The Hungry 40s
Potato Blight
a fungus of blight hits the potatoes in 1845, temporarily removed from the European diet
France, Northern Germany, and Britain
also affected by potato blight, Britain has more stable prices thanks to corn (grain) laws
Cash Cows
building and investing in railroads were called this since people made a ton of money off of them
Political Activists
gain more attention since they are upset with what's going on in Europe during the 1840s, promote national determination, the right to vote, and promise to work on economic problems
1848 Political Blowup
more people start listening to radicals out of desperation
Railroad Bubble Bursts
people started losing money on railroad investments when the craze starts slowing down
Weak Grain Harvestt
prices rise up even more, there's still food but it's very expensive, agricultural crisis, wealthy people are also hurt since all of their money is going into food
rises when factories start laying people off
surge everywhere!
very affected by potato blight, a million people die from starvation, a million come to the United States out fo desperation, a million people go to Britain