Unit 5 history

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why did napoleon become the dicatator

- his military ability and brilliant mind -frances desire for orderly govenment

louis flight

-1791 king and family attempt to escape -they were caught -the king was reinstated by national assembly to preven chaos

how many legislatives did they have

-2 legislative houses -a directory of five men

how many ppl were killed in the Regin of Terror

-3000 killed in paris -40,000 all together

who was killed in the regin of terror

-85% waere measants and middle class -counter revolutionist "suspects"

Violent Bloodletting

-September massacres (9/2-9/6 1792) - Jacobins -Robspierre -Reign of Terror

intellectual shift

-a change in thinking or ideas

tennis court oath

-an assertion that sovereignty of the ppl did not reside in the king,but in the ppl themselves and their representatives -a week later louis XVI called for a meeting together of the estates general for the purpose of writing a constitution.

why did robspierre want to erase the monarchy from french culture and history

-brainwashed ppl into forgetting ab it -made speaking ab monarchy illigal -dechristianize it to moake it more based off of reason and science

estates general

-bringing together of all three estates to discuss issues of national importance -hadn't happened in over 150 years

what were napoleons accomplishments

-centralized local gov -expenaded public education -settlement of religous matters -legal reform (napolenic code) -financial improvements(bank of france) -public works

who was murdered by the citizens during the september massacres

-clergy -nobles -loyalists

what was englands opposition to napoleon

-control of the seas

why was their a downfall of napoleon

-didnt take anyones advice -england and russias opotition to napoleon -continental system -exahstion bc of war -nationalsim

why did they reinstate the king?

-didnt want to seem vulnerable to other parts of the world

third estate

-disregarded the king's authority -lead to tennis court oath and the formation on the constitutional monarchy

what was the contintntal system

-everyone on contitnent could trade w eachother -couldnt trade with anyone outside of the continent -hurt britain the most -cut off trade from britain and europeans


-extreme change -willing to break law

what other hardships did napolean come acrost during the retreat

-faced guerilla attaks -harrased by the cold winter

France in the 18th century

-france before the rev was the most adv country -center of intellectual movement -most powerful country in the world -wealthiest nation in the world

why was he the hero of the hour 1793-1795

-helped drive british troops from the french caport of Toulon -dispersed mob of royalists who were marching on the national conent -campaigns in italy and eygypt -invaded egypt in order to have a base to attak england in india -although defeated and cut off nopolean was able to return to fame

what was robspierre known as

-incorruptible -set out to establish "republic of virtue"

what were people tierd of durign the reaction to violence

-iterd of skyrocketing bread prices and violence

Political cause

-king was absolute monarch -most ppl have no say in their gov

why did napoleon retreat

-lacked food -clothing -shelter

impact of french revolution on europe

-map changes -legacy of revolution -legacy of war and empire

why were people killed in teh reign of terror

-not being enthusistic anough ab the new gov

what were the reasons for murdering in spetember massacres

-obsession w a prison conspiracy -desire for revenge -fear of advancing prussion army -ambiguity over who was in control

what were lamposts

-pole connected to a builidng holding up a lamp - hang revolutionists bc they were aristocrats or clergy

How could the greatest nation fall

-political cause -social cause -economic cause -estates general -third estate

Reaction to violence after reign of terror

-political views changed dramatically

what were the rumors spread that led to the septemeber massacres

-return of the aristocrats/estates

Law of the lampost

-rule of the street -looting ensued -flight of the emigres -mass exodus of aristocrats from france

September Massacres

-rumors spread, whcih wreaked havoc on the pope -citizens took law into their won hand whch led to murder

what prevented napoleon from rulling russia

-russians started fires and destroyed cities

what did austria and prussia try to prove to their citizens with this war

-send messages to their own ppl and show that if they ever overthrew their government they would get invaded by neighboring countrys.

who was the terror sponsered by

-state sponsered

Estate system

-the clergy -the nobles -3rd estate

social cause

-the estate system


-they want to go back to the "good old days"

economic cause

-third estate bore almost the entire tax burden -bourgeoisie middle class hit hard as well

what were the 3 main reasons austria and prussia attacked france

-to protect the royal families of their own country -france is weak from years of revolution -poorly equipped soldier were no match for the austrian and prussian armys -knew they could win bc france was weak, and wanted to prove france had lost power

how did they redesign the military

-trained people to get to the top instead of it just being by name

Coup d'Etat 1799

-used military to overthrow the existing french gov -created a new constitution givign power the first consul -in reality it was a miliatry dictatorship and the 4th gov since 1789

what was russias opposition to napoleon

-when czar resumed trade with britain, napolean invaded russa

Liberal Reform

1. the national assembly 1789-91 2. law of the lampost 3. deceleration of the rights of men 5. war with austria

5 stages of revolution

1.intellectual shift 2.liberal reform 3.violent bloodletting 4.reaction to violence 5.rise of a dictator

steps of leader/gov

1.monarchy 2.national assembly 3.directory 4.consul

how many people did the citizens murder during the september massacres

1000's of prisoners -half of paris prisoners were killed

who crowned themself emporor and what year

1804, napolean

when did napolean have the height of power


how many men did napoleon lose during the retreat

3/4ths men


3rd estate with money but no rihgts

what leader tried to make friends with the third estate and why, what did he do after?

Louis XVI - he couldnt trust the army so he created the Swiss mercamries

what were the jacobins

a radical group tha wanted to remove the king and establish republic and lesson the power of the king

The national assembly

a.) new gov created after the tennis ct oath b.) mainly made up of 3rd estate (bourgeosie)

rise of a dictator

after the govs fail, ppl begin to want a person who will take care of them and bring back stability.

what sourrounding countries did naoplean invade

austria prussia poland

war with austria

austria and prussia attacked france for 3 main reasons

how dd the jacobins feel about Louis XVI

didnt like him -tried to execute him

king vs emporor?

emperor- controled more states and countrys king- controled 1 state/country

how did the terror of reign of terror end

ends with the death of robspierre

why was englands navy the strongest

england can devote everything to their sea/navy

3rd estate

everyone else; 97% of pop

declaration of the rights of men

furthered equality by -establishing a new system of justice -redesign the military -civil constitution for clergy

what was the goal and result of napolean establishing a national bank and efficent tax-collection system

goal: equal taxation, lower inflation result: equal taxation, stable economy

what did the draft that the jacobins begin do?

it included women in the war in order to win

what happened to the constitution of 1791

jacobins disintegrated it

who was the leader of the jacobins

jean paul marat


keep the status quoe (keep everything the same)

why did they invade england

launching point to launch attak

who was robspierre

led a group of radicals that tried to erase the monarchy from french culture and history

what was the resut of enlisting swiss mercenaries

many revolutionaries panicked and stormed the bastile - they felt they didnt have power -they attacked for gunpowder -symbol of political oppression -paris was now ruled by the revolutionists

what did napolean capture after a few costly victories


who dominated europe form the atlantic to russia


who rose to become a deicatotor


why did the war with russia start

napoleon invaded russia to enforce the continental system -at first russia refused to fight

who creates national guard?

national assembly

who gave up the idea of a limited monarchy during the september monarhcy

national assembly

who created the new gov

national convention

what grows during the reaction to violence


reaction to violence

new gov formed after the fighting

first consul

new gov in france

liberal reform

new ideas inspire new laws

does revolution always include all 5 steps?

no can be 2 stages, 4 stages, or 5 stages

violent bloodletting

overthrow of the bad elemnets in society ex: bad leaders

Political spectrum

range of political views

where were the public on the political spectrum during the reaction to violence

reactionary -wanted to go back to the good old days

who si the leader of the committee of public saftery



sees value in both sides of an issue

who did the jabins belive had the real power

the mobs

who abolished fuedilism

the national assembly

political ideology

the platform of beliefs, which describe your worldview

how many governments had they had before the new one in 1795

this new one would be the 3rd one

why was the national guard created

to protect property and police the masses

the clergy

upper level of the church


wants change in society through legal menas

the nobles

wealthy land owners

what type of gov did the french revolution evolve from and turn into?

went from a king to a dictatorship

who were the loyalists

work for the king -apart of the system

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