unit 7 apes

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Which of the following conclusions can best be drawn from the data in the graph?

A--- epa

Scientists have observed that the health of people living in moderately developed regions, which have developed transportation and industry but lack environmental control measures, is more likely to be affected by urban outdoor pollution than by indoor air pollution. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the data presented in the graph?

In moderately developed regions such as China and Latin America, an individual's health is more or as likely to be affected by urban outdoor pollution than by indoor pollution.

Efforts to reduce ozone depletion

Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is regared as one of the most succsesful tools.

Scientists have been monitoring CO2 in the atmosphere from Mauna Loa in Hawaii since 1958. Which of the following units is used by scientists to measure CO2 in the atmosphere?

Parts per million

If technology that reduces the hydrocarbon concentration had been utilized, which of the following would have been the most likely result?

The concentration of O3 would have been lower.

particulate matter

a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air

smoke from forest fires is most likely to affect air quality over largr areas for many days when

a persistant atomospheric inversion exisits in the region

composed of fibers known to cause lung disease


innovaive pollution control measures

allowing for the buying and selling of permits to emit sulfur has been an effective means of reducing sulfur dixoide

Catalytic converters reduce which of the following pairs of pollutants in car exhaust?

carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons

Depletion of stratospheric ozone

chlorine containing compounds such as CFC's that were part of regfrig. and air conditioing systems. drew attention from scients and the media around the world

The two predominant greenhouse gases in the troposphere are

co2 and water vapor

the majority of atmospheric mercury is produced by

coal burning power plants

how is indoor air pollution different in developed and developing countries?

cooking with open fires in developed countres exposes to CO2 in develpoing world. well insulated spaces in the developed world expose occupants to higher concentrations of CO2, radon, etc.

the three main anthropogenic sources of gaseus air pollutants are

industry, transportation, and energy production

a result of the Clean Air was a reduction in the amount of


The major human health problem related to radon accumulation is

lung cancer

Which of the following best describes why the authors claim that noise exposure will be a major health problem in the twenty-first century?

noise exposure (21 noise)

implicated in human neurological damage


explain the beneftis of stratpsheric ozone and how it forms

ozone is the same gas that is a component of photochemical smog in the troposhere, in the stratsophere there is an imprtant gas that absorbs harmful UV radiation. It's presense allows for plant and animal life to exist

Scientists have been monitoring CO2 in the atmosphere from Mauna Loa in Hawaii since 1958. Which of the following units is used by scientists to measure CO2 in the atmosphere?

parts per mill

Methods of reducing acid precipitation/rain.

people can use renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. Renewable energy sources help reduce acid rain because they produce much less pollution.

Most often cited as the causative factor for acid rain

sulfur dixoide

acid rain is associated with which o the following

the burning of fossil fuels

which of the following... indoor air pollution

use of biomass fuel sources

Scientists have observed that the health of people living in moderately developed regions, which have developed transportation and industry but lack environmental control measures, is more likely to be affected by urban outdoor pollution than by indoor air pollution. Which of the following activities would most likely account for the levels of indoor air pollution in India and sub-Saharan Africa, as shown in the graph?

use of biomass fuel sources such as wood and characol for cooking

what should be examined in a study to determine the impact of a geologic source on levels of CO2 in the atmosphere?


Which of the following sources should be examined in a study to determine the impact of a geologic source on levels of CO2CO2 in the atmosphere?


When is photochemical smog formed?

when nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) react to sunlight, creating a brown haze above cities.

Which of the following best describes why the authors do not claim that noise exposure induces birth defects in humans?

There is insufficient evidence to support that noise exposure induces (((birth defects))) in humans.

A student is setting up a model to study the carbon cycle and natural sources of carbon dioxide. They create a microenvironment that contains soil, leaf debris, an earthworm, heterotrophic bacteria, and a sun lamp. What natural source of carbon dioxide and major metabolic process was left out of the model?

There is no representation of photosynthesis in the model environment.

Which of the different components of smog depicted in the graph are most likely released from automobile exhaust?

a and b

Which of the curves on the graph depicts the concentration of ozone, which requires sunlight to form?


Coal combustion releases

carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, toxic metals, and particulates

The data that were used to create this graph were collected in the winter. Which of the following best describes how the graph would be different if the data were collected in the middle of the summer?

concentrations for component CC would be higher throughout the graph.

which of the following would most likely reduce the concentration of ground level ozone in the air of a city

decrease in the emissions of nitrogen

emmited from most manufactured building materials and furniture


Which of the following best describes why the authors claim that reducing noise exposure is currently more of a public policy problem than a scientific problem?

most public health impacts of noise were already identified in the 1960s.

combustion of fossil fuels realeases nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere which leads to

production of ozone, photochemical smoh, nitric acid, acid rain

colorless, odorless gas that is naturally occcuring decay product of uranium


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