Theology Final

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What was agreed upon at the council of Constantinople in 381?

The council agreed to the Niceno-Constantinopolitan creed which was the same as the Nicene creed, with the exception of the articles written about the holy spirit and on churches.

What is the Edict of Milan? What does it accomplish?

The edict of Milan was a document signed between Constantine of the West Empire and Licinius of the east empire that ended the persecution of Christianity in the whole Roman empire. This established religious tolerant of Christianity in the Roman Empire.

Briefly describe how Augustine is able to leave behind the "habit of lust" (think Augie's treatment of the human will).

The evil is not in the sexual act, but they are in the emotion. Love is the enjoyment on the account of god and Lust not on account of god.


The first Christian emperor

Council of Nicaea

The first council to make the first uniform Christian doctrine, called the Nicene Creed (Creed of Nicaea). Purpose of the council was to talk about the divinity of Christ. (Date of Easter, Baptism by heretics)

Luman Gentium

The light of all nations; While the church contains everything for salvation, those outside may also contain elements that bestow santicifying grace. Brought upon by Vatacian II.

Briefly describe Gnostics

The value of secret knowledge. It is the dualism between physical and spiritual world. The bad physical world does not taint with the spiritual world

What is the relationship between the invisible and the visible church?

The visible church who are catholic faithful who proclaim that church is necessary for salvation. The invisible church is just other people that even though they are baptized and are honored with the name of christian, they do not profess the faith in its entirety do not preserve the unity of communion.

According to Lumen Gentium, who are the people of god?

They are the citizens of every race.

How successful was the Council of Nicaea?

They left out that god and jesus were really different.

What should mark the relationship between the employer and the worker? Is Pope Leo XIII's solution viable in our current cultural context?

They should have a relationship of mutual help. Employers should not treat workers any different than how they would like to be treated. They should act as brothers and sisters, supporting each other. If one falls, the other comes and helps out.

Vatician II

This meeting dealth with the relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the rest of the modern world. Council was held on Oct. 11, 1962-65. Church council called by pope john, discover the churches place in the world

How should humanity, in its fallen state, have known about god?

Through the Individual Prophets (the holy men), the creation of nature (one can see god, the knowledge of god), god's revealing of the law (Commandments, the covenants)

Why is the death of the incarnate Word necessary?

To pay the penalty for the sinful human race


Valuing secret knowledge, dualism between the physical and the spiritual world; the bad physical world does not taint with the spiritual world.

Sacrosanctum Concilium

Vatician II; communicate the gospel; Talk to god; Union (Church members, Church with god); Grace; Physical & Spiritual

What is the intended audience for the letter from the Birmingham Jail? Why does this provide an interpretive key for the letter?

While the intended for the letter from the Birmingham Jail is everyone, it is addressed to MLK's fellow clergyman. It provides context to the letter.

Communist Manifesto

Written by Carl Marx in 1848, it was for the workers party, to abolish the class system, the proletariats, it was a history of class struggle

Rerum Novarum

Written during Industrial Rev. (1750-1850), as a life becoming more urban; tries getting workers rights; Church tries bring classes together; Done in justice and image of god.

Regula Fidei

"Rule of Faith"; "We have different gifts, by the grace given to us. If a man is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith" Romans 12.

Briefly describe the four steps to non-violent resistance outline in MLK's "Letter from the Birmingham Jail"

- Collection of Facts: understanding the form of injustices that exist and the way they are conducted - Negotiation: trying to find a compromise for the injustices - Self Purification: Morals, motivation, perseverance (Take a hit but not fight back), the exemption of a person from any wrong doing. - Direct Action: taking direct steps to combat injustices.

What are Athanasius's "Objective" proofs for the resurrection?

- Disdain of death (apostles & martyrs) - Change of lifestyle in Christians - Continuing Influence of Jesus Christ (Power over other religions, demonic subjugations, constanian revolution) - Many witnesses

What are Aquinas' five proofs for the existence of God? Are his proofs still compelling today? Why or Why not?

- God is the first mover - God is the first cause - God makes things possible - God caused goodness - God is the all intelligent being Aquinas proofs are not compelling today because of modern day science. Human beings now have a better understanding of the universe and where exactly the universe is. During Aquinas's time, the origin of the universe was made up from religion and philosophy, not science. Think enlightenment

Briefly describe the four modern theologies outlined.

- Liberation (Makes everyone the same, addressed to the poor): God has a special oath for poor people; Marxist lens (distinction of classes); Sin is primarily systematic; Gustabo Gutierrez (Founder of liberation theology) - Feminist (all about power): against patriarchal powers, relationship = power, religion removes power, god is neither he or she, not right to call god he. - Postmodern: Relation of force, power and resistance to power, value story over logical proof -Process (God is growing with us): A.N. White Head, theodicy, affecting and affected, god does not cause, he woos/lures people toward self-actualization

What is the historical setting of Luther's preface to the book of Romans?

- Renessance: Rebirth - The Holy Roman Empire - German Princesses - Rise of Nationalism - Erasmian Humanism

What are the two wills at war within Augustine? How does Augustine attempt to solve his struggle against lust? What ends the battle within Augustine? What theological commitment does this inaugurate in Christian Theology?

- The two wills at war are god and lust. - Good and Evil are constantly at war - Neither one is able to fully dominate the other because human beings have a mard image. - Both good and evil cannot control the human being. - You have to have will power but you cannot do it alone, you have to do it with the grace of god. - Will power alone will not get the human being to that place with god, its the act of god.

According to Michael Barnes, What are the four main parts of fourth century creeds?

1. God is always called Father, and recognized to be the main creator. 2. The son of god or who comes from god the father, and who comes to save us. 3. The holy spirit, associated with the origins and sustaining energy of the church. 4. An assortment of plot lines or details that further identify the believing community or the fate of that community.

What is the historical setting for the letter?

1960, Civil Rights movements, Birmingham, Alabama, very racist segregation time

What is the historical background to the Council of Vatican II?

1962-1965, initiated by Pope John xxiii, 23rd. When Pope John died, Pope Paul VI took his spot.

Battle of Milivan Bridge

A battle between Constitine and Maxentius on the bridge, Constitine won and got rid of the tetrarchy government, and then became the ruler of the Roman Empire. This helped him become a Christian.

What dialectical model does Aquinas employ in his Summa Theologia?

A dispositional dialect, divided into mini debates resolving questions raised by Christian doctrine.


A doctrine that describes how human beings can be reconciled by god.


A method of learning with a strong emphasis on dialectical reasoning to extend knowledge by inference and to resolve contradictions

What precipitates and allows for the general church council at Nicaea in 325?

A priest named Arius taught that god was the only father, and that he is the only god because he was eternal and uncaused. The son was not eternal because he was caused; that is why he is not god.

Edict of Milan

A proclamation that established religious toleration for Christianity within the Roman Empire. This happened because of an agreement between Constantine and Licinus.


A remission of temporal punishment due to sin, the guilt of which has been forgiven.


A speaker who's words are primarily to impress or persuade.

Process Theology

A.N. Whitehead; Theodicy; God is affecting and affected; God lures people to self-actualizatoin; God doesn't cause he just helps when something is bad.

According to Sacrosanctum Concilum, what is the aim and goal of the liturgy? What is the liturgy meant to communicate?

Aim is to communicate the gospel. The goal of liturgy was to achieve unity amoung the people of the church and the church with god.

Breifly describe how the life and death of Jesus function in his argument for the forgiveness of sin.

Anselm argued that the insult given to god is so great that only a perfect sacrifice could satisfy and Jesus, being both god and man, was this perfect sacrifice.

Why does Augustine reach a crisis point in his life just prior to his conversion in 386?

Antony was challenged by his words of the gospel and so he sells all that he has while Augustine wanted to do the same but he couldn't get over his lust issue.

What does Arius believe? Why did he claim to represent the true Faith?

Arius believed that Jesus cannot be divine and human at the same time. Arius doesn't want to call the son divine because then, son is divine and god is divine, which makes two gods. That is wrong because true Christians are monotheistic, believe in one god. Arius claimed the true faith because he is monotheist.

Lady Continence

Asked Augustine to take the leap of faith, led to his conversion to Christianity

How is the Church unified, according to LG, when it seems so divided?

Between all parts of the church there remains a bond of close communion whereby they share spiritual riches, apostolic workers and temporal sources. The people make up the unity church.

Antony of Desert

By Athanasius, Jesus said to Anthony that "If you are perfect, go and sell all that you have, and go live in the dessert. You will have treasures in heaven, come and follow me.

Is communism necessary for the removal of class struggle? Why or why not?

Communism is not necessary for the removal of class struggle because there is nothing more powerful than religion to draw the rich and working class together.

Why was Constantine so keen to unify the Church's doctrine?

Constantine did is so he can gain power. He fought in order to be crowned. Once there was the doctrine, his religion would be on top, since it's his religion, he will be on top.

What are the external and internal pressures on the rapidly growing Church in the third and fourth centuries?

External: Persecutions from the Roman Catholic Internal: Heresies (speaking against the church, evil)

How is righteousness imputed to the believer? Why does Luther use the book of Romans to develop these ideas?

Faith - Devine, renewing working; living daring confidence in grace Righteousness - Result of faith working in human beings Flesh - living and working in service of the flesh Spirit - living and working in service of the spirit A human being is working as a response of god, humanity is reflecting back to Christ.


Fought over key word in Nicene Creed, Greek of same nature, connects father & son from being from the same nature, against Arius.


God becoming flesh in Jesus Christ, The council of Nicaea accepted the fact that God was both Devine and Human.

Essay: What is the "Devine Dilemma" for Athanasius? How does the incarnation solve the devine dilemma? You should be able to describe Athanasius' argument and utilize the theological definitions of image (Married and Perfect), Law, and sin.

God could not deny his own holiness and forget humanity's transgression (proper judgement of death) He could not allow that which was created in his own image be brought to destruction. The first Cause of the incarnation: Put an end to the law of death; made a new beginning of life for humanity (resurrection); redeems the married Imago Dei; (Problem: humanity has turned away from contemplation with god. Solution: not creation, holy men or the Law; the image coming down to those who won't look up) Second Cause of the Incarnation: Settle man's debt & offer himself as payment; give knowledge of god as a perfect image Proofs for the Resurrection: disdain of death; change of lifestyle in christians; continuing influence of Jesus Christ (Power over other religions, constantinian revolution)

*What are two wills in confessions Viii? How is this different from the Manichaen understanding of two wills within the human person?

Good and Evil are constantly at war

What is the homoousios? Why was this troubling to the Arians and other non-Nicenes?

Greek meaning "Same Nature". This connected the Father and Son being from the same nature. The Arians didn't agree because they believed that the son was not eternal and the son was caused.

What is MLK's critique of the Church? Is it justified? Why is he most disappointed in the leadership of churches in Birmingham?

He is disappointed that they didn't step up and they all acted the same way. "I would rather have you be an enemy than stay neutral in this matter" The catholic church is more of a social gathering now.

What is Pope Leo XIII trying to accomplish with this encyclical?

He is trying to achieve worker's rights


He was a Roman Empire, - From Alexandra - inspired by Anthony in the Desert and epistle of saint paul, - converted back to his original religion of Christianity. - Believed that good and evil go together. One thing but two entities - You need grace to be a good person

Compare and contrast the arguments for and against Christianity by Alistair McGrath and Christopher Hitchens. What are their foundational assumptions and authoritative texts/persons? Leaving aside their personalities and rhetorical skills, which man more compelling argument?

Hitchens (attacking, more direct): -Religion is immoral (Punishment of someone else?): Scape goat, Religon runs counter to reason (wishful thinking, intentional lie), Religion = Poison, eschatology is no option, religion is immoral (totalitarian effect) McGrath (He was an atheist and converted back to Christianity): Religion can cause harm, Norm vs. Fringe, no religion can also be harmful, harm as part of human condition, benefits vs. atrocities, atheism is also a belief, Good Christians and bad Christians

*What are some sources that Aquinas uses in his Summa? What do these reveal about his intellectual commitments?

Holy scripture and the Apostle, He uses theology and philosophy, he is making his point scholarly because he is going outside of his religion to prove a point

How does the incarnate Word perfectly "Image" the Father?

Humanity was made in the image of god, thus a shared essence in nature; making visible what is invisible.

Is the catholic liturgy the only place where one might find

I don't think so because it doesn't have to be a catholic liturgy, but people outside the church may also contain elements that bestow sanctifying grace.

Why does Jesus die a very public and humiliating death?

It was a public execution because then the execution cannot be denied. Contrary to death by human. Executed at the hands so that his death is a result of judgement.

Which two Christian biographies play a large role in Augie's conversation? What about these biographies are relevent to Augustine?

Life of Anthony and Epistle to the Romans, written by the Apostle Paul. Augustine wanted to become the people in the biographies. He wanted to become Macus Victoranos because he was able to go to church and wanted to become like Anthony because he was wealthy but gave it all up to live in solitude with god.

What is the historical setting for the text Rerum Novarum?

May 15, 1891 - Industrial Revolution

Can the liturgy change to meet the demands of culture? why or why not?

No you cannot change the main components and the details, you can change the language and stuff but not liturgy.

Who were the Manichees?

People who greatly believed in Dualism. They believed that there were both good and evil minds within us.

Alfred North Whitehead

Philosopher of process theology, challenged the immutable and eternal god.

Pope John XXIII & Pope Paul XI

Pope John XXIII (23) was Vatician II, while Pope Paul XI (11) presided over Vatician II.

According to Rerum Novarum, is private property a good or a bad thing? Why or why not?

Private property is good because people will work hard to achieve that private property; also because once they get the private property, it represents their free will.

What theological event does the resurrection prove?

Proves that death (sin) has been defeated

Bull Connor

Running for mayor during MLK's time, he was a sheriff that was very violent and racist to the black community. Wanted to quell the protesters


Second guessed that Jesus was divine and human. He said that Jesus was not human and was not god. He believes that the fathers divinity is more important than the son.

How does Luther define sin and Grace?

Sin: Outward works, Inward Motivation Grace: The unmerited favor to god

What authorities does MLK employ?

St. Augustine, Socrates, Jesus, Paul, Jefferson. Love extremists because extremists are necessary in order to make change. Its not a bad thing but you have to have it in order to make change. Relates to apostle for holiness and good intentions. Lincoln because he fought for civil rights when everyone else didn't care.

According to Sacrosanctum Concilium, what is the aim and goal of the liturgy? What is the liturgy meant to communicate?

The aim communicate the gospel, The goal of liturgy was to achieve unity among the people of the church and the church with god.


The author of "On The Incarnation", Leading role in Arius, one of four eastern doctor, and known for his opposition in the Trinitarian controversies. Age 30 he became archbishop of alexandra.

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