T.O. 37-1-1
spur tracks, CE Electric Shop
No grounding/bonding is required for railroad tank cars if the _______ are bonded together/bonded or electrically isolated from the main line as determined by ________ personnel.
return loop
At the mid-point of flushing operations, draw a visual sample on the ______ on the constant pressure loop systems.
Waste fuel removed from tanks will be handled IAW T.O. _______.
________ refuelers are not authorized for pumping underground storage tanks.
Low point drain operations, product recovery operations
__________ and __________ will be performed at the completion of the flushing operation.
distance pump suction
Aircraft refuelers shall not be used to remove product from underground storage tanks unless ________ and safety requirements can be met and quality is not compromised.
Enraf Vito probe
If a tank is equipped with a properly installed and operational ________ in the sump, water removal is only required when water presence is shown on the tank side indicator.
Monitor DP's and drain F/S sumps _____ the flushing operations.
DoD 4140.25M, DLA Energy guidance, T.O. 42B-1-1, AFI 23-201, MIL-STD-3004
When a shipment of fuel arrives on base, the receipt documentation and inspection procedures will be IAW ________, __________, __________, __________, and __________.
key locked
Bulk fuel off-loading headers not within secure fenced areas must be _______ IAW AFI 23-201.
Constant pressure hydrants fuel systems (Type III, IV, and V systems) are flushed by displacing at least _____ the line volume at high speed velocity within the piping system.
60 days
Ensure Cathodic Protection Survey are being accomplished every _________.
automatic leak detection systems, weekly
Manual weekly hydrant system static pressure tests are not required on constant pressure hydrant systems when equipped with operational __________. However, systems must be programmed to perform a pressure test at least _______.
steam jet, hot water, hot cloth
A ______, _______, or _______ may be used to thaw frozen valves
grade, quantity, seal number, DLA quality representative, DLA Energy Guidance
Ensure _____, _____, and _____ (if applicable) agree with the DD Form 250, Bill of Lading, or contractor delivery ticket. If the documentation is not available upon arrival of the conveyance, contact the appropriate _________ and follow the procedures in _________.
If large amounts of water, cloudy fuel or any gelantinous substance is found, increase the draining frequency of product recovery/saver tank operations to ______ each shift.
30 minutes, leak
If the initial static pressure test fails on a system, a retest of it will be initiated within _______. A second failure indicates a ______.
DLA Energy policy
Inventory control for fuel systems shall be conducted IAW ________.
10 psi
Strainers equipped with a DP gauge will be inspected and cleaned when the DP gauge reaches _______.
visual flow indicator
A _________ will be installed on off-loading headers in receipt operations with tank truck/car
6 feet, pipe size, divide, 0.4
All efforts should be made to obtain a minimum velocity of _____ per second to create a high speed velocity within the hydrants piping system. To find FPS, multiply the ______ by itself. Then _______ that number into gallons per minute. Then multiply by _____.
male fitting, female fitting, female fitting, male fitting
For diesel fuel bottom loading, if two grades of diesel are handled, the couplers will be reversed; i.e. diesel fuel unit will have a _______ with a _______ on the fillstand; biodiesel fuel unit
3-inch, 100 mesh
For jet fuels bottom loader requirements, the single point receptacle will be used on jet fuel refueling units with a single point nozzle onf the fillstand. When more than one grade of jet fuel is handled at a base, the ______ dry break coupler may be used as a lock control system for the refueler bottom loader is required. Strainers are required in fillstand single point nozzles. _______ will be used.
hose cart R-12
For non-loop hydrant systems, draw a sample at the inlet of the ______ or ______ and check for water and sediment.
transfer pumps
Fuel tanks, located at military service stations, which are used to support both vehicle fleets and tank truck delivery operations are not required to have installed ______ in addition to the normal vehicle delivery pumps.
automated leak detection
Service station dispensing systems that have __________ with an alarm or pump disabling mechanism do not require visual inspection inside the pump dispensers.
3 years, AFI 33-322
The completed AFTO Form 39 will be retained by FM for a period of ______ IAW AFI ______.
20-25 psi, ENRAF, Veeder Root
Check nitrogen cylinder on ITT Barton units for serviceability and ensure regulator setting is _______. Check the new ______ for bulk storage tanks and _______ for military service station for proper operation.
Flow rates for the flushing operations will be at the approved maximum flow rate for the system on the _____ side of the loop.
For unleaded mogas bottom loading, the _____ dry break type coupler will be used.
Base CE Ground Safety, AFI 13-213
The number and location of danger signs will be determined by the ______ in consultation with ______. Coordination with Airfield Management IAW ________ is required before posting any signs in the flightline area.
Civil Engineer (CE)
FM will report all deficiencies with bulk storage to the __________.
UFC 3-460-03
Observe meters for proper operation. Whenever inaccurate performance is suspected, the meter will be calibrated IAW UFC ________.
6 months
Perform count tests for automated service station pulsars every _____ to ensure serviceability of the pulsar devices.
one mile, weekly
Pipeline, barge, and tanker strainers will be inspected and cleaned after each receipt or more frequently if local conditions warrant. However, if there is an installed upstream filter within _______ of the base, the strainer can be cleaned _______.
UFC 4-460-03, 45 days, AFPET Current Operations, MAJCOM Fuels Engineer
Tank inspections/cleaning will be scheduled according to ______. Minor deviation in frequency of tank inspection because of nonavailability of tank cleaning personnel or a Bio-Environmental Engineer, receipt problems, etc are permitted up to ______. Periods exceeding this must be coordinated with ______ or NGB.A4RMF as applicable and approved by ___________.
3 feet, second, one foot
The fill rate for an empty (or nearly empty) tank must be reduced to prevent excessive agitation, turbulence, spraying, and misting which results in a high rate of static generation. The fuel velocity shall not exceed _____ per ______ fuel flow through the piping until the liquid level is ______ above the inlet level.
30 minutes
The operator must be stationed in the immediate vicinity of tanks equipped with high level alarms. Immediate vicinity requires being near enough to periodically observe the operation for problems and quickly respond. during the last _______ of receipt, the operator shall be present at the tank.
5 inches, 2 inches, 12-hour, 40 mph
Adverse weather is defined as heavy snow fall greater than _____ or rain events in excess of ______ of rainfall within a _____ period as well as wind or wind gusts in excess of ______.
AFPET Current Operations Division, Base Safety Office
An approved waiver will be obtained from the ___________ and the _________ prior to performing fuel top loading operations.
Danger signs for bulk fuel storage areas will be worded as follows: ____________
20 gallons
Ensure product saver tanks are capable of holding the saver line displacement plus an additional _____ of liquid. Fill the product saver tank with product. If cloudy, drain into a ______ or __________ and continue the product saver tank fill/drain process until the product becomes clear in appearance.
50 feet, base service station, secured areas
Place danger signs at least ______ from tank trucks/cars prior to beginning of off-loading operations. Signs are not required when off-loading at the _________ or within posted __________.
flow restrictors, 10 gallons
Pumps installed for issuing gasoline from military service stations must have _______ installed to limit flow rates to a maximum of _______ per minute. This requirement is optional when dispensing pumps are dedicated to servicing heavy-duty vehicles.
high level alarms, high level automatic shutoff valves
Receiving simultaneously into multiple (i.e. manifold) storage tanks is not authorized, unless all tanks are equipped with independent _______ and __________.
AS 488, AS 924
When fuel is stored in tanks where the installed pump is inoperable and cannot be repaired in a timely manner or no installed pump exists, fuel will be removed by use of one of the pumps in _____ or ______.
BCE, bimonthly, AFI 32-1054
Fuels supervisors will coordinate with ______ to ensure cathodic protection surveys are accomplished ______ IAW AFI ________.
Dry-break couplers
The use of selective couplers for bottom loading of ground fuels from fillstands is required. ________ will be used.
3 feet, 1 foot
When top loading, begin filling at an initial rate not to exceed _____ per second. This flow will be observed until the fuel is at least _______ above the opening of the downspout.