tobacco health

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risk to nonsmokers

- secondhand smoke causes 3000 deaths from lung cancer each year -ETS cause eye irritation, headaches, ear infections, and coughing in people of all ages -ETS worsens asthma and other respiratory problems, it increase the risk of coronary heart disease

any form of tobacco use has been linked to lung disease, cancers, and heart disease

chewing, smoking, or dipping


the addictive drug found in tobacco leaves

*ETS is composed of mainstream smoke

the smoke exhaled from the lungs of a smoker contains lower concentrations of carcinogens, nicotine and tar

health goals

-laws prohibit sale to minors -suing tobacco companies for money lost to treating illness -role models

what percent of teens don't smoke


*carbon monoxide=. . .

a colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas compound in cigarette smoke -absorbed more easily than oxygen -increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart diseases, hardening of arteries, and other circulatory problems -deprives you of oxygen

tobacco cessation program

a course that provides information and help to people who want to stop using tobacco


a drug that increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart and other organs -raises blood pressure and reduces heart rate

smoking reduces body's capacity for physical activity->

weight gain

****** Monthly breast exam Essay

-by all women once a month -7-10 days after the start of period -use pad of three middle figures -look as well as feel for changes (physical changes) -use a shower card as a reminder

****Systems of body essay 5.excretory system

-cancer of the bladder -cancer of the kidneys

****Systems of body essay 3. Digestive system

-cancers of the mouth pharynx, larynx, and esophagus - gum recession, tooth decay, tooth loss -nausea, vomiting, diarrhea -cancers of the stomach and pancreas

what percent of cancer deaths result from smoking


*what percentage of adult begin smoking as teens

90%- think they can quit whenever they choose- easier to avoid smoking than quitting later

***to prevent skin cancer. . .

>spf 45 > apply 30 minutes before so skin can absorb >spray you may miss an area >wear hats/sunscreen in hair part >use cabanas and umbrellas > sun glasses > chap stick and make up and moisturizers

*Tar=. . .

a thick, sticky, dark, fluid produced when tobacco burns -damages respiratory system by paralyzing and destroying cilia, tiny hair like structures that line the upper airways and protect the body against infection ****-destroys the alveoli, or air sacs, which absorb oxygen and rid the body of carbon dioxide - lung tissue is damaged, reducing lung function - susceptible to disease such as bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, heart diseases, and cancer

people have difficulty quitting tobacco because it is an addictive drug

as substance that causes physiological or psychological dependence -affects brain in 7 seconds

*****ways to get rid of skin marks

burning, freezing, cuuting

tobacco is a carcinogen=

cancer causing substance


leading cause of preventable death and disability in the US addictive and toxic contains tar and carbon monoxide , compounds in paint, rat poison, and toilet cleaner

to relieve nicotine withdrawal... nicotine substances=. . .

products that deliver small amounts of nicotine into the user's system while he or she is trying to give up the tobacco habit >include gum, patches, nasal sprays, and inhalers > some are over the counter products; others require a doctor's prescription >smoking while using nicotine substitutes is dangerous due to increased nicotine exposure

*Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)=

second hand smoke, air that has been contaminated with tobacco smoke

nicotine withdrawal

the process that occurs in the body when nicotine , an addictive drug, is no longer used ~symptoms include irritability, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and craving for tobacco

*ETS is composed of side stream smoke

the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar more dangerous than mainstream

****why teens don't smoke Essay?

tobacco legislation no smoking policies in public family values positive peer pressure understanding of health risks

Pipes, Cigars, and Smokeless Tobacco

~also causes serious health consequences ~Cigars contain more nicotine and produce more tar and carbon monoxide than cigarettes ~one cigar can contain as much nicotine as a pack of 20 cigarettes **~pipe and cigar smokers increase the risk of developing cancers of the lips, mouth, throat, larynx, lungs, and esophagus, tough, teeth

more about smokeless tobacco

~people who chew 8-10 plugs of tobacco each day take in the same amount of nicotine as a smoker who smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day ~is as addictive as smoked tobacco- quitting is just as difficult

benefits of tobacco free

-better cardiovascular endurance -improved fitness -reduced risk of lung cancer, heart disease, stroke

about cigarettrs

*-ETS from cigarettes, cigars, and pipes contains more than 4000 chemical compounds -> more than 50 of those are cancer causing carcinogens

****mammography as directed

*mammography as directed -low dose x-ray of the breast -85-90% accurate in detecting breast cancer -compression is necessary to detect changes -ACS recommends . . . ~ age 35-39 baseline mammo ~ age 40 and up yearly mammo -as we get older our risk for breast cancer increases

****Systems of body essay 1. Nervous system

- addiction -stroke

****Systems of body essay 2. Respiratory system

- coughing or smoker hack, -chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer,

****Systems of body essay 4. Circulatory system

- increased heart rate and blood pressure - hardened arteries, decreased blood flow -heart attack, stroke

*****short term effects essay

-Brain chemistry changes- the addictive properties of nicotine cause the body to crave more of the drug. May experience withdraw symptoms, headaches, nervousness, and trembling as soon as 30 minutes after the last tobacco use -respiration and heart rate increase- breathing during physical activity becomes difficult and endurance is decreased. Nicotine may cause irregular heart rate -taste buds are dulled and appetite is reduced- lose much ability to enjoy food -bad breath, yellowed teeth, and smelly hair, skin, and clothes, - for any length of time

** health risks of young children

-Children of smokers tend to have a higher incidence of sore throats, ear infections, and upper respiratory problems -secondhand smoke can slow lung development. children who live with smokers are more likely to have weaker lungs - children of smokers are more than twice as likely to smoke themselves

******* 5 common chemicals in cigarettes essay

-acetone = a colorless liquid, found in urine, solvents, and nail polish -lead = soft grayish metal containing poisonous salts, found in pencils - Arsenic= a chemical found in bug spray, insecticides, and glass - Ethanol= used in rubbing alcohol - methanol= used in rocket fluids

reasons for quitting tobacco

-asthma or coughing -high cost under 18 -can lead to other risky behaviors (alcohol and other drugs) -secondhand smoke causes others harm -feel more powerful not controlled by addiction

****Long term effects

-chronic bronchitis- occur when the cilia in the bronchi become so damaged that they are useless, Leads to the buildup of tar in the lungs, causing chronic coughing and excessive mucous secretion -emphysema- a disease that destroys the tiny air sacs in the lungs, The air sacs become less elastic, making it more difficult for the lungs to absorb oxygen. A person with emphysema uses up 805 of their energy breathing -lung cancer- can develop when cilia in the bronchi are destroyed and extra mucus cannot be expelled. Cancerous cells can multiply, block the bronchi, and move to the lungs. nearly 90% of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking -Coronary heart disease and smoke- can be caused by nicotine- constricts blood vessels, which cuts down blood flow to the body's limbs. Contributes to plaque buildup in the blood vessels , which can lead to hardened arteries- arteriosclerosis. Arteries may become clogged, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke The risk for developing heart disease is great for smokers than non-smokers -a weakened immune system- from long-term tobacco use make the body more vulnerable to disease

consequences of tobacco

-cot ($167 billion a year) -cost individual $3561 a year -legal- selling to those under 18

reducing risks

-encourage family to stop -suggest no smoke inside -not ur house- go outside -public- nonsmoking area

mental/social benefits of tobacco free

-freedom- don't rely on drug -less stress- don't have to worry about tobacco related problems -more confidence- look and feel better

******Clinical breast exam

-manual exam done by health care provider -20-40 every three years over 40 every year

***Risks to infants and unborn essay?

-not smoking during pregnancy = best decision you can make ~nicotine passes through the placenta, constricting the blood vessels of the fetus -increases the risk of impaired fetal growth, spontaneous miscarriage, and prenatal death, premature delivery, low birth weight, deformities, and stillbirths. Also growth and developmental problems during early childhood -more likely to die of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) - Infants exposed to ETS after birth are twice as likely to die from SIDS, may have severe asthma, ear infections, or respiratory tract infections

teens start because

-parents smoke - false advertisements (stress/ weight) -seem mature -movies seem glamorous

strategies to avoid tobacco

-surround yourself with positive influences -reduce peer pressure -be prepared with refusal skills- be assertive

***skin cancer essay

1. Basal Cell Carcinoma-most common 2. Squamous cell carcinoma 3. Melanoma- most deadly a. asymmetrical- a line through the middle would not create matching half b. borders- uneven borders, would not have an even circle, may be notched c. colors- goes from lighter brown to darker or black d. diameter- bigger than the diameter of a pencil eraser, 1/4 of an inch e. evolving- change in size, color, elevation, bleeding, itching, crusting, or any other trait

**** strategies for quitting essay

1. set target date- prepare environment (triggers) 2. get support 3. seek advice from doctors, enroll in tobacco cessation program ( American Cancer Society) 4. replace tobacco with healthy behaviors- sugarless gum, carrots, activity, no drugs, good nutrition, stress-managment

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