UGA Lastrapes ECON 2105E Final

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Keynesian macroeconomists recommend​ ______.

policies that actively offset changes in aggregate demand that bring recession

Monetarist macroeconomists recommend​ ______.

policies that keep taxes low to avoid disincentive effects that decrease potential GDP

By measuring​ ______, we can see that the economy of Singapore has caught up to and surpassed the economy of the United​ States, but that the economy of Mexico has not.

real GDP per person

The main criticisms of RBC theory include all of the following except​ ______.

real business cycle theory relies too heavily the role of money in the economy to make its predictions

​Short-run aggregate supply is the relationship between the quantity of​ _____ supplied and the​ _____ when the money wage​ rate, the prices of other​ resources, and potential GDP remain constant.

real​ GDP; price level

The price of a bond ​ _____ between 2005 and 2009 because the​ _____

remained​ unchanged; nominal interest rate remained unchanged

The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which banks can borrow and lend​ _____ in the​ _____ market.

reserves; federal funds

When the quality of a good improves over time and as a result the price rises, the CPI counts the entire price rise as inflation and so overstates inflation.


accumulated over a decade, a CPI bias of...


come back to 2.3


A marginally attached worker is a person who currently is neither working nor looking for work but has indicated that he or she wants and is available for a job and has looked for work sometime in the recent past


Absolute advantage is when one person​ (or nation) is more productive than another​ - needs fewer inputs or takes less time to perform a good or a production task.


A country has been in existence for only two years. In the first​ year, receipts were​ $1.0 million and outlays were​ $1.5 million. In the second​ year, receipts were​ $1.5 million and outlays were​ $2.0 million. At the end of the second​ year, the government had issued debt worth​ ______.

1 million

In March 2017​, the money price of a carton of milk was ​$1.76 and the money price of a gallon of gasoline was ​$2.39. Calculate the relative price of a gallon of gasoline in terms of milk.The relative price of a gallon of gasoline in terms of milk is​ _______.

1.36 cartons of milk

The real interest rate is the nominal interest rate adjusted to remove the effects of inflation on the buying power of money.


The​ Ricardo-Barro effect eliminates crowding out.


The main events that can put a bank under stress include all of the following except​ ______.

a rise in the federal funds rate

The price of Treasury bills falls and the interest rate rises


In​ 2018, the federal budget has projected​ _______.

$440 billion budget deficit

The quantity of real GDP demanded is the sum of the real consumption​ expenditure, investment, government​ expenditure, and exports minus imports.


Real GDP

(current-past)/past x100

nominal interest rate

(interest/amount of loan)x100

7 Desired reserves increase because deposits have increased. 6 Some of the new money is a currency drain. 2 Banks lend unplanned reserves. 5 Some of the new money remains on deposit. 1 Banks have unplanned reserves. 3 The quantity of money increases. 8 Unplanned reserves decrease. 4 New money is used to make payments.


A bank's reserves are notes and coins in the bank's vault or in a deposit account at the Federal Reserve.


A return to full employment in a business cycle expansion is shown as a movement from inside the PPF to a point on the PPF.


At the new equilibrium quantity of​ labor, the​ before-tax wage rate rises and the​ after-tax wage rate falls .


Deposits are​ money, checks are not​ money, and credit cards are not money.


Each additional hour of labor increases real GDP by successively smaller amounts.


Each peak unemployment rate in the recessions of​ 1982, 1990-1991, and 2001 was lower than the previous one.


Funds from household​ saving, the government budget​ surplus, and the rest of the world flow through financial markets and institutions to firms who borrow the funds for investment.


In June 2019, the federal funds rate was 5.38 percent


Modern-day Malthusians point to global warming and climate change as reasons to believe that eventually real GDP per person will decrease.


Opportunity cost is a ratio. It is the decrease in the quantity produced of one good divided by the increase in the quantity produced of another good as we move along the production possibilities frontier.


Over the past 100​ years, the average growth rate of U.S. real GDP per person is 2 percent.


The CPI is just one of many alternative price level index numbers


The ability of a person to perform an activity or produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than anyone else is comparative advantage.


The bias in the CPI distorts private contracts.


The class of 2017 had a better time in the job market than those of the decade that preceded it.


The monetary base decreases. The supply of money decreases and the interest rate rises.


The present value of a future dollar is the amount that will grow to be as large as that future value when the interest that it will earn is considered.


Over the past 100​ years, growth was most rapid during the​ ______ and slowest during the​ ______.

1960s; Great Depression

Daisy loans Alfred​ $10,000 and a year​ later, Alfred pays Daisy​ $10,400. If the inflation rate during that year is 1.5​ percent, what is the real interest rate that Alfred is paying to​ Daisy? The real interest rate that Alfred is paying to Daisy is​ _______.

2.5 percent a year

The money price of a pack of frozen burritos is $0.60 and the money price of a pack of granola bars is ​$3.00. The opportunity cost of a pack of granola bars is​ _______.

5.00 packs of frozen burritos​, which is the relative price of a pack of granola bars

Hyperinflation is an inflation rate of​ _____ or higher that grinds the economy to a halt and causes a society to collapse.

50 percent a month

An increase in the price of onions ​_______.

decreases the quantity of onions demanded and results in a movement up along the demand curve for

Choose the statement about flexible exchange rates that is correct.

A flexible exchange rate is influenced by central bank actions.

Explain the event in the news clip in terms of what is happening to the​ short-run and​ long-run Phillips curves.

A low expected inflation rate has shifted the​ short-run Phillips curve downward.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

As the federal funds rate​ rises, the quantity of reserves supplied increases.

The Taylor rule sets the federal funds rate ​(FFR​) using the following​ formula, where INF is the inflation rate and GAP is the output gap.

FFR​ = 2​ + INF​ + ​0.5(INF−​2) ​+ 0.5GAP

The President submits a fiscal 2018 budget proposal to Congress in​ ______. After this​ date, Congress​ debates, amends, and enacts the budget until​ ______.

February​ 2017; October​ 1, 2017

The liabilities of the Fed are​ ______, and these liabilities along with​ ______ make up the monetary base.

Federal Reserve notes held by households and businesses and reserves of depository​ institutions; coins issued by the Treasury

​______—the use of the federal budget to achieve macroeconomic objectives such as full​employment, sustained economic​growth, and price level stability—is made by​______ on an annual timeline.

Fiscal policy​ is; the President and Congress

Present value

Future Value/(1+r)^n

The Fed tries to maximize the output​ gap, especially when that gap is positive.


What makes an exchange rate hard to​ predict?

Influences of expectations and the constant arrival of news about the influences on supply and​ demand, make​ day-to-day and​ week-to-week changes in the exchange rate difficult to predict.

If in the long​ run, the U.S. dollar appreciates against the Japanese​ yen, then​ ______.

Japan has created money at a faster pace than has the United​ States, and the price level in Japan has risen more rapidly than the U.S. price level

The equation of exchange is​ ______ and it is true​ ______.

MV​ = PY​; by definition

Two economists are debating the cause of a high unemployment rate. One economist argues that there is not enough government spending. The other says high unemployment is a structural problemlong dash—people who​ can't move to take new jobs because they are tied down to burdensome mortgages or firms that​ can't find workers with the skills they need to fill job openings. Which business cycle theory would say that the first economist is correct and​ why? ​______ business cycle​ theory, because it says unemployment is caused by too little aggregate​ ______ .

Mainstream; demand

Fiscal 2018 begins on​ ______ and supplementary budget laws for 2015 may be passed until fiscal 2015 ends on​ ______.

October​ 1, 2017; September​ 30, 2018

The core inflation rate is the annual percentage change in the​ _____ price index​ _____ the prices of food and energy.

PCE; excluding

Unemployment rate

Percentage of the people in the labor force who are unemployed

Choose the correct statement about an increase in the population.

Potential GDP per hour of labor decreases.

Choose the correct statement about growth in labor productivity.

Potential GDP per hour of labor increases.

A tax on labor income​ ______. The equilibrium quantity of labor​ ______.

decreases the supply of​ labor; decreases

The Council of Economic Advisers monitors the economy and keeps the​ _____ informed about the current state of the economy and the best available forecasts of where it is heading.

President and the public

Defenders of RBC theory claim all of the following except ​_______.

RBC theory is consistent with a negligible intertemporal substitution effect

Which business cycle theory would say that the second economist is correct and​ why? ​______ business cycle​ theory, because it says unemployment is​ ______ .

Real; structural, caused by technological shocks that decrease aggregate supply

Budget balance


Since​ 1980, the gap between the United States and​ _______.

Russia and between the United States and Nigeria​ narrowed, the gap between the United States and Mexico​ widened, and the gap between the United States and the Europe Big 4 remained relatively constant

U-2 measures the job losers

U-3 is the official unemployment rate

Among the​ G7, the country with the highest real GDP per person in 2016 is​ _______.

United States

Choose the correct statement about the U.S.​ short-run Phillips curve.

We can interpret U.S. inflation and unemployment data in terms of a shifting​ short-run Phillips​ curve, which sometimes shifts upward and sometimes shifts downward.

Choose the statement about a crawling peg that is correct.

When China abandoned its fixed exchange​ rate, it replaced it with a crawling peg.

Explain the relationship between asset prices and the interest rate.

When the price of an asset​ rises, the interest rate​ falls, everything else remaining the same.

A fiscal policy action that might increase investment and speed economic growth is​ ______ , which works by​ ______ the real interest rate paid by borrowers and​ ______ the real interest rate earned by savers and suppliers of loanable funds.

a decrease in the tax on interest​ income; lowering; raising

​Japan's current exchange rate policy is​ ______.

a flexible exchange rate

A rise in the money wage rate with no change in potential GDP creates​ ______.

a leftward shift of the SAS curve and no change in the LAS curve

A mortgage is​ _______.

a legal contract that gives ownership of a home to the lender in the event that the borrower fails to meet the agreed loan payments​ (repayments and​ interest)

A property right is​______.

a social arrangement that governs the ownership, use, and disposal of anything that ppl value

A choice on the margin is a choice that is made by comparing all the relevant​ _____ systematically and​ _____. Marginal cost is the​ _____ that arises from one unit​ _____ in an activity. Marginal benefit is the​ _____ that arises from one unit​ _____ in an activity.

alternatives; incrementally; opportunity​ cost; increase; ​benefit; increase

In the United​ States, the CPI basket consists of items that​ ______ .​ ______ has the greatest weight in the CPI basket.

an average urban household​ buys; Housing

The effect of​ China's choice of exchange rate regime is​ _______.

an increase in U.S. dollar reserves when​ China's target rate is above the equilibrium exchange rate and a decrease in U.S. dollar reserves when​ China's target rate is below the equilibrium exchange rate

Examples of fiscal policy that increase aggregate demand include​ ______.

an increase in government​ expenditure, a decrease in​ taxes, and an increase in transfer payments

The equilibrium quantity​ _______.

and equilibrium price are determined at the intersection of the supply curve and the demand curve

If aggregate demand grows faster than potential​ GDP, ______ gap emerges and if it grows more slowly than potential​ GDP, ______ gap emerges.

an​ inflationary; a recessionary

China fixes its exchange rate​ ______.

as a way of achieving a low inflation rate

The aggregate demand curve slopes downward because​ _______.

as the price level​ falls, expected future profits increase D. of the wealth effect and the substitution effect

The massive changes in the monetary base resulting from QE and QT can be reconciled with the Federal Reserve Act of 2000 because the Fed attempts to​ _______.

attain maximum employment and stable prices

The​ Fed's primary goal is price stability because​ ______ .

attaining this goal helps to attain its other two goals of maximum employment and moderate​ long-term interest rates

A type of​ _____ is a ​mortgage-backed security​, which entitles​ _____ to the income from a package of mortgages.

a​ bond; its holder

Gross domestic product and gross investment are measured​ ______. Net domestic product and net investment are measured​ ______

before the depreciation of​ capital; after the depreciation of capital

The marginal benefit of a good or service is the​ _____.

benefit received from consuming one more unit of it.

Pencil production is efficient if the marginal​ _______ a pencil equals the marginal​ _______.

benefit​ from; cost of a pencil

Rational choice is a choice that uses the available resources to​ _____ of the person making the choice.

best achieve the objective

If the Fed had followed the Taylor​ Rule, the federal funds rate would have been higher​ ______, and lower​ ______.

between 2001 and 2005 and after​ 2011; in 2007

China operates a crawling peg by​ ______.

buying and selling U.S. dollar reserves

If the interest rate is 5​ percent, people will​ ______.

buy​ bonds, bid up their​ price, and the interest rate will fall

Marginal benefit from food crops​ _______.

cannot be calculated from the table because marginal benefit is unrelated to production possibilities

The​ ______ account records​ ______ U.S. investment abroad.

capital and​ financial; foreign investment in the United States minus

The alternative​ index, which might be least biased is the​ _______.

chained CPI because it uses current and previous period quantities


change in technology and stuff

The natural unemployment rate​ _______.

changes as frictions and structural change occur in the economy

Work hours growth is influenced by​ _______.

changes in average hours per worker

In real business cycle​ theory, all of the following events can be sources of fluctuation in productivity except​ _______.

changes in the growth rate of money

The deposits of the following three types of depository institutions make up the​ nation's money:​ ______.

commercial​ banks, thrift​ institutions, and money market mutual funds

Firms make investment decisions by​ _______.

comparing the expected profit with the real interest rate and making the investment if the project has a positive net present value

China makes its choice of exchange rate regimes to​ _______.

control its inflation

To make comparisons of real GDP between two countries we must​ ______.

convert the real GDP of one country into the same currency units as the real GDP of the other​ country, and use the same prices to value the goods and services in the countries being compared

The politician wants a​ ______ in the short run. This policy would have no effect on the exchange rate in the long run because in the long run​ ______.

crawling​ peg; the price level and the nominal exchange rate are determined together

In normal​ times, the Fed hits its federal funds rate target by​ _______ , and by​ ________ at the target rate.

creating a​ "corridor" that limits the movement of the federal funds​ rate; supplying the quantity of reserves demanded

Depository institutions provide four​ benefits, which are​ ______.

creating​ liquidity, lowering the cost of​ borrowing, lowering the cost of monitoring​ borrowers, and pooling risk

The main components of money in the United States today are​ ______.

currency and deposits at banks and other depository institutions

Full employment is when there is no​ _____ unemployment​ or, equivalently, when all the unemployment is​ _____ or​ _____.

cyclical; frictional; structural

​Currently, the United States is a ​_______.

debtor nation and a net borrower

The supply of labor will​ ______ and the demand for labor will​ ______.

decrease because the tax weakens the incentive to​ work; not change because labor productivity​ doesn't change

Taxes on capital income more powerful than those on labor income because they​ ______.

decrease saving and​ investment, which slows the growth rate of real GDP

Potential GDP will​ ______ because​ ______ .

decrease; employment decreases

The equilibrium quantity of donuts ​_______.


Marginal benefit​ ______.

decreases as more of a good is consumed

If the wage rate of dairy workers​ rises, the supply of​ low-fat milk​ _______.

decreases because the cost of producing​ low-fat milk increases

An unexpected increase in aggregate demand​ ______ rate, which is shown by​ ______ the​ short-run Phillips curve.

decreases unemployment and increases the​ inflation; a movement up along

A decrease in U.S. demand for imports​ ______ the supply of U.S. dollars. A rise in the U.S. interest rate differential​ ______ the supply of U.S. dollars.

decreases; decreases

Investment​ ______, and aggregate demand​ ______ with a multiplier effect.

decreases; decreases

A rise in the expected future exchange rate​ ______ the supply of U.S. dollars. An increase in the world demand for U.S. exports​ ______ the supply of U.S. dollars.

decreases; does not change

The supply of loanable funds​ ______ and the​ long-term interest rate​ ______.

decreases; rises

A rise in the wage rate​ _______.

decreases​ short-run aggregate supply and does not change​ long-run aggregate supply

This decrease in expected profit​ _______ the demand for loanable funds and brings​ _______ the demand for loanable funds curve.

decreases​; a leftward shift of

In new classical cycle theory​, the rational expectation of the price​ level, which is determined by potential GDP and expected aggregate​ _____, determines the​ _____ and the position of the SAS curve.

demand; money wage rate

The ratio of reserves to deposits that a bank plans to hold is its​ ______. If a bank has​ $10 million in actual reserves and​ $8 million in desired​ reserves, then it has​ ______.

desired reserve​ ratio; unplanned reserves

Two interest rates create a​ "corridor" that limits the movement of the federal funds rate. The​ _______ acts as a cap on the federal funds rate and the​ _______ acts as a floor.

discount​ rate; interest rate on reserves

In new growth theory​ ______.

discoveries result from choices

he Bank of​ America's total assets​ ______ and its total liabilities​ ______.

do not​ change; do not change

If the price of​ low-fat milk​ rises, the supply of​ low-fat milk​ _______.

does not change because the relationship between price and quantity supplied does not change

Real GDP​ ______.

does not include a measure of leisure time or environmental quality

If the price level and the money wage rate rise by the same​ percentage, the quantity of real GDP supplied​ ______ and there is a movement up along the​ ______ aggregate supply curve.

does not​ change; long-run

The United States​ ______ have a stable​ short-run Phillips curve because​ ______.

does​ not; it shifts when the expected inflation rate and natural unemployment rate change

Because the tax​ ______ , the equilibrium level of employment will​ ______ , the​ before-tax wage rate will​ ______, and the​ after-tax wage rate will​ ______.

drives a wedge between the​ take-home wage and the cost of​ labor; decrease;​ rise; fall

A person is in the labor force if that person is

either employed or unemployed

Interest rate parity means​ ______.

equal rates of return

When an economy is below full employment and the government has a budget​ deficit, that deficit​ ______.

exceeds the structural deficit

The core inflation rate is the percentage change in the core PCE​ deflator, which is the PCE deflator​ _______. The PCE deflator is an index based on​ ______ the CPI.

excluding food and​ fuel; a different basket than the CPI

Prior to the Great​ Depression, the purpose of the federal budget was to​ ______.

finance federal government programs and activities

GDP equals aggregate income and also equals aggregate expenditure because​ _______.

firms pay out as incomes​ (aggregate income) everything they receive from the sale of their output​ (aggregate expenditure)

The​ employment-to-population ratio​ _______.

followed an upward trend before 2000 and then followed a downward trend

The official settlements account records the change in U.S. official​ reserves, which are the​ government's holdings of​ ______. If U.S. official reserves decrease​, the official settlements account balance is​ ______.

foreign​ currency; positive

The benefit of something is the​ _____. Benefit is determined by preferences​ - by what a person​ _____ and the intensity of those feelings.

gain or pleasure it​ brings; likes and dislikes

The​ _______, the greater is the amount that a household decides to save.

greater a​ household's disposable income and the smaller a​ household's expected future income

Potential GDP per person​ ______.

grows at a steady pace but not at a constant pace

A depository institution takes deposits from​ ______ and earns most of its income by​ _______.

households and​ firms; making loans and buying securities that earn a higher interest rate than that paid to depositors

The quantity of investment and borrowing that firms plan to undertake depends on​ ______.

how productive capital is and what it costs

The pace of labor productivity growth is influenced in part by​ _______.

human capital growth

A person is not in the labor force if they are​ ______.

in the​ working-age population but neither employed nor unemployed

If the inflation rate is below or expected to move below the bottom of the comfort​ zone, the Fed considers raising the interest rate.


The​ Fed's open market operations determine the demand for reserves.


Suppose the Fed buys​ $50 million of government securities from the Bank of America. The​ Fed's total assets​ ______ and its total liabilities​ ______.

increase by​ $50 million; increase by​ $50 million

It is unlikely that the United States is on the​ "wrong" side of this curve​ because, if it​ were, a decrease in the tax rate would​ ______ .

increase tax revenue

In July​ 2017, U.S. government debt​ _______.

increased by​ $43 billion

Congress would have to​ _______.

increased taxes​ and/or decrease expenditure

An increase in expected future profits​ _______.

increases aggregate demand today

An increase in expected future income​ _______. An increase in the expected future inflation rate​ _______.

increases aggregate demand​ today; increases aggregate demand today

If the price of cream​ rises, the supply of​ low-fat milk​ _______.

increases because cream and​ low-fat milk are complements in production

A government budget deficit​ _______ loanable funds.

increases the demand for

A government budget surplus​ _______ loanable funds.

increases the supply of

An increase in the population​ ______ the equilibrium quantity of​ labor, ______ and potential GDP.

increases; increases

A rise in labor productivity​ _______.

increases​ long-run aggregate supply and​ short-run aggregate supply

What items would you need in addition to the items given in the table to complete your calculation of GDP using the income​ approach?

indirect taxes less subsidies

Between 1980 and​ 2016, the gap between real GDP per person in the United States and real GDP per person in Japan​ ______.

initially narrowed and then widened as​ Japan's economy stagnated

In monetarist cycle theory​, fluctuations in both​ _____, driven by fluctuations in the growth rate of the quantity of​ money, are the main source of fluctuation in aggregate demand.

investment and consumption expenditure

Because FOMC members are predicting rising inflation and falling​ unemployment, they are predicting that the U.S. economy​ ______.

is on a​ short-run Phillips curve to the right of the LRPC and will move leftward up along the SRPC

A fixed exchange rate is one that​ _______. A fixed exchange rate is achieved​ _______.

is set by the government or the central​ bank; by central bank intervention in the foreign exchange market

An economic model​ ______. An example of a model is​ ______.

is simpler than the reality it describes​; a roadmap.

The cyclical surplus or deficit​ ______.

is the actual surplus or deficit minus the structural surplus or deficit

The structural surplus or deficit​ ______.

is the budget balance that would occur if the economy were at full employment

The core inflation rate​ _______.

is the rate of increase in the core PCE​ deflator, which is the PCE deflator excluding food and fuel

The natural unemployment rate​ _______.

is the unemployment rate at full employment

The Fed might have decided to cut the federal funds rate in 2017 if​ ______. The Fed might have decided to raise the federal funds rate in 2017 if​ ______.

it deemed unemployment to be a greater problem than​ inflation; it deemed inflation to be a greater problem than unemployment

The substitution effect influences food purchases because when the price of a certain food​ rises, other things remaining the​ same, ______. Consumers​ ______.

its relative price​ rises; purchase more of a different food that is less expensive

The unemployment rate is the percentage of the people in the​ _____ who are unemployed.

labor force

The currency drain ratio for M1 is​ ______ than for​ M2, and the​ banks' reserve ratio for M1 is​ ______ than for M2.

larger; larger

How do the earnings of economics majors compare with other​ majors? Economics majors earn​ _______.

less than chemical engineering majors and applied mathematics majors but more than most other majors

Demand and supply in the market for​ _______ determine the​ long-term real interest rate. In the short​ run, a change in the​ _______ changes the equilibrium real interest rate.

loanable​ funds; federal funds rate

In the long​ run, supply and demand in the​ ______ market determines the real interest rate. The​ ______ adjusts to make the quantity of real money supplied equal to the quantity demanded.

loanable​ funds; price level

The quantity theory of money is that in the​ _______, an increase in the quantity of money brings an equal percentage increase in the​ _______.

long​ run; increase in the price level

The functions of depository institutions include​ _______.

lowering the cost of monitoring borrows

An increase in the population​ _______ the real wage rate.


An unexpected burst of inflation​ _______.

makes workers worse off and makes employers better off

Which of the following is not a role played by the Budget Committees of the House of Representatives and the Senate in creating fiscal​ policy?

making the initial budget proposal in February

The marginal benefit curve is a curve that shows the relationship between the​ _____.

marginal benefit from a good and the quantity consumed of that good

Choose the correct statement.

market prices and factor cost diverge because of indirect taxes and subsidies

The ​Fed's dual mandate is to ​ _____ .

maximize employment and keep the inflation rate low and​ long-term interest rates moderate

The objectives of monetary policy are​ _______.

maximum​ employment, stable​ prices, and moderate​ long-term interest rates

Think about the following news items. Which items involve a microeconomic issue and which involve a macroeconomic​ issue? A. More police comma managed more effectively comma really can reduce crimeMore police, managed more effectively, really can reduce crime B. U.S. inflation expectations at highest level since 2015U.S. inflation expectations at highest level since 2015 C. Would California's proposed tobacco tax hike reduce smoking question markWould California's proposed tobacco tax hike reduce smoking? D. U.S. economy adds 227 comma 000 jobs in JanuaryU.S. economy adds 227,000 jobs in January Statement A involves a​ ______ issue. Statement B involves a​ ______ issue. Statement C involves a​ ______ issue. Statement D involves a​ ______ issue.

micro; macro ;micro ; macro

Long-run aggregate supply is the relationship between the quantity of real GDP supplied and the price level when the ​ _____ changes in step with the price level to maintain full employment.

money wage rate

The money multiplier is the ratio of the change in the quantity of​ ______ to the change in the quantity of​ ______.

money; monetary base

When the economy goes into​ recession, the output gap is​ _______.


A country that is borrowing more from the rest of the world than it is lending to the rest of the world is a​ ______, and a country that during its entire history has borrowed more from the rest of the world than it has lent to it is a​ ______.

net​ borrower; debtor nation

In​ ______ cycle​ theory, the rational expectation of the price​ level, which is determined by potential GDP and expected aggregate​ demand, determines the money wage rate and the position of the SAS curve. In​ ______ cycle​ theory, past rational expectations of the current price level influence the money wage rate and the position of the SAS curve.

new​ classical; new Keynesian

​Also, taxes on capital income more powerful than those on labor income because they are levied on the​ ______, which makes them​ ______.

nominal interest​ rate; high as a percentage of the real interest rate

real interest rate

nominal minus inflation

inflation rate

nominal minus real

The labor force is the number of people employed plus the​ _____.

number unemployed

Marginal benefit from a good or service is the benefit received from consuming​ ______. It is measured by the most that people are willing to pay for​ ______.

one more unit of​ it; an additional unit of it

A rational choice is​ _______.

one that compares costs and benefits and achieves the greatest benefit over cost for the person making the choice

An economic model is a description of some features of the economic world that includes​ _____ features assumed necessary to explain the​ _____facts.

only​ those; observed

The marginal cost of a good or service is the​ _____.

opportunity cost of producing one more unit of it

The private sector balance and the government sector balance tend to move in​ ______. Net exports respond​ ______.

opposite​ directions; to the sum of the government sector and private sector balances

Examples of physical capital are​ ______. Examples of financial capital are​ ______.

ovens used by Pizza Hut and lawn mowers used by​ Larry's Mowing; bonds issued by​ Wal-Mart and stocks issued by Boeing

The chained CPI​ ______.

overcomes the sources of bias in the CPI by incorporating substitutions and using current and previous period quantities

China was the​ world's largest economy until 1890 because​ ______.

people in all countries had approximately the same subsistence level of income and China had the largest population

Unemployment arises when​ ______.

people leave their jobs and spend time searching for another job that better suits their abilities

Classical macroeconomists recommend​ ______.

policies that minimize the disincentive effects of taxes on​ employment, investment, and technological change

Indicate whether each of the following news items is a positive or a normative statement. 1. More police on inner dash city streets will lower the crime rate. 2. Cable subscribers are decreasing. 3. The PlayStation has a larger range of games than the XBox. 4. Work hours are too long. Statement 1 is a​ ______ statement, and statement 2 is a​ ______ statement. Statement 3 is a​ ______ statement, and statement 4 is a​ ______ statement.

positive; positive. positive; normative.

In the​ long-run macroeconomic​ equilibrium, ______.

potential GDP and aggregate demand determine the price​ level, and the money wage rate adjusts so that the SAS curve intersects the LAS curve at the​ long-run equilibrium price level

cyclical defecit

potential GDP exceeds actual real GDP

Economic growth is the persistent increase in​ ______. Economic growth is accompanied by inflation when the​ ______.

potential​ GDP; AD curve shifts rightward at a faster rate than the LAS curve shifts rightward

The mainstream business cycle theory is that​ ______ grows at a steady rate while​ ______ grows at a fluctuating rate.

potential​ GDP; aggregate demand

The output gap is real GDP minus​ _____ expressed as a percentage of​ _____.

potential​ GDP; potential GDP


ppl entering and leaving to find better jobs, etc.

Net present value is the​ _______.

present value of all the future flows of money that arise from a financial decision minus the initial cost of the decision

Consumption taxes are relevant for measuring the tax wedge because they increase the​ ______.

prices paid for consumption goods and​ services, which is equivalent to a cut in the real wage rate

The inflation rate is the percentage change in the​ _____ from one year to the next. Deflation is a situation in which the​ _____ is​ _____ and the inflation rate is​ _____

price​ level; price​ level; falling; negative

The newest theory of the business​ cycle, known as real business cycle theory ​(or RBC​ theory), regards random fluctuations in​ _____ as the main source of economic fluctuations.


Which of the following are included in the income approach to calculating​ GDP?

proprietors' income​; net interest​; depreciation

If a shortage of U.S. dollars occurs in the foreign exchange​ market, the​ _______ and the exchange rate​ _______.

quantity of U.S. dollars demanded decreases and the quantity of U.S. dollars supplied​ increases; rises

If a surplus of U.S. dollars occurs in the foreign exchange​ market, the​ _______ and the exchange rate​ _______.

quantity of U.S. dollars demanded increases and the quantity of U.S. dollars supplied​ decreases; falls

When the real interest rate rises​, the​ ______ because the​ ______ is the opportunity cost of loanable funds.

quantity of loanable funds demanded decreases​; real interest rate

The defining feature of the Keynesian view of macroeconomics is that the economy is​ ______.

rarely at full employment

On average in the United​ States, the inflation rate and the money growth rate minus the real GDP growth rate​ ______.

rise and fall together

According to classical growth​ theory, when real GDP per person​ ______, the population grows.

rises above the subsistence level

The demand for loanable funds increases and the supply of loanable funds increases. As a​ result, the equilibrium real interest rate​ ______ and the equilibrium quantity of loanable funds​ ______.

rises, falls, or remains the​ same; increases

When the CPI​ _______.

rises​ slowly, the inflation rate is low

The Fed was puzzled because low unemployment usually brings​ ______ .

rising inflation

The Fed conducts an open market​ ______ to hit the new​ ______ federal funds rate target.

sale; higher

The supply of loanable funds is determined by the​ _________. The supply of loanable funds changes when​ _______.

saving decisions of​ households, which are influenced by the real interest​ rate, disposable​ income, expected future​ income, wealth, and default​ risk; disposable​ income, expected future​ income, wealth, or default risk change

The defining feature of the classical view of macroeconomics is that the economy is​ ______.

self-regulating and always at full employment

An increase in the population​ ______.

shifts the supply of labor curve rightward and creates a movement along the production function

If the expected inflation rate increases by 10 percentage​ points, how do the​ short-run Phillips curve and the​ long-run Phillips curve​ change? The​ short-run Phillips curve​ ______ , and the​ long-run Phillips curve​ ______ .

shifts upward by 10​ percent; doesn't change

If the natural unemployment rate​ increases, what happens to the​ short-run Phillips curve and the​ long-run Phillips​ curve?The​ long-run Phillips curve​ _______ and the​ short-run Phillips curve​ ______.The expected inflation rate

shifts​ rightward; shifts rightward; does not change

When the money wage rate rises​_______. When the price level in India increases​ _______.

short-run aggregate supply​ decreases; the quantity of real GDP supplied increases

The​ labor-force participation rate​ _______.

shows a steep downward decrease in 2008 and 2009

The U.S. M1 multiplier is​ _______ the U.S. M2 multiplier.

smaller than

State the financial decision​ rule: If the net present value is positive​ _______ and if the net present value is negative​ _______.

take the​ action; do not take the action

The growth rate of real GDP per person​ _______.

tells us about changes in the standard of living and the growth rate of real GDP tells us how rapidly the total economy is expanding

The Federal Reserve Act makes​ _______ responsible for the conduct of monetary policy.

the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Committee

The factors that might make the natural unemployment rate change include​ _______.

the age distribution of the​ population, the scale of structural​ change, the real wage​ rate, and unemployment benefits

In​ 1890, the United States surpassed China to become the​ world's largest economy because​ ______.

the benefits of the Industrial Revolution were greater in the United States than in China

The Fed defines the rate of increase in​ _____ as the core inflation rate.

the core PCE deflator

The data that describe​ _____ are summarized in the​ Fed's Beige Book.

the current state of the economy

In the short​ run, the nominal exchange rate is determined by​ ______. And in the short run​ ______.

the demand for U.S. dollars and the supply of U.S. dollars in the foreign exchange​ market; a change in the nominal exchange rate brings an equivalent change in the real exchange rate

The​ Fed's monetary policy instrument is​ _______. A monetary policy instrument is​ _______.

the federal funds​ rate; a variable that the Fed can directly control or closely target

When there is a surplus of dollars in the foreign exchange​ market, ______.

the forces of supply and demand pull the foreign exchange market into equilibrium

The impulse in RBC theory is​ _______.

the growth rate of productivity that results from technological change

The main influences on the FOMC federal funds rate decision are​ _______.

the inflation​ rate, the unemployment​ rate, and the output gap

One of the​ Fed's main policy tools is​ ______.

the last resort​ loan, which means that if a bank is short of​ reserves, it can borrow from the Fed

When GDP per person in China in 2016 is valued at​ ______, GDP per person in the United States is​ _______ times that in China.

the market exchange​ rate; 6.3

The​ Fed's two possible monetary policy instruments are​ _______, and the Fed uses​ ______ .

the monetary base and the federal funds​ rate; the federal funds rate

According to mainstream business cycle​ theory, _______.

the money wage rate is sticky and consequently if aggregate demand grows faster than potential​ GDP, an inflationary gap emerges

As we move up along the​ short-run aggregate supply​ curve, ______.

the money wage​ rate, the prices of other​ resources, and potential GDP remain constant

When cyclical unemployment increases and other things remain the​ same, ______.

the natural unemployment rate does not change

The CPI tells us​ ______.

the price level in a given period expressed as a percentage of the price level in the base​ period, which is by definition equal to 100

a shortage in the market of oil implies that

the price of oil is being prevent from influencing buying and selling plans

The demand for onions does not change when a change in​ _______ occurs.

the price of onions

The income effect influences food purchases because when the price of a certain food​ rises, other things remaining the​ same, ______. Consumers​ ______.

the price rises relative to​ income; cannot afford to buy all the things they previously​ bought, so they normally buy less of the food that has experienced the price rise

A surplus occurs at a given price when​ ______. The price​ _____ to reach equilibrium.

the quantity supplied is greater than the quantity demanded​;

When unwanted inventories pile​ up, ​_____. Prices ​_____.

the quantity of real GDP supplied is greater than the quantity of real GDP​ demanded; fall

The real interest rate is the opportunity cost of loanable funds because​ ______

the real interest paid on borrowed funds is the opportunity cost of borrowing and the real interest rate forgone is the opportunity cost of not saving or not lending those funds

The demand for loanable funds is determined by​ ______. The demand for loanable funds changes when​ ______ changes.

the real interest rate and expected​ profit; expected profit

When a shortage or a surplus arises in the loanable funds market​ _______.

the real interest rate is pulled to the new equilibrium level

As we move up along the​ long-run aggregate supply​ curve, ______.

the real wage rate remains constant

The relative price of a pack of granola bars is an opportunity cost because​ ______.

the relative price tells us how many packs of frozen burritos we must give up to get a pack of granola bars

Gross investment is​ ______. Net investment is​ ______.

the total amount spent on new​ capital; the change in the value of capital

Along the​ long-run Phillips​ curve, _______.

the unemployment rate is constant at the natural unemployment rate

If most prices have decreased in the United States and not decreased in Japan and other​ countries, ______.

then for purchasing power parity to​ hold, the value of the U.S. dollar in the foreign exchange market will

An economy is at full employment when​ ______.

there is no cyclical unemployment

Potential GDP is determined by​ ______.

the​ full-employment quantity of labor

If the natural unemployment rate increases and the expected inflation rate remains​ constant, then​ ______.

the​ long-run Phillips curve shifts rightward and the​ short-run Phillips curve shifts rightward

If the expected inflation rate increases and the natural rate of unemployment remains​ constant, then​ _______.

the​ short-run Phillips curve shifts upward and the​ long-run Phillips curve does not shift

The​ demand-side effects of a tax cut are likely to be larger than an equivalent increase in government expenditure.

this is incorrect

Choose the correct statement.

to isolate the increase in production from the rise in prices, we distinguish between real GDP and nominal GDP

Alternative price indexes can avoid the bias by​ _______.

using current and previous period quantities

Allocative efficiency is a situation in which the quantities of goods and services produced are those that people​ _____ - it is not possible to produce more of a good or service​ _____ some of another good that people​ _____.

value most​ highly; without giving​ up; value more highly

The net present value is the​ _______ flows of money from a financial decision minus​ _____ .

value today of all​ future; the initial cost of the decision

What does the Phillips curve model say about the relationship between the unemployment rate and the inflation​ rate? The Phillips curve model says the​ short-run relationship is negative​ (inverse) and shifts​ ______ .

when the expected inflation rate changes and when the natural unemployment rate changes

The range of​ economists' pay is​ _______ and the median level of pay is​ ______

​$41,226 to​ $124,177; ​$72,279

CPI​ = ______.

​(Cost of CPI basket at​ current-period prices÷Cost of CPI basket at​ base-period ​prices)×100

A monetary policy instrument is a variable that the​ _____ can directly control or closely target and that influences​ _____ in desirable ways.

​Fed; the economy

In​ ______ cycle​ theory, fluctuations in investment driven by fluctuations in business confidence are the main source of fluctuations in aggregate demand. In​ ______ cycle​ theory, fluctuations in both investment and consumption​ expenditure, driven by fluctuations in the growth rate of the quantity of​ money, are the main source of fluctuations in aggregate demand.

​Keynesian; monetarist

The relationship between the tax rate and the amount of tax revenue collected is called the​ ______ curve. This curve shows that​ ______.

​Laffer; tax cuts can increase tax revenue

The​ ______ appoints the members and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Fed. The​ ______ is responsible for the conduct of monetary policy.

​President; Fed

The inflation rate is calculated as ​ _________.

​[(CPI this year−CPI last ​year)÷CPI last ​year]×100

If the U.S. exchange rate changes from​ $1.20 Canadian to​ $1.25 Canadian, then the U.S. dollar has​ _______ and the Canadian dollar has​ _______.

​appreciated; depreciated

A marginally attached worker is a person who does not have a​ job, is​ _____ and​ _____ to​ work, has​ _____ specific efforts to find a job within the previous​ _____ weeks, but has looked for work sometime in the recent past.

​available; willing; not​ made; four

The goals of monetary policy are in​ ______ in the short run and in​ ______ in the long run.

​conflict; harmony

The​ ______ account records receipts from exports of goods and services sold​ abroad, payments for imports of goods and services from​ abroad, and​ ______.

​current; net interest income paid abroad and net transfers

This decrease in expected profit​ _______ the demand for loanable funds and brings​ _______ the demand for loanable funds curve.

​decreases; a leftward shift of

Suppose that purchasing power parity does not hold. If all​ (or most) prices have increased in the United States and not increased in​ Japan, then people will generally expect that the foreign exchange value of the dollar will​ ______. The demand for dollars​ ______.

​fall; decreases and the supply of dollars increases

When a surplus​ arises, the price​ ______ to its​ equilibrium, which​ _______.

​falls; increases the quantity demanded and decreases the quantity supplied

Between 1997 and​ 2005, China operated a​ _______ exchange rate. Since​ 2005, China has operated a​ _________ exchange rate.

​fixed; crawling peg

The law of demand for foreign exchange states that other things remaining the​ same, the​ ______ the exchange​ rate, the smaller is the​ ______ in the foreign exchange market.

​higher; quantity of U.S. dollars demanded

If the interest rate on Treasury bills is lower than the federal funds​ rate, the quantity of overnight loans supplied​ ______ and the demand for Treasury bills​ ______.

​increases; decreases

An increase in real GDP​ ______ the demand for money and financial innovation​ ______.

​increases; generally decreases

If the price level rises and the money wage rate remains​ constant, the quantity of real GDP supplied​ ______ and there is a movement up along the​ ______ aggregate supply curve.

​increases; short-run

In Keynesian cycle theory​, fluctuations in​ _____ driven by fluctuations in business confidence​ - summarized by the phrase​ "animal spirits"​ - are the main source of fluctuations in​ _____.

​investment; aggregate demand

There​ _____ crowding out in this situation because​ _____

​is; the deficit increases the real interest​ rate, which decreases the quantity of loanable funds demanded

Net worth is the total market value of what a financial institution has​ _____ minus the market value of what it has​ _____.

​lent; borrowed

When potential GDP​ increases, ______.

​long-run aggregate supply and​ short-run aggregate supply increase. The LAS and the SAS curve shift rightward

The Federal Reserve Act of 2000 says that the Fed​ "shall maintain​ ______ growth of the monetary and credit aggregates commensurate with the​ economy's ______ potential to increase​ production."

​long-run; long-run

A government budget surplus​ _______ the real interest​ rate, decreases​ ______.

​lowers; private​ saving, and increases investment

A decrease in the demand for donuts together with a decrease in the supply of donuts ​______ create a surplus or a shortage of donuts at the original price. The equilibrium price of donuts ​______.

​might; might​ fall, rise, or not change

The new Keynesian cycle theory emphasizes the fact that​ today's money wage rates were negotiated at many past​ dates, which means that​ _____ rational expectations of the​ _____ price level influence the money wage rate and the position of the SAS curve.

​past; current

The​ crowding-out effect is the tendency for a government budget deficit to​ ______ the real interest rate and decrease​ ______.

​raise; investment

A government budget deficit​ _______ the real interest​ rate, increases​ ______.

​raises; private​ saving, and decreases investment

A government budget deficit​ ______ the real interest rate because​ ______.

​raises; the demand for loanable funds increases

The demand for loanable funds increases and the supply of loanable funds increases. As a​ result, the equilibrium real interest rate​ ______ and the equilibrium quantity of loanable funds​ ______.

​rises, falls, or remains the​ same; increases

The demand for loanable funds increases and the supply of loanable funds decreases. As a​ result, the equilibrium real interest rate​ ______ and the equilibrium quantity of loanable funds​ ______.

​rises; increases,​ decreases, or remains the same

Think of examples of goods whose relative price has risen or fallen by a large amount. In​ 2007, the price of a gallon of gas was​ $2.59. In​ 2017, the price of a gallon of gas was​ $2.32 In​ 2007, the price of a dozen eggs was​ $1.63. In​ 2017, the price of a dozen eggs was​ $1.40. Between 2007 and​ 2017, the relative price of a gallon of gas with respect to a dozen eggs​ _______ and the relative price of a dozen eggs with respect to a gallon of gas​ _______.

​rose; fell

The defining feature of the monetarist view of macroeconomics is that the economy​ is______.

​self-regulating and that it will normally operate at full​ employment, provided that monetary policy is not erratic and that the pace of money growth is kept steady

When fuel prices rise ​_______. When the price level in India increases​ _______.

​short-run aggregate supply​ decreases; the quantity of real GDP supplied increases

When the money wage rate rises ​_______. When the price level in India increases​ _______.

​short-run aggregate supply​ decreases; the quantity of real GDP supplied increases

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