Theology Final Review

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What are two factors of an abortion mentality?

Breakdown of the family and freedom as an absolute value

What are the two purposes of sex in marriage?

Fidelity and Procreation

What is a proven way to discern and do God's will?

Forming our consciences only after considering the good of all, and paying attention to the moral law as taught by the Church's Magisterium

Separating procreation from the sexual act replaces what?

God as the creator of unique human life

The 1973 Supreme Court decision that opened the door for legal abortion in America was called...?

Roe vs. Wade

What factors lead to euthanasia mentality?

Society doesn't see value in suffering, society belives God doesn't give life(or take it away) and society views aging population as burden

What is freedom?

The power, rooted in reason and will, to perform deliberate actions on one's own responsibility

What is physician assisted suicide?

The process of ending one's own life with the help of a doctor rather than directly by the doctor's hand

What is the natural law?

The reasoned participation of humans in God's eternal law that reveals what God intends us to do and to avoid according to his wise and loving plan

What are we called to do?

To respect the sexuality of others

What is procreation?

Transmission of life

True or false?Does the new law fulfill the old law?


True or false?according to Genesis, sex was intended to be good, not evil


What are we called to respect?

We are called to respect each human being as having dignity because they're made in the image of God

What is last resort?

all efforts must be exhausted first

What is lust?

allowing our sexual thoughts and desires to control us

What is law?

an ordinance of reason for the common good, promulgated by the one who is in charge of the community

What is Law

an ordinance of reason that works for the common good given by the one who is in charge of the community

What is Euthanasia?

any act that causes the death of another person in order to eliminate suffering;mercy killing

What is Intrinsic Evil?

any act that is contrary to reason, nature and God, and can never be considered morally permissible

What is imputable?

ascribed, attributed, or definitely linked to a specific accountable person or entity.

What is Imputable?

attributed and definitely linked to a person, your actions belong to you

Married couples are called to chasity by..?

being open to the possibility of having children

What is proportionality?

damage inflicted must be conmeasurate to cost of war

What is divorce?

dissolution of the marriage contract

What is prostitution?

engaging in sexual activity for money, reduces the human person to sex slavery

Our sexuality is just one way in which we...

express our capacity for love

What is fidelity?

faithfulness between husbands and wives

What is fidelity?

faithfulness, sharing of love between the spouses

What is rape?

forcing another to have sex, is also a violation of the 5th commandment

What is duress?

freedom is impeded when someone tries to force us to do something

What is Polygamy?

having more than one spouse

Separating the sexual act from procreation is not what...?

is not morally permissible and reduces the human body to an object for pleasure

What is the Magisterium?

is the teaching authority of the Church.They teach with infallibility in matters of faith and morals

What is prudence?

is the virtue necessary for wise judgement,right reason in action,helps you to apply moral principles to concrete situations

What is justice?

is the virtue that helps you to give God and all people what they're due,balancing the good for all.

What is Fortitude?

is the virtue that helps you to stand firm in your convictions

What are the elements of law?

law is reasonable, law is for the common good, competent authority makes law, and law must be promulgated

Having a healthy attitude toward death leads to having a healthy attitude toward


What is pornography?

media that depicts nudity or the sexual act for immoral use

What is Sobriety?

moderatoin from alcoholic beverages or drugs

what is inordinate attachments?

money or other possessions enslave us and we do not act with full freedom

What are the three sources of moral acts?

moral object(what),Intention(why),Circumstances(who,where,when)

What is the golden rule?

moral principle stating "do onto others as you would have them do to you"

What is right intention?

must be a good reason to declare war

What is ignorance?

not knowing what we should do or not do

What is inadvertence?

not paying attention or being distracted while acting

What is fear?

panic in the face of danger

Disrespecting another persons sexuality means what?

reducing them to an object for pleasure

What is habit?

repeated behaviors that are good(virtues) or bad(vices)

The virtue of chastity allows you to...

respect the sexuality of others

Which Latin word is sex derived form?

secare which means to separate

What is fornication?

sexual activity before marriage

What is adultery?

sexual relations with someone other than one's spouse or an unmarried person with a married person

God intended sexual intercourse to be..

shared exclusively by a man and woman in marriage

What is utilitarianism?

view that the end justifies the means

What is modesty?

virtue of purity, applies to how a person speaks, dresses, and conducts himself or herself, not demeaning your sexuality or another's sexuality

What is temperance?

virtue that regulates our attraction to pleasure and helps us to balance goods.

What is evangelical counsels?

vows taken to poverty, chastity, and obedience in order to live the Gospel more fully.

The moral object is..

what is being done

Good intentions do not make an act good if...

what you are doing is evil

To have a good intention, you must try to...

work for the common good,this means working for justice

What is discernment?

A decison-making process that attends to the implications and consequences of an action or choice

What is means?

A method,course of action,or instrument by which something can be accomplished

What are attacks against dignity of human life?

Abortion,Euthanasia,Capital Punishment

What are the three parts to the virtue of temperance?

Abstinence,Sobriety, and Chastity

What does the sixth commandment warn?

It warns against the disrespectful and harmful actions involving sex

What are the requirements for just war?

Just Cause,Legitimate authority,right intention,probability of sucess,proportionality,last resort

Chapter Two ppt


5th Commandment ppt


6th Commandment ppt


Chapter three ppt


What are the four purposes of the Divine Law?

1)It helps us to stay on the right path on our journey to God 2)It helps us discern what is right when there are conflicting ideas of right and wrong 3)It speaks of motivation 4)It indicates what is sinful

The mindset and language of abortion are part of a...?

Culture of death

What is a just cause?

Damage caused by aggressor must be grave

What is a characteristic of freedom?


What does the Old Law refer to?

Divine law given through Moses.That is the Ten Commandments

This commandment safeguards what?

God's intention for human sexuality

What is norms?

Guidelines or laws that can help regulate human freedom

What does prudence help you with?

Helps you to figure things out

What are factors that lead to decreases in violent crime?

Improved law enforcement techniques that lead to higher chance of apprehension, improved education in underserved areas, improved strategies in dealing with drug violence and organized crime and techniques in Restorative Justice as opposed to retributive justice

What is probability of success?

Odds of sucesss must be weighed against cost

What is the Old Law also known as?

The law of moses

Consequences are not the only or decisive factor in the morality of actions.What is the decisive factor?

The moral object

What is determinism?

The philosophy that holds that every event, action, and decision results from something independent of the human will

What is the principle of double effect?

When an act is morally permissible, but it has two effects:one intended and the other not intended

What is the sixth commandment?

You shall not commit adultery

What is abstinence?

tempering appetite for food, drink,sex,drugs,or other pleasurable experiences

What does the New Law refer to?

the Divine Law given through Jesus.That is the law of Love.

What is the proper context for sex?

the covenant of marriage, which involves a real and concrete commitment

What is the canon law?

the full body of officially established rules governing the Catholic Church

What are the precepts of the Church?

the minimal obligations for members in good standing of the Catholic faith community

What do the Ten Commandments summarize?

the moral prescriptions of the old law

When the stages of grief are disrupted before natural death then what happens..?

the patient is robbed of their gift of a natural and peaceful death

The terminally ill person should be free to develop through what..?

the stages of grief

What is Utilitarianism?

the view that ends justify means

What is determinism

the view that everything results from something other than the human will

What is chastity?

the virtue that allows you to integrate your sexuality into your whole being

Sexuality is linked to our bodies because..

this is how we relate to each other

What is legitimate authority?

those declearing war must represent the people

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