Ultimate HISTII - Exam II Stack

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The Neutrality Act of 1935 and its 1936 and 1937 amendments made buys do what?


In the spring of 1940, the Germans launched a massive invasion known as the blitzkrieg, meaning

"lightning war."

The Nye Committee report stated that

"merchants of death" were leading the nation into World War II; war profiteers had maneuvered the nation into World War I for financial gain.

Throughout World War II, in organized American labor

"wildcat" strikes were quite common

During the 1920s, when $1,800 was considered the minimum annual income for a decent standard of living, the average annual income of a worker was approximately


The Allied invasion of France in June 1944 Page: 746

- gathering in England for two years - 3 million troops - Arave naval vessels - Dwight D Eisenhower supreme commander of Allied forces - there was part of English Channel - Germans expected on cotton 10 Peninsula coast of Normandy - offshore bombarded Nazis - 4000 vessels landed troops and supplies on beaches - paratroopers behind German lines - sees critical roads and bridges

The Battle of Iwo Jima. Page: 749

-750 miles from Tokyo - costliest single battle of Marine corps - 20,000 casualties US casualties

After 1943, the United States advanced on Japan primarily with the aid of forces from Page: 730

-Australia and New Zealand

In World War II, the main American strategy to fight Japan Page: 730

-General Douglas Mc Arthur (North from Australia through New Guinea back to the Philippines) -Admeral Chester Nimitz (West from Hawaii towards Japanese island outposts in Central Pacific) -eventually coming together to invade Japan itself

In April 1945, American and British forces halted their advance on Germany at the Elbe River Page: 748

-German resistance broken both fronts - US moving eastward - Holt advance on Elbe River to await Russians - Soviets occupy eastern Germany and Czechoslovakia

The Battle of the Bulge Page: 747

-Rhine River firmwide of German defenses cold-weather rain and floods - 50 miles in Ardenness forest - bowl Jan American lines as Germans press forward - 55 miles towards Antwerp - stopped at Bassongne - German resistance and west

In 1943, at the Casablanca Conference Page: 732

-due to Soviet success in backing off German offensive -Roosevelt and Churchill agree to Allied invasion of Sicily -Gen. Marshall opposed saying it would delay invasion of France -Churchhill wanted to knock Italy out of war and tie up german division

The Battle of the Coral Sea in 1942 Page: 730

-first important Allied victory -Australia -May 7 and 8 1942 -turnback Japanese fleet

In 1942, the North African campaign against the Nazis saw Page: 730

-nazis under Gen. Erwin Rommel in North America threatening Suez canal at el almein forced Germans to retreat from Egypt -US forces on Oran, Algeirs, and cassablanca morocco (All controlled by Nazi French government) - began east towards rommel -All german forces in Africa defeat US in Kasserine Pass, Tunisia -Gen. George S Patton recruit allies in air and naval attack under Gen. Bernard Montgomery driving last Germans from Africa

The internment of Japanese Americans in the United States during World War II Page: 745

-sec. of Navy Frank Knox and gen. John LD Waite senior military commander West Coast 'no-confidence in Japanese loyalty Japanese-American loyalty.' a jap is a Jap no matter what citizenship' - J Edgar Hoover director of FBI objected -Roosevelt under pressure authorized army to intern Japanese-Americans -war relocation Authority -hundred thousand people relocation centers to become Americanized -not forced labor -no popular opposition -some left for college or army -Supreme Court Korematsu v US: relocation constitutionally permissible -banned internment of loyal citizens -loyal interpreted by government

During World War II, the National Defense Research Committee Page: 736

-technological and scientific innovation -government funds into research and development -MIT's scientist Bush (developed computer) - $100 million research

The Battle of Midway in 1942 Page: 730

-turning point -northwest Hawaii -June 3-6 1942 - American outpost at Midway Island -great loss -destroyed 4 Japanese air craft carriers -regained control of Central Pacific

In February 1944, the Marshall Islands Page: 748

-uS naval forces under Adm. Chester Nimitz one series of victories cracked outer perimeter of Japanese Empire destroyed Japanese strongholds -uS submarines decimating Japanese shipping crippling domestic economy gasoline and food shortage

A significant issue in the 1944 election was Page: 746


During World War II, in the United States, social indicators experienced a rise in their rate of occurrence Page: 740-741


During World War II, the United States military Page: 739


During World War II, the United States military services Page: 743


In 1942-1943, the British and American war effort against the Nazis concentrated on Page: 730


In February 1945, an Allied bombing attack on Dresden, Germany Page: 746


In the 1944 elections, Page: 746


Between 1939 and 1945, the federal budget of the United States Page: 735

... $9 billion highest level in peace time, raising $100 billion

Throughout World War II, in organized American labor, "wildcat strikes" Page: 735

... 15,000 work stoppages -strikes unauthorized by union leadership

Over the course of World War II, inflation in the United States Page: 735

... 25% price rise -anti-inflation act (administration authority to freeze agricultural prices wages salaries and rents) -enforcement through office of Price administration (Leon Henderson and chester bowles )

During World War II, American Indians Page: 739

... 25,000 -combat -code talkers military communications -Little more work reached tribes -integrated into white society -few returned to old life -wartime emphasis on national unity lead to Indian reorganization act -eliminated reservation -assimilate tribes

Casualties in World War II Page: 754

... 322,000 dead 800,000 injured

During World War II, Allied advances in intelligence-gathering Page: 738

... Britain's top-secret ultra-project -stole German and Japanese intelligence devices -cryptologists -advances in computer tech decipher coded messages -Enigma machine -constantly change coding -Polish intelligence electro mechanical computer deciphered enigma British took in fall of Poland docoding german messages -First real programmable digital computer Colossus 2 - American magic operation mechanical device "purple"

During World War II, German technological edge over the Allies Page: 737

... Central metric radar -sonar -detecting disable mines -acoustic mines -acoustical countermeasures -antiaircraft technology -rocket technology -rocket propeller bombs -4 engine bombers

The 1944 Battle of Leyte Gulf Page: 749

... Gen. MacArthur - Philippines US closer to Japan - Japan used entire fleet - three major encounters - largest naval engagement - US held off Japanese - saying for Japanese carriers destroying Japanese Navy

In August 1945, the primary reason the United States dropped a second atomic bomb on Japan Page: 750

... Japanese government unable to agree upon a response

During World War II, the labor force of the United States Page: 735

... Labor shortage civilian workforce increased 20% 7 million previously unemployed

In 1942, the United States and Mexico, the braceros program Page: 739

... Mexican workers labor shortages -Pacific Coast and Southwest -contract laborers -admitted for limited time to specific jobs factory jobs -second-largest group of migrants

During World War II, Allied bombers targeted Page: 733

... Railroad lines to death camps

During World War II, organized labor victories Page: 735

... Union membership increased -restrictions ability of unions to fight -prevent inflation -production without disruption -15% limit on wartime wage increases -No strike pledge - maintenance of membership (automatically enrolled in unions) -gave up right to demand economic gain

During World War II, the Fair Employment Practices Commission Page: 738

... a Philip Randolph (Pres. of black brotherhood 'sleeping car porters') insist government require defense contracts to integrate workforces - planned March on Washington -Roosevelt avoided with compromise of fair employment practices commission investigate discrimination in war industries -Limited power and effectiveness -symbolic victory in rural south

In August 1944, Paris Page: 746

... battle of St. Lowe Gen. Omar Bradley's first Army fought through German lines Georgie S Patton's third Army heavy tank attacks to heart of France - free French forces liberated Paris - driven Germans out of France and Belgium

During World War II, Congress abolished the Page: 746

... civilian conservation corps and works progress administration

During World War II, the War Production Board Page: 736

... created by Pres. 1942 Donald Nelson super agency with broad powers over economy never had as much authority as World War I equivalent never one control over military purchases Army and Navy circumvented negotiating contracts never satisfy small-business complaints

In the 1940s, swing music Page: 743

... dance halls - big bands - New jazz white middle-class audience - African-American origins - Harlem -good man and Henderson multiracial - King of swing - first form of popular music to challenge racial taboos

During World War II, the Allied development of the Gee navigation system Page: 738

... electronic pulses help pilots plot exact location helped with bomb raids, doubled accuracy

In 1945, the Japanese surrender to the United States Page: 754

... emperor intervened to break stalemate in cabinet - battleship Missouri anchored in Tokyo articles of surrender

In 1943, to simplify tax collections, Congress Page: 736

... enacted a withholding system of payroll deductions

In 1943, the "zoot-suit riots" in Los Angeles Page: 739

... expansion of Mexican-American neighborhoods -tension and conflict -street gangs (Pachucos) -symbol of rebellion against white middle-class -sailors in Long Beach invaded Mexican communities, attacked gangs -city police did little -racist towards Mexicans -laws against suits suits

During the Harding administration, the Teapot Dome scandal Page: 654

... involved transfers of national oil reserves

Prior to ordering the use of an atomic bomb against Japan, President Harry Truman Page: 751

... issued a ultimatum to Japanese signed by British demanding surrender by August 3 -Japanese Premier wanted to except but could not persuade military leaders

During World War II, American women who worked outside the home Page: 740

... more excepted - allowed to do more jobs - work force increased by 60% - third of all paid workers - married an older van past - replaced male workers -racial say hey - employers invest in machines to reduce heavy labor - Analogies to household chores - Rosie the river - less prejudice - clerks secretaries and typists government girls - female communities -wABC Army W a VE Navy latchkey children - eight hour orphans - juvenile crime rose

During World War II, the regional impact of government spending Page: 735

... most dramatic in West which relied on government loans

During World War II, the effectiveness of German U-boats and underwater mines was ended by the development of Page: 736-737

... radar and sonar centrimetric radar

During the 1920s, birth control in the United States Page: 643

... some forms were illegal in many states

In 1943, the country that pressed for an immediate Allied invasion of France against Germany was Page: 730

... soviet Union

In regards to European Jewish refugees, between 1939 and 1945, the United States Page: 733

... turn them away

During World War II, Chinese Americans Page: 745

... uS alliance with China enhanced legal and social status of Chinese-American -repealed Chinese exclusion acts admitted to become citizens - racial animosity - positive images in contrast to Japanese - no isolation in Chinatown -highest proportion of Chinese American adult males drafted band other national groups 22%

The Smith-Connally Act of 1943 Page: 735

... war labor disputes act -required unions wait 30 days before striking -empowered president to seize struck War plant

In 1942, United States internment of Japanese Americans, proof Page: 744

... widespread hatred and hysteria -violation of civil liberties -naturalized first-generation immigrants (Issei) -naturalized native born citizens (Nisei) -no evidence -earl Warren passive Japanese self evidence -precaution against conspiracy

During the 1920s, when $1,800 was considered the minimum annual income for a decent standard of living, the average annual income of a worker was approximately Page: 636


During World War II, American shoppers Page: 741

...- Had money to spend - the own stash magazines

In mid-1945, evidence of Japan's desperation to continue the war Page: 749

...- Oakland walk - 370 miles from Japan - strengths of Japanese resistance -, Causeys - sacrificed 3500 planes - desperate nighttime attacks - 50,000 allied casualties before capturing Okinawa hundred thousand Japanese casualties

In World War II, the primary American commanders in the Pacific was Page: 730

...-General Douglas Mc Arthur -Admeral Chester Nimitz

The United States government acquired definite knowledge of the Holocaust Page: 733

...-resisted urge to bomb death camps -rather stop Hitler then save few -turned away Jewish Reffuges -

In early 1945, at the Yalta Conference

...D. it was agreed the Soviet Union should regain land lost in the 1904 Russo-Japanese War.

During World War II, the first Axis country to be defeated was Page: 732


During the 1920s, the agricultural economy of the United States Page: 638

...a sharp decline in farmer's incomes

As secretary of commerce, Herbert Hoover considered himself Page: 655

...an active progressive for business

During the 1920s, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) Page: 636

...believed workers should be organized on the basis of skills

In his 1925 novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald Page: 647

...criticized the American obsession with material wealth

In the 1920s, artists and intellectuals in the Harlem Renaissance Page: 647

...drew heavily from their African heritage

The National Origins Act of 1924 Page: 649

...entirely banned immigration from east Asia to the United States

As a result of the Scopes trial of 1925, Page: 652

...fundamentalists reduced their participation in political activism

During the 1920s, wages for American workers Page: 636

...generally ran well below the growth of the economy as a whole

In the 1920s, the "flapper" lifestyle Page: 643

...had a particular impact on lower middle-class and single women

In the workplace, the "open shop" meant Page: 637

...no worker was required to join a union

During the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan Page: 651

...opposed the existing diversity of American society

Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge were similar in Page: 654

...passive approach to the presidency

The Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921 Page: 645

...provided federal funds for child health care programs

During the 1920s, the greatest sustained support for the Eighteenth Amendment Page: 649

...rural Protestants

Throughout the 1920s, the performance of the United States economy Page: 634

...saw nearly uninterrupted prosperity coupled with severe inequalities

In the election of 1924, among the political parties, Page: 653

...the Democratic Party was seriously divided between urban and rural factions urban want denunciation klan and repeal prohibition

In the 1920s, a growing interest in birth control among middle-class women Page: 643

...the attitude that sexual activity should not be for procreation only

In the 1920s, the "noble experiment" Page: 648

...the illegalization of alcohol

During the 1920s, a great worry for industrialists was the fear of Page: 635

...the overproduction of goods

In the 1920s, the idea of agricultural "parity" Page: 638

...to ensure farmers would at least financially break even

In the 1920s, "welfare capitalism" Page: 635-636

...was a paternalistic approach used by corporate leaders on their workers

Calvin Coolidge, accomplishments Page: 654

...was less active a president than Warren Harding

During the 1920s, the trend toward industrial consolidation Page: 635

...was most pronounced in the large-scale, mass-production sector

During the 1920s, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Page: 636

...was one of the few unions led by African Americans

As president, Warren Harding Page: 654

...was very popular with the public.

late summer of 42 the allies had 3 objectives

1. To cut off Japans lines of communication 2. Retake the Philippines 3. To attack Japan

the us lost this many men before defeating japan


____ number of Japanese Americans were relocated


all men ages between __ and __ were now subject to military service

18 & 45

Thomas Hunt Morgan Page: 635

1920s, one of the American pioneers in genetic research

Washington Conference

1921-22 when nations met on how to avoid a war

The year that Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany.


Atlantic Charter

1941-Pledge signed by US president FDR and British prime minister Winston Churchill not to acquire new territory as a result of WWII amd to work for peace after the war

Battle of Midway

1942 June, US halted Japanese attack on Hawaii

___ of the Japanese americans that were detained were american born citizens


What percentage of the US labor force was unemployed by 1933?


During the Great Depression, unemployment in the United States peaked at an estimated

25 percent

What percentage of the U.S. labor force was unemployed by 1933?


Victory gardens

40% of American veggies grown in?

The Nanking Massacre (The Rape of Nanking)

50,000-25,000 chinese people killed by Japan. 8yrs declared war.

how many died immediately w/ the bomb

66 thousand destroyed every structure w/in 4 miles

By 1945 women made up __% of the labor force


In 1932, the unemployment rate in Toledo, Ohio was one of the worst in the nation at

80 percent

In July 1940, opinion polls showed the clear majority of the American public A. believed Germany posed a direct threat to the United States. B. believed it would be a waste to aid England as that nation would soon fall to Germany. C. believed Japan was a greater threat to the United States than the war in Europe. D. were strongly against any involvement by the United States in the war. E. thought the United States should immediately declare war on Germany.



A nonaggression pact was signed in 1939 between Germany and

Dawes Plan

A plan to revive the German economy, the United States loans Germany money which then can pay reparations to England and France, who can then pay back their loans from the U.S. This circular flow of money was a success.


A program under which the United States supplied U.K, USSR, China, France, and other allied nations with vast amounts of war meterial between 1941 and 1945 in return for, in the case of Britain, Military bases in New Foundland, Bermuda, and the British West Indies. It began in March 1941, nine months before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It was abruptly stopped by the Americans immediately after V-J day.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the Red Scare of 1919-1921?

A series of bombings in 1919 led Americans to associate all radical or dissident political groups with violence.

In 1919, all of the following figures were at the Paris peace conference EXCEPT A. Alexander Kerensky of Russia. B. George Clemenceau of France. C. David Lloyd George of Great Britain. D. Vittorio Orlando of Italy. E. Woodrow Wilson of the United States.

A. Alexander Kerensky of Russia.

The 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was in response to... A. Alleged attacks by North Vietnamese torpedo boats on American destroyers. B. A Vietminh attack on an American-occupied air base in South Vietnam. C. Mortar attacks on the American embassy in Saigon. D. The decision by North Vietnam to arm its allies in the South. E. The so-called "Tet Offensive" by North Vietnamese soldiers.

A. Alleged attacks by North Vietnamese torpedo boats on American destroyers.

The key evidence in the determination of President Richard Nixon's guilt or innocence in the Watergate scandal was A. Audio tape recordings made of most conversations in the Oval Office. B. Eyewitness testimony from Nixon confidants in the White House. C. Phone records kept by Nixon's personal secretary. D. Nixon's personal diaries. E. Journals kept by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

A. Audio tape recordings made of most conversations in the Oval Office.

The 1931 Scottsboro court case saw... A. Black teenagers accused of rape by two white women. B. a Georgia jury convict all of the black youths. C. the Supreme Court reaffirm the death penalty convictions. D. eight of the convicted youths executed for crime they did not commit. E. All these answers are correct.

A. Black teenagers accused of rape by two white women.

The secretary of state of the Harding administration was A. Charles Evans Hughes. B. Charles Dawes. C. Henry Cabot Lodge. D. Henry Stimson. E. Cordell Hull.

A. Charles Evans Hughes.

In the early 1960's, the primary membership of SNCC was A. College students. B. Democrats. C. Rural blacks. D. The urban poor. E. Catholics.

A. College students.

Chapter 30 In the late 1960s and early 1970s all of the following occurred due to American Indian activism EXCEPT A. Congress granted reservations "independent nation" status within the Untied States. B. Indians fought for old treaty fishing rights in Washington State. C. Indians occupied Alcatraz Island in the San Francisco Bay. D. Congress passed an Indian Civil Rights Act. E. Louis Bruce, a Mohawk-Sioux, was appointed as Nixon's commissioner of Indian affairs.

A. Congress granted reservations "independent nation" status within the Untied States.

In designing the structure of the new United Nations, planners called for... A. Each nation on the Security Council to have veto power over the others. B. A General Assembly in which select nations would have voting rights C. The President of the UN to be selected from one of the five major powers D. Membership to be limited to one hundred nations E. Germany and Japan to be added to the Security Council after twenty-five years

A. Each nation on the Security Council to have veto power over the others.

Until the early 1950s, the country the United States assisted in trying to control Vietnam was... A. France. B. Taiwan. C. Japan D. England. E. China.

A. France.

On the eve of the Great War, the chief rivalry in Europe was between A. Germany and Great Britain. B. Austro-Hungary and Russia. C. Germany and France. D. France and Russia. E. France and Great Britain.

A. Germany and Great Britain.

The 1964 murder of civil rights activists Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, and James Chaney A. Implicated local law enforcement officials in the crime. B. Rook place in Montgomery, Alabama. C. Prompted Congress to pass legislation to end segregation in public accommodations. D. Never resulted in anyone being convicted for the crimes. E. Led to the formation of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party.

A. Implicated local law enforcement officials in the crime.

Which of the following is correctly paired with his or her activity during World War II?

A. Philip Randolph: threatened to head a march on Washington to protest racial discrimination

One of the chief obstacles in John Kennedy's presidential bid in 1960 was his A. Religion. B. Public image. C. Wealth. D. Womanizing. E. Lack of resources.

A. Religion.

Of the following, the HUAC investigation of Alger Hiss primarily helped the political career of... A. Richard Nixon B. Joseph McCarthy C. John Kennedy D. Ronald Reagan E. Lyndon B. Johnson

A. Richard Nixon.

Throughout 1928, the American stock market... A. Saw the number of shares traded daily soar. B. Saw the average price of stocks rise slightly. C. Had slowly been declining in value. D. had rapidly been losing in value. E. Saw brokerage firms restrict credit to those buying stocks.

A. Saw the number of shares traded daily soar.

To oversee activities in the stock market, in 1934, Congress established the

A. Securities and Exchange Commission.

To oversee activities in the stock market, in 1934, Congress established the... A. Securities and Exchange Commission. B. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. C. Federal Reserve Board. D. Glass-Steagall Act. E. Federal Emergency Relief Association.

A. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Joseph McCarthy burst to national prominence by charging that there were known communists in the... A. State Department B. Defense Department C. Truman Cabinet D. Central Intelligence Agency E. United States Senate

A. State Department.

When the Roosevelt administration decided that the US would no longer directly intervene in the affairs of latin America countries, the new approach became known as

A. The Good Neighbor Policy

Which of the following statements regarding the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is FALSE? Answer A. The State Department assumed the Japanese would never attack American interests. B. The American aircraft carriers escaped the attack. C. The Japanese suffered light losses in the attack. D. More than 2400 American soldiers and sailors died in the attack.

A. The State Department assumed the Japanese would never attack American interests.

Which of the following statements regarding the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is FALSE?

A. The State department assumed the Japanese would never attack American interests.

Which of the following statements regarding the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is FALSE? A. The State department assumed the Japanese would never attack American interests. B. The American aircraft carries escaped the attack. C. Few American authorities believed Japan was capable of an attack on Pearl Harbor. D. The Japanese suffered light losses in the attack. E. More than 2,400 American soldiers and sailors died in the attack.

A. The State department assumed the Japanese would never attack American interests.

Which of the following statements regarding the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is FALSE? A. The State department assumed the Japanese would never attack American interests. B. The American aircraft carriers escaped the attack. C. Few American authorities believed Japan was capable of an attack on Pearl Harbor. D. The Japanese suffered light losses in the attack. E. More than 2,400 American soldiers and sailors died in the attack.

A. The State department assumed the Japanese would never attack American interests.

Beginning in 1947, the United States' policy of "containment" was... A. The basis for its foreign policy for more than forty years B. First applied in Poland C. An extension of the Atlantic Charter D. Both the basis for its foreign policy for more than forty years, and an extension of the Atlantic Charter E. None of these answers is correct

A. The basis for its foreign policy for more than forty years.

Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech A. Was given during the largest civil rights demonstration in the nation's history to that point. B. Was made shortly after Lyndon Johnson became president. C. Saw King call for significant shift in tactics in the quest of civil rights. D. Was made before a joint session of Congress and the Senate. E. Was given to commemorate passage of the Voting Rights Act.

A. Was given during the largest civil rights demonstration in the nation's history to that point.

In 1973, American Indian activists occupied an old Indian battle site of A. Wounded Knee. B. Little Big Horn. C. Horseshoe Bend. D. Fallen Timbers. E. Sand Creek.

A. Wounded Knee.

As secretary of commerce, Herbert Hoover considered himself A. a champion of business cooperation. B. a believer in passive government. C. a paragon of conservative America. D. an internationalist in the tradition of Woodrow Wilson. E. an enemy of wealth and privilege.

A. a champion of business cooperation.

In the 1930s, the director Frank Capra typically displayed in his films

A. a populist admiration for ordinary Americans.

In the 1930s, the director Frank Capra typically displayed in his films A. a populist admiration for ordinary Americans. B. the cultural backwardness of small towns in America. C. praise for the "rugged individualism" of American business. D. the grasping materialism of most Americans. E. a harsh critique of the heartlessness of capitalism.

A. a populist admiration for ordinary Americans.

As a result of the service of African-American soldiers in World War I, A. activism by blacks for their rights increased. B. public attitudes on race were significantly altered. C. the country saw a general improvement in race relations. D. the federal government integrated the armed forces. E. northern black factory workers were able to keep their jobs when white veterans returned.

A. activism by blacks for their rights increased.

In 1940, the "lend-lease" plan

A. allowed the U.S. to loan weapons to England to be returned when the war was over.

In 1940, the "lend-lease" plan A. allowed the U.S. to loan weapons to England to be returned when the war was over. B. saw England agree to allow jobless Americans to enlist in the British military. C. saw England allow the construction of American military bases on British territory. D. saw the U.S. lend funds to the Allies so they could lease war supplies from the U.S. E. was extremely controversial and barely passed the Senate.

A. allowed the U.S. to loan weapons to England to be returned when the war was over.

Chapters 25 & 26 In 1940, the "lend-lease" plan... A. allowed the US to loan weapons to England to be returned when the war was over. B. saw England agree to allow jobless Americans to enlist in the British military. C. saw England allow the construction of American military bases on British territory. D. saw the US lend funds to the Allies so they could lease war supplies from the US. E. was extremely controversial and barely passed the Senate.

A. allowed the US to loan weapons to England to be returned when the war was over.

In 1947, the Truman Doctrine

A. asserted it was the obligation of the United States to support free peoples around the world. B. assumed the Soviet Union would continually attempt a global expansion of its authority. C. was originally invoked to provide aid to Greece and Turkey. D. both asserted it was the obligation of the United States to support free peoples around the world, and assumed the Soviet Union would continually attempt a global expansion of its authority. E. All these answers are correct.

During World War II, the first important Allied victory in the Pacific occurred Answer A. at the Battle of the Coral Sea B. in the Philippines C. near Midway Island D. on Guadalcanal Island

A. at the Battle of the Coral Sea

The Washington Conference of 1921 Answer A. attempted to prevent a global naval arms race. B. saw the harding administration refuse to participate in it. C. sought to expand the global markets of the U.S. D. ended as a diplomatice failure for the U.S.

A. attempted to prevent a global naval arms

The Washington Conference of 1921

A. attempted to prevent a global naval arms race.

The Washington Conference of 1921 A. attempted to prevent a global naval arms race. B. saw the Harding administration refuse to participate in it. C. sought to expand the global markets of the United States. D. ended as a diplomatic failure for the United States. E. attempted to create a world court.

A. attempted to prevent a global naval arms race.

The Washington Conference of 1921... A. attempted to prevent a global naval arms race. B. saw the Harding administration refuse to participate in it. C. sought to expand the global markets of the United States. D. ended as a diplomatic failure for the United States. E. attempted to create a world court.

A. attempted to prevent a global naval arms race.

in 1943, to simplify tax collection, Congress enacted A. automatic payroll deduction B. a short form for paying income taxes C. a sales tax D. a flat tax E. an earned income tax credit

A. automatic payroll deduction

In July 1940, opinion polls showed the clear majority of the American public A. believed Germany posed a direct threat to the United States. B. were strongly against any involvement by the United States in the war. C. thought the United States should immediately declare war on Germany. D. believed it would be a waste to aid England as that nation would soon fall to Germany. E. believed Japan was a greater threat to the United States than the war in Europe.

A. believed Germany posed a direct threat to the United States.

In July 1940, opinion polls showed the clear majority of the American public... A. believed Germany posed a direct threat to the United States. B. were strongly against any involvement by the United States in the war. C. thought the United States should immediately declare war on Germany. D. believed it would be a waste to aid England as that nation would soon fall to Germany. E. believed Japan was a greater threat to the United States than the war in Europe.

A. believed Germany posed a direct threat to the United States.

The 1931 Scottsboro court case saw

A. black teenagers accused of rape by two white women.

The 1931 Scottsboro court case saw A. black teenagers accused of rape by two white women. B. a Georgia jury convict all of the black youths. C. the Supreme Court reaffirm the death penalty convictions. D. eight of the convicted youths executed for crimes they did not commit. E. All the answers are correct.

A. black teenagers accused of rape by two white women.

The Dawes Plan of 1924

A. called for the United States to lend money to Germany to meet its reparation payments. B. was designed to help England and France make their debt payments to the United States. C. called for Britain and France to reduce the amount of German reparation payments. D. called for both the United States to lend money to Germany to meet its reparation payments, and Britain and France to reduce the amount of German reparation payments. E. All these answers are correct.

In 1914, when war erupted in Europe, President Woodrow Wilson A. called on the American public to be completely impartial. B. expressed sympathy for Germany. C. declared that the "Triple Alliance" must be defeated. D. held secret diplomatic meetings with Great Britain. E. brokered separate peace treaties with both sides of the conflict.

A. called on the American public to be completely impartial.

As Herbert Hoover began his presidency, he A. considered the country to have a bright economic future. B. assumed the economy might suffer a mild recession. C. feared a depression. D. called for voluntary guidelines to stabilize the stock market. E. renounced his earlier policy of associationalism.

A. considered the country to have a bright economic future.

During World War II, all of the following were Allied advantages in intelligence-gathering EXCEPT the A. creation of the Enigma machine for coded communications B. introduction of punched-hole card technology C. creation of the first programmable, digital computer D. breaking of the German codes early in the war E. breaking of Japanese codes before American entry into the war

A. creation of the Enigma machine for coded communications

In the 1920s, Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon succeeded in

A. cutting taxes on corporate profits and personal incomes. B. eliminating half of the federal debt. C. trimming dramatically the federal budget. D. both eliminating half of the federal debt, and dramatically trimming the federal budget. E. All these answers are correct.

Following the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt A. declared that the United States would remain neutral. B. declared the United States would be the "arsenal of democracy." C. sent American military advisers to England. D. ordered a "preparedness" campaign much like Woodrow Wilson had in 1916. E. was unsure whether a majority of Americans supported Germany.

A. declared that the United States would remain neutral.

In February 1945, an Allied bombing attack on Dresden, Germany

A. destroyed 75% of the previously undamaged city. B. killed approximately 135,000 people. C. resulted in mostly civilian casualties. D. both killed approximately 135,000 people and resulted in mostly civilian casualties. E. All these answers are correct.

During World War I, technologically-advanced submarines used engines powered by A. diesel. B. gasoline. C. steam. D. electricity. E. coal.

A. diesel.

In designing the structure of the new United Nations, planners called for

A. each nation on the Security Council to have veto power over the others.

Marcus Garvey A. encouraged African Americans to reject assimilation into white society. B. argued that America, not Africa, was now blacks' true home. C. urged African Americans to move out of the South. D. called on African Americans to reject capitalism. E. saw his movement and influence decline in the early 1920s.

A. encouraged African Americans to reject assimilation into white society.

The Eisenhower administration responded to Fidel Castro's coming to power in Cuba by

A. ending diplomatic relations.

The Eisenhower administration responded to Fidel Castro's coming to power in Cuba by... A. ending diplomatic relations. B. blockading Cuban ports. C. establishing a military presence in Guantanamo Bay. D. ending diplomatic relations, blockading Cuban ports, and establishing a military presence in Guantanamo Bay. E. None of these answers are correct.

A. ending diplomatic relations.

Compared with woman who worked outside the home before 1939, the new working women of the WW2 were more likely to be

A. engaged in heavy industrial work

The National Origins Act of 1924

A. entirely banned immigration from East Asia to the United States.

The National Origins Act of 1924 A. entirely banned immigration from East Asia to the United States. B. discriminated against northwestern Europeans. C. was designed to alter the sources but not the overall number of immigrants. D. included a quota system for the first time. E. set a rigid limit of 150,000 immigrants a year.

A. entirely banned immigration from East Asia to the United States.

President Franklin Roosevelt's "Good Neighbor Policy"

A. expanded initiatives begun under Herbert Hoover.

President Franklin Roosevelt's "Good Neighbor Policy" A. expanded initiatives begun under Herbert Hoover. B. was designed to keep the peace in western Europe. C. limited the land purchases by U.S. companies in neighboring countries. D. was abandoned by the United States at the start of World War II. E. gave nations allied against fascism preferential loan rates.

A. expanded initiatives begun under Herbert Hoover.

In the 1920s, the "flapper" lifestyle A. had a particular impact on lower middle-class and single women. B. was largely reserved for upper-class women. C. was largely rejected by upper-class women. D. was simply a clothing fad. E. was applauded by most progressive suffragists.

A. had a particular impact on lower middle-class and single women.

In 1945, when Harry Truman became president he

A. had almost no familiarity with foreign affairs.

Al Smith lost the 1928 presidential election, in part, because A. he failed to carry the South. B. of a financial scandal within his campaign. C of his close connections to the oil industry. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

A. he failed to carry the South.

One area in which the Allies had superior technological quality was

A. in the success of creating effective code-breaking technology

In 1932, the Hoover administration, in response to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, Answer A. issued warnings to the Japanese government. B. imposed economic sanctions against Japan. C. sent financial aid to Chiang Kai-Shek's governement in China. D. called for Japanese recognition of the Open Door policy.

A. issued warnings to the Japanese government.

During its first months, the Clinton administration was faced with controversy over

A. its attempt to end the policy barring gays and lesbians from serving in the military. B. the suicide of a White House counsel and longtime friend of the president. C. a banking and real estate venture involving the Clintons from the 1980s. D. several early appointments, which Clinton was forced to withdraw. E. All these answers are correct.

The Allied decisions that delayed an invasion of France

A. left the Soviet Union deeply embittered.

In 1932, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation A. lent funds only to financial institutions with sufficient collateral. B. was created by Congress over President Herbert Hoover's veto. C. focused most of its spending on large urban cities in the Northeast. D. was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. E. spent most of its money trying to prop up unstable local banks.

A. lent funds only to financial institutions with sufficient collateral.

The U.S. government interned many Japanese-Americans in "relocation camps" because Answer A. many American military leaders unjustly regarded them as a threat to the security of the West Coast. B. some of them had engaged in conspiracies on behalf of their homeland. C. they were mainly first-generation immigrants who were born in Japan and retained Japanese culture. D. many had helped pave the way to the attack on Pearl Harbor.

A. many American military leaders unjustly regarded them as a threat to the security of the West Coast.

In World War II, the main american strategy to fight Japan was to A. mount two offensive campaigns to attack the Japaneses from two directions B. concentrate U.S. forces into one large offensive moving west from the Marshall Islands C. quickly recapture the midway islands form the Japanese D. establish a strong defensive position in the Solomon Islands to lure in the Japanese E. encourage the Japanese navy to overextend itself past the Gilbert Islands, then attack from behind

A. mount two offensive campaigns to attack the Japaneses from two directions

Adolf Hilter's princples for germany included all of the following except

A. negoiating a reduction in reparations and paying them in full

As president, Warren Harding A. never abandoned the party hacks who had brought him to success. B. sought a revival of progressive reform. C. proposed the United States join the League of Nations. D. saw his administration end with his defeat for reelection in 1924. E. had no sense of his own intellectual limits.

A. never abandoned the party hacks who had brought him to success.

In the workplace, the "open shop" meant

A. no worker was required to join a union.

In the workplace, the "open shop" meant A. no worker was required to join a union. B. skilled workers were required to join a craft union. C. labor unions had the right to organize that particular industry. D. workers had no right to join a union. E. workers would be allowed to come and go as they pleased.

A. no worker was required to join a union.

During the 1930s, American literature A. offered a greater degree of social commentary than did either radio or movies. B. saw most popular books and magazines focus on the Great Depression. C. saw photographic magazines lose much of their readership due to the high cost of each issue. D. faced censorship laws that suppressed criticisms of American politics and culture. E. adopted a more pessimistic, although no less radical, approach to society in the later 1930s.

A. offered a greater degree of social commentary than did either radio or movies.

During the Great Depression, in the rural United States A. one-third of all farmers lost their land. B. farm income dropped by twenty-five percent. C. the economic conditions were slightly better than in industrial cities. D. the farm economy could not keep up with consumer demand. E. farmers enjoyed several unusually fertile growing seasons.

A. one-third of all farmers lost their land.

In the 1930s, the Congress of Industrial Organization... A. organized unskilled workers. B. was less militant than the American Federation of Labor. C. would not accept women or blacks as members. D. confined its organizing to the steel and coal industries. E. refused to get involved in organizing the automobile industry.

A. organized unskilled workers.

Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge were similar in their A. passive approach to the presidency. B. ethics. C. personalities. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

A. passive approach to the presidency.

In 1954, the American scientist Jonas Salk developed a vaccine for the prevention of... A. polio. B. tuberculosis. C. influenza. D. yellow fever. E. typhoid.

A. polio.

In 1938, the Anschluss

A. proclaimed a union between Germany and Austria.

In 1938, the Anschluss Answer A. proclaimed a union between Germany and Austria. B. caused an uproar in the U.S. C. was created at the Munich conference. D. led France to put its military on alert.

A. proclaimed a union between Germany and Austria.

In 1938, the Anschluss A. proclaimed a union between Germany and Austria. B. caused an uproar in the United States. C. was created at the Munich conference. D. led France to put its military on alert. E. came to be identified with Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.

A. proclaimed a union between Germany and Austria.

As Herbert Hoover began his presidency, he... A. proclaimed that the country was close to the end of poverty. B. assumed the economy might suffer a mild recession. C. feared a depression. D. called for a voluntary guidelines to stabilize the stock market. E. renounced his earlier policy of associationalism

A. proclaimed that the country was close to the end of poverty.

In regards to European Jewish refugees, between 1939 and 1945, the United States A. refused to accept large numbers of refugees B. won an agreement by England to accept several thousand refugees C. made many efforts to help refugees escape the Nazis but not to enter the U.S. D. denied the Nazis were targeting Jew for murder E. rescinded the provisions of the 1924 National Origins Act dealing with Jewish immigrants

A. refused to accept large numbers of refugees

In regards to European Jewish refugees, between 1939 and 1945, the United States

A. refused to accept large numbers of refugees.

Regarding European Jewish refugees, between 1939 and 1945, the United States... A. refused to accept large numbers of refugees. B. won an agreement by England to accept several thousand refugees. C. made many efforts to help refugees escape the Nazis but not to enter the United States. D. denied the Nazis were targeting Jews for murder. E. rescinded the provisions of the 1924 National Origins Act dealing with Jewish immigrants.

A. refused to accept large numbers of refugees.

Between 1945 and 1960, the birth rate in the United States... A. reversed a long pattern of decline. B. peaked in 1949. C. led to a doubling of the nation's population in this period. D. led to shortages of many consumer goods. E. fell precipitously from its World War II highs.

A. reversed a long pattern of decline.

During World War I, American ground troops A. saw combat that was relatively brief but intense. B. were assigned to serve under the command of foreign officers. C. were not available for battle in significant numbers until the fall of 1918. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

A. saw combat that was relatively brief but intense.

The Battle of Midway in 1942

A. saw the United States suffer great losses. B. was a stunning defeat for the Japanese navy. C. lasted four days. D. both lasted four days and was a stunning defeat for the Japanese navy. E. All these answers are correct.

Throughout 1928, the American stock market A. saw the number of shares traded daily soar. B. saw the average price of stocks rise slightly. C. had slowly been declining in value. D. had rapidly been losing in value. E. saw brokerage firms restrict credit to those buying stocks

A. saw the number of shares traded daily soar.

During the 1930s, the Southern Tenant Farmers Union A. sought to organize the rural poor across racial lines. B. was formed by the American Communist Party. C. concerned the federal government as a powerful force of rural radicalism. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

A. sought to organize the rural poor across racial lines.

In January 1917, President Woodrow Wilson, in a speech before Congress, A. suggested the creation of the League of Nations in the post-war period. B. insisted that the nation's financial interests had to be protected from a German victory. C. asked for a declaration of war against Germany. D. said Britain and France could not win the war without the United States. E. argued that entering the war would be a tragic mistake under any circumstances.

A. suggested the creation of the League of Nations in the post-war period.

During World War II, American women who worked outside the home

A. tended to be older than women who worked in the past.

The Hoover administration addressed the economic situation of American farmers with

A. the Agricultural Marketing Act.

The Hoover administration addressed the economic situation of American farmers with A. the Agricultural Marketing Act. B. the Soil Conservation Act. C. the Agricultural Adjustment Act. D. the Farm Security Administration. E. the Rural Electrification Administration.

A. the Agricultural Marketing Act.

When President Woodrow Wilson presented the Treaty of Versailles to the Senate, A. the American public clearly supported its ratification. B. most so-called "irreconcilable" senators favored it in principle. C. he was willing to compromise on the language of the treaty but not its major points. D. he found a close ally in Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman, Henry Cabot Lodge. E. he refused to appeal to the public, believing the treaty should stand on its merits alone.

A. the American public clearly supported its ratification.

The costliest battle in the history of the U.S. Marine Corps was A. the Battle of Iwo Jima B. the Battle of Leyte Gulf C. the Battle of Okinawa D. the Battle of Midway E. the Battle of Guadalcanal

A. the Battle of Iwo Jima

The costliest battle in the history of the United States Marines Corps was... A. the Battle of Iwo Jima B. the Battle of Leyte Gulf C. the Battle of Okinawa D. the Battle of Midway E. the Battle of Guadalcanal

A. the Battle of Iwo Jima

The costliest battle in the history of the United States Marines Corps was

A. the Battle of Iwo Jima.

In the election of 1924, among the political parties A. the Democratic Party was seriously divided. B. the Republican Party was seriously divided. C. the Progressive Party was seriously divided. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

A. the Democratic Party was seriously divided.

In August 1945, the primary reason the United States dropped a second atomic bomb on Japan was because

A. the Japanese did not immediately surrender after the first bomb was dropped.

In August 1945, the primary season the United States dropped a second atomic bomb on Japan was because... A. the Japanese did not immediately surrender after the first bomb was dropped. B. the Soviet Union announced it would not enter into war against Japan. C. the Japanese government announced that the United States had only one atomic bomb. D. the emperor of Japan asked the United States for more time to consider surrendering. E. the emperor of Japan declared that his country would fight to the death.

A. the Japanese did not immediately surrender after the first bomb was dropped.

In August 1945, the primary reason the US dropped a 2nd atomic bomb on Japan was A. the Japanese didn't immediately surrender after the first bomb was dropped B. the Soviet Union announced it wouldn't enter into war against Japan C. the Japanese government announced that the US had only 1 atomic bomb D. the emperor of Japan asked the US for more time to consider surrendering E. the emperor of Japan declared that his country would fight to the death

A. the Japanese didn't immediately surrender after the first bomb was dropped

The National Security Act of 1947 created

A. the National Security Council. B. the Central Intelligence Agency. C. the Department of Defense. D. both the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense. E. All these answers are correct.

In 1943, the country that passed for an immediate Allied invasion of France against Germany was... A. the Soviet Union B. China C. Great Britain D. the United States E. Canada

A. the Soviet Union

In 1943, the country that pressed for an immediate Allied invasion of France against Germany was A. the Soviet Union B. China C. Great Britain D. the United States E. Canada

A. the Soviet Union

In 1943, the country that pressed for an immediate Allied invasion of France against Germany was

A. the Soviet Union.

All of the following statements regarding the internment of Japanese Americans in the United States during World War II are true EXCEPT that A. the United States government has never admitted wrongdoing. B. the order for interment was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1944. C. most of those internal lost all their property and possessions. D. the interment camps were essentially prisons. E. the relocation centers offered sub-par schools and minimal medical care.

A. the United States government has never admitted wrongdoing.

In March 1917, the United States moved closer to entering the Great War when A. the czarist government of Russia was overthrown. B. the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia. C. Russia asked the Allies to call for an armistice. D. a German offensive threatened to capture Moscow. E. Russia and Germany negotiated a separate peace.

A. the czarist government of Russia was overthrown.

During World War I, extensive systems of trenches were used by both sides because A. the destructive power of weapons meant soldiers could not live in the open field. B. they prevented tanks from reaching the soldiers' positions. C. soldiers were safer from poisonous mustard gas closer to the ground. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

A. the destructive power of weapons meant soldiers could not live in the open field.

During the Great Depression, A. the divorce rate declined. B. the marriage rate increased. C. the birth rate increased. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

A. the divorce rate declined.

In the 1950s, factors in the rise of the civil rights movement included

A. the events of World War II. B. the growth of the urban middle class. C. the rapid spread of television. D. Cold War politics. E. All these answers are correct.

At the conclusion of the Yalta Conference in 1945, basic disagreements remained on

A. the government of Poland. B. the unification of Germany. C. war reparations to the Soviet Union. D. both the government of Poland and the unification of Germany. E. All these answers are correct.

The "Second New Deal" was launched in response to

A. the growth of popular protests across the nation. B. the persistence of the Great Depression. C. the coming presidential election of 1936. D. both the persistence of the Great Depression and the coming presidential election of 1936. E. All these answers are correct.

During the 1920s, a great worry for industrialists was the fear of A. the overproduction of goods. B. a shortage in the number of skilled workers. C. the rising bargaining power of labor unions. D. a shortage of consumer credit. E. inflation.

A. the overproduction of goods.

In 1934, strong criticism of the New Deal came from

A. the political far right. B. the political far left. C. dissident populists such as Huey Long. D. both the political far right and the political far left. E. All these answers are correct.

The federal government's response to the "Bonus Army" included

A. the use of six tanks to rout the veterans from Washington. B. General Douglas MacArthur exceeding his orders to remove the veterans. C. the injuring of over 100 marchers. D. both the use of six tanks to rout the veterans from Washington, and the injuring of over 100 marchers. E. All these answers are correct.

The election of 1920 saw A. voters turn away from idealism and toward "normalcy." B. Warren G. Harding narrowly defeat Al Smith. C. the Democratic Party distance itself from the politics of Woodrow Wilson. D. Republicans maintain their two decades of control of the White House. E. Franklin D. Roosevelt serve as Vice-President on the Republican ticket.

A. voters turn away from idealism and toward "normalcy."

In the 1940s, swing music A. was a new form of jazz B. originated in Latin America C. grew out of a square dance D. first appeared in the U.S. in Kansas City E. reinforced racial taboos

A. was a new form of jazz

The America First Committee

A. was a powerful lobby against U.S. involvement in the war.

The America First Committee A. was a powerful lobby against U.S. involvement in the war. B. was opposed by both major political parties. C. called for increased U.S. assistance to England without any actual intervention. D. was made up largely of Democrats who favored diplomacy to end the war. E. tried and failed to enlist the support of Charles Lindbergh.

A. was a powerful lobby against U.S. involvement in the war.

In the 1930s, the "Dust Bowl"

A. was created by the national economic collapse.

Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech

A. was given during the largest civil rights demonstration in the nation's history to that point.

During the 1920s, the trend toward industrial consolidation

A. was most pronounced in the large-scale, mass-production sector.

During the 1920s, the trend toward industrial consolidation A. was most pronounced in the large-scale, mass-production sector. B. was slowing considerably throughout the decade. C. encouraged new competition. D, was most rapid in industries less dependent on technology. E. bypassed the steel and automobile industries.

A. was most pronounced in the large-scale, mass-production sector.

Between 1947-1950, Marshall Plan aid

A. was offered to the Soviet Union.

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

A. was to provide federal loans to troubled banks and businesses. B. was created in the last year of Herbert Hoover's administration. C. included a $1.5 billion public works budget. D. both included a $1.5 billion public works budget, and was to provide federal loans to troubled banks and businesses. E. All these answers are correct.

In 1919, the racial climate in the United States A. worsened in both the North and South. B. worsened in the South but not in the North. C. improved in both the North and South. D. improved in the North but not in the South. E. generally stayed the same as it had been before the war.

A. worsened in both the North and South.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes American casualties in World War I?

About 53,000 military personnel were killed in action, and another 63,000 died of other causes (especially influenza)--a number far lower than the number of European losses.

Throughout the 1920s, the federal government Page: 655

Adapt public-policy helping businesses and industry operate at maximum efficiency

Which statement most accurately describes the experiences of the minorities in the armed forces?

African Americans fought in segregated units

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the experiences of minorities in the armed forces?

African Americans fought in segregated units.

What roles did minority group members play in the conduct of World War II?

African Americans joined the military to escape depression and tenant farming in the South and Midwest. However, they were still facing discrimination and segregation. White and black soldiers were kept apart.

The term Great Migration refers to

African Americans moving from the South to the North during the War.

The term "Great Migration" refers to

African Americans moving from the South to the North during the war


After FDR passed away, who became president of the US"?

At the time of the stock market crash in 1929, which sector of the American economy was in the worst shape?


By the 1960s, what part of Social Security had become the most controversial?

Aid to Families with Dependent Children

By the 1960s, what part of the Social Security Act had become the most controversial?

Aid to families with dependent children

In 1945, the first atomic explosion in history took place in Page: 751

Alamogordo New Mexico

In 1945, the first atomic explosion in history took place in

Alamogordo, New Mexico

Who was the first american in space?

Alan Shepard

All of the following statements regarding the Allied development of an atomic bomb during World War II are true EXCEPT

Albert Einstein was in charge of the program

In 1919, all of the following figures were at the Paris peace conference EXCEPT

Alexander Kerensky of Russia

Which of the following was characteristic of facialist governments in the 1930s especially Nazi Germany

All of the above

By the mid-1940s, Germany had defeated

All the answers are correct A. Norway. B. Denmark. C. France. D. the Netherlands.

During World War II, the effectiveness of German U-boats and underwater mines was ended by the development of

All the answers are correct A. acoustic countermeasures. B. sonar. C. centrimetric radar.

The Dawes Plan of 1924

All the answers are correct A. called for the United States to lend money to Germany to meet its reparation payments. B. was designed to help England and France make their reparation payments to the United States. C. called for Britain and France to reduce the amount of German reparation payments.

In February 1945, an Allied bombing attack on Dresden, Germany

All the answers are correct A. destroyed 75% of the previously undamaged city. B. killed approximately 135,000 people. C. resulted in mostly civilian casualties.

During World War II, American shopper

All the answers are correct A. faced many shortages of consumer goods. B. made consumerism a powerful force in society. C. had more money to spend than they had the decade before.

The Allied decisions that delayed an invasion of France

All the answers are correct A. left the Soviet Union deeply embittered. B. put the Soviet Union in a better position to control eastern Europe. C. occurred after the Soviet Union had won a significant victory in Stalingrad.

Casualties in World War II

All the answers are correct A. saw fourteen million combatants die. B. saw more than one million Americans killed or wounded. C. were relatively light in the United States compared to those of other countries

The Battle of Midway in 1942

All the answers are correct A. saw the United States suffer great losses. B. was a stunning defeat for the Japanese navy. C. lasted four days.

In mid-1945, evidence of Japan's desperation to continue the war included

All the answers are correct A. sending thousands of pilots on suicide missions. B. nighttime attacks by Japanese troops against American lines. C. the loss of over 100,000 Japanese lives at Okinawa

The German sinking of the American ship Reuben James

All the answers are correct A. triggered an American naval campaign against Germany. B. led Congress to approve the arming of American merchant ships. C. led Congress to approve American ships sailing into belligerent ports.

In 1945, the Japanese surrender to the United States

All the answers are correct A. was announced a few days after a second atomic bomb had been dropped. B. was formally signed on the American battleship Missouri. C. occurred on September 2, 1945

The Smith-Connally Act of 1943

All the answers are correct A. was opposed by President Franklin Roosevelt. B. authorized the president to seize a war factory where workers had gone on strike. C. passed as a result of actions taken by the United Mine Workers.

During World War II, Chinese Americans

All the answers are correct A. were drafted in a higher proportion than any other national group. B. received a favorable image in U.S. government propaganda. C. saw the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Acts.

In 1937, regarding the organizing of industrial labor,

All these answers are correct.

El Alamein

Allied victory in the North African campaign

Executive Order 9066

Allowed for the forced relocation of Japanese Americans on the West Coast to detention camps.

In what became known as the 1933 "bombshell message," Franklin Roosevelt declared that

America would reject any international agreement on currency stabilization

Which of the following statements describes Hawaii in the 1890s?

American sugar planters overthrew Hawaii's Queen Lilioukalani and applied for U.S. American annexation

Which of the following statements describes Hawaii in the 1890s?

American sugar planters overthrew Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani and applied for U.S. annexation

In 1940, Charles Lindbergh, Jr., and Senator Gerald Nye took leading roles in the Committee.

Americas First

Which of the following policies did U.S. naval officer Alfred Mahan support in his 1890 book The Influence of Sea Power upon History?

An expansion of the American empire in Asia and Africa

Which of the following policies did US naval officer Alfred Mahan support in his 1890 book "The Influence of Sea Power upon History?"

An expansion of the American empire in Asia and Africa

After the explosion of the battleship Maine, a U.S. naval board of inquiry blamed the sinking on

An underwater mine

a union proclaimed by Hitler between Austria, his native land, and Germany.


In the 1930s, all of the following books offered criticism of American society EXCEPT

Anthony Adverse by Hervey Allen

What prevented the United States from relaxing its immigration standards in order to grant asylum to a larger number of Jewish refugees in the late 1930s and early 1940s?

Anti-Semitic attitudes

What prevented the US from relaxing its immigration standards in order to grant asylum a larger number of Jewish refuges in the late 1930s and early 1940s?

Anti-semitic attitudes

Program designed to land men on the moon.

Apollo program

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes sports in the 1920s?

As the workweek shrank and paid vacations increased, Americans had more time to spend on recreation.

Which of the following statements characterizes race relations in the aftermath of WW1?

At least 120 blacks were killed in racial violence in the US by 1919

Which of the following statements characterizes race relations in the aftermath of World War I?

At least 120 blacks were killed in racial violence in the United States by 1919.

The principles of freedom of the seas, national self-determination, and collective security were reiterated in the...?

Atlantic Charter

made by Roosevelt and the prime minister in which the two nations set out "certain common principles" on which to base "a better future for the world." A statement of war aims that called openly for, "the final destruction of the Nazi tyranny."

Atlantic Charter 1941

Washington Conference of 1921

Attempt to prevent a costly and naval armament, between GB, FR, & JP

The Anschluss of 1938 was between Germany and


After 1943, the United States advanced on Japan primarily with the aid of forces from

Australia and New Zealand

Hitlers nation of birth


In Abrams v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that

Authorities may prosecute speech when it represents a clear and present danger

In 1940, President Franklin Roosevelt's decision to give fifty American destroyers to England A. was cancelled by Congress. B. circumvented the cash-and-carry provision of the Neutrality Acts. C. was in response to requests by the U.S. Ambassador to London. D. both circumvented the cash-and-carry provision of the Neutrality Acts and was in response to requests by the U.S. Ambassador to London. E. None of these answers is correct.


In 1941, the Atlantic Charter A. was completed by senior military officials in the United States and England. B. saw the United States and England claim to share common principles. C. saw President Roosevelt agree to an eventual invasion of Europe to drive out the Nazis. D. gave American merchants ships the authority to fire on German submarines. E. was signed in Washington D.C.


The Tripartite Pact was a defensive alliance between A. Japan, Germany, and Austria. B. Japan, Germany, and Italy. C. the United States, England, and France. D. the United States, England, and Russia. E. England, France, and Italy.


Throughout World War II, in organized American labor

B. "wildcat" strikes were quite common.

During the Great Depression, unemployment in the United States peaked at an estimated A. 10 percent. B. 25 percent. C. 40 percent. D. 55 percent. E. 70 percent.

B. 25 percent.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were... A. Not members of the Communist Party B. Accused of passing American secrets to its enemies C. Convicted and sentenced to life in prison D. Both accused of passing American secrets to its enemies, and convicted and sentenced to life in prison. E. None of these answers is correct

B. Accused of passing American secrets to its enemies.

In 1948, President Harry Truman responded to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin by... A. Sending American paratroopers into West Berlin B. Airlifting supplies to West Berlin C. Threatening war with the Soviet Union D. Encouraging the United Nations to pass economic sanctions E. Creating a blockade of East Berlin

B. Airlifting supplies to West Berlin

The National Liberation Front was A. Created by Ngo Dinh Diem. B. Also known in the United States as the Viet Cong. C. An organization attempting to overthrow the North Vietnamese government. D. Both created by Ngo Dinh Diem and also known in the United States as the Viet Cong. E. None of these answers is correct.

B. Also known in the United States as the Viet Cong.

As the United States entered World War I, A. President Woodrow Wilson declared U.S. ground troops would not be used. B. Britain and France had few reserves of combat-age men. C. Russia decided to re-enter the war. D. Germany made plans to surrender. E. Germany was threatening an invasion of Great Britain.

B. Britain and France had few reserves of combat-age men.

During the 1920s, all of the following immigrant groups were increasing their presence in the labor force in the West and Southwest EXCEPT the A. Filipinos. B. Chinese. C. Japanese. D. Mexicans. E. Issei.

B. Chinese.

President Franklin Roosevelt's sharpest foreign policy break with Herbert Hoover concerned A. Latin America. B. Europe. C. Asia. D. Russia. E. Mexico.

B. Europe

As a result of the sinking of the British passenger liner Lusitania, A. the United States declared war on Germany. B. Germany pledged to the United States it would not repeat such an action. C. President Wilson prohibited Americans from traveling to Europe. D. Great Britain began an intensive campaign to build a submarine fleet. E. the United States began leasing its submarines to Great Britain.

B. Germany pledged to the United States it would not repeat such an action.

The intent of President Richard Nixon's "Vietnamization" policy was to A. Expand the war effort to all parts of Vietnam. B. Have the South Vietnamese military do more of the fighting. C. Declare an immediate end to the conflict. D. Expand the war effort to all parts of Indochina. E. Concentrate American military power on destroying the NLF.

B. Have the South Vietnamese military do more of the fighting.

The 1969 "Stonewall Riot" is to be associated with the civil rights movement for A. Women. B. Homosexuals. C. African Americans. D. Hispanic Americans. E. Native Americans.

B. Homosexuals.

In the 1930s, all of the following films offered social commentary on the United States and the Great Depression EXCEPT A. Our Daily Bread. B. It Happened One Night. C. The Grapes of Wrath. D. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. E. Mr. Deeds Goes to Town.

B. It Happened One Night.

The American ambassador to London who insisted in 1940 that the British plight was already hopeless was A. Neville Chamberlain. B. Joseph Kennedy. C. Gerald Nye. D. Burton Wheeler. E. Wendell Willkie.

B. Joseph Kennedy.

Many industries of the 1920s improved the efficiency of production by adopting

B. Mass-production methods that lowered their cost

The Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona (1966) A. Ruled that a defendant must have access to a lawyer before being questioned by police. B. Required authorities to inform a criminal suspect of his or her legal rights. C. Established new guidelines for capital punishment cases. D. Did all of these: ruled that a defendant must have access to a lawyer before being questioned by police; required authorities to inform a criminal suspect of his or her legal rights; and established new guidelines for capital punishment cases. E. None of these answers is correct.

B. Required authorities to inform a criminal suspect of his or her legal rights.

In 1974, Richard Nixon left the presidency after he A. Was impeached. B. Resigned. C. Was convicted of obstructing justice. D. Was arrested. E. Lost a special election by huge margins.

B. Resigned.

In 1972, diplomat Henry Kissinger announced that "peace is at hand" A. After a failed North Vietnamese offensive. B. Right before the American presidential election. C. After the United States threatened to use nuclear weapons against North Vietnam. D. Before the final American ground troops were pulled out of Vietnam. E. Right before American troops embarked on the Easter offensive.

B. Right before the American presidential election.

All of the following nations were signatories to the Five-Power Pact of 1922 EXCEPT A. Britain. B. Russia. C. France. D. Italy. E. Japan.

B. Russia

All of the following nations were signatories to the Five-Power Pact of 1922 EXCEPT A. Britain. B. Russia. C. France. D. Italy. E. Japan.

B. Russia.

The 1961 Vienna Summit between the United States and the Soviet Union A. Was canceled in the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs. B. Saw Soviet Union Premier Nikita Khrushchev make a veiled threat of war. C. Saw President John Kennedy agree not to invade Cuba. D. Saw President Kennedy criticize the construction of the Berlin Wall. E. Saw both the United States and the Soviet Union sign a nuclear test ban treaty.

B. Saw Soviet Union Premier Nikita Khrushchev make a veiled threat of war.

The Supreme Court in the case United States v. Richard Nixon (1974) ruled that Nixon must A. No longer tape conversations in the Oval Office. B. Turn over evidence to the special prosecutor. C. Be held in contempt of court. D. Be impeached. E. Resign.

B. Turn over evidence to the special prosecutor.

The Civil Rights Act of 1965 primarily focused on the issue of A. Desegregation of public accommodations. B. Voting rights. C. Fair employment practices. D. Housing discrimination. E. Violence directed against civil rights workers.

B. Voting rights.

In 1919, American labor unrest saw A. the public generally support unions. B. a general strike in Seattle that brought the city to a standstill. C. a major steel strike resolved in favor of the workers. D. Governor Calvin Coolidge attract national acclaim for his support of labor. E. All the answers are correct.

B. a general strike in Seattle that brought the city to a standstill.

During the 1920's, the US experienced an economic boom that included

B. a substantial increase in the nations manufacturing output

President Woodrow Wilson's "Fourteen Points" included A. a ban on the production of armaments. B. an end to secret treaties. C. an international agreement to "outlaw war." D. the division of post-war Germany into two countries. E. recognition of independence for all imperial colonies.

B. an end to secret treaties.

In the United States during World War I, the Committee on Public Information (CPI) A. established strict rules of censorship for journalists reporting on the war. B. became increasingly sensationalist in its information campaign. C. criticized the federal government's reporting of the war. D. was led by a panel of American military officers. E. became a haven for pacifists and conscientious objectors.

B. became increasingly sensationalist in its information campaign.

In 1940, President Franklin Roosevelt's decision to give fifty American destroyers to England

B. circumvented the cash-and-carry provision of the Neutrality Acts.

The Social Security Act of 1935

B. did not begin making payments to participants for years.

In the 1920s, artists and intellectuals in the Harlem Renaissance A. sought to create civil disobedience to further racial justice. B. drew heavily from their African heritage. C. included writers Edna Ferber and Ezra Pound. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

B. drew heavily from their African heritage.

During the 1920s, the field of psychology saw women A. nearly entirely excluded from the profession. B. establish themselves more easily than in many other areas of medicine. C. largely dominate the profession. D. participate as patients but rarely as workers. E. forced to contend with a view of females as "abnormal" thinkers.

B. establish themselves more easily than in many other areas of medicine.

As a result of the Scopes trial of 1925, A. John Scopes was found innocent. B. fundamentalists reduced their participation in political activism. C. the conflict between fundamentalists and modernists subsided. D. anti-evolution laws were repealed in most other states. E. William Jennings Bryan decided to run one more time for president.

B. fundamentalists reduced their participation in political activism.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

B. gave President Lyndon Johnson wide latitude to escalate the conflict.

During the 1920s, Thomas Hunt Morgan was one of the American pioneers in A. analog computers. B. genetic research. C. automation. D. robotics. E, relativistic physics.

B. genetic research.

As the depression deepened, President Herbert Hoover A. encouraged business men to reduce their industrial production. B. grew less willing to increase federal spending. C. began to experiment with untried economic principles. D. called for a reduction in taxes. E. stopped worrying about trying to balance the budget.

B. grew less willing to increase federal spending.

In 1935, Senator Huey Long

B. had a strong record of progressive accomplishments.

During the last eighteen months of Woodrow Wilson's presidency A. his mental health was stable but his physical health was very poor. B. he was essentially an invalid. C. there was growing public sentiment for Wilson to step down from power. D> his vice president, Thomas Marshall, essentially ran the White House. E. he became more pragmatic and willing to compromise.

B. he was essentially an invalid.

During WWII, in the US, all of the following social indicators experienced a rise in their rate of occurrence EXCEPT A. the marriage rate B. high school enrollment C. the divorce rate D. the juvenile crime rate E. the birth rate

B. high school enrollment

The so-called Zimmerman telegram A. was intercepted by agents working for the United States. B. included a proposal for the return of the American Southwest to Mexico. C. helped weaken public support in the United States for war. D. revealed plans by Germany to expand the use of its submarine fleet. E. revealed that Germans were attempting to foment a race riot in the American South.

B. included a proposal for the return of the American Southwest to Mexico.

The primary purpose of the American Apollo program was to... A. launch manned vehicles into space to orbit the earth. B. land men on the moon. C. build an orbiting space station. D. send men to Mars. E. develop a reusable spaceship.

B. land men on the moon.

In 1943, the "zoot-suit riots" in Los Angeles

B. led the city to prohibit the wearing of zoot suits.

In response to the Great Depression, many Mexican Americans

B. left the United States entirely.

In response to the Great Depression, many Mexican Americans A. migrated to the South. B. left the United States entirely. C. moved into California. D. successfully organized agricultural unions. E. migrated into rural areas, where work was more available.

B. left the United States entirely.

On October 29, 1929, the American stock market

B. lost all the gains of the previous year.

On October 29, 1929, the American stock market A. saw fewer than one million shares of stock traded. B. lost all the gains of the previous year. C. experienced its first sharp decline in values since the War. D. was forced to suspend business because of staggering declines in values. E. rebounded slightly from the tremendous losses of "Black Thursday.

B. lost all the gains of the previous year.

The Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921

B. provided federal funds for child health-care programs.

The Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921 A. promoted the establishment of daycare centers for the children of working women. B. provided federal funds for child health-care programs. C. was criticized for its promotion of birth control. D. was promoted by the American Medical Association. E. was promoted by the National Women's Party.

B. provided federal funds for child health-care programs.

The Civilian Conservation Corps

B. put the unemployed to work on rural and wilderness areas.

The Civilian Conservation Corps... A. was racially integrated. B. put the unemployed to work on rural and wilderness areas. C. included women. D. mostly employed the jobless rural poor. E. passed Congress despite Roosevelt's ambivalence about the project.

B. put the unemployed to work on rural and wilderness areas.

During the 1920s and 1930s, interest in pursuing an isolationist foreign policy Answer A. led the U.S. to give up its membership in the World Court. B. relected the sentiments of a majority of the American public. C. led the U.S. Senate to assert that no single nation was a threat to world peace. D. was strongly supported by President Franklin Roosevelt.

B. relected the sentiments of a majority of the American public.

Like many easy white rock musicians, Elvis Presley drew heavily from black traditions in... A. jazz B. rhythm and blues C. country western D. gospel E. folk

B. rhythm and blues

During World War II, Germany held the technological edge over the Allies in A. centimetric radar B. rocket-propelled bombs C. ocean mine detection D. aircraft bombers E. intelligence gathering

B. rocket-propelled bombs

During the 1920s, the greatest sustained support for the Eighteenth Amendment came from A. middle-class progressives. B. rural Protestants. C. urban workers. D. immigrants. E. Catholics.

B. rural Protestants.

For women, the economic pressures caused by the Great Depression A. weakened the notion that a woman's proper place was in the home. B. saw men move into jobs traditionally held by professional women. C. forced most women out of the labor force. D. saw the federal government make it illegal for married women to work outside the home. E. affected service and clerical positions held by women more than they did jobs in heavy industry.

B. saw men move into jobs traditionally held by professional women.

During World War I, the Council of National Defense (CND) eventually organized the national economy by A. geographic regions. B. specific economic sectors. C. the individual needs of each branch of the military. D. local communities. E. time zone.

B. specific economic sectors.

In 1961, President John Kennedy saw most of his legislative success in the area of

B. tariff reductions.

in 1942, the North African campaign against the Nazis saw A. the Americans advance under the command of Omar Bradley B. the Americans successfully regroup from a defeat at Kasserine Pass C. the Germans suffer a major defeat at Stalingrad D. the Americans push Germans out of Egypt E. the British lose a key early battle at El Alamein

B. the Americans successfully regroup from a defeat at Kasserine Pass

The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 established

B. the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

The "Abraham Lincoln Brigade" is to be associated with

B. the Spanish Civil War.

The "Abraham Lincoln Brigade" is to be associated with A. the radical Right. B. the Spanish Civil War. C. veterans of World War I. D. the "bonus marchers." E. the Civilian Conservation Corps.

B. the Spanish Civil War.

The 1950 National Security Council report known as NSC-68 stated

B. the United States must resist communism anywhere it developed in the world.

In the 1920s, a growing interest among middle-class women in birth control resulted from A. the desire to delay childbirth to pursue a career outside of the home. B. the attitude that sexual activity should not be for procreation only. C. the desire to maintain a rigid, Victorian female "respectability." D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

B. the attitude that sexual activity should not be for procreation only.

All of the following statements regarding the Allied invasion of France in June 1944 are true EXCEPT

B. the landing was made across the narrowest part of the English Channel.

All of the following statements regarding poverty in America during the 1950s are true EXCEPT that... A. more than 30 million Americans lived in poverty at any given time of the decade. B. the percentage of the population living in poverty rose during the decade. C. Native Americans were the single poorest group in the country. D. most of the poor experienced poverty temporarily. E. many rural Americans lived on the margins of the affluent society.

B. the percentage of the population living in poverty rose during the decade.

In 1957, the effort to integrate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas required

B. the presence of federal troops to enforce court orders.

In the 1920s, the idea of agricultural "parity" was

B. to ensure farmers would at least financially break even.

In the 1920s, the idea of agricultural "parity" was A. to match crop production with demand. B. to ensure farmers would at least financially break even. C. strongly opposed by Congress. D. to equalize the average farmer income with the average industrial worker income. E. invalidated by the passage of the McNary-Haugen Bill.

B. to ensure farmers would at least financially break even.

During the Harding administration, the Teapot Dome scandal involved A. the illegal sale of timber rights. B. transfers of national oil reserves. C. graft in federal construction contracts. D. political blackmail. E. the secret sale of armaments to Nicaragua.

B. transfers of national oil reserves.

During World War I, airplanes were used for all the following EXCEPT A. bombing the enemy. B. transporting troops. C. attacking other aircraft. D. reconnaissance. E. "dogfighting."

B. transporting troops.

As the japanese continued their aggression against Asian countries in 1940 and 1941, President Roosevelt

B. tried to apply economic pressure by cutting them off from American supplies

Prior to 1932, Franklin Roosevelt had been all of the following EXCEPT A. assistant secretary of the Navy. B. vice president of the United States. C. governor of New York. D. a state legislator. E. a Hudson Valley aristocrat.

B. vice president of the United States.

The Civil Rights Act of 1965 primarily focused on the issue of

B. voting rights.

In the 1920s, "welfare capitalism"

B. was a paternalistic approach used by corporate leaders on their workers.

In the 1920s, "welfare capitalism" A. encouraged employees to form single-industry labor unions. B. was a paternalistic approach used by corporate leaders on their workers. C. gave workers a measure of control over their industry. D. required corporations to provide some relief for unemployed workers. E. forced workers to donate much of their salaries to the less fortunate.

B. was a paternalistic approach used by corporate leaders on their workers.

In 1932, the Farmers' Holiday Association A. began and spread throughout the South. B. was essentially a farmers' strike. C. led to more public money being sent to rural areas. D. called on farmers to leave their lands unplanted. E. argued that farmers should also reap the benefits of welfare capitalism.

B. was essentially a farmers' strike.

During the 1920s, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters A. was formed by the American Federation of Labor. B. was one of the few unions led by African Americans. C. organized against sleeping car manufacturer A. Philip Randolph. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

B. was one of the few unions led by African Americans.

The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 Answer A. was an alliance between France and the U.S. against Germany. B. was signed with wide international acclaim. C. stated that an attack on one nation was an attack on all nations. D. was an alliance between France and the U.S. against Japan.

B. was signed with wide international acclaim.

In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson's Medicare program

B. was similar in design to the Social Security system.

African Americans employed by New Deal relief programs

B. were among the first to be released when funds ran out.

During the Nazi program of exterminating the Jews in Europe, American officials Answer A. knew nothing about Hitler's campaign against the Jews. B. were more concerned with the larger goal of winning the war than with the fate of the Jews. C. were able to do nothing since Allied land and air forces were not within reach of any of the death camps. D. increased the number of visas permitted by law to admit as many as possible of the Jewish refugees fleeing the horrors of Europe.

B. were more concerned with the larger goal of winning the war than with the fate of the Jews.

Why do historians consider 1942 to be a pivotal year for the outcome of the war?

Battle of Coral Sea (victory guaranteed Australia would remain free of Japanese control), Battle of Midway Islands (cost Japan naval control of the Pacific), Island hopping, Stalingrad (Russian forces turned back Hitler's advance into the Soviet Union, German armies retreated with Russian forces in pursuit from the East), Failure of "soft underbelly" in Europe (helped them succeed in Italy and France invasions), Manhattan Project.

Which battles were major victories for the US in the pacific in May, June, 1945

Battle of Coral Sea, and Midway

The "cash-and-carry" provision of the 1937 Neutrality Act stated that

Belligerents could buy nonmilitary goods from the United States under certain conditions.

Italian dictator

Benito Mussolini


Britain and France decided to fight Germany when Germany attacked

As the United States entered World War I

Britain and France had few reserves of combat-age men

Supreme Court decision that overturned the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision. The Court held that separate facilities were "inherently unequal".

Brown v. Board of Education

Supreme Court decision that ordered communities to desegregate schools "with all deliberate speed".

Brown v. Board of Education II

During the 1920s and 1930s, interest in pursuing an isolationist foreign policy A. was strongly supported by President Franklin Roosevelt. B. led the U.S. Senate to assert that no single nation was a threat to world peace. C. reflected the sentiments of a majority of the American public. D. led the United States to give up its membership in the World Court. E. declined after the investigations chaired by Senator Gerald Nye of North Dakota.


Following the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt A. ordered a "preparedness" campaign much like Woodrow Wilson had in 1916. B. sent American military advisers to England. C. declared that the United States would remain neutral. D. was unsure whether a majority of Americans supported Germany. E. declared the United States would be the "arsenal of democracy."


The American ambassador to London who insisted in 1940 that the British plight was already hopeless was A. Neville Chamberlain. B. Burton Wheeler. C. Joseph Kennedy. D. Wendell Willkie. E. Gerald Nye.


The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 A. was an alliance between France and the United States against Germany. B. was to be enforced with multinational trade embargoes. C. was signed with wide international acclaim. D. stated that an attack on one nation was an attack on all nations. E. was an alliance between France and the United States against Japan.


During the 1920s, when $1,800 was considered the minimum annual income for a decent standard of living, the average annual income of a worker was approximately A. $700. B. $1,100. C. $1,500. D. $1,900. E. $2,400.

C. $1,500.

President Richard Nixon believed United States foreign policy should work towards A. A Bipolar world dominated by the United States and the Soviet Union. B. Improving the governments in less developed nations. C. A balance of power between several major nations. D. Destruction of the government in the Soviet Union. E. Encouraging Europe to take up its own defense against the Soviet Union.

C. A balance of power between several major nations.

In 1945, the first atomic explosion in history took place in A. Hiroshima, Japan B. the Bikini Islands C. Alamogordo, New Mexico D. the Salt Lake desert in Utah E. Oak Ridge, Tennessee

C. Alamogordo, New Mexico

In 1945, the first atomic explosion in history took place in

C. Alamogordo, New Mexico.

In 1961, the first American to be launched into space was

C. Alan Shepard.

All of the following statements regarding the "occupation zones" of Germany in 1945 are true EXCEPT that... A. There were a total of four zones, each controlled by a different nation B. The zones were to be determined by the position of troops at the end of the war C. All of Berlin was to be placed under Soviet control D. At an unspecified date, Germany would be reunited E. Roosevelt preferred a reconstructed and reunited Germany

C. All of Berlin was to be placed under Soviet control.

During the 1930s, the most important group within the Popular Front was the A. Socialist Party. B. Federation of Labor. C. Communist Party. D. Progressive Party. E. Americans for Democratic Action.

C. Communist Party.

Great Society reforms A. Were generally proven to be cost-effective. B. Improved the lives of whites far more than blacks. C. Contributed to the greatest reduction in poverty in American history. D. Grew in popularity over the next decade. E. Made no dent in reducing hunger in America.

C. Contributed to the greatest reduction in poverty in American history.

In the 1944 elections, A. Republicans gained control of the Senate B. FDR was to ill to campaign C. Democrats increased their control of the House D. Thomas Dewey nearly won the electoral vote E. Henry Wallace was elected vice president

C. Democrats increased their control of the House

During the 1920s, the National Woman's Party campaigned primarily for the A. Nineteenth Amendment. B. Prohibition Amendment. C. Equal Rights Amendment. D. Balanced Budget Amendment. E. Disarmament Amendment.

C. Equal Rights Amendment.

In 1972, the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty A. Was signed by all of the world's nuclear powers. B. Called for the suspension of all new nuclear weapons systems. C. Froze the arsenals of some nuclear missiles at their current levels. D. Both called for the suspension of all nuclear weapons systems, and froze the arsenals of some nuclear missiles at their current levels. E. None of these answers is correct.

C. Froze the arsenals of some nuclear missiles at their current levels.

Chapter 28 In 1954, the Eisenhower administration ordered the CIA to help overthrow the government of... A. Panama. B. Colombia. C. Guatemala. D. Cuba. E. Haiti.

C. Guatemala.

Chapter 29 In 1956, the United States' interest in South Vietnam A. Was nearly nonexistent. B. Was mainly to replace the corrupt Ngo Dinh Diem government. C. Had made the country a recipient of large amounts of American aid. D. Was purely commercial. E. Was predicated on Diem agreeing to hold free and open elections.

C. Had made the country a recipient of large amounts of American aid.

During Joseph McCarthy's investigation into alleged subversion in government... A. Republicans criticized his broad attacks on the Democratic Party B. Dwight Eisenhower spoke against him after McCarthy attacked George Marshall in 1952 C. He never produced conclusive evidence that any federal employee was a communist D. Much of the public criticized his blunt tactics and coarse behavior E. He drew particularly strong support from the "eastern establishment"

C. He never produced conclusive evidence that any federal employee was a communist.

In 1929, a fascist-led government was in power in Answer A. Germany. B. Spain. C. Italy. D. Japan.

C. Italy

After the attack on Pearl Harbor led to the U.S. entry into World War II, Answer A. Japan chose to wait almost a year before making another major military assault. B. the U.S. avoided any major military activity in the Pacific for over a year because it was too weak. C. Japan inflicted other major defeats on U.S. forces in the next few months. D. the U.S. achieved several important victories over the Japanese in the next few months.

C. Japan inflicted other major defeats on U.S. forces in the next few months.

The Tripartite Pact was a defensive alliance between A. the United States, England, and Russia. B. the United States, England, and France. C. Japan, Germany, and Italy. D. Japan, Germany, and Austria. E. England, France, and Italy.

C. Japan, Germany, and Italy.

Regarding the assassination of President John Kennedy... A. Vice President Lyndon Johnson had made a last-minute decision not to accompany Kennedy. B. The president died instantly. C. Lee Harvey Oswald was shot and killed while in police custody. D. Kennedy was struck by three bullets. E. The president was shot while in a motorcade in downtown Nashville.

C. Lee Harvey Oswald was shot and killed while in police custody.

The most prominent exponent of black nationalism following World War I was A. Claude McKay. B. Booker T. Washington. C. Marcus Garvey. D. W.E.B. Du Bois. E. Malcolm X.

C. Marcus Garvey.

In 1950, the immediate cause of the Korean War was the... A. Decision by the United States to send troops to South Korea B. Triumph of communism in China C. Military invasion by North Korea into South Korea D. Division of Korea into northern and southern halves E. Military invasion of North Korea by China

C. Military invasion by North Korea into South Korea.

In 2002, President George W. Bush described an "axis of evil" made up of Iraq, Iran, and

C. North Korea.

The New Deal program which created utility cooperatives for rural Americans was the

C. Rural Electrification Administration.

The New Deal program which created utility cooperatives for rural Americans was the... A. Securities and Exchange Commission. B. Works Progress Administration. C. Rural Electrification Administration. D. Civilian Conservation Corps. E. National Recovery Administration.

C. Rural Electrification Administration.

In 1943, at the Casablanca Conference, the Allies decided they would next invade

C. Sicily.

All of the following actions were initiated by President John Kennedy EXCEPT A. An expansion of the Green Berets. B. The creation of the "Alliance for progress." C. The CIA plan to overthrow Ho Chi Minh. D. The creation of the Peace Corps. E. The creation of the Agency for International Development

C. The CIA plan to overthrow Ho Chi Minh.

President Herbert Hoover responded to the onset of the Great Depression by... A. proposing a series of economic reform programs. B. shutting down the bank system until confidence in it could be restored. C. Urding voluntary cooperation from business leaders. D. calling for a tax increase to prevent a federal deficit. E. calling for a system of social security to alleviate individual suffering.

C. Urding voluntary cooperation from business leaders.

The most significant and costly initiative of the federal government under President Dwight Eisenhower involved... A. a nuclear energy program. B. the space program. C. a federal highway system. D. a national healthcare system. E. a large tax cut.

C. a federal highway system.

During the 1920s, the agricultural economy of the United States saw A. a large decrease in the area of cultivated land. B. demand for farm goods rise faster than production. C. a sharp decline in farmers' incomes. D. farmers oppose using hybrid plants and chemical fertilizers. E. the need for a larger labor supply.

C. a sharp decline in farmers' incomes.

In 1937, after Japanese pilots sank the US gunboat Panay in China, President Roosevelt... A. called for an immediate military build-up in the United States B. entered into an economic alliance with China. C. accepted Japan's claim that the bombing had been an accident. D. retaliated by bombing Japanese supply depots in China. E. delivered the "quarantine" speech.

C. accepted Japan's claim that the bombing had been an accident.

In 1942, the United States and Mexico agreed to the braceros program which A. increased the number of Mexican immigrants in the United States would accept as new citizens B. allowed U.S. businesses to establish war production factories in Mexico C. admitted Mexican contract laborers into the US for a limited time D. accepted Mexican citizens into the US armed forces E. eliminated the tariff on goods produced in Mexico

C. admitted Mexican contract laborers into the US for a limited time

In 1942, the United States and Mexico agreed to the braceros program which

C. admitted Mexican contract laborers into the United States for a limited time.

In 1942, the United States and Mexico agreed to the braceros program, which... A. increased the number of Mexican immigrants the United States would accept as new citizens. B. allowed United States businesses to establish war production factories in Mexico. C. admitted Mexican contract laborers into the United States for a limited time. D. accepted Mexican citizens into the United States armed forces. E. eliminated the tariff on goods produced in Mexico.

C. admitted Mexican contract laborers into the United States for a limited time.

American casualties in World War I were A. 350,000. B. 60,000. C. as likely to be from disease as from combat. D. very low in all battles that U.S. troops participated in. E. comparable in number to those of the European powers.

C. as likely to be from disease as from combat.

During World War II, the United States military A. used quotas to limit the number of black servicemen in the military B. excluded blacks from combat duty C. began to relax its practices of racial segregation D. allowed blacks into all branches of the military for the first time E. doubled the number of black servicemen to 200,000

C. began to relax its practices of racial segregation

In 1947, the Truman administration responded to Republican attacks that it was weak on communism by

C. beginning an investigation into the loyalty of federal employees.

Great Society reforms

C. contributed to the greatest reduction in poverty in American history.

During World War I, the War Industries Board (WIB) A. was seen as a model for rational organization when led by Herbert Hoover. B. was plagued by mismanagement and inefficiencies under Bernard Baruch. C. coordinated government purchases of military supplies. D. saw itself as an adversary of individual businesses. E. All the answers are correct.

C. coordinated government purchases of military supplies.

In 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

C. declared that an attack on one member nation was an attack on all.

In the late 1920s, the European demand for agricultural and manufacturing goods from the United States was A. rising. B. steady. C. declining. D. chronically unstable. E. essentially nonexistent.

C. declining.

The United States government aquired definite knowledge of the Holocaust A. prior to World War II beginning in Europe B. before the U.S. had entered the war C. during the first years after U.S. involvement D. not until the last year of the war E. not until after the war was over

C. during the first years after U.S. involvement

In the 1930s, President Franklin Roosevelt carried out international policies which

C. established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.

In the 1930s, President Franklin Roosevelt carried out international policies which A. kept the United States on the gold standard. B. preserved the circular loan system of the Dawes Plan. C. established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. D. allowed American banks to make loans to nations in default to the United States. E. further soured relations with Latin America.

C. established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.

In 1942-1943, the British and American war effort against the Nazis concentrated on... A. freeing France from German control. B. supporting the Russians C. fighting in North Africa D. protecting England E. stopping the Holocaust

C. fighting in North Africa

When Joseph McCarthy first leveled charges of communist infiltration in the government, he was a

C. first-term Republican senator.

In 1920, passage of the Nineteenth Amendment A. marked the beginning of a new era in progressive reform. B. outlawed the production, sale, and consumption of alcohol. C. gave women the right to vote. D. required the direct election of senators. E. disallowed Woodrow Wilson from running for a third term.

C. gave women the right to vote.

During the 1920s, wages for American workers A. generally enabled a working-class family to thrive on a single income. B. rose most quickly for unskilled workers. C. generally ran well below the growth of the economy as a whole. D. equaled or exceeded the rate of production growth. E. generally decreased as the labor market became tighter.

C. generally ran well below the growth of the economy as a whole.

In mid-1916, President Woodrow Wilson A. stated that the United States was likely to enter the war within a year. B. ordered that American troops be sent to staging camps in England. C. had come to support a rapid increase of the nation's armed forces. D. was firmly rooted with the peace faction of the Democratic Party. E. sent Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan to broker a peace settlement.

C. had come to support a rapid increase of the nation's armed forces.

During the Great Depression, Asian Americans A. unlike blacks and Hispanics, were generally able to keep from losing their jobs to white Americans. B. who were college educated generally weathered the crisis fairly well. C. had trouble competing for jobs with poor white migrants from the Midwest. D. were limited by law to low-paying jobs such as salesclerks and food servers. E. found it easier to move into mainstream professions.

C. had trouble competing for jobs with poor white migrants from the Midwest.

All the following statements regarding Al Smith are true EXCEPT A. he was a progressive Democratic governor. B. he was supported by Tammany Hall. C. he lost the 1924 nomination to William McAdoo. D. he was an urban Catholic. E. he won the 1928 Democratic nomination.

C. he lost the 1924 nomination to William McAdoo.

During Joseph McCarthy's investigation into alleged subversion in government

C. he never produced conclusive evidence that any federal employee was a communist.

In 1934, Dr. Francis Townsend attracted widespread national support for a plan that

C. helped pave the way for the Social Security system.

During World War I, the United States military role in Europe A. saw American soldiers engage solely in light skirmishes. B. saw U.S. forces carry the fighting into Germany. C. lasted only a few months but saw heavy American casualties. D. saw American combat troops kept separate from Allied forces. E. took place mostly in Belgium and the Netherlands.

C. lasted only a few months but saw heavy American casualties.

By 1945, the Chinese government of Chiang Kai-shek had

C. little popular support.

During the 1950s, the American Federation of Labor in the United States... A. was intimidated by powerful and wealthy corporations. B. made significant concessions in benefits to gain higher wages. C. merged with the Congress of Industrial Organizations. D. represented nearly one-half of all working Americans. E. saw its president, David Beck, charged with the misappropriation of union funds.

C. merged with the Congress of Industrial Organizations.

In 1950, the immediate cause of the Korean War was the

C. military invasion by North Korea into South Korea.

In the 1920s, "behavioral" psychologists argued A. maternal affection was sufficient for successful child-rearing. B. mothers who sent their children to nursery school and kindergarten hurt their development. C. mothers should rely on trained experts for advice in raising children. D. women had an instinctive capacity for being mothers. E. midwives rather than doctors should aid in childbirth, for the emotional health of the child.

C. mothers should rely on trained experts for advice in raising children.

During the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan A. was largely centered in the South. B. was focused on intimidating African Americans. C. opposed the existing diversity of American society. D. officially renounced the use of violence. E. was a male-only organization.

C. opposed the existing diversity of American society.

In 1949, the Truman administration made progress in civil rights by

C. ordering an end to discrimination in the hiring of government employees.

All of the following occurred as a result of the Tennessee Valley Authority EXCEPT... A. flooding was almost entirely eliminated in the affected region. B. the cost of power from private companies declined. C. poverty in the region was significantly reduced. D. water transportation was improved. E. electricity was proved to thousands os new users.

C. poverty in the region was significantly reduced.

In the 1933, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation... A. offered financial protection for stock investors. B. gave the government authority to transfer the funds of failing banks to strong banks. C. protected the savings of bank depositors. D. protected banks from failing. E. encouraged banks to speculate irresponsibly.

C. protected the savings of bank depositors

As a result of the Great Depression, the social values in the United States A. saw Americans embrace nearly any idea that was new or nontraditional. B. saw a majority of Americans question the future of democracy. C. seemed to change relatively little. D. saw most Americans turn against the traditional "success ethic." E. saw the idea of individual initiative fall into disrepute.

C. seemed to change relatively little.

Erskine Caldwell's Tobacco Road and Richard Wright's Native Son chronicled A. itinerant migrants who moved west during the Depression. B. the troubles of farmers as the result of the Dust Bowl. C. social injustice in the rural South and the urban North. D. the jobless poor who traveled the country by hopping on freight trains. E. the plight of Communist labor organizers in California.

C. social injustice in the rural South and the urban North.

During the final days of World War II, German troops mounted their last serious resistance in western Europe at the Battle of Answer A. Normandy B. Kasserine Pass C. the Bulge D. the Rhine

C. the Bulge

One long-term consequence of the New Deal was

C. the national government assumed a responsibility for the basic welfare of the people.

In the 1930s, Hollywood films A. became more politically charged as the Great Depression continued. B. challenged many of the conventional attitudes regarding race. C. typically portrayed women as wives and mothers. D. experienced a decline in ticket sales as the Great Depression wore on. E. tried to avoid deliberately and explicitly escapist material.

C. typically portrayed women as wives and mothers.

President Herbert Hoover responded to the onset of the Great Depression by

C. urging voluntary cooperation from business leaders.

President Herbert Hoover responded to the onset of the Great Depression by A. proposing a series of economic reform programs. B. shutting down the bank system until confidence in it could be restored. C. urging voluntary cooperation from business leaders. D. calling for a tax increase to prevent a federal deficit. E. calling for a system of social security to alleviate individual suffering.

C. urging voluntary cooperation from business leaders.

In 1954, under John Foster Dulles's concept of "massive retaliation," the United States would

C. use nuclear weapons against communist aggression.

In 1954, under John Foster Dulles's concept of "massive retaliation," the United States would A. counter any Soviet military move with a larger American force. B. win the Cold War regardless of the financial cost. C. use nuclear weapons against communist aggression. D. use military force before diplomacy in dealing with the Soivet Union. E. rely primarily on large conventional forces in local conflict to defeat communism.

C. use nuclear weapons against communist aggression.

Franklin Roosevelt's victory over Herbert Hoover in 1932 A. saw Roosevelt carry every state. B. was disputed in several states. C. was a convincing mandate. D. was decided only in the final days of the election. E. All the answers are correct.

C. was a convincing mandate.

During World War II, the National Defense Research Committee A. by 1941, had pushed the U.S. into a position of technological superiority over Germany B. funded less research than its predecessor had during World War I C. was headed by a scientist who was a pioneer in the development of the computer D. concentrated its work on developing an atomic bomb E. received more private funding than government money

C. was headed by a scientist who was a pioneer in the development of the computer

The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928

C. was signed with wide international acclaim.

The United States Selective Service Act A. was enacted during the last months of World War I. B. gave the government, for the first time, the authority to draft citizens for military duty. C. was supported by President Woodrow Wilson. D. drafted far fewer men than those who volunteered for military duty. E. brought nearly 300,000 men into the army.

C. was supported by President Woodrow Wilson.

The Battle of the Bulge A. began in the spring of 1945 B. saw the American army drive deep into Germany C. was the last major battle on the western front D. both B and C E. None of the above

C. was the last major battle on the western front

During 1942, the U.S. launched its first major effort against the Germans when it Answer A. sent troops to prevent the Germans from using oil fields inside the Soviet Union. B. invaded Italy in an effort to open a second front in Europe. C. worked with the British in launching a major offensive in North America. D. used political and economic pressure to persuade Spain to withdraw from its alliance with Germany.

C. worked with the British in launching a major offensive in North America.

During World War II, Congress abolished the


In the 1930s, the largest Japanese- and Chinese-American populations were found in


Which of the following states experience the largest share of wartime migration in the 1940s?


Which of the following states experienced the largest share of wartime migration in the 1940s?


Which of the following states was most affected by population migrations during World War II?


Which state experienced the largest share of wartime migration in the late 1940s?


Which state was most affected by population migration during WWII?


During the strikes of 1919, tremendous political support was won when which of the following claimed that, "There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, any time"?

Calvin Coolidge

The secretary of state of the Harding administration was

Charles Evans Hughes

Which of the following supported an isolationist and noninterventionist position at the beginning of World War II?

Charles Lindbergh

In February 1944, American naval forces won a series of victories in the Marshall Islands under the command of

Chester Nimitz

In World War II, one of the primary American commanders in the Pacific was

Chester Nimitz

During the 1920s, all of the following immigrant groups were increasing their presence in the labor force in the West and Southwest EXCEPT the


Why was Churchill's strategy of invading Europe through its "soft underbelly" in Sicily and Italy a costly mistake?

Churchill thought he could keep casualties down by attacking Germany through the "soft underbelly" of Italy rather than a cross-channel invasion through France. Britain lost millions of men in World War II so the move was more difficult.

What was the first action Roosevelt took to address the nation's economic crisis?

Closed all banks in a banking holiday

What changes occurred in American trade with the Allies and the Central Powers between 1914 and 1916?

Commerce with the Allies rose nearly fourfold, while it dwindled with the Central Powers

What changes occurred in American trade with the Allies and the Central Powers between 1914 and 1916?

Commerce with the Allies rose nearly fourfold, while it dwindled with the Central Powers.

During the 1930s, the most important group within the Popular Front was the

Communist Party

By the 1960s, what part of Social Security had become the most controversial?

Compensation for unemployed workers

Which of the following caused increased racial tensions and an outbreak of race riots in more than a hundred cities in 1943?

Competition for housing and jobs between white and black migrants

Which of the following statements caused increased racial tensions and an outbreak of race riots in more than a hundred cities in 1943?

Competition for housing and jobs between whites and black migrants

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes U.S. politics during World War II?

Congress narrowed Roosevelt's call in 1944 for a second bill of rights program to include only veterans.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes US politics during World War II?

Congress narrowed Roosevelts call in 1944 for second Bill of Rights program to include only veterans

The foreign policy stance of the U.S. and their Allies that they would work together to keep communism from spreading.


In the 1920s, Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, success Page: 655

Corporate and inheritance tax reductions reduce the budget ,retired half of A World War I debt

The Munich Conference of 1938 dealt with German designs on the country of


The Munich conference of 1938 was precipitated by a crisis over


The Munich Conference of 1938 was precipitated by a crisis over


During the Harding administration, the United States A. eventually joined the League of Nations. B. largely retired from international diplomacy. C. forgave the international debts of the former European allies. D. significantly reduced the size of its navy. E. threatened to blockade Japan if it did not stop its military aggression.


In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt's "quarantine" speech A. was given in response to the Japanese sinking of the Panay. B. warned Japan it faced a U.S. embargo if it continued to be aggressive. C. saw Roosevelt challenge England and France to limit the aggression of Germany. D. received a decidedly hostile response by the American people. E. saw the president call for further isolation from the nation's enemies.


In 1940, the "lend-lease" plan... A. saw England agree to allow jobless Americans to enlist in the British military. B. saw the U.S. lend funds to the Allies so they could lease war supplies from the U.S. C. was extremely controversial and barely passed the Senate. D. allowed the U.S. to loan weapons to England to be returned when the war was over. E. saw England allow the construction of American military bases on British territory.


In the 1930s, President Franklin Roosevelt carried out international policies which A. kept the United States on the gold standard. B. preserved the circular loan system of the Dawes Plan. C. allowed American banks to make loans to nations in default to the United States. D. established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. E. further soured relations with Latin America.


The Washington Conference of 1921 A. saw the Harding administration refuse to participate in it. B. sought to expand the global markets of the United States. C. ended as a diplomatic failure for the United States. D. attempted to prevent a global naval arms race. E. attempted to create a world court.


Massive Allied invasion of Europe was codenamed...

D day

June 6, 1944


The massive Allied invasion of Europe was code-named


In his farewell address to the nation, President Dwight Eisenhower warned against the dangers of

D. "the military-industrial complex."

In 1932, the unemployment rate in Toledo, Ohio was one of the worst in the nation at A. 40 percent. B. 60 percent. C. 70 percent. D. 80 percent. E. 95 percent.

D. 80 percent.

During World War I, the new technology of warfare A. created logistical problems which slowed many offensives. B. allowed the attack of the enemy without direct combat. C. were largely responsible for the appalling level of casualties. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

D. All the answers are correct.

During the 1920s, as a result of the Eighteenth Amendment A. there was a substantial reduction in the consumption of alcohol. B. there was considerable violation of the laws banning the consumption of alcohol. C. organized crime gained exclusive access to an enormous, lucrative agency. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

D. All the answers are correct.

During the 1930s, the radical left in the United States A. found broad acceptance among both the working class and intellectuals. B. experienced intense government hostility. C. saw a widening of the ideological range of mainstream art and politics. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

D. All the answers are correct.

In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson antagonized many Republicans when he A. pushed for the election of Democrats to Congress. B. refused to put prominent Republicans on the peace conference negotiating team. C. tied support of his peace plans to the midterm elections. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

D. All the answers are correct.

In 1920, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti A. admitted they were anarchists. B. were convicted of murder. C. drew widespread support from the public. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

D. All the answers are correct.

In the 1920s, Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon succeeded in A. cutting taxes on corporate profits and personal incomes. B. eliminating half of the federal debt. C. trimming dramatically the federal budget. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

D. All the answers are correct.

In the 1920s, the development of practical radio communication was furthered by A. the theory of modulation. B. the use of vacuum tubes. C. enthusiasts who built their own sets at home. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

D. All the answers are correct.

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) A. was to provide federal loans to troubled banks and businesses. B. was created in the last year of Herbert Hoover's administration. C. included a $1.5 billion public works budget. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

D. All the answers are correct.

The federal government's response to the "Bonus Army" included A. the use of six tanks to rout the veterans from Washington. B. General Douglas MacArthur exceeding his orders to remove the veterans. C. the injuring of over 100 marchers. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

D. All the answers are correct.

As a result of the Korean War, the

D. American public believed there was something wrong with the United States.

During WWII, Congress abolished the A. CCC B. WPA C. FDIC D. CCC and WPA E. WPA and FDIC

D. CCC and WPA

Between 1945-1959, the United States policy in the Middle East saw the... A. Eisenhower administration assist in the construction of the Aswan Dam. B. Truman administration refuse to recognize the state of Israel. C. President Eisenhower seek to end the rule of Egyptian leader Gamal Nasser during the Suez crisis. D. CIA engineer a coup that brought the Shah of Iran to power. E. US refuse to join in a UN resolution denouncing British and French actions during the Suez crisis.

D. CIA engineer a coup that brought the Shah of Iran to power.

The most influential advocate for African Americans in the Roosevelt administration was

D. Eleanor Roosevelt

The country that lost the greatest number of lives in World War I was A. Russia. B. Great Britain. C. France. D. Germany. E. Italy.

D. Germany.

In 1914, the "Triple Entente" consisted of A. Italy, France, Russia. B. Great Britain, France, United States. C. Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Italy. D. Great Britain, France, Russia. E. Germany, Italy, Japan.

D. Great Britain, France, United States

All of the following statements regarding the HUAC investigation of Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers are true EXCEPT that... A. Chambers was a former communist agent B. Classified documents allegedly stolen by Hiss were kept hidden by Chambers in a pumpkin C. The case cast suspicion on a generation of liberal Democrats D. Hiss was convicted of espionage E. Hiss serve several years in prison

D. Hiss was convicted of espionage.

In World War I, the American Expeditionary Force was commanded by A. George Marshall. B. Arthur MacArthur. C. George Patton. D. John Pershing. E. Leonard Wood.

D. John Pershing.

The 1964 election saw A. Lyndon Johnson distance himself from the memory of John Kennedy. B. Lyndon Johnson win a narrow victory over Richard Nixon. C. Republicans gain control of the Senate, but not the House. D. Lyndon Johnson receive a larger plurality than any candidate before or since. E. Lyndon Johnson carry the entire south.

D. Lyndon Johnson receive a larger plurality than any candidate before or since.

The Cuban missile crisis ended after President John Kennedy agreed to A. Remove American missiles from West Germany. B. Restore diplomatic ties with Cuba. C. Provide economic aid to Cuba. D. Not invade Cuba. E. Withdraw American troops from West Berlin.

D. Not invade Cuba.

In August 1944, the Allies liberated from German occupation the city of A. Rome B. Warsaw C. Stockholm D. Paris E. Amsterdam

D. Paris

In 1920, the first commercial radio station to broadcast in the United States was in A. Cleveland. B. New York City. C. Philadelphia. D. Pittsburgh. E. Chicago.

D. Pittsburgh.

World War II began when Britain and France declared war on Germany after its invasion of Answer A. the Soviet Union B. Czechoslavakia C. Austria D. Poland

D. Poland

Which of the following statements about the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany is FALSE? Answer A. Hitler displayed a pathological anti-Semitism and a passionate militarism . B. Hitler believed in the genetic superiority of the Aryan people. C. Hitler argued in favor of extending German territory for the purpose of lebensraum. D. Upon coming to power in 1933, Hitler called his new government "the Weimar Republic."

D. Upon coming to power in 1933, Hitler called his new government "the Weimar Republic."

President Harry Truman initially decided to "get tough" with the Soviet Union

D. after his first few days in office.

During American involvement in World War II, African-American leaders tried to end discrimination by Answer A. organizing to demand integration in war-production industries. B. using black unions and threatening marches to apply pressure on companies with government contracts. C. mobilizing mass popular resistance in the form of sit-ins and demonstrations. D. all of the above.

D. all of the above

World War II changed Native Americans by Answer A. causing some to leave reservations for new opportunities. B. creating among them a taste for the material benefits of life in capitalist America. C. providing many of the with jobs in industry. D. all of the above.

D. all of the above.

The Five-Power Pact of 1922 dealt with Answer A. restructuring Germany's war debt. B. the League of Nations. C. Japanese agression toward China. D. armament limitations.

D. armament limitations

Following World War I, the American economy A. saw an immediate plunge in prices. B. fell into a protracted recession. C. was marked by a continuing labor shortage. D. boomed for many months. E. fell into a deflationary spiral.

D. boomed for many months.

During World War II, the effectiveness of German U-boats and underwater mines was ended by the development of... A. acoustic countermeasures. B. sonar. C. centrimetric radar. D. both sonar and centrimetric radar. E. All these answers are correct.

D. both sonar and centrimetric radar.

Much of Father Charles Coughlin's outspoken criticism of the Roosevelt administration revolved around the issue of

D. changing the banking and currency system.

All of the following factors were causes of the Great Depression EXCEPT

D. conservative banking policies that restricted the availability of loans.

All of the following factors were causes of the Great Depression EXCEPT A. an unstable European economy. B. a lack of diversification in the United States economy. C. a misdistribution of purchasing power. D. conservative banking policies that restricted the availability of loans. E. weak consumer demand.

D. conservative banking policies that restricted the availability of loans.

All of the following factors were causes of the Great Depression EXCEPT... A. an unstable European economy. B. a lack of diversification in the United States economy. C. a misdistribution of purchasing power. D. conservative banking policies that restricted the availability of loans. E. weakening consumer demand.

D. conservative banking policies that restricted the availability of loans.

In his 1925 novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald A. glorified wealthy Americans as examples of the "success ethic." B. ridiculed the hypocritical behavior of some in evangelical religion. C. satirized the inequalities in American politics. D. criticized the American obsession with material wealth. E. dramatized the plight of midwestern farmers.

D. criticized the American obsession with material wealth.

The Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

D. declared that separate educational facilities were unlawful.

In 1914-1915, the United States responded to a British naval blockade of Germany by A. ending trade with all of Europe to maintain its neutrality. B. ending trade with Great Britain to pressure it to lift the blockade. C. defying the blockade and continuing to trade with Germany. D. ending trade with Germany but continuing it with Great Britain. E. rerouting all trade with Germany through the Mediterranean.

D. ending trade with Germany but continuing it with Great Britain.

During World War II, the War Production Board

D. favored large over small contractors.

During the 1920s, most American industrial workers experienced all of the following EXCEPT A. a rise in their standard of living. B. income levels at the "minimum comfort level." C. little control over their economic interests. D. few opportunities to join a company union. E. employers trying to keep their labor costs low.

D. few opportunities to join a company union.

During the 1950s, the United States government's primary motive for the development of rocket and missile technology was

D. for the long-range delivery of weapons.

Beginning in the late 1940s, William Levitt used mass-production techniques to sell

D. houses.

The Johnson administration's Office of Economic Opportunity

D. included a controversial community action program.

The Neutrality Act of 1935 Answer A. sought to protect America's international trade agreements. B. prevented Americans from traveling on ships of warring nations. C. did not prevent the U.S. from intervening when Italy invaded Ethiopia. D. included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict.

D. included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict.

During the 1930s, in regards to radio, A. the largest proportion of programming was devoted to news. B. most programs were increasingly prerecorded. C. around half of all American homes owned a radio. D. listening was often a community experience. E. radio sets were basically unusable in rural areas without electricity.

D. listening was often a community experience.

In 1939, after the Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact with Nazi Germany, the American Communist Party

D. lost a significant portion of its membership.

In 1939, after the Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact with Nazi Germany, the American Communist Party A. reduced its criticism of the United States. B. formed an American Nazi Party. C. broke from the Soviet Union. D. lost a significant portion of its membership. E. disbanded.

D. lost a significant portion of its membership.

The Sabotage Act and the Sedition Act of 1918 A. eliminated jury trials for anyone charged under these laws. B. were most frequently directed at German Americans. C. were created after the Supreme Court invalidated the Espionage Act of 1917. D. made illegal any public expression opposing the war. E. were rarely if ever enforced by the Wilson administration.

D. made illegal any public expression opposing the war.

In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt's "quarantine" speech

D. received a decidedly hostile response by the American people

In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt's "quarantine" speech A. saw the president call for further isolation from the nation's enemies. B. warned Japan it faced a U.S. embargo if it continued to be aggressive. C. saw Roosevelt challenge England and France to limit the aggression of Germany. D. received a decidedly hostile response by the American people. E. was given in response to the Japanese sinking of the Panay.

D. received a decidedly hostile response by the American people.

After 1929, in the face of the worsening global economic crisis, the United States Government... A. reduced the debts owed by European nations to America. B. forgave the debts owed by European nations to America. C. allowed WWI debts to be paid for in silver. D. refused to alter the payment schedule of debts owed by European nations to America as a result of WWI. E. forgave the debts owed by former allies during the War, and reduced the debts other countries.

D. refused to alter the payment schedule of debts owed by European nations to America as a result of WWI.

After 1929, in the face of the worsening global economic crisis, the United States A. reduced the debts owed by European nations to America. B. forgave the debts owed by European nations to America. C. demanded immediate payment of all debts owed by European nations to America. D. refused to alter the payment schedule of debts owed by European nations to America. E. forgave the debts owed by former allies during the War, and reduced the debts of other nations.

D. refused to alter the payment schedule of debts owed by European nations to America.

Between his election in 1932 and the inauguration in 1933, Franklin Roosevelt

D. refused to make any agreements with the outgoing president, Herbert Hoover.

Between his election in 1932 and the inauguration in 1933, Franklin Roosevelt A. declared he would dramatically increase government spending. B. promised to maintain a balanced federal budget. C. made no public statements. D. refused to make any agreements with the outgoing president, Herbert Hoover. E. began laying the groundwork for his social security legislation.

D. refused to make any agreements with the outgoing president, Herbert Hoover.

Between his election in 1932 and the inauguration in 1933, Franklin Roosevelt... A. declared he would dramatically increase government spending. B. promised to maintain a balanced federal budget. C. made no public statements. D. refused to make any agreements with the outgoing president, Herbert Hoover. E. began laying the groundwork for his social security legislation.

D. refused to make any agreements with the outgoing president, Herbert Hoover.

After Democrats won control of Congress in the 1930 elections, President Herbert Hoover A. criticized voters for abandoning the economic principles of the Republican Party. B. told reporters that his economic recovery policies had not been successful. C. urged the new Congress to construct "Hoovervilles" to shelter the unemployed. D. refused to support a more vigorous public spending program for relief. E. deferred to their economic agenda of relief and public spending programs.

D. refused to support a more vigorous public spending program for relief.

Throughout the 1920s, the federal government A. isolated itself from the business community. B. supported the right of workers to organize as unions. C. experienced a decrease in its budget yet an increase in its debt. D. saw leaders of business take prominent positions in the federal government. E. saw an increase in the budget and the national debt.

D. saw leaders of business take prominent positions in the federal government.

Throughout the 1920s, the performance of the United States economy

D. saw nearly uninterrupted prosperity coupled with severe inequalities.

Throughout the 1920s, the performance of the United States economy A. saw ten straight years of continuous growth. B. struggled with a persistent high rate of inflation. C. saw per capita income flatten while manufacturing output soared. D. saw nearly uninterrupted prosperity coupled with severe inequalities. E. experienced a severe recession in 1923 that lasted two years.

D. saw nearly uninterrupted prosperity coupled with severe inequalities.

In 1941, the Atlantic Charter

D. saw the United States and England claim to share common principles.

All of the following statements regarding the use of DDT are true EXCEPT that... A. the pesticide likely saved the lives of thousands of soldiers during World War II. B. the pesticide was recognized to be extremely toxic to insects. C. after its introduction, it quickly gained a positive reputation for its effectiveness. D. scientists during WWII knew the pesticide had a long-term toxic effect on humans and animals. E. it was first used on a large scale in Italy in 1943-44 during a typhus outbreak.

D. scientists during WWII knew the pesticide had a long-term toxic effect on humans and animals.

During World War II, the Allies split Europe into two theaters of operation, with Answer A. the Americans and the British fighting in the eastern half and the Soviets fighting in the northern half. B. the Americans and the British fighting in the southern half and the Soviets fighting in the northern half. C. the Americans and the British fighting in the eastern half and the Soviets fighting in the western half. D. the Americans and the British fighting in the western half and the Soviets fighting in the eastern half.

D. the Americans and the British fighting in the western half and the Soviets fighting in the eastern half.

President Harry Truman's Fair Deal called for

D. the creation of national health insurance.

President Woodrow Wilson's request to Congress for a declaration of war A. was passed without a dissenting vote. B. was nearly voted down in the Senate. C. came before Germany took any military action against the United States. D. took place two weeks after German submarines had torpedoed three Americans ships. E. was supported by Republicans but opposed by most in Wilson's own party.

D. took place two weeks after German submarines had torpedoed three Americans ships.

In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson believed the Paris peace conference treaty A. should have placed large reparations on the defeated Central Powers. B. agreed with most of his Fourteen Points. C. had ended colonialism. D. was a success because of the acceptance of the League of Nations. E. was a complete and utter failure.

D. was a success because of the acceptance of the League of Nations.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

D. was amended for the benefit of women.

The Munich agreement of 1938

D. was supported by President Franklin Roosevelt.

The Munich agreement of 1938 A. was the result of negotiations involving the League of Nations. B. put most of Poland under German control. C. ended further German aggression until World War II began. D. was supported by President Franklin Roosevelt. E. was signed by Joseph Stalin despite misgivings of German intent.

D. was supported by President Franklin Roosevelt.

During World War II, organized labor in the United States A. lost membership as wages rose across most industries B. frequently used the threats of strikes to obtain higher wages C. agreed to freeze union membership and wages until the war was over D. won automatic union membership for new defense plant workers E. won a significant victory with the passage of the Smith-Connally act

D. won automatic union membership for new defense plant workers

In the 1930s, the New Deal generally gave

D. work relief to men and cash assistance to women.

Battle of the Bulge

December 1944, Germans launched counterattack on Allies (Allies won & went to Germany)

In the 1944 elections

Democrats increased their control of the Congress

In the 1944 elections,

Democrats increased their control of the House

in 1940 Germany overran these countries

Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium

In June 1943, thirty-four people died during a major race riot in


The two main American military commanders in the Pacific theater during World War II were?

Douglas MacArthur and Chester Nimitz

The two main American military commanders in the Pacific theater during World War II were

Douglas MacArthur and Chester W. Nimitz

The commanding officer of the federal detachment that confronted the Bonus Army was

Douglas MacArthur.

The man appointed to command United Nations operations in Korea.

Douglas McArthur

Which of the following was not agreed to at Delta

Drop the atomic bomb on Japan

Which of the following was not agreed to at Yalta

Dropping the atomic bomb on Japan.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes disputes between labor and management during World War II?

During its tenure, the National War Labor Board handled more than 17,000 disputes involving millions of American workers.

Which general led the US forces in D-Day (battle of Normandy)

Dwight Eisenhower

The Dawes Plan of 1924 A. called for the United States to lend money to Germany to meet its reparation payments. B. was designed to help England and France make their debt payments to the United States. C. called for Britain and France to reduce the amount of German reparation payments. D. called for both the United States to lend money to Germany to meet its reparation payments, and Britain and France to reduce the amount of German reparation payments. E. All these answers are correct.


The Five-Power Pact of 1922 dealt with A. Japanese aggression toward China. B. the civil war in Russia. C. restructuring Germany's war debt. D. the League of Nations. E. armament limitations


Casualties in WWII A. saw 14,000,000 combantants die B. saw more than 1,000,000 Americans killed or wounded C. were relatively light in the US compared to those of other countries D. both were relatively light in the US compared to those of other countries, and saw 14,000,000 combantants die E. All of the above

E. All of the above

In 1947, the United States was motivated to develop the Marshall Plan due to... A. A humanitarian concern for European people B. A desire to contain communism in Europe C. A desire to create strong European markets for American goods D. Both a humanitarian concern for European people, and a desire to create strong European markets for American goods. E. All of these answers are correct

E. All of these answers are correct.

During the 1920s, products that grew dramatically in use in the United States included A. synthetic fibers. B. plastics. C. home appliances. D. electronics. E. All the answers are correct.

E. All the answers are correct.

In the United States, after it entered World War I A. most German Americans supported the American war effort. B. German books were removed from many schools and libraries. C. the playing of German music was banned in many communities. D. sauerkraut was renamed "liberty cabbage." E. All the answers are correct.

E. All the answers are correct.

The Smith-Connally Act of 1943 A. was opposed by president Franklin Roosevelt B. authorized the president to seize a war factory where workers had gone on strike C. passed as a result of actions taken by the United Mine Workers D. both was opposed by president Franklin Roosevelt and passes as a result of actions taken by the United Mine Workers E. All these Answers are correct

E. All these Answers are correct

Chapters 23 & 24 The Works Progress Administration provided federal assistance to... A. artists B. actors C. writers D. musicians E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct

By the early twenty-first century, gay men and lesbians in the United States A. Experienced a powerful backlash from within American society. B. Achieved many of the same rights as other minority groups. C. Saw antigay violence continue periodically in communities around the country. D. Both achieved many of the same rights as other minority groups, and saw antigay violence continue periodically in communities around the country. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

In 1947, the Truman Doctrine... A. Asserted it was the obligation of the United States to support free peoples around the world B. Assumed the Soviet Union would continually attempt a global expansion of its authority C. Was originally invoked to provide aid to Greece and Turkey D. Both asserted it was the obligation of the United States to support free peoples around the world, and assumed the Soviet Union would continually attempt a global expansion of its authority E. All these answers are correct

E. All these answers are correct.

In 1973, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries A. Refused to ship oil to all nations that supported Israel. B. Raised the price of oil by 500 percent. C. Helped to precipitate a fuel shortage in the United States. D. Both refused to ship oil to all nations that supported Israel, and raised the price of oil by 500 percent. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

The Allied decisions that delayed an invasion of France... A. left the Soviet Union deeply embittered. B. put the Soviet Union in a better position to control eastern Europe C. occurred after the Soviet Union had won a significant victory in Stalingrad. D. both put the Soviet Union in a better position to control eastern Europe, and left the Soivet Union deeply embittered. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

The Dawes Plan of 1924 A. called for the United States to lend money to Germany to meet its reparation payments. B. was designed to help England and France make their debt payments to the United States. C. called for Britain and France to reduce the amount of German reparation payments. D. called for both the United States to lend money to Germany to meet its reparation payments, and Britain and France to reduce the amount of German reparation payments. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

The Dawes Plan of 1924... A. called for the United States to lend money to Germany to meet its reparation payments. B. was designed to help England and France make their debt patents to the United States. C. called for Britain and France to reduce the amount of German reparation payments. D. called for both the United States to lend money to Germany to meet its reparation payments, and Britain and France to reduce the amount of German reparation payments. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

The German sinking of the American ship Reuben James A. triggered an American naval campaign against Germany. B. led Congress to approve the arming of American merchant ships. C. led Congress to approve American ships sailing into belligerent ports. D. led Congress to approve both the arming of American merchant ships and the sailing of American ships into belligerent ports. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

The federal government's response to the "Bonus Army" included... A. the use of six tanks to rout the veterans from Washington. B. General Douglas MacArthur exceeding his orders to remove the veterans. C. the injuring of over 100 marchers. D. both the use of six tanks to rout the veterans from Washington, and the injuring of over 100 marchers. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

In the 1930s, all of the following books offered criticism of American society EXCEPT A. U.S.A. by John Dos Passo. B. Miss Lonelyhearts by Nathaniel West. C. Studs Lonigan by James T. Farrell. D. The Disinherited by Jack Conroy. E. Anthony Adverse by Hervey Allen.

E. Anthony Adverse by Hervey Allen.

After 1943, the United States advanced on Japan primarily with the aid of forces from A. England and France B. the Soviet Union and China C. the Dutch and the Soviet Union D. England and the Soviet Union E. Australia and New Zealand

E. Australia and New Zealand

The correct chronological order of the following events is A. Vienna summit, Berlin Wall, Bay of Pigs invasion, Cuban missile crisis. B. Cuban missile crisis, Berlin Wall, Bay of Pigs, Vienna Summit. C. Berlin Wall, Vienna summit, Cuban missile crisis, Bay of Pigs. D. Bay of pigs, Vienna summit, Cuban missile crisis, Berlin Wall. E. Bay of pigs, Vienna summit, Berlin Wall, Cuban missile crisis.

E. Bay of pigs, Vienna summit, Berlin Wall, Cuban missile crisis.

In the 1930s, the largest Japanese- and Chinese-American populations were found in A. Oregon. B. Arizona. C. Washington. D. Hawaii. E. California.

E. California.

In February 1944, American naval forces won a series of victories in the Marshall Islands under the command of A. Dwight Eisenhower B. Douglas MacArthur C. Omar Bradley D. Joseph Stilwell E. Chester Nimitz

E. Chester Nimitz

The Munich conference of 1938 was precipitated by a crisis over... A. Austria B. Poland C. Hungary D. Belgium E. Czechoslovakia

E. Czechoslovakia

The Munich conference of 1938 was precipitated by a crisis over

E. Czechoslovakia.

The Immigration Act of 1965 A. Ended the strict limits on the total number of immigrants to be admitted each year. B. Allowed people from all parts of Latin America to enter the United States on an equal basis. C. Had little impact on the character of the American population. D. Maintained strict restrictions against immigrants from Africa. E. Eliminated rules that gave preference to immigrant from Northern Europe.

E. Eliminated rules that gave preference to immigrant from Northern Europe.

The infamous Baltimore journalist of the 1920s who delighted in ridiculing religion, politics, the arts, and even democracy itself was A. John Dos Passos. B. F. Scott Fitzgerald. C. Sinclair Lewis. D. Thomas Wolfe. E. H. L. Mencken

E. H. L. Mencken

As part of his foreign policy, President Herbert Hoover moved to withdraw American troops from A. Mexico. B. Cuba. C. Venezuela. D. Colombia. E. Haiti.

E. Haiti

As part of his foreign policy, President Herbert Hoover moved to withdraw American troops from A. Mexico. B. Cuba. C. Venezuela. D. Colombia. E. Haiti.

E. Haiti.

All of the following statements regarding the 1968 Tet offensive are true EXCEPT A. It began on a Vietnamese holiday. B. It saw the Viet Cong fighting on the grounds of the American embassy in Saigon. C. It saw American troops inflict enormous casualties on the communists. D. It suggested to the American public something of the brutality of the fighting in Vietnam. E. It saw Saigon fall to the communists.

E. It was Saigon fall to the communists.

During World War II, the first Axis country to be defeated was A. Germany B. Spain C. Austria D. Japan E. Italy

E. Italy

In 1939, the first steps toward the creation of the atomic bomb were taken by A. the Soviet Union B. Great Britain C. the US D. Japan E. Nazi Germany

E. Nazi Germany

During the 1930s, southern rural blacks who moved to northern urban areas A. were denied all forms of public relief assistance. B. generally experienced better economic conditions. C. could still find domestic service jobs no whites wanted. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

E. None of the answers are correct.

During the 1930s, the American Communist Party A. distanced itself from the Soviet Union. B. excluded most minorities from its ranks. C. supported Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

E. None of the answers are correct.

During the Red Scare of 1919, Attorney General Mitchell Palmer A. oversaw the deportation of 6,000 people. B. founded the Federal Bureau of Investigation. C. argued for moderation and a cooling-off period. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

E. None of the answers are correct.

In 1918, President Wilson's Fourteen Points received significant political support from A. the British government. B. the United States Senate. C. the French government. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

E. None of the answers are correct.

In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt's promise of a "new deal" for America included a commitment to A. spend billions of dollars to assist in the economic recovery. B. provide relief jobs to millions of unemployed Americans. C. pass legislation establishing a nationwide program of social security. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

E. None of the answers are correct.

The Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930 A. gave incentives to Europeans to sell their goods in the United States. B. was designed to stimulate United States exports. C increased tariffs on industrial products, but left farm products' rates unchanged. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

E. None of the answers are correct.

During World War II, Allied bombers targeted... A. the crematoria at Auschwitz. B. the railroad lines leading to Auschwitz. C. the guard towers and Nazi bunkers at Auschwitz. D. both the crematories at Auschwitz and the railroad lines leading to Auschwitz. E. None of these answers are correct.

E. None of these answers are correct.

In Vietnam, the American military "attrition" strategy A. Prevented North Vietnam from sufficiently resupplying their soldiers. B. Led the United States to abandon its air bombardment campaign. C. Eventually broke the resolve of North Vietnam. D. Both prevented North Vietnam from sufficiently resupplying their soldiers, and led the United States to abandon its air bombardment campaign. E. None of these answers is correct.

E. None of these answers are correct.

Beginning in 1947, the United States' policy of "containment" was

E. None of these answers is correct.

In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt's promise of a "new deal" for America included a commitment to

E. None of these answers is correct.

The Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930

E. None of these answers is correct.

In 1972, the Watergate scandal began with a break-in at the A. Washington Post newspaper building. B. Headquarters of the George McGovern campaign. C. House of Representatives. D. Office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist. E. Offices of the Democratic National Committee.

E. Offices of the Democratic National Committee.

Only weeks after taking office, President Lyndon Johnson declared a "war" on A. Racism. B. Crime. C. Intolerance. D. Illiteracy. E. Poverty.

E. Poverty.

In 1941, prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,

E. President Franklin Roosevelt froze all Japanese assets in the United States.

In 1941, prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor... A. Japanese troops attacked the Philippines. B. the Japanese developed a new, unbreakable communication code. C. Japan tried to repair relations with the United States in order to restore their flow of supplies. D. President Franklin Roosevelt ordered Japan's diplomats to leave Washington. E. President Franklin Roosevelt froze all Japanese assets in the United States.

E. President Franklin Roosevelt froze all Japanese assets in the United States.

In 1947, the first target of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was... A. Labor Unions B. The Democratic Party C. The State Department D. The American Communist Party E. The Movie industry

E. The Movie industry

Chapter 27 In the years immediately following World War II, the United States policy towards Asia saw... A. The United States intervene militarily in China to fight communist advances there. B. President Harry Truman place restrictions on industrial development in Japan. C. President Truman threaten communists in China with atomic bombs. D. The United States provide financial support to Mao Zedong for reasons of stability. E. The Truman administration encourage the rapid economic growth of Japan

E. The Truman administration encourage the rapid economic growth of Japan

In 1948, the Soviet Union's blockade of West Berlin was primarily a response to... A. The Marshall Plan B. The United States putting nuclear missiles in Turkey C. The establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization D. The Truman Doctrine E. The creation of a unified West Germany

E. The creation of a unified West Germany.

Which of the following statements about the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany is FALSE?

E. Upon coming to power in 1933, Hitler called his new government "the Weimar Republic."

Which of the following statements about the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany is FALSE? A. His rise was partially precipitated by ruinous inflation. B. Hitler displayed a pathological anti-Semitism and a passionate militarism. C. Hitler believed in the genetic superiority of the Aryan people. D. Hitler argued in favor of extending German territory for the purpose of lebensraum. E. Upon coming to power in 1933, Hitler called his new government "the Weimar Republic."

E. Upon coming to power in 1933, Hitler called his new government "the Weimar Republic."

Which of the following statements about the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany is FALSE? A. His rise was partially precipitated by ruinous inflation. B. Hitler displayed a pathological anti-Semitism and a passionate militarism. C. Hitler believed in the genetic superiority of the Aryan people. D. Hitler argued in favor of extending German territory for the purpose of lebensraum. E. Upon coming to power in 1933, Hitler called his new government "the Weimar Republic."

E. Upon coming to power in 1933, Hitler called his new government "the Weimar Republic."

The Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade (1973) A. Made abortion legal for the first time in the history of the United States. B. Enabled women to obtain an abortion during any point of a pregnancy. C. Initially applied only to pregnancies resulting from rape or abuse. D. Invalidated all laws prohibiting abortion during the second trimester. E. Was based on a new legal interpretation of privacy rights.

E. Was based on a new legal interpretation of privacy rights.

In 1963, the overthrow of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem A. Resulted in Diem's imprisonment and eventual exile. B. Was carried out by Soviet KGB operatives. C. Brought short-term political stability to South Vietnam. D. Was carried out by the National Liberation Front. E. Was supported by the Kennedy administration.

E. Was supported by the Kennedy administration.

During World War II, the regional impact of government spending was the greatest in the A. Northeast B. Midwest C. South D. East E. West

E. West

The long-time censor of Hollywood films in the 1920s and 1930s was A. Frank Capra. B. Pare Lorentz. C. King Vidor. D. James Agee. E. Will Hays.

E. Will Hays.

In the 1920s bestseller, The Man Nobody Knows, Jesus Christ was portrayed as A. embodying Republican values. B. a 100% American. C. a capitalist. D. a prophet who would oppose consumerism. E. a salesman.

E. a salesman.

During WW2, mexican americans experienced

E. a small number of violent clashes between them and anglo-american residents of the west.

During WWII, Chinese Americans A. were drafted in a higher proportion than any other national group B. recieved a favorable image in U.S. government propaganda C. saw the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Acts. D. both recieved a favorable image in U.S. government propaganda and saw the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Acts. E. all of the above

E. all of the above

During the 1920s, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) A. decided to shift away from craft unions. B. created a partner organization, the Congress of Industrial Organizations. C. used strikes in an attempt to organize unskilled workers. D. became more radical after the death of Samuel Gompers. E. believed workers should be organized on the basis of skills.

E. believed workers should be organized on the basis of skills.

In the election of 1916, supporters of Woodrow Wilson A. helped the president easily beat his Republican opponent. B. called his Republican opponent a pacifist who would not act to save England. C. felt betrayed when the president stated that the nation's entrance into the war was inevitable. D. were anxious for the President to declare war before election day. E. claimed his Republican opponent would lead the nation into war.

E. claimed his Republican opponent would lead the nation into war.

In 1933, two days after he took office, President Franklin Roosevelt

E. closed all banks.

The Scopes trial of 1925 was a legal battle between

E. creationism and evolution.

The Scopes trial of 1925 was a legal battle between A. blacks and whites. B. urban and rural society. C. nativists and immigrants. D. U.S. Steel and the Amalgamated Steelworkers' Union. E. creationism and evolution.

E. creationism and evolution.

The Immigration Act of 1965

E. eliminated rules which gave preference to immigrants from northern Europe.

In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt's call to expand the Supreme Court came from

E. his desire to change the ideological balance of the Court.

The Neutrality Act of 1935

E. included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict.

The Neutrality Act of 1935 A. sought to protect America's international trade agreements. B. prevented Americans from traveling on ships of warring nations. C. did not prevent the United States from intervening when Italy invaded Ethiopia. D. was passed by Congress with recent acts of Nazi aggression in mind. E. included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict.

E. included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict.

The Neutrality Act of 1935... A. sought to protect America's international trade agreements. B. prevented Americans from traveling on ships of warring nations. C. did not prevent the United States from intervening when Italy invaded Ethiopia. D. was passed by Congress with recent acts of Nazi aggression in mind. E. included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict.

E. included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict.

In 1960, the Soviet Union's announcement it had shot down an American U-2 spy plane... A. proved to be false. B. occurred at the close of an important summit conference in Paris. C. compelled President Dwight Eisenhower to apologize for invading Soviet airspace. D. resulted in a United Nations' proclamation that criticized the United States. E. led Soviet Premier Khrushchev to cancel a planned visit by Eisenhower to Moscow.

E. led Soviet Premier Khrushchev to cancel a planned visit by Eisenhower to Moscow.

During the 1950s, the general economic conditions of the United States included... A. stagnant economic growth. B. high inflation. C. low federal government spending. D. a slowly rising gross national product. E. low unemployment.

E. low unemployment.

The Battle of the Coral Sea in 1942 A. saw the Americans take the offensive for the first time B. was the United States forced to withdraw its naval forces C. marked the major turning point of the war in the Pacific D. saw the Japanese lose most of its aircraft carriers E. marked the first important victory by the United States

E. marked the first important victory by the United States

The Battle of the Coral Sea in 1942

E. marked the first important victory by the United States against Japan.

In the 1920s, "behavioral" psychologists, such as John B. Watson, believed A. the behavior of an individual was a product of genetics and could not be altered. B. behavioral problems could be treated through an exploration of the unconscious. C. the "criminal mind" could be detected in children by observing their behavior. D. psychiatry should only treat severe mental disturbances, not offer therapy for ordinary anxieties. E. mental ailments could be improved by treating their symptoms.

E. mental ailments could be improved by treating their symptoms.

Regarding the Treaty of Versailles, the United States Senate decided in 1919 to A. ratify it without change. B. ratify it after Democrats accepted the Republican "reservations." C. ratify it with the change that the United States would not join the League of Nations. D. ratify it only after Article X was struck from the treaty. E. not ratify it.

E. not ratify it.

During World War I, the United States government primarily financed the war through A. deficit spending and currency manipulation. B. foreign loans and the printing of new currency. C. private business and banking loans. D. currency inflation and the sale of gold reserves. E. public bond sales and new taxes.

E. public bond sales and new taxes.

In 1931, the severity of the depression increased when the Federal Reserve Board

E. raised interest rates.

In 1931, the severity of the depression increased when the Federal Reserve Board A. closed all financially-ailing banks. B. declared bankruptcy. C. weakened the value of the dollar. D. expanded the money supply. E. raised interest rates.

E. raised interest rates.

In 1918, the National War Labor Board did NOT give American workers A. an eight-hour work day. B. equal pay to women for equal work. C. collective bargaining rights. D. maintenance of minimal living standards. E. recognition of the right to strike.

E. recognition of the right to strike.

Between 1939 and 1945, the federal budget of the United States

E. rose ten-fold.

During World War I, the "Great Migration" in the United States referred to A. war refugees from Europe moving to the United States. B. immigrants from Mexico moving to industrial cities in the United States. C. rural white women moving to northern industrial cities. D. northern blacks returning to the rural South. E. rural southern blacks moving to northern industrial cities.

E. rural southern blacks moving to northern industrial cities.

In the 1930s, Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People A. claimed community togetherness was the best way to combat hard times. B. argued the best way to end the Depression was for working-class men and women to run for office. C. asserted that a strong faith in Christianity would best help one though hard times. D. gave financial advice and offered tips when going to a job interview. E. taught that individual initiative could help people to restore themselves financially.

E. taught that individual initiative could help people to restore themselves financially.

All of the following statements regarding the 1932 "Bonus Army" are true EXCEPT

E. the "Army" demanded Congress create relief programs for World War I veterans.

All of the following statements regarding the 1932 "Bonus Army" are true EXCEPT A. Hoover called some marchers' behavior evidence of uncontrolled violence and radicalism. B. several thousand American veterans camped out in Washington D.C. C. Congress refused to formally consider the demands of the "Army." D. many Americans viewed President Hoover as unsympathetic to the veterans. E. the "Army" demanded Congress create relief programs for World War I veterans.

E. the "Army" demanded Congress create relief programs for World War I veterans.

The first significant public awareness in the United States of computers came during... A. the 1961 Mercury space flight. B. the 1957 launch of Sputnik. C. the 1958 launch of the first American satellite. D. the 1950 Bureau of Census tabulations. E. the 1952 election tabulations

E. the 1952 election tabulations

As the United States entered World War I, its most immediate military effect was in A. western Europe. B. the Far East. C. north Africa. D. eastern Europe. E. the Atlantic Ocean.

E. the Atlantic Ocean.

By the end of 1938,

E. the New Deal had largely come to an end.

The immediate cause of war in Europe in 1914 was A. a struggle between European powers for control of the international diamond trade. B. the sinking of the British passenger liner Lusitania. C. the death of Otto von Bismark in Germany. D. the German invasion of Poland. E. the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

E. the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

In 1948, the Soviet Union's blockade of West Berlin was primarily a response to

E. the creation of a unified West Germany.

To Herbert Hoover, "associationalism" meant A. states and the federal government working together to restrain business. B. Congress and the President working together on economic legislation. C. the formation of federal boards to oversee various aspects of industry. D. businesses being run by a governing board of management and labor representatives. E. the creation of national organizations of businessmen in particular industries.

E. the creation of national organizations of businessmen in particular industries

To Herbert Hoover, "associationalism" meant

E. the creation of national organizations of businessmen in particular industries.

In the case Korematsu v. US, the supreme court ruled that

E. the internment of Japanese Americans was constitutional

In 1947, the first target of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was

E. the movie industry.

In the 1920s, the "noble experiment" referred to A. the equal rights amendment for women. B. laws to restrict child labor. C. political isolationism. D. female suffrage. E. the prohibition of alcohol.

E. the prohibition of alcohol.

In 1942, when the US interned Japanese Americans in "relocation centers" A. all of the affected Japanese were American citizens B. the West Coast of the US was not an important military region C. all of those affected were 1st-generation Japense immigrants D. the move was protested by California Attorney General Earl Warren E. there was no evidence that the Japanese Americans were a domestic security risk

E. there was no evidence that the Japanese Americans were a domestic security risk

In 1942, when the United States interned Japanese Americans in "relocation centers,"

E. there was no evidence that the Japanese Americans were a domestic security risk.

In the early 20th century, the vaccine which raised the most safety concerns in the United States was for the prevention of

E. tuberculosis.

In the 1930s, the "Dust Bowl" A. was created by the national economic collapse. B. stretched from Kansas to California. C. experienced years of heavy rainfall. D. was created by grasshoppers. E. was a product of changing environmental conditions.

E. was a product of changing environmental conditions.

The Tennessee Valley Authority of 1933

E. was an experiment in regional planning by the federal government.

The Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade (1973)

E. was based on a new legal interpretation of privacy rights.

During the 1920s, birth control in the United States A. was limited to physical methods such as abstinence and withdrawal. B. included legal abortion in most states. C. was strongly opposed by moralists such as Margaret Sanger. D. was among the major causes of poverty and distress in poor communities. E. was illegal in many states.

E. was illegal in many states.

Calvin Coolidge A. claimed that Theodore Roosevelt was his political role model. B. believed the federal government should actively promote the social welfare of Americans. C. lost his party's bid for renomination in the election of 1928. D. had no political experience prior to becoming vice-president in 1920. E. was less active a president than Warren Harding.

E. was less active a president than Warren Harding.

In 1919, the Red Scare in the United States A. led to government raids which uncovered large caches of weapons. B. saw more than 6,000 people deported from the country. C. saw the arrest of several major government figures. D. was generally opposed by universities and other academic institutions. E. was partly motivated by a series of bombings.

E. was partly motivated by a series of bombings.

In 1996, significant reform legislation was passed by Congress concerning

E. welfare programs.

During the 1920s, airplanes A. experienced a great increase in commercial travel. B. had no practical use. C. were used almost exclusively for military purposes. D. saw the development of the first experimental jet engines. E. were largely a source of entertainment.

E. were largely a source of entertainmen

During the 1920s, airplanes

E. were largely a source of entertainment.

At Yalta, agreement was reached between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin that..

Eastern Europe, in principle, would be a Soviet sphere of influence, although its dimensions were vague

The GI Bill of Rights provided

Education, medical care, pensions, and mortgage loans to veterans.

The most influential advocate for African Americans in the Roosevelt Administration was

Eleanor Roosevelt

The most influential advocate for African Americans in the Roosevelt administration was

Eleanor Roosevelt

Which of the following factors contributed to the incredible number of militant strikes that occurred during 1919?

Employers tried to root out labor unions after the war

Which of the following factors contributed to the incredible number of militant strikes that occurred during 1919?

Employers tried to root out labor unions after the war.

During World War II the big three consisted of?

England the Soviet Union and the United States

During World War II, the Big Three consisted of...?

England, Soviet Union, and the U.S.

During World War II, the "big three" consisted of

England, Soviet Union, and the United States

During World War II, the "big three" consisted of

England, the Soviet Union, and the United States

The US plane that dropped the first atomic bomb

Enola Gay

President Franklin Roosevelt's sharpest foreign policy break with Herbert Hoover concerned


President Franklin Roosevelt's sharpest foreign policy break with Herbert Hoover concerned


How did the US government respond to reports of the Holocaust?

Even though the administration knew of the death camps early in the war, the United States refused to take in Jewish Refugees

How did American consumers respond to the economic situation in the early 1930s?

Facing the possibility of hard times and unemployment, most Americans cut back

List the causes of World War II

Failure of the treaty of Versailles, Nationalism, Economic conditions, Power politics

Truman's domestic program.

Fair Deal

Benito Mussolini

Fascist dictator of Italy (1922-1943). He led Italy to conquer Ethiopia (1935), joined Germany in the Axis pact (1936), and allied Italy with Germany in World War II. He was overthrown in 1943 when the Allies invaded Italy. (p. 786)

All of the following programs were part of the "Second New Deal" EXCEPT

Federal Emergency Relief Administration

Established a pro-communist regime in Cuba in 1959.

Fidel Castro

In 1941, which of the following nations continued to repay war debts to the United States?


known as the<br> multiple_choice_question 8203434 President Wilson's postwar plan for European recovery and cooperation was known as the<br> President Wilson's postwar plan for European recovery and cooperation was known as the

Fourteen Points.

Who was the first woman cabinet member, who served as Secretary of Labor?

Frances Perkins

Good Neighbor Policy

Franklin D. Roosevelt policy in which the U.S. pledged that the U.S. would no longer intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American countries. This reversed Teddy Roosevelt's Big Stick Policy.

In a famous 1941 speech, Franklin Roosevelt excluded which of the following from his definition of the "four essential freedoms"?

Freedom from discrimination

In the famous 1941 speech was about to find all of the following four freedoms except

Freedom from discrimination

In a famous 1941 speech, Roosevelt define all of the following "four essential freedoms" except

Freedom from discrimination.

During World War II, the United States Army chief of staff was Page: 730

Gen. George C Marshall

During World War II, the United States Army chief of staff was

George Marshall

A Senate committee headed by Senator of North Dakota investigated the reasons behind the American entry into World War I.

Gerald Nye


German form of "lightening war"

Erwin Rommel

German general known as the "Desert Fox"

In the spring/summer 1942 the Allies began massive air raids targeting this country


The country that lost the greatest number of lives in World War I was


WWII began when

Germany invaded Poland

We want to begin in Europe when...

Germany invaded Poland

World War II began when..

Germany invaded Poland

World War II began in Europe when

Germany invaded Poland.

World War II began when

Germany invaded Poland.


Germany w/drawls from the League

Which of the following was the immediate cause for American entry into WW1?

Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare

Which of the following was the immediate cause for American entry into World War I?

Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare

The federal government enacted what policies during WWII to encourage women workers in the war effort?

Government child-care programs

The progressive legislation was passed during World War II to encourage women workers in the war effort?

Government child-care programs

What progressive legislation was passed during World War II to encourage women workers in the war effort?

Government childcare programs

The largest New Deal project in the West was the construction of the

Grand Coulee Dam

In 1914, the "Triple Entente" consisted of

Great Britain, France, Russia

Which of the following concepts championed black racial pride & cultural identity in the 1920s?

Harlem Renaissance

Which of the following concepts championed black racial pride and cultural identity in the 1920s?

Harlem Renaissance

He found it distasteful, preferring work relief over cash subsidies.

He opposed it vigorously and saw to it that New Deal programs never involved direct cash subsidies.

After the Japanese invaded China in 1937 Pres. Roosevelt did what?

He urged peace loving nations to quarantine Japan

During the 1920s, as a result of the Eighteenth Amendment, Page: 648-649

Hired 1500 agents, little help from local police, organized crime

The 2 cities that the atomic bomb was dropped on by the US in Japan

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

nationalists leader of the Nazis. Lost a election for chancellor. Believed in the racial superiority of the Aryan (German) people, his commitment to providing Lebensraum (living space) for his master race.



Hitler marched in Czechoslovakia and ignored the appeasement with GB and France


Hitler marched troops into Rhineland. Italy and Germany signed alliance

Stimson issued stern warnings to Japan and tried to use moralsuasion to end the crisis. But Hoover forbade him to cooperate with the League of Nations in imposing economic sanctions against the Japanese.

Hoover's response to Japanese invasion of Manchuria

What led to the rise of the Nazi Party?

Huge WWI reparation payments, economic depression, high unemployment.

Problems on the homefront did not include what?

I rise in the number of unmarried mothers


In 1938, Hitler demanded that Czechoslovakia grant Germany control of the ______, an area where many ethnic Germans lived.

internment camps

In fear of the Japanese Americans helping with the invasion on the U.S., the Japs were moved where?

John Collier is to be associated with New Deal

Indian policies

Which of the following social movements grew tremendously as a result of the New Deal?

Industrial Unionism

Which of the following sectors of American society saw the greatest amount of improvement in the 1920s?

Industrial output

Which of the following sectors of American society saw the greatest amount of improvement in the 1920s?

Industrial output.

Which of the following statements characterizes consumer spending during the 1920s?

Installment buying boosted consumerism

Which of the following statements characterizes consumer spending during the 1920s?

Installment buying boosted consumerism.

Instead of immediately opening a second front in France in 1942-1943, Churchill successfully insisted that the Allies

Invade North Africa and later Sicily and the Italian mainland.

Instead of immediately open a second front in France Churchel successfully insisted that the allies?

Invade north Africa and later Sicily and the Italian mainland

The Allied decisions that delayed an invasion of France Page: 732

Invasion of Italy

The divided loyalties of the American people regarding U.S. entrance into World War I included

Irish American disdain for British occupation of Ireland.

Which of the following statements most accurately assesses the historical significance of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation?

It gave the federal government a crucial role in American economic life.

What did the G.I. Bill of Rights provide?

It provided education medical care pensions and mortgage loans to veterans

Why did President McKinley and the Republicans jump at the chance to hold the Philippine Islands?

It provided the US with a major foothold in the western Pacific and access to Asian markets.

Why President McKinley and the Republicans jump at the chance to hold the Philippine Islands?

It provided the United States with a major foothold in the western Pacific and access to Asian markets.

All of the following are true about World War II except

It was fought on three of the seven continents and four of the five oceans

During World War II, the first Axis country to be defeated was


In 1929, a fascist-led government was in power in


The 1931 invasion of Manchuria by was cause for concern on the part of the Hoover administration.



Italy invaded Albania, Hitler's attack on Poland

Ethiopia, Albania

Italy showed its defiance leading into WWII by attacking _____ and _____, and also withdrawing from the League of Nations.


Italy w/drawls from the League

In 1929, a fascist-led government was in power in


What was the goal of the America First Committee?

Its intent was to keep the nation out of war

Which of the following Americans spoke out vigorously against annexation of the Philippines in the late 1890's?

Jane Addams

Which of the following americans spoke out vigorously against the annexation of the Philippines in the late 1890s

Jane Addams

In 1934, the Soviet Union complained that the United States had little interest in stopping the expansion of


Roosevelt's 1937 "quarantine" speech was directed at


After the attack on Pearl Harbor led to the US entry into WW2,

Japan inflicted other major defeats on US forces in the next few months


Japan joins with Italy, Germany

"a date that will live in infamy" said by President Roosevelt

Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor

What did Pres. Roosevelt call a date that will live in infamy?

Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor

What did President Roosevelt call "a date that will live in "infamy"?

Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor

What did President Roosevelt call "a date that will live in infamy"?

Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor

What did President Roosevelt call "a date that will love in infamy"?

Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor

Hideki Tojo

Japan's prime minister. ordered attack on pearl harbor

The Tripartite Pact was a defensive alliance between

Japan, Germany, and Italy.

In 1934, the Soviet Union complained that the United States had little interest in stopping the expansion of


In August 1945, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan because

Japanese did not surrender after the first bomb was dropped

Hideki Tojo

Japanese prime minister who came to power in 1941

Which of the following describes 1920s jazz?

Jazz represented a synthesis of African American music forms such as ragtime and the blues

Which of the following describes 1920s jazz?

Jazz represented a synthesis of African American music forms such as ragtime and the blues.

Which of the following was the first woman in Congress and voted against going into WW1?

Jeannette Rankin

Which of the following was the first woman in Congress and voted against going into World War O?

Jeannette Rankin

In the 1920s bestseller, The Man Nobody Knows, Page: 640

Jesus Christ was portrayed as a salesman

Eisenhower's Secretary of State who developed the policy of massive resistance against communist threats.

John Foster Dulles

In the 1920s, "behavioral" psychologists argued Page: 642

John Watson,mental ailments could be improved by treating their symptoms

American scientist who developed the vaccine for polio.

Jonas Salk

The American ambassador to London who insisted in 1940 that the British plight was already hopeless was

Joseph Kennedy

A senator who rose to public prominence in 1950 when he claimed to have evidence of 205 communists working within the U.S. Department of State.

Joseph McCarthy

The nation's most prominent leader of the crusade against domestic subversion was

Joseph McCarthy

In February 1944, American naval forces won a series of victories in the Marshall Islands under the command of

Joseph Stilwell

This concluded the Washington Conference began the New Era effort to protect without accepting active international duties. When the french foreign minister asked the United States to join an alliance against Germany, Secretary of State Frank Kellogg instead proposed a multilateral treaty outlawing war as an instrument of national policy.

Kellogg-Braind Pact of 1928

The Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved when

Kennedy accepted Khrushchev's offer to remove the missiles from Cuba in exchange for Kennedy's pledge not to invade the island

Describe the America First Committee.

Leading isolationist group advocating that America focus's on continental defense and non-involvement with the European war.

The Scopes trial of 1925 Page: 652

Legal battle between creationism and evolution

It would allow the government not only to sell but also to lend or lease armaments to any nation deemed "vital to the defense of the United States." America would funnel weapons to England on the basis of no more than Britain's promise to return or pay for them when the war was over.

Lend-Lease Plan 1940

In 1944, U.S. Naval forces destroyed much of Japan's remaining naval fleet in the battle of

Leyte Gulf

In 1944 US naval forces destroyed much of Japan's remaining naval fleet in The battle of...

Leyte gulf

The Allied development of an atomic bomb during World War II Page: 751

Manhattan Project - atomic physicist - ideas of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity - uranium nuclear chain reaction - Radioactive matter in nuclear fission - construction plausible in 1940s - Rico Fermi discovered radioactivity in Italy - Niels Bohr Danish physicist news of German advancements to US - Columbia University, UC Berkeley and University of Chicago - general Leslie Groves -Manhattan engineer district office of Army corpse of engineers - 2 billion in secret funds -Oak Ridge Tennessee, Los Alamos, New Mexico, Hanford Washington - plutonium -J Robert Oppenheimer - 'Trinity'

What was the outcome of the stock market crash of October 1929?

Many middle-class Americans without stock investments lost their life savings when banks failed

What was the outcome of the stock market crash of October 1929?

Many middle-class Americans without stock investments lost their life savings when banks failed.

The most prominent leader of black nationalism following World War I was

Marcus Garvey

The plan developed after WWII to economically rebuild Western Europe.

Marshall Plan

Civil Rights leader who rose to prominence by leading the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Martin Luther KIng, Jr.

when did German forces surrender?

May 8 1945 battle in Europe was over

Battle of Coral Sea

May of 1942 the US navy halted the Japanese advance toward Australia

Which of the following statements accurately describes women's roles in the American workforce during WW2?

Men earned higher wages than women for comparable work

Which statement accurately describes women's roles in the American workforce during WWII?

Men earned higher wages than women for comparable work

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the entry of women into the American workforce during World War II?

Men earned higher wages than women for comparable work.

Which of the following statements accurately describes women's roles in the American workforce during World War II?

Men earned higher wages than women for comparable work.

Which of the following statement accurately characterizes the entry of women into the American workforce during World War II?

Mender entire witches than women for comparable work

Which prominent politician fanned fears of domestic radicalism after a bomb exploded outside his home in 1919?

Mitchell Palmer

Describe the forced relocation and incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II?

More than 2/3 of the Japanese Americans were native born American citizens.

Which statement describes rationing during WWII?

Most Americans complied with rationing

Which of the following statements accurately describes rationing during World War II?

Most Americans complied with rationing.

Which statement describes rationing during World War II?

Most Americans complied with rationing.

In the 1930s, all of the following films offered social commentary on the United States and the Great Depression EXCEPT

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington


Mussolini attacks Ethiopia. Germany announced rearmament

A National Security Council report issued in 1950 that expanded the containment policy by stating that the U.S. would have to act wherever a threat of communist expansion occurred.


A law that reshaped the nation's military and diplomatic institutions. It created the Department of Defense, the National Security Council, and the Central Intelligence Agency.

National Security Act of 1947

In 1939, the first steps toward the creation of an atomic bomb were taken by

Nazi Germany

In 1939, the first steps toward the creation of an atomic bomb were taken by Page: 750

Nazi scientists followed by United States and Britain

The United States' initial response to world problems in the 1930s was


What was the United States initial response to real problems in the 1930s?


designed to prevent the recurrence of the events that many americans now believed had pressured the United States into WWI. This act established a mandatory arms against both victim and aggressor in any military conflict and empowered the president to warn American citizens that they might travel on the ships of warring nations only at their own risk.

Neutrality Act of 1935

established the cash-and-carry policy, by which belligerents could purchase only nonmilitary goods from the United States and had to pay cash and carry the goods away on their own vessels.

Neutrality Act of 1937

The "cash-n-carry" provision was a part of this

Neutrality Act of 1939

In 1942 Japanese forces invaded all of the following except

New Zealand

In 1942, Japanese forces invaded all of the following except

New Zealand

As part of his foreign policy, President Herbert Hoover moved to withdraw American troops from Haiti and


Leader of the Soviet Union beginning in 1958.

Nikita Kruschev

List the objectives of the Atlantic Charter between the United States and Great Britain

Non-aggressive pledge, formation of a collective security system, self determination of people, no territorial aggrandizement, freedom of seas, reduction of commercial restriction.

In the election of 1940, Franklin Roosevelt

None of the answers are correct A. selected Harry Truman as his new vice president running mate. B. won an unprecedented, but closely contested, third term. C. removed Henry Wallace from the ticket at the request of conservatives.

During World War II, Allied bombers targeted

None of the answers are correct A. the crematoria at Auschwitz. B. the railroad lines leading to Auschwitz. C. the guard towers and Nazi bunkers at Auschwitz.

An alliance between the U.S. and the countries of Western Europe which declared that an attack on one member would be considered an attack against all.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes racial relations in the aftermath of World War I?

Northern black Americans faced outbreaks of racial violence in more than twenty-five cities.

During the 1920s, immigrant increasing their presence in the labor force in the West and Southwest Page: 637

Not Chinese

The U.S. attorney general predicted that radicals would attempt to overthrow the U.S. government on May Day 1920; consequently, state militia units and police went on twenty-four-hour alert. What actually happened on that day?

Nothing unusual happened.

What were Franklin Roosevelt's "four essential freedoms"?

Of speech, of worship, from want, and from fear

From 1941 to 43 Stalin was most interested in securing a guarantee that Britain and the US would what?

Open a second front in France to force Germany to go to draw troopsfrom Russia

From 1941 to 1943, Stalin was most interested in securing a guarantee that Britain and the U.S. would...?

Open a second front in France to force Germany to withdraw troops from Russia.

From 1941 to 1943, Stalin was most interested in securing a guarantee that Britain and the United States would

Open a second front in France to force Germany to withdraw troops from Russia.

Neutrality Acts

Originally designed to avoid American involvement in World War II by preventing loans to those countries taking part in the conflict; they were later modified in 1939 to allow aid to Great Britain and other Allied nations.

Non-aggression pact

Pact signed between Hitler & Stalin August 1939

During World War II, federal income tax was

Paid by ten times as many Americans as before.

In August 1944, the Allies liberated from German occupation the city of


During World War II federal income tax was...

Pay by 10 times as many Americans as before

December 7, 1941

Pearl Harbor

What did President Roosevelt call "a date that will live in infamy"?

Pearl Harbor

During the winter and early spring of 1939-1940, Europe settled into what some called "the war..."


In 1920, the first commercial radio station to broadcast in the United States was in


After Hitler took all of Czechoslovakia in the spring of 1939, Britain and France gave assurances to the country of that they would come to its assistance if it were invaded


WW2 officially began in Europe after Germany invaded


WWII officially began in Europe after Germany invaded


World War II officially began in Europe after Germany invaded what country?


Which of the following statements describes changes in the lives of Mexican Americans in WW1?

Political instability in Mexico and the lure of wartime jobs caused many Mexicans to relocate to the United States

Which of the following statements describes changes in the lives of Mexican Americans during World War I?

Political instability in Mexico and the lure of wartime jobs caused many Mexicans to relocate to the United States.

What was the outcome of the United Mine Workers' strike, which was led by John L. Lewis in 1943?

Precipitated the antistrike laws

Which of the following was not an accomplishment of the New Deal conservation and construction programs?

Preserving the environment from technological intrusions

In 1941, prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

President Franklin Roosevelt froze all Japanese assets in the United States

In 1941, prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,

President Franklin Roosevelt froze all Japanese assets in the United States.

The Neutrality Act of 1935 and its 1936 and 1937 amendments

Required belligerent nations that wanted to buy nonmilitary good from the United Stares to pay in cash and supply their own shipping.

The neutrality act of 1935 and amendments did what?

Required belligerent nations that wanted to buy nonmilitary goods from the US to pay cash and supply their own shipping

What was the U.S. reaction when Japanese troops occupied the northern part of French Indochina in 1940?

Restricted trade with Japan including fuel and scrap metal vital to Japan's war effort.

Which of the following was Roosevelt's initial response to the Supreme Court's declaration that the NRA, the AAA, and other New Deal legislation were unconstitutional?

Roosevelt attempted to pack the Court with his own nominees

Which of the following was Roosevelt's initial response to the Supreme Court's declaration that the NRA, AAA, and other New Deal legislation were unconstitutional?

Roosevelt attempted to pack the Court with his won nominees.

What were the name of the leaders of the big three?

Roosevelt from the US Churchhill from Great Britain and Stalin from Soviet Union

During World War II, the "big three" consisted of

Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin.

The sinking of the in the fall of 1941 led Congress to arm American merchant ships

Ruban James

The New Deal program which created utility cooperatives for rural Americans was the

Rural Electrification Administration

The New Deal program which had the broadest effect on the lives of rural Americans was the

Rural Electrification Administration

All of the following nations were signatories to the Five-Power Pact of 1922 EXCEPT


Prior to World War II all of the following countries embraced facist government except?


Prior to World War II, all of the following countries embraced fascist governments except


Which of the following statements describes the proceedings against Sacco and Vanzetti?

Scholars still debate their guilt, but most agree that they did not receive a fair trial.

Which of the following statements describes the proceedings against Sacco and Vanzetti?

Scholars still debate their guilt, but most agree they did not receive a fair trial

Henry Stimson

Secretary of War during War World II who trained 12 million soldiers and airmen, the purchase and transportation to battlefields of 30 percent of the nation's industrial output and agreed to the building of the atomic bomb and the decision to use it.

To oversee activities in the stock market, in 1934, Congress established the

Securities and Exchange Commission

To oversee activities in the stock market, in 1934, Congress established the

Securities and Exchange Commission.

Besides the League of Nations, which of the following goals did Woodrow Wilson achieve in the post-WW1 peace settlement?

Self-Determination for Central Europe's newly independent nations

Besides the League of Nations, which of the following goals did Woodrow Wilson achieve in the post-World War I peace settlement?

Self-determination for Central Europe's newly independent nations

Besides the League of Nations, which of the following was a goal that Woodrow Wilson actually achieved during his negotiations of the post-World War I peace settlement?

Self-determination for the newly independent nations

When did Japan formally surrender

September 2 1945 aboard the US battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay

In 1943, at the Casablanca Conference, the Allies decided they would next invade


In 1943, the country that pressed for an immediate Allied invasion of France against Germany was

Soviet Union

In june of 1941 Hitler ignored non aggression pact and invaded this country

Soviet Union

The turning point of World War II in Europe came as a result of...?

Soviets halted German advance at Stalingrad in the winter of 1942

The turning point of WWII in Europe came when the..

Soviets halted the German advance at Stalingrad in the winter of 1942-43

The turning point of World War II in Europe came when the

Soviets halted the German advance at Stalingrad in the winter of 1942-43.

the turning point of WW2 in Europe came as a result of

Soviets' halt of the German advance at Stalingrad in the winter of 1942-1943

The turning point of World War II in Europe came as a result of the

Soviets' halt of the German advance at Stalingrad in the winter of 1942-43

The first earth-orbiting satelline launched into outer space.


Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the rising tide of public discontent with President Hoover's 1931-1932 policies?

Strikes turned violent in the coal and automobile industries.

List the reasons Truman desires to bring a quick end to World War II in the Pacific

Stronger negotiation position over post-world due to the atomic bomb, gain sole control over Japan, reduce American losses.

The law that made the "closed shop" illegal--denounced by workers as the "slave-labor bill".

Taft-Harley Act of 1947

Which major scandal in Harding's administration was named after the national oil reserves it involved?

Teapot Dome

Executive order 9066 did what?

That allowed for the forced relocation of Japanese-Americans on the West Coast to detention camps

What is not true about World War II

That it was fought on three of the seven continents and 45

Who was Henry J. Kaiser?

The "miracle man" for revolutionizing the production of naval vessels during the war

The principles of freedom of the seas, national self-determination and collective security were reiterated in

The Atlantic Charter

It was a freedom of the seas national self-determination and collective securities or reiterated in...

The Atlantic charter

How did the US curb dissent against WW1 on the home front?

The Committee on Public Information produced government propaganda to support the war

How did the United States curb dissent against World War I on the home front?

The Committee on Public Information produced government propaganda to support the war.

In Hirabayashi v. United States and Korematsu v. United States, how did the U.S. Supreme Court react to the internment of Japanese Americans?

The Court allowed the removal of Japanese Americans from the West Coast as a legitimate exercise of power during wartime.

In Hirabayashi v. United States and Korematsu v. United States, how did the US Supreme Court react to the internment of Japanese Americans?

The Court allowed the removal of Japanese Americans from the West Coast as a legitimate exercise of power during wartime.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the New Deal's impact on the fine arts in the United States?

The Federal Art Project (FAP) employed many of the twentieth century's leading painters, muralists, and sculptors at a point in their careers when the lack of private patronage might have prevented them from continuing their artistic endeavors.


The German word for Hitler's annexation of Germany and his homeland, Austria in 1938

The battle in the Senate over the Treaty of Versailles centered around Article X, which was

The League of Nations' right to use collective military action.


The Munich Accords were an exercise in

How did the U.S. government change immigration restrictions during the 1920s?

The National Origins Act (1924) set immigration quotas at 2 percent of each nationality as measured by the 1890 census.

How did the U.S. government change immigration restrictions during the 1920s?

The National Origins Act set immigration quotas at 2 percent of each nationality as measured by the 1890 census

How did the U.S. government change immigration restrictions during the 1920s?

The National Origins Act set immigration quotas at 2 percent of each nationality as measured by the 1890 census.

How did the US government change immigration restrictions during the 1920s?

The National Origins Act set immigration quotas at 2 percent of each nationality as measured by the 1890 census.

"Chronic wrong doing...may...require intervention by...the United States [in adherence to] the Monroe Doctrine..., however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such wrong doing or impotence, to the exercise of an international police power." The philosophy exemplified in this quote reveals that it was taken from

The Roosevelt Corollary

Cordell Hull

The Secretary of State who believed that trade was a two-way street, that a nation can sell abroad only as it buys abroad, that tariff barriers choke off foreign trade, and that trade wars beget shooting wars. He was one of the main contributors to the reciprocal trade policy of the New Dealers. (P.802)

In 1933, the Roosevelt administration extended diplomatic recognition to

The Soviet Union

What's the turning point of World War II in Europe?

The Soviets halted the German advance at Stalingrad in the winter of 19 42-43

Which of the following statements regarding the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is FALSE?

The State department assumed the Japanese would never attack American interests

Which of the following statements regarding the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is FALSE?

The State department assumed the Japanese would never attack the United States.

Why did the United States wait until 1941, after nearly every European nation had fallen to Germany, to enter World War II? What were the sources of American political isolation?

The U.S. was pursuing a national policy of "isolationism" to avoid involvement in war, and to focus on domestic/family household issues (anti-immigration, consolidate influence in the Western Hemisphere, restore economy). The U.S. generally tried to avoid political and military conflicts abroad.

Which of the following statements characterized U.S. foreign policy during the 1920s?

The US actively sought to facilitate American economic expansion abroad

Which of the following statements characterized U.S. foreign policy during the 1920s?

The United States actively sought to facilitate American economic expansion abroad.

How did the United States acquire the land it needed to build the Panama Canal?

The United States lent covert assistance to free Panama from Colombia

How did the United States acquire the land it needed to build the Panama Canal?

The United States lent covert assistance to free Panama from Columbia.

Japanese Americans on the West Coast were interned during World War II because

The West Coast was considered to be vulnerable to attack by Japanese forces, and inflammatory rhetoric demanded that the region be rid of supposed Japanese spies.

What were the terms of the "cost-plus" contracts offered by the US government to corporations during WW2?

The corps wer guaranteed a profit from the sale of war materials to the US government

What were the terms of the "cost-plus" contracts offered by the US government to corporations during WWII?

The corps were guaranteed a profit from the sale of war materials to the US government

Which of the following rendered the international monetary supply inflexible in the Great Depression during the 1930s?

The gold standard

Which of the following statements about the mass production of automobiles during the 1920s is not true?

The government discouraged the mass production of automobiles, citing safety concerns.

How did the rejuvenated Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s differ from its Reconstruction-era form?

The group targeted Catholics and Jews as well as blacks

How did rejuvenated Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s differ from its Reconstruction era form?

The group targeted Catholics and Jews as well as blacks.

How did the rejuvenated Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s differ from its Reconstruction-era form?

The group targeted Catholics and Jews as well as blacks.

What was the main factor in determining the outcome of World War II for America?

The immense production of war material and needed supplies

Which of the following was the most decisive American factor in determining the outcome of WWII?

The immense production of war material and other needed supplies

According to the textbook, the most decisive American factor in determining World War II's outcome was

The immense production of war material and other needed supplies.

According to the textbook the most decisive American factor in The men's production of war material and other needed suppliesdetermining World War II's outcome was what?

The immense production of war material and others needed supplies

The greatest civil rights if you stirring the war was what?

The internment of Japanese aliens

The greatest civil rights abuse(s) during the war was (were)

The internment of Japanese aliens.

Which of the following statements describes the forced relocation and incarceration of Japanese Americans during WW2?

The internment policy was not applied to the many Japanese Americans who lived in Hawaii

Which of the following statements describes the forced relocation and incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II?

The internment policy was not applied to the many Japanese Americans who lived in Hawaii

Which statement describes the forced relocation and incarceration of Japanese Americans during WWII?

The internment policy was not applied to the many Japanese Americans who lived in Hawaii.

Which of the following American philosophies influenced Herbert Hoover's initial response to the economic downturn in the early 1930s?

The market is self-regulating and government should not intervene during a downturn

Which of the following describes discrimination in the armed services during WW2?

The military segregated African Americans and assigned them menial duties

Which of the following describes discrimination in the armed services during World War II?

The military segregated African Americans and assigned them menial duties

Which of the following is true of discrimination in the armed services during World War II?

The military segregated African Americans and assigned them menial duties

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the effects of World War I on African Americans?

The more than 400,000 African Americans who moved to the North during the war began a migration that continued for decades.

Which of the following statements was true of the Harlem Renaissance?

The most visible part of the Harlem Renaissance to most whites was jazz music

The cash and carry provision of the 1937 neutrality act stated what

The patrons goodbye nonmilitary goods from the United States under certain conditions

What was the significance of the New Deal?

The programs expanded the federal government's presence both in economy and in people's lives.

What was the significance of the New Deal?

The programs expanded the federal government's presence both in the economy and in people's lives.

Which American ideal caused many Americans to blame themselves for their plight?

The self-made man

Which of the following statements characterizes the Scopes "monkey trial" of 1925?

The trial quickly became a media circus.

Which of the following statements characterizes American business during the 1920s?

The two hundred largest corporations controlled almost half of the national nonbanking wealth

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes American business during the 1920s?

The two hundred largest corporations controlled almost half of the national nonbanking wealth.

Which of the following statements characterizes American business during the 1920s?

The two hundred largest corps controlled almost half of the national nonbanking wealth

Japanese-Americans on the West Coast were interned during World War II because...

The west coast was considered to be a foldable by Japanese forces


The year Franklin D. Roosevelt became president

What was the principal reason that Harry Truman and his American advisors decided to use the atomic bomb against Japan in the summer of 1945?

They demanded unconditional surrender and were not willing to invade Japan

What was the principal reason that Harry Truman and his American advisors decided to use the atomic bomb against Japan in the summer of 1945?

They demanded unconditional surrender and were not willing to invade Japan.

Which of the following statements does not accurately characterize African American writers and artists of the Harlem Renaissance?

They were almost exclusively poets, believing that poetry was the "most pure" expression of African American culture.

Adolf Hitler

This dictator was the leader of the Nazi Party. He believed that strong leadership was required to save Germanic society, which was at risk due to Jewish, socialist, democratic, and liberal forces.

Herbert Hoover asked Americans to do which of the following in response to the economic downtown in 1929?

Tighten their belts and work hard

What was the principal reason that Harry Truman and his American advisers decided to use the atomic bomb against Japan in the summer of 1945?

To avoid an invasion of Japan because it would be extremely costly. They released the bomb hoping it would be enough to force Japan to surrender.

Why did the United States participate in World War II?

To protect European democracy and preserve American international power

Why did the U.S. participate in World War II?

To protect democracy in Europe and preserve American power outside the Western Hemisphere

Why did the US participate in World War II?

To protect democracy in Europe and preserve American power outside the Western Hemisphere

Why did the United States participate in World War II?

To protect democracy in Europe and preserve American power outside the Western Hemisphere.

After the Japanese invaded China in 1937, President Roosevelt urged what from "peace loving nations"?

To quarantine Japan and other agressors

What was the purpose of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which Roosevelt Congress empowered in 1934?

To regulate and rationalize the US stock market

List the four things the United States wanted to achieve in the Yalta conference

Treatment of Germany, status of Poland, creation of the United Nations, Russia's entry into the war.

Hitler began to rearm the German military, which was a direct violation of what?

Treaty of Versailles

signed by Japan, a loose defensive alliance with Germany and Italy that seemed to extend the Axis into Asia.

Tripartite Pact

Policy statement issued by President Truman in 1947 that declared that the U.S. must support free peoples resisting communism. This became the basis of American Foreign Policy for more than 40 years.

Truman Doctrine

Incident involving the shooting down of an American spy plane by the Soviet Union and the capture of its pilot.

U-2 Crisis

Which of the following statements regarding the atomic bomb and its use in World War II is not correct?

U.S. Officials doubted that even a successful demonstration of the atomic bomb could convince Japan to surrender.

ban on steel and scrap iron exports to Japan, then banned oil and airplane fuel

U.S. reaction to Japan taking over French Indochina

island hopping

U.S. strategy designed to defeat Japan in the Pacific

Feb 1945 - April

US marines took over the island of Iwo Jima(750 miles) from Japan then later landed on Okinawa (360 miles)

Which of the following statements regarding the atomic bomb and its use in World War II is not correct

US officials doubted that even a successful demonstration of the atomic bomb could convince Japan to surrender

Pearl Harbor

United States military base on Hawaii that was bombed by Japan, bringing the United States into World War II. Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941.

Which of the following statements about the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany is FALSE?

Upon coming to power in 1933, Hitler called his new government "the Weimar Republic."

After the Japanese invaded China in 1937, President Roosevelt

Urged peace-loving nations to "quarantine" Japan and other aggressors.

Harry S. Truman was nominated as Roosevelt's vice presidential running mate in 1944 because

Vice President Wallace was considered to be too liberal by many party leaders, and Truman had built an excellent record in the Senate fighting wartime waste and inefficiency.

Harry S. Truman was nominated as Roosevelt's vice presidential running mate in 1944 because

Vice President Wallace was considered to be too liberal by many party leaders.

Why was harry Truman nominated as Roosevelt's vicepresidential running mate in 1944

Vice president Wallace was considered to be too liberal

In 1934, the Nye Committee's report concluded what about the true cause of WWI?

War profiteers had maneuvered the nation into WWI for financial gain.

Which of the following facilitated the emergence of gay and lesbian communities in cities like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and Buffalo during the World War II years?

Wartime migration

an attempt to prevent what was threatening to become a costly and destabilizing naval armaments race between America, Britain, and Japan.

Washington Conference of 1921

During World War II, the regional impact of government spending was the greatest in the


food, shoes, gas & oil; to have products for the war and save money

What and why did the U.S. ration during the war?

December 8 1941

When US declared war on Japan

May 10 1940

When Winston Churchill became prime minister of GB

Norway, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Denmark

Who Germany overran in 1940

Which of the following statements most accurately characterized women's political participation during the 1920s?

Women did not vote as a bloc, as politicians had expected

Which of the following statements most accurately characterized women's political participation during the 1920's?

Women did not vote as a bloc, as politicians had expected.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterized women's political participation during the 1920s?

Women did not vote as a bloc, as politicians had expected.

Which of the following factors contributed to the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany?

World War I reparation payments, economic depression, and high unemployment.

Problems on the home front included all of the following except

Zoot-suit riots


____ women joined the military performing non-combat duties


_____ decided to invade Manchuria, an area of China because it showed strong economic interests.


_____ was one of the first totaltarian states


a belief that a nation should limit its alliances and involvement in international political/economic affairs

The federal government gave American soldiers all of the following except

a censorship-free mail service.


a form of government in which dictators seek more power at the expense of human rights

In 1919, American labor unrest saw

a general strike in Seattle that brought the city to a standstill.

Senator Huey Long from Louisiana became a major political threat to Roosevelt when he called for

a national "Share Our Wealth" movement to redistribute income fairly

Senator Huey Long from Louisiana became a major political threat to Roosevelt when he called for

a national Share Our Wealth movement to redistribute income fairly

Senator Huey Long from Louisiana became a major political threat to Roosevelt when he called for

a national Share Our Wealth movement to redistribute income fairly.

In 1918, the National War Labor Board did NOT give American workers

a national minimum wage

Germany began World War II in Europe days after

a nonaggression pact was signed between Germany and Russia

Germany began World War II days after

a nonaggression pact was signed between Germany and Russia.

In the 1930s, the director Frank Capra typically displayed in his films

a populist admiration for ordinary Americans

In the 1920s bestseller, The Man Nobody Knows, Jesus Christ was portrayed as

a salesman

During the 1920s, the agricultural economy of the United States saw

a sharp decline in farmer's incomes

The greatest strength that Franklin Roosevelt brought to the presidency in the 1930s was his

ability to rebuild American confidence.

In 1937, after Japanese pilots sank the U.S. gunboat Panay in China, President Roosevel

accepted Japan's claim that the bombing had been an accident

In 1937, after Japanese pilots sank the U.S. gunboat Panay in China, President Roosevelt

accepted Japan's claim that the bombing had been an accident

As a result of the service of African American soldiers in World War I

activism by blacks for their rights increased

In 1942, the United States and Mexico agreed to the braceros program which

admitted Mexican contract laborers into the United States for a limited time

In 1942, the United States and Mexico agreed to the bracero program which

admitted contract Mexican contract laborers into the United States for a limited time

Japanese Americans on the West Coast were interned during World War II because

after Pearl Harbor, the U.S. government ruled that their presence constituted a "clear and present danger" to U.S. security

What were the terms of the "cost-plus" contracts offered by the U.S. government to corporations during WWII?

agreement to pay a company whatever the manufacturing cost plus a guaranteed percentage of the costs as a profit

Throughout the 1920s, the sector of the American economy in the worst shape was


Battle of Britian

air campaign launched by Germany in 1940 against Britain

By mid-1940, Germany had defeated

all of the above

In 1920, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti

all of the above

Axis Powers

alliance established by Japan, Germany, and Italy

July 26

allies offered Japan an ultimatum surrender unconditionally vs suffer "total destruction"

Franklin Roosevelt's Executive Order 9066

allowed for the forced internment of Japanese Americans

Executive Order 9906

allowed for the forced relocation of Japanese Americans on the West Coast to detention camps further inland

In 1940, the "lend-lease" plan

allowed the U.S. to loan weapons to England to be returned when the war was over

In 1940, the "lend-lease" plan

allowed the U.S. to loan weapons to England to be returned when the war was over.

Lend Lease

allowed the distribution of arms and equipment to nations whose defense was vital to the security of the United States


allowed the distribution of arms and equipment to nations whose defense was vital to the security of the United States

The Neutrality Act of 1937

allowed warring nations to purchase goods in the United States if they paid cash

The Neutrality Act of 1937

allowed warring nations to purchase goods in the United States if they paid cash.

As Commerce secretary, Herbert Hoover considered himself as

an active progressive for business

Kellogg-Briand Pact

an agreement between 15 nations outlawing war; eventually 48 other nations joined the pact; had no way of enforcing peace

The Tennessee Valley Authority of 1933

an experiment in regional planning by the federal government

The Zimmermann telegram of early 1917 was

an intercepted message from the German government to the Mexican government, inviting the latter to join Germany in war against the United States with the promise of regaining Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.

After the explosion of the battleship "Maine", a U.S. naval abroad of inquiry blamed the sinking on

an underwater mine

Hitlers steps towards WWII

annexing German-speaking Austria reoccupying the Rhineland w/military troops rearming Germany in violation of the Versailles Treaty

As a result of the Great Depression, the social values in the United States

appeared to experience little change

The Burke-Wadsworth Act of 1940

approved the first peacetime draft in American history

The Five-Power Pact of 1922 dealt with

armament limitations

The Five-Power Pact of 1922 dealt with

armament limitations.

United States's casualties in World War I were

as likely to be from disease as from combat

During World War II, the first important Allied victory in the Pacific occurred

at the Battle of Coral Sea

In April 1945, American and British forces halted their advance on Germany at the Elbe River

at the announcement that President Franklin Roosevelt had died


attacked the nations of Ethiopia and Albania as part of their aggressive foreign policy

The Washington Conference of 1921

attempted to prevent a global naval arms race

The Washington Conference of 1921

attempted to prevent a global naval arms race.

The characteristics of fascist governments in the 30s'-40's, especially Germany

authoritarian dictatorships, militaristic governments, promoting racial superiority

In "Abrams v. United States", the Supreme Court ruled that

authorities may prosecute speech when it represents a clear and present danger

In 1943, to simplify tax collections, Congress enacted

automatic payroll deductions

During World War II, organized labor in the United States

automatic union memberships for new defense plant workers


battle the Germans lost to the Soviet Union

In the United States during World War I, the Committee on Public Information (CPI)

became increasingly sensationalist in its information campaign

During the "Second New Deal," President Franklin Roosevelt

became more willing to attack corporate interests openly.

Al Smith lost the 1928 presidential election, in part, because Page: 653

because democrats were divided,

During World War II, the United States military

began to relax its practices of racial segregation

In July 1940, opinion polls showed the clear majority of the American public

believed Germany posed a direct threat to the United States

During the 1920s, the American Federation of Labor (AFL)

believed workers should be organized on the basis of skills

The Neutrality Act of 1935 and its 1936 and 1937 amendments required

belligerent nations that wanted to buy nonmilitary goods from the United States to pay in cash and supply their own shipping

The cash-and-carry provision of the 1937 Neutrality Act stated that

belligerents could buy nonmilitary good from the US under certain conditions

The cash-and-carry provision of the 1937 Neutrality Act stated that

belligerents could buy nonmilitary goods from the US under certain conditions

The "cash-and-carry" provision of the 1937 Neutrality Act stated that

belligerents could buy nonmilitary goods from the United States under certain conditions

All of the following groups were part of the New Deal political coalition EXCEPT

big business owners

The 1931 Scottsboro court case saw

black teenagers accused of rape by two white women

when Germany battered Poland w/ dive bombers


Following World War I, the American economy

boomed for many months

Casualties in World War II

both A and B

During World War I, the new technology of warfare

both A and B

During World War II, American shoppers

both A and B

During World War II, Chinese Americans

both A and B

During World War II, Congress abolished the

both A and B

During World War II, the effectiveness of German U-boats was ended by the development of

both A and B

During the 1920s, a proposal for an Equal Rights Amendment met resistance from

both A and B

During the 1920s, as a result of the Eighteenth Amendment

both A and B

During the 1930s, the radical left in the United States

both A and B

During the first year of the National Recovery Act

both A and B

In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson antagonized many Republicans when he

both A and B

In 1934, strong criticism of the New Deal came from

both A and B

In 1941, the German sinking of the American ship Reuben James

both A and B

In 1945, the Japanese surrender to the United States

both A and B

In February 1945, an Allied bombing attack on Dresden, Germany

both A and B

In mid-1945, evidence of Japan's desperation to continue the war included

both A and B

In the 1920s, Treasury secretary Andrew Mellon succeeded in

both A and B

The "Second New Deal" was launched in response to

both A and B

The Allied decisions that delayed an invasion of France left the Soviet Union

both A and B

The Battle of Midway in 1942

both A and B

The Battle of the Bulge

both A and B

The Dawes Plan of 1924

both A and B

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

both A and B

The Smith-Connally Act of 1943

both A and B

The Works Progress Administration provided federal assistance to

both A and B

The federal government's response to the "Bonus Army" included

both A and B

The Battle of the Bulge

both A and B A. began in the Spring of 1945 B. saw the American army drive deep into Germany

The Allied decisions that delayed an invasion of France left the Soviet Union

both A and B A. deeply embittered B. in a better position to control eastern Europe

In February 1945, an Allied bombing attack on Dresden, Germany

both A and B A. destroyed most of the previously undamaged city B. killed more than 135,000 people, nearly all civilians

During World War II, American shoppers

both A and B A. faced many shortages of consumer goods B. made consumerism a powerful force in society

Casualties in World War II

both A and B A. saw fourteen million combatants die B. saw more than one million Americans killed or wounded.

The Battle of Midway in 1942

both A and B A. saw the U.S suffer great losses B. was a stunning defeat for the Japanese Navy

During World War II, the effectiveness of German U-boats was ended by the development of

both A and B A. sonar B. radar

In 1945, the Japanese surrender to the United States

both A and B A. was announced a few days after a second atomic bomb had been dropped. B. was formally signed on the American battleship Missouri.

The Smith-Connally Act of 1943

both A and B A. was opposed by President Franklin Roosevelt B. authorized the president to seize a war factory where workers had gone on strike

During World War II, Chinese Americans

both A and B A. were drafted in a higher proportion than any other national group B. received a favorable image in U.S. government propaganda

During World War II, Congress abolished the

both A and B A.Civilian Conservation Corps B. Works Progress Administration

In mid-1945, evidence of Japan's desperation to continue the war included

both A and B A.sending thousands of pilots on suicide missions. B. nighttime attacks by Japanese troops against American lines

By the time Congress recessed in June 1933, it had accomplished all of the following except

breaking the grip of the depression.

In 1934, the Liberty League was organized by

business leaders and conservative Democrats who opposed New Deal reforms

In 1934, the Liberty League was organized by

business leaders and conservative Democrats who opposed New Deal reforms.

During World War II, the Fair Employment Practices Commission was created

by President Roosevelt to stop black protesters from marching on the capital

In 1934, the American Liberty League was formed

by wealthy conservatives who strongly opposed the New Deal

In 1934, the American Liberty League was formed

by wealthy conservatives who strongly opposed the New Deal.

In 1914, when war erupted in Europe, President Woodrow Wilson

called on the American public to be completely impartial

Much of Father Charles Coughlin's outspoken criticism of the Roosevelt administration revolved around the issue of

changing the banking and currency system

In 1940, President Franklin Roosevelt's decision to give fifty American destroyers to England

circumvented the cash-and-carry provision of the Neutrality Acts

In the election of 1916, supporters of Woodrow Wilson

claimed his Republican opponent would lead the nation into war

In 1933, two days after he took office, President Franklin Roosevelt

closed all banks

What was the first action Roosevelt to took to address the nations economic crisis?

closed all banks in a banking holiday

Dwight Eisenhower

commander of Allied forces during the invasion of Normandy

To Herbert Hoover, "associationalism" meant Page: 655

concept that envision the creation of national organizations of businessman in particular industries

All of the following factors were causes of the Great Depression EXCEPT

conservative banking policies restricted the availability of loans

As Herbert Hoover began his presidency he

considered the country to have a bright economic future

During World War I, the War Industries Board (WIB)

coordinated government purchases of military supplies

D-Day, the first day of the allied invasion of France..

cost the Allies thousands of casualties

In World War II, the main American strategy to fight Japan was to

create two offensive campaigns to attack the Japanese from two directions

During World War II, all of the following were Allied advances in intelligence-gathering EXCEPT the

creation of the Enigma machine for coded communications

A severe recession occurred in 1937-1938 when Roosevelt, Congress, and the Federal Reserve

cut spending and attempted to balance the budget.

Following the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt

declared that the United States would remain neutral

Following the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt

declared that the United States would remain neutral.

When negotiating codes of competition with various industries, the NRA

deferred to business trade associations.


deliberate extermination of 6 million Jews

During the 1920s, airplanes Page: 634

delivered mail,...were largely a source of entertainment

Neutrality Acts

designed to prevent American involvement in another European war

As the 1932 election approached,

despair and apathy, not anger, characterized most American voters.

One aim of 1920s "welfare capitalism" was to

deter the increase in union membership.

The Manhattan Project

developing the worlds first atomic bomb

The Social Security Act of 1935

did not begin making payments to participants for years

The Social Security Act of 1935

did not begin making payments to participants for years.

Al Smith Page: 653

did not lose the 1924 nomination to William McAdoo

During World War I, technologically-advanced submarines used engines powered by


African Americans who served in World War 1 returned home to find

discrimination and race riots

After the armistice was signed in November 1918, which ended the fighting in World War I, the Wilson administration

dismantled the wartime agencies as quickly as possible.

In the American West, New Deal programs

disproportionately benefited the region in funding

During the Great Depression

divorce rate declined

In the 1920s, artists and intellectuals in the Harlem Renaissance

drew heavily from their African heritage

The United States government acquired definite knowledge of the Holocaust

during the first years after U.S. involvement

The United States government acquired definite knowledge of the Holocaust

during the first years of the war

The GI Bill of Rights provided

education, medical care, pensions, and mortgage loans to veterans

The GI Bill of Rights provided...?

education, pensions, medicare, and loans

The GI Bill of Rights provided

education, pensions, medicare, and mortgage loans to veterans

In his appearance before Congress to ask for a declaration of war in 1917, Woodrow Wilson

emphasized that America wished only to champion human rights.

Marcus Garvey

encouraged African Americans to reject assimilation into white society

In 1914-1915, the United States responded to a British naval blockade of Germany by

ending trade with Germany but continuing it with Great Britain

The open door note, composed by U.S. Secretary of State John Hay called for

equal access for all countries seeking to trade with China

The open door note, composed by U.S. Secretary of State John Hay, called for

equal access for all countries seeking to trade with China.

During the 1920s, the National Woman's Party campaigned primarily for Page: 644

equal rights amendment

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

established a national minimum wage

The National Recovery Administration (NRA)

established a system of industrial self-government.

During World War I, the National War Labor Board

established an eight-hour workday with time and a half pay for overtime work.

In the 1930s, President Franklin Roosevelt carried out international policies which

established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union

In the 1930s, President Franklin Roosevelt carried out international policies which

established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.

President Franklin Roosevelt's "Good Neighbor Policy"

expanded initiatives begun under Herbert Hoover

President Franklin Roosevelt's "Good Neighbor Policy"

expanded initiatives begun under Herbert Hoover.

During World War II, the War Production Board

favored large over small contractors

In response to President Franklin Roosevelt's first days in office, the American people

felt a mixture of relief and hope

In response to President Franklin Roosevelt's first days in office, the American people

felt a mixture of relief and hope.

In 1942-1943, the British and American war effort against the Nazis concentrated on

fighting in North Africa

In the Bonus Army incident in Washington (1932), federal troops

fired on the assembled veterans and burned their encampment.

The benefits of the AAA

flowed to owners of medium-sized and large farms.

Korematsu v. United States legitimized the

forced internment of Americans of Japanese decent into relocation camps

In the Bonus Army incident in Washington DC in 1932, federal troops...

forcefully evicted the assembled veterans and burned their encampment

In the Bonus Army incident in Washington DC, in 1932, federal troops

forcefully evicted the assembled veterans and burned their encampment

In the Bonus Army incident in Washington, D.C., in 1932, federal troops

forcefully evicted the assembled veterans and burned their encampment.

In a famous 1941 speech, Franklin Roosevelt excluded which of the following from his definition of the "four essential freedoms"?

freedom from discrimination

In the famous 1941 speech, Roosevelt defined all of the following "four essential freedoms" except

freedom from discrimination

German Workers Party/National Socialist Party

full name of the Nazi party

The National Labor Relations Act of 1935

gave the government the authority to force employers to accept labor unions

In 1920, passage of the Nineteenth Amendment

gave women the right to vote

During the 1920s, wages for American workers

generally ran well below the growth of the economy as a whole

During the 1920s, Thomas Morgan was one of the American pioneers in

genetic research

As a result of Roosevelt's embrace of the economic policies of John Maynard Keynes and the need for social welfare legislation, the term liberalism came to be associated with

government intervention to guarantee citizens' basic welfare

As a result of Roosevelt's embrace of the economic policies of John Maynard Keynes and the need for social welfare legislation, the term "liberalism" came to be associated with

government intervention to guarantee citizens' basic welfare.

During World War II, women who worked outside the home concentrated in

governmental jobs

As the depression deepened, President Herbert Hoover

grew less willing to increase federal spending

In the 1930s, the Congress of Industrial Organization

grew out of a dispute within the American Federation of Labor

In the 1920s, the "flapper" lifestyle

had a particular impact on lower middle-class and single women

In 1935, Senator Huey Long

had a strong record of progressive accomplishments

During the Great Depression, Asian Americans

had trouble competing for jobs with poor white migrants from the Midwest


hatred and discrimination against Jews


he is the one who retook the Philippines

All the following statements regarding Al Smith are true EXCEPT

he lost the 1924 nomination to William McAdoo

In 1934, Dr. Francis Townsend attracted widespread national support for a plan that

helped pave the way for the Social Security system

During World War II, in the United States, all of the following social indicators experienced a rise in their rate of occurrence EXCEPT

high school enrollment

During World War II, in the United States, all of the following societal events experienced a rise in their rate of occurrence EXCEPT

high school enrollment

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

hired 250,000 young men to perform reforestation and conservation work

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

hired 250,000 young men to perform reforestation and conservation work.

In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt's call to expand the Supreme Court came from

his desire to change the ideological balance of the Court

President Roosevelt differed from Pres. Hoover because of

his personal charisma and willingness to experiment

President Roosevelt differed from President Hoover because of

his personal charisma and willingness to experiment

President Roosevelt differed from President Hoover because of

his personal charisma and willingness to experiment.

During the 1920s, products that grew dramatically in use in the United States Page: 634

home appliance, elctronics, plastics and synthetic fibers and phone

In 1940, President Franklin Roosevelt's decision to give fifty American destroyers to England

ignored the cash-and-carry provision of the Neutrality Acts

The chief political virtue of Calvin Coolidge, who became president on Harding's death in 1923, was his

image of unimpeachable morality, which dissociated him from the scandals of the Harding administration.

In 1920, the first commercial radio station Page: 640

in Pittsburgh

All of the following statements regarding the New Deal and women are true EXCEPT

in general, women were major critics of the New Deal

The Neutrality Act of 1935

included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict

The Neutrality Act of 1935

included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict.

Neutrality Act of 1939

includes Cash-n-carry policy and lend-lease act

The National Recovery Administration of 1933 did all of the following EXCEPT

increased competition between companies

During the "Second New Deal," President Franklin Roosevelt

increased his criticism of corporations

During the 1930s, in regards to radio

increasingly, most programs were prerecorded

The Neutrality Act of 1935 and its 1936 and 1937 amendments

instituted a cash-and-carry policy for belligerent nations' purchases from the US

The Neutrality Act of 1935 and its 1937 amendments

instituted a cash-and-carry policy for belligerent nations' purchases from the US

Instead of immediately opening a second front in France in 1942-1943, Churchill successfully insisted that the Allies..

invade North Africa and later Sicily and the Italian mainland

Instead of immediately opening a second front in France in 1942--1943, Churchill successfully insisted that Allies

invade North Africa and later Sicily and the Italian mainland.

Prior to ordering the use of an atomic bomb against Japan, President Harry Truman

issued an ultimatum to Japan to surrender or face utter devastation

Prior to ordering the use of an atomic bomb against Japan, President Harry Truman

issued an ultimatum to Japan to surrender or face utter devastation.

In 1932, the Hoover administration, in response to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria

issued warnings to the Japanese government

In 1932, the Hoover administration, in response to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria,

issued warnings to the Japanese government

The New Deal's most significant impact on women's working life was

its willingness to select women for policymaking positions in the government.

When and where did the first atomic bomb successfully work?

july 1945 in dessert in New Mexico

Frances Perkins, the first female cabinet member in American history, was secretary of


Frances Perkins, the first female cabinet member in American history, was secretary of


All of the following statements regarding the Allied invasion of France in June 1944 are true EXCEPT

landing was made across the narrowest part of the English Channel

During World War I, the United States military role in Europe

lasted only a few months but saw heavy American casualties

Benito Mussolini

leader of Italy promised to go back to the Roman Empire

In 1943, the "zoot-suit riots" in Los Angeles

led the city to prohibit the wearing of zoot suit

In 1943, the "zoot-suit riots" in Los Angeles

led the city to prohibit the wearing of zoot suits

Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts

led the fight against the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations.

J. Robert Oppenheimer

led the manhattan project

In 1932, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

lent funds only to financial institutions with sufficient collateral

In 1939, after the Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact with Nazi Germany, the American Communist Party

lost a significant portion of its membership

On October 29, 1929, the American stock market

lost all the gains of the previous year

On October 29, 1929, the American stock market

lost all the gains of the previous year.

The Sabotage Act and the Sedition Act of 1918

made illegal any public expression opposing the war

Following the stock market crash of October 1929,

many of the middle class who had not speculated in the stock market lost their life savings when banks failed.

In the 1930s, the labor movement failed to become a dominant force in American life mainly because

many workers remained apathetic about unionization.

The Battle of the Coral Sea in 1942

marked the first important victory by the United States against Japan

In the 1920s, "behavioral" psychologists, such as John B. Watson, believed

mental ailments could be improved by treating their symptoms

Which describes discrimination in the armed services during WWII?

military segregated African Americans and assigned them menial duties

Which of the following statements accurately describes rationing during World War II?

most Americans complied with rationing

How did most Americans deal with rationing during World War II?

most complied

In the 1920s, "behavioral" psychologists argued

mothers should rely on trained experts for advice in raising children.

In World War II, the main American strategy to fight Japan was to

mount two offensive campaigns to attack the Japanese from two directions

During World War II, Allied bombers targeted

neither A nor B

During the 1930s, southern rural blacks who moved to northern urban areas

neither A nor B

During the 1930s, the American Communist Party

neither A nor B

During the Red Scare of 1919, Attorney General Mitchell Palmer

neither A nor B

In 1918, President Wilson's Fourteen Points received significant political support from

neither A nor B

In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt's promise of a "new deal" for America included a commitment to

neither A nor B

In the election of 1940, Franklin Roosevelt

neither A nor B

The Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930

neither A nor B

Which of the following was the US' initial response to the world problems in the 1930s?


Which of the following was the United States' initial response to world problems in the 1930s?


The US initial response to world problems in the 1930's was

neutrality and isolationism

In the workplace, the "open shop" meant

no worker was required to join a union

During the 1920s, American industrial workers Page: 635

not few opportunities to join a company union...

In 1919, the United States Senate voted on the Treaty of Versailles to

not ratify it

In 1941, Germany's declaration of war against the United States

occurred before the United States declared war on it

In 1941, Germany's declaration of war against the United States

occurred before the United States declared war on it.

The Mukden Incident of 1931

occurred when Japanese soldiers likely blew up a Japanese railroad in southern Manchuria

During the 1930s, American literature

offered a greater degree of social commentary than did either radio or movies

During the Great Depression, in the rural United States

one-third of all farmers lost their land

From 1941 to 1943, Stalin was most interested in securing a guarantee that Britain and the United States would

open a second front in France to force Germany to withdraw troops from Russia

From 1941 to 1943, Stalin was most interested in securing a guarantee that Britain and the United States would..

open a second front in France to force Germany to withdraw troops from Russia

From 1941-1943, Stalin was most interested in securing a guarantee that Britain and the US states would

open a second front in France to force Germany to withdraw troops from Russia

During the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan

opposed the existing diversity of American society

During World War II, federal income tax was

paid by ten times as many Americans as before

Between 1935 and 1943, the Works Progress Administration (WPA)

paid civilians to build bridges, public buildings, parks, and airports.

Nazi Party

party led by Adolf Hitler

Neutrality Act of 1937

passed by FDR US policy to state neutrality -defined rules for exports

The New Deal's response to the Dust Bowl included the

planting of Shelterbelts.

World War II began when Britain and France declared war on Germany after its invasion of



policy by which Czechoslovakia, Great Britain and France agreed to Germany's annexation of the Sudetenland in agreement for not taking any additional Czech territory.


policy of giving in to aggressor nation demands to avoid war

In the 1930s, the film director Frank Capra typically characterized

populist admiration for ordinary Americans

All of the following occurred as a result of the Tennessee Valley Authority EXCEPT

poverty in the region was significantly reduced

Roosevelt heeded John Maynard Keynes's advice and

practiced deficit spending

During World War II, the War Production Board..

preferred dealing with large corporations, hastening the formation of the military-industrial complex

During World War II, the War Production Board

preferred dealing with large corporations, hastening the formation of the military-industrial complex.

The Emergency Banking Act of 1933

prevented all banks from reopening until treasury inspectors examined their books and ascertained whether they had sufficient cash reserves.

Winston Churchill

prime minister of Great Britain

In 1938, the Anschluss

proclaimed a union between Germany and Austria

In 1938, the Anschluss

proclaimed a union between Germany and Austria.

The election of 1936

produced a new and enduring coalition of voters for the Democratic Party

Washington Conference

produced major naval disarmament ia

The Economy Act of 1933

proposed to balance the federal budget and cut government workers' salaries

In 1933, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

protected the assets of small bank depositors

The Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921

provided federal funds for child health care programs

The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

provided federal subsidies to farmers who cut farm production

The Agricultural Act (AAA)

provided federal subsidies to farmers who cut farm production.

The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

provided federal subsidies to farmers who cut farm production.

The bombing at pearl harbor

provoked the US to declare war on Japan

During World War I, the United States government primarily financed the war through

public bond sales and new taxes

During its first year, the Civil Works Administration

put four million people to work

The Civilian Conservation Corps

put the unemployed to work on rural and wilderness areas

Between 1935 and 1943, the Works Progress Administration (WPA)

put unemployed workers directly on the federal payroll.

What characteristic did the fascist governments in the 1930s and 1940s, especially Nazi Germany, appeal to?

racial superiority

In 1931, the severity of the depression increased when the Federal Reserve Board

raised interest rates

In 1931, the severity of the depression increased when the Federal Reserve Board

raised interest rates.

In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt's "quarantine" speech

received a decidedly hostile response by the American people

Under the New Deal, African Americans

received more sympathy than under most previous administrations

In the 1944 presidential election, Democrats

received their margin of victory from urban areas with a population of more than 100,000.

During the 1920s and 1930s, interest in pursuing an isolationist foreign policy

reflected the sentiments of a majority of the American public

In regards to European Jewish refugees, between 1939 and 1945, the United States

refused to accept large numbers of refugees

After 1929, in the face of the worsening global economic crisis, the United States

refused to alter the payment schedule of debts owed by European nations to America

During the 1937 sit-down strike of General Motors, the federal government

refused to intervene in the dispute

Between his election in 1932 and the inauguration in 1933, Franklin Roosevelt

refused to make any agreements with the outgoing President Herbert Hoover

After Democrats won control of Congress in the 1930 elections, President Herbert Hoover

refused to support a more vigorous public spending program for relief

American literary figures of the 1920s, such as Ernest Hemingway, T. S. Eliot, and F. Scott Fitzgerald

rejected American materialism, complacency, and anti-intellectualism.

As part of the Good Neighbor Policy of the mid-1930s, the United States

repealed the Platt Amendment, which had asserted the right to intervene in Cuba.

In his foreign policy for Latin America, President Herbert Hoover

repudiated the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

In his foreign policy for Latin America, President Herbert Hoover

repudiated the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.

The Neutrality Act of 1935 and its 1936 and 1937 amendments..

required belligerent nations that wanted to buy nonmilitary goods from the United States to pay in cash and supply their own shipping

The Neutrality Act of 1935 and its 1936 and 1937 amendments

required belligerent nations that wanted to buy nonmilitary goods from the United States to pay in cash and supply their own shipping.

When Japanese troops occupied the northern part of French Indochina in fall 1940, the U.S.

restricted trade with Japan, including fuel and scrap metal vital to Japan's war effort

When Japanese troops occupied the northern part of French Indochina in fall 1940, the United States..

restricted trade with Japan, including fuel and scrap metal vital to Japan's war effort

The Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) recommended that black Americans

return to Africa to obtain the justice unavailable to them in the US

The Universal Negro Improvement Association recommended that black Americans

return to Africa to obtain the justice unavailable to them in the United States

The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934

reversed the Dawes Severalty Act and promoted tribal self-government

H. L. Mencken. Page: 647

ridiculed society. debunker, civilized life not possible in demcracy becuase power is in the hand of simple people

During World War II, Germany held the technological edge over the Allies in

rocket-propelled bombs

Between 1939 and 1945, the federal budget of the United States

rose ten-fold

During the 1920s, the greatest sustained support for the Eighteenth Amendment came from

rural Protestants

During World War I, the "Great Migration" in the United States referred to

rural southern blacks moving to northern industrial cities

During World War I, American ground troops

saw combat that was relatively brief but intense

During World War II, the labor force of the United States

saw fifteen million people leave civilian labor for the armed forces

Throughout the 1920s, the performance of the United States economy

saw nearly uninterrupted prosperity coupled with severe inequalities

In 1941, the Atlantic Charter

saw the United States and England claim to share common principles

Throughout 1928, the American stock market

saw the number of shares traded daily soar.

During World War II, American Indians

saw the war effort undermine efforts to revitalize tribal traditions

August 9 1945

second plane dropped the bomb on Nagosaki

In its major initial contribution to the war effort in World War I, the United States

secured the safety of the seas for Allied shipping and U.S. troop transport.

During the Harding administration, the United States

significantly reduced the size of its navy

During the Warren Harding administration, the United States

significantly reduced the size of its navy.


site of 1938 agreement allowing Hitler to annex part of Czechoslovakia matches

Erskine Caldwell's Tobacco Road and Richard Wright's Native Son chronicled

social injustice in the rural South and the urban North

During the 1930s, the Southern Tenant Farmers Union

sought to organize the rural poor across racial lines

The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933

sought to raise crop prices by paying farmers not to plant.)

During World War I, the Council of National Defense (CND) organized the national economy by

specific economic sectors

In 1932, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

spent only part of its public works budget

One of the major effects the New Deal had on the United States was the creation of

stronger and more varied interest groups

In mid-1916, President Woodrow Wilson

strongly supported a rapid increase of the nation's armed forces

As secretary of commerce under Warren Harding, Herbert Hoover

supported expansion of the federal government through voluntary cooperation with business in the public interest.

The Federal Writers' Project

supported young writers, such as Saul Bellow, Ralph Ellison, Tillie Olson, Richard Wright, and John Cheever.

In the 1930s, Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People

taught that individual initiative could help people to restore themselves financially

In the 1930s, Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People

taught that individual initiative could help people to restore themselves financially.

During World War II, American women who worked outside the home

tended to be older than women who worked in the past


terms describes the policy of trying to pacify a nation through negotiation in order to prevent a war

In Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court upheld wartime limits on freedom of speech

that constituted a "clear and present danger" to the country's safety.

In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt decided

that he should try to balance the federal budget

All of the following statements regarding the 1932 "Bonus Army" are true EXCEPT

the "Army" demanded Congress create relief programs for World War I veterans

All of the following statements regarding the 1932 "Bonus Army" are true EXCEPT that

the "Army" demanded Congress create relief programs for World War I veterans.

The Hoover administration addressed the economic situation of American farmers with

the Agricultural Marketing Act

In 1942, the North African campaign against the Nazis saw

the Americans successfully regroup from a defeat at Kasserine Pass

The costliest battle in the history of the United States Marines Corps was

the Battle of Iwo Jima

The costliest battle in the history of the United States Marines Corps was

the Battle of Iwo Jima.

In June 1941, President Roosevelt issued an executive order banning discrimination in defense industries and the government on the basis of race, religion, color, or national origin primarily because

the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters agreed to cancel a protest march on Washington if he issued the order.

In the "Insular Cases" (1901), the Supreme Court ruled that

the Constitution did not automatically extend citizenship to people in newly acquired territories

In the Insular Cases, the Supreme Court ruled that

the Constitution did not automatically extend citizenship to people in newly acquired territories.

The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 established

the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 established

the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

In August 1945, the primary reason the United States dropped a second atomic bomb on Japan was because

the Japanese did not immediately surrender after the first bomb was dropped

The battle in the Senate over the Treaty of Versailles centered around Article X, which was

the League of Nations' right to use collective military action

By the end of 1938

the New Deal had largely come to an end

As a result of the war with Spain in 1898, the US gained

the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam

As a result of the war with Spain in 1898, the United States gained

the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam.

"Chronic wrong doing... may.... require intervention by... the United States [in adherence to] the Monroe Doctrine... however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such wrong doing or impotence, to the exercise of an international police power." The philosophy exemplified in this quote reveals that it was taken from

the Roosevelt Corollary

In 1943, the country that pressed for an immediate Allied invasion of France against Germany was

the Soviet Union

Which nation was not overrun by Germany in June 1940?

the Soviet Union

Which of the following nations was not overrun by Germany in June 1940?

the Soviet Union

The nation that was not overrun by Germany in June 1940

the Soviet Union (Russia)

The "Abraham Lincoln Brigade" is to be associated with

the Spanish Civil War

When Japanese troops occupied the northern part of French Indochina in 1940

the US restricted trade with Japan, including fuel and scrap metal vital to Japan's war effor

"cash-n-carry" stated

the US would t4rade w/the Allies who could pay in cash, and provide their own ships for transportation of goods purchased

By September 1941

the United States extended lend-lease privileges to the Soviet Union

By September 1941,

the United States extended lend-lease privileges to the Soviet Union

All of the following statements regarding the internment of Japanese Americans in the United States during World War II are true EXCEPT

the United States government has always defended its actions

All of the following statements regarding the internment of Japanese Americans in the United States during World War II are true EXCEPT

the United States government has never admitted wrongdoing

Issue in 1898, the Teller Amendment declared that

the United States had no intention of annexing Cuba

Issued in 1898, the Teller Amendment declared that

the United States had no intention of annexing Cuba

When Japanese troops occupied the northern part of French Indochina in 1940,

the United States restricted trade with Japan, including fuel and scrap metal vital to Japan's war effort

Japanese Americans on the West Coast were interned during World War II because

the West Coast was considered to be vulnerable to attack Japanese forces, and inflammatory rhetoric demanded that the region be rid of supposed Japanese spies

Japanese Americans on the West Coast were interned during WWII because..

the West Coast was considered to be vulnerable to attack by Japanese forces, and inflammatory rhetoric demanded that the region be rid of supposed Japanese spies

In the 1920s, a growing interest among middle-class women in birth control resulted from

the attitude that sexual activity should not be for procreation only

During World War I, extensive systems of trenches were used by both sides because

the destructive power of weapons meant soldiers could not live in the open field

One of the most enduring legacies of America's participation in World War I was

the development of the modern bureaucratic state.

A significant issue in the 1944 election was

the domestic economy

During the recession of 1937

the economy was as bad as during the worst period of the Hoover administration

During the recession of 1937,

the economy was as bad as during the worst period of the Hoover administration.

The Battle of the Bulge

the final offensive by Germany in Belgium in December of 1944

"Korematsu v. United States" legitimized

the forced internment of Japanese Americans into relocation camps

Korematsu v. United States legitimized

the forced internment of Japanese Americans into relocation camps

Which of the following rendered the international monetary supply inflexible in the Great Depression during the 1930s?

the gold standard

In 1937, in regards to the organizing of industrial labor,

the great majority of strikes were settled in favor of the unions

In 1937, regarding the organizing of industrial labor,

the great majority of strikes were settled in favor of the unions.

Which of the following was the most decisive American factor in determining the outcome of WW2?

the immense production of war material and other needed supplies

The greatest example of civil rights abuse during the war was

the internment of Japanese Americans

The greatest civil rights abuse(s) during the war was (were)

the internment of Japanese aliens

All of the following statements regarding the Allied invasion of France in June 1944 are true EXCEPT

the landing was made across the narrowest part of the English Channe

The 1944 Battle of Leyte Gulf

the largest naval engagement in history

One long-term consequence of the New Deal was

the national government assumed a responsibility for the basic welfare of the people

One long-term consequence of the New Deal was

the national government assumed a responsibility for the basic welfare of the people.

What was the significance of the New Deal

the programs expanded the federal government's presence both in the economy and in people's lives

Which American ideal caused many Americans to blame themselves for their plight?

the self-made man

In the 1920s, the development of practical radio communication was furthered by Page: 634

the theory of modulation

The culture wars of the 1920s were due in part to

the tremendous growth of cities from immigration and rural migration

The culture wars of the 1920s were due in part to

the tremendous growth of cities from immigration and rural migration.

In 1942, when the United States interned Japanese Americans in "relocation centers"

there was no evidence that the Japanese Americans were a domestic security risk

In 1942, when the United States interned Japanese Americans in "relocation centers,"

there was no evidence that the Japanese Americans were a domestic security risk

For southern black sharecroppers, the New Deal's AAA often meant that

they received increased financial support from the government for crop diversification.

For southern black sharecroppers, the New Deal's AAA often meant that

they were pushed off of their land

For southern black sharecroppers, the New Deal's AAA often meant taht

they were pushed off their land

Herbert Hoover asked Americans to do which of the following in response to the economic downtown in 1920?

tighten their belts and work hard

In the 1920s, the idea of agricultural "parity" was

to ensure farmers would at least financially break even

What was the purpose of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which Roosevelt Congress empowered in 1934?

to regulate and rationalize the U.S. stock market

In April 1945, American and British forces halted their advance on Germany at the Elbe River

to wait for the Russian army to arrive

During World War II, the United States military services

tolerated illicit heterosexual relationships

During the Harding administration, the Teapot Dome scandal involved

transfers of national oil reserves

During World War I, airplanes were used for all the following EXCEPT

transporting troops

In addition to old-age pensions, the Social Security Act provided for

unemployment compensation.

A major weakness of the 1920s economy was the

unequal distribution of wealth

A major weakness of the 1920s economy was the

unequal distribution of wealth.

Turning to the business community for assistance in fighting the Great Depression, President Hoover

urged companies to maintain high levels of production.

After the Japanese invaded China in 1937, President Roosevelt

urged peace-loving nations to "quarantine" Japan and other aggressors

President Herbert Hoover responded to the onset of the Great Depression by

urging voluntary cooperation from business leaders

August 6 1945

us plane dropped bomb on Hiroshima

During World War II, the Allied development of Gee navigation system

used electronic pulses to plot course location

During World War II, the Allied development of the Gee navigation system

used electronic pulses to plot course location

About 40% of America's vegetables during World War II were grown in ___ gardens.


The election of 1920 saw

voters turn away from international idealism

Woodrow Wilson wished to keep the United States neutral at the outbreak of World War I primarily because he

wanted to arbitrate among the combatants and to influence the settlement of the war.

Franklin Roosevelt's victory over Herbert Hoover in 1932

was a convincing mandate

During the 1930s, the sit-down strike

was a new and controversial labor tactic

In the 1940s, swing music

was a new form of jazz

The America First Committee

was a powerful lobby against U.S. involvement in the war

The America First Committee

was a powerful lobby against U.S. involvement in the war.

In the 1930s, the "Dust Bowl"

was a product of changing environmental conditions.

In the 1930s, the "Dust Bowl"

was created by the national economic collapse

The Agricultural Adjustment Act

was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court

In 1935, the Roosevelt administration introduced a tax reform bill that

was denounced by its opponents as a "soak the rich" measure.

In 1932, the Farmers' Holiday Association

was essentially a farmers' strike

President Franklin Roosevelt's proposal to expand the Supreme Court

was eventually defeated in Congress

In the 1930s, industrial unionism was

was greatly strengthened by New Deal legislation

In the 1930s, the trade union movement

was grew more militant and powerful

New Deal policy toward American Indians

was grounded in a commitment to cultural relativism

During World War II, the National Defense Research Committee

was headed by a scientist who was a pioneer in the development of the computer

In 1934, Dr. Francis Townsend attracted widespread national support for a plan that

was helped pave the way for the Social Security system

During the 1920s, birth control in the United States

was illegal in many states

Hoover was hated during the Depression, partially because of the public perception that he

was insensitive to people's suffering and was a do-nothing president.

In response to the Great Depression, many Mexican Americans

was left the United States

Calvin Coolidge

was less active a president than Warren Harding

During the 1920s, the trend toward industrial consolidation

was most pronounced in the large-scale, mass-production sector

The Works Progress Administration of 1935

was much larger than previous programs of its kind

Over the course of World War II, inflation in the United States

was much less serious a problem than during World War I

During the 1920s, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters

was one of the few unions led by African Americans

In 1919, the Red Scare in the United States

was partly motivated by a series of bombings

The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928

was signed with wide international acclaim

The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928

was signed with wide international acclaim.

The Munich agreement of 1938

was supported by President Franklin Roosevelt

what was the result of negotiations involving the League of Nations.

was supported by President Franklin Roosevelt

The United States Selective Service Act

was supported by President Woodrow Wilson

Franklin Roosevelt's victory over Herbert Hoover in 1932

was surprised almost no one

The 1945 Battle of Iwo Jima

was the costliest in the history of the United States Marines

The 1944 Battle of Leyte Gulf

was the largest naval engagement in history

The Battle of the Bulge

was the last major battle on the western front

The Battle of the Bulge..

was the name given to the final German offensive in Belgium, in December 1944

In the 1930s, Hollywood films

was typically portrayed women as wives and mothers

When President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced legislation to enlarge the Supreme Court, he

was unsuccessful, but the Court began to uphold New Deal legislation.

Prior to 1932, Franklin Roosevelt had been all of the following EXCEPT

was vice president of the United States

African Americans employed by New Deal relief programs

were among the first to be released when funds ran out

African Americans employed by New Deal relief programs

were among the first to be released when funds ran out.

During the Nazi program of exterminating the Jews in Europe, American officials

were more concerned with the larger goal of winning the war than with the fate of the jews

3 month campaign

when the US fleet suffered from Kamikaze attacks

September 2 1945

when the japanese surrendered

Theodore Roosevelt's big-stick policy was demonstrated

with the strength and effectiveness of the U.S. Navy

During World War II, organized labor in the United States

won automatic union memberships for new defense plant workers

In the 1936 presidential election, Franklin D. Roosevelt

won by a landslide.

In the 1930s, the New Deal generally gave

work relief to men and cash assistance to women

During 1942, the US launched its first major effort against the Germans when it

worked with the British in launching a major offensive in North America

In 1919, the racial climate in the United States

worsened in both the North and South

In the 1920s, writers who satirized or rejected modern American society included all of the following EXCEPT

Edward Hooper

On the eve of the Great War, the chief rivalry in Europe was between

Germany and Great Britain

As a result of the sinking of the British passenger liner Lusitania

Germany pledged to the United States it would not repeat such an action

In January 1917, President Woodrow Wilson, in a speech before Congress

In January 1917, President Woodrow Wilson, in a speech before Congress

In World War I, the American Expeditionary Force was commanded by

John Pershing

During the 1920s, products that grew dramatically in use in the United States included

all of the above

In the United States, after it entered World War I

all of the above

President Woodrow Wilson's "Fourteen Points" included

an end to secret treaties

In the 1920s, the development of practical radio communication was furthered by

both A and B

The Scopes trial of 1925 was a legal battle between

creationism and evolution

In his 1925 novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald

criticized the American obsession with material wealth

In the late 1920s, the European demand for agricultural and manufacturing goods from the United States was


The National Origins Act of 1924

entirely banned immigration from east Asia to the United States

During the 1920s, the field of psychology saw women

establish themselves more easily than in many other areas of medicine

During the 1920s, most American workers experienced all of the following EXCEPT

few opportunities to join a company union

As a result of the Scopes trial of 1925

fundamentalists reduced their participation in political activism

During the last eighteen months of Woodrow Wilson's presidency

he was largely an invalid

The so-called Zimmerman telegram

included a proposal for the return of the American Southwest to Mexico

Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge were similar in their

passive approach to the presidency

Throughout 1928, the American stock market saw the number of shares traded daily soar.

saw the number of shares traded daily soar

When President Woodrow Wilson presented the Treaty of Versailles to the Senate

the American public clearly supported its ratification

As the United States entered World War I, its most immediate military effect was in

the Atlantic Ocean

In March 1917, the United States moved closer to entering the Great War when

the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia

During the 1920s, among the major political parties

the Democratic Party was seriously divided

The immediate cause of war in Europe in 1914 was

the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand

In the 1920s, the "noble experiment" referred to

the illegalization of alcohol

During the 1920s, a great worry for industrialists was the fear of

the overproduction of goods

In the 1920s, "welfare capitalism"

was a paternalistic approach used by corporate leaders on their workers

In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson believed the Paris peace conference treaty

was a success because of the acceptance of the League of Nations

President Woodrow Wilson's request to Congress for a declaration of war

was debated for four days before it passed

As President, Warren Harding

was very popular with the public.

During the 1920s, airplanes

were largely a source of entertainment

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