


One of two or more tenants sharing property.

copy cat

One that closely imitates or mimics another. To act as an imitator or mimic. To imitate closely; mimic. Closely imitating or following another.


One that counts, especially an electronic or mechanical device that automatically counts occurrences or repetitions of phenomena or events.


One that makes or supplies costumes; a costumer.


One who makes written copies.


One who makes, fits, or sells corsets, brassieres, girdles, and similar undergarments.


One who rents and cultivates a croft; a tenant farmer.


One who resides in a cottage.


One who shows ignoble fear in the face of danger or pain.


Pain in or disease of the hip or hip joint.


Prefix for cranium.


Prefix variant of cumulo-


Prfix variant of crystallo-


Produced by the mating of individuals of different breeds, varieties, or species.


Producing or containing crystals.


Producing or stimulating physical vigor. Used of a medicine.


Producing or tending to produce crime or criminality.


Scraps of broken or waste glass gathered for remelting, especially with new material. Probably alteration of collect, neck of glass left on the blowing iron.

curb service

Service or attendance, especially from a restaurant, provided to customers remaining in their parked vehicles.

corn snow

Snow that has melted and refrozen into a rough granular surface.


So as to be or lie in a cross direction; across.


So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility.


Something that covers, so as to protect or conceal.

curate's egg

Something with both good and bad qualities. From a story in Punch about a curate who, having been served a bad egg by his bishop, said that parts of it were excellent.

creature comfort

Something, such as food and warmth, that contributes to physical comfort. Often used in the plural.

Cowper's gland

Synonymous with bulbourethral gland.

crown canopy

Synonymous with canopy.

copper pyrites

Synonymous with chalcopyrite.


Synonymous with cold.

cost-of-living index

Synonymous with consumer price index.

coral bean

Synonymous with coral tree.


Synonymous with cove.

cover slip

Synonymous with cover glass

covering letter

Synonymous with cover letter.

cover song

Synonymous with cover version.


Synonymous with cowboy.


Synonymous with cowboy.


Synonymous with crackajack. Of excellent quality or ability; fine.


Synonymous with craps. 2. A losing first throw in the game of craps. To make a losing throw in the game of craps. Usually used with out.

crucible steel.

Synonymous with drill steel.


Synonymous with elastic ray.


Synonymous with ferrous sulfate.

crown daisy

Synonymous with garland chrysanthemum.

creeping Charlie

Synonymous with moneywort.


The branch of an intelligence service charged with keeping sensitive infrmation from an enemy, deceiving that enemy, preventing subversion and sabotage, and collecting poltical and military information.


The brother of Jocasta and uncle of Antigone who became the king of Thebes after the fall of Oedipus.


The legal right granted to an author, composer, playwright, publisher, or distrubotr to exclusive publication, production, sale, or distribution of a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work. 1. Of or relating to a copyright. 2. Protected by copyright.

Coriolis effect

The observed effect of the Coriolis force, especially the deflection of an object moving above the earth, rightward in the northern hemisphere and leftward in the southern hemisphere.


The office, duties, or term of office of a curate.

covariant theory

The principle that the laws of physics have the same form regardless of the system of coordinates in which they are expressed.

cross matching

The process of determining the compatibility of blood from a donor with that of a recipient before transfusion.


The process of freezing and storing the body of a diseased, recently deceased person to prevent tissue decomposition so that at some future time the person might be brought back to life upon development of new medical cures.


The process of spraying crops with powdered insecticides or fungicides from an airplane.


The production of low temperatures or the study of low-temperatures phenomena. Also called cryogeny.

cranial index

The ratio of the maximum breadth to the maximum length of the skull, multiplied by 100.


The reaction between an antigen and an antibody that was generated against a different but similar antigen.


The reciprocal of the tangent of an angle in a right triangle. 2. The tangent of the complement of a directed angle or arc.


The state of being material or corporeal; physical existence.


The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution, bravery.


The state, quality, or fact of being criminal. 2. A criminal practice


The stem of a grass or similar plant.


The stick used in lacrosse.


The study or art of cosmetics and their use.

coquilla nut

The thick-shelled seed of a Brazilian feather-leaved palm (Attalea funifera) polished and used for decorative carving or turning.


The transparent convex anterior portion of the outer fibrous coat of the eyeball that covers the iris and the pupil and is continuous with the sclera.


The uncontrolled, often obsessive use of obscene or scatological language that may accompany certain mental disorders, such as Tourette's syndrome.

cue ball

The white ball that is propelled with the cue in billiards and pool.

corpus albicans

The white fibrous scar tissue in an ovary that results after the involution and regression of the corpus luteu.

corpus albicans

The white fibrous scar tissue in an ovary that results after the involution and regression of the corpus luteum.

copyed it

To correct and prepare (a manuscript, for example) for typesetting and printing.


To counterbalane or cause to counterbalance.


To cringe in fear.


To cut short or reduce. Synonymous with shorten.


To dress in the clothing characteristic of the opposite sex.


To engage in coitus or sexual intercourse.


To make a succession of slight sharp snapping noises. 2. To show liveliness, energy, or intensity. 3. To become covered with a network of fine cracks; craze. 1. To crush (paper, for example) with sharp snapping sounds. 2. To cause( china, for example) to become covered with a network of fine cracks. 1. The act or sound of crackling. 2a. A netwwork of fine cracks on the surface of glazed pottery, china, or glassware. b. Crackleware.


To make superficialy attractive or acceptable.


To mark or shade with two or more sets of intersecting parallel lines. 1. A pattern made by such lines. 2. The symbol (#).


To rotate in conjunction with another body.


To schedule (a television or radio program) so as to compete or contrast with a program broadcast simultaneously on another station. To engage in such scheduling.


To sign (a document) jointly. 2. To endorse (another's signature), as for a loan.


To sign (a previously signed document), as for authentication. 1. A second or confirming sigature, as on a previously signed document. Also called countersignature. 2a. A sign or signal to be given to a sentry in order to obtain passage, a password. b. A secret sign or signal given in answer to another.


To soil with or as if with ______. To give off soot or color.


To strengthen or support with other evidence, make more certain. Synonymous with confirm.


To strike with or as if with the open hand; slap. A blow or slap with the open hand.


To style (hair) in rows of thin braids; cornrow.


To undergo a crash dive.


To undergo cornification.


Trite, dated, melodramatic, or mawkishly sentimantal.

crude oil

Unrefined petroleum.

curb roofing

a roof having two slopes on each side, as a gambrel roof or a mansard roof.

curly top

a viral disease of many plants, such as beets, beans, and tomatoes, characterized by curled leaves and stunted growth.


a. A gradual increase, especially in the volume or intensity of sound in a passage. b. A passage played with a gradual increase in volume or intensity. 2a. A steady increase in intensity or force. b. The climactic point or moment after such a progression. Gradually increasing in volume, force, or intensity. With a _________. To build up to or reach a point of great intensity, force, or volume.


abbr. center


expressing, exhibiting, or relating to covariant theory. 2. Varying with another variable quantity in a manner that leaves a specified relationship unchanged.


having a cortex or similar specialized outer layer.


having horns or hornlike projections.


the figure of the moon as it appears in its first or last quarter, with concave and convex edges terminating in points. 2. Something shaped like a crescent, especially. a. A curved pastry. b. A curved street, often presenting a continuous facade, as of row houses. 1. Crescent-shaped. 2. Waxing, as the moon; increasing.

curry leaf

the fragrant leaf of the curry-leaf tree (Murraya koenigii), a plant native to India, used as a seasoning in cooking.


variant of cranio-.


variant of curry.


A crossroad.


A furnace or establishment for the incineration of corpses.


A structure for storing and drying ears of corn.


a copayment


1. Miserable or wretched. 2. Shabby or cheap.


1. The act, process, or period of courting. 2. Specialized behavior in animals that leads to or initiates mating.


1. Having battlements. 2. Indented; notched.


115-53 B.C. Roman politician and general who joined Julius Caesar and Pompey in the first triumvirate to challenge the senate's power (60). Hungry for military glory, he invaded Parthia and was killed in battle.


1829-1890. American general who defeated the Sioux (1876) and subdued the Chiricahua Apaches under Geronimo (1883).


1832-1919. British chemist and physicist who discovered thallium (1861), invented the radiometer (1875), and studied cathode rays.


1854-1951. American businessman and reformer who led a march on Washington, D.C. to protest unemployment and recommended the use of flat money to finance a work program.


1857-1926. French doctor who popularized a system of psychotherpay based on autosuggestion.


1866-1952. Italian philosopher, historian, and critic noted for a major work of modern idealism, the four-volume Philosophy of the Spirit (1902-1917), and as a staunch opponent of fascism.


1867-1934. Polish-born French chemist. She shared a 1903 Nobel Prize with her husband, Pierre Curie (1859-1906), and Henri Becquerel for fundamental research on radioactivity. In 1911 she won a second Nobel Prize for her discovery and study of radium and polonium.


1871-1900. American writer whose works include The Red Badge of Courage (1895) and the story "The Open Boat" (1898).


1872-1933. The 30th President of the United States (1923-1929), who took office after the death of Warren G. Harding. A strong support of business, he encouraged speculation that led to a stock market boom in the 1920s, followed by economic collapse.


1872-1966. British theatrical producer, director, and designer whose innovative productions and simplified stage designs influenced modern theater.


1874-1958. American politician who as mayor of Boston (1914-1918, 1922-1926, 1930-1934, and 1946-1950) and governor of Massachusetts (1935-1937) was known for his colorful leadership of Boston's Democratic political machine.


1953-1713. Italian violinist and composer who is remember for his 12 concerti grossi, which shaped the development of the concerto.


1a. A Native American people formerly inhabiting eastern Alabama, southwest Georgia, and northwest Florida and now located in central Oklahoma and southern Alabama. The ______ were removed to Indian Territory in the 1830s. b. A member of this people. c. The Muskogean language of the ______. 2a. A Native American confederacy made up of the ______ and various smaller southeast tribes. b. A member of this confederacy. In all senses also called Muskogee.


1a. A Native American people inhabiting a large area from eastern Canada west to Alberta and the Great Slave Lake. Formerly located in central Canada, the _____ expanded westward and eastward in the 17th and 18th centuries, the western _____ adopting the Plains Indian life and the eastern _____ retaining their woodland culture. b. A member of this people. 2. The Algonquian language of the _____


1a. A dead-end street. b. An impasse. 2. A saclike cavity or tube open only at one end.

cubicape of a cube.

1a. Having the shape of a cube. b. Shaped similar to a cube. 2 a. Having three dimensions. b. Abbr. c. or cu. Having a volume equal to a cube whose edge is of a stated length. 3. Of the third power, order, or degree. 4. Of or relating toa crystalline form that has three equal axes at right angles to each other, isometric. A cubic expression, curve, or equation.

Croix de Guerre

A French military decoration for bravery in combat.


A body louse.


A bracket of stone, wood, brick, or other building material, projecting from the face of a wall and generally used to support a cornice or arch.

croton oil

A brownish-yellow, foul-smelling oil obtained from the seeds of a tropical Asian shrub or small tree (Croton tiglium) and formerly used as a drastic purgative and counterirritant. Its use was discontinued because of its toxicity.


A building housing judicial courts. 2a. A building housing the offices of a county government. b. A county seat.


A bulbous black fungus that infects corn, producing silvery, swollen, pebblelike kernels. The kernels have a smoky-sweet flavor and are sometimes harvested and used in a variety of Mexican dishes.

Costa Rica

A country of Central America between Panama and Nicaragua. Although Christopher Columbus reached ___________ in 1502, Spanish conquest of the area did not begin until 1563. The country achieved independence from Spain in 1821 as part of Mexican territory and declared itself sovereign republic in 1838. San Jose is the capital and the largest city. Population: 3,071,000.

county town

A county seat. Also called shire town.


A cousin

county fai

A fair usually held every year at the same location in a county, especially for the competitive showing of livestock and farm products.

cuff link

A fastening for a shirt cuff, usually consisting of two buttons or buttonlike parts connected with a chain or shank that passes through two slits in the cuff.


A fellow; a man.


A horizontal bar, line, or stripe.

cordon bleu

A person highly distinguished in a field, especially a master chef.


A regulation requiring certain or all people to leave the streets or be at home at a prescribed hour. 2a. The time at which such a restriction begins or is in effect. b. The signal, suchas a bell, announcing the beginning of this restriction.

Sea of Crete

A section of the southern Aegean Sea between Crete and the Cyclades Islands.


A series of plays in games of the whist family in which partnership hands alternately trump suits led by the other partner. To perform a crossruff or a series of ___________. To trump (one's partner's lead or a lead from the dummy) in alternating plays.


A short heavy stick; a club. To beat or strike with or as if with a _______.


A short thick solid food-storing underground stem, sometimes bearing papery scale leaves, as in the crocus or gladiolus.

Cooper's hawk

A short-winged hawk (Accipiter cooperii) widespread throughout North America, having a dark back, a long tail, and a rusty-barred chest. (After William Coopoer (1797-1864), American ornithologist.)

crêpe de Chine

A silk crepe used or dresses ad blouses.


A small cake of minced food, such as poultry, vegetables, or fish, that is usually coated with bread crumbs and fried deep fat.


A small crisp piece of toasted or fried bread.


A specialist in the collection and examination of the physical evidence of crime.

cosmic ray

A stream of ionizing radiation of extraterrestrial origin, consisting chiefly of protons, alpha particles, and other atomic nuclei but including some high-energy electrons, that enters the atmosphere, collides with atomic nuclei, and produces secondary radiation, principally pions, muons, electrons, and gamma rays.

corrugated iron

A structural sheet iron, usually galvanized, shaped in parallel furrows and ridges for rigidity.


A transparent, often yellowish, viscuous oleoresin obtained from South American trees of the genus Copaifera in the pea family, used in certain varnishes and as a fixative in some perfumes.


A transverse beam or rod serving as a support, especially a beam that connects and supports the rails of a railroad.


A transverse or horizontal piece, as of a structure or implement.

crash truck

A truck specially designed and equipped to rescue victims of an air crash. Also called crash wagon.


A truck, tub, or basket used in a mine.


A unit of radioactivity, equal to the amount of a radioactive isotope that decays at the rate of 3.7x10^10 disintegrations per second.

cubic measure

A unit, such as a cubic foot, or a system of units used to measure volume or capacity.

cross vault

A vault formed by the intersection of two or more barrel vaults. Also called cross vaulting, groin vault.


A word or name that is used secretly to refer to another; a code name or code word.

corpus luteum

A yellow, progesterone-secreting mass of cells that forms from an ovarian follicle after the release of a mature egg.

cost accountant

An accountant who keeps records of the costs of production and distribution.


Abbreviated as hyperbolic cosine.


All the courses of study offered by an educational institution. 2. A group of related courses, often in a special field of study.


Also called Cumanagotos. 1. A member of an extinct South American Indian people of northeast Venezuela. 2. The Cariban language of the _____________.


Also called carticotrophin


American composer whose works include the ballets Rodeo (1942) and Appalachian Spring (1944) which won a Pulitzer Prize.


An English variety of large cooking apple, possibly from coste, rib.


An abnormal, often obsessive interest in excrement, especially the use of feces for sexual excitement.

Cupid's bow

An archery bow that curves inward at the center and usually outward at the neds.


An attendant at a gaming table who collects and pays bets.


Any of a group of enteroviruses that are associated with a variety of diseases, including meningitis, myocarditis, and pericarditis, and primarily affect children during the summer months.

crocus sack

Synonymous with gunnysack.


Being such that curing or healing is possible.

corn bread

Bread made from cornmeal.


Capable of being corrected, reformed, or improved.


Capable of undergoing cultivation.


Capable of withstanding the effects of a crash.


Capriciously stubborn or eccentric; perverse.

current assets

Cash or assets convertible into cash at short notice.


Characterized by abject fear; cowardly. A coward.


Characterized by gracious consideration, toward others. Synonymous with polite.


Containing copper.


Known as "Davy". 1786-1836. American frontiersman and politician who was a U.S. representative from Tennessee (1827-1831 and 1833-1835) and joined the Texas revolutionaries fighting against Mexico. He died at the siege of the Alamo.

crack cocaine

Chemically purified, very potent cocaine in pellet form that is smoked through a glass pipe and is considered highly and rapidly addictive.

court plaster

Cloth coated with an adhesive substance and used to cover cuts or scratches on the skin.

cosmic dust

Clouds of fine solid particles of matter in interstellar space.


Conditioning intended to replace a negative response to a stimulus with a positive response.


Contrary; opposing. 1. One that is an opposite. 2. A boxing blow given while receiving or parrying another. 3. A fencing parrying in which foil follows the other in a circular fashion. 4. A stiff piece of leather around the heel of a shoe. 5. The portion of a ship's stern extending from the wate rline to the extreme outward swell. 6. The depression between the raised lines of the face on a piece of type. 1. To meet or return (a blow) by another blow. 2. To move or act in opposition to; oppose. 3. To offer in response. To move, act, or respond so as to be in opposition. 1. In a contrary manner or direction 2. To or toward an oppostie or dissimilar course or outcome.

crème fraîche

Cream that has been slightly fermented and thickened with lactic acid, often used as a topping or an ingredient in sauces.


Creepy. Feeling as if covered with moving things.




Cubic content, volume, or displacement.




Dalliance; flirtation.


Developing gradually over a period of time.


Dishonest practices, as in business or politics.


Dispirited and depressed; dejected.

coronary artery

Either of two artiers that originate in the aorta and supply blood to the muscular tissue of the heart.


Favoritism shown to old friends without regard for their qualifications, as in political appointments to office.

corporate welfare

Financial aid, such as a subsidy or tax break, provided by a government to corporations or other businesses, especially when viewed as wasteful or unjust.


Formerly Corcyra. An island of Greece in the Ionian Islands off the northwest coast of the mainland. Settled c. 700 B.C., the island was controlled by Rome, Byzantiu, Sicily, Venice, and Great Britain before being ceded to Greece in 1864.


Formerly Crotona. A city of southern Italy on the Ionian Sea northeast of Reggio di Calabria. It was founded c. 708 B.c. as a colony of Magna Graecia and reached the height of its power after 510 B.c. Population: 58,281.

Gulf of Corinth

Formerly Gulf of Lepanto. An inlet of the Ionian Sea between the Peloponnesus and central Greece.


Full of crimps; wavy.


Having a heart-shaped outline.


Inflammation of the hip joint.


Inflation in which increased production costs, as from higher wages, tend to drive prices up.


Insane, mad.


Known as "Bill." Born 1937. American comedian, actor, and producer. He was the first African-American actor to star in a network television series, "I Spy" (1965-1968), and is also known for his television comedy series "The Cosby Show" (1984-1992).


Intended to compensate for immoderate developments in a business cycle


Intended to prevent or counteract terrorism. Action or strategy intended to counteract or suppress terrorism.


International barter in which one country agrees to import commodities from another country to which it exports commodities.

costume jewelry

Jewelry made form inexpensive metals and imitation or semiprecious stones.


Joint inheritance or heirship of property. Also called parcenary. 2. Joint ownership.

criminal lawls with crimin

Law that deals with crimes and their punishments.


Liable to capsize.


Liable to capsize; unstable.


Likely to crackle crisp


Lord Thomas. 1635-1689. English colonial administrator who served as governor of Virginia (1677-1683).


Lying or occurring in the same plane. Used of points, lines, or figures.


Making a crunching or cracking sound, as when chewed; crisp.


One who works with another; a fellow worker.


One having the same religion as another.

Corn Law

One of a series of British laws in force before 1846 regulating the grain trade and restricting imports of grain.


One of a series of stepped masonry projections rising above roof level along the sides of a gable wall.

crystal pleat

One of a series of very narrow pleats creased in the same direction.


One of the two horizontal crosspieces at the upper ends of the lower masts in fore-and-aft-rigged vessels, serving to spread the shrouds.


One of two or more persons sharing an inheritance, a joint heir. Also called parcener.


Originally Howard William Cohen. 1918-1995. American radio and television sportsccaster. Known for his outspokenness, he was a commentator for the American Broadcasting Company's "Monday Night Football," from 1970-1983.


Past tense and past participle of countersink.


Past tense and past participle of creep.


Resembling a pile or mound; heaped up.


Shaped like a cross; cruciate.


Sir Noel Pierce 1899-1973. British actor, playwright, and composer especially noted for his witty nad worldly comedies, such as Hay Fever (1925) and Private Lives (1930).


Splendid; fine. Used as an intensive.


Starch prepared from corn grains, used industrially and as a thickener in cooking.


The Afro-Asiatic language of the Copots, which survives only as a liturgical language of the Coptic Church.

Cosa Nostra

The Mafia operating in the United States.


The The part of a check or other commercial paper retained by the issuer a sa record of a transaction.


The area immediately bordering the official court of play, as in tennis or basketball.


The group of assistants to the matador in a bullfight.


The hybrid offspring of a coyote and feral dog.

crown prince

The male heir apparent to a throne.

coronary occlusion

The partial or complete obstruction of blood flow in a coronary artery, as by a thrombus or the progressive builduip of atherosclerotic plaque.

cultural anthropology

The scientific study of the development of human cultures based on ethnologic, ethnographic, linguistic, social, and psychological data and methods of anlysis.


The second or relief pilot of an aircraft.


The seed of the cotton plant, the source of cottonseed oil.


The selective exposure of tissues to extreme cold, often by applying a probe containing liquid nitrogen, to bring about the destruction or elimination of abnormal cells.


To frighten with threats or a show of force. Synonymous with intimidate.


Thermal decomposition, sometimes with catalysis, of a complex substance, especially the breaking of petroleum molecules into shorter molecules to extract low-boiling fractions such as gasoline.


Throughout a whole country; nationwide.

corn whiskey

Whiskey distilled from corn.


Worthless, loathsome, or disgusting.


comparing or dealing with two or more different cultures.

curd cheese

cottage cheese.

crepe paper

crinkled tissue paper, resembling the fabric crepe, used for decorations.


curled or ruffled, as the margins of certain leaves.


he ide of a pavement or street that is bordered by a curb. 2. A sidewalk. Located, operating, or occurring at or along the sidewalk or curb.


marking by or giving to artful subtlety and deceptiveness. 2. Executed with or exhibiting ingenuity. 3. Delicately pleasing; pretty or cute. 1. Skill in deception; guile. 2. Skill or adeptness in execution or performance; dexterity.


of or relating to the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord.


suffix for government, rule.


the lightweight elastic outer bark of the cork oak, used especially for bottle closures, insulation, floats, and crafts. 2a. Something made of ____, especially a bottle stopper. b. A bottle stopper made of other material, such as plastic. 3. A small float used on a fishing line or bet to buoy up the line or net or to indicate when a fish bites. 4. A nonliving, water-resistant protective tissue that is formed on the outside of the cork cambium.


the scientific study of the characteristics of the skull, such as size and shape, especially in humans.


variant of copacetic.


1a. The act of crisping or curling. b. The state of being crisped or curled. 2. A slight involuntary muscular contraction, often producing a crawling sensation of the skin.


1a. The act of crucifying; execution on a cross. b. The crucifying of Jesus on Calvary. Used with the. c. A representation of Jesus on the cross. 2. An extremely difficult, painful trial, torturous suffering.


1a. The act of cultivating. b. The state of being cultivated. 2. Refinement; culture.


One that creeps. 2. A plant that spreads by means of stems that creep. 3. Synonymous with cradle. 4. A grappling device for dragging bodies of water, such as lakes or rivers. 5. A one-piece fitted garment for an infant. 6. A metal frame with a spike or spikes, attached to a shoe or boot to prevent slipping, especially on ice.


One that crisps, especially a compartment in a refrigerator used for storing vegetables and keeping them fresh.


One that curls, as a device on which hair is wound for curling. 2. A player of curling.


One to whom money or its equivalent is owed.


One who bears a cross in a religious procession. 2. Any of various plants in the mustard family (Cruciferae or Brassifcaceae), which includes the alyssum, candytuft, cabbage, radish, broccoli, and many weeds.


One who behaves in a mawkish or unsophisticated manner. Mawkish or unsophisticated; corny.


One who covertly supports a certain doctrine, group, or party. 1. Secret; covert. 2. Of, relating to, or employing cryptography.


One who edits and corrects newspaper copy for publication.


One who fills and sitrbutes cups or wine, as in royal household.


One who herds or tends cattle.


One who makes a covenant. 2. A Socttish Presbyterian who supported either of two agreements, the National Covenant of 1638 or the Solemn League and Covenant of 1643, intended to defend and extend Presbyterianism.


One who manages or oversees, as the administrative director of a museum collection or a library.


One who plays a cornet.


One who sells fruit, vegetables, fish, or other goods from a cart, barrow, or stand in the streets.


One who uses, studies, or develops cryptographic systems and writings.


One who writes copy, especially for advertising.


One whose occupation is manufacturing, selling, or applying cosmetics.


A charge exacted at a restaurant for every bottle of liquor served that was not bought on the premises.


A charge in opposition to another charge. To bring a chrage against (one's accuser). To make a ______________.

covalent bond

A chemical bond formed by the sharing of one or more electrons, especially apris of electrons, between atoms.

coordination compound

A chemical compound formed by joining independent molecules or ions usually to a central metallic atom by coordinate bonds. Also called coordination complex.


Not easily excited or flustered.


Of or relating to ancient Corinth or its people or culture. 2. Of or relating to the Corinthian order. 3. Elegantly or elaborately ornate. 4. Given to licentious and profligate luxury. 1. A native or inhabitant of Corinth. 2. A luxury-loving person; a bon vivant. 3. A wealthy amateur sportsman, especially an amateur yachtsman. 4. Abbreviated Co or Cor.


Of or relating to both the cranium and the cerebrum.


Of or relating to two or more celestial bodies that shre or very nearly share, the same orbit, such as Epimetheus and Janus, two of Saturn's moons.


Of or resembling cotton, fluffy. 2. Covered with fibers resembling cotton; nappy.


Of, consisting of, or producing coral. 2. Resembling coral, especially in color. 1. Any of various red algae of teh family Corallinaceae whose fronds are covered with calcareous deposits. 2. Any of various organisms that resemble coral, suchas certain bryozoans or hydrozoans.


A Native American people formerly inhabiting an area of the northern Great Plains between the Platte and Yellowstone rivers, now located in southeast Montana. The _____ became nomadic buffalo hunters after migrating west from the Missouri River in North Dakota in the 18th century. b. A member of this people. 2. The Siouan language of the ______. In both senses also called Absaroke.

court tomb

A Neolithic tomb found chiefly in the British Isles consisting of a chamber tomb adjoined by an open space marked off by large standing stones.

cranberry bush

A North American shrub (Viburnum trilobum) having broad clusters of white flowers and scarlet fruit. Also called cranberry tree, highbush cranberry.


A Trojan woman in medieval romances who first returns the love of Troilus but later forsakes him for Diomedes. 2. The satellite of Uranus that is fourth in distance from the planet.

court of claims

A U.S. federal court that determines claims brought by individuals against the government.


A ballet dancer who ranks above a member of hte coprs de ballet and below a soloist and who performs in small ensembles.


A beam that connects the piston rod to the connecting rod of a reciprocating engine.


A blow delivered in return.


A board or frame on which an infant is secured, as by binding or warpping in a blanket, used by certain Native American peoples as a portable cradle and for carrying an infant on the back.


A bolt, wedge, key, or pin inserted through a slot in order to holt parts together. 2. A cotter pin.

copy boy

A boy employed by a newspaper or broadcast news office to carry copy and run errands.


A boy or man whose picture is featured on a magazine cover.


A building, room, or office in which a business firm carries on operations suc has accounting and correspondence.


A bullfight, especially a program in which six bulls aged at least four years old are engaged.


A buskin worn by actors of classical tragedy. 2. The ancient style of classical tragedy.


A card game for 2 players using 40 cards that is an early version of rummy.

courtesy card

A card that confers on its bearer a special right or privilege, as at a supermarket or bank.


A cesarean section.


Originally Lucille Le Sueur. 1908-1977. American actress noted for her portrayals of tough-minded, ambitious women in films such as The Women (1939_ and Mildred Pierce (1945), for which she won an Academy Award.

Crazy Horse

Originally Tashunca-Uitco. 1849-1877. Sioux leader who militarily resisted the encroachment of whites in the Black Hills and joined Sitting Bull in the defeat of Gen. George A. Custer at little Bighorn (1876).


Plate armor worn to protect the front of the thigh.


A city of central England east-southeast of Birmingham. Famous as the home of Lady Godiva in the 11th century, Convetry was severely damaged in air raids during World War II (Novemer 1940). Population: 304,097. 2. A town of west-central Rhode Island southwest of Providence. It was settled in 1943 and as formerly a noted lacemaking center. Population: 31,083.


A city of east-central Germany near the Polish border. It developed as a market center in the late 12th century. Population: 128,121.


A city of east-central Rhode Island south of Providence. It was settled in 1636. Population: 76,060.


A city of extreme northern Kentucky on the ohio River opposite Cincinnati. Settled in 1812 on the stie of an earlier tavern and ferry landing, it is a manufacturing center. Population: 43,264.


A city of north-central Argentina northwest of Buenos Aires. It was founded in 1573. Population: 1,148,305. 2. A city of southern Spain on the Guadalquivir River east-northeast of Seville. Probably established by Carthaginians, it was later ruled by Romans and Visigoths. Under the Moors (711-1236) it was renowned as a cultural and intellectual center. Population: 305,894.


A city of northwest Venezuela near the Caribbean Sea east-northeast of Maracaibo. It was founded in 1527 by the Spanish, who mortgaged it to a German banking house from 1528 to 1546. Population: 137,040.


A city of southeast Brazil southwest of Sao Paulo. It was founded in 1654 but did not grow rapidly until the late 19th and early 20th centuries when German, Italian, and Slavic immigrants began to develop the surrounding area. Population: 1,313,094.

Coral Gables

A city of southeast Florida on Bisacayne Bay southwest of Miami. It is mainly residential. Population: 40,091.

Coral Springs

A city of southeast Florida, a suburb of Fort Lauderdale. Population: 79,443.


A city of southern Benin on the Gulf of Guinea. The largest city in the country, it is a seaport and commercial center. Population: 536,827.


A city of southern California east of Los Angeles. It has a large citrus-processing industry.


A city of southern California southwest of Riverside. It is a manufacturing center in a citrus-growing area. Population: 76,095.

Culver City

A city of southern California, a residential suburb of Los Angeles. Its motion-picture industry dates to c. 1915. Population: 38,793.


A city of southern Greece in the northeast Peloponnesus on the Gulf of Corinth. It is near the site of the ancient city of corinth, which was founded in Homeric times and was a rich, influential maritime power in the seventh and sixth centuries B.C. Population: 22,658.


A city of southern Italy southeast of Naples. It has frequently suffered severe earthquake damage. Population: 87,140.

Corpus Christi

A city of southern Texas on Corpus Christi Bay, an arm of the Gulf of Mexico. The city is highly industrialized and has a large shrimp-fishing fleet. Population: 257,453.

Council Bluffs

A city of southwest Iowa on the Missouri River opposite Omaha, Nebraska. It was settled as Kanesville in 1846 and renamed in 1852. Population: 54,315.


A city of southwest Romania west of Bucharest. Built on the site of a Roman settlement, it was destroyed by an earthquake in 1790 and burned by the Turks in 1802. Population: 303,033.


A city of west-central Brazil west of Brasilia on the Cuiaba River, about 483km (300 mi) long. The city was founded during the gold rush of the early 18th century. Population: 401,303.


A city of western California west of San Jose. It has an electronics industry. Population: 40,263.


A city of western Mexico west-northwest of Durango on the Culiacan River, about 282 km (175 mi) long. The city was founded in 1531 and figured prominently as a departure point for early Spanish expeditions to the north. Population: 304,826.


A claim filed in opposition to another claim, especially in a legal action.

coral vine

A climbing woody vine (Antigonon leptopus) native to Mexico and widely cultivated in warm regions, having heart-shaped leaves and tendril-bearing clusters of small, red to white flowers.


A coarse or scolding woman. 2. A man who busies himself with domestic matters traditionally regarded as suitable only for women.


A coarse, light, unevenly woven fabric of cotton or linen, used for towels and curtains. 2. Starched reinforced fabric used to strengthen a book binding or the spine of a book.


A cogential condition caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormone during prenatal development and characterized in childhood by dwarfed stature, mental retardation, dystrophy of the bones, and a low basal metalbolism. Also called congenital myxedema.


A comblike structure, such as the respiratory apparatus of a mollusk or a row of spines in some insects.


A common Eurasian bird. (Crex crex) with a short bill and brownish-yellow plumage, found in grain fields and meadows.

coordinating cojunction

A conjunction that connects two identically constructed or syntactically equal grammatical elements, sucha s or in They don't know whether they're coming or going.

Corona Borealis

A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere between Hercules and Bootes. Also called Northern Crown.


A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Crater and Virgo. Also called Crow.

Corona Australis

A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Telescopium and Sagittarius. Also called southern Crow.


A construction and insulating sheet material made of compressed and baked granules of cork.


A constructor of crosswords. 2. An enthusiast of word games, especially of crosswords.


A consuming desire; a yearning.


A contrary or opposing force, especially a military force capable of destroying the nuclear armaments of an enemy.

credit union

A cooperative organization that makes loans to its members at low interest rates.


A cooperative.


A coracle.


A corpse.


A corticosteroid.


A cosmopolitan person. 2. An organism found in most parts of the world. 3. A painted lady.


A countering attack or blow, especially one delivered by a boxer.

Cote d'Ivoire

A country of western Africa on the Gulf of Guinea. Divided into various isolated kingdoms at the time of European discovery in the 15th century, it was organized as a French colony in 1893, became a part of French West Africa in 1904, and declared its independence in 1960. Yamoussoukro is the capital and Abidjan is the largest city and de facto administrative center. Population: 13,695,000.

court of common pleas

A court in some states of the United States having general jurisdiction. 2. A court in Great Britain that formerly heard civil cases between commoners.

court of law

A court that hears cases and makes decisions based on statutes or the common law.

court of appeals

A court to which appeals are made on points of law resulting from the judgment of a lower court.

court of record

A court whose proceedings and decisions are retained on permanent record.

court of chancery

A court with jurisdiction in equity.

cross cousin

A cousin who is the child of the brother of one's mother or the sister of one's father.


A cover for a bed; a bedspread.


A cow, especially one with crooked horns.


A cowboy or cowgirl.


A coxswain. To act as coxswain or serve as coxswain for.


A craftsman or a craftswoman.


A crash, as one involving an airplane or automobile. 2. A mental or physical breakdown.


A creatine anhydride, C4H7N3O, formed by the metabolism of creatine, that is found in muscle tissue and blood and normally excreted in the urine as a metabolic waste.

credit hour

A credit in a school or college, usually representing one hour of class per week for one term.


A crystalline neurotoxin found in the venom of the rattlesnake, Crotalus terrificus.


A cucumber


A cult, especially a religious one.


A cultivar of the tropical pepper Capsicum annuum having long, sweet, pale green to red fruits used in cooking.


A culture, especially of young people, with values or lifestyles in opposition to those of the established culture.


A cup of tea.


A curious or unusual object of art or piece of bric-a-brac.


A current that flows in an opposite direction to the flow of another current.

créme caramel

A custard that is baked in a caramel-lined mold and served chilled with the caramel side up. Also called flan.

curtal ax

A cutlass.

crown saw

A cylindrical saw with teeth on the bottom edge of the cylinder, used for cutting round holes.


A deep to vivid purplish red to vivid red. To make or become deeply or vividly red.


A demonstration held in opposition to another demonstration.


A desire to know or learn. 2. A desire to know about people or things that do not concern one; nosiness. 3. An object that arouses interest, as by being novel or extraordinary. 4. A strange or odd aspect. 5. Fastidiousness.

coq au vin

A dish of chicken cooked in red wine.


A feather-leaved palm (Jubaea chilensis) native to Chile, having a thick trunk from which is obtained a sugary sap used for making wine and a kind of honey, and widely cultivated as an ornamental in warm dry regions.


A fine leather orginally made of goatskin but now more frequently of split horsehide.

creeping eruption

A human skin disease caused by hookworm or roundworm larvae burrowing and creeping beneath the skin and characterized by eruptions in the form of progressing reddish lines.


A hybrid vector that has been spliced with plasmid DNA for cloning large genes or gene fragments. (Blend of cos (sequence), sequence of DNA allowing the cosmid to form as a circle (short for choesive ends) and plasmid.

craft union

A labor union limited in membership to workers engaged in the same craft. Also called horizontal union.

Crater Lake

A lake of southwest Oregon in a volcanic crater of the Cascade Range. At 589.3 m (1,932 ft) deep, it is the second-deepest lake in North America and the deepest in the United States The lake and surrounding parkland are popular tourist attractions.

creolized language

A language derived from a pidgin but more complex in grammar and vocabulary than the ancestral pidgin because it has become the native tongue of a community.


A large aquatic South American rodent (Myocastor coypus) having webbed feet and a long tail. Also called nutria.

cue card

A large card held out of the audience's sight, bearing words or dialogue in large letters as an aid for a speaker or actor chiefly in television broadcasting.


A large city inhabited by people from many different countries.


A large portion of a continental plate that has been relatively undisturbed since the Precambrian era and includes both shield and platform layers.

cooling tower

A large tower or similar structure typically attached to a power plant through which water is circulated to lower its temperature by partial evaporation.

covered wagon

A large waon covered with an arched canvas top, used especially by American pioneeres for prairier travel.


A large, red-skinned cultivated variety of apple.


A large-scale counterattack by an armed force, intended to stop an enemy offensive.

cottage tulip

A late-blooming type of garden tulip having long stems and egg-shaped, variously colored flowers.

cork cambium

A lateral ring of meristematic tissue found in woody seed plants, produciing cork on the outside of the ring and parenchym on the inside of the ring. also called phellogen.


Plural of corium.

corpora callosa

Plural of corpus callosum.

copora striata

Plural of corpus striatum.


Plural of corpus.


Plural of costa.


Plural of court-martial


Plural of crus.


Plural of cumulus.


A mild contagious skin disease of cattle, usually affecting the udder, that is caused by a virus and characterized by the eruption of a pustular rash. When the virus is transmitted to humans, as by vaccination, it can confer immunity to smallpox. Also called vaccinia.

court of inquiry

A military court that inquires into and reports on questionable actions involving military personnel or property.


A mode of paranormal perception, such as clairvoyance.

coral pink

A moderate to deep yellowish pink.


A molded or hollowed bowllike crust, as of pastry, rice, or bread, used as a serving container for another food.

Culloden Moor

A moor in northern Scotland east of Inverness. It was the site of the final defeat of the Highland Jacobites by English forces (April 16, 1746).


A morose, gloomy, or pessimistic person.

Cordillera de Talamanca

A mountain range of northern Luzon, Philippines. 5. A mountain range of south-central Puerto Rico.

Cordillera de Talamanca

A mountain range of southern Costa Rica extending southeast into western Panama.

Cordillera Merida

A mountain range of western Venezuela extending northeast and southwest. Pico Bolivar, 5,005.4 m (16,411 ft), is the highest elevation.

Culebra Peak

A mountain, 4,284.3 m (14,047 ft) high, in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of extreme south-central Colorado.

Crestone Needle

A mountain, 4,330.1 m (14,197 ft) high, in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of south-central Colorado.


A narrow crack or opening; a fissure or cleft.


A narrow isthmus connecting central Greece with the Peloponnesus. It lies between the Gulf of Corinth and the Saronic Sea and is crossed by the Corinth Canal, constructed from 1881 to 1893.


A naturally occurring corticosteroid, C21H28O5, that functions primarily in carbohydrate metabolism and is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, adrenal insufficiency, certain allergies, and gout.


A nitrogenous organic acid, C4H9N3O2, that is found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates mainly in the form of phosphocreatine and supplies energy for muscle contraction.

crew chief

A noncommissioned air force officer who is in charge of a group of enlisted people, such as maintenance specialists, on the flight line.


A nonobjective school of painting and sculpture developed in Paris in the early 20th century, characterized by the reduction and fragmentation of natural forms into abstract, often geometric structures usually rendered as a set of discrete planes.`

count noun

A noun for an object, suc has chair, or for an idea, such as experience, that speakers of a language identify as referring to a single entity and that can form a plural or occur in a noun phrase construction with an idefinite article, with numerals, or with such terms as many.

cube root

A number whose cube is equal to a given number.

crash helmet

A padded helmet, as one worn by bicyclists, motorcyclists, or aviators, to protect the head in case of accident.


A painful cramp or muscle spasm, as in the back or neck. To cause a painful cramp or muscle spasm in by turning or wrenching.

corn oil

A pale yellow liquid obtained from the embryos of corn grains, used especially as a cooking and salad oil and in the manufacture of margarines.


A parish priest.


A part or structure, such as a bony protuberance, that resembles a horn.


A participant in or supporter of a specified form of government.


A past tense and a past participle of curse.


A past tense of crow.


A pasta of North African orgin made of crushed and steamed semolina. 2. A North African dish consisting of pasta steamed with a meat and vegetable stew.


A path marked off on a street to indicate where pedestrians should cross.


A pathological condition caused by protozoa of the genus Cryptosporidium that infects humans and some animals.


A pathological condition of the larynx, especially in infants and children, that is characterized by respiratory difficulty and a hoarse, brassy cough.


A peevish, irascible person; a grouch.


A pen in shallow water, as for confining fish or turtles.


A peninsula of northwest France extending into the English channel east of the Channel Islands. It was the scene of heavy fighting after the Allied invasion in June 1944.

crown vetch

A perennial European herb (Coronilla varia) in the pea family, grown for forage and erosion control and having clusters of small white or pink flowers and pinnately compound leaves.


A perennial Mediterranean herb (Catananche caerulea) in the composite family, having long-stalked flower heads with showy, usually blue ray flowers.


A person charged with having committed adultery with the defendant in a divorce suit.


A person from one's own country; a compatriot. 2. A native or inhabitant of a particular country. A man who lives in the country or has country ways.


Poisoning by croton oil, characterized by burning of the mouth, severe gastrointestinal disturbance, headache, vertigo, and death from respiratory or circulatory failure.


Polish astronomer who advanced the theory that Earth and the other planets revolve around the sun, disrupting the Ptolemaic system of astronomy.


A person or animal that is partially disabled or unable to use a limb or limbs. 2. A damaged or defective object or device. To cause to lose the use of a limb or limbs. 2. To disable, damage, or impair the functioning of.


A person who tends a counter, as in a diner.


A person who tricks or coerces others into service as sailors or soldiers. To procure (sailors or soldiers) by trickery or coercion.


A person who works land in return for a share of the yield; a sharecropper

crowd pleaser

A person, spectacle, work, or idea that appeals to popular taste.

couch potato

A peson who spends much time sitting or lying down, usually watching television.


A pet, especially a pet lamb.


A petty or inferior critic.

curl paper

A piece of soft paper on which a lock of hair is rolled up for curling.

Coulter pine

A pine tree (Pinus coulteri) native to California and Baja California, having bluish-green needles in blundles of three and bearing sharp-scaled cones that are the heaviest of all pines.

corncob pipe

A pipe with a bowl made of a dried hollowed corncob


A place of storage that uses very low temperatures to preserve semen or transplantable tissues.


A plaintiff's reply to a defendant's plea or counterclaim; an answering plea.


A plural of cul-de-sac.


A plural of cultus.

court bouillon

A poaching liquid for fish whose ingredients usually include water, vinegar or wine, diced vegetables, and seasonings.

copper sulfate

A poisonous blue crystalline copper salt, CuSO4*5H2O, used in agriculture, textile dying, leather treatment, electroplating, and the manufacture of germicides.


A poisonous shrub (Karwinskia humboldtiana) native to Texas and Mexico, having small greenish flowers and black fruits.

crown roast

A pork, lamb, or veal roast consisting of the rib sections of two loins placed upright and fastened together in a circle.


A projecting tuft of hair on the head that grows in a different direction from th erest of the hair and will not lie flat.


A protozoan of the genus Cryptosporidium that is an intestinal parasite in humans and other vertebrates and sometimes causes diarrhea that is especially severe in immunocompromised individuals.

Coriolis force

A pseduo force used mathematically to describe motion, as of aircraft or cloud formations, relative to a noninertial, uniformly rotating frame of reference such as the earth.


A psychoterapist's own repressed feelings in reaction to the emotions, experiences, or porblems of a person undergoing treatment.


A public officer whose primary function is to investigate by inquest any death thought to be of other than natural causes.

curry powder

A pungent seasoning prepared from cumin, coriander, turmeric, and other spices.


A purplish-red dye derived from certain lichens.


A puzzle in which an arrangement of numbered squares is to be filled with words running both across and down in answer to correspondingly numbered clues. Also called ___________ puzzle.

coup d'oeil

A quick survey, a glance.


A race or variety of a plant that has been created or selected intentionally and maintained through cultivation.

Cumbrian Mountains

A range of hills in northwest England rising to 979.1 m (3,210 ft) at Scafell Pike.

Cotswold Hills

A range of southwest Engalnd extending about 80 km (50 mi) northeast from Bristol and rising to approximately 329 m (1,080 ft).

Cottian Alps

A range of the Alps between northwest Italy and southeast France. It rises to 3,843.6 m (12,602 ft) at Mount Viso.

Cordillera Real

A range of the Andes with branches in western Bolivia and central Ecuador

Cordillera Oriental

A range of the eastern Andes with branchs in central Bolivia, western Colombia, and southeast Peru. Its highest elevation is Salcantay, 6,275.4 m (20,575 ft), in Peru.

Cordillera Occidental

A range of the western Andes with branches in western Colombia and along the Pacific coast of Peru.

CreutzfeldtJakob disease

A rare, usually fatal disease of the brain, characterized by progressive dementia and gradual loss of muscle control, that occurs most often in middle age and is caused by a slow virus. Also called Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease.

cover version

A recording of a song that was previously recorded or made popular by another. Also called cover song.

crystal detector

A rectifying detector used especially in early radio receivers and consisting of a semiconducting crystal in point contact with a fine metal wire.


A reference from one part of a book, index, catalog, or file to another part containing related information.


A refining process for nonoxodizing metals, such has silver and gold, in which a metallic mixture is oxidized at high temperatures and base metals are separated by absorption into the walls of a cupel.

Counter Reformation

A reform movement within the Roman Catholic Church that arose in 16th-century Europe in response to the Protestant Reformation.


A reformation intended to counter the consequences of a previous reformation.


A small, often select group of persons who associate with one another frequently.


A small, stub-tailed Eurasian quail (Coturnix coturnix) having sandy, streaked plumage and commonly used in laboratory research. Also called Japanese quail.


A smokeless explosive powder consisting of nitrocellulose, nitrogycerin, and petrolatum that has been dissolved in acetone, dried, and extruded in cords.

cubic zirconia

A synthetic gemstone, ZrO2, used in jewelry as an artificial diamond.

corn syrup

A syrup prepared from cornstarch, used in industry and in numerous food products as a sweetener.

cumulative voting

A system of voting in which each voter is given as many votes as there are positions to be filled and allowed to cast those votes for one candidate or distribute them in any way among the candidates.


A systemic infection caused by the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans that can affect any organ of the body but most often occurs in the central nervous system.

curtain speech

A talk given in front of the curtain at the conclusion of a theatrical performance.


A technique for determining the molecular weight of a solute by dissolving a known quantity of it in a solvent and recording the amount by which the freezing point of the solvent drops.


A technique used especially in filmmaking in which shots of two or more separate, usually concurrent scenes are interwoven. Also called intercutting.


A telescope or an attachment for a telescope equipped with a disk that blacks out most of the sun, used to photograph the sun's corona.

cup-and-saucer plant

A tendril-bearing Mexican vine (Cobaea scadens) cultivated for its showy flowers. Also called Mexican ivy vine.


A thermometer capable of measuring very low temperatures.


A thicket of small trees or shrubs; a coppice.


An attendant at a sovereign's court. 2. One who seeks favor, especially by insincere flattery or obsequious behavior.


An attorney; a counsel.

Coulomb force

An attractive or repulsive electrostatic force descried by Coulomb's law.


A woodland plant (Cardamine diphylla) of eastern Norht America, having fleshy rootstocks, trifoliolate leaves, and clusters of white or pinkish flowers.

cover girl

An attractive young woman whose picture is featured on a magazine cover.


An early form of modern human (Homo sapiens) inhabiting Europe in the late Paleolithic Period and characterized by a broad face and tall stature. It is known from skeletal remains first found int he Cro-Magnon cave in southern France.

crystal set

An early radio receiver using a crystal detector.


An eccentric person, especially one with bizarre ideas. Foolish, harebrained.


An edible, dark-brown mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) with a rounded cap.

correspondence course

An educational course offered by a correspondence school.

cup fungus

Any of various ascomycetous fungi, especially of the family Pezizaceae, characterized by a spore-bearing structure that is often stalkless and cup-shaped or disk-shaped.


Any of various blackbirds of the genus Molothrus, especially the common North American species M. ater, that lay their eggs in the nests of other birds and are often seen accompanying herds of grazing cattle.

corn lily

Any of various bulbous herbs of the genus Ixia native to southern Africa and widely cultivated as an ornamental, having grasslike leaves and showy clusters of variously colored flowers.


Any of various bulbous plants of the genus Crinum, native to warm regions and having strap-shaped leaves and showy umbels of variously colored flowers. Also called spider lily.


Any of various echinoderms of the class Crinoidea, including the sea lilies and feather stars, that are characterized by a cup-shaped body, feathery radiating arms, and either a stalk or clawlike structure with which they are able to attach to a surface. Of or belonging to the Crinoidea.


Any of various erect or creeping shrubs of the genus Cotoneaster in the rose family, native to Eurasia, having white to pinkish flowers and tiny, red or black applelike fruits, and frequently cultivated for ornament.


Any of various finches of the genus Loxia, having curved mandibles with narrow tips that cross when the bill is closed.


Any of various freshwater crustaceans of the genera Cambarus and Astacus, resembling a lobster but considerably smaller. Also called mudbug; also called regionally crawdad. 2. Synonymous with spiny lobster.


Any of various gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria of the genus Corynebacterium, which includes many animal and plant pathogens, such asthe causative agent of diphteria.


Any of various herbs of the genus Corydalis native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having finely divided leaves and spurred, often yellow or pinkish flowers.


Any of various insects of the family Grylliade, having long antennae and legs adapted for leaping. The males of many species produce a shrill chirping sound by rubbing the front wings together.


Any of various large wading birds of the family Gruidae, having a long neck, long legs, and a long neck, long legs, and a long bill. b. A similar bird, such as a heron. 2. A machine for hoisting and moving heavy objects by means of cables attached to a movable boom. 3. Any of various devices with a swinging arm, as in a fireplace for suspending a pot.


Any of various mosquitoes of the genus Culex, which includes the common house mosquito.

cotton grass

Any of various perennial grasslike plants of the genus eriophorum native chiefly to wet places in northern temperate and cold regions and bearing at maturity one or more conspicuous tufts of cottony bristles.


Any of various predominantly aquatic arthropods of the class Crustacea, including lobsters, crabs, shrimps, and barnacles, characteristically having a segmented body, a chitinous exoskeleton, and paired, jointed limbs. Of or belonging to the Crustacea.


Any of various reptiles of the order Crocodylia, which includes the alligators, crocodiles, caimans, and gavials. 1. Of, relating to, or resembling a crocodile. 2. Beloning to the order Crocodylia.

cotton stainer

Any of various small, flat, red and black bugs of the genus Dysdercus that pierce cotton bolls and stain the fibers.


Any of various smooth-coated hounds of a breed developed in the southeast United States to hunt raccoons.


Any of various tropical Asian plants of the genus Curcuma, which includes turmeric and zedoary.

cor pulmonale

Acute strain or hypertrophy of the right ventricle caused by a disorder of the lungs or of the pulmonary blood vessels.


Adapted to or specialized for running.

criminal conversation



Prefix for Crystal.


Prefix for cold; freezing.

cosmic noise

Radio-frequency radiation originating outside Earth's atmosphere, such as that originating from sunspots.


Protective coloration in an animal or insect, characterized by darker coloring of areas exposed to light and lighter coloring of areas that are normally shaded.

Cotton Belt

An agricultural region of the southeast United States, concentrated particularly in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, where cotton became the predominant crop in the 19th century.


An alloy of copper that contains 10 to 30 percent nickel.


An ancient Celtic kingdom of northwest England. The southern part came under Anglo-Saxon control c. 944, and the northern portion passed to Scotland.


An ancient city and greek colony of south-central Italy near present-day Naples. Founded c. 750 B.C., it is the earliest Greek settlement known in Italy. _______ adopted Roman culture after the second century B.C. and gradually declined as neighboring cities rose to power.


An ancient town Babylonia northwest of Babylon. It was the site of a battle (401 B.C.) in which Artaxerxes II of Persia defeated his brother Cyrus the Younger, leading to the Retreat of the Ten Thousand described by Xenophon in his Anabasis.


An annual Eurasian plant (Centaurea cyanus) in the composite family, cultivated and also naturalized in North America and having showy heads of blue, purple, pink, or white flowers. Also called bachelor's button.

corn poppy

An annual Eurasian plant (Pappaver rhoeas) naturalized in North America and having showy, usually scarlet flowers.


An annual plant (Platystemon californicus) native to the southwest United States and Mexico and cultivated for its showy cream-colored to yellowish flowers.

Covent Garden

An area in London long noted for its produce market (established in 1671) and its royal teather (first built in 1731-1732). The market was moved to a site on the Thames River in 1974.

Coral Sea

An arm of the southwest Pacific Ocean bounded by northeast Australia, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu. It was the scene of a U.S. World War II naval victory in May 1942.


An arrangement in a divorce or separation by which parents share legal and physical custody of a child or children.


An assembly of 13 withces.


First Marquis and Second Earl Cornwallis. 1738-1805. British military and political leader who commanded forces in North Carolina during the American Revolution. His surrender at Yorktown in 1781 marked the final British defeat.


1. A North American deciduous shrub (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) cultivated for its abundant clusters of coral-red, berrylike fruits. Also called Indian currant. 2. Any of certain eastern Asian evergreen shrubs of the genus Ardisia, sucha spieceberry, cultivated as a houseplant for its clusters of long-lasting, red, berrylike fruits.

cornelian cherry

1. A deciduous Eurasian shrub or small tree (Corus mas) cultivated for its clusters of early blooming, small yellow flowers and cherrylike, edible, sour fruits. 2. The fruit of this plant, used for jellies and preserves.


1. A deciduous shrub or small tree (Leitneria floridana) native to wet regions of the southeast United States and having soft lightweight wood. 2. Synonymous with balsa (sense 1) 3. Any of certain Australian shrubs or small trees of the genus Duboisia having leave sused for the commercial extraction of belladonna alkaloids.


1. A deep fissure, as in a glacier, a chasm. 2. A crack or breach in a dike or levee. To develop or cause to develop __________.


1. A dense, white, fluffy, flat-based cloud with a multiple rounded top and a well-defined outline, usually formed by the ascent of thermally unstable air masses. 2. A pile, mound, or heap.


1. A light soft thin fabric of silk, cotton, wool, or another fiber, with a crinkled surface. Also called crape. 2. Synonymous with crape. 3. Crepe paper. 4. Crepe rubber. 5. A very thin small pancake, often stuffed and rolled up.


1. A living creature. 2. A domestic animal, especially a cow, horse, or mule. 3. A person.


1. A long ecclesiastical vestment worn over an alb or surplice. 2. A covering resembling a cloack or mantle. 3. A coping. 1. To cover or dress in a cope. 2. To provide with coping.


Food regurgitated from the first stomach to the mouth of a ruminant and chewed again. 2. Something held in the mouth and chewed, such as a quid of tobacco.


Having a costa or costae; ribbed.


Having a margin with low, rounded or scalloped projections.


Having a margin with very small, low, rounded teeth.


Having a microscopic crystalline structure.


Having a skull or cranium. An animal or a human having a skull or cranium.


Having an acceptable credit rating.


Having an affinity for or thriving at low temperatures.


Having been shortened; abbreviated.


Having no cord, usually using batteries as a source of power.


Having or characterized by courage; valiant.


Having or forming a crest or crista.


Having the approximate shape of a cube. A tarsal bone on the outer side of the foot in front of the calcaneus and behind the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones. 2. A rectangular parallelpiped.


Having the ears cropped. 2. Having the hair cut so sshort that the ears show.


Having the shape of a corynebacterium.


Having the shape of a cowl or hood; hooded.


Having the shape of a cube.


Having the shape of a cumulus.


Having the successive letters joined together. 2. A manuscript written in cursive characters. 3. A type style that imitates handwriting.




1. A long tapered rod with a leather tip used to strike the cue ball in billiards and pool. 2. A long stick with a concave attachment at one end for shoving disks in shuffleboard. 3. A queue of hair. 4. A line of waiting people or vehicles; a queue. 1. To strike with a cue. 2. To braid or twist (hair) into a queue. To form a line or queue.


1. A low creeping evergreen shrub (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), native to northern parts of North America and Eurasia and having drooping clusters of small white or pinkish flowers. 2. The edible red berry of this plant, used to make sauces, jams, and preserves. It both senses als ocalled lingberry, lingonberry, mountain cranberry.


1. A low-growing evergreen shrub (Empetrum nigrum) native to cool regions of the Northern Hemisphere and having tiny leaves, small pinkish or purplish flowers, and black, berrylike fruits. 2 The fruit of this plant.


1. A machine that makes copies of printed or graphic matter. 2. One that transcribes or copies.


1. A march back or in a reverse direction. 2. A coplete reversal of method or conduct.


1. A mat-forming, evergreen shrub (Vaccinium macrocarpum) of eastern North America, having pink flowers and tart, red, edible berries. 2 The berries of this plant, used in sauces, jellies, relishes, and beverages. 3. Any of several similar or related plants, especially Vaccinium oxycoccos.


1. A military or naval court of officers appointed by a commander to try persons for offenses under military law. 2. A trial by such a military tribunal.


Giving forth flashes of light; glittering.

cranberry glass

Glassware having a deep red color and a golden sheen, especially popular in the late 19th century.


Glazed pottery or glassware bearing a decorative surface network of fine cracks.


Grouchy; ill-tempered.


Loosely twisted worsted yarn used for fancywork and embroidery.


1. A narrow hallway, passageway, or gallery, often with rooms or apartments opening onto it. 2a. A tract of land forming a passageway, such as one that allows an inland country access to the sea through another country. b. A restricted tract of land for the passage of trains. c. Restricted airspace for the passage of aircraft. d. The restricted path followed by a spacecraft on a particular mission. 3. A thickly populated strip of land connecting two or more urban areas.


1. A natural bed for oysters, consisting of gravel or crushed shells to which the oyster spawn may adhere. 2. The spawn of the oyster. 3. Synonymous with scultch or sculch. Clean trash or rubbish, such as string, paper, and cloth. 4. A person or thing not highly regarded.


1. A negotiable certificate attached to a bond that represents a sum of interest due. 2a. One of a set of detachable certificates that may be torn off and redeemed as needed. b. A detachable part, as of a ticket or advertisement, that entitles the bearer to certain benefits, suchas a cash refund or gift. c. A certificate accompanying a product that may be redeemed for a cash discount. d. A printed form, as in an advertisement, to be used as an order blank or for requesting information or obtaining a discount or merchandise. 3. A detachable slip calling or periodic payments, as for merchandise bought on an installment plan.


1. A nobleman in some European countries. 2. Abbreviated as Ct. used as a title for such a nobleman.

crazy quilt

1. A patchwork quilt of pieces of cloth of various shapes, colors, and sizes, sewn together in an irregular pattern. 2. A disorderly mixture; a hodgepodge.


1. A perennial herb (Cardamine pratensis) in the mustard family, native to the northern temperate regions and having pinnate leaves and pink, purple, or sometimes white flowers. Also called lady's smock. 2. Synonymous with ragged robin.

Culver's root

1. A perennial herb (Veronicastrum virginicum) native to eastern North America, having whorled leaves and small white or pinkish flowers in slender spikes. 2. The rootstock of this plant, flormerly used in medicine as a cathartic and an emetic.


1. A weight division in professional boxing having an upper limit of 190 pounds (85.5 kilograms), between light heavyweight and heavyweight. 2. A boxer competing in this weight division. In both senses also called junior heavyweight. Possibily after the cruiser warship, the second heaviest warship.


1. A weight used as a counterbalance. 2. A force or influence equally counteracting another.


1. A wicker basket, especially one used by anglers for carrying fish. 2. A frame for holding bobbins or spools in a spinning machine.


1. A wind instrument of the trumpet class, having three valves operated by pistons. 2. A piece of paper twisted into a cone and used to hold small wares such as candy or nuts. 3. A headdress, often cone-shaped, worn by women in the 12th and 13th centuries.


1. A woman from one's own country; a compatriot. 2. A woman from a particular country. 3. A woman who lives in the country or has country ways.


1. A wrinkle or wrinkles at the oute rcorner of the eye. Often used in the plural. 2. A three-pointed embroidery stich, especially one in the form of a filled triangle used as finishing, as at the end of a seam.


1. Affected with madness; insane. 2. Departing from proportion or moderation, especially; a. Possessed by enthusiasm or excitement. c. Immoderately fond; infatuated. c. Intensely involved or preoccupied. d. Foolish or impractical, senseless.

cress plant e

1. An Old World annual(Lpidim sativum) in the mustard family, cultivated for its edible seedlings and leaves. 2. Any of several related plants, such as pennycress and watercress.


1. An act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it and for which punishment is imposed upon conviction. 2. Unlawful activity. 3. A serious offense, especially one in violation of morality. 4. An unjst, senseless, or disgraceful act or condition.


Earl of Essex. 1485-1540. English politician who proposed the legislation that established the monarch as head of the established church (1534).


1. An amount paid or required in payment for a purchase; a price. 2. The expenditure of something, such as time or labor, necessary for the attainment of a goal. 3. The charges fixed for litigation, often payable by the losing party. 1. To have as a price. 2. To cause to lose, suffer, or sacrifice.


1. An ancient Celtic stringed instrument that was bowed or plucked. Also called crwth. 2. A fiddle.


1. An argument in opposition to another. 2. Something that undermines an argument or deters someone from action.


1. An early, crudely made musket. 2. A long heavy cannon used in the 16th and 17th centuries.


1. An edible freshwater turtle of the genus Chrysemys. 2. Any of various turtles or tortoises.


1. An effort or strategy of concealment, especially a planned effort to prevent something potentially scandalous from becoming public. 2. A loose garment for wear over other clothing, such as a swimsuit or an evening dress.


1. An enclosure for confining livestock. 2. An enclosure formed by a circle of wagons for defense against attack during an encampment. 3. To take control or possession of. 4. To gather; garner.


1. An establishment engaged in couture. 2. One who designs for or owns such an establishment.


Economical in terms of the goods of services received for the money spent.


Educational software designed especially for classroom use.


Either of two defensive halfbacks stationed a short distance behind the linebackers and relatively near the sidelines.


Either of two edible North American sunfishes, the black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) or the white crappie.

cross hair

Either of two fine strands in the focus piece of an optical instrument and used as a calibration or sighting reference.


1. An imitation or reproduction of an original, a duplicate. 2. One specimen or example of a printed text or picture. 3. Material, such as a manuscript, that is to be set in type. 4. The words to be printed or spoken in an advertisement. 5. Suitable source material for journalism. 1. To make a reproduction or copy or copies. 2. To admit of being copied.


1. An implement or tool, such as a bishop's crosier or a shepherd's staff, with a bent or curved part. 2. A part that is curved or bent like a hook. 3. A curve or bend; a turn. 4. One who makes a living by dishonest methods.


1. An odd, whimsical, or stubborn notion. 2. Synonymous with quarter note. 3. A small hook or hooklike structure.


1. An open space or notch between two merlons in a battlement or crenelated wall. 2. A crenature.


1. Lines of fire from two or more positions corssing each other at a single point. 2. A confrontational situation in which opposing factions, forces, views, or opinions converge.


1. Marked by immorality and perversion; depraved. 2. Venal; dishonest. 3. Containing errors or alterations 4. Tainted; putrid. 1. To destroy or subvert the honesty or integrity of. 2. To ruin orally; pervert. 3. To taint; contaminate. 5. To cause to become rotten; spoil. 5 To change the original form of a text, for example. 6. To damage (data) in a file or on a disk. To become corrupt.

Cordillera Central

1. The central of three ranges of the Andes in western Colombia. 2. A mountain range of central Dominican Republic. 3. A range of the Andes extending northwest and southeast in north-central Peru. 4. A mountain range of northern Luzon, Philippines. 5. A mountain range of south-central Puerto Rico.


1. The counting backward aloud from an arbitrary starting number to indicate the time remaining before an event or operation, suc has the launching of a missile or space vehicle. 2. The checks and preparations carried out during this activity.


1. The determination of the volume of a solid. 2. Cubage.


1. The female genital organs. 2. Sexual intercourse with a woman. 3a. Used as a disparaging term for a woman. b. Used as a disparaging term for a person one dislikes or finds extremely disagreeable.


1. The god of love; the son of Venus. 2. A representation of _______ as a naked cherubic boy usually having wings and holdign a bow and arrow, used as a symbol or love.


1. a container, such as a slatted wooden case, used for storing or shipping. 2. An old rickety vehicle, especially a decrepit automobile or aircraft. To pack into a container, such as a slatted wooden case.


1. a large collection of writings of a specific kind or on a specific subject. 2. A collection of writings or recorded remarks used for linguistic analysis. 3. The capital or principal amount, as of an estate or trust. b. The principal of a bond. The main part of a bodily structure or organ. b. A distinct bodily mass or organ having a specific function. 5. The overall length of a violin.


1. a word game in which a player or team must find and express a rhyme for a word or line presented by the opposing player or team. 2. Doggerel.


1. a. A separate branch or department of the armed forces having a specialized function b. A tactical unit of ground combat forces between a division and an army commanded by a lieutenant general and composed of two or more divisions and auxiliary service troops. 2. A body of persons acting together or associated under common direction.


1. an outdoor game in which the players drive wooden balls throug ha series of wickets using long-handled mallets. 2. the act of driving away an opponent's croquet ball by hitting one's own ball when the two are in contact. To drive away 9an opponent's croquet ball) by hitting one's own ball when the two are in contact.


1. capital stock. 2. chief of staff. 3. Christian Science. 4. civil service. 5. conditioned stimulus.


1. deserving of often limited praise or commendation. 2. Worthy of belief. 3. Deserving of commercial credit; creditworthy. 4. That can be assigned.

crash pad

1. padding inside vehicles, such as automobiles or tanks, for protecting occupants in the event of an accident or sudden stop. 2. A place affording free and usually temporary lodging.


1. resembling or having the characteristics of country life; rural. 2. Lacking sophistication.


1. that which entitles one to confidence, credit, or authority. 2. Evidence or testimonials concerning one's right to credit, confidence, or authority.


1. the act, fact, or state of agreeing or conforming. 2. Similarity or analogy. 3. Communication by the exchange of letters. b. the letters written or received.


1. the angle or region of the angle formed by the junction of two parts or members, such as two branches or legs. 2a. The area on a pair of pants, underpants, or shorts where the two leg panels are sewn together. b. A piece of material sewn into a pair of pants, underpants, or shorts that joins the legs. 3. The fork of a pole or other support.


1. the hard thick cylindrical central core on which are borne the grains or kernels of an ear of corn, usually in rows. 2. A corncob pipe.


1. the largest administrative division of most states in the United States. 2a. A territorial division exercising administrative, judicial, and political functions in Great Britain and Ireland. b. The territory under the jurisdiction of a count or earl. 3. The people living in a county.

corpus delicti

1. the material evidence in a homicide, such as the discovered corpse of a murder victim, showing that a crime has been committed.


1. the process or skill of communicating in or deciphering secret writings or ciphers. 2. Secret writing.


1. the quality, state, or degree of being of the highest importance. 2. The point at which a nuclear reaction is self-sustaining.


1. to cause to exist; bring into being. 2. To give rise to; produce. 3. To invest with an office or title; appoint. 4. To produce through artistic or imaginative effort.


1. to index (a particular item) under more than one heading. 2. To furnish (an index in a book, for example) with cross-references. To furnish cross-references.


1. to shrink back, as in fear; cower. 2. To behave in a servile way; fawn. An act or instance of _________..


1460-1540. Portuguese explorer who, during an expedition to India, discovered (1506) the group of volcanic islands in the South Atlantic Ocean that now bears his name.


1485-1547. Spanish explorer and conquistador who conquered Aztec Mexico for Spain.


1488-1568. English cleric and scholar who produced the first complete English translation of the Bible (1535).


1489-1556. English prelate who as archibishop of Canterbury (1533-1553) was instrumental in the marital machinations of Henry VIII, revised the Book of Common Prayer (1552), and instituted other reforms. Under Mary I, a Roman Catholic, he was convicted of heresy and burned at the stake.


1584-1652. English-born American cleric who as vicar of Saint Botolph's Curch in England until he was summoned to court for his Puritanism. He fled to Boston, Massachusetts, where he became a civil and religious leader.


1596-1669. Italian painter and architect best known for his fresco on the ceiling of the Barberini palace in Rome, The Allegory of Divine Of Divine Providence and Barberini Power (1633-1639).


1599-1658. English military, political, and religious figure who led the Parliamentarian victory in the English Civil War (1642-1649) and called for the execution of Charles I. AS lord protector of England (1653-1658) he ruled as a virtual dictator. His son Richard (1626-1712) succeeded him briefly as lord protector (1658-1659) before the restoration of the monarchy under Charles II.


1613-1649. English metaphysical poet best known for his cllection of religious verse, Steps to the Temple (1646).


1618-1667. English metaphysical poet whose works include Davideis (1656), an epic on the life of King David.


1668-1733. French composer who was court organist at Versailles during the reign of Louis XIV.


1731-1800. British poet considered a precursor of romanticism. His best-known work, The Task (1785), praises rural life and leisure.


1736-1806. French physicist who pioneered research into magnetism and electricity and formulated Coulomb's law.


1754-1832. British poet noted for his simple, realistic poems of middle-class life, including The Village (1783).


1768-1798. French REvolutionary heroine who was guillotined for the assassination of Jean Paul Marat in 1793.


1796-1875. French painter noted for his sketches of Italian landscapes.


1807-1874. American businessman and philanthropist who helped develop and unify telegraph systems in the United States and founded Cornell University (1868) with Andrew D. White.


1813-1888. American lithographer who with his business partner James Merritt Ives produced more than 7,000 different prints illustrating American life and tradition, each signed "Currier & Ives."


1814-1857. American sculptor and noted exponent of neoclassicism. His works include Armed Freedom atop the U.S. Capitol.


1819-1877. French painter known for his realistic depiction of everyday scenes. His works include Burial at Ornans (1850), Bonjour M. Courbet (1854), and The Artist's Studio (1855).


1879-1957. First lady of the United States (1923-1929) as the wife of President Calvin Coolidge. She was known for her outgoing manner.


1882-1962. French politician and the last president (1953-1959) of the Fourth Republic. He was instrumental in recalling Charles de Gaulle to power (1959).


1891-1955. American contract bridge authority whose dominance of international matches and several books, including The Contract Bridge Blue Book (1930), helped popularize the card game.


1891-1976. Irish prime minister (1948-1951 and 1954-1957) who tok Ireland out of the Commonwealth of Nations (1949).


1893-1974. American actress known for her Broadway performances in A Bill of Divorcement (1921) and The Barretts of Wimpole Street (1931).


1896-1957. Czech-born American biochemist. She shared a 1947 Nobel Prize with her husband, Carl Ferdinand Cori (1896-1984), and Bernardo A. Houssay for discovering the intermediate steps in glycogen-glucose conversion.


1899-1932. American poet whose works, including The Bridge (1930), celebrate America's cultural past, present, and future.


1899-1983. American filmmaker whose works include Little Women (1933), The Philadelphia Story (1940), Gaslight (1944), and My Fair Lady (1964), for which he won an Academy Award.


1901-1961. American actor who gained fame for his portrayals of strong, quiet heroes. He won an Academy Award for Sergeant York (1941) and High Noon (1952).


1902-1998. Brazilian architect. Heavily influenced by Le Corbusier and by Bauhaus design, he rose to fame after his airplane-shaped plan was selected for Brasília, the new capial of Brazil, in 1957.


1903-1946. American poet whose collections Colors (1926) and Copper Sun (1927) established him as a leading figure of the Harlem Renaisance.


1908-1959. American comedian. As part of the Abbot and Costello comedy team he made a number of films, including Buck Privates (1941) and Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948).


1910-1997. French underwater explorer, film producer, and author who helped produce the Aqua-Lung (1943) and later developed underwater laboratories.


1a. A crucial or decisive point or situation; a turning point. b. An unstable condition, as in political, social, or economic affairs, involving an impending abrupt or decisive change. 2. A sudden change in the course of a disease or fever, toward change. 2A sudden change in the course of a disease or fever, toward either improvement or deterioration. 3. An emotionally stressful event or traumatic change in a person's life. 4. A point in a story or drama when a conflict reaches its highest tension and must be resolved.


1a. A dessert of ice cream or fruit-flavored ice, garnished and served in a special dessert glass. b. The steemed glass in which a coupe is served. 2. A shallow bowl-shaped dessert dish.


1a. A fold used as trimming at the bottome of a sleeve. b. A band, often having an opening with a button closure, at the bottom of a sleeve. 2. The turned-up fold at the bottom of a trouser leg. 3. The band at the top of a sock. 4. The part of a glove that extends over the wrist. 5. A handcuff. 6. An inflatable band, usually wrapped around the upper arm, that is used along with a spygmomanometer in measuring arterial blood pressure. 1. To form a cuff or cuffs on. 2. To put handcuffs on.


1a. A grayish European bird (Cuculus canorus) that has a characteristic two-note call and lays its eggs in the nests of bird of other species. b. Any of various related birds of the family Cuculidae, having grayish-brown plumage and a slendor body. 2. The call or cry of one of these birds. 3. A foolish or crazy person. To repeat incessantly, as a cuckoo does its call. Lacking in sense; foolish or crazy.


1a. A group of people working together; a gang. b. A group of people gathered together temporarily; a crowd. 2a. All personnel operating or serving aboard a ship. b. All of a ship's personnel except the officers. c. All personnel operating or serving aboard an aircraft in flight. 3a. A team of rowers, as of a racing shell. b. The sport of rowing. To serve as a member of a crew. T oserve as a ____ member on.


1a. A homogenous solid formed by a repeating, three-dimensional pattern of atoms, ions, or molecules and having fixed distances between constituent form of quartz, having a crystalline structure, often characterized by external planar faces. 3a. A natural or synthetic crystalline material having piezoelectric or semiconducting properties. b. An electronic device, suc has an oscillator or detector, using such a material. 4a. A high-quality, clear, colorless glass. b. An object, especially a vessel or ornament, made of such glass. c. Such objects considered as a group. 5. A clear glass or plastic protective cover for the face of a watch or clock. 6. A stimulant drug, usually methamphetamine, in its powdered form. Clear or transparent.


1a. A horizontal molded projection that crowns or completes a buiding a wall. b. The uppermost part of an entablature. 2. The molding at the top of the walls of a room, between the walls and ceiling. 3. An ornamental horizontal molding or frame used to conceal rods, picture hooks, or other devices. To supply, decorate, or finish with or as if with a ______.


1a. A messenger, especially one on official diplomatic business. b. A spy carrying secret information. 2a. A personal attendant hired to make arrangements for a journey. b. An employee of a travel agency serving as a guide for tourists.


1a. A native or inhabitant of Croatia. b. A person of Croatian descent. 2. Serbo-Croatian as used in Croatia, distinguished from Serbian primarily by its written in the Latin alphabet. In both senses also called Croatian.


1a. A piece of armor for protecting the breast and back. b. The breastplate alone. 2. A defense or protection. 3. A protective covering of bony plates or scales.

crown jewel

1a. A precious stone that is part of a sovereign's regalia. b. The jewels, such as those in a crown or scepter, used ceremonially by a sovereign. 2a. The most prized asset or possession in a group. b. A part of a company sought by another party in a hostile takeover attempt.


1a. Polite behavior. b. A polite gesture or remark. 2a. Consent or agreement in spite of fact; indlugence. b. willingness or generosity in providing something needed. 1. Given or don as a polite gesture. 2. Free of charge.


1a. The act of coordinating. b. The state of being coordinate; harmonious adjustment or interaction. 2. Harmonious functioning of muscles or groups of muscles in the execution of movements. 3. The linking of two syntactically equal units, as by a coordinate conjunction.


1a. The act of creating. 2. The fact or state of having been created. 3. The world and all things in it. 4. The divine act by which, according to various religious and philosophical traditions, the world was brought into existence. 5. An original product of human invention or artistic imagination.

CT scan

Synonymous with CAT scan


Synonymous with Cancer.

CT scanner

Synonymous with Cat scanner.


Synonymous with Corfu.


Synonymous with Corvus.


Synonymous with Courantyne.

Cumberland Plateau

Synonymous with Cumberland Mountains. The southwest section of the Appalachian Mountains, extending northeast to southwest from southern West Virginia through Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee into northern Alabama.

Culebra Cut

Synonymous with Gaillard Cut.

Croton bug

Synonymous with German cockroach.


Synonymous with Japanese cedar.


Synonymous with Kortrijk.


Synonymous with Kos.


Synonymous with Krakow.

Crocodile River

Synonymous with Limpopo.


Synonymous with Okavango


Synonymous with amphimacer.


Synonymous with benzofuran.

cross vine

Synonymous with bignonia.


Synonymous with corn stalk. The stalk or stem of a corn plant.


Synonymous with countersign.

country and western

Synonymous with country music.


Synonymous with crepe. 2. A black band worn, as on the sleeve, as a sign of mourning. Also called crepe.

critical state

Synonymous with critical point.


Synonymous with crowd.


Synonymous with cryotherapy.


Synonymous with cryptogram. 2. A system of secret or cipher writing; a cipher. 3a. A device for translating plain text into cipher. b. A device for deciphering codes and ciphers. To write (a message, for example) in code or cipher.

corn smut

Synonymous with cuitlacoche.


Synonymous with curettage.


Synonymous with dermis.


Synonymous with geranium.

crow blackbird

Synonymous with grackle.

croker sack

Synonymous with gunnysack.


Synonymous with hunchback


Synonymous with hydrocortisone.

corn cake

Synonymous with johnnycake.


Synonymous with johnnycake.


Synonymous with moutain lion.

creatine phsophate

Synonymous with phosphocreatine.

cos lettuce

Synonymous with romaine.

crab's eye

Synonymous with rosary pea.

cow pilot

Synonymous with sergeant major.


Synonymous with siphuncle.


Synonymous with snout beetle.

crib death

Synonymous with sudden infant death syndrome.


Synonymous with tolyl.

cross product

Synonymous with vector product


Synonymous with versed cosine.


Synonymous with with Crotone.

Cuban sandwich

Synonyous with submarine.


a treatment in which evacuated glass cups are applied to intact or scarified skin in order to draw blood toward or through the surface. It was used for disorders associated with an excess of blood, one of the four humors of medieval physiology.


A river rising in northwest Georgia and flowing about 460 km (286 mi) southwest throug heastern Alabama to join the Tallapoosa River near Montgomery and form the Alabama River.

Copper river

A river rising in the Wrangell Mountains of southern Alaska.


A ruined Mayan city of western Honduras that flourished from c. 300 B.C. to A.D. 900. The ruins include the Hieroglphyic Stairway with nearly 2,000 glyphs.

cool jazz

A style of jazz that emerged by the early 1950s, characterized by rhythmic and emotional restraint, extensive legato passages, and a reflective character.


A thicket or grove of small trees or shrubs, especially one maintained by periodic cutting or pruning to encourage suckering, as in the cultivation of cinnamon trees for their bark.


a. Melodic material that is added above or below an existing melody. b. The technique of combining two or more melodic lines in such a way that they establish a harmonic relationshipo while retaining their linear individuality. c. A composition or piece that incorporates or consists of contrapuntal writing. 2a. A contrasting but parallel element, item, or theme. b. Use of contrasting elements in a work of art. To write or arrange music in _____________. 2. To set in contrast.


a. The outer layer of an internal organ or body structure, as of the kidney or adrenal gland. b. the outer layer of gray matter that covers the surface of the cerebral hemisphere. 2. The region of tissue in a root or stem lying between the epidermis and the vascular tissue. 3. An external layer, such as bark or rind.


abbr. cubic


abbr. for centavo


abbr. for centimo


abbr. for control key


abbr. for cotangent


abbr. with Cuba (in Internet addresses)


abbreviated as cos. In a right triangle, the ratio of the length of the side adjacent to an acute angle to the length of the hypotenuse. 2. The abscissa at the endpoint of an arc of a unit circle centered at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system, the arc being of length x and measured counterclockwise from the point (1,0) if x is positive or clockwise if x is negative.


abbreviation for 1. cask. 2. countersink.


abbreviation for 1. cent. 2. certificate.


abbreviation for 1. computerized tomography 2. Connecticut


abbreviation for 1. conditioned reflex. 2. conditioned response. 3. Costa Rica.


abbreviation for 1. correction. 2. correspodent


abbreviation for Civil Service Commission.


abbreviation for Confederate States of America.


abbreviation for Coptic.


abbreviation for Costa Rica (in Internet addresses)


abbreviation for a convenience store.


abbreviation for call to quarters.


abbreviation for candlepower


abbreviation for captain.


abbreviation for captain.


abbreviation for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


abbreviation for cartage.


abbreviation for centipoise


abbreviation for cerebrospinal fluid.


abbreviation for certified professional secretary.


abbreviation for certified public accountant.


abbreviation for chemically pure. 2. command post. 3. Communist Party.


abbreviation for chief petty officer.


abbreviation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


abbreviation for compline


abbreviation for compound.


abbreviation for consumer price index


abbreviation for coporal


abbreviation for corollary.


abbreviation for corporation.


abbreviation for correlative


abbreviation for cosecant.


abbreviation for cosine.


abbreviation for cost per thousand. 2. cycles per minute.


abbreviation for cost plus fixed fee


abbreviation for hyperbolic cosecant.


abbreviation for hyperbolic cotangent.


The crop of a bird or insect. 2. The stomach of an animal. To cause one to feel abiding discontent and resentment.

corps de ballet

The dancers in a ballet troupe who perform as a group.


Used as an intensive.


Used to indicate ability or permission in the past. 2. Used with hypothetical or conditional force. 3. Used to indicate tentativeness or politeness.


Variant of corselet.


Variant of cortico-


Variant of councilor.


Variant of countrified.


Variant of crayfish. To withdraw from an undertaking.


Variant of creek. Synonymous with regional.


Variant of cremini.


Variant of crenshaw.


Variant of crepuscule.


Variant of criminogenic.


Variant of crosier.


Variant of crosswise.


Variant of crowdie.


Variant of crummy.


Variant of crusado.


Variant of crypto


Variant of crystalize


Variant of cuisse.


Variant of culch.


Variant of curette.


Variant of curlicue.


Variant of kopek


Variant of kris.


1 A stick of colored wax, charcoal, or chalk, used for drawing. 2. A drawing made with one of these sticks.


1. A Latin-American dance originating among African slave populations on Colombia's Atlantic coast and characterized by short sliding steps. 2. Music for this dance.


1. A bowl-shaped depression at the mouth of a volcano or geyser. 2a. a bowl-shaped depression in a surface made by an explosion or the impact of a body, such as a meteoroid. b. A pit; a hollow. 3. Variant of krater. To make craters in. 1. To form a crater or craters. 2. a. To fall and crash violently from a great height. b. To fail utterly.


1. A brilliantly executed strategem; a triumph. 2a. A coup d'etat. b. A sudden appropriation of leadership or power; a takeover. 3. Among certain Native American peoples, a feat of bravery performed in battle, especially the touching of an enemy's body without causing injury.


1. A buffet, sideboard, or bookcase, especially one without legs. 2. A piece of office furniture having a long flat top and often containing file drawers, a kneehole, and accessories for a computer.


1. A causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relationship, especially a structural, functional, or qualitative correspondence between two comparable entities. 2. The simultaneous change in value of two numerically valued random variables. 3. An act of correlating or the condition of being correlated.


1. A characteristic manner or style of preparing food. 2. Food; fare.


1. A child of one's aunt or uncle. Also called first cousin. 2. A relative descended from a common ancestor, such as a grandparent, by two or more steps in a diverging line. 3. A relative by blood or marriage; a kinsman or kinswoman. 3. A member of a kindred group or country. 5. Something similar in quality or character. 6. Used as a form of address by a sovereign in addressing another sovereign or a high-ranking member of the nobility.


1. Out of order; faulty. 2. Not well; ill. 3. Of poor quality; inferior. 4. Not honest; crooked.

credibility gap

1. Public skepticism about the truth of statements, especially official claims and pronouncements. 2. Lack of trustworthiness. 3. A discrepancy or disparity, especially between words and actions.


1. Related; corresponding. 2. Indicating a reciprocal or complementary relationship. 1. Either of two correlative entities; a correlate.


1. Sickness caused by excessive eating or drinking. 2. Excessive indulgence; intemperance.


1. Sideways. 2. In a furtive or circumspect manner; indirectly.


1. Skill in doing or making something, as in the arts; proficiency. Synonymous with art. 2. Skill in evasion or deception; guile. 3a. An occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or skilled artistry. b. The membership of such an occupation or trade; guild. 4. A boat, ship, or aircraft. 1. To make by hand. 2. To make or construct (something) in a manner suggesting great care or ingenuity.


1. Skilled in or marked by underhandedness, deviousness, or deception. 2. Skillful, dexterous.


1. Snug, comfortable, and warm. 2. Marked by friendly intimacy. Synonymous with comfortable.

crème de la crème

1. Something superlative. 2. People of the higest social level.


1. Suitable for a royal court; stately. 2. Elegant; refined. 3. Flattering in an insincere way; obsequious. In a courtly manner; elegantly or politely.


1. A leaf of the embryo of a seed plant, which upon germination either remains in the seed or emerges, enlarges, and becomes green. Also called seed leaf. 2. One of the lobules, constituting the uterine side of the mammalian placenta, consisting mainly of a rounded mass of villi.


1. A line made by pressing, folding, or wrinkling. 2. a. A rectangular area marked off in front of the goal in hockey and lacrosse. b. One of the lines in cricket marking off the positions of the bowler and batter or the space between two of these lines. 1. To make a pressed, folded, or wrinkled line in. 2. To graze or wound superficially with a bullet.

credit line

1. A line of copy acknowledging the source or origin of a news dispatch, published article, or other work. 2. The maximum amount of credit to be extended to a customer. Also called line of credit.


1. A line of people, military posts, or ships stationed around an area to enclose or guard it. 2. A cord or braid worn as a fastening or ornament. 3. A ribbon worn diagnoally across the breast as a badge of honor or decoration. 4. A stringcourse. 5. A tree or shrub, especially a fruit tree such as an apple or pear, repeatedly pruned and trained to grow on a support as a single ropelike stem. To form a cordon around (an area) so as to prevent movement in or out.


1. A police officer. 2. One that regulates certain behaviors or actions.


1. A prehistoric monument consisting of monoliths encircling a mound. 2. A dolmen.


1. A preparation, such as powder or a skin cream, designed to beautify the body by direct application. 2. Something superficial that is used to cover a defiency or defect. 1. Serving to beautify the body, especially the face and hair. 2. Serving to modify or improve the appearance of a physical feature, defect, or irregularity. 3a. Decorative rather than superficial.


1. A preposition that follows with little or no proof required from one already proven. 2. A deduction or an inference. 3. A natural consequence or effect; a result. Consequent; resultant.


1. A pungent cheese made of goat's milk and formed into small disks. 2. A disk of this cheese.


1. A raccoon. 2. Used as a disparaging term for a Black person.


1. A representation of the Nativity, usually with statues or figurines. 2. A hospital for foundlings. 3. A day nursery.

curtain raiser

1. A short play or skit presented before the principal dramatic production. 2. A preliminary event.


1. A signal, such as a word or action, used to prompt another event in a performance, such as an actor's speech or entrance, a change in lighting, or a sound effect. 2a. A reminder or prompting. b. A hint or suggestiong 3. An extract from the music for another part printed, usually in smaller notes, within a performer's part as a signal to enter after a long rest. b. A gesture by conductor's signaling the entrance of a performer or part. 4. A stimulus, either consciously or unconsciously perceived, that elicits or signals a type of behavior. 5. One's assigned role or function. 6. A mood; a disposition. 1. to give a cue to; signal or prompt. To insert into the sequence of a performance. 3. To position (an audio or video recording) in readiness for playing.


1. A slender length of flexible material usually made of twisted strands or fibers and used to bind, tie, connect, or support. 2. An insulated flexible electric wire fitted with a plug or plugs. 3. A hangman's rope. 4. An influence, feeling, or force that binds or restrains; a bon or tie. 5. A long ropelike structure, such as a nerve or tendon. 6a. A raised rib on the surface of cloth. b. A fabric or cloth with such ribs. 7. Trousers made of corduroy


1. A small bouquet of flowers worn at the shoulder or waist or on the wrist. 2. The bodice or waist of a dress.


1. A train of attendants, as of a distinguished person; a retinue. 2a. A ceremonial procession. b. A funeral procession.


1. A tropical southeast Asian shrubby vine (piper cubeba) having spicy, berrylike fruits, heart-shaped leaves, and small flowers in cylindrical spikes. 2. The dried, unripe, berrylike fruit of this plant, used in perfumery, pharmaceuticals, and commercial flavorings.


1. Acceptance as true or valid; belief. Synonymous with belief. 2. Claim to acceptance; trustworthiness. 3. Recommendation; credentials. 4. A small table or shelf for holding the bread, wine, and vessels of the Eucharist when they are not in use at the altar.


1. An Egyptian belonging to or descended from the peopple of ancient or pre-Islamic Egypt. 2. A member of the Coptic Church.

cow college

1. An agricultural college. 2. A college or university considered to be provincial and unsophisticated.


1. An animal with a docked tail. 2. Something cut short or docked. Cut short or docked.


1. An annual African plant (Vigna unguiculata0 in the pea family, widely cultivated in warm regions for food, forage, and soil improvement. 2. An edible seed of this plant. In both sense als ocalled black-eyed pea, catjang.


1. Any of various deciduous, spineless shrubs of the genus Ribes, native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and having flowers in racemes, and edible, variously colored berries. 2. The fruits of any of these plants, used for jams, jellies, desserts, or beverages. 3. A small seedless raisin of the Mediterranean region ,used chiefly in baking. 4. Any of several other plants or their fruit.


1. Any of various mostly climbing or trailing plants of the family Cucurbitaceae, which includes the squash, pumpkin, cucumber, gourd, watermelon, and cantaloupe. 2. A gourdshaped flask forming the body of an alembic, formerly used in distillation.


1. Being at the highest altitude 2. Reaching the highest point or degree, highest.


1. Cubic. 2. Of or relating to volume.


1. Demanding or requiring action or attention. 2. Abominable; reprehensible.


1. Difficult to handle because of weight or bulk. Synonymous with heavy. 2. Troublesome or onerous.


1. Disposed to believe too readily; gullible. 2. Arising from or characterized by credulity.


1. Disposed to inflict pain or suffering. 2. Causing suffering; painful.

crystal gazing

1. Divination by gazing into a crystal ball. 2. The making of determinations or predictions using questionable or unscientific means.


1. Done in cooperation with others. 2. Marked by willingness to cooperate; compliant. 3. Of, relating to, or formed as an enterprise or organization jointly owned or managed by those who use its facilities or services. An enterprise or organization that is owned or managed jointly by those who use its facilities or services.


1. Eager to learn more. 2. Unduly inquisitive; prying. 3. Arousing interest because of novelty or strangeness. 4. Accomplished with skill or ingenuity. b. Extremely careful; scrupulous.


1. Educated, polished, and refined; cultivated. 2. Produced under artificial and controlled conditions.


1. Esotropia. 2. An eye affected with esotropia. Often used in the plural.


1. Excessively and culpably desirous of the possessions of another. Synonymous with jealous. 2. Marked by extreme desire to acquire or possess.


1. Excrement. 2. An act of defecating. 3. Foolish, deceitful, or boastful language. 4. Cheap or shoddy material. 5. Miscellaneous or disorganized items; clutter. 6. Insolent talk or behavior. To defecate. To make a mess of; bungle.


1. Fed on corn. 2. Healthy and strong; but provincial and unsophisticated.


1. Fertilization by the union of gametes from different individuals, sometimes of different varieties or species. Also called allogamy. 2. Mutual exchange, as between dissimilar concepts, cultures, or classifications, that change, as between dissimilar concepts, cultures, or classifications, that enhances understanding or produces something beneficial.


1. Formed into a corporation; incorporated. 2. Of or relating to a corporation. 3. United or combined into one body; collective. 4. Of or relating to a corporative government or political system.


1. Having hidden meaning; mystifying. Synonymous with ambiguous. 2. Secret or occult. 3. Using code or cipher. 4. Tending to conceal or camouflage.


1. Having or marked by bends, curves, or angles. 2. Dishonest or unscrupulous; fraudulent.


1606-1684. French playwright whose works, including Le Cid (1637) and Horace (1640), dramatize grand moral themes within elegant verse.


1753-1827. British inventor of the spinning mule (1779).


1792-1878. British caricaturist and illustrator of the works of Charles Dickens and other novelists.


1924-1998. South African-born American physicist. He shared a 1979 Nobel Prize for developing the CAT scan x-ray technique.


1a. A covering; a shelter. b. The state of being concealed; disguise. 2. The status of a married woman under common law.


1a. A croaking animal, especially a frog. b. A person who grumbles or habitually predicts evil. 2. Any of various fishes, chiefly of the family Sciaenidae, that make croaking or grunting sounds.

crystal clear

Absolutely clear; pellucid.


Also called Curie-Joliot.


An act or example of forceful regulation, repression, or restraint.


An old Portuguese coin of gold or silver having a cross pictured on the reverse.


An open space surrounded by walls or buildings, adjoining or within a building such as a large house or housing complex.


An organism, especially a cultivated plant, such as a banana, not known to have a wild or uncultivated counterpart.


An owner of cattle or a cattle ranch. 2a. Synonymous with cowboy. b. A cowherd.


1a. The act or process of corroding. b. The condition produced by corroding. 2. A substance, such as rust, formed by corroding.


1a. The act or process of corrugating. b. The state of being corrugated. 2. A groove or ridge on a corrugated surface.


Any of three isomeric phenols, CH3C6H4OH, used in resins and as a disnfectant.

cork oak

A Mediterranean evergreen oak tree (Quercus suber) having thick bark that is periodically stripped, yielding commercial cork. Also called cork tree.


A Mexican ballad or folksong.


A Russian or Soviet astronaut.

counter check

A bank check for the use of customers making a withdrawal.


A bar or cylinder in the arm of a crank to which a reciprocating member or connecting rod is attached.

cramp iron

A bar, usually of iron, with right-angle bends at both ends, used for permanently holding together stones, timber, and other materials used in building.


A bedspread.


A blade or wheel attached to the beam of a plow that makes vertical cuts in the soil in advance of the plowshare.

Cripple Creek

A city of central Colorado in the Rocky Mountains southwest of Colorado Springs. After 1891 it was the center of a thriving gold-producing area but declined as deposits were exhausted. Population: 584.


A city of northeast Argentina on the Parana River and the Paraguay border. It was founded in 1588. Population: 257,766.


A city of northeast Colombia near the Venezuelan border. Established in 1733 and rebuilt after a devastating earthquake in 1875, it is a transportation and industrial center. Population: 383,584.


A city of northeast Spain, a suburb of Bercelona. Population: 90,270.


A city of northeast Venezuela on the Caribbean Sea east of Caracas. It was founded in 1521 to exploit nearby pearl fisheries. Population: 232,228.

Costa Mesa

A city of southern California south-southwest of Santa Ana. It has an electronics industry. Population: 96,357.


A comb with plastic or rubber teeth, used for grooming horses.

Cultural Revolution

A comprehensive reform movement in China initiated by Mao Zedong in 1965 to eliminate counterrevolutionary elements in the country's institutions and leadership. It was characterized by political zealotry, purges of intellectuals, and social and economic chaos.

corporate anorexia

A condition in which a corporation does not have enough employees to meet its goals or needs, especially as a consequence of downsizing.

culture shock

A condition of confusion and anxiety affecting a person suddenly exposed to an alien culture or milieu.


A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Hydra and Corvus.

criminal court

A court empowered to hear and decide on cases involving offenses against criminal law.

court of domestic relations

A court having the judicial authority to investigate and decide on cases involving marital and especially parental rights and obligations, including child custody, support, and well-being.

crêpes suzette

A dessert of crêpes warmed in an orange-butter sauce, often served with a flaming liqueur sauce.


A developmental defect marked by the failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum.


A device for coring apples.


A device for determining the amount of a substance released during electrolysis by measuring the electrical charge.


A device for drawing corks from bottles, consisting of a pointed metal spiral attached to a handle. Spiral in shape. To move or cause to move in a spiral or winding course.


A device, container, or room that cools or keeps cool. 2. A cold drink, often a mixture of white wine and juice. 3. A jail.


A dichroic violet-blue to gray mineral silicate of magnesium, aluminum, and sometimes iron. Also called dichroite.

corner kick

A direct free kick from a corner of the field awarded to the attacking team in soccer when the ball has been driven out of bounds over the goal line by a defender.


A disposition to believe too readily.

carft beer

A distinctively flavored beer that is brewed and distributed regionally. Also called craft brew, microbrew.


A dog trained for coursing. 2. A huntsman.

cromolyn sodium

A drug, C23H14Na2O11, usually administered by inhalation and used to prevent ceratin allergic attacks, especially those associated with asthma or hay fever. Alteration of chromonyl, one of its constituents.

crystal violet

A dye derived from gentian violet that is used as a general biological stain and an acid-base indicator.


A faintly colored luminous ring appearing to surround a celestial body visible through a haze or thin cloud, especially such a ring around the moon or sun, caused by diffraction of light from suspended matter in the intervening medium. Also caled aureole. The luminous irregular envelope of highly ionized gas outside the chromosphere of the sun. 2. The projecting top part of a cornice. 3. A cigar with a long tapering body and blunt ends. 4. the crownlike upper portion of a bodily part or structure, such as the top of the head. 5. A crown-shaped, funnel-shaped, or trumpet-shaped outgrowth or appendage of the perianth of certain flowers, sucha s the daffodil or the spider lily. Also called crown. 6. A faint glow enveloping the high-field electrode in a corona discharge, often accompanied by streamers directed toward the low-field electrode.


A fellow member of a crew, especially of a crew of astronauts.

cowboy hat

A felt hat having a tall crown and very wide brim. Also called ten-gallon hat.


A fibrous, lavendar-blue or greenish mineral, a sodium iron silicate that is used as a commercial form of asbestos.


A field in whcih corn is grown.


A folk dance of English origin in which two lines of dancers face each other.

crevalle jack

A food and game fish (Caranx hippos) of warm seas, having a laterally compressed silvery body. Also called jack crevalle.

crack brain

A foolish or eccentric person.

country rock

A form of popular music combining features of country music and rock 'n' roll.

court tennis

A form of tennis played in a large indoor court with a specially marked-out floor and high cement walls off which the ball may be played.


A formal ball, especially one at which young women are presented to society. 2a. A lively dance, originating in France in the 18th century, having varied, intricate patterns and steps. b. A quadrille. c. Music for these dances.

Court of Exchequer

A former superior court in Great Britain dealing with matters of revenue, now merged with the King's or Queen's Bench.


A fragrant crystalline compound, C9H6O2, extracted from several plants, such as tonka beans and sweet clover, or produced synthetically and widely used in perfumes.


A frame with an adjustable part to hold ieces together, a clamp. 2. A cramp iron. 3. A compressing or restraining force, influence, or thing. 4. A confined position or part. 1. To hold together with a ______. 2. To shut in so closely as to restrict the physical freedom of. 3a. To steer (the wheels of a vehicle) to make a turn. b. To jam (a wheel)

corn dog

A frankfurter that is encased in corn bread batter before being baked or fried, usually served on a stick.

cuckoo spit

A frothy mass of liquid secreted on plant stems as a protective covering by nymphs of the spittlebug. Also called frog spit.

county agent

A government employee who serves as a consultant and adviser in a chiefly rural county on such matters as agriculture, education, and home economics.


A microprocessor that performs specialized functions that the central processing unit cannot perform or cannot perform as well and as quickly.


Abbreviated as XC or X-C. 1. Moving or directed across open country rather than following tracks, roads, or runs. 2. From one side of a country to the opposite side. A ________________ sport, especially running, skiing, or driving.


Abbreviation for Congress of Racial Equality.


Abbreviation for printing characters per inch


A nation or state. b. The territory of a nation or state; land. c. The people of a nation or state; populace. 2. The land of a person's birth or citizenship. 3. A region, territory, or large tract of land distinguishable by features of topography, biology, or culture. 4. An area or expanse outside cities and towns; a rural area. 5. A jury. 6. Country music. 1. Of, relating to, or typical of the country. 2. Of or relating to country music.


A native or inhabitant of St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Cumberland Gap

A natural passage through the Cumberland Plateau near the junction of the Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee borders. It was used by Daniel Boone in 1775 as a strategic point along his Wilderness Road, the principal route of westward migration for the next half century.


A natural red secondary ore of copper, essentailly Cu2O, that forms as a result of weathering.


A naturally occurring corticosteroid, C21H28O5, that functions in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins.

credit card

A plastic card having a magnetic strip, issued by a bank or business authorizing the holder to buy goods or services on credit. Also called charge card.


A plural of corona.


A plural of cortex.


A plural of cranium.


A plural of crocus.


A plural of crux.


A road that winds along the side of a steep coast or cliff.


A small house. 2. A protective covering or sheath.


A spy working in opposition to enemy espionage.

country mile

A very great distance.


1. having a bad disposition; peevish. 2. Having eccentric ways; odd. 3. Full of bends and turns. 4. Working unpredictably; erratic. 5. Rickety; loose.


1. having curls. 2. Having the tendency to curl. 3. Having a wavy grain.


Contraction of could not.


Corporate bureaucracy. 2. A company characterized by top-heavy, isolated, risk-averse management, excess paperwork, low productivity, poor interdepartment communication, and lack of imagination, especially in product development and marketing.


1494-1534. Italian High Renaissance painter known for his use of chiaroscuro. Among his works are devotional pictures, including Holy Night, and frescoes, such as those in the convent of San Paolo in Parma (1518).


1510-1554. Spanish explorer who in his quest for the fabled Seven Cities of Cibola was the first to explore Arizona and New Mexico.

cot death

Sudden infant death syndrome.


Surgical removal of a portion of the cranium.


Synonymous with cryogenics.


Synonymous with locoweed. From its toxic effect on some animals.

corrosive sublimate

Synonymous with mercuric chloride.

creeping Jennie

Synonymous with moneywort.


Intoxicated, drunk.


Intuition that is contrary to what intuition or common sense would indicate.


Known as "Chick." Born 1941. American jazz pianist and composer whose early recordings with Miles Davis' group (1968-1970) contributed to the development of jazz-fusion.

coronary thrombosis

Obstruction of a coronary artery by a thrombus, often leading to destruction of heart muscle.


Of or associated with both the cranium and the sacrum. 2. Of or relating to the parasympathetic nervous system.


Of or belonging to the geologic time, system of rocks, and sedimentary deposits of the third and last period of the Mesozoic Era, characterized by the development of flowering plants and ending with the sudden extinction of the dinosaurs and many other forms of life. Synonymous with geologic time. 2. Of, containing, or resembling chalk. The Cretaceous Period or its system of deposits.


Of or containing divalent copper.


Of or involving both the cranium and the face.


Of or like leater, especially in texture.


Of or like twilight; dim. 2. Becoming active at twilight or before sunrise, as do bats and certain insects and birds.


Of or relaing to creosote or cresol.


Of or relating to Cornwall, its people, or the Cornish language. 1. The brittonic language of Cornwall, which has been extinct since the late 18th century. 2. Any of an English breed of domestic fowl often crossbred to produce roasters.


Of or relating to Croatia or its people, language, or culture.


Of or relating to a crust, especially that of the earth or the moon.


Of or relating to a kitchen or to cookery.


Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is thin, crusty, and closely adherent to or embedded in the surface on which it grows.


Of or relating to culture or cultivation.


Of or relating to the theory of Copernicus that Earth rotates daily on its axis and, with the other planets in the solar system, revolves around the sun.


Of, relating to, or containing univalent copper.


Overephasis or diplomas or degrees in giving jobs or conferring social status.


People interested in culture and cultural activities.

corn sugar

Dextrose obtained from cornstarch.


Study of cryptanalysis and cryptography


The act of linking together or forming couples. 2. The act of uniting sexually. 3. A device that links or connects. 4. Transfer of energy from one circuit to another. 5. The body part of a four-footed animal that connects the hindquarters to the forequarters.

crowd surfing

The action or diversion of being passed by hand above a densely packed crowd, as at a rock concert.

current ratio

The arithmetic ratio of current assets to liabilities.

crown lens

The crown-glass element in an achromatic lens.


The edible flesh of a crab.


The highest peak, 2,915 m. (9,560 ft) of the Apennines, in central Italy.


The metal case enclosing the crankshaft and associated parts in a reciprocating engine.

cow catcher

The metal grille or frame projecting from the front ofa locomotie and serving to clear the track of obstructions.

Costa Brava

The northeast coast of Spain, on the Mediterranean Sea from Barcelona to the French border. It has been a popular tourist area since the end of World War II.


The state of being a cuckold. 2. The act of making someone a cuckold.


The symbol for the element chromium.

criminal justice

The system of law enforcement, the bar, the judiciary, corrections, and probation that is directly involved in the apprehension, prosecution, defense, sentencing, incarceration, and supervision of those suspected of or charged with criminal offenses.

curb weight

The weight of a fueled automobile with standard equipment but without cargo or passengers.


The wife of Aeneas who was lost while fleeing from Troy but came back as a ghost to warn Aeneas of his future.


To arrange or style (hair) by dividing into sections and braiding close to the scalp in rows.


To bring proceedings against (a plaintiff) in direct opposition to a suit brought against oneself.


To cause to change places; transpose. 2. To make checkered; variegate.


To undergo or cause to undergo cross-fertilization.


To write jointly or in collaboration with another author.


Used as a disparaging term for a Cajun.


Variant of corbina.


Variant of kumquat.


prefix variant of cosmo-.


prefix variant of cumulo-


prefix variant of cupro-


present or in effet throughout a person's lifetime. 2. Occurring or persisting from beginning to end.


abbreviation for cartage.


A toilet.


One that prepares tanned hides for use.


1. Resembling a small cup; cup-shaped. 2. Having or bearing a cupule.


A horny thickening of the skin, usually on or near a toe, resulting from pressure or friction. Also called clavus.


A horse soldier in European armies whose equipment included the cuirass.

Cub Scout

A member of the junior division of the Boy Scouts, for boys of ages eight through ten.


A metal cup, often suspended on a pole, containing burning oil or pitch and used as a torch.

coordinate system

A method of representing points in a space of given dimensions by coordinates.


A sculptured basket of flowers or fruits used as an architectural ornament.


A second person singular past tense of can.


1. A light airplane equipped for spraying crops with powdered insecticides or fungicides. 2. The pilot of such an airplane.


1. Inferior; worthless. 2. Miserable, poorly. 3. Mean; contemptible.


1. Irritable and perverse to dispositions, ill-tempered. 2. Difficult to understand, complicated. 3. Difficult to read; cramped.


A small rounded boat made of water-proof material stretched over a wicker or wooden frame.

cordon sanitaire

1. A barrier designed to prevent a disease or other undesirable condition from spreading. 2. A chain of buffer states organized around a nation considered ideologically dangerous or potentially hostile.


1. A bed with high sides for a young child or baby. 2a. A small building, usually with slatted sides, for storing corn. b. A rack or trough for fodder, a manger. c. A stall for cattle. 3. A smal lcrude cottage or room. 4. One's home. 5. A framework to support or strengthen a mine or shaft. 6. A wicker basket. 7a. A petty theft. b. Plagiarism. c. Synonymous pony. 8. A set of cards made up from discards by each player i cribbage, used by the dealer. 1. To confine in or as if in a _____. 2. To furnish with a ____. 3a. To plagiarize (an idea or answer, for example). b. to steal. To plagiarize, cheat.


1. A body that is granted a charter recognizing it as a separate legal entity having its own rights, privileges, and liabilities distinct from those of its members. 2. Such a body created for purposes of government. Also called body corporate. 3. A group of people combined into or acting as one body. 4. A protruding abdominal region; a potbelly.


1. A bony process projecting from the scapula toward the sternum in mammals. 2. A beak-shaped bone articulating with the scapula and sternum in most lower vertebrates, such as birds and reptiles. Of, relating to, or resembling a coracoid.


1. A cleric, especially one who has charge of a parish. 2. A cleric who assists a rector or vicar.


1. A close-fitting undergarment, often reinforced by stays, worn to support and shape the waistline, hips, and breasts. 2. A medieval outer garment, especially a laced jacket or bodice. To enclose in or as if in a ______.


1. A closed four-wheel carriage with two seats inside and one outside. 2. A closed two-door automobile.


1. A coarse stiff fabric of cotton or horsehair used especially to line and stiffen hats and garments. 2. A petticoat made of this fabric. 3. A hoop skirt.


1. A coating or an incrustation of filth or refuse. b. Something loathsome, despicable, or worthless. . One who is contemptible or disgusting. 2. A disease or ailment, imaginary or real, especially one affecting the skin. 3. Heavy, sticky snow that is unsuitable for skiing.


1. A colorless to yellowish oily liquid containing phenols and creosols, obtained by the destructive distillation of wood tar, especially from the wood of a beech, and formerly used as an expectorant in treating chronic bronchitis. 2. A yellowish to greenish-brown oily liquid containing phenols and creosols, obtained from coal tar and used as a wood preservative and disinfectant. It can cause severe neurological disturbances if inhaled in strong concentrations.


1. A compartment on a European passenger train equipped with four to six berths for sleeping. 2. A sleeping berth in one of these compartments.


1. A conceited dandy; a fop. 2. A jester's cap; a cockscomb.


1. A concrete border or row of joined stones forming part of a gutter along the edge of a street. 2. An enclosing framework, such as that around a skylight. 3. A raised margin along an edge used to confine or strengthen. 4. Something that checks or restrains. 5. A chain or strapthat passes under a horse's lower jaw and serves in conjunction with the bit to restrain the horse. 6. A market, originally on a street or sidewalk, for trading securities that are not listed on a stock exchange. 1. To check, restrain, or control as if with a ____; rein in. 2. To lead (a dog) off the sidewalk into the gutter so that it can excrete waste. 3. To furnish with a ____.


1. A counterbalancing weight. 2. A force or influence that balances or equally counteracts another. 3. The state of being in equilibrium. 1. To oppose with an equal weight; counterbalance. 2. To act against with an equal force or power; offset.


1. A crab apple tree or its fruit. 2. A quarrelsome, ill-temp


1. A crab apple tree or its fruit. 2. A quarrelsome, ill-tempered person. To find fault; criticize someone or something. 1. To interfere with and ruin; spoil. 2. To find fault with, complain about. 3. To make ill-tempered or sullen.


1. A creed. 2. Credo. a. The Apostles' Creed. b. The Nicene Creed, especially as the third item of the Ordinary of the Roman Catholic Mass. c. The musical setting of the Nicene Creed.


1. A critical review or commentary, especially one dealing with works of art or literature. 2. A critical discussion of a specified topic. 3. The art of criticism. To review or discuss critically.


1. A current flowing across another current. 2. A conflicting tendency, inclination, or movement.


1. A dark resinous extract obtained from several tropical American woody plants, especially Chondrodendron tomentosum or certain species of Strychnos, used as an arrow poison by some Indian peoples of South America. 2. A purified preparation or alkaloid obtained from Chondrodendron tomentosum, used i medicine and surgery to relax skeletal muscles. 3. A plant yielding ________.

coup de grace

1. A deathblow delivered to end the misery of a mortally wounded victim. 2. A finishing stroke or decisive event.


1. A device for transmitting rotary motion, consisting of a handle or arm attached at right angles to a shaft. 2. A clever turn of speech; a verbal conceit. 3. A peculiar or eccentric idea or action. 4. a. A gouchy person. b. An eccentric person, especially one who is unduly zealous. 5. Methampetamine. 1a. To start or operate (an engine, for example) by or as if by turning a handle. b. To move or operate (a window, for example) by or as if by turning a handle. b. To move or operate (a window, for example) by or as if by turning a handle. 2. To make into the shape of a crank; bend. 3. To provide with a handle that is used in turning. 1. To turn a handle. 2. To wind in a zigzagging course. Of, being, or produced by an eccentric person. 1. To cause to start or get started as if by turning a crank. 2. To cause to intensify, as in voluem or force.


1. A dog considered to be inferior or undesirable; a mongrel. 2. A base or cowardly person.


1. A double stitch forming an X in sewing and embroidery. 2. Needlework made with X-shaped stitches. To make or embroider with X-shaped stitches. To work in the fashion of x-shaped stitches.


1. A durable cut-pile fabric, usually made of cotton, with vertical ribs. 2. Trousers made of corduroy. 3. A road made of logs laid down crosswise. 1. Mad of a fabric with vertical ribs. 2. Made of logs laid down crosswise. To build (a road) of logs laid down corsswise.


1. A family or small lock of birds, especially partridge or quail. Synonymous with flock. 2. A small group, as of persons.


1. A fast, lightly armed warship, smaller than a destroyer, often armed for antisubmarine operations. 2. An obsolete sailing warship, smaller than a frigate, usually armed with one tier of guns.

Corpus Christi

1. A feast in honor of the Eucharist. 2. The first Thursday after Trinity Sunday, the day on which this feast is observed.

cover story

1. A featured story in a magazine that cocerns the illustration on the cover. 2. A flase story intended to deceive or mislead.


1. A flat surface on which money is counted, business is transacted, or food is prepared or served. 2. A piece, as of wood or ivory, used for keeping a count or a place. 3a. An imitation coin; a token. b. A piece of money. 1. without being listed or available on an officially recognized stock exchange but traded in direct negotiation between buyers and sellers. 2. Without a doctor's presecription being legally required. In an illegal or surreptitious manner, illicitly.


1. A food and game fish (Mentricirrhus undulatus) of North American Pacific waters and especially coastal California. 2. Any of several related marine fishes of the family Sciaenidae.


1. A force or influence equally counteracting another. 2. A weight that acts to balance another; a ounterpoise or counterweight. 1. T oact as a counteracting force, influence, or weight to; counterpoise. 2. To oppose with an equal force; offset.


1. A formal statement of religious belief; a confession of faith. 2. A system of belief, principles, or opinions.


1. A gambling game played with two dice in which a first throw a 7 or 11 wins, a first throw of 2, 3, or 12 loses the bet, and a first throw of any other number (a point) must be repeated to win before a 7 is thrown, which loses both the bet and the dice. 2. A losing throw in this game. Also called crap.


1. A garland, wreath, or circlet for the head. 2. A coronal consonant. 1. Of or relating to a corona, especially of the head. 2. Of, relating to, or having the direciton of the coronal suture or of the plane dividing the body into front and back portions. 3. Articulated by raising the blade of the tongue, as (t) in tip and (n) in night.

crystal ball

1. A globe of quartz crystal or glass in which images, especially those believed to portend the future, are supposedly visible to fortune tellers. 2. A vehicle or technique for making predictions.


1. A grooved timber in which something slides. 2a. A section of stage scenery placed in a wing of a theatre. b. The space between such pieces of scenery, through which an actor can make an entrance or exit. c. A backstage area in a theater.


1. A hinged pair of curved iron bars for raising heavy objects, such as stones or timber. Often used in the plural. 2. A spiked iron or steel framework that is attached to the bottom of a shoe or boot to prevent slipping when walking or climbing on ice and snow. Often used in the plural. Also called climbing iron.


1. A hired man, especially in the western United States, who tends cattle and performs many of his duties on horseback. Also called cowman, cowpoke, cowpuncher; also called regionally buckaroo, vaquero, waddy. Regionally synonymous with vaquero. 2. An adventurous hero. 3. A reckless person, such as driver, pilot, or manager, who ignores potential risks.


1. A large collection of writings of a specific kind or on a specific subject. 2. A collection of writings or recorded remarks used for linguistic analysis. 3. The capital or principal amount, as of an estate or trust. b. The principal of a bond. 4. The main part of a bodily structure or organ. b. A distinct bodily mass or organ having a specific function. 5. The overall length of a violin.


1. A large number of persons gathered together; a throng. 2. The common people; the populace. 3. A group of people united by a common characteristic; as age, interest, or vocation. 4. A group of people attending a public function; an audience. 5. A large number of things positioned or considered together. 1. To congregate in a restricted area; throng. 2. To advance by pressing or shoving. 3. To press, cram, or force tightly together. 4. To fill or occupy ot overflowing. 5. To put pressure on, as to pay a debt.


1. A leather strap looped under a horse's tail and attached to a harness or saddle to keep it from slipping forward. 2. The rump of a horse; the croup.


A small rounded pile of cow excrement.


1. A person of European descent born in the West Indies or Spanish America. 2a. A person descended from or culturally related to the original French settlers of the southern United States, especially Louisiana. b. The French dialect spoken by these people. 3. A person descended from or culturally related to the Spanish and Portuguese settlers of the Gulf States. 4. A person of mixed Black and European ancestry who speaks a creolized language, especially one based on French or Spanish. 5. A Black slave born in the Americas as opposed to one brought from Africa. 6. A creolized language. 7. Haitian Creole. 1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of the ________. Cooked with a spicy sauce containing tomatoes, onions, and pepers.


1. A person who _______________, especially in different sports. 2. An athletic shoe designed for cross-training, as for running and court sports.


1. A person who gives counsel; an adviser. 2. An attorney, especially a trial lawyer. 3. A person who supervises young people at a summer camp.


1. A person who usually steers a ship's boat and has charge of its crew. 2. a person in a racing shell who usually directs the rest of the crew. To act as a __________ or serve as __________ for.


1. A piece of writing in code or cipher. Also called cryptograph. 2. A figure or representation having a secret or occult significance.


1. A pirate, especially along the Barbary Coast. 2. A swift pirate ship, often operating with official sanction.


1. A place at which or the means by which a crossing is made. 2. A short connecting track by which a train can be transferred fro one line to another. 3. Crossing over. b. A characteristic resultig from the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis. 4. A registered member of one poltical party who votes in the primary of the other party. 5a. The adaptation of a musical style, as by blending elements of two or more styles or categories, to appeal to a wider audience. b. A recording designed to appeal to more than one segment or portion of the listening audience. c. One that appeals to a wide or diverse audience.


1. A place something upon or over, so as to protect or conceal. 2. To overlay or spread with something. 3a. To put a cover or covering on. b. To wrap up; clothe. 4. To invest (oneself) with a great deal of something. 5a. To spread over


1. A plan intended to counter or oppose another plan. 2. An alternate plan.


1. A plot or scheme intended to subvert another plot. 2. Synonymous with subplot.


1. A porous cup, often made of bone ash, used in assaying to separate precious metals from base elements such as lead. 2. The bottom or receptacle in a silver-refining furnace. To assay or separate from base metals in a cupel.


1. A region of extreme southwest England on a peninsula bounded by the Atlantic Ocean and English Channel. Its tin and copper mines were known to ancient Greek traders. 2. A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River and the New York border southeast of Ottawa. It is a manufacturing center. Population: 46,144.


1. A regular solid having six congruent square faces. 2a. Something having the general shape of a cube. b. A cubicle, used for work or study. 3. The third power of a number or quantity. 4. Cubic inches. Used especially of an internal combustion engine. 1. To raise (a quantity or number) to the third power. 2. To determine the cubic contents of. 3. To form or cut into cubes; dice. 4. To tenderize (meat) by breaking the fibers with superficial cuts in a pattern of squares.


1. A revolution whose aim is the deposition and erversal of a political or social system set up by a previous revolution. 2. A movement to oppose revolutionary tendencies and developments.


1. A road that intersects another road. 2. A place where two or more roads meet. b. A small, usually rural community situated at a intersection of two or more roads. c. A place that is centrally located. d. A crucial point. Synonymous with crisis.

crew neck

1. A round close-fitting neckline. 2. often crew-neck. A garment, especially a sweater, wti hsuch a neckline.


1. A rounded projection as on the margin of a shell. 2. The condition or state of being crenate. 3. A process resulting from osmosis in which red blood cells, in a hypertonic solution, undergo shrinkage and acquire a notched or scalloped surface.


1. A rural region. 2. The inhabitants of a rural region.


1. A sewer or drain crossing under a road or embankment. 2a. The part of a road or embankment that passes over such a sewerr or drain. b. The channel or conduit for such a sewer or drain.


1. A small compartment, as for work or study. 2. A small sleeping compartment, especially within a dormitory.


1. A small crown worn by princes and princesses and by other nobles below the rank of sovereign. 2. a chaplet or headband decorated with gold or jewels. 3. the upper margin of a horse's hoof.


1. A small enclosed field or pasture near a house. 2. A small farm, especially a tenant farm.


1. A small glass bottle for holding a condiment, such as vinegar or oil. 2. A small vessel for holy water or for water or wine used in the consecration of the Eucharist.


1. A small jug or pitcher for cream. 2. A machine or device for separating cream from milk. 3. A refrigerator in which milk is placed to form cream. 4. A substitute for cream.


1. A small lookout platform with a protective railing and windscreen, located near the top of a shi's mast or superstructure. 2. A similar lookout platform located ashore.


1. Labor exactd by a local authority for little or no pay or instead of taxes and used especially in the maintenance of roads. . A day of unpaid work rquired of a vassal by a feudal lord.


1. A small low bed for an infant, often furnished with rockers. 2a. The earliest period of line. b A place of origin; a birthplace. 3a. A framework of wood or metal used to support something, such as a ship undergoing construction or repair. b. A framework used to protect an injured limb. 4. A low flat framework that rolls on casaters, used by a mechanic working beneath an automobile. Also called creeper. 5. The part of a telephone that ontains the connecting switch upon which the receiver and mouthpiece unit is supported. 6a. A frame projecting above a scythe, used to catch grain as it is cut so that it can be laid flat. b. A scythe equipped with such a frame. 7. A boxlike device furnished with rockers, used for washing gold-bearing dirt. 1a. To place or retain in or as if in a cradle. b. To care ofr or nurture in infancy. c. To hold or support protectively. 2. To reap (grain) with a cradle. 3. To place or support (a ship, for example) in a cradle. 4. To wash (gold-bearing dirt) in a _____.


1. A small round cornmeal cake that is baked or fried. 2. A dumpling of cornmeal that is boiled or steamed. Also called regionally dodger.

cream puff

1. A small shell of light pastry filled with whipped cream, custard, or ice cream. 2. A weakling. 3. An old, especially secondhand car in very good condition.


1. A small sheltered bay in the shoreline of a sea, river, or lake. 2a. A recess or small valley in the side of a mountain. b. A cave or cavern. 3. A narrow gap or pass between hills or woods. 4. A concave molding. b. A concave surface forming a junction between a ceiling a nd a wall. Also called coving. To make in an inward curving form.

cover glass

1. A small thin piece of glass used to cover a specimen on a microscope slide. Also called cover slip. 2. A protective sheet of glass for a transparency.


1. A small wolflike carnivorous animal (Canis latrans) native to western North America and found in many other regions of the continent. Also called prairie wolf. 2. A firefighter who is sent to battle remote, usually very severe forest foires, often for days at a time. 3. A person who smuggles illegal immigrants into the United States, especially across the Mexican border.


1. A small, single-storied house, especially in the country. 2. A small vacation house.


1. A snug or cramped space or room. 2. A small compartment. 3. A category, especially an overly restrictive one.

crown glass

1. A soda-lime optical glass that is exceptionally hard and clear, with low refraction and low dispersion. 2. A form of window glass made by whirling a glass bubble to make a flat circular disk with a lump left in the center by the glass blower's rod.


1. A soft cheese made from curds. 2. Porridge; gruel.


1. A staff or support used by the physically injured or disabled as an aid in walking, usually designed to fit under the armpit and often used in pairs. 2. A forked leg rest on a sidesaddle. 3. A device used for assistance or support; a prop. 4. The crotch of a person or an animal. 5. A forked device or part. To support on or as if on crutches; prop up.


1. A staff with a crook or cross at the end, carried by or before an abbot, bishop, or archbishop as a symbol of office. 2. Synonymous with fiddlehead.


1. A style of dress, including garments, accessories, and hairstyle, especially as characteristic of a particular country, period, or people. 2. an outfit or disguise worn on Mardi Gras, Halloween, or similar occasions. 3. A set of clothes appropriate for a particular occasion or season. 1. To put a costume on; dress. 2. To desing or furnish costumes for.

coup de theâtre

1. A sudden dramatic turn of events in a play. 2. An unexpected and sensational event, especially one that reverses or negates a prevailing situation.

cruise control

1. A system in a motor vehicle for maintaining constant speed. 2. Maintenance of a constant speed in such a vehicle.

courtesy title

1. A title of no legal validity that is assumed or granted by custom, such as the academic title professor given to any instructor at a college. 2a. In Great Britain, the title that the heir of a high-ranking peer customarily uses, consisting of a secondary title accorded to the peer. b. In Great Britain, the prefixes Lord and Lady added to the given names of the younger children of dukes and marquises or the Honourable added to the children of viscounts and barons.


1. A unit of verse consisting of two successive lines, usually rhyming and having the same meter and often forming a complete thought or syntactic unit. 2. Two similar things; a pair.

cottage industry

1. A usually small-scale industry carried on at home by family members using their own equipment. 2. A small, loosely organized, yet flourishing complex of activity or industry.


1. A verb, such as a form of be or seem, that identifies the predicate of a sentence with the subject. Also called linking verb. 2. The word or set of words that serves as a link between the subject and predicate of a proposition.


1. A very small piece broken from a baked item, such as a cookie, cake, or bread. 2. A small fragment, scrap, or portion. 3. The soft inner portion of bread. 4. A contemptible, untrustworthy, or loathsome person. 1. To break into very small pieces; crumble. 2. To cover or prepare with very small pieces of bread. 3. To brush (a table or cloth) clear of small scraps of fragments of food. To break apart in very small pieces.


1. A vessel made of a refractory substance such as graphite or porcelain, used for melting and calcining materials at high temperatures. 2. A severe test, as of patience or belief, a trial. 3. A place, time, or situation characterized by the confluence of powerful intellectual, social, economic, or political forces.


1. An ornamental circlet or head covering, often made of precious metal sest with jewels and worn as a symbol of sovereignty. 2. a. The power, position, or empire of a monarch head of state. 3. A distinction or reward for achievement, especially a title signifying championship in a sport. 4. Something resembling a diadem in shape. 5a. A coin stamped with a _____ or crowned head on one side. b. A silver coin formerly used in Great Britain and worth five shillings. c. Any one of several coins, such as the koruna, the krona, or the krone, aving a name that means "crown." 6a. The top or highest part of the head. b. The head itself. 7. The top or upper part of a hat. 8. The highest point or summit. 9. The highest, primary, or most valuable part, attribute, or state. 10. a. The part of a tooth that is covered by enamel and projects beyond the gum line. b. An artificial substitute for the natural crown of a tooth. 11. The lowest part of an anchor, where the ars are joined to the shak. 12. The highest portion of an arch, including the keystone. 13. The upper part of a tree, which includes the branches and leaves. b. The part of a lant, usually at ground level, where the stem and roots merge. c. The persistent, mostly underground base of a perennial herb. 14. The crest of an animal, especially of a bird. 15. The portion of a cut gem above the girdle. 1. To put a crown or garland on the head of. 2. To invest with regal power; enthrone. 3. To confer honor, dignity, or reward upon. 4. To surmount or be the highest part of. 5. To form the ______, top, or chief ornament of. 6. To bring to completion or successful conclusion; put a _______ on (a tooth). 8. To make (a piece in checker that has reached the last row) into a king by placing another piece upon it. 9. To hit on the head. To reach a stage in labor when a large segment of the fetal scalp is visible at the vaginal orifice. Used of a fetus.


1. An underground vault or chamber, especially one beneath a church that is used as a burial place. 2. A small pit, recess, or glandular cavity in the body.

cresylic acid

1. Any of several acids derived from petroleum and coal tar that boil above 204 C, contain varying amounts of xylene and cresol, and are used in disinfectants, solvents, and electrical insulation. 2. A mixture of the three isomers of cresol.

crab apple

1. Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Malus, native to North America and Eurasia and having clusters of white, pink, or reddish flowers. 2. The small tart fruit of such a tree, sometimes used to make jelly or preserves.


1. Any of several large glossy black birds of teh genus Corvus, having a characteristic raucous call, especially C. brachyrhynchos of North America. 2. A crowbar.


1. Any of several large, widely distributed marine diving birds of the genus Phalacrocorax, having dark plumage, webbed feet, a slender hooked bill, and a distensible pouch. 2. A greedy, rapacious person.


1. Any of the military expeditions undertaken by European Christians in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims. 2. A holy war undertaken with papal sanction. 3. A vigorous concerted movement for a cause or against an abuse.


1. Any of various plants of the genus Croton, which includes the sources of cascarilla bark and croton oil. 2. An Old World tropical evergreen shrub (Codiaeu variegatum) widely cultivated as a houseplant for its glossy multicolored foliage.


1. Any of various small marine clams of the genus Donax that are common in the coastal waters of the eastern and southern United STates and have variously colored, often striped or banded shells. 2. A soft porous limestone, coposed essentially of fragments of shells and coral, used as a building material.


1. Any of various small whales, porpoises, or similar aquatic mammals, especially a whale of the genus Mesoplodon, having a pointed snout. 2. Any of various marine fishes of the family Ostracidae, especially Lactrophyrs quadricornis of warm Atlantic waters, having hornlike spines over each eye.


1. Any of various woolly plants of the genus Gnaphalium in the composite family, having small whitish or yellowish flower heads. 2. Any of several similar and related plants in the genus Filago.


1. Appearance, especially the expression of the face. The facce or facial features. 3a. A look or expression indicative of encouragement or of moral support. b. Support or approval. 4. Bearing demeanor. To give sanction or support to; tolerate or approve.


1. Arranged in or forming a cross; cruciform. 2a. Overlapping or crossing, as the wings of some insects when at rest. b. Shaped like a cross.


1. Being in an unrefined or natural state; raw. 2. Lacking tact or taste; blunt or offensive. 3. Characterized by uncultured simplicity; lacking in sophistication or subtlety. 4. Not carefully or skillfully ade; rough. 5. Undisguised or unadorned; plain. 6. In an unanalyzed form; not adjusted to allow for related circumstances or data. 7. Unripe or immature.


1. Being, relating to, or composed of crystal or crystals. 2. Resembling crystal, as in transparency or distinctness of structure or outline.

crown land

1. Land that belongs to the crown and yields its revenues to the reigning monarch. 2. Public land in certain countries belonging to the British Commonwealth.


1. Belief or confidence in the truth of something. Synonymous with belief. 2. A reputation for sound character or quality; standing. 3. A source of honor or distinction. 4. Recognition or approval for an act, ability, or quality. 5. Influence based on the good opinion or confidence of others. 6. An acknowledgment of work done, as in the production of a motion picture or publication. Ofen used in the plural. 7a. Official certification or recognition that a student has successfully completed a course of study. 8. Reputation for solvency and integrity entitling a person to be trusted in buying or borrowing. 9a. An arrangement for deferred payment of a loan or purchase. b. The terms governing such an arrangement. c. The time allowed for deferred payment. 10. Accounting. a. The deduction of a payment made by a debtor from an amount due. b. The right-hand side of an account on which such amounts are entered. c. An entry or the sum of the entries on this side.


1. Body armor, especially a breastplate. 2. An undergarment that is a combination of a light corset and a brassiere.


1. Comblike. 2. Having marginal projections that resemble the teeth of a comb.


1. Cords or ropes, especially the ropes in the rigging of a ship. 2. The amount of wood in an area as measured in cords


1. Filled near or to capacity. 2. Filld with a crowd. 3. Filled to such an extent as to be detrimental to the inhabitants.


1. Firm but easily broken or crumbled; brittle. 2. Pleasingly firm and fresh. 3a Bracing; invigorating. b. Lively; sprightly. 4. Conspicuously clean or new. 5. Marked by clarity, conciseness, and briskness. 6. Having msall curls, waves, or ripples. To make or keep crisp. To make or keep _______. To become or remain ______ 1. Something _____ or easily crumbled. 2. A dessert of fruit baked with a sweet crumbly topping. 3. A potato chip.


1. Firm but easily broken or crumbled; crisp. 2. Having small curls, waves, or ripples.


1. Having the capability or tendency to cause corrosion. 2. Gradually destructive, steadily harmful. 3. Spitefully sarcastic. A substance having the capabilit or tendency to cause corrosion.


1. Having the same or nearly the same relationship. 2. Accompanying another. 3a. Having been assigned the responsibility of written communications. b. Participating at a distance from the rest of a group.


1. Having, resembling, or being a crust. 2. Rough or surly in manner. Synonymous with gruff.


1. Having, resembling, or constituting a hard crust or shell. 2. Crustacean.


1. Inclined to judge severely and find fault. 2. Characterized by careful, exact evaluation and judgment. 3. Of, relating to, or characteristic of critics or criticism. 4. Forming or having the nature of a turning point; crucial or decisive. 5a. Of or relating to a medical crisis. b. Being or relating to a grave phsycial condition especially of a patient. 6. Indispensable essential. 7. Being in or verging on a state of crisis or emergency. 8. Fraught with danger or risk; perilous. 9. Of or relating to a point at which a curve has a horizontal tangent line, as at a maximum or minumum. 10. Of or relating to the value of a measurement, such as temperature, at which an abrupt change in a qulaity, property, or state occurs. 11. Capable of sustaining a nuclear chain reaction.


1. Increasing or enlarging by successive addition. 2. Acquired by or resulting from accumulation. 3. Of or relating to interest or a dividend that is added to the next payment if not paid when due. 4. a. Supporting the same point as earlier evidence. b. Imposed with greater severity upon a repeat offender. c. Following successively; consecutive. 5. a. Of or relating to the sum of the frequencies of experimentally determined values of a random variable that are less than or equal to a specified value. b. Of or relating to experimental error that increases in magnitude with each successive measurement.


1. Indicating coincidence of high tides or low tides. 2. Of or relating to a line that passes through each location on a coastal map where tides occur at the same time of day.


1. Material that hangs in a window or other opening as a decoration, shade, or screen. 2. Something that functions as or resembles a screen, cover, or barrier. 3a. The movable screen or drape in a theater or hall that separates the stage from the auditorium or that serves as a backdrop. b. the rising or opening of a theater curtain at the beginning of a performance or act. d. the fall or closing of a theater ________ at the end of a performance or act. e. The concluding line, speech, or scene of a play or act. 4. The part of a rampart or parapet connecting two bastions or gates. 5. A curtain wall. 6. curtains. a. The end. b. Absolute ruin. c. Death. 1. to provide (something) with or as if with a _______. 2. To shut off (something) wit hor as if with a curtain.


1. Money in any form when in actual use as a medium of exchange, especially circulating paper money. 2. Transmission from person to person as a medium of exchange; circulation. 3. General acceptance or use; prevalence. 4. The state of being current; up-to-dateness.


1. Not openly practiced, avowed, engaged in, accumulated, or shown. 2. Covered or covered over; shletered. 3. Being married and therefore protected by one's husband. 1. A covering or cover. 2a. A covered place or shelter; hiding place. b. Thick underbrush or woodland affording cover for game. 3. One of the smal lfeathers covering the bases of the longer feathers of a bird's wings or tail. 4. A flock of coots. Synonymous with flock. 4. A flock of coots. Synonymous with flock.


1. Of or relating to the universe, especially as distinct from Earth. 2 Inifinitely or inconceivably extended; vast.


1. Of or resembling cork. 2. Lively; buoyant.


1. Of, involving, or having the nature of crime. 2. Relating to the administration of penal law. 3a. Guilty of crime. b. Characteristic of a criminal. 4. Shameful; disgraceful. One that has committed or been legally convicted of a crime.


1. Of, relating to, derived from, or consisting of cortex. 2. Of, relating to, associated with, or depending on the cerebral cortex.


1. Of, relating to, or associated with a corporation. 2. Of or relating to a government or political system in which the principal economic functions, such as banking, industry, labor, and government, are organized as corporate entities.


1. Of, relating to, or being the coronary arteries or coronary veins. 2. Of or relating to the heart.


1. Of, relating to, or produced in cultivation. 2. Educated; polished; refined.


1. One of a class of fast warships of medium tonnage with a long cruising radius and less armor and firepower than a battleship. 2. A cabin ________.


1. One that corks bottles, for example. 2. A remarkable or astounding person or thing.


1. One that couples, especially a device for coupling two railroad cars. 2. A device connecting two organ keyboards so that they may be played together.


1. One that crawls, especially as early form of certain insect larvae. 2. A vehicle, such as a bulldozer, that moves on continuous belts of metal plates.


1. One who communicates by means of letters. 2. One employed by the print or broadcast media to supply news stories or articles. 3. One that has regular business dealings with another, especially at a distance. 4. Something that corresponds; a correlative.


1. One who cultivates. . An implement or machine for loosening the soil and destroying weeds around growing plants.


1. One who forms and expresses judgments of the merits, faults, vaule, or truth of a matter. 2. One who secializes especially professionally in the evaluation and appreciation of literary or artistic works. 3. One who ends to make harsh or carping judgments; a faultfinder.


1. One, such as a spider, insect, or worm, that crawls. 2. A sensation of fear, repugnance, or nervous agitation.


1. Pertinent or common to the whole world. 2. Having constituent elements from all over the world or from many different parts of the world. 3. So sophisticated as to be at home in all parts of the world or conversant with many spheres of interest. 4. Growing or occurring in many parts of the world; widely distributed. A ____________ person or organism; a cosmopolite.


A small shed or shelter for sheep or birds.


1. Restoration of health; recovery from disease. 2. A method or course of medical treatment used to restore health. 3. An agent, such as a drug, that restores health. 4. Something that corrects or relieves a harmful or disturbing situation. 5. Spiritual charge or care, as of a priest for a congregation. 6. The office or duties of a curate. 7. the act or process of preserving a product. 1. To restore to health. 2. To effect a recovery from. 3. To remove or remedy (something harmful or disturbing. 4. To preserve (meat, for example) as if by salting, smoking or aging. 5. To prepare, preserve, or finish (a substance) by a chemical or physical process. 6. To vulcanize (rubber. 1. To effect a ---- or recovery. 2. To be prepared, preserved, or finished by a chemical or physical process.


1. Rudely brief or abrupt, as in speech or manner. Synonymous at gruff. 2. using few words; terse. 3. Having been shortened.


1. Sealed with or as if with a cork. 2. Tainted in flavor by an unsound cork. 3. Blackened by burnt cork.


1. Serving or tending to cure. 2. Of or relating to the cure of disease. Something that cures; a remedy.


1. Serving to connect coordinate words or clauses. 2. Serving as a copula. 2. Of or relating to copulation. A copulative word or group of words.


1. Shaped like a horn. 2. Having horns or horn-shaped processes.


1. Something that serves to check, restrict, or limit something else. 2. Something that confirms or denies the correctness of a previous check.


1. Surgical incision in to the skull. 2. The cutting or breaking of the fetal skull to reduce its size for removal when normal delivery is not possible.

current density

1. Symbol j, J. A vector quantity whose magnitude is the ratio of the magnitude of current flowing in a conductor to the cross-sectional

cork tree

1. Synonymous with cork oak. 2. Any of various deciduous trees of the genus Phellodendron native to eastern Asia and cultivated as an ornamental, especially P. amurense, having deeply furrowed, thick, corky bark.


1. Tending to avoid people and social situations; reserved. 2. Affectedly and usually flirtatiously shy or modest. Synonymous with shy. 3. Annoyingly unwilling to make a commitment.


1. Tending to creak. 2. Shaky or infirm. as with age; decrepit.


1. That can be counted. 2. That can be put into a one-to-one correspondence with the positive integers.


1. The act of criticizing, especially adversely. 2. A critical comment or judgment. 3a. The practice of analyzing, classifying, interpreting, or evaluating literary or other artistic works. b. A critical article or essay; a critique. c. The investigation of the origin and history of literary documents; textual criticism.


1. The act of exchanging opinions and ideas; consultation. 2. Advice or guidance, especially as solicited from a knowledgeable person. 3. A plan of action. 4. Private, guarded thoughts or opinions. 5. A lawyer r group of lawyers giving legal advice and especially conducting a case in court. 1. To give counsel to; advise. 2. To recommend. To give or take advice.


1. The act or action of ________. 2a. A place at which roads, lines, or tracks intersect; an intersection. b. A place at which a river, railroad, or highway, for example, may be crossed. 3. The intersection of the nave and transept in a cruciform church.


1. The act or porcess of correcting. 2. Something offered or substituted for a mistake or fault. 3a. Punishment intended to rehabilitate or improve. b. The treatment of offenders through a system of penal incarceration, rehabilitation, probation, and parole, or the administartive system by whcih these are effectuated. 4. An amount or quantity added or substracted in order to correct. 5. A decline in stock-market activity or prices following a period of increases.


1. The amount that a cup can hold. 2. A measure of capacity equal to one cup.


1. The analysis and deciphering of cryptographic writings or systems. 2. The study of techniques for deciphering cryptographic writings or systems.


1. The art or practice of cozening. 2. An act or example of cozening.


1. The astrophysical study of the origin and evolution of the universe. 2. A specific theory or model of the origin and evolution of the universe.

cost of living

1. The average cost of the basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and clothing .2 The cost of basic necessities as defined by an accepted standard.


1. The basic, central, or critical point or feature. 2. A puzzling or apparently insoluble problem.


1. The business of designing, making, and selling highly fashionable, usually custom-made clothig for women. 2. Dressmakers and fashion designers considered as a group. 3. The high-fashion clothing created by designers.


A small cup-shaped structure or organ, such as the cup at the base of an acorn or one of the suckers on the feet of certain flies.


1. The hard or fibrous central part of certain fruits, suchas the apple or pear, containing the seeds. 2. The central or inner-most part. 3. The basic or most important part; the essence. 4. A set of subjects or courses that make up a required portion of a curriculum. 5. A soft iron rod in a coil or transformer that provides a path for and intensifies the magnetic field produced by the windings. 6a. A memory, especially one consisting of a series of tiny doughnut-shaped masses of magnetic material. Also called core memory. b. One of the magnetic doughnut-shaped masses that make up such a memory. Also called magnetic core. 7. The central portion of the earth below the mantle, beginning at a depth of about 2,900 kilometers (1,800 miles) and probably consisting of iron and nickel. It is made up of a liquid outer core and solid inner core. 8. A mass of dry sand placed within a mold to provide openings or shape to a casting. 9. A reactor core. 10. A cylindrical sample of rock, ice, or other material obtained from the center of a mass by drilling or cutting. 11. The base, usually of soft or inferior wood, to which veneer woods are glued. 12. A stone from which one or more flakes have been removed, serving as a source for such flakes or as a tool itself. 1. To remove the core from. 2. To remove (a cylindrical sample) from something, such as a glacier.


1. The hip or hip joint. 2. The first segment of the leg of an insect or other arthropod, joining the leg to the body.


1. The husking of corn. 2. A social gathering for husking corn. Also called husking bee.

corn borer

1. The larva of a European moth (Pyrausta nubilalis), now common in many areas of eastern North America, that feeds on and destroys corn and other plants, including potatoes and beans. Also called European corn borer. 2. Any of various insect larvae similar to the corn borer that infest corn.


1. The material used to construct a curb. 2. A row of curbstones; a curb.


1. The mature female of cattleof the genus Bos. 2. The mature female of other large animals, such as whales, elephants, or moose. 3. A domesticated bovine of either sex or any age.


1. The part of milk that coagulates when the milk sours or is treated with enzymes. _____ is used to make cheese. 2. A coagulated liquid that resembles milk ___. To form or cause to form into ____; curdle.


1. The quality or condition of being cruel. 2. Something, such as a cruel act or remark, that causes pain or suffering. 3. The infliction of physical or mental distress, especially when considered a determinant in granting a divorce.


1. The quality, capability, or power to elicit belief. 2. A capacity for belief.


1. The section of the leg or hind limb between the knee and foot; shank. 2a. A leglike part. b. A body part consisting of elongated masses or diverging bands that resemble legs or roots.


1. The skull of a vertebrate. 2. The portion of the skull endorsing the brain; the braincase.


1. The small flat face at the bottom of a gem cut as a brilliant 2. Armor consisting of overlapping plates used to protect the buttocks.

critical angle

1. The smallest angle of incidence at which a light ray passing from one medium to another less refractive medium can be totally reflected from the boundary between the two. 2. The angle of attack of an airfoil at which airflow abruptly changes, causing changes in the lift and drag of an aircraft.

critical mass

1. The smallest mass of a fissionable material that will sustain a nuclear chain reaction at a constant level. 2. the amount of matter needed to generate sufficient gravitational force to halt the current expansion of the universe. 3. An amount or level needed for a specific result or new action to occur.


1. The study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space. 2a. The astrophysical study of the history, structure, and constituent dynamics of the universe.


1. The study of the visible universe that includes geography and astronomy.

critical temperature

1. The temperature above which a gas cannot be liquefied, regardless of the pressure applied. 2. The temperature at which a material becomes a superconductor.

critical point

1. The temperature and pressure at which the liquid and gaseous phases of a pure stable substance become identical. Also called critical state. 2. a. A maximum, minimum, or point of inflection of a curve. b. A point at which the derivative of a function is zero, infinite, or undefined.


1. The transfer of pollen from an anther of the flower of one plant to a stigma of the flower of another plant. 2. Influence or inspiration between or among diverse elements.


1. The universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious whole. 2. An ordered; harmonious whole. 3. Harmony and order as distinct from chaos. 4. Any of various mostly Mexican herbs of the genus Cosmos in the composite family, having radiate flower heads of variously colored flowers and opposite pinnate leaves, especially cultivated as garden annuals.


1. The young of certain carnivorous animals, such as the bear, wolf, or lion. 2. A youth, especially one who is inexperienced, awkward, or ill-mannered. 3. A novice or learner, particularly in newspaper reporting.


1. Tied or bound with cords. 2. Furnished with or made of cords. 3. Ribbed or twilled. 4. Stacked in cords.


1. To act against with equal force; counteract. 2. to compensate. To act against detrimental influence or power.


1. To break or snap apart. 2. To make a sharp snapping sound. 3. To break without complete separation of parts; fissure. 4. To change sharply in pitch or timbre, as from hoarseness or emotion. Used of the voice. 6. To have a mental or physical breakdown. 7. To move or go rapidly. 8. To cause (the voice) to crack. 9. To tell (a joke), especially on impulse or in an effective manner. 10. To cause to have a mental or physical breakdown. 11. To impair or destroy. 12. To reduce To reduce (petroleum( to simpler compounds by cracking. 1 A sharp snapping sound, such as the report of a firearm. 2a. A partial split or break; a fissure. b. A slight narrow space. 3. A sharp resounding blow. 4a. A mental or physical impairment, a defect. b. A breaking, harshly dissonant vocal tone or sound, as in hoarseness. 5. An attempt or try. 6. A witty or sarcastic remark. 7. A moment, an instant. 8. Fun, amusement. 9. Crack cocaine. Excelling in skill or achievement, first-rate. 1. To praise highly. 2a. To damage or wreck (a vehicle or vessel). b. To wreck ain an accident. 3. To have a mental or physical breakdown. 4. To experience or cause to experience a great deal of amusement.


1. To cancel or reverse (a previously issued command or order). 2. To recall by a contrary order. 1. An order or command reversing another one. 2. Cancellation of an order or command.


1. To cause to become mentally deraged or obsessed; make insane. 2. To produce a network of fine cracks in the surface or glaze of. 1. To becoe mentally deranged or obsessed; go insane. 2. To become covered with fine cracks. 1. A short-lived popular fashino; a fad. 2. A fine crack in a surface or glaze.


1. To cause to form crystals or assume a crystalline structure. 2. To give a definite, precise, and usually permanent form to. 3. To coat with crystals, as of sugar. 1. To assume a crystalline form. 2. To take on a definite, preciese, and usually permanent form.


1. To chew with a noisy crackling sound. 2. To crush, grind, or tread noisily. 3. To perform ooperations on; maniuplate or process (numerical or mathematical data). 1. To chew noisily with a crackling sound. 2. To move with a crushing sound. 3. To produce or emit a crushing sound .1. The act or sound of crunching. 2. A modified sit-up having a smaller range of motion that reduces back strain and strengthens the abdominal muscles. 3a. A decisive confrontation. b. A critical moment or situation, especially one that occurs because of a shortage of time or sources. c. A period of financial difficulty characterized by tight money and unavailability of credit.


1. To crush or crunch with the teeth. 2. To strike heavily with a crunching sound. To make a crunching sound, especially in walking over snow. 1a. A crunching sound. b. The sound of an exploding shell. 2. A heavy blow (imitative).


1. To crush together or press into wrinkles; rumple. 2. To cause to collapse. 1. To become wrinkled. 2. To collapse. An irregular fold, crease, or wrinkle.


1. To cut or run across or through 2. To cut using a crosscut saw. 3. To interweave (two separate, usually concurrent scenes) in a film. To use the cinematic technique of crosscutting. 1. Constructed or used for cutting crosswise. 2. Cut across or crosswise. 1. A course or cut going crosswise. 2. A path more direct than the main path; a shortcut. 3. A level in a mine driven so that it intersects a vein of ore. 4. A crosscut saw. 5. An example of the cinematic techinque of crosscutting.


1. To destroy a metal or alloy gradually, especially by oxidation or chemical action. 2. To impair steadily, deteriorate. To be eaten or worn away.


1. To engage in coquetry; flirt. 2. To trifle; daily.


1. To expel air from the lungs suddenly and noisily, often to keep the respiratory passages free of irritating material. 2. To make a noise similar to noisy expulsion of air from the lungs. To expel. To hand over or relinquish (money or another possession), often reluctantly. 2. To confess or disclose.


1. To feel blameworthy desire for (that which is another's). Synonymous with envy. 2. To wish for longingly. Synonymous with desire. To feel immoderate desire for that which is another's.


1. To have an intense desire for. Synonymous with desire. 2. To need urgently; require. 3. To beg earnestly for; implore. Synonymous with beg. To have an eager or intense desire.


1. To make a copy of, usually with the intent to defraud; forge. 2. To make a pretense of; feign. 1. To carry one a deception, dissemble. 2. To make fraudulent copies of something valuable. 1. Made in imitation of what is genuine with the intent to defraud. .2. Simulated; feigned. A fraudulent imitation or facsimile.


1. To mark with crossing lines. 2. To move back and forth through or over. To move back and forth. 1. A mark or pattern made of crossing lines. 2. A state of being conflicting or contrary purposes. Crossing one another or marked by crossings. In a manner or direction taht crosses or is marked by crossings.


1. To mislead by means of a petty trick or fraud; deceive. 2. To persuade or induce to do something by cajoling or wheedling. 3. To obtain by deceit or persuasion. To act deceitfully.


1. To move slowly on the hand and knees or by dragging the body along the ground; creep. 2. To advance slowly, feebly, laboriously, or with frequent stops. 4. To be or feel as if swarming or covered with moving things. 5. To swim the crawl. 1. The action of moving slowly on the hands or knees or dragging the body along the ground. 2. An extremely slow pace. 3. A rapid swimming stroke consisting of alternating overarm strokes and a flutter kick. 4. A set of letters or figures that move across up, or down a movie or television screen, usually giving information, suc has film credits or weather alerts.


1. To pick out from others; select. 2. To gather, collect. 3. To remove rejected members or parts from (a herd, for example). Something picked out from others, especially something rejected because of inferior quality.


1. To pollinate (a flower) by means of cross-pollination. 2. To influence or inspire (another), especially in a reciprocal manner.


1. To press between opposing bodies so as to break or injure. 2. To break, pound, or grind (stone or ore, for example) into small fragments or powder. 3. To put down; subdue. 4. To overwhelm or oppress severely. 5. To crumple or rumple. 6. To hug, especially with great force. 7. To press upon, shove, or crowd. 8. To extract or obtain by pressing or squeezing. 9. To drink; quaff. 1. To be or become crushed. 2. To proceed or move by crowding or pressing. 1. The act of crushing; extreme pressure. 2. The state of being crushed. 3. A great crowd. 4. A substance prepared by or as if by crushing, especially a fruit drink. 5. A usually temporary infatuation. b. One who is the object of such an infatuation. 6. A decisive or critical moment or situation. 7. The process of stamping or crushing grapes for wine.


1. To press or pinch into small regular folds or ridges. 2. To bend or mold (leather) into shape. 3. To cause (hair) to form tight curls or waves. 4. To have a hampering or obstructive effect on. 1. The act of crimping. 2. Something made by or as if by crimping, as a. Hair that has been tightly curled or waved. b. A series of curls, as of wool fibers. c. A crease or bend. 3. An obstructing or hampering agent or force.


1. To put or bring into causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relation. 2. To establish or demonstrate as having a correlation.


1. To question (a person) closely, especially with regard to answers or information given previously. 2. To question (a witness already examined by the opposing side. To question a person closely.


1. To sob or shed tears because of grief, sorrow, or pain; weep. 2. To call loudly; shout. 3. To utter a characteristic sound or call. Used of an animal. 4. To demand or require immediate action or remedy. 1. To utter loudly; call out. 2. To proclaim or announce in public. 3. To bring into a particular condition by weeping. 4. To beg for; implore. 1. A loud utterance of an emotion, such as fear, anger, or despair. 2. A loud exclamation; a shout or call. 3. A it of weeping. 4. An urgent entreaty or appeal. 5. A public or general demand or complaint. 6. A common view or general report. 7. An advertising of wares by calling out. 8. A rallying call or signal. 9. A slogan, especially a political one. 10. The characteristic call or utterance of an animal. 11a. The baying ouf hounds during the chase. b. A pack of hounds 12. Clamor; outcry. 13. A public announcement; a proclamation.


1. To twist (the hair, for example) into ringlets or coils. 2. To form into a coiled or spiral shape. 3. To decorate with coiled or spiral shape. 4. To raise and turn under (the upper lip), as in snarling or showing scorn. 5. To lift (a weight) by performing a ____. 1. To form ringlets or coils. 2. To assume a spiral or coiled shape. 2. A coil or ringlet of hair. 3. A treatment in which the hair is ____ed. 4a. The act of _____ing. 1. Something with a spiral or coiled shape. 2. A coil or ringlet of hair. 3. A treatment in which the hair is ____ed. 4a. The act of _____ing. b. The state of being ____ed. 5. A weightlifting exercise using one or two hands, in which a weight held at the thigh or to the side of the body is raised to the chest or shoulder and then lowered without moving the upper arms, shoulders, or back. 6. Any of various plant diseases in which the leaves roll up.


1. To undergo or provide training in different tasks or skills. 2. To train in different sports, mainly by alternating regimens, as in running, bicycling, and swimming. To train (another) in different tasks or skills.


1. To utter the shrill cry characteristic of a cock or rooster. 2. To exult as over another's defeat; boast. 3 to make a sound expressive of pleasure or well-being, characteristic of an infant. 1. the shrill cry of a cock. 2. An inarticulate sound expressive of pleasure or delight.


1. Two items of the same kind; a pair. 2. Something that joins or connects two things together; a link. 3. Two people united, as by betrothal or marriage. b. Two people together. 4. A few; several. 5. A pair of forces of equal magnitude acting in parallel but opposite directions, capable of causing rotation but not translation. 1. To link together; connect. 2a. To join as spouses; marry. b. To join in sexual union. 3. To link (two curcuits or currents) as by magnetic induction. 1. To form pairs; join. 2. To unite sexually; copulate. 3. To join chemically.


1. Uncomfortably small or restricted. 2. Difficult to read, especially for being crowded into or small space.


1. Undesired signals or sounds, as of voices, in a telephone or other communications device as a result of coupling between transmission circuits. 2. Ancillary, incidental conversation.


1. Wedge-shaped. 2a. Being a character or characters formed by the arrangement of small wedge-shaped elemetns and used in ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian writing. b. Relating to, composed in, or using such characters. 3. Of, relating to, or being a wedge-shaped bone or cartilage. 1. Writing typified by the use of characters formed by the arrangement of small wedge-shaed elements. 2. A wedge-shaped bone, especially one of three such bones in the arsus of the foot.


1. With a corner toward the front. 2. So as to form a corner. 3. From corner to corner; diagonally.


1. With the legs or ankles crossed and the knees far apart. 2. With one leg lying over and across the other leg.


1. Wood cut and piled in cords. 2. Wood sold by the cord.


A small deep-fried cube of pork.


1a. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader. b. The followers of such a religion or sect. 2. A system or community of religious worship and ritual. 3. The formal means of expressing religious reverence worship and ritual. 3. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious worship and ritual. 4. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease. 5a. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing. b. The object of such devotion. 6. An exclusive group of person sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.


1a. A rocklike deposit consisting of the calcareous skeletons secreted by various anthozoans. ______ deposits often accumulate to form reefs or island in warm seas. b. Any of numerous chiefly colonial marine polyps of the class Anthozoa that secrete such calcarous skeletons. c. The red-orange, pinkish, or white deposits, secreted by _____ of the genus Corallium, used to make jewelry and ornaments. d. An object made of this material. 2. A deep or strong pink to moderate red or reddish orange. 3. The unfertilized eggs of a female lobster, which turn a reddish color when cooked. Of a deep or strong pink to moderate red or reddish orange.

cross section

1a. A section formed by a plane cutting through an object, usually at right angles to an axis. b. A piece so cut or a graphic representation of such a piece. 2. A measure of the probability that an encounter between particles will result in the occurrence of a particular atomic or nuclear reaction. Also called collision ____________. 3. A sample meant to be representative of a whole population. 4. A variety; a diversity.


1a. A small open container, usually with a flat bottom and a handle, used for drinking. b. Such a container and its contents. 2. c. A unit of capacity or volume equal to 16 tablespoons or 8 fluid ounces (237 milliliters). 3. The bowl of a drinking vessel. 4. The chalice or the wine used in the celebration of the Eucharist. 5. A decorative cup-shaped vessel awarded as a prize or trophy. 6. A golf hole or the metal container inside a hole. 7. Either of the two parts of a brassiere that fit over the breasts. 8. An athletic supporter having a protective reinforcement of rigid plastic or metal. 9. A sweetened, flavored, usually chilled beverage, especially one made with wine. 10. A dish served a cup-shaped vessel. 11a. A cuplike object. b. A cuplike structure or organ. 12. A lot or portion to be suffered or enjoyed. 1. To place in or as in a ____. 2. To shape like a ___. 3. To subject to the therapeutic procedure of cupping.


1a. A tendril-bearing, climbing or sprawling annual plant (Cucumis sativus) widely cultivated for its edible cylindrical fruit that has a green rind and crisp white flesh. b. The fruit of this plant, eaten fresh or pickled. 2. Any of several related or similar plants, such as the bar ________ or the squirting ________.


1a. A usually ornamental tuft, ridge, or similar projection on the head of a bird or other animal. b. An elevated, irregularly toothed ridge on the stigmas of certain flowers. c. A ridge or an appendage on a plant part, such as on a leaf or petal. 2a. A plume used as decoration on top of a helmet. b. A helmet. 3a. A device placed above the shield on a coat of arms. b. A representation of such a device. 4a. The top, as of a hill or wave. b. The highest or culminating point; the peak. 5. The ridge on a roof. 1. To decorate or furnish with a _____. 2. To reach the _____ of. 1. To form into a _____ or _____. 2. To reach a _____.


1a. Abbreviated as CPL or Cpl. A non-commissioned rank in the U.s. Army that is above private first class and below sergeant. b. Abbreviated as Cpl or Cpl. A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Marine Corps that is above lance corporal and below sergeant. 2. One who holds the rank of corporal.


1a. An annual Mediterranean herb (Cuminum cyminum) in the parsley family, having finely divided leaves and clusters of small white or pink flowers. b. The aromatic, seedlike fruit of this plant used for seasoning, as in curry and chili powders. 2. Black ______.


1a. An appeal or prayer for evil or misfortune to befall someone or something. b. The evil or misfortune that comes in or as if in response to such an appeal. 2. One that is accursed. 3. A source or cause of evil. 4. A profane word or phrase; a swearword. 5. A censure, ba, or anathema. 6. Menstruation. 1. To invoke evil or misfortune upon; damn. 2. To swear at. 3. To bring evil upon; afflict. 4. To put under a ban or an anathema; excommunicate.


1a. An aromatic annual Eurasian herb (Coriandrum sativum) in the parsley family, having parsleylike leaves and umbels of tiny white to pinkish flowers. It is cultivated for its edible fruits, leafy shoots, and roots. b. The fresh young leafy plantles of this herb, used in salads and various dishes as a flavoring and garnish. Also called Chinese parsley, cilantro. 2. The seed-like fruit of this plant, used whole or ground as a flavoring for food and as a seasoning, as in curry powder.


1a. An assembly of persons called together for consultation, deliberation, or discussion. b. A body or people elected for appointed to serve as administrators, legislators, or advisors. c. An assembly of church officials and theologians convened for regulatings matters of doctrine and discipline. 2. The discussion or delibration that takes place in such an assembly or body.


1a. An earthenware vessel. b. A broken piece of earthenware. 2. Foolish talk; nonsense.


1a. Onward movement in a particular direction; progress. b. Movement in time; duration. 2. The direciton of continuing movement. 3. The route or path taken by something, suc has a stream, that moves. 4. A designated area of land or water on which a race is held. b. A golf course. 5. A mode of action or behavior. 6. A typical or natural manner of proceeding or developing; customary passage. 7. A systematic or orderly succession; a sequence. 8. A continuous layer of building material, such as brick or tile, on a wall or roof of a building. 9a. A complete body of prescribed studies constituting a curriculum. b. A unit of such a curriculum. 10. A part of a meal served as a unit at one time. 11. The lowest sail on a mast of a square-rigged ship. 12. A point on the compass, especially the one toward which a vehicle, such as a ship, is moving. 1. To move swiftly thorugh or over; traverse. 2a. To hunt (game) with hounds. b. To set (hounds) to chase game. 1. To proceed or move swiftly along a specified course. 2. To hunt game with hounds.

cow town

A small town in a cattle-raising area.


1a. An upright post with a transverse piece near the top, on which condemned persons were executed in ancient times. b. The upright post with a transverse piece upon which Jesus was crucified. c. A crucifix. d. Any of various modifications of the cross design, such as a Latin cross or Maltese cross. e. A medal, emblem, or insignia in the form of a cross. 2. The Christian religion, Christianity. 3. In Christianity, a sign made by tracing the outline of a cross with the right hand upon the forehead and chest as a devotional act. 4. A trial, affliction, or frustration. Synonymous with burden. 5. A mark or pattern formed by the intersection of two lines, especially such as mark (X) used as a signature. 6. A movemet from one place to another, as on a stage; a crossing. 7. A pipe fitting with four branches in upright and transverse form, used as a junction for intersecting pipes. 8. a. A plant or animal produced by crossbreeding; a hybrid. b. The process of crossbreeding; hybridization. 9. ne that combines the qualities of two other things. 10. A hook thrown over an opponent's punch in boxing. 11. An act or instance of cross-examining; a cross-examination. 12. The Southern Cross. 13. A contest whose outcome has been dishonestly prearranged. 1. To go or extend across; pass from one side of to the other. 2. To carry or conduct across something. 3. To extend or pass through or over; intersect. 4a. To delete or eliminate by or as if by drawing a line through. 5. To pace crosswise one over the other. 6. To make the sign of the cross upon or over as a sign of devotion. 7. To encounter in passing. 8. To combine the qualities of two things. 9. To interfere with; thwart or obstruct. 10. To betray or deceive; double-cross. Often used with up. 11. To crossbreed or cross-fertilize (plants and animals). 1. To lie or pass across each other; intersect. 2a. To move or extend from one side to another. b. To make a crossing. 4. To move or be conveyed in opposite directions at the same time. 5. To crossbreed or cross-fertilize. 1. Lying or passing crosswise; intersecting. 2. Contrary or counter; opposing. 3. Showing ill humor; annoyed. 4. Involving interchange; reciprocal. 5. Crossbred; hybrid.


1a. Any f various perennial Eurasian herbs of the genus Crocus, having grasslike leaves and showy, variously colored flowers. b. any of several other plants, such as the autumn crocus. 2. A grayish to light reddish purple. 3. A dark red powdered variety of iron oxide, Fe2O3, used as an abrasive for polishing. 4. A coarse, loosely woven material like burlap, once used to make sacks for shipping saffron.


1a. Any of numerous cultivated forms of a widely grown, usually tall annual cereal grass (Zea mays) bearing grains or kernels on large ears. b. The grains or nernels of this plant, used as food for humans and livestock or for the extraction of an edible oil or starch. Also called Indian corn, maize. 2. An ear of this plant. 3. Any of various cereal plants or grains, espcially the principal crop cultiavted in a particular region, such as wheat in England or oats in Scotland. 4a. A single grain of a cereal plant. b. A seed or fruit of various other plants, such as peppercorn. 5. Corn snow. 6. Corn whiskey. 7. Something considered trite, dated, melodramatic, or unduly sentimental. 1. To cause to form hard particles; granulate. 2a. To season and preserve with granulated salt. b. To pregrain. To form hard particles, becoe grainy.


1a. Any of various predominantly marine crustaceans of the division Brachyura within the order Decapoda, characterized by a broad flattened cephalothorax covered by a hard carapace with a small abdomen concealed beneath it, short antennae, and five pairs of legs, of which the anterior pair are large and pincerlike. b. Any of various similar related crustaceans, such asthe hermit crab or king crab. c. A horseshoe crab. 2a. A crab louse. b. Infestation by crab lice. 3. The maneuvering of an aircraft partially into a corsswind to compensate for drift. 4. A machine for handling or hoisting heavy weights. 1. To hunt or catch crabs. 2. To scurry sideways in the manner of a crab 3. To drift diagonally or sideways, especially when under tow. 4. To direct an aircraft into a corssways, especially when under tow. 1. to direct (an aircraft) partly into a corsswind to eliminate drift. 2. To cause to move or scurry sideways.


1a. Any of various shrubby plants of the genus Gossypium, having showy flowers and grown for the soft white downy fibers surrounding oil-rich seeds. b. The fiber of any of these plants used in making textiles and other products. c. Thread or cloth manufactured from the fiber of these plants. 2. The crop of these plants. 3. Any of various soft downy substances produced by other plants, as on the seeds of a cottonwood. 1. To take a liking; attempt to be friendly. 2. To come to understand. Often used with to or onto.

count palatine

1a. Any ovarious noblemen originally exercising certain royal powers within their own domains, especially a count of the Holy Roman Empire having sovereign powers in his own territories. b. A feudal lord having sovereign powers over his leands. 2. The titled proprietor of a county palatine in England or Ireland.


1a. Belonging to the present time. b. Being in progress now. 2. Passing from one to another; circulating. 3. Prevalent, especially at the present time. 1. A steady, smooth onward movement. Synonymous with flow. 2. The part of a body of liquid or gas that has a continuous onward movement. 3. A general tendency, movement, or course. Synonymous with tendency. 4. Symbol i, or I for electricity. a. A flow of electric charge. b. The amount of electric flowing past a specified circuit point per unit time.


1a. Broken so that appear on the surface. b. Broken into small or corase pieces 2. Having a harsh or dissonant tone. 3. Mentally deranged; crazy.


1a. Cultivated plants or agricultural produce, such as grain, vegetables, or fruit, considered as a group. b. The total yield of such produce in a particular season or place. 2. A group, quantity, or supply appearing at one time. 3. A short haircut. 4. An earmark on an animal. 5a. A short whip used in horseback riding, with a loop serving as a lash. b. The stock of a whip. 6. A pouchlike enlargement of a bird's gullet in which food is partially digested or stored for regurgitation to nestlings. b. A similar enlargement in the digestive tract of annelids and insects. 1a. To cut or bite off the tops or ends of. b. To cut (hair, for example) very short. c. To clip (an animal's ears, for example). d. To trim ( a photograph or picture, for example). 2a. To harvest. b. To cause to grow or yield a crop. 1. To feed on growing grasses and herbage. 2. To plant, grow, or yield a crop.


1a. Extremely significant or important. b. Vital to the resolution of a crisis; decisive. 2. Having the form of a cross; cross-shaped.


1a. One of the ten primitive subdivisions of a tribe in early Rome, consisting of ten gentes. b. The assembly place of such a subdivision. 2a. The Roman senate or any of the various buildings in which it met in republican Rome. b. The place of assembly of high councils in various Italian cities under Roman administration. 3. The ensemble of central administrative and governmental services in imperial Rome. 4. The central administration goerning the Church. 5a. A medieval assembly or council. b. A medieval royal court of justice.


1a. One that closely resembles another. b. One that has the same functions and characteristics as another. 2. A copy or duplicate of a legal paper. 3a. One of two parts that fit and complete each other. b. One that serves as a compliment.


A small wooden footstool.


1a. The hard outer portion or surface area of bread. b. A piece of bread consisting mostly of the hard outer portion. C. A piece of bread that has become hard and dry. 2. A pastry shell, as of a pie or tart. 3. A hard crisp covering or surface. 4. A hard deposit formed on the interior of a wine bottle as the wine matures. 5. The exterior portion of the earth that lies above the Mohorovicic discontinuity. b. The outermost solid layer of a planet or moon. 6. The hard outer covering or integument of certain plants and animals, such as lichens and crustaceans. 7. An outer layer or coating formed by the drying of a bodily exudate such as pus or blood; a scab. 8. Insolence; audacity; gall. 1. To cover with a crust. 2. To form into a crust. 1. To become ocvered with a crust. 2. To harden into a crust.


1a. The hood or hooded robe worn especially by a monk. b. A draped neckline on a woman's garment. 2. A hood-shaped covering used to increase the draft of a chimney. 3. The top portion of the front part of an automobile body, supporting the windshield and dashboard. 4. The cowling on an aircraft. To cover with or as if with a cowl.


1a. The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. b .These patterns, traits, and products considered as the expression of a particular period, class, community, or population. c. These patterns, traits, and products considered with respect to a particular category, such has a field, subject, or mode of expression. d. The predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize the functioning of a group or organization 2. Intellectual and artistic activity and the works produced by it. 3a. Development of the intellect through training or education. b. Enlightenment resulting from such training or education. 4. A high degree of taste and refinement formed by aesthetic and intellectual training. 5. Special training and development. 7. The breeding of animals r growing of plants, especially to produce improved. a. The growing of microorganisms, tissue cells, or other living matter in a specially prepared nutrient medium. b. Such a growth or colony, as of bacteria. 1. To cultivate. 2a. To grow (microorganisms or other living matter) in a specially prepared nutrient medium. b. To use (a substance) as a medium for culture.


1a. To break violently or noisily; smash. b. To undergo sudden damage or destruction on impact. 2. To make a sudden loud noise. 3. To move noisily or so as to cause damage. 4. To undergo a sudden severe downturn, as a market or economy. 5. To stop functioning due to a crash. 6. To undergo a period of unpleasant feeling or depression as an aftereffect of drug-taking. 7. To find temporary lodging or shelter, as for the night. b. To go to sleep. 1. To cause to crash. 2. To dash to pieces; smash. 3. To join or enter (a party, for example) without invitation. 1. A sudden loud noise, as of an object breaking. 2. A market crash; a population crash. a. A smashing to piece. b. A collision, as between two automobiles. 3. A sudden severe downturn. 4. a. A sudden failure of a hard drive caused by damaging contact between the head and the storage surface, often resulting in the loss of data on the drive. b. A sudden failure of a program or operating system, usually without serious consequences. 5. Mental depression after drug-taking. Of or characterized by an intensive effort to produce or acocmplish.


1a. To improve and prepare (land), as by plowing or fertilizing, for raising crops; till. b. To loosen or dig soil around (growing plants). 2. To grow or tend (a plant or crop). 3. To promote the growth of (a biolgical culture). 4. To nurture; foster. Synonymous with nurture. 5. To form and refine, as by education. 6. To seek the acquaintance or goodwill of; make friends with.


1a. To reach the highest point or degree; climax. b. To come to completion; end. 2. To reach the highest point above an observer's horizon. Used of stars and other celestial bodies. To bring to the point of greatest intensity or to completion.


1a. To remove the errors or mistakes from. b. To indicate or mark the errors in. 2. To punish for the purpose of improving or reforming. 3. To remove, remedy, or counteract (a malfunction, for example). 4. To adjust to meet a required standard or condition. 2. To make adjustments; compensate. 1. Free from error or fault; true or accurate. 2. Conforming to standards, proper.


1a. To sail or travel about, as for pleasure or reconnaissance. b. To go or move along, especially in an unhurried or unconcerned fashion. 2. To travel at a constant speed or at a speed providing maximum operating efficiency for a sustained period. 3a. To move leisurely about an area in the hope of discovering something. b. To look for a sexual partner, as in a public place. 4. To inspect a wooded area to determine its lumber yield. 1. To travel about or journey over. 2. To look in a public area for a sexual partner. b. To seek out and make a sexual overture to. 3. To inspect in order to determine lumber yield. The act or an instance of cruising, especially a sea voyage for pleasure.


1a. To stoop, especially with the knees bent. b. to press the entire body close to the ground with the limbs bent. 2. To bend servilely or timidly; cringe. To bend (the head or knee, for exaple) low, as in fear or humility. The act or posture of bending low or _________.


1a. n unattached body cell, such as a blood or lymph cell. b. A rounded globular mass of cells, such as the pressure receptoron certain nerve endings. 2. A discrete particle, such as a photon or an electron. 3. A minute globular particle.


A small young corm produced by a fully developed corm.


A small fish (Tautogolabrus adspersus) of North American Atlantic waters that is common along the shore of the eastern United States.


A small guitar-like instrument of Latin America, usually having four or five pairs of strings


A 17th-century French dance characterized by running and gliding steps to an accompaniment in triple time. 2. The second movement o the classical baroque suite, typically following the allemande.

crown colony

A British colony in which the government in London has some control of legislation, usually administered by an appointed governor.


A Eurasian primrose (Primula veris) usually having fragrant yellow flowers, widely cultivated as an ornamental, and long used in herbal medicine. 2. Synonymous marsh marigold. 3. The Virginia cowslip.

cover charge

A fixed amount added to the bill at a nightclub or restaurant for entertainment or services.


A fixed fee that subscribers to a medical plan must pay for their use of medical services covered by the plan.

corbie gable

A gable finished with corbie-steps.


A game originating in Scotland in which two four-person teams slide heavy oblate stones toward the center of a circle at either end of a length of ice.

crystal lattice

A geometric arrangement of the points in space at which the atoms, molecules, or ions of a crystal occur. Also called space lattice.

copy girl

A girl employed by a newspaper or broadcast news office to carry copy and run errands.

Creactive porotein

A globulin that appears in the blood in certain acute inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatic ever, bacterial infections, and neoplastic diseases. (C-(polysaccharide) reactive)


A goat's horn overflowing with fruit, flowers, and grain, signifying prosperity. Also called horns of plenty. 2. the horn of the goat that suckled Zes, which broke off and became illed with fruit. In folklore, it became full of whatever its owner desired. 3. A cone-shaped ornament or receptacle. 4. An overflowing store; an abundance.


A gray-brown sucker (Chasmistes cujus) found only in Nevada (Northern Paiute kuyui.)


A groove inside the end of a barrel or cask into which the head is set.

cruise missile

A guided missle that is launched from a ship or aircraft and serves as a self-contained precision bomb.


A gutter or groove in a roof.


A hard crisp biscuit. Crisp bits of fried pork fat; cracklings.


A heavy unglazed cotton, linen, or rayon fabric, colorfully printed and used for draperies and slipcovers.


A heavy user of crack cocaine.


A helicopter


A hole with the top part enlarged so that the head of a screw or bolt will lie flush with or below the surfae. 2. A tool for making a countersink on or in. 2. To drive (a screw or bolt) into a countersink.


A horizontal or transverse beam, especially a structural beam resting on two supports.

corticotropin-releasing hormone

A hormone produced by the hypthalamus that stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to release adrenocorticotropic hormone.

culture medium

A liquid or gelatinous substance containing nutrients in which microorganisms, cells, or tissues are cultivated for scientific purposes.


A liquid, such as liquid nitrogen, that boils at a temperature below about 110 K (-160 C) and is used to obtain very low temperatures; a refrigerant.


A longtime close friend or companion.


A loose-fitting one-piece work garment worn to protect clothes. Often used in the plural.


A low hoarse sound, as that characteristic of frogs and crows. 1. To utter in a low hoarse sound. 2. To kill. 1a. To utter a low hoarse sound. b. To speak with a low hoarse voice. 2. To mutter discontentedly; grumble.


A low or narrow space, such as one beneath the upper or lower story of a building, that gives workers access to plumbing or wiring equipment.

cuisine minceur

A low-calorie style of French cooking.

Crookes tube

A low-pressure discharge tube used to study the properties of cathode rays.


A lullaby`


A lustrous indigo-blue mineral, CuS, an important ore of copper.

cotton gin

A machine that separates the seeds, seed hulls, and other small objects from the fibers of cotton.


A malarial parasite at the stage of development in which it inhabits bodily tissue before invading the red blood cells.


A man married to an unfaithful wife.


A man who is a member of a council, especially of the local governing body of a city or town.


A man who is a native or inhabitant of Cornwall, England.

country gentleman

A man who owns a country estate.


A man who practices a craft with great skill.


A man who practices folk medicine; an herb doctor.


A man who tends a counter, as in a diner.

cued speech

A means of communication in which a speaker uses hand signals to clarify ambiguous mouth movements for lip readers.

copy protection

A means of preventing the illegal or unauthorized copying of a software product, especially a preventive routine that is incorporated into a copyrighted program.

correlation coefficient

A measure of the interdependence of two random variables that ranges in value from -1 to +1, indicating perfect negative correlation at -1, absence of correlation at zero, and perfect positive correlation at +1. Also called coefficient of correlation.


A member of a Jewish community forced to convert to another religion and outwardly embracing it while secretly maintaining Jewish practices.


A member of a council, as one convened to advise a governor.


A member of a formerly recognized taxonomic group that included all seedless plants and plantlike organisms, such as mosses, algae, ferns, and fungi.


A member of a people of souther nEuropean Russia and adjacent parts of Asia, noted as cavalrymen especially during czarist times.


A small opening, as in a wall or rock face; a crevice.


A region and peninsula of southern Ukraine on the Black Sea and Sea of Azov. In ancient times it was colonized by Greeks and romans and later overrun by Ostrogoths, Huns, and Mongols. Conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1475, the area was annexed by Russia in 1783. The peninsula was the scene of the Crimean War (1853-1856), in which a coalition of English, French, and Turkish troops defeated the Russians, although Crimea itself did not change hands. It defeated an autonomous Russian republic in 1921 and a Ukrainian oblast in 1954.

Coromandel Coast

A region of southeast India bounded by the Bay of Bengal and the Eastern Ghats. The coast is known for its monsoons and turbulent waters.


A remedy that cures all disease or evils; a panacea.


A removable metal covering for an engine, especially an airplane.


A representation of two bone placed crosswise, usually under a skull, symbolizing danger or death.

country house

A residence in the country, especially a mansion or other large dwelling on a country estate.


A return attack.


A rib or a riblike part, such as the midrib f a leaf or a thickened anterior vein or margin of an insect's wing.


A rich, crescent-shaped roll of leavened dough or puff pastry.


A ridge with a gentle slope on one side and a cliff on the other.


A ring-shaped cartilage of the lower larynx that articulates with the thyroid cartilage and atenoid cartilages.

crapshooty entee.

A risky enterprise.


A rival or opponent.


A river rising in centarl Angola and flowing about 965 km (600 mi) generally southeast and east to the Zambezi River.


A river rising in central Angola and flowing about 805 km (500 mi) gnerally northwest to the Atlantic Ocean.


A river rising in southeast Guyana and flowing about 724 km (450 mi) to the Atlantic Ocean. It forms the Guyana-Suriname border in its lower course. Also called the Corantijn.

Cumberland River

A river rising in southeast Kentucky and flowing about 1,105 km (687 mi) in a winding course southwest into northern Tennessee then northwest to the Ohio River near Paducah in southwest Kentucky.


A river rising in the Cascade Range of southwest Washington and flowing about 209 km (130 mi0 west and south to the Columbia River.


A river rising in west-central Angola and flowing about 1,207 km (750 mi) south and west to the Atlantic Ocean. It forms the Angola-Namibia border in its lower course.

curling iron

A rod-shaped metal implement used when heated to curl the hair.


A rounded projection; a crenation.

corbel table

A rowor course of corbels used for decoration or to provide support, as for a parapet.


A sacrifice made to God by the ancient Hebrews at the Temple in Jerusalem.

crosscut saw

A saw for cutting wood across the grain.


A scallop-shaped dish or a scallop shell in which various seafood dishes are browned and served.


A scarf or band of fabric worn aroundthe neck as a tie.

cram school

A school especially in Japan that prepares its students for university entrance examinations with an accelerated curriculum.

correspondence school

A school that offers instruction by mail, sending lessons and examinations to a student.


A sofa. b. A sofa on which a patient lies while undergoing psychoanalysis or psychiatric treatment. 2a. The frame or floor on which grain, usually barley, is spread in malting. b. A lyar of grain, usually barley, spread to germinate. 3. A priming coat of paint or varnish used in artistic painting. 1. To word in a certain manner; phrase. 2. T cause (onself) to lie down, as for rest. 3. To embroider by laying thread flat on a surface and fastening it by stiches malting. 5. To lower (a spar, for example) 1. To lie down; recline, as for rest. 2. To lie in ambush or concealment; lurk. 3. To be in a heap or pile, as leaves for decomposition or fermentation.

cottage cheese

A soft white cheese made of strained and seasoned curds of skim milk. Also called pot cheese; also called regionally Dutch cheese, smearcase.

cream cheese

A soft white tangy cheese made of cow's milk and cream.

coral bells

A species of alumroot (Heuchera sanguinea) native to the southwest United States and Mexico, widely cultivated in gardens for its clusters of small, bell-shaped, red to white flowers.


A sphinx with the head of a ram

cotter pin

A split cotter inserted through holes in two or more pieces and bent at the ends to fasten the pieces together.


A stain of a contrasting color used to color the components in a microscopic specimen that are not made visible by the principal stain.


A statistical measure of the variance of two random variables that are observed or measured in the same mean time period. This measure is equal to the product of the deviations of corresponding values of the two variables from their respective means.


A steep rugged mass of rock projecting upward or outward.

court reporter

A stenographer who makes a verbatim record and transcription of proceedings, as in a court.


A stick made of crab apple wood. 2. A crabby, ill-tempered person


A stone or row of stones that constitutes a curb. Untrained or unsophisticated, amateurish.

core tool

A stone tool consisting of a core that is flaked to produce a cutting edge or edges.


A straight bar of iron or steel, with the working end shaped like a chisel and often slightly bent and forked, used as a lever. To extract, remove, or insert forcibly.


A substance that combines with and activates a genetic repressor, thus preventing gene transcription and inhibiting protein synthesis.


A substance, such as glycerol, used to protect cells or tissues from damage during freezing.

country club

A suburban club for social and sports activities, or ingenuous manners associated with teh country by city dwellers.

crab louse

A sucking louse (Phthirus pubis) that generally infests the pubic region and causes severe itching.


A sudden, involuntary,spasmodic muscular contraction causing severe pain, often occurring in the leg or shoulder as the result of strain or chill. 2. A temporary partial paralysis of habitually or excessively used muscles. 3. Spasmodic contractions of the uterus, such as those ocurring during menstruation or labor, usually causing pain the abdomen that may radiate to the lower back and thighs. To affect with or as if with a _____. To suffer from or experience ______.

curriculum vitae

A summary of one's education, professional history, and job qualifications, as for a prospective employer.


A surgical instrument shaped like a scoop or spoon, used to remove tissue or growths from a body cavity.


A surgical instrument used to apply extreme cold to tissues during cryosurgery.

coronary bypass surgery

A surgical procedure performed to improve blood supply to the heart by creating new routes for blood flow when one or more of the coronary arteries become obstructed. The surgery involves removing a healthy blood vessel from another part of the body, such as the leg, and grafting it onto the heart to circumvent the blocked artery.

cream soda

A sweet carbonated drink with a vanilla flavor.

crème de menthe

A sweet green or white liqueur flavored with mint.

cough syrup

A sweetened medicated liquid taken orally to ease coughing.


A thin crisp wafer or biscuit, usually made of unsweetened dough. 2. One that cracks, especially. a. A firecracker. b. A small cardboard cylinder covered with decorative paper that holds candy or a party favor and pops when a paper strip is pulled at one or both ends and torn. c. The apparatus used in the crackign of petroleum. d. One who makes unathorized use of a computer, especially to tamper with data or programs. 3. a. Used as a disparaging term for apoor white person of the rural, especially southeast United States. b. Used as a disparaging term for a white person.

cube steak

A thin slice of beef tenderized by cubing.


A threat or offensive position in chess intended to counter an opponent's advantage in another part of the board.


A tip; a gruatuity.


A town of northern France northwest of Amiens. It was the site of the first decisive battle of the Hundred Years' War. (August 26, 1346), in which Edward III of England, defeated Philip VI of France.

county seat

A town or city that is the administrative center of its county.


A trademark for an adjustable open-end wrench.

Cracker Jack

A trademark used for a candied popcorn confection.


A trademark used for a kind of food processor and its attachments.


A trademark used for a set of colored rods and disks employed in the teaching of mathematics.


A trademark used for an electric cooker that maintains a low temperature.


A trailing or climbing spiny shrub (Euphorbia milii) native to Madagascar and cultivated as a houseplant, having showy flower clusters with usually red, petallike bracts. 2. The Christ's thorn.

Curie point

A transition temperature marking a change in the magnetic or ferroelectric properties of a substance, especially the change from ferromagnetism to paramagnetism. Also called Curie temperature.

Cooley's anemia

A usually fatal form of thalassmia in whcih normal hemoglobin is absent, characterized by severe anemia, enlargement of the heart, liver and spleen, and skeletal deformation.


A usually flat-topped flower cluster in which the individual flower stalks grow upward from various points of the main stem to approximately the same height.


A usually unintentionally conflicting or contrary purpose. Having or acting under a misunderstanding of each other's purposes.


A woman holding the title of count or earl. 2. The wife or widow of a count in various European countries. b. The wife or widow of an earl in Great Britain. 3. Used as a title for such a noblewoman.


A woman member of a council, especially of the local governing body of a city or town.


A woman prostitute, especially one whose clients are members of a royal court or men of high social standing.


A woman who practices a craft with great skill.


A woman who practices folk medicine; an herb doctor.


A woman who tends a counter, as in a diner.


A woman's full trousers cut to resemble a skirt. Often used in the plural.


A variety of winter melon (Cucumis melo var. inodorus) having a greenish-yellow rind and sweet, usually salmon-pink flesh.


A vaulted roof or ceiling. b. A small dome set on a circular or polygonal base or resting on pillars. c. A domelike structure surmounting a rof or dome, often used as a lookout or to admit light and air. 2. A cylindrical shaft type of blast furnace used for remelting metals, usually iron, before casting. 3. A small rounded and domed structure, as for observation, on a tracked, armored vehicle.

coronary sinus

A venous sinus that opens into the right atrium of the heart and serves to drain the coronary veins.


A very wealthy man.

Crown Point

A village of northeast New York on the wester shorn of Lake Champlain. It was the site of a French fort captured by the British in 1759 during the French and Indian War. In the American Revolution it was taken by the Green Mountain Boys, retaken by the British in 1777, and abandoned the same year after the defeat at Saratoga. Population: 900.

cucumber mosaic

A viral disease of the cucumber and many other plants, characterized by mottled and curled leaves and misshapen and mottled fruits.


A volcano, 5,900.8 m (19,347 ft) high, in the Andes of central Ecuador. The symmetrical snowcapped cone is one of the highest volcanoes in the world.

cuckoo clock

A wall or shelf clock that announces intervals of time with a sound imitative of a cuckoo's call and often wit hte simultaneous emergence of a mechanical bird from a small door.

crew sock

A warm, usually ribbed sock. From its use by rowers.


A weapon consisting of a bow fixed crosswise on a wooden stock, with grooves on the stock to direct the projectile.

corn cockle

A weedy annual Mediterranean plant (Agrostemma githago) having reddish-purple flowers and opposite leaves.


A weighted weapon similar to a blackjack. To attack or hit with or as if with this weapon.


A white linen cloth on which the consecrated elements are placed during the celebration of the Eucharist.

cream sauce

A white sauce made by cooking together a mixture of flour and butter with milk or cream.

crown gall

A widespread disease of numerous plants caused by the bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens and characterized by formation of galls especially at the junction of root and stem.


A wind blowing at right angles to a given direction, as to an aircraft's line of flight.

corona discharge

An electrical discharge characterized by a corona and occurring when one of two electrodes in a gas has a shape causing the electric field at its surface to be significantly greater than that between the electrodes.

crash landing

An emergency landing by an aircraft or spacecraft.


An enlisted person in the U.S. Navy or marines who ahs been trained to give first aid and basic medical treatment, especially in combat situations. 2. A member of a government-sponsored group designated as a corps.

creatine kinase

An enzyme present in muscle, brain, and other tissues of vertebrates that catalyzes the reversible conversion of ADP and phosphocreatine into ATP and creatine.

coral reef

An erosion-resistant marine ridge or mound consisting chiefly of compacted coral together with algal material and biochemically deposited magnesium and calcium carbonates.


An establishment where dairy products are prepared or sold.


An estate or mansion in the country.

credit rating

An estimate of the amount of credit that can be extended to a company or person without undue risk.

crape jasmine

An evergreen shrub (Tabernaemontana divaricata) native to India and cultivated as an ornamental in warm region for its fragrant white flowers. (From the crinkled lobes of the corolla.)


An example that refutes or disproves a hypothesis, proposition, or theorem.


An exercise book containing models of penmanship, used in teaching handwriting. Unoriginal, trite.


An extensive chain of mountains or mountain ranges, especially the principal mountain system of a continent.


An extent of open ground partially or completely enclosed by walls or buildings; a courtyard. b. Abbreviated as Ct. A short street, especially a wide alley walled by buildings on three sides. c. A large open section of a building, often with a glass roof or skylight. d. A large building, such as a mansion, standing in a courtyard. 2a. The place of resience of a sovereign or dignitary; a royal mansion or palace. b. The retinue of a sovereign or dignitary; a royal mansion or palace. b. the retinue of a sovereign, including the royal family and personal servants, advisers, and ministers. c. A sovereign's governing body, including the council of ministers and state advisers. d. A formal meeting or reception presided over by a sovereign. 3. A person or body of persons whose task is to hear and submit a decision on cases at law. b. The building, hall, or room in which such cases are heard and determined. c. The regular session of ajudicial assembly. d. A similar authorized tribunal having military or ecclesiastical jurisdiction. 4. An open level area marked with appropriate lines, upon which a game, such as tennis, handball, or basketball, is played. 5. The body of directors of an organization, especially of a corporation. 6. A legislative assembly. 1a. To attempt to gain, seek. b. To behave so as to invite or incur. 2. To try to gain the love or affections of, especially to seek to marry. 3. To attempt to gain the favor of by attention or flattery. 4. To behave so as to attract (a mate). 1. To pursue a courtship; woo. 2. To engage in courtship behavior. 1. To flatter with solicituous overtures in an attempt to obtain someting or clear away antagonism. 2. To seek someone's love; woo.


An ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions.


An image or figure of Jesus on the cross. 2. A cross viewed as a symbol of Jesus's crucifixion.

crack baby

An infant born to a mother who used crack cocaine during pregnancy.


An instrument used to measure the freezing point of a liquid.


An intermediate shaft between the powered and driven shafts in a belt drive.


Any of various South American plants of the genus Nierembergia, cultivated as annual bedding plants for their showy purple or sometimes white flowers.


An island country in the Caribbean Sea south of Florida. Originally settled by Arawak Indians, it was discovered by Columbus in 1492 and was colonized by Spain beginning in 1511. Spain relinquished its control of _____ in 1898 as a result of the Spanish-American War, and following a three-year occupation by U.s. forces, the island became self-governing in 1902. Fulgencio batista dominated the government of _____ from 1933 until 1959, when he was ousted by Fidel Castro. Havana is the capital and the largest city. Population: 10,960,000.


An island of France in the Mediterranean Sea north of Sardinia. Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the island, which was ceded to France by Genoa in 1768.


An island of southeast Greece in the eastern Meditarranean Sea. Its Minoan civilization, centered at the city of Knossos on the northern coast, was one of the earliest in the world and reached the height of its wealth and power c. 1600 B.C. _______ subsequently fell to the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs Venetians, and Ottoman Turks. The islanders proclaimed their union with modern Greece in 1908.


An island of the Netherlands. Antilles in the southern Caribbean Sea off the northwest coast of Venezuela. It was discovered in 1499 and settled by the Spanish in 1527. The Dutch gained control in 1634, although the British held the island during the Napoleonic Wars (1807-1815). Oil refining and tourism are the major industries.


An island of the northern Phillippines at the entrance to Manila Bay. Despite a heroic defense, Filipino and U.S. troops were forced to surrender the fortified island to Japan in May 1942. U.S. paratroopers recaptured the island in march 1945.


An island off the coast of southeast Mexico ner Cancun. It is a resort area.


An offer made in return by one who rejects an unsatisfactory offer.

credit bureau

An organization to which business firms apply for credit information on prospective customers.


An ornamental ridge, as on top of a wall or roof.


An outdoor game played with bats, a ball, and wickets by two teams of 11 players each. 2. Good sportsmanship and fair conduct. To play the game of _________.


An overlapping arrangement of bricks or stones in which each course extends farther out from the vertical of the wall than the course below.


An ugly, withered old woman; a hag.


An uncommon, white, vitreous natural fluoride of aluminum and sodium, Na3AlF6, nearly invisible in water in powdered form and used chiefly in the electrolytic recovery of aluminum. Also called Greenland spar.


Any of certain grasses of the genus Digitaria, especially D. sanguinalis or D. ischaemum, widely naturalized in North America.

cucumber tree

Any of certain magnolias, especially Magnolia acuminata, a deciduous tree of eastern North America, having greenish-yellow flowers and a cucumber-shaped aggregate fruit.

coral fungus

Any of numerous fungi, especially of the family Clavariaceae, whose often brightly colored spore-bearing structures are club-shaped to intricately branched and resemble coral.


Any of numerous minute rudimentary, crystalline bodies of unknown composition found in glassy igneous rocks.


Any of numerous plants of the genus Ranunculus that have palmately cleft or divided leaves or other parts somewhat resembling a bird's foot. 2. An iron ball with four spikes arranged so that one always points upwards, used to delay the advance of mounted troops and infantry; a caltrop. 3. A set of small lines passed through holes of a batten or fitting to help support the backbone of an awning.

cosmic string

Any of numerous very long and thin alterations or topological defects in space hypothesized to have resulted from the Big Bang and to have made possible the conglomeration of mass into structures such as galaxies and the unequal distribution of mass in the universe.


Any of several North American poplar trees, especially Populus deltoides, which has triangular leaves and a tuft of cottony hairs on the seeds.


Any of several North American rabbits of the genus Sylvilagus, having grayish or brownish fur and a tail with a fluffy white underside. Also called wood rabbit.


Any of several edible varieties of summer squash having a narrow crooked or curved neck and a yellow rind and flesh.


Any of several long-tailed, crested South and Central American game birds of the family Cracidae, related to the phesants and domestic fowl.


Any of several marine fishes of the family Carangidae, such as the crevalle jack.

crown rot

Any of several mostly fungal diseases of plants characterized by a rotting of the stem near ground level.

cranial nerve

Any of several nerves that arise in pairss from the brainstem and reach the periphery through openings in the skull. There are 12 such pairs in mammals, birds, and reptiles and usually 10 pairs in amphibians and fish.

cord grass

Any of several perennial grasses of the genus Spartina, several of which form coloniesin salt marshes and are important as coastal soil binders.

creosote bush

Any of several resinous aromatic evergreen shrubs of the genus Larrea, especially L. tridentata, a yellow-flowered plant characteristic of warm deserts in the southwest United States and Mexico.

cow shark

Any of several sharks of the family Hexanchidae of warm and temperate seas.

cow parsnip

Any of several tall corase herbs of the genus Heracleum in the parsley family, native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having compound umbels of small flowers.


Any of several terrestrial, saprophytic, chiefly New World orchids of the genus Corallorhiza having yellowish-green to purplish-brown leafless stems and small flowers.


Any of several tropical American woody plants of the genus Lonchocarpus in the pea family, whose roots are used locally as a fish poison and commercially as a source of rotenone.

crucifixion thorn

Any of several unrelated shrubs or small trees of desert regions in the southwest United States and Mexico, having tiny, early deciduous leaves and branches and stems resembling a mass of thorns.


Any of the steroid hormones produced by the adrenal cortex or their synthetic equivalents, such as cortisol


Behavior that is characteristic of or appropriate to a coxcomb; foppish conceit.


Belief in the literal interpretation of the account of the creation of the universe related in the Bible. 2. creationism.


Books or other writings dealing sith unusual, especially pornographic topics.


Born 1916. American news broadcaster and editor. A newspaper and wire service correspondent during World War II, he spent the majority of his career with the Columbia Broadcasting System as their nightly news anchor (1962-1981).


Born 1916. British biologist who with James D. Watson proposed a spiral model, the double helix, for teh molecular structure of DNA. He shared a 1962 Nobel Prize for advances in the study of genetics.


Born 1933. American chemist who shared a 1996 Nobel Prize for discovering fullerenes.


Born 1933. Dutch meteorolgist who helped explain the chemical processes involved in the formation and decomposition of ozone, for which he shared a 1995 Nobel Prize in chemistry.


Born 1939. American filmmaker who won an Academy Award for his direction of The Godfather, Part II (1974).


Born 1944. Irish peace activist. She shared the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for work in Northern Ireland's peace movement.


C-reactive protein


Curry powder 2. A heavily spiced sauce or relish made with curry powder. 3. A dish seasoned with curry powder.


Cut raw vegetables, such as carrot sticks and pepper strips, served often with a dip as an appetizer.


Deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil, improper, or injurious. Synonymous with blameworthy.


Died c. 546 B.C. Last king of Lydia (560-546) whose kingdom, which had prospered during his reign, fell to the Persians under Cyrus.

crunchy granola

Displaying liberal social attitudes and lifestyles associated with the 1960s.


Execessive desire, especially for wealth; covetousness or avarice.

cuboidal epithelium

Epithelial tissue consisting of one or more cell layers, the most superficial of which is composed of cube-shaped or somewhat prismatic cells.


Espionage undertaken to detect and counteract enemy espionage.


ExhbA perennial North American herb (Oxypolis rigidior) having pinnately compound leaves and umbels of small white flowers. 2. Any of several related plants, sucha s the water hemlock.


Exhibiting the characteristics of a coward,.

Crohn's disease

Ileitis involving he terminal portion of the ileum and characterized by abdominal pain, ulceration, and fibrous tissue buildup.


Jointly responsive.


Known as "Bing". 1904-1977. American singer and actor noted for his crooning voice and for roles in many films, including Going My Way (1944), for which he won an Academy Award.


Known as "Bob." Born 1928. American basketball player and coach. As a guard for the Boston Celtics (1950-1963), he led the National Basketball Association in assits eight times and led the Celtics to six NBA titles between 1957 and 1963.


Known as "Gentleman Jim." 1866-1933. American heavyweight boxing champion (1892-1897) who was famed for his courteous manner.


Known as "the Elder." 1472-1553. German painter and engrave rnoted for his portraits and religious works, some of which depict the theological view sof his friend Martin Luther.


Needlework produced with crewel.


Past tense and past participle of cry.


Pen name J. Hector Saint John. 1735-1813. French-born American agriculturalist, writer, and diplomat whose Letters from an American Farmer (1782), a collection of essays on American life, was ready widely in France.


People who practice a craft, artisans.


Perforated like a sieve.


Performed with haste and scant attention to detail.


Relating to or designating a line connecting the points on a map that indicate the places simultaneously affected by an earthquake shock. A coseismal line.


Resembling coral in appearance or form.


Resembling or characteristic of the extended informal discussions carried on by persons habitually assembled at a country store.


Resistance to the effects of a substance as a result of continued exposure to a different substance having a similar pharmacologic action.

crepe rubber

Rubber with a crinkled texture, used especially for shoe soles.


Running contrary to the facts.


Running, extending, or going across a city or town.


Saint. Third century A.D. Roman shoemaker who with his brother Saint Crispinian sought to spread Christianity and was martyred.


Sharp-edged and pointed; knifelike.

Court of Saint James's

The British royal court.

Coptic Church

The Christian chruch of Egypt, with dioceses elsewhere in Africa and the Near East, having a liturgy in Coptic and a Monophysite doctrine.

Cote d'Azur

The Mediterranean coast of southeast France. It is known for its fashionable resorts.

curtain call

The appearance of performers or a performer at the end of a performance to receive applause from the audience.

corpus callosum

The arched bridge of nervous tissue that connects the two cerebral hemispheres, allowing communication between the right and left sides of the brain.


The ashes that remain after cremation of a corpse.


The conversion of squamous epithelial cells into a keratinized horny material such as hair, nails, or feathers.


The study of the effects of very low temperatures on living organisms.

corn silk

The styles and stigmas that appear as a silky tuft or tassel at the tip of an ear of corn, used as a diuretic in herbal medicine.

crop rotation

The successive planting of different crops on the same land to improve soil fertility.

coup d'etat

The sudden overthrow of a government by a usually small group of persons in or previously in positions of authority.


The entire complex of mountain ranges in western North America, Mexico, Central America, and South America, extending from Alaska to Cape Horn.

crossing over

The exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes that occurs during meiosis and contributes to genetic variability.


The extent or degree to which something is observed, analyzed, and reported. 2a. Inclusion in an insurance policy or portective plan. b. The extent of protection afforded by an insurance policy. 3. The amount of funds reserved to meet liablities. 4. The percentage of persons reached by a medium of communication such as television or a newspaper.


The feathers or area under the tail of a bird surrounding the coacal opening. To move the buttocks during intercourse.

Coulomb's law

The fundamental law of electrostatics stating that the force between two charged particles is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

crazy bone

The funny bone.

corn earworm

The large destructive larva of a moth (Heliothis zea) that feeds on corn and many other plants.


The leader of a Greek chorus. 2. a leader or spokesperson.


The leafy husk of an ear of corn.

critical pressure

The least applied pressure required at the critical temperature to liquefy a gas.

crystalline lens

The lens of an eye.


The local or general use of low temperatures in medical therapy. Also called crymotherapy.

cruising radius

The maximum distance that a ship or aircraft can travel away from and back to its point of origin without refueling.

Corinthian order

The most ornate of the three main orders of classical Greek architecture, characterized by a slender fluted column having an ornate bell-shaped capital decorated with acanthus leaves.


The number of electron pairs an atom can share with other atoms.


The party by whom the promise in a convenant is to be carried out.


The party to whom the promise in a covenant is made.


The petals of a flower considered as a group or unit and usually of a color other than green; the inner whorl of the perianth.


The position at which two lines, surfaces, or edges meet and form an angle. b. The area enclosed or bounded by an angle formed in this manner. 2. The place where two roads or streets join or intersect3a. Any of the four angles of a boxing or wrestling ring where the ropes are joined. b. Either side of hom plate, toward or away from the batter. 4. A threatening or embarrassing position from which escape is difficult. 5. A remote, secluded, or secret place. 5. A remote, secluded, or secret place. 6. A part or piece made to fit on a corner, as in mounting or for protection. 7a. A speculative monopoly of a stock or commodity created by purchasing all or most of the available supply in order to raise its price. b. Exclusive possession, monopoly.

correspondence principle

The principle that predictions of quantum theory approach those of classical phsyics in the limit of large quantum numbers.


The production of a succession of slight sharp snapping noises. 2. the crisp bits that remain after rending fat from meat or frying or roasting the skin, especially of a pig or a goose.


The removal of tissue or growths form a body cavity, such as the uterus, by scraping with a curette. Also called curettement.


The science of crystal structure and phenomena.


The science of the chemical composition of the universe.


The scientific study of crime, criminals, criminal behavior, and corrections.


The sending out of turning in of coupons, especially the regular redemption of a manufacturer's coupon for cash.


The study of creatures, suc has the Sasquatch, whose existence has not been substantiated.

coronal suture

The suture extending across the skull between the two parietal bones and the frontal bone.


The symbol for the element copper.


Throughout a whole county.


To act as curator of; organize and oversee.


To be in agreement, harmony, or conformity. 2. To be similar or equivalent in character, quantity, origin, structure, or function. 3. To communicate by letter, usually over a period of time.


To break into small fragments or particles. To faml into small fragments or particles; disintegrate. 2. To give way; collapse. A baked dessert of fruit topped with a crumbly pastry mixture.


To coax; cajole.


To decipher or decode.


To elect as a fellow member of a group. 2. To appoint summarily. 3. To take or assume for one's own use; appropriate. 4. To neutralize or win over (an independent minority, for example) through assimilation into an established group or culture.


To fondle in the arms; hug tenderly. Synonymous with caress. To nestle; snuggle. The act of ________; a hug or embrace.


To force, press, or squeeze into an insufficient space, stuff. 2. To fill too tightly prepare (students) hastily for an impending examination. 1. To gorge oneself with food. 2. To study hastily for an impending examination. 2. A study for an imminent examination.


To function in the capacity of a joint sponsor of. A joint sponsor.


To gather in a heap; accumulate. 2. To combine into one unit; merge. To become massed. Having _________ or having been ________ed; heaped up or amassed.


To go around by the side of; skirt.


To groom (a horse) with a currycomb. 2. To prepare (tanned hides) for use, as by soaking or coloring.


To incinerate (a corpse).


To incriminate. To accuse.


To join (adjacent chains of a polymer or protein) by creating covalent bonds. A chemical bond or link created by ________________.


To land 9an aircraft or spacecraft) under emergency conditions, usually with damage to the craft. To land an aircraft or spacecraft under emergency conditions.


To make a crackling or popping sound; cracle.


To make a grating or squeaking sound. 2. To move with a creaking sound. A grating or squaking sound.


To make a piece of needlework by looping thread with a hooked needle. To make by looping thread with a hooked needle.


To multiply the numerator of one of a pair of fractions by the denominator of the other.


To name or list (the units of a group or collection) one by one in order to determine a total; number. b. To recite numerals in ascending order up to and including. c. To include in a reckoning; take account of. 2. To exclude by or as if by counting. 3. To believe or consider to be; deem. 1. To recite or list numbers in order or enumerate items by units or groups. 2a. To have importance. b. To have a specified importance or value. 3. To keep time by counting beats. 1. The act of counting or calculating. 2a. A number reached by counting. b. The totality of specific items in a particular sample. 3. Any of the separate and distnct charges in an indictment. 4. The counting from one to ten seconds, during which time a boxer who has been knocked down must rise or be delcared the loser. 5. The number of balls and strikes that an umpire has called against a batter.


To oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary action; check.


To or toward the other side of a playing court, especially a basketball or tennis court.


To preserve (cells or tissue, for example) by freezing at very low temperatures.


To produce (an organism) by the mating of individuals of different breeds, varieties, or species; hybridize. To mate so as to produce a hybrid; interbreed. An organism produced by mating of individuals of different varieties or breeds.


To question closely; cross-examine. A question asked during cross-examination.


To refer ( a reader) from one part or passage to another. To make a cross-reference.


To register (someone) or be registered as a candidate in the primaries of more than one political party.


Together with; plus. Often used in combination.


Tolerance to a usually toxic substance as a result of exposure to a similarly acting substance.

cracked wheat

Whole wheat grains that have been cut or crushed into smaller pieces.

crisis center

a center staffed especially by volunteers who give support and advice to people experiencing personal crises.


a city of western oregon on the Willamette River south-southwest of Salem. It is the seat of Oregon State University (established 1858). Population: 44,757.

cup plant

a coarse perennial herb (Silphium perfoliatum) in the composite family, native to the central and southeast United States and having showy radiate flower heads of yellow flowers and opposite leaves whose bases fuse to form a cup around the stem.


a dead body, especially the dead body of a human.

curtain lecture

a private reprimand given to a husband by his wife. (So called because it was originally given in a curtained bed.)


a small flat round of bread, baked on a griddle and usually served toasted.

crane fly

any of numerous long-legged, slender-bodied flies of the family Tipulidae, having the general appearance of a large mosquito. Also called daddy longlegs.

corn salad

any of several plants of the genus Valarianella, especially a Eurasian annual (V. locusta or V. olitoria) having small, white to pale bluish flowers and edible young leaves used in salads or as a potherb. Also called lambs lettuce, mache.


any of various large aquatic reptiles, chiefly of the genus Crocodylus, native to tropical and subtropical regions and having thick, armorlike skin and long tapering jaws. 2. A crocodilian reptile, such as an alligator, caiman, or gavial. 3. Leather made from crocodile skin.

coral tree

any of various mostly deciduous trees or shrubs of the genus Erythrina in the pea family, native to and widely cultivated in warm regions, having trifoliolate leaves, showy red or orange flowers, and pods containing often brightly colored seeds. Also called coral bean.

coronary vein

any one of the veins that drains blood from the muscular tissue of the heart and empties int other coronary sinus.


of or producing a sensation of uneasiness or fear, as of things crawling on one's skin. 2. Annoyingly unpleasant, repulsive.


one that cries, especially: a. An official who announces the orders of a court of law. b. A town ______A hawker.


one that is worn-out, decrepit, or impaired; a wreck. To become weak or disabled. Often used with up. To disable; wreck. Often used with up.


one who defends or practices corruption, particularly in politics.


prefix for hidden; secret.


prefix of cupro-.


warm and sincere; friendly. 2. Strongly felt; fervent. 3. Serving to invigorate; stimulating. 1. A stimulated a tonic. 2. A liqueur.


1. A venomous snake (Agkistrodon contortrix) of the eastern and central United States, having a reddish-brown body marked with darker corssbands arranged in an hourglass pattern. 2. A northerner who sympathized with the South during the Civil War.


A river of northern Canada, rising in north-central Northwest Territories and flowing about 845 km (525 mi) northward through western Nunavut to the Arctic Ocean.


1. One who works or manufactures objects, especially utensils, in copper. 2. A brightlly colored bird (Megalaima haemacephala) of southeast Asia, chracterized by its ringing metallic call.


1. A cone-shaped or cylindrical roll of yarn or thread wound on a spindle. 2. A summit or crest, as of a hill.


1. A copper printing plate engraved or etched to form a recessed pattern of the matter to be printed. 2. A print or engraving made by using such a plate.


1. A failure to fulfill a commitment or responsibility or to face a difficulty squarely. 2. A person who fails to fulfill a commitment or responsibility. 3. An excuse for inaction or evasion.


1. The act or practice of cooperating. 2. The association of persons or businesses for common, usually economic, benefit.


1. The pelt of a raccoon. 2. An article, such as a hat, made of the pelts of raccoons.


1. To contend or strive especially on even terms or with success. 2. To contend with difficulties and act to overcome them.


1. To take unlawfully or without permission, steal. 2a. To get hold of, gain or win. b. To take or catch.


1. Yielding or containing plenty; affording ample supply. 2. Large in quanityt; abundant. 3. Abounding in matter, thoughts, or words, wordy.


1. an enclosure or cage, as for poultry or small animals. 2. An enclosure or cage, as for poultry or small animals. 2. An uncomfortably confined space. b. A prison. Ton confine in or as if in a coop. Often used with up. To sleep in or as if in a coop. Often used with up. Synonymous with enclose. To sleep or shirk in a parked patrol car while on duty. Used of a police officer.


1738-1815. American painter who is known chiefly for his portraits of prominent Americans such as Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and Paul Revere, although he lived in England after 1774.


1789-1851. American novelist who is best rememberd for his novels of frontier life, such as The Last of the Mohicans (1826).


1791--1883. American manufacturer, inventor, and philanthropist, who built the first American locomotive and founded Cooper Union (1859) in New York City, which offered free courses in the arts and sciences.

coordinate bond

A covalent chemical bond between two atoms that is produced when one atom shares a pair of electrons with another atom lacking such a pair. Also called coordinate covalent bond.

coping saw

A light handsaw with a slender blade stretched across a U-shaped frame, used for cutting designs in wood.


A long ecclesiastical vestment worn over an alb or surplice. 2. A covering resembling a cloack or mantle. 3. A coping. 1. To cover or dress in a cope. 2. To provide with coping.

coon's age

A long time.


A period following strenuous physical activity in which stretching or milder exercise is performed to allow the body gradually to return to normal.


A police officer.


A polymer of two or more different monomers.


A residential village of east-central New York west-southwest of Schenectady. It was founded in 1787 by William Cooper, the father of James Fenimore Cooper, who used the region as the setting for his Leatherstocking Tales. The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum is here. Population: 2,180.


An unskilled Asian laborer.


Any of numerous minute marine and freshwater crustaceans of the subclass Copepoda, having an elongated body and a forked tail.


Any of several brittle aromatic yellow to red resins of recent or fossil orgin, obtained from various torpical trees and used in certain varnishes.


Any of several dark-gray aquatic birds of the genus Falica of North America and Europe, having a black head and neck, lobed toes, and a white bill. 2. Synonymous with scoter. 3. An eccentric or crotchety person, especially an eccentric old man.


Any of several evergreen species of the genus Zamia native to southern Florida, Mexico, and the West Indies, having compound leaves, unisexual cones, and conspicuously thickened underground stems that yield starch resembling arrowroot. Also called Florida arrowroot, Seminole bread.


Cu. A ductile, malleable, reddish-brown metallic element that is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity and is widely used for electrical wiring, water piping, and corrosion-resistant parts, either pure or in alloys such as brass and bronze. Atomic number 29; atomic weight 63.54; melting point 1,083 C; boiling point 2,595 C; specific gravity 8.96; valence 1, 2. Synonymous with element. 2. A coin, usually of small denomination, made of copper or a copper alloy. 3. A coin, usually of sall denoination, made of copper or a copper alloy. 3. A large cooking pot made of copper or a copper iron. 4. Any of various small butterflies of the subfamily Lycaeninae, having predominantly copper-colored wings. 5. A reddish brown. 1. To coat or finish with a layer of copper. 2. To bet against, as in faro.


One that is equal in importance, rank, or degree. 2. A set of articles, as of clothing or luggage, designed to match or complement one other, as in style or color. Any of a set of two or more numbers used to determine the position of a point, line, curve, or plane in a spcae of a given dimension with respect to system of lines or othe fixed references. Of or relating to a university in which men and women are taught by the same faculty but in single-sex classes or on single-sex campuses. Directions. 1.Of equal importance, rank, or degree. 2. Of or involving coordination. 3. Of or based on a system of coordinates. 4. Having equal syntactic status. 1. To place in the same order, class, or rank.2. To harmonize in a common action or effort. 1. To be coordinate. 2. To work together harmoniously. 3. To form a pleasing combination; match. To link.

Copper and Stone Age

Synonymous with Chalcolithic


The capital and largest city of Denmark, in the extreme eastern part of the country on the eastern coast of Sjaelland. It was a trading and fishing center by the 11th century and became the capital in 1443. Population: 613,288.


The dried white flesh of the coconut from which coconut oil is extracted.


To polymerize (different monomers) together. To react to form a copolymer.


To work or act together toward a common end or purpose. 2. To acquiesce willingly; be compliant. 3. To form an association for common, usually economic, benefit.

coordinated universal time

UTC Universal time, taking into account the addition or omission of leap seconds by atomic clocks each year to compensate for changes in the rotation of the earth.

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