Unit 7 Drivers-Ed

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Reduce risk in the acceleration lane

Search ahead and for gap on expressway, Prepare to adjust speed, Pull ahead onto the shoulder if no gap is available.

Exit Ramp

these may be level or sharply curved, uphill or downhill. Be sure to adjust speed for ramp speed sign

Railroad Crossings

In rural areas many railroad crossings are uncontrolled, meaning they do not have flashing lights and gates. Before crossing tracks look left, right and left again and never cross a railroad crossing unless you know it is safe to cross, Trains travel at high speeds in rural areas. Be alert for railroad crossing warning signs.

Entrance ramp entering from the left

Some entrance ramps enter from the left instead of the right. This means that traffic is entering the far left lane, usually reserved for higher speed traffic. The potential for conflict is greater. The search pattern is different in that search is directed to the right and over the right shoulder instead of over the left. Also, additional lane changes to the right may be necessary once on the expressway if the driver's speed is less than traffic traveling in the left lane of the expressway.

Visual search

in the city, you should look at least two blocks or two traffic signals ahead.


interchange has a series of entrance and exit ramps that resemble the outline of a four-leaf clover. This type of interchange enables drivers to proceed in either direction on either highway.


interchange is used when a road that has little traffic crosses a busy expressway.


interchange is used where a side road forms a T intersection with an expressway.


is any of the places on an expressway or limited-access roadway that traffic can enter or exit, usually by means of ramps.

Weave Lane

is both an entrance and an exit for an expressway. Traffic may come onto and leave the expressway at the same location. Causes conflicts for both drivers using a "weave" lane. Causes conflicts for drivers on the expressway and on the entrance ramp in terms of speed and space adjustments. The driver entering from the entrance ramp shall yield the right-of-way to the driver leaving the expressway.

Merging Area

is the area used to move onto the expressway and is usually marked with a broken white line. Attempt to merge at the speed of traffic. Avoid exceeding the posted legal speed limit.

Before entering the expressway

search guide signs for the correct route number and direction or destination. If entering what is believed to be an entrance ramp and it is marked with "DO NOT ENTER" or "WRONG WAY" signs that are red and white in color, immediately pull over to the edge, turn around and leave the ramp. Also, be sure the solid yellow line is on the left-hand side of the vehicle.


stay within the posted speed limit and choose to reduce speed to reduce risk.

Exiting the expressway

should be a smooth procedure accomplished at an expressway exit. First, identify well ahead the exit needed. If the exit is missed or blocked with stopped traffic, do not stop and/or back up on the expressway; go to the next exit. The exit has two components: Deceleration lane and Exit Ramp

Entrance Ramp

Flow and gaps and evaluate speed and space requirements before entering. May be uphill, downhill or level with the expressway. Each presents a different challenge when trying to search the traffic flow on the expressway. Drivers must search for traffic on the ramp as well as for a gap in traffic on the expressway.

Express ways have

Have multiple lanes, two or more lanes, going in the same direction, Have barriers sometimes a guardrail, concrete barrier or grassy median to divide opposing traffic, Have interchanges to control access at certain locations where a driver can enter and exit, cross traffic is not present because of interchanges, Prohibit pedestrians, bicyclists and slow-moving vehicles, Are designed to help drivers anticipate conditions ahead, Reduce collisions with fixed objects by design, Have a low frequency of collisions, but may have a high severity rate when a collision occurs because of higher speeds.

Problems with Urban areas

Heavy traffic,Traffic slowing or stopping ahead, Tailgaters, Traffic signals, Blending into traffic or adjusting speed to traffic, Choosing the correct lane, Parked vehicles on the side of the roadway, Pedestrians, Drivers going wrong direction on on-way streets.

Exiting the expressway #2

Identify the exit needed early. Exits are marked with guide signs, usually one to two miles before the exit. The location of the exit number (left or right) on the top of the sign will give the driver a clue as to whether to exit to the left or right, About one-half mile (20-30 seconds) before the exit, signal and move to the lane that leads to the deceleration lane, At the deceleration lane entrance, perform a smooth lane change procedure and move into the deceleration lane, Check the posted ramp speed sign and begin to adjust speed to or below the posted speed, Also, check for traffic stopped ahead. Check mirrors and begin to slow down, Keep a space cushion ahead and behind your vehicle.

Reduce risk on rural roadways

Reduce your speed and increase your following distance. Gravel and dirt can affect steering and vehicle control, Use low beam headlights, slow down and increase your following distance, Look for narrow bridge signs and be prepared to stop for oncoming traffic, Slow down and increase your following distance Reduce speed, keep a firm grip on the steering wheel, and increase following distance, Stay alert and slow down, Slow down, move to the right side of the road and watch for oncoming vehicles, Slow down, look both ways, and be prepared to stop for a train before crossing the tracks, Approach with caution, slow down and be prepared to stop for crossing or oncoming traffic.

Highway safety design features

Rumble strips installed at the road edge to alert drivers that they are drifting off the roadway onto the shoulder or median, acting as countermeasures to driving off the roadway because of drowsiness or inattention, Redesign of median barriers, Breakaway sign support posts, New design guard rails with ends angled away from roadway and buried, Vinyl crash barrels filled with liquid or sand and placed at bridge heads and major decision points, Reflective signs or delineators mounted near the edge of a roadway to indicate the roadway alignment and aid in night or poor visibility driving, Mile markers located off the shoulder used as reference points along a route, Protected left and right turn bays, Collector/distributor lanes on high speed, high density highways to separate slower moving entering/exiting traffic from through traffic,Message signs to alert drivers to problems

Expressway Entrances

The Entrance ramp, The Acceleration lane, and the Merge Area

Lane choice

The volume of traffic, type of traffic, speed and the planned exit, The far right lane has potential for conflicts with drivers entering and leaving the expressway, Trucks and buses may use the far right lane when climbing hills, as their speed is usually slower going uphill, The center and/or far left lane is reserved for passing and high speed traffic.

Entrance Ramp Problems

Wrong ramp choice Traffic ahead and behind on the ramp Sharp curves on the ramp Visibility problems ahead and to the expressway

Changing lanes #2

Try to maintain your lane position, but if you must change lanes: 1. Use your mirrors to check traffic to the rear 2. Signal your lane change early 3. Quickly check your blind spot area 4. Change lanes without slowing 5. Cancel your signal


are high-speed roadways that typically carry a high volume of traffic.

Deceleration Lane

area where speed should be reduced to exit safely


as you drive, remember to use the SEE System. You will be vulnerable to many situations with closed zones and line-of-sight restrictions. You will need to either increase your following distance, change your lane position, slow or stop to give you time to solve the conflict.

Acceleration lane Problems

Amount of traffic in lane and on expressway, Short acceleration lane, Limited space ahead, Actions of drivers ahead and behind

Emergency an official vehicles only

"Emergency and official vehicles only" crossovers - This is a transverse roadway or opening that connects the separate roadways of a divided highway. Crossover lanes are to be used only by emergency and official vehicles. Watch for vehicles entering the roadway from a crossover.

Possible Exit Problems

"Weave lane" conflicts -- search early and communicate with the other driver, Traffic stopped on the exit ramp -- search early and prepare to slow or stop, Short deceleration lane -- search rear and slow more on expressway, Very slow ramp speed -- slow more in deceleration lane

When Being Passed

1. Check passing vehicle's position 2. Move slightly away from passing vehicle if it is too close by keeping to right side of lane 3. Maintain speed and slow if appropriate, to let other driver complete pass safely 4. Once passed, create space ahead and behind

Steps for a shared left turn lane to turn left from moving traffic, a driver must

1. Check the shared left turn lane for stopped vehicles waiting to turn from or onto the highway 2. Check ahead on the right to see if anyone wanting to make a left turn onto the highway will be entering the shared left turn lane where you expect to turn or stop 3. Check oncoming traffic for vehicles signaling a left turn 4. Check the driveway to the left for any vehicle signaling a left turn with intentions of moving into the lane while waiting for a gap in traffic to the right 5. Check traffic to the rear and signal intention to turn left 6. Adjust speed and then enter lane 7. If an adequate gap is not available, brake to a stop 8. When oncoming traffic is clear, complete the turn

Steps for entering the expressway

1. Identify entrance at least 1/2 mile in advance 2. Check traffic in all directions 3. Signal, position in proper lane, and adjust speed as necessary 4. Enter ramp and adjust speed 5. Identify weave or collector distributor lane 6. Identify adequate space gap for merging 7. Signal presence and intent to enter 8. Adjust speed and merge into travel lane, remember that exiting vehicles are to be given right of way at weave lane interchanges 9. Adjust to travel speed 10. Check mirrors for following traffic

Using a shared left turn lane to enter a street from a driveway

1. Signal a left turn and stop at edge of roadway 2. Check for drivers on the opposite side of the roadway waiting to turn left 3. Check for drivers approaching from the right signaling or waiting to turn left 4. Check for a safe gap in traffic to the left 5. If traffic is clear in both directions, enter the nearest through lane 6. If there is a gap to the left, but not to the right, turn into the shared left turn lane, stop and turn on the right turn signal 7. When traffic in the lane to the right is clear, accelerate and steer into the nearest traffic lane

Driving through right curves on rural roadways

As you approach the apex of the curve, move to the right portion of the lane and assess the road conditions as if an escape path is required.

Types of Interchanges

Cloverleaf, Diamond, and Trumpet

Need to change lanes

Entering or exiting, Changing lanes to allow someone else to enter, Following large or slow-moving vehicles, Lane ahead becomes blocked, Passing

Driving at the speed

Following distance is critical on the expressway. It is important to maintain a 3-4 second following distance. Keeping an open area to at least one side of the vehicle gives an escape route if the lane ahead becomes blocked, Also, maintain at least a 3-second space to the rear of the vehicle by controlling space to the front, Increase following distance when following large trucks or buses, motorcycles, driving in bad weather, being tailgated, driving a heavy load or pulling a trailer and entering/exiting the expressway.

Problems with Rural roadways

Gravel or dirt, Dust, Narrow bridges and roads, Open bridge gratings or steel bridges, Vision limitations (i.e., wooded areas, corn fields or other tall crops), Steep hills and curves, Highway-railroad grade crossings without lights or crossing gates, Uncontrolled intersections (i.e., notcontrolled by yield or stop signs)

Merging area Problems

Heavy traffic, Lack of a gap to merge, Traffic slowing or stopping ahead, Visibility problems ahead and to the side.

Express way driving challenges

High speeds, traffic flow, types of traffic and driver interaction all make expressways unique, Large trucks use expressways regularly and require the driver's special attention, Multiple lanes make lane selection critical. Stopping distances are increased with higher speeds, Lane markings and traffic signs play an important role, Search patterns need to be lengthened (20 to 30 seconds ahead) as potential clues approach more quickly with higher speeds, and Any actions taken with the vehicle need to be smooth and timed. Sudden changes in speed or direction could cause conflicts.

Cresting Hills

Hill crests on roadways with opposing traffic and limited sight lines should generally be approached in the right portion of the lane, near the right edge of the roadway. Also, it is essential to check traffic to the rear and reduce speed prior to cresting to be in a better position to respond appropriately if some object is blocking the roadway on the downgrade.

Reduce risk on urban roadways

Increase following distance, Search ahead, to the sides and rear, Move slightly to the right and signal early for turns, stops and lane changes, Look ahead, slow down as you approach, do not block intersection if light turns red, Drive with the flow of traffic, stay within the speed limit, adjust speed and position ahead of time for any hazards, Select the lane with the fewest number of hazards and traffic flow is smoothest, Move to the left portion of your lane and be alert for possible conflicts, yield to other vehicles if narrow roadway, Search ahead for pedestrians, yield to them at all times, When approaching a stopped vehicle from behind, slow down and do not pass until you are sure there are no pedestrians crossing in front of it, Slow, move to the right, sound your horn or flash your headlights.

Procedure for driving through curves

It is generally best to approach the curve in the right portion of the lane, as far away as possible from oncoming traffic. This position also provides the best target line. Always reduce speed prior to entering the curve and slow prior to the apex or the point where your path is closest to the inside of the curve, not necessarily in the center of the curve, and then accelerate out of the apex, If you apply your brakes in a curve then you have entered the curve too fast, Maintain a safe speed through the curve and follow posted warning signs, It is easy to drive too fast in a curve due to the vehicle's momentum. If you drive too fast, the tires will lose traction.

Following others

It is important to maintain an adequate following distance so that a driver can see what is ahead, be seen by others, and so that drivers can create more time and space. Be alert when driving on urban roadways for areas where sudden stops may occur. For example: Intersections where driving may have to stop for traffic or pedestrians, Lanes next to parked vehicles, Business entrances with high volume traffic.

Oncoming Traffic

Keep as much space as possible between your vehicle and oncoming vehicles. On a two-way, single lane roadway, do not crowd the center line marking. It is safest to drive in the center of your lane, so your vehicle can move left or right to avoid a potential problem. If a driver in the oncoming lane crosses the center line you should: Slow down until other drivers can return to their lane,Turn on or flash headlights and blow the horn, If the right path of travel is open, move to the right to give the oncoming driver more room.

Following other vehicles on rural roadways

Maintain a 3-second following distance on rural roadways. An unexpected hazard may develop and you need the time and space to react.

Lane change Procedure

Maintain safe following interval, Check highway and traffic conditions ahead, to the sides and behind, Select a safe gap in traffic, Signal, Check mirror blind spot in direction of lane change, Adjust speed and steer into lane, Cancel signal, Adjust speed to flow of traffic, Check mirrors for following traffic,When changing lanes, change one lane at a time. Do not cross several lanes at once. Adjust speed to the flow of traffic once in the new lane.

Oncoming vehicles on two-lane roadways

Meeting traffic on two-lane roadways can be dangerous. There is not very much space between you and the other vehicle. If you see an oncoming vehicle approaching, slow down and move to the right side of the lane, without going on the shoulder to allow for enough space to pass each other. Moving right is especially important when there are no pavement markings on the roadway.

Narrow rural roadways

On narrow rural roadways with limited traffic and limited visibility, curves to the right present special problems since oncoming drivers are more apt to drive over the center line.

Speed #3/Visual search

On rural roads you must manage your speed control. The slower you drive the more time you have to respond to a hazard, Drive at a speed where you will be able to brake and steer without losing control, When environmental or roadway conditions are unsafe, adjust your speed to give you more time and space to execute decisions. Maintain a 20 to 30 second visual lead to help you identify hazards. This will give you time to evaluate the situation and execute your decision.

Passing #2

Passing in a city can be dangerous. You must be alert for pedestrians, cross traffic, signals, and other restrictions. If you must pass another moving vehicle on a two-lane two-way street, make sure you can do so safely and legally, It is illegal to pass at intersections or over double yellow center lines, When passing use the lane change procedure above and drive past the slower moving vehicle, Signal briefly and return to your lane when there is a safe gap in traffic.

Pass on two-lane roadway

Passing on a two-lane roadway is more dangerous than passing on a multi-lane road. When you pass on a two-lane road you will be in the same space as oncoming vehicles for a short period of time. Whenever signs and/or roadway markings permit passing other vehicles, you will have to determine whether you have enough space to pass in a safe manner. As a general rule, only pass one vehicle at a time since it is difficult to determine the amount of time needed to pass. You must judge whether you will have enough space to pass safely. If you can see an oncoming vehicle, do not attempt to pass. Even experienced drivers find it difficult to determine the speed of oncoming vehicles. Oncoming vehicles do not seem to be coming as fast as they really are in relation to your vehicle. If you can see an oncoming vehicle, do not pass.

Intersections on Rural roadways

Rural intersections can be very different. Some intersections may have traffic signals. Others only stop signs and some may be uncontrolled, A typical rural intersection usually consists of a side road intersecting with a main road.The side road usually will have a stop sign, which may be blocked by trees or tall crops, At intersections controlled by a stop sign where two side roads intersect, make sure to look left, right, and left again before crossing. You may not expect other vehicles, but you may pull in front of another vehicle if you do not look both ways, At uncontrolled intersections slow down and be prepared to stop for crossing or oncoming traffic. Look left, right and left again before crossing.

Driving through curves

Rural roads typically have many curves. Many crashes occur at curves because the driver is going too fast through the curve. Searching as far ahead as possible and identifying the existence of a curve will provide more time to evaluate and control the level of risk, Does the roadway curve to the left or right?, What is the sharpness of the curve, lane width, shoulder condition, posted speed, traffic volume?, Is the curve on a grade, up or down hill? Is the field of view restricted?, Answering these questions and checking traffic to the rear enables a driver to determine the best speed and lane position for negotiating a curve, This is one more situation where driving with headlights on during daytime hours helps manage the level of risk since the vehicle is more visible to oncoming drivers.

Reducing risk in merging areas

Search ahead and to the side, Prepare to blend speed with traffic, Change lanes smoothly.

Work Zones

Search ahead for warning signs. Adjust speed and adjust position to maintain a space around your vehicle. Follow directions on lane closure signs early, do not rush to the front of the line and attempt to cut into congested traffic.

Reducing risk on the entrance ramp

Search for the proper entrance, Search ahead, behind and toward the expressway, Make sure ramp is clear, Avoid stopping or backing on ramp.

Toll Booths

Search well ahead for toll booth signs. Begin reducing speed early as traffic may be backed up at the booth. Search for green lights or signs for an open booth. When exiting, search traffic to both sides for merging potential. Accelerate smoothly and adjust speed.

Using shared left turning lanes

Some left turns in business areas can be made mid-block from a shared turning lane. To use these lanes, search ahead for oncoming traffic and be prepared to yield to any vehicle whose path drivers may cross. Drivers who want to make left-hand turns onto a roadway can also use a shared turning lane and wait for a gap in traffic. Position within lane is important on turns - While it is always important to move well to the left or right when preparing to make a turn, it is especially important in heavy traffic when pedestrians in the crosswalk may cause you to stop. By moving as far left as possible, stopping may be avoided. Using a shared left turn lane to enter a driveway, Shared left turn lanes are marked with solid and broken yellow lines on both sides of the lane and white turn arrows that indicate that drivers traveling in either direction can use the lane. Shared left turn lanes are intended only for vehicles making left turns, As a rule, drivers should not travel more than about 200 feet while slowing to stop or turn across traffic or accelerating to enter traffic, When traffic is so heavy that a safe gap in oncoming traffic is not available, drivers can move out of the left travel lane, slow, or if necessary stop, and then complete the left turn when there is a safe gap in traffic.

Expressways through cities

The volume of traffic may increase dramatically. Speeds may slow to a crawl. Drive in the left or center lane to avoid merge conflicts in rush hour. Search for exits early and adjust position for exit.


There may be times when an animal suddenly runs in front of your vehicle. Do not swerve into oncoming traffic or off the roadway to avoid hitting the animal. Big game animals, mostly deer, are large enough to cause damage to a motor vehicle. The size of the animal may cause you to take drastic action to prevent a collision. This may result in a more serious crash than if the vehicle collided with an animal. Regretfully, the safest alternative may be hitting the animal. Concentrate on regaining control of the vehicle before, during, and after the collision with the animal.

Driving through left curves on rural roadways

Under such circumstances, with headlights on, after making appropriate speed adjustments, approach the curve in the left portion of the lane to maximize the probability of being seen by the oncoming driver and establishing a line of sight and target line.

Slow Moving Vehicles

Vehicles that are unable to travel at highway speed. Be alert for slow moving vehicles, especially in rural areas. A fluorescent or reflective orange and red triangle displayed on the rear of vehicles drawn by animals, farm equipment or construction equipment means the vehicle is traveling less than 25 mph, Use caution when approaching a slow moving vehicle and be sure it is safe before you pass, Remember the operator of the slow moving vehicle may not hear your vehicle approaching, When approaching vehicles drawn by animals, do not honk your horn or "rev" the engine because this may scare the animal and cause a crash.

Passing and being passed on a multi-lane road

When Passing:1. Check oncoming and following vehicles, vehicles slowing ahead, vehicles or other high way users about to enter roadway from driveways, intersections or the shoulder 2. Check mirrors and head check for passing vehicles 3. When safe, signal intention to pass 4. Initiate pass at least two seconds behind vehicle to be passed 5. Steer smoothly into passing lane 6. Maintain or adjust speed as necessary 7. Search highway ahead and check mirrors 8. Make sure vehicle does not drift toward vehicle being passed 9. Continue in passing lane until complete front of passed vehicle is visible in rear view mirror 10. Signal intention to return to lane 11. Steer smoothly into lane, maintain or adjust speed as appropriate 12. Cancel turn indicator

Traveling downgrade

When driving down long, steep grades (5 degrees or greater), it is important to control speed and to check to the rear about every five seconds for the presence of large vehicles. Any rapidly approaching large vehicle, particularly one with white smoke boiling out from beneath the rig, is apt to be a runaway, generally one that has lost its brakes. Do not attempt to outrun the truck. Instead, pull off the road as far as possible to give the driver as much room as possible.

Selecting the Best lane

When driving where there are multiple lanes of traffic, you may use different lanes at different times, Select the lane with the fewest number of potential hazards. If your front zone closes move to another lane. The right lane is usually for slower traffic and the left lane for passing traffic, but sometimes traffic turning left can cause the left lane to be congested, Avoid driving next to other vehicles on multi-lane roads, Another driver may crowd your lane position, try to change lanes, and pull into your lane space. Increase or reduce your vehicle speed to stay clear of the other vehicle that may be trying to enter your lane space, Always drive in the lane that applies to you, as indicated by the arrows on the pavement, This keeps traffic flowing and helps you get to where you are going easier.

Disabled Vehicles/Move-over-laws

When there is a disabled vehicle ahead, reduce speed and increase the space between your vehicle and the disabled vehicle. This may involve changing lanes. Be alert for pedestrians, tow trucks and/or police vehicles, Move-over laws have been enacted in some states. These laws, require drivers to slow and change lanes when approaching a roadside incident or an emergency/police vehicle. Make a lane change away from the incident when safety and traffic conditions permit. If a lane change is unsafe, slow down and proceed with caution.

Rural Roadways

carry a low volume of traffic and speed limits range from (25 - 55 mph). Extra caution should be taken when driving on rural roadways because they are often not designed for high-speed travel like urban roadways and may present unfamiliar hazards to drivers. Drivers may find that driving on rural roadways may easily reduce attention to the road, and a sudden hazard on the road may then become dangerous. Roads may be narrow, have a paved, graveled, or dirt surface, and may be smooth or poorly maintained. Sometimes surfaces may be soft from compacted gravel or dirt, Shoulders may be narrow or uneven. Guard rails may be present, Very few roadway signs and traffic signals. Pavement markings may not be present, Often have steep hills and curves. Blind curves are also present, May commonly have open bridge gratings, steel bridges, and uncontrolled railroad crossings, Typically have uncontrolled intersections, Many have different kinds of obstacles such as animals, slow moving vehicles, and debris, At night, there is a lack of adequate lighting since there are few street lights.

Acceleration Lane

is used to speed up to or near the speed of traffic on the expressway. The amount of acceleration depends on traffic flow on the expressway. Again, searching ahead for traffic in the lane and traffic signs such as "stop" or "yield" is just as critical as searching for a gap on the expressway.

Urban Roadways

typically carry a high volume of traffic with many hazards involved and can be of varying speeds (25 - 55 mph) depending on the area and location. Urban roadways also include residential areas, More roadway users such as cars, buses, trucks and pedestrians to interact with, Multiple intersections with left and right turn lanes, stop signs and traffic signal lights, City blocks divided by alleys, which create more intersections, Many stores and businesses are present, Public transportation (buses, light rail vehicles and trolleys) is present Traffic that starts and stops frequently, "Rush hour" traffic, Rows of parked vehicles, delivery trucks and blind alleys creating path of travel restrictions, Parking difficult to locate, Work zones are common and make the area even more congested, Detours due to street maintenance, emergencies or special events (i.e. parades, concerts), Traffic hazards are closer to you than they are in rural areas and can quickly block your path.

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