Traughber 38-40 Test

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"separateness"; system of Afrikaner National Party in South Africa that was designed to control the restive black population; under this system whites got most of the land, even though they were a definite minority, while all non-whites were just subordinated; F.W. de Klerk became pres of South Africa in 1989 & dismantled this system, eventually leading to South African independence

John F. Kennedy

(1917-1963) was newely elected during the time of the Cuban Missle Crisis. He gave the go-ahead to the invasion of Cuba to overthrow Castro and his supporters this was known as the Bay of Pigs invasion and it was a complete failuer. Called for the removal of missiles from Cuba when the Cuban Missile Crisis was in full swing. Imposed an air and naval quarantine on Cuba. Ended the Cold War by coming up with the agreement for the USSR to withdraw missiles from Cuba in exchange for the US not invading Cuba.

Rachel Carson

American environmentalist; wrote Silent Spring, one of the earliest & most effective warnings about modern environmental damage; criticized use of pesticides; wrote metaphorical work "A Fable for Tomorrow"

Countercultural protests

By 1964 cultural criticism of the cold war and its leaders had clearly influenced the films coming out of Hollywood; the film Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb comedically represented the leaders of the United States and the USSR as insane morons whose irrational policies guaranteed the destruction of all life on earth through nuclear war; in U.S., students at the University of California at Berkeley formed the Free Speech Movement in 1964 to encourage free political expression on campus


Earth's first artificial satellite; launched by Soviets on 4 October 1957 around same time USSR created workable intercontinental ballistic missile to give Soviets lead in "space race"; US responded w/ launch of Explorer I in 1958

Gamal Abdel Nasser

Egyptian military leader committed to opposing Israel and taking command of the Arab world; supported state reform through militarism; suppressed opposition from Muslim Brotherhood and communists; helped stage bloodless coup that deposed Egypt's King Farouk and eventually made this man the prime minister; worked to make Egypt leader of pan-Arab nationalism; supported nonalignment but got aid from both US & USSR, showing how newly independent nations could avoid entrapment in either ideological camp & force the superpowers to compete for influence; hated imperialism & Israel

Nelson Mandela

First black president of South Africa who wanted equality and democracy; imprisoned for protesting

Juan Peron

Former army colonel who became president of Argentina in 1946; nationalistic militarist who managed to gained popularity among the working class; industrialization and support for working class; wife was Eva Peron ("Evita")


Gorbachev's efforts to decentralize the economy; when he pushed for economic decentralization, the profit motive and the cost-accounting methods he instituted engendered at the hostility of those whose privileged positions depended on the old system; many of Gorbachev's comrades and certain factions of the military objected to this and worked to undermine or destroy it


Gorbachev's efforts to open the Soviet society to public criticism and admission of past mistakes; while discontent with Soviet life burst into the open, long-repressed ethnic and nationalist sentiments bubbled to the surface, posing a threat to the multi-ethnic Soviet state

Fidel Castro

He was a revolutionary leader who overthrew the Cuban autocratic Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar. He denounced Yankee Imperialism, accepted assistance from the USSR, and he declared his support for the USSR's foreign policy. Also purged Batista's supporters and seized foreign businesses and properties. Received generous support from USSR.

Nikita Khrushchev

He was the leader of the USSR during the time of the Cold War, he squared off against Nixon in the Kitchen debate. Came to an agreement about the domestic containment and female liberation in both of their societies. Worked with JFK to end the Cuban Missile Crisis peacefully. Embarked on policy of de-Stalinization.

Imre Nagy

Hungarian communist who gained power as nationalist leader during his country's de-Stalinization movement (a movement that led to pro-democracy protests); announced Hungary's neutrality & withdrawal from Warsaw Pact; Soviet authorities installed dependable communist leader János Kádár, who later killed this man, in his place


I just had to throw this one in b/c there's a whole page on it, and it's the doll that I know you all want. Or maybe you want her strange Islamic counterpart Sara (and brother Dara, an Islamic cleric) designed by a crazy Iranian named Majid Ghaderi, who thought the _____ doll was like a Trojan Horse that dumped its bad influence on the Middle East (He thought it was bad because she symbolizes a woman who doesn't want to grow up, have babies, and look old). Or, even better, you can get Licca, the Japanese version who, well, just looks more Asian. Licca also leads more of a family-oriented life than the original American doll. Hint: her husband is the Ken doll.

War in Vietnam

In the early part of the cold war's globalization, U.S. leaders extended aid to noncommunist Vietnamese in the south after the French were defeated, as Nationalist communists had installed themselves in the north; even with the major U.S. presence, U.S. and South Vietnamese military leaders and troops achieved only a stalemate in their struggles; war weariness and outright, militant protests against the U.S. role in Vietnam spread in the United States; recognizing his country's distaste, Richard Nixon pledged to end the war; after his election, he implemented his strategy of turning over the war to the South Vietnamese (termed Vietnamiszation) by escalating the conflict; U.S. troops gradually withdrew from the conflict, and in January 1973 the U.S. phase of the Vietnam War ended with the Paris Peace Accords

Yitzhak Rabin

Israeli prime minister who signed peace treaties w/ Yasser Arafat and the PLO that advanced notion of limited Palestinian self-rule in Israeli territories; what looked like a promising route to possible peace was destroyed when a Jewish extremist freak who opposed the peace agreements assassinated him

Jomo Kenyatta

Kenyan nationalist leader jailed by the British during Kenya's push for independence; later became leader of a Kenyan political party (after independence from British)


Lebanese Shia resistance group benefiting from support of Iran and fighting against any Israeli occupation of Lebanese territory; instigated conflict w/ Israel that lead to lots of dead people and destroyed land until UN-mandated cease-fire tried to stop hostilities, which have continued but not in full-scale war

Boris Yeltsin

Led the largest and most prominent of the Soviet republics, the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic toward independence; the Soviet leaders vacillated between threats of repression and promises of better treatment, but neither option could stop this man's movement for independence

Ronald Reagan

Made final pushes against USSR, advocated increased military spending. Made controversial proposal, the Strategic Defense Initiative, termed "star wars" which would have provided the US with full high-tech protection from nuclear attack. Reagen's cold war rhetoric and budgets challenged détente and the Soviet ability to match US spending.

Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

Mao Zedong tries to fix what he screwed up w/ the Great Leap Forward; tries to reignite revolutionary spirit w/ inauguration of this; designed to root out revisionism Mao sought in Chinese life, particularly among Communist Party leaders, other authorities, and elites; Red Guards, youthful zealots empowered to cleanse China of opponents to Mao, kill lots of people (similar to the Holocaust w/ labor camps and whatnot, just not quite as bad); this revolution screwed China's development & education system; dubbed the "Piece of Crap Revolution" (ok, I made that up, but I think it's pretty accurate)

European Union (EU)

Most famous and most strongly integrated regional bloc; Started out as the European Economic Community; Goal was to dismantle tariffs and other barriers to free trade among the member nations; Economic and political integration culminated in the Maastricht Treaty which formed this organization; expected to eventually lead to a European Political Union

Dependency Theory

Raul Prebisch (1901-1985), who worked for the United Nations Commission for Latin America, crafted the "________" theory of economic development, pointing out that developed industrial nations—such as those in North America and Europe—dominated the international economy and profited at the expense of less development and industrialized nations burdened with the export-oriented, unbalanced economies that were a legacy of colonialism.

Berlin blockade and airlift

Soviets blockaded Berlin after saying that the 4-power administration of the city was no longer in effect; US & Britain responded by airlifting necessities of life to West Berliners to keep them alive; the Soviets eventually lifted the blockade, allowing US, Britain, & France to keep their outpost deep in Soviet-controlled Europe


The brutality, corruption, and pro-US policies of the Somoza family - which extended to allowing the United States to use Nicaragua as a staging place during the Bay of Pigs attack on Cuba in 1961 - alienated other Latin American nations as well as Nicaraguans. In the early 1960s, a few Nicaraguans honored the memory and mission of Augusto Sandino and created a movement opposing the Somozas by founding the Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional (FSLN), or the ______ Front for National Liberation. They became known as ________ and garnered support over the decades for their guerilla operations aimed at overthrowing the Somozas. They finally took power in 1979


The right and duty to defend Islam and the Islamic community from unjust attack

Joseph McCarthy

US Senator who became infamous in 1950s for unsuccessful quest to expose communists in US gov't; he was extremely suspicious, and he caused anyone who at any point was even remotely associated w/ the Communist Party to lose their jobs


US foreign policy that tried to contain communism out of fear of a communist conspiracy to conquer the world

Jimmy Carter

US pres who moderated US cold war policies in Latin America; helped Nicaragua by forcing dictator to flee and supporting the new Sandinista gov't; commitment to human rights changed cold war policies, Panama Canal Treaty in 1979 (gave Panama rightful territory)

Dwight Eisenhower

US pres; applied domino theory to Vietnam; tried to make sure noncommunist leaders of South Vietnam stayed in power

Lyndon Johnson

US pres; increased US involvement in Vietnam but only got draw w/ National Liberation Front (Viet Cong) & North Vietnam

Richard Nixon

US president, in 1968 he pledged to end the Vietnam war, extended the war into Cambodia through bombing and invasion in 1969 and 1970, and he resumed heavy bombing of North Vietnam while opening diplomatic relations to Soviet Union and China in hopes that they would pressure North Vietnam to end the war, his operations in Vietnam were exposed by journalists in what is known as the Watergate scandal, ordered wiretaps to be placed on the phone lines of reporters and members of his staff culminating in break-in at the Democratic National Headquarters at the Watergate building during the 1972 Pres elections. He resigned from office in August 1974

Ho Chi Minh

Vietnam's nationalist communist leader; exploited wartime conditions to advance cause of Vietnamese independence; issued Vietnamese Declaration of Independence after ousting Jap occupants in WWII but French recaptured Vietnam later (defeating the Viet Minh, the communists); this man worked w/ General Vo Nguyen Giap to defeat French using Guerrilla warfare

Iran-Iraq War

War that killed 1 million soldiers, devastation is still visible in Iran; Iraq continued on militant course under Hussein, discontent in Iran of strict Islamic structure; great war of attrition that did not end until 1988

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

agreement among US, Canada, & Mexico est. in 1993; a looser bloc that lacks economic coordination typical of EU; still constitutes world's 2nd-largest free-trade zone; there are plans to expand it to all noncommunist nations in Americas, underscoring commitment to elimination of barriers to free trade

Marshal Tito

also known as Josip Broz, ruled the federation of Yugoslavia with an iron hand from 1945 until his death, resisted soviet control which led to a major split with Stalin, in foreign affairs he pursued an independent course that consisted of maintaining good relations with eastern European communist states and establishing strong ties with nonaligned nations


area controlled for a long time by Brits; Britain committed to giving the Jews a homeland here w/ the Balfour Declaration, caused partly by Zionist movement in Europe; Arabs angry about increasing Jewish migration after WWI; while Jews established kibbutzim (communal farms) here, Arabs saw them as aliens and rioted to try to get the Jews out; led to Jew vs. Palestinian Arab conflict here that continues today; Jewish state of Israel eventually created; it got control of this entire region after defeating Arabs in short war


basically, people who believed in this wanted to make Islam become more important in the world; at its heart was desire for reassertion of Islamic values in Muslim politics; blamed Europe & US for economic & political failure & degradation of social & religious values; most activists (surprisingly) wanted change through peaceful means, but a few extremists used concept of jihad (right & duty to defend Islam & Islamic community from unjust attack) to rationalize terrorism & revolution


breaking down of traditional boundaries in face of increasingly global financial & cultural trends; began with establishment of international organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Day of Direct Action

called for by Indian Muslim League during Indian negotiations w/ Brits for independence; this was basically a day of Muslim demonstrations that ended in the Great Calcutta Killing

Mikhail Gorbachev

committed to a restructuring of the soviet union and to unilateral withdrawl from the cold war. Tries to deal with the problem of economic deterioration in the Soviet Union. Took the Brezhnev doctrine out of effect and let every country in the Soviet Union have its own destiny. Communism quickly collapsed throughout Eastern Europe. Tried to shock the economy back to life but this didn't work so he treid policy of perestroika in order to decentralize the economy. Opened society to criticism and admission of past mistakes through policy known as glasnost.

Osama bin Laden

crazy poopface Islamic militant who headed al-Qaeda & coordinated 9/11 attacks; became convinced after Persian Gulf War that killing Americans was God's will; when Taliban refused to surrender him to US, US attacked them

Organization of African Unity (OAU)

created by 32 member states in 1963; recognized problems in Arica and promoted Pan-African unity

World Trade Organization (WTO)

created by GATT in 1994; took over GATT's activities in 1995; has developed into forum for settling international trade disputes; has power to enforce its decisions in these disputes

Suez crisis

crisis during which Gamal Abdel Nasser sealed his reputation & made him very dominant in Arab world; it began when he nationalized Suez canal to use profits to make dam of Nile at Aswan; didn't bow to pressure to provide multinational control of Suez so British, French, & Israeli forces successfully took control away from Nasser but US & USSR both condemned the attack, which tore at fabric of bipolar war system

Indira Gandhi

daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, the 1st prime minister of India; this woman became the leader of the Congress Party and the prime minister of India in 1966; started the "green revolution" that increased agricultural yields but hurt peasant farmers, which led to protests; her solution to India's overpopulation problems: making men have vasectomies (excerpt from the book: "...The fear of castration among men who might be forced to undergo vasectomies added to ______'s woes."); she was voted out of the prime minister office when she allowed elections to occur in 1977 (she had suspended the democratic process earlier so she could deal with the men who "needed" vasectomies before getting un-elected); she was later voted back into office but was assassinated by 2 of her Sikh bodyguards after she ordered an attack on the stubborn Sikhs living in India

Winston Churchill

despised Gandhi; vowed never "to preside over the liquidation of the British empire"; his conservative gov't was replaced after the war w/ a Labour gov't more inclined to dismantle the empire (mainly due to economic devastation of Britain after WWII)

Frantz Fanon

dude who gained fame as Algerian revolutionary & as influential proponent of national liberation for colonial peoples through violent revolution; also wrote books like The Wretched of the Earth that urged use of violence against oppressors who were racist jerks; died before Algeria got independence

Little Tigers

earliest and most successful imitators of the Japanese model for economic development; they were Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan; turned disadvantages into advantages through a program of export-driven industrialization; corporations from these 4 states undercut original Japanese products w/ lower-costing versions; the original 4 were later joined by Indonesia, Thailand, & Malaysia

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

established in 1967 by the foreign ministers of Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines; Wanted to accelerate economic development and promote political stability in southeast Asia; originally conceived to be barricade against spread of communism but became sharper after signing cooperative agreements w/ Japan & European Community; In 1992, member states agreed to establish a free-trade zone and to cut tariffs on industrial goods over a fifteen-year period

Bay of Pigs

failed US-directed invasion of Cuba that was supposed to unseat dictator Fidel Castro; in the attack, Cubans trained by the CIA were all quickly killed or captured; it strengthened Castro's position in Cuba because it made US look weak

African National Congress (ANC)

formed in 1912; inspired direct action campaigns to protest apartheid (one of its leaders was Mandela); published Freedom Charter in 1955 that proclaimed multiracial democratic rule for South Africa

Free Trade

freedom from state-imposed limits & constraints on trade across borders; leaders from industrialized nations, esp. US, promoted this type of trade

Club of Rome

group of international economists & scientists who tried to specify limits of economic & population growth relative to capacity of Earth to support humanity; issued report w/ subtitle "The Limits to Growth" & later signed document called "Warning to Humanity" that basically said humans would soon cause the world to no longer be able to sustain life; many praised them while many others said they were excessively negative (this was the correct view as global reserves of many important things (oil, natural gas, lead, etc.) actually grew, contrary to this group's ideas); this group remains pessimistic, shown by their recent work, Beyond the Limits

Deng Xiaoping

heir of Mao Zedong but still forced to recant criticism of Mao, identify self as an intellectual, and labor in a factory during Cultural Revolution, which died out when radical faction failed to maintain it after Mao's death; this is when this man came to power; he brought China into the international financial & trading system (ended Mao's total isolationist policy) & normalized relations w/ US; opened China to foreign, capitalist values; sent students to foreign universities to rebuild Chinese elite but this backfired as they were exposed to democracy and started demonstrations upon their return to China; this guy then idiotically crushed the demonstrations very bloodily; China did, however, become more of a global power under him

The French Are Complete Idiots

just thought I'd throw this in there; the French Are Complete Idiots (that's the answer) because they fought a war in Algeria (which they, of course, lost as the Front de Libération Nationale owned them) to try to keep control of it while letting all their other colonies in Africa, like Morocco and Tunisia, to gain independence

Alexander Dubcek

leader of Communist Party in Czechoslovakia; launched "democratic socialist revolution"; supported liberal movement called "Prague Spring" & promised citizens "socialism w/ a human face"; Soviets intervened & ended Prague Spring

Jawaharlal Nehru

leader of Congress Party in India; worked w/ Gandhi, after whose death this man said "The light has gone out of our lives and there is darkness everywhere"; became India's prime minister; promoted neutrality in cold war but accepted aid from USSR while Pakistan sought alignment w/ US; fierce promoter of nonalignment (neutrality)


leader of Congress Party in India; worked with Nehru; urged all Indians to act & feel as 1 nation undivided by communalism (emphasizing religious over national identity); condemned division of India into 2 states as "vivisection" (cutting up a living body); predicted that "rivers of blood" would flow after India & Pakistan were created; undertook things like hunger strikes to try to stop the violence; urged everyone to adopt his principles of nonviolence; he was shot

Kwame Nkrumah

leader of Ghana's independence movement; Brits put him in jail for a while but eventually gave Ghana independence; he became Ghana's leader; promoted pan-African unity; met Queen Elizabeth II when she visited Ghana in 1961

Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

leader of Iran whom CIA helped bring to power in 1953; his secular gov't collapsed as Shia Muslims ran him out of the country; Islamist movement then installed Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as leader

Saddam Hussein

leader of Iraq until his capture in December 2003 as a result of US-led "Operation Iraqi Freedom"; supposedly had a stockpile of weapons of mass destruction (his neighbor to the northeast, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, really has the nukes)

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

leader of Islamist movement in Iran; took control after Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi fled the country; hated US (what a surprise); don't confuse him w/ Ayatollah Khameni, a conservative supreme leader in Iran, who also happened to hate the US

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

leader of Muslim League in India; wanted a separate Muslim state ("The only solution to India's problem is Pakistan")

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

main vehicle for promotion of unrestricted global trade; caused world trade (imports & exports) to grow greatly; created by 23 noncommunist nations in 1947; expanded to 123 nations by 1994, when it created the World Trade Organization, which took over this organization's activities the next year

Anwar Sadat

man who replaced Gamal Abdel Nasser as Egypt's pres; masterminded surprise attack on Israel but also facilitated peace process; assassinated in 1981 by opponents of his policies toward Israel


means "a reduction in hostility"; policy agreed upon by US & USSR in late 1960s; relaxed cold war tensions & promoted cooperation; agreements reached at Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) during this period; it fell apart as US normalized relations w/ China & supplied it w/ aid & attempted to save noncommunist gov't in South Vietnam while USSR tried to save Marxist regime in Afghanistan; this era still reflected transformation of superpower relations & coincided w/ decrease in superpower influence


means "blackness"; basically like Marcus Garvey's "Back to Africa" movement but started & promoted by African intellectuals; kind of like a nationalist movement; it basically promotes feeling good about being an African and a reminder that independence likely will eventually come; Bernard Dadié is a poet associated w/ this movement (he wrote "Dry Your Tears, Africa")

Bandung Conference

meeting of leaders from 23 Asian & 6 African nations in _______, Indonesia, partly to find a "third path," an alternative to choosing US or USSR; also stressed struggle against colonialism & racism; Indonesian pres Achmad Sukarno (awesome name) called it the 1st ever international conference of colored peoples; precursor of Nonaligned Movement

Martin Luther King, Jr.

most prominent of black nationalist leaders, relied openly on the Indian leader Mohandas K. Ghandi's examples of passive nonresistance and boycotting in the struggle to win African-Americans their equality and independence in the United States. Led Montgomery bus boycott. He was assassinated in 1968.


one of Kenya's largest ethnic groups; engaged in intermittently violent campaign against Europeans, who labeled them as crazy radicals and Mau Mau subversives or communists; they really were just nationalists who wanted independence from British; eventually broke British resolve in Kenya, got independence, and gained increasing international recognition of African grievances

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

one of the earliest & most successful economic alliances; producer cartel joined mainly by countries in SW Asia; ordered embargo on oil to US and quadruples petroleum prices in 1973, which in turn causes economic recession; influence lessens due to overproduction in Iran-Iraq War and Gulf War

Geneva Conference

peace conference after Vietnam defeated France; divided Vietnam into North (communist) & South (noncommunist); US violated terms of the agreement coming out of this conference by forced leaders of Republic of (South) Vietnam like pres Ngo Dinh Diem to stay in power, stopping free elections that would have brought Ho Chi Minh to power

Tiananmen Square

place where students returning from the democratic societies of western Europe and United States staged pro-democratic demonstrations in Beijing/Deng cracked down on this with bloody results


policy of Nikita Khrushchev that was supposed to end Stalin's rule of terror & to partially liberalize Soviet society; Stalin's reputation went down the drain as a result of the efforts of gov't officials; millions of political prisoners released in this period (one was Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, who wrote One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich); also led communist leaders outside elsewhere to experiment w/ reforms & to seek a degree of independence from USSR

Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)

political organization that worked w/ Arab SW Asian states to isolate Egypt after Anwar Sadat signed peace treaties w/ Israel; this organization served as a gov't in exile for Palestinians displaced from Israel; created in 1964 under leadership of Yasser Arafat to promote Palestinian rights

Cuban Missile Crisis

possibly provoked by Bay of Pigs invasion & w/ intent to strengthen Castro's gov't while giving USSR greater diplomatic leverage in relation to the US, Soviets put nuclear missiles in Cuba that could quickly hit US targets; JFK imposed air & naval quarantine on Cuba while he & Nikita Khrushchev debated solutions to the crisis; US agreed to not invade Cuba and to remove its missiles from Turkey while the Soviets withdrew from Cuba

Charles de Gaulle

president of France during Cold War, he dreamed of a Europe that could act as a third force in world affairs, sought independence from US and Soviet Union policies, rejected a partial nuclear test ban treaty which had been signed by the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States. Believed France couldn't reach great power if it depended on US military protection. Questioned American promise to defend Europe against Soviet attack. Wanted disengagement from NATO and wanted an independent nuclear strike force.

People's Republic of China

proclaimed by Mao Zedong after forcing Jiang Jieshi into Taiwan; Emulating the Soviet experiment of 1929, the Chinese introduced their first Five-Year Plan in 1955; designed to speed up economic development, the Five-Year Plan emphasized improvements in infrastructure and the expansion of heavy industry at the expense of consumer goods; the government redistributed the land so that virtually every peasant had at least a small plot of land; Moscow and Beijing drew closer during the early years of the Cold War; they were brought together by their common enemy, the United States, which sought to establish anticommunist bastions throughout Asia; as the Chinese embarked on a crash program of industrialization, the Soviet Union rendered valuable assistance in the form of economic aid and technical advisors; however, cracks appeared in the Soviet-Chinese alliance; from the Chinese perspective, Soviet aid programs were far too modest and had too many strings attached; likewise in 1955 the Soviet Union supplied more economic aid to noncommunist countries than to China; by the end of 1964, the rift became embarrassingly public

Great Leap Forward

program started by Mao Zedong to overtake industrial production of nations more developed than China; worked to collectivize all land, business, & industrial enterprises; abolished private ownership; it failed epically (dubbed "Giant Step Backward"); helped lead to a very deadly famine; idiot Mao blamed the famine on the sparrows instead of facing the truth that his idea was stupid

Global Corporations

replaced traditional international or multinational forms of corporate enterprises; had small headquarters staff with everything else dispersed around the world looking for cheapest operating cost; became symbol of new economy, transformed political & social landscape of societies; moved jobs to places where they had to pay lowest taxes (like China)

Rajiv Gandhi

son of Indira Gandhi; became prime minister of India in 1985 and offered reconciliation to the Sikhs, whom his mother had ticked off by attacking them; a terrorist assassinated him

Korean War

started when forces of People's Democratic Republic of (North) Korean forces under Kim Il Sung invaded Republic of (South) Korea, whose president was Syngman Rhee; US convinced UN to promote helping S Korea; N Korea kept advantage until US attacked Incheon, near Seoul, and forced them back to the North; after a failed attack on N Korea (failed in part due to China's entry into the war on N Korea's side), the border ended up around where it used to be, on the 38th parallel

Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev

successor to Khrushchev; justified Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia by Doctrine of Limited Sovereignty (commonly called ______ doctrine), which reserved right to invade any socialist country deemed to be threatened by internal or external elements "hostile to socialism"

War in Afghanistan

the Taliban movement founded the Islamic State of Afghanistan in 1996, and promoted itself as a new force for unity and determined to create an Islamic state according to its own austere interpretation of Islam; dominated by Pashtuns—the majority ethnic group in Afghanistan—the Taliban under its leading mullah (male religious leader) Mohammed Omar fought a series of holy wars against other ethnic and Muslim groups; they espoused a strict brand of Islam that barred women from education and the workplace and even forced women to be completely veiled in burkas; after the 11 September attacks, the United States declared a war on both terrorism and those harboring terrorists; the refusal of the Taliban government to surrender Osama bin Laden prompted the United States and its allies to begin military operations against the Taliban; in a decisive military campaign, the United States' coalition smashed both the Taliban and al-Qaeda


the U.S. established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as a regional military alliance against Soviet aggression; the intent of the alliance was to maintain peace in postwar Europe through collective defense

Domino theory

theory accepted by Pres Eisenhower that held that if one country became communist, those around it would soon fall to communism as well; helped promote US policy of containment

Nonaligned Movement

this movement's primary goal was to keep formal neutrality; suffered from lack of unity among members & didn't present a truly unified front; some members were very closely tied to the US or USSR

Mao Zedong

unified China into communist regime; tried to accelerate development in China & distinguish it from USSR through Great Leap Forward & Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, which both actually hurt China's political and economic development; basically, even though people supported his rise to power, this guy made China suck

Berlin Wall

wall b/t East & West Berlin; started out as a layer of barbed wire but quickly turned into a barrier w/ several layers as many people upset w/ communism left the East and the Soviets wanted to keep them in


war broke out b/t India & Pakistan over this province, which both states claimed; India won

Study the Power Points

what you will do after mastering this study guide because there are all kinds of things that aren't covered here, and we didn't cover in class, that are in the power points (which should actually be helpful this time)

Warsaw Pact

when NATO admitted West Germany and allowed it to rearm in 1955, the Soviets formed the ______ ______ as a countermeasure; a military alliance of seven communist European nations, the this organization matched the collective defense policies of NATO

Eva Peron

wife of Argentine president Juan Perón; popularly called "Evita" (little Eva); rose from ranks of a desperately poor illegitimate child in Buenos Aires to radio soap-opera actress to first lady; reigned in Casa Rosada (Pink House); ministered to the poor (often descamisados ("shirtless ones")); known after her death as "Santa Evita"; some criticized her as a grasping social climber and fascist sympathizer

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