Theology 3.1

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Pope Pius XI

"The distribution of created goods, which, as every discerning person knows, is laboring today under the greatest evils due to the huge disparity between the few exceedingly rich and the unnumbered propertyless, must be effectively called back to and brought into conformity with the norms of the common good, that is, social justice." -thus church calls for more just distribution of world's wealth

Yahweh's covenant with Abraham/people of Israel

- Yahweh's own initiative/gift beyond what mankind deserves - covenant expression of Yahweh's willingness to reach out to His people - Yahweh makes Himself bound to keep promises to His people; covenant becomes people's assurance Yahweh will never abandon them - Decalogue: commitment concerns of fidelity to one God, but also social relations of people in covenant

catholic church issued important documents to announce stand on social issues

- catholic contributions to human flourishing based on important principles (dignity of human person, subsidarity, solidarity, options for the poor) - documents grounded in tradition of church finds beginning in person and ministry of Jesus Christ


- most identifying value of the Church's social teaching - what makes us uniquely Christians - unachievable without grace (grace supplied to willing) - law's perfect achievement requires total receptivity to grace, heroic amount of self admonation, and openness to others - love is grace upon grace, stated by St. John

Duc in Altum

- put out into the deep (Lk. 5:4) - one immersed/conscious of signs of times making one capable of bringing people closer to Kingdom of God - fishers in men by witnessing faith

Christ's incarnation

- restores us into who we are; "have confidence in our humanity" since our true nature is grace, not sin; - incarnation is transformation humanity but also restoration of who we really are

Synod of Bishops

- spoke about relation of Gospel and justice - action behalf of justice/participation in transformation of world as constitutive dimension of preaching the Gospel; church is fulfilling mission of preaching word of God when teaching the demands of justice since nature of church gives rise to social tradition

common good

- the good common to all; concerns life and welfare of all - calls for prudence and cautiousness from each, even more so from those in offices of authority - the sum total of social conditions that allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily - consists of three essential elements

Objectives of the BEC

-"One heart and one mind"; goal to evangelize; look to Jesus as the Good Teacher, opens faithful to Scriptures, reveals Father's will, teaches truth about moral action, sheds light on man's condition and active vocation -Shape the community through sacraments -Liturgical celebration; active participation of faithful needed; people gather to celebrate Holy Eucharist, ready to offer life in self-scarifice -Evangelical poverty -An evangelized and evangelizing community; witnessing to the coming of God's kingdom

Laudato Si (Pope Francis, 2015)

-"Praise be to you." -encyclical -help humanity understand destruction man places on environment and fellow man

Industrial Revolution

-1760-1850 -started parochially in England -introduced new technology -rise of factories and salaried workies -mass production led to surplus -surplus led to profit -emergence of market -birth of capitalism -characterized by fundamental changes in aspects of life like agriculture, transportation, economic policies and social structure -agriculture: farmers produced food in excess due to tools

Christ as a liberator

-Christ heals and liberates people both from physical and spiritual illness -Christ's liberation is also a restoration (personal and communal)

Christ as a teacher

-Christ's teaching gives emphasis on "persons" over the law; on virtues of justice and charity over legal code -Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan is an invitation to prioritize human person over demands of law on purity

Early Christians follow the examples of Christ

-Duty to give; not right to live in luxury while others live in want (Clement of Alexandria); sold goods and possessions, distributed proceeds among themselves according to what each needed; emphasized equity -Deposits of piety; (Tertullian, Christian writer in 2nd and 3rd century) used in feeding the needy, burying them, of youths and maidens destitute of means and without parents, in care of the old, relief of the shipwreck; early church imitates Christ in social context and practices -Endeavor to establish unity and solidarity; elevate recognition of slaves by making them legitimate and rightful members of church -All are one in Christ

Animation and Formation for "Missio Ad Gentes"

-Filipinos become the foremost missionaries for all of Asia -ensure that mission animation and formation will be integral to religious formation in family, schools, and other institutes of formation

Jesus Christ

-God in the flesh (heart of Christian faith) -God chose to take on human nature in the historical person of Jesus of Nazareth to bring salvation

Genesis 1:26-27

-God made man in his own image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them -origin and creation of humans -human persons with divine image in them posses significant qualities


-God willed man to be left in his own counsel so that he may seek his Creator of his own accord and freely attain full and blessed perfection by cleaving to him -having freedom means full cooperation to the will of God

9 pastoral properties

-Integral Faith Formation (2013) -Empowerment of the Laity toward Social Transformation (2014) -Active Presence and Participation of the Poor in the Church (2015) -The Family as Focal Point of Evangelization (2016) -Building and Strengthening of Participatory Communities that make up the Parish as a Community of Communities (2017) -Integral Renewal of the Clergy (2018) -Journeying with the Youth (2019) -Ecumenism and inter-religious Dialogue (2020) -Animation and Formation for "Missio Ad Gentes" (2021)


-Jesus physically rose from the dead -his spirit does live on -resurrected body of Christ a glorified body, a spiritual body -if Christ wasn't raised from the dead, our faith is in vain, and the teachings we received are empty; crowning truth of our faith in Christ -essential part of the Paschal Mystery

partners of the church for the rehabilitation program

-Philippine National Police (PNP) -Department of Health (DOH) -Local Government Units (LGU) -Ateneo Center for Family Ministries -UST Graduate School Psycho-Trauma Clinic


-aimed towards profit -markets constructed for those with capital, who make use of same capital to gain more income or profit, thereby growing initial capitals -earlier markets made to provide for subsidaries of the population -"ideology of hope for people"

basic ecclesial communities (BECs)

-as Community of Disciples -small communities whose members are in unity and solidarity with one another and their pastors -patterned after the Domus Ecclesia or House Church -without them, communitarian nature of the church and discipleship remain an abstraction


-biblia (Greek): scrolls -source of Catholic Social Teaching -"foundation of Judeo-Christian vision of life; discloses kind of God who is interested in the world, human history, and in the manner which humans live in community." (Donahue, 2005)

characteristics of parables

-brevity -polyvalence -realism -open-endedness


-by virtue of soul and spiritual power of intellect and will, man gains freedom -God gave us the ability to learn about things and understand them

Local Realities of the Church's Involvement

-called to be involve in promoting justice (give what is due to others), solidarity, ad the common good through active participation and cooperation in community development, promotion of human dignity, peace, and environmental education

social mobility

-capability to rise from one social status to a better one depending on one's efforts -emphasizes poor to rich and vice versa; proves social mobility is possible in society -highlight principle of private property

criticisms of capitalism by socialism

-capitalism ignores, tolerates, and perpetuates unjust situations of resource distribution; still unequal distribution of goods, and gap between rich and poor -capitalism endorses pathology of isolated existence; there's still widening gap that isolates people based on status quo -opposition against capitalist principles of self-direction and social mobility; they are considered as myths, and only for the rich and able members of community

socialism principles

-common ownership -personal freedom replaced by government control that seeks implementation of common good; prefer planned economy where government intervention is paramount than initiatives of individual; in order to ensure everyone's needs are met, individual must be willing to serve whole nation at all times

Christ defeated death with his resurrection

-death shall not terminate our existence

Pope John Paul II in his homily Jubilee of Prisons

-dignity of all people -dignity flows from God's love for every human person

Ecumenism and inter-religious Dialogue

-eliminate bias, grow deeper in knowledge and appreciation of other faiths, and religious traditions, especially Islam, to achieve solidarity with Christ

Integral Renewal of the Clergy

-ensure deeper dialogues of life between clergy and the poor to address lack of witnessing and lifestyles reform to that of the poor Christ -genuine servant-leadership; provide effective clergy formation in human development, spirituality, scripture, theology, pastoral care and mission

True Freedom

-essential requirement to human dignity -power and right to do what's good -become increasingly free and turn away from sin and towards God in service with one another -doing what we ought, no what we want

Integral Faith Formation

-faith formation: heart of pastoral renewal -must have integral faith to fulfill vocation and mission; has to be faith that does justice and liberates -has to be a discerning faith that sees the action of God in our lives and in communities; tool for this is Catechism for Filipino Catholics -faith integrated in thoughts, acts, and deeds

community of disciples

-faith in Jesus expressed in a church in mission that includes Asia and the whole creation -patterned after the Holy Trinity where the three divine persons (unique, equal, and united) are in constant sharing and in mission; also approximates early apostolic Christian communities -Trinity and family are synonyms -Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit -Family: Father, Mother, Son

The Family as Focal Point of Evangelization

-family is the basic cell of the church and society, thus Gospel must first be shared in the family -family has to become a key agent in proclaiming the Gospel through a more intensive evangelization focused on family


-first response expected of those who heard preaching of the Good News -metanoia (Greek) -repent is to change, the triple change amounting to change in direction of life

promise of salvation

-fulfilled in Jesus Christ; suffered and died on the cross for redemption of all -despite sinful nature, God affirmed, transcended and elevated nature of humanity

human rights

-fundamental rights, address situations, basically protective devices and affirmations -emphasizes dignity and social nature of humanity and that dignity and social relationship is constantly violated -doctrine of sin is important besides the doctrine of God - claim on something owed to us due to our nature as human persons; inscribed in human nature - there are no rights unless others respect them - bound by law to respect - interrelated with duties and law -basis for life of freedom, dignity, and equality

righteousness in the biblical sense

-goes beyond personal rectitude of following rules, laws and commands; has social character -"biblical idea of justice can be described as fidelity to demands of a relationship." (Donahue)

Paschal Mystery of Christ

-highlights centrality of human dignity; cross is a testimony of God's love - when Christ summarized the Decalogue or the Ten Commandments into a single commandemnt of love: instructs fidelity to God and relationship with neighbor, which may require us to carry the cross

Imago Dei

-image of God -man and woman are of equal value

theories on gender identity

-independent of personal sexual identity without reference to true meaning of sexuality -church: "everyone, man and woman, should acknowledge and accept his sexual identity"

principle of Universal Destination of Goods

-invitation to develop economic vison through moral vales to not lose sight of origin/purpose of goods, bringing fairness and solidarity -God destined Earth for all so that all created things would be shared fairly by all mankind under guidance of justice, tempered by chairty -everyone has the right to social life brought by quest of common good


-judgement -characterized not simply as the judgement of God and his capability to punish and reward individuals but has a social dimension, i.e., God's governance that places order in society

healing miracles

-narratives of people whose ailments were cured by Jesus; show how God in his mercy, restored to wholeness those who showed in his power to heal -The Royal Official's Son (Jn 4:46-54) -The Leper (Lk. 5:12-19)


-narratives that tell of Jesus' expulsion of demons; power of God greater than all evil that affects humanity -Cure of the Demoniac (Mk 1:23-29) -Possessed Mute (Mt. 9:32-34)


-not solely a noble idea of the catholic church; has foundations in Western civilization (romans) -(romans) people appointed to public offices have status -(now) humans as humans; as a person created by God, a human being isn't something but someone uniquely valuable; human beings capable of self-knowledge (reflection of self), making free decisions, and entering communion with others -inclusive (innate, inviolable, inalienable) and exclusive (encompasses all human beings without references of offenders to the law or not)


-one's own future is one's own responsibility -person who we want to be relies on decisions we make as individuals who participate in market -highlight principle of private property


-poor in spirit -merciful -who mourn -pure of heart -meek -peacemakers -hunger and thirst for righteousness -persecuted for righteousness' sake

Kingdom of God

-premise on Jews' idea that rise from communal hope for salvation; equated Kingdom to salvation; Kingdom is a condition where will of God is manifested

Archbishop Socrates Villegas

-priest: urged to care for all, including LGBT community -parents: warned against imbuing in children loathing and disgust for LGBT -catholic school: instructed to implement zero-tolerance policy against bullying and badgering of persons in such personal situations

the church of the poor

-priority: programs for conscientization, evangelization, and organization of marginalized poor 1. into small communities of faith and discernment 2. into sectoral groups to attend specific needs in cultural, political, economic and religious institutions -church aims to be one with the people, especially the poor; see through their eyes

Empowerment of the Laity toward Social Transformation

-promote/support exercise of God-given gifts and charisms of lay people; lay people must take lead in social transformation -consult women's experiences in different life situations; explore new possible roles of women in church and society


-rehabilitation program for drug dependents -assistance given by the Church in the Philippines -spiritual and values formation, counseling sessions, skills training, and exposure to sports, arts, and culture


-relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul -church: every spiritual soul is RIP: Reunited with body in final resurrectiom Immortal not Produced by parents

common ownership

-replaces and abolishes concept of private property -proposes government should manage resources of country, dictate production of good and distribution of wealth to make sure everyone contributes work and receives just amount of resources needed for decent living

St. Thomas Aquinas on Distribution of Wealth

-requires justice which is a "habit whereby man renders each one his due by a constant and perpetual will"

throwaway culture

-ruthlessly consumes, exploits, and discards human life and natural resources as one of the root causes -highlights consumerism and materialism -combated by being Caretakers of Creation

functions of the Bureau of Corrections

-safe keep prisoners convicted by courts -prevent prisoners from committing crimes -provide inmates basic needs, ensure rehabilitation programs made available to inmates for physical, intellectual, and spiritual development -develop livelihood programs to assist inmates to ;earn living and develops skills while in prison

Jesus' hidden life

-shared the condition of majority: life without evident greatness, life of manual labor -religious life that of a Jew obedient to the law of God and life in the community

significant qualities

-spiritual and immortal soul -intellect -freewill -self-determination

responsible stewardship practices by some Catholic schools

-styrofoam free campus -clean as you go (CLAYGO) -plastice straw free week -newspaper drive -reusable cups instead of plastic

Building and Strengthening of Participatory Communities that make up the Parish as a Community of Communities

-support growth and strengthening of Basic Ecclesial Communities and other forms of faith communities as a vehicle for renewal -integrate them in parish life and activities and develop structures of coordination and participatory decision-making

evangelization in a digital world

-the church uses the digital world to communicate the Good News to all

evangelization and conversion

-the doctrines, the moral, and the worship -the mind, the heart, and the hands 1. change in mind: change in way of thinking 2. change in heart: change in attitude 3. change in behavior

lack of due nature

-threatens world peace along with arms race, regional conflicts and continued injustices among peoples and nations (Pope John Paul II) -plundering of natural resources, progressive decline of quality of life from selfishness and greed, evolved from advancements of science and tech

Active Presence and Participation of the Poor in Church

-to become a church of the poor, we must be evangelically poor -learn from the poor; seek to liberate ourselves from values, behaviors, and lifestyles that discriminate against the poor

Old Testament concepts of justice (mishpath and sedaqah)

-understood primarily within context of Yahweh's governance and one's relationship with both Yahweh and his fellow men in the community -allows us to appreciate more the New Testament emphasis on link between justice and charity

natural law

-unites people, enjoins common principles; dignity of every person before God is the basis of dignity of man before other men -ultimate foundation of the radical equality and brotherhood among all people

Age of Enlightenment

-use of reason as opposed to faith -autonomy as opposed to obedience "Church during Middle Ages values faith and obedience which are tools of ignorance and oppression" -"age opposite to Middle Ages (Dark Ages), age of freedom" -brought significant changes in human communities; changes prominently figure in writing of Catholic church -started Industrial Revolution and ideologies of Capitalism and Socialism

Evangelical Poverty

-voluntary giving up personal possessions -enclosed in evangelical vows of those who enter consecrated life -counter witness to growing materialism of the world -radical perception that we can survive without traditional conception and means of securing our future through person possessions -radical statement of man's confidence and providence in community and God

evangelization by attraction

-when communities show Christ-like love characterized by joyful unity -exemplified by First Christian Communities

what will happen to those who love and follow Christ

-will be glorified like him -enjoy everlasting bliss of union with God

Parable of the Prodigal Son

1. Joy: embrace of the son 2. God is always waiting for us 3. Jesus shows us the merciful patience of God, giving us confidence and courage in him despite the sins we make 4. People aren't numbers 5. Sinners: the closest to His heart

Stewardship of material creation

1. appreciation of God-given beauty and wonder of nature 2. stewardship of ecological concern: protection and preservation of environment 3. respect for human life from threat and assault, doing everything that can be done to enhance gift and make life flourish 4. development of world through noble human effort (work); work is a fulfilling human vocation

God will exercise his kingly power

1. caring for his constituents 2. providing for their needs 3. protecting them from all threats to their shalom

open endedness

Audience are expected to provide the conclusion

restorative justice done by state manifestation

Bureau of Corrections, a rehabilitation program

historical name of Bureau of Corrections

Bureau of Presence -changed to modify mindset that those in the institution can be corrected

Matthew 28:19

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. - it is through baptism that Christians are called to holiness of life in a world befitting disciples of Jesus - discipleship is the fundamental vocation in which the church and ministry find full meaning


Location: Jesus on level ground Audience: Gentiles, who were sometimes looked down on by Jews for non-observance of the law Position: Plain-equal footing with the audience, signifying that all are called to the Kingdom in the eyes of Jesus


Location: Jesus' sermon on a mountain Audience: Jews whose greatest prophet was Moses Position: Mountain=Jesus sat; sitting position of authority; Jesus gave the laws of the Kingdom

In the Old Testament, what was this pilgrimage of faith from deliverance from Egyptian slavery to the land given to them by God so that He can establish Himself a relationship that was lost due to the sin of Adam?

The Israelites to the Promised Land led by Moses

In this parable, Pope Francis described the father with patience, love, hope, and mercy had never for a second stopped thinking about his lost. And as soon as he sees him still far off, he runs out to meet him and embraces him with tenderness, the tenderness of God, without a word of reproach: his son has returned and that causes the father's joy.

The Prodigal Son

What was the way for the human family to make a return to its Creator?

The covenant that God established with Abraham, the father of a multitude of nations

What do you call the history which leads the people of Isreal to their land?

The history of salvation

This redemptive act is the enduring proclamation of God to His people

The incarnation

What will be the objectives of our pilgrimage here on earth that will be finally fulfilled together with all creation?

The share in Christ's resurrection and eternal communion of life with the Father and the Holy Spirit

legitimate authority

Thomas Aquinas' political philosophy assigns legitimate power to an authority for management of citizens' well-being -one in authority presumed to know condition of state and best course of action for the people -has better perspective to decide if war's needed or not

Parabole (Greek)

a fictive illustration in narrative form


a lie, goes against the truth of our humanity, destroys what it claims to defend: the dignity, life, and freedom of human beings


a social and relational being; an image of God

cleaving to him

adhering fully, loyally, and unwavering

church in the philippines

advocate of impartiality, shuns form of discrimination, conflict, and political animosity; called to respect for races, genders, religions and points of view so national unity and healing's attainable; church mandated minister to shun partisans and party politics since they can be a source of division among believers; masses should not be used for partisan political agenda


anything brief and concise and contains wisdom


being conscious, having comprehension of the world


biological concept

beatitudo (Latin)


How was salvation of all people and the integrity of the human person through Jesus Christ made possible?

by the initiative of God the Father and the workings of the Holy Spirit

Faith (fides)

calls people for metanoia

John Paul II

calls us to be "communicators of hope and peace" -"blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God"

Global Realities of the Church's Involvement

church called to respond to global concerns like -war -hunger -poverty -global warming -climate change -apathy ... and challenges brought by secularism, materialism, and globalization

fidelity to proclaim the kingdom of God

church endowed with gifts of founder and faithfully observed charity, humility, and self-denial; mission to proclaim/establish Kingdom of Christ and God; church is the earth, seed and beginning of the kingdom mission: to evangelize whole world; cross is sign of God's love and source of all grace

Domus Ecclesia/House Church

church known to early Christians where they gathered at a house of a member and share the Word of God

Religious Pluralism

church recognizes/defends dignity of man free from coercion in religiouss matters all men are called to freedom in Jesus Christ and his church, with a mission to evangelize the whole world


cicero, st. leo the great, st. thomas aquinas

types of justice

commutative (contractual), distributive, contributive


conversion of heart

love (caritas)

conversion which is non-violent

spiritual and immortal soul

corporeal and spiritual

Stephen Langton

divided Bible into chapters

Robert Estienne

divided bible chapters into verses

Pope John Paul II

divine nature can't be degraded; should be important because of the image of Him in us; being human means that no one can be used as a means to an end human dignity is innate (born with it, inviolable (can't be defiled), inalienable (can't be taken away)


drawn from things in actual day-to-day life experiences

Pope Francis Amoris Laetitia

emphasized biological sex (sex) and socio-cultural role of sex (gender) can be distinguished but not separated

fundamental rights

essential to the exercise of human dignity; possesed by human beings for being human; inherent in nature; also called -Rights of Man -Natural Rights -Fundamental Freedoms -Public Freedoms -Civil Liberties

authentic freedom

exceptional sign of divine image within man; man's dignity demands to act according to a knowing and free choice that is personally motivated and prompted within

Middle Ages Church

faithful to Christ's call to bring love in all communities despite infamous abuses of some member in hierachy and clergy; important thinkers like Thomas Aquinas continued to talk about justice and charity to the poor; challenged by emergence of new ideologies brought by the Industrial Revolution

love as caritas (latin) /agape (greek)

font of other values of social justice -values of truth, freedom, and justice are born and grown from love -makes us able to see friends as other self to see needs as one's own

Truthful Tolerance

freedom of man to be immune from coercion from anyone; no one's forced to act contrary to his own belief in religious matters or restrained in accordance to his own beliefs, whether privately or publicly within due limits

seek his creator

freedom seeks perfection in its acts when directed to God, the sovereign good

st. thomas aquinas

great chain of beings: higher status, more dignity

human dignity

grounded on principle ordered by God for the benefit of society; promoted as a concept from church teachings on sexuality, marriage, and family

own counsel

have own volition to make choices


having to do with the body; symbolic image

Hope (spes)

hopeful preparation for its realization in the future

root of church understanding of human dignity

humans occupy central roles in creation of God; humans are the only creatures created in the image/likeness of God, only creature that has capacity for God human dignity core concept in teaching of the church; church believes human dignity is inviolable and inalienable; apex of affirmation of dignity is coming of Christ, embracing humanity through incarnation, affirming that humanity's essential to God's plan

st. leo the great

humans raised up among other beings in God's image


humans: reason; animals: bodily pleasures and instinct


if human life is in its perfect state, there is _____ need for human rights; if power was exercised in an ethically positive and constructive manner, there would be _____ necessity for human rights, language, or legislation

family life

imitation into life in society; if they cannot fulfill responsibilities, social bodies have the duty of helping them; should not replace the family's prerogatives or interfere in its life Depart of Social Well-Being and Development: takes custody of abandoned children

commutative (contractural)

individual to individual


individual to society


lack of interest, enthusiasm, concern

Three Requirements for Just War

legitimate authority, just cause, right intention

gift of freedom and the Promised Land, Covenant on Sinai and Ten Commandments

linked to practices which must regulate, in justice and solidarity, development of Israelite society; society which wishes to remain at the service of the human being at every level, a society that has the common good as a primary goal human person can't find fulfillment in himself apart that he lives with and for others

relationship of mutual communion

man and woman fulfill themselves by discovering themselves as person


no single correct interpretation

discrimination and neglect

obstacles to full development of person and society as a whole; everyone has a role and needs opportunities to improve themselves to take place in society and participate in the the community; achieved on through recognizing people's capacities, potentials, and rights, and ensuring structure in society support the goal


peace; by submitting to His will, Israelites will live a bountiful and happy life


persons bound together organically by principle of unity; a requirement of man's nature through exchange, mutual service and dialogue

address situations

power is exercised to control human beings by manipulation or coercion; creates a conflictual situation


power to act or not to act

what love does to justice

presupposes and transcends justice; love builds upon justice like grace builds upon nature -justice is the prerequisite of love and fulfilled by love

first of common good

presupposes respect to fulfill vocation (e.g. public authorities bound to respect fundamental and inalienable rights of the human person) common good resides in exercise of natural freedoms for human vocation (the right to act according to a sound norm of conscious; to safeguard one's privacy, and rightful matters in religion)

Parables of the Kingdom

prime examples -the Good Samaritan -the Prodigal Son -the Hidden Treasure -the Pearl of Great Prize -the Mustard Seed


prioritizing possessions and physical comfort over spiritual values


proccupation of society with acquiration of goods


pros: human beings associate with each other to attain objectives; develop qualities like initiative and responsibility; guarantees rights cons: excessive intervention by the state can threaten personal freedom and initiative, which is why the principle of subsidiarity exists; a community of higher order should not interfere with the internal life of lower order because it will deprive them of their functions

third of common good

requires peace; stability and security of just order; basis of the right of legitimate, personal, and collective defense (e.g. authority ensures by morally acceptable means the security of society and members)

second of common good

requires social well-being and development of group (e.g. authority to arbitrate between particular interests; should make accessible to each what is needed to truly lead a human life) development is the epitome of all social duties (food, clothing, health, work, education, culture, suitable information, the right to establish a family)

three essential elements

respect, social well-being and development, and peace

Marshal (Hebrew)




right intention

ruler who declares war must have right intention like upholding state's order and bringing out certain good -war justified if it's only resort to prevent impending evil from happening

christian theology

sees the need to affirm human rights because of human sin

Makarios (Greek)

sense of inner contentment unaffected by outward circumstances

after edsa people power revolution

series of contradictory socio-political forces; political enmity produced forceful rivalries (e.g. Marcos' Loyalist vs. Yellow Arm, Regionalists vs Nationalists, Pro-US base vs Anti-US Military base; all struggled for prized democracy)

basically protective devices and affirmations

shield human beings from random violence and neglect, and from systemic exercises of destructive power; mechanisms to control the use of power in relation to other humans; prove among conditions necessary to affirm humanity


social construct specifying socially and culturally prescribed roles men and women are to follow

two values promoted by capitalism

social mobility and self-direction


society to individual

Bureau of Corrections' logo or seal

summarizes goal: -rehabilitated inmate (white) -in custody of (7) seven prisons and penal farms (bars) -looks to a brighter future (rays of the sun)


system of political or social philosophy that rejects all form of religious faith and worship

New Evangelization

technical term by Pope John II in encyclical Redemptoris Missio (1992) to revitalize the faith, give dynamism to building up the church and draw people to unity -evangelization can be new in its order, method and expression -to deepen faith of baptized Christians and reach out to other Christians in need of a renewed encounter with Christ

love as a value

the highest and universal criterion of social ethics


the real nature of our humanity

Rationalizing the Church's Involvement

to become an effective herald of the Gospel, the church is called to respond and eradicate social concerns: -massive poverty -inequality -discrimination -racism -gap between poor and rich -environmental degradation

St. Thomas in Summa Theologiae

took love (form of virtues) and socialize it/institutionalize it into social and political charity -social charity makes love the common good; makes us see the good of all people not only as individuals but in social dimensions that unite them


totality of the human person

First Christians

true followers of Christ; endeavored to preserve ministry Christ started; shown in commitment to equality, respect, and love; decisions done in memory of Christ

capitalism and socialism

two ideologies both supposedly aimed at improving people's lives; neglected to talk about God, thus adding to problems of poverty and justice;

St. Thomas Aquinas on Just War

two import considerations: 1. Jus ad bellum: why we're going to war 2.Jus in bello; how we're engaging in war

human sexuality

very good

church doesn't approve use of violence and arms

violence only leads to more violence, results in new forms of oppression -the church, with conviction of Christ and awareness of mission, proclaims violence as evil and unworthy of man

just cause

wars can't be waged to avenge death of a member of the community -wars can't be made for political reasons or pure desire of expanding one's political space where one's certain of victory against another state -just cause e.g. restoring lost social order

Journeying with the Youth

youth: the most active workers of renewal in society, but most vulnerable to negative developments

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CS 154, CS 154 Quiz 4-7, CS 154 Mid, Regular Language + Pushdown automatA

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Information Systems Operations and Business Resilience

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