Unit 8

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persistent thank you

***Talking to the media*** Be courteous and always ask the reporter if they have the time to talk. If you get rejected, ask if they think anyone else would be interested. Know what you plan to see. Use compliments. Be ___ without being a pest. Say ___

shoes competitors

***Understanding Your Unique Selling Proposition*** How to uncover your USP: Put yourself in your customer's _____ Know what motivates your customers' behavior and buying decisions. Look to cosmetics and liquor companies as examples of industries that know the value of psychologically oriented promotion. Uncover why customer's buy the _____ products. "Shop" your competition since you don't have many customers yet.


***Understanding Your Unique Selling Proposition*** You have to sell ___ on your product first. The key to effective selling when there are many people selling around you is a "unique selling proposition," to help you pinpoint what is unique about your business. A company may focus on one particular "peg" that can drive strategy in other areas.


***Understanding Your Unique Selling Proposition*** the next and hardest step: clear your mind of any ____ ideas about your product or service. Be honest with yourself but don't get discouraged. It is not always about having a unique product or service, but about making your product stand out.


***What is good advertising*** What do your competitors do? You've got to know them cold before you can figure out how to differentiate what you are doing Every ___ has its uses.

read headlines company

Flops in advertising may be due to advertisements never being ___ without a great headline or visual element to hook the reader. Flip through magazines or a newspaper and see what you notice, and what ____ your eyes go to first. Notice how many headlines promise a benefit. Expressing a benefit isn't enough. It should be unusual or arresting enough to get interest. Don't use your ____ names as the headline for your ad.


One of the most crucial skills an startup entrepreneur can have. It does not require being phony or insincere. Determine the skills of a successful networker. Make a plan, commit to it, learn networking skills, and execute your plan. Make a 5 year networking plan listing your five best customers, give targeted prime prospects, and five targeted organizations.

Josh Mabus

Owner and operator of Mabus Agency (Tupelo & Jackson) Columnist for Mississippi Business Journal

deliver forward vary

The difference between good and great salespeople is the way they ____ their messages. Suggestions to improve your speaking skills and power up your presentation: Speak clearly Lean ___ Don't fidget Don't "um," "ah," or "er." Suggestions to improve speaking skills cont.: Be animated. ____ your voice. Look prospects in the eye. Follow the prospect's lead. Relax.


is more than advertising or a logo. It is your company's foundation. It creates value. It clarifies your message. It is a promise.

newspaper magazines

***Ad Placement*** ____ - You can get your ad in quickly, but they usually only have a shelf life of 24 hours. -Regional advertising is regional, do not get hung up what "you" do so much as what target customers might do _____ - You can target special interest groups and they have a longer shelf life. -For any print advertising, contact the publication first and ask for a media kit, detailing the sizes of ads, demographic information of readers, and the format in which you have to deliver your ad. Social Media

brochure presentation

***Brochures*** For most, especially service companies, a ____ is the building block of all marketing materials. It can convey your legitimacy and your professionalism, making you look as established as a rival. Allows for more a dramatic ____ than a flier does.

light visually extra

***Brochures*** The overall look is the key to making a good impression on prospective customers. Some tips include: Use a fairly large size type for the descriptive copy. Use ____ -colored paper. Break up the copy with subheads. Add something ___ unexpected. Use the back of your brochure for "business biography." Always use endorsements, testimonials, etc. Spend a little ____ money.

write personal pass

***Building Customer Relationships*** Effective follow-up begins immediately after the sale. Effective ways to follow-up with your customer include: Let your customers know what you are doing for them. ____ prior customers personal, handwritten notes frequently. Keep it _____ Remember special occasions. ____ on information. Consider follow-up calls business development calls.

avoid wrong other

***Dale Carnegie*** The only way to get the best of an argument is to ____ it. Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never say "You're wrong." If you're ____ admit it quickly and emphatically. Begin in a friendly way. Start with questions to which the other person will answer yes. Let the ____ person do a great deal of the talking. Let the other person feel the idea is his or hers. Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view.

sales letters one-to-one direct mail

***Direct Mail*** A wide variety of marketing materials, including brochures, catalogs, postcards, newsletters, and ____. It is one of the most effective and profitable ways to reach new and existing clients. It lets you communicate ___ with your target audience. You can control who receives your message, when, what is in the envelope, and how many people. To be effective, start by getting your name on as many mailing lists as possible. Learn from this direct mail, using key words and colors. Promote the appropriate image. Read up on the subject of ____


***Entertainment and Novelty Attractions*** Holiday and Events Celebrity Appearances Co-Sponsoring Anniversary Celebrations Games and Contests Keep them ___ rather than the perpetual "going out of business" thing


***Following Up*** Your initial cold call will not typically result in a sale. It can take an average of ____ contacts, impressions, or follow-ups to make a sale. You can follow-up a number of ways, or try a personal note, endorsement from a mutual friend, an article about your company, an invitation to visit your facility, or a meal.

objectives target customers

***Getting Publicity*** Seven steps to get your company noticed: Write your positioning statement. List your ____ Identify your ____ Identify your target media. Develop story angles. Make the pitch. Follow up.


***Grand Openings*** You have to create ____ for the event. Be original by doing something unusual, entertaining, and memorable. Design a great invitation, do publicizing, provide quality refreshments and entertainment, select a giveaway to promote your business, track information about customers who attend, etc.

mailing list broker

***Mailing Lists*** You'll need a ___ for all types of direct/electronic mail. Capture important information from anyone who buys or shows interest in your product, called your "house list." If you aren't sure whose list you want, call a mailing list ____ A large mailing doesn't cost much more per piece than a small mailing list. Once you develop a complete mailer, continue to test your enclosures by adding or eliminating one element at a time.

radio national

***Microtargeting*** ___ or cable TV is a good idea if you only need to reach a small geographic area. You can choose a channel specific to your market. For target prospects beyond your local area, your can try ____ cable networks, negotiating a spot schedule on programs targeted to your audience. You can also consider national radio campaigns or internet radio.

goal month active meeting

***Networking*** Become proactive. Set a ___ to meet give or more new people at each event. Try one or two new groups per ___ Carry your business cards with you everywhere. Don't make a beeline for your seat. Don't sit by people you know. Get ___ Be friendly and approachable. Set a goal for what you expect from each ___ Be willing to give to receive.


***Newsletters*** A good way to get the word out about your business. Some companies have changed to e-newsletters via email. The primary benefit is it keeps your customers informed about what you're doing. Those businesses that benefit the most are those who ____ customers about the advantages of using their product or service.


***Newsletters*** It doesn't have to be all information, it can also include a coupon or special offer. Use ___ to ensure your newsletter covers all the bases: -Recognition -Image -Specifics -Entactment

planning target budget talk audience

***Radio and TV Advertising*** ___ is essential for broadcast advertising. -Use the ____ audience description from your marketing plan as a basis for your broadcast buy. -Set a rough ___ for broadcast advertising. Contact local TV and radio stations to meet with a salesperson. -___ to other people in your area on their experiences with broadcast advertising. -Ask about the ____ delivery of the available spots. -Inquire about production. -Compare the various proposals.

advertising clear

***Radio and TV advertising*** ___ on local stations can be surprisingly affordable. With the right information, TV and radio advertising may deliver more customers than any other type of ad campaign. Have a ____ understanding of your target audience and what they want or listen to.

cold calls personality

After your ____ and follow-up has paid off, you can make an appointment to visit in person to make a sales presentation. Four elements determine whether the sale will be made or not. Rapport Need Importance Confidence You are selling your _____

apart target personality

Building a brand Step 1: Set yourself ___ Position yourself so you are thought of differently than your competition. Step 2: Know your ____ customer. Think about what the person that walks into your door might be like. Step 3: Develop a ____ . Find a way to show your customers every day what you're all about.


Can beat all other direct-marketing formats when it comes to generating sales leads. It is must less costly to prepare and mail, as well as simple for your customer to read. ____ convey a sense urgency. Use an eye catching graphic, along with a provocative headline or teaser.

80-20 Odd Saw

Closing and finalizing the sale is only the beginning. ____ rule. 80 percent of your business comes from 20 percent of your customers. ____: Angry customers tell people about their bad experience while happy customers are less communicative


Google and Facebook control over ___of all online advertising Have to have content to boost


If you're an entrepreneur, you're in sales. Anyone can sell if you learn how to ____ with the customer, listen to their needs, and offer the right solutions. As your business's founder, you're better positioned than anyone else to sell your products and services.

personalize tone 50

In preparation for cold-calling: ___ each call by preparing mentally. Perfect your phone style alone before making any calls. Create familiarity all around you. Use your imagination. Watch your ____ of voice. Make your goal a fast ___ calls in 150 minutes. Take a five minute break after 15 calls.

URL Website

Marketing 1st- Get a website Go to godaddy.com or go to Squarespace or WIX or Amazon or.... Figure out a ____ that will work for your company -Likely the single-word names are already gone -Go Daddy will let you try to buy them from the squatters Build a ____ -Doesn't have to be fancy but make sure it works on phones -Identifying information like address and contact -Will be good to incorporate some kind of newsfeed -Frequently people pull in a direct feed from their Facebook page Once you have a place for people to go - start pointing them to it -If you have a physical place, you want to build engagement too

attention unique motivate

Marketing 2nd- Get a Message Out There Five fundamentals of successful ads should be able to: -Attract ___. -Appeal to the reader's self-interest or announce news. -Communicate your company's ____ advantage -Prove your advantage -____ readers to take actions This process starts with the headline.

communication medium

Marketing is just talking ____ comes as -Say Hello type communications -Checking in type communications You want to 'Say Hello' to the right people and you want to keep checking in with the right people -The ___ and the message can only be perfected by trial and error

marketing business

Most entrepreneurs don't realize the value of a ____ plan. Unlike a ____ plan, a marketing plan focuses on winning and keeping customers. It should spell out all the tactics you'll use to generate leads resulting in sales.

broadcast radio stations

Once you've gone through these steps, you should have a good idea of ___advertising. You can hire a consultant or advertising agency to help you. Its important to understand ____ demographics to learn how closely they match your target market.

manage consistent

Once you've written your branding strategy, now you have to ___ it. -Keep ads brand-focused. -Be ___. -Shed the deadweight. There are books and resources to assist with branding.

situation analysis

Step 1: Creating a Marketing Plan - being with a situation analysis Begin with a snapchat of your company's current situation, called a ____ It should defines your market, product or services, then the benefits you provide that are different from your competition. Be able to describe your target market, give a succinct overview of your company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and know how to position your product.

profile money

Step 2: Creating a Marketing Plan - Describe your target audience A simple ____ of your prospective customer is the second step in an effective marketing plan. You can describe them in terms of demographics - age, sex, family composition, geographic location, etc. The more narrowly you define your target audience, the less ____ you waste on ads and PR that are targeted towards unqualified leads.


Step 3: Creating a Marketing Plan - List your marketing goals ____ what you want your marketing plan to achieve Write down a short list of goals, making them measurable enough to know when you have achieved them.

prospects sales cycle

Step 4: Creating a Marketing Plan - Develop marketing communication strategies Develop the marketing communication strategies and tactics you'll use to reach the ____ Detail the tactics you will use to reach these prospects and accomplish goals using all stages of the _____ Identify your ideal marketing mix and which type of media your target audience turns to for information.

annual first adust

Step 5: Creating a Marketing Plan- Set your marketing budget A percentage of projected gross sales will go to your ____ marketing budget. This could look different when you are ____ starting your business. Go back and ___ your tactics if you have exceeded your budget. The amount you will spend on marketing varies on your industry and amount of competition.

print ad print ads poorly

The ____ is the basic unit of advertising. Knowing the principles of these ads will help you get results in any other advertising media you choose. ___ have launched many successful products. Most print ads are ____ conceived, and therefore perform badly. It needs a strong motivating message.

Cold Calling

This can be the biggest fear of selling. Stop thinking of them as "cold" calls and more as "introductory" calls instead. Go into it knowing you are exploring and it's going to take time to get results. You can obtain information about prospects from the list broker.

market marketing advertising

You may have the perfect product or service, but you must know how to ____ you business. Without ____, no one will know your business exists. _____ does not have to be expensive.

branding service

Your business plan should include a _____ strategy for how you'll apply your brand strategically throughout the company. It should include one or two important elements of your product or _____, describe your company's purpose, and define your target customer.

special events accomplish

___ are one of the fastest-growing areas of marketing today. Big and small companies can both use this method. You need both advertising and public relations to make the event work. You first need to understand what you want to ____ with the event.

public relations

___ is a way to get your business noticed without paying for it. It can be press releases, networking at an event, hosting a special event, etc.

publicity wider greater

___ is more cost-effective than advertising. It has greater longevity than advertising. It often reaches a ___ audience. It has _____ credibility than advertising. To be successful you must identify your target market and develop a well-thought-out public relations campaign.

Customer Relationship Management

_____ (CRM for short) -Organize customers -Keep track of when you talked to them and what you said Did they buy anything last time? What Google/Facebook ad brought them in? So much better data out there now than ever before but you've got to know what is coming before it lands on you

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