Unit 5 Quiz 3

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"Oh, you who have hearts to feel; you who have kind friends around you, in sickness and in sorrow, think of the sufferings of the helpless, destitute, and down-trodden slave. Has sickness laid its withering hand upon you, or disappointment blasted your fairest earthly prospects, still, the outgushings of an affectionate heart are not denied you, and you may look forward with hope to a bright future. Such a hope seldom animates the heart of the poor slave. He toils on, in his unrequited labor, looking only to the grave to find a quiet resting place, where he will be free from the oppressor." -Austin Steward, Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Free Man, 1861 Which political action taken by the US government was MOST directly related to the ideas presented in this passage? a) 13th Amendment b) 14th Amendment c) Ten Percent Plan d) Reconstruction Act

a) 13th Amendment The 13th Amendment ended slavery in the United States, and was influenced by those who supported the abolitionist movement. The 13th Amendment was ratified in 1865.

Which amendment was affected MOST by the Civil War? a) 15th Amendment b) 19th Amendment c) 21st Amendment d) 26th Amendment

a) 15th Amendment It guaranteed that all races -- and all people who had once been slaves -- would have the right to vote. The 19th Amendment death with women's voting rights, the 21st ended Prohibition, and the 26th lowered the national voting age to 18.

Which of these was a task of the Freedmen's Bureau? a) it established schools for newly-freed slaves b) it set up "return to Africa" trips for former slaves c) it helped transition Native Americans to city and industrial life d) it created jobs for newly-arrived immigrants to the United States

a) it established schools for newly-freed slaves In general, the organization was meant to transition millions of people from a condition of servitude to a life of freedom.

Which BEST describes the way the Fourteenth Amendment affected the states? a) states had to give all citizens, regardless of their race or religion, equal protection under the law b) states could no longer make any laws that were not approved by the federal government c) states had to pass laws that gave more rights to freed slaves than to other citizens d) states could no longer institute poll taxes or tests for citizens before they voted

a) states had to give all citizens, regardless of their race or religion, equal protection under the law Unfortunately, Jim Crow laws such as the poll tax plagued Southern African Americans for almost a century following the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment.

What was the name of the agency that was created in 1865 to set up schools, supply food, and solve employment issues for the former slaves? a) the Freedmen's Bureau b) the Congress of Racial Equality c) the American Missionary Association d) the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

a) the Freedmen's Bureau In 1865 the United States Congress established an agency known as the Freedmen's Bureau. This agency worked to build schools and churches as well as supply basic needs to the former slaves. The Bureau also helped to solve employment issues and secure labor contracts for the freedmen.

This Reconstruction-era cartoon shows images of the Ku Klux Klan and the White League. Which organization had similar motives and goals during this time period? a) the Red Shirts b) the Freedmen's Bureau c) the Southern Christian Leadership Conference d) the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

a) the Red Shirts This cartoon was drawn in 1874 by "Harper's Weekly" political cartoonist Thomas Nast. He had long-supported abolitionist causes before the Civil War and sought -- with this cartoon -- to shed a light on the continued horrendous treatment of former slaves in the South. This is the purpose of the "Worse Than Slavery" heading across the banner. Nast was hoping to bring awareness to all of the US to the situation that was ongoing in states that were supposed to be "reconstructed." The organization with motives and goals similar to those of the Ku Klux Klan and the White League was the Red Shirts. The Red Shirts sought to intimidate both white and black citizens into voting Democratic, or not voting at all. They used intimidation, terrorism, and violence to achieve their goals.

What was the MAIN purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau? a) to help slaves adjust to their newfound freedom b) to battle terrorist groups like the Ku Klux Klan c) to serve as a voice for freed slaves in Congress d) to establish Black Codes to limit freed slaves' rights

a) to help slaves adjust to their newfound freedom The bureau provided freed slaves with essentials such as clothes, food, and medical attention. Though it only lasted from 1865-1872, it helped many slaves adjust to their freedom.

Regardless of which state a person lives in, all American citizens enjoy the rights contained in the Constitution and the Amendments thanks to the a) 10th Amendment b) 14th Amendment c) 24th Amendment d) 27th Amendment

b) 14th Amendment The 14th Amendment redefined citizenship, legal, and individual rights. Specifically, the text of section 1 of the Amendment reads: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law..."

The first ten amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, protect individual freedoms and limit the power of the federal government. What amendment limits the powers of the state government and extends Bill of Rights' protections to citizens of a state? a) 12th Amendment b) 14th Amendment c) 15th Amendment d) 17th Amendment

b) 14th Amendment The 14th Amendment requires states to give all citizens due process rights and guarantees equal protection of the law. Its purpose was first to allow former slaves immediate US citizenship, but its language also allowed it to be used to allow rights for ALL people in ALL states.

The Constitutional amendment that prohibited denying voting rights to people based on race or color is the a) Twelfth Amendment b) Fifteenth Amendment c) Thirteenth Amendment d) Fourteenth Amendment

b) Fifteenth Amendment The Twelfth Amendment relates to presidential elections. The Thirteenth Amendment abolished and prohibited slavery. The Fourteenth Amendment gave former slaves citizenship rights.

The Freedmen's Bureau is MOST associated with which time period? a) Antebellum Era b) Reconstruction c) the Civil War d) Industrial Era

b) Reconstruction The Freedmen's Bureau was created immediately at the end of the Civil War but was in use for the early part of the Reconstruction Era. It was disbanded in 1872.

Following the Civil War and Reconstruction, which factor delayed the South's economic development? a) few agricultural resources b) a lack of major cities in the South c) a high population of immigrant labor d) few natural harbors and river systems

b) a lack of major cities in the South While the south DID have plenty of harbors and decent rivers, its lack of investment capital combined with its largely rural and illiterate population to stunt its Reconstruction-era industrial growth.

Which of these groups was promised "Forty Acres and a Mule" after the Civil War? a) Scalawags b) former slaves c) Carpetbaggers d) former Confederates

b) former slaves At the end of the Civil War General William T. Sherman offered former slaves "Forty Acres and a Mule" to help them get adjusted to life as free citizens. However, once President Andrew Johnson took office he ended Sherman's orders.

Which of these is a valid characteristic of politics and government in the period following the Civil War? a) issues of slavery still slowed down the federal government b) it was common for people to run for public office in order to get rich c) most people thought that serving in the government was the only most honorable way to serve the country d) Once the war was over, those in the federal government moved away from sectional conflicts and disagreements

b) it was common for people to run for public office in order to get rich The era of government immediately following the Civil War was one of widespread and sometimes open corruption. For example, the administration of President Ulysses S. Grant was crippled by many political scandals.

According to the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, citizens of the United States are BOTH a) people who are born here and people who move here b) people who are born here and people who are naturalized here c) people who are born here and people who obtain a driver's license here d) people who are born here and people who have a friend or family member living here

b) people who are born here and people who are naturalized here Today, people become American citizens by being born in this country or by immigrating here and becoming naturalized citizens.

*Concepts Included in the Fourteenth Amendment* -states must provide citizens with due process -citizens are people born in or naturalized into the United States -? Which BEST completes this diagram about the Fourteenth Amendment? a) citizens of the United States must vote during every election b) states must give equal protection under the law to all citizens c) states must have their constitutions approved by the federal government d) citizens of the United States must follow federal laws before state laws

b) states must give equal protection under the law to all citizens The Fourteenth Amendment was supposed to ensure the rights and liberties of all Americans, especially African Americans living int the South.

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution includes all of the following provisions EXCEPT a) a guarantee of equal protection under the law for all citizens b) the guaranteed right to vote for adults, regardless of gender, race, or age c) citizenship in both the nation and its states for all persons born or naturalized in the US d) loss of representation in Congress for states that denied qualified citizens the right to vote

b) the guaranteed right to vote for adults, regardless of gender, race, or age It did, though, redefine citizenship to include all people born in the US.

The actions of the Republican Party after the Civil War were more favorable to a) Eastern fishing interests b) Southern business interests c) Northern industrial interests d) Western agricultural interests

c) Northern industrial interests It did not pay special attention to the interests of the other groups mentioned, mainly because the most money and influence was found industrially.

Presidential Reconstruction following the American Civil War can BEST be described as a) a plan to fix the damage to the White House caused by the Civil War b) a desire to rebuild the southern states quickly to help control the economy c) a desire to rebuild the country quickly and without ill feelings following the war d) a desire to punish those southerners responsible for causing and/or prolonging the war

c) a desire to rebuild the country quickly and without ill feelings following the war This was the opinion of the new President Andrew Johnson, but Congress was in no mood to let the former Confederate states come back into the nation so easily and quickly.

The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments were all important additions to the Constitution because they a) repealed previous amendments b) granted more freedom to women c) addressed issues that contributed to the Civil War d) were passed over the objection of the majority of the states

c) addressed issues that contributed to the Civil War The 13th (abolition of slavery), 14th (equal protection of the laws and redefining citizenship), and 15th (voting rights) amendments all dealt with issues at the heart of the Civil War. All three are often collectively called the "Civil War Amendments."

In American history, the term "Reconstruction" refers to a) problems associated with the transformation to an industrial economy b) the admission of Western territories to the US as either Free or Slave states c) federal government intervention in the former Confederate states in order to monitor the treatment of former slaves d) the establishment of a new system of agriculture in the western states and territories based on industrial machinery

c) federal government intervention in the former Confederate states in order to monitor the treatment of former slaves "Reconstruction" actually has a double meaning: in addition to the physical act of rebuilding areas of the South it also refers to federal government intervention in the former Confederate states in order to monitor the treatment of former slaves. This period lasted until 1877.

The purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau was to a) provide 40 acres and a mule for each slave b) gain the vote for millions of former slaves c) provide work, education, and relief for former slaves d) get radical Republicans in positions of power in the South

c) provide work, education, and relief for former slaves The Freedmen's Bureau was created in March of 1865. While the intentions were good, it ended up being only modestly effective in the south due to lingering prejudices in the local government there.

Which of these was a method that Republicans used to maintain control of Congress during Reconstruction? a) creating the Freedman's Bureau to aid the former slaves b) expelling members of the Democratic party from Congress c) taking the right to vote and hold office from former Confederate leaders d) placing former Confederate generals on trial for treason against the US

c) taking the right to vote and hold office from former Confederate leaders This ban mainly affected the highest ranking military officers and political office holders.

Following the American Civil War, northern cities saw an increase in population thanks in part to a) an increase in Asian immigration b) soldiers returning home from Europe c) the flight of former slaves from the south d) the migration of former Confederate soldiers

c) the flight of former slaves from the south While there are many reasons cities have had rising populations, this question frames the issue in terms of a specific event. Knowing what you know about the causes of the Civil War and the issues that had been tearing at the country since its beginning, the answer is clearly "the flight of former slaves."

Which Constitutional amendment prevents governments from denying voting rights to people based on race or color? a) 12th Amendment b) 13th Amendment c) 14th Amendment d) 15th Amendment

d) 15th Amendment The Twelfth Amendment relates to presidential elections. The Thirteenth Amendment abolished and prohibited slavery. The Fourteenth Amendment gave former slaves citizenship rights.

When the 15th Amendment was passed following the Civil War, which of these groups benefitted MOST? a) women b) young people c) Asian Americans d) African Americans

d) African Americans The 15th Amendment (1870) guarantees that the right to vote in the United States will not be denied "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

When it was created, the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution ensure rights for a) women b) children c) Native Americans d) African Americans

d) African Americans The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments were passed as part of Reconstruction to ensure that African Americans, including former slaves, were treated fairly in all parts of the country.

What role did Oliver O. Howard play in the Reconstruction Era? a) He was Grant's Vice President b) He became Johnson's Vice President c) He led the newly-formed Ku Klux Klan d) He was the head of the Freedmen's Bureau

d) He was the head of the Freedmen's Bureau After his career as a General in the Union Army was over, Oliver O. Howard was the head of the Freedmen's Bureau. After the organization was disbanded in 1871, Howard returned to active duty, facing the Nez Perce Indians in the western frontier.

A major area of disagreement between Abraham Lincoln and the Radical Republicans was that a) Lincoln wanted to see the Democratic Party restored to power as quickly as possible b) Lincoln wanted the South to be treated as conquered territory for as long as possible c) the Radicals saw Lincoln as a Civil War enthusiast and the cause of the entire Civil War d) Lincoln felt that Reconstruction was primarily the pardoning of individuals, a presidential power

d) Lincoln felt that Reconstruction was primarily the pardoning of individuals, a presidential power Lincoln, of course, did not get a chance to see his more moderate plans carried out, so the Radical Reconstructionists mapped out a more harsh plan.

"With malice towards none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds: to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and all nations." -Abraham Lincoln, March 4, 1865 This excerpt expressed the view of the post-Civil War period held by a) "scalawags" b) "carpetbaggers" c) "cooperationists" d) Moderate Reconstructionists

d) Moderate Reconstructionists Upon the conclusion of the Civil War, President Lincoln planned to offer the South a peaceful and reconciliatory readmission to the Union. Other members of the Federal government, though, wanted to harshly punish the South for starting a war that cost the country over 600,000 lives. Lincoln's assassination allowed the "Radicals" to dash what he hoped would be a more Moderate Reconstruction of the South.

Amendment XV -- Section 1 The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. The Fifteenth Amendment to the US Constitution was intended to grant voting rights to which group? a) women b) immigrants c) land owners d) freed slaves

d) freed slaves When slavery came to an end at the conclusion of the Civil War, many former slaves became free citizens who were eventually granted the right to vote. However, it is now meant to guarantee ALL citizens the right to vote.

The following were accomplishments of state Reconstruction-era governments in the South EXCEPT a) the establishment of public schools in most states b) abolishing imprisonment for debt in most Southern states c) the election of African Americans to government positions d) giant strides toward the creation of better feelings between the North and the South

d) giant strides toward the creation of better feelings between the North and the South In fact, the bitter feeling the South held towards the North lasted through the rest of the century and well into the 20th century.

Which is an example of something outlawed by the Fourteenth Amendment? a) owning slaves b) passing Jim Crow Laws c) requiring voters to take tests d) having different laws for different races

d) having different laws for different races The Fourteenth Amendment defined citizenship, required equal protection for all citizens, and required due process for all citizens. Slavery was outlawed in the Thirteenth Amendment, and Jim Crow laws, including voting tests, were not outlawed until the 1960s.

The era of Radical Reconstruction can be seen as a failure because a) it prevented Southern states from holding elections b) it punished all people in the Southern states equally c) it resulted in the severing of ties with former European allies d) it did not adequately protect former slaves from having their rights violated

d) it did not adequately protect former slaves from having their rights violated Black Codes immediately after the Civil War were instituted throughout the South and kept many -- if not most -- former slaves in a condition very close to slavery. Even after the end of the Black Codes, African Americans continued to have their rights violated in the former Confederate states.

Which statement BEST describes the impact of the Freedmen's Bureau? a) it failed to attract former slaves to northern states b) it was not successful in sparking trade between the North and the South c) it failed because it did not offer education opportunities to former southern slaves d) it was unsuccessful in bringing about unity and understanding of the races after the Civil War

d) it was unsuccessful in bringing about unity and understanding of the races after the Civil War It was hoped that by providing former slaves with educational and occupational training, the transition from slave to "freedman" would be smooth. It wasn't, but mainly because many whites -- both southern and non-southern -- resisted the changes at every turn. And remember: increased trade was never a major objective of the Freedmen's Bureau.

The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments reflected the growing 19th century American trend of a) granting universal manhood suffrage b) upholding rights of free speech and religion c) decreasing the power of the Federal government d) recognizing the basic civil liberties of all races

d) recognizing the basic civil liberties of all races The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments all deal with the issues that surrounded the Civil War. They dealt with the abolition of slavery, with the requirements for US citizenship and the rights of citizens of all states, and with the right to vote regardless of race. These amendments further expressed the American ideals of democracy.

Following the Civil War, the Radical Republicans in Congress a) allowed the South to pass the Black Codes b) pardoned southern leaders for Civil War actions c) hoped to reunite the country as quickly as possible d) regarded the southern states as conquered territory

d) regarded the southern states as conquered territory The Radical Republicans would not have been able to carry out "revenge" on the South had Lincoln lived. Lincoln advocated a reconstruction of the South that was based upon the idea of "with malice towards none, with charity for all."

With which era of American history is this image MOST closely associated? a) Prohibition era b) the Civil War era c) Westward Expansion d) the Reconstruction era

d) the Reconstruction era The cartoon was drawn in 1874 by "Harper's Weekly" political cartoonist Thomas Nast. He had long-supported abolitionist causes before the Civil War and sought -- with this cartoon -- to shed a light of the continued horrendous treatment of former slaves in the South. This is the purpose of the "Worse Than Slavery" heading across the banner. Nast was hoping to bring awareness to all of the US to the situation that was going in states that were supposed to be "reconstructed."

-13th Amendment (1865) -- Abolition of Slavery -14th Amendment (1866) -- Definition of Citizenship; Due Process -15th Amendment (1869) -- Right to Vote not based on Race or previous servitude What conclusion can be drawn from the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the US Constitution? a) the passage of the amendments was to strengthen the Bill of Rights b) the passage of the amendments was to weaken the Jim Crow laws that were passed in the North c) the passage of the amendments was to weaken the Jim Crow laws that were passed in the South d) the passage of the amendments was to abolish slavery and establish rights to previous slaves

d) the passage of the amendments was to abolish slavery and establish rights to previous slaves Before the Civil War, slaves had no rights to citizenship, no right to vote, and no equal protection of Due Process.

Although the 15th Amendment was added to ensure the voting rights of African-American citizens, this right was restricted by states' a) voter identification laws b) repealing the 14th Amendment c) adding land ownership requirements d) use of literacy tests and poll taxes

d) use of literacy tests and poll taxes These state laws led to the disenfranchisement of the majority of African Americans in the south after the Reconstruction era. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the 24th amendment outlawed these practices.

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