UNIT 2 US Comprehensive Survey InQuizitives

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The Treaty of Ghent, ending the War of 1812, largely favored the United States.


Identify the statements that describe Jay's Treaty and its outcomes.

-Britain agreed to abandon outposts on the western frontier. -It was the greatest public controversy of Washington's presidency. -It sharpened political divisions in the United States, and led to the formation of an organized opposition party.

The U.S. Constitution was a unique combination of political principles. Identify the features below that describe the principles embodied in the Constitution.

-checks and balances -federalism

Identify how the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 was similar to the American Revolution.

Pennsylvania farmers were protesting a tax.

The American Constitution was unique for its time because it remained secular, clearly separating church from the state.


electoral college

Within the electoral college, it is possible for none of the candidates to win a majority of electoral votes. Though rare, if this occurs, the responsibility of electing a president falls to the House of Representatives where they choose from among the top three candidates, with each state casting one vote. The Senate would then select the vice president.

Identify the statements that describe the Second Great Awakening and its impact.

-Alarmed by low church attendance, religious leaders organized religious revivals where they preached, warning of hell and promising salvation to converts. -Preachers stressed that individuals were "free agents" able to make their own choices, and stressed industry, sobriety, and self-discipline. -It was massively popular and thus it democratized American Christianity.

What does this map reveal about the transportation revolution of the early nineteenth century and its effect on travel times?

-Between 1800 and 1830, travel time between New York City and Florida decreased by one week. -By 1830, a traveler could get anywhere along the Atlantic coast in two weeks or less. -Between 1800 and 1830, travel time between New York City and the meeting point of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers decreased by three weeks.

Identify the statements that describe the congressional land use policies in the West during the postwar period.

-Congress believed that by aiding the British during the Revolution, Indians had forfeited the right to their lands. -Land sales could become a key source of revenue to the federal government. -Congress had an interest in keeping the settlement process somewhat regulated.

Which of the following statements correctly describe the changes from this time period that supported the growth of business?

-Corporations, or firms that protect their investors from debts, became popular and profitable. -Legal decisions handed down by the courts protected new companies from liabilities.

Identify the statements that describe the internal borderland along the Ohio River.

-Cultural connections, trade connections, and family connections transcended the border. -There was more trade between people across the Ohio River than in the most northern parts of their own states. -It was the boundary between free and slavery societies.

Historians estimate that around 1 million slaves were shifted from older slave states into the expanded Lower South between 1800 and 1860. Which of the following are trends that historians associate with this time period?

-Enslaved persons were forced to march across the country in coffles—large groups chained to one another. -Cotton became the most important export of the entire United States. -State-to-state trading of enslaved persons developed within the United States.

Review the following video with author Eric Foner titled "Racial Division Between Slaves and Free Men." Afterward, choose the statement that best summarizes the author's argument.

-Following the Revolution, racial difference became the primary argument for the continuation of the practice of slavery.

Despite his own personal and intimate relationship with Sally Hemings, Thomas Jefferson articulated a variety of claims about race in his book Notes on the State of Virginia. Identify Jefferson's beliefs below.

-He believed the bitter experience of slavery made blacks incapable of being loyal to the nation. -He believed African-Americans were inferior to whites in intellect in a way that no democratic society could change -He believed blacks lacked the capacity for self-control and reason.

The Articles of Confederation granted the national government limited powers. Identify the statements that describe the conflicts sparked by governance under this first written constitution.

-Indebted farmers, threatened with the loss of land because of failure to meet tax or mortgage payments, pressed state governments for relief. -Wealthy property owners saw their rights constrained by poorer local majorities.

The Bill of Rights is a supremely important part of the Constitution. Identify the statements that describe its legacies.

-It established the belief that federal power represented the greatest threat to personal freedom. -It established freedom of expression at the very foundation of political democracy.

Identify the statements that describe the Bill of Rights.

-It states that all of the rights not given to the federal government are maintained by the states and people, to ensure the national government did not suppress the rights of citizens. -The original ten amendments protected the basic rights of citizens, including freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and the right to a jury of peers. -The original federal Constitution did not include a Bill of Rights.

Virgina Plan

-It stressed the establishment of a two-house legislature. -Its proposed size and structure for Congress would bolster the power of the larger states.


-James Madison, known sometimes as "the father of the Constitution" -Alexander Hamilton, who believed that the government should promote commerce -John Jay, later the first chief justice of the Supreme Court

Identify the statements that describe life before the nationalization of the American market during the market revolution.

-Many Americans were tasked with sustaining their own lives since consumer goods and services were not readily available to them. -Most Americans lived isolated lives not much different from the lives of their colonial forebears. -Cash was not widely distributed throughout the country and was utilized mainly in coastal cities. Many Americans bartered for what they needed.

According to the textbook, and the video with Dr. Foner, which of the following statements regarding the growth of the Cotton Kingdom are true?

-Slavery expanded westward. -The growth of cotton production in the South was tied to commerce in the North, as cotton export involved northern merchants, financiers, and craftspeople. -Native Americans were forced to cede land in order to provide space for settlement of white planters.

Identify the statements that describe westward expansion.

-The West emerged as its own distinct region, with its own culture, different from the South and New England. -By supporting the West, politicians gained power. -Westward expansion had been happening since the first settlers arrived and moved inland.

Identify the statements that describe the War of 1812.

-The country was deeply divided on whether or not it should go to war with the British. -It was called the "Second War of Independence" as Americans were fighting once again against the British. -The war had two fronts: the British in the Atlantic and Great Lakes, and the Indians in the West.

Which of the following statements describe the effects of the Barbary Wars?

-The federal government made a formal statement declaring that the United States was "not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion." -Many Americans adopted an attitude of suspicion toward Muslims.

What does it reveal about the United States' involvement in the Barbary Wars?

-The final conflict took place in a port in Tripoli, in present-day Libya. -The war was fought by the newly expanded navy to protect American commerce.

Identify the statements that describe why the Federalists were successful.

-They controlled the local media. -They were successful because their opposition, the Anti-Federalists, were ineffectively organized. -They convincingly argued that a strong government would grow the economy, garnering support from both bosses, local leaders, and, as a result, their employees.

Following the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794, the Treaty of Greenville was established between American and Native combatants. What were the outcomes of the Treaty of Greenville?

-Tribes friendly to the federal government were granted cash payments. -Much of the upper Great Lakes region became open to white settlement.

Identify the statements that describe Mary Wollstonecraft's opinions on the rights of women.

-Wollstonecraft suggested that women should have representation in government. -Wollstonecraft argued for greater access to standard education and paid employment for single women.

Identify the statements that describe the American system of manufactures.

-introduced the mass production of parts that could be rapidly built into standardized products -led to the wide dispersion of mechanical skills throughout northern society

Building upon the framework of the Ordinance of 1784, in what way did the Ordinance of 1785 aim to further regulate western settlement?

-reserving land and funds for public education -empowering the federal government to survey and subdivide western lands into square-mile sections

Which of the following issues contributed to Jefferson's victory in the presidential election of 1800?

-the Federalists' failure to mobilize voters through pamphlets, newspapers, and public meetings -southern votes made powerful from the three-fifths apportionment of electors -voter anger over the Alien and Sedition Acts

Identify the demands of the early labor movement.

-the end of imprisonment because of debts owed -the opportunity for free public education -the limit of working hours to ten hours a day

As ratification debates went on, those for and against ratification of the Constitution (Federalists and Anti-Federalists, respectively) coalesced into distinct groups. Match each of the following characteristics to the group it best describes.

FEDERALIST -argued that the country's large size and diversity of interests would be its strength -found support from cosmopolitan areas -represented the interests of merchants and the commercial class ANTI-FEDERALIST -represented the interests of the rural farmer and the "common citizen" -argued for a federal government only strong enough to do its tasks without interfering with state and local initiatives

During the War of 1812, Tecumseh was a valuable partner of the United States.


James Madison viewed the addition of a Bill of Rights to be a very important and necessary check against future abuses of power by the national government.


According to the map below, which depicts the major U.S. cities in the year 1840, what was the only city in the United States to have a population over 300,000 at this time?

New York

As George Washington settled into his presidency, factions argued about the role of the new government. Which of the following represents the views on government held by the "strict constructionists"?

The government could only exercise powers written in the US Constitution.

Identify the statement that describes the shift from the ideology of "republican motherhood" to the cult of domesticity in the mid-nineteenth century.

The idealized image of a woman shifted from that of a mother of future citizens to that of a virtuous and obedient person dependent on her husband

Why did the Federalist Party ultimately collapse after the War of 1812?

They appeared unpatriotic while the US triumphed in war against the British.

The election of 1800 caused confusion for Americans when the House of Representatives was tasked with choosing between Thomas Jefferson and his vice-presidential running mate due to a tie. Identify the action taken by Congress in order to avoid this problem in the future.

They passed the 12th amendment, requiring separate electors to cast separate votes for president and vice president.

Analyze the image below which shows lyrics to a satirical song about the West, written in 1845. What does the image reveal about the contrast between how America viewed the West, and the reality of the West?

While Americans romanticized the West as a land of opportunity and promise, in reality it was rough and a difficult place to live.

What does this image reveal about the mid-nineteenth-century belief in "inborn" qualities of men and women? Drag the descriptions below to the correct side of the image to identify them as descriptions of men or women.

Women -remained in the private realm of the family -nurturing, selfless, and ruled by emotion Men -able to move freely between the public and private spheres -aggressive

slave trade clause

allowed the slave trade to continue until 1808, and then the further importation of slaves was prohibited

three-fifths clause

outlined how slaves would be counted toward state representation in the House of Representatives

fugitive slave clause

stated that even if a slave escaped from the South to the North, where slavery was outlawed, he or she could still be returned to an "owner" as the condition of bondage remained attached to the person

Identify the statement that describes nativist attitudes in the 1840s and 1850s.

Fearing immigrants would take jobs, native-born Americans discriminated against immigrants

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