us chapters 9 and 10

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As president, John Quincy Adams's policies appeared to support the interests of what group?

The business elite

Most Americans blamed which party for the depression of 1837-1843

The democratic party

The fastest-growing industrial towns were located east of the Appalachian Mountains along what feature?

The fall line (where rivers began their rapid descent from the Appalachian Mountains to the coastal plain, which provided the water power used by factories)

Why did the Freemasons fall into disrepute in 1826?

The kidnapping and murder of a disloyal member had raised suspicions.

John Calhoun

The leader of nullifiers was John Calhoun of South Carolina. Calhoun openly embraced nullification only after he had reassigned the vice presidency in 1832 following a break with AJ.

What was a major contributing factor to the democratization of politics in the 1820s and 1830s?

The popular election of most offices

What prompted the emergence of a second national party in the mid-1830s?

The rise of Democracy and Jackson's presidency

What prompted the emergence of the second national party in the mid-1830s?

The rise of democracy in Jackson's tumultuous presidency

Jackson's practice of appointing loyal members of his party to public officers became known as

The spoils system

What was the most serious sectional dispute since the Missouri Compromise?

The tariff issue precipitated the nullification crisis, the most serious sectional dispute since the Missouri Compromise.

How did the wage discrepancy between skilled and unskilled workers change between 1825 and 1845?

The wage gap between skilled workers and unskilled laborers grew even larger.

Who were the "notables" who had dominated American political life until the 1820s?

The wealthy elite

What did the opponents of the Tariff of 1828 believe?

These taxes were an unconstitutional extension of national power over the states. The Tariff would worsen the agricultural depression. The tariff was designed to favor the North (manufacturers) at the expense of the South.

Why did northern Jacksonians like Martin Van Buren support the Tariff of 1828?

They added tariffs on raw materials like wool to win electoral support.

Why did some eastern supporters of Native Americans favor resettlement of Indians west of the Mississippi River?

They believed resettlement would actually protect Indians.

What statement reflects a way the Whigs differed from the democrats in the 1840s?

They believed that the wealthy should govern

The Whigs differed from the Democrats in which of the following ways?

They believed that the wealthy should govern.

What statement reflects a way the Whigs differed from the Democrats in the 1840s?

They believed that the wealthy should govern.

How did the lives of affluent Americans change in the first half of the 19th century?

They formed a separate culture and identity

Why did the Whigs run four presidential candidates in the election of 1836?

They hoped the election would end up in the House of Representatives.

Why did civic leaders in Philadelphia and Baltimore want to copy the Erie Canal?

They hoped to compete for western trade.

Why did the Whig Party choose its name?

They wanted to identify themselves with the pre-Revolutionary parties that opposed royal power.

Why did many upwardly mobile men and women in the early nineteenth century embrace religious benevolence?

They wanted to improve the world around them.

On what grounds did the Cherokee challenge the Indian Removal Act before the Supreme Court in the case of Cherokee Nation v. Georgia in 1831?

They were a "foreign nation."

What did the towns of Hartford, Connecticut; Trenton, New Jersey; and Wilmington, Delaware have in common in the early 1800s?

They were all mill towns that exploited the water power of their rivers

Why did western commercial cities such as Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and New Orleans grow rapidly in the 1830s?

They were located where goods had to be transferred from one mode of transportation to another.

Why was the development of machine tools in the early 1800s a significant innovation?

They were used to make machines that produced standardized parts.

Whig presidential candidate William Henry Harrison ran in 1840 in part on his war record and his victory in what battle?


Whig presidential candidate William Henry Harrison ran in 1840 in part on his war record from the Battle of


Why did President Andrew Jackson insist on getting Congress to pass the Force Bill to threaten South Carolina while he was willing to reduce the tariff that Southerners objected to?

To assert federal authority and preserve union

What was the fundamental purpose behind South Carolina's nullification of the federal tariff of 1828?

To check federal power before it could be used to abolish slavery

What was Andrew Jackson's first priority upon entering office?

To destroy the American System

What was one consequence of the Taney Court's decision in the case of Mayor of New York v. Miln (1837)?

To enhance the regulatory role of state governments

Why did many Irish immigrate to the United States between 1840 and 1860?

To flee famine and overpopulation

Why did John Quincy Adams favor the American System?

To help northern businessmen and commercial farmers

What was one factor that persuaded Maryland and other Atlantic seaboard states to expand the franchise in the 1810s and 1820s?

To prevent population loss

Why did Andrew Jackson veto several internal improvement bills in 1830?

To put an end to the American System

What was the most important role of the Second Bank of the United States?

To stabilize the nation's money supply

The May 1838 forced expulsion of the Cherokee Indians from Georgia to new Indian territory is remember by what name?

Trail of Tears

Which statement explains the pattern of textile factory locations shown on the map?

While New England dominated the nation's textile industry, Massachusetts dominated New England.

What is exemplified by the unions and mutual benefit societies of the early 1800s?

Working-class attempts to gain some control over working conditions

The nullification controversy developed over southern resistance to

a protective tariff.

In his view of states' rights, John C. Calhoun believed that

a state convention in any state could declare a federal law null and void in that state alone.

In his view of states' rights, John C. Calhoun believed that

a state convention in any state could declare a federal law null and void in that state.

The market revolution that took place in America beginning in the 1820s was prompted by the construction of

a system of canals and roads linking the Atlantic coast states and the trans-Appalachian west.

President Jackson vetoed the rechartering of the Second Bank

and justified his choice with a masterful public statement that led to his victory in the 1832 election.

President Andrew Jackson was the first man in the White House who

came from a trans-Appalachian state.

Union activists who embraced the labor theory of value called for a new revolution to demolish not the aristocracy of birth—as the American Revolution had done—but the aristocracy of


In the presidential election of 1824, William Crawford was nominated by an informal meeting of congressional leaders called the


The fundamental purpose behind South Carolina's nullification of the federal tariff of 1828 was to

check federal power before it could be used to abolish slavery.

European observers of American democracy generally agreed that

democracy was inherently unworkable.

Andrew Jackson's first priority upon entering office was to

destroy the American System

What status did the Supreme Court decision in Cherokee Nation v. Georgia affix to Indian people?

domestic dependent nations

The presidential election of 1824 was the last stand of the notables because

elections after 1824 would be dominated by modern parties with broad social bases.

All of the following reasons explain Anglo American desires for Indian removal except to

erode traditional Indian cultures.

John Quincy Adams favored the American System because

he wanted to help northern businessmen and commercial farmers.

Andrew Jackson's legacy included all of the following except

he weakened the Union and advocated states' rights.

An interconnected transportation network, the growth of industry along similar patterns, and a similar ethnic composition all were evidence of

increasingly close regional ties between the Northeast and the Midwest.

All of the following describe the American economy in 1843 except

labor unions increased in strength and power.


low country planters that came from South Carolina gave the greatest protests

Tariff of Abominations

name given to the federal Tariff in 1828 that called for a 50% rate on imported goods

In the election of 1828, Andrew Jackson drew support from all of the following groups except

northeastern manufacturers

Which group seemed to support the tariff of 1828?

northeastern manufacturers

In the election of 1828, Andrew Jackson drew support from all of the following groups except

northeastern manufacturers.

Expansion of the franchise advanced the development of political parties because

politicians had to organize their appeal to newly enfranchised voters.

What group constituted most of the membership of the Whig Party in the South?

small , independent farmers

Which group supported Andrew Jackson in the election of 1828?

southern farmers

Henry Clay advocated a program of government support to spur economic development through banks and internal improvements called

the American System.

All of the following describe Cherokee society in the 1820s except that

the Cherokee refused to own African American slaves.

One criticism of political democracy from Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America was that

the best people were seldom chosen to lead.

The democratization of politics in the 1820s was the result of all of the following except

the extension of franchise to women

The democratization of politics in the 1820s was the result of all of the following except

the extension of franchise to women.

Jackson's practice of appointing loyal members of his party to public offices became known as

the spoils system.

President Jackson strengthened the presidency when he did all of the following except

use the federal government to construct roads, increase tariffs, and establish a national bank.

Ethnocultural politics refers to the practice of

voting along ethnic and religious lines.

Martin Van Buren defended the existence and use of political parties because parties

were the best means of curbing government power.

By the 1840s, how many Americans had moved to states and territories west of the Appalachians?

5 million

Why had most local unions and all the national labor organizations disappeared by 1843?

A depression and surplus of unemployed workers spelled ruin for unions

Why had most local unions and all the national labor organizations disappeared by 1843?

A depression and surplus of unemployed workers spelled ruin for unions.

What was the Specie Circular of 1836?

A law that required government land to be paid for in gold or silver

Charles Grandison Finney considered every person to be which of the following?

A moral free agent

As president, John Quincy Adams's support of Henry Clay's American System meant backing which action?

A national bank to stabilize currency and promote economic growth

As president, John Quincy Adams's support of Henry Clay's American system meant backing which action?

A national bank to stabilize currency and promote economic growth

Which of these was a term Andrew Jackson's supporters used to describe him?

A self-made man

In 1816, what did the federal government enact to protect American textile manufacturers from foreign competition in the early 1800s?

A tariff

Why did Thomas Jefferson condemn John Quincy Adams from his deathbed for promoting "a government of aristocracy"?

Adams supported high protective tariffs for northeastern manufacturers.

What important hurdle did unions face in their organizing efforts in the antebellum years?

American common law branded unions as illegal "combinations."

In 1832, evangelicals gained control of what group and achieved success using revivalist methods?

American temperance society

Which member of Andrew Jackson's Kitchen Cabinet wrote the president's speeches?

Amos Kendall

Based on the map, which presidential candidate had constituencies in every part of the nation?

Andrew Jackson

What was intensified in the mid-nineteenth century by the social tensions stemming from industrialization?

Anti-Catholic sentiment

Andrew Jackson became a hero during the War of 1812 for winning which of the following battles against the British?

Battle of New Orleans

What did John Calhoun secretly do before his resignation?

Before his resignation, Calhoun secretly authorized The South Carolina Exposition and Protest in which he argued that the states had the sovereign power to declare an act of the federal government null and inoperable if that law or action was unconstitutional

In what respect were the Whigs of the 1830s similar to the Federalists at the beginning of the nineteenth century?

Both sought leaders with wealth and ability.

How did the rise of the business elite change the social order?

By increasing the differences between manufacturers and their employees

How did Martin Van Buren make party politicians acceptable as government leaders?

By rejecting traditional republicanism

What religious tradition important in the United States did Charles Grandison Finney repudiate in his revivalist preaching?


In his Supreme Court decisions regarding the Cherokees and the state of Georgia, Chief Justice John Marshall stated that the

Cherokees were not an independent nation but constituted a domestic dependent nation with rights to their lands.

Which disease killed thousands of poor immigrants in St. Louis and New York City in 1849?


Which Indian nation had been forced to give up lands by Andrew Jackson before he became president?


Which of the following Indian nations was forced to give up lands by Andrew Jackson?


Most Americans blamed which of the following parties for the depression of 1837-1843?

Democratic Party

Most Americans blamed which of the following parties for the depression of 1837—1843?

Democratic Party

Why was the Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851 in London so important for American companies?

Displays at the exhibition catapulted some of them into multinational businesses.

The early factories that rose in the 1830s relied on what approach to increase productivity?

Division of labor (means that each worker was given one job within the production process, which improved productivity)

Why was the presidential election of 1824 the last stand of notables?

Elections after 1824 would be dominated by modern parties w/ broad social bases

Why was the presidential election of 1824 the last stand of the notables?

Elections after 1824 would be dominated by modern parties with broad social bases.

What solved the nullification crisis?

Enactment of a lower tariff

Ethnocultural politics refers to the practice of voting along what lines?


What helped American textile manufacturers outcompete British textile producers in the domestic market?

Getting protective tariffs from the federal government

How did the builders of steamboats used on the Mississippi change the design of these vessels?

Giving them wider hulls and shallower drafts to travel on shallow rivers

How did President John Quincy Adams react when Congress rejected his activist economic policies of high tariffs and subsidies for roads and canals?

He accused Congress of following public opinion.

Why did President Jackson veto the rechartering of the second bank of the United States?

He believe the bank to be unconstitutional

What was Hone concerned about?

He feared that Jacksonian Democrats had invited mob rule and chaos to the nation.

How did Martin Van Buren defend the existence and use of political parties?

He said they were the best means of curbing government power.

James Hamilton remembered an incident during his travels with Andrew Jackson as Jackson conducted his second presidential bid in which, after a steamboat passed in front of the boat Jackson was on several times, Jackson "ordered a rifle to be brought to him; hailed the pilot of the other steamer, and swore that if he did the same thing again he would shoot him." What did Hamilton's account reveal about Jackson?

He was not to be trifled with.

As president, John Quincy Adams's support of the American System led to his backing all of the following except

Indian removal from lands desired by white settlers.

How did the Panic of 1837 affect the labor movement?

It eviscerated the labor movement.

Why was the Erie Canal so successful?

It linked the economies of the Midwest and the Northeast.

The Supreme Court case of Gibbons v. Ogden in 1824 struck down a New York law that created a monopoly on steamboat travel into New York City. Why was this decision important?

It prevented state and local laws from interfering with interstate trade.

what did the artist see as the most devastating effect that men's drinking habits had on women?

It pushed women and their children into poverty.

How did the federal government in early nineteenth-century America facilitate the accumulation of wealth?

It raised revenues through tariffs on consumer goods.

On December 26, 1833, Henry Clay of Kentucky addressed the Senate censuring President Andrew Jackson's conduct. Clay complained that "The powers of Congress are paralyzed, except when exerted in conformity with his will, by frequent and an extraordinary exercise of the executive veto, not anticipated by the founders of our Constitution, and not practiced by any of the predecessors of the present chief magistrate. . . ." What had Jackson done that angered Henry Clay so much?

Jackson had used his veto power to block Congress.

The rechartering of the Second Bank of the United States became an issue because

Jackson's opponents wanted to use the issue to hurt the Democrats

Why did the rechartering of the Second Bank of the United States become an issue?

Jackson's opponents wanted to use the issue to hurt the Democrats.

Who anonymously wrote, "Constitutional government and the government of a majority are utterly incompatible"?

John C. Calhoun

When William Henry Harrison, the new Whig president, died a month after taking office, who became president and subverted the Whig agenda almost immediately?

John Tyler

To formulate policy, Andrew Jackson relied on a close set of friends as his advisors called the

Kitchen Cabinet.

Who was the chief architect of the system of party organization that emerged in the 1820s?

Martin Van Buren

Which of the following was a significant environmental consequence of the Erie Canal?

Massive erosion caused by spring rains

In 1835, Protestant minister Lyman Beecher warned the readers of his Plea for the West that a "tenth part of the suffrage of the nation, thus condensed and wielded by the Catholic powers of Europe, might decide our elections, perplex our policy, inflame and divide the nation, break the bond of our union, and throw down our free institutions." In other words, Beecher believed that Catholicism threatened what aspect of American life?

National sovereignty

What generalization can be made about the removal of Native Americans based on this map?

Native Americans had lost almost all of their lands in the eastern states before 1820.

Why did the large majority of textile factories of the early 19th century emerge in New England?

New England offered the energy resources necessary for factory production

Why did Quaker merchants establish their company, the Black Ball Line, in New York City in 1818?

New York City offered easy access to the Atlantic world as well as to the Midwest.

The dramatic gain in productivity that occurred in American industry during the Industrial Revolution was due to what combination of factors?

New organizational techniques and new technology

Which group supported the Tariff of 1828?

Northeastern manufacturers

Which statement describes the American economy in 1843?

Overall prices declined by 50 percent.

Which state was first to grant the franchise to all male taxpayers?


Why did expansion of the franchise advance the development of political parties?

Politicians had to organize their appeal to newly enfranchised voters

In a defense he wrote of Catholicism, Orestes Brownson argued that "The Roman Catholic religion assumes, as its point of departure, that it is instituted not to be taken care of by the people, but to take care of the people; not to be governed by them, but to govern them. . . . The Roman Catholic religion, then, is necessary to sustain popular liberty, because popular liberty can be sustained only by a religion free from popular control, above the people, speaking from above and able to command them." Which of the following accurately restates Brownson's argument?

Popular liberty required the existence and rule of religious authority.

What did the Freemasons stand for in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries?


Who built the first American steamboat and navigated it up the Hudson River in 1807?

Robert Fulton

What principle did Andrew Jackson insist he was following when he replaced government bureaucrats with ordinary men who supported him politically?

Rotation of office

Who attacked Catholic immigrants and the pope in his 1834 book Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States?

Samuel F. B. Morse

Which of the following Indian men perfected a Cherokee system of writing?


What group constituted most of the membership of the Whig Party in the South?

Small, independent farmers

Which group supported Andrew Jackson in the election of 1828?

Southern farmers

Many Americans blamed the depression of the late 1830s on which of President Andrew Jackson's policies that required western settlers to pay for land purchases in gold or silver coins?

Specie Circular

Benjamin Franklin's widely read autobiography, published in 1818, extolled the values of industriousness and what else?


The Irish in America helped to invigorate which American church?

The American Catholic Church

Wealthy silk merchants Arthur and Lewis Tappan founded a magazine called

The Christian Evangelist

Most Americans blamed which party for the depression of 1837-1843?

The Democratic Party

Congress gave Andrew Jackson the right to use the army and navy to ensure that federal laws were enforced with what action?

The Force Bill

Which organization, founded in Philadelphia, had a mission of supporting the development of mechanical skills and knowledge?

The Franklin Institute

Why did the Southerners denounce the protective measures in the tariffs of 1828/1832?

The Southerners denounced the protective measures in the tariffs of 1828 and 1832. Southerners feared that this would eventually lead to the forced abolition of slavery in the South.

Which political party reflected the ideology of "artisan republicanism"?

The Working Men's Party

What does the success of St. Louis craft workers in winning a ten-hour day reveal about the early labor movement in the United States?

The ability of skilled workers to shape working conditions

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