Theology Reinhart Quiz

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Saint Paul

Embarked on three missionary journeys to bring the Light of Christ to all.

*evangelize both Gentiles and Jews, strengthen the faith of local Christian community as well as faith of Christians everywhere*

*For what two purposes does it appear the Gospel of John was written?*

*canticle, Magnificat, lowly, hungry, rich*

*In Luke's ________ of Mary, also called the __________, Mary signs of a God who lifts up the _____, feeds the ______ and sends the ____ away empty.*

*human body, broken, cut off, Church, Jesus*

*Saint Paul's letters use an analogy of the _____ ____ to teach that all people are essential in the Body of Christ. The entire Body of Christ suffers when one of its parts, its people, is ______ or ___ ___ from the whole. Paul proclaims that Christians are one Body, the ______, of which _____ is the Head.*

First Sign: Jesus changed water into wine at Cana. Third Sign: Jesus healed a paralytic. Sixth Sign: Jesus restored sight to a man born blind. Seventh Sign: Jesus raised Lazarus to life.

Signs unique to John's Gospel

Second Sign: Jesus restored the health of an official's son. Fourth Sign: Jesus multiplied loaves and fish to feed the 5,000. Fifth Sign: Jesus walked on water

Sings in more than Johns Gospel

everyday, surprises, truths

The parables are based on ________ life at the time of Jesus. They are often filled with ________. They teach timeless spiritual and ethical ______.


The seven letters attributed to the Apostles and disciples are known as the ________ letter, meaning "universal" or "general."

Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, became man; and through his passion, death, Ressurection, and Ascension, he made it possible for us to share in the divine life of the Trinity

Though the Gospel of John differs from the synoptic Gospels in significant ways, all four Gospels together announce the same Good News. What is this Good News?

*future, Asia Minor, persecuted, Roman*

*The historical context makes clear that the original author of Revelation, rather than predicting the ______, intended to respond to the plight of the Christian Churches in ____ _____, who were being intensely __________ during the time of the _____ emporer Domitian*

*New Testament, Pauline, captivity, pastoral*

*The thirteen letters in the ___ _________ that are attributed to Paul-- or to disciples who wrote in his name--are called the _______ letters. Some of the Pauline letters are grouped into two subcategories: the _________ letters and the ________ letters.*

"Who is welcome in the Kingdom if God?"

Around what question is the Gospel of Luke structured?

suffering, death, discipleship, glory

By accepting _________ and _____ for our salvation, Jesus modeled for us the path of true ____________. We come to understand that the faithful disciple willingly accepts suffering for the greater _____ of God.

discourse, identity, presence

A _________ is a long speech. We find two important discourses in John's Gospel: the "Bread of Life Discourse" and the "Last Supper Discourse." In both of these discourses, Jesus taught about his true _______ and reassured his followers of his continued ________.

salvation, Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension

God's plan for our _________ centers on our redemption through the Paschal Mystery: Christ's _______, _____, ____________, and _________ into glory

divinity, Death, saving plan

Hebrews emphasize the ________ of Christ, as well as the redeeming power of his _____. The Letter to the Hebrews heralds the ______ ____ of God revealed in his Son.

blood, water, salvation, Eucharist, Baptism

In John's Gospel, the _____ and _____ that flowed from the side of Jesus are signs of the _________ he won for us by his Death and Ressurection. These signs point to the Sacraments of the _________ and _______.

salvation history, burning bush, I am who I am

In addition to his miraculous signs, Jesus declared his role in _________ _______ through a series of "I am" sayings. These sayings ask us to recall God's Revelation of himself to Moses in the _______ ____, where God revealed his name as, "_ __ ___ _ __"

signs, truth, divinity, salvation

In calling Jesus' miracles "_____," the Evangelist conveys that these momentous actions and wonders point to a larger _____. Specifically, these signs reveal the ________ of Jesus, the only Son of God and the Incarnate Word. They confirm that the Father of Jesus to chart a new course of _________.

salvation, parables

In presenting the Good News of _________, Jesus taught in ________.

Body, Word, Eucharist, assimilate

In the Gospel of John, the Bread of Life refers to both Jesus' ____ and his ____. We are to feast on his Body and Blood made present in the _________, and we must also __________ his life-giving Word into our lives

Pentecost, Ascension, Pentecost, Church

In the Jewish calendar, the Feast of _________ is an annual agricultural celebration. When the disciples celebrated this feast not long after Jesus' _________, the house where they gathered was filled with the Holy Spirit. For Christians, the Feast of _________ now celebrates the fulfillment of Jesus' promise to send the Holy Spirit to guide the ______.

Paschal Lamb, salvation, washing the feet

In the Last Supper Discourse, John points to Jesus as the _______ ____ who will be slaughtered for the _________ of all. A defining moment of John's Last Supper is Jesus' humble act of _______ ___ ____ of his disciples.

Bread of Life Discourse, Last Supper Discourse

John's Gospel includes the "_____ __ ____ _________" and the "____ ______ _________"

signs, miraculous signs, Glory, Paschal Mystery

John's Gospel is divided into two major sections. The Book of _____ focuses on seven __________ _____ Jesus performed. The Book of _____ centers on the _______ _______.

compassionate, anawim, poor, marginalized

Luke makes it clear that Jesus is the _____________ Savior who welcomes all. Much of Jesus' ministry and preaching was directed toward the plight of the ______, the Hebrew word for ____ and ____________.

Saint Peter

Preached a message of repentance and forgiveness. Called disbelieving Israelites to a conversion of heart so the Risen Messiah might wipe away their sins.

parallel, Jesus, world order

Some biblical scholars have drawn a ________ between the seven signs in John and the seven days of Creation. Just as God created the world in seven days, so too God, in the person of _____, miraculously performed seven acts of wonder to bring about a new _____ _____.

images, symbols, divinity, mission

The "I am" statements use familiar ______ and _______ to establish Jesus' ________. They also provide us with several ways of understanding Jesus' _______.

apocalyptic literature, good, evil, good

The Book of Revelation takes a literary form called ___________ __________. Apocalyptic literature is often written during a time of crisis and describes cosmic battles between ____ and ____, with ____ always winning in the end.

tragedy, Paschal Mystery, glorious power

The Gospel of John does not focus on the _______ of the _______ _______. Rather, it portrays every moment, from Jesus' betrayal to his Resurrection, as God's _______ _____ at work in Jesus.


The Gospel of Luke emphasizes that Jesus came as a ______ to all.

salvation, faith, good works, good works, faith

The Letter of James emphasizes the importance of both faith and good works for _________. That is, true _____ leads to ____ _____, and ____ _____ are the fruit of _____ in Christ.

epistles, anonymous, authority, respect

The New Testament includes seven non-Pauline letters, or ________. Each is named for an Apostle or disciple of Jesus, but biblical scholars believe _________ authors wrote these letters, using the pseudonym of one of Jesus' Apostles or disciples to convey _________ and _______.

synoptic, divinity, Logos (Word), Creation

The ________ Gospels emphasize the humanity of Jesus. The Gospels of John stresses his ________. John describes Jesus as the preexistent _____, who is God and was with God at the beginning of ________ and became man to dwell among us.

Resurrection, survivor

The ____________ affirmed the truth of Jesus' teachings. It heralded that Jesus was and is the ______ of all humanity

argumentation, High Priest, sacrifice, New Law

The author of Hebrew uses typical methods of Jewish _____________ to show that Jesus is the new and perfect ____ ______ and the perfect _________, and that he thereby embodies the ___ ___.

Hebrews, Persecution, meeting together, apostates

The author of the Letter to the Hebrews was writing for _______ who were suffering ___________. They were no longer _______ ________, and the author feared that some were on the verge of becoming _________----that is, people who once believed but who have renounced their faith


The catholic letters complement Paul's letters by a providing a unique perspective on how to be authentic _________ to Christ in a divided and disbelieving world.

spirit, evangelization, missionary

Two significant movements form the backgrounds of the Acts of the Apostles: the coming of ______ at Pentecost and the _____________ and __________ efforts of early Christianity

1)renewed commitment to faith 2)message of consolation 3)a call to maintain hope

What are the three main themes of the prophecy in the Book of Revelation?

Jesus the Christ is the path to salvation and the Church is the Body of Christ

What are two recurring themes in Saint Paul's letters?

healing miracles, exorcisms, control over nature, restoration of life

What four miracles were performed by Jesus, according to the Synoptic Gospels

Ascension, Easter Vigil, Easter Triduum (Last Supper, Crucifixion, Resurresction)

When do we commemorate the events of the Paschal Mystery?


short stories that use everyday images to communicate mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven

"I am the light of the world" "I am the bread of life" "I am the good shepherd"

three "I am" statements are

Saint Stephen

was filled with the power to do "great wonders and signs" (Acts 6:8), and prophesized about how Jesus' life, especially his Death and Resurrection, fulfilled the Torah. *Became the first martyr and one of the first seven deacons*

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