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synonyms CERTAINTY, CERTITUDE, CONVICTION mean a state of being free from doubt.

CERTAINTY and CERTITUDE are very close CERTAINTY may stress the existence of objective proof <claims that cannot be confirmed with scientific certainty>, while CERTITUDE may emphasize a faith in something not needing or not capable of proof <believes with certitude in an afterlife>. CONVICTION applies especially to belief strongly held by an individual <holds firm convictions on every issue>.


['daiəgræm] n.图解,图表


['denim] n.粗斜纹棉布 Denim is a thick cotton cloth, usually blue, which is used to make clothes. Jeans are made from denim.


['dæpl(ə)d] a.有斑点的,斑驳的 You use dappled to describe something that has dark or light patches on it, or that is made up of patches of light and shade.


['dɔgərəl] n.歪诗,打油诗 : loosely styled and irregular in measure especially for burlesque or comic effect also : marked by triviality or inferiority : doggerel verse


['dəutiŋ] a.溺爱的 If you say that someone is, for example, a doting mother, husband, or friend, you mean that they show a lot of love for someone.


['dʒenərəlaiz] v.归纳 transitive verb 1 : to give a general form to 2 a : to derive or induce (a general conception or principle) from particulars b : to draw a general conclusion from 3 : to give general applicability to <generalize a law> also : to make indefinite intransitive verb 1 : to form generalizations also : to make vague or indefinite statements 2 : to spread or extend throughout the body


['dʒi:nəum] n.基因组,染色体组


['dʒə:mineit] v.发芽;发展 transitive verb : to cause to sprout(萌芽) or develop intransitive verb 1 : to come into being : EVOLVE <before Western civilization began to germinate - A. L. Kroeber> 2 : to begin to grow : SPROUT


['eksidʒənt] a.需要立即采取行动的 1 : requiring immediate aid or action <exigent circumstances> 2 : requiring or calling for much : DEMANDING <an exigent client>


['ekspieit] v.赎罪,补偿 If you expiate guilty feelings or bad behaviour, you do something to indicate that you are sorry for what you have done. (FORMAL) 2 a : to extinguish the guilt incurred by b : to make amends for <permission to expiate their offences by their assiduous labours - Francis Bacon> intransitive verb : to make expiation


['faiərɑ:m] n.(便携式)枪支 : a weapon from which a shot is discharged by gunpowder - usually used of small arms


['ferəs] a.含铁的 1 : of, relating to, or containing iron 2 : being or containing divalent iron


['flægi] a.枯萎的;松软无力的


['flʌfi] a.有绒毛的;空洞的 1 a : covered with or resembling fluff b : being light and soft or airy : puffed up <a fluffy omelet> 2 : lacking in meaning or substance : SUPERFICIAL 2C


['flʌktjueit] v.波动;变化 intransitive verb 1 : to shift back and forth uncertainly 2 : to ebb and flow in waves transitive verb : to cause to fluctuate synonyms see SWING


['flʌriʃ] v.昌盛,兴旺;活跃而有影响 intransitive verb 1 : to grow luxuriantly : THRIVE 2 a : to achieve success : PROSPER <a flourishing business> b : to be in a state of activity or production <flourished around 1850> c : to reach a height of development or influence 3 : to make bold and sweeping gestures transitive verb : to wield with dramatic gestures : BRANDISH


['frikʃən] n.摩擦;矛盾,冲突 1 a : the rubbing of one body against another b : the force that resists relative motion between two bodies in contact 2 : the clashing between two persons or parties of opposed views : DISAGREEMENT 3 : sound produced by the movement of air through a narrow constriction in the mouth or glottis


['frɔθi] a.起泡的;空洞的 1 : full of or consisting of froth 2 a : gaily frivolous or light in content or treatment : INSUBSTANTIAL <a frothy comedy> b : made of light thin material


['fæ0əm] n.英寻(量水深用,相当于æ.ʌɔ米);v.彻底明白,了解 n. 2 : COMPREHENSION intransitive verb 1 : PROBE 2 : to take soundings transitive verb 1 : to measure by a sounding line 2 : to penetrate and come to understand <couldn't fathom the problem>


['fælkən] n.猎鹰;隼 A falcon is a bird of prey that can be trained to hunt other birds and animals.


['fɔ:lt`faində] n.喜欢挑剔的人 : one given to faultfinding


['fə:ti`laizə] n.肥料,化肥 : one that fertilizes specifically : a substance (as manure(粪肥) or a chemical mixture) used to make soil more fertile


['fəuldə] n.文件夹,纸夹


['fəuliidʒ] n.叶子(总称) 1 : a representation of leaves, flowers, and branches for architectural ornamentation 2 : the aggregate of leaves of one or more plants 3 : a cluster of leaves, flowers, and branches


['gaizə] n.天然热喷泉 1 : a spring that throws forth intermittent jets of heated water and steam 2 British : an apparatus for heating water rapidly with a gas flame (as for a bath)


['giləti:n] n.断头台 A guillotine is a device used to execute people, especially in France in the past. A sharp blade was raised up on a frame and dropped onto the person's neck. If someone is guillotined, they are killed with a guillotine. A guillotine is a device used for cutting paper.


['glimə] v.发微光;n.摇曳的微光 1 a : to shine faintly or unsteadily b : to give off a subdued unsteady reflection 2 : to appear indistinctly with a faintly luminous quality synonyms see FLASH noun. 1 a : a feeble or intermittent light b : a subdued unsteady shining or sparkle 2 a : a dim perception or faint idea : INKLING(略知,模糊概念) b : HINT, SPARK <a glimmer of intelligence>


['glʌtənəs] a.贪吃的,贪嘴的 : marked by or given to gluttony <a gluttonous appetite> synonyms see VORACIOUS(贪婪的)


['gripiŋ] a.紧紧抓住注意力的 grip transitive verb 1 : to seize or hold firmly 2 : to hold the interest of strongly <a story that grips the reader>


['guəmei] n.美食家 : a connoisseur of food and drink broadly : CONNOISSEUR(鉴赏家) 2 <a film gourmet>


['gæli] n.船上的厨房 On a ship or aircraft, the galley is the kitchen. In former times, a galley was a ship with sails and a lot of oars, which was often rowed by slaves or prisoners. 3[印]活版盘 a : an oblong tray to hold especially a single column of set type b : a proof of typeset matter especially in a single column before being made into pages


['gæriʃ] a.俗丽的,过于艳丽的 1 : clothed in vivid colors 2 a : excessively or disturbingly vivid <garish colors> <garish imagery(肖像)> b : offensively or distressingly bright : GLARING 3 : tastelessly showy : FLASHY


['gɑ:bl] v.曲解,窜改, 断章取义 2 : to sift impurities from 3 a : to so alter or distort as to create a wrong impression or change the meaning <garble a story> b : to introduce textual error into (a message) by inaccurate encipherment, transmission, or decipherment noun 1 : the impurities removed from spices in sifting 2 : an act or an instance of garbling


['gɑ:bld] a.引起误解的;窜改的 A garbled message or report contains confused or wrong details, often because it is spoken by someone who is nervous or in a hurry.


['gɔblit] n.高脚酒杯 a type of cup without handles and usually with a long stem.


['gʌʃə] n.滔滔不绝的说话者;喷油井 : one that gushes specifically : an oil well with a copious natural flow


['haifən] n.连字号(即"-") : a punctuation mark - used especially to divide or to compound words, word elements, or numbers


['hekl] v.诘问,困扰 : to harass and try to disconcert with questions, challenges, or gibes : BADGER(不断纠缠)


['hæləu] v.把...视为神圣,尊敬 1 : to make holy or set apart for holy use 2 : to respect greatly : VENERATE(崇拜)


['hærəuiŋ] a.悲痛的,难受的 A harrowing experience is extremely upsetting or disturbing.


['hæŋdɔg] a.忧愁的;低贱的 1 : SAD, DEJECTED(沮丧的;失望的) 2 : SHEEPISH : a despicable(可鄙的,卑劣的) or miserable(可怜的) person


['hɑ:di] a.耐寒的;强壮的 1 : BOLD, BRAVE 2 : AUDACIOUS(大胆的), BRAZEN 3 a : inured to fatigue or hardships : ROBUST(精力充沛的) b : capable of withstanding adverse conditions <hardy outdoor furniture> <hardy plants> <hardy cattle>


['hɑ:trendiŋ] a.令人心碎的 : HEARTBREAKING 1A : causing intense sorrow or distress earsplitting a.震耳欲聋的


['hɔ:məun] n.荷尔蒙,激素


['hɔdʒpɔdʒ] n.混淆;杂菜 : a heterogeneous mixture : JUMBLE <a hodgepodge of styles>


['hɔvə] v.翱翔;(人)徘徊 1 a : to hang fluttering in the air or on the wing b : to remain suspended over a place or object 2 a : to move to and fro near a place : fluctuate around a given point <unemployment hovered around 10 percent> b : to be in a state of uncertainty, irresolution, or suspense


['kræŋki] a.怪癖的,任性的;不稳的 If you describe ideas or ways of behaving as cranky, you disapprove of them because you think they are strange. (INFORMAL)= eccentric Cranky means bad-tempered. (AM INFORMAL) = ratty It was a long trek, and Jack and I both started to get cranky after about ten minutes.


['krɔkəri] n.陶器,瓦器


['kə:dl] v.使凝结,变稠 If milk or eggs curdle or if you curdle them, they separate into different bits. intransitive verb 1 : to form curds also : to congeal as if by forming curds <a scream curdled in her throat> 2 : to go bad or wrong : SPOIL transitive verb 1 : to cause curds to form in <curdled milk> 2 : SPOIL, SOUR


['sinik] n.犬儒主义者,愤世嫉俗者 A cynic is someone who believes that people always act selfishly.


[`aidi'ɔlədʒi] n.思想体系,思想意识,意识形态 1 : visionary theorizing 2 a : a systematic body of concepts especially about human life or culture b : a manner or the content of thinking characteristic of an individual, group, or culture c : the integrated assertions, theories and aims that constitute a sociopolitical program


[`diskʌm'bɔbjuleitid] a.扰乱的,打乱的


[`grætifi'keiʃən] n.满足,喜悦 1 : REWARD, RECOMPENSE(报偿,赔偿,报酬) especially : GRATUITY(赠物,赏钱) 2 : the act of gratifying : the state of being gratified 3 : a source of satisfaction or pleasure


[`gæsifi'keiʃən] n.气化 : conversion into gas especially : conversion of coal into natural gas


[`hə:pətə'lɔdʒist] n.爬行动物学家 : a branch of zoology dealing with reptiles and amphibians


[`kɔnvə'les] v.(病)康复,复原 : to recover health and strength gradually after sickness or weakness = recuperate


[di'beis] v.贬低,贬损 To debase something means to reduce its value or quality. (FORMAL)= degrade


[di'feis] v.损坏 If someone defaces something such as a wall or a notice, they spoil it by writing or drawing things on it. 1 : to mar(损坏) the appearance of : injure by effacing(抹去) significant details <deface an inscription(题字)> 2 : IMPAIR


[di'fəulieitə] n.落叶剂 defoliate : to deprive of leaves especially prematurely


[di'menʃən] n.维度,尺寸 A particular dimension of something is a particular aspect of it.= aspect If you talk about the dimensions of a situation or problem, you are talking about its extent and size. =scale


[di'pikt] v.描绘,描画 To depict someone or something means to show or represent them in a work of art such as a drawing or painting. To depict someone or something means to describe them or give an impression of them in writing. = portray 1 : to make a picture of : DEPICT 2 a : to describe in words b : to play the role of : ENACT


[di'pri:ʃieit] v.轻视;贬值 If something such as a currency depreciates or if something depreciates it, it loses some of its original value.


[di'zə:tid] a.荒芜的,无人的


[di`nʌnsi'eiʃ(ə)n] n.谴责,斥责 Denunciation of someone or something is severe public criticism of them. = condemnation : an act of denouncing especially : a public condemnation


[dis'figə] v.毁容 If someone is disfigured, their appearance is spoiled. To disfigure an object or a place means to spoil its appearance. 1 : to impair (as in beauty) by deep and persistent injuries <a face disfigured by smallpox>


[dis'gʌst] n.反感,厌恶 Disgust is a feeling of very strong dislike or disapproval.= revulsion To disgust someone means to make them feel a strong sense of dislike and disapproval. : marked aversion aroused by something highly distasteful : REPUGNANCE(深恶痛绝) transitive verb 1 : to provoke to loathing, repugnance, or aversion : be offensive to 2 : to cause (one) to lose an interest or intention intransitive verb : to cause disgust


[dis'pens] v.分配,分发 transitive verb 1 a : to deal out in portions b : ADMINISTER <dispense justice> 2 : to give dispensation to : EXEMPT 3 : to prepare and distribute (medication) intransitive verb archaic : to grant dispensation synonyms see DISTRIBUTE


[dis'pə:s] v.消散,驱散 When something disperses or when you disperse it, it spreads over a wide area. When a group of people disperses or when someone disperses them, the group splits up and the people leave in different directions. = break up


[dis'rʌptiv] a.制造混乱的 To be disruptive means to prevent something from continuing or operating in a normal way.


[dəult] n.傻瓜 If you call someone a dolt, you think they are stupid, or have done something stupid. (INFORMAL) = idiot


[dʒem] n.宝石,珠宝;精华 1 a : JEWEL b : a precious or sometimes semiprecious stone cut and polished for ornament 2 a : something prized especially for great beauty or perfection b : a highly prized or well-beloved person transitive verb : to adorn with or as if with gems


[filθ] n.肮脏;粗语 1 : foul or putrid matter especially : loathsome dirt or refuse 2 a : moral corruption or defilement b : something that tends to corrupt or defile


[fju:'tiləti] n.无用,无益 1 : the quality or state of being futile : USELESSNESS 2 : a useless act or gesture <the futilities of debate for its own sake - W. A. White>


[fɔ:'meiʃən] n.组织,形成;(军队)编队 3 : the manner in which a thing is formed : STRUCTURE <the peculiar formation of the heart> 6 : an arrangement of a body or group of persons or things in some prescribed manner or for a particular purpose <flying in formation>


[glib] a.流利圆滑的,善辩的 1 a : marked by ease and informality : NONCHALANT(冷漠的) b : showing little forethought or preparation : OFFHAND(即席的) <glib answers> c : lacking depth and substance : SUPERFICIAL <glib solutions to knotty problems> 3 : marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful <a glib politician>


[gre'geəriəs] a.群居的;爱社交的 1 a : tending to associate with others of one's kind : SOCIAL b : marked by or indicating a liking for companionship : SOCIABLE c : of or relating to a social group 2 a of a plant : growing in a cluster or a colony b : living in contiguous nests but not forming a true colony - used especially of and bees


[hai'pɔtinju:z] n.(直角三角形的)斜边 1 : the side of a right-angled triangle that is opposite the right angle 2 : the length of a hypotenuse


[heil] n.冰雹;v.致敬 noun 1 : precipitation in the form of small balls or lumps usually consisting of concentric layers of clear ice and compact snow 2 : something that gives the effect of a shower of hail <a hail of rifle(步枪) fire> intransitive verb 1 : to precipitate hail <it was hailing hard> 2 : to pour down or strike like hail transitive verb 1 a : SALUTE, GREET b : to greet with enthusiastic approval : ACCLAIM 2 : to greet or summon by calling <hail a taxi> intransitive verb : to call out especially : to call a greeting to a passing ship noun 1 : an exclamation of greeting or acclamation 2 : a calling to attract attention 3 : hearing distance <stayed within hail>


[hi'lAəriəs] a.充满欢乐的;引起大笑的 : marked by or causing hilarity : extremely funny


[hi:d] v.注意,留心;n.关心 intransitive verb : to pay attention transitive verb : to give consideration or attention to : MIND <heed what he says> <heed the call> noun : ATTENTION, NOTICE


[hju(:)'milieit] v.使屈辱 : to reduce to a lower position in one's own eyes or others' eyes : MORTIFY(使羞辱)


[hju:] n.色彩,色泽 1 : COMPLEXION(肤色;外表;局面,情况), ASPECT <political parties of every hue - Louis Wasserman> 2 a : COLOR b : gradation of color c : the attribute of colors that permits them to be classed as red, yellow, green, blue, or an intermediate between any contiguous pair of these colors


[i'mækjulit] a.洁净的,无瑕的 1 : having no stain or blemish : PURE 2 : containing no flaw or error 3 a : spotlessly clean b : having no colored spots or marks <petals immaculate>


[iks'pi:diənt] n.权宜之计,临时手段;a.(指行动)有用的 An expedient is an action that achieves a particular purpose, but may not be morally right. 1 : suitable for achieving a particular end in a given circumstance 2 : characterized by concern with what is opportune especially : governed by self-interest synonyms EXPEDIENT, POLITIC, ADVISABLE mean dictated by practical or prudent motives


[im'bju:] v.灌输(某人)强烈的情感或意见 1 : to permeate or influence as if by dyeing(染色) <the spirit that imbues the new constitution> 2 : to tinge or dye deeply 3 : ENDOW 3 <Spanish missions imbue the city with Old World charm ― Scott Pendleton> synonyms see INFUSE


[im'pAə] v.损害,使弱 : to damage or make worse by or as if by diminishing in some material respect <his health was impaired by overwork> <the strike seriously impaired community services> synonyms see INJURE


[im'petjuəs] a.冲动的,鲁莽的 1 : marked by impulsive vehemence(热烈;猛烈) or passion <an impetuous temperament(气质)> 2 : marked by force and violence of movement or action <an impetuous wind>


[kə'rikjuləm] n.(全部的)课程 A curriculum is all the different courses of study that are taught in a school, college, or university. A particular curriculum is one particular course of study that is taught in a school, college, or university.= syllabus


[kə'rɔbəreit] v.支持或证实;强化 : to support with evidence or authority : make more certain \ To corroborate something that has been said or reported means to provide evidence or that supports it. (FORMAL) = confirm synonyms see CONFIRM


[kən'tæmineit] v.使...受污染 If something is contaminated by dirt, chemicals, or radiation, they make it dirty or harmful.


[kən`tinju'eiʃən] n.继续,延续 1 : the act or fact of continuing in or the prolongation of a state or activity 2 : resumption after an interruption 3 : something that continues, increases, or adds


[kəu'ɔpərətiv] a.联营的,合作的;愿意协助的 a. 1 a : marked by cooperation <cooperative efforts> b : marked by a willingness and ability to work with others <cooperative neighbors> 2 : of, relating to, or organized as a cooperative <a cooperative store> 3 : relating to or comprising a program of combined liberal arts and technical studies at different schools n. : an enterprise or organization owned by and operated for the benefit of those using its services

synonyms see DENY

synonyms DENY, GAINSAY, CONTRADICT, CONTRAVENE mean to refuse to accept as true or valid. DENY implies a firm refusal to accept as true, to grant or concede, or to acknowledge the existence or claims of <denied the charges>. GAINSAY implies disputing the truth of what another has said <no one can gainsay her claims>.

synonyms see MOTIVE

synonyms MOTIVE, IMPULSE, INCENTIVE, INDUCEMENT, SPUR, GOAD mean a stimulus to action. MOTIVE implies an emotion or desire operating on the will and causing it to act <a motive for the crime>. GOAD suggests a motive that keeps one going against one's will or desire <thought insecurity a goad to worker efficiency>.

synonyms see PRECIPITATE

synonyms PRECIPITATE, HEADLONG, ABRUPT, IMPETUOUS, SUDDEN mean showing undue haste or unexpectedness. PRECIPITATE stresses lack of due deliberation and implies prematureness of action <the army's precipitate withdrawal>. IMPETUOUS stresses extreme impatience or impulsiveness <an impetuous lover proposing marriage>.

synonyms see SCOFF

synonyms SCOFF, JEER, GIBE, FLEER, SNEER, FLOUT mean to show one's contempt in derision or mockery. SCOFF stresses insolence, disrespect, or incredulity as motivating the derision <scoffed at their concerns>. FLOUT stresses contempt shown by refusal to heed(注意,留心) <flouted the conventions of polite society>.


1 : a form or shape that is folded in curved or tortuous windings 2 : one of the irregular ridges on the surface of the brain and especially of the cerebrum of higher mammals 3 : a complication or intricacy of form, design, or structure

synonyms ABSTRACTED, PREOCCUPIED, ABSENT, ABSENTMINDED, DISTRACTED mean inattentive to what claims or demands consideration.

ABSTRACTED implies absorption of the mind in something other than one's surroundings, and often suggests reflection on weighty matters <walking about with an abstracted air>. PREOCCUPIED often implies having one's attention so taken up by thoughts as to neglect others <too preoccupied with her debts to enjoy the meal>. ABSENT stresses inability to fix the mind on present concerns due more to mental wandering than to concentration on other matters <an absent stare>. ABSENT-MINDED implies that the mind is fixed elsewhere and often refers to a habit of abstractedness <so absentminded, he's been known to wear mismatched shoes>. DISTRACTED may suggest an inability to concentrate caused by worry, sorrow, or anxiety <was too distracted by grief to continue working>.

synonyms CRITICAL, HYPERCRITICAL, FAULTFINDING, CAPTIOUS, CARPING, CENSORIOUS mean inclined to look for and point out faults and defects.

CRITICAL may also imply an effort to see a thing clearly and truly in order to judge it fairly <a critical essay>. HYPERCRITICAL suggests a tendency to judge by unreasonably strict standards <hypercritical disparagement of other people's work>. FAULTFINDING implies a querulous(抱怨的,发牢骚的) or exacting(苛求的) temperament <a faultfinding reviewer>. CAPTIOUS suggests a readiness to detect trivial faults or raise objections on trivial grounds <a captious critic>. CARPING implies an ill-natured or perverse picking of flaws <a carping editorial>. CENSORIOUS implies a disposition to be severely critical and condemnatory <the censorious tone of the review>. synonym see in addition ACUTE

synonyms CRITICIZE, REPREHEND, CENSURE, REPROBATE, CONDEMN, DENOUNCE mean to find fault with openly.

CRITICIZE implies finding fault especially with methods or policies or intentions <criticized the police for using violence>. REPREHEND implies both criticism and severe rebuking <reprehends the self-centeredness of today's students>. CENSURE carries a strong suggestion of authority and of reprimanding <a Senator formally censured by his peers>. REPROBATE implies strong disapproval or firm refusal to sanction <reprobated his son's unconventional lifestyle>. CONDEMN usually suggests an unqualified(total or unlimited) and final unfavorable judgment <condemned the government's racial policies>. DENOUNCE adds to CONDEMN the implication of a public declaration <a pastoral letter denouncing abortion>.

synonyms DEBASE, VITIATE, DEPRAVE, CORRUPT, DEBAUCH, PERVERT mean to cause deterioration or lowering in quality or character.

DEBASE implies a loss of position, worth, value, or dignity <commercialism has debased the holiday>. VITIATE implies a destruction of purity, validity, or effectiveness by allowing entrance of a fault or defect <a foreign policy vitiated by partisanship>. DEPRAVE implies moral deterioration by evil thoughts or influences <the claim that society is depraved by pornography>. CORRUPT implies loss of soundness, purity, or integrity <the belief that bureaucratese corrupts the language>. DEBAUCH implies a debasing through sensual(肉欲的,色情的) indulgence <the long stay on a tropical isle had debauched the ship's crew>. PERVERT implies a twisting or distorting from what is natural or normal <perverted the original goals of the institute>.

synonyms FOLLOWER, ADHERENT, DISCIPLE, PARTISAN mean one who gives full loyalty and support to another.

FOLLOWER may apply to people who attach themselves either to the person or beliefs of another <an evangelist and his followers>. ADHERENT suggests a close and persistent attachment <adherents to Marxism>. DISCIPLE implies a devoted allegiance to the teachings of one chosen as a master <disciples of Gandhi>. PARTISAN suggests a zealous often prejudiced attachment <partisans of the President>.

synonyms SUMMON, CALL, CITE, CONVOKE, CONVENE, MUSTER mean to demand the presence of.

SUMMON implies the exercise of authority <was summoned to answer charges>. CALL may be used less formally for SUMMON <called the legislature into special session>. CITE implies a summoning to court usually to answer a charge <cited for drunken driving>. CONVOKE implies a summons to assemble for deliberative or legislative purposes <convoked a Vatican council>. CONVENE is somewhat less formal than CONVOKE <convened the students>. MUSTER suggests a calling up of a number of things that form a group in order that they may be exhibited, displayed, or utilized as a whole <mustered the troops>.


['aisikl] n.冰柱,冰垂 1 : a pendent(悬挂的) mass of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water 2 : an emotionally cold person 3 : a long narrow strip (as of foil) used to decorate a Christmas tree


['distrikt] n.地区,行政区,(美国各州的)众议院选区


['dɔ:mənsi] n.休眠状态 : the quality or state of being dormant


['dɔktrin] n.教义,主义;学说 A doctrine is a set of principles or beliefs, especially religious ones. 2 a : something that is taught b : a principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief : DOGMA c : a principle of law established through past decisions d : a statement of fundamental government policy especially in international relations e : a military principle or set of strategies


['faiæt] n.命令 1 : a command or act of will that creates something without or as if without further effort 2 : an authoritative determination : DICTATE <a fiat of conscience> 3 : an authoritative or arbitrary order : DECREE <government by fiat>


['fi:tʃə] n.特色,特点,特征


['flimzi] a.轻而薄的;脆弱的 1 a : lacking in physical strength or substance <flimsy silks> b : of inferior materials and workmanship 2 : having little worth or plausibility <a flimsy excuse>


['fækʃən] n.派系;派系斗争 A faction is an organized group of people within a larger group, which opposes some of the ideas of the larger group and fights for its own ideas. Faction is also used to describe argument and disagreement within a group of people. 1 : a party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or self-seeking : CLIQUE 2 : party spirit especially when marked by dissension


['fæləbl] a.会犯错的,易犯错的 1 : liable to be erroneous <a fallible generalization> 2 : capable of making a mistake <we're all fallible>


['fʌŋkʃənəri] n.小官,低级公务员 1 : one who serves in a certain function 2 : one holding office in a government or political party


['hemisfiə] n.半球


['hipəkrit] n.伪善者,伪君子 1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion 2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings


['hju:bris] n.过分自傲,目中无人 : exaggerated pride or self-confidence


['hju:mid] a.湿润的 : containing or characterized by perceptible moisture especially to the point of being oppressive(沉重的,压抑的) synonyms see WET


['hæbitæt] n.自然环境,栖息地 1 a : the place or environment where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and grows b : the typical place of residence of a person or a group c : a housing for a controlled physical environment in which people can live under surrounding inhospitable conditions (as under the sea) 2 : the place where something is commonly found


['hɔstail] a.敌对的,敌意的 1 a : of or relating to an enemy <hostile fire> b : marked by malevolence(恶意) <a hostile act> c : openly opposed or resisting <a hostile critic> <hostile to new ideas> d (1) : not hospitable <plants growing in a hostile environment> (2) : having an intimidating, antagonistic, or offensive nature <a hostile workplace> 2 a : of or relating to the opposing party in a legal controversy <a hostile witness> b : adverse to the interests of a property owner or corporation management <a hostile takeover>


['hɔvəl] n.茅舍;肮脏的小屋 1 : an open shed or shelter 2 : TABERNACLE(临时住房,帐篷) 3 : a small, wretched, and often dirty house : HUT


['hə:bisaid] n.除草剂 : an agent used to destroy or inhibit plant growth


['hə:dl] n.跳栏;障碍;v.克服(障碍) 2 a : an artificial barrier over which racers must leap b plural : any of various track events in which a series of hurdles must be surmounted 3 : BARRIER, OBSTACLE


['hə:mit] n.隐士,修道者 1 a : one that retires from society and lives in solitude(偏僻处) especially for religious reasons : RECLUSE(隐遁者,遁世者) 2 : a spiced molasses cookie hermit crab 寄居蟹


['ignəmini] n.羞耻,屈辱 1 : deep personal humiliation and disgrace 2 : disgraceful or dishonorable conduct, quality, or action synonyms see DISGRACE


['imitətiv] a.模仿的 1 a : marked by imitation <acting is an imitative art> b : reproducing or representing a natural sound : ONOMATOPOEIC <"hiss" is an imitative word> c : exhibiting mimicry 2 : inclined to imitate 3 : imitating something superior : COUNTERFEIT


['impitəs] n.推动力;刺激 1 a (1) : a driving force : IMPULSE (2) : INCENTIVE(刺激;鼓励), STIMULUS b : stimulation or encouragement resulting in increased activity 2 : the property possessed by a moving body in virtue of its mass and its motion - used of bodies moving suddenly or violently to indicate the origin and intensity of the motion


['kju:mjuləs] n.积云 Cumulus is a type of thick white cloud formed when hot air rises very quickly.


['kreivən] a.懦弱的,畏缩的 Someone who is craven is very cowardly. (WRITTEN) 2 : lacking the least bit of courage : contemptibly fainthearted synonyms see COWARDLY


['kri:dəns] n.相信,信任 If something lends or gives credence to a theory or story, it makes it easier to believe. (FORMAL) If you give credence to a theory or story, you believe it. (FORMAL) 1 a : mental acceptance as true or real <give credence to gossip> b : CREDIBILITY 1 <lends credence to the theory> 2 : CREDENTIALS ― used in the phrase letters of credence


['krindʒiŋ] n./a.谄媚(的),奉承(的)


['kriptik] a.秘密的,神秘的 A cryptic remark or message contains a hidden meaning or is difficult to understand.


['kræbid] a.暴躁的 1 : marked by a forbidding moroseness <a crabbed view of human nature> 2 : difficult to read or understand <crabbed handwriting> synonyms see SULLEN

? contract

['kɔntrækt, kən'trækt] n.合同;v.订合同;收缩


['kʌlinəri] a.厨房的;烹调的 Culinary means concerned with cooking. (FORMAL)


[`daiə'bi:ti:z] n.糖尿病


[`dedi'keiʃən] n.对某事业或目的的忠诚 A dedication is a message which is written at the beginning of a book as a sign of affection or respect for someone. 1 : an act or rite of dedicating to a divine being or to a sacred use 2 : a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose 4 : self-sacrificing devotion <her dedication to the cause>


[`defi'niʃən] n.(轮廓等)清晰;定义 If you say that something has a particular quality by definition, you mean that it has this quality simply because of what it is. Definition is the quality of being clear and distinct.


[`di:kəm'pəuz] v.(使)腐烂 When things such as dead plants or animals decompose, or when something decomposes them, they change chemically and begin to decay.= rot, decay


[`di:vi'eiʃən] n.背离 Deviation means doing something that is different from what people consider to be normal or acceptable.= departure


[`difə'renʃəl] a.顺从的,恭顺的 Someone who is deferential is polite and respectful towards someone else.


[`fæli'biliti] n.易于出错,出错性 : liability to err


[`gæzi'tiə] n.地名词典,地名表 A gazetteer is a book or a part of a book which lists and describes places.


[`haipəu'θetikəl] a.假设的 : being or involving a hypothesis : CONJECTURAL(推测的) <hypothetical arguments> <a hypothetical situation>


[`ɔnə'reəriəm] n.酬劳金,谢礼 : a payment for a service (as making a speech) on which custom or propriety forbids a price to be set


[ai'dɔlətə] n.神像(偶像)崇拜者 1 : a worshiper of idols 2 : a person that admires intensely and often blindly one that is not usually a subject of worship


[ai'kɔnəklæst] n.攻击传统观念或风俗的人 1 : a person who destroys religious images or opposes their veneration(尊崇,敬重) 2 : a person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions


[ai`kɔnə'klæstik] a.对传统观念(或惯例)进行攻击的 If you describe someone or their words or ideas as iconoclastic, you mean that they contradict established beliefs. (FORMAL)


[cougar] n.美洲豹 A cougar is a wild member of the cat family. Cougars have brownish-grey fur and live in mountain regions of North and South America. = mountain lion, puma


[dai'vest] v.卸下盛装;剥夺 1 a : to deprive or dispossess especially of property, authority, or title b : to undress or strip especially of clothing, ornament, or equipment c : RID, FREE 2 : to take away from a person


[daun] n.绒毛;汗毛 1 : a covering of soft fluffy feathers also : these feathers 2 : something soft and fluffy like down


[deft] a.灵巧的,熟练的 A deft action is skilful and often quick. (WRITTEN)


[di'bri:f] v.向...询问情况,听取汇报 When someone such as a soldier, diplomat, or astronaut is debriefed, they are asked to give a report on an operation or task that they have just completed.


[di'bɑ:k] v.下船,下飞机,下车,卸载 DISEMBARK : to remove bark from


[di'fail] v.弄污,弄脏;n.(山间)小道 To defile something that people think is important or holy means to do something to it or say something about it which is offensive. (LITERARY) A defile is a very narrow valley or passage, usually through mountains. (FORMAL) = pass : to make unclean or impure: as a : to corrupt the purity or perfection of : DEBASE <the countryside defiled by billboards> b : to violate the chastity of : DEFLOWER c : to make physically unclean especially with something unpleasant or contaminating <boots defiled with blood> d : to violate the sanctity of : DESECRATE <defile a sanctuary> e : SULLY, DISHONOR synonyms see CONTAMINATE


[di'faind] a.定义的;清晰的 If something is clearly defined or strongly defined, its outline is clear or strong.


[di'faiəns] n.挑战,违抗,反抗 Defiance is behaviour or an attitude which shows that you are not willing to obey someone. If you do something in defiance of a person, rule, or law, you do it even though you know that you are not allowed to do it.


[di'fekt] n.缺点,瑕疵;v.变节,脱党 A defect is a fault or imperfection in a person or thing.= imperfection If you defect, you leave your country, political party, or other group, and join an opposing country, party, or group.


[di'mɔrəlaiz] v.使士气低落 If something demoralizes someone, it makes them lose so much confidence in what they are doing that they want to give up. 1 : to corrupt the morals of 2 a : to weaken the morale of : DISCOURAGE, DISPIRIT b : to upset or destroy the normal functioning of c : to throw into disorder


[di'məut] v.降级,降职 If someone demotes you, they give you a lower rank or a less important position than you already have, often as a punishment. If a team in a sports league is demoted, that team has to compete in the next competition in a lower division, because it was one of the least successful teams in the higher division. (BRIT)≠ promote The club was demoted at the end of last season. 1 : to reduce to a lower grade or rank 2 : to relegate to a less important position


[di'preivd] a.堕落的,腐化的 Depraved actions, things, or people are morally bad or evil.= degenerate


[di'præviti] n.堕落,恶习 Depravity is very dishonest or immoral behaviour. (FORMAL)


[di'saipl] n.信徒,弟子 If you are someone's disciple, you are influenced by their teachings and try to follow their example. synonyms see FOLLOWER


[di'sent] n.降落;侵袭;血统 A descent is a movement from a higher to a lower level or position. A descent is a surface that slopes downwards, for example the side of a steep hill. When you want to emphasize that a situation becomes very bad, you can talk about someone's or something's descent into that situation.= decline ...his swift descent from respected academic to struggling small businessman. You use descent to talk about a person's family background, for example their nationality or social status. (FORMAL)= origin, ancestry All the contributors were of African descent.


[di'sepʃən] n.欺骗手段 Deception is the act of deceiving someone or the state of being deceived by someone. 2 : something that deceives : TRICK <a clever deception> synonyms DECEPTION, FRAUD, DOUBLE-DEALING, SUBTERFUGE, TRICKERY mean the acts or practices of one who deliberately deceives. DECEPTION may or may not imply blameworthiness, since it may suggest cheating or merely tactical resource <magicians are masters of deception>. FRAUD always implies guilt and often criminality in act or practice <indicted for fraud>. DOUBLE-DEALING suggests treachery or at least action contrary to a professed attitude <a go-between(中间人) suspected of double-dealing>. SUBTERFUGE suggests the adoption of a stratagem or the telling of a lie in order to escape guilt or to gain an end <obtained the papers by subterfuge>. TRICKERY implies ingenious acts intended to dupe or cheat <resorted to trickery to gain their ends>.


[di'skriminətəri] a.歧视的,差别待遇的 Discriminatory laws or practices are unfair because they treat one group of people worse than other groups.= biased


[di'tiəriəreit] v.(使)变坏,恶化 If something deteriorates, it becomes worse in some way.


[di'vɔid] a.空的,缺少的 : being without a usual, typical, or expected attribute or accompaniment - used with of <an argument devoid of sense> <a landscape devoid of life>


[di'zaiərəbl] a.值得要的 Something that is desirable is worth having or doing because it is useful, necessary, or popular. Someone who is desirable is considered to be sexually attractive.


[di`tə:mi'neiʃən] n.决心;确定;预测


[dis'bɑ:] v.取消律师资格 : to expel from the bar or the legal profession : deprive (an attorney) of legal status and privileges


[dis'bə:s] v.支付,支出 1 a : to pay out : expend especially from a fund <disburse money> b : to make a payment in settlement of <disburse a bill> 2 : DISTRIBUTE


[dis'kleim] v.放弃权利;拒绝承认 If you disclaim knowledge of something or disclaim responsibility for something, you say that you did not know about it or are not responsible for it. (FORMAL)= deny She disclaims any knowledge of her husband's business.


[dis'pæʃənit] a.平心静气的 : not influenced by strong feeling especially : not affected by personal or emotional involvement <a dispassionate critic> <a dispassionate approach to an issue>


[dis'pɔndənt] a.失望的,意气消沉的 If you are despondent, you are very unhappy because you have been experiencing difficulties that you think you will not be able to overcome.


[dis'pəuz] v.使倾向;处理掉 transitive verb 1 : to give a tendency to : INCLINE <faulty diet disposes one to sickness> 2 a : to put in place : set in readiness : ARRANGE <disposing troops for withdrawal> c : BESTOW intransitive verb 1 : to settle a matter finally synonyms see INCLINE


[dis'pəuzəbl] a.一次性使用的;可动用的 A disposable product is designed to be thrown away after it has been used. Your disposable income is the amount of income you have left after you have paid income tax and social security charges.


[dis'tenʃən] n.膨胀 Distension is abnormal swelling in a person's or animal's body. (MEDICAL) : the act of distending or the state of being distended especially unduly or abnormally


[dis'tiŋgwiʃt] a.著名的,卓越的 1 : marked by eminence, distinction, or excellence <distinguished leadership> 2 : befitting an eminent person <a distinguished setting> synonyms see FAMOUS


[disim'bɔdid] a.无实体的,空洞的 : to divest of a body, of corporeal existence, or of reality Disembodied means seeming not to be attached to or to come from anyone. Disembodied means separated from or existing without a body.


[disin'fekt(ə)nt] n.消毒剂 Disinfectant is a substance that kills germs. It is used, for example, for cleaning kitchens and bathrooms. = antiseptic


[drə'kəuniən] a.严厉的,严酷的 Draconian laws or measures are extremely harsh and severe. (FORMAL) 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Draco or the severe code of laws held to have been framed by him 2 : CRUEL also : SEVERE <draconian littering fines>


[duə] a.严厉的,脸色阴沉的 If you describe someone as dour, you mean that they are very serious and unfriendly.


[dæmp] v.减弱,制止振动;a.潮湿的 Something that is damp is slightly wet. n. Damp is moisture that is found on the inside walls of a house or in the air. 3 a : DISCOURAGEMENT, CHECK b archaic : DEPRESSION, DEJECTION vt. If you damp something, you make it slightly wet.= dampen 1 a : to affect with or as if with a noxious gas : CHOKE b : to diminish the activity or intensity of <damping down the causes of inflation> <liquid damps out compass oscillations> c : to check the vibration or oscillation of (as a string or voltage) 2 : DAMPEN intransitive verb : to diminish progressively in vibration or oscillation a. 1 b : DEPRESSED, DULL


[dəu'neit] v.捐赠,赠送 transitive verb 1 : to make a gift of especially : to contribute to a public or charitable cause 2 : to transfer (as electrons) to another atom or molecule intransitive verb : to make a donation synonyms see GIVE


[dʒerən'tɔkrəsi] n.老人统治的政府 : rule by elders specifically : a form of social organization in which a group of old men or a council of elders dominates or exercises control


[dʒi'netik] a.遗传的;起源的 1 : relating to or determined by the origin, development, or causal antecedents(祖先) of something 2 a : of, relating to, or involving genetics b : of, relating to, caused by, or controlled by genes <a genetic disease> <genetic variation>


[feid] v.褪色,消失,凋谢 When a coloured object fades or when the light fades it, it gradually becomes paler. When light fades, it slowly becomes less bright. When a sound fades, it slowly becomes less loud. When something that you are looking at fades, it slowly becomes less bright or clear until it disappears. If memories, feelings, or possibilities fade, they slowly become less intense or less strong.


[fein] v.假装,伪装 If someone feigns a particular feeling, attitude, or physical condition, they try to make other people think that they have it or are experiencing it, although this is not true. (FORMAL) = affect 1 a : to give a false appearance of : induce as a false impression <feign death> b : to assert as if true : PRETEND synonyms see ASSUME FEIGN implies more artful invention than PRETEND, less specific mimicry than SIMULATE <feigned sickness>


[fi'lisitəs] a.(话语等)适当的,得体的 If you describe a remark or idea as felicitous, you approve of it because it seems particularly suitable in the circumstances. (FORMAL) 1 : very well suited or expressed : APT <a felicitous remark> 2 : PLEASANT, DELIGHTFUL <felicitous weather> synonyms see FIT


[fi'æskəu] n.大失败,惨败 If you describe an event or attempt to do something as a fiasco, you are emphasizing that it fails completely. : a complete failure : BOTTLE, FLASK especially : a bulbous long-necked straw-covered bottle for wine


[fi:t] n.功绩,壮举 If you refer to an action, or the result of an action, as a feat, you admire it because it is an impressive and difficult achievement. 1 : ACT, DEED 2 a : a deed notable especially for courage b : an act or product of skill, endurance, or ingenuity


[fig] n.无花果;一点儿 2 : a worthless trifle : the least bit <doesn't care a fig> : DRESS, ARRAY <a young woman in dazzling royal full fig - Mollie Panter-Downes>


[freit] n.货物;v.装货于(船等) 1 a : the compensation paid for the transportation of goods b : COST <help pay the freight> 2 a : goods to be shipped : CARGO b : LOAD, BURDEN c : MEANING 3, SIGNIFICANCE : significant quality especially : implication of a hidden or special significance <a glance full of freigh > 3 a : the ordinary transportation of goods by a common carrier and distinguished from express b : a train designed or used for such transportation


[frɔ:t] a.充满...的 1b : well supplied or provided 2 : full of or accompanied by something specified - used with with <a situation fraught with danger> 3 : causing or characterized by emotional distress or tension : UNEASY <a fraught relationship>


[frʌs'treit] v.挫折,使沮丧 1 a : to balk or defeat in an endeavor b : to induce feelings of discouragement in 2 a (1) : to make ineffectual : bring to nothing (2) : IMPEDE, OBSTRUCT b : to make invalid or of no effect


[ful'fil] v.履行;满足,符合 2 a : to put into effect : EXECUTE b : to meet the requirements of (a business order) c : to bring to an end d : to measure up to : SATISFY 3 a : to convert into reality b : to develop the full potentialities of synonyms see PERFORM


[fɔ:d] n.浅滩,水浅可涉处;v.涉水 : a shallow part of a body of water that may be crossed by wading : to cross (a body of water) by wading If you ford a river or stream, you cross it without using a boat, usually at a shallow point.


[fɔ:dʒ] n.铁匠铺;v.锤炼;伪造 1 : a furnace(火炉) or a shop with its furnace where metal is heated and wrought : SMITHY 2 : a workshop where wrought iron is produced or where iron is made malleable transitive verb 1 a : to form (as metal) by heating and hammering b : to form (metal) by a mechanical or hydraulic press with or without heat 2 : to make or imitate falsely especially with intent to defraud : COUNTERFEIT (伪造 )<forge a document> <forge a signature> 3 : to form or bring into being especially by an expenditure of effort <working to forge party unity> intransitive verb 1 : to work at a forge 2 : to commit forgery 1 : to move forward slowly and steadily <the ship forged ahead through heavy seas> 2 : to move with a sudden increase of speed and power <forged into the lead> <forged ahead in marketing the product>


[fə'sɑ:d] n. 建筑物的正面;(虚伪)外表 1 : the front of a building also : any face of a building given special architectural treatment <a museum's east facade> 2 : a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect= show, semblance They hid the troubles plaguing their marriage behind a facade of family togetherness.


[fə'ti:g] n.疲乏,劳累 1 a : LABOR b : manual or menial work performed by military personnel c plural : the uniform or work clothing worn on fatigue and in the field 2 a : weariness or exhaustion from labor, exertion, or stress b : the temporary loss of power to respond that is induced in a sensory receptor or motor end organ by continued stimulation 3 : the tendency of a material to break under repeated stress <metal fatigue>


[fə'tju(:)iti] n.愚蠢,愚昧 1 a : something foolish or stupid b : STUPIDITY, FOOLISHNESS


[gləut] v.幸灾乐祸地看,窃喜 2 : to observe or think about something with triumphant and often malicious satisfaction, gratification, or delight <gloat over an enemy's misfortune> noun. : the act or feeling of one who gloats


[glʌt] v./n.过多;供过于求 transitive verb 1 : to fill especially with food to satiety 2 : to flood (the market) with goods so that supply exceeds demand intransitive verb : to eat gluttonously(贪婪地) synonyms see SATIATE noun If there is a glut of something, there is so much of it that it cannot all be sold or used. = surplus


[gre'gAəriəsnis] n.群居;合群


[gru:m] n.马夫;新郎 2 a (2) : one of several officers of the English royal household b : a person responsible for the feeding, exercising, and stabling of horses 3 : BRIDEGROOM


[gru:p] v.使...集合;n.群,集 transitive verb 1 : to combine in a group 2 : to assign to a group : CLASSIFY intransitive verb 1 : to form a group 2 : to belong to a group 3 : to make groups of closely spaced hits on a target <the gun grouped beautifully - R. C. Ruark>


[grə'deiʃən] n.渐变;阶段,等级 1 a : a series forming successive stages b : a step or place in an ordered scale 2 : an advance by regular degrees 3 : a gradual passing from one tint(色泽) or shade to another 4 : the act or process of grading Gradations are small differences or changes in things. (FORMAL)


[gʌst] n.阵风;一阵(情绪) 2 : keen delight 1 : a sudden brief rush of wind 2 : a sudden outburst : SURGE <a gust of emotion> : to blow in gusts <winds gusting up to 40 mph>


[hju:] v.砍伐;遵守 transitive verb 1 : to cut with blows of a heavy cutting instrument 2 : to fell by blows of an ax <hew a tree> 3 : to give form or shape to with or as if with heavy cutting blows <hewed their farms from the wilderness - J. T. Shotwell> intransitive verb 1 : to make cutting blows 2 : CONFORM, ADHERE <hew to tradition> - often used in the phrase hew to the line <no pressure on newspapers to hew to the official line - N.Y. Times Mag.>


[hɔs'tiliti] n.敌对,不友好,憎恨 1 a : deep-seated usually mutual ill will b (1) : hostile action (2) plural : overt(公开的) acts of warfare(战争) : WAR 2 : conflict, opposition, or resistance in thought or principle synonyms see ENMITY


[i'mənsiti] n.巨大之物;无限 1 : the quality or state of being immense 2 : something immense


[ig'zempt] a.被免除的;v.使免除 If someone or something is exempt from a particular rule, duty, or obligation, they do not have to follow it or do it


[ig'ziləreit] v.使高兴 1 : to make cheerful and excited : ENLIVEN, ELATE <was exhilarated by her success> 2 : REFRESH, STIMULATE


[ig'zɔ:st] n.(机器排出的)废气,蒸气;v.使非常疲倦 If something exhausts you, it makes you so tired, either physically or mentally, that you have no energy left. exhausted = worn out exhausting = gruelling If you exhaust something such as money or food, you use or finish it all. The exhaust or the exhaust pipe is the pipe which carries the gas out of the engine of a vehicle. (mainly BRIT)


[ig'zɔnəreit] v.免除责任;确定无罪 If a court, report, or person in authority exonerates someone, they officially say or show that that person is not responsible for something wrong or unpleasant that has happened. (FORMAL) 1 : to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship 2 : to clear from accusation or blame synonyms see EXCULPATE


[ig'zə:t] v.运用(力量等) If someone or something exerts influence, authority, or pressure, they use it in a strong or determined way, especially in order to produce a particular effect. (FORMAL) If you exert yourself, you make a great physical or mental effort, or work hard to do something.


[iks'pɔzi`təri] a.说明的 : of, relating to, or containing exposition <expository writing>


[iks'tiŋkt] a.绝种的,不存在的 1 a : no longer burning b : no longer active <an extinct volcano> 3 a : gone out of use : SUPERSEDED <extinct skill>b : having no qualified claimant <an extinct title>


[im'pə:tinəns] n.无礼,粗鲁 1 : the quality or state of being impertinent(不恰当的;傲慢无礼的): as a : IRRELEVANCE(不相关,不切题), INAPPROPRIATENESS(不适当,不合宜) b : INCIVILITY(粗野), INSOLENCE(傲慢,无礼) 2 : an instance of impertinence


[ku:p] n.(鸡)笼,栏 1 : a cage or small enclosure (as for poultry) also : a small building for housing poultry 2 a : a confined area b : JAIL 1 : to confine in a restricted and often crowded area - usually used with up <children cooped up in the house all day> 2 : to place or keep in a coop : PEN - often used with up


[kən'tɔ:t] v.(使)扭曲(deform);曲解 transitive verb : to twist in a violent manner <features contorted with fury(狂暴)> intransitive verb : to twist into or as if into a strained shape or expression synonyms see DEFORM


[kʌb] n.幼兽;年轻无经验的人 A cub is a young wild animal such as a lion, wolf, or bear.shark 2 : a young person 3 : APPRENTICE especially : an inexperienced newspaper reporter = novice

synonyms see RECOIL

synonyms RECOIL, SHRINK, FLINCH, WINCE, BLENCH, QUAIL mean to draw back in fear or distaste. RECOIL implies a start or movement away through shock, fear, or disgust <recoiled at the suggestion of stealing>. FLINCH implies a failure to endure pain or face something dangerous or frightening with resolution <faced her accusers without flinching>.

synonyms see SCOFF

synonyms SCOFF, JEER, GIBE, FLEER, SNEER, FLOUT mean to show one's contempt in derision(嘲笑,嘲弄) or mockery. SCOFF stresses insolence(傲慢), disrespect, or incredulity(深疑) as motivating the derision <scoffed at their concerns>. GIBE implies taunting either good-naturedly or in sarcastic derision <hooted(叫嚣) and gibed at the umpire>.

synonyms see SHOW

synonyms SHOW, EXHIBIT, DISPLAY, EXPOSE, PARADE, FLAUNT mean to present so as to invite notice or attention. SHOW implies no more than enabling another to see or examine <showed her snapshots to the whole group>. EXHIBIT stresses putting forward prominently or openly <exhibit paintings at a gallery>. DISPLAY emphasizes putting in a position where others may see to advantage <display sale items>. EXPOSE suggests bringing forth from concealment and displaying <sought to expose the hypocrisy of the town fathers>. PARADE implies an ostentatious or arrogant displaying <parading their piety for all to see>. FLAUNT suggests a shameless, boastful, often offensive parading <nouveaux riches flaunting their wealth>.

synonyms see SLEEK

synonyms SLEEK, SLICK, GLOSSY mean having a smooth bright surface or appearance. SLEEK suggests a smoothness or brightness resulting from attentive grooming or physical conditioning <a sleek racehorse>. SLICK suggests extreme smoothness that results in a slippery surface <slipped and fell on the slick floor>. GLOSSY suggests a highly reflective surface <photographs having a glossy finish>.

synonyms see SWING

synonyms SWING, WAVE, FLOURISH, BRANDISH, THRASH mean to wield or cause to move to and fro or up and down. SWING implies regular or uniform movement <swing the rope back and forth>. FLOURISH suggests vigorous, ostentatious(夸耀的), graceful movement <flourished the winning lottery ticket>.


[greiv] a.严峻的;n.墓穴 transitive verb 2 a : to carve or shape with a chisel : SCULPTURE b : to carve or cut (as letters or figures) into a hard surface : ENGRAVE 3 : to impress or fix (as a thought) deeply : to clean and pay with pitch(沥青) <grave a ship's bottom> adjective 1 b : meriting serious consideration : IMPORTANT <grave problems> c : likely to produce great harm or danger <a grave mistake> d : significantly serious : CONSIDERABLE, GREAT <grave importance> 2 : having a serious and dignified(有威严的) quality or demeanor(行为,风度) <a grave and thoughtful look> 3 : drab(单调乏味的) in color : SOMBER(昏暗的,阴森的) 4 : low-pitched(低沉的,低调的) in sound 5 a of an accent mark : having the form ` b : marked with a grave accent c : of the variety indicated by a grave accent synonyms see SERIOUS SERIOUS implies a concern for what really matters <a serious play about social injustice>. GRAVE implies both seriousness and dignity in expression or attitude <read the proclamation in a grave voice>.


[greiz] v.(动物)吃(地上长的)草;放牧 intransitive verb 1 : to feed on growing herbage, attached algae, or phytoplankton(浮游生物) 2 : to eat small portions of food throughout the day transitive verb 1 a : to crop and eat in the field b : to feed on the herbage of 2 a : to put to graze <grazed the cows on the meadow(牧场)> b : to put cattle to graze on 3 : to supply herbage for the grazing of noun 1 : an act of grazing 2 : herbage for grazing transitive verb 1 : to touch lightly in passing 2 : ABRADE, SCRATCH (刮,划,抓(物体表面或皮肤)(呈现伤或痕)) <grazed her knee when she fell> intransitive verb : to touch or rub against something in passing


[gri'meis] v./n.做鬼脸,面部歪扭 : a facial expression usually of disgust, disapproval, or pain


[gri'neid] n.手榴弹 : a small missile that contains an explosive or a chemical agent (as tear gas, a flame producer, or a smoke producer) and that is thrown by hand or projected (as by a rifle or special launcher)


[gri:s] n.(炼出的)动物油脂;滑脂 1 a : rendered animal fat b : oily matter c : a thick lubricant 2 : wool as it comes from the sheep retaining the natural oils or fats 1 : to smear or daub with grease 2 : to lubricate with grease 3 : to soil with grease 4 : to hasten the process or progress of also : FACILITATE


[gri:v] v.使某人极为悲伤 transitive verb 1 : to cause to suffer : DISTRESS <it grieves me to see him this way> 2 : to feel or show grief over <grieving the death of her son> 3 : to submit a formal grievance concerning <grieve a dismissal> intransitive verb : to feel grief : SORROW


[grə'tju(:)iti] n.赏钱,小费 : something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service especially : TIP


[grə'tju(:)itəs] a.无缘无故的;免费的 1 a : given unearned or without recompense b : not involving a return benefit, compensation, or consideration c : costing nothing : FREE 2 : not called for by the circumstances : UNWARRANTED(没有根据的,无保证的) <gratuitous insolence(傲慢,无礼)> <a gratuitous assumption>


[grəuv] n.小树林,树丛 1 : a small wood without underbrush <a picnic grove> 2 : a planting of fruit or nut trees


[gud'wil] n.友好 1 a : a kindly feeling of approval and support : benevolent(善心的) interest or concern b (1) : the favor or advantage that a business has acquired especially through its brands and its good reputation (2) : the value of projected earnings increases of a business especially as part of its purchase price (3) : the excess of the purchase price of a company over its book value which represents the value of goodwill as an intangible asset for accounting purposes 2 a : cheerful consent b : willing effort Goodwill is a friendly or helpful attitude towards other people, countries, or organizations.


[gæʃ] n.& v.深长的伤口,裂缝 1 : a deep long cut in flesh 2 : a deep narrow depression or cut <cut a gash through the forest> <a gash in the hull(果壳)> transitive verb : to make a gash in intransitive verb : to make a gash : CUT


[gɑ:'di:niə] n.栀子花


[gɑ:'gæntjuən] a.巨大的,庞大的 : tremendous in size, volume, or degree : GIGANTIC, COLOSSAL <gargantuan waterfalls>


[gɔ:dʒ] n.峡谷 1 : THROAT - often used with rise to indicate revulsion(憎恶) accompanied by a sensation of constriction <my gorge rises at the sight of blood> 2 a : a hawk's crop b : STOMACH, BELLY 3 : the entrance into an outwork(工事) (as a bastion) of a fort 4 : a narrow passage through land especially : a narrow steep-walled canyon or part of a canyon 5 : a primitive device used instead of a fishhook that consists of an object (as a piece of bone attached in the middle of a line) easy to swallow but difficult to eject intransitive verb : to eat greedily or to repletion(充满) also : to partake(分享) of something in large amounts <gorging on books> intransitive verb 1 a : to stuff to capacity : GLUT b : to fill completely or to the point of distension(膨胀) <veins gorged with blood> 2 : to consume greedily synonyms see SATIATE 6 : a mass choking a passage <a river dammed by an ice gorge> : the act or an instance of gorging


[gɔŋ] n.锣


[gəuʃə'ri:] n.笨拙 : a tactless or awkward act


[gʌs'teiʃən] n.品尝;味觉 : the act or sensation of tasting


[heil] a.健壮的,矍铄的 : free from defect, disease, or infirmity : SOUND also : retaining exceptional health and vigor <a hale and hearty old man> synonyms see HEALTHY HALE applies particularly to robustness in old age <still hale at the age of eighty>.


[hɔ'rifik] a.可怕的 : having the power to horrify <a horrific account of the tragedy>


[hɔ:k] n.隼,鹰 2 : a small board or metal sheet with a handle on the underside used to hold mortar 3 : one who takes a militant attitude and advocates immediate vigorous action especially : a supporter of a war or warlike policy - compare DOVE


[hə:d] n.兽群;v.聚集 1 a : a number of animals of one kind kept together under human control b : a congregation of gregarious(群居的) wild animals 2 a (1) : a group of people usually having a common bond <a herd of tourists> (2) : a large assemblage of like things b : the undistinguished masses : CROWD <isolate the individual prophets from the herd - Norman Cousins>


[hə:l] v.猛投;大声叫骂 intransitive verb 1 : RUSH, HURTLE 2 : PITCH 5A B 3 : VOMIT transitive verb 1 : to send or thrust with great vigor <the forces that were to be hurled against the Turks(土耳其人) - N. T. Gilroy> 2 : to throw down with violence 3 a : to throw forcefully : FLING <hurled the manuscript into the fire> <hurled myself over the fence> 4 : to utter with vehemence(热烈;猛烈) <hurled insults at the police> synonyms see THROW


[həlu:si'neiʃən] n.幻觉,幻视 1 a : perception of objects with no reality usually arising from disorder of the nervous system or in response to drugs (as LSD) b : the object so perceived 2 : an unfounded or mistaken impression or notion : DELUSION(错觉) synonyms see DELUSION


[həu] n.锄头 1 : any of various implements for tilling, mixing, or raking especially : an implement with a thin flat blade on a long handle used especially for cultivating, weeding, or loosening the earth around plants 2 : BACKHOE intransitive verb : to use or work with a hoe transitive verb 1 : to weed, cultivate, or thin (a crop) with a hoe 2 : to remove (weeds) by hoeing 3 : to dress or cultivate (land) by hoeing


[həuks] n./v.骗局,欺骗 transitive verb: to trick into believing or accepting as genuine something false and often preposterous(荒谬的) noun. 1 : an act intended to trick or dupe : IMPOSTURE(冒名顶替,欺骗) 2 : something accepted or established by fraud or fabrication


[həuld] n.(船)货舱 1 : the interior of a ship below decks especially : the cargo deck of a ship 2 : the cargo compartment of a plane


[hʌb] n.轴心;中心 You can describe a place as a hub of an activity when it is a very important centre for that activity. The hub of a wheel is the part at the centre. A hub or a hub airport is a large airport from which you can travel to many other airports.


[hʌl] n.外壳;荚;船身;v.剥去外壳 1 a : the outer covering of a fruit or seed b : the persistent calyx(花萼) or involucre that subtends some fruits (as a strawberry) 2 a : the frame or body of a ship or boat exclusive of masts(桅杆), yards, sails, and rigging(索具) b : the main body of a usually large or heavy craft or vehicle (as an airship or tank) 3 : COVERING, CASING transitive verb : to remove the hulls of : SHUCK


[hʌlk] n.废船,船壳;笨重之人或物 1 a : a heavy clumsy ship b (1) : the body of an old ship unfit for service (2) : a ship used as a prison - usually used in plural <every prisoner sent to the hulks ― Kenneth Roberts> c : an abandoned wreck(残骸) or shell (as of a building or automobile) 2 : one that is bulky(肥大的) or unwieldy(笨重的)


[i'li:gəl] a.违法的 : not according to or authorized by law : UNLAWFUL, ILLICIT also : not sanctioned by official rules (as of a game) noun.: an illegal immigrant


[i'lisit] a.违法的 : not permitted : UNLAWFUL


[i'lu:ʒən] n.假象,错觉 1b (1) : the state or fact of being intellectually deceived or misled : MISAPPREHENSION(误解) (2) : an instance of such deception 2 a (1) : a misleading image presented to the vision (2) : something that deceives or misleads intellectually b (1) : perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature (2) : HALLUCINATION 1(幻觉,幻想) (3) : a pattern capable of reversible perspective 3 : a fine plain transparent bobbinet or tulle usually made of silk and used for veils, trimmings, and dresses


[i'mens] a.极大的;无限的 1 : marked by greatness especially in size or degree especially : transcending(超越) ordinary means of measurement <the immense and boundless universe> 2 : supremely good : EXCELLENT


[i'mju(:)naiz] v.使免疫 : to make immune


[i'mju:n] a.免疫的;免除的 1 a : FREE, EXEMPT(使免除) <immune from further taxation> b : marked by protection <some criminal leaders are immune from arrest> 2 : not susceptible or responsive <immune to all pleas> especially : having a high degree of resistance to a disease <immune to diphtheria(白喉)> 3 a : having or producing antibodies or lymphocytes capable of reacting with a specific antigen <an immune serum> b : produced by, involved in, or concerned with immunity or an immune response <immune agglutinins> <immune globulins>


[ig'zemplifai] v.是...的典型 1 : to show or illustrate by example <anecdotes exemplifying those virtues> 2 : to make an attested copy or transcript of (a document) under seal 3 a : to be an instance of or serve as an example : EMBODY <she exemplifies the qualities of a good leader> b : to be typical of <a dish that exemplifies French cuisine>


[ig'zʌlt] v.欢腾,喜悦 If you exult in a triumph or success that you have had, you feel and show great happiness and pleasure because of it. (WRITTEN) 2 : to be extremely joyful : REJOICE <the team exulted in their victory>


[iks'pend] v.花费;用光 1 : to pay out : SPEND <the social services upon which public revenue is expended - J. A. Hobson> 2 : to make use of for a specific purpose : UTILIZE <projects on which they expended great energy> also : USE UP


[iks'tend] v.延展,延长


[im'peil] v.刺入,刺中 1 : to join (coats of arms) on a heraldic shield divided vertically by a pale 2 a : to pierce(刺透,刺穿) with or as if with something pointed especially : to torture or kill by fixing on a sharp stake(木桩) b : to fix in an inescapable or helpless position


[im'pekəbl] a.无瑕疵的 1 : not capable of sinning or liable to sin 2 : free from fault or blame : FLAWLESS <spoke impeccable French>


[im'pel] v.推进 驱使 1 : to urge or drive forward or on by or as if by the exertion of strong moral pressure : FORCE <felt impelled to correct the misconception> 2 : to impart motion to : PROPEL synonyms see MOVE


[im'pendiŋ] a.行将发生的,逼近的 1 a : to hover threateningly : MENACE(威胁) b : to be about to occur <the impending Senate hearings>


[im'penitrəbl] a.不能穿透的;不可理解的 1 a : incapable of being penetrated or pierced b : inaccessible to knowledge, reason, or sympathy : IMPERVIOUS(密封的) 2 : incapable of being comprehended : INSCRUTABLE(高深莫测的;不可思议的)


[im'penitənt] a.不悔悟的 : not penitent not sorry for or ashamed of one's misdoings\ not penitent


[im'pindʒ] v.侵犯;撞击 1 : to strike or dash especially with a sharp collision <I heard the rain impinge upon the earth - James Joyce> 2 : to have an effect : make an impression <waiting for the germ of a new idea to impinge upon my mind - Phyllis Bentley> 3 : ENCROACH(侵占;蚕食), INFRINGE(侵害) <impinge on other people's rights>


[im'piəriəl] a.帝王的,至尊的 1 a : of, relating to, befitting(适合), or suggestive of an empire or an emperor b (1) : of or relating to the United Kingdom as distinguished from the constituent parts (2) : of or relating to the Commonwealth of Nations and British Empire 2 a : SOVEREIGN(至高无上的, 君主的, 独立自主的, 完全的) b : REGAL(帝王的;华丽的), IMPERIOUS(傲慢的,专横的) 3 : of superior or unusual size or excellence 4 : belonging to the official British series of weights and measures - see WEIGHT table


[im'pæsiv] a.无动于衷的,冷漠的 b : unsusceptible to physical feeling : INSENSIBLE c : unsusceptible to or destitute(缺乏的) of emotion : APATHETIC(冷漠的;无动于衷的) 2 : giving no sign of feeling or emotion : EXPRESSIONLESS


[im`pə:miə'biləti] n.不能渗透的性质或状态


[kju(:)'piditi] n.贪婪 1 : inordinate desire for wealth : AVARICE(贪财, 贪婪), GREED 2 : strong desire : LUST(强烈的欲望)


[kju:] v.暗示,提示;n.暗示,提示 If you say that something that happens is a cue for an action, you mean that people start doing that action when it happens. If you say that something happened on cue or as if on cue, you mean that it happened just when it was expected to happen, or just at the right time. If you take your cue from someone or something, you do something similar in a particular situation.


[kraun] v.加冕,使成王,居...之顶 An achievement or event that crowns something makes it perfect, successful, or complete.


[kruk] v.使弯曲;n.钩状物 A crook is a dishonest person or a criminal. (INFORMAL) The crook of your arm or leg is the soft inside part where you bend your elbow or knee. If you crook your arm or finger, you bend it. A crook is a long pole with a large hook at the end. A crook is carried by a bishop in religious ceremonies, or by a shepherd.


[kræk] n.爆裂声;裂缝;v.裂开;破解,破译 A crack is a line that appears on the surface of something when it is slightly damaged. If you have or take a crack at something, you make an attempt to do or achieve something. (INFORMAL)= go, shot I should love to have a crack at the Olympia title in my last year... If you say that someone does something at the crack of dawn, you are emphasizing that they do it very early in the morning. v. If you crack a hard part of your body, such as your knee or your head, you hurt it by accidentally hitting it hard against something. = bang, bash If you crack a problem or a code, you solve it, especially after a lot of thought. If someone cracks, they lose control of their emotions or actions because they are under a lot of pressure. (INFORMAL)


[di'sweid] v.劝阻,阻止 1 a : to advise (a person) against something b 2 : to turn from something by persuasion <unable to dissuade him from going>


[di'sə:niŋ] a.识别力强的 If you describe someone as discerning, you mean that they are able to judge which things of a particular kind are good and which are bad.


[di'sə:nəbl] a.可识别的,依稀可辨的 If something is discernible, you can see it or recognize that it exists. (FORMAL)


[di'test] v.深恶,憎恶 If you detest someone or something, you dislike them very much.= loathe Jean detested being photographed.


[di'tætʃ] v.分离,分遣 If you detach one thing from another that it is fixed to, you remove it. If one thing detaches from another, it becomes separated from it. (FORMAL) If you detach yourself from something, you become less involved in it or less concerned about it than you used to be. 1 : to separate especially from a larger mass and usually without violence or damage 2 : DISENGAGE, WITHDRAW


[di'zə:ʃən] n.离弃,遗弃 1 : an act of deserting especially : the abandonment without consent or legal justification of a person, post, or relationship and the associated duties and obligations <sued for divorce on grounds of desertion> 2 : a state of being deserted or forsaken(被抛弃的)


[di:'bʌŋk] v.揭穿真相,暴露 If you debunk a widely held belief, you show that it is false. If you debunk something that is widely admired, you show that it is not as good as people think it is.


[di:'fju:z] v.从(爆破装置)中卸除引信;缓和紧张状态或危急局面 If you defuse a dangerous or tense situation, you calm it. If someone defuses a bomb, they remove the fuse so that it cannot explode.


[dis'dʒʌŋkʃən] n.分离,分裂 1 : a sharp cleavage : DISUNION, SEPARATION <the disjunction between theory and practice> 2 : a compound sentence in logic formed by joining two simple statements by or: a : INCLUSIVE DISJUNCTION b : EXCLUSIVE DISJUNCTION


[dis'krai] v.远远看到,望见 1 a : to catch sight of <I descried a sail > b : FIND OUT, DISCOVER 2 obsolete : to make known : REVEAL obsolete : discovery or view from afar


[dis'kredit] v.怀疑;n.丧失名誉 1 : to refuse to accept as true or accurate : DISBELIEVE <discredit a rumor> 2 : to cause disbelief in the accuracy or authority of <a discredited theory> 3 : to deprive of good repute : DISGRACE <personal attacks meant to discredit his opponent> n. 1 : loss of credit or reputation <I knew stories to the discredit of England > 2 : lack or loss of belief or confidence : DOUBT <contradictions cast discredit on his testimony>


[dis'krepənsi] n.不同,矛盾 If there is a discrepancy between two things that ought to be the same, there is a noticeable difference between them.


[dis'kreʃənəri] a.自由决定的 1 : left to discretion : exercised at one's own discretion 2 : available for discretionary use <discretionary purchasing power>


[dis'kɔ:s] n.演讲,论述 Discourse is spoken or written communication between people, especially serious discussion of a particular subject. A discourse is a serious talk or piece of writing which is intended to teach or explain something. (FORMAL) If someone discourses on something, they talk for a long time about it in a confident way. (FORMAL)


[dis'kɔgrəfi] n.唱片分类目录;录音音乐研究 A discography is a list of all the recordings made by a particular artist or group. (mainly JOURNALISM)


[dis'kə:siv] a.散漫的,无层次的 If a style of writing is discursive, it includes a lot of facts or opinions that are not necessarily relevant. (FORMAL) 1 a : moving from topic to topic without order : RAMBLING(闲逛 随笔 漫步) b : proceeding coherently from topic to topic 2 : marked by analytical reasoning 3 : of or relating to discourse <discursive practices>


[dis'kʌmfit] v.使懊恼;使难堪 If you are discomfited by something, it causes you to feel slightly embarrassed or confused. (WRITTEN) b : to frustrate the plans of : THWART(阻挠) 2 : to put into a state of perplexity and embarrassment : DISCONCERT synonyms see EMBARRASS


[dis'kʌmfitid] a.困惑的,尴尬的


[dis'kʌmfitʃə] n.狼狈,难堪 Discomfiture is a feeling of slight embarrassment or confusion. (WRITTEN) = unease


[dis'lɔdʒ] v.逐出,取出 transitive verb 1 : to drive from a position of hiding, defense, or advantage 2 : to force out of a secure or settled position <dislodged the rock with a shovel> intransitive verb : to leave a place previously occupied


[dis'mei] n.沮丧,气馁;v.使气馁 1 : to cause to lose courage or resolution (as because of alarm or fear) <must not let ourselves be dismayed by the task before us> 2 : UPSET, PERTURB <were dismayed by the condition of the building>


[dis'mæntl] v.拆除 1 : to take to pieces also : to destroy the integrity or functioning of 2 : to strip of dress or covering : DIVEST 3 : to strip of furniture and equipment


[dis'pel] v.驱散,消除 : to drive away by or as if by scattering : DISSIPATE <dispel a rumor> synonyms see SCATTER


[dis'pensəbl] a.不必要的,可有可无的 If someone or something is dispensable they are not really needed. : capable of being dispensed with


[dis'pju:t] v.争论 intransitive verb : to engage in argument : DEBATE especially : to argue irritably or with irritating persistence transitive verb 1 a : to make the subject of disputation <legislators hotly disputed the bill> b : to call into question <her honesty was never disputed> 2 a : to struggle against : OPPOSE <disputed the advance of the invaders> b : to contend over (争夺)<both sides disputed the bridgehead>


[dis'pleis] v.换置;使某人某物离开原位 1 a : to remove from the usual or proper place specifically : to expel or force to flee from home or homeland <displaced persons> b : to remove from an office, status, or job 2 a : to move physically out of position <a floating object displaces water> b : to take the place of (as in a chemical reaction) : SUPPLANT(排挤) synonyms see REPLACE


[dis'pru:v] v.证明...有误 : to prove to be false or wrong : REFUTE <disprove a theory>


[dis'pæridʒ] v.贬抑,轻蔑 1 : to lower in rank or reputation : DEGRADE 2 : to depreciate by indirect means (as invidious comparison) : speak slightingly about synonyms see DECRY


[dis'pæriti] n.不同,差异 If there is a disparity between two or more things, there is a noticeable difference between them. (FORMAL)= difference ...the economic disparities between East and West Berlin.


[krəuniizəm] n.任人唯亲;对好朋友的偏袒 If you accuse someone in authority of cronyism, you mean that they use their power or authority to get jobs for their friends. (JOURNALISM)


[krʌks] n.关键,症结所在 The crux of a problem or argument is the most important or difficult part of it which affects everything else.


[dis'tres] n.& v.痛苦,悲痛 Distress is a state of extreme sorrow, suffering, or pain. Distress is the state of being in extreme danger and needing urgent help. He expressed concern that the ship might be in distress. If someone or something distresses you, they cause you to be upset or worried.


[dis'træktid] a.心烦意乱的,精神不集中的 1 : mentally confused, troubled, or remote 2 : maddened or deranged especially by grief or anxiety synonyms see ABSTRACTED


[kɔ'rɑ:l] n.(牛、马等)畜栏 1 : a pen or enclosure for confining or capturing livestock 2 : an enclosure made with wagons for defense of an encampment vt. 1 : to enclose in a corral 2 : to arrange (wagons) so as to form a corral 3 : COLLECT, GATHER <corralling votes for the upcoming election>

? core

[kɔ:] n.果心;核心);v.去掉某物的中心部分


[kɔ:d] n.考得(木材堆的体积单位,等于128立方英尺,3.6266立方米);绳索 1 a : a long slender flexible material usually consisting of several strands (as of thread or yarn) woven or twisted together 2 : a moral, spiritual, or emotional bond 3 a : an anatomical structure (as a nerve or tendon) resembling a cord especially : UMBILICAL CORD b : a small flexible insulated electrical cable having a plug at one or both ends used to connect a lamp or other appliance with a receptacle 4 : a unit of wood cut for fuel equal to a stack 4 x 4 x 8 feet or 128 cubic feet


[drein] v.排出沟外 喝光 transitive verb 2 a : to draw off (liquid) gradually or completely <drained all the water out> b : to cause the gradual disappearance of <drain the region's wealth> c : to exhaust physically or emotionally <feeling drained at the end of a long workday> 3 a : to make gradually dry <drain a swamp> b : to carry away the surface water of <the river that drains the valley> c : to deplete or empty by or as if by drawing off by degrees or in increments <drained the country of its resources> d : to empty by drinking the contents of <drain a mug of beer> intransitive verb 1 a : to flow off gradually b : to disappear gradually : DWINDLE 2 : to become emptied or freed of liquid by its flowing or dropping <waiting for the tub to drain> 3 : to discharge surface or surplus water


[kɔrə'neiʃ(ə)n] n.加冕 : the act or occasion of crowning also : accession to the highest office


[kə:'teil] v.削减,缩短 If you curtail something, you reduce or limit it. (FORMAL) = restrict : to make less by or as if by cutting off or away some part <curtail the power of the executive branch> <curtail inflation> carries the implication of cutting that in some way deprives of completeness or adequacy synonyms see SHORTEN


[dæmpt] a.减震的,压低(声音)的,阻尼的,衰减的


[dɑ:ft] a.傻的,愚蠢的 If you describe a person or their behaviour as daft, you think that they are stupid, impractical, or rather strange. (BRIT INFORMAL) 1 a : SILLY, FOOLISH b : MAD, INSANE


[dɔ:nt] v.使胆怯,使畏缩 If something daunts you, it makes you feel slightly afraid or worried about dealing with it.


[dɔf] v.脱掉 1 a : to remove (an article of wear) from the body b : to take off (the hat) in greeting or as a sign of respect 2 : to rid oneself of : put aside doff one's hat to or doff one's cap to : to show respect to : SALUTE


[dəum] n.圆顶屋 A dome is a round roof. A dome is any object that has a similar shape to a dome.


[dʒi'netiks] n.遗传学 1 : ...... 2 : the genetic makeup and phenomena of an organism, type, group, or condition


[dʒi:n] n.基因


[dʒist] n.要点,要旨 1 : the ground of a legal action 2 : the main point or part : ESSENCE <the gist of an argument>


[dʒə:'mein] a.有密切关系的;贴切的 2 : being at once relevant and appropriate : FITTING <omit details that are not germane to the discussion>


[dʒə:m] n.胚芽,芽孢;微生物,细菌 1 a : a small mass of living substance capable of developing into an organism or one of its parts b : the embryo with the scutellum of a cereal grain that is usually separated from the starchy endosperm(胚乳) during milling 2 : something that initiates development or serves as an origin : RUDIMENTS(基础知识,入门), BEGINNING 3 : MICROORGANISM especially : a microorganism causing disease


[eks'heil] v.呼出(气) When you exhale, you breathe out the air that is in your lungs. (FORMAL) Hold your breath for a moment and exhale... Wade exhaled a cloud of smoke and coughed. = breathe out ≠ inhale


[eks'kri:t]v.排泄,分泌: to separate and eliminate or discharge (waste) from the blood, tissues,or organs or from the active protoplasm


[eks'kɔ:rieit]v.撕去皮;严厉批评 1 : to wear off the skin of : ABRADE 2 : to censure(批评) scathingly


[eks'pəunənt] n.说明者,支持者;指数 An exponent of an idea, theory, or plan is a person who supports and explains it, and who tries to persuade other people that it is a good idea. (FORMAL) = advocate An exponent of a particular skill or activity is a person who is good at it. 1 : a symbol written above and to the right of a mathematical expression to indicate the operation of raising to a power 2 a : one that expounds or interprets b : one that champions, practices, or exemplifies


[eks'pʌndʒ] v.删除 If you expunge something, you get rid of it completely, because it causes problems or bad feelings. (FORMAL) 1 : to strike out, obliterate, or mark for deletion 2 : to efface completely : DESTROY 3 : to eliminate (as a memory) from one's consciousness


[eks'tempəraiz] v.即席演说 intransitive verb 1 : to do something extemporaneously : IMPROVISE(即兴而作) especially : to speak extemporaneously 2 : to get along in a makeshift(权宜之计) manner transitive verb : to compose, perform, or utter extemporaneously : IMPROVISE <extemporized an after-dinner speech>


[eks'treinjəs] a.外来的;无关的 Extraneous things are not relevant or essential to the situation you are involved in or the subject you are talking about. (FORMAL) 1 : existing on or coming from the outside <extraneous light> 3 : being a number obtained in solving an equation that is not a solution of the equation <extraneous roots> synonyms see EXTRINSIC


[eks'træpəleit] v.预测,推测 If you extrapolate from known facts, you use them as a basis for general statements about a situation or about what is likely to happen in the future. (FORMAL)


[eks`tempə'reinjəs] a.即席的,没有准备的 1 a (1) : composed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment : IMPROMPTU <an extemporaneous comment> (2) : carefully prepared but delivered without notes or text b : skilled at or given to extemporaneous utterance c : happening suddenly and often unexpectedly and usually without clearly known causes or relationships <a great deal of criminal and delinquent behavior is-extemporaneous>


[ekspi'diʃəs] a.迅速的,敏捷的 : characterized by or acting promptly and efficiently synonyms see FAST


[fail] n.锉刀;v.锉平 1 : a tool usually of hardened steel with cutting ridges for forming or smoothing surfaces especially of metal 2 : a shrewd or crafty(狡诈的) person : to rub, smooth, or cut away with or as if with a file


[kən'temptjuəs] a.鄙视的,表示轻蔑的


[kən'tigjuəs] a.接壤的,接近的 1 : being in actual contact : touching along a boundary or at a point 2 of angles : ADJACENT 2 3 : next or near in time or sequence 4 : touching or connected throughout in an unbroken sequence <contiguous row houses> synonyms see ADJACENT


[kən'venʃənl] a.因循守旧的,传统的 1 : formed by agreement or compact 2 a : according with, sanctioned by, or based on convention b : lacking originality or individuality : TRITE(陈词滥调的) c (1) : ORDINARY, COMMONPLACE 3 a : according with a mode of artistic representation that simplifies or provides symbols or substitutes for natural forms b : of traditional design 4 : of, resembling, or relating to a convention, assembly, or public meeting synonyms see CEREMONIAL


[kən'vikt,'kɔnvikt] v.定罪;n.罪犯 vt. 1 : to find or prove to be guilty 2 : to convince of error or sinfulness vi. : to find a defendant guilty n. 1 : a person convicted of and under sentence for a crime 2 : a person serving a usually long prison sentence


[kən'vikʃən] n.判罪;坚信 1 : the act or process of convicting of a crime especially in a court of law 2 a : the act of convincing a person of error or of compelling the admission of a truth b : the state of being convinced of error or compelled to admit the truth 3 a : a strong persuasion or belief b : the state of being convinced synonyms see CERTAINTY, OPINION


[kən'vins] v.使某人确信;说服 3 : to bring (as by argument) to belief, consent, or a course of action : PERSUADE <convinced himself that she was all right > <something I could never convince him to read>


[kən'viviəl] a.欢乐的,狂欢的 : relating to, occupied with, or fond of feasting, drinking, and good company <a convivial host> <a convivial gathering>


[kən'və:dʒənt] a.会聚的 1 : tending to move toward one point or to approach each other : CONVERGING <convergent lines> 2 : exhibiting convergence in form, function, or development <convergent evolution> 3 a of an improper integral (广义积分): having a value that is a real number b : characterized by having the nth term or the sum of the first n terms approach a finite limit <a convergent sequence> <a convergent series>


[kən'və:sənt] a.精通的,熟知的 3 : having knowledge or experience ― used with with


[kən'vəuk] v.召集 : to call together to a meeting synonyms see SUMMON


[kən'vʌls] v.使震动,震惊 vt : to shake or agitate violently especially : to shake with or as if with irregular spasms <was convulsed with laughter> vi : to become affected with convulsions synonyms see SHAKE


[kən`vivi'æliti] n.欢乐;交游 Joyful, exuberant activity:


[kəu'tə:minəs] a.毗连的,有共同边界的 1 : having the same or coincident boundaries <a voting district coterminous with the city> 2 : coextensive in scope or duration <an experience of life coterminous with the years of his father >


[kʌs'təudjən] n.管理员,监护人 The custodian of an official building, a companies' assets, or something else valuable is the person who is officially in charge of it.


[nɑ:ld] a.(树木)多节的;粗糙的 1 : full of knots or gnarls : KNOTTY <gnarled hands> 2 : crabbed in disposition, aspect, or character A gnarled tree is twisted and strangely shaped because it is old. A person who is gnarled looks very old because their skin has lines on it or their body is bent. If someone has gnarled hands, their hands are twisted as a result of old age or illness.


[sai'tɔlədʒi] n.[生]细胞学


[æm'pɑ:s] n.僵局;死路 1 a : a predicament(困境) affording no obvious escape b : DEADLOCK 2 : an impassable road or way : CUL-DE-SAC(死路,死胡同)




[feind] a.假装的;不真诚的 1 : FICTITIOUS(虚构的) 2 : not genuine or real


[feiz] v.使...狼狈,折磨 If something fazes you, it surprises, shocks, or frightens you, so that you do not know what to do. (INFORMAL) : to disturb the composure of : DISCONCERT, DAUNT <nothing fazed her>


[fi'kʌndəti] n.多产,富饶;繁殖力,生殖力 fecund 1 : fruitful in offspring or vegetation : PROLIFIC(多产的,多结果的) 2 : intellectually productive or inventive to a marked degree <a fecund imagination>


[fi'nɑ:li] n.最后,最终;乐曲的最后部分 : the close or termination of something: as a : the last section of an instrumental musical composition b : the closing part, scene, or number in a public performance c : the last and often climactic event or item in a sequence


[fik'tiʃəs] a.假的;虚构的 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of fiction : IMAGINARY 2 a : conventionally or hypothetically assumed or accepted <a fictitious concept> b of a name : FALSE, ASSUMED 3 : not genuinely felt


[fju:m] v./n.愤怒;冒烟 noun 1 a : a smoke, vapor, or gas especially when irritating or offensive <engine exhaust fumes> b : an often noxious(有毒的) suspension of particles in a gas (as air) 2 : something (as an emotion) that impairs one's reasoning <sometimes his head gets a little hot with the fumes of patriotism - Matthew Arnold> 3 : a state of excited irritation or anger - usually used in the phrase in a fume on fumes : with little of the original strength or energy remaining <tired ballplayers running on fumes> transitive verb 1 : to expose to or treat with fumes 2 : to give off in fumes <fuming thick black smoke> 3 : to utter while in a state of excited irritation or anger intransitive verb 1 a : to emit fumes b : to be in a state of excited irritation or anger <fretted and fumed over the delay> 2 : to rise in or as if in fumes


[flait] n.飞行,飞翔;逃跑 Flight is the act of running away from a dangerous or unpleasant situation or place. If someone takes flight, they run away from an unpleasant situation or place. noun. 2 b : the distance covered in such a flight c : swift movement 5 : a brilliant, imaginative, or unrestrained exercise or display <a flight of fancy> 6 a : a continuous series of stairs from one landing or floor to another b : a series (as of terraces or conveyors) resembling a flight of stairs intransitive verb : to rise, settle, or fly in a flock(成群) <geese flighting on the marsh>


[flaut] v.蔑视,违抗 transitive verb : to treat with contemptuous disregard : SCORN <flouting the rules> intransitive verb : to indulge in scornful behavior


[flint] n.打火石,燧石 1 : a massive hard dark quartz that produces a spark when struck by steel 2 : an implement of flint used in prehistoric cultures 3 a : a piece of flint b : a material used for producing a spark especially : an alloy (as of iron and cerium) used in lighters 4 : something resembling flint in hardness


[flinʃ] v.畏缩,退缩 : to withdraw or shrink from or as if from pain : WINCE also : to tense the muscles involuntarily in anticipation of discomfort


[flit] v.掠过,迅速飞过 1 : to pass quickly or abruptly from one place or condition to another 3 : to move in an erratic fluttering manner


[flu:k] n.侥幸;意想不到的事 1 : FLATFISH(比目鱼) 1 : an accidentally successful stroke at billiards or pool 2 : a stroke of luck <the discovery was a fluke> 1 : the part of an anchor that fastens in the ground 2 : one of the lobes of a whale's tail


[fluə'resənt] a.萤光的,发光的 1 : having or relating to fluorescence 2 : bright and glowing as a result of fluorescence <fluorescent inks> broadly : very bright in color


[flæg] v.减弱,衰退;枯萎 1 : to signal with or as if with a flag especially : to signal to stop <flagged the train> ― often used with down 2 : to mark or identify with or as if with a flag <flagged potential problems in the proposal> 3 : to call a penalty on : PENALIZE <a lineman flagged for being offside> 1 : to hang loose without stiffness 2 a : to become unsteady, feeble, or spiritless b : to decline in interest, attraction, or value <flagging stock prices>


[flæk] n.高射炮;指责 1 : antiaircraft guns 2 : the bursting shells fired from flak 3 also flack : CRITICISM, OPPOSITION


[flæks] n.亚麻(可用来制纺织纤维)


[flæm'bɔiənt] a.艳丽的,炫耀的 1 often capitalized : characterized by waving curves suggesting flames <flamboyant tracery> <flamboyant architecture> 2 : marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior <a flamboyant performer>


[flændʒ] n.(火车车轮的)凸缘,轮缘 1 : a rib or rim for strength, for guiding, or for attachment to another object <a flange on a pipe> <a flange on a wheel> 2 : a projecting edge of cloth used for decoration on clothing <a jacket with flange shoulders> vt. : to furnish with a flange


[flɑ:sk] n.烧瓶,细颈瓶 : a container often somewhat narrowed toward the outlet and often fitted with a closure: as a : a broad flattened necked vessel used especially to carry alcoholic beverages on the person


[flɔ:] n.瑕疵;v.生裂缝;有瑕疵 1 : a sudden brief burst of wind also : a spell of stormy weather 1 a : a defect in physical structure or form <a diamond with a flaw> b : an imperfection or weakness and especially one that detracts from the whole or hinders effectiveness <vanity was the flaw in his character> <a flaw in the book's plot> transitive verb : to make flaws in : MAR intransitive verb : to become defective


[flɔ:nt] v.炫耀;张扬 intransitive verb 1 : to display or obtrude oneself to public notice <a great flaunting crowd - Charles Dickens> 2 : to wave or flutter showily <the flag flaunts in the breeze> transitive verb 1 : to display ostentatiously(夸耀地) or impudently : PARADE <flaunting his superiority> 2 : to treat contemptuously <flaunted the rules - Louis Untermeyer>


[flɔ:nti] a.炫耀的,张扬的,虚华的


[flɔk] n.羊群;鸟群 1 : a group of animals (as birds or sheep) assembled or herded together 2 : a group under the guidance of a leader especially : a church congregation 3 : a large number <a flock of tourists> intransitive verb : to gather or move in a flock <they flocked to the beach>


[flə:t] v.挑逗,调戏 1 : to move erratically : FLIT 2 a : to behave amorously(好色地) without serious intent b : to show superficial or casual interest or liking <flirted with the idea> also : EXPERIMENT <a novelist flirting with poetry> 3 : to come close to reaching or experiencing something used with with <flirting with disaster> <the temperature flirted with 100°C> transitive verb 1 : FLICK 2 : to move in a jerky manner


[flʌks] n.不断的变动,动荡不定 1 : a flowing of fluid from the body: as a : DIARRHEA b : DYSENTERY 2 : a continuous moving on or passing by (as of a stream) 3 : a continued flow : FLOOD 4 a : INFLUX b : CHANGE, FLUCTUATION <in a state of flux> 6 : the rate of transfer of fluid, particles, or energy across a given surface transitive verb 1 : to cause to become fluid 2 : to treat with a flux intransitive verb : to become fluid : FUSE


[freil] a.脆弱的;不坚实的 1 : easily led into evil <frail humanity> 2 : easily broken or destroyed : FRAGILE 3 a : physically weak b : SLIGHT, UNSUBSTANTIAL synonyms see WEAK FRAIL implies delicacy and slightness of constitution or structure <a frail teenager unable to enjoy sports>. FRAGILE suggests frailty and brittleness unable to resist rough usage <a reclusive poet too fragile for the rigors of this world>.


[fret] n./v.(使)烦躁,焦虑 If you fret about something, you worry about it.= worry The frets on a musical instrument such as a guitar are the raised lines across its neck


[fri'dʒiditi] n.寒冷;冷淡 : the quality or state of being frigid specifically : marked or abnormal sexual indifference especially in a woman


[fri'netik] a.狂乱的,发狂的 If you describe an activity as frenetic, you mean that it is fast and energetic, but rather uncontrolled. = frantic ...the frenetic pace of life in New York... : FRENZIED, FRANTIC


[fri:z] n.(在墙顶与天花板间起装饰作用的)横条,饰带 1 : a heavy durable coarse wool and shoddy fabric with a rough surface 2 : a pile surface of uncut loops or of patterned cut and uncut loops 1 : the part of an entablature between the architrave and the cornice 2 : a sculptured or richly ornamented band (as on a building or piece of furniture) 3 : a band, line, or series suggesting a frieze <a constant frieze of visitors wound its way around the...ruins - Mollie Panter-Downes>


[frɔnd] n.羊齿、棕榈等的叶子 1 : a large leaf (esp. of a palm or fern) usually with many divisions 2 : a thallus or thalloid shoot (as of a lichen(地衣) or seaweed) resembling a leaf


[fæd] n.(流行一时的)狂热,时尚 : a practice or interest followed for a time with exaggerated zeal : CRAZE synonyms see FASHION


[fæk'tɔrəbl] a.能分解成因子的


[fæk'təutəm] n.杂役,听差 A factotum is a servant who is employed to do a wide variety of jobs for someone. (FORMAL)


[fæs'tidiəs] a.难取悦的,挑剔的 If you say that someone is fastidious, you mean that they pay great attention to detail because they like everything to be very neat, accurate, and in good order.= meticulous ...her fastidious attention to historical detail... If you say that someone is fastidious, you mean that they are concerned about keeping clean to an extent that many people consider to be excessive. 2 a : having high and often capricious standards : difficult to please <critics-so fastidious that they can talk only to a small circle of initiates - Granville Hicks>


[fæŋ] n.(毒蛇的)尖牙 Fangs are the two long, sharp, upper teeth that some animals have.


[fɑ:'ri:tʃiŋ] a.影响深远的 = sweeping : having a wide range or effect <The economy is in danger of collapse unless far-reaching reforms are implemented.>


[fɑ:s] n.闹剧;荒谬胡闹 A farce is a humorous play in which the characters become involved in complicated and unlikely situations. If you describe a situation or event as a farce, you mean that it is so disorganized or ridiculous that you cannot take it seriously. 3 : the broad humor characteristic of farce or pretense 4 a : ridiculous or empty show b : MOCKERY <the enforcement of this law became a farce>


[fɔ:'bAərəns] n.自制,忍耐 1 : a refraining from the enforcement of something (as a debt, right, or obligation) that is due 2 : the act of forbearing : PATIENCE 3 : the quality of being forbearing : LENIENCY(宽大,仁慈)


[fɔ:'bəud] v.预感,凶兆 1 : to have an inward conviction of (as coming ill or misfortune) 2 : FORETELL, PORTEND intransitive verb : AUGUR, PREDICT


[fɔ:'nɔlidʒ] n.预知 : to have previous knowledge of : know beforehand especially by paranormal(超自然的) means or by revelation synonyms see FORESEE


[fɔ:'stɔ:l] v.先发制人,预先阻止 1 : to prevent the normal trading in by buying or diverting goods or by persuading persons to raise prices 4 : to exclude, hinder, or prevent by prior occupation or measures 5 : to get ahead of : ANTICIPATE synonyms see PREVENT FORESTALL implies a getting ahead so as to stop or interrupt something in its course <hoped to forestall the sale>.


[fɔ:'tju(:)itəs] a.偶然的,意外的;幸运的 1 : occurring by chance 2 a : FORTUNATE, LUCKY <from a cost standpoint, the company's timing is fortuitous - Business Week> b : coming or happening by a lucky chance <belted down the stairs, and there was a fortuitous train - Doris Lessing>


[fɔ:'ʃædəu] v.预示 : to represent, indicate, or typify beforehand : PREFIGURE If something foreshadows an event or situation, it suggests that it will happen. The disappointing sales figures foreshadow more redundancies...

? fault

[fɔ:lt] n.错误;(地质学)断层


[fɔ:n] n.未满周岁的小鹿;v.巴结,奉承 intransitive verb 1 : to show affection - used especially of a dog 2 : to court favor by a cringing or flattering manner <People fawn over you when you're famous...> noun. 1 : a young deer especially : one still unweaned(没断奶) or retaining a distinctive baby coat synonyms FAWN, TOADY, TRUCKLE, CRINGE, COWER mean to behave abjectly before a superior. FAWN implies seeking favor by servile flattery or exaggerated attention <waiters fawning over a celebrity>.


[fɔ:t] n.长处,擅长;a.(音乐)强音的 1 : the part of a sword or foil blade that is between the middle and the hilt and that is the strongest part of the blade 2 : one's strong point : LOUD - used as a direction in music n. : a tone or passage played forte


[fɔs] n.护城河=moat


[fə'bid] v.不许,禁止;妨碍,阻止 1 : to proscribe from or as if from the position of one in authority : command against <the law forbids stores to sell liquor to minors> <her mother forbids her to go> 2 : to hinder or prevent as if by an effectual command <space forbids further treatment here> synonyms FORBID, PROHIBIT, INTERDICT, INHIBIT mean to debar one from doing something or to order that something not be done. FORBID implies that the order is from one in authority and that obedience is expected <smoking is forbidden in the building>.


[fə'bidiŋ] a.(表情)冷峻的;形势险恶的 1 : such as to make approach or passage difficult or impossible <forbidding walls> 2 : DISAGREEABLE, REPELLENT <a forbidding task> 3 : GRIM, MENACING <a dark forbidding sky>


[fə'leiʃəs] a.欺骗的;谬误的 If an idea, argument, or reason is fallacious, it is wrong because it is based on a fallacy. (FORMAL) 1 : embodying a fallacy <a fallacious conclusion> 2 : tending to deceive or mislead : DELUSIVE


[fə'nætik] n.狂热者 : marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion <they're fanatic about politics>


[fə'seik] v.遗弃,放弃 : to renounce or turn away from entirely <friends have forsaken her> <forsook the theater for politics> synonyms see ABANDON FORSAKE suggests an action more likely to bring impoverishment or bereavement to that which is forsaken than its exposure to physical dangers <a forsaken lover>.


[fə'si:ʃəs] a.轻浮的,好开玩笑的 1 : joking or jesting often inappropriately : WAGGISH <just being facetious> 2 : meant to be humorous or funny : not serious <a facetious remark> synonyms see WITTY


[fə'siliteit] v.使容易,促进 To facilitate an action or process, especially one that you would like to happen, means to make it easier or more likely to happen.= aid, assist


[fə'silətiz] n.(使事情便利的)设备、工具 1 : the quality of being easily performed 2 : ease in performance : APTITUDE 3 : readiness of compliance 4 a (1) : something that makes an action, operation, or course of conduct easier - usually used in plural <facilities for study> (2) : LAVATORY 2 - often used in plural b : something (as a hospital) that is built, installed, or established to serve a particular purpose


[fə`mili'æriti] n.精通;亲近;不拘礼仪 1 a : the quality or state of being familiar b : a state of close relationship : INTIMACY 2 a : absence of ceremony : INFORMALITY b : an unduly informal act or expression : IMPROPRIETY 3 : close acquaintance with something <my familiarity with American history>


[fəu'ment] v.煽动,助长(坏事) : to promote the growth or development of : ROUSE, INCITE <foment a rebellion> synonyms see INCITE


[fʌs] n.大惊小怪 1 a : needless bustle or excitement b : a show of flattering attention <made a big fuss over his favorite niece> 2 a : a state of agitation especially over a trivial matter b : OBJECTION, PROTEST c : an often petty controversy or quarrel


[gai] n.(铁塔等的)支索,牵索 : a rope, chain, rod, or wire attached to something as a brace or guide - called also guyline : to steady or reinforce with a guy 2 chiefly British : a person of grotesque(奇异的) appearance 3 a : MAN, FELLOW b : PERSON - used in plural to refer to the members of a group regardless of sex <saw her and the rest of the guys> 4 : INDIVIDUAL, CREATURE <the other dogs pale in companion to this little guy> transitive verb : to make fun of : RIDICULE


[gail] n.欺诈,狡猾 1 : deceitful cunning : DUPLICITY 2 obsolete : STRATAGEM, TRICK


[gaiz] n.外观,装束 1 : a form or style of dress : COSTUME 3 a : external appearance : SEMBLANCE(外貌) b : PRETEXT(借口) You use guise to refer to the outward appearance or form of someone or something, which is often temporary or different from their real nature.


[gein'sei] v.否认 1 : to declare to be untrue or invalid 2 : CONTRADICT, OPPOSE


[geit] n.步法,步态 1 : a manner of walking or moving on foot 2 : a sequence of foot movements (as a walk, trot, pace, or canter) by which a horse or a dog moves forward 3 : a manner or rate of movement or progress <the leisurely gait of summer> transitive verb 1 : to train (a horse or a dog) to use a particular gait or set of gaits 2 : to lead (a show dog) before a judge to display carriage and movement intransitive verb : to walk with a particular gait


[gilt] n.罪行;内疚 1 : the fact of having committed a breach of conduct especially violating law and involving a penalty broadly : guilty conduct 2 a : the state of one who has committed an offense especially consciously b : feelings of culpability especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy : SELF-REPROACH 3 : a feeling of culpability for offenses


[giə] n.齿轮;装备;仪器 1 a : CLOTHING, GARMENTS b : movable property : GOODS 2 : EQUIPMENT, PARAPHERNALIA(零星物品) <fishing gear> 3 a : the rigging of a ship or boat b : the harness especially of horses transitive verb 1 a : to provide (as machinery) with gearing b : to connect by gearing 2 a : to make ready for effective operation b : to adjust so as to match, blend with, or satisfy something <gearing wages to productivity> intransitive verb 1 a British of machinery : to be in gear : MESH b : SHIFT 1C : to change gears <gear down> 2 : to become adjusted so as to match, blend, or harmonize


[glAə] v.发出眩目光芒;怒目而视 intransitive verb 1 a : to shine with a harsh uncomfortably brilliant light b : STAND OUT, OBTRUDE 2 : to stare angrily or fiercely transitive verb 1 : to express (as hostility) by staring angrily noun 1 a : a harsh uncomfortably bright light <the glare of a neon sign> <the glare of publicity> especially : painfully bright sunlight b : cheap showy brilliance : GARISHNESS 2 : an angry or fierce stare 3 : a surface or sheet of smooth and slippery ice


[gleid] n.林中的空地 : an open space surrounded by woods

synonyms DETERIORATION, DEGENERATION, DECADENCE, DECLINE mean the falling from a higher to a lower level in quality, character, or vitality.

DETERIORATION implies generally the impairment of value or usefulness <the deterioration of the house through neglect>. DEGENERATION stresses physical, intellectual, or especially moral retrogression <the degeneration of their youthful idealism into cynicism>. DECADENCE presupposes a reaching and passing the peak of development and implies a turn downward with a consequent loss in vitality or energy <cited love of luxury as a sign of cultural decadence>. DECLINE differs from DECADENCE in suggesting a more markedly downward direction and greater momentum as well as more obvious evidence of deterioration <the meteoric decline of his career after the scandal>.

synonyms see ENORMOUS

ENORMOUS and IMMENSE both suggest an exceeding of all ordinary bounds in size or amount or degree, but ENORMOUS often adds an implication of abnormality or monstrousness <an enormous expense> <an immense shopping mall>.

synonyms FEAT, EXPLOIT, ACHIEVEMENT mean a remarkable deed.

FEAT implies strength or dexterity or daring <an acrobatic feat>. EXPLOIT suggests an adventurous or heroic act <his exploits as a spy>. ACHIEVEMENT implies hard-won success in the face of difficulty or opposition <her achievements as a chemist>

synonyms HAMPER, TRAMMEL, CLOG, FETTER, SHACKLE, MANACLE mean to hinder or impede in moving, progressing, or acting.

HAMPER may imply the effect of any impeding or restraining influence <hampered the investigation by refusing to cooperate>. TRAMMEL suggests entangling by or confining within a net <rules that trammel the artist's creativity>. CLOG usually implies a slowing by something extraneous or encumbering <a court system clogged by frivolous suits>. FETTER suggests a restraining so severe that freedom to move or progress is almost lost <a nation fettered by an antiquated class system>. SHACKLE and MANACLE are stronger than FETTER and suggest total loss of freedom <a mind shackled by stubborn prejudice> <a people manacled by tyranny>.

synonyms PLENTIFUL, AMPLE, ABUNDANT, COPIOUS mean more than sufficient without being excessive.

PLENTIFUL implies a great or rich supply <peaches are plentiful this summer>. AMPLE implies a generous sufficiency to satisfy a particular requirement <ample food to last the winter>. ABUNDANT suggests an even greater or richer supply than does PLENTIFUL <streams abundant with fish>. COPIOUS stresses largeness of supply rather than fullness or richness <copious examples of bureaucratic waste>.

synonyms SHAKE, AGITATE, ROCK, CONVULSE mean to move up and down or to and fro with some violence.

SHAKE often carries a further implication of a particular purpose <shake well before using>. AGITATE suggests a violent and prolonged tossing or stirring <an ocean agitated by storms>. ROCK suggests a swinging or swaying motion resulting from violent impact or upheaval <the whole city was rocked by the explosion>. CONVULSE suggests a violent pulling or wrenching as of a body in a paroxysm <spectators were convulsed with laughter>.

synonyms TRANSIENT, TRANSITORY, EPHEMERAL, MOMENTARY, FUGITIVE, FLEETING, EVANESCENT mean lasting or staying only a short time.

TRANSIENT applies to what is actually short in its duration or stay <a hotel catering primarily to transient guests>. TRANSITORY applies to what is by its nature or essence bound to change, pass, or come to an end <fame in the movies is transitory> FUGITIVE and FLEETING imply passing so quickly as to make apprehending difficult <let a fugitive smile flit across his face> <fleeting moments of joy>.


['dedpæn] a./n.无表情的(脸) Deadpan humour is when you appear to be serious and are hiding the fact that you are joking or teasing someone. a. : marked by an impassive matter-of-fact (without emotions) manner, style, or expression <a deadpan comedy> n. 1 : a completely expressionless face 2 : a deadpan manner of behavior or presentation


['definit] a.清楚的,明确的 1 : having distinct or certain limits <set definite standards for pupils to meet> 2 a : free of all ambiguity, uncertainty, or obscurity <demanded a definite answer> b : UNQUESTIONABLE, DECIDED <the quarterback was a definite hero today> 3 : typically designating an identified or immediately identifiable person or thing <the definite article> synonyms see EXPLICIT


['delikit] a.娇嫩的;精致的,优美的


['despətizəm] n.专制,暴政 Despotism is cruel and unfair government by a ruler or rulers who have a lot of power. = tyranny 1 a : rule by a despot b : despotic exercise of power 2 a : a system of government in which the ruler has unlimited power : ABSOLUTISM b : a despotic state


['dəusail] a.驯服的,听话的 1 : easily taught <a docile pupil> 2 : easily led or managed : TRACTABLE (易驾驭的)<a docile pony> synonyms see OBEDIENT


['fi:dbæk] n.(信息的)反馈


['fædiʃ] a.流行一时的,时尚的 If you describe something as faddish, you mean that it has no real value and that it will not remain popular for very long.


['fʌlkrəm] n.杠杆支点,支柱 1 a : PROP specifically : the support about which a lever turns b : one that supplies capability for action 2 : a part of an animal that serves as a hinge or support


['glu:kəus] n.葡萄糖


['glu:tinəs] a.粘的,胶状的 : having the quality of glue : GUMMY


['gælən] n.加仑


['gælənt] a.勇敢的;(向女人)献殷勤的 noun 1 : a young man of fashion 2 a : LADIES' MAN b : SUITOR c : PARAMOUR adjective 1 : showy in dress or bearing : SMART 2 a : SPLENDID, STATELY <a gallant ship> b : SPIRITED, BRAVE <gallant efforts against the enemy> c : nobly chivalrous and often self-sacrificing 3 : courteously and elaborately attentive especially to ladies synonyms see CIVIL 1 : to pay court to (a lady) : ATTEND <used to gallant her in his youth - Washington Irving>


['gɑ:mənt] n.&vt衣服 : an article of clothing : to clothe with or as if with a garment


['heiləu] n.(日、月等)晕,神像之光环


['hudwiŋk] v.蒙混,欺骗 3 : to deceive by false appearance : DUPE = con


['hæknid] a.陈腐的,平常的 : lacking in freshness or originality <hackneyed slogans>


['hæmə] n.锤子,槌 noun. ...... under the hammer : for sale at auction intransitive verb 2 : to make repeated efforts especially : to reiterate(重申) an opinion or attitude <the lectures all hammered away at the same points> transitive verb 1 a : to beat, drive, or shape with repeated blows of a hammer b : to fasten or build with a hammer 2 : to strike or drive with a force suggesting a hammer blow or repeated blows <hammered the ball over the fence> <tried to hammer me into submission> 3 : to criticize severely


[gleiz] v.装玻璃于;上釉彩;n.釉 A glaze is a thin layer of liquid which is put on a piece of pottery and becomes hard and shiny when the pottery is heated in a very hot oven. A glaze is a thin layer of beaten egg, milk, or other liquid that you spread onto food in order to make the surface shine and look attractive. When you glaze food such as bread or pastry, you spread a layer of beaten egg, milk, or other liquid onto it before you cook it in order to make its surface shine and look attractive. vt. 1 : to furnish or fit with glass 2 a : to coat with or as if with a glaze <the storm glazed trees with ice> vi. 1 : to become glazed or glassy <my eyes glazed over> n. 1 : a smooth slippery coating of thin ice 2 b : a transparent or translucent color applied to modify the effect of a painted surface c : a smooth glossy or lustrous surface or finish 3 : a glassy film


[gli:n] v.拾落穗;收集(材料等) intransitive verb 1 : to gather grain or other produce left by reapers 2 : to gather information or material bit by bit transitive verb 1 a : to pick up after a reaper b : to strip (as a field) of the leavings of reapers 2 a : to gather (as information) bit by bit b : to pick over in search of relevant material <gleaning old files for information> 3 : FIND OUT


['hæri] v.掠夺,袭扰,折磨 1 : to make a pillaging or destructive raid on : ASSAULT 2 : to force to move along by harassing <harrying the terrified horses down out of the mountains - R. A. Sokolov> 3 : to torment by or as if by constant attack


['hɑ:ʃli] adv.严酷地,无情地


['hʌski] a.声音沙哑的 adjective : resembling, containing, or full of husks : hoarse(嘶哑的) with or as if with emotion 1 : BURLY(结实的,粗壮的), ROBUST 2 : LARGE noun : one that is husky


['hʌzbənd] v.妥善而又节约地管理;做...的丈夫 1 : a male partner in a marriage 2 British : MANAGER, STEWARD 3 : a frugal(节约的) manager transitive verb 1 a : to manage prudently and economically b : to use sparingly(节俭地) : CONSERVE


['hʌzbəndri] n.耕种,务农;节敛管理 2 : the control or judicious(明智的,慎重的) use of resources : CONSERVATION 3 a : the cultivation or production of plants or animals : AGRICULTURE b : the scientific control and management of a branch of farming and especially of domestic animals


['kauntinəns] v.支持,赞成;容忍;n.表情 If someone will not countenance something, they do not agree with it and will not allow it to happen. (FORMAL) Someone's countenance is their face. (LITERARY) 2 a : calm expression b : mental composure c : LOOK, EXPRESSION 4 : FACE, VISAGE especially : the face as an indication of mood, emotion, or character 5 : bearing or expression that offers approval or sanction : moral support : to extend approval or toleration to : SANCTION <refused to countenance any changes in the policy>


[glitʃ] n.小故障 1 a : a usually minor malfunction <a glitch in a spacecraft's fuel cell> also : 2BUG 2 b : a minor problem that causes a temporary setback : SNAG 2 : a false or spurious electronic signal


['kauntəpɑ:t] n.相对应或具有相同功能的人或物 Someone's or something's counterpart is another person or thing that has a similar function or position in a different place. 1 : one of two corresponding copies of a legal instrument : DUPLICATE 2 a : a thing that fits another perfectly b : something that completes : COMPLEMENT 3 a : one remarkably similar to another b : one having the same function or characteristics as another <college presidents and their counterparts in business>


['kautəprə`dʌktiv] a.事与愿违的 : tending to hinder the attainment of a desired goal <violence as a means to achieve an end is counterproductive>


['kauə] v.畏缩,蜷缩 If you cower, you bend forward and downwards because you are very frightened.


['kauəd] n.胆小鬼 If you call someone a coward, you disapprove of them because they are easily frightened and avoid dangerous or difficult situations.


['kju:bikl] n.大房间中隔出的小室 A cubicle is a very small enclosed area, for example one where you can have a shower or change your clothes.

? credit

['kredit] n.赊购;信任;(电影)片头字幕


['kredəbl] a.可信的,可靠的 Credible means able to be trusted or believed.= plausible But in order to maintain a credible threat of intervention, we have to maintain a credible alliance. A credible candidate, policy, or system, for example, is one that appears to have a chance of being successful. 2 : of sufficient capability to be militarily effective <a credible deterrent(威慑)> <credible forces>


['kreitə] n.火山口;弹坑 A crater is a very large hole in the ground, which has been caused by something hitting it or by an explosion. 1 : to exhibit or form craters 2 : to fail or fall suddenly and dramatically : COLLAPSE, CRASH <the deal cratered> <cratering stock prices> transitive verb : to form craters in


['kritik] n.批评者 A critic is a person who writes about and expresses opinions about things such as books, films, music, or art. Someone who is a critic of a person or system disapproves of them and criticizes them publicly. 1 a : one who expresses a reasoned opinion on any matter especially involving a judgment of its value, truth, righteousness, beauty, or technique 2 : one given to harsh or captious judgment


['kritikəl] a.挑毛病的;关键的,危急的 A critical time, factor, or situation is extremely important.= crucial A critical situation is very serious and dangerous. If a person is critical or in a critical condition in hospital, they are seriously ill. A critical approach to something involves examining and judging it carefully. 2 a : inclined to criticize severely and unfavorably


['kru:diti] n.粗糙,生硬 1 : the quality or state of being crude 2 : something that is crude


['kru:ʃiəl] a.决定性的 If you describe something as crucial, you mean it is extremely important. 2 a : important or essential as resolving a crisis : DECISIVE <a crucial step> b : marked by final determination of a doubtful issue <the crucial game of a series> c : IMPORTANT, SIGNIFICANT <what use we make of them will be the crucial question


['krəuʃei] n.钩针织物;v.用钩针编织


['krʌmbl] v.弄碎;崩毁 If something crumbles, or if you crumble it, it breaks into a lot of small pieces. If an old building or piece of land is crumbling, parts of it keep breaking off.\ If something such as a system, relationship, or hope crumbles, it comes to an end. If someone crumbles, they stop resisting or trying to win, or become unable to cope. A crumble is a baked pudding made from fruit covered with a mixture of flour, butter, and sugar. (BRIT)


['kuʃən] n.坐垫;v.缓冲 A cushion is a soft pad or barrier, especially one that protects something. Something that cushions an object when it hits something protects it by reducing the force of the impact. To cushion the effect of something unpleasant means to reduce it. Something that is a cushion against something unpleasant reduces its effect.


[glu:m] n.黑暗;忧郁 intransitive verb 1 : to look, feel, or act sullen(忧郁) or despondent(沮丧的) 2 : to be or become overcast(阴暗的, 愁闷) 3 : to loom up dimly transitive verb : to make dark, murky(昏暗的;浑浊的), or somber(阴森的,忧郁的) : make gloomy noun. 1 a : partial or total darkness b : a dark or shadowy place 2 a : lowness of spirits : DEJECTION b : an atmosphere of despondency <a gloom fell over the household>


['kɔ:pərit] a.团体的;共同的 1 a : formed into an association and endowed by law with the rights and liabilities of an individual : INCORPORATED b : of or relating to a corporation <a plan to reorganize the corporate structure> c : of, relating to, or being the large corporations of a country or region considered as a unit <the latest trend in corporate America> d : having qualities (as commercialism or lack of originality) associated with large corporations or attributed to their influence or control <corporate rock music> <corporate art> 2 : of, relating to, or formed into a unified body of individuals <human law arises by the corporate action of a people> 3 : CORPORATIVE 2 : of or relating to corporatism <a corporative state>


['kɔ:pʌs(ə)l] n.血球,细胞 1 : a minute particle 2 a : a living cell especially : one (as a red or white blood cell or a cell in cartilage or bone) not aggregated into continuous tissues b : any of various small circumscribed multicellular bodies


['kɔntekst] n.(语句等的)上下文 If something is seen in context or if it is put into context, it is considered together with all the factors that relate to it. If a statement or remark is quoted out of context, the circumstances in which it was said are not correctly reported, so that it seems to mean something different from the meaning that was intended. 1 : the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning 2 : the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs : ENVIRONMENT, SETTING <the historical context of the war>


['kɔntinənt] a.自制的;n.大陆 a. Exercising moderation and self-restraint in appetites and behavior: 1 : exercising continence(自制 禁欲 节制)


['kɔntrait] a.悔罪的,痛悔的 : feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for a sin or shortcoming <a contrite criminal> <a contrite apology> <contrite sighs> = apologetic


['kɔnvəlju:tid] a.旋绕的;费解的 If you describe a sentence, idea, or system as convoluted, you mean that it is complicated and difficult to understand. (FORMAL) = complicated ≠ straightforward 1 : having convolutions 2 : INVOLVED, INTRICATE (错综复杂的)<a convoluted argument>


['kɔrugeit] v.(使)起波浪形,起皱纹 vt : to form or shape into wrinkles or folds or into alternating ridges and grooves : FURROW vi : to become corrugated


['kɔrəgeitid] a.起皱纹的 Corrugated metal or cardboard has been folded into a series of small parallel folds to make it stronger.


['kɔzmik] a.宇宙的 1 a : of or relating to the cosmos, the extraterrestrial vastness, or the universe in contrast to the earth alone b : of, relating to, or concerned with abstract spiritual or metaphysical ideas 2 : characterized by greatness especially in extent, intensity, or comprehensiveness <a cosmic thinker> <cosmic boredom>


['kɔzmɔs] n.宇宙 1 a : UNIVERSE 1 b (1) : an orderly harmonious systematic universe ― compare CHAOS (2) : ORDER, HARMONY 2 : a complex orderly self-inclusive system


['kə:səri] a.粗略的,草率的 A cursory glance or examination is a brief one in which you do not pay much attention to detail.


['kəupjəs] a.丰富的,多产的 1 a : yielding something abundantly <a copious harvest> <copious springs> b : plentiful in number <copious references to other writers> 2 a : full of thought, information, or matter b : profuse or exuberant in words, expression, or style <a copious talker> 3 : present in large quantity : taking place on a large scale <copious weeping> <copious food and drink> synonyms see PLENTIFUL


['kəutəri] n.(有共同兴趣的)小团体 A coterie of a particular kind is a small group of people who are close friends or have a common interest, and who do not want other people to join them. (FORMAL) = circle, set


['kʌstədi] n.监管,保管 Custody is the legal right to keep and look after a child, especially the right given to a child's mother or father when they get divorced. Someone who is in custody or has been taken into custody has been arrested and is being kept in prison until they can be tried in a court. If someone is being held in a particular type of custody, they are being kept in a place that is similar to a prison. Barrett was taken into protective custody.


['kʌstəməri] a.合乎习俗的 Customary is used to describe things that people usually do in a particular society or in particular circumstances. (FORMAL) = usual Customary is used to describe something that a particular person usually does or has.= usual


['kʌtləri] n.(刀、叉、匙等)餐具 Cutlery consists of the knives, forks, and spoons that you eat your food with. (BRIT\ in AM, use silverware, flatware) You can refer to knives and tools used for cutting as cutlery. (AM)


['kʌzn] v.欺骗, 哄骗 1 : to deceive, win over, or induce to do something by artful coaxing and wheedling or shrewd trickery 2 : to gain by cozening someone <cozened his supper out of the old couple>


['saiklon] n.气旋,飓风 A cyclone is a violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round.


[`deklə'meiʃən] n.雄辩,高调


[`deli'tiəriəs] a.(对身心)有害的,有毒的 Something that has a deleterious effect on something has a harmful effect on it. (FORMAL) = detrimental Petty crime is having a deleterious effect on community life. : harmful often in a subtle or unexpected way <deleterious effects> <deleterious to health> synonyms see PERNICIOUS


[`demə'liʃən] n.破坏,毁坏 1 : the act of demolishing especially : destruction in war by means of explosives 2 plural : explosives for destruction in war


[`detəu'neiʃən] n.爆炸,爆炸声 A detonation is a large or powerful explosion. (FORMAL) Detonation is the action of causing a device such as a bomb to explode. (FORMAL) 2 : rapid combustion in an internal combustion engine that results in knocking


[`devəu'ti:] n.爱好者 Someone who is a devotee of a subject or activity is very enthusiastic about it.= fan


[`dezig'neiʃən] n.指定;名称,称呼 A designation is a description, name, or title that is given to someone or something. Designation is the fact of giving that description, name, or title. (FORMAL)


[`disi'lu:ʒən] v.梦想破灭,醒悟 If a person or thing disillusions you, they make you realize that something is not as good as you thought. : to free from illusion also : to cause to lose naive faith and trust


[`disin'fekt] v.杀菌,消毒 If you disinfect something, you clean it using a substance that kills germs.= sterilize : to free from infection especially by destroying harmful microorganisms broadly : CLEANSE


[`disin'tʃɑ:nt] v.对...不再抱幻想,使清醒 : to free from illusion


[`diskʌm'bɔbjuleit] v.扰乱,使困惑 : UPSET, CONFUSE <inventing cool new ways to discombobulate the old order - Kurt Andersen>


[`disə'griəbl] a.讨厌的;乖戾的 1 : causing discomfort : UNPLEASANT, OFFENSIVE <a disagreeable odor> 2 : marked by ill temper : PEEVISH <a disagreeable person>


[`disə'rei] n.混乱,漫无秩序 If people or things are in disarray, they are disorganized and confused.= disorder The nation is in disarray following rioting led by the military... If things or places are in disarray, they are in a very untidy state. 1 : a lack of order or sequence : CONFUSION, DISORDER <the room was in disarray> 2 : disorderly dress : DISHABILLE(便装) vt. 1 : to throw into disorder 2 : UNDRESS


[`disə(:)'teiʃən] n.专题论文 A dissertation is a long formal piece of writing on a particular subject, especially for a university degree.


[`dɔktri'nAə] n.空论家;a.教条的,迂腐的 If you say that someone is doctrinaire or has a doctrinaire attitude, you disapprove of them because they have fixed principles which they try to force on other people. (FORMAL) = dogmatic


[`dɔmi'neiʃən] n.控制,支配,管辖 1 : supremacy or preeminence over another 2 : exercise of mastery or ruling power 3 : exercise of preponderant, governing, or controlling influence 4 plural : DOMINION 3


[`də:mə'tɔlədʒist] n.皮肤病学家


[`dʒenə'ræliti] n.概述 1 : the quality or state of being general 2 a : GENERALIZATION 2 b : a vague(含糊的) or inadequate statement 3 : the greatest part : BULK <the generality of the population>


[`dʒerən'tɔlədʒi] n.老人病学 : the comprehensive study of aging and the problems of the aged - compare GERIATRIC


[`dʒi:ni'ælədʒi] n.家谱学 1 : an account of the descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or from older forms 2 : regular descent of a person, family, or group of organisms from a progenitor or older form : PEDIGREE(血统,系谱) 3 : the study of family pedigrees 4 : an account of the origin and historical development of something


[`dʒiəumə'triʃən] n.几何学家 1 : a specialist in geometry


[`ekspaiə'reiʃən] n.期满,终止 1 a : the last emission of breath : DEATH b (1) : the act or process of releasing air from the lungs through the nose or mouth : EXHALATION (2) : the escape of carbon dioxide from the body protoplasm (as through the blood and lungs or by diffusion) 2 : the fact of coming to an end or the point at which something ends : TERMINATION


[`ekspə'ti:z] n.专门技术,专业知识 1 : expert opinion or commentary 2 : the skill of an expert


[`grævi'teiʃənəl] a.万有引力的 1 : a force manifested by acceleration toward each other of two free material particles or bodies or of radiant-energy quanta : GRAVITY 3A(2) 2 : the action or process of gravitating


[`hɔməu'dʒi:njəs] a.同类的,相似的 1 : of the same or a similar kind or nature 2 : of uniform structure or composition throughout <a culturally homogeneous neighborhood>


[`hɔməudʒe'ni:iti] n.同种,同质 1 : the quality or state of being homogeneous


[`həumiəu'steisis] n.体内平衡


[`impi'kju:njəs] a.不名一文的,贫困的 : having very little or no money usually habitually : PENNILESS


[`kraiəu'dʒenik] a.低温的,制冷的;低温学的


[`kɔzmə'pɔlitənizəm] n.世界性,世界主义


[dai'gres] v.离题 : to turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument synonyms see SWERVE


[dai'greʃən] n.离题,题外话,脱轨 1 : the act or an instance of digressing in a discourse or other usually organized literary work


[dai'leit] v.(身体某部位)张大,扩大 transitive verb 2 : to enlarge or expand in bulk or extent : DISTEND(膨胀), WIDEN intransitive verb 1 : to comment at length(详述) : DISCOURSE(演说) ― usually used with on or upon 2 : to become wide : SWELL <the pupil of the eye dilates and contracts> synonyms see EXPAND


[dai'lju:t] v.把(液体)弄稀,弄淡 1 : ATTENUATE 2 : to make thinner or more liquid by admixture <diluted wine> 3 : to diminish the strength, flavor, or brilliance of by admixture <dilute a color> 4 : to decrease the per share value of (common stock) by increasing the total number of shares


[dai'vestitʃə] n.脱衣,卸下装饰;剥夺财产;取消称号 1 : the act of divesting 2 : the compulsory transfer of title or disposal of interests (as stock in a corporation) upon government order


[dai] n.金属模子,印模


[di'dju:s] v.演绎,推断 If you deduce something or deduce that something is true, you reach that conclusion because of other things that you know to be true.


[di'dæktik] a.教诲的;说教的 Something that is didactic is intended to teach people something, especially a moral lesson. (FORMAL) Someone who is didactic tells people things rather than letting them find things out or discussing things. (FORMAL) b : intended to convey instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment <didactic poetry> 2 : making moral observations


[di'fiʃənsi] n.缺陷;不足 Deficiency in something, especially something that your body needs, is not having enough of it. A deficiency that someone or something has is a weakness or imperfection in them. (FORMAL) = weakness


[di'frɔ:d] v.欺骗某人 If someone defrauds you, they take something away from you or stop you from getting what belongs to you by means of tricks and lies.


[di'fə:] v.推延;听从 If you defer an event or action, you arrange for it to happen at a later date, rather than immediately or at the previously planned time. If you defer to someone, you accept their opinion or do what they want you to do, even when you do not agree with it yourself, because you respect them or their authority.


[di'libəreit] a.深思熟虑的,故意的;v.慎重考虑 If you do something that is deliberate, you planned or decided to do it beforehand, and so it happens on purpose rather than by chance. = intentional If a movement or action is deliberate, it is done slowly and carefully. If you deliberate, you think about something carefully, especially before making a very important decision. 1 : characterized by or resulting from careful and thorough consideration <a deliberate decision> 2 : characterized by awareness of the consequences <deliberate falsehood> 3 : slow, unhurried, and steady as though allowing time for decision on each individual action involved <a deliberate pace>synonyms see VOLUNTARY


[di'liriəs] a.神智不清的,精神错乱的 Someone who is delirious is unable to think or speak in a sensible and reasonable way, usually because they are very ill and have a fever. Someone who is delirious is extremely excited and happy.= ecstatic I was delirious with joy.


[di'liŋkwənsi] n.失职,过失 Delinquency is criminal behaviour, especially that of young people. 1 a : a delinquent(玩忽职守的) act b : conduct that is out of accord with accepted behavior or the law especially : JUVENILE DELINQUENCY 2 : a debt on which payment is overdue


[di'liŋkwənt] a.疏忽职务的,拖欠 Someone, usually a young person, who is delinquent repeatedly commits minor crimes. 1 : offending by neglect or violation of duty or of law 2 : being overdue in payment <a delinquent charge account> 3 : of, relating to, or characteristic of delinquents : marked by delinquency <delinquent behavior>


[di'lu:d] v.欺骗,哄骗 If you delude yourself, you let yourself believe that something is true, even though it is not true. To delude someone into thinking something means to make them believe what is not true. 1 : to mislead the mind or judgment of : DECEIVE, TRICK 2 b : EVADE, ELUDE synonyms see DECEIVE


[di'lu:ʒən] n.欺骗,幻想 A delusion is a false idea. Delusion is the state of believing things that are not true. If someone has delusions of grandeur, they think and behave as if they are much more important or powerful than they really are.


[di'læpideitid] a.破旧的,倒塌的 A building that is dilapidated is old and in a generally bad condition.= run-down


[di'mɑ:nd] v.要求,苛求


[di'mɑ:ndiŋ] a.苛刻的,过分要求的 A demanding job or task requires a lot of your time, energy, or attention. People who are demanding are not easily satisfied or pleased. : requiring much time, effort, or attention : EXACTING(苛求的;吃力的) <a demanding job> <demanding customers>


[di'sekt] v.解剖 transitive verb 1 : to separate into pieces : expose the several parts of (as an animal) for scientific examination 2 : to analyze and interpret minutely <dissect a problem> intransitive verb : to make a dissection


[gləu] v./n.光亮,发热;(脸)红 1 a : to shine with or as if with an intense heat <embers(余烬) glowing in the darkness> b (1) : to have a rich warm typically ruddy color <cheeks glowing with health> (2) : FLUSH, BLUSH <the children glowed with excitement> 2 a : to experience a sensation of or as if of heat <glowing with rage> b : to show exuberance(生气勃勃) or elation(得意洋洋) <glow with pride>


[grein] n.谷物;小的硬粒 A grain of something such as sand or salt is a tiny hard piece of it. A grain of a quality is a very small amount of it. There's more than a grain of truth in that. If you say that an idea or action goes against the grain, you mean that it is very difficult for you to accept it or do it, because it conflicts with your previous ideas, beliefs, or principles.


[greis] n.优美


[greit] v.发出"吱嘎"声;磨碎;使人烦躁 transitive verb 2 : to reduce to small particles by rubbing on something rough <grate cheese> 3 : FRET(使苦恼;侵蚀;烦恼), IRRITATE(烦恼,刺激物) 4 a : to gnash(咬牙切齿) or grind noisily b : to cause to make a rasping(锉磨) sound c : to utter in a harsh voice intransitive verb 1 : to rub or rasp noisily 2 : to cause irritation : JAR <a voice that grates on the nerves>

synonyms see ACCIDENTAL

synonyms ACCIDENTAL, FORTUITOUS, CASUAL, CONTINGENT mean not amenable to planning or prediction. ACCIDENTAL stresses chance <any resemblance to actual persons is entirely accidental>. FORTUITOUS so strongly suggests chance that it often connotes entire absence of cause <a series of fortuitous events>. CASUAL stresses lack of real or apparent premeditation or intent <a casual encounter with a stranger>. CONTINGENT suggests possibility of happening but stresses uncertainty and dependence on other future events for existence or occurrence <the contingent effects of the proposed law>.

synonyms see APPARENT

synonyms APPARENT, ILLUSORY, SEEMING, OSTENSIBLE mean not actually being what appearance indicates. APPARENT suggests appearance to unaided senses that may or may not be borne out by more rigorous examination or greater knowledge <the apparent cause of the accident>. ILLUSORY implies a false impression based on deceptive resemblance or faulty observation, or influenced by emotions that prevent a clear view <an illusory sense of security>.

synonyms see BAIT

synonyms BAIT, BADGER, HECKLE, HECTOR, CHIVY, HOUND mean to harass by efforts to break down. BAIT implies wanton(淫乱的) cruelty or delight in persecuting(迫害) a helpless victim <baited the chained dog>. BADGER implies pestering so as to drive a person to confusion or frenzy <badgered her father for a car> HECKLE implies persistent annoying or belligerent interruptions of a speaker <drunks heckled the stand-up comic>. .

synonyms see FAULT

synonyms FAULT, FAILING, FRAILTY, FOIBLE, VICE mean an imperfection or weakness of character. FAULT implies a failure, not necessarily culpable, to reach some standard of perfection in disposition, action, or habit <a writer of many virtues and few faults>. FOIBLE applies to a harmless or endearing(惹人喜爱的) weakness or idiosyncrasy (特质,个性)<an eccentric's charming foibles>.

synonyms see FEAT

synonyms FEAT, EXPLOIT, ACHIEVEMENT mean a remarkable deed. FEAT implies strength or dexterity or daring <an acrobatic feat>. EXPLOIT suggests an adventurous or heroic act <his exploits as a spy>. ACHIEVEMENT implies hard-won success in the face of difficulty or opposition <her achievements as a chemist>.

synonyms see GAUDY

synonyms GAUDY, TAWDRY, GARISH, FLASHY, MERETRICIOUS mean vulgarly or cheaply showy. GAUDY implies a tasteless use of overly bright, often clashing colors or excessive ornamentation <circus performers in gaudy costumes>. GARISH describes what is distressingly or offensively bright <garish neon(霓虹灯) signs>.

synonyms see MALODOROUS

synonyms MALODOROUS, STINKING, FETID, NOISOME, PUTRID, RANK, FUSTY, MUSTY mean bad-smelling. MALODOROUS may range from the unpleasant to the strongly offensive <malodorous fertilizers>. STINKING and FETID suggest the foul or disgusting <prisoners were held in stinking cells> <the fetid odor of skunk cabbage>.

synonyms see TRIFLE

synonyms TRIFLE, TOY, DALLY, FLIRT, COQUET mean to deal with or act toward without serious purpose. TRIFLE may imply playfulness, unconcern, indulgent contempt <to trifle with a lover's feelings>. FLIRT implies an interest or attention that soon passes to another object <flirted with one fashionable ism after another>.


['kɔntækt] n./v.接触;互通信息 n. 1 a : union or junction of surfaces b : the apparent touching or mutual tangency of the limbs of two celestial bodies or of the disk of one body with the shadow of another during an eclipse, transit, or occultation c (1) : the junction of two electrical conductors through which a current passes (2) : a special part made for such a junction 2 a : ASSOCIATION, RELATIONSHIP b : CONNECTION, COMMUNICATION c : an establishing of communication with someone or an observing or receiving of a significant signal from a person or object <radar contact with Mars> 3 : a person serving as a go-between, messenger, connection, or source of special information <business contacts> 4 : CONTACT LENS : to make contact vt. 1 : to bring into contact 2 a : to enter or be in contact with : JOIN b : to get in communication with <contact your local dealer> usage The use of contact as a verb, especially in sense 2b, is accepted as standard by almost all commentators except those who write college handbooks.a.: maintaining, involving, or activated or caused by contact <contact poisons> <contact sports> <contact dermatitis>


['kɔsit] v.宠爱,溺爱 If someone is cosseted, everything possible is done for them and they are protected from anything unpleasant.= pamper(纵容;娇生惯养) : a pet lamb broadly : PET : to treat as a pet : PAMPER


[`kɔ:nju'kəupjə] n.象征丰收的羊角(羊角装饰器内装满花、果、谷物等以示富饶) 1 : a curved goat's horn overflowing with fruit and ears of grain that is used as a decorative motif emblematic of(象征着) abundance 2 : an inexhaustible store : ABUNDANCE 3 : a receptacle shaped like a horn or cone


[`kɔntrə'diktəri] a.反驳的,反对的,抗辩的 : a proposition so related to another that if either of the two is true the other is false and if either is false the other must be true : involving, causing, or constituting a contradiction <contradictory statements> synonyms see OPPOSITE


[`kɔntrə'vi:n] v.违背(法规,习俗等) 1 : to go or act contrary to : VIOLATE <contravene a law> 2 : to oppose in argument : CONTRADICT <contravene a proposition> synonyms see DENY


[`kɔntrə'və:ʃəl] a.引起或可能引起争论的 1 : of, relating to, or arousing controversy <a controversial policy> <a controversial film> 2 : given to controversy : DISPUTATIOUS <a controversial temperament>


[`kɔnvə'lesnt] a./n.康复中的(病人) 1 : recovering from sickness or debility : partially restored to health or strength ‹convalescent children nearly ready to leave the hospital› 2 : of, for, or relating to convalescence or convalescents ‹a patient in a convalescent ward› n : one recovering from sickness


[`kɔris'pɔndənt] a.符合的;n.记者 1 : CORRESPONDING 2 : FITTING, CONFORMING used with with or to <the outcome was entirely correspondent with my wishes> 1 a : one who communicates with another by letter b : one who has regular commercial relations with another c : one who contributes news or commentary to a publication (as a newspaper) or a radio or television network often from a distant place <a war correspondent> 2 : something that corresponds


[kɔntrə'dikt] v.反驳,驳斥 1 : to assert the contrary of : take issue with <contradict a rumor> 2 : to imply the opposite or a denial of <your actions contradict your words> synonyms see DENY


[kə'rəud] v.腐蚀,侵蚀 1 : to eat away by degrees as if by gnawing especially : to wear away gradually usually by chemical action <the metal was corroded beyond repair> 2 : to weaken or destroy gradually : UNDERMINE <manners and miserliness(吝啬) that corrode the human spirit > vi : to undergo corrosion


[kə'rəusiv] a.腐蚀性的,腐蚀的,蚀坏的 1 : tending or having the power to corrode <corrosive acids> <corrosive action> <the corrosive effects of alcoholism> 2 : bitingly sarcastic(挖苦人的) <corrosive satire>


[kən'temptəbl] a.令人轻视的 If you feel that someone or something is contemptible, you feel strong dislike and disrespect for them. (FORMAL) = despicable 1 : worthy of contempt


[kən'traiv] v.计划,设计 vt. 1 a : DEVISE, PLAN <contrive ways of handling the situation> b : to form or create in an artistic or ingenious manner <contrived household utensils from stone> 2 : to bring about by stratagem or with difficulty : MANAGE <he contrived to win their support>


[kən'vei] v.运载,运送;表达 2 a : to bear from one place to another especially : to move in a continuous stream or mass b : to impart or communicate by statement, suggestion, gesture, or appearance <struggling to convey his feelings> d : to transfer or deliver (as property) to another especially by a sealed writing e : to cause to pass from one place or person to another <convey a message>


[kən'vi:njəns] n.便利,有益;方便(的用具,机械等) 1 : fitness or suitability for performing an action or fulfilling a requirement 2 a : something (as an appliance, device, or service) conducive to comfort or ease 3 : a suitable or convenient time <at your convenience> 4 : freedom from discomfort : EASE : designed for quick and easy preparation or use <convenience foods>


[kən'və:təbl] a.可转换的;n.敞篷车 1 : capable of being converted <a bond convertible to 12 shares of common stock> 2 : having a top that may be lowered or removed <convertible coupe> : something convertible especially : a convertible automobile


[kən'vʌlʃən] n.骚动;痉挛 1 : an abnormal violent and involuntary contraction or series of contractions of the muscles 2 a : a violent disturbance b : an uncontrolled fit : PAROXYSM


[kəu'ɔ:dinit] n.同等物,坐标;v.使各部分协调 a.同等的 n. 1 a : equal in rank, quality, or significance b : being of equal rank in a sentence <coordinate clauses> 2 : relating to or marked by coordination 3 a : being a university that awards degrees to men and women taught usually by the same faculty but attending separate classes often on separate campuses b : being one of the colleges and especially the women's branch of a coordinate university 4 : of, relating to, or being a system of indexing by two or more terms so that documents may be retrieved through the intersection of index terms vt. 1 : to put in the same order or rank 2 : to bring into a common action, movement, or condition : HARMONIZE <we need to coordinate our schedules> 3 : to attach so as to form a coordination complex intransitive verb 1 : to be or become coordinate especially so as to act together in a smooth concerted way 2 : to combine by means of a coordinate bond(配位键)


[kəu'ɔpəreit] v.与他人合作 1 : to act or work with another or others : act together or in compliance <refused to cooperate with the police> 2 : to associate with another or others for mutual benefit <nations cooperating in a trade agreement>

synonyms see PENITENCE

synonyms PENITENCE, REPENTANCE, CONTRITION, COMPUNCTION, REMORSE mean regret for sin or wrongdoing. PENITENCE implies sad and humble realization of and regret for one's misdeeds <absolution is dependent upon sincere penitence>. REPENTANCE adds the implication of a resolve to change <repentance accompanied by a complete change of character>. CONTRITION stresses the sorrowful regret that constitutes true penitence (忏悔)<tearful expressions of contrition>. COMPUNCTION implies a painful sting of conscience especially for contemplated wrongdoing <had no compunctions about taking back what is mine>. REMORSE suggests prolonged and insistent self-reproach and mental anguish for past wrongs and especially for those whose consequences cannot be remedied <thieves untroubled by feelings of remorse>.

synonyms BELLIGERENT, BELLICOSE, PUGNACIOUS, QUARRELSOME, CONTENTIOUS mean having an aggressive or fighting attitude.

BELLIGERENT often implies being actually at war or engaged in hostilities <belligerent nations>. BELLICOSE suggests a disposition to fight <a drunk in a bellicose mood>. PUGNACIOUS suggests a disposition that takes pleasure in personal combat <a pugnacious gangster>. QUARRELSOME stresses an ill-natured readiness to fight without good cause <the heat made us all quarrelsome>. CONTENTIOUS implies perverse and irritating fondness for arguing and quarreling <wearied by his contentious disposition>.

synonyms CEREMONIAL, CEREMONIOUS, FORMAL, CONVENTIONAL mean marked by attention to or adhering strictly to prescribed forms.

CEREMONIAL and CEREMONIOUS both imply strict attention to what is prescribed by custom or by ritual, but CEREMONIAL applies to things that are associated with ceremonies <a ceremonial offering>, CEREMONIOUS to persons given to ceremony or to acts attended by ceremony <made his ceremonious entrance>. FORMAL applies both to things prescribed by and to persons obedient to custom and may suggest stiff, restrained, or old-fashioned behavior <a formal report> <the headmaster's formal manner>. CONVENTIONAL implies accord with general custom and usage <conventional courtesy> and may suggest a stodgy lack of originality or independence <conventional fiction>.


['kɔntrə`və:t] v.反驳,驳斥 vt.: to dispute or oppose by reasoning <controvert a point in a discussion> vi. : to engage in controversy

synonyms ADJACENT, ADJOINING, CONTIGUOUS, JUXTAPOSED mean being in close proximity.

ADJACENT may or may not imply contact but always implies absence of anything of the same kind in between <a house with an adjacent garage>. ADJOINING definitely implies meeting and touching at some point or line <had adjoining rooms at the hotel>. CONTIGUOUS implies having contact on all or most of one side <offices in all 48 contiguous states>. JUXTAPOSED means placed side by side especially so as to permit comparison and contrast <a skyscraper juxtaposed to a church>.

synonyms BLAMEWORTHY, BLAMABLE, GUILTY, CULPABLE mean deserving reproach or punishment.

BLAMEWORTHY and BLAMABLE apply to any degree of reprehensibility <conduct adjudged blameworthy> <an accident for which no one is blamable>. GUILTY implies responsibility for or consciousness of crime, sin, or, at the least, grave error or misdoing <guilty of a breach of etiquette(破坏礼节)>. CULPABLE is weaker than guilty and is likely to connote malfeasance(渎职) or errors of ignorance, omission, or negligence <culpable neglect>.

synonyms CONTEMPTIBLE, DESPICABLE, PITIABLE, SORRY, SCURVY mean arousing or deserving scorn.

CONTEMPTIBLE may imply any quality provoking scorn or a low standing in any scale of values <a contemptible liar>. DESPICABLE may imply utter worthlessness and usually suggests arousing an attitude of moral indignation (愤怒) <a despicable crime>. PITIABLE applies to what inspires mixed contempt and pity <a pitiable attempt at tragedy>. SORRY may stress pitiable inadequacy or may suggest wretchedness or sordidness <this rattletrap is a sorry excuse for a car>. SCURVY adds to DESPICABLE an implication of arousing disgust <a scurvy crew of hangers-on(奉迎者)>

synonyms DEXTEROUS, ADROIT, DEFT mean ready and skilled in physical movement.

DEXTEROUS implies expertness with consequent facility and quickness in manipulation <unrolled the sleeping bag with a dexterous toss>. ADROIT implies dexterity but usually also stresses resourcefulness or artfulness or inventiveness <the magician's adroit response to the failure of her prop won applause>. DEFT emphasizes lightness, neatness, and sureness of touch or handling <a surgeon's deft manipulation of the scalpel>.

synonyms GRANT, CONCEDE, VOUCHSAFE, ACCORD, AWARD mean to give as a favor or a right.

GRANT implies giving to a claimant or petitioner(请愿人) something that could be withheld <granted them a new hearing>. CONCEDE implies yielding something reluctantly in response to a rightful or compelling claim <even her critics concede she can be charming>. VOUCHSAFE implies granting something as a courtesy or an act of gracious condescension(恩赐的行为或态度)<vouchsafed the secret to only a few chosen disciples>. ACCORD implies giving to another what is due or proper <accorded all the honors befitting a head of state>. AWARD implies giving what is deserved or merited usually after a careful weighing of pertinent(相关的,中肯的) factors <awarded the company a huge defense contract>.

synonyms IMPASSIONED, PASSIONATE, ARDENT, FERVENT, FERVID, PERFERVID mean showing intense feeling.

IMPASSIONED implies warmth and intensity without violence and suggests fluent verbal expression <an impassioned plea for justice>. PASSIONATE implies great vehemence(热烈;猛烈) and often violence and wasteful diffusion of emotion <a passionate denunciation(指控)>. ARDENT implies an intense degree of zeal, devotion, or enthusiasm <an ardent supporter of human rights>. FERVENT stresses sincerity and steadiness of emotional warmth or zeal <fervent good wishes>. FERVID suggests warmly and spontaneously and often feverishly expressed emotion <fervid love letters>. PERFERVID implies the expression of exaggerated or overwrought(紧张兴奋过度的) feelings <perfervid expressions of patriotism>.


['daiəlekt] n.方言


['defərəns] n.敬意,尊重 Deference is a polite and respectful attitude towards someone, especially because they have an important position.


['derilikt] a.荒废的;玩忽职守的;n.被遗弃的人 A place or building that is derelict is empty and in a bad state of repair because it has not been used or lived in for a long time. a. 1 : abandoned especially by the owner or occupant also : RUN-DOWN 2 : lacking a sense of duty : NEGLIGENT n. 1 a : something voluntarily abandoned especially : a ship abandoned on the high seas b : a tract of land left dry by receding water 2 : a destitute homeless social misfit : VAGRANT, BUM


['derəgeit] v.贬低,诽谤 transitive verb : to cause to seem inferior : DISPARAGE intransitive verb 1 : to take away a part so as to impair : DETRACT(减去,贬低) 2 : to act beneath one's position or character


['desibel] n.分贝(音量的单位)


['dindʒi] a.肮脏的;褪色的 A dingy building or place is rather dark and depressing, and perhaps dirty. Dingy clothes, curtains, or furnishings look dirty or dull.


['disidənt] n.唱反调者 : disagreeing especially with an established religious or political system, organization, or belief Dissident people disagree with or criticize their government or a powerful organization they belong to.


['disin'geidʒ] v.脱离,解开 transitive verb : to release from something that engages or involves intransitive verb : to release or detach oneself : WITHDRAW


['diskɔ:d] n.不和,纷争 Discord is disagreement and argument between people. (LITERARY) = conflict


['disləkeit] v.使脱臼;把...弄乱 1 : to put out of place specifically : to displace (a bone) from normal connections with another bone 2 : to force a change in the usual status, relationship, or order of : DISRUPT


['dispru:f] n.反证,反驳 1 : the action of disproving 2 : evidence that disproves


['diti] n.小曲,小调 A ditty is a short or light-hearted song or poem. (HUMOROUS or WRITTEN)


['feklis] a.无目标无计划的 If you describe someone as feckless, you mean that they lack determination or strength, and are unable to do anything properly. (FORMAL) = incompetent


['felən] n.重罪犯 A felon is a person who is guilty of committing a felony. (LEGAL)


['ferit] n.雪貂;v.用雪貂猎取;搜寻 A ferret is a small, fierce animal which is used for hunting rabbits and rats. If you ferret about for something, you look for it in a lot of different places or in a place where it is hidden. (BRIT INFORMAL) = search If you ferret out some information, you discover it by searching for it very thoroughly. (INFORMAL) = unearth noun 2 : an active and persistent searcher intransitive verb 1 : to hunt with ferrets 2 : to search about transitive verb 1 a (1) : to hunt (as rabbits) with ferrets (2) : to force out of hiding : FLUSH b : to find and bring to light by searching


['fidʒit] v.坐立不安;n.烦躁之人 1 : uneasiness or restlessness as shown by nervous movements - usually used in plural 2 [2fidget] : one that fidgets intransitive verb : to move or act restlessly or nervously transitive verb : to cause to move or act nervously


['figjuri:n] n.小塑像,小雕像 : a small carved or molded figure : STATUETTE


['figmənt] n.虚构的东西 If you say that something is a figment of someone's imagination, you mean that it does not really exist and that they are just imagining it. : something made up or contrived


['fikl] a.(爱情或友谊上)易变的,不坚定的 : marked by lack of steadfastness, constancy, or stability : given to erratic changeableness


['fili] n.小母马 1 : a young female horse usually of less than four years 2 : a young woman : GIRL


['fiʃə] n.裂缝,裂隙 1 : a narrow opening or crack of considerable length and depth usually occurring from some breaking or parting 2 a : a natural cleft between body parts or in the substance of an organ b : a break or slit in tissue usually at the junction of skin and mucous membrane 3 : a separation or disagreement in thought or viewpoint : SCHISM <fissures in a political party>


['frekl] n.雀斑,斑点 v. 长雀斑


['frekəs] n.喧嚷,吵闹 : a noisy quarrel : BRAWL


['freskəu] n.壁画 1 : the art of painting on freshly spread moist lime plaster with water-based pigments 2 : a painting executed in fresco


['friski] a.活泼的,快活的 : inclined to frisk : PLAYFUL <frisky puppies> also : LIVELY <a frisky performance>


['frivələs] a.轻薄的,轻佻的 1 a : of little weight or importance b : having no sound basis (as in fact or law) <a frivolous lawsuit> 2 a : lacking in seriousness b : marked by unbecoming(不得体的) levity(轻浮)


['frægmənt] n.碎片;分裂 : a part broken off, detached, or incomplete synonyms see PART intransitive verb : to fall to pieces transitive verb : to break up or apart into fragments


['fu:dstʌf] n.食料,食品 : a substance with food value specifically : the raw material of food before or after processing


['fæktjuəl] a.真实的,事实的 1 : of or relating to facts <a factual error> 2 : restricted to or based on fact <a factual statement>


['fɔ:dʒə] n.伪造者;打铁匠 1 : one that forges metals 2 a : a person who falsifies especially : a creator of false tales b : a person guilty of forgery


['fɔ:dʒəri] n.伪造(物) 2 : something forged 3 : an act of forging especially : the crime of falsely and fraudulently making or altering a document (as a check)


['fɔ:mjulə] n.分子式;公式;套语,惯用语 1 a : a set form of words for use in a ceremony or ritual b : a conventionalized statement intended to express some fundamental truth or principle especially as a basis for negotiation or action 2 a (1) : RECIPE (2) : PRESCRIPTION(配方) b : a milk mixture or substitute for feeding an infant 4 : a customary or set form or method allowing little room for originality


['fɔiei] n.门厅,休息室 : an anteroom or lobby especially of a theater also : an entrance hallway : VESTIBULE


['fɔli] n.愚蠢;愚蠢的行为,思想或做法 1 : lack of good sense or normal prudence and foresight 2 a : criminally or tragically foolish actions or conduct 3 : a foolish act or idea 4 : an excessively costly or unprofitable undertaking 5 : an often extravagant picturesque building erected to suit a fanciful taste


['graundid] a.有理由的;adv.地面上 adjective : mentally and emotionally stable : admirably sensible, realistic, and unpretentious <remains grounded despite all the praise and attention>


['græviti] n.严肃,正经 1 a : dignity or sobriety(清醒,严肃,节制) of bearing b : IMPORTANCE, SIGNIFICANCE especially : SERIOUSNESS c : a serious situation or problem 2 : WEIGHT


['grɔtəu] n.洞穴 2 : an artificial recess or structure made to resemble a natural cave


['gɔbl] v.贪婪地吃,吞没 transitive verb 1 : to swallow or eat greedily 2 : to take eagerly : GRAB - usually used with up 3 : to read rapidly or greedily - usually used with up


['haibrid] n.杂种;混血人 2 : a person whose background is a blend of two diverse cultures or traditions 3 a : something heterogeneous in origin or composition : COMPOSITE <hybrids of complementary DNA and RNA strands> <a hybrid of medieval and Renaissance styles> b : something (as a power plant, vehicle, or electronic circuit) that has two different types of components performing essentially the same function


['haibəneit] v.冬眠,蛰伏 1 : to pass the winter in a torpid(迟钝的) or resting state 2 : to be or become inactive or dormant


['hektik] a.兴奋的;繁忙的 1 : of, releting to, or being e fluctueting but persistent fever (es in tuberculosis) 2 : heving e hectic fever 3 : RED, FLUSHED 4 : cherecterized by ectivity, excitement, or confusion <the hectic deys before the holideys>


['hɑ:kən] v.倾听 intransitive verb 1 : LISTEN 2 : to give respectful attention


['hɑ:psikɔ:d] n.键琴(钢琴前身) : a stringed instrument resembling a grand piano but usually having two keyboards and two or more strings for each note and producing tones by the plucking of strings with plectra


['hɔ:ltiŋ] a.踌躇的,吞吞吐吐的 : marked by a lack of sureness or effectiveness <spoke in a halting manner>


['iminənt] a.即将发生的,逼近的 : ready to take place especially : hanging threateningly over one's head <was in imminent danger of being run over>


['kju:tikl] n.表皮 Your cuticles are the skin at the base of each of your fingernails.


['kʌvit] v.贪求,妄想 If you covet something, you strongly want to have it for yourself. (FORMAL) transitive verb 1 : to wish for earnestly <covet an award> 2 : to desire (what belongs to another) inordinately or culpably intransitive verb : to feel inordinate desire for what belongs to another synonyms see DESIRE


[`di:'kəud] v.译解(密码) If you decode a message that has been written or spoken in a code, you change it into ordinary language.= decipher A device that decodes a broadcast signal changes it into a form that can be displayed on a television screen.


[`dʒenə'reiʃən] n.一代人;(产品类型的)代;产生,发生 1 c : a group of individuals having contemporaneously a status (as that of students in a school) which each one holds only for a limited period d : a type or class of objects usually developed from an earlier type <first of the new generation of powerful supersonic fighters - Kenneth Koyen> 2 a : the action or process of producing offspring : PROCREATION b : the process of coming or bringing into being <generation of income> c : origination by a generating process : PRODUCTION especially : formation of a geometric figure by motion of another 3 : the average span of time between the birth of parents and that of their offspring


[`ekstə'peiʃn] n.根除,铲除 1 a : to destroy completely : WIPE OUT b : to pull up by the root 2 : to cut out by surgery synonyms see EXTERMINATE


[`kɔntju:'meiʃəs] a.违抗的,不服从的 : stubbornly disobedient : REBELLIOUS


[dai'vʌldʒ] v.泄露,透露 2 : to make known (as a confidence or secret) synonyms see REVEAL


[dai'ægənl] a.对角的;n.对角线


[deri'veiʃən] n.发展,起源;词源 The derivation of something, especially a word, is its origin or source.= origin 2 a : SOURCE, ORIGIN b : DESCENT, ORIGINATION 3 : something derived : DERIVATIVE 4 : an act or process of deriving


[des'pɔtik] a.专横的,暴虐的 If you say that someone is despotic, you are emphasizing that they use their power over other people in a very unfair or cruel way.= tyrannical The country was ruled by a despotic tyrant.


[di'si:t] n.欺骗,欺诈 Deceit is behaviour that is deliberately intended to make people believe something which is not true.= deception 1 : the act or practice of deceiving : DECEPTION 2 : an attempt or device to deceive : TRICK 3 : the quality of being deceitful : DECEITFULNESS


[di'sidʒjuəs] a.非永久的;短暂的;脱落的;落叶的 A deciduous tree or bush is one that loses its leaves in the autumn every year.≠ evergreen


[dis'dʒʌŋktiv] a.分离的,相反的 1 a : relating to, being, or forming a logical disjunction b : expressing an alternative or opposition between the meanings of the words connected <the disjunctive conjunction or> c : expressed by mutually exclusive alternatives joined by or <disjunctive pleading> 2 : marked by breaks or disunity <a disjunctive narrative sequence> 3 of a pronoun form : stressed and not attached to the verb as an enclitic or proclitic


[dis'grʌntl] v.使不满意 : to make ill-humored or discontented - usually used as a participial adjective <they were a very disgruntled crew>


[dis'kri:t] a.言行谨慎的 1 : having or showing discernment or good judgment in conduct and especially in speech : PRUDENT(审慎的) especially : capable of preserving prudent silence 2 : UNPRETENTIOUS, MODEST <the warmth and discreet elegance of a civilized home - Joseph Wechsberg> 3 : UNOBTRUSIVE, UNNOTICEABLE <followed at a discreet distance>


[dis'kɑ:d] v.扔掉,抛弃 1 : to get rid of especially as useless or unwanted <a pile of discarded tires> 2 a : to remove (a playing card) from one's hand b : to play (any card except a trump) from a suit different from the one led intransitive verb : to discard a playing card


[dɔdʒ] v.闪开,躲避


[fɔ:'gəu] v.放弃,抛弃 1 : to give up the enjoyment or advantage of : do without


[geip] v.裂开;目瞪口呆地凝视 1 a : to open the mouth wide b : to open or part widely <holes gaped in the pavement> 2 : to gaze stupidly or in openmouthed surprise or wonder 3 : YAWN(打呵欠) noun. 1 : an act of gaping: a : YAWN b : an openmouthed stare 2 : an unfilled space or extent 3 a : the median margin-to-margin length of the open mouth b : the line along which the mandibles of a bird close c : the width of an opening 4 plural but singular in construction a : a disease of birds and especially young birds in which gapeworms invade and irritate the trachea(气管) b : a fit of yawning


[geiz] v./n.凝视,注视 : to fix the eyes in a steady intent look often with eagerness or studious(好学的) attention : a fixed intent look


[gild] v.镀金;虚饰 1 : to overlay with or as if with a thin covering of gold 2 a : to give money to b : to give an attractive but often deceptive appearance to


[glisn] v.闪烁,闪耀 : to give off a sparkling or lustrous reflection of or as if of a moist or polished surface synonyms see FLASH


[gəud] n.赶牛棒;v./n.刺激,激励 1 a : something that pains as if by pricking : THORN(刺) b : something that urges or stimulates into action : SPUR(刺激,激励) 2 : a pointed rod used to urge on an animal


[gʌ'fɔ:] n./v.哄笑,大笑 : a loud or boisterous burst of laughter


[hai'pə:bəli] n.夸张法;a.夸张的 noun : extravagant exaggeration (as "mile-high ice-cream cones")


[hu:f] n.(牛马的)蹄 1 : a curved covering of horn that protects the front of or encloses the ends of the digits of an ungulate(有蹄的) mammal and that corresponds to a nail or claw 2 : a hoofed foot especially of a horse transitive verb 1 : WALK <hoofed it to the lecture hall> 2 : KICK, TRAMPLE intransitive verb : to move on the feet especially : DANCE


[hu:p] n.(桶之)箍,铁环 1 : a circular strip used especially for holding together the staves of containers or as a plaything 2 a : a circular figure or object : RING b : the rim of a basketball goal broadly : the entire goal 3 : a circle or series of circles of flexible material used to expand a woman's skirt transitive verb : to bind or fasten with or as if with a hoop


[hæk] v.乱劈,乱砍;n.雇佣文人


[hɔ:d] v./n.贮藏,秘藏 noun : a supply or fund stored up and often hidden away = cache 1 : to lay up(储备) a hoard of 2 : to keep (as one's thoughts) to oneself intransitive verb : to lay up a hoard


[hɔ:nt] v.常去;鬼魂出没;(事情)萦绕心头;n.常去的地方 transitive verb 1 a : to visit often : FREQUENT b : to continually seek the company of 2 a : to have a disquieting(引起不安的) or harmful effect on : TROUBLE <problems we ignore now will come back to haunt us> b : to recur constantly and spontaneously to <the tune haunted her> c : to reappear continually in <a sense of tension that haunts his writing> 3 : to visit or inhabit as a ghost intransitive verb 1 : to stay around or persist : LINGER 2 : to appear habitually as a ghost noun 1 : a place habitually frequented


[hə'ræŋ] n.长篇指责性演说 1 : a speech addressed to a public assembly 2 : a ranting(豪言壮语) speech or writing 3 : LECTURE intransitive verb : to make a harangue : DECLAIM(高谈阔论,雄辩) transitive verb : to address in a harangue <haranguing me on the folly of my ways - Jay Jacobs>


[hə:'bivərəs] a.食草的 : feeding on plants


[i'lu:siv] a.迷惑人的,迷幻的 : ILLUSORY based on or producing illusion : DECEPTIVE <illusive hopes>


[i'lu:səri] a.虚幻的 : based on or producing illusion : DECEPTIVE <illusory hopes>


[iks'kə:ʃən] n.短途旅游 You can refer to a short journey as an excursion, especially if it is made for pleasure or enjoyment. = trip An excursion is a trip or visit to an interesting place, especially one that is arranged or recommended by a holiday company or tourist organization. = outing If you describe an activity as an excursion into something, you mean that it is an attempt to develop or understand something new that you have not experienced before.


[iks'paiə] v.期满;去世 intransitive verb 1 : to breathe one's last breath : DIE 2 : to come to an end 3 : to emit the breath transitive verb 2 : to breathe out from or as if from the lungs


[iks'paund] v.解释;阐述 If you expound an idea or opinion, you give a clear and detailed explanation of it. (FORMAL) transitive verb 1 a : to set forth : STATE b : to defend with argument 2 : to explain by setting forth in careful and often elaborate detail <expound a law> intransitive verb : to make a statement : COMMENT synonyms see EXPLAIN


[iks'pləusiv] n.炸药;a.爆炸性的;使人冲动的 An explosive situation is likely to have difficult, serious, or dangerous effects. 1 a : relating to, characterized by, or operated by explosion <an explosive hatch> b : resulting from or as if from an explosion <explosive population growth> 2 a : tending to explode <an explosive person> b : likely to erupt in or produce hostile reaction or violence <an explosive ghetto situation>


[iks'pænd] v.扩大,膨胀 transitive verb 1 : to open up : UNFOLD 2 : to increase the extent, number, volume, or scope of : ENLARGE 3 a : to express at length or in greater detail b : to write out in full <expand all abbreviations> c : to subject to mathematical expansion <expand a function in a power series> intransitive verb 1 : to open out : SPREAD 3 : to speak or write fully or in detail <expanded on the theme> 4 : to feel generous or optimistic synonyms EXPAND, AMPLIFY, SWELL, DISTEND, INFLATE, DILATE mean to increase in size or volume


[iks'pɔstjuleit] v.(对人或行为进行)抗议,告诫 If you expostulate, you express strong disagreement with someone. (FORMAL) intransitive verb : to reason earnestly with a person for purposes of dissuasion(劝止,谏言) or remonstrance


[iks'pəuʒə] n.暴露,显露,曝光 Exposure to something dangerous means being in a situation where it might affect you. The exposure of a well-known person is the revealing of the fact that they are bad or immoral in some way. Exposure is publicity that a person, company, or product receives.= publicity In photography, the exposure is the amount of light that is allowed to enter a camera when taking a photograph. (TECHNICAL)


[iks'tenjueit] v.掩饰(罪行),减轻罪过 1 b : to lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of by making partial excuses : MITIGATE <extenuating circumstances> 2 b : to lessen the strength or effect of


[iks'tiŋgwiʃ] v.使...熄灭;使...不复存在 1 a (1) : to bring to an end : make an end of <hope for their safety was slowly extinguished> (2) : to reduce to silence or ineffectiveness b : to cause to cease burning : QUENCH c : to cause extinction of (a conditioned response) d : to dim the brightness of : ECLIPSE 2 a : to cause to be void : NULLIFY <extinguish a claim> b : to get rid of usually by payment <extinguish a debt>


[iks'tə:mineit] v.消灭,灭绝 : to get rid of completely usually by killing off <exterminate termites and cockroaches> synonyms EXTERMINATE, EXTIRPATE, ERADICATE, UPROOT mean to effect the destruction or abolition of something.


[im'baib] v.饮;吸入 transitive verb 2 a : to receive into the mind and retain <imbibe moral principles> b : to assimilate or take into solution 3 a : DRINK b : to take in or up <a sponge imbibes moisture> intransitive verb 1 : DRINK 2 : to partake of alcoholic beverages <has quit imbibing> 2 a : to take in liquid b : to absorb or assimilate moisture, gas, light, or heat


[im'pæʃ(ə)nd] a.慷慨激昂的 : filled with passion or zeal : showing great warmth or intensity of feeling


[im'pə:vjəs] a.不能渗透的;不为所动的 1 a : not allowing entrance or passage : IMPENETRABLE <a coat impervious to rain> b : not capable of being damaged or harmed <a carpet impervious to rough treatment> 2 : not capable of being affected or disturbed <impervious to criticism>


[krest] n.山顶,浪尖;羽冠 The crest of a hill or a wave is the top of it. If you say that you are on the crest of a wave, you mean that you are feeling very happy and confident because things are going well for you.


[kri'ti:k] n.批评性的分析 A critique is a written examination and judgment of a situation or of a person's work or ideas.(FORMAL)


[kri'ʃendəu] n.(音乐)渐强,高潮 People sometimes describe an increase in the intensity of something, or its most intense point, as a crescendo. (JOURNALISM)


[kri:k] n.小湾,小溪 A creek is a narrow place where the sea comes a long way into the land. (BRIT) A creek is a small stream or river. (AM) If someone is up the creek, they are in a bad or difficult situation, or are wrong in some way. You can also say that someone is up the creek without a paddle. (INFORMAL)


[kri:p] v.匍匐前进;悄悄地移动 If something creeps in or creeps back, it begins to occur or becomes part of something without people realizing or without them wanting it. An increasing ratio of mistakes, perhaps induced by tiredness, crept into her game. If a rate or number creeps up to a higher level, it gradually reaches that level. If you describe someone as a creep, you mean that you dislike them a great deal, especially because they are insincere and flatter people. (INFORMAL) If someone or something gives you the creeps, they make you feel very nervous or frightened. (INFORMAL)


[kri:s] n.折缝,皱痕 Creases are lines that are made in cloth or paper when it is crushed or folded. Creases in someone's skin are lines which form where their skin folds when they move. If cloth or paper creases or if you crease it, lines form in it when it is crushed or folded.


[krindʒ] v.畏缩;谄媚 If you cringe at something, you feel embarrassed or disgusted, and perhaps show this feeling in your expression or by making a slight movement.= recoil 3 : to behave in an excessively humble or servile way synonyms see FAWN


[kru:'seid] n.&v. 维护理想、原则而进行的运动或斗争 A crusade is a long and determined attempt to achieve something for a cause that you feel strongly about. If you crusade for a particular cause, you make a long and determined effort to achieve something for it. The Crusades were the wars that were fought by Christians in Palestine against the Muslims during the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries.


[krəuk] n.蛙鸣声;v.发牢骚,抱怨 When a frog or bird croaks, it makes a harsh, low sound. If someone croaks something, they say it in a low, rough voice.


[kɔ:'pɔ:riəl] a.肉体的,身体的;物质的 1 : having, consisting of, or relating to a physical material body: as a : not spiritual b : not immaterial or intangible : SUBSTANTIAL synonyms see MATERIAL


[kɔi] a.腼腆的,忸怩的 A coy person is shy, or pretends to be shy, about love and sex. If someone is being coy, they are unwilling to talk about something that they feel guilty or embarrassed about.= reticent Mr Alexander is not the slightest bit coy about his ambitions. synonyms see SHY


[kə:'mʌdʒən] n.脾气暴躁之人 If you call someone a curmudgeon, you do not like them because they are mean or bad-tempered. (OLD-FASHIONED) 2 : a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man


[kən'teinmənt] n.阻止,遏制 Containment is the action or policy of keeping another country's power or area of control within acceptable limits or boundaries. The containment of something dangerous or unpleasant is the act or process of keeping it under control within a particular area or place.= control Fire crews are hoping they can achieve full containment of the fire before the winds pick up.


[kən'tent] a.知足的,满意的;n.内容;满意


[kən'tentid] a.心满意足的


[kən'triʃ(ə)n] n.悔罪,痛悔 : the state of being contrite : REPENTANCE


[kən'trəul] n.实验对照组

synonyms BEHAVE, CONDUCT, DEPORT, COMPORT, ACQUIT mean to act or to cause oneself to do something in a certain way.

BEHAVE may apply to the meeting of a standard of what is proper or decorous <the children behaved in church>. CONDUCT implies action or behavior that shows the extent of one's power to control or direct oneself <conducted herself with unfailing good humor>. DEPORT implies behaving so as to show how far one conforms to conventional rules of discipline or propriety <the hero deported himself in accord with the code of chivalry>. COMPORT suggests conduct measured by what is expected or required of one in a certain class or position <comported themselves as gentlemen>. ACQUIT applies to action under stress that deserves praise or meets expectations <acquitted herself well in her first assignment>.

synonyms CONFIRM, CORROBORATE, SUBSTANTIATE, VERIFY, AUTHENTICATE, VALIDATE mean to attest to the truth or validity of something.

CONFIRM implies the removing of doubts by an authoritative statement or indisputable fact <confirmed the reports>. CORROBORATE suggests the strengthening of what is already partly established <witnesses corroborated his story>. SUBSTANTIATE implies the offering of evidence that sustains the contention <the claims have yet to be substantiated>. VERIFY implies the establishing of correspondence of actual facts or details with those proposed or guessed at <all statements of fact in the article have been verified>. AUTHENTICATE implies establishing genuineness by adducing legal or official documents or expert opinion <handwriting experts authenticated the diaries>. VALIDATE implies establishing validity by authoritative affirmation or by factual proof <validated the hypothesis by experiments>.

synonyms CONTAIN, HOLD, ACCOMMODATE mean to have or be capable of having within.

CONTAIN implies the actual presence of a specified substance or quantity within something <the can contains a quart of oil>. HOLD implies the capacity of containing or the usual or permanent function of containing or keeping <the bookcase will hold all my textbooks>. ACCOMMODATE stresses holding without crowding or inconvenience <the hall can accommodate 500 people>.

synonyms CONTAMINATE, TAINT, POLLUTE, DEFILE mean to make impure or unclean.

CONTAMINATE implies intrusion of or contact with dirt or foulness from an outside source <water contaminated by industrial wastes>. TAINT stresses the loss of purity or cleanliness that follows contamination <tainted meat> <a politician's tainted reputation>. POLLUTE sometimes interchangeable with contaminate, distinctively may imply that the process which begins with contamination is complete and that what was pure or clean has been made foul, poisoned, or filthy <the polluted waters of the river>. DEFILE implies befouling of what could or should have been kept clean and pure or held sacred and commonly suggests violation or desecration <defile a hero's memory with slanderous innuendo>.

synonyms DECRY, DEPRECIATE, DISPARAGE, BELITTLE mean to express a low opinion of.

DECRY implies open condemnation with intent(意图) to discredit(诽谤) <decried their defeatist attitude>. DEPRECIATE implies a representing as being of less value than commonly believed <critics depreciate his plays for being unabashedly sentimental>. DISPARAGE implies depreciation by indirect means such as slighting(轻蔑) or invidious comparison <disparaged polo as a game for the rich>. BELITTLE usually suggests a contemptuous or envious attitude <belittled the achievements of others>.

synonyms DELUSION, ILLUSION, HALLUCINATION, MIRAGE mean something that is believed to be true or real but that is actually false or unreal.

DELUSION implies an inability to distinguish between what is real and what only seems to be real, often as the result of a disordered state of mind <delusions of persecution(迫害)>. ILLUSION implies a false ascribing of reality based on what one sees or imagines <an illusion of safety>. HALLUCINATION implies impressions that are the product of disordered senses, as because of mental illness or drugs <suffered from terrifying hallucinations>. MIRAGE in its extended sense applies to an illusory vision, dream, hope, or aim <claimed a balanced budget is a mirage>.

synonyms DESPONDENT, DESPAIRING, DESPERATE, HOPELESS mean having lost all or nearly all hope.

DESPONDENT implies a deep dejection arising from a conviction of the uselessness of further effort <despondent about yet another rejection>. DESPAIRING suggests the slipping away of all hope and often despondency <despairing appeals for the return of the kidnapped child>. DESPERATE implies despair that prompts reckless action or violence in the face of defeat or frustration <one last desperate attempt to turn the tide of battle>. HOPELESS suggests despair and the cessation of effort or resistance and often implies acceptance or resignation <the situation of the trapped miners is hopeless>.

synonyms DEVOTE, DEDICATE, CONSECRATE, HALLOW mean to set apart for a special and often higher end.

DEVOTE is likely to imply compelling motives and often attachment to an objective <devoted his evenings to study>. DEDICATE implies solemn and exclusive devotion to a sacred or serious use or purpose <dedicated her life to medical research>. CONSECRATE stresses investment with a solemn or sacred quality <consecrate a church to the worship of God>. HALLOW often differing little from dedicate or consecrate, may distinctively imply an attribution of intrinsic sanctity <battlegrounds hallowed by the blood of patriots>.

synonyms DISCOMPOSE, DISQUIET, DISTURB, PERTURB, AGITATE, UPSET, FLUSTER mean to destroy capacity for collected thought or decisive action.

DISCOMPOSE implies some degree of loss of self-control or self-confidence especially through emotional stress <discomposed by the loss of his beloved wife>. DISQUIET suggests loss of sense of security or peace of mind <the disquieting news of factories closing>. DISTURB implies interference with one's mental processes caused by worry, perplexity, or interruption <the discrepancy in accounts disturbed me>. PERTURB implies deep disturbance of mind and emotions <perturbed by her husband's strange behavior>. AGITATE suggests obvious external signs of nervous or emotional excitement <in his agitated state we could see he was unable to work>. UPSET implies the disturbance of normal or habitual functioning by disappointment, distress, or grief <the family's constant bickering upsets the youngest child>. FLUSTER suggests bewildered agitation <his declaration of love completely flustered her>.

synonyms DISMAL, DREARY, BLEAK, GLOOMY, CHEERLESS, DESOLATE mean devoid of cheer or comfort.

DISMAL indicates extreme and utterly depressing gloominess <dismal weather>. DREARY often interchangeable with dismal, emphasizes discouragement resulting from sustained dullness or futility <a dreary job>. BLEAK suggests chill, dull, and barren characteristics that utterly dishearten(使...灰心,沮丧) <the bleak years of the depression>. GLOOMY often suggests lack of hope or promise <gloomy war news>. CHEERLESS stresses absence of anything cheering <a drab and cheerless office>. DESOLATE adds an element of utter remoteness or lack of human contact to any already disheartening aspect <a desolate outpost>.

synonyms DISMAY, APPALL, HORRIFY, DAUNT mean to unnerve or deter by arousing fear, apprehension(担心,忧虑), or aversion.

DISMAY implies that one is disconcerted and at a loss as to how to deal with something <dismayed at the size of the job>. APPALL implies that one is faced with that which perturbs, confounds, or shocks <I am appalled by your behavior>. HORRIFY stresses a reaction of horror or revulsion <was horrified by such wanton cruelty>. DAUNT suggests a cowing, disheartening, or frightening in a venture requiring courage <a cliff that would daunt the most intrepid climber>.

synonyms DISTINCT, SEPARATE, DISCRETE mean not being each and every one the same.

DISTINCT indicates that something is distinguished by the mind or eye as being apart or different from others <two distinct versions>. SEPARATE often stresses lack of connection or a difference in identity between two things <separate rooms>. DISCRETE strongly emphasizes individuality and lack of connection <broke the job down into discrete stages>. synonym see in addition EVIDENT

synonyms FICTITIOUS, FABULOUS, LEGENDARY, MYTHICAL, APOCRYPHAL mean having the nature of something imagined or invented.

FICTITIOUS implies fabrication and suggests artificiality or contrivance more than deliberate falsification or deception <fictitious characters>. FABULOUS stresses the marvelous or incredible character of something without necessarily implying impossibility or actual nonexistence <a land of fabulous riches>. LEGENDARY suggests the elaboration of invented details and distortion of historical facts produced by popular tradition <the legendary exploits of Davy Crockett>. MYTHICAL implies a purely fanciful explanation of facts or the creation of beings and events out of the imagination <mythical creatures>. APOCRYPHAL implies an unknown or dubious source or origin or may imply that the thing itself is dubious or inaccurate <a book that repeats many apocryphal stories>.

synonyms FLAGRANT, GLARING, GROSS, RANK mean conspicuously bad or objectionable.

FLAGRANT applies usually to offenses or errors so bad that they can neither escape notice nor be condoned(宽恕) <flagrant abuse of the office of president>. GLARING implies painful or damaging obtrusiveness of something that is conspicuously wrong, faulty, or improper <glaring errors>. GROSS implies the exceeding of reasonable or excusable limits <gross carelessness>. RANK applies to what is openly and extremely objectionable and utterly condemned <rank heresy>.

synonyms HINDER, IMPEDE, OBSTRUCT, BLOCK mean to interfere with the activity or progress of.

HINDER stresses causing harmful or annoying delay or interference with progress <rain hindered the climb>. IMPEDE implies making forward progress difficult by clogging, hampering, or fettering <tight clothing that impedes movement>. OBSTRUCT implies interfering with something in motion or in progress by the sometimes intentional placing of obstacles in the way <the view was obstructed by billboards>. BLOCK implies complete obstruction to passage or progress <a landslide blocked the road>.

synonyms POVERTY, INDIGENCE, PENURY, WANT, DESTITUTION mean the state of one with insufficient resources.

POVERTY may cover a range from extreme want of necessities to an absence of material comforts <the extreme poverty of the slum(贫民窟) dwellers>. INDIGENCE implies seriously straitened circumstances <the indigence of her years as a graduate student>. PENURY suggests a cramping or oppressive lack of money <a catastrophic illness that condemned them to years of penury>. WANT and DESTITUTION imply extreme poverty that threatens life itself through starvation or exposure <lived in a perpetual state of want> <the widespread destitution in countries beset by famine>.


['aidl] a.(指人)无所事事的;无效的;v.懒散,无所事事 1 : lacking worth or basis : VAIN <idle chatter> <idle pleasure> 2 : not occupied or employed: as a : having no employment : INACTIVE <idle workers> b : not turned to normal or appropriate use <idle funds> <idle farmland> c : not scheduled to compete <the team will be idle tomorrow> 3 a : SHIFTLESS(懒散的), LAZY b : having no evident lawful means of support synonyms see VAIN, INACTIVE intransitive verb 1 a : to spend time in idleness b : to move idly 2 : to run at low power and often disconnected usually so that power is not used for useful work <the engine is idling> transitive verb 1 : to pass in idleness 2 : to make idle <workers idled by a strike> 3 : to cause to idle synonyms IDLE, LOAF, LOUNGE, LOLL, LAZE mean to spend time doing nothing. IDLE may be used in reference to persons that move lazily or without purpose <idled the day away>.


['aikɔn] n.圣像,偶像 1 : a usually pictorial representation : IMAGE 2 : a conventional religious image typically painted on a small wooden panel and used in the devotions of Eastern Christians 3 : an object of uncritical devotion : IDOL(菩萨) 4 : EMBLEM, SYMBOL <the house became an icon of 1960's residential architecture ― Paul Goldberger> 5 a : a sign (as a word or graphic symbol) whose form suggests its meaning b : a graphic symbol on a computer display screen that usually suggests the type of object represented or the purpose of an available function


['dAə`devl] a./n.胆大的(人),冒失的(人) Daredevil people enjoy doing physically dangerous things. You use daredevil to describe actions that are physically dangerous and require courage.


['daihɑ:d] n.顽固分子 : strongly or fanatically determined or devoted <die-hard fans> especially : strongly resisting change <a die-hard conservative>


['daivə] n.潜水员 1 : one that dives 2 a : a person who stays underwater for long periods by having air supplied from the surface or by carrying a supply of compressed air b : any of various birds that obtain food by diving in water especially : LOON


['daiə] a.可怕的 1 a : exciting horror <dire suffering> b : DISMAL, OPPRESSIVE <dire days> 2 : warning of disaster <a dire forecast> 3 a : desperately urgent <dire need> b : EXTREME <dire poverty>


['daiəgnəuz] v.判断,诊断 transitive verb 1 a : to recognize (as a disease) by signs and symptoms b : to diagnose a disease or condition in <diagnosed the patient> 2 : to analyze the cause or nature of <diagnose the problem> intransitive verb : to make a diagnosis


['daiətraib] n.(口头或书面猛烈的)抨击 A diatribe is an angry speech or article which is extremely critical of someone's ideas or activities. = tirade The book is a diatribe against the academic left.


['daunplei] v.贬低,不予重视 If you downplay a fact or feature, you try to make people think that it is less important or serious than it really is.


['daunpɔ:] n.暴雨 A downpour is a sudden and unexpected heavy fall of rain.


['dedlɔk] n.相持不下,僵局 If a dispute or series of negotiations reaches deadlock, neither side is willing to give in at all and no agreement can be made. 1 : a state of inaction or neutralization resulting from the opposition of equally powerful uncompromising persons or factions : STANDSTILL <the deadlock was broken with a key compromise>


['dedn] v.减低某物的力量或强度 If something deadens a feeling or a sound, it makes it less strong or loud. transitive verb 1 : to impair in vigor or sensation : BLUNT <deadened his enthusiasm> <deadened the pain> 2 a : to deprive of brilliance b : to make vapid (乏味的)or spiritless <oxygen deadens wine> c : to make (as a wall) impervious(密封的) to sound 3 : to deprive of life : KILL intransitive verb : to become dead : lose life or vigor


['defisit] n.不足,赤字 A deficit is the amount by which something is less than what is required or expected, especially the amount by which the total money received is less than the total money spent. If an account or organization is in deficit, more money has been spent than has been received.


['deibju:] n.初次登台,初次露面 The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.


['deinti] n.精美食品;a.娇美的;挑剔的 If you describe a movement, person, or object as dainty, you mean that they are small, delicate, and pretty. synonyms see CHOICE


['dekstərəs] a.灵巧的,熟练的 1 : mentally adroit and skillful : CLEVER <her dexterous handling of the crisis> 2 : done with dexterity : ARTFUL <a dexterous maneuver> 3 : skillful and competent with the hands <a dexterous surgeon>


['dekə`ret] v.装饰某事物 If someone is decorated, they are given a medal or other honour as an official reward for something that they have done.


['dekədəns] n.衰落,颓废 1 : the process of becoming decadent(堕落的) : the quality or state of being decadent 2 : a period of decline synonyms see DETERIORATION


['deligit] n.代表;v.委派...为代表,授权 A delegate is a person who is chosen to vote or make decisions on behalf of a group of other people, especially at a conference or a meeting. = representative If you delegate duties, responsibilities, or power to someone, you give them those duties, those responsibilities, or that power so that they can act on your behalf. If you are delegated to do something, you are given the duty of acting on someone else's behalf by making decisions, voting, or doing some particular work.= appoint


['delikəsi] n.细嫩;精致,优雅 Delicacy is the quality of being easy to break or harm, and refers especially to people or things that are attractive or graceful. If you say that a situation or problem is of some delicacy, you mean that it is difficult to handle and needs careful and sensitive treatment. If someone handles a difficult situation with delicacy, they handle it very carefully, making sure that nobody is offended.= sensitivity A delicacy is a rare or expensive food that is considered especially nice to eat.


['delju:dʒ] n.大洪水;暴雨 A deluge of things is a large number of them which arrive or happen at the same time. =flood If a place or person is deluged with things, a large number of them arrive or happen at the same time.


['deltə] n.三角洲 A delta is an area of low, flat land shaped like a triangle, where a river splits and spreads out into several branches before entering the sea.


['deməgɔg] n.蛊惑民心的政客 1 : a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power 2 : a leader championing the cause of the common people in ancient timesintransitive verb : to behave like a demagogue transitive verb : to treat (as an issue) in a demagogic manner


['demənstreit] v.证明,论证;示威 To demonstrate a fact means to make it clear to people. If you demonstrate a particular skill, quality, or feeling, you show by your actions that you have it. When people demonstrate, they march or gather somewhere to show their opposition to something or their support for something. If you demonstrate something, you show people how it works or how to do it.


['denigreit] v.污蔑,诽谤 If you denigrate someone or something, you criticize them unfairly or insult them. 1 : to attack the reputation of : DEFAME <denigrate one's opponents> 2 : to deny the importance or validity of : BELITTLE <denigrate their achievements>


['denizn] n.居民;外籍居民 A denizen of a particular place is a person, animal, or plant that lives or grows in this place. (FORMAL) 1 : INHABITANT <denizens of the forest> 2 : a person admitted to residence in a foreign country especially : an alien admitted to rights of citizenship 3 : one that frequents a place <nightclub denizens>


['dentʃə] n.假牙 2 : an artificial replacement for one or more teeth especially : a set of false teeth


['depjuti] n.代表;副警长 A deputy is the second most important person in an organization such as a business or government department. Someone's deputy often acts on their behalf when they are not there. In some parliaments or law-making bodies, the elected members are called deputies.


['deprikeit] v.反对,轻视 If you deprecate something, you criticize it. (FORMAL) 2 : to express disapproval of 3 a : PLAY DOWN : make little of <speaks five languages-but deprecates this facility ― Time> b : BELITTLE, DISPARAGE (轻视)<the most reluctantly admired and least easily deprecated


['desikeit] v.(使)完全干涸,脱水 transitive verb 1 : to dry up 2 : to preserve (a food) by drying : DEHYDRATE 3 : to drain of emotional or intellectual vitality intransitive verb : to become dried up


['desikreit] v.玷辱,亵渎 If someone desecrates something which is considered to be holy or very special, they deliberately damage or insult it. 1 : to violate the sanctity of : PROFANE <desecrate a > 2 : to treat disrespectfully, irreverently, or outrageously <the kind of shore development-that has desecrated so many waterfronts


['desimeit] v.毁掉大部分;大量杀死 To decimate something such as a group of people or animals means to destroy a very large number of them. To decimate a system or organization means to reduce its size and effectiveness greatly.


['despikəbl] a.可鄙的,卑劣的 If you say that a person or action is despicable, you are emphasizing that they are extremely nasty, cruel, or evil. despise [dis'paiz] v.鄙视,藐视


['despɔt] n.暴君 A despot is a ruler or other person who has a lot of power and who uses it unfairly or cruelly. = tyrant, dictator


['despərit] a.不顾死活的,拼命的 If you are desperate, you are in such a bad situation that you are willing to try anything to change it. If you are desperate for something or desperate to do something, you want or need it very much indeed. A desperate situation is very difficult, serious, or dangerous.= dire India's United Nations ambassador said the situation is desperate... 5 : of extreme intensity 6 : SHOCKING, OUTRAGEOUS synonyms see DESPONDENT


['desəltəri] a.不连贯的,散漫的 Something that is desultory is done in an unplanned and disorganized way, and without enthusiasm. (FORMAL) 2 : not connected with the main subject 3 : disappointing in progress, performance, or quality <a desultory fifth place finish> <a desultory wine>


['devəsteit] v.摧毁,破坏 If something devastates an area or a place, it damages it very badly or destroys it totally.= ravage, wreck A few days before, a fire had devastated large parts of Windsor Castle. 2 : to reduce to chaos, disorder, or helplessness : OVERWHELM <devastated by grief> <her wisecrack devastated the class> synonyms see RAVAGE


['di:ifai] v.奉为神;崇拜 If someone is deified, they are considered to be a god or are regarded with very great respect. (FORMAL) 2 : to glorify as of supreme worth


['di:liŋ] n.生意行为;作风 1 : method of business : manner of conduct 2 plural : friendly or business interactions


['di:snsi] n.正派,端庄 2 a : the quality or state of being decent(适当的) : PROPRIETY b : conformity to standards of taste, propriety, or quality 3 : standard of propriety - usually used in plural 4 plural : conditions or services considered essential for a proper standard of living 5 : literary decorum


['di:snt] a.适当的,可接受的;得体的 Decent is used to describe something which is considered to be of an acceptable standard or quality. = reasonable Decent is used to describe something which is morally correct or acceptable.= respectable Decent people are honest and behave in a way that most people approve of.


['di:tuə(r)] n.弯路;绕行之路 : a deviation from a direct course or the usual procedure especially : a roundabout way temporarily replacing part of a route : to proceed by a detour <detour around road construction> transitive verb 1 : to send by a circuitous route <detour traffic around an accident> 2 : to avoid by going around : BYPASS <detour an accident site>


['di:vieit] v.越轨,脱离 intransitive verb 1 : to stray especially from a standard, principle, or topic 2 : to depart from an established course or norm <a flight forced by weather to deviate south> transitive verb : to cause to turn out of a previous course synonyms see SWERVE


['di:viənt] a.越出常规的 Deviant behaviour or thinking is different from what people normally consider to be acceptable. A deviant is someone whose behaviour or beliefs are different from what people normally consider to be acceptable. : deviating especially from an accepted norm <deviant behavior>


['di:vjəs] a.不正直的;弯曲的 1 a : WANDERING, ROUNDABOUT <a devious path> b : moving without a fixed course : ERRANT <devious breezes> 2 : OUT-OF-THE-WAY, REMOTE 3 a : deviating from a right, accepted, or common course <devious conduct> b : not straightforward : CUNNING <a devious politician> also : DECEPTIVE <a devious trick>


['di:və] n.歌剧中的首席女主角 1 a : a principal female singer in an opera or concert organization b : a vain(自负的) or undisciplined person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team 2 : a usually glamorous and successful female performer or personality <a fashion diva> especially : a popular female singer <pop divas>


['didʒit] n.手指,足趾;数字,数码 A digit is a written symbol for any of the ten numbers from 0 to 9. A digit is a finger, thumb, or toe. (FORMAL)


['difidənt] a.缺乏自信的 Someone who is diffident is rather shy and does not enjoy talking about themselves or being noticed by other people. 1 : hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence 3 : RESERVED(内敛的,话不多的), UNASSERTIVE(不武断的, 害羞的, 谦虚的) synonyms see SHY


['digniti] n.尊严,尊贵 If someone behaves or moves with dignity, they are calm, controlled, and admirable.= poise ...her extraordinary dignity and composure. 1 : the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed 2 a : high rank, office, or position b : a legal title of nobility or honor 4 : formal reserve or seriousness of manner, appearance, or language


['dilidʒəns] n.勤勉,勤奋 1 a : persevering application : ASSIDUITY 2 : the attention and care legally expected or required of a person (as a party to a contract)


['dilətəri] a.慢吞吞的,磨蹭的 Someone or something that is dilatory is slow and causes delay. (FORMAL) 1 : tending or intended to cause delay <dilatory tactics> 2 : characterized by procrastination(拖延) : TARDY(迟缓的) <dilatory in paying bills>


['dimpl] n.酒窝,笑靥 1 : a slight natural indentation in the surface of some part of the human body 2 : a depression or indentation on a surface (as of a golf ball) transitive verb : to mark with dimples intransitive verb : to exhibit or form dimples


['disin'tæŋgl] v.解决,解脱,解开,澄清 If you disentangle a complicated or confused situation, you make it easier to understand or manage to understand it, by clearly recognizing each separate element. If you disentangle something or someone from an undesirable thing or situation, you separate it from that thing or remove it from that situation. = extricate If you disentangle something, you separate it from things that are twisted around it, or things that it is twisted or knotted around.


['disin'tə:] v.挖出,挖掘 When a dead body is disinterred, it is dug up from out of the ground. If you disinter something, you start using it again after it has not been used for a long time. (HUMOROUS)


['disipeit] v.(使)驱散;浪费 When something dissipates or when you dissipate it, it becomes less or becomes less strong until it disappears or goes away completely. (FORMAL) When someone dissipates money, time, or effort, they waste it in a foolish way. (FORMAL)


['disiplin] v.训练,训导;n.纪律;惩罚,处分 1 : PUNISHMENT 3 : a field of study 4 : training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character 5 a : control gained by enforcing obedience or order b : orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior c : SELF-CONTROL 6 : a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity vt. 1 : to punish or penalize for the sake of discipline 2 : to train or develop by instruction and exercise especially in self-control 3 a : to bring (a group) under control <discipline troops> b : to impose order upon <serious writers discipline and refine their writing styles> synonyms see PUNISH, TEACH


['diskaunt] n.折扣 A discount is a reduction in the usual price of something. If a shop or company discounts an amount or percentage from something that they are selling, they take the amount or percentage off the usual price. If you discount an idea, fact, or theory, you consider that it is not true, not important, or not relevant. = disregard However, traders tended to discount the rumor...


['dispərit] a.迥然不同的 1 : containing or made up of fundamentally different and often incongruous elements 2 : markedly distinct in quality or character synonyms see DIFFERENT


['distənt] a.疏远的,冷淡的 2 : separated in a relationship other than spatial <a distant cousin> <the distant past> 3 : different in kind <from two very distant backgrounds> 4 : reserved or aloof in personal relationship : COLD <was distant and distracted>


['disəlju:t] a.放荡的,无节制的 : lacking restraint especially : marked by indulgence in things (as drink or promiscuous sex) deemed vices <the dissolute and degrading aspects of human nature>


['disənənt] a.不和谐的,不一致的 1 : marked by dissonance : DISCORDANT 2 : INCONGRUOUS 3 : harmonically unresolved


['dizməl] a.使人悲伤的,阴沉的 2 : showing or causing gloom or depression 3 : lacking merit : particularly bad <a dismal performance>


['dreinidʒ] n.排水;污水Q Drainage is the system or process by which water or other liquids are drained from a place.


['drɑ:ftsmənʃip] n.起草术,制图术 1 : a person who draws plans and sketches (as of machinery or structures) 2 : a person who draws legal documents or other writings 3 : an artist who excels in drawing


['du:dl] v.胡乱画;混时间 A doodle is a pattern or picture that you draw when you are bored or thinking about something else. When someone doodles, they draw doodles.


['dæbl] v.涉足,浅赏 If you dabble in something, you take part in it but not very seriously.


['dægə] n.短剑,匕首 A dagger is a weapon like a knife with two sharp edges. If you say that two people are at daggers drawn, you mean they are having an argument and are still very angry with each other. (BRIT)


['dæli] v.闲荡,嬉戏 If you dally, you act or move very slowly, wasting time. (OLD-FASHIONED) If someone dallies with you, they have a romantic, but not serious, relationship with you. (OLD-FASHIONED) In the past he dallied with actresses and lady novelists.


['dæmpən] v.(使)潮湿;使沮丧,泼凉水 If you dampen something, you make it slightly wet. To dampen something such as someone's enthusiasm or excitement means to make it less lively or intense. To dampen something down means the same as to dampen it.


['dændi] n.花花公子,好打扮的人 A dandy is a man who thinks a great deal about his appearance and always dresses in smart clothes. If you say that something is dandy, you mean it is good or just right. = great


['dæpə(r)] a.整洁漂亮的;动作敏捷的 A man who is dapper has a very neat and clean appearance, and is often also small and thin. 2 : alert and lively in movement and manners


['dɔ:dl] v.闲荡,虚度 If you dawdle, you spend more time than is necessary going somewhere. intransitive verb 1 : to spend time idly 2 : to move lackadaisically(萎靡不振地(无精打采地)) transitive verb : to spend fruitlessly or lackadaisically <dawdled the day away> synonyms see DELAY


['dɔ:mənt] a.冬眠的;静止的 Something that is dormant is not active, growing, or being used at the present time but is capable of becoming active later on. 2 : marked by a suspension of activity: as a : temporarily devoid of external activity <a dormant volcano> b : temporarily in abeyance yet capable of being activated 3 a : ASLEEP, INACTIVE b : having the faculties suspended : SLUGGISH(缓慢的,迟钝的) c : having biological activity suspended: as (1) : being in a state of suspended animation(假死) (2) : not actively growing but protected (as by bud scales) from the environment used of plant parts 4 : associated with, carried out, or applied during a period of dormancy <dormant grafting> synonyms see LATENT


['dɔ:səl] a.背部的 Dorsal means relating to the back of a fish or animal. (TECHNICAL)


['dɔdə] v.蹒跚,摇摆 1 : to tremble or shake from weakness or age 2 : to progress feebly and unsteadily <was doddering down the walk>


['dɔgid] a.顽强的 : marked by stubborn determination <a dogged competitor> <dogged devotion> synonyms see OBSTINATE


['dɔgmə] n.教条,信条 If you refer to a belief or a system of beliefs as a dogma, you disapprove of it because people are expected to accept that it is true, without questioning it. Their political dogma has blinded them to the real needs of the country...


['dɔgmətizəm] n.教条主义,武断 1 : positiveness in assertion of opinion especially when unwarranted or arrogant 2 : a viewpoint or system of ideas based on insufficiently examined premises


['dɔiən] n.老前辈 If you refer to a man as the doyen of a group or profession, you mean that he is the oldest and most experienced and respected member of it. (FORMAL) 1 a : the senior member of a body or group b : a person considered to be knowledgeable or uniquely skilled as a result of long experience in some field of endeavor 2 : the oldest example of a category


['dɔkjumənt] v.为...提供书面证明 1 : to furnish documentary evidence of 2 : to furnish with documents 3 a : to provide with factual or substantial support for statements made or a hypothesis proposed especially : to equip with exact references to authoritative supporting information b (1) : to construct or produce (as a movie or novel) with authentic situations or events (2) : to portray realistically 4 : to furnish (a ship) with ship's papers


['dɔldrəmz] n.赤道无风带;情绪低落 ?1 : a spell of listlessness or despondency 2 often capitalized : a part of the ocean near the equator abounding in calms, squalls, and light shifting winds 3 : a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or slump


['dɔlərəs] a.悲哀的,忧愁的 : causing, marked by, or expressing misery or grief


['dɔmineit] v.控制,支配 transitive verb 1 : RULE, CONTROL <an empire that dominated the world> 2 : to exert the supreme determining or guiding influence on <the ambition that has dominated his life> 3 : to overlook from a superior elevation or command because of superior height or position <a hill that dominates the town> 4 a : to be predominant in <sugar maples dominate the forest> b : to have a commanding or preeminent place or position in <name brands dominate the market> intransitive verb 1 : to have or exert mastery, control, or preeminence 2 : to occupy a more elevated or superior position


['dɔminənt] a.显性的,优势的 Someone or something that is dominant is more powerful, successful, influential, or noticeable than other people or things. 1 a : commanding, controlling, or prevailing over all others <the dominant culture> b : very important, powerful, or successful <a dominant theme> <a dominant industry> 2 : overlooking and commanding from a superior position <a dominant hill> 3 : of, relating to, or exerting ecological or genetic dominance 4 : being the one of a pair of bodily structures that is the more effective or predominant in action <dominant eye> synonyms DOMINANT, PREDOMINANT, PARAMOUNT, PREPONDERANT mean superior to all others in influence or importance.


['dɔmisail] n.住处,住所 1 : a dwelling place : place of residence : HOME 2 a : a person's fixed, permanent, and principal home for legal purposes b : RESIDENCE 2B vt. : to establish in or provide with a domicile


['dɔsiei] n.卷宗,档案 A dossier is a collection of papers containing information on a particular event, or on a person such as a criminal or a spy. = file


['də:dʒ] n.哀歌 1 : a song or hymn of grief or lamentation(悲叹) especially : one intended to accompany funeral or memorial rites 2 : a slow, solemn, and mournful piece of music 3 : something (as a poem) that has the qualities of a dirge


['dəulful] a.忧愁的,消沉的 1 : causing grief or affliction <a doleful loss> 2 : full of grief : CHEERLESS <a doleful face> 3 : expressing grief : SAD <a doleful melody>


['dəunə] n.捐赠者,赠送者;献血者 A donor is someone who gives a part of their body or some of their blood to be used by doctors to help a person who is ill. Donor organs or parts are organs or parts of the body which people allow doctors to use to help people who are ill. A donor is a person or organization who gives something, especially money, to a charity, organization, or country that needs it.


['dʒaiərit] a.旋转的;v.旋转 : winding or coiled around : CONVOLUTED <gyrate branches of a tree> intransitive verb 1 : to revolve around a point or axis 2 : to oscillate with or as if with a circular or spiral motion


['dʒenisis] n.创始,起源 : the origin or coming into being of something <the genesis of a new political movement>


['dʒenjuin] a.真的;真诚的 1 a : actually having the reputed or apparent qualities or character <genuine vintage wines> b : actually produced by or proceeding from the alleged source or author <the signature is genuine> c : sincerely and honestly felt or experienced <a deep and genuine love> d : ACTUAL, TRUE <a genuine improvement> 2 : free from hypocrisy or pretense : SINCERE


['dʒentl] a.温和的,慈祥的 adjective 1 a : belonging to a family of high social station b archaic : CHIVALROUS c : HONORABLE, DISTINGUISHED specifically : of or relating to a gentleman d : KIND, AMIABLE - used especially in address as a complimentary epithet <gentle reader> e : suited to a person of high social station 2 a : TRACTABLE, DOCILE b : free from harshness, sternness, or violence 3 : SOFT, DELICATE 4 : MODERATE noun.: a person of gentle birth or status transitive verb 1 : to raise from the commonalty : ENNOBLE 2 a : to make gentler b : to make (an animal) tame and docile c : MOLLIFY, PLACATE d : to stroke soothingly : PET intransitive verb : to become gentle <the wind gentled>


['dʒentri] n.绅士,上等人 2 a : upper or ruling class : ARISTOCRACY b : a class whose members are entitled to bear a coat of arms though not of noble rank especially : the landed proprietors having such status 3 : people of a specified class or kind : FOLKS <no real heroes or heroines among the academic gentry - R. G. Hanvey>


['dʒenə`reit] v.造成;产生 1 : to bring into existence: as a : PROCREATE(生育), BEGET (招致) b : to originate by a vital, chemical, or physical process : PRODUCE <generate electricity> 2 : to be the cause of (a situation, action, or state of mind) <these stories generate a good deal of psychological suspense - Atlantic>


['dʒenəreitə] n.发电机 1 : one that generates: as a : an apparatus in which vapor or gas is formed b : a machine by which mechanical energy is changed into electrical energy


['dʒerimændə] v.(为使某政党在选举中取得优势)不公正地将(某地区)划成选区 1 : the act or method of gerrymandering 2 : a district or pattern of districts varying greatly in size or population as a result of gerrymandering transitive verb 1 : to divide (a territorial unit) into election districts to give one political party an electoral majority in a large number of districts while concentrating the voting strength of the opposition in as few districts as possible 2 : to divide (an area) into political units to give special advantages to one group <gerrymander a school district>


['dʒestʃə] n.姿势,手势,姿态 2 : a movement usually of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea, sentiment, or attitude 3 : the use of motions of the limbs or body as a means of expression 4 : something said or done by way of formality or courtesy, as a symbol or token, or for its effect on the attitudes of others <a political gesture to draw popular support - V. L. Parrington> intransitive verb : to make a gesture transitive verb : to express or direct by a gesture


['dʒi:nəs] n.(动植物的)属 1 : a class, kind, or group marked by common characteristics or by one common characteristic. also: a classification term 2 : a class of objects divided into several subordinate species


['dʒindʒə] n.姜;活力 1: ... 2: ... 2 : PEP : brisk energy or initiative and high spirits <the ginger to work hard - Willa Cather> 3 : a light reddish or reddish-brown color <ginger hair> transitive verb : to make lively : pep up <ginger up the tourist trade - N.Y. Times>


['dʒindʒəli] adj./adv.小心的(地);谨慎的(地) : very cautious or careful If you do something gingerly, you do it in a careful manner, usually because you expect it to be dangerous, unpleasant, or painful. (WRITTEN) = causiously


['dʒə:misaid] n.杀菌剂 : an agent that destroys germs


['eksikju:t] v.执行,履行;将某人处死 To execute someone means to kill them as a punishment for a serious crime. If you execute a plan, you carry it out. (FORMAL) If you execute a difficult action or movement, you successfully perform it. When someone executes a work of art, they make or produce it, using an idea as a basis. 1 : to perform properly or skillfully the fundamentals of a sport or of a particular play <never had a team execute better - Bobby Knight>


['eksikreit] v.憎恶;咒骂 1 : to declare to be evil or detestable : DENOUNCE 2 : to detest utterly


['eksikrəbl] a.极坏的 If you describe something as execrable, you mean that it is very bad or unpleasant. (FORMAL) = deplorable


['ekskwizit] a.精致的;近乎完美的 1 : carefully selected : CHOICE 3 a : marked by flawless craftsmanship or by beautiful, ingenious, delicate, or elaborate execution <an exquisite vase> b : marked by nice discrimination, deep sensitivity, or subtle understanding <exquisite taste> c : ACCOMPLISHED, PERFECTED <an exquisite gentleman> 4 a : pleasing through beauty, fitness, or perfection <an exquisite white blossom> b : ACUTE, INTENSE <exquisite pain> c : having uncommon or esoteric appeal


['ekskʌlpeit] v.开脱,申明无罪 : to clear from alleged fault or guilt synonyms EXCULPATE, ABSOLVE, EXONERATE, ACQUIT, VINDICATE mean to free from a charge. EXCULPATE implies a clearing from blame or fault often in a matter of small importance <exculpating himself from the charge of overenthusiasm>.


['eksplikeit] v.详细解说 1 : to give a detailed explanation of 2 : to develop the implications of : analyze logically synonyms see EXPLAIN


['ekspə:geit] v.删除;使纯洁 If someone expurgates a piece of writing, they remove parts of it before it is published because they think those parts will offend or shock people. (FORMAL)= censor He heavily expurgated the work in its second edition. : to cleanse of something morally harmful, offensive, or erroneous especially : to expunge objectionable parts from before publication or presentation <an expurgated edition of the letters>


['ekstrikeit] v.拯救,救出 If you extricate yourself or another person from a difficult or serious situation, you free yourself or the other person from it. 1 b : to distinguish from a related thing 2 : to free or remove from an entanglement or difficulty synonyms EXTRICATE, DISENTANGLE, UNTANGLE, DISENCUMBER, DISEMBARRASS mean to free from what binds or holds back. EXTRICATE implies the use of care or ingenuity in freeing from a difficult position or situation <extricated himself from financial difficulties>.


['ekstrikəbl] a.可解救的,能脱险的


['ekstrəuvə:t] n.性格外向者 Someone who is extrovert is very active, lively, and friendly. (mainly BRIT) An extrovert is someone who is extrovert. (in AM, usually use extroverted) : one whose personality is characterized by extroversion broadly : a gregarious(合群的,爱社交的) and unreserved person


['eksɔ:saiz] v.驱魔;去除(坏念头等) 1 a : to expel (an evil spirit) by adjuration b : to get rid of (something troublesome, menacing, or oppressive) 2 : to free of an evil spirit


['eksədəs] n.大批离去,成群外出 If there is an exodus of people from a place, a lot of people leave that place at the same time. 2 : a mass departure : EMIGRATION


['eəlu:m] n.传家宝 1 : a piece of property that descends to the heir as an inseparable part of an inheritance of real property 2 : something of special value handed on from one generation to another 3 : a horticultural(园艺的) variety that has survived for several generations usually due to the efforts of private individuals


['fAə'wel] interj.再会,再见;n.辞行,告别 2 a : an act of departure : LEAVE-TAKING b : a formal occasion honoring a person about to leave or retire : of or relating to leave-taking : FINAL <a farewell performance>


['failiŋz] n.锉屑 Filings are very small pieces of a substance, especially a metal, that are produced when it is filed or cut. ...iron filings. Court filings are cases filed in a court of law. (AM, AUSTRALIAN)


['fainait] a.有限的 1 a : having definite or definable limits <a finite number of possibilities> b : having a limited nature or existence <finite beings> 2 : completely determinable in theory or in fact by counting, measurement, or thought <the finite velocity of light> 3 a : less than an arbitrary positive integer and greater than the negative of that integer b : having a finite number of elements <a finite set> 4 : of, relating to, or being a verb or verb form that can function as a predicate or as the initial element of one and that is limited (as in tense, person, and number)


['faiəflai] n.萤火虫 : any of various winged nocturnal beetles (esp. family Lampyridae) that produce a bright soft intermittent light by oxidation of luciferin especially for courtship purposes


['faundə] v.(船)沉没;(计划)失败 intransitive verb 1 : to become disabled especially : to go lame 2 : to give way : COLLAPSE 3 : to become submerged : SINK 4 : to come to grief : FAIL transitive verb : to disable (an animal) especially by excessive feeding


['feitl] a.致命的;灾难性的 A fatal action has very undesirable effects. 2 : FATEFUL <a fatal hour> 3 a : of or relating to fate b : resembling fate in proceeding according to a fixed sequence c : determining one's fate 4 a : causing death b : bringing ruin <a fatal attraction to gambling> c : causing failure <a fatal design flaw> synonyms see DEADLY synonyms DEADLY, MORTAL, FATAL, LETHAL mean causing or capable of causing death. DEADLY applies to an established or very likely cause of death <a deadly disease>. FATAL stresses the inevitability of what has in fact resulted in death or destruction <fatal consequences>.


['feivərəbl] a.有利的;赞成的 1 a : disposed to favor : PARTIAL(偏爱的) b : expressing approval : COMMENDATORY c : giving a result that is in one's favor <a favorable comparison> d : AFFIRMATIVE (肯定的,正面的) <a favorable reply> 2 : winning approval : PLEASING <a favorable impression> 3 a : tending to promote or facilitate : ADVANTAGEOUS <a favorable wind> b : marked by success synonyms FAVORABLE, AUSPICIOUS, PROPITIOUS mean pointing toward a happy outcome. FAVORABLE implies that the persons involved are approving or helpful or that the circumstances are advantageous <favorable weather conditions>.


['feləni] n.重罪 In countries where the legal system distinguishes between very serious crimes and less serious ones, a felony is a very serious crime such as armed robbery. (LEGAL) 2 a : a grave crime formerly differing from a misdemeanor under English common law by involving forfeiture in addition to any other punishment b : a grave crime declared to be a felony by the common law or by statute regardless of the punishment actually imposed c : a crime declared a felony by statute because of the punishment imposed d : a crime for which the punishment in federal law may be death or imprisonment for more than one year


['feminist] n.女权运动者 1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes 2 : organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests


['fendə] n.挡泥板;护舷的垫子等 : a device that protects: as a (1) : a cushion (as foam rubber or a wood float) between a boat and a dock or between two boats that lessens shock and prevents chafing (2) : a pile or a row or cluster of piles placed to protect a dock or bridge pier from damage by ships or floating objects b : RAILING(栏杆, 扶手) c : a device in front of locomotives(火车头) and streetcars to lessen injury to animals or pedestrians in case of collision d : a guard over the wheel of a motor vehicle e : a low metal frame or a screen before an open fireplace f : an oblong or triangular shield of leather attached to the stirrup leather of a saddle to protect a rider's legs


['festiv] a.欢乐的 1 : of, relating to, or suitable for a feast or festival <a festive occasion> 2 : JOYFUL, GAY <a festive mood>


['festə] v.(指伤口)溃烂,化脓 : a suppurating sore : PUSTULE intransitive verb 1 : to generate pus 2 : PUTREFY, ROT 3 a : to cause increasing poisoning, irritation, or bitterness : RANKLE <dissent festered unchecked> b : to undergo or exist in a state of progressive deterioration <allowed slums to fester> transitive verb : to make inflamed or corrupt


['fetid] a.有恶臭的 : having a heavy offensive smell <a fetid swamp>


['fetə] n./v.(带)脚镣;束缚 1 : a chain or shackle for the feet 2 : something that confines : RESTRAINT 1 : to put fetters on : SHACKLE 2 : to restrain from motion, action, or progress


['fi:bl] a.虚弱的 1 a : markedly lacking in strength b : indicating weakness 2 a : deficient in qualities or resources that indicate vigor, authority, force, or efficiency b : INADEQUATE, INFERIOR synonyms see WEAK


['fi:təs] n.胎儿 : an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth


['fi:zibl] a.可行的,可能的 If something is feasible, it can be done, made, or achieved. 1 : capable of being done or carried out <a feasible plan> 2 : capable of being used or dealt with successfully : SUITABLE 3 : REASONABLE, LIKELY synonyms see POSSIBLE


['figjurətiv] a.比喻的,借喻的 1 a : representing by a figure or resemblance : EMBLEMATIC b : of or relating to representation of form or figure in art <figurative sculpture> 2 a : expressing one thing in terms normally denoting another with which it may be regarded as analogous : METAPHORICAL <figurative language> b : characterized by figures of speech <a figurative description> If you use a word or expression in a figurative sense, you use it with a more abstract or imaginative meaning than its ordinary literal one. ≠ literal


['figəhed] n.名义领袖;傀儡 1 : the figure on a ship's bow 2 : a head or chief in name only


['fikseit] v.使固定,使不变;注视,凝视 transitive verb 1 : to make fixed, stationary, or unchanging 2 : to focus one's gaze on 3 : to direct (the libido) toward an infantile form of gratification intransitive verb 1 : to focus or concentrate one's gaze or attention intently or obsessively 2 : to undergo arrestment at a stage of development


['filibʌstə] v./n.妨碍议事,阻挠 1 : an irregular military adventurer specifically : an American engaged in fomenting insurrections in Latin America in the mid-19th century 2 a : the use of extreme dilatory tactics in an attempt to delay or prevent action especially in a legislative assembly b : an instance of this practice intransitive verb 1 : to carry out insurrectionist (造反者)activities in a foreign country 2 : to engage in a filibuster transitive verb : to subject to a filibuster


['filigri:] n.金银丝做的工艺品 The word filigree is used to refer to delicate ornamental designs made with gold or silver wire.


['filtə] n.滤纸;v.过滤 3 : something that has the effect of a filter (as by holding back elements or modifying the appearance of something) <his work is too often viewed through the filter of race ― Brent Staples> transitive verb 1 : to subject to the action of a filter 2 : to remove by means of a filter intransitive verb 1 : to pass or move through or as if through a filter 2 : to come or go in small units over a period of time <people began filtering in>


['finiki] a.苛求的,过分讲究的 1 : extremely or excessively particular, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards <a finicky eater> 2 : requiring much care, precision, or attentive effort <a finicky recipe>


['fiskəl] a.国库的,财政的 1 : of or relating to taxation, public revenues, or public debt <fiscal policy> 2 : of or relating to financial matters


['fiərəl] a.凶猛的,野的 1 : of, relating to, or suggestive of a wild beast <feral teeth> <feral instincts> 2 a : not domesticated or cultivated : WILD b : having escaped from domestication and become wild <feral cats> synonyms see BRUTAL FERAL suggests the savagery or ferocity of wild animals <the struggle to survive unleashed their feral impulses>.


['fju:migeit] v.以烟熏消毒 : to apply smoke, vapor, or gas to especially for the purpose of disinfecting or of destroying pests


['fju:tail] a.无效的,无用的(人)没出息的 琐细的 1 : serving no useful purpose : completely ineffective <efforts to convince him were futile> = pointless 2 : occupied with trifles : FRIVOLOUS(轻浮的,琐屑的) synonyms FUTILE, VAIN, FRUITLESS mean producing no result. FUTILE may connote completeness of failure or unwisdom of undertaking <resistance had proved so futile that surrender was the only choice left>.


['fju:zi`leid] n./v. (枪炮)齐射,连发 1 a : a number of shots fired simultaneously or in rapid succession b : something that gives the effect of a fusillade <a fusillade of rocks and bottles> 2 : a spirited outburst especially of criticism


['fju:ʒən] n.熔合;聚变 1 : the act or process of liquefying or rendering plastic by heat 2 : a union by or as if by melting: as a : a merging of diverse, distinct, or separate elements into a unified whole b : a political partnership : COALITION c : popular music combining different styles (as jazz and rock) d : food prepared using techniques and ingredients of two or more ethnic or regional cuisines-called also fusion cuisine 3 : the union of atomic nuclei to form heavier nuclei resulting in the release of enormous quantities of energy when certain light elements unite


['fjuərɔ:] n.轰动;盛怒 1 : an angry or maniacal(发狂的) fit : RAGE 2 : FURY 4 : a state of inspired exaltation : FRENZY 3 : a fashionable craze : VOGUE 4 a : furious or hectic activity b : an outburst of public excitement or indignation : UPROAR


['flaundə] v.挣扎;艰苦地移动;n.比目鱼 If something is floundering, it has many problems and may soon fail completely.= founder The economy was floundering. If you say that someone is floundering, you are criticizing them for not making decisions or for not knowing what to say or do.= dither Right now, you've got a president who's floundering, trying to find some way to get his campaign jump-started... If you flounder in water or mud, you move in an uncontrolled way, trying not to sink. : FLATFISH (比目鱼) 1 : to struggle to move or obtain footing : thrash about wildly 2 : to proceed or act clumsily or ineffectually


['fledʒliŋ] n.正在学习飞行的幼鸟;无经验的人 1 : a young bird just fledged 2 : an immature or inexperienced person 3 : one that is new <a fledgling company>


['fleigrənt] a.臭的,恶名昭彰的 2 : conspicuously offensive <flagrant errors> especially : so obviously inconsistent with what is right or proper as to appear to be a flouting of law or morality <flagrant violations of human rights>


['fleksəbl] a.易弯曲的,灵活的 1 : capable of being flexed : PLIANT(易受影响的,易弯曲的,顺从的) 2 : yielding to influence : TRACTABLE 3 : characterized by a ready capability to adapt to new, different, or changing requirements <a flexible foreign policy> <a flexible schedule> synonyms see ELASTIC


['fli:tiŋ] a.短暂的,飞逝的 : passing swiftly : TRANSITORY synonyms see TRANSIENT


['flipənt] a.无礼的;轻率的 2 : lacking proper respect or seriousness = flip, glib


['flu:viəl] a.河流的,生长在河中的 1 : of, relating to, or living in a stream or river 2 : produced by the action of a stream <a fluvial plain>


['flægiŋ] a.下垂的;衰弱的 1 : LANGUID, WEAK 2 : becoming progressively less : DWINDLING


['flæksid] a.松弛的;软弱的 1 a : not firm or stiff also : lacking normal or youthful firmness <flaccid muscles> b of a plant part : deficient in turgor 2 : lacking vigor or force <flaccid leadership>


['flæməbl] a.易燃的 : capable of being easily ignited and of burning quickly = inflammable


['flætkɑ:(r)] n.平台型铁路货车 : a railroad freight car without permanent raised sides, ends, or covering


['flætn] v.变平;彻底打败某人 transitive verb : to make flat: as a : to make level or smooth b : to knock down also : to defeat decisively c : to make dull or uninspired ― often used with out d : to make (as paint) lusterless(无光泽的) e : to stabilize especially at a lower level intransitive verb : to become flat or flatter: as a : to become dull or spiritless b : to extend in or into a flat position or form c : to become uniform or stabilized often at a new lower level ― usually used with out


['flætə] v.恭维,奉承 transitive verb 1 : to praise excessively especially from motives of self-interest 2 b : to encourage or gratify especially with the assurance that something is right <I flatter myself that my interpretation is correct> 3 a : to portray too favorably <the portrait flatters him> b : to display to advantage <candlelight often flatters the face> intransitive verb : to use flattery


['flɔ:rə] n.(某地区或时代的)植物群 1 : a treatise(专题论文)on or list of the plants of an area or period 2 : plant or bacterial life especially : such life characteristic of a region, period, or special environment <fossil flora> <intestinal flora>


['flɔrid] a.华丽的;(脸)红润的 b : very flowery in style : ORNATE <florid prose> <florid declamations> also : having a florid style <a florid writer> c : elaborately decorated <a florid interior> 2 a : tinged with red : RUDDY <a florid complexion(肤色)> b : marked by emotional or sexual fervor <a florid secret life> <a florid sensibility> 4 : fully developed : manifesting a complete and typical clinical syndrome <the florid stage of a disease>


['flʌdgeit] n.(水闸的)闸门 1 : a gate for shutting out, admitting, or releasing a body of water : SLUICE 2 : something serving to restrain an outburst <opened the floodgates of criticism>


['flʌstəd] a.慌张的 fluster transitive verb 1 : to make tipsy(不稳的,摇晃的) 2 : to put into a state of agitated confusion : UPSET intransitive verb : to move or behave in an agitated or confused manner synonyms see DISCOMPOSE


['flʌtə] v.拍翅 intransitive verb 1 : to flap the wings rapidly 2 a : to move with quick wavering or flapping motions b : to vibrate in irregular spasms 3 : to move about or behave in an agitated aimless manner transitive verb : to cause to flutter noun 1 : an act of fluttering 2 a : a state of nervous confusion or excitement b : FLURRY, COMMOTION c : abnormal spasmodic fluttering of a body part <treatment of atrial flutter> 3 a : a distortion in reproduced sound similar to but of a higher pitch than wow b : fluctuation in the brightness of a television image 4 : an unwanted oscillation (as of an aileron or a bridge) set up by natural forces 5 chiefly British : a small speculative venture or gamble


['fraiəbl] a.易碎的 : easily crumbled or pulverized <friable soil> synonyms see FRAGILE synonyms FRAGILE, FRANGIBLE, BRITTLE, CRISP, FRIABLE mean breaking easily. FRIABLE mean breaking easily. FRAGILE implies extreme delicacy of material or construction and need for careful handling <a fragile antique chair>.


['freigrəns] n.香料;香味 1 a : a sweet or delicate odor (as of fresh flowers, pine trees, or perfume) b : something (as a perfume) compounded to give off a sweet or pleasant odor 2 : the quality or state of having a sweet odor synonyms FRAGRANCE, PERFUME, SCENT, REDOLENCE mean a sweet or pleasant odor. FRAGRANCE suggests the odors of flowers or other growing things <the fragrance of pine>.


['freigrənt] a.芳香的;愉快的 : having a sweet or pleasant smell synonyms see ODOROUS


['frenzi] n.极度激动的状态,狂暴 1 a : a temporary madness b : a violent mental or emotional agitation 2 : intense usually wild and often disorderly compulsive or agitated activity <a shopping frenzy> transitive verb : to affect with frenzy


['fri:kwənsi] n.频率 The frequency of an event is the number of times it happens during a particular period.


['fri:kwənt] v.时常来访;a.惯常的 1 : to associate with, be in, or resort to often or habitually <a bar frequented by sports fans> adjective 1 a : COMMON, USUAL b : happening at short intervals : often repeated or occurring <a bus making frequent stops> 3 : acting or returning regularly or often <s>


['fri:lɑ:nsə] n.自由职业者 b : a person who acts independently without being affiliated with or authorized by an organization 2 : a person who pursues a profession without a long-term commitment to any one employer


['fridʒid] a.寒冷的;死板的 1 a : intensely cold b : lacking warmth or ardor : INDIFFERENT 2 : lacking imaginative qualities : INSIPID 3 a : abnormally averse to sexual intercourse - used especially of women b of a female : unable to achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse


['frindʒ] n.(窗帘等)须边;边缘 1 : an ornamental border consisting of short straight or twisted threads or strips hanging from cut or raveled edges or from a separate band 2 a : something resembling a fringe : EDGE, PERIPHERY - often used in plural <operated on the fringes of the law> c : one of various light or dark bands produced by the interference or diffraction of light 3 a : something that is marginal, additional, or secondary to some activity, process, or subject <a fringe sport> b : a group with marginal or extremist views c : FRINGE BENEFIT = bonus


['fru:gəl] a.节约的,节俭的 : characterized by or reflecting economy in the use of resources synonyms see SPARING synonyms SPARING, FRUGAL, THRIFTY, ECONOMICAL mean careful in the use of one's money or resources. SPARING stresses abstention and restraint <sparing in the offering of advice>. FRUGAL implies absence of luxury and simplicity of lifestyle <ran a frugal household>.


['frædʒail] a.易碎的,易坏的 1 a : easily broken or destroyed <a fragile vase> b : constitutionally delicate : lacking in vigor <a fragile child> 2 : TENUOUS, SLIGHT <fragile hope> synonyms FRAGILE, FRANGIBLE, BRITTLE, CRISP, FRIABLE mean breaking easily. FRAGILE implies extreme delicacy of material or construction and need for careful handling <a fragile antique chair>.


['fræktʃə] n.骨折;折断;裂口 1 : the result of fracturing : BREAK 2 a : the act or process of breaking or the state of being broken especially : the breaking of hard tissue (as bone) b : the rupture (as by tearing) of soft tissue <kidney fracture> 3 : the general appearance of a freshly broken surface of a mineral transitive verb 1 a : to cause a fracture in : BREAK <fracture a rib> b : RUPTURE, TEAR 2 a : to damage or destroy as if by rupturing b : to cause great disorder in c : to break up : FRACTIONATE d : to go beyond the limits of (as rules) : VIOLATE <fractured the English language with malaprops - Goodman Ace> intransitive verb : to undergo fracture


['frækʃən] n.碎片;小部分 1 a : a numerical representation (as 3/4, 5/8, or 3.234) indicating the quotient of two numbers b (1) : a piece broken off : FRAGMENT (2) : a discrete unit : PORTION 2 : one of several portions (as of a distillate) separable by fractionation 3 : BIT, LITTLE <a fraction closer>


['frækʃəs] a.(脾气)易怒的,好争吵的 1 : tending to be troublesome : UNRULY <a fractious crowd> 2 : QUARRELSOME, IRRITABLE


['fræntik] a.疯狂的,狂乱的 1:b : emotionally out of control <frantic with anger and frustration> 2 : marked by fast and nervous, disordered, or anxiety-driven activity <made a frantic search for the lost child> fraud [frɔ:d] n.欺诈,欺骗;骗子 1 a : DECEIT, TRICKERY specifically : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right b : an act of deceiving or misrepresenting(误称,歪曲): TRICK 2 a : a person who is not what he or she pretends to be : IMPOSTOR(冒名顶替者) also : one who defrauds : CHEAT b : one that is not what it seems or is represented to be synonyms see DECEPTION, IMPOSTURE


['frɔ:djulənt] a.欺骗的,不诚实的 : characterized by, based on, or done by fraud : DECEITFUL


['fu:lpru:f] a.容易懂的,简易而不会误用的 : so simple, plain, or reliable as to leave no opportunity for error, misuse, or failure <a foolproof plan>


['ful'bləun] a.(鲜花)盛开的 1 a : fully mature b : being at the height of bloom c : FULL-FLEDGED(羽毛丰满的,成熟的,完全有资格) 2 : possessing or exhibiting all the usual or necessary features or symptoms <a general philosophy, if not a full-blown ideology, is emerging - W. H. Jones> <developed full-blown AIDS>


['ful'bɔdid] a.(味道等)浓郁而强烈的 1 : having a large body 2 of a beverage : imparting to the palate the general impression of substantial weight and rich texture 3 : having importance, significance, or meaningfulness <full-bodied study of literature>


['ful'fledʒd] a.羽毛丰满的;成熟的 1 : fully developed : TOTAL, COMPLETE <a full-fledged biography> 2 : having attained complete status <full-fledged lawyer> 3 : FULL-BLOWN 2 <a full-fledged reunion>


['fulsəm] a.虚情假意的;充足的 1 a : characterized by abundance : COPIOUS <describes in fulsome detail - G. N. Shuster> <fulsome bird life. The feeder overcrowded - Maxine Kumin> b : generous in amount, extent, or spirit <the passengers were fulsome in praise of the plane's crew - Don Oliver> <a fulsome victory for the far left - Bruce Rothwell> <the greetings have been fulsome, the farewells tender - Simon Gray> c : being full and well developed <she was in generally fulsome, limpid voice - Thor Eckert, Jr.> 2 : aesthetically, morally, or generally offensive <fulsome lies and nauseous flattery - William Congreve> 3 : exceeding the bounds of good taste : OVERDONE <the fulsome chromium glitter of the escalators dominating the central hall - Lewis Mumford> 4 : excessively complimentary or flattering : EFFUSIVE <an admiration whose extent I did not express, lest I be thought fulsome - A. J. Liebling>


['fæbrik] n.纺织品;结构 Fabric is cloth or other material produced by weaving together cotton, nylon, wool, silk, or other threads. Fabrics are used for making things such as clothes, curtains, and sheets. 1 a : STRUCTURE, BUILDING b : underlying structure : FRAMEWORK <the fabric of society> 2 : an act of constructing : ERECTION specifically : the construction and maintenance of a church building 3 a : structural plan or style of construction b : TEXTURE, QUALITY - used chiefly of textiles c : the arrangement of physical components (as of soil) in relation to each other 4 a : CLOTH 1A b : a material that resembles cloth 5 : the appearance or pattern produced by the shapes and arrangement of the crystal grains in a rock


['fæbrikeit] v.捏造;制造 1 a : INVENT, CREATE b : to make up for the purpose of deception <accused of fabricating evidence> 2 : CONSTRUCT, MANUFACTURE specifically : to construct from diverse and usually standardized parts


['fækəlti] n.全体教员;官能 Your faculties are your physical and mental abilities. It is also a myth that the faculty of hearing is greatly increased in blind people. A faculty is a group of related departments in some universities, or the people who work in them. (BRIT) A faculty is all the teaching staff of a university or college, or of one department. (AM) 4 : power, authority, or prerogative(特权) given or conferred synonyms see GIFT FACULTY applies to an innate or less often acquired ability for a particular accomplishment or function <a faculty for remembering names>


['fæləsi] n.谬误,错误 A fallacy is an idea which many people believe to be true, but which is in fact false because it is based on incorrect information or reasoning. 1 b : deceptive appearance : DECEPTION 2 a : a false or mistaken idea <popular fallacies> b : erroneous character : ERRONEOUSNESS 3 : an often plausible argument using false or invalid inference


['fæləu] n.休耕地;a.(土地)休耕的 Fallow land has been dug or ploughed but nothing has been planted in it, especially so that its quality or strength has a chance to improve. A fallow period is a time when very little is being achieved.


['fæmin] n.饥荒 Famine is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of them die.


['fæmiʃ] v.使饥饿 transitive verb 1 : to cause to suffer severely from hunger intransitive verb 2 : to suffer for lack of something necessary <a moment when French poetry in particular was famishing for such invention>


['fæntəsi] n.想象,幻想 A fantasy is a pleasant situation or event that you think about and that you want to happen, especially one that is unlikely to happen.= dream Fantasy is the activity of imagining things. You can refer to a story or situation that someone creates from their imagination and that is not based on reality as fantasy.


['fæsail] a.容易做的;肤浅的 1 a (1) : easily accomplished or attained <a facile victory> (2) : SHALLOW, SIMPLISTIC <I am not concerned- with offering any facile solution for so complex a problem - T. S. Eliot> b : used or comprehended with ease c : readily manifested and often lacking sincerity or depth <facile tears> 3 a : READY, FLUENT <facile prose> b : POISED, ASSURED


['fæsit] n.(宝石等的)小平面;侧面 A facet of something is a single part or aspect of it. The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life. The facets of a diamond or other precious stone are the flat surfaces that have been cut on its outside.


['fætjuəs] a.愚昧而不自知的 : complacently or inanely foolish : SILLY <a fatuous remark> synonyms see SIMPLE FATUOUS implies foolishness, inanity, and disregard of reality <fatuous conspiracy theories>


['fætən] v.使长肥;使土壤肥沃;装满 transitive verb 1 a : to make fat, fleshy, or plump especially : to feed (as a stock animal) for slaughter b : to make more substantial 2 : to make fertile intransitive verb : to become fat


['fɑ:sn] v.使...固定(to fix sth. firmly) When you fasten something, you close it by means of buttons or a strap, or some other device. If something fastens with buttons or straps, you can close it in this way. = do up If you fasten one thing to another, you attach the first thing to the second, for example with a piece of string or tape.= attach synonyms FASTEN, FIX, ATTACH, AFFIX mean to make something stay firmly in place. FASTEN implies an action such as tying, buttoning, nailing, locking, or otherwise securing <fasten the reins to a post>.


['fɑ:stnis] n.要塞,城堡 1 : the quality or state of being fast: as a : the quality or state of being fixed b : the quality or state of being swift c : colorfast quality 2 a : a fortified or secure place b : a remote and secluded place <vacationed in their mountain fastness>


['fɔ:`rʌnə] n.预兆,前兆;先驱 1 : one that precedes and indicates the approach of another: as a : a premonitory sign or symptom b : a skier who runs the course before the start of a race 2 : PREDECESSOR, ANCESTOR synonyms FORERUNNER, PRECURSOR, HARBINGER, HERALD mean one that goes before or announces the coming of another. FORERUNNER is applicable to anything that serves as a sign or presage <the blockade was the forerunner of war>.


['fɔ:fit] v.丧失,被罚没收;n.丧失物 noun 1 : something forfeited or subject to being forfeited (as for a crime, offense, or neglect of duty) : PENALTY 2 : forfeiture especially of civil rights 3 a : something deposited (as for making a mistake in a game) and then redeemed on payment of a fine b plural : a game in which forfeits are exacted transitive verb 1 : to lose or lose the right to especially by some error, offense, or crime 2 : to subject to confiscation(没收,充公) as a forfeit also : ABANDON, GIVE UP adjective : forfeited or subject to forfeiture


['fɔ:kɑ:st] v.预报,预测;n.预测 transitive verb 1 a : to calculate or predict (some future event or condition) usually as a result of study and analysis of available pertinent data especially : to predict (weather conditions) on the basis of correlated meteorological observations b : to indicate as likely to occur 2 : to serve as a forecast of : PRESAGE <such events may forecast peace> intransitive verb : to calculate the future synonyms see FORETELL noun. 2 : a prophecy, estimate, or prediction of a future happening or condition


['fɔ:lshud] n.谎言 Falsehood is the quality or fact of being untrue or of being a lie. 1 : an untrue statement : LIE 2 : absence of truth or accuracy 3 : the practice of lying : MENDACITY


['fɔ:ltə] v.摇晃,蹒跚;支吾地说 intransitive verb 1 a : to walk unsteadily : STUMBLE b : to give way : TOTTER (蹒跚) <could feel my legs faltering> c : to move waveringly or hesitatingly 2 : to speak brokenly or weakly : STAMMER (结巴) <her voice faltered> 3 a : to hesitate in purpose or action : WAVER <he never faltered in his determination> b : to lose drive or effectiveness <the business was faltering> transitive verb : to utter hesitatingly or brokenly synonyms see HESITATE FALTER implies a wavering or stumbling and often connotes nervousness, lack of courage, or outright fear <never once faltered during her testimony>.


['fɔ:midəbl] a.可怕的;困难的 1 : causing fear, dread, or apprehension <a formidable prospect> 2 : having qualities that discourage approach or attack 3 : tending to inspire awe or wonder : IMPRESSIVE


['fɔ:rəm] n.辩论的场所,讲坛 A forum is a place, situation, or group in which people exchange ideas and discuss issues, especially important public issues.


['fɔ:sait] n.远见,深谋远虑 1 : an act or the power of foreseeing : PRESCIENCE 2 : provident care : PRUDENCE <had the foresight to invest his money wisely> 3 : an act of looking forward also : a view forward


['fɔ:sit] n.水龙头 : a fixture for drawing or regulating the flow of liquid especially from a pipe


['fɔ:tifai] v.加强防卫 transitive verb : to make strong: as a : to strengthen and secure (as a town) by forts or batteries b : to give physical strength, courage, or endurance to <fortified by a hearty meal> c : to add mental or moral strength to : ENCOURAGE <fortified by prayer> d : to add material to for strengthening or enriching <fortified milk> intransitive verb : to erect fortifications


['fɔ:titju:d] n.坚毅,坚韧不拔 1 : strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage intestinal fortitude 勇气,决心


['fɔ:wəd] a.过激的,莽撞的 1 a : near, being at, or belonging to the forepart b : situated in advance 2 a : strongly inclined : READY b : lacking modesty or reserve : BRASH 3 : notably advanced or developed : PRECOCIOUS 4 : moving, tending, or leading toward a position in front also : moving toward an opponent's goal 5 a : advocating an advanced policy in the direction of what is considered progress b : EXTREME, RADICAL 6 : of, relating to, or getting ready for the future <forward buying of produce> adverb : to or toward what is ahead or in front <from that time forward> <moved slowly forward> transitive verb 1 : to help onward : PROMOTE <forwarded his friend's career> 2 a : to send forward : TRANSMIT <will forward the goods on receipt of your check> b : to send or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit <forward mail> synonyms see ADVANCE 前锋: a player who plays at the front of his team's formation near the goal at which his team is attempting to score


['fɔ:θ'rait] a.直率的 2 : free from ambiguity or evasiveness : going straight to the point <a forthright critic> <was forthright in appraising the problem> 3 : notably simple in style or quality <forthright furniture>


['fɔibl] n.小缺点,小毛病 1 : the part of a sword or foil blade between the middle and point 2 : a minor flaw or shortcoming in character or behavior : WEAKNESS <admired their teacher despite his foibles>


['fɔpiʃ] a.浮华的,俗丽的 2 a : characteristic of a fop <a foppish dressing gown> b : behaving or dressing in the manner of a fop


['fɔridʒ] n.(牛马的)饲料,粮草;v.搜寻,翻寻 1 : food for animals especially when taken by browsing or grazing 2 [2forage] : the act of foraging : search for provisions transitive verb 1 : to strip of provisions : collect forage from 2 : to secure by foraging <foraged a chicken for the feast> intransitive verb 1 : to wander in search of forage or food 2 : to secure forage (as for horses) by stripping the country 3 : RAVAGE, RAID 4 : to make a search : RUMMAGE


['fɔridʒə] n.强征(粮食)者,抢劫者;粮草征发员;成散开横队的骑兵


['fɔristri] n.森林学;林产;林地 1 : FORESTLAND 2 a : the science of developing, caring for, or cultivating forests b : the management of growing timber


['fɔsilaiz] v.使...成为化石;使...过时 transitive verb 1 : to convert into a fossil 2 : to make outmoded(过时的 不流行的), rigid, or fixed intransitive verb : to become changed into a fossil


['fɔstə] v.培养,鼓励;领养 adjective : affording, receiving, or sharing nurture or parental care though not related by blood or legal ties transitive verb 1 : to give parental care to : NURTURE 2 : to promote the growth or development of : ENCOURAGE <fostered the college in its early years>


['fə:mənt] v./n.(使)发酵;骚动 intransitive verb 1 : to undergo fermentation 2 : to be in a state of agitation or intense activity transitive verb 1 : to cause to undergo fermentation 2 : to work up (as into a state of agitation) : FOMENT noun. 1 a : a living organism (as a yeast) that causes fermentation by virtue of its enzymes b : ENZYME 2 a : a state of unrest : AGITATION b : a process of active often disorderly development <the great period of creative ferment in literature - William Barrett>


['fə:nis] n.锅炉 : an enclosed structure in which heat is produced (as for heating a house or for reducing ore)


['fə:tail] a.多产的;肥沃的 1 a : producing or bearing fruit in great quantities : PRODUCTIVE b : characterized by great resourcefulness of thought or imagination : INVENTIVE <a fertile mind> 2 a (1) : capable of sustaining abundant plant growth <fertile soil> (2) : affording abundant possibilities for growth or development <damp bathrooms are fertile ground for fungi - Consumer Reports> <a fertile area for research> b : capable of growing or developing <a fertile egg> c (1) : capable of producing fruit (2) of an anther : containing pollen (3) : developing spores or spore-bearing organs d : capable of breeding or reproducing 3 : capable of being converted into fissionable material <fertile uranium 238>


['fə:tilaiz] v.受精,受粉;施肥 : to make fertile: as a : to apply a fertilizer to <fertilize land> b : to cause the fertilization of


['fə:tiv] a. 偷偷的,秘密的 1 a : done by stealth(秘密行动,鬼祟) : SURREPTITIOUS(偷偷摸摸的) b : expressive of stealth : SLY(诡密的,不坦率) <had a furtive look about him> 2 : obtained underhandedly(欺瞒地) : STOLEN synonyms see SECRET


['fə:vid] a.炽热的,热情的 1 : very hot : BURNING 2 : marked by often extreme fervor <a fervid crusader> synonyms see IMPASSIONED : filled with passion or zeal : showing great warmth or intensity of feeling synonyms IMPASSIONED, PASSIONATE, ARDENT, FERVENT, FERVID, PERFERVID mean showing intense feeling. FERVID suggests warmly and spontaneously and often feverishly expressed emotion <fervid love letters>.


['fə:və] n.热诚,热心 1 : intensity of feeling or expression <booing and cheering with almost equal fervor - Alan Rich> 2 : intense heat


['fəuklɔ:] n.民间传说;民俗学 1 : traditional customs, tales, sayings, dances, or art forms preserved among a people 2 : a branch of knowledge that deals with folklore 3 : an often unsupported notion, story, or saying that is widely circulated


['fʌlmineit] v.猛烈抨击,严厉谴责 transitive verb : to utter or send out with denunciation(公开指责;指控) <fulminate a decree> intransitive verb : to send forth censures(责难,非难) or invectives(辱骂;抨击) : an often explosive salt (as mercury fulminate) containing the group -CNO


['fʌmbl] v.摸索,笨拙搜寻;弄乱,搞糟 intransitive verb 1 a : to grope for or handle something clumsily or aimlessly b : to make awkward attempts to do or find something <fumbled in his pocket for a coin> c : to search by trial and error d : BLUNDER 2 : to feel one's way or move awkwardly 3 a : to drop or juggle or fail to play cleanly a grounder b : to lose hold of a football while handling or running with it transitive verb 1 : to bring about by clumsy manipulation 2 a : to feel or handle clumsily b : to deal with in a blundering way : BUNGLE(办糟) 3 : to make (one's way) in a clumsy manner 4 a : MISPLAY <fumble a grounder> b : to lose hold of (a football) while handling or running


['fʌndʒai] n.菌类,蘑菇


['fʌndʒisaid] n.杀真菌剂 : an agent that destroys fungi or inhibits their growth


['fʌrəu] n.犁沟;皱纹 1 a : a trench in the earth made by a plow b : plowed land : FIELD 2 : something that resembles the track of a plow: as a : a marked narrow depression : GROOVE(凹槽) b : a deep wrinkle(皱纹) <furrows in his brow>


['fʌsi] a.爱挑剔的 1 : easily upset : IRRITABLE 2 : overly decorative <a fussy wallpaper pattern> 3 a : requiring or giving close attention to details <fussy bookkeeping (记账) procedures> b : revealing a sometimes extreme concern for niceties : FASTIDIOUS(难取悦的;挑剔的), PICKY


['fʌsti] a.陈腐的,霉臭的 1 British : impaired by age or dampness : MOLDY(发霉的) 2 : saturated with dust and stale(不新鲜的,陈腐的) odors : MUSTY 3 : rigidly old-fashioned or reactionary(反动的,反对变革的) synonyms see MALODOROUS


['fʌŋkʃənl] a.起作用的,能运转的;实用的 1 a : of, connected with, or being a function b : affecting physiological or psychological functions but not organic structure <functional heart disease> 2 : used to contribute to the development or maintenance of a larger whole <functional and practical school courses> also : designed or developed chiefly from the point of view of use <functional clothing> 3 : performing or able to perform a regular function


['gaillis] a.厚道的,老实的 : INNOCENT, NAIVE If you describe someone as guileless, you mean that they behave openly and truthfully and do not try to deceive people. (WRITTEN)


['gidi] a.轻浮的,不严肃的 1 a : DIZZY(晕眩的) <giddy from the unaccustomed exercise> b : causing dizziness <a giddy height> c : whirling rapidly 2 a : lightheartedly silly : FRIVOLOUS(轻浮的,琐屑的) b : joyfully elated : EUPHORIC(欣快的)


['gigl] v.咯咯笑 intransitive verb : to laugh with repeated short catches of the breath transitive verb : to utter with a giggle 1 : the act of giggling 2 chiefly British : a source of amusement


['gilti] a.有罪的 1 : justly chargeable with or responsible for a usually grave breach(违背,不履行) of conduct or a crime 3 a : suggesting or involving guilt <guilty looks> b : aware of or suffering from guilt <guilty consciences>


['gimik] n.吸引人的花招,噱头 1 a : a mechanical device for secretly and dishonestly controlling gambling apparatus b : an ingenious or novel mechanical device : GADGET 2 a : an important feature that is not immediately apparent : CATCH b : an ingenious and usually new scheme or angle c : a trick or device used to attract business or attention <a marketing gimmick> transitive verb 1 : to alter or influence by means of a gimmick 2 : to provide with a gimmick - often used with up


['glauə] v.怒目而视 : to look or stare with sullen(忧郁的) annoyance or anger noun : a sullen brooding look of annoyance or anger


['gleisjəl] a.冰期的,冰河期的;寒冷的 1 : suggestive of ice: as a : extremely cold : FRIGID <a glacial wind> b : devoid of warmth and cordiality(诚恳,热忱) <a glacial handshake> c : coldly imperturbable(沉着的) <maintained a glacial calm> 2 : of a purity marked by the tendency to readily solidify in the form of ice-like crystals <glacial acetic acid> 3 b : of, relating to, or produced by glaciers c : suggestive of the very slow movement of glaciers <progress on the bill has been glacial>


['glu:mi] a.阴暗的;没有希望的;阴郁的 1 a : partially or totally dark especially : dismally and depressingly dark <gloomy weather> b : having a frowning or scowling(愁容) appearance : FORBIDDING <a gloomy countenance(面容,表情)> c : low in spirits : MELANCHOLY(忧郁的) 2 a : causing gloom : DEPRESSING <a gloomy story> <a gloomy landscape> b : lacking in promise or hopefulness : PESSIMISTIC <gloomy prophecies(预言,先兆)> <a gloomy future> synonyms see DISMAL, SULLEN


['glædieitə] n.角斗士,与野兽搏斗者 1 : a person engaged in a fight to the death as public entertainment for ancient Romans 2 : a person engaging in a public fight or controversy 3 : a trained fighter especially : a professional boxer


['glɔsi] a.有光泽的,光滑的 1 : having a surface luster or brightness <rich glossy leather> <glossy paper> 2 : attractive in an artificially opulent(富裕的), sophisticated, or smoothly captivating manner : SLICK <lots of glossy and phony(伪善的) chatter>


['glɔsəri] n.词汇表;难词表 : a collection of textual glosses or of specialized terms with their meanings


['gləuiŋ] a.热情赞扬的 A glowing description or opinion about someone or something praises them highly or supports them strongly.


['greitful] a.感激的 1 a : appreciative of benefits received b : expressing gratitude <grateful thanks> 2 a : affording pleasure or contentment : PLEASING b : pleasing by reason of comfort supplied or discomfort alleviated


['greitiŋ] a.(声音)刺耳的;恼人的 noun A grating is a flat metal frame with rows of bars across it, which is fastened over a window or over a hole in a wall or the ground. adjective A grating sound is harsh and unpleasant.


['greiʃəs] a.大方的,和善的;奢华的 2 a : marked by kindness and courtesy <a gracious host> b : GRACEFUL c : marked by tact and delicacy : URBANE(彬彬有礼的) d : characterized by charm, good taste, generosity of spirit, and the tasteful leisure of wealth and good breeding <gracious living> 3 : MERCIFUL, COMPASSIONATE - used conventionally of royalty and high nobility


['gri:nhaus] n.花房,温室 adjective : of, relating to, contributing to, or caused by the greenhouse effect <greenhouse warming> <greenhouse gases>


['gri:vəns] n.委屈,抱怨 2 : a cause of distress (as an unsatisfactory working condition) felt to afford reason for complaint or resistance 3 : the formal expression of a grievance : COMPLAINT synonyms see INJUSTICE


['gri:vəs] a.严重伤害的 1 : causing or characterized by severe pain, suffering, or sorrow <a grievous wound> <a grievous loss> 2 : OPPRESSIVE(压制性的,压迫的,沉重的,难以忍受的), ONEROUS(繁重的, 费力的) <grievous costs of war> 3 : SERIOUS, GRAVE <grievous fault>


['grisl] n.软骨;肉中难吃的硬组织 : CARTILAGE broadly : tough cartilaginous, tendinous, or fibrous matter especially in table meats


['grizli] a.恐怖的,可怕的 1 : inspiring horror or intense fear <houses that were dark and grisly under the blank, cold sky - D. H. Lawrence> 2 : inspiring disgust or distaste <a grisly account of the fire> synonyms see GHASTLY


['gruəliŋ] a.繁重而累人的 : trying or taxing to the point of exhaustion : PUNISHING <a grueling race>


['grædʒuətid] a.按等级(高度,困难等)分的 of a tax : increasing in rate with increase in taxable base : PROGRESSIVE <a graduated income tax> Graduated means increasing by regular amounts or grades. The US military wants to avoid the graduated escalation that marked the Vietnam War. Graduated jars are marked with lines and numbers which show particular measurements.


['græfait] n.石墨


['græfik] a.图表的;生动的 adjective 2 : formed by writing, drawing, or engraving 3 usually graphic a : marked by clear lifelike or vividly realistic description b : vividly or plainly(显而易见的) shown or described <a graphic sex scene> 4 usually graphical : of, relating to, or represented by a graph


['grændiəus] a.宏伟的;夸大的 1 : characterized by affectation(做作,虚假) of grandeur or splendor or by absurd exaggeration 2 : impressive because of uncommon largeness, scope, effect, or grandeur synonyms see GRAND


['grændstænd] n.大看台;v.哗众取宠 noun: 1 : a usually roofed stand for spectators at a racecourse or stadium 2 : AUDIENCE adjective : done for show or to impress onlookers <a grandstand play> intransitive verb : to play or act so as to impress onlookers


['grændʒə] n.壮丽,伟大 1 : the quality or state of being grand : MAGNIFICENCE <the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome - E. A. Poe> 2 : an instance or example of grandeur If something such as a building or a piece of scenery has grandeur, it is impressive because of its size, its beauty, or its power. Someone's grandeur is the great importance and social status that they have, or think they have.


['grænit] n.花岗石 1 : a very hard natural igneous rock(火成) formation of visibly crystalline texture formed essentially of quartz and orthoclase or microcline and used especially for building and for monuments 2 : unyielding firmness or endurance <the cold granite of Puritan formalism - V. L. Parrington>


['grætifai] v.使高兴,使满足 2 : to be a source of or give pleasure or satisfaction to <it gratified him to have his wife wear jewels - Willa Cather> 3 : to give in to : INDULGE, SATISFY <gratify a whim(突发奇想)>


['grætitju:d] n.感激 : the state of being grateful : THANKFULNESS


['grævəl] n.碎石,砂砾 2 a : loose rounded fragments of rock b : a stratum or deposit of gravel also : a surface covered with gravel <a gravel road> 3 : small calculi in the kidneys and urinary bladder(肾结石) transitive verb 1 : to cover or spread with gravel 2 a : PERPLEX, CONFOUND(混淆) b : IRRITATE, NETTLE(烦忧,激恼) <disappointed and graveled him a good deal - Mark Twain> adjective used of the human voice : having a rough or grating(刺耳的) sound <a gravel voice>


['grɑ:spiŋ] a.贪心的,贪婪的 : desiring material possessions urgently and excessively and often to the point of ruthlessness(残忍,冷酷)


['grɔvl] v.摇尾乞怜,奴颜婢膝 1 : to creep with the face to the ground : CRAWL 2 a : to lie or creep with the body prostrate(拜倒的,降伏的) in token of(作为...的标志) subservience(奉承) or abasement(贬低) b : to abase oneself 3 : to give oneself over to what is base or unworthy : WALLOW <groveling in self-pity>


['grʌmbl] v.喃喃诉苦,发怨言 intransitive verb 1 : to mutter in discontent 2 : GROWL(咆哮,吼叫), RUMBLE(发出持续的低沉的隆隆的声音) transitive verb : to express with grumbling


['guru:] n.古鲁(印度的宗教领袖);(受尊敬的)教师或权威 1 : a personal religious teacher and spiritual guide in Hinduism 2 a : a teacher and especially intellectual guide in matters of fundamental concern b : one who is an acknowledged leader or chief proponent(辩论支持某事的人) c : a person with knowledge or expertise : EXPERT


['guəmənd] n.嗜食者 1 : one who is excessively fond of eating and drinking 2 : one who is heartily interested in good food and drink synonyms see EPICURE


['gædflai] n.虻,牛虻;讨厌的人 1 : any of various flies (as a horsefly, botfly, or warble fly) that bite or annoy livestock 2 : a person who stimulates or annoys especially by persistent criticism If you refer to someone as a gadfly, you believe that they deliberately annoy or challenge other people, especially people in authority.


['gædʒit,'gædʒət] n.小工具,小机械 : an often small mechanical or electronic device with a practical use but often thought of as a novelty You sometimes refer to something as a gadget when you are suggesting that it is complicated and unnecessary.


['gægl] n.鹅群 1 : FLOCK especially : a flock of geese when not in flight 2 : a group, aggregation, or cluster lacking organization <a gaggle of reporters and photographers> 3 : an indefinite number <participated in a gaggle of petty crimes>


['gælvənaiz] v.电镀;通电;激励 transitive verb 1 a : to subject to the action of an electric current especially for the purpose of stimulating physiologically <galvanize a muscle> b : to stimulate or excite as if by an electric shock <an issue that would galvanize public opinion> 2 : to coat (iron or steel) with zinc especially : to immerse in molten zinc to produce a coating of zinc-iron alloy intransitive verb : to react as if stimulated by an electric shock <they galvanized into action>


['gæləksi] n.(银河)星群;显赫的人群 1 a often capitalized : MILKY WAY GALAXY - used with the b : any of the very large groups of stars and associated matter that are found throughout the universe 2 a : an assemblage of brilliant or notable persons or things <a galaxy of artists> b : WORLD 11 : an indefinite multitude or a great quantity or distance <makes a galaxy of difference> <a galaxy away> <remained galaxies apart on the issue - Newsweek>


['gæmbl] v./n.赌博;孤注一掷 intransitive verb 1 a : to play a game for money or property b : to bet on an uncertain outcome 2 : to stake something on a contingency(偶发事件) : take a chance transitive verb 1 : to risk by gambling : WAGER(打赌,押注) 2 : VENTURE, HAZARD(冒险)


['gæmbəl] n./v.雀跃;嬉戏 : to skip about in play : FRISK, FROLIC(嬉戏;雀跃) : a skipping or leaping about in play


['gæruləs] a.唠叨的,多话的 1 : given to prosy(单调的), rambling(杂乱无章的), or tedious(冗长的) loquacity : pointlessly or annoyingly talkative 2 : WORDY 1 <garrulous speeches> synonyms see TALKATIVE


['gæsiəs] a.似气体的 1 : having the form of or being gas also : of or relating to gases 2 a : lacking substance or solidity b : GASSY 3 characterized by many words but little content : emptily verbose(冗长罗嗦的) <trick phrases and gaseous circumlocutions -Edwin Newman>


['gævəl] n.(法官所用的)槌,小木槌 : a mallet used (as by a presiding officer or auctioneer) for commanding attention or confirming an action (as a vote or sale) transitive verb : to bring or force by use of a gavel <gaveled the audience to silence>


['gæŋwei] n.(上下船的)跳板 1 : PASSAGEWAY especially : a temporary way of planks 2 a : either of the sides of the upper deck of a ship b : the opening by which a ship is boarded c : GANGPLANK(跳板,踏板) 3 British : AISLE 4 a : a cross aisle dividing the front benches from the backbenches in the British House of Commons b : an aisle in the British House of Commons that separates government and opposition benches 5 : a clear passage through a crowd - often used as an interjection(something you say which interrupts someone else who is speaking.)


['gɑ:gɔil] n.(雕刻成怪兽状的)滴水嘴;面貌丑恶的人 1 a : a spout(喷嘴) in the form of a grotesque(奇异的) human or animal figure projecting from a roof gutter to throw rainwater clear of a building b : a grotesquely carved figure 2 : a person with an ugly face


['gɑ:niʃ] v.装饰 1 a : DECORATE, EMBELLISH b : to add decorative or savory touches to (food or drink) 2 : to equip with accessories : FURNISH 3 : GARNISHEE 1 : to serve with a garnishment 2 : to take (as a debtor's wages) by legal authority synonyms see ADORN GARNISH suggests decorating with a small final touch and is used especially in referring to the serving of food <an entrée garnished with parsley>. noun. 1 : EMBELLISHMENT, ORNAMENT 2 : something (as lemon wedges or parsley) used to garnish food or drink 3 a : an unauthorized fee formerly extorted(勒索,敲诈)from a new inmate of an English jail b : a similar payment required of a new worker


['gɑ:nə] v.收藏,积累 1 a : to gather into storage b : to deposit as if in a granary <volumes in which he has garnered the fruits of his lifetime labors - Reinhold Niebuhr> 2 a : to acquire by effort : EARN b : ACCUMULATE, COLLECT


['gɔ:di] a.俗丽的 1 : ostentatiously or tastelessly ornamented 2 : marked by extravagance or sometimes tasteless showiness : OUTLANDISH(古怪的, 奇异的) <gaudy lies> <gaudy claims> also : EXCEPTIONAL <a gaudy batting average>


['gɔspəl] n.教义,信条 1 c : an interpretation of the Christian message <the social gospel> 3 : the message or teachings of a religious teacher 4 : something accepted or promoted as infallible(绝对可靠的) truth or as a guiding principle or doctrine(教义) <took her words as gospel> <spreading the gospel of conservation - R. M. Hodesh> 5 : gospel music adjective 1 a : having a basis in or being in accordance with the gospel : EVANGELICAL(信福音主义者) <ordained to the gospel ministry - Christian Century> b : marked by special or fervid(炽热的;热情的) emphasis on the gospel <a gospel meeting> \ 2 : of, relating to, or being religious songs of American origin associated with evangelism and popular devotion and marked by simple melody and harmony and elements of folk songs and blues


['gɔsəmə] n.蛛丝;薄纱;a.轻而薄的 1 : a film of cobwebs floating in air in calm clear weather 2 : something light, delicate, or insubstantial(无实体的) <the gossamer of youth's dreams ― Andrea Parke> adjective : extremely light, delicate, or tenuous


['gə:də] n.大梁 A girder is a long, thick piece of steel or iron that is used in the framework of buildings and bridges.


['gəuldbrik] v.逃避责任,偷懒 noun 1 a : a worthless brick that appears to be of gold b : something that appears to be valuable but is actually worthless 2 : a person who shirks(逃避,规避) assigned work intransitive verb : to shirk duty or responsibility


['gʌli] n.雨水冲成的沟壑 1 : a trench(沟渠) which was orig. worn in the earth by running water and through which water often runs after rains 2 : a small valley or gulch(深谷,峡谷)


['gʌlibl] a.易受骗的 : easily duped or cheated


['gʌstətəri] a.味觉的,品尝的 : relating to or associated with eating or the sense of taste


['gʌtə] n.水槽;街沟 1 a : a trough along the eaves to catch and carry off rainwater b : a low area (as at the edge of a street) to carry off surface water (as to a sewer(下水道)) c : a trough(槽) or groove to catch and direct something <the gutters of a bowling alley> 2 : a white space formed by the adjoining inside margins of two facing pages (as of a book) 3 : the lowest or most vulgar level or condition of human life transitive verb 1 : to cut or wear gutters in 2 : to provide with a gutter intransitive verb 1 a : to flow in rivulets(小溪) b of a candle : to melt away through a channel out of the side of the cup hollowed out by the burning wick 2 : to incline downward in a draft <the candle flame guttering>


['gʌzl] v.大吃大喝 intransitive verb : to drink especially liquor greedily, continually, or habitually transitive verb 1 : to drink greedily or habitually <guzzle beer> 2 : CONSUME, USE UP <devices that guzzle electricity>


['haibrau] n.自以为文化修养很高的人 : a person who possesses or has pretensions to superior learning or culture If you say that a book or discussion is highbrow, you mean that it is intellectual, academic, and is often difficult to understand.


['haidbaund] a.顽固的,心胸狭窄的 1 of a domestic animal : having a dry skin lacking in pliancy(柔软) and adhering closely to the underlying flesh 2 : having an inflexible or ultraconservative character


['haidreit] n.水化物;v.水化 : a compound formed by the union of water with some other substance transitive verb 1 : to cause to take up or combine with water or the elements of water 2 : to supply with ample fluid or moisture <hydrates and softens the skin> intransitive verb : to become a hydrate


['haidrənt] n.(消防)水龙头;消防栓 1 : a discharge pipe with a valve and spout at which water may be drawn from a water main (as for fighting fires) - called also fireplug 2 : FAUCET(水龙头)


['haiərɑ:ki] n.阶层;等级制度 3 : a body of persons in authority 4 : the classification of a group of people according to ability or to economic, social, or professional standing also : the group so classified 5 : a graded or ranked series <a hierarchy of values> The hierarchy of an organization such as the Church is the group of people who manage and control it. A hierarchy of ideas and beliefs involves organizing them into a system or structure. (FORMAL)


['haiərəglif] n.象形文字,图画文字 1 : a character used in a system of hieroglyphic writing 2 : something that resembles a hieroglyph


['hedlɔŋ] adj./adv.轻率的(地),迅猛的(地) adverb. 1 : HEADFIRST 1 with the head foremost <dove headfirst into the waves> 2 : without deliberation : RECKLESSLY <rushes headlong into danger> 3 : without pause or delay adjective 2 : lacking in calmness or restraint : PRECIPITATE(匆忙的,鲁莽的) <a headlong torrent of emotion> 3 : plunging headfirst synonyms see PRECIPITATE


['hedstrɔŋ] a.刚愎自用的 1 : not easily restrained : impatient of control, advice, or suggestions <a headstrong businessman> 2 : directed by ungovernable will <violent headstrong actions> synonyms see UNRULY


['hedwei] n.进步,进展 1 a : motion or rate of motion in a forward direction b : ADVANCE, PROGRESS 2 : headroom (as under an arch) sufficient to allow passage 3 : the time interval between two vehicles traveling in the same direction on the same route


['heinəs] a.十恶不赦的 : hatefully or shockingly evil : ABOMINABLE


['heisn] v.催促,促进 intransitive verb : to move or act quickly transitive verb 1 : to urge on <hastened her to the door - A. J. Cronin> 2 : ACCELERATE <hasten the coming of a new order - D. W. Brogan>


['heisti] a.急急忙忙的 1 b : done or made in a hurry c : fast and typically superficial <made a hasty examination of the wound> 2 : EAGER, IMPATIENT 3 : PRECIPITATE(鲁莽的;突然发生的), RASH(轻率的;鲁莽的) 4 : prone to anger : IRRITABLE synonyms see FAST


['heivn] n.安息所,避难所 1 : HARBOR, PORT 2 : a place of safety : REFUGE 3 : a place offering favorable opportunities or conditions <a haven for artists>


['heksəgən] n.六角形,六边形 : a polygon of six angles and six sides


['hektə] v.凌辱,威吓 2 : BULLY, BReGGeRT intrensitive verb : to pley the bully(欺凌弱小者) : SWEGGER trensitive verb : to intimidete or heress by bluster or personel pressure synonyms see BAIT


['helmit] n.头盔,钢盔 1 : a covering or enclosing headpiece of ancient or medieval armor see ARMOR illustration 2 : any of various protective head coverings usually made of a hard material to resist impact 3 : something resembling a helmet


['heməridʒ] n.出血(尤指大出血) 1 : a copious discharge of blood from the blood vessels 2 : a rapid and uncontrollable loss or outflow <a financial hemorrhage> intransitive verb : to undergo heavy or uncontrollable bleeding transitive verb : to lose rapidly and uncontrollably <hemorrhage money>


['herəsi] n.异端邪说 1 a : adherence to a religious opinion contrary to church dogma c : an opinion or doctrine contrary to church dogma 2 a : dissent or deviation from a dominant theory, opinion, or practice b : an opinion, doctrine, or practice contrary to the truth or to generally accepted beliefs or standards


['herətik] n.异教徒 1 : a dissenter(持异议者) from established religious dogma especially : a baptized(施洗礼的) member of the Roman Catholic Church who disavows(否认) a revealed truth 2 : one who dissents from an accepted belief or doctrine : NONCONFORMIST


['hetərəudɔks] a.异端的,非正统的 1 : contrary to or different from an acknowledged standard, a traditional form, or an established religion : UNORTHODOX, UNCONVENTIONAL <a heterodox spirituality> <heterodox ideas> 2 : holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines


['hevi'hændidnis] n.笨拙,粗劣 笨手笨脚 【反】finesse(n 精密技巧;策略手段)


['hi:dəunist] n.享乐主义者 1 : the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life 2 : a way of life based on or suggesting the principles of hedonism


['hi:məstæt] n.止血器;止血剂 : HEMOSTATIC especially : an instrument for compressing a bleeding vessel


['hidiəs] a.讨厌的,丑恶的 1 : offensive to the senses and especially to sight : exceedingly ugly 2 : morally offensive : SHOCKING


['hində] v.阻碍,妨碍 transitive verb 1 : to make slow or difficult the progress of : HAMPER 2 : to hold back : CHECK intransitive verb : to delay, impede, or prevent action


['hju:mə] v.纵容,迁就 noun 1 a : a normal functioning bodily semifluid or fluid (as the blood or lymph) b : a secretion (as a hormone) that is an excitant of activity 2 b : characteristic or habitual disposition or bent : TEMPERAMENT(气质) <of cheerful humor> c : an often temporary state of mind imposed especially by circumstances <was in no humor to listen> d : a sudden, unpredictable, or unreasoning inclination : WHIM <the uncertain humors of nature> 3 a : that quality which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous(荒唐可笑的) or absurdly incongruous(不协调的) b : the mental faculty of discovering, expressing, or appreciating the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous c : something that is or is designed to be comical or amusing synonyms see WIT transitive verb 1 : to soothe(抚慰) or content by indulgence(放纵,纵容) 2 : to adapt oneself to synonyms see INDULGE


['hælsiən] a.平静的;愉快的 noun. 2 : KINGFISHER(翠鸟) adjective 1 : of or relating to the halcyon or its nesting period 2 a : CALM, PEACEFUL b : HAPPY, GOLDEN c : PROSPEROUS, AFFLUENT


['hæləud] a.神圣的 1 : HOLY, CONSECRATED <the church stands on hallowed ground> 2 : SACRED, REVERED <the university's hallowed halls> <hallowed customs>


['hæmpə] v.妨碍,阻挠;n.有盖提篮 1 a : to restrict the movement of by bonds or obstacles : IMPEDE b : to interfere with the operation of : DISRUPT 2 a : CURB(控制,抑制), RESTRAIN b : to interfere with : ENCUMBER(阻碍;妨碍)


['hændl] n.柄,把手;v.处理 5 : the total amount of money bet on a race, game, or event 6 : a means of understanding or controlling <can't quite get a handle on things> off the handle : into a state of sudden and violent transitive verb 1 a : to try or examine (as by touching, feeling, or moving) with the hand <handle silk to judge its weight> b : to manage with the hands <handle a horse> 2 a : to deal with in writing or speaking or in the plastic arts b : to have overall responsibility for supervising or directing : MANAGE <a lawyer handles all my affairs> c : to train and act as second for (a boxer) d : to put up with : STAND <can't handle the heat> 3 : to act on or perform a required function with regard to <handle the day's mail> 4 : to engage in the buying, selling, or distributing of (a commodity) intransitive verb : to act, behave, or respond in a certain way when handled or directed <a car that handles well>


['hæp'hæzəd] a.任意的 noun : CHANCE 1 a : something that happens unpredictably without discernible human intention or observable cause b : the assumed impersonal purposeless determiner of unaccountable happenings : LUCK <an outcome decided by haphazard> c : the fortuitous or incalculable element in existence : CONTINGENCY(偶然) : marked by lack of plan, order, or direction synonyms see RANDOM


['hæridən] n.凶恶的老妇,老巫婆 If you call a woman a harridan, you mean that she is unpleasant and speaks too forcefully. (FORMAL)


['hærəs] v.侵扰,烦忧 1 a : EXHAUST, FATIGUE b (1) : to annoy persistently (2) : to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct 2 : to worry and impede by repeated raids <harassed the enemy> synonyms see WORRY HARASS implies petty persecutions or burdensome demands that exhaust one's nervous or mental power <harassed on all sides by creditors>.


['hærəu] n.耙;v.使痛苦 : a cultivating implement set with spikes, spring teeth, or disks and used primarily for pulverizing and smoothing the soil 1 : to cultivate with a harrow 2 : TORMENT, VEX(使烦恼,使恼怒)


['hævək] n.大破坏,混乱 noun 1 : wide and general destruction : DEVASTATION 2 : great confusion and disorder <the blackout caused havoc in the city> transitive verb : to lay waste : DESTROY


['hæzəd] n.危险 2 : a source of danger 3 a : CHANCE, RISK b : a chance event : ACCIDENT at hazard : at stake(处于成败关头) transitive verb : VENTURE, RISK <hazard a guess as to the outcome>


['hæzədəs] a.危险的 1 : depending on hazard or chance 2 : involving or exposing one to risk (as of loss or harm) <a hazardous occupation> <disposing of hazardous waste> synonyms see DANGEROUS


['hæŋkəriŋ] n.渴望 A hankering for something is a desire or longing for it. hanker : to have a strong or persistent desire : YEARN - often used with for or after synonyms see LONG


['hæŋə] n.飞机库 : SHELTER, SHED especially : a covered and usually enclosed area for housing and repairing aircraft transitive verb : to place or store in a hangar


['hɑ:bindʒə] n.先驱,先兆 2 a : one that pioneers in or initiates a major change : PRECURSOR b : one that presages(预感,预兆) or foreshadows what is to come synonyms see FORERUNNER(预兆 前兆 先驱) transitive verb : to be a harbinger of : PRESAGE


['hɑ:bə] n.港,避难所;v.包庇,隐匿 1 : a place of security and comfort : REFUGE 2 : a part of a body of water protected and deep enough to furnish anchorage especially : one with port facilities transitive verb 1 a : to give shelter or refuge to b : to be the home or habitat of <the ledges still harbor rattlesnakes> broadly : CONTAIN 2 a : to have within : HOLD b : COMPRISE, INCLUDE <the bill harbors several new clauses> 2 : to hold especially persistently in the mind : CHERISH <harbored a grudge> intransitive verb 1 : to take shelter in or as if in a harbor 2 : LIVE


['hɑ:dn] v.变硬,变坚强 2 : to confirm in disposition, feelings, or action especially : to make callous <hardened his heart> 3 a : INURE, TOUGHEN <harden troops> b : to inure(使习惯) to unfavorable environmental conditions (as cold) - often used with off <harden off seedlings before transplanting> 4 : to protect from blast, heat, or radiation (as by a thick barrier or placement underground) intransitive verb 1 : to become hard or harder 2 a : to become firm, stable, or settled b : to assume an appearance of harshness or severity <her face hardened at the thought> 3 : to become gradually acclimatized to unfavorable conditions - often used with off <plants hardened off before the first frost>


['hɑ:f'hɑ:tid] a.不认真的,不热心的 : lacking heart, spirit, or interest


['hɑ:məni] n.相符,一致;协调,匀称 2 a : the combination of simultaneous musical notes in a chord b : the structure of music with respect to the composition and progression of chords c : the science of the structure, relation, and progression of chords 3 a : pleasing or congruent arrangement of parts <a painting exhibiting harmony of color and line> b : CORRESPONDENCE, ACCORD <lives in harmony with her neighbors> c : internal calm : TRANQUILLITY 4 a : an interweaving of different accounts into a single narrative b : a systematic arrangement of parallel literary passages (as of the Gospels) for the purpose of showing agreement or harmony


['hɑ:nis] n.马具;v.束以马具;利用 noun 1 a : the gear other than a yoke of a draft animal b : GEAR, EQUIPMENT especially : military equipment for a horse or man 2 a : occupational surroundings or routine <get back into harness after a vacation> b : close association <ability to work in harness with others - R. P. Brooks> 3 a : something that resembles a harness (as in holding or fastening something) <a parachute(降落伞) harness> b : prefabricated wiring with insulation and terminals ready to be attached transitive verb 1 a : to put a harness on b : to attach by means of a harness 2 : to tie together : YOKE 3 : UTILIZE <harness the computer's potential>


['hɑ:tn] v.鼓励,激励 : to give heart to : CHEER If someone is heartened by something, it encourages them and makes them cheerful. = cheer synonyms see ENCOURAGE HEARTEN implies the lifting of dispiritedness or despondency by an infusion of fresh courage or zeal <a hospital patient heartened by good news>.


['hɔ:lmɑ:k] n.(在金银上的)纯度印记;特征 1 a : an official mark stamped on gold and silver articles in England to attest their purity b : a mark or device placed or stamped on an article of trade to indicate origin, purity, or genuineness 2 : a distinguishing characteristic, trait, or feature <the dramatic flourishes which are the hallmark of the trial lawyer - Marion K. Sanders>


['hɔ:ri] a.(头发)灰白的;古老的 1 : gray or white with or as if with age 2 : extremely old : ANCIENT <hoary legends>


['hɔ:ti] a.傲慢的,自大的 : blatantly and disdainfully proud synonyms see PROUD HAUGHTY suggests a consciousness of superior birth or position <a haughty aristocrat>. PROUD may suggest an assumed superiority or loftiness <too proud to take charity>. DISDAINFUL suggests a more active and openly scornful superciliousness(傲慢) <disdainful of their social inferiors>.


['hɔ:tikʌltʃə] n.园艺学 : the science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants


['hɔ:tətiv] a.激励的 : giving exhortation(劝告) : ADVISORY


['hɔmidʒ] n.效忠,崇敬 1 a : a feudal(封建) ceremony by which a man acknowledges himself the vassal(封臣) of a lord b : the relationship between a feudal lord and his vassal c : an act done or payment made in meeting the obligations of vassalage(家臣身份) 2 a : expression of high regard : RESPECT - often used with pay b : something that shows respect or attests(证明) to the worth or influence of another : TRIBUTE(贡物;颂词) <his long life filled with international homages to his unique musical talent - People> synonyms see HONOR


['hɔspitəbl] a.豁达的 1 a : given to generous and cordial(热诚而友好的) reception of guests b : promising or suggesting generous and cordial welcome c : offering a pleasant or sustaining environment 2 : readily receptive : OPEN <hospitable to new ideas>


['hə:sju:t] a.多毛的 1 : HAIRY 1 a : covered with hair or hairlike material b : having a downy(绒柔的) fuzz on the stems and leaves 2 : covered with coarse stiff hairs <a hirsute leaf>


['həulstə] n.手枪皮套 : a leather or fabric case for carrying a firearm on the person (as on the hip or chest), on a saddle, or in a vehicle broadly : a case for carrying a usually small item on the person <a knife holster> <a heart monitor carried in a hip holster>


['hʌkstə] n.叫卖小贩,零售商 1 : HAWKER(沿街叫卖的小贩), PEDDLER(小贩) 2 : one who produces promotional material for commercial clients especially for radio or television intransitive verb : HAGGLE(讨价还价) transitive verb 1 : to deal in or bargain over 2 : to promote by showmanship


['hʌmbl] a.卑微的;v.使谦卑 1 : not proud or haughty(傲慢自大的) : not arrogant or assertive(过分自信的) 2 : reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission <a humble apology> 3 a : ranking low in a hierarchy or scale : INSIGNIFICANT, UNPRETENTIOUS(不炫耀的, 谦逊的) b : not costly or luxurious <a humble contraption(奇妙的装置)>


['hʌmdrʌm] a.单调的,乏味的 : MONOTONOUS, DULL If you describe someone or something as humdrum, you mean that they are ordinary, dull, or boring.


['hʌrikən] n.飓风 2 : something resembling a hurricane especially in its turmoil(骚动,混乱) adjective : having or being a glass chimney providing protection from wind <a hurricane lamp>


['idil] n.田园生活;田园诗 1 a : a simple descriptive work in poetry or prose that deals with rustic life or pastoral scenes or suggests a mood of peace and contentment b : a narrative poem (as Tennyson's Idylls of the King) treating an epic, romantic, or tragic theme 2 a : a lighthearted carefree episode that is a fit subject for an idyll b : a romantic interlude


['idiəm] n.习语,语言的习惯用法;特色 1 a : the language peculiar to a people or to a district, community, or class : DIALECT b : the syntactical, grammatical, or structural form peculiar to a language 3 : a style or form of artistic expression that is characteristic of an individual, a period or movement, or a medium or instrument <the modern jazz idiom> broadly : MANNER, STYLE <a new culinary(烹调的) idiom>


['igniəs] a.火的,火绒的 1 : of, relating to, or resembling fire : FIERY 2 a : relating to, resulting from, or suggestive of the intrusion or extrusion of magma(岩浆) or volcanic activity b : formed by solidification of magma <igneous rock>


['ignərənt] a.无知的,愚昧的 1 a : destitute(极度缺乏的) of knowledge or education <an ignorant society> also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors> 2 : UNAWARE, UNINFORMED synonyms IGNORANT, ILLITERATE, UNLETTERED, UNTUTORED, UNLEARNED mean not having knowledge. IGNORANT may imply a general condition or it may apply to lack of knowledge or awareness of a particular thing <an ignorant fool> <ignorant of nuclear physics>.


['iləstreit] v.为...作插图或图表;说明,阐明 transitive verb 3 a : to make clear : CLARIFY b : to make clear by giving or by serving as an example or instance c : to provide with visual features intended to explain or decorate <illustrate a book> 4 : to show clearly : DEMONSTRATE intransitive verb : to give an example or instance


['impækt] n.冲击,影响 transitive verb 1 a : to fix firmly by or as if by packing or wedging(楔入) b : to press together 2 a : to have a direct effect or impact on : impinge on b : to strike forcefully also : to cause to strike forcefully intransitive verb 1 : to have an impact - often used with on 2 : to impinge or make contact especially forcefully 1 a : an impinging or striking especially of one body against another b : a forceful contact or onset also : the impetus(推动力;刺激) communicated in or as if in such a contact 2 : the force of impression of one thing on another : a significant or major effect <the impact of science on our society> <an environmental impact study> synonyms IMPACT, COLLISION, SHOCK, CONCUSSION mean a forceful, even violent contact between two or more things. IMPACT may be used to imply contact between two things, at least one of which is impelled(迫使,推动,推进) toward the other <the glass shattered on impact with the floor>.


['imənənt] a.内在的;普遍存在的 1 : INDWELLING(存于内心中的), INHERENT(固有的) <beauty is not something imposed but something immanent - Anthony Burgess> 2 : being within the limits of possible experience or knowledge ― compare TRANSCENDENT


['iməuleit] v.牺牲,焚祭 1 : to offer in sacrifice especially : to kill as a sacrificial victim 2 : to kill or destroy often by fire


['kauntəfit] v.伪造,仿造 Counterfeit money, goods, or documents are not genuine, but have been made to look exactly like genuine ones in order to deceive people. = fake Counterfeit is also a noun.= fake If someone counterfeits something, they make a version of it that is not genuine but has been made to look genuine in order to deceive people. a. 1 : made in imitation of something else with intent to deceive : FORGED <counterfeit money> 2 a : INSINCERE, FEIGNED <counterfeit sympathy> b : IMITATION <counterfeit Georgian houses> vt. : to imitate or feign especially with intent to deceive also : to make a fraudulent replica of <counterfeiting $20 bills> vi. 1 : to try to deceive by pretense or dissembling 2 : to engage in counterfeiting something of value synonyms see ASSUME n. 1 : something counterfeit : FORGERY 2 : something likely to be mistaken for something of higher value <pity was a counterfeit of love> synonyms see IMPOSTURE


['krautʃ] v.蹲伏,弯腰 If you are crouching, your legs are bent under you so that you are close to the ground and leaning forward slightly.= squat


['kredjuləs] a.轻信的,易信的 If you describe someone as credulous, you have a low opinion of them because they are too ready to believe what people tell them and are easily deceived.= gullible 1 : ready to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence <accused of swindling credulous investors> 2 : proceeding from credulity <credulous superstitions>


['kreiviŋ] n.强烈的愿望 : an intense, urgent, or abnormal desire or longing


['kreiən] n.彩色腊笔、粉笔或其绘画 A crayon is a pencil containing coloured wax or clay, or a rod of coloured wax used for drawing.


['krestfɔ:lən] a.挫败的,失望的 If you look crestfallen, you look sad and disappointed about something.


['krʌmpl] v.弄皱;破裂 If you crumple something such as paper or cloth, or if it crumples, it is squashed and becomes full of untidy creases and folds.


['kɔntempleit] v.深思 If you contemplate an action, you think about whether to do it or not.= consider She contemplates leaving for the sake of the kids. If you contemplate an idea or subject, you think about it carefully for a long time. As he lay in his hospital bed that night, he cried as he contemplated his future... contemplation It is a place of quiet contemplation. If you contemplate something or someone, you look at them for a long time. He contemplated his hands, still frowning. vt. 1 : to view or consider with continued attention : meditate on <contemplate the vastness of the universe> 2 : to view as contingent or probable or as an end or intention <contemplate marriage> vi: PONDER, MEDITATE synonyms see CONSIDER


['kɔntræst] v./n.对比 transitive verb : to set off in contrast : compare or appraise in respect to differences <contrast European and American manners> often used with to or with <contrasting her with other women ― Victoria Sackville-West> intransitive verb : to form a contrast synonyms see COMPARE


['kɔntrə`bænd] n.违禁品,走私货 1 : illegal or prohibited traffic in goods : SMUGGLING 2 : goods or merchandise whose importation, exportation, or possession is forbidden also : smuggled goods 3 : a slave who during the American Civil War escaped to or was brought within the Union lines


['kɔstju:m] n.服装;剧装 1 : the prevailing fashion in coiffure, jewelry, and apparel of a period, country, or class 2 : an outfit worn to create the appearance characteristic of a particular period, person, place, or thing <Halloween costumes> 3 : a person's ensemble of outer garments especially : a woman's ensemble of dress with coat or jacket 1 : to provide with a costume 2 : to design costumes for <costume a play> 1 : characterized by the use of costumes <a costume ball> <a costume drama> 2 : suitable for or enhancing the effect of a particular costume <a costume handbag>


['kʌlpəbl] a.有罪的,该受谴责的 If someone or their conduct is culpable, they are responsible for something wrong or bad that has happened. (FORMAL) synonyms see BLAMEWORTHY


['kʌltiveit] v.种植;结识(有地位的人) If you cultivate an attitude, image, or skill, you try hard to develop it and make it stronger or better. If you cultivate someone or cultivate a friendship with them, you try hard to develop a friendship with them.


['kʌltiveitid] a.耕种的,栽植的;有修养的 If you describe someone as cultivated, you mean they are well educated and have good manners. (FORMAL) Cultivated plants have been developed for growing on farms or in gardens.


['kʌmbəsəm] a.笨重的 Something that is cumbersome is large and heavy and therefore difficult to carry, wear, or handle. = unwieldy A cumbersome system or process is very complicated and inefficient.= clumsy


['kʌniŋ] a.善于骗人的;灵巧的;n.欺诈行为 Someone who is cunning has the ability to achieve things in a clever way, often by deceiving other people. Cunning is the ability to achieve things in a clever way, often by deceiving other people.


['kʌvənənt] n.契约;v.立书保证 A covenant is a formal written agreement between two or more people or groups of people which is recognized in law. A covenant is a formal written promise to pay a sum of money each year for a fixed period, especially to a charity. (mainly BRIT in AM, usually use pledge)


['kʌvət] a.秘密的,隐密的 Covert activities or situations are secret or hidden. (FORMAL) ≠ overt They have been supplying covert military aid to the rebels... synonyms see SECRET


['saipris] n.柏树 A cypress is a type of conifer.


['silində] n.圆柱 A cylinder is an object with flat circular ends and long straight sides. A gas cylinder is a cylinder-shaped container in which gas is kept under pressure. In an engine, a cylinder is a cylinder-shaped part in which a piston moves backwards and forwards.


['sɑiklikl] a.循环的 A cyclical process is one in which a series of events happens again and again in the same order.


['ʒɑ:nrə] n.(文艺的)类型 1 : a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content 2 : KIND, SORT 3 : painting that depicts scenes or events from everyday life usually realistically


[`degrə'deiʃən] n.降低身份,受辱 Degradation is the process of something becoming worse or weaker, or being made worse or weaker. You use degradation to refer to a situation, condition, or experience which you consider shameful and disgusting, especially one which involves poverty or immorality. 2 a : decline to a low, destitute, or demoralized state b : moral or intellectual decadence : DEGENERATION


[`depri'veiʃən] n.剥夺;缺乏 If you suffer deprivation, you do not have or are prevented from having something that you want or need.


[`depə'ziʃən] n.免职;沉积;作证 1 : an act of removing from a position of authority 2 a : a testifying especially before a court b : DECLARATION specifically : testimony taken down in writing under oath c : out-of-court testimony made under oath and recorded by an authorized officer for later use in court also : a meeting at which such testimony is taken 3 : an act or process of depositing 4 : something deposited : DEPOSIT


[`desti'tju:ʃən] n.匮乏,穷困 : the state of being destitute especially : such extreme want as threatens life unless relieved synonyms see POVERTY


[`detri'mentl] a.损害的,造成伤害的 Something that is detrimental to something else has a harmful or damaging effect on it.= harmful : obviously harmful : DAMAGING <the detrimental effects of pollution> n.: an undesirable or harmful person or thing synonyms see PERNICIOUS DETRIMENTAL implies obvious harmfulness to something specified <the detrimental effects of excessive drinking>.


[`di:kɔmpə'ziʃən] n.分解,腐烂,崩溃 Decomposition is the process of decay that takes place when a living thing changes chemically after dying. (FORMAL)


[`difə'renʃieit] v.辨别,区别 If you differentiate between things or if you differentiate one thing from another, you recognize or show the difference between them. transitive verb 1 : to obtain the mathematical derivative of 3 : to develop differential characteristics in 5 : to express the specific distinguishing quality of : DISCRIMINATE intransitive verb 1 : to recognize or give expression to a difference 2 : to become distinct or different in character


[`dili'tænti] n.半瓶醋,业余爱好者 You can use dilettante to talk about someone who seems interested in a subject, especially in art, but who does not really know very much about it. (FORMAL) 1 : an admirer or lover of the arts 2 : a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge : DABBLER synonyms see AMATEUR


[`dimi'nju:ʃən] n.减少,缩减 A diminution of something is its reduction in size, importance, or intensity. (FORMAL) = reduction


[`diplə'mætik] a.外交的;圆滑的 1 a : PALEOGRAPHIC(古文书学的) b : exactly reproducing the original <a diplomatic edition> 2 : of, relating to, or concerned with diplomacy or diplomats <diplomatic relations> 3 : employing tact and conciliation especially in situations of stress synonyms see SUAVE


[`dipɔ:'teiʃən] n.驱逐出境 1 : an act or instance of deporting 2 : the removal from a country of an alien whose presence is unlawful or prejudicial


[`diskəm'pəuz] v.使失态,慌张 1 : to destroy the composure of 2 : to disturb the order of


[`diskən'sə:t] v.使...尴尬 1 : to throw into confusion 2 : to disturb the composure of synonyms see EMBARRASS


[`dispə'ziʃən] n.处理;天性,气质 Someone's disposition is the way that they tend to behave or feel.= nature A disposition to do something is a willingness to do it. (FORMAL)= inclination This has given him a disposition to consider our traditions critically... If you refer to the disposition of a number of objects, you mean the pattern in which they are arranged or their positions in relation to each other. (FORMAL)= arrangement The disposition of money or property is the act of giving or distributing it to a number of people. (LEGAL)= distribution


[`disri'gɑ:d] v./n.疏忽,漠视 : to pay no attention to : treat as unworthy of regard or notice : the act of disregarding : the state of being disregarded : NEGLECT


[`disri'pju:t] n.名声不好 : lack or decline of good reputation : a state of being held in low esteem synonyms see DISGRACE


[`disə'bju:z] v.打消(某人的)错误念头;纠正 If you disabuse someone of something, you tell them or persuade them that what they believe is in fact untrue. (FORMAL)


[`disə'fekt] v.使不满;使不忠 : to alienate the affection or loyalty of also : to fill with discontent and unrest


[`dʒenə'rɔsiti] n.慷慨,大方 1 a : the quality or fact of being generous b : a generous act 2 : ABUNDANCE <great generosity of spirit> generous 2 a : characterized by a noble or forbearing(宽容的) spirit : MAGNANIMOUS, KINDLY b : liberal in giving : OPENHANDED(大方的,豪爽的) c : marked by abundance or ample proportions : COPIOUS <a thin salt-and-pepper moustache interrupted by a generous nose - Richard Zabel> synonyms see LIBERAL


[`egzis'tenʃəl] a.有关存在的,存在主义的 Existential means relating to human existence and experience. (FORMAL) 1 : of, relating to, or affirming existence <existential propositions> 2 a : grounded in existence or the experience of existence : EMPIRICAL b : having being in time and space


[`ekspə'ziʃən] n.阐释;博览会 An exposition of an idea or theory is a detailed explanation or account of it. (FORMAL) An exposition is an exhibition in which something such as goods or works of art are shown to the public. = exhibition


[`ekspəu'nenʃəli] adv.指数地;迅速增长地 3 : expressible or approximately expressible by an exponential function especially : characterized by or being an extremely rapid increase (as in size or extent) <an exponential growth rate>


[`fɔ:'pɔstə(r)] n.有四柱的床 : a bed with tall often carved corner posts orig. designed to support curtains or a canopy


[`fə:men'teiʃən] n.发酵 1 a : a chemical change with effervescence b : an enzymatically controlled anaerobic breakdown of an energy-rich compound (as a carbohydrate to carbon dioxide and alcohol or to an organic acid) broadly : an enzymatically controlled transformation of an organic compound 2 : FERMENT 2


[`fʌndə'mentl] a.最根本的,基本的;十分重要的 1 a : serving as an original or generating source : PRIMARY <a discovery fundamental to modern computers> b : serving as a basis supporting existence or determining essential structure or function : BASIC 2 a : of or relating to essential structure, function, or facts : RADICAL <fundamental change> also : of or dealing with general principles rather than practical application <fundamental science> b : adhering to fundamentalism 3 : of, relating to, or produced by the lowest component of a complex vibration 4 : of central importance : PRINCIPAL <fundamental purpose> 5 : belonging to one's innate or ingrained(根深蒂固的) characteristics : DEEP-ROOTED <her fundamental good humor> synonyms see ESSENTIAL 1 : something fundamental especially : one of the minimum constituents without which a thing or a system would not be what it is 2 a : the principal musical tone produced by vibration (as of a string or column of air) on which a series of higher harmonics is based b : the root of a chord 3 : the harmonic component of a complex wave that has the lowest frequency and commonly the greatest amplitude


[`gærən'ti:] v.保证,担保 noun 1 : GUARANTOR :one that makes or gives a guaranty 2 : GUARANTY 1 : an undertaking to answer for the payment of a debt or the performance of a duty of another in case of the other's default or miscarriage 3 : an assurance for the fulfillment of a condition: as a : an agreement by which one person undertakes to secure another in the possession or enjoyment of something b : an assurance of the quality of or of the length of use to be expected from a product offered for sale often with a promise of reimbursement(偿还,偿付) 4 : GUARANTY 4 : something given as security : PLEDGE transitive verb 1 : to undertake to answer for the debt, default(拖欠), or miscarriage(错误) of <guarantee a loan> 2 : to engage for(担保) the existence, permanence, or nature of : undertake to do or secure <guarantee the winning of three tricks> 3 : to give security to <guaranteed her against loss> 4 : to assert confidently <I guarantee you'll like it>


[`haipə'tenʃən] n.高血压 1 : abnormally high blood pressure and especially arterial blood pressure 2 : the systemic condition accompanying high blood pressure


[`haipəræk'tivəti] n.活动过强,极度亢奋 : the state or condition of being excessively or pathologically active especially : ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER


[`haiərə'glifik] n.象形文字 adjective 1 : written in, constituting, or belonging to a system of writing mainly in pictorial characters 2 : inscribed with hieroglyphic 3 : resembling hieroglyphic in difficulty of decipherment noun 1 : HIEROGLYPH 2 : a system of hieroglyphic writing specifically : the picture script of the ancient Egyptian priesthood - often used in plural but singular or plural in construction 3 : something that resembles a hieroglyph especially in difficulty of decipherment


[`hetərəu'dʒi:niəs] a.异类的,不同的 : consisting of dissimilar or diverse ingredients or constituents : MIXED


[`hi:mə'filiə] n.血友病,出血不止 : a sex-linked hereditary blood defect that occurs almost exclusively in males and is characterized by delayed clotting of the blood and consequent difficulty in controlling hemorrhage even after minor injuries


[`hipə'kritikəl] a.虚伪的 : characterized by hypocrisy also : being a hypocrite


[`histri'ɔnik] a.演戏的;剧院的 1 : deliberately affected : THEATRICAL 2 : of or relating to actors, acting, or the theater


[`hiðə'tu:] adv.到目前为止 : up to this or that time You use hitherto to indicate that something was true up until the time you are talking about, although it may no longer be the case. (FORMAL)


[`hɔmi'letiks] n.讲道术,说教术 : the art of preaching


[`hɔri'zɔntl] a.水平的 1 a : of, relating to, or situated near the horizon b : parallel to, in the plane of, or operating in a plane parallel to the horizon or to a baseline : LEVEL <horizontal distance> <a horizontal engine> 2 : relating to, directed toward, or consisting of individuals or entities of similar status or on the same level <horizontal mergers> <horizontal hostility>


[`ili'dʒitimit] a.不合法的;私生的 1 : not recognized as lawful offspring specifically : born of parents not married to each other 2 : not rightly deduced or inferred : ILLOGICAL 3 : departing from the regular : ERRATIC(不稳定的;古怪的) 4 a : not sanctioned by law : ILLEGAL b : not authorized by good usage c of a taxon : published but not in accordance with the rules of the relevant international code


[`imi'mɔ:riəl] a.太古的,极古的 : extending or existing since beyond the reach of memory, record, or tradition <existing from time immemorial> time immemorial 1 : a time antedating a period legally fixed as the basis for a custom or right 2 : time so long past as to be indefinite in history or tradition - called also time out of mind


[`impə(:)'tə:bəbl] a.冷静的,沉着的 : marked by extreme calm, impassivity(无知觉,平静), and steadiness : SERENE(安详的 宁静的) synonyms see COOL COOL may imply calmness, deliberateness(深思熟虑), or dispassionateness(冷静的) <kept a cool head>. IMPERTURBABLE implies coolness or assurance even under severe provocation <the speaker remained imperturbable despite the heckling>.


[`kauntə'bæləns] v.起平衡作用 To counterbalance something means to balance or correct it with something that has an equal but opposite effect. = offset Something that is a counterbalance to something else counterbalances that thing.


[`kauntə'mɑ:nd] v.撤回(命令),取消(订货) If you countermand an order, you cancel it, usually by giving a different order. (FORMAL) = override, overrule 1 : to revoke (a command) by a contrary order 2 : to recall or order back by a superseding contrary order <countermand reinforcements> n. 1 : a contrary order 2 : the revocation of an order or command


[`kauntə'rækt] v.消除,抵消 : to make ineffective or restrain or neutralize the usually ill effects of by means of an opposite force, action, or influence <a drug used to counteract fatigue>


[`kɔzmə'pɔlitən] n.世界主义者,四海为家的人 1 : having worldwide rather than limited or provincial scope or bearing 2 : having wide international sophistication : WORLDLY 3 : composed of persons, constituents, or elements from all or many parts of the world 4 : found in most parts of the world and under varied ecological conditions <a cosmopolitan herb>


[dai'və:dʒ] v.分歧,分开 intransitive verb 1 a : to move or extend in different directions from a common point : draw apart <diverging roads> b : to become or be different in character or form : differ in opinion 2 : to turn aside from a path or course : DEVIATE 3 : to be mathematically divergent transitive verb : DEFLECT(偏离;使转向) synonyms see SWERVE(转向,突然改变方向)


[dai'və:dʒənt] a.分叉的,岔开的,背道而驰的 1 a : diverging from each other <divergent paths> b : differing from each other or from a standard <the divergent interests of capital and labor> 2 : relating to or being an infinite sequence that does not have a limit or an infinite series whose partial sums do not have a limit 3 : causing divergence of rays <a divergent lens> synonyms see DIFFERENT


[dai'və:s] a.不同的;多样的 1 : differing from one another : UNLIKE <people with diverse interests> 2 : composed of distinct or unlike elements or qualities <a diverse population> synonyms see DIFFERENT


[dai'və:siti] n.多样,千变万化 1 : the condition of being diverse : VARIETY especially : the inclusion of diverse people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization <programs intended to promote diversity in schools> 2 : an instance of being diverse <a diversity of opinion>


[dai'æfənəs] a.精致的,透明的 1 : characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through <diaphanous fabrics> 2 : characterized by extreme delicacy of form : ETHEREAL(轻飘的,微妙的) <painted diaphanous landscapes> 3 : INSUBSTANTIAL, VAGUE <had only a diaphanous hope of success>


[dai'æmitə] n.直径 3 : a unit of enlargement used with a number to indicate magnification by a lens or optical system <an object one millimeter wide magnified 40 diameters appears 40 millimeters wide>


[dai'ə:nl] a.白昼的,白天的 Diurnal means happening or active during the daytime. (FORMAL) ≠ nocturnal Kangaroos are diurnal animals.


[daiə'bɔlikəl] a.恶毒的,狠毒的 If you describe something as diabolical, you are emphasizing that it is very bad, extreme, or unpleasant. (INFORMAL)= appalling : of, relating to, or characteristic of the devil : DEVILISH <a diabolical plot>


[daun tə ə:θ] n.脚踏实地的,实际的 If you say that someone is down-to-earth, you approve of the fact that they concern themselves with practical things and actions, rather than with abstract theories.


[daus] v.把...浸入水中;熄灭 If you douse a fire, you stop it burning by pouring a lot of water over it. If you douse someone or something with a liquid, you throw a lot of that liquid over them. transitive verb 1 : to plunge into water 2 a : to throw a liquid on : DRENCH(浸透) b : SLOSH(泼,溅) 3 : EXTINGUISH <douse the lights> intransitive verb : to fall or become plunged into water 1 a : to take in : LOWER, STRIKE <douse a sail> b : SLACKEN(使松弛) <douse a rope> 2 : TAKE OFF, DOFF


[dei'bɑ:kl] n.解冻;崩溃 A debacle is an event or attempt that is a complete failure.= fiasco After the debacle of the war the world was never the same again...


[dei'nu:mɔŋ] n.(小说的)结尾,结局 In a book, play, or series of events, the denouement is the sequence of events at the end, when things come to a conclusion. 1 : the final outcome of the main dramatic complication in a literary work 2 : the outcome of a complex sequence of events


[dein] v.屈尊,惠允(做某事) If you say that someone deigned to do something, you are expressing your disapproval of the fact that they did it unwillingly, because they thought they were too important to do it. (FORMAL) At last, Harper deigned to speak...


[deks'teriti] n.纯熟,灵巧 1 : mental skill or quickness : ADROITNESS 2 : readiness and grace in physical activity especially : skill and ease in using the hands <manual dexterity>


[delv] v.深入探究,钻研 If you delve into something, you try to discover new information about it.= dig, probe If you delve inside something such as a cupboard or a bag, you search inside it. (WRITTEN)


[den] n.兽穴,窝 1 : the lair of a wild usually predatory animal 2 a (1) : a hollow or cavern used especially as a hideout (2) : a center of secret activity b : a small usually squalid(污秽的) dwelling 3 : a comfortable usually secluded room 4 : a subdivision of a Cub Scout pack made up of two or more boys intransitive verb : to live in or retire to a den <polar bears den in ice caves or snowdrifts> transitive verb : to drive into a den


[dent] n.缺口,凹痕;v.弄凹 If you dent the surface of something, you make a hollow area in it by hitting or pressing it. A dent is a hollow in the surface of something which has been caused by hitting or pressing it. If something dents your ideas or your pride, it makes you realize that your ideas are wrong, or that you are not as good or successful as you thought.


[deri'likʃən] n.遗弃,弃置 1 a : an intentional abandonment b : the state of being abandoned 2 : a recession of water leaving permanently dry land 3 a : intentional or conscious neglect : DELINQUENCY <dereliction of duty> b : FAULT, SHORTCOMING


[di'bautʃ] v.流出,进入(开阔地区) vt. : to cause to emerge : DISCHARGE vi. 1 : to march out into open ground <troops debouching from the town> 2 : EMERGE, ISSUE <rivers debouching into the sea>


[di'beit] n.正式的辩论,讨论 A debate is a discussion about a subject on which people have different views.= discussion If people debate a topic, they discuss it fairly formally, putting forward different views. You can also say that one person debates a topic with another person. If you debate whether to do something or what to do, you think or talk about possible courses of action before deciding exactly what you are going to do. If you say that a matter is open to debate, you mean that people have different opinions about it, or it has not yet been firmly decided.


[di'biliteit] v.使衰弱 If you are debilitated by something such as an illness, it causes your body or mind to become gradually weaker. (FORMAL) To debilitate an organization, society, or government means to gradually make it weaker. (FORMAL)


[di'dʌkt] v.减去,扣除;演绎 When you deduct an amount from a total, you subtract it from the total. 1 : to take away (an amount) from a total : SUBTRACT 2 : DEDUCE, INFER


[di'dʌktiv] a.推理的,演绎的 Deductive reasoning involves drawing conclusions logically from other things that are already known. (FORMAL)


[di'dʒektid] a.沮丧的,失望的 If you are dejected, you feel miserable or unhappy, especially because you have just been disappointed by something.= despondent Everyone has days when they feel dejected or down.


[di'dʒestʃən] n.消化,吸收 Digestion is the process of digesting food. Your digestion is the system in your body which digests your food.


[di'fai] v.违抗,藐视 2 : to challenge to do something considered impossible : DARE 3 : to confront with assured power of resistance : DISREGARD <defy public opinion> 4 : to resist attempts at : WITHSTAND <the paintings defy classification>


[di'fendənt] n.被告 A defendant is a person who has been accused of breaking the law and is being tried in court. plaintiff原告


[di'fens] n.防御,防护 1 a : the act or action of defending <the defense of our country> <speak out in defense of justice> b : a defendant's denial, answer, or plea 2 a : capability of resisting attack b : defensive play or ability <a player known for good defense> 3 a : means or method of defending or protecting oneself, one's team, or another also : a defensive structure b : an argument in support or justification c : the collected facts and method adopted by a defendant to protect and defend against a plaintiff's action 4 a : a defending party or group (as in a court of law) <the defense rests> b : a defensive team 5 : the military and industrial aggregate that authorizes and supervises arms production <appropriations for defense> <defense contract>


[di'fi:tist] n.& v.失败主义者 A defeatist is someone who thinks or talks in a way that suggests that they expect to be unsuccessful. : an attitude of accepting, expecting, or being resigned to defeat


[di'finitiv] a.明确的,有权威的 Something that is definitive provides a firm conclusion that cannot be questioned. A definitive book or performance is thought to be the best of its kind that has ever been done or that will ever be done. 1 : serving to provide a final solution or to end a situation <a definitive victory> 2 : authoritative and apparently exhaustive <a definitive edition> synonyms see CONCLUSIVE


[di'fju:z] v.散布,(光等)漫射;a.漫射的,散漫的 1 : being at once verbose and ill-organized <a diffuse report from the scene of the earthquake> (罗嗦的,冗长的) 2 : not concentrated or localized <diffuse lighting> synonyms see WORDY transitive verb 1 a : to pour out and permit or cause to spread freely b : EXTEND, SCATTER c : to spread thinly or wastefully 2 : to subject to diffusion especially : to break up and distribute (incident light(入射光)) by reflection intransitive verb 1 : to spread out or become transmitted especially by contact (knowledge or information is diffused) 2 : to undergo diffusion


[di'fleitid] a.灰心丧气的 deflate transitive verb 1 : to release air or gas from <deflate a tire> 2 : to reduce in size, importance, or effectiveness <deflate his ego with cutting remarks> 3 : to reduce (a price level) or cause (a volume of credit) to contract intransitive verb : to lose firmness through or as if through the escape of contained gas synonyms see CONTRACT


[di'flekt] v.偏离,转向 If you deflect something such as criticism or attention, you act in a way that prevents it from being directed towards you or affecting you. To deflect someone from a course of action means to make them decide not to continue with it by putting pressure on them or by offering them something desirable. If you deflect something that is moving, you make it go in a slightly different direction, for example by hitting or blocking it.


[di'fɔ:lt] v./n.拖债;未履行的责任 1 : failure to do something required by duty or law : NEGLECT 3 : a failure to pay financial debts 4 a : failure to appear at the required time in a legal proceeding b : failure to compete in or to finish an appointed contest <lost the game by default> 5 a : a selection made usually automatically or without active consideration due to lack of a viable alternative <remained the club's president by default> b : a selection automatically used by a computer program in the absence of a choice made by the user in default of = in the absence of


[di'klain] v.拒绝;变弱,变小;n.消减 If something declines, it becomes less in quantity, importance, or strength. If you decline something or decline to do something, you politely refuse to accept it or do it. (FORMAL) If something is in decline or on the decline, it is gradually decreasing in importance, quality, or power. If something goes or falls into decline, it begins to gradually decrease in importance, quality, or power.


[di'kleim] v.高谈阔论 If you declaim, you speak dramatically, as if you were acting in a theatre. (WRITTEN) intransitive verb 1 : to speak rhetorically specifically : to recite something as an exercise in elocution 2 : to speak pompously or bombastically : HARANGUE transitive verb : to deliver rhetorically <an actor declaiming his lines> specifically : to recite in elocution


[di'krai] v.责难;贬低(价值) If someone decries an idea or action, they criticize it strongly. (FORMAL)


[di'krepit] a.衰老的,破旧的 Something that is decrepit is old and in bad condition. Someone who is decrepit is old and weak. 1 : wasted and weakened by or as if by the infirmities of old age 2 a : impaired by use or wear : WORN-OUT b : fallen into ruin or disrepair synonyms see WEAK


[di'kɔ:rəm] n.礼节,礼貌 Decorum is behaviour that people consider to be correct, polite, and respectable. (FORMAL)= politeness


[di'lektəbl] a.赏心悦目的 If you describe something, especially food or drink, as delectable, you mean that it is very pleasant. = delicious 1 : highly pleasing : DELIGHTFUL <a delectable melody>


[di'lemə] n.困境,左右为难 A dilemma is a difficult situation in which you have to choose between two or more alternatives. 1 : an argument presenting two or more equally conclusive alternatives against an opponent b : a difficult or persistent problem <unemployment-the great central dilemma of our advancing technology - August Heckscher>


[di'linieit] v.描画 If you delineate something such as an idea or situation, you describe it or define it, often in a lot of detail. (FORMAL) If you delineate a border, you say exactly where it is going to be. (FORMAL)


[di'liriəm] n.精神错乱,说胡话 If someone is suffering from delirium, they are not able to think or speak in a sensible and reasonable way because they are very ill and have a fever.


[di'læpi`deit] v.(使)荒废,(使)毁坏 transitive verb 1 : to bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin <furniture is dilapidated by use - Janet Flanner> intransitive verb : to become dilapidated


[di'maiz] n.死亡;财产转让 The demise of something or someone is their end or death. (FORMAL) transitive verb 1 : to convey (as an estate) by will or lease 3 : to transmit by succession or inheritance intransitive verb 1 : DIE, DECEASE 2 : to pass by descent or bequest(遗产) <the property has demised to the king's heirs>


[di'mi:n] v.贬抑,降低 If you demean yourself, you do something which makes people have less respect for you. To demean someone or something means to make people have less respect for them. = degrade Some groups say that pornography demeans women.


[di'mɔliʃ] v.破坏;拆除 To demolish something such as a building means to destroy it completely. If you demolish someone's ideas or arguments, you prove that they are completely wrong or unreasonable.


[di'mɔnstrətiv] a.证明性的;喜怒形于色的 Someone who is demonstrative shows affection freely and openly. 1 a : demonstrating as real or true b : characterized or established by demonstration 2 : pointing out the one referred to and distinguishing it from others of the same class <demonstrative pronouns(指示代词)> 3 a : marked by display of feeling b : inclined to display feelings openly


[di'mə:] v.表示异议,反对 If you demur, you say that you do not agree with something or will not do something that you have been asked to do. (FORMAL) If you do something without demur, you do it immediately and without making any protest. (FORMAL)


[di'nauns] v.指责 If you denounce a person or an action, you criticize them severely and publicly because you feel strongly that they are wrong or evil. If you denounce someone who has broken a rule or law, you report them to the authorities. synonyms see CRITICIZE


[di'nju:d] v.脱去;剥蚀;剥夺 To denude an area means to destroy the plants in it. (FORMAL) To denude someone or something of a particular thing means to take it away from them. (FORMAL) = divest The Embassy is now denuded of all foreign and local staff...


[di'nəut] v.表示;指示意义 If one thing denotes another, it is a sign or indication of it. (FORMAL) = indicate What a symbol denotes is what it represents. (FORMAL) = represent 1 : to serve as an indication of : BETOKEN <the swollen bellies that denote starvation> 2 : to serve as an arbitrary mark for <red flares denoting danger> 3 : to make known : ANNOUNCE <his crestfallen look denoted his distress> 4 a : to serve as a linguistic expression of the notion of : MEAN b : to stand for : DESIGNATE


[di'pli:t] v.倒空;耗尽 To deplete a stock or amount of something means to reduce it. (FORMAL) 1 : to empty of a principal substance 2 : to lessen markedly in quantity, content, power, or value synonyms DEPLETE, DRAIN, EXHAUST, IMPOVERISH, BANKRUPT mean to deprive of something essential to existence or potency. DEPLETE implies a reduction in number or quantity so as to endanger the ability to function <depleting our natural resources>. DRAIN implies a gradual withdrawal and ultimate deprivation of what is necessary to an existence <personal tragedy had drained him of all spirit>. EXHAUST stresses a complete emptying <her lecture exhausted the subject>. IMPOVERISH suggests a deprivation of something essential to richness or productiveness <impoverished soil>. BANKRUPT suggests impoverishment to the point of imminent collapse <war had bankrupted the nation of resources>.


[di'plɔ:] v.悲悼,哀叹 If you say that you deplore something, you think it is very wrong or immoral. (FORMAL) 1 a : to feel or express grief for b : to regret strongly 2 : to consider unfortunate or deserving of deprecation <many critics deplore his methods> synonyms DEPLORE, LAMENT, BEWAIL, BEMOAN mean to express grief or sorrow for something. DEPLORE implies regret for the loss or impairment of something of value <deplores the breakdown in family values>. LAMENT implies a profound or demonstrative(流露感情的) expression of sorrow <lamenting the loss of their only child>. BEWAIL and BEMOAN imply sorrow, disappointment, or protest finding outlet in words or cries, BEWAIL commonly suggesting loudness, and BEMOAN lugubriousness <fans bewailed the defeat> <purists bemoaning the corruption of the language>.


[di'prest] a.消沉的;凹陷的 If you are depressed, you are sad and feel that you cannot enjoy anything, because your situation is so difficult and unpleasant. A depressed place or industry does not have enough business or employment to be successful. = run-down ...legislation to encourage investment in depressed areas...


[di'preʃən] n.忧愁,消沉;数量减少 Depression is a mental state in which you are sad and feel that you cannot enjoy anything, because your situation is so difficult and unpleasant. A depression is a time when there is very little economic activity, which causes a lot of unemployment and poverty.= slump A depression in a surface is an area which is lower than the parts surrounding it. = hollow an act of depressing or a state of being depressed: as a : a pressing down : LOWERING b (1) : a state of feeling sad : DEJECTION


[di'pɔ:t] v.(将外国人、罪犯等)驱逐出境,举止 1 : to behave or comport (oneself) especially in accord with a code 2 [Latin deportare] a : to carry away b : to send out of the country by legal deportation synonyms see BANISH(驱逐), BEHAVE


[di'pəuz] v.免职;作证 If a ruler or political leader is deposed, they are forced to give up their position.= oust Mr Ben Bella was deposed in a coup in 1965... transitive verb 1 : to remove from a throne or other high position 2 : to put down : DEPOSIT 3 b : AFFIRM, ASSERT c : to take a deposition of <depose a witness> intransitive verb : to bear witness


[di'raid] v.嘲弄,愚弄 If you deride someone or something, you say that they are stupid or have no value. (FORMAL) = ridicule


[di'reindʒd] a.精神错乱的,有精神病的 Someone who is deranged behaves in a wild and uncontrolled way, often as a result of mental illness. 1 : to disturb the operation or functions of 2 : DISARRANGE <hatless, with tie deranged> 3 : to make insane


[di'rivətiv] a.派生的;无创意的 A derivative is something which has been developed or obtained from something else. If you say that something is derivative, you are criticizing it because it is not new or original but has been developed from something else.


[di'ræsineit] v.根除,杜绝 1 : UPROOT 2 : to remove or separate from a native environment or culture especially : to remove the racial or ethnic characteristics or influences from


[di'rɔgətəri] a.不敬的,诽谤的 If you make a derogatory remark or comment about someone or something, you express your low opinion of them. 1 : detracting from the character or standing of something - often used with to, towards, or of 2 : expressive of a low opinion : DISPARAGING <derogatory remarks>


[di'saifə] v.解开(疑团);破译(密码) If you decipher a piece of writing or a message, you work out what it says, even though it is very difficult to read or understand. 3 a : to make out the meaning of despite indistinctness or obscurity b : to interpret the meaning of


[di'sembl] v.隐藏,掩饰(感受、意图) transitive verb 1 : to hide under a false appearance 2 : to put on the appearance of : SIMULATE intransitive verb : to put on a false appearance : conceal facts, intentions, or feelings under some pretense


[di'semineit] v.散布,传播 1 : to spread abroad as though sowing seed <disseminate ideas> 2 : to disperse throughout


[di'send(ə)nt] n.后代,后裔 Someone's descendants are the people in later generations who are related to them.≠ ancestor Something modern which developed from an older thing can be called a descendant of it.≠ ancestor His design was a descendant of a 1956 device...


[di'send] v.下来,下降 If you descend or if you descend a staircase, you move downwards from a higher to a lower level. (FORMAL)= go down ≠ rise, ascend When a mood or atmosphere descends on a place or on the people there, it affects them by spreading among them. (LITERARY) = fall If a large group of people arrive to see you, especially if their visit is unexpected or b you a lot of work, you can say that they have descended on you. When night, dusk, or darkness descends, it starts to get dark. (LITERARY) = fall If you say that someone descends to behaviour which you consider unacceptable, you are expressing your disapproval of the fact that they do it.= stoop, sink We're not going to descend to such methods... When you want to emphasize that the situation that someone is entering is very bad, you can say that they are descending into that situation. intransitive verb 2 : to pass in discussion from what is logically prior or more comprehensive 3 a : to originate or come from an ancestral stock or source : DERIVE <descends from an old merchant family> b : to pass by inheritance <a desk that has descended in the family> c : to pass by transmission <songs descended from old ballads> 4 : to incline, lead, or extend downward <the road descends to the river> 5 a : to swoop or pounce down (as in a sudden attack) b : to appear suddenly and often disconcertingly as if from above <reporters descended on the candidate> 6 : to proceed in a sequence or gradation from higher to lower or from more remote to nearer or more recent 7 a : to lower oneself in status or dignity : STOOP b : to worsen and sink in condition or estimation transitive verb 1 : to pass, move, or climb down or down along 2 : to extend down along


[di'sent] v.不同意,持异议 1 : to withhold(保留;抑制) assent 2 : to differ in opinion n.: difference of opinion <heard voices of dissent at the meeting>: as a : religious nonconformity b : a justice's nonconcurrence with a decision of the majority - called also dissenting opinion c : political opposition to a government or its policies <attempts to suppress domestic dissent>


[di'simjuleit] v.隐藏,掩饰 transitive verb : to hide under a false appearance <smiled to dissimulate her urgency - Alice Glenday> intransitive verb : DISSEMBLE(用假象隐藏)


[di'spəuzd] a.愿意的,想干的 If you are disposed to do something, you are willing or eager to do it. (FORMAL)= inclined You can use disposed when you are talking about someone's general attitude or opinion. For example, if you are well or favourably disposed to someone or something, you like them or approve of them. (FORMAL)


[di'stil] v.蒸馏 1 : to let fall, exude, or precipitate in drops or in a wet mist 2 a : to subject to or transform by distillation <distill molasses into rum> b : to obtain by or as if by distillation <distill whiskey> <able to distill humor from personal loss> c : to extract the essence of : CONCENTRATE intransitive verb 1 a : to fall or materialize in drops or in a fine moisture b : to appear slowly or in small quantities at a time 2 a : to undergo distillation b : to perform distillation


[di'sə:n] v.(费劲)识别,看出 transitive verb 1 a : to detect with the eyes <discerned a figure approaching through the fog> b : to detect with senses other than vision <discerned a strange odor> 2 : to recognize or identify as separate and distinct : DISCRIMINATE <discern right from wrong> 3 : to come to know or recognize mentally <unable to discern his motives> intransitive verb : to see or understand the difference


[di'tein] v.拘留;使延迟 When people such as the police detain someone, they keep them in a place under their control. (FORMAL) To detain someone means to delay them, for example by talking to them. (FORMAL)


[di'tekʃən] n.查出,探获 Detection is the act of noticing or sensing something. Detection is the discovery of something which is supposed to be hidden. Detection is the work of investigating a crime in order to find out what has happened and who committed it.


[di'traitəs] n.碎屑;废墟 1 : loose material (as rock fragments or organic particles) that results directly from disintegration 2 a : a product of disintegration, destruction, or wearing away : DEBRIS b : miscellaneous remnants : ODDS AND ENDS <sifting through the detritus of his childhood --Michael Tomasky>


[di'trækʃən] n.贬低,诽谤 1 : a lessening of reputation or esteem especially by envious, malicious, or petty criticism : BELITTLING, DISPARAGEMENT 2 : a taking away <it is no detraction from its dignity or prestige --J. F. Golay>


[di'tætʃt] a.分开的;超然的 Someone who is detached is not personally involved in something or has no emotional interest in it. 1 : standing by itself : SEPARATE, UNCONNECTED especially : not sharing any wall with another building <a detached house> 2 : exhibiting an aloof objectivity usually free from prejudice or self-interest <a detached observer> synonyms see INDIFFERENT


[di'tə:] v.威慑,吓住;阻止 To deter someone from doing something means to make them not want to do it or continue doing it.= discourage 1 : to turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting <she would not be deterred by threats> 2 : INHIBIT <painting to deter rust>


[di'tə:dʒənt] a.净化的;n.清洁剂 Detergent is a chemical substance, usually in the form of a powder or liquid, which is used for washing things such as clothes or dishes. : that cleanses : CLEANSING <a detergent oil>


[di'tə:minənt] n.决定因素;a.决定性的 1 : an element that identifies or determines the nature of something or that fixes or conditions an outcome 3 : GENE 4 : EPITOPE


[di'vain] v.推测,预言 You use divine to describe something that is provided by or relates to a god or goddess. If you divine something, you discover or learn it by guessing. (LITERARY)


[di'vaiz] v.发明,设计;图谋;遗赠给 1 a : to form in the mind by new combinations or applications of ideas or principles : INVENT <devise a new strategy> c : to plan to obtain or bring about : PLOT <devise one's death> 2 : to give (real estate) by will


[di'vaut] a.虔敬的;忠诚的,忠心的 1 : devoted to religion or to religious duties or exercises 2 : expressing devotion or piety <a devout attitude> 3 a : devoted to a pursuit, belief, or mode of behavior : SERIOUS, EARNEST <a devout baseball fan> <born a devout coward - G. B. Shaw> b : warmly sincere <a devout wish for peace>


[di'vauə] v.吞食;贪婪地享受 1 : to eat up greedily or ravenously 2 : to use up or destroy as if by eating <we are devouring the world's resources> 3 : to prey upon <devoured by guilt> 4 : to enjoy avidly <devours books>


[di'və:t] v.使某事物转向;使娱乐 intransitive verb : to turn aside : DEVIATE <studied law but diverted to diplomacy> transitive verb 1 a : to turn from one course or use to another : DEFLECT <divert traffic to a side street> b : DISTRACT <trying to divert her attention> 2 : to give pleasure to especially by distracting the attention from what burdens or distresses


[di'vəutid] a.投入的,热爱的 : characterized by loyalty and devotion <a devoted fan> <he is devoted to her> devote 1 : to commit by a solemn act <devoted herself to serving God> 2 : to give over or direct (as time, money, or effort) to a cause, enterprise, or activity


[di'vəuʃənəl] a.献身的,崇拜的 : of, relating to, or characterized by devotion <devotional literature> : a short worship service


[di'zainə] n.设计者,构思者 A designer is a person whose job is to design things by making drawings of them. Designer clothes or designer labels are expensive, fashionable clothes made by a famous designer, rather than being made in large quantities in a factory. 2 : intended to reflect the latest in sophisticated taste or fashion <designer ice cream> <a designer haircut> 3 : modified artificially (as by genetic engineering) to fulfill individual specifications or meet a need <designer foods> <designer estrogens>


[di'zɑ:stə] n.灾难,大不幸 2 : a sudden calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, or destruction broadly : a sudden or great misfortune or failure <the party was a disaster>


[di'zɔlv] v.使固体溶解 When an organization or institution is dissolved, it is officially ended or broken up. When a marriage or business arrangement is dissolved, it is officially ended. If something such as a problem or feeling dissolves or is dissolved, it becomes weaker and disappears.= dissipate His new-found optimism dissolved... If you dissolve into or dissolve in tears or laughter, you begin to cry or laugh, because you cannot control yourself.


[di'zə:t] v.放弃,离弃 transitive verb 1 : to withdraw from or leave usually without intent to return <desert a town> 2 a : to leave in the lurch <desert a friend in trouble> b : to abandon (military service) without leave intransitive verb : to quit one's post, allegiance, or service without leave or justification especially : to abandon military duty without leave and without intent to return n. 1 : the quality or fact of deserving reward or punishment 2 : deserved reward or punishment - usually used in plural <got their just deserts> 3 : EXCELLENCE, WORTH


[di'zə:tə] n.背弃者,逃亡者 A deserter is someone who leaves their job in the armed forces without permission.


[di(:)'mɔtik] a.民众的,通俗的 Demotic language is the type of informal language used by ordinary people. (FORMAL)= colloquial ...television's demotic style of language. Demotic is used to describe something or someone that is typical of ordinary people. (FORMAL) = popular ...demotic entertainments such as TV soap operas.


[di:'haidreit] v.除去水分,脱水


[di:'limit] v.定界,划界 If you delimit something, you fix or establish its limits. (FORMAL) This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.


[di:'mistifai] v.弄清楚 If you demystify something, you make it easier to understand by giving a clear explanation of it. : to eliminate the mystifying features of


[di:'mɔgrəfi] n.人口统计,人口学 Demography is the study of the changes in numbers of births, deaths, marriages, and cases of disease in a community over a period of time.


[di:'æktiveit] v.使无效 If someone deactivates an explosive device or an alarm, they make it harmless or impossible to operate.= disable


[di:d] n.行为;(土地或建筑物的)转让契约、证书 A deed is something that is done, especially something that is very good or very bad. (LITERARY) = act A deed is a document containing the terms of an agreement, especially an agreement concerning the ownership of land or a building. (LEGAL)


[di`fɔris'teiʃən] n.采伐森林 : the action or process of clearing of forests also : the state of having been cleared of forests


[di`nɔmi'neiʃən] n.命名;宗派;(长度,币值的)单位 A particular denomination is a particular religious group which has slightly different beliefs from other groups within the same faith. The denomination of a banknote or coin is its official value.


[di`səusi'eiʃən] n.分离,脱离关系 a : the process by which a chemical combination breaks up into simpler constituents b : the separation of whole segments of the personality (as in multiple personality disorder) or of discrete mental processes (as in the schizophrenias) from the mainstream of consciousness or of behavior


[di`tiəriə'reiʃən] n.恶化,堕落 : the action or process of deteriorating : the state of having deteriorated


[dik'teit] v.口述;命令 intransitive verb 1 : to give dictation 2 : to speak or act domineeringly(跋扈地) : PRESCRIBE transitive verb 1 : to speak or read for a person to transcribe or for a machine to record 2 a : to issue as an order b : to impose, pronounce, or specify authoritatively c : to require or determine necessarily <injuries dictated the choice of players> n. 1 a : an authoritative rule, prescription, or injunction(禁止令) b : a ruling principle <according to the dictates of your conscience> 2 : a command by one in authority


[dim] v.使暗淡,使模糊 1 a : emitting or having a limited or insufficient amount of light <dim stars> <a dim lamp> <a dim hallway> b : DULL, LUSTERLESS(无光泽的) <dim colors> c : lacking pronounced, clear-cut(鲜明的), or vigorous quality or character <a dim echo of the past> 2 a : seen indistinctly(朦胧地) <a dim outline> b : perceived by the senses or mind indistinctly or weakly : FAINT <had only a dim notion of what was going on> c : having little prospect of favorable result or outcome <a dim future> d : characterized by an unfavorable, skeptical, or pessimistic attitude - usually used in the phrase take a diminutive view of 3 : not perceiving clearly and distinctly <dim eyes> 4 : DIM-WITTED(傻的)


[din] n.喧闹声,嘈杂声 1 : a loud continued noise especially : a welter of discordant sounds 2 : a situation or condition resembling a din intransitive verb : to make a loud noise transitive verb 1 : to assail with loud continued noise 2 : to impress by insistent repetition - often used with into <lessons dinned into us as children>


[dis'dein] n./v.轻视,鄙视 If you feel disdain for someone or something, you dislike them because you think that they are inferior or unimportant. If you disdain someone or something, you regard them with disdain. : a feeling of contempt for someone or something regarded as unworthy or inferior : SCORN transitive verb 1 : to look on with scorn <disdained him as a coward> 2 : to refuse or abstain from because of disdain <disdained to answer their questions> 3 : to treat as beneath one's notice or dignity synonyms see DESPISE


[dis'gaiz] v.假扮;掩饰 If you are in disguise, you are not wearing your usual clothes or you have altered your appearance in other ways, so that people will not recognize you. If you disguise yourself, you put on clothes which make you look like someone else or alter your appearance in other ways, so that people will not recognize you. To disguise something means to hide it or make it appear different so that people will not know about it or will not recognize it.


[dis'gɔ:dʒ] v.呕出;(水)流走 If something disgorges its contents, it empties them out. (WRITTEN) transitive verb 1 a : to discharge by the throat and mouth : VOMIT b : to discharge or let go of rapidly or forcefully <the train disgorged its passengers> c : to give up on request or under pressure <refused to disgorge his ill-gotten gains> 2 : to discharge the contents of (as the stomach) intransitive verb : to discharge contents <where the river disgorges into the sea>


[dis'intristid] a.公正的,客观的 Someone who is disinterested is not involved in a particular situation or not likely to benefit from it and is therefore able to act in a fair and unselfish way.= impartial Scientists, of course, can be expected to be impartial and disinterested... 1 a : not having the mind or feelings engaged : not interested <telling them in a disinterested voice - Tom Wicker> <disinterested in women - J. A. Brussel> b : no longer interested <husband and wife become disinterested in each other - T. I. Rubin> synonyms see INDIFFERENT


[dis'kləuz] v.使某物显露 2 a : to expose to view c : to make known or public <demands that politicians disclose the sources of their income> synonyms see REVEAL


[dis'kreʃən] n.谨慎,审慎,判断力;行动的自由 Discretion is the quality of behaving in a quiet and controlled way without drawing attention to yourself or giving away personal or private information. (FORMAL) If someone in a position of authority uses their discretion or has the discretion to do something in a particular situation, they have the freedom and authority to decide what to do. (FORMAL) If something happens at someone's discretion, it can happen only if they decide to do it or give their permission. (FORMAL) 1 : the quality of being discreet : CIRCUMSPECTION especially : cautious reserve in speech 2 : ability to make responsible decisions 3 a : individual choice or judgment <left the decision to his discretion> b : power of free decision or latitude of choice within certain legal bounds <reached the age of discretion> 4 : the result of separating or distinguishing


[dis'kri:t] a.个别的;不连续的 1 : constituting a separate entity : individually distinct <several discrete sections> 2 a : consisting of distinct or unconnected elements : NONCONTINUOUS b : taking on or having a finite or countably infinite number of values <discrete probabilities> <a discrete random variable> synonyms see DISTINCT


[dis'krimineit] v.区分 transitive verb 1 a : to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of b : DISTINGUISH, DIFFERENTIATE <discriminate hundreds of colors> 2 : to distinguish by discerning or exposing differences especially : to distinguish from another like object 1 a : to make a distinction <discriminate among historical sources> b : to use good judgment 2 : to make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit <discriminate in favor of your friends> <discriminate against a certain nationality>


[dis'pætʃ] v.派遣;一下子做完;吃完;n.迅速 transitive verb 1 : to send off or away with promptness or speed especially : to send off on official business 2 a : to kill with quick efficiency 3 : to dispose of (as a task) rapidly or efficiently 4 : DEFEAT 3 intransitive verb archaic : to make haste : HURRY synonyms see KILL n. 1 a : a message sent with speed especially : an important official message sent by a diplomatic, military, or naval officer b : a news item filed by a correspondent 2 : the act of dispatching: as b : the act of killing c (1) : prompt settlement (as of an item of business) (2) : quick riddance d : a sending off : SHIPMENT 3 : promptness and efficiency in performance or transmission <done with dispatch>


[dis'pəuzəl] n.清除,处理 1 : the power or authority to dispose or make use of as one chooses <the car was at my disposal> 2 : the act or process of disposing: as a : orderly placement or distribution b : REGULATION, ADMINISTRATION c : the act or action of presenting or bestowing(赠) something <disposal of favors> d : systematic destruction especially : destruction or transformation of garbage


[dis'rʌpt] v.弄乱,扰乱 1 a : to break apart : RUPTURE b : to throw into disorder <agitators trying to disrupt the meeting> 2 : to interrupt the normal course or unity of


[dis'tend] v.(使)膨胀,胀大 If a part of your body is distended, or if it distends, it becomes swollen and unnaturally large. (MEDICAL or FORMAL) transitive verb 1 : EXTEND 2 : to enlarge from internal pressure : SWELL intransitive verb : to become expanded synonyms see EXPAND


[dis'tiŋkt] a.清楚的,明显的 1 : distinguishable to the eye or mind as discrete : SEPARATE <a distinct cultural group> <teaching as distinct from research> 2 : presenting a clear unmistakable impression <a neat distinct handwriting> 4 a : NOTABLE(显著的) <a distinct contribution to scholarship> b : readily and unmistakably apprehended <a distinct possibility of snow> <a distinct British accent>


[dis'tiŋktiv] a.出众的,有特色的 1 a : serving to distinguish <the distinctive flight of the crane> b : having or giving style or distinction <a distinctive table setting> 2 : capable of making a segment of utterance different in meaning as well as in sound from an otherwise identical utterance synonyms see CHARACTERISTIC


[dis'tiŋkʃən] n.区别,差别;知名 2 : the distinguishing of a difference <without distinction as to race, sex, or religion> also : the difference distinguished <the distinction between imply and infer> 3 : something that distinguishes <regional distinctions> 4 : the quality or state of being distinguishable <no distinction of facial features in the twins> 5 a : the quality or state of being distinguished or worthy <a politician of some distinction> b : special honor or recognition <took a law degree with distinction> <won many distinctions> c : an accomplishment that sets one apart <the distinction of being the oldest to win the title>

? distribute

[dis'tribju(:)t] v.分发,分配某事物 transitive verb 1 : to divide among several or many : APPORTION <distribute expenses> 2 a : to spread out so as to cover something : SCATTER b : to give out or deliver especially to members of a group <distribute newspapers> <distribute leaflets> c : to place or position so as to be properly apportioned over or throughout an area <200 pounds distributed on a 6-foot frame> 3 a : to divide or separate especially into kinds 4 : to use in or as an operation so as to be mathematically distributive(乘法分配率) intransitive verb : to be mathematically distributive


[dis'trækt] v.分心,转移;使发狂,困扰 1 a : to turn aside : DIVERT <refused to be distracted from her purpose> b : to draw or direct (as one's attention) to a different object or in different directions at the same time <was distracted by a sudden noise> 2 : to stir up or confuse with conflicting emotions or motives synonyms see PUZZLE


[dis'trɔ:t] a.心神狂乱的 1 : agitated with doubt or mental conflict or pain <distraught mourners> 2 : mentally deranged : CRAZED <as if thou wert distraught and mad with terror - Shakespeare>


[dis'tɔ:t] v.扭曲,弄歪 If you distort a statement, fact, or idea, you report or represent it in an untrue way. If something you can see or hear is distorted or distorts, its appearance or sound is changed so that it seems unclear.


[dis'tʃɑ:dʒ] v.流出;释放;解雇;履行义务 When someone is discharged from hospital, prison, or one of the armed services, they are officially allowed to leave, or told that they must leave. If someone discharges their duties or responsibilities, they do everything that needs to be done in order to complete them. (FORMAL) If someone discharges a debt, they pay it. (FORMAL) If something is discharged from inside a place, it comes out. (FORMAL) When there is a discharge of a substance, the substance comes out from inside somewhere. (FORMAL)


[dis'ɑ:m] v.使...解除武器;使...缓和 To disarm a person or group means to take away all their weapons. If a country or group disarms, it gives up the use of weapons, especially nuclear weapons. If a person or their behaviour disarms you, they cause you to feel less angry, hostile, or critical towards them.


[dræb] a.枯黄色的;无聊的 1 a : of the dull brown color of drab b : of the color drab 2 : characterized by dullness and monotony : CHEERLESS <a drab life> : a small amount - usually used in the phrase dribs and drabs <receiving donations in dribs and drabs>


[drɑ:ft] n.草稿,草案;汇票 A draft is an early version of a letter, book, or speech. When you draft a letter, book, or speech, you write the first version of it. If you are drafted, you are ordered to serve in the armed forces, usually for a limited period of time. (mainly AM)= conscript If people are drafted into a place, they are moved there to do a particular job. A draft is a written order for payment of money by a bank, especially from one bank to another.


[dɑ:t] n.飞镖;v.急驰;投射 If a person or animal darts somewhere, they move there suddenly and quickly. (WRITTEN) If you dart a look at someone or something, or if your eyes dart to them, you look at them very quickly. (LITERARY) A dart is a small, narrow object with a sharp point which can be thrown or shot. Darts is a game in which you throw darts at a round board which has numbers on it.


[də'bri:] n.废墟,残骸 Debris is pieces from something that has been destroyed or pieces of rubbish or unwanted material that are spread around. 2 : an accumulation of fragments of rock 3 : something discarded : RUBBISH


[də'geriəutaip] n.(早期)银版照相 : an early photograph produced on a silver or a silver-covered copper plate also : the process of producing such photographs


[də'mestikeit] v.驯养 When people domesticate wild animals or plants, they bring them under control and use them to produce food or as pets. = tame 1 : to bring into domestic use : ADOPT 2 : to adapt (an animal or plant) to life in intimate association with and to the advantage of humans 3 : to make domestic : fit for domestic life 4 : to bring to the level of ordinary people


[də:θ] n.缺乏,短缺 If there is a dearth of something, there is not enough of it. =lack 1 : scarcity that makes dear specifically : FAMINE


[dəu'mein] n.领土;领域 A domain is a particular field of thought, activity, or interest, especially one over which someone has control, influence, or rights. (FORMAL) 1 a : complete and absolute ownership of land - compare EMINENT DOMAIN b : land so owned 2 : a territory over which dominion(主权 统治权 领土) is exercised 4 : a sphere of knowledge, influence, or activity <the domain of art>


[dəus] n.剂量,一剂 1 a : the measured quantity of a therapeutic agent to be taken at one time b : the quantity of radiation administered or absorbed 2 : a portion of a substance added during a process 3 : an amount of something likened to a prescribed or measured quantity of medicine <a daily dose of hard work> <a dose of scandal> 1 : to give a dose to especially : to give medicine to 2 : to divide (as a medicine) into doses 3 : to treat with an application or agent


[dəut] v.溺爱;昏聩 1 : to exhibit mental decline of or like that of old age : be in one's dotage 2 : to be lavish or excessive in one's attention, fondness, or affection - usually used with on <doted on her only grandchild>


[dʒaib] n./v.嘲弄,讥笑 intransitive verb : to utter taunting(辱骂,嘲弄) words transitive verb : to deride or tease with taunting words


[dʒen'ti:l] a.上流社会的;装作彬彬有礼的 1 a : having an aristocratic quality or flavor : STYLISH b : of or relating to the gentry or upper class c : elegant or graceful in manner, appearance, or shape d : free from vulgarity or rudeness : POLITE 2 a : maintaining or striving to maintain the appearance of superior or middle-class social status or respectability b (1) : marked by false delicacy, prudery(假正经), or affectation (2) : conventionally or insipidly(没有味道地) pretty <timid and genteel artistic style>


[dʒi'naiəl] a.愉快的,脾气好的 3 a : favorable to growth or comfort : MILD <genial sunshine> b : marked by or diffusing sympathy or friendliness <your genial host> 4 : displaying or marked by genius synonyms see GRACIOUS : of or relating to the chin


[dʒi'nerik] a.种类的,类属的 1 a : relating to or characteristic of a whole group or class : GENERAL b : being or having a nonproprietary name <generic drugs> c : having no particularly distinctive quality or application <generic restaurants> 2 : relating to or having the rank of a biological genus


[eks'tænt] a.现存的,传世的 If something is extant, it is still in existence, in spite of being very old. (FORMAL) = surviving 2 a : currently or actually existing <the most charming writer extant -G. W. Johnson> b : still existing : not destroyed or lost <extant manuscripts>


[eks'tə:nə`laiz] v.使...表面化 If you externalize your ideas or feelings, you express them openly, in words or actions. (FORMAL) 1 : to make external or externally manifest 2 : to attribute to causes outside the self : RATIONALIZE <externalized his lack of ability to succeed>


[eə] n.继承人 1 : one who inherits or is entitled to inherit property 2 : one who inherits or is entitled to succeed to e hereditery rank, title, or office <heir to the throne> 3 : one who receives or is entitled to receive some endowment or quality from a parent or predecessor


[faul] a.恶臭的;邪恶的;v.弄脏;n.(体育等)犯规 1 a : offensive to the senses : LOATHSOME b : filled or covered with offensive matter 2 : full of dirt or mud 3 a : morally or spiritually odious(可憎的,讨厌的) : DETESTABLE <a foul crime> b : notably unpleasant or distressing : WRETCHED, HORRID <in a foul mood> 4 : OBSCENE(猥亵的), ABUSIVE <foul language> 5 a : being wet and stormy b : obstructive to navigation <a foul tide> 7 a : TREACHEROUS(背叛的), DISHONORABLE(不光彩的) <fair means or foul> b : constituting an infringement(犯规) of rules in a game or sport <a foul blow in boxing> 8 : containing marked-up corrections <a foul manuscript> <foul proofs> 9 : encrusted, clogged, or choked with a foreign substance <the chimney was foul and smoked badly> 10 : being odorous(有气味的) and impure : POLLUTED <foul air> 11 : placed in a situation that impedes physical movement : ENTANGLED 12 : being outside the foul lines in baseball synonyms see DIRTY FOUL implies extreme offensiveness and an accumulation of what is rotten or stinking <a foul-smelling open sewer>. noun. 2 : an entanglement or collision especially in angling or sailing 3 a : an infringement of the rules in a game or sport b : FREE THROW intransitive verb 1 : to become or be foul: as a : DECOMPOSE, ROT b : to become encrusted, clogged, or choked with a foreign substance c : to become entangled or come into collision 2 : to commit a violation of the rules in a sport or game transitive verb 1 : to make foul: as a : to make dirty : POLLUTE b : to tangle or come into collision with c : to encrust with a foreign substance <a ship's bottom fouled with barnacles(藤壶)> d : OBSTRUCT, BLOCK 2 : DISHONOR, DISCREDIT 3 : to commit a foul against


[feint] v./n.佯攻,佯击 In sport or military conflict, if someone feints, they make a brief movement in a different direction from the one they intend to follow, as a way of confusing or deceiving their opponent. : something feigned specifically : a mock blow or attack on or toward one part in order to distract attention from the point one really intends to attack intransitive verb : to make a feint transitive verb 1 : to lure or deceive with a feint 2 : to make a pretense of synonyms see TRICK


[fel] n.兽皮;v.砍伐;a.凶猛的,可怕的 If you fell someone, you knock them down, for example in a fight. n. 1 : SKIN, HIDE, PELT 2 : a thin tough membrane covering a carcass directly under the hide v. 1 a : to cut, knock, or bring down <fell a tree> b : KILL 2 : to sew (a seam) by(缝) folding one raw edge under the other and sewing flat on the wrong side adj 1 a : FIERCE, CRUEL, TERRIBLE b : SINISTER, MALEVOLENT <a fell purpose> c : very destructive : DEADLY <a fell disease>


[fi'nes] n.技巧;计谋;手段 1 : refinement or delicacy of workmanship, structure, or texture 2 : skillful handling of a situation : adroit maneuvering intransitive verb : to make a finesse in playing cards transitive verb 1 : to play (a card) in a finesse 2 a : to bring about, direct, or manage by adroit maneuvering <finesse his way through tight places - Marquis James> b : EVADE, SKIRT <finesse the hard issues>


[fju:d] n.宿怨,不和 : a mutual enmity or quarrel that is often prolonged or inveterate(根深蒂固的) especially : BLOOD FEUD = vendetta


[flAə] n./v.(火焰)摇曳,闪耀 A flare is a small device that produces a bright flame. If a fire flares, the flames suddenly become larger.= flare up If something such as trouble, violence, or conflict flares, it starts or becomes more violent..= flare up If people's tempers flare, they get angry. If someone's nostrils flare or if they flare them, their nostrils become wider, often because the person is angry or upset. If something such as a dress flares, it spreads outwards at one end to form a wide shape. 3 a : a sudden outburst (as of excitement or anger) b : FLARE-UP 3 transitive verb 1 : to display conspicuously <flaring her scarf(围巾) to attract attention> 2 : to cause to flare <the breeze flares the candle> 3 : to signal with a flare or by flaring 4 : to burn (a jet of waste gas) in the open air


[fledʒ] v.小鸟长飞羽,变得羽毛丰满 intransitive verb: of a young bird : to acquire the feathers necessary for flight or independent activity also : to leave the nest after acquiring such feathers transitive verb 1 : to rear until ready for flight or independent activity 2 : to cover with or as if with feathers or down(绒毛) 3 : to furnish (as an arrow) with feathers


[fleil] n.连枷(打谷工具);v.打,打击 : a hand threshing implement consisting of a wooden handle at the end of which a stouter and shorter stick is so hung as to swing freely. transitive verb 1 a : to strike with or as if with a flail <arms flailing the water> b : to move, swing, or beat as if wielding a flail <flailing a club to drive away the insects> 2 : to thresh (grain) with a flail intransitive verb : to move, swing, or beat like a flail


[flip] v.用指轻弹;蹦跳;a.无礼的 If you flip a device on or off, or if you flip a switch, you turn it on or off by pressing the switch quickly.= flick If you say that someone is being flip, you disapprove of them because you think that what they are saying shows they are not being serious enough about something. The tone of the book is sometimes too flip. transitive verb 1 : to toss so as to cause to turn over in the air <flip a coin> also : TOSS <flip me the ball> <flip one end of the scarf over your shoulder> 2 a : to cause to turn and especially to turn over <flipped the car> <flipping the pages of a book> b : to move with a small quick motion <flip a switch> intransitive verb 1 : to make a twitching or flicking movement <the fish flipped and flopped on the deck> also : to change from one position to another and especially turn over <the car flipped> 2 : LEAF 2 to turn over pages especially to browse or skim <flipped through the pages> adjective : FLIPPANT(无礼的,轻率的), IMPERTINENT(鲁莽的,粗鲁的)


[flʌʃ] n./v.脸红;奔流;冲洗 intransitive verb : to fly away suddenly transitive verb 1 : to cause (as a bird) to flush 2 : to expose or chase from a place of concealment <flushed the boys from their hiding place> noun 1 : a sudden flow (as of water) also : a rinsing or cleansing with or as if with a flush of water 2 a : a sudden increase or expansion especially : sudden and usually abundant new plant growth <the spring of grass> b : a surge of emotion <felt a flush of anger at the insult> 3 a : a tinge of red : BLUSH b : a fresh and vigorous state <in the first flush of womanhood> 4 : a transitory sensation of extreme heat intransitive verb 1 : to flow and spread suddenly and freely 2 a : to glow brightly b : BLUSH 3 : to produce new growth <the plants flush twice during the year> transitive verb 1 a : to cause to flow b : to pour liquid over or through especially : to cleanse or wash out with or as if with a rush of liquid <flush the toilet> <flush the lungs with air> 2 : INFLAME, EXCITE ― usually used passively <flushed with pride> 3 : to cause to blush adjective 1 a : of a ruddy healthy color b : full of life and vigor : LUSTY 2 a : filled to overflowing b : AFFLUENT 3 : readily available : ABUNDANT 4 a : having or forming a continuous plane or unbroken surface <flush paneling> b : directly abutting or immediately adjacent: as (1) : set even with an edge of a type page or column : having no indention (2) : arranged edge to edge so as to fit snugly


[fru(:)'iʃən] n.实现,完成 1 : pleasurable use or possession : ENJOYMENT 2 a : the state of bearing fruit b : REALIZATION


[fɑ:st] n.绝食,斋戒;adv.很快地,紧紧地 intransitive verb 1 : to abstain from food 2 : to eat sparingly or abstain from some foods adverb 1 : in a firm or fixed manner <stuck fast> 2 : in a sound manner : DEEPLY <fast asleep> 3 a : in a rapid manner : QUICKLY b : in quick succession 4 : in a reckless or dissipated manner 5 : ahead of a correct time or schedule


[fɔ:'mæliti] n.遵循的规范;拘泥形式;正式 1 : compliance with formal or conventional rules : CEREMONY 2 : the quality or state of being formal 3 : an established form or procedure that is required or conventional <the interview was just a formality>


[fɔil] n.钝剑;箔,锡箔纸 transitive verb 2 a : to prevent from attaining an end : DEFEAT <always able to foil her enemies> b : to bring to naught : THWART <foiled the plot> synonyms see FRUSTRATE noun 1 : very thin sheet metal <aluminum foil> 2 : a thin piece of material (as metal) put under an inferior or paste stone to add color or brilliance 3 : someone or something that serves as a contrast to another <acted as a foil for a comedian> transitive verb 1 : to back or cover with foil 2 : to enhance by contrast


[fə:n] n.羊齿植物,蕨 A fern is a plant that has long stems with feathery leaves and no flowers. There are many types of fern.


[fəuld] n.羊栏,畜栏;v.折叠 1 : an enclosure for sheep 2 a : a flock of sheep b : a group of people or institutions that share a common faith, belief, activity, or enthusiasm : to pen up or confine (as sheep) in a fold transitive verb 3 : to clasp together : ENTWINE <fold the hands> 4 : to clasp or enwrap closely : EMBRACE 5 : to bend (as a layer of rock) into folds 6 a : to incorporate (a food ingredient) into a mixture by repeated gentle overturnings without stirring or beating b : to incorporate closely 7 a : to concede defeat by withdrawing (one's cards) from play (as in poker) b : to bring to an end intransitive verb 1 : to become doubled or pleated 2 : to fail completely : COLLAPSE especially : to go out of business 3 : to fold one's cards (as in poker) -fold 1 : multiplied by (a specified number) : times - in adjectives <a sixfold increase> and adverbs <repay you tenfold> 2 : having (so many) parts <threefold aspect of the problem>


[gaudʒ] n.半圆凿;v.挖出;敲竹杠 1 : a chisel with a concavo-convex cross section 2 a : the act of gouging b : a groove or cavity scooped out 3 : an excessive or improper exaction : EXTORTION(敲诈,勒索) transitive verb 1 : to scoop out with or as if with a gouge 2 a : to force out (an eye) with the thumb b : to thrust the thumb into the eye of 3 : to subject to extortion or undue(过分的) exaction : OVERCHARGE


[geidʒ] n.标准规格;测量仪;v.测量 1 a : a measurement (as of linear dimension) according to some standard or system: b : DIMENSIONS, SIZE c : MEASURE 1 <surveys are a gauge of public sentiment> 2 : an instrument for or a means of measuring or testing: 3 : relative position of a ship with reference to another ship and the wind synonyms see STANDARD synonyms STANDARD, CRITERION, GAUGE, YARDSTICK, TOUCHSTONE mean a means of determining what a thing should be. GAUGE applies to a means of testing a particular dimension (as thickness, depth, diameter) or figuratively a particular quality or aspect <polls as a gauge of voter dissatisfaction>.


[glaid] v.滑行,滑动 intransitive verb 1 : to move smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly <swans gliding over the lake> 2 : to go or pass imperceptibly(极小地) <hours glided by> 3 a of an airplane : to descend gradually in controlled flight b : to fly in a glider 4 : to produce a glide (as in music or speech) transitive verb : to cause to glide noun 1 : a calm stretch of shallow water flowing smoothly 2 : the act or action of gliding 3 : PORTAMENTO(滑音,延音) 4 a : a less prominent vowel sound produced by the passing of the vocal organs to or from the articulatory position of a speech sound 5 : a device for facilitating movement of something especially : a circular usually metal button attached to the bottom of furniture legs to provide a smooth surface


[glɑ:ns] v./n.一瞥 intransitive verb 1 : to strike a surface obliquely(斜地) so as to go off at an angle <the bullet glanced off the wall> 2 a : to make sudden quick movements <dragonflies glancing over the pond> b : to flash or gleam with quick intermittent(断断续续的) rays of light <brooks glancing in the sun> 3 : to touch on a subject or refer to it briefly or indirectly <the work glances at the customs of ancient cultures> 4 a of the eyes : to move swiftly from one thing to another b : to take a quick look at something <glanced at his watch> transitive verb 2 : to give an oblique path of direction to: a : to throw or shoot so that the object glances from a surface b archaic : to aim (as an innuendo(含沙射影)) indirectly : INSINUATE noun. 1 : a quick intermittent flash or gleam 2 : a deflected impact or blow 3 a : a swift movement of the eyes b : a quick or cursory(匆忙的,草率的) look at first glance : on first consideration <at first glance the subject seems harmless enough>


[glɔs] n.光泽;注解 noun 1 : a surface luster(光泽) or brightness : SHINE 2 a : a deceptively attractive appearance <selfishness that had a gloss of humanitarianism about it> b : bright often superficial attractiveness <show-biz(演艺事业) gloss> 3 : a transparent cosmetic preparation for adding shine and usually color to the lips transitive verb 1 a : to mask the true nature of : give a deceptively attractive appearance to - used with over <the misery was general, where not glossed over by liberal application of alcohol - Marston Bates> b : to deal with (a subject or problem) too lightly or not at all - used with over <glosses over scholarly controversies rather than confronting them head-on - John Israel> 2 : to give a gloss to 1 a : a brief explanation (as in the margin or between the lines of a text) of a difficult or obscure word or expression b : a false and often willfully misleading interpretation (as of a text) 2 a : GLOSSARY b : an interlinear translation c : a continuous commentary accompanying a text 3 : COMMENTARY, INTERPRETATION


[graind] n.枯燥乏味的工作;v.磨碎,碾碎 transitive verb 1 : to reduce to powder or small fragments by friction (as in a mill or with the teeth) 2 : to wear down, polish, or sharpen by friction <grind an ax(斧子)> 3 a : OPPRESS(压迫,压制), HARASS(烦扰) b : to weaken or destroy gradually - usually used with down <poverty ground her spirit down> 4 a : to press together with a rotating motion <grind the teeth> b : to rub or press harshly <ground the cigarette out> 5 : to operate or produce by turning a crank <grind a hand organ> intransitive verb 1 : to perform the operation of grinding 2 : to become pulverized(毁坏的), polished, or sharpened by friction 3 : to move with difficulty or friction especially so as to make a grating(刺耳的) noise <gears grinding> 4 : DRUDGE especially : to study hard <grind for an exam> 5 : to rotate the hips in an erotic manner noun. 2 a : dreary(沉闷的), monotonous, or difficult labor, study, or routine b : one who works or studies excessively 3 : the result of grinding also : material ground to a particular degree of fineness <a drip grind of coffee> 4 : the act of rotating the hips in an erotic manner synonyms see WORK


[graip] v.抱怨 transitive verb 2 a : AFFLICT, DISTRESS b : IRRITATE, VEX(使烦恼) 3 : to cause pinching and spasmodic pain in the bowels of intransitive verb 1 : to experience gripes 2 : to complain with grumbling(喃喃鸣不平) noun 2 : a pinching spasmodic intestinal pain -usually used in plural 3 : GRIEVANCE, COMPLAINT


[graus] n.松鸡;v.牢骚,诉苦 A grouse is a wild bird with a round body. Grouse are often shot for sport and can be eaten. If you grouse, you complain. A grouse is a complaint.


[grautʃ] n.牢骚,不满 1 a : a fit of bad temper b : GRUDGE, COMPLAINT 2 : a habitually irritable or complaining person : GRUMBLER


[gri:f] n.忧伤,悲伤 2 a : deep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement(丧失(尤指亲友)) b : a cause of such suffering 3 a : an unfortunate outcome : DISASTER used chiefly in the phrase come to grief b : MISHAP(不幸之事), MISADVENTURE(不幸事件) c : TROUBLE, ANNOYANCE <enough grief for one day> d : annoying or playful criticism <getting grief from his friends> synonyms see SORROW


[gri:n] a.新鲜的,未成熟的,无经验的 3 : pleasantly alluring 4 : YOUTHFUL, VIGOROUS 5 : not ripened or matured : IMMATURE <green apples> <tender green grasses> 6 : FRESH, NEW 8 a : not fully processed or treated: as (1) : not aged <green liquor> (2) : not dressed or tanned(晒黑) <green hides(兽皮)> (3) : freshly sawed : UNSEASONED(经验丰富的) b : not in condition for a particular use 9 a : deficient in training, knowledge, or experience <green recruits> b : deficient in sophistication and savoir faire : NAIVE c : not fully qualified for or experienced in a particular function <a green horse> transitive verb 1 : to make green 2 : REJUVENATE(使返老还童), REVITALIZE


[gril] v.烤;拷问;n.烤架 transitive verb 1 : to broil(烧烤) on a grill also : to fry or toast on a griddle 2 a : to torment as if by broiling b : to question intensely <the police grilled the suspect> noun 1 : a cooking utensil(厨房用具) of parallel bars on which food is exposed to heat (as from charcoal or electricity) 2 : food that is broiled usually on a grill 3 : a usually informal restaurant or dining room


[grim] a.冷酷的,可怕的 1 : fierce in disposition or action : SAVAGE(未开化的;野蛮的) 2 a : stern or forbidding in action or appearance <a grim taskmaster> b : SOMBER, GLOOMY 3 : ghastly(联想到死亡而引起:可怕的), repellent(令人厌恶的), or sinister(不祥的;灾难性的) in character <a grim tale> 4 : UNFLINCHING(不畏惧的), UNYIELDING <grim determination>


[grin] v.露齿而笑 : to draw back the lips so as to show the teeth especially in amusement or laughter broadly : SMILE If you grin and bear it, you accept a difficult or unpleasant situation without complaining because you know there is nothing you can do to make things better.


[grit] n.沙粒;决心,勇气;v.下定决心,咬紧牙关 noun 1 a : SAND, GRAVEL b : a hard sharp granule (as of sand) also : material (as many abrasives) composed of such granules 2 : any of several sandstones 3 a : the structure of a stone that adapts it to grinding b : the size of abrasive particles usually expressed as their mesh 4 : firmness of mind or spirit : unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger


[gru:v] n.凹线;(刻出的)线条;习惯 noun 1 : a long narrow channel or depression 2 a : a fixed routine : RUT b : a situation suited to one's abilities or interests : NICHE 3 : top form <a great talker when he is in the groove> 5 : an enjoyable or exciting experience transitive verb 1 a : to make a groove in b : to join by a groove 2 : to perfect by repeated practice <grooved her golf swing> 3 : to throw (a pitch) in the groove intransitive verb 1 : to become joined or fitted by a groove 2 : to form a groove 3 : to enjoy oneself intensely 4 : to interact harmoniously <contemporary minds and rock groove together - Benjamin DeMott>


[grɑ:ft] v./n.嫁接;贪污 noun.: the acquisition of gain (as money) in dishonest or questionable ways also : illegal or unfair gain transitive verb : to get (illicit(违法的) gain) by graft intransitive verb : to practice graft


[grɑ:nt] v.同意给予 transitive verb 1 a : to consent to carry out for a person : allow fulfillment of <grant a request> b : to permit as a right, privilege, or favor <luggage allowances(限额) granted to passengers> 2 : to bestow or transfer formally <grant a scholarship to a student> specifically : to give the possession or title of by a deed 3 a : to be willing to concede b : to assume to be true <granting that you are correct, you may find it hard to prove your point> noun. 1 : the act of granting 2 : something granted especially : a gift (as of land or money) for a particular purpose 3 a : a transfer of property by deed or writing b : the instrument by which such a transfer is made also : the property so transferred


[grəun] v./n.呻吟,叹息 intransitive verb 1 : to utter a deep moan indicative of pain, grief, or annoyance 2 : to make a harsh sound (as of creaking(辗轧声,嘎吱声)) under sudden or prolonged strain transitive verb : to utter or express with groaning


[grəup] v.摸索,探索 intransitive verb 1 : to feel about blindly or uncertainly in search <grope for the light switch(照明开关)> 2 : to look for something blindly or uncertainly <grope for the right words> 3 : to feel one's way transitive verb 1 : FEEL UP 2 : to find (as one's way) by groping


[grəus] a.总的;粗野的;n.整个,全部 adjective 1 b (1) : glaringly noticeable usually because of inexcusable(不可宽恕的) badness or objectionableness <a gross error> (2) : OUT-AND-OUT(完全的,彻底的), UTTER <a gross injustice> c : visible without the aid of a microscope 2 a : BIG, BULKY especially : excessively fat b : growing or spreading with excessive luxuriance(繁茂) 3 a : of, relating to, or dealing with general aspects or broad distinctions b : consisting of an overall total exclusive of deductions(扣除 减除) <gross income> 4 : made up of material or perceptible elements 6 a : coarse in nature or behavior : UNREFINED b : gravely deficient in civility or decency : crudely vulgar <merely gross, a scatological(粪石学,低俗文学) rather than a pornographic(色情的) impropriety ― Aldous Huxley> c : inspiring disgust or distaste <that sandwich looks gross> 7 : deficient in knowledge : IGNORANT, UNTUTORED synonyms see COARSE, FLAGRANT noun. 2 : overall total exclusive of deductions transitive verb : to earn or bring in (an overall total) exclusive of deductions (as for taxes or expenses)


[gæf] n.(社交上令人不快的)失言,失态 1 : a social or diplomatic blunder 2 : a noticeable mistake If you blow the gaffe or blow the gaff, you tell someone something that other people wanted you to keep secret. (BRIT INFORMAL)


[gɔ:l] n.胆汁;怨恨 1 a : BILE especially : bile obtained from an animal and used in the arts or medicine b : something bitter to endure c : bitterness of spirit : RANCOR(深仇, 怨恨) 2 : brazen boldness coupled with impudent assurance and insolence synonyms see TEMERITY


[gə'rilə] n.大猩猩 2 a : an ugly or brutal man b : THUG, GOON


[gə'ru:liti] n.唠叨,饶舌 : the quality or state of being garrulous


[gə:θ] n.腰身;周长 1 : a band or strap that encircles the body of an animal to fasten something (as a saddle(鞍)) on its back 2 a : a measure around a body <a man of more than average girth> <the girth of a tree> b : SIZE, DIMENSIONS transitive verb 1 : ENCIRCLE 2 : to bind or fasten with a girth 3 : to measure the girth of


[gʌlp] v.吞食,咽下 transitive verb 1 : to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one swallow 2 : to keep back as if by swallowing <gulp down a sobI(啜泣 抽噎)> 3 : to take in readily as if by swallowing <gulp down knowledge> intransitive verb : to catch the breath as if in taking a long drink


[gʌm] n.树胶,橡皮 Gum is a substance, usually tasting of mint, which you chew for a long time but do not swallow. Your gums are the areas of firm, pink flesh inside your mouth, which your teeth grow out of. Gum is a type of glue that is used to stick two pieces of paper together. (mainly BRIT) If two things are gummed together, they are stuck together. (BRIT) transitive verb : to clog, impede, or damage with or as if with gum <gum up the works> intransitive verb 1 : to exude or form gum 2 : to become gummy = sticky


[gʌʃ] v.涌出;滔滔不绝地说 intransitive verb 1 : to issue copiously(旺盛地) or violently 2 : to emit a sudden copious flow 3 : to make an effusive(喷发的) display of affection or enthusiasm <an aunt gushing over the baby> transitive verb 1 : to emit in a copious free flow 2 : to say or write effusively noun 1 a : a sudden outpouring b : something emitted in a gushing forth 2 : an effusive display or outpouring


[hai'eitəs] n.空隙,裂缝 1 a : a break in or as if in a material object : GAP <the hiatus between the theory and the practice of the party - J. G. Colton> b : a gap or passage in an anatomical part or organ 2 a : an interruption in time or continuity : BREAK especially : a period when something (as a program or activity) is suspended or interrupted <after a 5-year hiatus from writing> b : the occurrence of two vowel sounds without pause or intervening consonantal sound


[hai'pɔθisis] n.假设,假说 1 a : an assumption or concession made for the sake of argument b : an interpretation of a practical situation or condition taken as the ground for action 2 : a tentative(试探性的) assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences 3 : the antecedent clause of a conditional statement


[hai] v.疾走,催促 intransitive verb : to go quickly : HASTEN transitive verb : to cause (oneself) to go quickly


[haid] n.兽皮 1 : the skin of an animal whether raw or dressed - used especially of large heavy skins 2 : the life or physical well-being of a person <betrayed his friend to save his own hide> -hide or hair or hide nor hair : a vestige(遗迹) or trace of someone or something <a wife he hadn't seen hide or hair of in over 20 years - H. L. Davis>


[haik] v.高涨,上升;n.徒步旅行 intransitive verb 1 a : to go on a hike b : to travel by any means 2 : to rise up especially : to work upward out of place <skirt had hiked up in back> transitive verb 1 a : to move, pull, or raise with a sudden motion <hiked himself onto the top bunk(铺位)> b : SNAP 6B: to undergo a sudden and rapid change (as from one condition to another) <snap out of it> <snapped awake> c : to raise in amount sharply or suddenly <hike rents> 2 : to take on a hike 3 : to traverse(横越) on a hike <hike a trail> noun 1 : a long walk especially for pleasure or exercise 2 : an increase especially in quantity or amount <a new wage hike>


[haiv] n.蜂房;忙碌之地 1 a : a container for housing honeybees b : the usually aboveground nest of bees 2 : a colony of bees 3 : a place swarming(挤满的) with activity intransitive verb 1 of bees : to enter and take possession of a hive 2 : to reside in close association transitive verb 1 : to collect into a hive 2 : to store up in or as if in a hive


[hedʒ] n.树篱;限制 1 e : e fence or boundery formed by a dense row of shrubs or low trees b : BARRIER, LIMIT 2 : a means of protection or defense (as against financial loss) 3 : a calculatedly noncommittal(态度暧昧的,含糊的) or evasive(不坦率的 转弯抹角的) statement transitive verb 1 : to enclose or protect with or as if with a hedge : ENCIRCLE 2 : to hem in or obstruct with or as if with a barrier : HINDER <hedged about by special regulations and statutes ― Sandi Rosenbloom> 3 : to protect oneself from losing or failing by a counterbalancing action <hedge a bet> intransitive verb 1 : to plant, form, or trim a hedge 2 : to evade the risk of commitment especially by leaving open a way of retreat : TRIM 3 : to protect oneself financially: as a : to buy or sell commodity futures as a protection against loss due to price fluctuation b : to minimize the risk of a bet


[hem] v.包围;n.袖边,边缘;interj.吞吞吐吐地说 transitive verb 1 a : to finish with a hem b : BORDER, EDGE 2 : to surround in a restrictive manner : CONFINE - usually used with in <hemmed in by enemy troops> intransitive verb : to make a hem(褶边) in sewing noun 1 : a border of a cloth article doubled back and stitched down 2 : RIM, MARGIN <bright green hem of reeds about the ponds - R. M. Lockley> intransitive verb 1 : to utter the sound represented by hem <hemmed and hawed before answering> 2 : EQUIVOCATE <the administration hemmed and hawed over the students' demands> interjection often used to indicate a vocalized pause in speaking


[hi'reditəri] a.祖传的,世袭的 1 a : genetically transmitted or transmittable from parent to offspring b : characteristic of or fostered by one's predecessors 2 a : received or passing by inheritance or required to pass by inheritance or by reason of birth b : having title or possession through inheritance or by reason of birth 3 : of a kind established by tradition <hereditary enemies> 4 : of or relating to inheritance or heredity


[hi'retikəl] a.异端邪说的 1 : of, relating to, or characterized by heresy 2 : of, relating to, or characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards : UNORTHODOX


[hi(:)'geməni] n.霸权,领导权 1 : preponderant influence or authority over others : DOMINATION <battled for hegemony in Asia> 2 : the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group <extend their own hegemony over American culture as a whole - Mary K. Cayton>


[hi:l] v.治愈 transitive verb 1 a : to make sound or whole <heal a wound> b : to restore to health 2 a : to cause (an undesirable condition) to be overcome : MEND <the troubles - had not been forgotten, but they had been healed ― William Power> b : to patch up (a breach or division) <heal a breach between friends> 3 : to restore to original purity or integrity <healed of sin> intransitive verb : to return to a sound state


[him] n.赞美诗 1 a : a song of praise to God b : a metrical composition adapted for singing in a religious service 2 : a song of praise or joy 3 : something resembling a hymn : PAEAN(赞美歌) transitive verb : to praise or worship in or as if in hymns <the heroes hymned in this book> intransitive verb : to sing a hymn


[hindʒ] n.铰链;关键 1 a : a jointed or flexible device on which a door, lid, or other swinging part turns b : a flexible ligamentous joint c : a small piece of thin gummed paper used in fastening a postage stamp in an album 2 : a determining factor : TURNING POINT


[hip'nɔtik] a.催眠的;n.催眠药 1 : tending to produce sleep : SOPORIFIC(催眠的,懒惰的) 2 a : of or relating to hypnosis(催眠状态) or hypnotism(催眠术) b : readily holding the attention <a hypnotic personality> <a simple hypnotic beat>


[his'tiəriə] n.歇斯底里症 1 : a psychoneurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of the psychic, sensory, vasomotor, and visceral(内脏的) functions 2 : behavior exhibiting overwhelming or unmanageable fear or emotional excess <political hysteria>


[his'tɔlədʒi] n.细胞组织学 1 : a branch of anatomy that deals with the minute structure of animal and plant tissues as discernible with the microscope 2 : tissue structure or organization


[his] v.作嘘声;(蛇等)发出嘶嘶声 intransitive verb : to make a sharp sibilant(呲呲声的) sound <the crowd hissed in disapproval> <hissing steam> transitive verb 1 : to express disapproval of by hissing <hissed the performers off the stage> 2 : to utter or whisper angrily or threateningly and with a hiss


[hju(:)'militi] n.谦逊,谦恭 : the quality or state of being humble Someone who has humility is not proud and does not believe they are better than other people.


[hju:'mein] a.人道的,慈悲的 1 : marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for humans or animals 2 : characterized by or tending to broad humanistic culture : HUMANISTIC <humane studies>


[hju:'miditi] n.湿度,湿气 : a moderate degree of wetness especially of the atmosphere


[hætʃ] n.船舱盖;v.孵化 1 : a small door or opening (as in an airplane or spaceship) <an escape hatch> 2 a : an opening in the deck of a ship or in the floor or roof of a building b : the covering for such an opening c : HATCHWAY d : COMPARTMENT 3 : FLOODGATE verb intransitive verb 1 : to produce young by incubation 2 a : to emerge from an egg, chrysalis(蛹), or pupa b : to give forth young or imagoes(成虫) 3 : to incubate eggs : BROOD transitive verb 1 a : to produce (young) from an egg by applying natural or artificial heat b : INCUBATE 1A 2 : to bring into being : ORIGINATE especially : to concoct in secret <hatch a plot> noun 1 : an act or instance of hatching 2 : a brood of hatched young


[hɑ:d'hedid] a.(商业上)现实的,精明的 1 : STUBBORN, WILLFUL 2 : concerned with or involving practical considerations : SOBER(节制的,朴素的), REALISTIC <some hardheaded advice> <a hardheaded observer of winds and tides>


[hɑ:p] n.竖琴;v.喋喋不休地说或写 1 : a plucked stringed instrument consisting of a resonator, an arched or angled neck that may be supported by a post, and strings of graded length that are perpendicular to the soundboard 2 : something resembling a harp intransitive verb 1 : to play on a harp 2 : to dwell on or recur to a subject tiresomely or monotonously - usually used with on


[hɑ:ʃ] a.严厉的;粗糙的;刺耳的 1 : having a coarse uneven surface that is rough or unpleasant to the touch 2 a : causing a disagreeable or painful sensory reaction : IRRITATING b : physically discomforting : PAINFUL 3 : unduly exacting : SEVERE 4 : lacking in aesthetic appeal or refinement : CRUDE synonyms see ROUGH ROUGH implies points, bristles, ridges, or projections on the surface <a rough wooden board>. HARSH implies a surface or texture distinctly unpleasant to the touch <a harsh fabric that chafes the skin>.


[hɔ:n] n.角,角质;喇叭 2 : something resembling or suggestive of a horn: as a : one of the curved ends of a crescent(新月形之物) b : a sharp mountain peak c : a body of land or water shaped like a horn d : a beak-shaped part of an anvil e : a high pommel of a saddle(鞍) 3 a : an animal's horn used as a wind instrument(管乐器) b : a brass wind instrument: as (1) : HUNTING HORN (2) : FRENCH HORN c : a wind instrument used in a jazz band especially : TRUMPET(喇叭,小号) d : a usually electrical device that makes a noise like that of a horn


[hɔist] v.吊高,升起;n.起重机 transitive verb 1 : LIFT, RAISE especially : to raise into position by or as if by means of tackle(传动装置,滑车) 2 : DRINK 1 <hoist a few beers> intransitive verb : to become hoisted : RISE synonyms see LIFT noun 1 : an act of hoisting : LIFT 2 : an apparatus for hoisting 3 : the height of a flag when viewed flying


[hə'bitjueit] v.使习惯于 transitive verb 1 : to make used to something : ACCUSTOM 2 : FREQUENT 1 : to associate with, be in, or resort to often or habitually <a bar habituated by sports fans> intransitive verb 1 : to cause habituation 2 : to undergo habituation <habituate to a stimulus>


[hə'mɔdʒənaiz] v.使均匀,使一致 transitive verb 1 a : to blend (diverse elements) into a uniform mixture b : to make homogeneous 2 a : to reduce to small particles of uniform size and distribute evenly usually in a liquid b : to reduce the particles of so that they are uniformly small and evenly distributed specifically : to break up the fat globules of (milk) into very fine particles intransitive verb : to become homogenized


[hə:'beiʃəs] a.草本植物的 1 a : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an herb b of a stem : having little or no woody tissue and persisting usually for a single growing season 2 : having the texture, color, or appearance of a leaf


[hə:'metik] a.密封的;深奥的 1 often capitalized a : of or relating to the Gnostic writings or teachings arising in the first three centuries A.D. and attributed to Hermes Trismegistus b : relating to or characterized by occultism(神秘主义) or abstruseness(深奥) : RECONDITE 2 [from the belief that Hermes Trismegistus invented a magic seal to keep vessels airtight] a : AIRTIGHT <hermetic seal> b : impervious(密封的;不会被损害的) to external influence <trapped inside the hermetic military machine ― Jack Newfield> c : RECLUSE, SOLITARY <leads a hermetic life>


[həun] n.磨刀石;v.磨刀 : WHETSTONE(磨刀石) 1 : to sharpen or smooth with a whetstone 2 : to make more acute, intense, or effective : WHET(磨快,使兴奋,刺激) <helped her hone her comic timing - Patricia Bosworth> <to hone the intellectural tools -Shirley M. Tilghman>


[hʌntʃ] n.直觉,预感 transitive verb 1 : JOSTLE, SHOVE 2 : to thrust or bend over into a humped or crooked(弯曲的,歪的) position intransitive verb 1 : to thrust oneself forward 2 a : to assume a bent or crooked posture b : to draw oneself into a ball : curl up(蜷曲) c : HUDDLE(缩在一堆), SQUAT(敦实的) noun 1 : an act or instance of hunching : PUSH 2 a : a thick piece : LUMP(肿块) b : HUMP 3 : a strong intuitive feeling concerning especially a future event or result


[hʌsk] n.外壳;皮,荚 1 a : a usually dry or membranous outer covering (as a pod(豆荚) or one composed of bracts) of various seeds and fruits (as barley(大麦) and corn) : HULL also : one of the constituent parts b : a carob pod 2 a : an outer layer : SHELL b : an emptied shell : REMNANT(残余物) c : a supporting framework transitive verb : to strip the husk from


[hʌʃ] v./n.肃静,安静 transitive verb 1 : CALM, QUIET <hushed the children as they entered the library> 2 : to put at rest : MOLLIFY(平息,缓和) 3 : to keep from public knowledge : SUPPRESS <hush the story up> intransitive verb : to become quiet adjective 2 : intended to prevent the dissemination of certain information <hush money> noun : a silence or calm especially following noise : QUIET


[i'litərit] a.文盲的 1 : having little or no education especially : unable to read or write <an illiterate population> 2 a : showing or marked by a lack of familiarity with language and literature <an illiterate magazine> b : violating approved patterns of speaking or writing 3 : showing or marked by a lack of acquaintance with the fundamentals of a particular field of knowledge <musically illiterate> synonyms see IGNORANT


[i'lju:mineit] v.阐明,解释;照亮 1 a : to enlighten spiritually or intellectually b (1) : to supply or brighten with light (2) : to make luminous or shining d : to subject to radiation 2 a : to make clear : ELUCIDATE b : to bring to the fore : HIGHLIGHT <a crisis can illuminate how interdependent we all are> 3 : to make illustrious(杰出的) or resplendent(华丽的,辉煌的) 4 : to decorate (as a manuscript) with gold or silver or brilliant colors or with often elaborate designs or miniature pictures


[i'mju:niti] n.免疫;豁免 : the quality or state of being immune especially : a condition of being able to resist a particular disease especially through preventing development of a pathogenic microorganism or by counteracting the effects of its products In a legal sense, immunity confers a status on a person or body that makes that person or body free from otherwise legal obligations such as, for example, liability for damages or punishment for criminal acts.


[i'mjuə] v.监禁 1 a : to enclose within or as if within walls b : IMPRISON 2 : to build into a wall especially : to entomb(埋葬) in a wall imp [imp] n.小鬼;顽童 2 a : a small demon(恶魔) : FIEND b : a mischievous(调皮的,恶作剧的) child : URCHIN(顽童)


[i'mə:s] v.浸入;沉浸于 1 : to plunge(投入,跳入) into something that surrounds or covers especially : to plunge or dip into a fluid 2 : ENGROSS(使全神贯注), ABSORB <completely immersed in his work> 3 : to baptize by immersion


[i`lu:mi'nɑ:ti] n.先觉者,智者 1 capitalized : any of various groups claiming special religious enlightenment 2 : persons who are or who claim to be unusually enlightened 3 : ELITE 1D : a group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much power or influence <members of the ruling illuminati> <the intellectual illuminati of the country> <members of the academic illuminati>


[ig'nait] v.发光;点燃,燃烧 transitive verb 1 : to subject to fire or intense heat especially : to render luminous by heat 2 a : to set afire also : KINDLE(点燃) b : to cause (a fuel) to burn 3 a : to heat up : EXCITE <oppression that ignited the hatred of the people> b : to set in motion : SPARK <ignite a debate> intransitive verb 1 : to catch fire 2 : to begin to glow


[ig'nəubl] a.卑鄙的 1 : of low birth or common origin : PLEBEIAN(平民;平民的) 2 : characterized by baseness, lowness, or meanness synonyms see MEAN IGNOBLE suggests a loss or lack of some essential high quality of mind or spirit <an ignoble scramble after material possessions>.


[ig'zempləri] a.可作楷模的 If you describe someone or something as exemplary, you think they are extremely good. An exemplary punishment is unusually harsh and is intended to stop other people from committing similar crimes. 3 : serving as an example, instance, or illustration <this story is exemplary of her style>


[ig'zju:bərəns] n.愉快;茁壮 Exuberance is behaviour which is energetic, excited, and cheerful. 1 : the quality or state of being exuberant <youthful exuberance> 2 : an exuberant act or expression


[ig'zju:bərənt] a.(人)充满活力的(植物)茂盛的 If you are exuberant, you are full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness. 1 : extreme or excessive in degree, size, or extent <exuberant prosperity> 2 a : joyously unrestrained and enthusiastic <exuberant praise> <an exuberant personality> b : unrestrained or elaborate especially in style : FLAMBOYANT <exuberant architecture> 3 : produced in extreme abundance : PLENTIFUL <exuberant foliage and vegetation> synonyms see PROFUSE


[ig'zju:d] v.使慢慢流出;四溢 If someone exudes a quality or feeling, or if it exudes, they show that they have it to a great extent. (FORMAL) If something exudes a liquid or smell or if a liquid or smell exudes from it, the liquid or smell comes out of it slowly and steadily. (FORMAL)


[ig'zɔ:bitənt] a.过分的,过度的 If you describe something such as a price or fee as exorbitant, you are emphasizing that it is much greater than it should be.= excessive 1 : not coming within the scope of the law 2 : exceeding the customary or appropriate limits in intensity, quality, amount, or size synonyms see EXCESSIVE


[ig'zɔ:stiv] a.彻底的,无遗漏的 : testing all possibilities or considering all elements : THOROUGH <conducted an exhaustive investigation> If you describe a study, search, or list as exhaustive, you mean that it is very thorough and complete. = comprehensive


[ig'zɔ:t] v.力劝,勉励 If you exhort someone to do something, you try hard to persuade or encourage them to do it. (FORMAL) transitive verb : to incite by argument or advice : urge strongly <exhorting voters to do the right thing> intransitive verb : to give warnings or advice : make urgent appeals


[ig'zɔtik] a.珍奇的;来自异国的 Something that is exotic is unusual and interesting, usually because it comes from or is related to a distant country 1 : introduced from another country : not native to the place where found <exotic plants>\


[ig`zilə'reiʃən] n.高兴,活跃 Exhilaration is a strong feeling of excitement and happiness.


[ignə'miniəs] a.可耻的;耻辱的 1 : marked with or characterized by disgrace or shame : DISHONORABLE 2 : deserving of shame or infamy : DESPICABLE 3 : HUMILIATING, DEGRADING <suffered an ignominious defeat>


[ik'spi:diənsi] n.方便;权宜之计 Expediency means doing what is convenient rather than what is morally right. (FORMAL) = convenience This was a matter less of morals than of expediency. 1 : the quality or state of being suited to the end in view : SUITABILITY, FITNESS 3 : adherence to expedient means and methods <put more emphasis on expediency than on principle>


[ik'strævəgəns] n.奢侈,挥霍 Extravagance is the spending of more money than is reasonable or than you can afford. An extravagance is something that you spend money on but cannot really afford. 1 a : an instance of excess or prodigality specifically : an excessive outlay of money b : something extravagant <a new car is an extravagance we can't afford> 2 : the quality or fact of being extravagant <the extravagance of the decorations>


[iks'kə:siv] a.离题的,随意的 : constituting a digression : characterized by digression


[iks'pel] v.排出;开除 1 : to force out : EJECT <expelled the smoke from her lungs> 2 : to force to leave (as a place or organization) by official action : take away rights or privileges of membership <expelled from college> synonyms see EJECT


[iks'penditʃə] n.消耗,支出 1 : the act or process of expending <an expenditure of energy> 2 : something expended : DISBURSEMENT, EXPENSE <income should exceed expenditures>


[iks'plisit] a.清楚明确的 Something that is explicit is expressed or shown clearly and openly, without any attempt to hide anything. If you are explicit about something, you speak about it very openly and clearly. 2 : fully developed or formulated <an explicit plan> <an explicit notion of our objective> 3 : unambiguous in expression <was very explicit on how we are to behave> 4 of a mathematical function : defined by an expression containing only independent variables


[iks'plɔit] v.剥削;开发利用;n.英勇行为 If you exploit something, you use it well, and achieve something or gain an advantage from it. If you refer to someone's exploits, you mean the brave, interesting, or amusing things that they have done. 1 : to make productive use of : UTILIZE <exploiting your talents> <exploit your opponent's weakness> 2 : to make use of meanly or unfairly for one's own advantage <exploiting migrant farm workers> noun. DEED, ACT especially : a notable or heroic act


[iks'presli] adv.清楚地;特意地 1 : in an express manner : EXPLICITLY <expressly rejected the proposal> 2 : for the express purpose : PARTICULARLY, SPECIFICALLY <made expressly for me>


[iks'pænsiv] a.(指人)健谈的,开朗的;可扩大的,可伸展的 If something is expansive, it covers or includes a large area or many things. (FORMAL) If you are expansive, you talk a lot, or are friendly or generous, because you are feeling happy and relaxed. = OPEN <grew expansive after dinner> If you describe something such as a period of time or an economy as expansive, you mean that it is associated with growth or expansion. 3 b : marked by or indicative of exaggerated euphoria and delusions of self-importance <an expansive patient> 5 : characterized by richness, abundance, or magnificence <expansive living> <expansive taste>\


[iks'tiŋkʃən] n.熄灭;消灭 If someone refers to the extinction of a way of life or type of activity, they mean that the way of life or activity stops existing. 3 : the process of eliminating or reducing a conditioned response by not reinforcing it.


[iks'tri:mist] n.极端主义者 If you describe someone as an extremist, you disapprove of them because they try to bring about political change by using violent or extreme methods. extremism 1 : the quality or state of being extreme 2 : advocacy of extreme measures or views : RADICALISM


[iks'trækt, 'ekstrækt] v.拔出;强索 1 a : to draw forth (as by research) <extract data> b : to pull or take out forcibly <extracted a wisdom tooth> c : to obtain by much effort from someone unwilling <extracted a confession> 2 a : to withdraw (as a juice or fraction) by physical or chemical process b : to treat with a solvent so as to remove a soluble substance 3 : to separate (a metal) from an ore 4 : to determine (a mathematical root) by calculation 5 : to select (excerpts(摘录)) and copy out or cite synonyms see EDUCE


[iks'tɔ:t] v.强索,敲诈 If someone extorts money from you, they get it from you using force, threats, or other unfair or illegal means.= extract : to obtain from a person by force, intimidation, or undue or illegal power : WRING also : to gain especially by ingenuity or compelling argument synonyms see EDUCE


[iks'tɔl] v.赞美 If you extol something or someone, you praise them enthusiastically.


[im'brəuliəu] n.纠纷,纠葛 1 : a confused mass 2 a : an intricate or complicated situation (as in a drama or novel) b : an acutely painful or embarrassing misunderstanding c : a violently confused or bitterly complicated altercation : EMBROILMENT(混乱,纠纷) d : SCANDAL 3A : a circumstance or action that offends propriety or established moral conceptions or disgraces those associated with it <survived the political imbroglio>


[im'pedimənt] n.妨碍,阻碍物 1 : something that impedes especially : an organic(建制的 有组织的 有系统的) obstruction to speech 2 : a bar or hindrance (as lack of sufficient age) to a lawful marriage


[im'perətiv] a.急需的 adjective 1 a : of, relating to, or constituting the grammatical mood that expresses the will to influence the behavior of another b : expressive of a command, entreaty(恳求), or exhortation(劝告) c : having power to restrain, control, and direct 2 : not to be avoided or evaded : NECESSARY <an imperative duty> noun. 1 : the imperative mood or a verb form or verbal phrase expressing it 2 : something that is imperative: as a : COMMAND, ORDER b : RULE, GUIDE c : an obligatory act or duty d : an imperative judgment or proposition(建议,命题,主张)


[im'pi:d] v.妨碍 : to interfere with or slow the progress of synonyms see HINDER IMPEDE implies making forward progress difficult by clogging, hampering, or fettering <tight clothing that impedes movement>.


[im'pi:tʃ] v.指责;弹劾 1 a : to bring an accusation against b : to charge with a crime or misdemeanor(轻罪) specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent(胜任的) tribunal(法官席) with misconduct in office c : to remove from office especially for misconduct 2 : to cast doubt on especially : to challenge the credibility or validity of <impeach the testimony of a witness>


[im'piəriəs] a.傲慢的,专横的 1 a : befitting or characteristic of one of eminent rank or attainments : COMMANDING, DOMINANT <an imperious manner> b : marked by arrogant assurance : DOMINEERING 2 : intensely compelling : URGENT <the imperious problems of the new age - J. F. Kennedy> synonyms see MASTERFUL


[im'pælpəbl] a.无法触及的;不易理解的 1 a : incapable of being felt by touch : INTANGIBLE(不可捉摸的;感觉不到的;无形的) <the impalpable aura of power that emanated(散发) from him ― Osbert Sitwell> b : so finely divided that no grains or grit can be felt <rock worn to an impalpable powder> 2 : not readily discerned(辨别) by the mind <impalpable evils>


[im'pɑ:t] v.传授,告知 1 : to give, convey, or grant from or as if from a store <her experience imparted authority to her words> <the flavor imparted by herbs> 2 : to communicate the knowledge of : DISCLOSE <imparted my scheme to no one>


[im'pɑ:ʃəl] a.公平的,无私的 : not partial or biased : treating or affecting all equally synonyms see FAIR


[im'pə:mjəbl] a.不可渗透的,透不过的 : not permitting passage (as of a fluid) through its substance broadly : IMPERVIOUS(密封的;不会被损害的)


[im'pə:mənənt] a.暂时的 : not permanent : TRANSIENT


[im'pə:səneit] v.模仿;扮演;冒充 : to assume or act the character of : PERSONATE


[imi'teiʃən] n.赝品;效法,冒充 1 : an act or instance of imitating 2 : something produced as a copy : COUNTERFEIT 3 : a literary work designed to reproduce the style of another author 4 : the repetition by one voice of a melody, phrase, or motive stated earlier in the composition by a different voice 5 : the quality of an object in possessing some of the nature or attributes of a transcendent(卓越的,超然的) idea 6 : the assumption of behavior observed in other individuals


[kau] v.威胁 Female Animals (especially those large ones who can produce milk) If someone describes a woman as a cow, they dislike her and think that she is unpleasant or stupid. (INFORMAL, OFFENSIVE) If someone is cowed, they are made afraid, or made to behave in a particular way because they have been frightened or badly treated. (FORMAL) = intimidate


[kjuə'reitə] n.(博物馆等)馆长 A curator is someone who is in charge of the objects or works of art in a museum or art gallery.


[krai'tiəriə] n.评判标准 pulural form of Criterion.


[krai'tiəriən] n.评判的标准,尺度 1 : a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based 2 : a characterizing mark or trait synonyms see STANDARD


[kreit] n.篓,板条箱 A crate is a large box used for transporting or storing things. If something is crated, it is packed in a crate so that it can be transported or stored somewhere safely. A crate is a plastic or wire box divided into sections which is used for carrying bottles.


[kræb] n.蟹,螃蟹;v.抱怨,发脾气 transitive verb 1 : to cause to move sideways or in an indirect or diagonal manner n. an ill-tempered person : GROUCH transitive verb 1 : to make sullen (忧郁的): SOUR <old age has crabbed his nature> 2 : to complain about peevishly (暴躁地) 3 : SPOIL, RUIN intransitive verb : CARP, GROUSE (发牢骚,抱怨)<always crabs about the weather>


[kræm] v.填塞,塞满;临时抱佛脚,为考试而学习 If you cram things or people into a container or place, you put them into it, although there is hardly enough room for them. If people cram into a place or vehicle or cram a place or vehicle, so many of them enter it at one time that it is completely full. If you are cramming for an examination, you are learning as much as possible in a short time just before you take the examination.


[kræmp] n.铁箍,夹子;v.把...箍紧 Cramp is a sudden strong pain caused by a muscle suddenly contracting. You sometimes get cramp in a muscle after you have been making a physical effort over a long period of time.(痉挛) If someone or something cramps your style, their presence or existence restricts your behaviour in some way. (INFORMAL)


[kræs] a.愚钝的,粗糙的 Crass behaviour is stupid and does not show consideration for other people. 1 a : GROSS (粗俗的) 6A especially : having or indicating such grossness of mind as precludes delicacy and discrimination b : being beneath one's dignity <crass concerns of daily life> c used as a pejorative(轻蔑的) intensifier <crass flattery> <crass propaganda> synonyms see STUPID


[krɑ:ft] n.行业;手艺 You can refer to a boat, a spacecraft, or an aircraft as a craft. A craft is an activity such as weaving, carving, or pottery that involves making things skilfully with your hands. You can use craft to refer to any activity or job that involves doing something skilfully. If something is crafted, it is made skilfully.


[krɔs] v.&a.生气的 If you cross someone who is likely to get angry, you oppose them or refuse to do what they want. If you describe something as a cross that someone has to bear, you mean it is a problem or disadvantage which they have to deal with or bear.= burden My wife is much cleverer than me\ it is a cross I have to bear. 5 a (1) : to run counter to : OPPOSE (2) : to deny the validity of : CONTRADICT b : to confront in a troublesome manner : OBSTRUCT c (1) : to spoil completely : DISRUPT -used with up <his failure to appear crossed up the whole program> (2) : to turn against : BETRAY <crossed me up on the deal> 10 : to occur to <it never crossed my mind>


[krə'væt] n.领巾,领结 A cravat is a piece of folded cloth which a man wears wrapped around his neck.


[krʌm] n.饼屑,面包屑;碎裂的东西 Crumbs are tiny pieces that fall from bread, biscuits, or cake when you cut it or eat it. A crumb of something, for example information, is a very small amount of it.


[krʌst] n.硬的表面;(一片)面包片;地壳 The crust on a loaf of bread is the outside part A crust is a hard layer of something, especially on top of a softer or wetter substance. The earth's crust is its outer layer


[krʌtʃ] n.拐杖;v.支撑 A crutch is a stick whose top fits round or under the user's arm, which someone with an injured foot or leg uses to support their weight when walking. If you refer to someone or something as a crutch, you mean that they give you help or support.


[ku:] n.意外而成功的行动 1 : a brilliant, sudden, and usually highly successful stroke or act When there is a coup, a group of people seize power in a country. A coup is an achievement which is thought to be especially good because it was very difficult.


[kwi(:)'zi:n] n.烹饪 The cuisine of a country or district is the style of cooking that is characteristic of that place. The skill or profession of cooking unusual or interesting food can be referred to as cuisine.


[kɔ:t] n.法庭,法院;宫廷,朝廷;v.献殷勤;追求 n. A court is an area in which you play a game such as tennis, basketball, badminton, or squash. The court of a king or queen is the place where he or she lives and carries out ceremonial or administrative duties. If you go to court or take someone to court, you take legal action against them. If someone holds court in a place, they are surrounded by a lot of people who are paying them a lot of attention because they are interesting or famous. vt. To court a particular person, group, or country means to try to please them or improve your relations with them, often so that they will do something that you want them to do. (JOURNALISM) If you court something such as publicity or popularity, you try to attract it. If you court something unpleasant such as disaster or unpopularity, you act in a way that makes it likely to happen.= invite If he thinks he can remain in power by force he is courting disaster...\


[kɔn'veks] a.凸出的 1 a : curved or rounded outward like the exterior of a sphere or circle b : being a continuous function or part of a continuous function with the property that a line joining any two points on its graph lies on or above the graph (凸函数) 2 a of a set of points : containing all points in a line joining any two constituent points b of a geometric figure : comprising a convex set when combined with its interior <a convex polygon>


[kə'nʌndrəm] n.(答案有双关意义的)谜语;难题 1 : a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun 2 a : a question or problem having only a conjectural answer b : an intricate and difficult problem


[kə'rʌpt] a.堕落的,腐败的;文体有错误的 vt 1 a : to change from good to bad in morals, manners, or actions also : BRIBE b : to degrade with unsound principles or moral values 2 : ROT, SPOIL 3 : to subject (a person) to corruption of blood 4 : to alter from the original or correct form or version <the file was corrupted> intransitive verb 1 a : to become tainted or rotten b : to become morally debased 2 : to cause disintegration or ruin synonyms see DEBASE


[kə:b] n.路缘,(街道的)镶边石;马勒;v.控制 If you curb something, you control it and keep it within limits.= check, restrain ...advertisements aimed at curbing the spread of Aids... If you curb an emotion or your behaviour, you keep it under control. 2 : an enclosing frame, border, or edging 4 : a raised edge or margin to strengthen or confine 5 : an edging (as of concrete) built along a street to form part of a gutter


[kə:t] a.(言词、行为)简略而草率的 If you describe someone as curt, you mean that they speak or reply in a brief and rather rude way.


[kən'sʌmit;'kɑnsəmet] a.完全的,完善的;v.完成 You use consummate to describe someone who is extremely skilful. (FORMAL) Those familiar with Sanders call him a consummate politician. If two people consummate a marriage or relationship, they make it complete by having sex. (FORMAL) a. 1 : complete in every detail : PERFECT 2 : extremely skilled and accomplished <a consummate liar> <a consummate professional> 3 : of the highest degree <consummate skill> <consummate cruelty> vt. 1 a : FINISH, COMPLETE <consummate a business deal> b : to make perfect c : ACHIEVE 2 : to make (marital union) complete by sexual intercourse <consummate a marriage> vi : to become perfected


[kən'tAst] v.竞争;对...表示怀疑 If you contest a statement or decision, you object to it formally because you think it is wrong or unreasonable. If someone contests an election or competition, they take part in it and try to win it. (mainly BRIT) vi : STRIVE, VIE vt : to make the subject of dispute, contention, or litigation especially : DISPUTE, CHALLENGE 1 : a struggle for superiority or victory : COMPETITION 2 : a competition in which each contestant performs without direct contact with or interference from his competitors


[kən'teidʒəs] a.传染的,有感染力的 A disease that is contagious can be caught by touching people or things that are infected with it. = infectious. ...a highly contagious disease of the lungs. 2 [ADJ] usu v-link ADJ A feeling or attitude that is contagious spreads quickly among a group of people.= infectious Antonio has a contagious enthusiasm for the beautiful aspect of food. 1 : communicable by contact : CATCHING <contagious diseases> 2 : bearing contagion(接触传染(病);(学说、影响或情绪)蔓延) <contagious people> 4 : exciting similar emotions or conduct in others <contagious enthusiasm>


[kən'tein] v.包含,含有;控制;阻止,遏制 If you contain something, you control it and prevent it from spreading or increasing. More than a hundred firemen are still trying to contain the fire at the plant... If you cannot contain a feeling such as excitement or anger, or if you cannot contain yourself, you cannot prevent yourself from showing your feelings. vt. 1 : to keep within limits: as a : RESTRAIN, CONTROL <could hardly contain her enthusiasm> b : CHECK, HALT <contain the spread of a deadly disease> c : to follow successfully a policy of containment toward <efforts to contain Communism> d : to prevent (as an enemy or opponent) from advancing or from making a successful attack 2 a : to have within : HOLD b : COMPRISE, INCLUDE <the bill contains several new clauses> 3 a : to be divisible by usually without a remainder b : ENCLOSE, BOUND vi : to restrain oneself


[kən'tempt] 轻视,鄙视 If you have contempt for someone or something, you have no respect for them or think that they are unimportant. I hope voters will treat his advice with the contempt it deserves. vi. If you hold someone or something in contempt, you feel contempt for them. 1 a : the act of despising : the state of mind of one who despises : DISDAIN(鄙视) b : lack of respect or reverence for something 2 : the state of being despised(轻视) 3 : willful disobedience to or open disrespect of a court, judge, or legislative body <contempt of court>


[kən'tend] v.与对手竞争;据理力争 If you have to contend with a problem or difficulty, you have to deal with it or overcome it. If you contend that something is true, you state or argue that it is true. (FORMAL) If you contend with someone for something such as power, you compete with them to try to get it. vi. 1 : to strive or vie in contest or rivalry or against difficulties : STRUGGLE 2 : to strive in debate : ARGUE vt. 1 : MAINTAIN, ASSERT <contended that he was right> 2 : to struggle for : CONTEST


[kən'tenʃən] n.争论;论点 1 : an act or instance of contending 2 : a point advanced or maintained in a debate or argument 3 : RIVALRY(敌对, 对抗), COMPETITION synonyms see DISCORD


[kən'tenʃəs] a.好辩的,善争吵的 A contentious issue causes a lot of disagreement or arguments. (FORMAL) = controversial 1 : likely to cause contention <a contentious argument> 2 : exhibiting an often perverse and wearisome tendency to quarrels and disputes <a man of a most contentious nature> synonyms see BELLIGERENT


[kən'tindʒənt] a.意外的;视情况或条件而定的 A contingent of police, soldiers, or military vehicles is a group of them. (FORMAL) A contingent is a group of people representing a country or organization at a meeting or other event. (FORMAL) If something is contingent on something else, the first thing depends on the second in order to happen or exist. (FORMAL) = dependent 1 : likely but not certain to happen : POSSIBLE 2 : not logically necessary especially : EMPIRICAL(经验的) 3 a : happening by chance or unforeseen causes b : subject to chance or unseen effects : UNPREDICTABLE c : intended for use in circumstances not completely foreseen 4 : dependent on or conditioned by something else <payment is contingent on fulfillment of certain conditions> 5 : not necessitated : determined by free choice


[kən'traivd] a.不自然的,做作的 = artificial ≠ spontaneous : ARTIFICIAL, LABORED <a contrived plot>


[kən'və:dʒ] v.会聚,集中于一点 vi 1 : to tend or move toward one point or one another : come together : MEET <converging paths> 2 : to come together and unite in a common interest or focus 3 : to approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit <the series converges> vt : to cause to converge


[kən'və:s] v.谈话;a.逆向的n.相反的事物 vi 2 a : to exchange thoughts and opinions in speech : TALK b : to carry on an exchange similar to a conversation (as with a computer) n. : something reversed in order, relation, or action: as a : a theorem formed by interchanging the hypothesis and conclusion of a given theorem b : a proposition obtained by interchange of the subject and predicate of a given proposition <"no P is S " is the converse of "no S is P "> a. 2 : CONVERSATION 1 : reversed in order, relation, or action 2 : being a logical or mathematical converse <the converse theorem>


[kən'və:t, 'kɔnvə:t] v.使改变(信仰等);n.改变信仰的人 vt. 1 a : to bring over from one belief, view, or party to another b : to bring about a religious conversion in 2 a : to alter the physical or chemical nature or properties of especially in manufacturing b (1) : to change from one form or function to another (2) : to alter for more effective utilization (3) : to appropriate without right c : to exchange for an equivalent <convert foreign currency into dollars> <convert a bond> 4 : to subject to logical conversion 5 a : to make a goal after receiving (a pass) from a teammate b : to score on (as a try for point or free throw) vi 1 : to undergo conversion 2 : to succeed in an attempt for a point, field goal, or free throw synonyms see TRANSFORM n. : one that is converted


[kʌlmi'neiʃ(ə)n] n.顶点;结果 Something, especially something important, that is the culmination of an activity, process, or series of events happens at the end of it. Their arrest was the culmination of an operation in which 120 other people were detained.


[kʌlt] n.宗派;崇拜 A cult is a fairly small religious group, especially one which is considered strange. Cult is used to describe things that are very popular or fashionable among a particular group of people. The film is destined to become a cult classic... Someone or something that is a cult has become very popular or fashionable among a particular group of people. The cult of something is a situation in which people regard that thing as very important or special. Meanwhile the personality cult around this campaigner grew.


[nɔ:] v.啃,咬 transitive verb 1 a : to bite or chew on with the teeth especially : to wear away by persistent biting or nibbling <a dog gnawing a bone> b : to make by gnawing <rats gnawed a hole> 2 a : to be a source of vexation(困扰;苦恼) to : PLAGUE <anxiety always gnawing him> b : to affect like gnawing <hunger gnawing her vitals> 3 : ERODE, CORRODE intransitive verb 1 : to bite or nibble persistently <gnawing at his underlip> 2 : to produce an effect of or as if of gnawing <waves gnawing away at the cliffs>

synonyms see AUTHENTIC

synonyms AUTHENTIC, GENUINE, BONA FIDE mean being actually and exactly what is claimed. AUTHENTIC implies being fully trustworthy as according with fact <an authentic account of the perilous journey> it can also stress painstaking or faithful imitation of an original <an authentic reproduction> <authentic Vietnamese cuisine>. GENUINE implies actual character not counterfeited, imitated, or adulterated <genuine piety> <genuine maple syrup> it also connotes definite origin from a source <a genuine Mark Twain autograph>.

synonyms see BLAMEWORTHY

synonyms BLAMEWORTHY, BLAMABLE, GUILTY, CULPABLE mean deserving reproach or punishment. BLAMEWORTHY and BLAMABLE apply to any degree of reprehensibility <conduct adjudged blameworthy> <an accident for which no one is blamable>. GUILTY implies responsibility for or consciousness of crime, sin, or, at the least, grave error or misdoing <guilty of a breach of etiquette(礼仪;礼节)>. CULPABLE is weaker than guilty and is likely to connote malfeasance(渎职) or errors of ignorance, omission, or negligence <culpable neglect>.

synonyms see COVETOUS

synonyms COVETOUS, GREEDY, ACQUISITIVE, GRASPING, AVARICIOUS mean having or showing a strong desire for especially material possessions. COVETOUS implies inordinate desire often for another's possessions <covetous of his brother's country estate>. GREEDY stresses lack of restraint and often of discrimination in desire <greedy for status symbols>. ACQUISITIVE implies both eagerness to possess and ability to acquire and keep <an eagerly acquisitive mind>. GRASPING adds to COVETOUS and GREEDY an implication of selfishness and often suggests unfair or ruthless means <a hard grasping trader who cheated the natives>. AVARICIOUS implies obsessive(着迷的,强迫性的) acquisitiveness especially of money and strongly suggests stinginess (小气;吝啬) <an avaricious miser(守财奴)>.

synonyms see DELUSION

synonyms DELUSION, ILLUSION, HALLUCINATION, MIRAGE mean something that is believed to be true or real but that is actually false or unreal. DELUSION implies an inability to distinguish between what is real and what only seems to be real, often as the result of a disordered state of mind <delusions of persecution(迫害)>. ILLUSION implies a false ascribing of reality based on what one sees or imagines <an illusion of safety>.

synonyms see DEVOTE

synonyms DEVOTE, DEDICATE, CONSECRATE, HALLOW mean to set apart for a special and often higher end. DEVOTE is likely to imply compelling motives and often attachment to an objective <devoted his evenings to study>. DEDICATE implies solemn(庄严的,严肃的,隆重的) and exclusive devotion to a sacred or serious use or purpose <dedicated her life to medical research>. ?CONSECRATE stresses investment with a solemn or sacred quality <consecrate a church to the worship of God>. HALLOW often differing little from dedicate or consecrate, may distinctively imply an attribution of intrinsic sanctity(神圣,尊严,圣洁) <battlegrounds hallowed by the blood of patriots>.

synonyms see DRAMATIC

synonyms DRAMATIC, THEATRICAL, HISTRIONIC, MELODRAMATIC mean having a character or an effect like that of acted plays. DRAMATIC applies to situations in life and literature that stir the imagination and emotions deeply <a dramatic meeting of world leaders>. HISTRIONIC applies to tones, gestures, and motions and suggests a deliberate affectation or staginess <a histrionic show of grief>.

synonyms see EASY

synonyms EASY, FACILE, SIMPLE, LIGHT, EFFORTLESS, SMOOTH mean not demanding effort or involving difficulty. EASY is applicable either to persons or things imposing tasks or to activity required by such tasks <an easy college course>. FACILE often adds to EASY the connotation of undue haste or shallowness <facile answers to complex questions>.

synonyms see FERTILE

synonyms FERTILE, FECUND, FRUITFUL, PROLIFIC mean producing or capable of producing offspring or fruit. FERTILE implies the power to reproduce in kind or to assist in reproduction and growth <fertile soil>applied figuratively, it suggests readiness of invention and development <a fertile imagination>. FECUND emphasizes abundance or rapidity in bearing fruit or offspring <a fecund herd>. FRUITFUL adds to FERTILE and FECUND the implication of desirable or useful results <fruitful research>. PROLIFIC stresses rapidity of spreading or multiplying by or as if by natural reproduction <a prolific writer>

synonyms see HAMPER

synonyms HAMPER, TRAMMEL, CLOG, FETTER, SHACKLE, MANACLE mean to hinder or impede in moving, progressing, or acting. HAMPER may imply the effect of any impeding or restraining influence <hampered the investigation by refusing to cooperate>. FETTER suggests a restraining so severe that freedom to move or progress is almost lost <a nation fettered by an antiquated class system>.

synonyms see INCONSTANT

synonyms INCONSTANT, FICKLE, CAPRICIOUS, MERCURIAL, UNSTABLE mean lacking firmness or steadiness (as in purpose or devotion). INCONSTANT implies an incapacity for steadiness and an inherent tendency to change <an inconstant friend>. FICKLE suggests unreliability because of perverse(堕落的;刚愎自用的) changeability and incapacity for steadfastness <performers discover how fickle fans can be>. CAPRICIOUS suggests motivation by sudden whim or fancy and stresses unpredictability <an utterly capricious critic>.

synonyms see INNATE

synonyms INNATE, INBORN, INBRED, CONGENITAL, HEREDITARY mean not acquired after birth. INNATE applies to qualities or characteristics that are part of one's inner essential nature <an innate sense of fair play>. INBORN suggests a quality or tendency either actually present at birth or so marked and deep-seated as to seem so <her inborn love of nature>. INBRED suggests something either acquired from parents by heredity or so deeply rooted and ingrained as to seem acquired in that way <inbred political loyalties>. CONGENITAL and HEREDITARY refer to what is acquired before or at birth, the former to things acquired during fetal development and the latter to things transmitted from one's ancestors <a congenital heart murmur> <eye color is hereditary>.

synonyms see MASTERFUL

synonyms MASTERFUL, DOMINEERING, IMPERIOUS, PEREMPTORY, IMPERATIVE mean tending to impose one's will on others. MASTERFUL implies a strong personality and ability to act authoritatively <her masterful personality soon dominated the movement>. IMPERIOUS implies a commanding nature or manner and often suggests arrogant assurance <an imperious executive used to getting his own way>.

synonyms see PASSION

synonyms PASSION, FERVOR, ARDOR, ENTHUSIASM, ZEAL mean intense emotion compelling action. PASSION applies to an emotion that is deeply stirring or ungovernable <was a slave to his passions>. FERVOR implies a warm and steady emotion <read the poem aloud with great fervor>.

synonyms see RELEVANT

synonyms RELEVANT, GERMANE, MATERIAL, PERTINENT, APPOSITE, APPLICABLE, APROPOS mean relating to or bearing upon the matter in hand. RELEVANT implies a traceable, significant, logical connection <found material relevant to her case>. GERMANE may additionally imply a fitness for or appropriateness to the situation or occasion <a point not germane to the discussion>. APPOSITE suggests a felicitous(巧妙的) relevance <add an apposite quotation to the definition>. APPLICABLE suggests the fitness of bringing a general rule or principle to bear upon a particular case <the rule is not applicable in this case>. APROPOS suggests being both relevant and opportune((时间)凑巧的、恰好的) <the quip was apropos>.

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