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Interaction diagrams

A subset of behavior diagrams, emphasize the flow of control and data among the things in the system being modeled

Sequence diagram

Behavioural. An interaction diagram that shows how processes operate with one another and in what order. It is a construct of a Message Sequence Chart. A sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. It depicts the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out the functionality of the scenario.

Use case diagram

Behavioural. At its simplest is a representation of a user's interaction with the system that shows the relationship between the user and the different use cases in which the user is involved. A use case diagram can identify the different types of users of a system and the different use cases and will often be accompanied by other types of diagrams as well.

Activity diagram

Behavioural. Graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency.

Communication diagram

Behavioural. Models the interactions between objects or parts in terms of sequenced messages. Communication diagrams represent a combination of information taken from Class, Sequence, and Use Case Diagrams describing both the static structure and dynamic behavior of a system.

State diagram

Behavioural. State Machine Diagram

Timing diagram

Behavioural. explore the behaviors of objects throughout a given period of time. A timing diagram is a special form of a sequence diagram. The differences between timing diagram and sequence diagram are the axes are reversed so that the time is increased from left to right and the lifelines are shown in separate compartments arranged vertically.

Component diagram

Code structure

Structural diagram

Emphasize the things that must be present in the system being modelled. used extensively in documenting the software architecture of software systems

Behavioural diagram

Emphasize what must happen in the system being modelled. used extensively to describe the functionality of software systems

Deployment diagram

Mapping of software to hardware

Sequence diagram

Object message passing structure

Use case diagram

Relation of actors to system functions

Object diagram

Same as class - only using class instances (objects)

Activity diagram

Sequential flow of activities ie. Action states

State diagram

States of objects in a particular class

Class diagram

Static class structure

Class diagram

Structural. A static diagram that describes the system's classes, their attributes, methods, and the relationships among objects.

Component diagram

Structural. Depicts how components are wired together to form larger components and or software systems. They are used to illustrate the structure of arbitrarily complex systems.

Package diagram

Structural. Depicts the dependencies between the packages that make up a model.

Deployment diagram

Structural. Models the physical deployment of artifacts on nodes.

Object diagram

Structural. Shows a complete or partial view of the structure of a modeled system at a specific time.

Composite structure diagram

Structural. Static structure diagram, that shows the internal composition of a class and the collaborations that this structure makes possible.

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