TMS TH606: Exam 2 Study Guide

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The Divine purpose for the angels at their creation, with one (1) proof-passage

To glorify God the Father and Christ Col 1:16 All things have been created through him AND FOR HIM

Explanation of one (1) proof-passage for saving (efficacious) grace as a working of God producing saving faith

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. (Note: The "that" most likely refers to the entire concept of salvation by grace through faith, because of the neuter gender of the pronoun. But it includes faith. In other words, the salvation and its means (faith) are "the gift of God."

Definition of common Grace

(a) Those general operations of the Holy Spirit whereby He without renewing the heart, exercises such a moral influence on man through His general or special revelation, that sin is restrained, order is maintained in social life, and civil righteousness is promoted; or (b) those general blessings, such as rain and sunshine, food and drink, clothing and shelter, in what measure it seems good to Him.

Biblical proof of the spiritual nature of spiritual gifts

1 Cor 12:1 Manifestations produced by the Spirit Spiritual quality called pneumatikon - not a natural talent.

Explanation of 1 Cor 12:13 as proof for the Baptism being given to all Christians at conversion

1 Cor 12:13 For by one Spirit we were ALL BAPTIZED (completed action) into ONE BODY-whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free-and have ALL been made to drink into one Spirit. According to this passage, Christians have been "baptized" "into one body." This affirms that by the baptism by the Spirit, Christians are placed in a new position - "in Christ."

Biblical reasoning with proof-passages for the priority of some gifts over other gifts

1 Cor 12:28 Use of cardinal numbers And God has appointed these in the church: first [cardinal, not ordinal numbers] apostles, second prophets, . . .

The inferior importance of the gift of tongues, explaining proof-passages for this point

1 Cor 12:28-30: The gift of tongues was of inferior importance in the local church. Paul uses cardinal numbers to indicate rank of importance.

Biblical reasoning with proof passages that each Christian has at least one (1) spiritual gift.

1 Cor 12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all

Paul's special order for speaking in tongues in worship meetings of the Church as stated in 1 Cor 14:26-40

1 Cor 14:26-40 1) The purpose of speaking in tongues must be edification not of self, but of others. 2) No more than 2 or 3 could speak in a meeting, and they had to be in succession. 3) And they had to make sure one with the gift of interpretation was present before they could speak. They had to exercise mental, self-control of the gift. 4) All the tongues speakers in the worship meeting of the local Church had to be male. 5) The tongues speaker had personal control over the exercise of the gift.

Explanation of 1 Cor 2:13 as proof-passage for the extent of inspiration to the words and syntax of Scripture

1 Cor 2:13 which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words. Paul speaks these things "in words . . . which the Holy Spirit teaches," not in words "which man's wisdom teaches." Paul got his words from the Holy Spirit.

Explanation of 1 Cor 2:14 as expressing the total depravity of humans as their need for saving (efficacious) grace

1 Cor 2:14 "The natural man does not receive (welcome) the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he ("to not have the power") know them, because they are spiritually discerned." Note that the things that come from the Spirit of God are not welcomed (dechomai) by the unsaved person (the natural man). In fact, he cannot (is unable to) truly know them, because they are spiritually judged aright. So only a spiritual change can enable one to welcome the things of the Spirit (including the message of the cross, which is "foolishness" "to those who are perishing" - 1 Cor 1:18, 21).

Biblical proof of spiritual gifts being given by grace, not as reward for merit

1 Cor 3:10 charis "According to the grace of God which was given to me"

One (1) proof-passage to show that the angels were created accountable to God

1 Cor 6:3 DO you not know that we will judge angels? Angels are accountable to God and certain angels have been judged by God for rebellion 2 Pet 2:4 For if God did not spare angels when they sinned...reserved for judgment

Proof-passage showing angels' interest in all aspects of salvation

1 Peter 1:10-12 Angels are interested in all parts of salvation.

Biblical reasoning why the Baptism is not necessarily evidenced by any one spiritual gift

1) "All" Christians have been baptized by the Spirit 1 Cor 12:13 2) Not every Christian receives the same spiritual gift(s) 1 Cor 12:29-30

Three (3) consequences of the filling by the Spirit, including one (1) proof-passage for each consequence

1) A Christlike Character Rom 8:29 ... conformity to Christ 2) Worship Eph 5:18-20 ... expression of praise and thanksgiving to God 3) Submission to God and One Another Eph 5:21-6:9 ... in the church, in the family, and in society

All results of the Baptism specified along with one (1) proof-passage for each result

1) A position in the body of Christ (in the Church dispensation) 1 Cor 12:13 2) A new identification (union) with the death and resurrection of Christ Rom 6:1-5 3) A new association with the Trinity, the Church, Satan, and the World Rom 8:9 (Indwelt by the HS)

Three (3) "permanent" spiritual gifts with their definitions

1) Administration Rom 12:8 The supernatural ability to govern Christians toward the goal of accomplishing the will of God. 2) Giving Rom 12:8 The supernatural ability to joyfully and sacrificially give earthly possessions to the Lord for the work of the ministry (Rom 12:8). 3) Exhortation Rom 12:8 The supernatural ability to effectively incite practical holiness in heart and action through encouragement, comfort, admonishment, and entreaty (Rom 12:8).

Satan's character as adversary, slanderer, and tempter, with one (1) proof-passage for each aspect

1) Adversary of God and His People He is Satan Job 1:6-12 2) He is the "Devil" Diabolos = one who throws against. The Greek term refers to one who seeks to destroy the reputation of another through either false or falsely contested reports Matt 4:1-11 3) Tempter Satan seeks to entice people to do evil by appealing to their basic needs Matt 4:3

Know three (3) distinctives of the sealing and one (1) proof passage for each distinctive

1) All Christians are Sealed Eph 1:13 . . . sealing is "in Christ" 2) Sealing is a finished act in the life of the Christian Eph 1:13 . . . the verb tense indicates a completed act. 3) Sealing was finished at the moment of the first faith Eph 1:13 . . . sealing is at the point of first belief

Cessationist responses against the continuationist arguments concerning the gift of tongues

1) All incidents in the book of Acts of the use of the gift of tongues can be exegetically demonstrated to have even transitional, exceptional situations in the transition to a new dispensation. 2) The evidence in Church History is not always clear. Besides these manifestations came in heretical movements, and the manifestations were usually ecstatic gibberish. There is clear testimony from the Church Fathers that miraculous manifestations ceased with the passing of the Apostles. 3) Every linguistic study of modern "glossalalia" has concluded that none of these manifestations exhibit the characteristics of human language. 4) In 1 Cor 14:18, Paul is probably saying he spoke with more foreign languages than all of them. Besides, in 1 Cor 12-14, Paul was trying to wean the Corinthians away from the use of tongues in the assembly in favor of more edifying gifts. 5) There is no evidence in Scripture that the gift of tongues was intended to be a sign of the second coming of Christ. It cannot be a sign of the rapture, since the rapture is imminent and therefore has no signs pointing to its impending occurrence. 6) The validity of all our experiences must be objectively tested by the Bible. One can be psychologically or Satanically deceived to participate in counterfeit spiritual experiences.

Proof-passages to show that each Person of the Trinity effects sanctification (one (1) proof-passage for each Person of the Trinity)

1) An activity of the Father John 17:17 "Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth." 2) An activity of the Son Heb 10:10 "By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." 3) The Holy Spirit - the agent of sanctification 1 Pet 1:2 "elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirt"

Two (2) biblical arguments (along with two (2) proof passages) for the Holy Spirit as the primary agent of saving (efficacious) grace

1) As seen above in 1 Cor 2:12-14, it is the Holy Spirit who, by His words (2:13), causes a human to "judge aright" "the things of the Spirit of God" (including the Gospel) and so to "welcome" them into his/her life as true. 2) The Holy Spirit applies all the other benefits of the atonement (e.g. washing, sanctification, justification, regeneration, glorification) - Titus 3:5 3) The Holy Spirit gives life through the ministry of the New Covenant - 2 Cor 3:6

Two (2) instances of authority delegated by God to angels, with one (1) proof-passage of each instance

1) Authority to answer prayers. Dan 9:21-23 2) Authority to protect nations. Daniel 10:13

Biblical reasoning for seeing the Baptism as not consciously experienced/felt, but yet objectively real

1) Because all Christians are baptized by the Spirit- regardless of the quality of their Christian experience. Even currently carnal Christians have been baptized by the Spirit. 2) This baptism is positional (1 Cor 12:13; Rom 6:3; Gal 3:27)

The three (3) means of regeneration specified in the notes and one (1) proof-passage for each means

1) By the Word of God 1 Peter 1:23 "having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God" 2) Not by Human Will John 1:13 3) By Faith Alone Eph 2:8-9

Three (3) kinds of holy angels

1) Cherubim 2) Seraphim 3) Living Creatures

Biblical proofs why the filling is required

1) Commanded (Eph 5:18) 2) Its Alternative: Disobedience and Sin (Eph 5:17)

Biblical reasoning why the Baptism is not repeated in the life of a Christian

1) Completed action 1 Cor 12:13 2) It is unnatural to interpret this passage to mean that Christians might have to be re-crucified with Christ and re-justified from their sin. Rom 6:3-5

Three (3) aspects of Satan's nature, with one (1) proof-passage for each aspect

1) Creature Col 1:16 2) Personhood (Intellect) 2 Cor 11:3 3) Spirit Being Eph 2:2

Four (4) aspects of the nature of demons, with one (1) proof-passage for each aspect

1) Creature Col 1:16 2) Persons Intellect . . . know some future events Acts 16:16 3) Spirit Beings Mark 5:8

4 biblical arguments, explaining that the Holy Spirit is Deity

1) DIVINE TITLES applied to the Holy Spirit Rom 8:2 (Spirit of Life) 2) DIVINE PERFECTIONS ascribed to the Holy Spirit Rom 8:2 (Life) 3) DIVINE ACTIONS ascribe to the Holy Spirit Rom 8:26 (divine intercession) 4) DIVINE PROCESSION of the Holy Spirit Rom 8:9 (Spirit is both "of God" and "of Christ")

Three (3) evidences that the holy angels have organization, with one (1) proof-passage to support each evidence

1) Definite Assemblies Job 1:6 2) Military in Operation Rev 12:7-9 3) Organizational Titles Col 1:16 Job 1:6 6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. Rev 12:7-9 7 And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war, 8 and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. Colossians 1:16 16 For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.

Two (2) distinctives of the gift of prophecy, with proof-passages

1) Direct verbal revelation from God 2 Pet. 1:20-21 2) Many had this gift, including women Acts 11 - Agabus, Acts 21 - daughters of Philip

Each inadequate view of the origin of demons and Dr. Mook's responses to each view

1) Disembodied Spirits of Pre-Adamic Race Assumes the Gap Theory Response The gap theory has a false concept of the "waw" at the beginning of verse 2 in the Hebrew text. There is no gap indicated by the Hebrew. Verse 1 is simply a summary thesis statement, and verse 2 and following fill in the details. 2) Offspring of Angels and Women in Genesis 6 "sons of God" were evil angels who had sexual relations with women producing the Nephilim Response Even if one accepts that the "sons of God" in the passage are fallen angels, there is no proof that the offspring became demons nor that demons have a compulsive need for sexual encounter.

Distinction of filling from regeneration, baptism, sealing, and indwelling ministries of the Spirit

1) Distinction from Sealing, Regeneration, and Baptism These are non-experiential and occur only once - at the moment of first faith. But the filling by the Spirit is experiential and can occur repeatedly in the life of the Christian after conversion. 2) Distinction from Indwelling Indwelling is non-experiential and permanent. The filling by the Spirit is experiential and can be interrupted and then repeated.

Dr. Mook's biblical reasoning for the time of the creation of the angels, including proof-passage to support this reasoning

1) Everything was created by the end of the six days of creation Gen 2:1 2) The earth was created on the first day Gen 1:2 3) The angels were present when (before or at the time when) the earth was created Job 38:4-7 4) It is unclear whether all the angles were created at the same time or at different times. But it seems that at the time of the creation of the heavens and the earth, all of the angels had been created. Certainly non were created after the sixth day, because God's work of creation ceased then. Gen 2:1-3

Dr. Mook's Response to Acts 19:1-7

1) Evidence of Subsequence The word "disciples" does not mean a person has saving faith 2) Evidence against a pattern-setting precedent of subsequence a) Baptized by the Spirit at conversion ... that is why they were re-baptized b)" transitional exception" involving a group with concepts from the older dispensation - a faith that looked forward to the Messiah, but knew nothing of the death and resurrection of Jesus. c) Unrepeated aspects of the event The conversion of OT dispensation believers in the new dispensation and the need for uniting them with the baptism of Jesus and the Apostles; and the ministry of an Apostle d) The question does not indicate that Paul allowed for the possibility that reception of the Spirit might come after the first moment of saving faith.

Dr. Mook's Response to Acts 10; 11:1-18

1) Evidence of Subsequence True but not pattern setting 2) Evidence against a pattern-setting precedent of subsequence a) Baptized by the Spirit at conversion: Cornelius was not saved prior to Peter's arrival, though he was a God-fearer b) Transition to a new dispensation: Transitional exception of a new dispensation, Gentiles added to the Church and the need for Jewish believers to accept them. c) Unrepeated Aspects of the Event

Dr. Mook's response to Acts 8:14-17

1) Evidence of Subsequence see above . . . Samaritans saved before baptism of the Spirit 2) Evidence against a pattern-setting precedent of subsequence a) Transition to a New Dispensation Samaritans were half-breeds. This marked another stage in the program of the Church. b) Unrepeated aspects of the event -first conversion of the Samaritans and the need for their initial acceptance by the Jewish Christians - the laying on of hands by Apostles c) The Lack of Mention of Pentecost Signs. d) The Implication of 8:16. In 8:16 Luke says that the Holy Spirit "had fallen upon none of them," and they "had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus." Non-Pentecostals contend that Luke's statement indicates something out of the ordinary. It was unusual, according to Luke, that people should be saved without having received the Spirit.

Dr. Mook's responses concerning Acts 2

1) Evidence of Subsequence: Baptized by the Spirit on day of Pentecost, but the disciples were already saved under the old dispensation (John 15:3) 2) Evidence against a Pattern-setting precedent of Subsequence: a) Transition to new dispensation Jesus indicated a change in dispensation that he who believes in Him would have "rivers of living water (John 7:37-38) b) Currently unrepeated aspects of the event; One cannot pick and choose what should be seen in the pattern. All aspects of the of the even are divinely produced. c) The Experience of the 3,000 The true normative pattern on the Day of Pentecost was not the experience of the 120, but the experience of the 3,000.

Proof-passages showing that each Person of the Trinity is the giver of spiritual gifts

1) Father 1 Cor 12:18, 28 But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased . . . And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, . . . 2) Son Eph 4:7-8, 11 But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift . . . And He himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, . . . 3) Holy Spirit 1 Cor 12:11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.

Place and function of the living creatures.

1) Four living creatures John saw: either cherubim, seraphim, or another class of angelic being. 2) Appearance: a) Likeness to cherubim: 4 faces (like lion, calf, man, eagle) (Rev 4:8) b) Likeness to seraphim: 6 wings (Rev 4:8) c) Other features: Eyes in front, back, around and within (Rev 4:6) 3) Activities: a) Proclaiming God's holiness (like seraphim) (Rev 4:8) b) Worship of God and the Lamb (Rev 4:10-11) c) Presentation of the Lamb's judgements in the Tribulation period (Rev 6)

Two (2) aspects of common grace with one (1) proof-passage for each aspect

1) GENERAL PROVIDENCE FOR CREATION Matt 5:45 ... God makes the sun rise on the good and evil Rom 1:18-20 2) RESTRAINT OF SIN Gen 6:3 - And the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."

Explanation of two (2) proof-passages for the Holy Spirit's work of creation and/or preservation of the created order

1) Gen 1:2 - The Holy Spirit hovered over the face of the waters indicating his activity in creation 2) Ps 33:6 - The same term used in Gen 1:2.

Three (3) arguments that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is indispensable, and one (1) proof-passage for each argument

1) Guarantees Eternal Security John 14:16 And I will pray to the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever. 2) Enables Positional and Progressive Sanctification Rom 8:5-9 3) Provides Assurance of Salvation Rom 8:16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.

Biblical reasoning that angels are not formerly human beings, with proof-passages to support the reasoning

1) Human beings are "lower" than the angels in the created order Ps 8:5 Yet You have made him a little lower than angels 2) Resurrected humans will be only "like" the angels Matt 22:30

Two (2) arguments that the Holy Spirit indwells all Christians, and one (1) proof-passage for each argument

1) If the Holy Spirit does not indwell someone, that person is not saved Rom 8:9 "If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His." 2) The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a gift - not a reward for meritorious works. Rom 5:5 "Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."

Continuationist arguments for the continuation of the gift of tongues after the Apostolic Age, including proof-passagees where used

1) In the book of Acts, the gift of tongues was at least one of the signs of conversion and/or the Baptism of the Spirit. 2) Church History attests that the gift of tongues continued past the Apostolic age. 3) Some say that it is clearly being manifested in the present. 4) The gift of tongues is not forbidden-only its misuse (1 Cor 14:18). 5) Some say that the gift of tongues did cease after the Apostolic Age, but is now being given as a sign of the second coming of Christ. 6) Many base their argument for continuance of the gift on their own experience or that of others.

Three (3) aspects of Satan's current place of activity

1) In the heavenliness Eph 2:2 2) Limited access to God's throne - only when summoned Job 1:6 3) Earth Job 1:12

Proof-passages showing that each Person of the Trinity indwells the Christian

1) Indwelling by the Father Eph 2:22 . . . dwelling place of God in the Spirit 2) Indwelling by the Son John 14:23 . . . and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him; Gal 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ..." 3) Indwelling by the Spirit John 14:16-17 . . . Holy Spirit will abide with you forever . . . for He dwells with you and will be in you."

The problem of Satan's origin and the two (2) proof-passages at issue stated.

1) Isa 14:12-14 2) Ezek 28:11-19 Do these passages depict the original state and fall of Satan? Do they depict human rulers who make prideful boasts before they are brought to ignominious ruin?

Three (3) limitations of common grace with one (1) proof-passage for each aspect

1) It does not provide saving illumination of the Gospel Heb 6:4 2) It does not move man to saving faith. It does not effect conversion (which is the role of efficacious grace). 3) It does not produce any of the blessings of the Christian life, which are produced by the indwelling Holy Spirit. Gal 5:22-23

Definition of two (2) objections against effectual calling and efficacious grace; and explanation of one (1) response against each of these objections

1) It is IRRATIONAL Objection It is irrational for man to be required to believe in Christ, and yet be unable to believe apart from a special work of divine grace. Since it is irrational, it is unworthy of the omniscient God. Response Human reasoning is limited by time and experience, and corrupted by sin. God's reasoning is eternally omniscient, so it is superior to human reasoning and logic. 2) It is CONTRARY to DIVINE JUSTICE Objection It is unjust for God to require something of man and rule man guilty for failure to comply with God's requirement, when man is incapable of doing what God requires. Response It would be technically just and "fair" if God would not save anyone. It is Divine grace that He saves even one person, but He is saving an innumerable multitude from "every tribe and tongue and people and nation" (Rev 5:9).

Four (4) points of confusion about the Baptism

1) It is made an experience subsequent to conversion. (e.g. Pentecostalism; Neo-Pentecostalism) 2) It is confused with other ministries of the Holy Spirit, like indwelling, filling (Eph 5:18), or regeneration. (Older, pre-Pentecostalism writers at times use these terms inchangeably) 3) It is confused with spiritual gifts. 4) It is confused due to a lack of understanding of the dispensational distinctions of the Church

Three (3) features of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in OT times

1) It was apparently given without respect to prior spiritual condition (Balaam, Saul). 2) It was a sovereign gift given usually to provide enablement for special service. It was not given to all of God's people. 3) It could be temporary.

Two (2) examples, including proof-passages, of people indwelt by the Holy Spirit in OT times, with explanation of how they were enabled to serve God

1) Joseph - Gen 41:38 Then Pharaoh said to his servants, "Can we find a man like this, in whom is a divine spirit?" 2) Micah - Micah 3:8 But truly I am full of power by the Spirit of the LORD, And of justice and might, to declare to Jacob his transgression and to Israel his sin.

The only named holy angels in the Bible, and their distinct functions

1) Michael (Who is like God?) a) Position: Archangel b) Duty: Protector of Israel against Satan and the demons 2) Gabriel (God is mighty) a) Position: a chief messenger b) Duty: deliverer of important messages concerning key events in God's program for the Messianic Kingdom: interprets vision of ram and male goat, delivers 70-week prophecy, predicts birth of John the Baptist, predicts the conception and birth of Jesus to Mary.

Dr. Mook's observations about archangels

1) Michael may be the only archangel. 2) Dan 10:13 indicates their may be other archangels. 3) Michael is the archangel in focus in Scripture and will lead the war against Satan (Rev 12:7-9). 4) As the special guardian of Israel (Dan 10:21; 12:1) Michael is assigned to lead the warfare to protect Israel and prepare the way for the Second Advent of the Messiah. This need not indicate he is the only archangel.

Two (2) aspects of the character of demons, with one (1) proof-passage for each aspect

1) Morally Corrupt They are darkness Eph 6:12 2) Deceptive 1 Tim 4:1

Three (3) biblical descriptions of regeneration with one (1) proof-passage for each description

1) New Birth "new birth, regeneration" Titus 3:5; John 3:3 2) Spiritual Resurrection "to make alive together with" Eph 2:5 3) New Creation Gal 6:15; 2 Cor 5:17

Dr. Mook's observations on the terms and order of rank among the angels

1) The terms "thrones, dominions, might, principalities" in Eph 1:21, and Col 1:16 may indicate rank in their order but the place of "dominions" is reversed in these verses. 2) Most of the terms clearly indicate governing authorities. 3) The term "archangel" and "chief prince" definitely indicate angelic ranking.

Explanation of 2 Pet 1:20-21 as proof-passage for the Holy Spirit's ministry of inspiration of Scripture

1) No prophecy of Scripture is of private "origin" meaning "interpretation of reality." That means Scripture did not come about by the human authors' interpretation of reality. 2 Peter 1:20-21 But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. Prophecy always originated when men of God spoke as the were "moved" by the Holy Spirit. The word "moved" is in the passive voice of the Greek verb "phero" meaning "borne."

Dr. Mook's concept of the stages of the progression of Satan's fall with one (1) proof-passage that he gave for each stage

1) Original Fall Ezek 28:16-19 2) Ultimate Fall Rev 12:7-12

Place and function of seraphim.

1) Place of ministry Hovering above the throne of God, but able to be elsewhere in the heavenly sanctuary (Isa 6:2-7). 2) Duties: a) To proclaim God's holiness and glory (Isa 6:3) b) to administer priestly cleansing from sin to humans (Isa 6:5-7) 3) Appearance: Standing above God's throne, 6 wings (2 covering his face, 2 covering his feet, 2 for flying), proclaiming God's holiness and glory, with a powerful voice (that it caused shaking and smoke in the heavenly sanctuary), talking to Isaiah, confirming purification from sin.

Place and function of cherubim

1) Place of ministry: The throne of God 2) Duty: Attending and guarding the holy and glorious throne of God. 3) Appearance: a) 2 wings in the tabernacle. In Ezekiel 4 wings. May indicate that wings are for human perception and not essential. b) Ezek 1:5-24: living creature, likeness of a man, 4 faces (man, lion, ox, eagle), 4 wings, straight legs, soles of feet sparkle like burnished bronze, hands of a man, wings touch each other, travel straight forward, overall appearance: like burning colas of fire and torches, description of movement: like flash of lightning, noise of the wings: like the sound of many waters, like the voice of the Almighty.

Three (3) positional aspects of the Baptism in the Church dispensation, and one (1) proof passage for each aspect

1) Positioned in Christ 1 Cor 12:13 2) Identified with Christ Rom 6:3-5 3) United with Christ's Life Rom 6:8-10

Two (2) descriptions in the Bible of angelic power as bestowed by God, with one (1) proof-passage for each description

1) Power to move about the spiritual dimension and the physical dimension. Dan 9:21 (Gabriel coming to Daniel) 2) Power over human senses. Gen 19:10-11 (causes blindness)

Prayer and fellowship as examples of Christian disciplines as means of progressive sanctification, which one (1) proof-passage for each of these means

1) Prayer Phil 4:6-7 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 2) Fellowship Heb 10:22-25 22 let us draw near with a [a]sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; 24 and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, 25 not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

Summary of the "fallen angels" view of the origin of demons, and two (2) of Dr. Mook's arguments in support of this view

1) Preferred view: Demons are fallen angels -1/3 of the angels originally created joined with Satan in his attempt to usurp God (Rev 12:4) -They were cast out with Satan and are now his servants, awaiting the same fate. Some are free to serve him now, but others sinned in some special way and as a result were chained in darkness in "hell" (tartaros) (2 Pet 2:4). -Still others were sent by Jesus to the abyss after they were cast out of people (Luke 8:31). -During the Great Tribulation some will be released form the abyss torment people (Rev 9:1-11). 2) Support a) The demons of whom Satan is the ruler are also called "his angels" b) As "ruler" of the demons, Satan is the "first" of the demons. So they are like him in essence.

Biblical and historical proofs that the NT gift of prophecy was temporary. Include proof-passages where provided

1) Prophecy will cease (be rendered inoperative) when "the complete" has come. In the context "the complete" seems to be complete prophetic knowledge of the Church (complete Canon) 1 Cor 13:8-10 2) A curse is attached to those who seek to add to or take away from the prophecy of the Book of Revelation. Rev 22:18-19 3) Church History has testified to the fact that no so-called prophecy after the Apostolic age has been accepted by the believing Church as a whole as a genuine revelation from God.

Two (2) aspects of Satan's rule, with one (1) proof-passage for each aspect

1) Rule Over Fallen Angels Matt 12:24-28 2) Rule Over the World System John 12:31

Christ's judgment of Satan and the demons by the cross, and the future judgments against Satan and the demons in the Tribulation period and the Millennium

1) Satan and the demons were judgmentally defeated at the cross. Their power was broken, and their condemnation and final destiny was secured. 2) Jesus now (from a time perspective) has ultimate authority over Satan and the demons. 3) Demons will be the means of some of the judgments of the Great Tribulation. 4) Satan and the demons will war against Michael and his angels. They will lose the battle and be cast to the earth. Then Satan and his angels will seek to destroy believers in general, Israel in particular, and people in general. 5) Satan and the demons will promote the work of Anti-Christ (including persecution of believers) and the false religion of worship of the Dragon and the Anti-Christ. 6) The forces of the Anti-Christ, Satan, and the demons will be overcome by the Lord Jesus at the Second Advent. The Lord Jesus and the Church will judge Satan and the demons. The Anti-Christ and the false prophet will be sent to the lake of fire. Satan will be sealed in the "bottomless pit" for 1000 years. 7) Satan will then be released for a while, incite a rebellion against King Jesus, be defeated by Divine fire from heaven, and be cast into the lake of fire forever.

The syllogism for inferring the fall of Satan and the demons-without believing that Isa 14 and Ezek 28 give information about Satan's fall

1) Satan is sinful. 2) Demons are sinful. 3) Demons are angels who are fallen from righteousness due to their sin. 4) Satan is the chief demon. Result: Therefore Satan must have fallen with the other fallen angels due to some sin in which he was the leader.

The four (4) results of Satan's expulsion, with one (1) proof-passage for each result

1) Satan lost his high position by the throne of God and will be ultimately consigned to the lake of fire forever. Rev 20:10 2) Satan is no longer a "light-bearer," but must disguise himself as such to deceive people. 2 Cor 11:14 3) Satan retains angelic power, but he now uses it to oppose God and His people. But his power is restrained by God. Job 1-2 4) Satan still commands respect even from his former fellows among the holy angel. Jude 9

Two (2) aspects in which humans are similar to angels, and two (2) aspects in which humans differ from angels, with one (1) proof-passage for each point of similarly and dissimilarity

1) Similarities A) Angels and people are "sons of God" as creations of God (Job 1:6) B) Angels and people are accountable to God (1 Cor 6:3) 2) Differences a) Angels are only spirit (Heb 1:14) b) Angels are not united in a race, because they do not procreate among themselves (Matt 22:28-30)

The problem of the "sons of God" in Gen 6:1-4, and the two (2) major views presented. Be able to summarize each view, two (2) reasons for each view, other proof-passages involved in the dispute, and Dr. Mook's conclusion.

1) The "Godly Line" View A) Summary The "sons of God" of Gen 6:2 are men of the godly line of Seth who took wives from the Cainite line. This marked the corruption of the godly line, so there had to be judgment to purge humanity and preserve the Messianic line. B) Support a) Spirit beings and human beings are unable to unit to produce another hybrid being. The idea smacks of pagan mythology. b) Angels have no gender, so they are unable to marry (Matt 22:30) 2) The Fallen Angels View A) Summary The "sons of God" of Gen 6:2 are fallen angels who lusted after human women, united with them and produced a race of unique humans. For this sin they were permanently chained in "hell" (tartaros). B) Support a) The specific expression "sons of God" (bene-haelohim) is used elsewhere in the OT only of angels (Job 1:6). b) The text indicates that the union is out of the ordinary. 3) Conclusion: Mook's preference is "Fallen Angels" View There is nothing inherently impossible in this view. Indeed, it seems quite comprehensible that Satan would try to compromise the line of the Messiah and thus negate the promise of Gen 3:15 to provide a fully human offspring of the woman to be a redeemer.

Two (2) aspects of God the Son's constitutional and positional superiority over the angels, with one (1) proof-passage for each aspect

1) The Son is the Divinely designated royal Son of the Father. Heb 1:5 2) The Son will be worshipped by the angles at the Second Advent. Heb 1:6

Dr. Mook's concept of the aspects of the appearances of angels in physical form

1) The appearance of angels to people is not what they are in essence, because angels are invisible. 2) The physical forms are for the benefit of human perception. 3) The features (like hands, feet, etc) are not essential to their being, but must be appropriate to the angels' essence in order to convey something of the nature and position of angels.

Biblical arguments (including proof-passages with the arguments), especially in the light of 1 Cor 12-14 passages, for what WAS the purpose of the gift of tongues

1) The gift of tongues was given to be a sign to unbelievers 1 Cor 14:21-22 2) It was given to distinguish believers 1 Cor 12:29-30 3) It was given to edify the church when accompanied with the gift of interpretation 1 Cor 14:12-13

Biblical arguments (including proof-passages with the arguments), especially in the light of Acts and 1 Cor 12-14 passages, for what WAS NOT the purpose of the gift of tongues

1) The gift was not to be the universally required evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:1-11 2) The gift of tongues was not given to be a personal self-edifying devotional prayer and praise language 1 Cor 14:21-22

Dr. Mook's observations about the need for angels and about our attitude about angelic assistance

1) The holy angels have done much and continue to do much to further advance God's sovereign plan for the ages. We should recognize their reality and be thankful for the help they give us by God's will. 2) Angels may not operate in all the ways they have operated in the past, but they may be performing similar ministries now. 3) God does not need to use angels, but has ordained to do so. 4) Even if angels execute God's will on our behalf it is God who is the one who helped us. We should glorify God, not the angels.

Dickason's contrasts between the angels' ministry to the believers and the ministry of the Holy Spirit to believers

1) The ministry of angels to men is primarily external and physical, whereas the ministry of the Holy Spirit is internal and spiritual. 2) Angels minister for us, the Holy Spirit ministers in us. 3) Angels guard our bodies and pathway; The Holy Spirit guards our spirits and guides us in the right way. 4) Angels may be agents to answer prayer, but the Holy Spirit is the Prompter and Director of our prayers. 5) Angels may arrange circumstances and occasions, by they do not replace humans in sharing the gospel.

Two (2) things that angels observe in the Church concerning the order of Christians and the service of Christians

1) The order of men and women in Christian ministry 1 Cor 11:5-10 2) The impartiality in Christian leadership 1 Tim 5:17-22

4 biblical arguments, explaining 4 different proof passages, that the Holy Spirit is a person

1) The proof of PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES Intellect (Rom 8:27, He makes intercession); Emotion (Rom 15:30, love comes from the Spirit) 2) The proof of PERSONAL ACTIONS Gen 1:2 hovering (intentional action); Romans 8:26 interceding 3) The proof of the Holy Spirit as PERSONAL OBJECT Acts 5:3 he is lied to; Isaiah 63:10, He is rebelled against and grieved 4) The proof of the MASCULINE PRONOUN Eph 1:13-14 (use of relative pronoun ος [hos] in reference to HS, even though pneuma is neuter; gender disagreement)

Cessationist arguments for the cessation of the gift of tongues at the end of the Apostolic Age, including proof-passages

1) The purpose for the gift of tongues has been accomplished. God has already authenticated the message of the Apostles. With respect to unbelievers, once God has authenticated the Gospel in history, He does not need to do so again. 2) Along with the other miracles, the gift of tongues was meant only for the foundational period, the Apostolic age (2 Cor 12:12). 3) 1 Cor 13:8-10 seems naturally to imply that the gift of tongues would cease once the gift of prophecy has been "done away." It seems best (Dr. Mook's view) to take this cessation as occurring when the corpus of prophetic knowledge intended for the Church age was completed-at the end of the Apostolic age. 4) Every linguistic study of modern "glossalalia" has concluded that none of these manifestations exhibit the characteristics of human language.

Two (2) biblical arguments for the angels having personhood, with one (1) proof-passage for each argument

1) Their Personhood 1 Pet 1:12 . . . Intellect (they investigate and can learn) 2) Their Spirituality Ps 104:4 They are spirit

Explanation of 2 Tim 3:16 (including the Greek term for "inspiration") as proof-passages for the Holy Spirit's ministry of inspiration of Scripture

1) Theopneustos means breathed out by God. The words in Scripture are the words of God. 2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness

Biblical reasoning that the angels were created as individuals

1) They are called "sons of God" just as Christians are called "sons of God" and are individual creations. Job 1:6 2) Angels do not procreate Matt 22:30

Two (2) aspects of angel spirituality, with one (1) proof-passage for each aspect

1) They do not marry. Matt 22:30 2) They are invisible. Col 1:16

Four (4) main functions of holy angels, with one (1) proof-passage each function

1) Worship Rev 4: They worship day and night. 2) Service Rev 22:9 The are our fellow servants 3) Messengers Rev 1:1 Angels spoke with Apostle John during His visions in Revelation 4) Execution of Divine Providence Gen 19:1 Angels destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah

Summary of each point in the "Professor's Opinion" concerning demonization

1. A demon cannot cause unwilled behavior in a believer 2. A Christian can be strongly influenced by demons to sin through false teaching 3. Exorcism of demons is no longer the prerogative of Christians today. We have the armor of God and prayer as our defense. 4. Supposed demonization should have medical exam to rule out physical causes of aberrant behavior 5. Confrontation of demons is not the calling of the Christian. 6. Scripture and prayer are the means of ministry for people seeking to help anyone with a spiritual problem.

Three biblical characteristics of casting out demons, according to Scripture

1. Casting out demons was evidenced only during the time of Christ and the Apostles 2. It was always a sign to validate Christ and His directly authorized messengers 3. It was always instantaneously and thoroughly effective.

Three arguments that Christians cannot be demonized, with one proof-passage for each argument. Be sure to make an argument from what the epistles do not say.

1. Christians are indwelt by the Trinity 2. Christians can be influenced by demons through false teaching to commit sin. 3. Expulsion of demons was an authenticating sign of Christ and the Apostles.

Dr. Mook's 2 CAUTIONS about the procession of the Holy Spirit and the works of the Trinity

1. Procession is not a creative act or else the Spirit would not be God 2. All opera ad extra (works outside the divine essence) are works by which the Trinity is outwardly manifested. All 3 Persons work jointly, but work is ascribed to one of the 3 - emphasis not inclusion.

What two ways has the Holy Spirit been active?

1. The Created Order - Natural Revelation 2. The Holy Scriptures - Special Revelation

Explain Dr. Mook's concept of PROGRESSIVE Sanctification and provide a proof passage to support.

4) Progressive (practical) Sanctification: Is spiritual growth. It begins at the moment of conversion, and is the increasing turning away from sin to live in obedience to the Word of God by the filling power of the Holy Spirit. There is Divine-human tension in progressive sanctification that are not found in the prevenient, preparatory, positional, and perfect sanctification. The tension is found in Scripture. The Father and Son sanctify (John 17:17), but believers are accountable to be filled by the Holy Spirit (Eph 5:18).

Pentecostal Theory of Sanctification

A) Conversion B) Total Dedication (Baptism of the Holy Spirit). This was the holiness crisis decision of "altar" dedication. It provided cleansing form inbred sin and therefore victory over all sin. C) Baptism of fire. There was yet another crisis experience that was an endowment of power. It was necessarily evidenced by "speaking in tongues," based on the order of Acts 2.

Reformed Theory of Sanctification

A) Definitive Sanctification a.1 Objective: At conversion the Christian is definitely sanctified from God's perspective. a.2 Subjective: At conversion the Christian was in his nature crucified to sin and spiritually resurrected. This is not sinless perfection. But the Christian became a new, but not perfect, person at conversion. B) The Christian continues to live with an indwelling sin principle against which he strives all his life on earth. But the Christian grows in subjective holiness of mind, will, emotions, and actions. C) The focus is the moral law (10 commandments). The focus of traditional dispensationalists involves the Mosaic Code being replaced by the Law of Christ.

Wesleyan Theory of Sanctification

A) Initial Sanctification (pervenient grace). Regeneration begins the Spirit's work of sanctification at the point of conversion. B) Inner Warfare against sin. Process-crisis-process. C) Possibility of entire sanctification. D) Entire sanctification does not end the growth of holiness. It is not sinless perfection, but perfect freedom from sinful will. Focus is on holding the 10 commandments that were renewed with the Sermon on the Mount.

Keswick Theory of Sanctification

A) Initial positional sanctification B) Consecration. Using Rom 12:1-2 as the key text of "unconditional surrender." C) Growth involving re-dedications.

Ezek 28:11-19 the various interpretations and two (2) arguments offered for each interpretation, and Dr. Mook's conclusions on these problems.

A) The Context of Ezek 29:11-19: -Chapter 26 is a prophetic pronouncement of judgment against Tyre. -Chapter 27 is a funeral lamentation over Tyre. -Chapter 28 is a prophecy of judgment addressed to the "prince of Tyre." -28:11-19 is a final funeral dirge for the "king of Tyre." The King of Tyre at the time was Ithobal II, who ruled shortly before Nebuchadnezzar's siege of Tyre (585-573 B.C.) B) The Identification of the King and 2 arguments for each interpretation: 1) The king and city of Tyre only a) Passage is addressed to the King of Tyre. b) The surrounding context cannot refer to Satan (man, death). 2) Anti-Christ see below 3) Satan +/- Ant-Christ a) The addressee is the "prince of Tyre" in 28:2, but the "king of Tyre" in 28:12. It seems as different person is in view. (Response by view 1: King and prince interchangeable in OT.) b) The terms of 28:12-16 are more naturally understood of one who was a "perfect" "cherub" (an angel) in "Eden, the garden of God." This terms must first be read with OT meanings, not pagan meanings. (Response by view 1: These terms need not be taken literally if seen as part of an ironic taunt and if we recognize that these terms could be referring to the splendor, pride, and cultus of ANE idolatry. Despite this the most difficult obstacle is the statement "you were i Eden, the garden of God.") B) Dr. Mook's conclusion: 1) The many parallels of imagery with that of ANE royalty are admitted. Probably these were to confront the King of Tyre with the hyperbole of his own self-deifying pride. 2) Terms as "Eden, garden of God" and "cherub who covers" would be most naturally understood by Ezekiel's Jewish audience in an OT context, as the biblical Garden of Eden and the biblical order of angels called cherubim. It is best to see the words, especially vv. 11-16 directed against Satan, the one behind the King of Tyre, without loosing sight of the human King of Tyre and the immediate prophecy. 3) Ezek 28:16-19 compresses the original fall of Satan and his ultimate fall in Rev 12, 19 and 20. In his first fall he is cast out of the highest heaven to the lower heaven. But 28:17-19 depict the original casting out as combined with the casting to the earth in Rev 12:7-12 and his final defeats in Rev 19 and 20.

Dr. Mook's explanation of what is not and what is meant in Heb 1:14 concerning the service of angels for the elect

Angels serve God for the benefit of the elect. This service is not primarily spiritual and internal, rather it is primarily external and physical.

Isa 14:12-14 the various interpretations and two (2) arguments offered for each interpretation, and Dr. Mook's conclusions on these problems.

A) The Context of Isa 14:12-14: Isa 13:1-14:23 is a compressed, telescoped prophecy of the future judgement of Babylon. 14:3-21 is specifically a taunt that God predicts will be uttered by Israel concerning the King of Babylon after having been freed from him by means of the warfare predicted in the Day of the LORD in 13:1-22. B) The Identification of Lucifer and 2 arguments for each interpretation: 1) The King and Nation of Babylon only a) addressed to the King of Babylon b) much in the surrounding context cannot refer to Satan (e.g. death and decay) 2) Anti-Christ alone a) his downfall will come about in the "day of the LORD" b) after his downfall no one will ever live in the environs of Babylon again 3) Satan (+/- Antichrist) a) Satan is the driving force behind Babylon, the historical opponent of God's Jerusalem. b) "Fallen from heaven" is like descriptions of Satan falling from heaven as depicted in Luke 10:18 and Rev 12:9 C) Dr. Mook's Conclusion 1) The passage is directly prediction the Anti-Christ, not immediately speaking about Satan. 2) But because this language is hyperbolic, and Satan is behind the Anti-Christ, the ultimate King of Babylon (the "beast" of Revelation 12; 17-18) then it is proper to see Satan as ultimately addressed and described through his human servant, the King of Babylon. 3) Verse 12 could be predicting Satan's fall during the Tribulation (Rev 12:9), because it is a taunt of Israel after being resettled in their land at the Second Advent (Isa 14:1-4), and the "shining one" is depicted as being finally deposed from any power. But there also is a reflection of a previous fall from the highest heaven, especially when linked with the Ezekiel 28 passage. 4) In verse 15, this person is cast into Sheol, the "lowest depths of the pit." This could be predicting the Divine casting of the Antichrist into the lake of fire (Rev 19:20). This could also be predicting the casting of Satan into the lake of fire (Rev 20:10).

Passages in Acts purported by Pentecostals to indicate a pattern of the Baptism of the Spirit being subsequent to conversion

Acts 2 Acts 8:14-17, 10 Acts 11:1-18 Acts 19:1-7

One (1) proof-passage to show that the angels were created distinct from Deity

All created beings are distinct from the Creator 1 Cor 15:27 For He has put all things in subjection under His feet. But when He says, All things are put in subjection, it is evident that He is excepted who put all things in subjection to Him

Three (3) sources of learning for the holy angels in the present age, with one (1) proof-passage to show these sources of instruction

Angels learn from: 1) The Humility and Endurance in Christian Leadership 1 Cor 4:9-13 In spite of the dishonor and deprivation they have experienced the Apostles continue to labor, bless, endure, end entreat people to believe the gospel. 2) The Repentance of Sinners Luke 15:8-10 Joy in heaven in the presence of the angels of God over the repentance of one sinner. 3) The wisdom of God manifested in the Church as a dispensational entity Eph 3:9-10 Angels behold the Church with its dispensational distinctive equal membership of Jews and Gentiles in the Body of Christ and learn from that more of the wonder of God's eternal wisdom.

Distinction of the indwelling ministry from the baptism of the Holy Spirit

Baptism was a one-time act, placing the convert into the Body of Christ (in the Church dispensation). Indwelling is the Spirit's continual, permanent presence.

Need for NT gift of prophecy

Before the canon of Scripture was complete, there was a need for new revelation concerning various situations in the new dispensation of the Church.

Biblical proofs why the filling is repeatable

Believers who are not filled with the Spirit are called to resume the Spiritual disciplines. Rev 2:5 Repent and do the first works. Eph 5:18 It is commanded. So a command can also be broken.

Holiness Theory of Sanctification

Came out of the Wesleyan scheme of sanctification. Even more crisis oriented than Wesleyan. Sin can be eradicated from a person's life.

One (1) proof-passage to show that the angels were created with limitations

Dan 9:21-23 Gabriel, came to Daniel... Angels are confined to one location at a time

Apostle as temporary gift, definition of an Apostle, and explanation of proof-passages why it is a temporary gift

Definition: Men directly commissioned by the risen Christ and sent out to found and establish the Church. Distinctives: 1) Chosen directly by the Lord (Gal 1:1) 2) Saw the risen Lord (Acts 1:22) 3) Received direct revelation from God (although not all wrote Scripture) (Eph 3:5) 4) Had a ministry of founding the Church by laying its doctrinal basis. (Eph 3:3-5) 5) Had their work and teaching authenticated by miracles (2 Cor 12:12).

Definition of the nature of the gift of tongues, and biblical (from Acts 2:4-11) and historical arguments for this definition

Definition: The supernatural ability to speak in a real, earthly, human language that has not been previously learned. Classical Greek When used to refer to speech "glossa" always refers to intelligible human language. Acts 2:4-11 glossa is related to dialectos which means "the language or dialect of a particular country or district" This definition of "glossa" must be used when interpreting other uses of "glossa" unless there is clear, compelling evidence in those passages, that unintelligible ecstatic speech is meant. Important hermeneutical principle: Always use the clear passage to help interpret the less clear passage*

One (1) of Satan's practices against the nations and people in general, and one proof-passage that speaks about this practice

Destruction (Spiritual Death) Eph 2:1-3

Dr. Mook's definition of "Prophecy"

Direct verbal communication from God to human persons divinely chosen to receive it, and the divinely-given ability to communicate this truth. (It is not preaching that is based on previous revelation).

Main purpose for the gifts; one (1) proof-passage for this purpose

Edification of the Church 1 Cor 12:7

Explanation of Eph 2:3-5 as expressing the total depravity of humans as their need for saving (efficacious) grace

Eph 2:3-5 We were conducting ourselves in the lusts of the our flesh, by nature children of wrath, dead in our trespasses and sins, but God made us alive together with Christ

Analysis of Eph 5:18 with respect to this command, its contrast, and its comparison. What is its MAIN POINT in the comparison?

Eph 5:18 - And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit 1) A Command is Involved This action is dependent on an act of the Christian's will. It is a corporate command, but, by extension and implication, it is also addressed to the individual. 2) A Contrast is Involved The contrast is between being drunk with wine and being filled by the Spirit. 3) A Comparison is involved The comparison is between drunkenness and the filling by the Spirit. THE MAIN POINT The point of the comparison is controlling influence on the individual.

The significance of the sealing, explanation of one (1) proof-passage arguing this significance

Eternal Security Eph 1:14 "until the redemption of the purchased possession" which in this dispensation is the day of Rapture

Eternal Security as results of regeneration - along with one (1) proof-passage for each of these results

Eternal Security Romans 8:28-39 According to this passage, eternal security is based on eternal foreknowledge, predestination, calling, justification, and glorification.

Importance of procession for the Deity of the Holy Spirit

Eternal procession further attests to the divine essence and attributes of the Holy Spirit.

Explanation of Exodus 7:1-2 as proof-passage for the restricted definition of prophecy

Exod 7:1-2 Here the LORD gave Moses God's direct words and Aaron spoke these direct words to Pharaoh. "So the LORD said to Moses: 'See, I have made you as God to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet. You shall speak all that I command you. And Aaron your brother shall speak to Pharaoh to send the children of Israel out of his land.'"

The filling by the Holy Spirit as an effective influence for progressive sanctification, with one (1) proof-passage

Filling by the Holy Spirit is an effective influence for progressive sanctification. Eph 5:18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit,

Distinction of the indwelling ministry from the filling of the Holy Spirit

Filling is repeatable, experiential, non-permanent, and consists of controlling influence in the Christian by the Spirit (Eph 5:18). Indwelling is continual, non-experiential, permanent, and refers to the Spirit's residing, not His activity in the Christian.

One (1) proof-passage to show that the angels were created holy

Gen 1:31 God saw all that He had made, and behold it was very good. The entire creation was "very good" in God's sight after the seven days of creation

The position of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity

HS is one of the three Persons of the Trinity, equal in essence to the other two Persons

One (1) biblical argument, including proof-passage with the argument, for the Holy Spirit's ministry of regeneration in OT times

God circumcises the heart (Deut 30:6) Paul say this occurs by the Holy Spirit (Rom 2:28-29). Deut 30:6 "Moreover the Lord your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your descendants, to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, so that you may live.

Dr. Mook's definition of the inspiration of Scripture

God, by the Holy Spirit, moved the human authors of Scripture, so that, through and without violating their own personalities, they, without error, composed and recorded God's complete canonical message to man in the words of the original autographs of the Bible.

Give a Scriptural proof and explanation for Divine Identification and Association ascribed to the Holy Spirit

Identified as God Matt 12:31-32 - "whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him..."

*The first distinctive of the Baptism with the entire 6-point syllogism and the proof passages for each point of the syllogism

In its purpose in the Church Dispensation, this Baptism began with and marks the beginning of the Church This is demonstrated by the following syllogism: 1) The Church is the Body of Christ. Eph 1:22,23 2) The means of entrance, incorporation into the Body of Christ is the Baptism of (by, in, with) the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor 12:13 3) The Church was still future when Jesus spoke the words in Matt 16:18. 4) The Baptism of the Spirit was still future when Jesus spoke the words in Acts 1:5. 5) By his words in Acts 11:15-16, Peter definitely identifies the "filling" of Acts 2:4 as simultaneous with the first occurrence of the Baptism of the Spirit in fulfillment of Jesus' words of Acts 1:5. 6) Therefore, since the Baptism of the Spirit first occurred at Pentecost, and since the Baptism of the Spirit is the means of incorporation into the Church, the Body of Christ, then the Church and the Baptism of the Spirit began on the Day of Pentecost.

One (1) of demons' practices against God, and one proof-passage that speaks about this practice

Inciting False Religions 1 Cor 10:20

Explanation of one (1) proof-passage for saving (efficacious) grace as a working of God in the elect through saving (effectual) calling

It is a work in the elect. John 10:3 He calls his own sheep by name. Rom 8:30, 33 - "Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom he justified, these He also glorified . . . . Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies." In the NT believers are referred to as God's "elect" and "called" people, even in the same passage. A human is effectually called to salvation because he/she has been elected in eternity to be saved.

Explanation of one (1) proof-passage for saving (efficacious) grace as a working of God

It is a work of God John 6:65 No one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father.

Dr. Mook's argument for dispensational change in the Holy Spirit's ministry of indwelling at the Day of Pentecost, including two (2) NT proof-passages

Jesus predicted there would be a fuller, more universal, permanent indwelling of believers by the Holy Spirit after He (Jesus) left the earth. John 7:38-39 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'" But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. John 14:17 that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.

Dr. Mook's explanation of John 15:26 as the main proof-passage for the procession of the Holy Spirit

John 15:26 - "But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me." The verb ekporeuomai is in the present tense, perhaps indicating continual action in the present time. Note that if this is a durative present, the Spirit is said to continually proceed from both the Father and the Son, and this action began in the past. If this verb is a durative present, it indicates the Spirit's eternal relationship as executive agent of the Father and the Son and focuses on the eternal "sending" of the Spirit by the Father and the Son. But I think that in this verse it is probable that Jesus is pointing to a future action. In other words, this verb is probably a futuristic present. I formerly had preferred the progressive or durative present here, because according to Scripture the Spirit is always active. But in this context, Jesus is pointing to the sending of the Spirit at Pentecost (see 14:16-17, 26; 16:7, 13-15).

Explanation of two (2) proof-passages supporting the contention that regeneration is effected without human assistance

John 1:13 "Who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" Eph 2:5 - God made us alive together with Christ.

John Calvin's different view on the order of faith and regeneration

John Calvin defined regeneration as the entire life of sanctification until death, he held that regeneration, though a work of God, is different from and immediately follows the gift of faith.

The Logos as the agent of the creation of the angels, with one (1) proof-passage

Logos as the agent of the creation of angles. John 1:3 all things (includes angels) were made through Him

Controlling principle of use of the gifts; proof-passage

Love 1. Cor 13

Dr. Mook's concept of who rejoices first in Luke 15:8-10 over sinners who repent

Luke 15:8-10 The parable of the lost coin. There is rejoicing by God before the angels when a sinner repents. The angels thereby learn that repentance is a joyful event. It is the woman who finds and first rejoices. Angels also learn when people get saved on earth, just as the neighbors learned about the coin that was found.

Dr. Mook's reasoning for his change from seeing the Baptism as unique to the Church dispensation

Luke 3:15-16 John the Baptist said that the Baptism of the Spirit was a sign to Israel that Jesus is the Messiah. Hence the conclusion that Jesus will perform this ministry not only during but also subsequent to the Church age.

Dr. Mook's conclusion concerning pattern-setting precedents in Acts concerning the Pentecostal contention of subsequence of the Baptism of the Spirit

Luke did not intend to communicate the existence of a pattern of a subsequent baptism of the Spirit, because there is no consistent pattern in the book of Acts. Acts 2 has a subsequent baptism of the Spirit without the laying on of hands, but accompanied by the sound of wind and tongues of fire - and then another pattern: 3000 receiving the Spirit at conversion with no mention of tongues. Acts 8 has a subsequent baptism of the Spirit through the prayer and laying on of hands of Apostles - after water baptism with no mention of tongues. Acts 10 has the baptism of the Spirit at the first moment of saving faith without prayer and the laying on of hands- and with tongues. Acts 19 has the baptism of the Spirit through the laying on of an Apostle's hands -evidenced by tongues. Acts 2 records the first baptism of the Spirit for Jews; Acts 8 the first for Samaritans; Acts 10 the first for Gentiles; Acts 19 the baptism of the Spirit for an especially unique group of disciples of the teaching of John the Baptist. In Acts 2,8,10,19 there is no seeking. In each case at least one Apostle is present. In each case the entire group is baptized by the Spirit-not just those who seek it.

One (1) proof-passage stating that Jesus performs the Baptism by the agency of the Spirit

Mark 1:8 I indeed baptized you with water, but He (Jesus) will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

The proof-passage for guardian angels and Grudem's response to this interpretation

Matt 18:10 This verse has been used to argue that each person has a guardian angel. If this is a correct conclusion, then there are at least enough angels so that each person who has or ever will live would have a guardian angel (unless there is an angel for every elect person). These inferences are not necessary. The passage may simply be referring to a group of angels especially appointed to care for children. "See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven.

One (1) proof-passage for the creation of angels by Divine fiat

Matt 22:30 They neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven They do not procreate

Dr. Mook's Dispensational eschatological revision of the traditional Reformed scheme of sanctification

Mook's scheme is a soteriologically reformed scheme, but with dispensational eschatological elements added. Different concept of the moral law (now Law of Christ), dispensational change in the indwelling and filling ministries of the Spirit, and a specification of the pretribulational Rapture as the time of perfect sanctification for Church believers. Mook has an increased emphasis on the regenerate will of the Christian compared to some Reformed Thinkers (e.g. cross-centered sanctification).

The argument put forth by people who contend that Christians can be demonized

Mostly based on experience. NO Scripture clearly demonstrates that Christians may be indwelt by a demon.

Two (2) negative and two (2) positive conditions for the filling, including one (1) proof-passage for each condition

NEGATIVE: 1) Do not quench the Holy Spirit (1 Thess 5:19) "stifle, suppress, repress" = put an end to actions, keep down, check 2) Do not grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:30) The subjective effect of quenching on the Holy Spirit - He feels profound sadness, sorrow. POSITIVE: 1) Walk by the Spirit (Gal 5:16) Continually living by means of the person of the Holy Spirit - by means of the Holy Spirit in all His perfections (attributes). 2) Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly (Col 3:16) richly = abundantly, dwell = imperative

New Creation results of regeneration; along with one (1) proof-passage for the result

New Creation/New Nature 2 Cor 5:17 Meaning: new attitudes, new desires for God and His will, new hope.

New Experiences and Ablilities as result of regeneration; along with one (1) proof-passage for the result

New Experiences and Abilities Eph 2:10 we are created in Christ for good works

New Relationships results of regeneration; along with one (1) proof-passage for the result

New Relationships John 1:12-13 Child in God's family

Dr. Mook's caution about physical and mental afflictions that are naturally caused versus those that are demonically caused

Not all physical afflictions are caused by demons, but demons can cause physical afflictions. Mark 1:32 Distinguishes between those who were sick and those who were demon-possessed.

One Incident of demonization in each of the following parts of the Bible: OT; Gospel; Acts; Epistles; Revelation

OT: occultic divination (Exod 22:18 and worship of idols = worship of demons Gospels: Christ's ministry of casting out demon possessed people Acts: The Apostles cast out demons in context of healing people Epistles: No specific mention of demonization in the epistles Revelation: Demons will hurt people and persecute Israel and the saints

Biblical reasoning with one (1) proof passage that the use of the gifts is controlled by the one having the gifts

Order implies control 1 Cor 14:26-35

Logical order of generation of the Son and procession of the Holy Spirit

Since the Holy Spirit eternally proceeds from the Father and the Son, then the generation of the Son logically (but not temporally) eternally precedes the procession of the Holy Spirit.

Pentecostal hermeneutic about priority of narrative over didactic passages, and non-Pentecostal response to this hermeneutic

Pentecostal and Neo-pentecostal Hermeneutic Assumption: The narratives in Scripture are to be given priority over the didactic portions of Scripture. Non-Pentecostal Response: The didactic portions of Scripture should have priority over the historical and descriptive. The didactic should be seen as giving the inspired interpretation of and the divine guidance for applying the historical sections.

Explain Dr. Mook's concept of PERFECT Sanctification and provide a proof passage to support.

Perfect Sanctification: When Jesus returns for believers, changes their bodies to spiritual, resurrection bodies, and removes all sin from their lives. Then Christians will realize the goal of all aspects of sanctification - conformity to the image of Christ -i.e. glorification. Rom 8:29-30 "For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son... these He also glorified."

Explain Dr. Mook's concept of PREVENIENT Sanctification and provide a proof passage to support.

Pervenient Sanctification: The act of God in His eternal mind (Pre-temporal), prior to creation, by which He sets apart people to belong to Him. Rom 8:29-30 "For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son..."

One (1) of demons' practices against people in general, and one proof-passage that speaks about this practice

Physical Affliction Rev 9:10 Bodily harm: demons had tails like scorpions to hurt men.

Explanation of the proof of the personality of the Holy Spirit based on the use of the masculine pronoun - and why Dr. Mook believes that this is not a primary argument

Pneuma (Spirit) is neuter. Mostly the personal pronouns are neuter, however sometimes the male personal pronoun is used indicating that the Spirit is a Person. This is the weakest argument. Because of the possibility of exemptions in gender agreement in Greek usage, one cannot use this instance of gender disagreement as primary proof for the personality of the Holy Spirit. However when combined with the other lines of evidence the exception is another witness to the personality of the Holy Spirit.

Working Definition of Pneumatology

Pneumatology is the organic (unified, integrated, interrelated, interdependent) science of God the Holy Spirit as set forth in Scripture.

Explain Dr. Mook's concept of POSITIONAL Sanctification and provide a proof passage to support.

Positional (Definitive) Sanctification: At the point of conversion the Holy Spirit as the agent of sanctification definitively places the convert into a new position - set apart from sin and the world for service for God. 1 Cor 1:2 addressed to . . . those you are sanctified

Explain Dr. Mook's concept of PREPARATORY Sanctification and provide a proof passage to support.

Preparatory Sanctification: The work of the Holy Spirit in time in setting apart the unsaved person unto belief in the Gospel. 2 Thess 2:13-14 God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth.

List all 5 aspects of Dr. Mook's concept of biblical sanctification

Prevenient, Preparatory, Positional, Progressive, Perfect

Implication of procession for the work of the Holy Spirit

Procession means there is an eternally relational and economical submission/subordination of the Spirit to the Father and the Son, but not an ontological subordination. This relational and economic subordination does not diminish the divine ontological equality and essential unity of the Spirit with the Father and the Son.

The fact of the imperative of progressive sanctification, with one (1) proof-passage

Progressive sanctification is commanded. Rom 12:1-2 1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, ]acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

Primary Mode of Special Revelation


Comparison of Prophecy with Inspiration

Prophecy is the saying received directly from God (and the prophet's God-given ability to speak and write that saying). Whereas, Inspiration is God's activity in ensuring an accurate writing of the prophecy in specific words.

One (1) proof-passage to show that the angels were created greatly privileged

Psalm 104:4 He makes the winds His messengers, Flaming fire His ministers Angels are privileged because they are created to serve God.

One (1) OT proof-passage showing the impermanence of the indwelling of the Spirit in OT times

Psalm 51:11 "Do not cast me away from your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me"

Dr. Mook's reasoning why regeneration is not temporally before or temporally after saving faith, but rather is logically prior to but temporally simultaneous with saving faith

Regeneration is logically prior to, but temporally simultaneous with gift of saving faith. Regeneration is given at the same time faith is given, not before or after, but in and with the gift of faith (Eph 2:1-10). The gift of faith = an aspect of the saving (efficacious) grace given to the elect through the effectual call of the Gospel. Regeneration is the gift of more than faith, but faith is one thing it includes. All this gifting of faith and regeneration happens in a moment, not in a time sequence. There is a logical sequence, because Dr. Mook see's the gift of faith as the first part of the gift of regeneration.

Dr. Mook's reasoning for regeneration not being a process, and not consciously experienced

Regeneration is never partial or incomplete. It is always depicted in the NT by aorist and perfect tenses - not present and imperfect tenses. It is always portrayed as a completed act.

Distinction of the indwelling ministry from regeneration of the Holy Spirit

Regeneration is the one-time gift of eternal life. Indwelling is the Spirit's continual permanent presence.

One (1) proof-passage for the affirmation of the creation of angels

Rev 4:9-11 In which angles affirm that God "created all things"

Analysis of Rom 12:1-2 as setting forth the major condition for progressive sanctification

Rom 12:1-2 1) This is not a response to a one-time crisis event. 2) Since the sacrifice is a living sacrifice, the aorist is commanding that something is a factual reality in one's life. The aorist indicates a "once for all time" action. 3) The command is to make sure that one is a living sacrifice. This command requires obedience every day of one's life, beginning at the point of first faith. Dedication is to be renewed each moment.

Give a scriptural proof and explanation for Divine Perfections ascribed to the Holy Spirit

Rom 8:2 (He is the Spirit of Life)

Give a Scriptural proof and explanation for Divine Actions ascribed to the Holy Spirit

Rom 8:26 (divine intercession); Gen 1:2 (creation)

Explanation of one (1) proof-passage for saving (efficacious) grace as a working of God resulting in salvation

Rom 8:28-30 Everyone and only those who are called are justified and glorified.

Explanation of one (1) proof-passage for saving (efficacious) grace as a working of God based on His eternal elective decree

Rom 8:28-30 - "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified." Note the unbroken chain - all and only those who are foreknown are predestined; all and only those who are predestined are called... etc. So the calling in view in this passage is not the general call to all people, since not everyone who hears the Gospel gets justified. The calling in this passage is purposed by God and infallibly produces the response of saving faith and the resultant justification.

Explanation of Rom 8:7 as expressing the total depravity of humans as their need for saving (efficacious) grace

Rom 8:7 "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be."

Basic definition of sanctification

Sanctification is the process by which God separates people apart from sin and sinners to belong to and serve Him.

What is the relationship of saving grace to the effectual call of the Gospel

Saving grace (called "special grace") is the Divine power in God's saving call ("effectual" = effective in producing its intended effect). God's grace is one, but it is manifested in two kinds of actions specified as general calling and effectual (special) calling.

One (1) of Satan's practices against the Trinity and Israel, and one proof-passage that speaks about this practice

Seeks to usurp God Isa 14:13-14

Dr. Mook's concept of Satan's basic sin with one (1) NT proof-passage

Self-Deifying Pride A willful desire by Satan to deify himself, usurping and replacing God. This was a desire of the heart. He was "puffed up with pride" 1 Tim 3:6

Working definition of spiritual gifts; N.B. comment of their reception and their development

Spiritual gifts are God-given abilities for service, sovereignly distributed by the Holy Spirit to each Christian for the edification and extension of the Body of Christ. N.B.: Spiritual gifts are abilities that are complete when they are given, but our knowledge of how to apply these fights is not fully developed at first, but is developed through training and use of the gifts.

The demons' warfare against believers specifically, and one proof-passage that speaks about this warfare

Spiritual warfare against believers Eph 6:11-12 Behind the warfare of the principalities and powers are the "wiles of the devil."

Dr. Mook's concept of the "Baptism with fire," and his reasoning for his concept

The "fire" in Luke 3:16 is defined as judgmental fire in verse 17. Therefore the baptism of fire refers to the judgmental act of Christ separating believers from unbelievers at His Second Advent to rule on the earth as King. The choice is to be baptized with the Spirit now, or be baptized with judgmental fire at the Second Advent of the Messiah.

Biblical reasoning why having and manifesting spiritual gifts do not necessarily produce holiness

The Corinthian church was quite gifted, but had many moral faults.

Definitions of "Revelation"

The Greek verb, (apokalupto), and the Greek noun, (apokalupsis), depict "an uncovering, a disclosure." When used with respect to God, revelation means the disclosing of God's existence and perfections (including His truth) to man.

The presence of the sin principle as a major opponent of progressive sanctification, with Rom 7:15-25 as a proof-passage

The Sin principle is a major opponent of progressive sanctification. Rom 7:15-25 15 "For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate..."

One (1) proof-passage for the Holy Spirit's OT restraining ministry of sin, and Dr. Mook's observation about the Spirit's restraint of sin

The Spirit's work of revelation and inspiration of the Scriptures can be seen as part of His restraining work, however usually restraining is seen as more than an external warning - but a working of the Spirit in people to prevent sin. Gen 6:3 Then the Lord said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."

The Word of God as a means of progressive sanctification, with one (1) proof-passage

The Word of God is a means of progressive sanctification. John 17:17 Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.

Definition of the sealing ministry of the Holy Spirit

The act of God the Father by the Holy Spirit, at the moment of conversion, by which the Father guarantees the security of the believer in Christ until (in the Church dispensation) the day when the Lord Jesus returns to rapture His Church out of the world.

Contrasts between regeneration and indwelling

The difference between regeneration and indwelling by the Holy Spirit: Regeneration is the giving of eternal life, making a person spiritually alive. Indwelling is the Spirit's residence in a person. Regeneration is distinct from indwelling. In the NT, both occur at the same moment, but in OT times, people could be regenerated without being indwell by the Holy Spirit.

What are some differences between general calling and effectual calling

The differences of the two actions are in: (1) different results (no salvation versus salvation); (2) different recipients (all humans versus the elect); (3) different sources (common grace versus Christ's atonement).

Definition of Dr. Mook's concept of the procession/spiration of the Holy Spirit

The eternal establishment of the personal relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Father and the Son so that the Holy Spirit is eternally subordinate to the Father and the Son relationally and economically (functionally), but not essentially (ontologically) subordinate.

Definition of "General Revelation"

The general (unrestricted, non-verbal) disclosing of God's existence and perfections (including His truth) to all people by means of nature, conscience, and history.

Definiton of saving (efficacious) grace

The immediate and instantaneous work of God by the Holy Spirit, by which man's mind is savingly enlightened to understand the Gospel, and man's will is determinately empowered and moved to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Definition and major proof passage of the Spirit's work of illumination

The ministry of God by which He enables the individual person to spiritually and intimately understand, approve, appreciate and welcome the Scriptures. 1 Corinthians 2:14 - The contents of the Bible are "spiritually discerned"

Definition of the filling of the Holy Spirit; and what the controlling influence by the Spirit is not

The ministry of the Holy Spirit in which He predominantly, and through and in accordance with the Word of God, has the controlling influence over the believer in every facet of his/her being and activity. This controlling influence is not robot-like or puppet-like control. Even a drunken person exercises his/her will. The controlling influence is also not total eradication of sin, but a dominating influence to resist sin and serve the Lord.

Definition of "Special Revelation"

The personal and primarily verbal disclosing of God's existence and perfections (including His will and His truth) by supernatural means to particular selected persons, for various purposes, including (after the fall) bringing people to be saved and worship him aright.

Definition of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit

The residing of the Holy Spirit in the individual Christian, beginning at the moment of conversion and never ending.

Definition of prophecy as spiritual gift in the Church

The supernatural ministry of receiving and communicating direct verbal revelation from God to man. This gift includes predictive prophecy.

Theological definition of regeneration

The supernatural work of God through the Holy Spirit in which He instantaneously imparts eternal life to and in people who are spiritually dead in nature and standing before God.

The fact that this gift did not evidence or bestow spiritual maturity, explaining biblical reasoning for this point

The use of tongues did not evidence or bestow spritual maturity. 1 Cor 3:1-3

Definition of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

The work in which the Lord Jesus Christ, by the agency of the Holy Spirit, in the present dispensation, places the Christian into His body, the Church, at the Christian's first moment of salvation by saving grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Biblical reasoning why spiritual gifts should not be the main focus of Christian life and ministry

There are only a few passages that speak about spiritual gifts.

The relations of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity

There is mutual ontological, essential union and equality between the three Persons of the Trinity. But the HS is relationally and economically subordinate to the Father and Son.

Definition of the term "temporary spiritual gifts"

These are spiritual gifts given during the apostolic age, but were no longer given by the Holy Spirit after that time.

Dr. Mook's explanation of the time factor in saving (efficacious) grace

This is an instantaneous act, although it might come at the end of a process. There may be a process in time in the conversion of a person, but full saving enlightenment and empowering comes in the moment of first faith in Christ.

The extent of the Spirit's sovereign freedom to give or not give spiritual gifts and the extent of the reach of the blessings produced by the gifts regardless how often they are given

This means that the Spirit is free to give or not give spiritual gifts in accordance with the sovereign plan of God the Father and God the Son. So the Spirit is free to give spiritual gifts to whomever He wills, and in whatever age He wills. He is not bound to give all the gifts for use in every age of Church history. (Actually, when He has given gifts in one age, He has thereby given them to the whole Body of Christ, even though not every gift may be actively given in every age).

Give a scriptural proof and explanation for Divine Titles applied to the Holy Spirit

Titles Depicting Perfections Rom 8:2 (Spirit of Life)

The distinction between the two (2) kinds of "filling" by the Holy Spirit in the Bible.

Type A (Thomas Ice's "Normal Filling"): Ideally, An Ongoing State of Divine Controlling Influence, But According to Conditions. Type B (Thomas Ice's "Special Filling"): Occasional Instantaneous Divine Control of a Person for Specific Task(s) and Without Necessary Conditions. (In NT times, restricted to the Apostolic Age.)

Union with Christ as an effective influence for progressive sanctification, with one (1) proof-passage

Union with Christ is an effective influence for progressive sanctification. Gal 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me

Walking by faith as a means of progressive sanctification, with one (1) proof-passage

Walking by faith is a means of progressive sanctification. Rom 1:17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written but the righteous man shall live by faith."

One (1) of Satan's practices against believers today, and one proof-passage that speaks about this practice

Wars against them Eph 6:10-12

Explanation of Titus 3:5 as a proof-passage for the Holy Spirit being the agent of regeneration

Washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit is one event described in two ways. Salvation is totally the work of God the Holy Spirit in regeneration and renewing. None of this work is based on human action.

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