US Government

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What are the 3 branches of our government?

Judicial, Executive and Legislative

Limitation of powers for the national government

Cannot Make laws that favor one state over the other, cannot Spend money unless there is a law giving approval, cannot Tax goods that are leaving the country


to choose or name someone for an office or duty


to entrust to someone else

What are the powers and duties of the president?

(1) Act as the Commander in chief of the armed forces (2) Make treaties (3) Appoint Ambassadors (4) Appoint judges to the Supremem Court, with the consent of the Senate (5) grant pardons for crimes against the US

What is the role of the executive branch?

Carry out and enforce the laws. The president is the head of the executive branch.

How is a veto overridden?

If 2/3 of all members of congress vote to pass the law.

What is the role of the supreme court in making laws?

It has the authority to declare a law unconstitutional.

Powers Kept by the People

Practice of religious beliefs, Expression of opinions in speech, writing, or other peaceable means, Join with others to ask our government to do or not to do certain things

Supreme Court

Supreme Court is the highest court with 9 justices - highest known as chief justice

Why did the Framers balance the powers of our government?

To balance responsibilities.

Article III

describes the responsibilities and powers of the judicial branch

To whom is power delegated?

national government and state government

Judicial Review gives the federal courts the power to:

(1) Declare that a law is unconstitutional (2) Declare that an action taken by the president is not constitutional (3) Declare a state law unconstitutional if it conflicts with the laws made by Congress or the Constitution

What happens in a committee review (bill goes to committee)?

A committee will examine the bill. The committee will discuss the bill then they might rewrite it or change some parts or decide that it is not a good bill.

What is the role of the Judicial Branch?

(1) interpret the laws (to decide the meaning of the law and the Constitution). (2) settle conflicts between individuals or between states. (3) decide if someone is breaking the law and what their punishment should be

How does the constitution limit the president's powers?

Appointments - senate must confirm, Treaties -senate must approve, War- only congress can declare war, Veto- can overide the veto, Impeachment - HR can impeach president if senate finds him guilty

Why did the Framers provide ways for each branch of our government to check the powers of the other branch?

Checking powers gives each branch a way to stop the other branch from making final decisions or from taking certain actions.

What is Congress?

Congress is the legislative branch of our national government. It makes our nation's laws. It consists of two houses; Senate and the House of Representatives.

What power does the executive branch have?

Executive- power to carry out and enforce the laws made by Congress. The president is the head of this branch.

Who are the nine Supreme Court Justices today?

John Roberts (Chief Justice), Samuel Alito, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, David Souter, John Paul Stevens, Clarence Thomas

What power does the judicial branch have?

Judicial Branch- power to settle disagreements about the laws (interpret them). The United States Supreme Court is the highest court in this branch

What power does the Legislative branch have?

Legislative- power to make laws. Congress has two parts (Senate and the House of Representatives)

What are the responsibilities of senators and congressmen?

Making laws that protect our rights and promote our welfare by doing their homework.

How did the Framers separate the powers of our government?

They divided the powers into three parts. They called these parts the 3 branches of government. They gave certain powers to each branch.


an official agreement between two or more countries. Treaties must have the advice and consent of the Senate.

How are SC justices selected?

appointed to office by the president of the US and approved by the senate. Serve until retirement or death. Congress can remove them if found guilty or unable to serve.

Judicial keywords

judges, court, juries, justices, supreme court, uncostitutional, interpret the laws(JUICJJS)


means to charge a public official with wrongdoing in office and bring them to trial.

Executive keywords

president enforce pardons veto treaty appointments PEPVAT

What does "get a majority vote mean"?

the member who wrote the bill must get a majority vote for it. Once it is approved then it goes to the other house for a vote.

Judicial Review

the power of the courts to decide whether the US constitution allows a certain law or action of government

How are the powers of the federal courts limited?

(1) Able to impeach judges (2) Can not enforce their decisions—the president is responsible for that (3) Judge's salaries cannot be reduced

other presidential duties

uphold the constitution and protect it, Act as the head of the executive branch, Suggest laws and policies, Set policy for dealing with other countries, create a budget

What is a veto?

President refuses to sign a bill passed by congress.

How does congress make a law?

Propose a bill, Go to committee, Get a majority vote of Congress, Get the President to approve the bill

National Government powers

Tax the people to support the national government, Declare and conduct war, Control trade between the states and National Government, create post offices, coin money

State Government powers

Tax the people to support the state, Create public schools, Control trade within the state, Make motor vehicle laws, Make laws regulating marriage and divorce

What are the powers of congress as listed in Article I?

Tax the people, Raise an army and navy to defend our nation, Declare war, Create a court system, Coin money, Pass all laws that are necessary and proper , Provide for the general welfare of the US

Shared Powers

Tax the people, borrow money, Provide for the health and welfare of the people, Make laws, Create a court system

How does the constitution limit the powers of congress?

The Constitution and Bill of Rights limit the powers of Congress. They list the kinds of laws that Congress may not make.

What else did the Framers do to limit the powers?

The separated and balanced the powers among the different branches. Gave each branch a way to check the use of power by the other branches to protect the rights and welfare of people. Each branch is given an equal amount of power to balance the responsibilities. Checking powers gives each branch a way to stop the other branch from making final decisions or from taking certain actions.

Limitation of powers for the state government

cannot Coin or print money, Engage in war, Make treaties with other nations

How is the judicial branch organized?

composed of lower courts and the Supreme Court of the US

Legislative keywords

congress, laws, impeach, bills, senate,approval(cabils)


courts of the National Government and deal with problems between states and also handle cases that deal with the Constitution and the laws made by Congress


represent the US in another country

Federal System

the powers of our national and state government come from the people, We delegate some powers to our state governments and some to our national government

Article II

where the Framers established the duties and powers of the president

How is the executive branch organized?

Created by George Washington: Department of State, Department of Treasury, Department of war or Defense, Attorney General or Department of Justice

Neither government can do the following:

Deny people the right to freedom of religion, Deny people the equal protection of laws, Deny a trial by jury

What is a bill?

A proposed law.

Why did the Framers separate the powers of our government?

The did not want any one person or group to have total power over the people.

What new system of government did the Framers create?

The federal System

Where does power come from in our federal system?

The people

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