unv 101 week 7
Many may think that a majority of users are motivated by selfish reasons to participate in an online community. However, a recent survey showed that nearly __% of people surveyed participate in online communities to help others by sharing information and experiences.
A study by Bloom and Sherlock indicated that__% of students surveyed said that becoming part of the learning community was important to them in their courses.
The Bryan community is set up to allow you to easily give thanks and due credit to fellow members of the community. In any of your courses, look for the "________________" link.
Give Thanks
Many students look to the online community for entertainment. Remember the Habit of Mind, "Finding _______?" The Bryan community can be a good place to do just that.
The foundation of the Bryan community has been built to include technology such as Bryan Connect and _______________
Your role in the Bryan University community is simple: __ ____
be you!
Many users engage in online communities to feel a sense of __________ Students dedicate time, effort, and money to further their education and have a need to belong to a group of individuals pursuing the same goals.
Many take advantage of their opportunity to ______________ ______community members as a way to meet new people, join new social circles, and develop a support system.
collaborate with
As a Bryan University student, you are more than just a part of a class, a cohort, or a program. You are part of a larger___________
As soon as people feel confident, their real selves shine through and that is when genuine interactions happen. You can help someone feel more confident by giving them a genuine _____________
Several things students can do to build a stronger community are: give thanks and credit when it is due, encourage others, and instill _________________ in others.
"Wow! I can tell you worked hard on that assignment. It looks great!" and "I can tell you're struggling. What can I help with? We can get through this." are examples of _____________ statements you could give other members of the community.
In an online community, members collaborate mainly via the _________
Online communities are driven by user contributions. The Bryan community is built for and should be driven by ________
You can help someone in the community feel confident by putting them in a place where they can __________