Theology Chapter 4 (Semester 2) Test Review

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19. Holy Orders

The Sacrament by which men are ordained to the episcopacy, priesthood, or diaconate.

5. Canon

The definitive list of the books of the Bible, by virtue of having been declared by the Church as inspired by the Holy Spirit; the term also refers to an official law of the Church (canon law).

8. Clergy

The faithful of the Church who have received the Sacrament of Holy Orders; that is, bishops, priests, and deacons.

22. Magisterium

The name given to the ordinary and universal teaching authority of the Pope and the bishops in communion with him, who guide the members of the Church without error in matters of faith and morals through the interpretation of Sacred Scripture and Tradition.

23. Papacy

The office of Pope in the Catholic Church.

15. Episcopacy

The office of bishop in the Catholic Church; from the Greek episkopos ("overseer"), from which also is derived the word "bishop."

25. Presbyterate

The office of priest in the Catholic Church; the priesthood.

7. Cathedral

The official church of the local bishop, his seat of authority, usually located in the city from which the diocese takes its name.

18. Hierarchy

The order of teaching authority in the Church, given such authority by Christ himself, with the Pope as its head, followed by bishops, priests, and deacons; from the Greek hierarchia ("sacred order").

9. Collegiality

The principle that all the bishops of the Church with the Pope at their head form a single "college," which succeeds in every generation the "college" of the Twelve Apostles, with Peter at their head, which Christ instituted as the administrative foundation of the Church.

17. Extraordinary Magisterium

The teaching office of all the bishops gathered with the Pope, as happens in an Ecumenical Council, or the Pope alone speaking ex cathedra in an exercise of infallibility.

The _________________________ is an appellate court charged with safeguarding rights within the Church and with assisting lower tribunals

Tribunal of the Roman Rota

14. Efficacious

When speaking of the Sacraments, the term indicates an action or sign that confers the grace it signifies; for example, the pouring of the water and reciting with proper intent the words of Baptism confer the sanctifying grace of the Sacrament.

Religious assent

When the Magisterium advances a teaching that is not infallible, the faithful should adhere to it with

The Roman Curia _______ the Pope in his role as pastor of the universal Church


What is Infallibility?

is the inability to teach error in matters of faith and morals

The Secretariat of State oversees the ________________________

political and diplomatic functions of the Church

What is the Magisterium?

teaching office or authority with which Christ endowed his Church to defend, guard, and interpret the truth down through the ages

The section for General Affairs handles _____________________

the Pope's everyday administrative functions

The section for Relations with States handles______________________________________

the Vatican's diplomatic relations with civil governments

The bishops are infallible when...

together with the pope, they exercise the Magisterium, especially in an Ecumenical Council

Since Christ founded his Church, she has taught the same _______ without change; no other institution can demonstrate this claim


In a conclave, a candidate must win _______ of the cardinal's votes to be elected pope

How is the Church both visible and invisible?

*The visible Church* - On earth -Comprised of human members (sinners and subject to weakness of the flesh, yet who are also on the way to holiness) *The invisible Church* -Holy and without sin -She is the mystical body of Christ -Instituted by Christ (God, who is perfect) and protected by the Holy Spirit

The Episcopacy, or office of the Bishop, has received the fullness of Holy Orders and is the only office that can perform the sacraments of:

-Confirmation -Holy Orders

How does the Catholic Church uniquely offer Salvation?

-Deposit of Faith -Sacraments -Apostolic Succession -Magisterium -Roman Curia

Deacons have a ministry of service which includes:

-Distributing Holy Communion -Preaching -Blessing marriages -Performing works of charity

Because bishops are the head of their local diocese but are also familiar with the pope, their focus is both ____________ and ______________.

-Local -Universal

What are the duties of the Church?

-Maintain order -Safeguard the teachings and traditions -Lead us to Heaven

The mystery of the Church is described in which two ways?

-Sacramentum describes the Church as a visible sign -Mysterium outlines the hidden reality of salvation

The Church is a __________ and an _______________ of the communion between God and men, a font of grace, and the Sacrament of Salvation, as well as a mother and teacher to us

-Sign -Instrument

What is the mission of a Bishop?

-Teach -Sanctify -Govern the faithful -Work with the Pope/other bishops in caring for the Universal Church -Preserve/explain correctly the written and oral truths Christ entrusted to his Church

What are the two types of deacons?

-Transitional: preparing for ordination to the priesthood (stepping stone) -Permanent: May be married previously, not preparing for the priesthood

At present, the Curia consists of the following...

A Secretariat of State; Nine Congregations; Three Tribunals; and Twelve Pontifical Councils

2. Archbishop

A bishop of the highest rank, generally the bishop of an archdiocese.

6. Cardinal

A bishop or archbishop who has been selected by a Pope to become part of the College of Cardinals and thus an adviser. The main purpose of a cardinal is to serve as a papal elector. Some cardinals lead archdioceses; others serve in the administration at the Vatican.

4. Bishop

A consecrated successor to the Apostles, usually given charge of the pastoral and catechetical care of a particular jurisdiction, or diocese; he is called to teach, sanctify, and govern the faithful of his own diocese, and also to work together in caring for the worldwide Church.

16. Ex Cathedra

A definitive teaching by the Pope when he speaks as pastor of the Universal Church on matters of faith and morals, with the intention of officially teaching a certain truth for all Catholics to believe, which is therefore an infallible teaching; Latin for "from the chair."

10. Conclave

A gathering of the world's cardinals in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome for the purpose of electing a new Pope.

3. Archdiocese

A larger diocese, under the care of an archbishop, which has an elevated status over the dioceses in its region.

11. Deacon

A man who is ordained to assist the mission of the Church; transitional deacons are men who are preparing for ordination to the priesthood; permanent deacons are mature men, married or unmarried, who are ordained deacons in a permanent capacity; from the Greek for "helper."

13. Ecumenical Council

A meeting of Church leaders. The Council of Jerusalem described in Acts is the scriptural archetype of a council of the whole Church. The most recent Ecumenical Council was the Second Vatican Council.

What is a sign of a sacred reality and the visible expression of invisible grace

A sacrament

The _________________________ grants absolutions and dispensations in matters reserved to the Holy See and has authority over the granting and proper use of indulgences

Apostolic penitentiary

A Sacrament is a sign that accomplishes what it signifies. Give an example of this:

Baptism is a sign of washing that actually purifies the soul

The Presbyterate, or office of the priest, depends upon their __________ for proper exercise of priestly power


A _________________ is an organization of bishops within a certain geographical area that helps the bishops to coordinate their activities

Bishop's Conference

A ____________ is usually an archbishop whom the pope has consecrated to serve as a special adviser to the papacy


A ____________ is the local bishop's official church because his "throne" or "kathedra" is located there


What are the visible and invisible parts of the Sacrament of Confirmation?

Chrism (visible) Receiving gifts of Holy Spirit (invisible)

Salvation is granted through:

Christ and His Church

The authority of the Church comes from:

Christ himself

Technically the ____________ is a Sacrament

Church: The Church is a sign of Salvation and a channel through which God's grace is conveyed to the faithful

The bishops of the Church with the pope as their head is called the:

College of Bishops

Cardinals meet in Rome after the death/resignation of a pope to:

Decide on the next

Religious assent is Holding to the teachings of Christ. (T/F)

F (Obedience of faith)

20. Infallibility

Immunity from error and any possibility of error. The gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church whereby the Magisterium can definitively proclaim a doctrine in faith or morals without error. The Church possesses this character as promised by Christ, as does the Pope as defined by the Twentieth Ecumenical Council (Vatican I, 1870).

What were two instances of papal infallibility?

In 1854, Pope Bl. Pius IX - dogma of the Immaculate Conception In 1950, Pope Pius XII - dogma of the Assumption (In both cases, the popes were defining beliefs that Catholics had held since the first centuries of Christianity)

1. Apostolic Succession

Lineage of the Catholic bishops/pope through the ages by which each holds office in a direct link to the 12 apostles and ultimately from Christ himself, each consecrated a bishop by another bishop.

21. In Persona Christi

Literally, "in the Person of Christ"; refers to the fact that by virtue of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the ordained priest participates in the priesthood of Christ and acts in the place of Christ, particularly in the Mass and in conferring the Sacraments.

12. Diocesan Council

Often called a synod; a meeting of the bishop and representatives of the clergy, religious, and laity in which matters of diocesan Church discipline and procedure are discussed.

26. Priest

One of the of Levi. In the New Testament, an abbreviation of the Greek presbyteros ("elder"). A member of the order of presbyters; this baptized and confirmed male is ordained to be a co-worker with his bishop, to preside at public liturgies in his stead, and otherwise to assist the bishop in priestly service to the People of God.

A ______________ is a territorial district within a diocese, with its own church congregation and its own priest


27. Sacrament of Salvation

Refers to the Catholic Church because she is the sign and the instrument of the communion of God and men, established by Christ as a means to achieve the salvation of souls.

What is the administrative or governing body of the Catholic Church?

Roman curia

24. Pope

Successor of St. Peter; Bishop of Rome; supreme pontiff of the Catholic Church. The Pope exercises a primacy of authority as Vicar of Christ and shepherd of the whole Church; he receives the divine assistance promised by Christ.

The _______________________ ensures that justice in the Church is correctly administered

Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura

The pope has this infallibility by virtue of his office he proclaims by a definitive act a doctrine pertaining to faith and morals (T/F)


The hierarchy of the Church was developed when:

The 12 Apostles were still alive

_____________ reflects Christ's very own nature by having both a human reality and a divine reality

The Church

How does the Church fulfill man's nature and deepest need as a social being is to be in communion with God and neighbor?

The Church fulfills this need to be with God and with other people

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