Unit 10 Study Guide SOC

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One way of understanding how capital is acquired, maintained, and utilized is through ethnographic research. What is ethnographic research? How is it conducted and why is it important in understanding social interaction.

Ethnographic research is a research method that involves careful observation of naturally occurring social interaction, often as a participant. It is important in understanding social interaction since the researcher sees it all go down first hand.

the United States, a commonly held belief is that everyone is responsible for their own successes and failures. This belief, known as individualism, assumes that people are independent actors responsible primarily for themselves. Individualism contrasts collectivism, or the idea that people are interdependent actors with responsibilities primarily to the group. Define each and provide examples of how these may work in social interactions.

Individualism - the idea that people are independent actors responsible primarily for themselves. Everyone in the U.S. took long to come together about the mask thing for Covid 19 and or with the vaccine. "Express yourself" is another example. Collectivism - the idea that people are interdependent actors with responsibilities primarily to the group. Everyone put on a mask in China with regards to Covid 19 very quickly as a group.

How may these ideas influence decision making during a public crisis? For example how did these two concepts influence people during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Individualism made individuals think that it was okay to not respect what the government says and not follow mask mandates. But collectivism influences individuals to follow through with the government.

There are two contrasting theories regarding the power that the power elite hold. The pluralist theory of power holds that U.S. politics are characterized by competing groups that work together to achieve common goals, despite having competing interests. Contrast the pluralist theory of power with the elite theory of power

Pluralist theory of power -In this vision, politicians work out compromises. Branches of the government are balanced, with the media serving as a watchdog. Businesses compete among themselves. And residents exercise their right to vote, protest, and unionize. Elite theory of power - Like all social networks, those of the power elite are more homogeneous than we would expect by chance alone. So while some members may have been plucked out of poor or working-class neighborhoods via prep schools and elite universities, most are born into the wealthiest households.

What is capital? Define the three different types of capital and provide an example of each. A major reason the power elite hold so much power in society is due to capital,

Social capital- the number of people we know and the resources they can offer us. example is the bohemian club and or military command. Economic capital - its money. It funds opportunities, like elite educations. Cultural capital - synbolic resources that communicate one's status. Like having nice car and or shoes.

Discuss how the idea of the Protestant work ethic is one such idea within cultural hegemony and how it influences people in their life decisions.

The Protestant work ethic, for instance, is a hegemonic ideology. It's very common for Americans to judge people's moral worth by how hard they work. And those of us who don't work as hard as we can, even just sometimes, often feel guilty. Many of us believe that we should always be striving to work harder. So Americans work hundreds more hours every year than residents of similar countries.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of individualism? Collectivism?

The advantages is that individualism can be pleasurable, even liberating, to discover and express a self that feels authentic. Disadvantages is that when individualism is hegemonic, however, it has downsides. During the pandemic, people who were strongly individualistic were less likely than others to comply with requests by governments and scientists to wash their hands, wear masks, and avoid gatherings. Sacrificing one's own comfort for the benefit of others violates a central tenet of individualism. Advantages of collectivism is that people can come to an agreement together easily and they are more connected. Individuals are also on the same page. Disadvantages of this is that people can be shamed for speaking out on something that the general population agrees with.

How are such ideologies learned are through messages included in books, films, and other forms of media?

The book talked about in the book influences children to believe that certain kinds of people do certain kinds of jobs. The separation of certain animals shows how it is in real life. Like pigs do the dirty work and then dogs do the big work. And films and others forms of media also do this by shoving these ideas right in our faces everyday sinde it it is owned by the power elite.

The power elite are able to maintain their closed circles due to possessing higher economic, social, and cultural capital than other members of society. What does it mean for the power elite to "fit" or use "social closre"?

This is a process by which advantaged groups preserve opportunities for themselves while restricting them for others. Elites maintain their elite status, in other words, in part by controlling access to the opportunities that bestow "eliteness. Fit is when we feel a sense of belonging when we're around people who admire our appearance, skill set, achievements, and material things.

Elite Networks- groups of people who have high economic status Coordinated Institutions- institutions that work together Culture and Exclusion- culture is customs of an individual and exclusion is the act of being declined due to factors. The Cult of the Individual - This religion holds the rational individual person as sacred, and corresponds to a multi-faceted, complex, and diverse society united. Cultural Hegemony- power maintained primarily by persuasion. Xenophobia- prejudice against people defined as foreign. Individualism vs Collectivism - Individualism - the idea that people are independent actors responsible primarily for themselves. Collectivism - the idea that people are interdependent actors with responsibilities primarily to the group. Ethnography- A research method that involves careful observation of regularly occurring social interaction, often as a participant. Social Closure- A process by which advanced groups preserve opportunities for themselves while restricting them for others. Capital - social capital, economic capital and cultural capital. Economic capital - money Social capital - the number of people we know and the resources they can offer us. Cultural capital - symbolic resources that communicate one's social status. Power Elite- a relatively small group of interconnected people who occupy top positions in important social institutions. The elite theory of power-The people who have the most money and status are the ones with power. The pluralist theory of power-U.S. politics are characterized by competing groups that work together to achieve common goals, despite having competing interests.

define these all

What did C. Wright Mills mean by the power elite

the high and mighty."Insofar as national events are decided," he wrote, "the power elite are those who decide them."

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