Types of Poetry

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...An ekphrastic poem is a vivid description of a scene or, more commonly, a work of art. Through the imaginative act of narrating and reflecting on the "action" of a painting or sculpture, the poet may amplify and expand its meaning.


A cinquain is a five-line poem. This poem is american cinquain because the amount of stressed and unstressed are The first line has one stress, which was usually iambic meter with the first syllable unstressed and the second stressed. Line two has two stresses. Line three has three stresses. Line four has four stresses. Line five has one stress. and has the right amount of syllables which are Line one had two syllables. Line two had four syllables. Line three had six syllables. Line four had eight syllables. Line five had two syllables.


A limerick is a form of poetry that's usually humorous, but sometimes indecent & also inconsiderate. Its a stanza of five lines & it has a strict rhyme scheme, AABBA, & its usually in a anapestic meter. Lines 1, 2, and 5 rhyme with each other & lines 3 and 4 rhyme with each other. Since its anapestic, there's a rhythm in these types of poems where it consists of two short syllables followed by a long one, or two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed one.

Lyrical Ballad

A lyrical ballad is the narration of a story in the form of a poem or song

Shakespearean Sonnet

A sonnet is a poem with 14 lines with a rhyme scheme. William Shakespeare has written 154 sonnets that differ from the normal sonnet. The scheme is abab, cdcd, efef, gg (the last two lines are a conclusion)


A villanelle (also known as villanesque) is a nineteen-line poetic form consisting of five tercets (a set or group of three lines of verse rhyming together or connected by rhyme with an adjacent tercet.) followed by a quatrain (tercet is composed of three lines of poetry, forming a stanza or a complete poem.) There are two refrains and two repeating rhymes, with the first and third line of the first tercet repeated alternately until the last stanza, which includes both repeated lines.


Acrostic poem is where the first letter of each line spells a word usually, using the name of the title, and all lines of the poem should relate to or describe the poem. An acrostic poem doesn't have to have a rhyme scheme or meter.


An Elegy is a poem that is typically a lament for the dead, a poem about grief and sorrow for the dead Examples of Elegy are in "To An Athlete Dying Young", because its about a young boy who won the town race and never got to see the day someone beat his record This poem has a Iambic Tetrameter, and a rhyme scheme of a,a,b,b,c,c The poem "My Dying Moth" has a rhyme scheme of a,b,a,b,c,d,c,d


An ode is a poem that is about one specific thing that you think is truly amazing and praiseworthy. This type of poem can be centered upon a person, an object, or something abstract like a feeling or an idea.They are usually very long. Most odes do usually rhyme, and making your ode rhyme would be a fun challenge, but you can also write irregular odes, which don't have to rhyme or maintain a perfect rhythm.

Blank Verse

Blank Verse is poetry written in unrhymed lines in iambic pentameters.


Form of French poetry. This poem consist of six stanzas and each stanza contains six lines. After the sixth stanza a three line stanza follows that contains all of the repeated last words. There is no rhyme within the stanzas. The end words in the first stanza are repeated throughout each stanza in a different order each time. A sestina poem is written in a specific order. In the first stanza the end words go in regular order from one to six. In the second stanza the end word is in order as 6,1,5,2,4,3. The third stanzas end words are 3,6,4,1,2,5. Fourth stanza are 5,3,2,6,1,4. Fifth stanza are 4,5,1,3,6,2. Sixth stanza are 2,4,6,5,3,1.

Free Verse

Free verse means a poem with no meter and no rhyme


Ghazal is a poetic with rhyming couplets each line sharing the same lengths. It has to has a minimum of five couplets. It introduces a scheme made up of a rhyme followed by a refrain. Couplets pick up the same scheme in the second line repeating the refrain and rhyming the second line of the first stanza. The last couplets sometimes includes the poet's signature.


It comes from Malaysia created in the fifteenth-century. composed of four-line stanzas in which the second and fourth lines of each stanza serve as the first and third lines of the next stanza. The last line of a pantoum is often the same as the first.

Prose Poem

Prose poetry is anything that is written down that does not have poetic meter. Poetic meter is the rhyme in the poem. A Prose poem is usually written in a paragraph form. they do not rhyme.

Terza Rima

Terza Rima is a rhyming verse stanza form that consists of an interlocking three-line rhyme scheme, it was first used by the Italian poet Dante Alighieri. There are three lines usually in iambic pentameter.

Spenserian Sonnet

The poem that I was assigned was "Sonnet 75". An example of a spenserian sonnet is the poem "Amoretti" by Edmund Spenser. This is a good example if spenserian sonnet because is has a pattern of abab, bcbc, cdcd, ee. Also it has a the same unstressed and stressed syllables that "Sonnet 75" has. There are fourteen lines in a Spenserian sonnet. The first twelve lines are divided into three quatrains with four lines each. In the three quatrains the poet establishes a theme or problem and then resolves it in the final two lines. The rhyme scheme of the quatrains is abab bcbc cdcd, with the couplet ee at the end.


a Japanese poem consisting of five lines, the first and third of which have five syllables and the other seven, making 31 syllables in all and giving a complete picture of an event or mood.


a short poem inspired by the Japanese haiku , A typical haiku is a three-line observation about nature. The original haiku is a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, first line: 5 syllables second line: 7 syllables third line: 5 syllables


a short poem of fixed form, having a rhyme scheme of ab, aa, abab, and having the first line repeated as the fourth and seventh lines, and the second line repeated as the eighth it also uses iambic tetrameter.


a thirteen-line poem, divided into three stanzas of 5, 3, and 5 lines, with only two rhymes throughout and with the opening words of the first line used as a refrain at the end of the second and third stanzas.


is a short satire poem usually written as a couplet or quatrain but can also just be a one lined phrase. It is a brief and forceful remark with a funny ending.


of or relating to the countryside or to the lives of people who live in the country. The poem is written in AABB and is an Iambic Tetrameter.


poem or other literary work in the form of a letter or series of letters.

Petrarchan Sonnet

the Petrarchan sonnet is a 14-line poem uses iambic pentameter divided into two stanzas, the first 8 lines (called the octave) followed by the answering sestet (the final six lines). It has rhyme scheme in it usually has the same pattern in the first 8 lines, ABBA ABBA. Starts a new pattern but also follows it in the last 6 lines, CDCDCD or CDECDE. The Petrarchan presents an argument, observation, question, or some other answerable charge in the octave, volta,which is the turn of thought, occurs between eighth and ninth lines.

Dramatic Monolouge

the definition of a dramatic monologue is a poem in the form of a speech or narrative by an imagined person, in which the speaker reveals aspects of their character while describing a particular situation or series of events. A dramatic monologue is usually written in freestyle but could also be written in other forms.

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