UNIT 2 How did Hitler change Germany from a Democracy to a Dictatorship?

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Who was the head of the SS?

Heinrich Himmler

What were the terms of the Enabling Act?

Hitler could make laws without consulting the Reichstag or President Hindenburg.

Where were the most famous nazi Rallies held?


What organisation did teachers have to belong to?

The German Teachers League

What was the name of the branch of the SS which was the secret police?

The Gestapo.

Why was the Enabling Act passed?

1. 81 Communist members of the Reichstag were banned so could not vote against. 2. The Social Democrats were either not allowed to enter the voting chamber by the SA or were too frightened to turn up. 3. Other members of the Reichstag gave into nazi pressure or were offered concessions. 4. The Enabling Act was passed by 444 votes to 94

How was education for boys and girls different?

1. Able boys were sent to special schools called Reichsfuhrer schools and the best of these went to Ordensburgen were the taught to be SS or army officers. 2. Girls were taught cooking, cleaning and how to be good mothers.

What did the Nazis do to the Protestant Churches?

1. All Protestant Churches were brought together in one nazi dominated Reich Church. 2. Any ministers who opposed such as Martin Niemoller were sent to concentration camps.

What did Hitler do after Hindenburg's death?

1. Declared himself to be the President as well as Chancellor and gave himself the title of Fuhrer. 2. The Army then swore an oath of loyalty to Hitler. The army was the only thing which could have removed Hitler at this stage.

How did the Nazis encourage suspicion and distrust?

1. Each block of flats had a staircase ruler who would report any grumbling about the Nazis. 2. Children were encouraged to report their parents for saying anything about the Nazis. 3. German people learned to always say nice and positive things about the government.

How did Hitler use the fire to his own advantage?

1. He persuaded Hindenburg that there was a communist plot to overthrow the government. 2. so Hindenburg passed the Law for the Protection of the People and the State which gave the police total control. 3. The police and the SA then arrested communist leaders, broke up communist meetings and closed down communist newspapers.

Why wasn't Hitler in total control of Germany in January 1933?

1. Hindenburg was still President 2. He only had three other Nazis in the government 3. He did not have a majority of seats in the Reichstag (the German parliament)

Why was the SA a threat to Hitler?

1. It was undisciplined and many members were thugs. 2. Ernst Rohm was more of a socialist than Hitler and he wanted to take control of big business but Hitler needed the support of the major industrialists. 3. Rohm wanted the SA to take control of the German Army, but this would make Rohm more powerful than Hitler and annoy the army leaders who Hitler needed if he was to stay in control.

How did the Nazis indoctrinate children in schools?

1. Subjects were taught so that they reflected Nazi beliefs. For example biology was used to teach about racial theory and how the Aryan race were the master race. 2. Physical fitness was given extra importance.

When did Hindenburg die?

2 August 1934

When was the Enabling Act passed?

23 March 1933

When was the Reichstag Fire?

27th February 1933

When was the Night of the Long Knives?

30 June 1934.

What were the results of the March 1933 elections?

44% of people voted for the Nazis giving them 288 seats. The Nationalist Party had 52 seats so joined with the Nazis and gave them an overall majority in the Reichstag

How many men were in the SS by 1934?


How did the Nazis avoid any trouble from the Catholic Church?

A concordat was signed in 1933 in which the Nazis agreed to leave the catholic church alone if it promised to keep out of politics.

What happened during a Nazi Rally

Army parades, gymnastic displays, bands and choirs, firework displays and speeches by Hitler.

How did the Nazis control radio?

Cheap radios called 'People's receivers' were produced so every family could own one. Goebbels took control of all local radio stations. No foreign radio stations could be picked up by the 'People's Receivers'

Name 3 of the fist six Concentration camps to be built?

Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Flossenburg, Mauthausen and Ravensbruck

Who was the leader of the SA?

Ernst Rohm.

Who was Minister for Propaganda?

Josef Goebbels

How did the Nazis take control of the legal system and the Civil Service?

Judges and Civil Servants who did not sympathise with the Nazis were sacked. All Jewish Civil Servants were sacked.

What happened during the Night of the Long Knives?

Many leaders of the SA were arrested by the SS. Over the next few days they were shot. Other political opponents were also arrested at the same time.

Who was accused of starting the fire?

Marinus van der Lubbe. A Dutch communist who was found inside the Reichstag with matches in his pocket.

How did the Nazis take control of the newspapers?

Newspapers were only allowed to print stories which favoured the Nazis and Editors were sometimes told which headlines to use. Any papers which did not support the Nazis were closed down. 1500 were closed by 1934.

How did the Nazis take control of Cinema?

Over 100 films were made per year and they were closely censored by the Nazis. Special films were made carrying the Nazi message to children.

What section of the SS ran the Concentration Camps?

The Death Head Units

What organisation did German boys have to join after 1935?

The Hitler Youth.

What organisation did German girls have to join and what was the aim of this organisation?

The League of German Maidens. The aim was to teach girls how to be good wives and mothers.

Why did the Nazis win the elections of November 1933?

The Nazi Party was the only party allowed to stand, because the Social Democrats were banned in June 1933 and in July a law was passed which banned all other political parties.

What happened to the Trade Unions?

They were banned and their offices destroyed. Trade Union leaders were sent to concentration camps.

What did boys do in this organisation?

Wore smart uniforms, paraded through towns and went camping. Older boys learned to use rifles. The aim was to make boys loyal to Hitler and to prepare them for life in the army.

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