Unit 10A Study Set

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Which countries were included in the Third World?

1. Asia 2. Latin America 3. Africa

List some similarities between Kennedy and King Arthur

1. Both had beautiful wives who everybody loved and adored. Both were influential to the administration or kingdom. 2. Both countries were world powers 3. Both had trustworthy staff/knights who were reliable, loved, and were the best people to help lead their country.

What did Kennedy's Flexible Response include?

1. Defensive military strategy designed to prepare America for all types of attacks, not just nuclear. 2. Increasing military power while also increasing conventional military force (troops, ships, etc.) 3. Created Army Special Forces (Green Berets)

List some similarities between Nixon and JFK.

1. Navy Veterans 2. In Mid-40s 2. Anti-Communists

List some reasons why the televised presidential debate helped Kennedy win.

1. Nixon (who was recovering from illness) looked sick and tired. 2. Kennedy appeared youthful and handsome 3. People were able to feel Kennedy's charm and idealism through the debates.

Describe three ways that Kennedy tried to "catch-up to" or even "pass" the Soviets.

1. Set goal for sending the first man to the moon 2. Increased the federal funding of NASA and other programs/projects like the Apollo Project (helped give rise to new technologies and industries) 3. Expansion of science programs at universities

What 5 areas does LBJ focus on in the Great Society to help the American people?

1. To attain liberty racial equality for all (Civil Rights Movement) 2. To demand the end of poverty and racial injustice 3. To provide enough housing and transportation in the cities (urban areas) 4. To help rebuild "America the beautiful" (help out in the environment) 5. To let every child, rich or poor, be able to have a full imagination where they are able to expand their roots of learning.

What were 4 purposes of the Peace Corps?

1. To promote World Peace and Friendship. 2. To help provide trained workers for people of interested countries and areas 3. To help promote a better understanding of Americans for the people it served 4. The help promote a better understanding of other people for the Americans

What 3 things happened as a result of the failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion?

1. USA, Kennedy, and the CIA were humiliated and negotiated for the release of surviving commandos by paying a ransom of $53 million in food and medical supplies 2. Kennedy declared he would continue to resist further Communist expansion in the western hemisphere 3. The Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev promised to help defend Cuba from future invasions by providing Soviet weapons.

Why was Kennedy and his family appealing to the American people?

1. Young family (had a pretty, young wife) 2. Had the ideal average American life 3. Two happy children 4. Put family over work

What was Kennedy's "flexible response"?

An alternative to Eisenhower's policy of Massive Retaliation. Kennedy believed Eisenhower's emphasis on developing nuclear weapons had greatly weakened the United States' conventional forces. So instead, Kennedy's "flexible response" tried to prevent any wars. (nonviolently)

What is Johnson's Great Society?

An unprecedented and bold set of programs aimed at improving Americans' everyday lives.

What was the Third World?

Any country who didn't pick a side during the war (Not communists nor capitalists)

What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 do?

Banned discrimination and segregation in public places.

For much of the campaign, polls showed Nixon in the lead. Why?

Because Kennedy was Roman Catholic. No Catholic had ever been president and people feared he would show more loyalty to his church than to his country if he became president.

In 1960, why did President Eisenhower cut off all relations with Cuba?

Because its leader, Fidel Castro, openly declared himself a communist and welcomed aid from the Soviet Union.

Why was there an American embargo against Cuba?

Castro began taking land owned by American companies

What was the "Johnson Treatment"?

Combination of badgering, flattery, threats, and heavy convincing. (He would get all up in people's faces)

What was the Washington-Moscow Hot Line?

Communication tool used to prevent another crisis (close to nuclear warfare) like this in the future

Who was Fidel Castro?

Communist leader of Cuba

As tensions between the US and Soviets increase, the Berlin Wall becomes a symbol of...

Communist oppression

What did Congress do in response to Kennedy's request of a mental health program?

Congress quickly passed Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act.

What happened on August 1961?

Construction of Berlin Wall

How did the "Johnson Treatment" help the Great Society?

Convinced Congress to pass almost 200 new laws designed to help the American people.

What was one of the first campaign promises Kennedy fulfilled?

Creation of Peace Corps

Where was Kennedy assassinated?

Dallas, Texas

Which party did JFK belong to?

Democratic Party

Since the end of WWII, Germany was divided into a...

Democratic West Germany and a Communist East Germany

Why does Kennedy allow the Berlin Wall to be built?

Does not want to risk war with the Soviets

What was the turning point in the 1960 election?

First televised presidential debate

What is another name for Kennedy's Foreign Policy?

Flexible Response

What was the Apollo Project?

Had the goal of landing an American man on the moon before the end of the decade.

Why did Kennedy decide to send a man to the moon?

He felt this would be the most impressive and impactful mission for mankind.

What was Kennedy's response to unemployment?

He passed the Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962 which authorized a three-year program aimed at retraining workers displaced by new technology. Meaning, this helps them get used to the modern day equipment and to help them understand it all.

What did Kennedy propose in order to get the country out of its economic slump?

He proposed $13.5 billion in tax cuts

How did Kennedy respond to Khrushchev's threat (signing a treaty with East Germany)

He refused to give up U.S. access to West Berlin.

Why was Kennedy in Dallas, Texas when he was assassinated?

He was campaigning for re-election in 1964

What was Kennedy's response to medical care in America?

He was the first to submit a Presidential special message to Congress regarding a mental health program.

What was Medicaid?

Helped low-income families by providing health and medical assistance.

What was the Area Redevelopment Act?

Helped stimulate new job creation

What was Kennedy's New Frontier?

His goals as president to help improve the country.

What was Kennedy's response to housing in America?

His plan was to provide affordable housing for middle-income and low-income families in order to boost the economy.

What was the Kennedy Administration?

His presidency. It was young, energetic, idealistic, and an all American image.

What was the Air Quality Act?

Increase of authority over air pollution

What was the down side of Kennedy's tax cut proposal? (for getting the economy out of its slump)

It would reduce government income and create a budget deficit but Kennedy believed it would jump-start the economy.

What did each candidate of the President Election of 1960 promise?

JFK - promised new programs to "get the country moving again." Nixon - pledged to continue the policies of President Eisenhower (was Eisenhower's vice president)

Who were the 2 candidates in the election of 1960?

JFK and Richard Nixon

Who was Kennedy's wife?

Jacqueline Kennedy

Who won the presidential election of 1960?

John F. Kennedy

What did Kennedy state on October 22, 1962?

Kennedy addressed the fearful nation. He made it clear that he intended to force Cuba to remove the missiles and any missile attack from Cuba would trigger an ALL OUT WAR with the Soviets.

What did Kennedy do on October 24, 1962?

Kennedy implements a naval "quarantine" (or blockade) to prevent Soviet ships from reaching Cuba.

Why was Kennedy's Foreign Policy created?

Kennedy wanted to change the nation's nuclear strategy. He did not want to threaten to use nuclear arms over a minor conflict against communism. So he created the "Flexible Response" AKA Foreign Policy

What happened on June 1961? (Was Khrushchev's first solution for preventing East Berliners from leaving)

Khrushchev threatened to sign a treaty with East Germany. The treaty would enable East Germany to stop nations like the US from entering West Berlin.

Who was the believed assassin of JFK?

Lee Harvey Oswald

Who became president after JFK was assassinated?

Lyndon B. Johnson

What was the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act?

Made to protect and preserve rivers

What was the Clean Air Act?

Nation wide standards for pollution control

Was the Bay of Pigs invasion successful?

No, because 1500 exiles, carrying American guns, landed at the bay of pigs and met by 25,000 of Castro's soldiers

Did the Manpower Development and Training Act have a huge impact?

No. (very minimal)

When was Kennedy assassinated?

November 22, 1963

What happened on April 17, 1961?

Over 1,300 CIA trained Cuban exiles landed at the Bay of Pigs to begin the invasion and overthrow of Castro (Bay of Pigs invasion)

What was discovered on October 14, 1962?

Photographs taken by American U-2 surveillance planes revealed Soviet missile bases in Cuba that may be ready to launch (which meant they could reach American cities in minutes!)

What was the Wilderness Act of 1964?

Preserved 9.2 million acres as federal wilderness areas

What happened on March 1960?

President Eisenhower gave the CIA permission to secretly train Cuban exiles for an invasion of Cuba.

What are social welfare programs?

Program designed to ensure a basic standard of living for all citizens

What did Kennedy propose in response to housing in America?

Proposed spending $3.1 billion to improve existing housing supply and to create a cabinet-level Department of Housing and Urban Affairs to oversee the program.

What was the Endangered Species Act?

Provided endangered animals with limited protection

Which party did Nixon belong to?

Republican Party

What was the Water Quality Act?

Required states to enforce water quality standards

What did Kennedy decide to do to challenge the Soviets in the Space Race?

Send the first man to the moon

How did the departure of Easter Berliners into West Berlin harm East Berlin's economy?

Skilled workers and resources vanished

What happened in the Summer of 1962?

Soviets promised to defend Cuba with Soviet weapons and began sending weapons - including nuclear weapons - to Cuba. Kennedy responded that America would not tolerate offensive nuclear weapons in Cuba.

What was the Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act?

Started a new era in Federal support for mental health services.

Even though Kennedy proposed tax cuts to get the economy going, what happened?

The Department of Defense received a 20% budget increase for new nuclear missiles, nuclear submarines, and an expansion of the armed services.

What was LBJ's social welfare program?

The Great Society

Why did Eisenhower allow the CIA to train the exiled Cubans?

The US believed the exiles could trigger an uprising that would overthrow Castro.

How did the Space Race and Kennedy's actions reflect the needs of the US during the Cold War?

The whole purpose in the Cold War was to show that the US was better overall so that they could be the leader of other nations. So he made sure we worked hard and continued to be the best country. He knew that winning the space race would be impactful and impressive to mankind. He knew it would impact the world which is why we put so much money into it.

What was the Warren Commission?

They investigated the Assassination of Kennedy (Johnson created) and concluded that Oswald acted alone.

What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 do?

This act banned any discriminatory voting practices that many places enforced in order to prevent African Americans from voting (like literary tests)

What was the Public Broadcasting Act?

This act gave money to non-commercial television and radio broadcasting (educational shows)

What was the Elementary and Secondary Education Act?

This act required the federal government, for the first time, to help local school districts which students that come from low-income families.

What was the National Endowment for the Humanities?

This is one of the largest arts and cultures funders/providers in the US

What was the Higher Education Act of 1965?

This opened up colleges to families who wanted scholarships or who came from low-income families. (appropriates $650 million towards this)

What was the Department of Housing and Urban Affairs?

This promised to make the Federal Housing Administration a full partner in urban renewal.

What was Medicare?

This was a health insurance program aimed at helping the elderly (65+ years)

What was the Economic Opportunity Act?

This was the groundwork of the War on Poverty. This act created the Office of Economic Opportunity which helped direct educational employment as well as training programs.

Why were the Peace Corps created?

To act as a nonviolent (nonmilitary) way to stop the spread of communism in the Third World.

Finally, Kennedy and Khrushchev decided to solve the crisis. What does Khrushchev offer?

To remove the missiles from Cuba in exchange for the US agreeing not to invade Cuba

What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall?

To stop the flow of people fleeing East Germany

What were the Peace Corps?

Volunteers sent to teach or provide technical help for developing nations. (an independent US federal agency)

What was the Medical Healthcare Bill for the Aged? (later became known as Medicare)

Was for a health insurance program administered by the United States government, covering people who are either age 65 and over, or who meet other special criteria.

Describe Kennedy's assassination.

When Kennedy's motorcade was passing by Dealey Plaza, gun shots rang and Kennedy was shot in the head.

What happened to Lee Harvey Oswald just 48 hours after JFK's death?

When being transferred to a different jail site, Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby

Were the Mental Health additions (by Kennedy) a success?

Yes, the country saw a six-fold increase in people using Mental Health facilities.

Who was the first man in space?

Yuri Gagarin (Soviet)

One of John F. Kennedy's intentions for the New Frontier program was to boost the _______.


About 10% of Cuba's population fled from communist Cuba and created an...

exile community in Miami, Florida.

Berlin was located within communist East Germany and throughout the 1950s 20% of East Germans had

fled into democratically ruled West Berlin.

Khrushchev felt that the East Berliners leaving advertised...

unhappiness with communism

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