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what did the income tax pay for

2/3 of the wars cost

what were Sherman's two purposes in launching the march to the sea

To destroy food, animals, and supplies needed by the Confederate army and show the Southerners that the Confederates were loosing the ability to resist

what was the main goal of southern diplomacy during the civil war

To persuade a European power -particularly Great Britain to recognize the Confederacy as independent

what was the bloodiest day in American history


what was president abraham lincoln, preliminary emancipation proclamation about

any time january they will loose their slaves after jaunary1st anytime before then they can keep their slaves

who joind the confederacy

arkansas, north carolina and tennessee

many will see lincoln as a poor wartime leader how is lincoln thought of now

at first he was thought as a horrible leader and today he is good

where did lee strike union Maryland

at the battle of antietam

where did general jackson die

at the battle of chancellorsville

what was was after jackson died and lee decided to maruch in pennsylvania and win the war

battle of gettysburg

what destoryed southern cities


Why did many state governments in the south oppose conscription?

because of its suppression of voluntarism and its impact on poorer regions

why did the south assume at first that Great Britain would come to the aid of the confederacy

because the South stopped supplying Britain with cotton so the South thought that the British would help them in return for the South's cotton

how did the union prisoners suffer

because the south did not have enough supplies for their own people

why was captain henery a wirz of the confederate executed

because we had a war criminal

what the start of the 2nd industrial revolution do

beginning of the gilded age dominated by robber barons/ much dishonesty in suppling goods for govt/ civil war produced first millionaire class in us histroy

anaconda plan

blockade the south during the entire war

what states remained in the union since the north did not start the war

border states

the confederated might have won if

border states seceded/northern public opinion demanded a peace treaty(copperheads)/ england and france broke the union blockade and recognized the confederate

which dies though the war would e short and they would win


cartoon of the south and north fighting (page 17) who is looking on to see what happens

britain and france

who remained neutral and why

britain and throughout the war the confederacy tried to bring britain to their aid

who didnt want to fight the united states until it knew the confederacy would probably win


who help did the south need


who replaced mcclellan


what can europe not do

cant help slave masters so they cant help the confederacy

what did the north have

greater number and soldiers and industry conquered the south

what kind of weapons did soldiers use

grenades, land mines,exploding shells and at the end machine guns

why did lincoln never call it the civil war

he belived that the confederate state of america is fake so he never called it civil war

what did lincoln do to stop protestors

he suspended habeas corpus

why did lincoln enlist 500000 soldiers

he was going to force the south to rejoin

how did northern react emancipation proclamation

he went too far

what happened when fort sumter bombarded by more than 70 cannons

no loos of life during bombardment, but the forts was heavily damaged/ the us surrendered the fort

what did lincoln belive

no states can leave the union

who would have more people for soldiers, more factories and industry, more navy ships, and railroads


who had better technology and had more of the new weapons and supplies and why

north bc of factories

where are most of the heavy fighting in the east

northern virginia

where was the wars worst fighting

northern virginia

what was the south defensive war strategies

only needed a stalemate not outright victory, fewer troops could defend a larger invading northern army, north had to invade, conquer, occupy and reintegrate the south into the union

how bad was the civil war

over 600,000 prisonors of war wer cuaght by the north and south

when lincoln drafted men what did the rich do

paid substitutes to take their place

what did the north do to get people to fight

paid them a bounty

what is habeas cropus

people could be arrested and kept in jail for no reason and without a trial

who took pictures


how did abolitionists feel about it

pleased but did not end slavery in the northern bored states


printd money

what brought troops supplies and lard weapons to battle


devastate the south through GA and then sending troops north through the carolinas

richmond march

what replaced montgomery as the confederate capital

richmond virginia

who won the second battle of manassas

robert e lee

who were the confederate officers

robert e lee, one of the greatest military leaders in us histroy and thomas j stonewall, jackson lees chief lieutenant and premier cavalry officer

what was it called when the south printed large amounts of paper money?

runaway inflation

after the battle of antietam how big was lincoln's victory


what had the first submarine


who did lincoln want to shoot the first fire


who had great generals , a military tradition cotton and were defending their homes


who had immense problems paying for the war


confederate advantages

south fought for homes and rights, defensive war strategies, good cavalry and infantry man accustomed to hard life and management of horse and guns, had superb military officers

what was the souths biggest source of revenue

south printed large amounts of paper money

what was the unions western plan

to divide the confederacy

what did the north want out of the war

to force the south to rejoin

what was lincoln's number one goal from the beginning of the war

to have a united states of america

list three of the reasons south Carolina provided when it seceded from the union

to increasing fears that northern, non-slavery states would impede the rights

what did lee decided to do after stonewalls death

to march into pennsylvania and win the war

what did the confederate army do

took supplies from the southern plantations and farms

what transported americans west


how did fultons steam ship travel

up and down rivers

control the mississippi river to cut the confederacy in half


names used in the south for the civil war

war of northern aggression/ war between the confederate of america and the united states of america/ war for southern independence/ the lost cause

names the north used for the civil war

war of the rebellion/ slaveholders rebellion/ war for the union/ mr lincoln's war/civil war

northern =

war-time propserity

what is bounty jumping

was common, sometimes people would join one company, desert, then join another for more money

What is a flintlock?

was developed in france/ simple but reliable/the brown bess flintlock was used in the french and indian war, american revolution, and the start of the civil war by the south

hand gonne

was the first gun

who left virginia to join the union

west virginia

what were the two areas of fighting

western theater and eastern theater

what is matchlock

when the trigger is pressed a lit which would be brought down to the flash pan and ignite the power in the pan. this allowed the musketeer to hold the weapon with both hang improving accuracy

how did the war begin

with slaveholders on both sides

did lincoln say it was americas fort


percussion cap

you can use i the rain

what at face replaced gold

450 million

how many people did lincoln enlist

500000 union soldiers

when lincoln called volunteers to fight the south how many signed up


how did the south seek to maintain control of the Mississippi river

Having major fortifications along the river in Columbus,Kentucky; Island No. 10; Vicksburg, Mississippi; and New Orleans

Why did Jefferson Davis replace joseph Johnston as commander of the confederate forces in Georgia

He felt he was risking the loss of Atlanta by slowly retreating; he was forced back across the Chattahoochee River

who murdered lincoln

John Wilkes Booth

what were lincoln four main purposes in issuing the emancipation proclamation

Keep Britain from recognizing the Confederacy as independent by appealing to British feeling of antislavery, encourage blacks to join the Union army, boost Northern morale by giving them something else to fight for

what military victory helped Abraham lincoln win the election of 1864

The Siege of Petersburg

how did the first battle of bull run affect northern and southern morale

The South was relieved and confident while the North was demoralized

what event in 1861 nearly brought great Britain into the war on the side of the confederacy

The Trent Affair

How did the following inventions make Civil War battles devastating and how did the north have the advantage in a warfare using this type of new technology?

The following inventions made civil war battles devastating by because they kept inventing new ways to shoot the gun, more people died because they were stronger. That killed off way more people. The north have the advantage because of the railroads going towards then so they could get bigger cannons on their side because they would just take them by railroad.

Why was the south able to fight so long and win most of the first battles of the Civil War?

The war lasted longer than both the north and south expected. The south lasted longer than the north had expected and were shocked when they won most of the battles. The reason the south lasted so long and won so many was because they were battling on their land which the north was not familiar with. This gave the south a huge advantage and give them the upper hand.

strangle the south by blockading its coasts

anaconda plan

whats the most horrible POW prison

andersonville in georgia

who issued large amounts of bonds sold at home and abroad= 400 million


what increased the numbers for the union

new black soldiers

list the four-border state at the beginning of the war

Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware

hwo did buisness owners of factories become rich

new inventions and the inventions transformed america

what did northern racists hate

the idea of helping blacks

how many states are in the confederacy


where was lincoln when he was shot

April 15, 1865, Petersen House, Washington, D.C.

why was Winfield Scott's plan to win the car called the anaconda plan

Because he wanted to slowly cut off the Confederacy's ability to wage war like that anaconda snake/ Like an anaconda, Scott planned to slowly crush the South

Who made the following quote, where did he make it, and why is it important? -"these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom"

Abraham Lincoln said the following quote, "these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom" in a speech in the Gettysburg Address at the official dedication ceremony for the National Cemetery of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania, on the site of one of the bloodiest and most decisive battles of the Civil War. In it, he invoked the principles of human equality contained in the Declaration of Independence and connected the sacrifices of the Civil War with the desire for "a new birth of freedom," as well as the all-important preservation of the Union created in 1776 and it's ideal of self-government.

Who invented the submarine?


the north had more basic resources than the south. Name three of these

Factories, industry and more weapons, railroads

who was Lincoln's opponent in the 1864 election

General George B McClellan

How did the Lincoln administration keep Maryland in the union?

Lincoln ordered military to be stationed there and he arrested all of the confederate leaders

what were the two main campaigns of the civil war in the west

Mississippi River Campaign and the Kentucky-Tennessee Campaign

who refused to fight the retreating confederates


What was the final straw for lincoln

McClellan refused to fight the retreating confederates

What were the new inventions made before and during the Civil War, which side had the advantage, and why did that side have the advantage?

New inventions like the new rifles and also old inventions like trains gave the North the advantage. The south had no railroads so they were on horseback carrying not that much while the north could carry more cargo and go places farther and faster in trains. The north also had factories to make more of the new weapons and inventions.

How did the fact that so many farm workers became soldiers actually help the growth of agriculture in the north

Production increased after they were forced to rely on machinery

what were the two goals of Braxton Bragg in his invasion of Kentucky in 1862

Raise new troops from Kentucky, bring the neutral state into the Confederacy, and force Union forces to retreat or halt their advance on the Mississippi River

What was the central issue that sparked the civil war

Shots fired by confederates at fort sumpter/ Secession (State's Rights Vs. Keeping t he Union together)

why did the confederates not follow up their victory at the first battle of bull run

They were too disorganized

for what reasons did the union want to control the Mississippi river

Split the Confederacy in two, provide an outlet for the product of Northern farmers in the Midwest

what event marred for the confederates their victory at Chancellorsville

Stonewall Jackson was shot

How did the following inventions make Civil War battles devastating and how did the north have the advantage in a warfare using this type of new technology?

The following inventions made civil war battles devastating because they were extremely damaging weapons. The north used it as an advantage because they had factories to make a lot of them. Because the south was being suffocated with cant use anything to defend themselves.

in what three ways were the series of confederate victories in the east, from first bull run to Chancellorsville important to the southern cause

They frustrated the Union's plans to capture Richmond, increased morale, and made it more likely they would receive help from a European country

the capture of what city was the key to the Mississippi river campaign


who was arrested by the military for making speeches then exiled to the south

a copperhead named clement vallandigham

what was behind the stone wall when the union got there

a sunken road and maryer hill

ling term-

after the war the south must obey US law and there no slaves

what did guns do

allowed explorers to conquer the indians and spread european culture/ guns helped people hunt and protection/guns make killing easier through war and murder

what did morses telegraph do

allowed instant communications

short term-

confederacy did not obey it, no freed slaves

after the battle of manassas whos morale was extremely high


What were northern peace democrats against the war called


what did the national banking system authorized by the congress do

designed to establish standard bank note currency/ the first national bank since jackson killed the 2nd BUS/ lasted 50 years until the federal reserve system 1913

what were the south (confederates) problems

did not have enough supplies, food, and clothing because of the anaconda

what did the irish do

draft riots

and what did new york do

draft riots and broke out to protest lincoln's war

what can the south now not do because of the emancipation proclamation

go back to their life they had before the war unless they win

what increased substantially by congress

excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol

what did john deere plow and McCormick's reaper allow people to do

farming in the great plains

who bombarded by more then 70 confederate cannons

fort sumter

what was the start of the confederate

fort sumter bombardment

when lincoln became president, what did the south want

fort sumter in charleston, south carolina

what did lincoln's law do

free the slaves only in the south (states in rebellion)

what did Lincolns emancipation proclamation do

freed the slaves in the confederate states (confederates states were furious there was no way america was going back to the way it was before the war"

who moved 121000 union soldiers to eastern virginia to try to

general Mcclellan

who leads his troops south to fredericksburg

general burnside

who was lees greatest general

general stonewall jackson

by the end of the war who were dead or severely wounded


who took mcclellans place

horrible general burnside

what was the only way the north could keep the fort

if the supply ships fought their way through confederate blockades

what are the northern civil war advantages

immigrants, wealth, railroads,large population of 22 million, overwhelming superiority in manufacturing, shipping and banking, controlled the sea,idea of union aroused north against south "union forever", much better logistical planning in the army and weaponry

where was the union slaughtered

in front of the wall

why was Antietam the bloodiest day in American history

in one day there was 26000 casualties (more than the number in the war of 1812 nd the mexican american war

where did most buisness owners become rich

in the north

what did soldiers use to fight Virginia (Merrimack and the monitor

iron ships

what did Lincolns first income tax do

it paid for the war and was later ruled unconstitutional because the constitution did not allow it.

cartoon of the south and north fighting (page 17) who is soverign according to this cartoon in the south

it says the state

what is rifling

it spins the bullet and the spinning acts as a top and makes the bullets stay straight and prevent wobbling and makes it accurate

how did the emancipation proclamation change the reason the united states was fighting the civil war

it was now to make a union and end slavery not just make a union

why did lincoln want to take richmond VA

its the confederate capital

what does the commercial about the slave and the soldier do

its the same exact person but he ran away and is now free and the south cant come get him but instead of living a free life he fights to make his whole family free.

who defended richmond


who wanted to strike the north


who won more battles from june to july

lee because he was better and mcclellans union troops were forced him to retreat

who fired mcclellan


what were the slave states that stayed in the union

maryland, delaware, kentucky and missouri

what did the south think about Britain

needed their cotton but they found other sucres for cotton

hwo did general McClellan feel leading the union army

nervous and cautious man who even after 5 months of training did not feel his troops were ready and he was ready

what did the south take

southern forts that belonged to the us army and navy

what was the union war strategy

strangle the south by blockading its coasts- the anaconda plan/ control the mississippi river to cut the confederacy in half- vicksburg/ devastated the south through GA and then sending troops north though the carolinas- richmond march/ capture richmond- fall of sherman and its most important lee defended richmond/ the new union and confederate weapons made civil war terrible/ the north had better technology and had more o f the new weapons and supplies/ northern factories

what was the unions eastern plan

take the confederate capital of richmond virginia

what was lincoln notified after inauguration

that supplies to fort sumter would soon run out

what did the south want out of the war

their own country

the first battle was where

the battle of bull run of the battle of first manassas

although some blockade runners got through who lost the supplies

the confederates

who stood firm and fired from behind the wall while cannons fired on the yankees from the hill

the confederates

who did general mcclellan command

the eastern union army

when raising money in the north how did it begin

the first income tax came into play in nations history and it was relatively call but still raised millions

Why was life on the home front more difficult in the south than in the north

the majority of the war was fought in the South and left many homes and cities destroyed

what made the civil war terrible

the new union and confederate weapons

where most of the new inventions in the civil war?

the north

cartoon of the south and north fighting (page 17) what is france

the north is having problems with the copperhead snake and they represent protesters that want the war to end

cartoon of the south and north fighting (page 17) who is sovereign according in the north

the people

(picture of jefferson davis talking to the devil) what can be inferred about that cartoon (page 16)

they are talking to the devil saying the southern confederacy a fact acknowledged by a mighty prince and faithful ally and now the devil is a liar to everyhting he says so its a like so the confederacy isnt real

cartoon of the south and north fighting (page 17) what is britain

they have stiks and the north and south are using them so britain gives them both supplies

how did nflation grow

they printed too much money and everyhting began to cost too much money

what happened with virgina and why

they seceded because it could not fight southerners

what does the harper weekly cartoon about a man knows a man mean

they were both us army soldiers and freinds and the good cause the us of america

what was the result of iron ships

this ended battles between wooden sailing ships

northerners had felt what before fort sumpter

the right to secede and should not be forced to stay

what does the dog commercial mean

the skinny dog is the south starving because of the anaconda plan wanting the meat but the bigger dog which is the union is strong and can get the meat bc they have all the stuff

who had better generals

the south

who raised taxes and 10%tax on farm products

the south

who did lincoln notify and what did he notify them about

the south that he was sending supplies to the fort

who did general Robert e lee lead

the souths army of northern virginia

who outnumbered the confederates

the union

who lost more soldiers in the antietam

the union but the confederates did not have enough to contunie the attack

what did the abolitionists want

the war to be about freedom

what happened with virgina seceded

the western area of virginia stayed in the union and became their own state in 1863

where did general ulysses s grant head

the western union army and later lead the whole army

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