Transpo Terms 2022

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A. 98%

Based on the expression of the technical resolution of the International Water Way Congress, about how many percent of tide is guaranteed safe for the ships? A. 98% B. 75% C. 95% D. 80%

A. 98%

Based on the expression of the technical resolution of the International Water Way Congress, about how many percent of tide is guaranteed safe for the ships? A. 98% B. 75% C. 95% D. 80%

D. Unsafe Condition

A hazardous physical condition or circumstance which could directly permit the occurrence of an accident. A. Hazard B. Risk C. Unsafe Act D. Unsafe Condition

A. Port

A sheltered place where the ship may receive or discharge cargo. It includes the harbor with its approach channels and anchorage places. A. Port B. Harbor C. Basin D. Quay

D. Jetty

A solid structure, which projects into the sea perpendicular to the shore to berth vessels is called: A. dock B. Wharf C. Breakwater D. Jetty

A. 85th percentile

A term commonly used as a guide in determining upper speed limits. A. 85th percentile B. 15th percentile C. two quadrant value D. growth factor value

B. Simply Reinforced Concrete Pavement

A type of rigid pavement having dowels for the transfer of traffic loads across joints. A. Plain Concrete Pavement B. Simply Reinforced Concrete Pavement C. Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement D. Flexible Concrete Pavement

A. Plain Concrete Pavement

A type of rigid pavement which has no temperature steel or dowels for the load transfer. A. Plain Concrete Pavement B. Simply Reinforced Concrete Pavement C. Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement D. Flexible Concrete Pavement

C. Beuforts scale

An instrument use to measure the intensity of wind. A. Buchanan's scale B. Fiboracci scale C. Beuforts scale D. Antwerp scale

B. Scaffold

Any temporary elevated platform used for supporting employees or materials or both in the course of any construction works. A. Formworks B. Scaffold C. Framing D. Bracing

D. Astronomical Tide

The periodic rise and fall of sea level in response to the gravitational attraction of the sun and moon as modified by the earth's rotation. A. Rotational Tides B. Storm Surge C. Gravitational Tide D. Astronomical Tide

D. Clapotis

The pressure against a vertical wall due to waves. A. Wave Decay B. Dynamic Pressure C. Rankines Active Pressure D. Clapotis

D. 80 or 90 kph

The speed limit appropriate on lower standard expressways. A. 50 or 60 kph B. 60 or 75 kph C. 90 or 100 kph D. 80 or 90 kph

C. Breakwater

The structure that protects the harbor from stormy waves and permits calm in the harbor. A. Dock B. Wharf C. Breakwater D. Jetty

C. 1.5 min.

The time for mixing of ingredients for a concrete cement road should be done for at least: A. 2.5 min. B. 3 min. C. 1.5 min. D. 2 min.

B. Diurnal tide

Tides which occurs only one high tide a day is called: A. Semi-diurnal tide B. Diurnal tide C. Neap tide D. Spring tide

D. 5

Traffic instruction sign should not carry long messages and where possible no more than ___ lines of messages should be used. A. 6 B. 4 C. 3 D. 5

D. Flashing Lamps

Warning devices used to supplement other controls and devices necessary to alert motorists of construction and maintenance activities or obstructions in the roadway. A. Traffic Cones B. Delineators C. Barriers D. Flashing Lamps

A. Wakes

Waves formed by moving ship or boats are called: A. Wakes B. Swell C. Breaking waves D. Seiching

A. wakes

Waves formed by moving ship or boats are called: A. wakes B. swell C. breaking waves D. seiche

D. Gravity Wave

Waves formed by the frictional drag of wind across the water surface. A. Shallow Wave B. Transitional Wave C. Significant Wave D. Gravity Wave

A. Swells

Waves generated by storms, which occur outside area of observation. A. Swells B. Shoal C. Skewd D. Ebb

B. sea

Waves under the influence of the winds that generated them. A. wakes B. sea C. swell D. seiche

A. Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)

he average of 24-hour traffic counts collected every day in the year. A. Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) B. Average Daily Traffic (ADT) C. Peak Hour Volume (PHV) D. Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT)

B. Curing

It is a construction operation that concrete should be protected so that moisture is not lost during the early stages of hydration and also protect against injury from subsequent construction activities. A. Testing B. Curing C. Sprinkling D. Ponding

C. Slump Test

It is a kind of test that determines the consistency of concrete A. Normal Consistency Test B. Abrasion Test C. Slump Test D. Specific Gravity Test

C. Rumble strips

It is a type of thermoplastic lane marking designed to aid and provide motorist with visual, audio, and warning on the road. A. Chevron markings B. Painted median C. Rumble strips D. Diagonal markings

C. Unsafe Act

It is a violation of an accepted safe procedure which could permit the occurrence of an accident. A. Accident B. Risk C. Unsafe Act D. Unsafe Condition

D. Curing Compound

It is an impervious membrane applied to concrete pavement before its initial setting that prevents rapid evaporation of water from the mix. A. Admixture B. Retarder C. Accelerator D. Curing Compound

A. Hazard

It is anything that can cause harm. A. Hazard B. Risk C. Severity D. Accidents

A. Density

It is defined as the number of vehicles per unit distance occupying a section of roadway at a given instant time. A. Density B. Capacity C. Flow D. Volume

D. Diagonal markings

Markings which are placed on sealed shoulders or other sealed portion of the road where traffic is not desired. The spacing between bars is generally 6 meters. A. Chevron markings B. Painted median C. Rumble strips D. Diagonal markings

A. Admixture

Material other than the basic ingredient of concrete mix immediately before or during mixing to modify one or more of the specific properties of concrete in the fresh hardened states. A. Admixture B. Retarder C. Accelerator D. Curing Compound

D. Road Markers

Means any traffic control device marked on the surface of the carriageway used to regulate traffic or to warn or guide road users. A. Chevron Signs B. Delineators C. Lane Line D. Road Markers

C. Three words or less

Messages when painted on pavement should be limited to how many words only? A. Five words or less B. Four words or less C. Three words or less D. Six words or less

A. plane table

One of the oldest types of surveying instrument in field mapping. It consists of a board attached to a tripod in such a way that it can be leveled or rotated in any desired direction. A. plane table B. engineers level C. dumpy level D. transit

D. Hazard Identification

Recognizing of things which may cause injury or harm to a person. A. Injury Reports B. Risk Assessment C. Risk Control D. Hazard Identification

A. difference of the observed value from its most probable value

Residual of a measured quantity is the A. difference of the observed value from its most probable value B. value obtained by adding the most probable value to its true value C. remainder of the division of the true value by its most probable value D. product of the most probable value and the observed value

C. Temporary Curbing

Roadwork devices consisting of precast concrete sections, sandbag and others which may be used to guide traffic at the construction site. A. Barriers B. Delineators C. Temporary Curbing D. Flexible post or bollard

B. Rule 1080

Rule is the guidelines regarding Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). A. Rule 1040 B. Rule 1080 C. Rule 1070 D. Rule 1090

A. Highway

Shall mean any public thoroughfare, public boulevard, and avenue, but shall not include roadway upon grounds owned by private sectors, colleges, universities, or other similar institutions. A. Highway B. Expressway C. Carriageway D. Intersection

D. Guide Signs

Signs which inform and advise road users of directions, distances, routes and the location of services for road users and point of interest. A. Overhead Signs B. Roadwork Signs C. Warning Signs D. Guide Signs

B. Circle

Standard sign shape for additional information. A. Octagon B. Circle C. Equilateral triangle D. Rectangle

B. Circle

Standard sign shape for directional signs, roadwork signs, signs for special purposes, and supplementary plates for warning signs. A. Octagon B. Circle C. Equilateral triangle D. Rectangle

D. Rectangle

Standard sign shape for facility information signs, instruction signs, guide signs and destinations of point of interest. A. Octagon B. Circle C. Equilateral triangle D. Rectangle

B. Pentagon

Standard sign shape for pedestrian and school crossing sign. A. Octagon B. Pentagon C. Equilateral triangle D. Rectangle

B. Circle

Standard sign shape for regulatory signs. A. Octagon B. Circle C. Equilateral triangle D. Rectangle

C. Equilateral triangle

Standard sign shape for warning signs. A. Octagon B. Circle C. Equilateral triangle D. Rectangle

B. relief

The configuration and roughness of the ground is referred to as: A. contour B. relief C. hachure D. topography

A. 1/7 of the correction for curvature of the earth

The correction for the atmospheric refraction is equal to: A. 1/7 of the correction for curvature of the earth B. 1/4 of the correction for curvature of the earth C. 3/4 of the correction for curvature of the earth D. 6/7 of the correction for curvature of the earth


The datum line for design of port facilities in accordance with charts which being used by Philippine Ports Authority. A. LWL B. RWL C. HWL D. MLLW

D. time lag

The difference between the time a vehicle that merges into a main traffic stream reaches a point on the highway in the area of merge and the time a vehicle in the main stream reaches the same point. A. mean time B. space headway C. time gap D. time lag

A. Possible Capacity

The maximum number of passenger cars that can pass a given point on a lane or roadway during one hour under prevailing roadway and traffic conditions. A. Possible Capacity B. Practical Capacity C. Traffic Capacity D. Basic Capacity

C. 2H:1V

According to NSCP, the slope of fill surfaces shall be no steeper than: A. 1H:1V B. 1.5H:1V C. 2H:1V D. 3H:1V

D. Consistency

A general term relating to the character of a mix with respect to its fluidity. A. Workability B. Slump C. Concrete Mix D. Consistency

D. 2.5 sec

1. The reaction time used for road safety design is: A. 1.0 sec B. 1.5 sec C. 2.0 sec D. 2.5 sec

A. I, II and III only

1.The provision of safety sight distance depends on the characteristics of the road environment such as: I. Road geometry - grade and curvature sight limitations II. Road surface - sealed and unsealed, smooth and rough III. Road illumination at night IV. Road topography A. I, II and III only B. I, II and IV only C. II, III and IV only D. All of the above

C. Significant Wave

A hypothetical wave having a wave height and period equal to average values of the wave height and period of the largest 1/3 of all waves in the train as counted in the order of greater wave height. A. Deep Water Wave B. Gravity Wave C. Significant Wave D. Equivalent Depth Wave

A. wharf

A landing place or platform built parallel to the shore for the berthing of vessels. A. wharf B. breakwater C. jetty D. pier

B. Highest Wave

A maximum wave height and wave period of the maximum wave height in the wave train. A. Transitional Wave B. Highest Wave C. Significant Wave D. Equivalent Depth Wave

D. Grout

A mixture of cementitious materials and water, with or without aggregate, proportioned to produce a creamy consistency. A. Filler B. White cement C. Primer D. Grout

C. Quay

A platform built in the harbor parallel to the shore and backed up by the ground is called: A. Dock B. Wharf C. Quay D. Jetty

D. pier

A platform extending from a shore over water and supported by piles, used to secure, protect, and provide access to ships or boats. A. wharf B. quay C. breakwater D. pier

C. Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement

A type of rigid pavement which has no transverse joints, except construction joints or expansion joint when they are necessary at specific positions such as at bridges. A. Plain Concrete Pavement B. Simply Reinforced Concrete Pavement C. Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement D. Flexible Concrete Pavement

A. Seiche

A very long standing wave on a large but limited body of water generally occurring when a storm dies down after producing a wind tide. A. Seiche B. Shoal C. Ebb D. Skewd

A. Deep Water Wave

A wave at a point where the depth is equal to ½ of the wavelength or greater to be expressed in terms of the parameters of significant wave. A. Deep Water Wave B. Highest Wave C. Significant Wave D. Equivalent Depth Wave

D. 3H:1V

According to NSCP, drainage facilities and terracing for cut or fill slopes steeper than: A. 1H:1V B. 1.5H:1V C. 2H:1V D. 3H:1V

C. 2H:1V

According to NSCP, the slope of cut surfaces shall be no steeper than: A. 1H:1V B. 1.5H:1V C. 2H:1V D. 3H:1V

D. All of the above

Because of the high cost of installation and maintenance, the warrant use of raised pavement markers may be considered only in the following conditions: I. In hilly areas where fog and rain are frequently the cause of traffic accidents. II. In winding roads. III. In accident prone areas. A. I and III only B. I and II only C. I only D. All of the above

C. 2000 to 2800

Capacity for two-lane highways ranges from _____________ passenger car equivalents per hour. A. 1000 to 1500 B. 1500 to 2000 C. 2000 to 2800 D. 2800 to 3000

A. Demolition

Complete or partial dismantling of a building or structure by pre-planned and controlled methods or procedures. A. Demolition B. Clearing C. Breaking D. Grubbing

D. skid resistance

Describes the effectiveness of a pavement to prevent or reduce skid related crashes. A. crack resistance B. patching resistance C. raveling resistance D. skid resistance

B. Traffic signs

Device mounted on a fixed support (permanent signs) or portable support (temporary signs) whereby a specific message is conveyed by means of words or symbols placed or erected for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic. A. Roadwork signs B. Traffic signs C. Overhead signs D. Special instruction signs

D. Bollard

Device used in place of rigid cones with a minimum of 450 mm by 50 mm wide with alternate bands of contrasting color as seen by approaching traffic for delineation of traffic. A. Barriers B. Delineators C. Temporary Curbing D. Bollard

A. Traffic Cones

Devices which may be conical in shape or tubular shaped capable of performing channelization of traffic which may be set on the surface of the roadway or rigidly attached for continued use. A. Traffic Cones B. Delineators C. Flexible post or Bollard D. Flashing Lamps

A. braking distance

Distance traveled by the vehicle after the application of the brakes until it stop. A. braking distance B. lag distance C. reaction distance D. stopping distance

B. lag distance

Distance traveled by the vehicle during the total reaction time. A. braking distance B. lag distance C. reaction distance D. stopping distance

C. Barriers

Highway appurtenances designed to prevent vehicular penetration from the travel way to areas behind the barrier such as to minimize damage to impacting vehicles and their occupants, and to reduce the risk of injuries to pedestrians and workers. A. Traffic Cones B. Delineators C. Barriers D. Temporary Curbing

A. 2000 vph

Ideal capacity of a road is: A. 2000 vph B. 1800 vph C. 1400 vph D. 2500 vph

A. Spring tide

In many parts of the world, the high waters reach their greatest height and the low waters at the least height, soon after the time of full moon and new moon. These tides are called: A. Spring tide B. Flood tide C. Neap tide D. Ebb tide

D. elevation of line of sight

In stadia surveying, the height of instrument must be known in order to determine the: A. probable error B. accidental error C. refraction D. elevation of line of sight

C. I, III & IV only

In the Standard practice of measuring vertical or zenith angles, the following practices are of great importance: I.) Be sure the instrument is level II.) Sight with the vertical crosshair III.) Sight exactly on the target IV.) Sight direct and reverse Which standard practices are true? A. I only B. All of the above C. I, III & IV only D. I & III only

C. Risk Control

Introduction of measures which will eliminate or reduce the risk of a person being exposed to a hazard. A. Injury Reports B. Risk Assessment C. Risk Control D. Hazard Identification

B. Risk

It is the probability of harm actually being done. A. Hazard B. Risk C. Severity D. Likelihood

B. Rigging

It is the process where a load is prepared for lifting using a lifting machine. The main part of this process is the tying up of the load with sling and other connecting devices so that the load could be hooked onto a crane. A. Lifting B. Rigging C. Loading D. Handling

B. Workability

It refers to how easily freshly mixed concrete can be placed, consolidated and finished with minimal loss of homogeneity. A. Consistency B. Workability C. Fluidity D. Concrete Mix

B. Safety

It refers to the physical or environmental conditions of work or employment, which substantially comply with the provisions of this Standards. A. Approved B. Safety C. Health D. Recognized Hazards

A. Transverse Joint

Joints placed in concrete pavements at right angles to the center line of the pavement is called: A. Transverse Joint C. Construction Joint B. Longitudinal Joint D. Expansion Joint

C. Construction Joint

Joints placed in concrete pavements, which are usually placed transversely across the pavement width to provide suitable transition between concrete placed at different times or on different days. A. Hinge Joint B. Contraction Joint C. Construction Joint D. Expansion Joint

B. Contraction Joint

Joints placed in concrete pavements, which are usually placed transversely regular intervals across the width of the pavement to release some of the tensile stresses that are due to a decrease in temperature. A. Hinge Joint B. Contraction Joint C. Construction Joint D. Expansion Joint

D. Expansion Joint

Joints placed in concrete pavements, which are usually placed transversely, at regular intervals, to provide adequate expansion space for the slab to expand when the pavement is subjected to an increase in temperature. A. Hinge Joint B. Contraction Joint C. Construction Joint D. Expansion Joint

B. Delineators

Light retro-reflecting devices mounted at the side of the roadway, in series, to indicate the roadway alignment. A. Traffic Cones B. Delineators C. Flexible post or Bollard D. Flashing Lamps

B. Risk Assessment

Looking at the possibility of injury or harm occurring to a person if exposed to a hazard. A. Injury Reports B. Risk Assessment C. Risk Control D. Hazard Identification

B. I, II, III only'

Minimum K value vertical curves should be selected on the basis of three controlling factors: I. Sight distance is a requirement in all situations for driver safety. II. Appearance is generally required in low fill and flat topography situations. III. Riding comfort is a general requirement with specific need on approaches to a floodway where the length of depression needs to be minimized. IV. Vertical alignment should fit into the natural terrain earthwork balances. A. I, III, IV only only B. I, II, III only' C. I, II, IV D. II, III, IV only

D. All of the above

On curve alignments, it is advisable to consider the paving of the outside curve shoulder width. Shoulder paving is a valuable method providing: I. Integrity of the pavement. II. Width to place edge line pavement markings. III. Additional safety to prevent vehicles skidding or drivers losing control in gravel. IV. Low maintenance costs compared with unpaved shoulder. A. II, III and IV only B. I, II and III only C. III and IV only D. All of the above

C. Age of the tide

Owing to retardation of the tidal wave in the ocean by frictional force, as the earth revolves daily around its axis and as the tide tends to follow the direction of the moon, the highest tide for each location is not coincident with conjunction and opposition but occurs at some constant time after new and full moon. This interval which may amount to as much as two and a half days is known as: A. Diurnal tide B. Lunar tide C. Age of the tide D. Semi-diurnal tide

C. Age of the tide

Owing to retardation of the tidal wave in the ocean by frictional force, as the earth revolves daily around its axis and as the tide tends to follow the direction of the moon, the highest tide for each location is not coincident with conjunction and opposition but occurs at some constant time after new and full moon. This interval which may amount to as much as two and a half days is known as: A. diurnal tide B. lunar tide C. Age of the tide D. Semi-diurnal tide

B. distress

Pavement ______________ refers to the condition of a pavement in terms of its general appearance. A. deflection B. distress C. roughness D. skid resistance

A. deflection

Pavement ______________ refers to the structural adequacy of the pavement section. A. deflection B. distress C. roughness D. skid resistance


Pavement markings shall only be applied and/or removed by ____. A. LTO B. PNP C. DPWH D. DOTC

C. Standard water depth of berth for the ship (-7.5m) + Design low tide (-0.35m) = -7.85m

Planned water depth is considered as follows: For a ship with draft of 7.5 m, find the standard water depth of berth for the ship. A. Standard water depth of berth for the ship (5.5m) + Design low tide (0.55m) = 6.05m B. Standard water depth of berth for the ship (-5.5m) + Design low tide (-0.55m) = -6.05m C. Standard water depth of berth for the ship (-7.5m) + Design low tide (-0.35m) = -7.85m D. Standard water depth of berth for the ship (7.5m) + Design low tide (0.35m) = 7.85m

B. Regulatory Signs

Signs that inform road users of the traffic laws and regulations which is disregarded will constitute an offense. A. Warning Signs B. Regulatory Signs C. Overhead Signs D. Guide Signs

A. Special Instruction Signs

Signs that instruct road users to meet certain traffic rule requirements on road condition. A. Special Instruction Signs B. Regulatory Signs C. Warning Signs D. Guide Signs

A. Chevron signs

Signs used to guide drivers through a change in horizontal alignment of the road. A. Chevron signs B. Supplementary signs C. Guide signs D. Delineators

A. Overhead Signs

Signs which provide means of displaying essential traffic information on wide multilane roads, where some degree of lane use control is required or where side of road clearance is insufficient to accommodate a road side sign. A. Overhead Signs B. Roadwork Signs C. Warning Signs D. Guide Signs

B. Roadwork Signs

Signs which warn or advise temporary hazardous conditions that could endanger road users or the men and equipment engaged on roadworks. A. Overhead Signs B. Roadwork Signs C. Warning Signs D. Guide Signs

C. Warning Signs

Signs which warn road users of condition on or adjacent to the road maybe unexpected or hazardous. A. Overhead Signs B. Roadwork Signs C. Warning Signs D. Guide Signs

A. Raised pavement markings

Small devices which are fixed to the concrete pavement surface to stimulate or supplement painted pavement markings A. Raised pavement markings B. Rumble strips C. Zebra D. Chevron markings

C. Equilateral triangle

Standard sign shape for GIVE WAY sign. A. Octagon B. Circle C. Equilateral triangle D. Rectangle

A. Octagon

Standard sign shape for STOP sign. A. Octagon B. Circle C. Heart D. Equilateral triangle

C. 0.15m - 0.40m

The PPA (Philippine Ports Authority) requires that water level that guarantees about water depth for safety of the ships berthing on a certain ports and harbor, below the mean lower low water should be equal to: A. 0.15m - 0.30m B. 0.12m - 0.40m C. 0.15m - 0.40m D. 0.12m - 0.50m

B. Traffic Capacity

The ability of a roadway to accommodate traffic volume. It is expressed as the maximum number of vehicle in a lane or a road that can pass a given point in unit time. A. Traffic Volume B. Traffic Capacity C. Traffic Density D. Basic Capacity

D. mean sea level

The average height of the sea for all stages of the tide obtained from systematic observations of sea levels at equal intervals over a long period of time along a given coastline. A. mean ocean level B. mean low water C. mean lower low water D. mean sea level

D. Fetch

The distance that the wind blows over the sea in generating the waves is known as: A. Clapotis B. wakes C. seiche D. Fetch

A. emotion

The driver decides what action to take in response to the stimulus. A. emotion B. reaction or volition C. identification D. perception

C. identification

The driver identifies the object and thus understand the stimulus. A. emotion B. reaction or volition C. identification D. perception

A. Ebb tide

The falling tide is known as: A. Ebb tide B. Flood tide C. Neap tide D. Spring tide

B. gap

The headway in a major stream, which is evaluated by a vehicle driver in a major stream who wishes to merge into the major stream. A. lag B. gap C. space headway D. mean headway

D. Basic Capacity

The maximum number of passenger cars that can pass a given point on a lane or roadway during one hour under the most nearly ideal roadway and traffic conditions which can possibly be attained. A. Possible Capacity B. Practical Capacity C. Traffic Capacity D. Basic Capacity

B. Practical Capacity

The maximum number of passenger cars that can pass a given point on a lane or roadway during one hour without traffic density being so great as to cause unreasonable delay, hazard, or restrictions to the driver's freedom to maneuver under traffic conditions. A. Possible Capacity B. Practical Capacity C. Traffic Capacity D. Basic Capacity

C. roughness

The measurement of the extent to which a road surface deviates from the plane is called pavement _______. A. deflection B. distress C. roughness D. skid resistance

C. 14 days

The number of days final curing for a concrete cement pavement is done for: A. 21 days B. 12 days C. 14 days D. 18 days

A. Traffic Volume

The number of vehicles moving in a specified direction on a given lane or roadway that pass a given point during specified unit time. A. Traffic Volume B. Traffic Capacity C. Traffic Density D. Basic Capacity


The overall track structure for a railroad typically consists of the following except one. I. Subgrade II. Ballast III. Spikes IV. Ties V. Rails VI. Rail fastening A. V B. III C. IV D. VI

A. I, II and III only

The provision of safety sight distance depends on the characteristics of the road environment such as: I. Road geometry - grade and curvature sight limitations II. Road surface - sealed and unsealed, smooth and rough III. Road illumination at night IV. Road topography A. I, II and III only B. I, II and IV only C. II, III and IV only D. All of the above

D. All of the above

The provision of safety sight distance depends on the characteristics of the vehicle such as: I. Type of vehicle - car and truck II. Friction between the tire and the road III. Eye height of the driver IV. Speed of vehicles A. I, II and III only B. I, III and IV only C. II, III and IV only D. All of the above

D. All of the above

The provision of safety sight distance depends on the characteristics of the vehicle such as: I. Type of vehicle - car and truck II. Friction between the tire and the road III. Eye height of the driver IV. Speed of vehicles A. I, II and III only B. I, III and IV only C. II, III and IV only D. All of the above

D. All of the above

The purpose of installing edges lines is generally based on the following: I. To discourage travel on road shoulders. II. To make driving safer and more assured particularly at night and during inclement weather conditions. III. To act as a guide past objects which are close to the edge of the pavement and which constitute a hazard. IV. To prevent parking at or near intersections. A. II, III and IV only B. I, II and III only C. I, III and IV only D. All of the above

D. All of the above

The purpose of installing edges lines is generally based on the following: I. To discourage travel on road shoulders. II. To make driving safer and more assured particularly at night and during inclement weather conditions. III. To act as a guide past objects which are close to the edge of the pavement, and which constitute a hazard. IV. To prevent parking at or near intersections. A. II, III and IV only B. I, II and III only C. I, III and IV only D. All of the above

B. tide

The regular periodic rise and fall of the surface of the seas, observable along their shores. A. Wave B. tide C. Period of wave D. Current

D. All of the above

The warrant for the use of safety barriers can be established: I. Fore slope or back slope steepness and height II. Unforgiving hazards within the clear zone III. Water hazards within the clear zone A. I only B. II only C. II and III only D. All of the above

C. Guide posts

They are used to mark the edge of the road formation and assist the road users by indicating the alignment of the road ahead especially at horizontal and vertical curves. A. Chevron signs B. Obstruction markers C. Guide posts D. Concrete barriers

A. Shallow Water Wave

Waves which occur in water having a depth less than one half of the wave length and the influence of the bottom changes the form or orbital motion from circular to elliptical or near elliptical. A. Shallow Water Wave B. Deep Water Wave C. Significant Wave D. Highest Wave

B. Longitudinal lines, transverse lines, other lines & other markings.

What are the four types of pavement and curb markings? A. Longitudinal lines, transverse lines, transition lines & stop line. B. Longitudinal lines, transverse lines, other lines & other markings. C. Longitudinal lines, transverse lines, stop line & center line. D. Longitudinal lines, transverse lines, center line & lane line.

C. 3

What is the maximum number of words permitted for a word message on road surface? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

B. shrinkage

When an embankment is built, the volume of the compacted earth is generally less than its volume before excavation from its original location. The difference is usually defined as: A. subsidence B. shrinkage C. waste D. borrow

A. Neap tide

When the lines connecting the earth with the sun and the moon form a right angle, that is the moon is in its quarters, then the actions of the moon and sun are subtractive, and the lowest tides of the month occur, this is called: A. Neap tide B. Lunar tide C. Diurnal tide D. Ebb tide

a. Taking care to choose individuals who you feel are representative of the population in terms of as many characteristics as you can list.

Which of the following is important to avoid bias in surveying? a. Taking care to choose individuals who you feel are representative of the population in terms of as many characteristics as you can list. b. Picking a sampling method in which every possible combination of people has the same chance of being selected. c. Making sure that every individual in the population of interest is invited to respond. d. Sending out a large number of surveys so that even if the response rate is low, you will have sufficient number of responses to do statistical analysis.

A. EX for expressway

Which of the following standard abbreviation of signs is not correct? A. EX for expressway B. RD for road C. HWY for highway D. AVE for avenue

A. Contours on the ground can cross another.

Which of these contour characteristics is not true? A. Contours on the ground can cross another. B. Contours are at the right angles to the slope. C. Contour on the ground closes itself. D. Contours point upstream.

C. Occupational Safety and Health

__________ deals with all aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on primary prevention of hazards. A. Hazard Control B. Risk Control C. Occupational Safety and Health D. Safety Measures

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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