The Princess Bride ( part 6: The Torture and Inigo and Fezzik's Reunion
What is the cause of the horrendous scream heard by yellin ( and by everyone else in Florin ) ?
the dog that's killed in the machine
How do both Buttercup's d Westley occupy their minds in the evenings ?
thinking about each other
What is the "Guilder section" of Prince Humperdinck's plan ?
to kill Buttercup and blame it on Guilder and then go to war with then
What scathing but insightful personal remarks does Buttercup make to the Prince ? What is his reaction ( as displayed in the Zoo of Death ) ?
1.) she calls him a coward 2.) this triggers him
What causes Westley's terror ? What is the effect of the Machine on him ?
1.) the anticipation of the machine 2.) stealing years of his life away
Whom do Inigo and Fezzik seek ? Why is Inigo so interested in finding him ?
1.) the man in black 2.) so he can help them find the six fingered man
How are Inigo and Fezzik reunited ?
Fezzik us part of the brute squad
What does the scream reveal to Inigo and Fezzik ?
it reveals the man in black's location