The Reformations, Lutheranism, and Calvinism: Sub-Unit

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What were the effects of Reformation?

"New Christian" emerged, political leaders in Church rose in power because they were too busy fighting the Protestants, Education emerged considering that Protestantism involved interpreting the Bible in your own way therefore need to be literate, and warfare struck up from 1525-1648 involving all nations in this religious warfare

What were the main causes of the Reformation?

1. Babylonian Captivity 2. Great Schism 3. Clerical Immorality- Concubinage 4. Clerical Illiteracy 5. Clerical pluralism- one church official with more than one office positions- bad especially when Black Death hit and killed lots of these Priests 6. Lack of true Piety- lack of focusing on Christ suffering and more on money 7. Wycliff and Huss, Lollardsa and Hussites

What was the Principle in Geneva?

A Covenant is made with God that says if you work towards your conversion in being an elect, you will go to heaven (if you're elect). The principle is that you can not screw this up. If you disobey or tempt another to do so, the community you live in will receive the wrath of God (punishment). Therefore, everyone in this Genevan Protestant community was very strict.

Priesthood of All Believes

A name for Luther's idea that we do not need Priests to intercede between human beings and God/Jesus.

What were the names of the three books Luther wrote to appeal to Nobility?

Adress to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and On the Freedom of Christian Man

Diet of Worms

After Luther debates John Eck and comes across as a heretic, Charles V, the HRE wants Luther to recant; he refuses.

What was the Calvin judicial body (courts and judges) called?

Consistory. Instead of using Roman Catholic law, these used consistory. In this, they judge the morality of the individual based off of scriptures.

What were the two Sacraments Luther thought we needed to follow?

Baptism and Mass/Communion

Peasant's War

Because of Luther's translation of the Bible, peasants can now read it. Luther says, we should all interpret the Bible as to how we please-- so they take this to a political and economical level and say, then we think we should also be free from Kings and their oppressive taxes. So they revolt, and it kills 125,000 peasants. Luther sides with the nobility because they will see his protection. This forms peasant group call "anabaptists"

Civil Marriage

Because of this "companion marriage" and the need to make the family secure and godly, women could get a divorce if the husband was not fulfilling that goal- this is big big

Treasury of Merit

Belief that the Church has an infinite amount of grace,it may bestow upon earthly beings.

The Geneva Theocracy

Calvin overthrows the government, and tests out his Calvinism in the theocracy. He reforms the society with his ideals and Thomas Mores idea of "heaven on earth" or "utopia" written in the book called "Utopia". This place became the home center for European Protestant converts, thinkers, and exiles


Calvin says that God has made us. He is not bounded by time, therefore he can see everything that happens. Therefore, God has already planned every single movement, action, or decision you make. We are only given the illusion that we have free will because we are bounded by time- therefore can not see into the future.

What is the Calvinistic idea of "good works"

Calvin says, "Do you really think you can bride God with good works? He already knows your intentions." Calvin says that those who are of good works are a sing of the "elect"

Disucss the How indulgences emerged and how the changed

During the crusade, soliders worried that if they died in battle, they would not have a priest to give them last rites. So the church gave them slips of paper that were called indulgences. However, Church members, like Leo X and his construction of the St. Peters Basilica in Rome, he spends all this money with loans. He starts selling indulgences to pay it off. This starts to become a common trend with the Pope over all, they start seeing debts they owe, and use indulgences to pay them off. They even have sales and discounts for them.

What was the name of the papal bull issued to have Luther excommunicated?

Exsurge Domine (1520)

Discuss the Clerical immorality with concubinage

First reason is they were all high church officials told not to marry or engage in any sexual activity, second that had many, and three it would result in illegitimate children-bastards, and the church official would then pay to have his child become legitimate AND he could hold office

After being exiled from France where did Calvin go?


Where did the Reformation majorly take place?


During the Reformations, define the "New" Christian

Had new sense of freedom that is more similar to modern idea of freedom.

Michael Servetus

He appeared in Geneva, and denied the Trinity, saying there is only God. Calvins considered this to be a sinful temptation that could pull you off your path of conversion path- so they burned him.

Max Weber

He is a German social-economists. He interprets the Reformation, and Calvinistic economic ideas, as a base for the modern capitalistic view- that it is OK to become wealthy! He then writes the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalsim embracing this idea released in 1930.

Background of Martin Luther

He is struck by lightening bolt, thinks its God punishing for a sin and believes that if he devotes the rest of his life to God he will go to Heaven. HE has the revelation that really takes the reformation with Protestantism.

What did Max Weber hypothesize about the economics in Protestant communities verses other?

He said the Protestant communities, because of their work ethic and liking for wealth, were wealthier and more successful than other communities.

Philip Melancthon (you remember him) and Education for Girls

He says women should be taught things other than Latin. They should be taught their languages, math and science. Because if you have well educated women, you have well educated children. Which will result in stronger nation- this embraces the civil humanist idea

What does Luther do when he is in Saxony?

He translates the Bible into German, in a way that makes him a humanist scholar. He was the for five years (1521-1526).

Discuss a few points about John Clavin

He was French who studied to become a priest but trained as a lawyer He was very intellectually brilliant He was influenced by writings of Erasmus, prince of humanists He was also influenced by Luther's messaged but thought they were not quite right

What was Michael Servetus

He was an Antitrinitarian- spell out the words, it makes sense. Similar to Unitarian (one God).

Describe the Principles With Calvinistic Children

If a Calvinistic child disobeys their parents they are whipped. If they disobey their parents twice, they are put to death. They were seen as tempts, who could mess with your salvation.

Discuss Literacy and Lutheran/Calvinists Churches Involving Women

If children needed to some day "interpret the Bible in their own way" they needed to be literate. Therefore, the mothers at home teaching them, needed to become literate as well.

Discuss how peasants took Wycliff and Huss's embrace of Donatism through a political way?

In Donatism, if the priest is sinful, then how is he going to get you into Heaven? He cant. So you shouldn't follow him. The peasants said, if the KING is sinful, then we also should not have to follow under his power. In Bohemia a Hussite War emerged and the Peasants won. The victory of free rule has lasted until present day.

Describe the theory behind Protestant work ethic

In the Bible God gives dominion over "beast and fields" to man. He says that we must use this dominion, and develop the world; the world was a gift to develop. Therefore, Calvinists look at work as a way of worship. SO then, wealth, which is a sign of hard working, becomes a very positive thing in the Calvin society. Wealth, therefore, is no longer seen as a route of evil as long as you don't invest it in an immoral way. If you're apart of the elect, you're not going to do that anyways.

What is the Thick Writing Piece Calvin Writes

Institution of the Christian Religion

Leipzig Debate and Result

John Eck debates with inexpereinced Luther and manipulates him into sounding like heretic (remember just wants to reform) in accidentally sounding like John Huss- a heretic burnt at the stake. Luther seeks protection and write books that will appeal to nobles, hoping they take his side.

Peace of Augsburg 1555

Left the state as a whole to determine the religion. So in Germany, you could either be Protestant or Catholic. But nothing else. AND it was not individual religious freedom, it was state religious "freedom." Followed Cuius regio, eius religio- "who is land, their religion"

How Does Predestination Differ From Lutheranism?

Luther says that all you need is faith alone, and you will receive the grace of God. Calvin says those who receive the grace of God have already been planned, so that does not matter.

What is one major difference between Calvin's ideas and Luther's?

Luther says that state should be over the church. Calvin says that the church should always be over the state because any secular power will always be tempted by corruption- it is not pure. Calvin even attacks Machiavelli's A-moral ideas, and says this "temptation of corruption" even applies to that too.

Who wrote Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalsim?

Max Weber, published it in 1930.

Diet of Augsburg

Melancthon delivers all of Luther's doctrines at the Augsburg "Confession", does this during the attack of the Turks. Charles V, the HRE, says we can't have this division between religion. We need to unite during attack. Schmakaldic League forms.

Renegade Nuns

Nuns who did not want to to live an d a nunnery. Common back then for husbands, if thought their wife was sinful, to send them off to a nunnery. This renegade nuns idea was for women who did not want to become nuns, they even had new husbands found for them.

The Twelve Articles

Peasants take his ideas in Freedom and demands that the Nobels give economic freedom.


People he slightly rebelled Luther's ideas in response to his response of the Peasant's War.

Who was Fredrick of Saxony and what did he do?

People think the HRE Charles V orders Luther to be kidnapped. But it's actually Fredrick pretending it's a kidnap to save his ass.

Who is Luther's stand-in?

Phillip Melancthon

What were the name of the men or judicial who made up Consistory

Presbyters. They were lay elders.

Contraception in the Reformation and Sexual Roles

Protestant churches started to have this idea of contraception. Calvin says that sex is OK! Before it was said the sex was a sin if it was not for kid creation. However, he says this builds a relationship and is OK.

What were these Calvinists called in America?


List some of the activities that were though to be immoral and have ability to pull one of their path of conversion.

Singing anything other than hymns, drinking alcohol, dancing, wearing brightly colored clothes

The Ninety-Five Theses

Tetrez is selling indulgences, advertisements and flyers, and Luther sees this. So he makes ninety five theses and posts it to the church. They basically say you do not need these indulgences, all you must do is believe in God alone. That will get you through purgatory. Remember. He is not trying to remove church but reform it.

Define the Elect

The elect are those "predestined" and "saved" by God. Not ALL people are a part of the elect. Picture an acorn. Some people will always remain an acorn. Others will grow into on oak. The "conversion" in becoming an "oak" aka the realization that you are elect, is through good work processes. Because God has already predestined you, you will NATURALLY do good works. Those not of the elect, or the permanent acorns, will consider the good works, but not fully follow through with them. Therefore, "conversion" is doing your naturally-desired good works.

Conciliar Theory

The powers of Christ are present on Earth through Power of Pope- what if he is illegitimate or sinful or corrupt? This emerged in result of Great Schism

What was the central weapon to spreading Protestantism ideas, like Luther's?

The printing press. First use of propaganda and making fun of or insulting the Catholic Church

sola fide

The typical idea of Christians is that if you think something sinful, must confess. Also, if you are dying you need last rites given by Priest which will help move you along from Purgatory. This is a soul of grace. Luther says, well what if I think something sinful right before death? Just the thought of another woman? I'm screwed. So he says, you don't need this. All you need is the Bible, no priests, no last rites, nothing. The only two sacraments you should follow are Baptism and Mass/Communion.- you do not need Priests for the intercession of man and God

Describe the new idea of Women in the Reformation that occurred with Calvinism

They had the idea of a "companion marriage" meaning to create a family that his secure and godly They were "co-workers."

Schmakaldic League and Schemakaldic Wars

They reject Charles want for unity in attack of Turks-- this lasts for 25 YEARS!!!

Describe Women's Roles in the Lutheran/Calvinist Churches

They still remained mostly domestic, and Calvin fully believed they were the origin of all sin, so they needed to be subjugated to preserve moral order. Started getting rid of concubines, had renegade nuns, started to convert their husbands because honestly life was better as a Protestant.

Ecclesiastical Reservation Clause

This was the exception in the Peace of Augsburg that said any Lutheran King who converts to Catholicism, can rule and keep his kingdoms. But any Catholic king who converts the state to Lutheranism will loose his kingship- see how it's favoring Catholics.

Who does Calvinism and his Calvinistic Ideas Appeal To? Why so appealing?

Where Luther appealed to peasants, Calvin appealed to intellectual upper class because he was a logical lawyer. Not to mention, is ideas were very logical (because he was a lawyer) and there were not gray areas, everything was black and white.

Roman Catholic Church's definition of "good works"

You accept that the church is the link between you and God When you die you have a scale of good and bad deeds, if the good deeds out weigh the bad, you will go to heaven.

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