theories test 2

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The use of humanistic rather than authoritarian ethics is characteristic of which of the following orientations?


Julie is a very dependent young woman who believes that she can look to other people to fulfill herself. These behavior and thought modes typify which orientation?


A neurotic need to be admired and to exploit that admiration represents, according to Horney, which of the following solutions to anxiety?


Which of the following does not occur in both classical conditioning and operant conditioning?


Which of the following is true regarding Skinner's response to Watson's behaviorist theory?

Skinner took Watson's behaviorist theory to its logical extreme.

In which of the following relationships are two persons related so that one of the parties loses or never attains independence?


What did Erikson demonstrate in his study of two Native American tribes?

That society shapes basic character structures

What did Anna Freud mean when she said that adolescence was the "stepchild in psychoanalytic theory"?

The adolescent stage had not previously been emphasized as an important developmental period

Which of the following best illustrates a variable interval reinforcement schedule?

The arrival of email

A casino slot machine is set to reward gamblers on a schedule that is calculated to keep them at the machine for the maximum amount of time. How would the machine be set to give out money?

The number of quarters would vary: sometimes after five quarters, sometimes after three quarters, sometimes after fifty-two quarters, and so forth.

Erikson is credited with refining which of the following?

The psychohistory

What did Skinner say about many of the constructs used to describe personality, such as the id, ego, and superego?

They are unnecessary fictions

To encourage their students to read more books, the fifth-grade teachers in an elementary school give a wooden bead to each student who finishes a book and submits a report about it. Every Friday, the class with the most beads exchanges their beads for a pizza party. Which Skinnerian method are the teachers using?

Token economy

Skinner wrote a book entitled _________ to illustrate his view of an ideal society.

Walden II

Which one of the following would be an example of a secondary drive?

Working to buy food

Which of the following situations exemplifies an approach-avoidance conflict?

You are considering a restaurant with great food and terrible service

In Horney's concept of basic anxiety, the threat to the individual comes from

a perception of the environment as dangerous and unfair.

In his study of generative and nongenerative adults, McAdams found that generative adults were

able to turn negative experiences into positives.

Ron is a previously law-abiding teen who has recently joined a violent gang. In Erikson's terms, he is

adopting a negative identity.

According to McAdams, in the elementary school years, our life stories revolve around two themes: ________ and ________.

agency; communion

According to Horney, "__________" represent(s) identification with the ideal self instead of the real or actual self.


Empiricism is the philosophical point of view positing that

all knowledge derives from experience

Pavlov's demonstration of classical conditioning showed that learning could occur by pairing

an unconditioned stimulus with a neutral stimulus.

Recently, McAdams (McAdams & Olson, 2010) redefined his three "levels" of personality as ones that unfold developmentally as a person successively takes on the self-positions of actor, agent, and __________ over time.


Andrea has formed a relationship with her husband in which she allows him to dominate her so completely that they have become symbiotic. According to Fromm, Andrea exemplifies the mechanism of escape known as

automaton conformity.

As a young child, Roger had a unique personality. However, as a teenager, he appears to have little personality at all. Instead, he seems to have adopted the characteristics common to most of the other teens he knows. According to Fromm, Roger's mechanism of escape from freedom is

automaton conformity.

Dollard and Miller state that a situation in which you are "damned if you do and damned if you don't" is best described as a(n)

avoidance-avoidance conflict.

Erikson concluded from his study on sex differences that the development of women is influenced by their

awareness of their reproductive capacity.

In the neurotic individual, the idealized self and the real self

become separated.

Thorndike's law of effect states that

behavior that brings satisfaction tends to occur more frequently.

In his later writings, Skinner envisioned a utopian society based on

behavioral engineering via positive reinforcement.

Cognitive researchers are using brain scanners to locate the neural sources of emotion, behavior, and belief. They have learned, for example, that the amygdala, which is a center of emotional learning in the limbic system, may play a role in the development of


In discussing the psychosexual stages, Freud emphasized their ________ character, whereas Erikson emphasized their ________ dimension.

biological; social

Maya's parents decided to use operant conditioning to get their daughter to keep her room neat. According to Skinner's theories, they should

catch her in the act of putting something away, and then reward her.

Anna Freud enlarged the application of psychoanalysis to new areas, including exploration of the ego and the study of


David, a 40-year-old male, has always been driven to achieve a great deal at work and also to create art through painting and sculpting. According to Horney, David is driven to perform these behaviors as

compensation for his inability to bear children

A new toy store with a bright yellow sign recently opened near five-year-old Jeffrey's home. The first few times he was driven past it, he had no reaction to it. Then his parents took him to the store several times. Now, when Jeffrey is driven past the bright yellow sign, Jeffrey gets excited. According to Pavlov's theory of classical conditioning, the bright yellow sign is the

conditioned stimulus.

Clark Hull developed a systematic theory of learning based on the concept of

drive reduction.

Horney believed that the "flight from womanhood" was

due to experiences of social and cultural disadvantages.

Each of Erikson's psychosocial stages is organized around a(n) ________ that children encounter at certain critical periods.

emotional polarity

Karen Horney and Erich Fromm departed from Freudian theory in that they both

emphasized the importance of social factors on personality development.

In theorizing about females, both Erikson and Freuda) believed that women could find their identity in work

employed male paradigms.

According to Fromm, the need to strive actively for a goal rather than simply to respond to whatever life brings on describes the need for

excitation and stimulation

John Dollard, Neal Miller, and B. F. Skinner created theories that emphasize ___________ as the primary forces that shape human behavior.

experience and learning

Fromm believed that, as humans have gained more freedom by transcending nature and other animals, they have

felt increasingly separate and isolated.

When an adolescent establishes a stable identity, the virtue or ego strength that emerges is


Carolyn is experiencing Erikson's stage of generativity versus stagnation. Carolyn is most likely to be ________ years old.


In operant conditioning, the reinforcement ________ the behavior.


A key method of the systematic self-analysis suggested by Horney is

free association followed by reflection.

According to Carol Gilligan, the development of girls differs from that of boys because

girls' development places greater emphasis on connection and care.

Four-year-old Jonas is a very curious little boy who is always taking things apart. His mother has just found him in her bedroom attempting to unscrew the back of her alarm clock. According to Erikson, a spanking will probably lead Jonas to feel


Dollard and Miller view the structure of personality as consisting of


A person whose basic orientation toward life is self-effacing is most likely to

have an exaggerated need for affection and approval

The source of the lust for power that eventually leads to isolation and fear is the

having mode

Michael has a bumper sticker on his expensive luxury car that reads, "The one who dies with the most toys wins." Fromm would probably argue that Michael is dominated by the

having mode of existence

Erikson saw a parallel between the use of evidence by a psychoanalyst and a(n) ________ because both try to reconstruct events.


The character type in Fromm's theory that is most similar to Freud's anal-retentive personality type is the ________ orientation.


According to Erikson, an infant whose parents do not attend reliably to his or her needs is likely to lack the ego strength of


Although both Skinner and Freud believed that humans are not in control of their behavior, Skinner was more optimistic because he suggested that

humans could be controlled more effectively through technology.

Early in the twentieth century, Horney called attention to a growing trend in the United States in which individuals would do anything necessary to place themselves in a position of advantage compared to others. She named the trend


Tanya has been taken hostage. Her primary feelings toward the people who are holding her hostage is admiration and gratitude. Anna Freud would argue that Tanya is experiencing the ego defense of

identification with the aggressor

Fifteen-year-old Savita is constantly questioning her parents' values. At the same time, she is not ready to accept her friends' values. If you ask her what she wants to become, she will say, "I haven't a clue." Her confusion implies that she is struggling with issues of


According to Horney, men's superiority to women in creative endeavors can be attributed to their

inability to create biologically

In operant conditioning, a reinforcement is anything that

increases the likelihood of a response.

Dr. Rodriguez is a clinical psychologist who works with children in an elementary school. According to Erikson, the psychosocial stage with which Dr. Rodriguez's clients are most likely to struggle is

industry versus inferiority.

The psychosocial stage that parallels Freud's latency period is

industry versus inferiority.

Ms. Jones divides her first-graders into reading groups according to ability. The "sparrows" know that they are the worst readers, whereas the "eagles" know that they are the best. According to Erikson, at this age, she can expect the "sparrows" to develop feelings of ________ and the "eagles" to develop feelings of ________.

inferiority; industry

In his investigation of sex differences, Erikson observed that, in their play, girls emphasize ________ space, whereas boys emphasize ________ space.

inner; outer

The virtue of love emerges with the successful emergence of Erikson's _________ stage.

intimacy versus isolation

In comparison to Freud's therapy, Dollard and Miller's method of therapy

is more directive and action-oriented.

The attachment patterns we develop change the brain by altering

its synaptic connections and circuits.

Dollard and Miller's view of repression differs from Freud's because they believed repression to be a(n)

learned response that reduces an unpleasant experience.

Erikson found that the child-rearing practices of the Sioux, in comparison to those of the Yurok, were

less adaptive

Horney felt that a woman's concept of inferiority results from

living in a patriarchal society.

Unlike Sigmund Freud, Erikson theorized that the ego was

mostly adaptive.

Michelle has exaggerated needs for power, prestige, and admiration. She is most likely to utilize the ___________ mode of relating to others.

moving against

Fromm suggested that Adolph Hitler exemplified the

necrophilous character.

Watson, the founder of behaviorism, suggested that psychologists concentrate on studying

overt behavior.

Regarding the Oedipus complex, Erikson

preferred to call it an early generational complex.

Research inspired by Erikson's theories, such as that conducted by Daniel Levinson and Judy Levinson, suggests that, compared to women, men tend to base their identity on their


One difference between Skinner's behavior modification and Freudian psychoanalysis is thata) behavior modification uses a single approach with all clients; psychoanalysis uses different, custom-tailored techniques.

psychoanalysis is concerned with internal changes; behavior modification is concerned with external changes.

Joseph Wolpe's psychotherapy treatment is based on the principle of

reciprocal inhibition

According to McAdams, the theme of __________ is the most powerful life story in contemporary America.


Because of its strong appeal to validating evidence, Dollard and Miller's theory is best identified as


The parents of twelve-year-old Sharon praise her for earning good grades. Behaviorists would describe

secondary reinforcement.

Maccoby's potentially new character type, ________, is highly narcissistic and reflects social changes that have occurred in the United States since the 1960s


Juan wants to teach his dog to bark when someone comes into the yard. At first, he rewards the dog whenever it barks. Then he rewards the dog only if it barks when a person walks by the house. Next, the dog is rewarded for barking only if a person stops by the house, then only if the person touches the gate. Finally, the dog is rewarded only for barking when a person actually opens the gate and enters the yard. Juan is using a step-by-step learning technique called


In comparison to Freud's theories, Horney's theories more strongly endorse feminist viewpoints and ________ as explanations of human behavior.

social forces

According to Erikson, a two-year-old's negativism is a(n)

struggle for autonomy.

Elena is a psychotherapy client who has a phobia of dogs. Her therapist is teaching her a relaxation response that she will be able to substitute for the fear response when she is near a dog. This technique is characteristic of

systematic desensitization

Negative reinforcement

takes place when a behavior is followed by the termination of an unpleasant situation

Anna Freud's developmental line elaborated on her father's depiction of the psychosexual stages by describing

the growth in ego mastery as it coincides with psychosexual development.

Pedro is a boy struggling with the life crisis of autonomy versus shame and doubt. According to Erikson, Pedro is most likely to be ________ old.

three years

According to Fromm, the need to become active creators rather than passive creatures is called the need for


According to Erikson, the primary dilemma of infancy is

trust versus mistrust.

Every time Luis gives his dog a treat, he shakes the box of treats first. His dog now reacts excitedly to the sound of the box of treats being shaken, even before Luis takes out a treat. In this situation, the treat is the

unconditioned stimulus.

The greatest difference between Freud's theory and Dollard and Miller's is that

unlike Freud, Dollard and Miller stressed learned motives

An individual who emerges successfully from one of Erikson's psychosocial stages develops a(n) ________ as a result.


In his utopian speculations, Skinner argued that

we need more, not less, control in society.

Margaret was motivated by a primary drive when she

went to bed early because she was tired.

The idealized self represents

what a person thinks he or she should be

Two-year-old Emma was just toilet-trained. According to Erikson, if her parents were firm and reassuring, Emma would emerge from this stage with a newly developed ego strength of


According to Erikson, an older adult who is able to sit back and reflect on his or her life with satisfaction will have acquired the virtue of


Freud is to the concept of penis envy as Horney is to the concept of

womb envy

Anna Freud was Sigmund Freud's

youngest daughter

Schlinger (2009) suggested that Skinner developed an early construct of ________, the ability to infer people's thoughts or feelings and make predictions about behavior.

"theory of mind"

Which of the following neurotic trends would most likely lead a person to use a self-effacing solution when it comes to dealing with life's problems?

A need for a dominant partner

Which of the following is an example of conditioned operant behavior?

A rat presses a bar in a Skinner box.

According to Horney, which of the following best exemplifies self-analysis?

A student who fails a test and then asks himself whether he had prepared sufficiently for it.

The devil's pact" is synonymous with which of Horney's terms?


Alexia was torn between two perfect prom dresses. Both fit well, cost the same, and were exactly in the style she wanted. Dollard and Miller would say that she had what type of conflict?

An approach-approach conflict

Which client would be better suited for behavior modification than for psychoanalysis?

An autistic child who rarely speaks

The practice of using time-outs, or removal of a person from a situation in which an undesired behavior occurs, was developed by

Arthur Staats

Maria is a mother who is high in demands and psychological control, but low in warmth. Which parenting style does Maria exemplify?


What type of parenting predicts the highest levels of competence and lowest levels of problem behavior in Caucasian children?


Which of the following is one of the styles of infant attachment identified by Ainsworth?


According to the Generative Behavior Checklist (McAdams & St. Aubin), which of the following suggests a high degree of generativity?

Believing that one's contributions will survive after death

According to Erikson, if six-month-old Marcus could verbalize his dilemma, he would say that he is most likely struggling with the question,

Can I trust the world?

Which schedule of reinforcement is the most effective for initially developing and strengthening a behavior?


Whitney was bored while she was waiting for her roommate to get ready to go out. She looked around and saw a radio on the table. She turned it on and was delighted to hear her favorite song. The radio corresponds to which part of the learning process?


Shaniqua has a very strong need for the affection and approval of others, and she tends to choose dominant partners. What is her basic orientation toward life?

Detachment solution

What is the correct order of Dollard and Miller's four steps of the learning process?

Drive, cue, response, and reinforcement

Dan McAdams' theories of personality are most closely related to those of


Erich Fromm's approach is best described as humanistic social analysis because it attempts a synthesis of the thoughts of

Freud and Marx.

Terror management theory, which was developed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, is most closely related to the personality theories of


The ego strength of care emerges during which of Erikson's psychosexual stages?

Generativity versus stagnation

Which of the following is one of the ways in which Erikson extended Freudian psychoanalysis?

He added a social dimension that before was only implied in the psychosexual stage

According to McAdams and Pals (2006), the five major principles for organizing current research and theory in personality psychology include three major levels of personality. What is one of these levels?

Integrated life narratives

Dr. Porter is a counseling psychologist who works at a college counseling center. Most of Dr. Porter's clients are of traditional college age. According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial stages, which of the following issues will be most prominent in the problems of Dr. Porter's clients at this point in their lives?

Intimacy versus isolation

Which of the following individuals is receiving positive reinforcement?

Lara, who earns money for babysitting

According to Fromm, what separates human nature from animal nature?


Certain celebrities become what their public expects them to be instead of expressing their true selves. This describes which of the following character orientations?


___________ enhanced Erikson's theory of generativity versus stagnation by exploring the cultural demand for generativity.


Rafael is a perfectionist who goes to extremes to prove that he needs no one's help in any way. His quest for total self-sufficiency has resulted in social isolation. According to Horney, what is his primary mode of relating to others?

Moving away

An exaggerated need for approval and affection represents which of the primary modes of relating to others?

Moving toward

Janice has a very strong need for the affection and approval of others, and she tends to choose dominant partners. What is her primary mode of relating to others?

Moving toward

Two-year-old Ashley was brought to a neighborhood playgroup for the first time. As soon as Ashley was engrossed in play, her mother stepped out of the room to get a cup of coffee. On realizing that her mother was gone, Ashley stopped playing and started to cry. When her mother came back, Ashley clung to her mother tenaciously and refused to play anymore. Ashley's behavior reflects which of Horney's modes of relating to others?

Moving toward

What is the difference between Horney's concept of the idealized self and Freud's concept of the ego-ideal?

Only the idealized self represses both good and bad feelings.

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