Unit 12 - Review Other book

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2. Choose the correct alternative


Johns hair really needs cutting. TIME It is ...............hair cut.

high time John had/got his



1. Use of English - CAE part 4


3. Use of English - CAE Part 5 - Keyword transformation


The college principal said that he ...........to bring the catering facilities up to date. We decided to ask lecturer exactly what he ......... when he used the word teleportation. Off all the awards that the actress won during her carrier, the OSCAR ............ the most of her.


Contributions to the international charity appeal have ..........one million dollars. Eric ...........over , picked up the photograph and realised he was looking at himself as a small boy. In the 1970s , Britain only had 3 TV channels and popular programmes often ...........an audienceof over 20 million.


There is no ..............in doing further research into time travel. On entering the old castle, you get a real ...........of history. Penny was so absorbed in the sci-fi novel that she had lost all ..........of time passing.


The date for the opening of the new museum has been .......... for next September. A research project has been .........the task of investigating whether time travel already exists- Beverley had ...........out at dawn, determined to find the archaelogical site before lunchtime.


On his trip across the USA , Brett didnt make it to San Francisco because he ran out of ......... With the benefit of hindsight we can see that the invention was years ahead of its ........... Its not that Phoebe was wrong, she just didnt choose a good ............ to bring up the subject.


At least thirty Futuro houses may still be in existence. THOUGHT At least thirty Futuro houses .............exist.

are still thought to

When it was first televised, nobody ...........how successful Star trek was goin to be - could predict - could have predicted

could have predicted

Tom said he ............every intention of finishing his research project before the end of therm. - had - would have


Some people dream about famous events long before they ......... - happen - would happen


Our visitors experienced a two-hour delay on the motorway. HELD Our visitors were .............two hours on the motorway.

held up for

If we want to bid in the auction, we must do it soon. OUT Time ............if we want to bid in the auction.

is running out

Many of the predictions which David ........have come true - made - could make


Sally originally intended to travel by air rather than by train. WAS Sallys .............travel by air rather than by train.

original intension was to

Someone ought to have let the police know about the incident at once. REPORTED The incident should .............the police at once.

should have been reported to

The architect wanted nobody to know about his new idea. KEEP The architect wanted ...............secret.

to keep his new idea a

As a schoolboy, Jeremy ..............become a professional footballer. - wanted to - was wanting to

wanted to

Sally didnt know it, but her attitude would soon change. ABOUT Sally didnt know it, but there .............change in her attitude.

was About to be the

Tommys plane should have landed at 15.00, but there is no sign of it yet. SCHEDULED Tommys plane .............at 15.00, but there is no sign of it yet.

was scheduled to land

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