Urines and Body Fluids

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A urine sample is cloudy pink in appearance. The microscopic examination reveals the presence of intact red blood cells. The term used to describe these findings is: Select one: a.Oliguria b.Hematuria c.Myoglobinuria d.Hemoglobinuria


A spectrophotometric scan of amniotic fluid may be valuable in the determination of which of the following conditions: Select one: a.Neural tube defects b.Maternal hypertension c.Hemolytic disease of the newborn d.Maternal diabetes

hemolytic disease of the newborn

Nephrotic syndrome is associated with all of the following clinical findings, except: Select one: a.Increased proteinuria b.Decreased serum albumin c.Hyperproteinemia d.Edema


A low CSF glucose level is associated with all the following except: Select one: a.Hyperglycemia b.Fungal meningitis c.Amebic meningitis d.Trichinosis meningitis


substance responsible for blue to green urine


Cells seen in the microscopic examination of the urine of a 30 year old female which are smaller than RBC's but much the same shape are probably: Select one: a.Yeast cells b.Small lymphocytes c.Squamous epithelial cells d.Trichomonas vaginalis

yeast cells

All of the statements below about synovial fluid are true EXCEPT: Select one: a.arthrocentesis is performed as a means to evaluate arthritis and other joint disorders b.synovial fluid is present only is movable joints c.joint fluid resembles plasma in viscosity d.joint fluid has approximately the same glucose as plasma

joint fluid resembles plasma in viscosity

If CSF tubes numbered #1, #2 and #3 CANNOT be analyzed within one hour, the correct procedure for the microbiology sample tube is to: Select one: a.discard it b.freeze it c.leave it at room temperature d.incubate in a 56 degree water bath e.refrigerate it

leave it at room temperature

Which of the following is NOT a standard method for measuring the specific gravity of urine? Select one: a.Refractometry b.Hydrometry c.Osmolality d.Urine reagent strips


Bence-Jones proteinuria is associated with all of the following conditions except: Select one: a.Macroglobulinemia b.Pernicious anemia c.Multiple myeloma d.Amyloidosis

pernicious anemia

Parasites which can be found in urinary sediment include all of the following EXCEPT: Select one: a.Enterobius vermicularis b.Trichomonas vaginalis c.Plasmodium malariae d.Schistosoma haematobium

plasmodium malariae

Which is the best method for examination of synovial crystals: Select one: a.Phase contrast b.Darkfield microscopy c.Bright field microscopy d.Polarized light

polarized light

A daily urine output which is over 2500 mL/24 hours is referred to as: Select one: a.Anuria b.Oliguria c.Polyuria d.Pyuria


Sulfosalicylic acid (SSA) can be used to confirm the result of which of the following tests included on a urine reagent strip? Select one: a.Protein b.Glucose c.Bilirubin d.Urobilinogen


The primary site of reabsorption of glomerular filtrate is the: Select one: a.Loop of Henle b.Proximal convoluted tubule c.Distal convoluted tubule d.Collecting duct

proximal convoluted tubule

Which of the following would best describe what you might observe after a traumatic CSF tap: Select one: a.All tubes pale yellow b.All tubes clear c.All tubes contain equal amounts of blood d.Significantly more RBCs found in tube #1 vs. tube #3

significantly more RBCs found in tube #1 vs. tube #3

When a urine specimen cannot be cultured immediately, which storage method is most appropriate? Select one: a.Stored at room temperature for up to 8 hours b.Stored in freezer for up to 24 hours c.Stored in the incubator for up to 8 hours d.Stored in the refrigerator at 4° C for up to 24 hours

stored in the refrigerator at 4C for up to 24 hours

Which of the following would be the most appropriate method to confirm a positive protein from a urine dipstick: Select one: a.Immunoelectropheresis b.Heat precipitation c.Sulfosalicylic acid precipitation d.Protein electrophoresis

sulfosalicylic acid precipitation

A negative glucose oxidase test and a positive test for reducing sugars in urine indicates: Select one: a.True glycosuria b.A false-negative glucose oxidation reaction c.The presence of a non-glucose reducing sugar such as galactose d.These results are normal

the presence of a non-glucose reducing sugar such as galactose

Which of the following crystals will NOT normally be found in a urine specimen with a pH of 8.0? Select one: a.Ammonium biurates b.Triple phosphates c.Calcium carbonates d.Uric acid

uric acid

What is the MOST probable condition when a clean catch urine gave these results: Appearance = cloudy, amber pH 5.0 Specific Gravity = 1.015, Protein = 1+ Glucose = negative Occult Blood = trace Nitrite = positive Microscopic = many bacteria and 30 - 40 WBC/HPF. Select one: a.Nephrosis b.Urinary tract infection c.Renal calculus d.Nephritis

urinary tract infection

A test that can be used as a confirmatory test for urobilinogen is: Select one: a.Acetest® b.Ictotest® c.Clinitest d.Watson-Schwartz Test

watson-schwartz test

When an automated or semi-automated method is used to read urine chemical reagent strips, quality control testing must be performed at least how often? Select one: a.Once a week and with each new lot of reagent strips b.With each new lot of reagent strips and every day of patient testing c.With each new instrument operator d.Every day of patient

with each new lot of reagent strips and every day of patient testing

Cell counts on CSF specimens should be performed within what time frame following collection of the CSF sample? Select one: a.Within one hour b.Within four hours c.Within eight hours d.Within 24 hours

within one hour

What term is used to describe a yellow color in tubes of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)? Select one: a.Jaundice b.Xanthochromia c.Icterus


Below are the urinalysis results of a female patient completed within two hours of collection. The slight turbidity observed correlates most likely with which of the following results? Select one: a.pH b.Bacteria, RBC, and the WBC c.Specific gravity d.None of the above

bacteria, RBC, and the WBC

Which of the following ketones is NOT detected in the Acetest® tablet method? Select one: a.Acetone b.Beta-hydroxybutyric acid c.Acetoacetic acid d.Beta-hydroxybutyric acid and acetone

beta-hydroxybutyric acid

How many white blood cells (WBCs) would be considered normal for adult cerebrospinal fluid? Select one: a.Any number of WBCs is considered abnormal b.0-5 WBCs/uL c.6-10 WBCs/uL d.up to 30 WBCs/uL

0-5 WBCs/uL

The volume of urine recommended for centrifugation for a microscopic examination is: Select one: a.1 - 3 mL b.10 - 15 mL c.15 - 20 mL d.Volume is not important


A spinal fluid that is slightly hazy is briefly examined microscopically. The technologist performing the count decides to make a 1:10 dilution using 30 uL of sample. What volume of diluent should be used? Select one: a.70 uL b.270 uL c.300 uL


For BEST results, a semen sample should remain at which of the following temperatures following collection? Select one: a.4oC b.Room temperature c.37oC d.-40oC


The normal range for urine pH is: Select one: a.4.5 to 8.0 b.5.0 to 6.0 c.5.5 to 6.6 d.7.35 to 7.45


What is the approximate volume of spinal fluid in an adult? Select one: a.10-40 mL b.50-70 mL c.90-150 mL d.200-500 mL


What is the glomerular filtration rate for a patient with a serum creatinine of 2 mg/dL, if the urine creatinine was 124 mg/dL and the urine volume was 2.2 L/24 hrs? Select one: a. 9.5 mL/min b. 13.6 mL/min c. 95 mL/min d.136 mL/min


ethylene glycol

A 62-year-old man drank an unknown liquid in a suicide attempt, and his urine contained crystals similar in shape to those shown in this image. This man MOST likely ingested: Select one: a.Methanol b.Isopropanol c.Ethylene glycol d.Ethanol

excess accumulation of fluid within any of the body's serous cavities


The renal threshold is best described as: Select one: a.Concentration at which a substance in the blood spills into urine b.Concentration at which reabsorption first occurs c.Concentration at which kidney can no longer filter the blood d.Concentration at which kidney failure begins

concentration at which a substance in the blood spills into the urine

The Clinitest® reaction is based on which of the following principles? Select one: a.Copper reduction b.Ortho-toluidine oxidation c.Diazotization of sugars d.Enzyme reaction

copper reduction


An increased number of these cells, when found upon microscopic examination of urine is termed: Select one: a.Glycosuria b.Hematuria c.Uremia d.Normal urine

Where does most cerebrospinal fluid originate? Select one: a.Cerebral arachnoid space b.Choroid plexus c.Ventricles d.Lumbar region

choroid plexus

fatty cast

Identify the urine sediment element: Select one: a.WBC cast b.Fatty cast c.Waxy cast d.Granular cast

starch crystals

Identity the urine sediment elements shown by the arrow: Select one: a.Yeast b.WBCs c.Fat d.Starch crystals

white blood cells

The cells that are indicated by the arrows in this urine sediment (using phase contrast microscopy) are: Select one: a.Red blood cells (RBCs) b.White blood cells (WBCs) c.Yeast cells d.Squamous epithelial cells

cholesterol crystals

The crystals seen in this image are ____? Select one: a.Leucine crystals b.Cholesterol crystals c.Bilirubin crystals d.Cystine crystals

presumptive malignant cells

The image is a Wright-Giemsa stained smear (1000X) of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). What is the identification of the cells that are indicated by the arrows? Select one: a.Ependymal cells b.Atypical lymphocytes c.Presumptive malignant cells d.Immature white blood cells


The image is a stained smear of cerebrospinal fluid. What type of cells are the three right cells in this field? Select one: a.Eosinophils b.Macrophages c.Malignant cells d.Neutrophils

ammonium biurate

What is the identification of this crystal seen in a urine with an alkaline pH? Select one: a.Uric acid b.Ammonium biurate c.Triple phosphate d.Calcium carbonate

RBC cast

What type of cast is shown in the illustration? Select one: a.WBC cast b.RBC cast c.Waxy cast d.Granular cast

Below is a urinalysis report on a 37-year-old woman seen in the ER with headache, hypertension, weight loss and mild edema: Color: red Clarity: cloudy sp. Gravity 1.010 pH 5.0 Glucose: negative Protein: 3+ Ketones: negative Nitrite: negative Blood: moderate Urobilinogen: normal Microscopic: 25-50 RBC 2-4 WBC 2-5 granular casts 2-5 hyaline casts 0-2 RBC casts few epithelial cells Based on the urinalysis report above, the MOST probable diagnosis of this patient's condition is: Select one: a.Acute glomerulonephritis b.Acute pyelonephritis c.Acute cystitis d.Nephrotic syndrome

acute glomerulonephritis

Oliguria is usually correlated with: Select one: a.Acute glomerulonephritis b.Diabetes mellitus c.Hepatitis d.Tubular damage

acute glomerulonephritis

The reagent strip method for protein primarily tests for which type of protein? Select one: a.Globulin b.Bence-Jones protein c.Albumin d.Mucoprotein


Which of the following characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid are considered abnormal? Select one: a.Turbidity b.Bloody appearance c.Xanthochromia d.All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following substances are detected with Clinitest® tablets? Select one: a.Glucose only b.Glucose and albumin c.Ketones d.All reducing substances

all reducing substances

The estimation of hyaluronic acid concentration by measurement of viscosity is useful in evaluating which type of fluid? Select one: a.Cerebrospinal b.Peritoneal c.Pleural d.Synovial e.Seminal


fluid accumulation due to malfunction of ability to form and reabsorb fluid


substance responsible for red to brown urine


What is the lower reference limit for semen volume according to the World Health Organization, WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen, 5th edition? Select one: a.0.5 mL b.1.5 mL c.3.5 mL d.4.5 mL


A 1:10 dilution is made on a CSF sample. Five squares on each side of the hemacytometer are counted for a total of 10 squares and a total of 150 cells are recorded. What is the count per microliter? Select one: a.527 b.758 c.833 d.1500


A dilution commonly used for a routine sperm count is: Select one: a.1:2 b.1:20 c.1:200 d.1:400


What is the optimal time to begin initial microscopic examination of a semen specimen, assuming liquefaction is complete? Select one: a.30 minutes b.2 hours c.4 hours d.8 hours

30 minutes

What is the lower reference limit for progressive motility of spermatozoa when performing a semen analysis? Select one: a.12% b.22% c.32% d.40%


Which of the following would be considered normal for a glucose level in cerebrospinal fluid? Select one: a.30 mg/dL b.60 mg/dL c.120 mg/dL d.150 mg/dL


What is generally accepted as the lower threshold value for semen pH from fertile males? Select one: a.5.5 b.6.5 c.7.2 d.8.0


A CSF glucose value is 62 mg/gL. What would you estimate the serum glucose? Select one: a.65 mg/dL b.93 mg/dL c.120 mg/dL d.180 mg/dL e.41 mg/dL


The sediment from a freshly collected urine specimen is examined microscopically. In addition to bacteria, what other finding from the list below would further indicate the presence of a urinary tract infection (UTI)? Select one: a.0 - 2 cuboidal epithelial cells/high power field (HPF) b.> 100 white blood cells (WBCs)/ HPF c.10 - 20 squamous epithelial cells/ HPF d.Rare hyaline cast/ low power field (LPF)

>100 white blood cells/HPF

A technologist performed a STAT spinal fluid count by pipetting undiluted spinal fluid in a Neubauer Counting Chamber and counting both sides of the chamber ( 4 large WBC squares on each side). A total of 54 White Cells were counted. How many White Cells would there be per cubic millimeter? Select one: a.3.80 b.67.5 c.13.5 d.300 e.540


Which of the following can cause a false positive result for ketones? (Choose ALL correct answers) Select one: a.L-Dopa metabolites b.Lightly pigmented urine c.Using a freshly collected urine specimen d.Presence of bacteria

L-Dopa metabolites

transitional epithelial cells

The cells shown in the image to the right are: Select one: a.Transitional epithelial cells. b.Renal tubular epithelial cells c.Yeast cells d.Squamous epithelial cells

leucine crystals

The crystals that are seen in this image are: Select one: a.Bilirubin crystals b.Leucine crystals c.Cystine crystals d.Cholesterol crystals

leukemia with cns involvement

The image is a Wright-Giemsa stained smear (1000X) of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The arrows point to cells that may indicate which of the following conditions? Select one: a.Allergic reaction b.Bacterial meningitis c.Leukemia with CNS involvement d.Viral meningitis

calcium oxlate

What is the identification of these crystals seen in a urine with an acid pH? Select one: a.Uric acid b.Calcium oxlate c.Triple phosphate d.Calcium carbonate

A 3-year old girl was brought to the ER with a temperature of 103o F, lethargy, and cervical rigidity. Three tubes of cloudy CSF were delivered to the Lab, and preliminary test result showed: WBC: 4,500 / uL Differential : 88% neutrophils Glucose: 15 mg/dL 1 2% lymphocytes Protein: 140 mg/dL Gram stain: No organisms observed From these results, what preliminary diagnosis SHOULD the physician consider? Select one: a.Brain tumor b.Bacterial meningitis c.viral meningitis d.Subdural hematoma

bacterial meningitis

Two CSF specimens were sent to the Lab with the following results: Tube #1 = 11,200 rbc/uL Tube #2 = 300 rbc/uL The results on these CSF specimens are indicative of: Select one: a.an infection b.a recent subarachnoid hemorrhage c.a traumatic tap d.an old intracranial bleeding episode e.faulty lab equipment

a traumatic tap

The ketone component that is measured by the nitroprusside reaction is: Select one: a.Acetoacetic acid b.Beta-hydroxybutyric acid c.Acetone d.All of the above

acetoacetic acid

False-positive tests for protein on a urine reagent strip may be caused by: Select one: a.Blood presence in the specimen b.High amounts of bilirubin c.Alkaline medication d.All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following conditions produce glycosuria? Select one: a.Diabetes mellitus b.Fanconi's syndrome c.Impaired tubular reabsorption/advanced kidney failure d.All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following tests would be employed in order to detect neural tube defects: Select one: a.Bilirubin b.L/S ratio c.Alpha fetoprotein d.Creatinine

alpha fetoprotein

A patient who has a primarily vegetarian diet will most likely have: Select one: a.An acid urine pH b.An alkaline urine pH c.A neutral pH d.pH is not affected by the patient's diet

an alkaline urine pH

Substances found in urinary sediment that are more easily distinguished by use of polarized microscope are: Select one: a.WBC b.RBC c.Waxy casts d.Anisotropic cholesterol droplets

anisotropic cholesterol droplets

Fecal urobilinogen level may be markedly decreased because of: Select one: a.hemolysis b.decreased intestinal reabsorption of urobilinogen c.increased serum bilirubin d.biliary obstruction e.pancreatitis

biliary obstruction

Bacterial contamination of a urine specimen from a normal healthy individual could originate from all of the following except: Select one: a.Contaminated urine container b.Vagina c.Bladder d.Vulva


Which of the following would be the most characteristic finding in synovial fluid in a case of pseudogout: Select one: a.Monosodium urate crystals b.Calcium pyrophosphate crystals c.Macrophage infiltration d.Mixed RBC/WBC infiltration

calcium pyrophosphate crystals

An India Ink preparation is used to identify: Select one: a.Crystals in synovial fluid b.Cryptococcus neoformans in CSF c.Bacteria in CSF d.WBCs in synovial fluid

cryptococcus neoformans in CSF

A urine production of less than 400 mL/day is: Select one: a.Consistent with normal renal function and water balance b.Termed isosthenuria c.Defined as oliguria d.Associated with diabetes mellitus

defined as oliguria

A sperm concentration of 25 X 10 6 spermatozoa/ mL would be considered an abnormally low concentration, according to the lower normal reference limit stated in WHO 5th edition. True or False? Select one: True False


Unconjugated bilirubin is conjugated in the liver with which of the following substances to become water soluble? Select one: a.Glycogen b.Glucose oxidase c.Glucuronic acid d.Glycine

glucuronic acid

Which one of the following statements concerning Tamm-Horsfall protein is FALSE? Select one: a.It is the protein that is predominantely detected by a urine reagent strip test b.Hyaline casts are formed by this protein in the distal tubule c.It acts as a coating and lubricant in the tubules d.It is produced by the tubules

it is the protein that is predominantly detected by a urine reagent strip test

White blood cell casts are MOST likely to indicate disease of the: Select one: a.Bladder b.Ureter c.Urethra d.Kidney


In a normal CSF the protein concentration as compared to that in the serum is generally: Select one: a.Less than 50% b.Less than 30% c.Less than 10% d.Less than 1%

less than 1%

Which of the following is true about Bence-Jones protein when performing the heat precipitation test? Select one: a.Precipitates between 40° and 60°C but redissolves at 100°C b. Precipitates between 60° and 80°C but redissolves at 100°C c.Is dissolved between 40° and 60°C but precipitates around 100°C d.Is dissolved between 60° and 80°C but precipitates around 100°C

precipitates between 40 and 60C but redissolves at 100C

A technologist is having trouble differentiating between red blood cells, oil droplets, and yeast cells on a urine microscopy. Acetic acid should be added to the sediment to: Select one: a.Lyse the yeast cells b.Lyse the red blood cells c.Dissolve the oil droplets d.Crenate the red blood cells

lyse the red blood cells

A technologist decides to make a 1:20 dilution of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) after briefly evaluating a portion of the sample microscopically. After making the dilution and charging the chambers, the number of cells that are observed in each of the large squares of the hemocytometer is >100. What should the technologist do to obtain the most accurate count? Select one: a.Count all four corner squares. b.Make a smaller dilution. c.Make a larger dilution.

make a larger dilution

On a Cytospin preparation from a pleural fluid, 50% of the cells have the following characteristics: -uniform, regular arrangement -some cells resemble a "fried egg" -multiple nuclei -smooth nuclear outline and homogeneous chromatin -when present in clumps, there are clear spaces between the cells ("windows") How should these cells be classified? Select one: a.atypical cancer cells b.mesothelial cells c.tumor cells d.ependymal cells

mesothelial cells

The measurement of light scatter is characteristic of: Select one: a.fluorometry b.nephelometry c.atomic absorption d.turbidimetry


Bence-Jones proteinuria can be seen in all of the following conditions except: Select one: a.Amyloidosis b.Nephrotic syndrome c.Multiple myeloma d.Macroglobulinemia

nephrotic syndrome

Semi-automated and automated urine chemical reagent strip readers: Select one: a.Increase the sensitivity of the urine dipsticks b.Increase the specificity of the urine dipsticks c.Remove subjectivity allowing for better reproducibility d.Guarantee the sensitivity and specificity of urine dipsticks

remove subjectivity allowing for better reproducibility

At what temperature should the urine be prior to testing with the reagent strip method? Select one: a.4o C b.37 o C c.Room temperature d.Temperature does not affect test results

room temperature

The nephron includes all of the following except: Select one: a.Urethra b.Glomerulus c.Loop of Henle d.Proximal convoluted tubule


Which of the following characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid is present if blood is due to subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)? Select one: a. Sample clots on standing. b. Blood is evenly distributed in all tubes. c.Supernatant is clear when centrifuged within one hour. d.Blood is more visible in the first tube collected and less and less visible in each subsequent tube thereafter.

blood is evenly distributed in all tubes

CSF lymphocytosis is associated with all of the following except: Select one: a.Cerebral abscess b.Viral meningitis c.Chronic fungal meningitis d.Chronic tuberculous meningitis

cerebral abscess

Which of the following tests would be used in the assessment of glomerular filtration? Select one: a.24 hour urine protein b.Creatinine clearance c.PSP test d.Urea

creatinine clearance

A test for microalbuminuria is used most often to monitor patients with which of the following diseases or conditions? Select one: a.Diabetes b.Bacterial infection c.Multiple myeloma d.Hepatitis C


Charcot-Leyden crystals in stool may be associated with an immune response and are thought to be the breakdown products of: Select one: a.neutrophils b.eosinophils c.monocytes d.lymphocytes e.basophils


Lymphocyte pleocytosis refers to a decreased number of lymphocytes in a CSF when compared to a normal sample. True or False. Select one: True False


Sudan III will confirm the presence of: Select one: a.Parasites b.Sperm c.Mucus d.Fat


Which of the following artifacts may be mistaken for casts? Select one: a.Air bubbles b.Fibers c.Coverslip scratches d.Talc particles


Which of the following parameters is generally NOT considered to be a part of a seminal fluid analysis? Select one: a.Sperm count b.Morphology examination c.Viscosity assessment d.Glucose concentration e.Motility

glucose concentration

Nitrates in urine are reduced to nitrites by: Select one: a.Gram-positive bacteria b.Acid fast bacteria c.Gram-negative bacteria d.Yeast

gram-negative bacteria

Which of the following casts might be found in the urine of a healthy individual after strenuous exercise? Select one: a.Epithelial cell casts and granular casts b.Hyaline casts and granular casts c.Granular casts waxy casts d.Waxy casts and hyaline casts

hyaline casts and granular casts

The primary mechanism responsible for glomerular filtration is: Select one: a.Osmotic gradient b.Concentration of blood components c.Rate of blood flow through the kidneys d.Hydrostatic differential in glomerular tufts

hydrostatic differential in glomerular tufts

Which of the following methods may be employed to definitively identify Bence-Jones proteins? Select one: a.Immunoelectrophoresis b.Sulfosalicyclic acid precipitation c.Heat precipitation at 40-60oC d.Urine dipstick


Which of the following tests confirms the presence of Bence-Jones proteinuria: Select one: a.Protein electrophoresis b.Sulfosalicylic acid precaution c.Cryoprecipitation d.Immunoelectrophoresis


Which one of the following statements about urea is false? Select one: a.It accounts for 75% of nonprotein nitrogen excreted b.It is elevated in a variety of glomerular, tubular, interstitial, and vascular renal diseases c.It is decreased in dehydration d.The reference range for normal individuals is 7 to 18 mg/dl when expressed as blood urea nitrogen

it is decreased in dehydration

The glucose result on a urine specimen from an infant is negative on the urine chemical reagent strip, what is the next step? Select one: a.It can be reported that the specimen is negative for other reducing substances such as galactose. b.It must be followed by the Acetest® tablet test to check for other reducing substances. c.There is nothing else to do, report the result as negative for glucose. d.It must be followed by the copper reduction test (Clinitest®) to check for other reducing substances.

it must be followed by the copper reduction test (clinitest) to check for other reducing substances

Which of the following may cause a false positive bilirubin result on a urine chemical reagent strip? Select one: a.Urobilinogen b.Presence of nitrites c.Large doses of chloropromazine d.robilin

large doses of chloropromazine

A WBC differential count on CSF should be performed using the following technique: Select one: a. Wet mount of sample from collection tube b. Stained smear of a cytocentrifuged specimen c. Directly from hemocytometer chamber count d. Directly from stained hemocytometer count

stained smear of a cytocentrifuged specimen

Which one of the following crystals is NOT found in normal urine? Select one: a.Triple phosphate b.Ammonium biurate c.Calcium oxalate d.Leucine


Which of the following is characteristic of an exudates effusion? Select one: a.Leukocyte count greater than 1000 WBC/uL b.Clear appearance c.Protein concentration less than 3.0 g/dL d.Absence of fibrinogen

leukocyte count greater than 1000 WBC/uL

Normal adult CSF may have 0-5 white blood cells (WBCs) / uL. Which of the following cell types account for 60-100% of these WBCs? Select one: a.Neutrophils b.Lymphocytes c.Monocytes d.Eosinophils


Which of the following white blood cells would NOT produce a positive leukocyte esterase test on the urine chemical reagent strip? Select one: a. Neutrophils b.Eosinophils c.Basophils d.Lymphocytes


Myoglobinuria is MOST likely to be noted in urine specimens from patients with which of the following disorders? Select one: a.Hemolytic anemia b.Lower urinary tract infections c.Massive muscle trauma d.Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

massive muscle trauma

Membrane covering the brain under the skull


Which of the following situations suggest a traumatic tap occurred? Select all that apply. Select one or more: a.More blood is in tube 1 than tubes 2,3, or 4. b.Immediate centrifugation reveals pink supernatant. c.Blood clots are present. d.3+ turbidity is present.

more blood in tube 1 than tubes 2, 3, or 4; blood clots are present

Which of the following cells are considered abnormal and clinically significant on a CSF differential? Select one: a.Ependymal b.Myeloblast c.Pia arachnoid mesothelial d.Choroidal cells


What is the primary functional unit of the kidney? Select one: a.Ureter b.Glomerulus c.Nephron d.Distal convoluted tubule


A semen sample for semen analysis should generally be received at the testing site within what period of time? Select one: a.One hour b.Two hours c.Three hours d.Four hours

one hour

When preparing a slide for morphologic examination, what is the reason for adding a drop of albumin to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample prior to cytocentrifugation? Select one: a.Enhance staining of the elements b.Preserve the integrity of the cells c.Increase the fluid volume so that cells will form a monolayer on the slide

preserve the integrity of cells

Upon centrifugation, a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample supernatant exhibited xanthochromia. The image is a Wright-Giemsa stained smear that was made from that CSF sample. What condition is probably related to these macroscopic and microscopic findings? Select one: a.Previous subarachnoid hemorrhage b.Traumatic tap c.Leukemia

previous subarachnoid hemorrhage

Reabsorption in the kidneys primarily occurs in: Select one: a.Glomerulus b.Acute glomerulonephritis c.Proximal convoluted tubule d.Loop of Henle

proximal convoluted tubule

A urine specimen was collected at 6:00 a.m. and remained at room temperature until it was received in the laboratory at 3:30 p.m. How may the pH of the specimen be affected by the extended time at room temperature if bacteria are present in the specimen? Select one: a.The pH may become more acidic. b.The pH may become more alkaline. c.The pH will become neutral. d.The pH would probably not be affected

the pH may become more alkaline

Which of the following statements is true regarding the storage and handling of urinalysis chemical reagent strips? Select one: a.Make sure all of the pads on the strip have the same color prior to using the strip. b.Touching the reagent areas of the strip will not interfere with test results. c.Remove only enough strips for immediate use. d.The bottle of reagent strips can remain uncovered once it has been opened.

remove only enough strips for immediate use

A semen specimen was collected three hours before it was brought to the laboratory for examination. What course of action should be taken? Select one: a.Complete macroscopic and microscopic examination as quickly as possible. b.Report the specimen as compromised on the final report. c.Perform the macroscopic and morphology procedures only. d.Perform the wet mount only.

report the specimen as compromised on the final report

Which of the following statements is TRUE for specific gravity measured by the urine chemical reagent strip method? Select one: a.High concentrations of protein in urine do not increase the readings when using the urine chemical reagent strip. b.An alkaline pH would not affect the specific gravity result using a reagent strip method. c.The urine chemical reagent strip method is not affected by the presence of x-ray contrast media in the urine specimen. d.The urine chemical reagent strip method is based on the fact that light is refracted in proportion to the amount of total solids dissolved in the urine.

the urine chemical reagent strip method is not affected by the presence of x-ray contrast media in the urine specimen

Normal crystals that can be found in urine include: Select one: a.Leucine b.Tyrosine c.Cystine d.Triple phosphate

triple phosphate

Cytocentrifugation is the recommended method for preparing a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample for examination of cellular morphology. Select one: True False


Xanthochromia in a premature infant may be due to an immature blood-brain barrier. Select one: True False


Which of the following cells when found upon microscopic examination of the urine would be most indicative of kidney disease: Select one: a.WBCs and bacteria b.Tubular epithelial cells c.Squamous epithelial cells d.RBCs

tubular epithelial cells

substance responsible for yellow urine


To ensure precision and accuracy of the reagent strip tests used for chemical analysis of urine, it is necessary that: Select one: a.Only a positive control be run on a daily basis b.Positive controls be run on a daily basis and negative controls be run when opening a new bottle of test strips c.Positive and negative controls be run on a daily basis and when a new bottle of test strips is opened d.Positive and negative are not required for urine strips

positive and negative controls be run on a daily basis and when a new bottle of test strips is opened

How should the production of a blue or purple color on the test pad of an Ictotest® be interpreted? Select one: a.Positive for bilirubin b.Positive for ketones c.Negative for bilirubin d.Negative for ketones

positive for bilirubin

Which of the following macroscopic findings is MOST consistent with the microscopic finding of casts? Select one: a.Specific gravity of 1.005 b.Positive protein c.Alkaline pH d.Clear urine

positive protein

Which of the following are directly involved in the production of semen? Select all that apply Select one or more: a.Prostate b.Pituitary gland c.Seminal vesicles d.Bulbourethral gland e.Urethra

prostate, seminal vesicles, bulbourethral gland

Which of the following are functions of CSF? Select ALL that apply Select one or more: a.Supply nutrients to nervous system tissue. b.Regulate body metabolism. c.Protect spinal cord from injury. d.Remove waste products from cerebral metabolism.

protect spinal cord from injury, remove waste products from cerebral metabolism

substance responsible for white urine


inflammation of the pleural membranes


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