Unity question quiz

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Game objects without Rigidbody component are considered? A. static colliders B. dynamic colliders C. implicit colliders D. default colliders


How do you call a method in C#? A. MyMethod(); B. MyMethod[]; C. MyMethod; D. (MyMethod);


How do you create a method in C#? A. MyMethod() B. MyMethod. C. (MyMethod) D. MyMethod[]


How many maximum layers in Unity? A. 31 B. 3 C. 13 D. 11


Creating the three-dimensional shape game object is called: A. Modeling B. Rigging C. Bones D. Skinning


An asset type that allows you to store game objects and create multiple instances later is called? A. Prefab B. Package C. Asset Store D. Serialized


An interface cannot contain signatures of the following members: A. None of the others B. Properties C. Indexers D. Events E. Methods


Array indexes start with: A. 0 B. 1 C. -1 D. 2


Which of the following is not Value type variable? A. System.Object B. System.Drawing.Point C. System.Int16 D. System.Decimal


Which method executes first in MonoBehaviour? A. Awake() B. onEnable() C. Start() D. Update()


How do you create a variable with the numeric value 5? A. num x = 5 B. int x = 5; C. x = 5; D. Num x = 5;


What is the default modifier for class of package in C#? A. internal B. public C. private D. protected E. default


What is a correct syntax to output "Hello World" in C#? A. cout << "Hello World"; B. Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); C. print ("Hello World"); D. System.out.println("Hello World");


What is the correct way to create an object called myObj of MyClass? A. new myObj = MyClass(); B. MyClass myObj = new MyClass(); C. class myObj = new MyClass(); D. class MyClass = new myObj();


What is the name of Unity animation system? A. Blender B. Mecanim C. Skeletal D. Maya


What is the name of the component that enables a game object to react when it comes into contact with other game objects? A. Rigidbody B. Collider C. Avatar D. Skeleton


Which method of Rigidbody is used for adds a force? A. ForceAdd B. AddForce C. AddExplosionForce D. AddExplosion


To make rotational movement to Rigidbody you would use: A. AddForce() B. AddExplosionForce() C. AddTorque() D. AddRotation()


Which method of Input class Returns true during the frame the user releases the key identified by name? A. GetKey B. GetKeyDown C. GetKeyUp D. GetKeyRelease


Cube, Sphere, Capsule, Cylinder, Plane and Quad are called A. Primitive game object B. Poligon game objects C. Basic game objects D. System game objects


How you can pause the game? A. Time.timeScale = 0; B. Time.deltaTime = 0; C. Time.fixedDeltaTime = 0 ; D. Time.time = 0;


In the Animator Controller one state must be default. It is represented in what color? A. Orange B. Gray C. Turquoise D. White


Select correct statement about virtual methods: A. A virtual method must contain the method body otherwise compiler shall throw error. B. Virtual method can be declared as private. C. Virtual method can be declared as static. D. All of the others.


Select correct statements about Reference Type: A. By default, variables of reference type are passed by reference. B. All reference types are derived implicitly from the System.ValueType. C. Reference types are allocated in stack. D. Variables of reference type die when they fall out of defining scope.


Select correct statements about Value Type: A. All value types are derived implicitly from the System.ValueType. B. It is possible to derive a new type from a value type. C. A value type can contain the null value. D. Value types are allocated in managed heap.


To declare an array in C#, define the variable type with: A. [] B. <> C. () D. ""


To define input axes and game actions for your project you need? A. Input Manager B. Physics Manager C. PresetManager D. PlayerSettings


To make your camera point at an object as it moves what method you need to use: A. LookAt() B. Follow() C. No method exists D. You need to make camera child of object


To preserve the game objects for on a scene transition you use? A. DontDestroyOnLoad() B. They will not be destroyed B. DestroyOnLoad() C. DestroyOnLoaded()


To represent rotations Unity uses: A. Quaternions B. Torque C. Vectors D. Spherical coordinates


What are two kinds of plugins you can use in Unity? A. Managed plugins and Native plugins. B. Script plugins and Native plugins. C. Managed plugins and Script plugins. D. None of the others


What is the default modifier for the class member? A. private B. public C. protected D. internal E. default


What is the name of the component that every 3D game object must have? A. Transform B. RectTransform C. PlaneTransform D. Transform


What is the name of the component used to connect animation clips (animations) with particular game object? A. Animator Controller B. Clips Controller C. Animator D. State Machine


Which allows you to build and customize your own animations within Unity? A. Animation Window B. Animator Window C. Main Camera D. Rigidbody


Which is a CPU-Independent instructions set into which .NET Framework programs are compiled. It contains instructions for loading, storing, initializing and calling methods on objects? A. MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) B. Byte code C. Machine code D. .NET code


Which is is the base class from which every Unity script derives? A. MonoBehaviour B. Motion C. Object D. Physics


Which method in GameObject in Unity, calls a method on every MonoBehaviour in this game object or any of its children? A. BroadcastMessage B. MessageBroadcast C. ChildBroadcast D. BroadcastChild


Which method of Input class Returns true while the user holds down the key identified by name? A. GetKey B. GetKeyDown C. GetKeyUp D. GetKeyRelease


Which method of Input class returns the value of the virtual axis identified by axisName? A. GetAxis B. GetKey C. GetTouch D. GetAcceleration


Which of the following access modifiers are used to specify the accessibility of a type? 1. public, internal 2. protected, internal 3. private, public 4. public, protected A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


Which of the following can be defined as generic? A. All of the others B. Methods, Classes, Interfaces C. Delegates D. Structures


Which of the following statements about casting is false? A. The conversions from long to int, short, byte are implicit conversions. B. There are no implicit conversions from other types to the char type. C. The conversions from int, uint, or long to float may cause a loss of precision, but not a loss of magnitude D. There are no implicit conversions between floating-point types and the decimal type.


Which of the following statements are the distinctions between output and reference parameters? Output parameters do not need to be initialized before they passed to the method. Reference parameters must be initialized before they are passed to the method. Output parameters are passed by value. A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 3 C. 2 and 3 D. 1, 2 and 3


Which of the following statements is incorrect about virtual and abstract keywords? A. Abstract modifier cannot be used properties or indexers. B. A non-abstract class derived from an abstract class must include actual implementations of all inherited abstract methods. C. Virtual methods are not required to override in sub-classes. D. Virtual and abstract both can be used for methods declared in classes.


Which of the following types is reference type? A. System.String B. System.DateTime C. System.Int32 D. System.Char


Which one is not correct? A. To make a transition not interruptible by other transitions make it atomic. B. Transition condition is what will specify the transition to run. C. There is only condition per transition. D. Transitions are often in control by parameters from the Animator controller.


Which operator is used to add together two values a and b? A. The + sign B. The ++ sign C. The += sign D. The =+ sign


Which property can be used to find the length of a string? A. Length B. stringLength C. getLength D. getLength()


Which property of Exception class specifies textual information that indicates the reason for the error and provides possible resolutions? A. Message B. Source C. InnerException D. StackTrace


You would like to address all enemy objects in your game? A. Use tags B. Use layers C. Inherit Enemy class D. Use collection of enemy


A simplified humanoid bone structure that Mecanim understands how to animate is called? A. Rigidbody B. Avatar C. Skeleton D. Bones


How do you create a variable with the floating number 2.8? A. int x = 2.8; B. double x = 2.8D; C. int x = 2.8D; D. byte x = 2.8


How do you insert COMMENTS in C# code? A. /* This is a comment B. //This is a comment C. /This is a comment D. *This is a comment


In Unity, which one contain only .NET code which means that they cannot access any features that are not supported by the .NET libraries? A. Scripts B. Managed Plugins C. Native plugins D. All of the others


Select the correct statement A. The value of a string variable can be surrounded by single quotes. B. The value of a string variable can be surrounded by double quotes. C. The value of a string variable can be surrounded by asterisks. D. The value of a string variable can be surrounded by brackets.


To make a transition not interruptible by other transitions make it: A. condition B. atomic C. solo D. mute


What are required for the game to play? A. Tags B. Layers C. Tags or Layers D. Tags and Layers


What does the term 'immutable' means in term of string objects? A. We can modify characters included in the string B. We cannot modify characters contained in the string C. We cannot perform various operation of comparison, inserting, appending. D. We can perform various operation of comparison, inserting, appending.


Which class is used for Sprite render? A. RenderSprite B. SpriteRenderer C. RenderManager D. SpriteManager


Which method of Input class returns true during the frame the user starts pressing down the key identified by name.? A. GetKey B. GetKeyDown C. GetKeyUp D. GetKeyRelease


What can receive forces and torque to make your objects move in a realistic way? A. Collider B. Physics Raycaster C. Rigidbody D. Transform


What is bad choice for texture dimension? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8


What is the String in C# meant for? A. Variable B. Character Array C. Object D. Class


Which keyword is used to create a class in C#? A. myClass B. createClass C. class D. Class()


Which method of Rigidbody is used for check whether a rigidbody is sleeping? A. GetSleep B. GetSleeping C. IsSleeping D. IsSleep


Which operator can be used to compare two values? A. >< B. = C. == D. +=


How many platforms can Unity support? A. 3 platforms: iOs, Android, Windows Desktops B. 4 platforms: iOs, Android, Windows Desktops, Mac OS Desktops C. 5 platforms D. Over 25 platforms


Which language Unity doesn't support? A. C# B. JavaScript C. Boo D. Java


Which is not a property of Rigidbody class? A. mass B. position C. rotation D. velocity E. size


Which class control all aspects of Unity's lights? A. Light B. LightManager C. LightControl D. LightController


Which class is used for Control of an object's position through physics simulation? A. Rigidbody B. Character C. VirtualCharacter D. PhysicalCharacter


Which data type in C# is used to create a variable that should store text? A. String B. Text C. Nvarchar D. Char


Which features include full 3D spatial sound, real-time mixing and mastering, hierarchies of mixers, snapshots, predefined effects ? A. Unity's Audio B. Unity's Animation C. Unity's Graphics D. Unity's Physics


Which is 2D graphic object used for characters, props, projectiles and other elments of 2D gameplay? A. Sprite B. Bitmap C. Image D. Character


What kind of plugin are platform-specific native code libraries? A. Scripts B. Managed Plugins C. Native plugins D. All of the others


Which method executes when script is enabled in MonoBehaviour? A. Awake() B. onEnable() C. Start() D. Update()


In Unity to make games you can use? A. Scripts B. Managed Plugins C. Native plugins D. All of the others


Select correct statement A. Colliders are visible during the game. B. The size of the collider must match the game object. C. The size have to be the same as the game object. D. You can offset the collider from the game object.


Select the correct statement A. Scripts are components B. Script affect the look, behavior, or interaction of game objects. C. Scripts are essentially custom components that you create for the unique requirements of your game. D. All of the others


Select the method in GameObject in Unity which adds a component class to the game object A. NewComponent B. ComponentAdd C. ComponentNew D. AddComponent


Select the way to perform comparison operation on strings supported operations. A. Compare() B. Equals() C. Assignment '==' operator D. All of the mentioned


To improve Unity skills you can: A. Attend game jams B. Create your own games C. Read books about Unity D. All mentioned


When you create a new scene, it will contain? A. Empty game object B. Main Camera game object C. Light and Main Camera game object D. It depends


Which aspect of game objects components govern? A. the look B. the behavior the interaction C. All of the others


Which is not a method of Input class in Unity? A. GetButton B. GetKey C. GetJoystickNames D. GetScreen


Which is not a property of Sprite class? A. border B. texture C. triangles D. size


Which is not a type of light in Unity? A. Directional light B. Point light C. Area light D. Mix light


When you draw a game to the screen frame-by-frame this is called: A. Rendering B. Screening C. Shooting D. Tracing


When you move the game object on the scene what will happen with the child game object? A. will move with parent B. will not move with the parent C. Static child objects does not move, dynamic child objects move D. Dynamic child objects does not move, static child objects move


Where are reference types variables stored? A. Heap segment B. Stack segment C. Code segment D. Data segment


Assume that BaseClass is a class; IFace1and IFace2 are interfaces. Which of the following declarations is (are) invalid? /*Line 1*/ class ImplDerivedClass: IFace2, BaseClass, IFace1 { } /*Line 2*/ class ImplClass: IFace1, IFace2 { } /*Line 3*/ class DerivedClass: BaseClass, IFace1 { } /*Line 4*/ class DerivedClass: IFace2, IFace1, BaseClass { } A. Line 4 and 1 B. Line 1 and 2 C. Line 3 and 4 D. Line 2 and 3


How many Bytes are stored by 'Long' Data type in C# .net? A. 8 B. 6 C. 4 D. 2


Select a incorrect statement about static constructors: A. A given class (or structure) may define one or more static constructors. B. The static constructor executes before any instance-level constructors. C. A static constructor does not take an access modifier and cannot take any parameters. D. A static constructor executes exactly one time, regardless of how many objects of the type are created.


To check if your bullet hits the target you use: A. Raycasting B. Trajectory Simulation C. Collision Detector D. Casting Simulation


Which of the following statements are false? A. Inheritance defines a contract between types. B. Interfaces define a contract between types. C. Inheritance derives a type from a base type. D. You can inherit multiple class in C#


Which of the following types are a handy programming construct that allows you to group name/value pairs? A. Enumerations B. Structs C. Delegates D. Interfaces


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