Unit 5: Evolution

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(_______________) suggested that individual organisms could change during their lifetimes by selectively using or not using various parts of their bodies. He also suggested that individuals could pass these acquired traits on to their offspring, enabling species to change over time.

(Jean-Baptiste Lamarck) suggested that individual organisms could change during their lifetimes by selectively using or not using various parts of their bodies. He also suggested that individuals could pass these acquired traits on to their offspring, enabling species to change over time.

Charles Darwin developed a theory of

(aka natural selection) Charles Darwin developed a theory of biological evolution that offered a scientific explanation for the unity and diversity of life, by proposing how modern organisms evolved through descent from common ancestors.

3 Domains

1. Bacteria 2. Archaea 3. Eukarya

Human Evolution

1. brain increased in size 2. jaw got smaller 3.Language 4.Tools

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck suggested that...

1. individual organisms could change during their lifetimes by selectively using or not using various parts of their bodies. 2. also suggested that individuals could pass these acquired traits on to their offspring, enabling species to change over time.

3 main ways genetic variation is produced

1. mutations 2.genetic recombination 3. lateral gene transfer

Domains) archaea are

1.unicellular & prokaryotic 2.reside in extreme environments

Gene Pool

All genes present in a population, including all alleles of each gene.

Hardy-Weinberg Principle

Allele frequencies in a population should remain constant unless one or more factors causes those frequencies to change. Used to predict the likelihood that evolution is taking place in a population.

6 kingdoms

Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia

What is the term Darwin gave to the selection of traits determined by humans?

Artificial selection is the term Darwin gave to the selection of traits determined by humans. An example is farmers selecting for breeding only trees that produced the largest food, or cows that produced the most milk. Therefore purposely producing trees with larger fruit and cows that gave even more milk to their advantage.

____________ developed a theory of biological evolution that offered a scientific explanation for the unity and diversity of life, by proposing how modern organisms evolved through descent from common ancestors.

Charles Darwin

Evolutionary Theory was developed by

Charles Darwin to explain the ways in which animals adapt to their environments

What did Darwin discover on his trip?

Darwin observed an excessive amount of diversity over his trip. For one, he "accidentally" discovered 68 different species of beetles, each perfectly well suited for the environment and local plants they were surrounded in. He observed the many ways different organisms obtained food, protected themselves, and produced offspring.

1. some scientists associate phylogenetic trees with TRUE evolutionary history 2. Some scientists consider cladograms to represent HYPOTHESES about a group of organisms' ancestry

Differences between a phylogenetic tree and a cladogram

Donkey Kong Punched Claypool Over Failing Grade Students

Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

"Living together within" is the _______ theory

Endosymbiotic Theory-

At the molecular level, overwhelming similarities in the genetic code of all organisms, along with homologous genes and molecules

Evidence of common descent

the process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits. (explains the ways in which animals adapt to their environments)

Evolutionary Theory

Domains AREN'T more inclusive/ less specific than kingdoms


Earth's early atmosphere contained little to no oxygen meaning that life COULD HAVE existed on the primitive Earth. (true or false)

FALSE- Earth's early atmosphere contained little to no oxygen meaning that life COULD NOT have existed on the primitive Earth


Heritable change in genetic information that may or may not affect the phenotype of an organism.

(_____________) help determine the destinies of body parts and which part of an embryo becomes the head, and which part becomes the tail for example.

Hox Genes

Homo sapien=


Founder Effect

Individuals of a population separate and colonize a new habitat. As a result, a new gene pool is created and inherited by new offspring.

Struggle for existence, variation and adaptation, and different reproductive success.

Is how you know how/ when natural selection is occurring.

Bottleneck Effect

May occur as the result of a natural disaster. A change in the allele frequency following a dramatic reduction in the size of a population; thus decreasing diversity within the species.

When does natural selection occur?

Natural selection occurs in any situation in which... 1. more individuals are born than can survive (the struggle for existence), 2. natural heritable variation affects the ability to survive and reproduce (variation and adaptation) 3. fitness varies among individuals (different reproductive success).

Allele Frequency

Number of times that an allele occurs in a gene pool compared with the number of alleles in that pool for the same gene

All species-living and extinct- are united by descent from ancient common ancestors, and exhibit diversity due to natural selection and adaptation.

Principle of Common Descent

Hox Genes

Regulatory genes that determine which parts of an embryo will develop into arms, legs, wings or other body structures.

Preserved remains most often are found in...

Sedimentary Rock (supports theory of evolution)

Miller-Urey Experiment

Stanley Miller & Harold Urey- suggests that organic compounds necessary for like could have arisen from simpler compounds on a primitive earth. Organic compounds "could have" been produced on early Earth.

Science states that RNA came before DNA and that prokaryotes gave rise to eukaryotes via endosymbiosis. (true or false?)


Genetic Drift

The carrying of genetic information that causes an allele to become more or less common within a population; random change in allele frequency.

Gene Flow

The movement of genes into and out of a population.

Lateral Gene Flow

The passing of genes from one organism to another organism that is not its offspring. For example, how bacteria "swap" genes on plasmids.

Genetic Equilibrium

The population is not evolving therefore the allele frequencies in its gene pool are not changing and the population is considered to be "balanced". (think Equil= equal which = balanced


The study of the evolutionary history of lineages of organisms

Ex- farmers selecting for breeding only trees that produced the largest food, or cows that produced the most milk. Therefore purposely producing trees with larger fruit and cows that gave even more milk to their advantage.

This is an example of Artificial Selection


a feature that allows an organism to better survive in its environment.

Cladogram) Clade:

a group of species that includes a single common ancestor and all descendants of that ancestor- living and extinct

Homologous Structure

a homologous structure is a structure that is similar in different species of common ancestors

dichotomous key

a key for the identification of organisms based on a series of choices between alternative characters

Single Gene Trait

a trait controlled by only one gene

Cladogram) Derived Character:

a trait that arose in the most recent, common ancestor of a lineage and was passed to its descendants.

Scientific knowledge changes over time because of new discoveries and evidence. The classification of organisms has changed over time. Which of the following explains th most recent changes in how organisms are classified? a. Advances in technology have made it easier for scientists to compare DNA and base classification on evolutionary relationships. b. Scientists now focus more on the anatomy and physiology of organisms. c. Organisms have changed over the years, so they need reclassification. d. Scientists have replaced basic categories first proposed by Linnaeus.

a. Advances in technology have made it easier for scientists to compare DNA and base classification on evolutionary relationships.

Scientists have observed that almost all organisms translate the genetic information in DNA in a consistent way. What inference do scientists draw from this observation? a.All living organisms share a common ancestor. b. Genetic information is transferred from one species to another. c. all species can interbreed to form new species. d. Genetic information does not vary from one organism to another.

a. All living organisms share a common ancestor.

Scientists have replicated conditions early in Earth's history to show how life may have originated. Which of the following best supports the idea that many chemicals necessary for life formed in space? a.Some of the molecules necessary to form life have been found on meteorites. b. Experiments by Crick and Orgel suggested that RNA evolved much earlier than DNA and that prokaryotic cells created oxygen in the atomosphere. c. Stanley Miller and Harold Urey modeled Earth's early atmospheric conditions and suggested that life derived from nonliving chemicals. d. Juan Oro proved that amino acids can be made form chemicals present on Early Earth, suggesting that life derived from nonliving chemicals.

a. Some of the molecules necessary to form life have been found on meteorites.

Organisms are classified into kingdoms, which include Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. What characteristic do all the organisms in these four kingdoms have in common? a.They are eukaryotic, meaning their cells have a nucleus and membrane- bound organelles. b. They are capable of digestion c. They (all) are multicellular. d. They are prokaryotic, meaning their cells have no nucleus nor membrane-bound organelles. e. The are capable of locomotion.

a. They are eukaryotic, meaning their cells have a nucleus and membrane- bound organelles.

According to the principle of common descent...

all species-living and extinct- are united by descent from ancient common ancestors, and exhibit diversity due to natural selection and adaptation.

Branch lengths in cladograms are considered to be...


In modern taxonomy, there are eight major levels of classifiction. Which level describes the most inclusive level. a. Order b.Domain c. Species d. Kingdom

b. Domain

The _________________________________ suggests that organic compounds necessary for life could have arisen from simpler compounds on a primitive Earth. a. The Theory of Primitive Earth b. Miller-Urey Experiment c. The Primitive Earth Experiment d. Theory of Evolution

b. Miller-Urey Experiment

Species in the family that includes humans but not great apes are called hominids. The first hominids appeared between 6 and 7 million years ago. Since then, several species of hominids have evolved. As the brain size of hominids increased, which of the following also occurred? a. The brow ridges became smaller. b.The jaws became smaller. c. The teeth became larger. d. The pelvis became wider.

b. The jaws became smaller.

Charles Darwin first proposed natural selection as an explanation for evolutionary change. Which of the follwing describes another mechanism for evolutionary change? a. Limited resources mean that only some of the offspring in a population can survive and reproduce. b.Random chance can increase the frequency of certain traits that do not affect fitness in a given environment. c. Certain alleles in a population can increase or decrease over time due to a difference in fitness. d. A population can become separated and split into two different species.

b.Random chance can increase the frequency of certain traits that do not affect fitness in a given environment.

Analogous Structure Example

bat wings, bird wings, and butterfly wings are all used to fly but have different structures.

Taxonomy is based on

binomial nomenclature

Analogous Structure

body parts that share a common function, but not an evolutionary history.

The ________________ means "living together within". Organelles in eukaryotic cells were formed when different types of prokaryotic cells joined in a kind of merger. a. Theory of Evolution b. Theory of Natural Selection c. Endosymbiotic Theory d. Urey-Miller Experiment

c. Endosymbiotic Theory

(Requirement 1) struggle for existence

competition for food, space, and other resources among members of a species (natural selection)

Natural selection is an explanation for changes in species over time. There are four main principles to this theory. Which of the following is NOT a principle of natural selection? a. Organisms produce more offspring than can survive. b. Individuals with variations suitable for their habitat survive. c. Variation exists within populations. d.Populations have access to more resources than they need.

d. Populations have access to more resources than they need.

The early Earth had many active volcanoes, which contributed to the atmosphere. How did that early atmosphere differ from Earth's atmosphere today? a. The early atmosphere contained more oxygen, which was harmful to many organisms. b. The early atmosphere contained far less carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, and ammonia. c. The early atmosphere contained more water vapor and not enough oxygen to support life. d. The early atmosphere contained far less oxygen but higher levels of other, toxic gases.

d. The early atmosphere contained far less oxygen but higher levels of other, toxic gases

Scientists use the similarities and differences among species to determine how they are related. Which of the following is NOT used by scientists to determine relationships among species? a. analogous structures b. vestigial structures c. homologous structures d.cellular structures

d.cellular structures

(Requirement 3) Different Reproductive Success

fitness varies among individuals

Mutations and genetic recombination increase...

genetic variation

binomial nomenclature

genus + species



Species=________ inclusive/specific

least inclusive/ most specific

You know they are apart of the same species if they can...

mate and reproduce


most inclusive/ least specific

(Requirement 2) Variation and adaptation

natural heritable variation affects the ability to survive and reproduce

Domains) Eubacteria= thick rigid cell wall that contains...


Artificial Selection

selection of traits determined by humans.

Vestigial Structure

structure that is inherited from ancestors but which has lost much or all of its original function.


system of naming and classifying organisms based on shared characteristics and universal rules


the ability of an organism to survive long enough to reproduce.

Branch lengths in phylogenetic trees can represent...

the amount of genetic change or are proportional to time.


the branch of biology that deals with the geographical distribution of plants and animals.

Genetic Recombination

the exchange of genetic material between different organisms which leads to production of offspring w/ combinations of traits that differ from those found in either parent

Biological Diversity is increased by...

the origin of new species


the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

Natural Selection

the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. The theory of its action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin and is now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution.


the remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock.

Polygenic Trait

traits that are controlled by two or more genes

Each scientific name must refer to one and only one species


Mitochondria developed first


Prokaryotes came before Eukaryotes


Prokaryotes join together to form eukaryotes


RNA came before DNA


Homologous Structure Example

whale fin, bat wing, and human arm all have the same bone structure

vestigial structure example

wisdom teeth or appendix in humans.

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