TOPHAT questions

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Which of the following was not a member of the Confederacy during during the Civil War?


Sort the following Union generals in the order in which they commanded the Army of the Potomac.

McClellan Burnside Hooker Meade

Where was the first capital of the Confederacy located?


While the specific experiences of enslaved laborers varied and depended on many different factors, it is all but certain that:

They all desired freedom

Who was the Free Soil candidate for president in 1848?

Martin Van Buren

Which of the following famous mid 19th-century essays was written in response to the Mexican-American War?

"Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau

Despite winning the Battle of Chancellorsville, Robert E. Lee lost this important general

"Stonewall" Jackson

Why were Congress and the American people reluctant to embrace radical forms of Reconstruction in order to protect African Americans?

- Fear of expanding federal power at the expense of the states - Lack of resources at the state level - especially in the South - A commitment to Laissez Faire

Which of the following arguments were frequently invoked to justify the continued existence of slavery in the American South?

- Slavery had a Biblical basis - Slavery was more humane than many industrial jobs in the north - Most slaves had no desire to be free from their masters - Ending slavery would collapse the American economy

Which of the following were Mexican requirements for new American settlers in the province of "Tejas"?

- To practice Catholicism - To not bring any slaves

How many sitting United States Presidents were assassinated before Abraham Lincoln?


Regarding the "Caning of Charles Sumner" please match the following items

1, Charles Sumner - "Free Soiler" from Massachusetts 2. Preston Brooks - censured for his actions 3. Andrew Butler - "God has inflicted him with a disability" ( rich slave owner from S.C.) 4. "Crime Against Kansas" - "was perhaps one of the most important speeches given about slavery in the halls of Congress"

Sort the following nineteenth century reform movements by the order in which they won amendments to the Constitution

1. Abolitionism 2. Temperance Movement 3. Women's Suffrage

Rank the following mid-19th century Presidents by their commitment to black civil rights, from most to least supportive.

1. Abraham Lincoln 2. U.S. Grant 3. Andrew Johnson 4. Franklin Pierce

Sort these events into chronological order.

1. Andrew Johnson becomes President (1865) 2. KKK established (1865) 3. Congress passes Military Reconstruction Act (1867) 4. President Johnson impeached (1868) 5. Congress passed 15th amendment (1869)

Identify the following battles as victories for the Union or Confederacy.

1. Battle of Gettysburg - Union Victory 2. battle of Fredericksburg - Confederate Victory 3. Battle of Vicksburg - Union victory 4. First Battle of Bull Run - Confederate Victory

Match these people with the best description of them.

1. John C. Calhoun - Vice President of the United States 2. William Lloyd Garrison - Publisher of the Liberator 3. Harriet Tubman - Ex-slave conductor on the Underground Railroad 4. James Hammond - Coined the phrase "King Cotton"

Match the politicians to the concept with which they are most closely associated.

1. John C. Calhoun - States' Rights 2. Martin van Buren - Abolitionism 3. Henry Clay - American System 4. Stephen Douglas - Popular sovereignty

Match the key figures of the 1844 Presidential Election to the most appropriate description of them.

1. John Tyler - Became the first Vice-President to ascend to Presidency 2. Martin van Buren - New York politician who was an anti-extensionist 3. James K. Polk - The dark horse candidate who favored the annexation of Texas 4. Henry Clay - Kentucky Senator who favored high tariffs and a powerful central government

Match the key figures of the 1844 Presidential election to the description.

1. John Tyler - Became the first Vice-President to ascend to Presidency 2. Martin van Buren - New York politician who was an anti-extensionist 3. James K. Polk - The dark horse candidate who favored the annexation of Texas 4. Henry Clay - Kentucky Senator who favored high tariffs and a powerful central government

Sort the following Union generals in the order that they commanded the Army of the Potomac.

1. McClellan 2. Burnside 3. Hooker 4. Meade

Match the following federal acts to their primary purpose.

1. Military Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871 - To combat white supremacy in the South 2. Tenure of Office Act - To curb executive power in firing federal officials 3. Military Reconstruction Act - To enforce civil and voting rights of black citizens 4. Freedman's Bureau Act - To provide social services to black and white Southerners

Identify who is being parodied in the political cartoon above, from left to right.

1. Prohibitionist 2. Suffragette 3. Socialist 4. Free-love advocate 5. Catholic Priest 6. Abolitionist

Match the mid 19th-century American politician to their nickname.

1. Stephen Douglas - The little giant 2. William Henry Harrison - Tippiecanoe 3. John Tyler - Your Accidency 4. James K. Polk - Little Hickory

Sort the following events related to the Mexican-American War in chronological order.

1. Texas becomes an independent nation 2. Zachary Taylor goads Mexican troops into firing on him 3. Santa Anna returns from exile 4. Signing of Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Sort the following people based on their place in the southern social order from highest to lowest.

1. The Son of a Planter 2. An Urban Dwelling Banker 3. A Small-Scale Farmer 4. A Free Black Tailor 5. A Middle-Aged Slave Field Worker

Sort the following from largest to smallest.

1. The number of months between the passage of the 13th Amendment and the end of the Civil War. (8) 2. The number of states that seceded before the attack on Fort Sumter (7) 3. The number of days between the end of the Civil War and Lincoln's assassination (5) 4. The number of commanders of the army of the Potomac between 1862-63 (4)

Place these events in the order that they occurred.

1. Uncle Tom's Cabin published 2. Anthony Burns Case 3. The Caning of Sumner 4. Dred Scott Case

Match the author with the work for which they are best known.

1. William Lloyd Garrison - The Liberator 2. Harriett Beecher Stowe - Uncle Tom's Cabin 3. Frederick Douglass. - Life of Frederick Douglass 4. William Alcott - The Young Wife 5. Harriet Jacobs - Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

Match the Union general to the most appropriate term

1. Winfield Scott - Anaconda Plan 2. George McClellan - Army of the Potomac 3. Ulysses S. Grant - "Unconditional Surrender" 4. William T. Sherman - March to the Sea

Match the 19th-century figures to the reform movements with which they were most closely associated.

1. Women's suffrage - Grimke sisters 2. abolitionism - Frederick Douglass 3. Public schools movement - Horace Mann

Were the following issues primarily a problem for the Union, the Confederacy, or both?

1. a lack of production and industry - confederacy 2. Inconsistent and uneven military leadership - union 3. An inability to establish important international alliances - confederacy 4. Struggles with disciplining army volunteers - both

The Senate failed to convict President Johnson during his impeachment trial by how many votes?


In Iceland, 90 % of wage workers belong to trade, while 34% of Italian workers are unionized. 26% of Canadian workers are unionized. How many American workers are unionized


How did the South attempt to circumvent the following constitutional amendments?

13th Amendment - Sharecropping and debt peonage 14th Amendment - The Ku Klux Klan and Black Codes 15th Amendment - Literacy tests and the grandfather clause

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 became the foundation for which constitutional amendment?


Which Civil War constitutional amendment defined citizenship and guaranteed all Americans the right to "due process"?

14th amendment

How many legislators did the Free Soil Party send to Congress in the 1848 elections?


Which of the following elections had a nearly 27-point discrepancy between the number of Electoral College votes won by the winning ticket and the share of the popular vote that they received?


What year did the Republican Party first run a candidate for president?


In what year was Rutherford B. Hayes elected President?


Approximately how many enslaved laborers did one need to own to be considered a member of the planter class?


In the United States, the richest 1 percent of Americans owns how much of our country's wealth?


Approximately How many Americans died in the Civil War?


How many Americans are estimated to have died in the Civil War?


Who was the author of the failed "Crittenden Compromise"?

A Whig Senator from Kentucky

On which previous battlefield did the Battle of the Wilderness take place?


The ultimate result of the Civil War was:

A northern victory and the abolition of slavery and the imposition of military rule on the south.

Consider the impact that Reconstruction had on Americans' conceptions of the role and scope of the federal government. Did it change? How and why?

After the civil war, people's. views on the federal government did change. Usually, local governments were responsible for dealing with the issues within that state. However, after the Civil War many states were unable to accommodate for the massive economic and social losses during the war. Therefore, the federal government had to step in.

What were the most pressing problems in the South following the Civil War

All of theses were problems after the Civil War ended: extensive railroad damage, Excessive death of livestock and farm animals, severe damage to the infrastructure ( bridges, cities, factories, telegraph lines.), lack of functioning government

Martin Shkreli, the chief executive of a pharmaceutical company that acquired the rights to a lifesaving drug that was priced at $13.50 a pill, used this rationalization when he raised the price to $750 a pill.

America is a capitalist society

Under what circumstances did the first fatalities of the Civil War occur?

An unfortunate accident

Which of the following was not a component of the Crittenden Compromise?

Annexation of Cuba

What was the one issue that John Tyler seized upon in an attempt to garner support in the presidential election of 1844?

Annexation of Texas

The following is a TRUE statement regarding the productivity of slaves A. B. C. r D.

As a result of using manipulative tactics slave production gradually increased from year to yea

Global financial markets after 1820 refused to profit from American slavery.


It is a proven medical fact that blacks and whites have different immunity systems.


It is a scientific fact that people from Africa have a higher tolerance to heat than whites.


What was the name of the short-lived independent California republic?

Bear Flag Republic

When sending guns to Kansas, what did Henry Ward Beecher mark the shipping crates?


Southern state laws passed soon after the Civil War and aimed at suppressing the political and economic rights of African Americans were called what?

Black Codes

Why did the political views of the top generals of the Mexican War matter so much in American politics?

Both of the top generals were whig party so that meant that the democratic party would lose their place in white house.

It was not so much greed, but the rage of poor white Southerner that made slavery especially violent.


When slaveowners defended the institution of slavery as "paternalistic," what did they mean?


Most historians generally agree that Abraham Lincoln was an ineffective leader when compared to the leadership Jefferson Davis offered the Confederacy


Plantation owners were not allowed to use slaves as collateral to obtain financial loans.


Rebuilding the South became a project that united all Americans and quickly led its rebuilding.


Radical Republicans pushed for the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson after he attempted to dismiss his Secretary of War. What was the Secretary of War's name?

Edwin M. Stanton

Match the following people with their role during Reconstruction.

Edwin Stanton - Secretary of War Ulysses S. Grant - General of the Army and President of the United States (1869-1877) Charles Sumner - U.S. Senator from Massachusetts Thaddeus Stevens - Congressman from Pennsylvania Richard Henry Dana - An originator of the "grasp of war" concept Andrew Johnson - President of the United States (1865-1869)

Place these events into chronological order

End of the Civil War Assassination of President Lincoln Passage of Freedman's Bureau Act Presidential Reconstruction Passage of Black Codes by Southern States Congressional Reconstruction Begins Passage (not ratification) of 14th Amendment Passage of Military Reconstruction Act

The establishment of the Liberian colony had the dual effect of:

Establishing a colony for free black Americans, granting them a de-gree of autonomy and removing them from the proximity of enslaved black persons, who they felt might be influenced by the presence of freedmen and women.

Abraham Lincoln supported the Mexican War


According to John O Sullivan foreign nations were welcome to be a part of Manifest Destiny


Dr. Hamilton PROVED that black bodies function differently than white bodies


Every state where slavery was legal eventually seceded from the Union.


From the beginning the Civil War was about freeing the slaves


The "Black Codes" generally served to preserve and protect the rights of African American citizens.


The Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves.


The cotton plantation was NOT America's first big business.


The overproduction of cotton actually increased its price and fueled even more global demand


The purpose of John O'Sullivan's article was to support annexation of Texas, but not the annexation of California


Thomas Jefferson, though he owned slaves, believed that from a physical point of view, blacks and whites were created equal


What made Uncle Tom's Cabin such a popular and controversial book was that it was based on a true story.


The Civil War was equally difficult for both the North and South


The Election of 1864 was between (R) Abraham Lincoln and (D) __

George McClellan

According to John O' Sullivan who had approved of Manifest Destiny


The Oregon Territory was jointly claimed by the United States and __?

Great Britain

Click on the location of the only successful slave rebellion in history.

Haiti (left of Dominican republic)

John Brown first made a name for himself in an attack in Kansas at _______?

Harpers Ferry

Why was Andrew Jackson against immediately bringing Texas into the Union when it won its independence from Mexico?

He knew that there would be a fight over it entering as a slave state or a free state. He also didn't want to go to war with Mexico.

Read the testimony of Gadsden Steel which starts on the bottom of the page (231). Steel was an African American who witnessed Klan attacks in South Carolina against blacks who owned firearms. His testimony ends on page 235. What does his account tell you about life as an African American in the Deep South after the Civil War?

He lived in fear everyday. If he did anything that the whites didn't like or found unacceptable, there would be dire consequences.

The following is a FALSE statement regarding John Brown.

He supported the rule of law

Why did Franklin Pierce seem like a good fit as a candidate for the Democratic nomination in 1852?

He was a New Englander who supported slavery

Why was John Tyler disliked by both major parties when he became president?

He was a democrat at heart, but disliked Jackson, which was why he joined the Whig Party. When he became President, he vetoed many of the laws that the Whig Party tried to pass because of his democratic ideals. The Whig Party felt abandoned and the Democratic Party felt betrayed.

The following is a FALSE statement regarding James Buchanan.

He was from Delaware

What was General Grant's reward after his victories at Vicksburg and Chattanooga?

He was made a Lieutenant General and he took command of all Union forces.

What personal qualities made Abraham Lincoln an effective wartime President?

He was patient and wasn't a micromanager. He let his generals lead the army and only stepped in to relieve generals when they weren't performing. He also listened to the people. For example, he listen to northern abolitionists and helped turn the war into a war about slavery.

Who created the "American System," which became the basis for the Whig's political platform?

Henry Clay

Most critics argue that Presidential Reconstruction was too lenient. Consider President Johnson's actions and discuss whether you agree or disagree with this assessment.

I agree that Johnson was too lenient on the southern states. Their succession erupted into a civil war that had disastrous effects. Although they shouldn't have had a super harsh punishment, they still shouldn't have been directly accepted back into the Union.

After reading this chapter, do you agree with the critics who often rate Reconstruction as a failure? Consider what the goals of Reconstruction were and think about the social and cultural limitations at the time as you compose your answer.

I agree that the Reconstruction was a failure. It didn't completely fail; however, most of its goals were not achieved. For example, it did not rebuild the southern economy nor did it create lasting improvements for African Americans.

What do you think of President Grant's actions regarding Reconstruction? Consider his past experience from the Civil War and evaluate his options as well as the restrictions that he faced from both Northerners and Southerners.

I think he was right to take on the vigilante groups, like the KKK. However, obviously there are better ways of dealing the them other than fighting.

Would it have been possible for the United States to ensure civil liberties and economic opportunity for former slaves in the South after the Civil War? Why or why not? If it was possible, what would it have required the government to do? Would doing so have provoked a backlash in the South?

I think it would have been possible but it would've been very difficult to enforce. The government would've had to make any hate crimes illegal, because there would still be people who thought African Americans were inferior. They would not let them act on their civil liberties.

Were Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson correct in pursuing a "soft" peace with the Confederacy, or should Southerners have been punished more severely for rebelling?

I think that the southern states should've been given some type of punishment, not just granted full amnesty right away. However, the punishment shouldn't have been too harsh as most people wanted to stop the fighting and create peace.

Explain how the system of sharecropping worked. Who did it benefit and how?

It called for the division of harvested crops into 3 equal shares: one to the landowner, one to the laborer, and one to the source of farming equipment. Usually it was only the landowner who benefitted as most sharecroppers found themselves stuck in an endless cycle of debt.

The following is a TRUE statement regarding the Dred Scott Decision.

It declared that slaves were property and did not have rights

What was the purpose of the Military Reconstruction Act? Did it achieve its goals?

It divided 10 former Confederate states that failed to ratify the 14th Amendment into 5 military districts. Then, all of those districts were forced to hold new state conventions in which blacks were allowed to vote, and also they were forced to ratify the 14th Amendment. After these two steps were taken, they were allowed to apply for readmission into the Union and send representatives to Congress. It was successful for that specific purpose but not in the long run.

What was the Freedmen's Bureau? What was its role in the post-Civil War South?

It established the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands under the control of the War Department. It distributed food and clothing from the army stores to thousands throughout the south and helped the freedmen find work.

Who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln?

John Wilkes Booth

John Brown represented the logical extension of radical abolitionist sympathies, which led him to endorse and participate in violent anti-slavery attacks - however, according to this, what motivated him to execute Mrs. Doyle's family members?

It is essentially unclear, though Mrs. Doyle's husband was deeply involved in the anti-abolitionist movement and had been a slave catcher.

Why was the West such a draw for Americans at this time?

It showed that the US was growing and evolving. The people wanted to expand and take control of the western lands for different uses, such as farming.

What would the Wilmot Proviso have done if it had been passed? Why would this have angered southerners?

It stated that since Mexico had banned slavery in the territories, it would be inhumane for the US to allow slavery. It also said that since the South said the war wasn't about slavery, but about expanding west, then it shouldn't be a problem to ban slavery. This angered the south because they didn't want Congress to have the right to ban slavery in states/territories. They knew that it would cause trouble down the line that would result in slavery being banned in all of the south.

The following is a TRUE statement regarding the Battle of Fredericksburg

It was a strategic mistake for the Army of the Potomac led by General Ambrose Burnside

The following is true of the Confederate Constitution

It was based on the U.S. Constitution

What did the First Battle of Bull Run show both sides about what kind of war this was going to be?

It was going to be a long and drawn out war, not a short one like they were expecting.

The single most powerful ideology during this part of American history was Manifest Destiny. Explain what this terms means, and consider how it is related to another term first encountered in Chapter 1: "the Pristine Myth."

It was the idea that the people of the United States were destined to control the entire continent. It goes hand and hand with the Pristine Myth because the people believed that God gave them a mission to expand their culture or their religion across an entire continent, which is like "a city of a hill."

Why was the status of Kansas so controversial at this time?

It was under popular-soveriengty, so the people could choose whether it was a free or slave state. Violence surrounded the state.

What president was in office when Texas joined the Union?

James Polk

On what date did the Emancipation Proclamation take effect?

January 1, 1863

You are a white male businessman living in Ohio. You do not particularly care for slavery, but you think the problem can only be solved through incremental legislation. Of utmost importance in your view is the preservation of the Union. Which candidate in the 1860 election best reflects your values?

John Bell

Which of the following figures mentioned in this chapter once said: "With us the two great divisions of society are not the rich and the poor, but white and black, and all the former, the poor as well as the rich, belong to the upper class, and are respected and treated as equals..."

John C. Calhoun

Who commanded the Union forces at the Second Battle of Bull Run?

John Pope

Given what you know about President Andrew Johnson and Presidential Reconstruction, why do you think he opposed extending the life of the Freedmen's Bureau?

Johnson claimed that he thought that he was following Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction; however, his roots lie in the South, so he was ultimately favoring the South during Reconstruction planning. The Freedmen's Bureau would have benefitted the North/African Americans, not the South.

The following was a "border state" during the Civil War


Why did Lee invade the north in the summer of 1863

Lee wanted to give some relief to Virginia and win a major battle on northern soil.

Which colony—today an independent nation—did the American Colonization Society set up for free people of color from the United States?


Click on the area where the American Colonization Society sought to send free people of color.

Liberia (on the western coast of africa)

Why did Lincoln choose Andrew Johnson to be his Vice President in 1864?

Lincoln wanted Southerners to see one their own in the federal government once Reconstruction began

Mark on this map where the majority of the book Uncle Tom's Cabin takes place.


The land that the United States acquired in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo included parts of all the following future states except for which?


Please click on the five states with the largest African American populations in 1890.

Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina

Who was the only Southerner executed for war crimes following the Civil War?

Major Henry Wirtz

List some challenges that freedmen faced after emancipation. How did Freedmen's Bureau officers attempt to aid the freed people and what challenges did they face?

Many freedman still faced discrimination and violence as the white southerners still viewed them as inferior. The Freedman's Bureau tried to help give them food and clothing and tried to help them find work.

The following is a TRUE statement regarding the Mexican War.

Many of the leading officers who fought in the U.S. Army against Mexico would fight against each other in the Civil War.

Which of the following presidents in the antebellum era was the most sympathetic to the abolitionist cause?

Martin Van Buren

How much of the U.S. Army policed the South in 1867?

More than one third

Match the people below with the group they are most famously associated with.

Nathan Bedford Forrest - Ku Klux Klan Thaddeus Stevens - Radical Republicans Samuel Tilden - Democratic Party

In which regions of the country did the Whig Party enjoy the most support in the early 1850s?

New England and Appalachia

Click on the only current state outlined on this map that was not actually a state at the beginning of the Civil War.


At the start of the Civil War, most people believed which of the following statements to be true?

One quick and decisive battle would decide the outcome

What was George McClellan's greatest weakness as a field commander?


Why did James K. Polk promise to avoid war over the Oregon Territory during the 1844 campaign?

Polk did not want another with England over Oregon and wanted to focus on the Mexican War

What prompted the Upper South states to secede from the Union?

President Lincoln's call for volunteers to suppress the rebellion

Which of the following did freedmen not seek after slavery ended?

Revenge against their former masters

Who is ultimately responsible for the end of Reconstruction in the South?

Rutherford B. Hayes

Click on the state where Fort Sumter is located.


Click on the state where William T. Sherman undertook his "forty acres and a mule" project


The Military Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1971 created martial law in nine counties of which state?


What city did Sherman present to Lincoln as a Christmas present?


Southerners who sympathized with Republicans in the South after the Civil War were called what?


Which type of abolitionism would inspire the creation of the nation of Liberia?


At what battle was General Johnston wounded?

Seven Pines

The following is a TRUE statement regarding Shiloh

Shiloh was the deadliest battle in U.S. history up to this point

The Kansas-Nebraska Act served as a compromise over which two issues?

Slavery and migration

Click on the state where the first shots of the Civil War were fired.

South Carolina

What state was John C. Calhoun from?

South Carolina

Who were "Scalawags"?

Southern-born Republicans

Who was the Texas impresario for whom the current state capital of Texas is named?

Stehen Austin

Who pushed the doctrine of popular sovereignty into the national political arena?

Stephen Douglas

Americans went to the polls in the midterm elections of 1866 with differing visions to support. Which did they choose?

Strengthening the Republican Party's control of Congress

Click on the final state to secede from the Union.


Who started the Mexican War and why does it matter?

Technically, it was the Mexicans who shot first, but Polk and Taylor instigated it. This matters because history tends to look down on the agressor of a war.

Did the South have the right legally under the Constitution to pass Black Codes and gradually move towards segregation? In other words, even if Southern states were immoral and unethical when discriminating, did the notion of state sovereignty allow them to do so?

Technically, yes, they were in the right because states had their sovereignty. However, morally, no, it wasn't right.

What reform movement advocated for the prohibition of alcohol?


Click on the name of the state that voted in the 1848 election that was not in the Union in 1844.


Match the Reconstruction-era Congressman to their profile.

Thaddeus Stevens - Radical Republican from Pennsylvania Christian Schurz -First German-born American to be elected to the Senate Charles Sumner - Radical Republican from Massachusetts Hiram Rhodes Revels - First African American to be elected to the Congress

What assertion lies at the core of Lincoln's speech regarding the Dredd Scott decision?

That the decision fundamentally undermined the progressive expansion of the social groups initially included in the Declaration of Independence and thus represented a regressive affront to liberty.

Which three amendments to the United States Constitution dealt directly with the issue of slavery and civil liberty for African Americans?

The 13th, 14th, and 15th

Your text refers to the "great triumvirate." Who were these three individuals, and what did major issues did they support? How do they represent the will of the American people of the time?

The 3 men were Daniel Webster from the North, John C. Calhoun from the South, and Henry Clay from the West. Clay supported popular sovereignty. However, Webster and Calhoun didn't to different extents. Webster knew it would keep the nation together but he didn't like every aspect of it. Calhoun worked against Webster and Clay and believed that any efforts by Congress to regulate slavery in the territories would be unconstitutional.

What famous document does Lincoln allude to in the first sentence of his speech?

The Declaration of Independence

Who could no longer live in the South after speaking out about Women's Rights and Abolition?

The Grimke Sisters

Which act divided ten former Confederate states into five military districts supervised by the United States Army?

The Military Reconstruction Act of 1867

Explain how land acquired from the Mexican-American War led to sectional disputes between Northerners and Southerners.

The North believed that the war was fought to expand slavery so they believed that since Mexico banned it in that area then the US should legalize it. However, the south believed that since slaves are property, they could take them anywhere.

What ultimately ended slavery throughout the United States?

The Thirteenth Amendment

During Reconstruction, which organization protected civil rights for African Americans in the states of the former Confederacy?

The U.S. Army

In general terms, what was the articulated reasoning behind Mississippi's secession?

The maintenance and perpetuation of the southern system, predicated socially and economically on the enslavement of black persons, was threatened by the North.

What sparked the riots in New York City in the summer of 1863?

The draft

Compare the first and second phases of Congressional Reconstruction. How were they different? What accounts for the change?

The first phase dealt with solving the issues with aiding the newly freed slaves. However, the second phase dealt with fighting off different vigilante groups, like the KKK. --- P The first phase of Congressional reconstruction focused on helping the newly freed slaves, by expanding the Freedman's Bureau and passing civil rights legislation in 1866 (which then became the 14th amendment to the Constitution). When all but one Southern state failed to ratify the 14th amendment, the second phase of Congressional Reconstruction began after the midterm elections of 1866. The second phase was arguably more forceful, as the scope of white resistance to the new social order became quite clear. Groups like the Ku Klux Klan had to be combated with federal power, under Military Reconstruction, along with the adoption of martial law.

The significance of photographic technology in the 19th century was, primarily, a result of:

The humanization of significant or powerful figures by the unprece-dented accuracy of photographic representations, contrasting with the ubiquitously stylized portraits of the day.

Brady's photographs were most famous, and striking, because:

The images were the first to demonstrate, comprehensively, the brutal, tedious, and uncomfortable realities of war.

The thesis of this article is:

The institution of slavery is linked to today's high incarceration rates for African Americans

Reconstruction was a process that:

The process of reforming southern society after the Civil War, driven by occupying Union forces

Does the commitment of the South to discriminate against African Americans strengthen the argument that the Civil War was fundamentally about slavery? And, given the persistent efforts of Southerners to oppress African Americans legislatively and through vigilantism, could Abraham Lincoln have achieved more justice for former slaves if he had lived?

The south's discrimination does strengthen the argument that the war was about slavery. I think that if Lincoln had lived, he wouldn't have achieved more justice for former slaves because he would listen to different ideas from the abolitionists and choose the best course of action. Whereas, Johnson, who was a southern, did what was best for the southern states.

Why did the discovery of gold in California cause a major problem for the Union in 1850?

The southerners brought their slaves with them to find gold, while the north worked to find gold themselves. It started a whole debate where the south argued that slaves are property and could bring them anywhere and the north argued that California should be a free state.

An important way for nations to convince their populations to support a war is to portray their side as the victim rather than the aggressor, even when it is patently untrue. Explain how President Polk and General Taylor did this during the Mexican-American War, and provide an analogous example from American military history.

They played the victim by provoking the Mexicans into starting the war. Poly and Taylor moved their troops onto mexican territory causing Mexico to fire the first shot in order to defend their land.

According to the author the wide and increasing economic gap between whites and blacks can be traced to slavery.


According to the author, modern day medical education and practice is rooted in the belief that black people are more impervious to pain than whites


Anthony Crawford, an African American, was executed in 1916 for not selling his cotton to the lowest bidder.


Between 1804 and 1860, the average price of a slave increased considerably.


By the eve of the Civil War, the Mississippi Valley was home to more millionaires per capita than anywhere else in the United States.


Doctors in the 19th & 20th centuries taught that blacks had physical differences that made them prone to sexual promiscuity.


Lincoln, though he lacked the leadership experience of Jefferson Davis, is considered to have been a more effective wartime Commander-in Chief


Once the war started the chief objective of the Confederate Army was to invade the North and destroy its will and capability to wage war. to fight


The Confederate Constitution was similar to the U.S. Constitution in many respects.


The Emancipation Proclamation led to increased military involvement of African Americans during the Civil War.


The ascendency of high-finance began in the days of slavery, not in the 1980's as many have speculated.


The inability of Americans to see beyond their own viewpoint as they embraced their own "facts" led to the Civil War


There is no actual proof scientific proof that weak lungs that can be strengthened through hard work.


Out of 71 nations which belong to the O.E.C. D. in which is it the easiest to fire employees.

United States

The nation with the highest incarceration rate in the world is

United States

Which of the following battles took place in the Western Theater of the Civil War?


Against what Confederate state did McClellan launch his first military campaign


Click on the only military district to be comprised of a single state.


Who was the head of the presidential ticket represented by the image?

William Henry Harrison

Which of the following figures is best categorized as an "Immediatist"?

William Loyd Garrison

Which of the following twentieth-century social movements were constitutionally supported by the 14th amendment?

Women's suffrage Reproductive rights Marriage equality Equal education opportunities

While the Civil War left the nation with many lingering and challenging problems, in your understanding and opinion, did it resolve any issues?


Is it fair to say the North won the Civil War and then lost the peace that followed? Why or why not?

Yes, because they won the war, but when Johnson became president, he was able to veto or support acts that favored the South. They also couldn't create compromises or lasting improvements for the South as a whole and African Americans.

Who was the commander of the American forces first fired upon by Mexican troops to start the Mexican-American War?

Zachary Taylor

What kind of reconstruction plan did Abraham Lincoln favor?

a soft peace

A 1729 Maryland law decreed that African- American slaves could be subjected to the following if found guilty of a crime

all of the above

Out of which former political party did the Republican Party arise?

all of the above political parties: northern democrats, whigs, free soil

Dr. Hamilton was

all of these

What were two outside factors which led to American reform movements

all of these are true: immigration, european revolutions, potato famine

Making the Civil War about the abolition of slavery made sense to Lincoln because

all of these are true: the more slaves the South lost, the more ruinous it was to their economy, it would discourage foreign governments from supporting the South, it would appease abolitionists

The proposed Crittenden Compromise contained the following

all of these were part of the proposed Crittenden Compromise: protection for the institution of slavery, the extension of Missouri Compromise line all the way to the Pacific Ocean, the return of fugitive slaves

The following tactic was used by slave overseers to maximize production

all of these were tactics to maximize the productivity of slaves

What does the word "Antebellum" mean in Latin?

before the war

What derogatory term was used to describe northerners who migrated to the South during Reconstruction?


The phrase "birth of freedom" in the final line of Lincoln's address calls to mind which similar phrase in the first sentence of the speech?

conceived in liberty"

This invention made it possible to clean as much cotton as you could grow and therefore spurred the growth of slavery

cotton gin

General Grant's strategy to win the Civil War in 1865 is best described by this strategy

direct military engagement

What are three issues that underlay the "American System"?

internal improvements, high tariffs, and powerful central government

Like today's titans of industry, planters in the 19th century understood that their profits climbed when they A. . B. C.D.

extracted maximum effort out of each worker

Recent data also shows that present-day doctors

fail to sufficiently treat the pain of black adults

The "Angola" in the articles refers to

former plantation in Louisiana noted for its violence and abuse

Lincoln repeats several key words in his short address. Which one of the following words does not appear more than once?


One significant consequence of Robert E. Lee's victory at the Second Battle of Bull Run was

he now had the momentum to leave Virginia and perhaps win a decisive battle outside of Virginia

The primary motive for Stephen Douglass to support the Kansas-Nebraska Act was

he wanted to build a railroad.

This issue would plague General George McClellan throughout his career

hesitancy to engage his troops in military combat

For Northerners, the Missouri Compromise was important because

it kept those who supported slavery from gaining additional slave states

Fort Sumter became a flashpoint between North and South because

it was a federal fort in a state which had seceded from the Union

Why was controlling Tennessee important to the United States during the Civil War

its rivers and railroads were important arteries for transportation

Both the Union and Confederate forces faced this same problem at the Battle of Bull Run and throughout the Civil War

lack of training and discipline with regard to soldiers

A frequent practice of prisons after the Civil War was to

lease convicts out to individuals for work

Click on the section of the United States where war with Mexico enjoyed the greatest popular support.

near florida

While the U.S. represents 4% of the world's population it represents ___% of the worlds persons behind bars

over 20%

The military draft was unpopular in both the North and South because

people of wealth were often exempted

The significance of the Anthony Burns case was

proof that Northerners did not approve of the Fugitive Slave law

The Crittenden Compromise was

rejected by the Republicans

The cause of the Civil War was due to this central issue


The primary cause of the Civil War was


What did the 1664 Maryland Decree "durante vitae" mean?

slaves were slaves for life

What was the name given to popular sovereignty when it was challenged and undercut in Kansas?

squatter sovereignty

What is a "dark horse candidate," and who would you identify as the first one in American history?

t's a candidate who emerges at the party convention when delegates cannot decide between the presumed favorites. The first one was James K. Polk.

The author, Matthew Desmond claims that as a result of cotton "Southern white elites grew rich, as did their counterparts in the North. . . ". Who became rich in the north as a result of the plantation cotton economy .

textile mill owners

Dr. Hamilton wanted to prove

that physiological differences between black and white people exists

The Fall of Vicksburg was important to the United States because

the control of the Mississippi River depended on it

The thesis of Matthew Desmond's essay is

the institution of slavery explains why capitalism can often have cruel consequences in America

Sharecroppers in the American South after 1865 usually kept a third of their harvest. Another third went to the source of their farming equipment, mules, seeds, and fertilizer. To whom did the final third go?

the land owner

Click on the Texas-Mexico border recognized by the United States on this map.

the one of the border between Texas and Mexico

Click on the image in the map that symbolized the Union army

the snake

What was the occupation of the man who assassinated President Lincoln?


Lincoln and his generals were reluctant to welcome slaves escaping from their owners because

they didn't want to encourage "border" states to secede.

Explain how Stephen Douglas was able to get the Compromise of 1850 passed where the "Great Triumvirate" failed.

through popular sovereignty.

In 2018 a memorial was established in Montgomery, Alabama

to honor African American lynching victims

The following was the goal of the Free Soil Party

to keep slavery from spreading to the territories

Tennessee's reaction to Lincoln's call for 75,000 troops in response to the attack zt Fort Sumter was

to secede from the United States and join the Confederacy

The Civil War dramatically increased the size and power of the federal government.


Grant's military strategy duding his "Overland Campaign" was

use his advantages in men and supplies to wear down the South's will to fight

In 1933 Elizabeth Lawrence, an African American, was lynched for the following offense

yelling at white children who were throwing rocks at her

Although the Mississippi River promised to open the entire nation to a revolution in trade, most of the paved roads, turnpikes, and commercial infrastructure popped up in which area of the country?

The northeast and Middle Atlantic

In Douglass's speech to the Anti-Slavery society, what is his principal concern?

The power of music as a propaganda device that would facilitate the spread of the abolitionist message.

The following item was NOT an element of the "American System."

low tariffs

Categorize the following politicians as generally favoring or opposing centralized federal power.

1. Andrew Jackson - Opposing 2. John Quincy Adams - Favoring 3. John C. Calhoun - Opposing 4. Henry Clay - Favoring

Identify whether the following policies would have been more favored by Federalists or Republicans.

1. Central banking - Federalists 2. High tariffs on imports - Federalists 3. Government spending on infrastructure projects - Federalists 4. Westward expansion and development of agricultural lands - Republicans 5. States' rights and a weak central government -Republicans

Sort the following politicians by their fidelity to Federalist political ideals, from most to least faithful.

1. Chauncey Goodrich 2. John Quincy Adams 3. James Madison 4. James Monroe

Sort the following Vice-Presidents in chronological order.

1. Daniel Tompkins 2. John C. Calhoun (Quincy Adams) 3. John C. Calhoun (Jackson) 4. Martin Van Buren

Match the following people to the most appropriate event or idea.

1. Henry Clay - The American System 2. John C. Calhoun - Nullification 3. John Quincy Adams - The Monroe Doctrine 4. Andrew Jackson - Indian Removal

Match the politicians' names with their political affiliations by the 1820s and 1830s.

1. John Quincy Adams - "New Republicans" 2. William Wirt - Anti-Masonic Party 3. James Monroe - Moderate/Nominal Republican 4. James Madison - Old Republicans

Match the historical causes to their effects

1. Nat Turner Rebellion - Creation of Slave Codes 2. Expansion of cotton market - Intensification of the industrial revolution 3. Invention of the cotton gin - Massive growth in the cotton industry 4. Increase in foreign immigrants - Rise of reform movements

Match the southern city with the state in which it resides:

1. New Orleans- Louisiana 2. Richmond - Virginia 3. Charleston - South Carolina 4. Mobile - Alabama

Match the important 19th-century technologies to the person who invented them.

1. Spinning Mule - Samuel Crompton 2. Spinning Jenny -James Hargreave 3. Cotton gin - Eli Whitney 4. Watt Engine - James Watt

Match the political phrase or idea to the politician responsible for creating it.

1. The "Corrupt bargain" - John Quincy Adams 2. The "American System" - Henry Clay 3. Nullification - John C. Calhoun 4. Comity clause - Henry Clay

Match the following inventions, ideas, or pieces of legislation with the most appropriate individual. The Monroe Doctrine Steamboat Erie Canal Second Bank of the United States ---- DeWilt Clinton James Madison John Quincy Adams Robert Fulton

1. The Monroe Doctrine - John Quincy Adams 2. Steamboat - Robert Fulton 3. Erie Canal - Dewilt Clinton 4. Second Bank of the United States - James Madison

How many electoral votes went against James Monroe in his bid for reelection in 1820?


How many enslaved black Americans were there for every freed black in the Antebellum South?


When did the first slaves arrive in the British North American colonies?


Sort the following years by the value of cotton exported from the American South that year from least to greatest.

1830 1845 1835 1860

Which of the following situations drove the creation of a centralized financial and currency system in the early 19th century?

Significant wartime debts accrued by many states

On the map below, locate the states that Jackson won in 1828 but lost in 1824.


The so-called "Curse of Ham," a justification for the practice of chattel slavery, was taken from which book of the Bible?


Which of the following factors was the main impediment to economic development in the North American interior?

Geographical barriers

***ch. 10 - market rev.***

***ch. 10 - market rev.***

**ch. 11 - growing democracy**

**ch. 11 - growing democracy**

Place the following events in order. 1. United States declares war on Great Britain 2. The end of the War of 1812 with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent 3. Hartford Convention adjourns and sends messengers to Washington 4. Major General Andrew Jackson leads American troops to victory at New Orleans

1, 2, 3, 4

Place the following events in chronological order.

1. "Tariff of Abominations" 2. Tariff of 1832 3. Ordinance of Nullification 4. Force Bill

Sort the following presidential candidates in the Election of 1824 by the strength of their electoral support in states below the 36˚30' parallel.

1. Andrew Jackson 2. William Crawford 3. John Quincy Adams 4. Henry Clay

Find Lake Erie on this map.

2nd one from the right

Which of the following is the most accurate summary of Thomas Jefferson's vision for the United States?

A nation of small, independent farmers

The "Era of Good Feelings" was:

A period of relative prosperity and nationalist sentiment surrounding the growing mythological status of the revolution and founding fathers.

What statement best describes the American national character immediately following the War of 1812 and the Battle of New Orleans?

A proud nation reveling in its victory over its former colonial master and geographically dominant on the North American continent.

What were some of the major accomplishments of John Quincy Adams's presidency? Do you think they betrayed his political party identity? Why or why not?

Adams had many accomplishments. He decreased the national debt by $21 million, grew the North's industry, added thousands of miles of new road that produced revenue for the government and employed immigrants. These accomplishments did not betray his political party because these were all federal improvements (national debt, infrastructure, etc.) that helped the general welfare.

The ______ Treaty secured Florida for the United States.


The following were elements of the Missouri Compromise

All of the above were elements of the Missouri Compromise: - the admission of Maine as a "free" state - the admission of Missouri as a "slave" state - No more slavery allowed above the 36-30 parallel ( Southern border of Missouri)

If passed, what would the Tallmadge Amendment would have done?

Banned the importation of enslaved laborers into Missouri

Rank these crops in order of importance, from greatest to least, in terms of economic value on the eve of the Civil War.

Cotton Sugar Tobacco

What invention allowed slavery to flourish in the Antebellum South?

Cotton Gin

What is your image of the Old South? What images come to mind, and what do you know about southern society at the time?

Cotton fields and large plantations with slaves.

Which of the following nineteenth century political parties does not "fit" with the others in terms of core principles?


The _____ Party had, since the 1780s, dominated the political sphere in New England and large portions of the northeast, but by 1812 found itself as an isolated dissenting voice.


Click on the southernmost state with a population least likely to support slavery.


The term many scholars give to the generally prosperous and politically unified years following the War of 1812 and comprising most of James Monroe's presidency is the .

Era of Good Feelings

Which of the following was not a prominent feature of Henry Clay's "American System"?

Expansion of suffrage

According to the Supreme Court decision Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831), Native Americans owned the land upon which they lived and stood as sovereign nations within the United States.


Slavery was legal in every state in the nation by 1820, with only a handful of states considering outlawing the practice.


The Erie Canal was funded primarily through private investment.


The Tallmadge Amendment, proposed as an amendment to Missouri's application for statehood in 1819, was the first pro-slavery amendment to any statehood application in American history.


t/f Although private companies and state governments invested some funds in commercial and transportation infrastructure in the 1810s and 1820s, the vast majority of paved roads and turnpikes during that time were funded and maintained by the federal government.


Which of the following individuals did not serve in James Monroe's administration?

Henry Clay

Southerners attempted to protect slavery in all the following ways except:

Introducing enslaved laborers to states that had outlawed the institution

Explain how the Underground Railroad operated.

It ran from the deep south to the border states to the northern states, and finally into Canada. Information about how the Railroad worked and helped them travelled to the slaves along the grapevine telegraph. There were also specific places, known as stations, and "conductors" that helped escaped slaves reach freedom.

Was the Industrial Revolution that swept across the U.S. in the 1820s and 30s ultimately more beneficial or exploitative towards the working class?

It was more exploitative because the factory owners could set the wage as low as they wanted since there were so many people willing to work as long as they were paid.

What was the "American System"? Who was its chief advocate?

It was proposed by Henry Clay, and aimed to create a strong federal government through internal improvements, high tariffs, and a national bank. It's primary supporters were located in the Border States.

Although he was known as a hotheaded and controversial figure, ____was resourceful enough to serve as vice president for both John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson from 1825 to 1832.

John C. Calhoun

Who actually wrote the Monroe Doctrine?

John Quincy Adams

Click on all the states that did not adopt the "Gradual Emancipation Acts"?


With his emphasis on individual freedom and minimal federal interference, to which modern political ideology was Andrew Jackson most closely aligned?


Which of the following was not part of the "American System"?

Lowered tariff rates

Although Andrew Jackson stood as the key figure in the creation of the new Democratic Party in the late 1820s, his ally, ______, served as the true founder of the group.

Martin Van Buren

Where in the antebellum United States could one find more millionaires than anywhere else?

Natchez, Mississippi

Which of the following states had the most at stake with maintaining good economic relations with Europe?

New York

The Hartford Convention was primarily comprised of political figures from which region of the nation?


Why was cotton not a very lucrative product for 18th-century farmers in the American South?

Processing it was very time-consuming and labor intensive

To which of the following groups did Andrew Jackson hope to extend the right to vote?

Property-less white men

Sojourner Truth is unique in her advocacy because:

She harnessed arguments from bourgeois white advocates for woman's rights as well as biblical assertions made by pro-slavery factions in order to appropriate their supposedly authoritative sources.

Which of the following was not a major goal of John Quincy Adams' presidency?

Strengthen industrial production in the northeast -or- Open up more "free trade" with Europe

Click on the states where the following cities are located: Richmond, Nashville, Mobile, Charleston.


Click on a state with particularly diverse avenues of escape for enslaved people either within that state or passing through it on the Underground Railroad.


What was the largest reform movement of the antebellum period?


On the following map, click on the largest state within the area known as the "Black Belt."


Which political party arose from the "Corrupt Bargain" of 1824 and became official shortly after the presidential election of 1828?

The Democratic Party

Which of the following statements best explains why James Monroe won reelection so easily in 1820?

The Federalist Party had recently collapsed, producing something of a power void into which Monroe, a moderate Republican, easily stepped and attracted many former Federalists under a single party.

Opponents in the South gave what foreboding name to the Adams-led tariff of 1828?

The Tariff of Abominations

Why couldn't European colonists rely on the labor of Native Americans?

The colonists had a more difficult time enslaving the native people than the African Americans. The natives were able to escape due to their knowledge about the surrounding environment. They also died quickly from the diseases brought by the Europeans.

Which statement best describes the "Corrupt Bargain"?

The deal struck between Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams whereby Adams would appoint Clay as Secretary of State in return for his House votes.

What does Dickens view as the chief social issue or problem in the United States?

The ubiquity of materialism and profound economic and social inequality.

What as the effect of the steamboat on the demographics and size of trading towns and ports on the Mississippi River—such as New Orleans, Natchez, and St. Louis?

Their populations exploded with both permanent and transient residents; they received shipments and cargo from both internal and interna-tional markets, which giving rise to a cosmopolitan, urban culture that did not exist elsewhere in the region.

Provide one of the reason that the urban South was so important to the region.

These cities served as places for goods to move in and out of the South

Students of history should not generalize too much about abolitionists. On what did issues did the members of this broad group disagree?

They disagreed on how and when slavery should be abolished. For example, some, like Abraham Lincoln, were gradualists and believed in the gradual decline and abolition of slavery. Others were immediatists who believed in the immediate abolition of slavery.

Why did the South refuse to allow any discussion on slavery or any laws regulating how slaveholders could deal with their human property?

They feared that any law passed could lead to the end of slavery. They predicted that one slave-related law could lead another law to be passed that led to the gradual end to the practice.

Explain how and why whites who did not own slaves nevertheless benefitted from the institution of chattel slavery in the Antebellum South.

They relied on the plantations to buy their cotton because they were the only ones with the cotton gins. They even sometimes work for the larger plantations as overseers. They also need to them to collect taxes for town buildings, like churches and schools.

Missouri's application for statehood in 1819 caused a deep split in Congress because both the North and South feared the political results of _

an unequal number of slave and free states in the nation

What level of freedom did the average slave experience in the rural American South? What were some areas of their lives over which they could enjoy particular autonomy? What were some of the ways in which enslaved individuals found and enacted freedom in their daily lives?

They weren't free as they were threatened with punishment as an incentive for working harder. However, there were some places that they could regain control of their lives. For example, in the plantation's slave quarters, they worshiped, married, traded goods, and celebrated away from their white masters. Occasionally, slaves were given money as a reverse-psychology way to encourage hard work.

Why did state governments strengthen laws against educating the enslaved after Nat Turner's Rebellion?

To shut down and avoid any future slave rebellions.

Andrew Jackson used the famous historical expression "Et tu Brute!" in his letter to John C. Calhoun as a way of accusing his vice president of which of the following?


One of Andrew Jackson's major goals was to decrease the amount of federal spending on infrastructure projects.


t/f The Battle of New Orleans was technically fought after the War of 1812 was already over and held little political merit even though the battle ended in a lop-sided American victory.


t/f Unlike the vast majority of other presidents, James Monroe appointed a diverse group of politicians to his cabinet, welcoming former Federalists alongside fellow Republicans from both the North and the South.


In the antebellum South, where would you find the largest, most cosmopolitan communities of free blacks?

Urban areas

Creating a "dynasty," Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe all hailed from what state?


Although technologies made production and commerce more efficient and profitable, communication in the 1810s, 1820s, and 1830s remained difficult and slow.


In chartering the Second Bank of the United States, President James Madison, a close political and ideological ally of Thomas Jefferson, acted in accordance with the platform and beliefs of the Jeffersonian Republican Party


Locate the "Indian Lands" west of the Mississippi River created for the removal of Native Americans from the east.

place next to AR (west of MS)

Which of the following technologies gave rise to new, more advanced versions of printing presses, looms, and cotton gins, all of which expedited and simplified production, sale, shipment, and communication in the 1810s, 1820s, and 1830s?


What major cash crop did cotton replace as the center of southern agriculture?


The paved roads, often paid for by private investments in the northeast, that required tolls were called _______.


Click on the state whose residents occupied the White House during the entire period from 1801 to 1825.


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