Unit 9 Urban Geography
What is an edge city
A city that attracts many people of nearby serenity's offering workplaces, shopping, leisure activities, and other elements of a complete urban environment there by reducing Thai 🍝's A city that attracts many people of nearby serenity's offering workplaces, shopping, leisure activities, and other elements of a complete urban environment there by reducing Thai 🍝's not only to the central city but two other suburban areas as well.
What is the city
A conglomeration of people in buildings clustered together to serve as a center of politics culture and economics. Cities are centers of political power and industrial might, how education and technology cool innovation and artistic achievement and medical advances
What happened in the new urbanism
A movement by architects and planners to build a more traditional neighborhood the fosters a sense of community. And I am for size on people not cars. Garage is our set back rather than face to the street instead windows and porches phrase to the front offers a private and public space to encourage greater socialization among neighborhoods. The streets are also narrowed so that it will increase or slow down traffic and the housing types are awesome mix to promote adversity and promote neighborhood interaction instead of the sense of isolation. It also encourage people to move back downtown convert with houses to laughs and to fix up his stork district specially New Jersey and Mary's Lynn would encouraged perseveration of open space
What is a mixed use development
A new kind of zoning classification the stresses location of residential and commercial Zeus in close proximity and add a greater density so that people can walk to work stores and school
What are two components that enable the formation of cities
Agricultural surplus and social stratification
What is Mesopotamia
And 3500 B.C.E. it is a region of great cities such as the earth and Babylonian located between the takers and Euphrates river. It is found signs of social any quality in the houses where the urban elites have palaces and walls and artisans to beautify their spaces. They also have a Prius king class and developed a religious political ideology to support the Prius king. They also had taxes and Amanda tribute from the harvest back by the agricultural labor's . They also had mud walls surrounding their community with clusters of temples and shrines in the center . The ordinary citizens lives in mud walled houses packed closely together with a lane in the middle with tiny hearts and their workshops. The leadership class often have slaves which were prison liked and sometimes out of the city walls. They didn't have any waste disposal pursue his facility where they threw the garbage and other stuff into their streets an open spaces causing lots of diseases and unsanitary conditions with in their city
What is a trade area
And adjacent region with in which its influence is dominant. Where customers from smaller towns and villages come to the city to shop and to conduct other business. The cities newspapers are red and it's new television stations I watch in the surrounding area
Where is there the most immigration to
And many of the worlds most populous cities a lot of the pool factors that are often imaginary then real expectations of life must be able to materialize materialize such as Brazil Mexico India Bangladesh and India particularly in the economic preferred new arrivals and many long-term residents to our credit to gather in overpopulated apartment buildings dismal tournaments and teaming surrounds your rivals come from other cities and towns are from the rock hundred
What is urban and why do people move from rural to urban areas
And urban is a term we used to describe the build up of the central city and suburban round, the city and the surrounding environment connected to the city. It is a non-rural and non-agricultural land. The mover people from rural to urban areas reflects the change and global economy and increased length of movement in our global lies world
Stakeholders are what
Anti-spell policies must satisfy many interest groups. Developers need reassurance that investment they make will not be lost to a policy or zoning changes prior to a project completion they must be convinced that they will not be overly restrictive their house type or render it unaffordable and also they like their freedom of automobiles but also transit of other types would also be appreciated . And housings must be met before encouraging retail and commercial centers and must be adaptable to any situation
What is the urban geographers notice about the sizes and location of cities
As they studied the state or province map and noticed that these cities have dominant cities and less dominant cities that are connected by transportation making it a largest trading area and a few places around doing in making it arrival of a major trade area. The several medium size cities trade in smaller areas of commerce and are scattered apart from the major city small towns how's the grocery stores and other necessities and finally villages may still have a café or a gas station the trade areas in population combine to give us a hierarchy of urban places coming into the rank size rule
Name some headquarters cities of large regions in the earth moving up in the urban hierarchy
Atlanta Dallas and Phoenix have become headquarter cities for their large regions. Charlotte, Tampa, San Antonio, Tuscan Rose but took secondary status
How do you transportation and land-use changes reinforce each other.
Auto Mobile use leads to increasingly decentralization and multi nodal metropolitan area's because there is no longer a single focaal point downtown. On which public transportation routes converge
How is Chris the model of central place theory flawed
Because the man may be interrupted with physical barriers there may be an even resource distributions and other factors I can modify the hexagons itself but his ideas supported the hierarchy of urban places that are specially balance and also establish that larger cities would be space farther from each other then smaller towns are villages.
what is blockbusting
Before the civil rights movement, realtors would purposely sell a house in a white neighborhood at a very low price to a member of the African-American community. The realtors would solicit otherwise residence of the neighborhood to sell their homes under the guise of the neighborhood was going downhill because an African-American person or family had moved in. This produce what is called a white flight which is the movement of whites from the city and adjacent neighborhoods to the outlying suburbs. It led to a significant turnover in housing which of course benefited real estate agents through commission they earned but also prompted landowners to sell their properties at low prices to get out of the neighborhood quickly which allow developers to subdivide lots and Bill tournaments. The developers did not maintain the town tournaments well tournaments dropping the property values even further.
What is a mass transit
Buses subways and light rail works best in bringing people along densely populated quarters in the central business district for example in cities like New York and Chicago
What is zoning laws
Cities that are poor generally laugh these forcible zoning laws. Most city governments in north America drew up to insure use the space in ways that if this idea part of a team culturally and environmentally acceptable.
How does segregation of land uses cause brawl
City planners usually use zoning to separate in kit compatible land uses such as housing and chemical factories. Because these residential commercial and industrial areas required by zoning laws to be separate from each other automobile traveling is required for people to perform the simplest errands or commutes. The segregated land and enforcing drivers to drive entire neighborhoods are shopping areas to exit a place leads to an urban sprawl leading too many highways and roads formations.
What is an infield development
Construction of a small scale development on vacant pockets of land remaining with in the city
What is the primary factor that automobile transportation permits sprawl ticker
Economic. Land is cheaper at the fringes of urban areas where families can afford larger in newer homes and houses and more lanced and they had put the H purchase property near higher rent areas downtown. You get a better deal the farther out your move. This explains why some urban areas the leapfrog development occurs well beyond the limits of the central urbanized area.
What is your name another name for an agricultural village
Egalitarian society
How are American cities different from European and Japanese cities?
European Japanese cities are more compact and densely populated and I have a higher use of mass transit. There's a lot of apartment living in the central cities and a lot of traveling by foot, bicycle, motorbike, taxis. There is very few plenty for and far more expensive lands. Gasoline taxes are raised and people live with high levels of government intervention on their lives but is foreign cities are experiencing a lesser version of sprawl on urban fringes
How is an urban sprawl to happen
Farmland is an old industrial sites and roads are built or widened, strip markets are erected, and housing developments monopolize the horizon.
Give an example where urbanization distribution is un even
For example in western Europe and the United States and Canada and Japan four out of five people live in cities or towns versus India and China were three out of 10 people
What are the evolutions of transportation
From 1890 to 1920 they came up with a railroad tie technology use for long distance transport to apply to short distance urban travel with the Butte building of a commuter rail lines and electric street cars that led to the new streetcar stop or real station then it came to the 1920s where they produce mass produce automobiles typically of Henry Ford's model T but you were affordable to middle-class Americans. They provided accessibility to the areas between the street currently lines. In the 1950s president Eisenhower came up with the interstate highway system which enables people to commute from distant suburbs to old urban French. They now have circular belt ways that are most common in large metropolitan areas outlined to the suburbs as cities in their own right not the old downtown. The inclusion of that weighs in the freeway stage is recognize that the CBD is no longer in the soul destination of where people travel
What is functional is the nation, central business district and central city, suburban, suburban nation
Functional zonation is the division of the city into certain regions are zones for different purposes. Central business district is the concentration of business and commerce in the cities downtown. Central city describes the urban area that is not suburban. The suburban is an outlying functionally uniform part of an urban area and is adjacent to the central city. So bourbon eyes Asian is the process by which winds that were previously outside of an urban environment becomes urbanize as people and businesses in the city move to the spaces
What is a gated community and what does it have
Gated communities are fancy neighborhoods with controlled access gates for people and automobiles it often has security cameras and security forces or poop privatize polices who patrol the community as a maid objective of get a communities to create safety of us but space and also increase the market value of your home. As it has diffuse through Europe Asia Africa and mind America.
example of urbanization
Guangdong in south China is a specialized economic zone for industry. Shenzhen is a small fishing village near Hong Kong where Hong Kong travels to this area to take a vantage of lower labor costs causing extraordinary growth in its population or people rush to find work
What is the sector model
Homer Hoyt publish this model and it's limitations and explained where the wealthy in the city chose to live in a pie shaped pieces with the high rent residentials, intermediate rent residentials, low-rent residentials, education and recreation, transportation, and industrial sectors
W what is the largest city in the United States that does not have zoning laws
Houston Texas does not have zoning laws in the beds because citizens in the city voted against the creation of it three different times
Why do urban planners want to gate middle-class and lower class neighborhoods
I want to create a sense of community and might make the space is defensible from undesired activities such as drug dealing prostitution.. One of the best documented cat cases of getting a middle income community is the five oaks district of Dayton Ohio with half of African-Americans and half white and a higher rate of rentals. I wanted to divide these 2000 households into 10 smaller gated communities with restricted access that have reduce crime and increase house sales in house values.
What is a shanty town
I'm planned development of crew dwellings in shelters made mostly of scrap wood, iron, pieces of cardboard, that develop around these cities. The overcrowding and decimals the conditions do not to tear additional urban migration as a result people spend their entire lives in urban housing of rage quality
What is the forum
If forum is what the Romans took and combined the Greek after pool is in Agoura into one zone which is the up your night of Roman public life in Rome it has the first grade stay stadium which is the classy him . The ancient city of Rome was Rachel he poured and often crammed into tiny and filthy living spaces and this was home to both the rich and the poor which had many slaves who is reflected their greatest achievements and the worst feelings of
What are the effects of Gary communities in China
In China it has cost and became a Socio economic loss and a feature of the urban landscape. Similar to Europe and North America it has privatize bases and exclude up outsiders with in a skate. But it is more densely populated and it has been said to be a collectivism orientated culture and type political control in China and also has promoted individual home ownership.
What is the primary law that is in Europe zoning law or lose their land to use
In Europe fewer cities have zoning laws but most of the cities have land use planning.
What happened in the first urban revolution
In the first urban revolution in areas such as the situation of cities such as Paris and see a change from being a crucial part in an interior trading routes became left out in the oceanic trading route. After European expiration date in dominance of interior cities declined now do you become sided on the coast where the predominance in Asia and west Africa became crucial that there caravan traffic met boat traffic where people exchange goods from Northern and goods from coastal forest . It not only help during the European aspiration but it also helped in the European colonialism because it caused trade networks and European powers committed the slave trade in Europe which brought them prosperity and I also brought merchants well which they were able to make extravagant mansions an orange and government positions and rec instruction of city centers they also made a Central Square where the focus of the city was for the Royal religious public and private buildings in fixing wealth and prosperity power and influence and these squares led to the beginnings of downtowns and merchants were able to expand their land because they were so extremely rich and powerful
What is another factor that encourages low density sprawling cities
Ingraining cultural believes. Many Americans value individualism which way is your preference of standing alone single family homes rather than row houses communion living or multi family structures are commonly found in other countries this so called American dream is a single-family home with a multi car garage and fenced in yard and at least 1/4 of an acre of land. Are houses have progressively gotten larger.
What did industrial revolution change
It change the transportation the steam engine is powered by coal not only pump water from minds recall money but also power the railroad and steamship although the diffusion of railroad gave cities that were not near Caufields the chance to industrialize. Conditions were dried for in the working conditions were shocking children would work 12 hours in the text tile Mills they would have terrible health conditions were there air was polluted and water was contaminated the British Midlands was covered in search and crying and I was also known as the black towns there was very few safety mechanisms to protect labors and Carl Marx and Federick angels read looked at workers rights and government intervening by legislating workers rights and introducing city planning and zoning although America is not as bad as Western Europe it is pretty bad although they cannot escape the problems of the European industrial cities American manufacturing place is a problem with in adequate planning and rabbit immigration leaving to development of Psalms ghettos but once the 20th century hit the menu factoring in that location has changed cities I have stopped meat factories from being congested in overcrowded and urban areas and instead have left them with manufacturing plants making rice belts
What are athletic neighborhoods in European city
It consists of migrants from former colonies such as in Algeria they have a colony of France and Paris and other French districts for the airport in London they have a Jamaican neighborhood and Madrid has a Moroccan neighborhood reflecting their colonial ties with these now sovereign countries. For example turkey migrated to Germany after World War II as gas workers and now cities such as Frankfort have a Turkish neighborhoods. And most of the migrants to these European cities come from the global pro free or from eastern Europe not from countries in Western Europe.
Where does the rank size rule don't apply
It doesn't apply with a country with one supremely dominant city often called a primate City Because it is much larger than all the other cities within a country except the United States but it does not explain where cities will be located or distributed across the hoagie
What is commercialization
It entails the transforming the central city into an area attractive to residents and tourists alike. For example Miami New York and Baltimore have them areas to attract visitors with festival market places, exotic sculptures, play areas, amusement zones, industrials that sites that are successful in attracting tourists in the generating business
What is Portland Oregon known for
It has smart growth policies that inhibits sprawl.It has a focal point that of the city such as the Pioneer Courthouse Square that emphasizes human interaction over automobiles and this is where a parking garage once done. The city blocks were some on the buildings have street-level shops rather than blank walls encouraging human interaction. They also instituted growth boundaries which put to fix limits on urban expansion would increase the density aunts house and land values and urban downtown and a very high rate of public transit ridership.
What is the rank size rule
It holds that in a model urban hierarchy, the population of a city or town will be inversely proportional to its rank in the hierarchy
What are teardowns
It is Rampant in many air American suburbs, how does the new owners bought with the intention of tearing them down and building a much larger home. And the new homes are known as McMansions because of their super size and they're similar look often stretch to outer limits of the lot. Similar to gentrification it changes the landscape and increases average housing values and talk to her videos for the city and the average house cut oats income of the neighborhood. Unlike gentrification do you original houses are destroyed not preserved and they often occur within wealthier suburbs such as Grenwich Connecticut Hinsdale Illinois. It was are you to slow down the urban sprawl by replacing existing homes with new homes rather than converting farmland to residential lots. Some may oppose teardowns as they are too large for their lots, dwarfing the neighborhood houses and destroyed the character of the place by demolishing the older homes
What is an urban Realm
It is a word to describe the spatial components of the model match policy where each Rome is a separate economic, social, and political and tidy that is going together to form larger metropolitan frame work. It constitutes the latest at Ford and interpreting Americans urban structure and they clearly demonstrates that today's other cities are not solid light of the central city but are shaping the Metropole us
What is the leadership class
It is also known as the urban elite which consist of ups group of people or decision makers and organizers who controlled the resources and often the lives of others. The urban elite controls the food supply including its production storage and distribution . They did not work in the fields but they often devoted their time in religion and philosophy and writing and record keeping.
Explain the African city model
It is different from the European models because it has so much diversity. It has three central business district switch include the running of the colonial CBD and informal and sometimes periodic market down, and a transitional business center where commerce is conducted from curbside stalls or storefronts.Vertical development or higher order thinking is mainly performed in the former colonial central business district. The traditional business center is usually a zone of single-story building is with some traditional architecture, and the markets zone tends to be open air in formal yet so important. So after developments are the encircling zone of ethnic and mix neighborhoods often characterized by strong ethnic identities, manufacturing on my knee operations are Van Ness up some part of the zones. And then there arrange my vertical development or higher order thinking is mainly performed in the former colonial central business district. The traditional business center is usually a zone of single-story buildings with some traditional architecture, and the market zone tends to be open air in formal yet so important. Sector developments are the encircling zone of ethnic in mixed neighborhood is often characterized by strong ethnic identities, manufacturing or my knee operations Arvada next up some part of the zones. And then they're ring by satellites of 10 squatter settlements
Explain the south east Asian city model
It is modeled by the McGee model . They have an old colonial port and a large lee commercial district that surrounds it. There is no formal central business district but is there a separate into clusters surrounding the zone such as the government zone, the western commercial zone practically a CD by itself, the alien commercial zone or dominated by Chinese merchants these residents are attached to their businesses, and the mix land use zone which includes miscellaneous economic activity such as light industry, then there is a non-residential areas such as the market gardening zone and the industrial park or a state in the outskirts of the urban area
What is an agricultural village
It is relatively small size and population and the people live near subsistence levels reducing just enough to get by were involved in agriculture. Many people share the goods they created. Populations were permanent and reflected in the dwelling units were people moved rocks in and build permanent structures and laid up floors made of plaster.
What are the effects of gated communities in Europe and North America
It is sad to not be only for the wealthy and privilege but it also is to feel safe and it's also for the middle and lower classes to recast her lower income housing is in small communities are gated from each other to reduce the flow through of traffic in crime associated with it for example in Chicago St. Louis which turns poor residence into defensible spaces
What is a site
It is the absolute location often chosen for the best trade location or the best defensive location or an important religious location
What is the Huang he or yellow and wei or yangtzhi river
It is the fourth urban Hirth dating back to 1500 B.C.E. They build their cities on a vertical structure in the middle of the city and then both a inner wall around it they often Huy temples and palaces for the leadership classes and the often demonstrated their power by building in Normas an elaborate structures. The emperor into the hundred B.C.E. build a great wall of China. Why do you Gyptian's he had it most to Liam vote for him
What is the honk he or the yellow and the way or the Yangtze River Valley's
It is the fourth urban heard dating back to 1500 B.C.E. They build their cities on a vertical structure in the middle of the city and then build it in our wall around it they often Huy temples and palaces for the leadership classes and the often demonstrated their power by building in Normas an elaborate structures. The emperor into the hundred B.C.E. build a great wall of China. Why do you Gyptian's he had it most to Liam vote for him
What is urban morphology
It is the layout of the city, it's physical form and structure
What is a situation
It is the relative location its place in the region in around the world
What is the Nile river valley
It is the second urban Hirth that dated back in 3200 B.C.E. it is thought to be at the fusion from Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent. The urbanization and irrigation in its region distinguishes it from other urban hurts. There are not having any walls built around or cities and power was often with in the OC control of the irrigation systems they also have singular control over their region and they have great tombs pier meds and stinks that were built by slaves
What is the Indus River Valley
It is the third urban her dating to 2200 B.C.E. . Harappa and Mohenjo Daro are first cities. They wanted to establish a leadership classes but their houses were equal in size there were no palaces or magnificent homes in their cities the drawings had access to the same infrastructure such as waste water drains and stone and Wells. The city is have thick walls and they often traded over the Mediterranean
What is an urban sprawl and where is it located
It is unrestricted growth of housing is, commercial developments, and roads over large expenses of land with little concerned for urban planning and I happens in the United States such as the Sun bowl and the wise and urban areas. It is the phenomenon of the automobile era. Cities I grew out before the automobile typically grew up instead of out. For example Boston through around the market place in Portland before The automobile era resulting in development over smaller areas. You can take the metro where places are both vertically and curving narrow streets and commercial developments with the flavor of the old city give the city a cozy intimate field.
What is gentrification
It occurs when individuals by up and rehabilitate the houses raising the housing value in the neighborhood and changing the neighborhood itself. It happens most frequently with in cities with a tight housing market and defined central city neighborhoods such as San Francisco Portland in Chicago
What is the multiple nuclei model
It was created by Chauncey Harris and Edward Allman Allman would recognize that the central business district is not dominant in the nucleus urban area again instead the urban regions have their own nuclei. There are different automobiles and constructions of ring roads and arteries and suburban nation the function independent of the central city and you New suburban downtowns emerge deserve their local economies. The suburbs potential he surpassed the central cities in total employment rate instead now the majority of the jobs are in the suburbs
Explain the Griffin ford model
It was created by Ernest Griffin and Larry Ford who studied Latin American cities and how Latin American culture and the forces of globalization are shaping the urban seen and combining Radio sectors and Concentrix zones. The central business district is the city's primary Districk of business employment and entertainment focus and the market sector is an extension of public transit and residential areas. Along with the commercial spine which features offices shopping high-quality housing for the upper and middle class restaurants theaters in such amenities such as parks zoos and golf courses and at the end of the elites find sector is the mall which is the hi price residence. The socioeconomic levels and housing qualities decrease as the greater distance from the city center. The zone of maturity in the inner-city contains the best housing because it is attracted by middle classes in their house is built so solidly but even though the house is aging it's been kept from deteriorating. And I'm next to it is the modest housing in the zone of peripheral squatter settlements is home to the impoverished and recent migrants who are mainly poor. And the disamenity sector is the very porous of the cities that in extreme cases are not connected to the regular city services and are controlled by gangs and drug lords and these people sometimes are known to be living in barrios or favelas and they have poverty and they live in the streets in the battle with other drug lords for dominance and the industrial park is the industrial activity in the city and gentrification is the historical buildings in the city
What places did grow during the middle ages or had urban
It was on along the silk route between Europe and Asia and such major cities such as Bukhara and Samarkand became major cities . In Asia Chinese styles of building stuff used to Korea and Japan in so became the city and cause your auto became the Japan's the Storico capital in west Africa trading cities develops in Saharah Timbuktu or Molly was a major city where governments and universities markets in religious centers were centered even in the Americas people had establishment of urbanization in the Mayans and Aztecs empires
How many inhabitants were in it ancient city and why
Maximum 10,000 to 15,000 in the Mesopotamia and Nile river valley regions because it was the maximum sustainable size based on their existing systems of food production, gathering, distribution, and social organization.
What is the fifth urban her
Mesoamerica. Is the fifth urban hurt dating back in 200 B.C.E. The ancient cities were religious centers. And the urban elite consisted of the authority in Prius temples and shrines they were theocratic centers in which the ruler is often the divine authority or God kings exceptionally in the great structures in Yucatán Guatemala and Honduras notes by the Myon Indians
How does the fragmentation of governmental powers in a metropolitan area a major issue that contributes to sprawl
Most cities real I have a lead on the sales tax generated from the retail and commercial activities where they seek to build more malls and big box retailers to generate these revenues but these places require large amounts of land which sometimes leads the city to compete to attract these businesses rather than doing a regional planning effort that could slow serve market demand and use the space efficiently with if you were negative environmental impacts. The lack of metropolitan government and fiscal disparities between cities aunt does competition means there's frequently no coordinated effort to meet growth needs and avoid disjointed development.
How do you counter an urban sprawl and what are the benefits of doing so
New urbanism is a development, urban revitalization, and suburban reforms that create walkable neighborhoods with the diversely of housing and jobs. They help reduce traffic and increase the supply of affordable housing and rains in urban sprawl's. They promote a sense of community and a sense of place. You are being is I'm has been happening in Seaside Florida West Laguna California and Kaitlyn Meredith Canton Maryland and they are reminiscing over Christology his original model with the central shopping center in the middle open spaces between them and around them have residence. Their goal is to bake house is more densely so that they can take up less space so that amenities and shopping centers are walkable distance to decrease our dependency on automobiles and helping the environment. And it's main goal is to incorporate diverse people in the community. And also find that spaces and social functions historically been to public or private eyes. But they say that having urban Lizum is like a Greenfield project where they make the suburbs of my livable but this is another episode of special determinism where the fundamental difficulty with modernism was this persistent habit of from pillaging special forms over social processes. There's nothing to break down the social conditions that privilege of salmon disenfranchise others. It takes away the grittiness and character of a city and it causes more exclusionary communities causing further racial segregation of cities.
Does places have to have population growth in order to be an urban sprawl
No the United States Census found that urbanized areas found urban sprawl had happened in urban areas without significant population growth. The urban sprawl is more rampant in Sunbelt of south Atlanta and in the west of Houston where population is going rapidly. But even in cities such as Detroit in Pittsburgh where the population has been falling their urban sprawl has increased the urbanized areas of the city.
What was the role of an ancient city
Not only was it the center of religion and power but it was where all the wealthy merchants and land and livestock owners and traders operated there. They had different types of educational centers and it was the anchor of culture and society where the focal point of power and authority changed and also serve as an economic center. These places had to have facilities that would not be found in farm villages such as entertainment food raw materials and providing of warship and house to those who defended the town
What are the two theories that people came up with about how cities came to be
One theory maintains that advances in technology such as irrigation generated an agricultural surplus and a leadership class want to control the sir plus and technology that produced it. Another theory says that a king or king prettiest centralized political power and then demanded more labor to generate an agricultural surplus which would help him or her routine political power
What are the effects of suburbanization
People have left is central city for the suburbs for a number of reasons among them single-family homes, yards, better scores, and safety. But with syrup suburbanization, city governments lose tax revenue, as middle and upper class taxpayers leave the central city and pay taxes in the suburbs instead. In order to counter the sensor bourbon I Zeeshan tried city governments are encouraging you doing commercial I Zeeshan of the central city and gentrification of the cities neighborhoods . They to plan to revive there central cities usually involving cleaning streets sidewalks and buildings tearing down all the been building up and building up commercial offerings and residences.
What are the three components of the quantitative studies conducted by urban geographers
Population, trade area, and distance. And the simplest way to think about these are through the relationship of the three variables that you consider their state or their province map. On the map you will see many villages with unfamiliar names and number of small towns on highways with transportation's and one for Milyer dominant city.
What is redlining and when did it occur
Redlining is the process of learning lending money. It occurred in before the 1960s of the civil rights war movement. They would identify what they consider to be risky neighborhoods in cities and refused to offer loans students in those districts. The practice is now illegal. It worked against those living in poor neighborhoods and how to precipitate a downward spiral and which poor neighborhoods would become increasingly run down becomes funds were not available for them
what is an urban realm And edge cities
Relatively independent suburban regions which are accompanied by edge cities or satellite towns which are huge retail and office clutters that have emerged around the intersections of major highways around airports and in order downtown so what were one smaller surrounding cities now absorbed by the sprawling metropolis. High-tech companies are usually in the ad cities near there well educated suburban workforce data transmission electric funds transfer online information services and Internet shopping offer a great location of us ability for all companies in residence further promoting decentralization. There is at least one edge city for every half 1 million people. For example the galleria in downtown Houston contains a 64 story Transco tower; the area around the Massachusetts Turnpike and Route 128 in the Boston area; discuss Amberg area of 30 miles west of downtown Chicago; the perimeter center near Atlanta; Tysons corner southwest of Washington DC; Beverly Hills and central city area of greater Los Angeles
What are the arguments between the benefits and disadvantages of urban sprawl
Some are you that are using an urban sprawl maybe better use of my hand then agriculture because people buy the types it out says they preferred and the shop at the stores they like while the others say that they do not buy what they want but by what they have available and what has been given to them is an alternative from which they have to choose from. But the market forces has been challenged by people because they do not account for the social value of the open space, the societal cost of traffic in session and air pollution or at our public infrastructure and services cost associated with the low density development. Yet even though when there is high taxes raised they have failed to adequately provide affordable housing for special in Custer County of color Rado and people in Atlanta have stock the new highway construction because it has too much to do with air pollution.
What is the hearth of agricultural villages
The Fertile Crescent in southwest Asia
What happened in the second urban revolution
The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain but they found her in needed to have a agricultural revolution in order to start. They had to have people from the fields to the cities to work in manufacturing food production had to increase and during the 17th and 18th century they had improvements and agricultural's including Cedro hybrid seeds and improving breeding practices for livestock these were people working in the field that our potential he able to lead to the city in hopes for job but even though these happens all Marcantel cities don't always become industrial cities although many industrial cities grew from small villages or river canal route for textile manufacturing the industrial cities had to be in your freshwater sources and four and manufacturing it had to be around Birmingham and call Brookdale easily accessible to Britain's coal and iron fields
How is the central place theory apply to today
The Sunbelt phenomenon which had the movement of Americans from the north and north eastern states the south and southwest and this was not because of internal and voluntary migration but it was also because of deliberate governmental economic and social policies that favor the Sunbelt cities through federal spending on military space and research facilities at the same time these migrants move north words into the same urban centers they wanted to change the urban hierarchy in the sun belt region increasing the production of higher order technology call goods and services in an increasing their economic rage and bypassing others
Why is the central place theory not in circles
The circle is either overlap or leave certain areas underserved instead it is fitted with a hexagon oh route shape for each trade area in China in the North China plane in sister one basin had the on interrupted flatness assumed by the model
What are the changes experienced in the colonial cities
The colonial cities are used to be urban areas were European transplants dominated the form of the city but today the colonial cities of service the colonial headquarters define generalization in middle and South America Mexico City in Brazil I am now megacities that have strong Iberian cultural inference that defined their social and spatial geography. And sub-Saharan Africa the colonial cities have special components that are lost sight in Nigeria and the condo and south east Asia the middle size cities have exhibit a fairly consistent pattern
What is the first urban revolution
The innovation of us city and it occurred independently in five separate hearths a case of independent intevention
To what extent is the griffin model a realistic portrayal of the light Latin American city
The model reflects the in Normas differences between the spaces of privilege and the spaces of poverty. The model also describes elements of sector developments evident in many large South American cities but the concentricity suggested by the model seems to be breaking down.
What part of the Griffin Ford model is most prominent in South America and which is most prominent in north America
The periferico is prominent in south and gentrification is prominent in north
What was the urbanized area constrained by and what are its last thing in prince and in packs
The spatial a set of the urbanized area was destroyed by the prevailing transportation networks. Each new transportation technology has made many new areas on the urban friends accessible to the city center and I have accompanied by a new residential construction's that are more spread out. Open till the 1890s people were walking or traveling by horse which eliminated their cities to a dance circular shape because of the slow speed of travel. Therefore cities were not able to be any larger than a distance with a person was willing or able to walk.
What is an urban sprawl in the Kuby book
The urban sprawl is a low density development that sometimes is beyond the outer margins of our metropolitan areas. It is the post pavilion form of urban growth in North American cities it takes up acres and acres of valuable open space and causes problems of traffic congestion and expense of providing urban services
How is the McGee different and similar from the Griffin Ford model of Latin America
There's similarities include out there Highbridge structures of sectors and zones and elite residential sectors includes news the burbs an inner-city zone of middle income clause home using and peripheral low income squatter settlements. One main difference is that the McGee models includes the middle income housing in a suburban zone reflecting the larger middle class in the cities of the global up some ice referee and a small middle class in mind America cities
Why can't they revived downtown
They cannot a chart with the core of the city needs most permanent residence with a steak and its future. The newly commercialize downtown is often stand apart from the rest of the central city.
Across the global periphery what is the one trade that all major cities display
They have a contrast between the wealthy and the poor. For example homeless people sleeping on heating grates at half a block from the White House in Washington DC. Yet the intensity and scale of the contrast is greater in cities of the periphery. For example Cairo Egypt when you look at it it seems like a modern Mediterranean European metropolitan but when you get on the bus and ride into the towards the cities outskirts you can see alleyways in apartment buildings with host tournaments and broken doors and windows that seem bad and it's blue did and highly populated and still many migrants come to seek refuge in there
What did the leadership class often do as a pursuit and how did they defend themselves
They often right which made possible the codification of laws in the purse of Asian of traditions. They defended themselves by constructing walls on the outskirts of their cities however take taxes and tributes from people they controlled beyond the city walls
What is one way people make cities
They remake them or reinvent neighborhoods or change layouts to reflect current goals in a aesthetics
What are the effects of gated communities in poor countries like Latin America and Africa
They usually have was around her individual houses and sometimes the white severe crime in the city with the murder rate and so they block off the streets and postcards to control assess to the streets but if you're that this is a new form of segregation and that since majority of crimes are in the poor black townships or in the central city there's only worsens the segments of society.
How is the government encouraging gentrification
They're encouraging it through beautification programs and significant tax breaks to people who do buy up abandoned houses and rehabilitate them. It has a change the growing interest in central city housing in which changes the character of the American society. The proportion of child was home couples and single people in the population is growing and for these urban lights the suburbs do not look so attractive. They want to live near their workplace and near there cultural and recreational amenities which attracts the residence it has also displays lower income residents. Rising housing costs associated with gentrification have played a key role in the growing problem of homelessness
What are the 10 traits associated with a sprawl came up by a policy analyst Anthony downs
Unlimited outward extension; low density development; leapfrog development miles beyond the urban friends; fragmentation of political powers among many small municipalities; dominance of transportation by private automobiles; lack of centralized planning or control of land uses; commercial script development; great physical disparities among towns in neighborhoods; segregation of types of land uses in different zones; reliance on a trickle down process to provide low income housing
Who and what and what are the theories of the central place theory
Walter Christaller The central place theory explains where is cities towns and villages will be located. One theory is that the surface of the ideal region would be fat and have no physical barriers second soil fertility would be the same everywhere third population in purchasing power would be evenly distributed next the region would have a uniform transportation and finally a good or service could be sold in all directions out to a certain distance in the urban hierarchy the central place would be at the top because it is the largest central place having the greatest number of functions to the region. He studied the sales of goods and services and calculated that people were willing to go buy food closer and at a given price
When did Second agricultural revolution happen
When industrialization diffused from Great Britain and the European mainland the places most ready for industrialization underground their own second agricultural revolution with a sir plus capital from mercantilism and colonialism and we're located near poor factories. Factories in Gault private homes open spaces become dumb areas and urban dollars converted into overcrowded slams sanitary system is filled and water supplies were in adequate
Explain the Roman ancient city
When the Romans separated from the Greeks any Truscon's other rulers they took not only the Mediterranean Shores but also Europe and north Africa as lands they were the largest urban system with Rome as their capital which is the Aphex of a hierarchy of settlements and they had lots lots of buildings in cities and villages with lots of transportation as the roads see roots and trading ports and he often had regional planners which had sides of cities and it was where they were influenced to do the colonial cities in a rectangle or grid pattern
What is the Concentrix zone model
Who is created by Ernest Burgus which divided the city into five concentric to zones by their function fifth at the center is this central business district divided into several subdistricts Dzung to their is the zone of transition which is the residential deterioration and in Roche meant by business and light manufacturing zone three is a ring of closely space homes by the blue color labor force zone four is the middle class residence and zone five is the suburban rain and the model is dynamic.
Name some features of Greek ancient city
Who is the highly urbanized area on earth. It had a network of more than 500 cities and towns mainland and honest islands which workroom connected by trade routes and the notion of urban live in the Mediterranean region. Athens and Sparta fight over power but Athens became the largest city with many inhabitants they believe that the earth is the maid to have an Acura polis or Huy structure by nature to build our most impressive structures usually religious buildings. The Parthenon of Athens is the most famous building . It also deferred from the south was Asian cities because they had a lower part of the town dedicated to the Agoura which is the marketplace or where the commercial activity in debates and lectures and judges act . They had excellent theaters but their housing and sanitation was poured just like the Mesopotamia, they had many slaves but the idea of urbanization did not come from Greece but I did have a global impact which spread through to the Roman empire into the western Europe where it eventually fell but I continue through colonialism and capitalism
How was European colonialism affected by the year African cities
Who plays the urban centers such as Kim Sasha or condo Kenya Zimbabwe in the interior and Senegal the ivory coast Angola moms and beak and other parts along the coast. South Africa has major urban centers such as Johannesburg and Cape Town and Durbin are essentially western with elements of the European as well as Americans with a high-rise central business district and sprawling suburbs
Name some examples and the effects of zoning laws without it
Without zoning laws, cities in the periphery world have mixed land use throughout the city. For example in Madras India high rise buildings have a squatter settlements between them and in Bangkok Thailand elementary school and noisy blue doing factories stand next to each other and in Nairobi Kenya in the hillside villas have the Africa's worse slams slums and this is primarily happening in many cities of East Asia . Increasing the land value and greater demand for enforcing zone regulations are hope transforming east Asia.
How can you identify how wealthy are country is
You can look at the different styles of construction some building materials, the distance between houses, in the nature and style vegetation around the houses, and the distance between the houses in the streets, and even in the amount of space devoted automobile moving and storage . As we compare contrast cities we can learn how does social and cultural forces are different with in the cities. You may look for high-rise buildings, the a statics of buildings, transportations, distance between houses, and then after so you may guess whether it is a wealthy or operable city. Wanda Angola in sub-Saharan Africa is compared to Tokyo Japan Japan houses in this middle-class neighborhood are on top of each other because the city is so densely packed populated that land is at the premium. But in the wind at the high-rise or part of the central business district and they in the house immediately is around them or where the wealthy live. The house is in the foreground or where the papal better port live because their rules are made of 10 or cardboard their cars do not run and there your utility pole is not connected