TOEFL vocabulary

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basin (n.) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ........ ,,,,,,, (1) a pudding basin. ,,,,,,,,,,,........,,,,,,,,,,, (2) a basin of water. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ............. , ,,,,,,,,, (3) I've cleaned the basin and scrubbed the bath.

(1) (mainly UK(CONTAINER)) an open, round container shaped like a bowl with sloping sides, used for holding food or liquid. ............. ,,,,,, ............. (2) (mainly UK(CONTAINER)) the amount of something that a basin can hold. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .............. (3) (mainly US(CONTAINER)) a washbasin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ............. (4) (mainly UK(AREA)) the area of land from which streams run into a river, lake, or sea. ........,,,,,,,,,,............ (5) (mainly UK(AREA)) a sheltered area of deep water where boats are kept.

bark (v.) ....... , .......... (1) they heard a dog barking outside. ....... , .............. (2) the sergeant barked (out) a succession of orders to the new recruits.

(1) (of a dog) to make a loud rough noise. ...... , ........ ....... (2) to shout at someone in a forceful manner.

bearer (n.) ,,,,,,, ........ ,,,,,,,,,,,, (1) He was a coffin bearer at his father's funeral. ,,,,, ...... ,,,,,, ......... (1.2) I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

(1) a person whose job is to carry something, or a person who brings a message. ,,,,,,,,,, ......... ,,,,,,,,,,,,, (2) (FINANCE & ECONOMICS) SPECIALIZED the person who owns an official document or bank-note.

architect (n.) ....... ,,, .......... ,,,,,,,,, Bevan was the architect of the British national health service

(1) a person whose job is to design new building and make certain that they are built correctly. ..... ,. . , ..... (2) a person responsible for completing a particular plan or aim.

aggressively (adv.) ....................................... (1) Small children often behave aggressively. ................................... (2) The company is aggressively pursuing new business opportunities. ....................................... (3) They played more aggressively in the second half.

(1) in an angry and violent way. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (2) in a determined and forceful way in order to achieve success or win.

atomic (adj.) ....... , ............ atomic structure/nuclei (see also nuclear) ..... , ........ , .......... (2) atomic energy) power. atomic scientists

(1) relating to atoms . ..... , ....... (2) Using the energy that is created when an atom is divided.

celebrity (n.) ,,,,,, ............. ,,,,,, ...... (1) Hollywood celebrities turned up at Laguna Beach.

(1) someone who is famous, especially in the entertainment business. ,,,,,,,,,, ..... ...... ,,,, ....... (2) the state of being famous

abundantly (adv./formal) ................................................... (1) The plant grows abundantly in woodland. ..................................................... (2) You've made your feelings abundantly clear (very clear).

(1) something that occurs abundantly is present in large quantities. ................ .............. (2) if something is abundantly clear, it is extremely obvious.

accumulation (n.) .................................... (1) Despite this accumulation of evidence the Government persisted in doing nothing. ................................... (2) Accumulations of sand can be formed by the action of waves on coastal beaches.

(1) the acquisition or gradual gathering of something. ................................ (2) a mass or quantity of something that has gradually gathered or been acquired.

architecture (n.) ....... .... , .... (1) to study architecture .... , ....... (2) Roman architecture

(1) the art and science of designing and making buildings. ...... , ....... ......... (2) the style in which buildings are made.

adaptation (n.) ............... ........... (1) Evolution occurs as a result of adaptation to new environments. ........... .............. (2) Last year he starred in the film adaptation of Bill Cronshaw's best-selling nov.

(1) the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment. ................. ................ (2) a film, television drama, or stage play that has been adapted from a written work.

FIFA .... , .... .... , , , ..... FIFA is the sport's global governing body.

(Fédération Internationale de Football Association)

biological (adj.) ,,,,,, ..... ,,,,,. ..... biological washing powder.

(UK) used to describe a substance used for cleaning that uses enzymes to remove dirt.

biological (adj.) ,,,,, .. ,,, ......... She decided to search for her biological mother after her adoptive parents died.

([ before noun ]) related by birth.

ceremony (n. formal ceremonial) ........... ,,,,,, ........ ,,,,,,, ....... a wedding/graduation ceremony

(a set of) formal acts, often fixed and traditional, performed on important social or religious occasions

buck (v. JUMP) ,,,,,, ....... ,,,,, ............ The horse bucked every time he got in the saddle.

(esp. of a horse) to jump into the air with the head down and the back arched.

chemistry (n. SCIENCE) ,,,,,,,, . ,,,,,,, ..... She studied chemistry and physics at college. ,,,,, ...... ,,,,,,, .......... A team of scientists has been studying the chemistry of the ozone layer. ,,,,, ....... ,,,,,,, ........... a chemistry department/laboratory

(the part of science which studies) the basic characteristics of substances and the different ways in which they react or combine with other substances.

adopted (adj.) .................... .......... They've got two adopted children and one of their own.

An adopted child has been legally taken by another family to be taken care of as their own child.

adoptive (adj./before noun) ​

An adoptive parent is one who has adopted a child.

inaugural (adj.) ....... , , , ........, , , ..... The championship has been awarded every four years since the inaugural tournament in 1930. ​

An inaugural event is the first in a series of planned events.

carboniferous (adj.) ,,,,,,,, ........,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the Carboniferous period

Carboniferous relating to the period of Earth's history during which coal was formed

ceremonious (adj.)

Ceremonious behaviour is very or too formal or polite

advantage (n.) .......................... (1) I think she takes advantage of his good nature. ................... (2) I know she's offered babysit any time but I don't want her to think we're taking advantage of her.

Disapproving take advantage of sb/sth to treat someone badly in order to get something good from them.

attitude (n.) .... , ............ (1) it's often very difficult to change people attitudes. ..... , ............... (2) (+that) she takes the attitude that children should be allowed to learn at their own pace. ​

Feeling or opinion about something or someone or away of behaving that is cause by this.

beg (v.) ,,,,,,,,,,, .......... ,,,,,,,,,,, They have trained their dog to sit up and beg.

If a dog begs, it sits with its front legs in the air as if to ask for something.

appreciable (adj.) .......................................... (1) There has been an appreciable drop in the number of unemployed since the new government came to power.

If an amount or change is appreciable, it is large or noticeable enough to have an important effect.

bear (adj.) ,,,,,,,,,,,, .......... ,,,,,,,,,,,,, As far as she was concerned, only the weekends made life bearable.

If an unpleasant situation is bearable, you can accept or deal with it.

absorb (v.) ........................... Simon was so absorbed in his book he didn't even notice me come in.

If someone's work or a book film etc. absorbs them or they are absorbed in it their attention is given completely to it.

absent (adj.) .......... ....... ............. ............ (1) John has been absent from school(/work) for three days now. ........... .......... ................ (2) We drank a toast to absent friends.

Not in the place where you are expected to be, especially at school or work.

asteroid (n.)

One of the rocky objects varying in width from over 900 kilometres to less than one kilometre which circle the sun.

absentee (n.) ........ ....... ............ There are several absentees in the school this week because a lot of people have got flu.

Someone who is not at school or work when they should be.

atom (n.) ........ ,. ......... (1) molecule of carbon dioxide has one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.

The smallest unit of any chemical element consisting of a positive nucleus surrounded by negative electronics. Atoms can combine to form a molecule.

accumulate (v.) ............................... (1) As people accumulate more wealth they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes. ............................... (2) We've accumulated so much rubbish over the years.

To collect a large number of things over a long period of time.

arise (get up) (v.) .... , ... , .... (1) we arose on Christmas morning.

To get out of bed.

appeal (ATTRACT/v.) .......................................... (1) It's a programme designed to appeal mainly to 16 to 25-year-olds. .......................................... (2) I think what appeals to me about his painting is the colours he uses.

[ I not continuous ] to interest or attract someone:

carbon (n. SUBSTANCE)

a chemical element that exists in its pure form as diamond or graphite, and is an important part of other substances such as coal and oil, as well as being contained in all plants and animals

acquirer (n.) ........................... A business with so much growth is sure to generate interest among potential acquirers.

a company that buys other companies usually to sell them for a profit.

advantage (n.) ........... .......... (1) The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats. ...................... (2) It would be to your advantage to agree to his demands. (advantage+to+inf.)

a condition giving a greater chance of success.

advantage (n.) ................. ............. (1) For a goalkeeper it's a great advantage to have big hands. .......... .......... ....... (2) His height and reach give him a big advantage over other boxers. (make him better than)

a condition giving a greater chance of success.

buck (n./MONEY) (informal) ,,, .. ,,,,,, ........ ,,,,,,, .... Can I borrow a couple of bucks? . ,,,,,, . , .. ,,,,,,,,,....... He charged me 20 bucks for a new hubcap.

a dollar

cereal (n.) ,,,, ....... ,,,,,, .......... breakfast cereals

a food that is made from grain and eaten with milk, especially in the morning

bee (n. GROUP) ,,,,,,, .......... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (1) a sewing bee ,,,,,,,,,, .......... ,,,,,,,,,,, (2) a spelling bee

a group of people who come together in order to take part in a particular activity.

association (n.) ..... , , ... , ... , ..... The World Cup is an association football competition.

a group of people who work together in a single organization for a particular purpose.

approximation (n./formal) ................................... (1) Could you give me a rough approximation of how many people will be coming? .................................... (2) What he said bore no approximation whatsoever to the truth (= was not at all like the truth).

a guess of a number that is not exact but that is close.

cave (n.)

a large hole in the side of a hill, cliff, or mountain, or one that is underground

bear (n) (ANIMAL) ... ,,,,,, ............ (1) a brown/black bear. .... ,,,,,,,. ......... (2) a bear cub (= young bear) ,,,,,, ................. grizzly bear polar bear teddy (TOY)

a large, strong wild mammal with a thick fur coat that lives especially in colder parts of Europe, Asia, and North America.

barrier (n.) ...................... ,.............. (1) Barriers have been erected all along the route the Pope will ....,,,,,,.............,,,,,,,, (2) Passengers are requested to show their tickets at the barrier(= the gate in some railway stations through which you must go to get on a train) ​

a long pole, fence, wall, or natural feature, such as a mountain or sea, that stops people from going somewhere.

canal (n.) ,,,,, ...... ,,,,,,, ..........,,,,, The Panama Canal provides a crucial shipping link between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

a long, thin stretch of water that is artificially made either for boats to travel along or for taking water from one area to another:

channel (n. PASSAGE) ,,,, .... ,,, ... , .... There are drainage/irrigation channels all over this flat agricultural land. ,,,,,, .... ,,,,,, ....... ,,,,,, ........ The boats all have to pass through this narrow channel.

a passage for water or other liquids to flow along, or a part of a river or other area of water that is deep and wide enough to provide a route for ships to travel along

format (n.) .... , ..... , .... , ..... The format involves a qualification phase.

a pattern, a shape, plan, or arrangement.

aggressor (n.)

a person or country that starts an argument, fight, or war by attacking first.

borrower (n.) ....... ,,,,,,,,,, ............ Banks are encouraging new borrowers.

a person or organization that borrows something, especially money from a bank.

bear (n. FINANCE)

a person who sells shares when prices are expected to fall, in order to make a profit by buying them back again at a lower price.

ancestor (n.) ............................... (1) There were portraits of his ancestors on the walls of the room. ................................ (2) This wooden instrument is the ancestor of the modern metal flute.

a person, plant, animal, or object that is related to one existing at a later point in time:

assignment (n.) ...... ,. ...... , ....... a freelance/photo assignment ..... ,. ....... I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of term. ....... ,. . ,,,, Both journalists were killed by terrorists whilst on assignment (=doing job) in Colombia.

a piece of work given to someone typically as part of their studies of job.

cereal (n.) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. ,,, ....... ,,,,,, cereal crops

a plant that is grown to produce grain

attitude (n./literary) (position) .... , ............ she lay sprawled across the sofa in an attitude of complete abandon.

a position of the body

boundary (n.) ,,,,, ....... ,,,,,,, ....... ,,,,,,,, The Ural mountains mark the boundary between Europe and Asia. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ....... .,,,,,, .. Residents are opposed to the prison being built within the city boundary.

a real or imagined line that marks the edge or limit of something

appeal (n.) ............................. (1) The case went to the court of appeal/the appeal court. ........................... (2) He won his appeal and the sentence was halved. ........................... (3) She has lodged (= made) an appeal against the severity of the fine.

a request made to a court of law or to someone in authority to change a previous decision.

appeal (n.) ........................................ (1) They're launching (= starting) an appeal to raise money for famine victims. ..................................... (2)[ + to infinitive ] The police have issued an appeal to the public to stay away from the area over the weekend.

a request to the public for money, information, or help.

channel (n. AIRPORT/PORT) ,,,, ..... ,,,,,, .. , ...... If you have nothing to declare, go through the green channel. ,,,, ..... ,,,,,, ...... ,,,,, ...... Goods to declare - use the red channel.

a route or way out of an airport or port where travellers' bags are examined.

biologist (n.)

a scientist who studies biology.

adjustment (n.) ......................... she made a few minor adjustments to the focus of her camera.

a small change.

channel (n. BROADCASTING) ,,,,,, ... , ..... , ........... a cable/terrestrial/satellite channel ,,, ..... ,,,, ........ a music/movie/news/shopping/sports channel ,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,..... the news on Channel 4 , ........ ,,,,, ...... ,,,,, ....... She switched/turned to another channel to watch football.

a television or radio station (= an organization that broadcasts television or radio programmes)

abundance (n./formal) .............................................. (1) There was an abundance of wine at the wedding. ............................................. (2) We had wine in abundance.

a very large quantity of something.

channel (n. WAY OF COMMUNICATING, ETC) ,,,,, ... ,,,, ...... ,,,,,, ....... We must open the channels of communication between the two countries. ,,,,,, ...... ,,,,,, ........ The government pursued every diplomatic/official channel to free the hostages. , ... , ..... ,,,,,,, ........ Complaints should be made through the proper/usual channels.

a way of communicating with people or getting something done.

bee (n. INSECT) (See also bumblebee) ..........,,,,,,,,, ............. (1) A swarm of bees flew into the garden. ..... ,,,,,,. .................. (2) My arm swelled up where I was stung by a bee.

a yellow and black flying insect that makes honey and can sting you.

adaptable (adj.) ........... ............. The survivors in this life seem to be those who are adaptable to change.

able or willing to change in order to suit different conditions.

adjustable (adj.) ......... .......... The height of the steering wheel is adjustable. ............. ............. Is the strap on this helmet adjustable?

able to be changed to suit particular needs.

Absorbent (adj.) .................................. absorbent paper.

able to take liquid in through the surface and to hold it.

adoption (n.) .............. .......... Several suggestions have been offered for adoption by the panel.

accepting or starting to use something new.

bearing (n. GEOGRAPHY/ specialized) ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (1) The campsite is 5 miles away from here on a bearing of 045 degrees. ,,,, .... ,, .......... (2) The yachtsman took a bearing on (= found his position by using) the lighthouse.

an exact position, measured clockwise (= to the right) from north. Bearings are given as three numbers.

cetacean (n. BIOLOGY, specialized)

any of various types of mammal, such as the whale, that live in the sea like fish

barrier (n.) (=OBSTACLE) ............... ,,,,,,, ......... (1) Despite the language barrier (= not speaking the same language), they soon became good friends. ,,, ..... ,,,,,,,. .......... (2) Shyness is one of the biggest barriers to making friends (= something that makes this difficult).

anything that prevents people from being together or understanding each other.

appealing (adj.) ............................... (1) The idea of not having to get up early every morning is rather appealing (to me). ................................. (2) He had a nice smile and an appealing personality.

attractive or interesting.

beneath (prep. NOT GOOD ENOUGH) .... , ....... , ....... Office work of any description he felt was beneath him.

be beneath you If someone thinks an activity is beneath them they think they should not have to do it because they are too important or too clever. ​

aggressive (adj.) ................................ (1) Men tend to be more aggressive than women. ............................... (2) If I criticize him, he gets aggressive and starts shouting.

behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person.

reigning (adj.) .... , ..... , ..... , ..... The reigning champions are France, who won their second title at the 2018 tournament in Russia.

being the most recent winner of a competition.

beneath (adv.) ...... , ........ She looked out of the window at the children playing beneath.


adopted (adj./before noun) .......................... Spain is my adopted country.

choosing or taking something as your own

approximately (adv.) ....................................... The job will take approximately three weeks, and cost approximately £1,000.

close to a particular number or time although not exactly that number or time.

associated (adj.) ..... ,. ......... She was prepared to take on the job with all its associated risks


astronomical (adj./scientific) ...... , ...... , ....... (1) The Royal Astronomical Society. .... , .......... (2) astronomical observations/instruments

connected with astronomy

biological (adj.) ,,,,,,,,, .. ,,,, .......... (1) the biological sciences ,,,,, ... ,,,,,,,,,...... (2) Eating is a biological necessity!

connected with the natural processes of living things.

carboniferous (adj. specialized) ,,,,,,,,, ..... ,,, .......... carboniferous rocks

containing or producing carbon

accurate (adj.) .................................... (1) We hope to become more accurate in predicting earthquakes. ..................................... (2) The figures they have used are just not accurate.

correct, exact, and without any mistakes.

heritage (n.) ..... , .... , ....... The global list is for UNESCO and cultural heritage.

culture, languages, buildings and other things which we get from people who live before us.

astronomical (large) (adjective/also astronomic) ........ .... ,,. ......... (1) an astronomical rent/bill/price/fee.

describes an amount which is extremely large.

aggressive ( DETERMINED/ adj.) ................................... (1) an aggressive election campaign. ................................... (2) Both players won their first-round matches in aggressive style.

determined to win or succeed and using forceful action to win or to achieve success

acquisitive (adj./ formal mainly disapproving). ................................. (1) We live in an acquisitive society which views success primarily in terms of material possessions.

eager to possess and collect things.

preceding (adj.) ....... , ..... , ..... , ..... Which takes place over the preceding three years.

existing or happening before someone or something.

bearish (adj.) (FINANCE) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ................ The overall oil price outlook is expected to remain bearish.

expecting a fall in prices.

agriculture (n.) ............................... (1) Agriculture is still largely based on traditional methods in some countries. ................................ (2) The area depends on agriculture for most of its income.


attitude (n.) ........ , ............ ​

if you say that someone has attitude you mean that they are confident and independent often in a rude or unpleasant way.

appealingly (adv.) .................................. (1) Her voice has an appealingly husky quality. ................................ (2) The design of the car is appealingly distinctive.

in a way that is attractive or interesting.

accurately (adv.) .................................... (1) The plans should be drawn as accurately as possible showing all the measurements.

in a way that is correct in all details; exactly.

appreciably (adv.) ...................................... Her health has improved appreciably since she changed her treatment.

in a way that is enough to have an important effect.

ceremoniously (adv.) ,,,,,,,, .... ,,,, . ..... ,, He shook hands ceremoniously with each of his supporters as they arrived.

in a way that is very formal or polite

archaeologically [adverb (also archeologically)] ..................................... Salvagers who found the shipwreck did not use archaeologically sound methods.

in a way that relates to archaeology (= the study of past history by digging to find old buildings, tools, objects, etc.).

biologically (adv.) ,,,,,,, ....... ,,,,,,,,, biologically active/stable chemicals. ,,,,, .... ,,,,, .......... You don't have to be biologically related to be a family.

in a way that relates to living things and the natural processes of living things. , .... ,, ............ , ....... by birth.

Ceremonially (adverb) ,,,,,,,, ..... , ........... The store will be ceremonially reopened with a ribbon cutting and appearances from top designers.

in a way that relates to or is part of a ceremony (= a fixed set of formal acts performed on important social or religious occasions)

beneath (prep. BELOW) , ,,,,,,,,,,,, ...... ,,,,,, .......... (1) Jaime hid the letter beneath a pile of papers. ,,,,,,. ,..... ,,,,,, .......... (2) We huddled together for warmth beneath the blankets. ,,,,,,, . ,,,,,,,,,,,, (3) After weeks at sea, it was wonderful to feel firm ground beneath our feet once more. ,,,,,,,,,,, ........... ,,,,,,,,,,,,, (4) Emma was so tired and hungry that her legs were beginning to give way beneath her (= she was about to fall over).

in or to a lower position than someone or something, under someone or something

archaeological [adjective (also archeological)] ............................... (1) an archaeological dig/excavation. ............................ (2) an area/site of archaeological interest.

involving or relating to archaeology.

cattle (plural noun) , ,,,,,,,,, ........ ,,,,, ........ beef/dairy cattle

large farm animals kept for their milk or meat; cows and bulls

bearish (adj.)

looking or behaving like a bear.

ceramic (adj.) ,,,,,,,,,, ...... ,,,,,, ....... ceramic tiles

made from clay that has been shaped and then baked until hard

abundant (adj./formal) ...................... ........................ (1) An abundant supply of food. .................................................. (2) There is abundant evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment.

more than enough.

approximate (adj.) ....................................... (1) The train's approximate time of arrival is 10.30. .................................... (2) The approximate cost will be about $600.

not completely accurate but close.

affordable (adj.) ................................. nice clothes at affordable prices.

not expensive

except (prep./conj.) ..... , ..... , ......... except in 1942 and 1946 when it was not held because of the Second World War.

not including, but not.

absent (adj.) . ........... ....... ............ Any sign of remorse was completely absent from her face.

not present

ancient (adj.) ............................. (1) ancient civilizations/rights/laws. ................................ (2) People have lived in this valley since ancient times.

of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time.

buck (n. RESPONSIBILITY/ MAINLY DISAPPROVING) ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ............ ,,,,,,,,,,, ............ She's always trying to pass the buck and I'm sick of it!

pass the buck: to blame someone or make them responsible for a problem that you should deal with.


plural of bacterium

ceremonial (adj.) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ,.... ,,,,,, The men were dressed in ceremonial black robes. ,,,,,,,, .... ,,,, .......... ceremonial occasions/duties

related to, used in, or involving a ceremony (= a fixed set of formal acts performed on important social or religious occasions)

ancestral (adj.) [ before noun ] .............................. (1) an ancestral home. .......................... (2) ancestral rights.

relating to members of your family from the past.

appealing ( adj.) ................................. a little dog with appealing big brown eyes.

showing that you want people to help or protect you.

archaeologist [noun(US also archeologist)]

someone who studies the buildings, graves, tools, and other objects of people who lived in the past.

bearing (n./SLIGHTKY FORMAL) ,,,........... ,,,,,,,,, ............ She had a proud, distinguished bearing.

someone's way of moving and behaving.

aggression (n.) ............................... (1) Some types of dog are bred for aggression. ............................. (2) an act of aggression.

spoken or physical behaviour that is threatening or involves harm to someone or something.

adapted (adj.) ........ ................ Both trees are well adapted to London's dry climate and dirty air.

suited by nature, character, or design to a particular use, purpose, or situation.

-bearing (suffix) ,,,,,, ........ ,,,,,,,,,,,, a load-bearing wall

supporting or holding the stated thing.

advantage (n.) .................... I thought I'd take advantage of the sports facilities while I'm here.

take advantage of sth to use the good things in a situation

Absorbency (n.) ............. ......... Consider physical size, weight, texture, and absorbency.

the ability to absorb liquid.

Adjustment (n.) ............. ............ He has so far failed to make the adjustment from school to work.

the ability to become more familiar with a new station.

adoption (n.) ............... ........... (1) She was homeless and had to put her child up for adoption. ......................... (2) The last ten years have seen a dramatic fall in the number of adoptions.

the act of legally taking a child to be taken care of as your own.

acquisition (n.) ............................... (1) The museum has been heavily criticized over its acquisition of the four-million-dollar sculpture. ............................. (2) I like your earrings - are they a recent acquisition (= did you get them recently)?

the act of obtaining or beginning to have something, or something obtained.

ceramics (n.)

the art of making objects by shaping pieces of clay and then baking them until they are hard

campus (n.) ,,,,,,,,, ...... ,, ............ There's accommodation for about five hundred students on campus.

the buildings of a college or university and the land that surrounds them.

borrowing (n.) ,,,,, ...... ,,,,,,,,, ........... Public borrowing has increased in recent years.

the fact of borrowing money, especially from a bank, or the amount that is borrowed

bark (n.) (tree)

the hard outer covering of a tree.

boundary (n.) ,,,,,,, ...... ,,,,,,, ........ Electronic publishing is blurring the boundaries between dictionaries and encyclopedias.

the limit of a subject or principle

bark (n.) (Dog)

the loud rough noise that a dog and some animals make.

buck (n. ANIMAL) (buck or bucks)

the male of some animals such as deer and rabbits, or (in South Africa) a male or female antelope

ceramics (plural noun)

the objects produced by shaping and baking clay, especially when considered as art

alimentary canal (n. MEDICAL) ,,,,, . , .... , ........... I had an abscess in the lower part of my alimentary canal. ,,,,,,,,, .... ,,,, ........... ,,,,,,,,,, .. There may be an obstruction in the alimentary tract.

the parts of the body that food goes through as it is eaten and digested.

venue (n.) .... ، .... , ..... , ...... In the tournament phase, 32 teams compete for the title at venues within the host nation (s.) over about a month.

the place where a public event or meeting happens.

absenteeism (n.) ......... ............. ........... The high rate of absenteeism is costing the company a lot of money.

the practice of regularly staying away from work or school without good reason.

Absorption ............ ........ Vitamin is needed for aiding calcium absorption.

the process or action by which one thing absorbs or is absorbed by another.

appeal (n.) ............................ (1) sex appeal. ............................. (2) Spielberg's movies have a wide appeal. ...................... (3) This used to be a marvellous hotel but it has lost its appeal in recent years.

the quality in someone or something that makes him, her, or it attractive or interesting.

adaptability (n.) ........... .......... Adaptability is a necessary quality in an ever-changing work environment.

the quality of being able to adjust to new conditions.

accuracy (n.) ................................ We can predict changes with a surprising degree of accuracy.

the quality or state of being correct or precise.

biology (n.) ,,,,,,,,,,,, ...... ,,,,,,,, human biology ,,,,, .... ,,,,,,,, marine biology ,,,,,,,,,,........... ,,,,,, molecular biology ,,,,,,,, ......... ,,,,, .......... The book deals with the reproductive biology of the buffalo.

the scientific study of the natural processes of living things.

archaeology [noun [ U ] (also archeology)]

the study of the buildings, graves, tools, and other objects that belonged to people who lived in the past, in order to learn about their culture and society.

advantage (n.) ........................... Advantage Miss Williams!

the word used in tennis when a player has won the point after deuce.

adopt (v./start) ................. ....... (1) I think it's time to adopt a different strategy in my dealings with him. ................. (2) The new tax would force companies to adopt energy-saving measures. .................. ...... (3) He's adopted a remarkably light-hearted attitude towards the situation.

to accept or start to use something new.

bear (V./ACCEPT) ,,,,,,,,,,,, ............. ,,,,,,,,,,,, (1) The strain must have been enormous but she bore it well. ..... ,,,,, ....... (2) Tell me now! I can't bear the suspense! ,,,,,,, ....... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (3) It's your decision - you have to bear the responsibility if things go wrong. ,,,,,,,, ........ ,,,,,,,,, (4) ([ + to infinitive ]_ He couldn't bear to see the dog in pain. ..... ,,,,, .............. (5) ([ + -ing verb ]) I can't bear being bored.

to accept, tolerate, or endure something, especially something unpleasant.

afford (GIVE/ v.) .................................... (1) The hut afforded little protection from the elements. .................................... (2) [ + two objects ] Her seat afforded her an uninterrupted view of the stage.

to allow someone to have something pleasant or necessary.

adjust (v.) .............. ........ she adjusted her skirt took a breath and walked into the room.

to arrange your clothing to make yourself look tidy.

beg (v.) ,,,,, ..... ,,,,, .............. (1) There are more and more homeless people begging on the streets these days. ,,,,,,,,,,, ........... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (2) She had to beg for money and food for her children.

to ask for food or money because you are poor.

afford (BE ABLE/ v.) .............................. (1) I don't know how he can afford a new car on his salary. .............................. (2) [ + to infinitive ] I can't afford to buy a house. .............................. (3) Few people are able to afford cars like that.

to be able to buy or do something because you have enough money or time.

approximate (verb, I + adv/prep; T, formal) ....................................... (1) The newspaper reports of the discussion only roughly approximated to (= were not exactly the same as) what was actually said. ................................... (2) Student numbers this year are expected to approximate 5,000 (= to be about 5,000).

to be almost the same as.

adapt (v.) .............. ............ The good thing about children is that they adapt very easily to new environments. ................... ......... it took me a while to adapt to the new job.

to become familiar with a new situation.

buck (someone/something) up (phr.v) ,,,,,,, ....... ,,,,,,,,,, .............. Oh, buck up for heaven's sake, Anthony! I'm sick of looking at your miserable face. ,,,,,,,,,,,......,,,,,......... She was told that if she didn't buck her ideas up (= start working in a more positive way), she'd be out of a job.

to become happier or more positive or to make someone happier or more positive

adjust (v.) ........... .......... I can't adjust to living on my own. ........... ............... The lifestyle is so very different - it takes a while to adjust.

to become more familiar with a new situation.

bear (v.) (bore, borne or US also born, SLIGHTLY FORMAL.) ............. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ........... (1) At Christmas the family all arrive at the house bearing gifts. .... ,,,,,,,,, .............. (2) Countless waiters bore trays of drinks into the room. ,,, .......... ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ........... (3) The sound of the ice cream van was borne into the office on the wind.

to carry and move something to a place.

bear (v. CHANCE DIRECTION) ,,,,,,,,,, ............ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (1) The path followed the coastline for several miles, then bore inland. ........ ,,,,,,,, ....... ,,,,,,,,,,,, (2) After you go past the church keep bearing left/right.

to change direction slightly so that you are going in a particular direction.

carbonize (v.) (UK usually carbonise) ,,,,,,, ...... ,,,,,,,. .... Coal beds are vast deposits of carbonized vegetable matter. ,,,,,,,, ...... ............ Brown the steak but try not to carbonize it.

to change or be changed to carbon by burning, heating, or during fossilization (= the process of being preserved in rock over a long period)

adjust (v.) ....,.......... ......... If the chair is too high you can adjust it to suit you. ............. ......... As a teacher you have to adjust your methods to suit the needs of slower children.

to change something slightly especially to make it more correct effective suitable.

adapt (v.) ....... ........ ...... many software companies have adapted popular programs to the new operating system ................ The play had been adapted for children.

to change something to suit different conditions or uses.

adopt (v./choose) ..................... (1)Dr Kennedy has been adopted as the party's candidate for South Cambridge. ................ .......... (2) Roz has adopted one or two funny mannerisms since she's been away.

to choose or claim as your own.

contest (v.) ..... , ..... , .... , ..... contested by the senior men's national team of the International Federation of Association football.

to compete for something.

determine (v.) .... , ..... , ..... , ..... to determine which teams qualify for the tournament phase.

to control or influence something directly, or to decide what will happen.

channel (v. DIRECT) ,,,,,,, ..... ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ditches were constructed to channel water away from the buildings. ,,,, .... ,,,,,, ....... If she could only channel all that energy into something useful. ,,,,,, ......... ,,,,,,, ........ A lot of money has been channelled into research in that particular field.

to direct something into a particular place or situation.

appeal (ARGUE/v.) .......................................... (1) The parents appealed against the school's decision not to admit the child. ....................................... (2)The players appealed to the referee for a free kick.

to formally request that a legal or official decision be changed.

borrow (v.) ,,,,,,, .... , ,,,,,,,,,,, , ..... She used to borrow money and not bother to pay it back. ,,,,,,,,, ... ,.,. ........... He borrowed a novel from the library. , .... ,,,,,,,, ....... ,,,,,, ........ could I borrow £100 off you until next week?

to get or receive something from someone with the intention of giving it back after a period of time.

bear (v. PRODUCE) ,,,,,,,,,,, ........ ,,,,,,,,,,,,, (1) She had borne six children by the time she was 30. ,,,,,,,, ... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (2) ([ + two objects ]) When his wife bore him a child he could not hide his delight. ...... ,,,, ... ,,,,,,, ............ (3) Most animals bear their young in the spring. ​

to give birth to young, or (of a tree or plant) to give or produce fruit or flowers.

accumulate (v.) ............................... (1) A thick layer of dust had accumulated in the room. .............................. (2) If you don't sort out the papers on your desk on a regular basis they just keep on accumulating.

to gradually increase in number or amount.

arise (happen) (v.) ..... ,. . (1) Should the opportunity arise I'd you love to go to China.

to happen

bear (v./KEEP,HAVE) ,,,,,,,,,,, .......... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (1) Their baby bears a strong resemblance to its grandfather. ,,,,, .... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (2) The stone plaque bearing his name was smashed to pieces. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ........... ,,,,,,,,,, (3) On display were boxing gloves that bore Rocky Marciano's signature. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ......... ,,,,,,,,,,,, (4) ([ + two objects ]) I don't bear them any ill feeling (= I do not continue to be angry with or dislike them). ........... ,,,,,,, ............ (5) Thank you for your advice - I'll bear it in mind (= I will remember and consider it).

to have or continue to have something.

bear (v./SUPPORT) ... ,,,,, ................ The chair, too fragile to bear her weight, collapsed.

to hold or support something.

appeal (REQUEST/v.) ........................................... (1) [ + to infinitive ] Church leaders have appealed to the government to halt the war. .................................. (2) The police are appealing to the public for any information about the missing girl.

to make a serious or formal request, especially to the public, for money, information, or help.

beg (v.) ,,,,,, ......... ,,,,,,,,,,,, They begged for mercy. ,,,,,, ......... ,,,,,,,,,,,, ( + speech ) "Please, please forgive me!" she begged (him). ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.......... ,,,,,,,,,,,, ( + obj + to infinitive ) He begged her to stay, but she simply laughed and put her bags in the car.

to make a very strong and urgent request

absent yourself (v./formal) .......... ............. ............... You cannot choose to absent yourself (from work/school) on a whim.

to not go to a place where you are expected to be especially a school or place of work.

acquire (v.) .......................... (1) He acquired the firm in 1978. ........................ (2) During this period he acquired a reputation for being a womanizer.

to obtain something.

borrow (v./(MATHEMATICS))

to put a number into a different column when doing subtraction

absorb (v.) ................................ The barrier absorbed the main impact of the crash.

to reduce the effect of a physical force shock or change.

appeal (LEGAL, v.) ....................................... (1) The teenager has been given leave (= allowed) by the High Court to appeal against her two-year sentence. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (2) They're appealing to the court to reduce the sentence to a fine.

to request a higher court of law to consider again a decision made by a lower court, especially in order to reduce or prevent a punishment.

qualify (v.) .... ,. .. , ... , ...... The host nation (s) automatically qualify.

to succeed in getting into a competition.

borrow (v.) ,,,,,,, ..... ,,,,,, ............. English has borrowed many words from French.

to take and use a word or idea from another language or piece of work.

adopt (v.) ....................... (1) They've adopted a baby girl. ...................... (2) They have no children of their own but they're hoping to adopt.

to take another person's child into your own family and legally raise him or her as your own child.

borrow (v.) , . , . , ........ ,, ...... ,,,,,,, ,.... Like so many companies at that time, we had to borrow heavily to survive. , .......... ,,,,,,,, ............ ,,,,,,,,,, .......... We could always borrow some money from the bank.

to take money from a bank or other financial organization and pay it back over a period of time.

absorb (v.) .............. ...... (1) plants absorb carbon dioxide. .......................................... (2) In cold climates houses need to have walls that will absorb heat.

to take something in especially gradually.

absorb (v.) ....................................... It's hard to absorb so much information.

to understand facts or ideas completely and remember them.

chemistry (n. INFORMAL ) ,,,,, ...... ,,,,, .......... There was an immediate sexual chemistry between us the first time we met.

understanding and attraction between two people

agricultural (adj.) ............................. (1) The world's supply of agricultural land is shrinking fast. .............................. (2) The country's economy is mainly agriculture ............................... (3) The country's economy is mainly agricultural (= based on farming).

used for farming or relating to farming.

buck (n./MONEY) (informal) ,,, .... ,,,,, .... , ........ He earns megabucks (= a lot of money) working for an American bank. ,,,,, .. ,,,, ..... ,,,, ............. So what's the best way to make a fast buck (= earn money easily and quickly)?

used in a number of expressions about money, usually expressions referring to a lot of money

ancient (adj.) .................................. (1) the ancient Egyptians-Greeks-Romans. .................................. (2) The ancient Britons inhabited these parts of England before the Roman invasion.

used to refer to the period in European history from the earliest known societies to the end of the Roman Empire.

biological (adj.) ,,,,,,,,,, .... ,,,,,,,,, .......... biological weapons/warfare.

using living matter, such as bacteria, to seriously harm and kill people and animals, and to damage crops.

ceremony (n. FORMAL BEHAVIOUR) ,,,,,, ........ ,,,,,,. .......... She arrived at the airport without the pomp and ceremony that usually accompanies important politicians. ,,,,,,,,,, ...... ,,,,,, ....... ,......... I handed her my letter of resignation without ceremony (= in an informal way).

very formal and polite behaviour

ancient (adj./informal) ..................................... He's got an ancient laptop.

very old (informal)

algae (plural noun)

very simple, usually small plants that grow in or near water and do not have ordinary leaves or roots.

absence (n.) .......... ........ ................ ............ (1) A new manager was appointed during (/in) her absence. ............. ........................... (2) She has had repeated absences from work this year.

when someone is not where they are usually expected to be.

absence (n./ not existing) ..................... ............. ............ (1) He drew attention to the absence of concrete evidence against the defendant. ................ ............ ............. (2) In the absence of (= because there were not) more suitable candidates we decided to offer the job to Mr Conway.

when something does not exist.

ancestry (n.) .................................. (1) He was proud of his Native American ancestry. .................................. (2) His wife was of royal ancestry. ...................................... (3) The family has traced its ancestry back to the Norman invaders.

your ancestors who lived a long time ago, or the origin of your family.

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